1976 Chacahoula

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monroe, louisiana Vol. ~3

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26 student life.. . ... .... . .. 94

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honors. , :. ' .. .. ... 142 organization , , .. ,. 206 greeks ... . " .... .. ............. 240 competition. . . . . 294 academics ....... . .. .' ., .... 318 '

faces. . . . . . . . . . . . . 390

index . .. . ... . .. ' , .. , . .

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editor-bridget thompson associate editor-ron defatta •

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As man has been constantly trying to fulfill his impossible dream, he has also tried to fit earth to his personal idea-but he has sometimes failed.


O,l<'n, ng

We as a people grew from this pioneer heritage of t rial and error. Our ancestor s affect our liv es through t heir ideals as portrayed in t he Declaration of Inde足 pend ence.


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Freed om is often taken for granted. Free speec h, right of privacy, ri ght to assemble, or right to a good ed ucati on-the se all are pri vil ege s gained for us by our forefathers.

O pen ln8



Each individual must reflect h is own image. That image can be expressed t hrough music, conversat ion , o r so li tude.

Openin, ...


Our Ame rican heri tage ha s taught that o ne r stand up for what he b eli eves in . He mu st mak( own way in the crowd .


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The faces of Northeast reflect a variety of thoughts. Yet they show that although we are different we have a common denominator足 each other.

Opf'n ong


Earth ha s been shown to be m o re than 2 billion year s old, and still is undergoing change. We try to learn from the pa st to help the p resent and try to impro ve the present for a more rewarding futu re.

O pt'n'"g




Each person must try to "light up his world ," whether it be by just relaxing, studying, or listening-each In his own way contributes to mank ind .











Contemplation-a tim e to reflec t back to mem( ries, good and bad, joyou s and melanc holy, Or must stand ba ck and take account of his life an determine it s future co u rse.

Op~"' ng


Life ha s been rewardin g. Th e fight fo r liberties w o rth it. Now w e begin aga in-t o reac h out m o re---to ce lebrate.



student life


GO WEST DAY A bright spot late in th e spring sem es ter is Spring Fe ver Weekend- a tim e t o get away from st udies, relax, and have fun . Campus organizations he igh te n the car足 nival atm os phere by spon soring booth s w hi ch o ffer food and amu seme nt.


Go Well Oily

OUTDOOR CONCERT One of th e highlights of Spring Fever Weekend is the outdoor concert. Find ing a comfortab le spot on Ihe foolba ll field , everyone prepares 10 listen to an after足 noon of mu sic by Trapeze, Cowboy, St. James Group, and Thunderh ead .

Quldoor CGllcerl



Afte r a b ri e f vacat io n th e re are always those e ne rget ic slu 路 de nl s w h o enj oy th e summe r. sc hoo l sessio n. Beginnin g at

7:30 a. m ., Ih e dail y 90-m lnut e c lasses simp ly seem to last too long as everyo ne wanl .;; 10 be OUld oo rs.




Summer School

It', eating wate rm elon and playing tenni s th ai helps 10 mak e a summer mixed wi th sc h oo l a bit m o re bea rabl e. BeIn g o n the go with a ll o f th e summe r acti viti es, a mom ent o f re laxa tion beco mes m os t ap prec iat ed .

Summer School.


SUMMER COMMENCEMENT Summer c ommen ce m e nt exer cises of

1 9 75 saw 464 doc l ora l e, educal io n spec iali st, ma ster 's, ba chel or's and associ足 al e d eg rees aw arded 10 N LU st udenls. Presid en l Geo rg e T. Walk er co nierred d egree s o n Ih e graduale,. Deli ve rin g {h e commen cem e nt add ress at Ewing C oli se um wa s Dr. Willia m Ar足 ce neau x, Sta te Com mi ss ioner of Higher Edu ca ti o n .

Schulze Dining Hall was Ih e sil e o f a re足 ception for the grad uates, their families, and fri end s foll ow ing the ceremo nies.


SU rTlm el Comm e nc em et\l

lines Cards Pictures t



Books and Money t

Regi stration is that inev itable task whi c h rolls around each and every seme ster. It' s picking up your packet, getting com足 puter cards, having everything approved and stamped, registering your car, taking yo ur pictures, and of course, pay足

ing your fee s. Con sequently, regi stration becomes synonymou s with standing in lines whi c h are situat ed almost rythmicall y throughout the proc edure. After the ordeal in the coli seum, there comes what some consider th e w o rst offender o f all-buying b o ok s. N eedl ess足 to-say, the w eek fo llowing regi strati o n see s a great d eal of confu sion and hundreds o f add/drop slips. All co nsidered, th e administration and the student s should give th emselves a "pat o n the back " in view o f th e fact that, wh en dealing with some 10,000 pe o ple, the situation could be a great deal w or se.


RtI!li sCrar,on .

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CLASSES Aiter the problems o f reg istrati o n have passed away, most st uden ts begin work in th eir cla sses, so me of which are fou nd to be no t quite as easy as friend s had said th ey would be. Through the colleges o f liberal Ar ts, Bus i­ ness Ad ministra lio n, Edu cat io n, Pure and App lied Sc ien ces, and Pha rm acy and A ll ied H ealth Professio ns, al ong wi t h th e Graduate Scho o l, N LU offers a program of ac ti vi ti es fo r eac h stud ent's personal and profess io nal d evelopment.



Study Is Essential to Success Fo r anyon e to make it through co llege, study is a mu st. It certainl y could be stat ed that it's o nl y thro ugh th e diffic ult job o f study that the way is paved for academic ac hieve ment and sc holastic superi o rit y. Th e doc to rate, spec i, li st, master's, bac helo r' s, and associate degrees are offered at No rth eas t. The Ph.D . is awarded in pharmacy, w hile the Ed.D . is award ed in edu ca ti on. Th e education spec iali st is offered in four area s, w hile master's degrees are awarded in more than 30 areas. Bac hel or's degrees are awarded in more than 100 programs, and the associate d egree is o ffered in a dozen areas.

RAIN, RAIN, AND MORE RAIN The c itie s o f Monroe and West Mon roe average 52.39 in ches of rai n a ye ar, o r in other words, a litt le over an inch a week . Th e odd thing is the rain always see m s to come at th e most in oppo rtu ne times and when you are exira lucky-you ' re ca ughl withoul an umbrella.




1 ELECTIONS Somewhat less than hoped for turnouts were usually experien ced for the various

elections held thi s paSl year; but N LU 51u足 dents did have an oppo rtunit y to cast their vote for the Hom eco ming co urt, Chacahoula Beauties, Union Board officers, Freshman of足 ficers, Student Government Assoc iation members, as well as several refe rendums .

The fact remain s that th e Northeast stu足 dent is offered num erou s occa sions to vote,

a privilege highl y appreciated by any iree society and all student s who seek a vo ice in

N LU's actions.

.. .




Class and stud y can rapidly be come routine, but fortuna tely, the majority of Indian s realize that ther e is a lot more to a total co llege edu cation足 and th ey show it. Whether riding a bike, enjoying th e fa c iliti es of th e Stud ent Union Building, ge tting involved in a ba sketba ll game, or simpl y taking some time to fee d th e du cks o n the ba yo u, it all becomes part o f that intri nsic co llege expe ri ence which is neith er seen no r understood by man y.





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ROUlin e .. . 43

Concerts to Marches From co ncerts to marches to city ha ll , th ere are al ways way s to enhance the repetitive patt ern s of co ll ege routine . Even the brea k for meals provid es a means for relaxation and an escape fr o m sc hoolwork. Th ere is u sually not much coaxing needed to ge t most st u足 dents away from the books on the weekends. Wheth er it is a dance, a date, or si mply having fun with fri end s, the change of pa ce is en joye d .

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True Friends and Brotherhood ,,


One aspect of college often overlooked is the times which one finds for him self足 times to think , plan , relax, or simpl y enjoy the surroundings. The friendship which col lege offers is at times taken for granted but is never forgot足 ten , because true friends and brotherhood are forever.






CAREER DAY High Sc h oo l Career Da y is sel as id e 10 acquai nl high sc hoo l stud enls in th e A rk-La-Mi ss area wi lh the unive rsit y's academic and admini strativ e se rvi ces .

Abo ut 2,500 studenlS and co un se lors attended Ihe prog ram which includ ed a w elcome b y Pres ident Walk er and displays on the co li se um floo r by each of N LU 's colleges. Fo llo wing the show ing o f disp lays, stud e nt s could v isit th eir areas of academic int eres t

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C.rHt DOilY


John David Crow was named N LU's new athletic direc足 tor and head football coach late in 1975. News of the ap足 pointment of the former Heisman Trophy winner as N LU's athletic chief went into nearly every major new spaper in the country and into millions of homes on national televi足 Sion.


The new coach was a unanimous all-American halfback and winner of the Heisman Trophy-college football 's highest award-in 1957 at Texas A&M under Bear Bryant and then played eleven years of pro football with the 51. Louis Cardinals and San Francisco Forty-N iners, making all-pro and playing in four pro Bowl games . He began his coaching career in 1969 at Alabama under Bryant, ser v ing as offensive backfield coach. After helping coach the Tide to an 11-0 record in 1971, he went to the Cleveland Browns and coached the offensive backfield there for two years before going to San Diego in 1974. In announcing Crow' s selection, Dr. Vines calied him Ilone of the most impressive indi viduals I have ever meL He obviousl y ha s great strength of character, a determina足 tion to win, and the self-discipline to dedicate himself co mpletely to every task he undertakes. "




. New



J Lou St. Amant

Johnny Robin son

Thomas Edd leman

fo rmer professional coaches, one college coach, a member of Northeast's 1975 staff and two N LU graduates who been successful prep coaches form John David Crow's new Indian coaching staff. six assistant coaches are Tommy Brasher, Thomas Eddleman, Johnny Robin so n, Lou St. Amant, Elbert Southall, Monk Tomlin so n. of the six have Northeast backgrounds. Eddleman started 37 straight games at safety for Dixie White's strong team s of the middle 1960's and St. Amant helped coach N LU 's baseball team to its best seaso n while earning 1r.,.lm'< and master's degrees here. returns to the Northeast sta ff after coaching with the Shreveport steamers of the W orld Football League last . Hewas a member of the 1974 Northeast staff. Tomlinson has been a member of the staff for two years.

Amant, in addition to serving as an assistant coach in football, will also be the head baseball coach for spring of

and Robinson will be the head tennis coach.

lot,in"on starred in both football and tennis during his collegiate days at LSU in the lat e 1950's and Southa ll comes to from Memphi s State, where he coached the tight ends last fall. included in the coaching changeover was the naming of Benny Hollis, pr esen tly assistant basketball coach, as new assistant athletic director.

New CQ<iches . . 53



The most exciting basketball N LU fans had seen in years was the story of this past basketball season. But the excellent record and the winning streak weren't the only big things NLU had going for it. The In足 dians had something else and that was B-I-G crowds. In fact, they were the largest gatherings in the Tribe's history. Through one stretch of six consecutive home tilts, Northeast averaged 6,000 spectators a game. In less than a month, more than 46,000 were in the stands for eight home games. Not only were the crowds large, but they were boisterous as well. Undoubtedly, the excitement gener足 ated throughout the Coliseum wrote part of another chapter in N LU's book of success.


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There is a lot more to fraternities and sororiti es than meets the eye . Not only is fun found within the Creek games, rush , intramurals, dances , banquets, and boosting sc hool spirit, but also there is a se ri ous aspect. Community projects, various street drives, and an all~



around fraternal closeness exemplify the latter. There is a lot going fo r fraternities an d sororities on both sides of life.


56 .. Futelnity life





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PARKING PROBLEMS Every semester Northeast student s are prompt to display their ill - feelings toward the parking problems on campus. Each student would probably agree that there are twice as many ca rs as there are parking places. Those st udents lucky enough to find a spot usually end up with so me very fashionable decoration on their windshield, commonly referred to as " tickets." But the N LU student sho uld noneth eless be comforted by the thought that compared to most univers ity's standard s, we would be told we don' t even have a parking problem.

sa . . hllti"8 Problem!!

P."k'"8 Problems . . S9

THE POW WOW Operation of a newspaper brings many images to the mind of the.average person today. Some may visualize the type of journalism portrayed in the movie " The Front Page"-where reporters " do anything" to get a story. Then there is the investigative type reporter whose recent claim to fame has been Watergate and then there is the fun type of journalism which is portrayed in "The Mary Tyler Moore Show ." The operation of the Pow Wow may not quite fit any of these descriptions, but as in any newspaper office, there is a routine each week. Staff reporters enrolled in Journalism 202 (Reporting Practicum) run their beats each week and each Monday they are expected to turn in a story (news or feature type) to the Pow Wow . The story is then edited by the copy editors for accuracy, grammar and Journalistic style. The news editor then re足 checks the copy for any mistakes the copy editor might have missed. Once some order has been made of the copy, the number of inches included in the story is recorded and the copy is given to the typesetter. The makeup editor lays out the news on dummy sheets (assigns each arti足 cle to a certain place on a certain page), and must decide the size type and style headline to use with each story. Copy must be arranged around the ads (the ads are laid out first each Monday after the business man足 ager has made his contacts with the advertisers). The composition staff then sets the copy on the pages according to the dummies. As this is going on, the copy editors write cu!lines for the pictures, write headlines and crop pictures. While the copy editors are working, the managing editor is busy assigning stories for the next week and checking on stories due that week. The editor makes sure that everything is running smoothly, composes the front page and editorial page and writes editorials. When everything has been placed on the layout sheets the paper must be checked again for mistakes. The next morning it is taken to press. This whole operation takes place in only three days足 each Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday during weeks of publication . Through the hustle and bustle of putting the Pow Wow together each week, nerves of the staff members sometimes become shattered, but when the finished product comes out on Friday, somehow it all seems worthwhile.

KNLU Broad casti ng and Rad io-Te levisio n Management students had a bu sy year during th e past two semesters. It was " Iearning-b y-doing" that r e足 ceived even greater emp hasis than in previ ous years.

The campus radio station, KNLU足 FM, increased it s radiating power by almos t four time s and also the num足 ber of remote broadcasts of camp us activit ies. Thi s was only one aspect tha t gave the students pleasant and valu able experience as well as giving to the community and campus dail y entertainment. So did the numerous tel evision "spec ial s" th ey did over KNOE- TV throughout the year. The television shows were prepared in N LU 's own telev ision studio located in Brown Hall and done entirel y by Northeast st ud ents.





BLACK HISTORY WEEK The theme for the 1976 Black History Wee k was " Building Toward a Blacker Tomorrow." The theme depicted the struggle of the black people to strive for pride in themselves and in their race for 365 days ou t of a year. The goa l was to make every tomor­ row a blacker and more beautiful tomorrow. The pro­ gram revo lved around the struggle that the black peo­ ple have had in Amer ica for 300 years, and the con­ tinuous struggle they will have in the future. To face that struggle with all its manifestations they must all trave l hand in hand on that road " Toward A Blacker Tomorrow." Various other activi ties included in the week were Major General Charles Rogers speaki ng to a large crowd in Brown Auditori um, Miss Dianne Williams, a sen ior nursi ng major, named Miss Black Essence, and a play " Where Have You Been-Where Are You Going?" being presented .


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B\.Iock Hliolory Wee!.



Star Trek co-s tar Leona rd N im oy spoke b efore· a crowd of m o re than 3,300 fans in Ewing Co li se um la st May. In viewing rece nt scientific deve lopment s, N imoy cited a joint U.S.­ U .S.S. R. space program which, realizing a " Star Trek" co n ­ ce pt, w ill ena bl e a ship to take men into spa ce and bring them back. N imoy said he be l iev ed in life o n oth er p lanets, stating th at "it would be th e height of ego to think that w e are t he o nl y liv ing beings in th e universe." Nimoy conclud ed his talk with a poem on the va ri o u s stages o f the human min d.



Mark Lan e, a prin ciple figur e promo ting th e "co nspirac y

Iheory" of the 1963 Kennedy ass assinati on , addressed a large

audience of students and area res id ent s. Lan e pro ved recep ­ li ve 10 audien ce comm ent, Ih o ugh he repea ted ly asserted thai he ba ses h is case on ly o n proven fac l s. Bringing w ith h im more Ihan eleven year s worth of do cu­ menled resear c h concerning th e co ntroversial death of John Kennedy, Lane prese nted num erous provab le fa cts to sup ­ port hi s theory. La ne prese nted a d ocumentary film co nce rn­ ing ac tua l testi mon y of several eyewi tn esses. These eyew it·

ness acc ount s of the shooting len t suppo rt to his theory t hat Pr es ident Kennedy was not th e victim of a lo ne assass in, but

th e target of a po li ti cal conspiracy.


Ro nald Reagan , co nte nder for the 1976 Pres idential nominat io n, spoke in Ewing Coliseum last semes ter. Th e form er governor of Cali fornia co ndu cted a qu es ti on and an sw er session during th e ho ur-l o ng program . Th e forme r actor and spo rt s annou nce r, turn ed po li ticia n, ann o un ced his candida cy fo r the Republican n o mination a sh o rt time after hi s speaking engagement here. An Illinois na­ tive, Reagan, 64, rec eived his undergradu ate d egree in eco­ n o mics and sociol ogy fr o m Eure ka Coll ege in 1 932.


South Loui siani an Ju st in Wilson ki c ked o ff Ca jun Week for NLU last sprin g. Th e humorist attract ed m o re than 3,000 peo­ ple, one of th e larges t crowds ever att e ndin g a Fr ee Uni ver­

sity Speaker. W ilson's speec h was we ll received and hi s humor was ac­ ce ntuated b y the strong point that th e Unit ed Sta tes cou ld be better if peop le got interested in politi cs and beli eved in the power o f laught er.




RADU FLORESCU Dr. Radu Floresc u, wh o i s p ro fesso r of European and Balkan hi story at Bos to n Co llege, talked 10 an est imated crowd of 700 stud ents al Brow n A ud ito足 rium last fall se mes ter. Dr . Flo resc u wa s ano ther spea ker sp o nso red by th e SGA Free Un iversity Speaker Series and sp o ke in co njun ct ion with the Hall oween fe stiviti es. Dr. Floresc u's lalk o n va mpires, dea th, and va rious oth er bew itching topi cs moved the crowd to a Ha llow ee n spirit.



Charles Berlitz, one of the leading speakers on tour and author of th e best selling bo ok " The Bermuda Triangle," wa s at Northeast to lecture on his book in November. Berlitz di scu ssed the many strange myst erie s that have happened to plan es and ships that travel in the Bermuda Triangle. Th e area that Berlitz talked about is loc ated from Bermuda south to Miami, and beyond Puerto Rico toward the so utheast. The area was named in 1945 as th e " Bermuda Triangle," but has al so bee n called " The Hoodoo Sea." Berlitz cited that over -1,000 people and o ver -lOa ships or planes have dis足 appeared in the Bermuda Triangle. Berlitz said , " Calculation s are that on e plane disappears every two weeks and that o ne ship or yacht disappears every week, with no wreckage, survivors, o r o il sli c ks from tankers." Berlitz al so talked about the lost City o f Atlanti s, which he has personally ex足 plored. He also showed slides taken on an expl o ration of the Bermuda Triangl e and Atlantis.


Former Army Lt. William Lee Calley spoke at Ewing Coliseum to an attentive crowd in early December.

Calley, accused of murdering at least 22 Vietnamese civilians at My Lai in 1968, was released after serving 40 months of a ten-year sentence. Calley served 35 months of it confined to his own living quarters. Calley was the only man convicted of any crime in the massacre.

According to Calley, the firot concept of war is "peo足 ple killing people." He said he had been drafted into the Army and had had a year's lraining shooting silhouettes, bUl it "never dawned on me until I was on

the battlefield that war meant people killing people. The day I was drafted, I did not know where South Viet足 nam was Calley stated that the United States has been in足 volved in a war almost every 15 years and if today's young men won't be in a war, their children might. The former Army lieutenant also explained that the war methods of today are psychological warfare and guerilla warfare. He felt that the U.S. could have made a parking lot out of North and South Vietnam in 48 hours if the nuclear bomb had been used instead of guerilla warfare.

Speak ,'"


DONALD FREED Donald Freed, author of " Th e Ki lling of RFK," sp o ke to a mod era tely l arge crowd o f N lU stud ent s in FE d enc e gathered on recenl decade assassinali o ns of Jo hn F. Kenned y, Mart in luth er Ki ng, and Rob erl F " Th er e wa s reason 10 believe that Ihese crim es wou ld become legend," Freed staled, " but th e Am follow ing the ideas o f anc ient Greeks, eq uate th e n eed 10 kn ow wil h the n eed fo r food ." " Th e government age ncies, along w ith news m edia organizati on s, have assumed the ro le of deciding \'v shou Id be allowed 10 know and how muc h Ih ey can handle, " Freed said . Ext ra cting evidence produ ced by the Warre n C ommi ssio n, Fr eed went int o an in路depth d iscussio n t " brain w ashing techniqu es" in po liti cal programming. Freed is di rect ly in volved in the e ffo rt to re路open th e in ves tigati o n into the a ssass in ation~ of John F.

Rob ert F. Ke nn ed y. Freed , form erl y of A lexandria, is auth o r of an upcoming b ook and film o n Rob ert F. Kennedy's assas'

DICK GREGORY App eari ng in th e SGA 's Free Uni vers ity Speaker Seri es during Black Hi story W ee k, Di ck Grego ry vi ewed " Soc ial Problems: So c ial o r Anti soc ial ." A native o f St. Loui s,

Gregory ha s writt en

nin e boo ks,

rec orded

albums, and campaign ed as a write -in candidat e for both th e mayoralty pos iti o n in Chi cago in 1967 and the U nited States pres idency in 1968. I n hi s talk, Grego ry aired hi s v iew s o n several con 足 tr ove rsial issues su c h as the fuel sho rtage, fo od sh ort足 age, and ra cia l and sex ual discr iminati o n. He al so staled

that he felt that Indian s and bl ack s have been abu sed thro ugh the year s and have rece ived little or no cred i t fo r th ei r ac complishm ent s.


NLU ' s D epartm ent of Comm unicatio n Arts presented th e

rock o pera " Ies us C hri st Superstar" late last rail in Brown Au足 dito riu m. Th e sti rr ing and p owerful o pera was perfo , med before

enthrall ed and capac it y crowds durin g its thr ee-day run .

The conte mp o rary interp retati o n o f th e las\ w eek in th e

life of Chris t had n o spoken lin es, as th e enti re message of the

pla y wa s com mun icated through lyr ics.

Music for the production wa s by Andrew Ll oyd Webber,

while Tim Ric e wa s th e author of th e lyrics. Pat sy Ham足 monds, a Monroe graduate assi stant in com mun ica tion art s, directed the performance; Dr. George Brian, N LU professo r of speech , w as supervisi ng direc tor; and Alan Lee, a Marre ro

seni or, was director o f mu sic.



JESUS CHRIS~\ ~IU'",,,,,v \



Cole Porter's mu sical, "Kiss Me Kate," was presented in Brown Audit o rium March 12-15, last spr ing semes ter, an d it can on ly be described as a comp lete success. Utilizing Sha kesp eare' s profou nd idea of a "play within a pla y," the co med y " Tam ing o f th e Shrew" was performed with th e d elight o f a merry musica l from the G lobe itself. Broadway actress Patrice M unsel captiva ted her audi ences eac h ni gh t w ith he r lead足 ing rol e of Lilli Va nessi, the proud and unta mab le ex-wife of Fred G raham, portrayed by Charles Ri c h. Miss M uns el an d Rich both exe mpl ified th e tal ent s of true professi onal s, with vo ices that echoed throughout the auditorium, stirring th e att enti on o f every in足 dividual. The songs per fo rm ed by Mi ss Munsel we re gracefully exhibit ed in her selectio ns, " 50 In Lo ve Am I," " I Hate Men" and "Women A re 50 Simple." Ri ch revea led hi s own dis足 tinct sty le w ith such beautiFul so los as " Wer e Thine Tha t Sp ecia l Face " and "50 I n Lo ve Am I." One of the m ost beau t iful of all the musical sel ecti ons was t he famous " Wun de r足 bar," performed in the first part of Act I.

ONE ACTS A night of "One Acts" was presented by graduating speech majors during la st

semester. The presentation included two comedies and one drama feature. The comedies were " 40 Carats" by Jay Allen, and " Death Knocks" written by Woody Allen , while the drama presentation was an excerpt from


Eugene O'Neill's "Long Day's Journey Into ight" . The directors of the "O ne Acts" included Larry Wade doing "40 Carats", Esther Phillips directing "Death Knocks," and Lee Gay handling O'Neill's drama.




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A CONCERT足 BEGINNING TO END N 01 always seen ar e the h ours of work put in to th e bringing of a group to N LU' s campu s and th en t he act ual pr oductio n of th e sh ow itse lf. It all beg in s back in the Union Boa rd o ffi ce mo nth s befo re. The Big N ame Entert ainment co m足 mittee mee ts and sugges ts nam es o f grou p s they beli eve N LU would lik e to see. The vice c hairman o f e nt er足

ta inm ent call s agenc ies to find o ut when th ese gro u ps are availab le alo ng w ith t he p ri ce tag an d al so ge ts name s o f o th er gr o up s th at are availab le in o ur are a, Th e co mmitt ee me ets again and nar rows th e list

down to three o r four groups fo r a certain time peri od , The commi ttee




th en presents thi s to th e board in the fo rm of a mo tion. Th e gro ups are li sted in o rder o f first, seco nd, and third c h oi ce. If the m o ti o n passes, the boa rd ma kes an offer to th e fi rst c hoice group. I f th ey dec lin e, an o ffer is mad e to th e second c ho ice gro u p, etc. If the gro up accept s o ur offer, co nt ract s are se nt and signed.

Th e day of Ih e c a nce r! begins ea rl y and end s lal e. II start s w ilh ro lling o ut o f Ihe p la sli c cove r on lo Ih e co li seum fl oor, co ntinue s w ilh sellin g u p th e chairs, and Ih en co nstru cling th e slage. N exl co m es Ih e unl oad ing o f the gro up' s equi p men t fr o m Ih e van s, trail ors and Iru cks. N ot o nly is it Ihe gro u p' s mater ia ls Ih at nee d u nlo ad ing and se ttin g up, bUI there's al so th e lig ht and sou nd d evic es Ih al need readyin g. The n al w ays after an ev e ning o f mu sic, ther e's th at in足

evila ble las k o f taking dow n and relo ading everylhing y o u've pain stakin gly erect ed o nl y ho urs b efo re.

ConCE'1! Make- U p



II i

The Spinners, celebra ting their eighteenth year in show business , performed in Ewing Colosium this past front of a large and energetic crowd . The group did various renditions of sensitive soul ballads, grooving songs, popular hit records, lively ii'""i,'>"路路' routine s and impersonat ions ranging from Elvi s Presley to the Supremes . Among their go ld singles they performed " One of a Kind Love Affair," " Then Came You," and " Games People Play." law, a four piece rock and roil Ohio, was the lead-on group.

80 .

. Spinnen



Winding up the Uni on Board concert season for the 1974-75 academic year wer e Jack so n Browne and Phoebe Snow. The Coliseum wa s filled with student s and others wh o cam e to listen to the se two no ted performers. Phoebe Snow performed first, her cl ear alto voi ce ringing througho ut the Coli seum . H er smooth ea sy style was quickl y accepted by all attending, as the lyric s in many of her so ngs beca m e exp re ss i o n s of her perso na l ex足 perien ce. Even th o ugh Jackson Browne was ill ear lier in the day, hi s performance didn' t show it. Hi s mellow voice was found to be a great asse t to his lyrical work . Even though there were so m e pau ses between songs, Brown e was ab le to convey the messages he so ught for in his so ngs. An encore by Brow ne ended the very eventful and mu sic-filled evening.

CHARLIE DANIELS BAND Thousands of students flocked to the Coliseum to see one o f the most outstanding southern band s of today, th e Charlie Daniel s Band. The evening got off to a slow start, but with the introduction of Charlie Daniels, the crowd came ali ve. The "pport of the band members and the special lighting helped to maintain the interest of th ose attending. During several segments of the co ncert, th e crowd wa s o n th eir feet dancing and c lapping to the music. Midway through th e conce rt th e band p la yed one of their mos t popular songs, " Th e So uth's Gonna Do It Again," which brought an overw helmin g res ponse by all. Havi ng enjoyed the music, an encore wa s signaled by the burning of cigarette lighters . With this, Charlie Daniels end ed their co ncert with " Funky Junkie."



The 1975 NLU football seaso n was not without its up s and downs. At times, the "figh ti ng Indians" played with such poise that one could not help but tip his hat to the team. But more often than not, even the most dedicated fan felt like throwing his hand s up in disbelief.

Att e ndance at N LU games was at time s less than s p ec tacu足 lar, but th e fans that were present found th e mselves spell足 bound if not amused at som e of th e topsy-turvy antics on the field.

86 .. . f oolball

D es pile Ihe di scouragin g m ome nls, India n fan s w ill ha ve man y fond memories of Ihe 1975 season. Spi ril wa s high, and in some in足 Slances fans were compelled 10 jump for joy. The pholographers were hap py wilh Ihei r ShOIS, Ih e players we re secu re, and eve n band members were moved by Ihe exc ilement.

Football . , 87


Even though rain fell steadily all day, many Homecoming activities were st ill ca rried out. Sororities, fraternities, inde·

pendent groups and residen ce halls par­ ti c ipated in the float competition with judging co nducted early Saturday morn ­ Ing. Tak ing honors in the fraternity and soror ity category were Phi Mu and Zeta Tau Alpha while placing in the re siden ce hall co mpetition were Hud so n and Breard. I n the independent ca tegory, Bap­ tis t Student Union took first place and their float was named the Overall Sweepsta ke s Winner. Second place in thi s category was the We sley Foundati o n. Prize money was awarded to the winners .

Because of rain , the 1975 Homeco ming Court was presented at the dance at the Civ ic Center, which followed the game . " The Entertainers," a rock and roll soul group performed at the dance .

e& •• HOlllecolllins

Homecomi"l . _It9




Under the gUidan ce of Dr. George T. Walker, Northeast has undergone a period of rapid growth during t he past17 112 years . The undergraduate cu rri cul a have been expanded and a Graduate School granting ma ster's and doctorates has been instituted . Academic facilities, in cludin g Garrett Hall, Hanna Hall, Sugar Hall, Stra uss Hall, the Ad 足 ministration Building, the Band Building, Sandel Librar y, and mUlti-purpose Ewing Coliseum have been added to keep pace with the growing curricula and student en rollment (from 2,320 in 1958 to 9,718 in 1975) . New dormitories and cafeteria s ha ve been constructed, and a large addition has been made to the Student Union Building. A new track has been constructed, a tennis stadium was under co nstructi o n in late 1975, and ground was broken for a new athletic com足 plex and football stadium.

The caliber of N LU's faculty and staff has continued to increase over the past 17 1/2 years, and today, mOre than 60 per cent of the faculty hold the doctorate . National accreditation has been achieved in several academic areas, includi ng phar­ macy , bus i ness , nursing, occupational therapy, dental hygiene, chemistry, home economics, education, music, and sOCIal work. While expansion of the physical plant dur­ ing Dr. Walker's administration has been sig· nificant, he emphasizes that the caliber of the academic programs, and the perform­ ance of NLU's faculty and students are the most important achievements.

When he became the institution's presi­ dent on July 1, 1958, Northeast was underfi­ nanced, had minimal physical faCilities, had a well-qualified faculty, but small in number relative to enrollment, and had accreditation only from the Southern Association of Col­ leges and Schools. Pre~lden' W..tkef

. 91

Dr. Walker has credited the governor, legislature, education boards of control, NLU ' s faculty, staff and students, and the university's support organizations---Alum­

ni Association, N LU Land Corporation, NLU Boosters Club, NLU Foundation---as well as other civic and business groups and individuals for the progress made by NLU . Dr. Walker first came to Northeast in 1936 as an instructor and later acting head of the Department of Commerce. He then served on the faculties of Southeastern and Southwestern; as state supervi sor of business education in the State Depart­ ment of Education ; as director of employee relations and civilian training for the New Orleans Port of Embarkation; as assistant to the Dean of the Junior Divi­ sion at LSU ; and as professor of business administration, Dean of the School of Ap­ plied Arts and Sciences, and Dean of Ad­ ministration at Northwestern.

Dr. Walker has authored more than two doz en books, bulletins and articles during his four decades in education, with articles appearing in 10 major publications. He holds membership in numerous profes足 sional and civic organizations, in足 cluding the Southweste r n Social Science Association, of which he was a president and a secretary足 treasurer. He received the dOClorate and master's degree from LSU , and the B. A. from Northwestern. The Walkers are the parents of two children, George Jr. and Ell en, both Northeast graduates. The Walkers have five grandchildren.






Karen Miller, jun ior Health and Physical Ed ucation major from Wisner was crowned the 1975 Miss Northeast. The brown-eyed brunette wa, first in a field of 22 contestants. Miss Miller performed a tap dance routine to " In the Mood" for her ta lent presentation. Representing Northeast in theMiss Louisiana Pageant Karen won the swim suit portion of the pageant and was chosen among the top te n.

Mi ss Northeast Karen Miller

Mistress of Ceremonies M ary Ann Mobley announces Mis s Congeniality-Beth Bryant. % . . M,U NOliheul

f inalists: Gail Holloway, Rosemary McLaren, Karen Miller, Ann Ti etje, Debbie Crew .

Karen Miller performs her tal ent pres足 entation .

MUS NQflhU $\

. 91

Sue Pepper Sponsored by Associa ted General Contractors

Lillian Polk Spo nsored by Pan hell enic Coun ci l



Debbie Crew Spo nsored by Kappa Delta

Beverl y Stephen son Spo nsored by Lem ert Hall


Chacahoula Beauties

Paula Chi occh i Spon sored by Home Eco nomics Assn .


Debbie Christman-Pi Kappa Alpha

Paula Delonde--Tau Kappa



Ft~u! rn uy

Sw eÂŤt hClIIru


Debb ie Norris-Kappa Al pha

Gail Holloway-Th eta Xi

Fraternity Sweethearts

Jul y Defee>-Acacia

Teacher of The Year Mrs. A nn elies T. Hayward, ass iSiant professo r o f fo reign lan guages, received the N Orl h east Louis i ana University A lumni Assoc iati o n's Fac ulty Awa rd fo r teac hing. M rs. Hayward has been at N ort heast si nce 1955. She received her M .A. in Ge rman fro m Louisia na State

Universi ty, and did her unde rgraduate wo rk at Oberreal sc hule fur Mad chen in Bayre uth , German y. A membe r of the Fac ulty Se nate, she assi sts w i th th e an足 nua l pr o d u cti o n o f th e Fo r e i g n Language Festiva l w hi ch is aitend ed by hi gh sch oo l stu de nts from thr o ugho ut th e stat e.

Researcher of the Year


I ,

' I,

D r. E. Russ Willi ams, associate professor of hi sto ry, recei ve d t he N o r th east Lo ui siana Uni ve rs ity Alumni Assoc iati o n' s Fac ulty Award for resea rch. At NortheaSi si n ce 1969, Dr. William s rec eived the Ph .D. in hi5l0 ry an d th e M .Ed ., bo th from the University o f South ern Mi ssiss ippi , and th e B.M .E. fro m So utheastern Lo ui sian a U n i ve rsity . H e h as pu b li sh ed num e ro us articl es con ce rnin g h is resear ch in

h isto ry . Hi s c urr ent p ro j ec t i s co mpi ling material s o n and writin g a hi sto ry o f th e Pas te d u Oua chita and Fo rt Mira, 1782-1820.



102 .

HonOf ~

Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities

TOp lelt Sheila Martin. Top right William Sims. Center left: Debbi e Reed . Center righc Karen Ec hols, Danny Collins. Bottom left: Rick H endri cks . BOHom right Trudi San son .

I '


Top r ig ht Trudi H o pper, Karen Trahan . Cenler left: Charles D e la C r oix. Cenler: Clair Tra y lor . Center right: Douglas Bales. Bollom left Ro b Cloud. BOllOm right: Joni Pace, Carole Martin.

Top left Douglas Stradter. Top right: Ron Perry. Center left Scott Ellen . Center right: Dimity Derrick, Frank Touchet. Bottom left: Colleen Beasley, Thomas Germany.

Who's Who . . 11

Top lefr: Terry Boykin . Top righr: Darrell Crowder. Center left: Charles Kung. Cenler right: Mike Bialas , Mary Livingston, Jerry Grayso n . BOHom left: Gordon James. Bottom righl: Susan Lawrence, Karen Clack.


• I

. •





• "

• •

• I.

" •• •

, • ,• " I





• •


Top left H. Gordon Brown. Top right Carlos Somoza. Center left: Michael St Romain, Bruce Hanks. Center right Walter Kendricks. Bottom left Don Gaharan. Bottom right: Carolyn Colvard, Mary Chicola. Who·~

Who . . 107

Top lell: Laura Semmes, Sheila Frank . Top righl: Roland Ro bichaux . BaHam lelt: Li ssa Langd o n. Boc ram center: Steve Brunso n. BaHam righc: Dacia W yatt . N o r shown: Charles Eagl es, Janet Gunter Kran e, Su san Ka y Tayl o r.

108 . . Who's Who

",,:XlU(;'" .... .,"' l ge J 3 A t: I I ~'l le ~ W ' e5 1l'ng Clu b The il 197$. O mleron De1u Ka ppa 1975, " Ipha , 5«011(1 LIE!U!enan l, U 5 Me . Dein'l li st SUE (SI SS\'! Average. 3&

Acl 'v'lle~


Ameflcan Ch e rn ,c.i.1Soc iel Y ~ ! ud en I Af[l h~le

" ' ", (" ·"7].76 JOS!:PH IMIK f)

A" ~ra ge

17Y "(t,voi le, POW

GAHAR AN, DO NALD P IR (DO N ) Avela ge, J 67 Ar.l lvllIe, SGA 6us lne H Se nal or, SlUde nt RIght> a n d F. nance Comm'll e<'S, Ju n io r Cl a~" Preslde n l, Ru les Com lTll Utt Chalf man , C ha"m ~n 0( Sena' t Summ e r 1974, S...... ,mm' ng Pool and Un ,o n ~pe C lal Com m l ue ~ , Facul ly I{ ela uon ~ Comm Ille e "om Co HeSt' o f B USl n e~ 5, Bap lls t Stu· den I Union, Ph I K~ ppa Phi, O"'II<; IOn De llil Kapp a. Beta Gamma S'gma: N LU Rep rew nlal, ve- a t Nal lona l Sy mpO'iium o n S tud~ 0' Ih e P.e-sid e llc y. N LU f-oul'l d at ,on Sc h ola/ ~h,p, T H Ha rro s Sc ho ldl­ ~h IP, HIgh Scho ol Honor S(h olar ~ h l l), Dea n's l "t

1975; Footba ll. TWo- )" t M Lem"man, AcademIC

1975, Ph, Kappa Ph,. Ph• ." Iph.. Th ela. Chf:wln Al h .ele! 1975, Ro r e


L,e lJlenan t.

, 1975.

Aver ~ge

) 7 " (('VU les

D~ la


1973-7 4, Tau Kappa Ep >,lon Chapler )p.oeta.y and Ph, 1974 . 76, Om icron Della Kappa ,.. ,,,,, oiR,,,,,,,' AppO,llImt'1ll a l A(gu nn e Nation.;,.! ASIf)(I~"on

G ERMANY, THOMA~ PAWI CK [TOMMY). "'"e/ age J 17 Av I,v" ,e s Do rm Co uo( 11 19 73-7 4, L~ b A ~S I >I .. nt 1971-76, P r , v ~ te­ Tutol In Mal h, C he m 's t r~ , Ph y" cs 1971·76. Inlram u r.. 1 Poo l ~ "'gl e ; Cham p Io n 1973, 1975, In lra mU 'il l Po o l Doub le s Ch~mp iOIl ' 974.75, American C hem ic al SOll elv Sluden' A lrl lral~ P re SIden t 1974-76. So u lhe rn G~ h emr<:,, 1 S ym po~ l um 1975. lOl" ' ~ lana A(;iI d emy o f Sc ,ence~ 1975, Omlo on De lta Ka p p,-, 19 75_76, O ut­ ; ldnd,ng Freshman Ch e mlq ry A..... ard 1973- 7.1, Deil n ', l' SI 1972-75. Re~ed rc h G ran t Aw ard 1974, O lr n Kra fl Summer Re<,e:.orch .......... d

' 975.

Se' relarY·" ei\$ur~.,

STEVEN (SH VE) Ave rage ' J 19 AC i' villes Ph , ,~I

lut1e Blood Olive C omrlHlle~ Co· C halr ma n Cam mlUee ctu or m.ln 1975, Ray Fosle. ~l\lden l


Ameri ca n Ph.orma c euhc.l.1 Ai~OC '­

r .... cw. le!ler C()mmrHee Ch,,,, man

1 97 ~ ,

[ IIZ...IHl H "'verage 17 Ac trvlt'>:!s HOITle- Eco­ 1'}7.1-76, 5eCfe l ,, 'y-Trea ~urel 1974·75, v ,c e­ Orru« o n Ph , 1974-7", Report e. , 974-75, , Ph, J(lpp.l Ph, 1974,76; Alpha Lam bd a De-114 WQ,1r:! Rt~t~ur a I11 O r@anru l'o n Schol arsh ,p197 4

ROYCf (R 08 ) Average J 73. A ( l<v llle~, renn " ,lene r",a n, SGA "' r~S ldenl 1975-7&, Alp ha Ep~llo n ,\'I(~Pre \ld en l, Phi f la Slgmd 197.1-76, Vlce-Pre-! I­ Dtt•• K~rp,) 1974-76, Ph, Kappa PhI 1975-76.

G RAYSON . IERR Y IR AV(,( dge 31 AC tl Vlll e S POW WO\V, COPY Ed Ho r Spring 1975, \oldn.a.8 ,n g Ediio r foi lI 1975, SOCCe-1 C lub 197.1-70, food Se-Iv ic es Comm li lee 1974 -7') HA NKS, WILLI AM BR UCE Ave rilKe 3 98 A( ll v , ue~ A~courr llng C lub 197.)- lb, P, SIgma EpSi lon 1974-76, lrea~u ler 1975·76, Ame fO­ ca n Mar ke ting ASSOClat,on ,974-7 &, Tl e:.o~urer 1975 76, Co lle-ge o f BU~lne "l Comm lller on Studen! Re la llon s 197')-7&. Foot ball '7},'7&, B('(d Gamma S 'g m~ 7 4-'76; Om .cron Dj"I I~ Kappa '74 -' 7fo, Ouutand ,ng So phomO re7].'7 4, Mo nroe C P A ASiot ld t,onOul ­ ~ Iandl ng Acc oun tIng lunlO' I\w~ rd 1974 .75, Ph i Kappa Ph I '974-71), O u tst ilndl n!l In iliale 1974-7S, OmlC.on De lla EpS il on 1975-76 HENORICK 5, PRE ,...H t SS CUR Ry JR. (R ICK) Ave 'ilg"" 3 73 Ac­ li\llti elo: Sc a bba rd il nd Blade; NLU II. 0 T C 0,,11 l e am , Bdyo u RaIders O roe nl ee rrn g, Phi Ela SIgm a, Orn..:: ron D ell a KapPd, Ph i Kapp,) Ph,; Hono. Rol l, II. 0 T C. Awa rd s HOP PER, lRUDI GAI L Aver age 3 9 7 Acll\:llI e~ Alpha lambda Delta, P'{,,;lde n, 1972· 71, SenIO' Cell l(;qle, \ola rla Leonndrd Award, Ph, Kappa Ph , 1974·76, Rh o C hi 1975·76, State Boa, d Scholauh'll 1971-76, SA P A 1914_76, ";...ppa Elml<)n 1974·70, Oedn's LI ~119 72 - 76, Sen ,nr 80ard 1975-76, CUH,tu lu m Commu lee '74-'76. JAMES, GO RD O"l LEE Av e.age 3.84 AC II\l,h e s 8a seball 1973, 1975, Le it erman 197), Chu. c h o f 0 "'11 St uden t Cen le I1971 ,;'>, fn­ uamul a' Ba sketball. Ph, Eta S.gma 1972· 73, OmIcron De-I Ia KdpPii 1974, Ph i Alpha nwta 1974, Ph , Kappa Ph, 1975. KENDRICK, ..... ,I,HR VfIlNO I'- . Averilge 30 ACl lVltles Kappa Alpha PSI 1974. HlSlo"an 1974, V,ce-Po le mar c h 1975, 81ack Ca uc us, VI( e-·P re-s.denl 19i'l_74, Pr eSldenl 1975, Ph, Alp ha Tlletd, Om.non Delta Kappa KRANE, JAN n GU NTER Ave.ag e ] 0 Actlville, Ph r Mu 1<)71 · 75, O Ccupa llOnal Therap y Cl u b. SGA Cam pus 8eauilfic a too n Co mm< t­ lee.

RAY 111. (OA RRY ) ACllv'I ' ~ Phi Mu Alpha . 197J-7S, Seco nd Ali erna le- to Nallon.ll Ba nd 191Z -76, Pn"c, p~1 Horn, NL U Ho rn, SolOIst ,n NLU Conc en 8i1nd 1973 -70. So ulh A rk~ n ~> Symp hon y

KUNG, KIEN WAH CHARLES Ave rag e .I 7& A" ,vl lles Om ic ron Della Ka p~ , Membc<~ hlp Commlilee 1';17 5, Bela Gamma SIgma, Ph, Kappa PhI, SGA Si ude nt O rga n ilall on~ COmmlUee Rep rese-n. la llve 1975. Int erna llona l Sludent Assoclal lo n, Chm e )e Stu den l AHO(ldtI On, Act ,vlty Sidfl 19 75, D ea n's Li sl, OU I~ , a nd",g SenIo r In Man age ment ' 97'> LA "lGDON, USSA )A N{. Aver age-: 33. ACllvlli t.' s Uni o n BOMd 1972-74, C Ufrl c u lum Commi tt ee 1 97.1-75, Alpha Ph, S'gmil; Lambda Alpha (p Ilto n: NL U 51ud en' Corr e<;lfonal ASSQ( I.at,on, Trea ~u rel, Honor Roll

".C",' ' '''' PAUl Ave . ~ ge- 1.5 AC1IVl t,e-~. Della S'g ma It , Record ,og Secrelary; Bela Gamma S'II­ llask el ball, S-c hol U tlc Awa rd 1975 UND A Average lSS. Ach vliles leta fau 197J·74, xho la~lI c Ac h'E'"Ve'ment Chair man r'""~'"'ffi''' Delegale 1974, Rlt u al ~ Ch airman Cluuman 1975·76; Wesley ro und a llon I Soc.ely 197)·76, Seoelil ' y, Tr e asurer, , Phi Kapp.!. Ph , 1975,76, S"" e Boa rd SenIo r Board, P re ~lden I 1975 ·7 &


LAWR{NCE, SUSA N HIZAB£TH. Avera g ... 369 A::!ty lllE'S SIg ma Alpha Ch, 1<,171-7,>, Alpha Lambdil Della 1973, Ph, Kappa PhI 1975, See,ng b se nual Engh~ h Clui:> ' 9 75; Comm lll ee o n Couool tor Tedcher tduca l.on 1974-7'>. MOi ' Prnm...ng Speec h Th eu'tmt Aw ard 197 4; DI>llngu lshecl x. lv, c e Aw.ard In 5~h Pa lholo gy 1975 LIVINGSTON. MARY ElLYE EN Ave r~ge' 2 n At Uvl\lel Phi Mu , Re co rdIng Secretary 1974,75, PO W WOW. Copy [dolor Splmg 1975, Edu or Fall 1975, Un ,\lers lly C o mm'll~ o n Publrcatlon> 1974-75, Ho mecom ing S t e~ fln g Comm l(tee 1975 MARTIN, MILDRED CARO LE (CA RO LE). Aver~ge 1.<1.8 Acuvlll e~ Alpha OmIC ron P, 1972-7b, Tleasure r, ACIIVIi Ie-> C ha lf m an, le<ld er'~ COU nCI', Pled ge _il h H'Shes t Grad() POl n l Ave rage 1972·73, Ae<: ou ntl ng Club 1972 -76, NlU 5y mphon 'c Band 1972_73, NLU OrChe-5(ra 1972-75, Wood WInd En se mble 1971-73, Flule Ense mble 1975· 7b, Bela G am m a S.gm a 19 75 -lb, Seue lary­ TreHUre . of Jun Io r Clas; 197 4- 7'>

NEWE LL A\ler~ge' 16 ACI ,,,.Ue-$: Del!~ Sigm a P" Preludent 1975 , 76; AI,) na ha Rh o, 1.e,Il Urer 1973-76, C ~pt arn l <:175-7 b, .seA 8uslne~s J~,~ " C"m'", "~1975-76, Chalfm.ln Publ..:: RelatIons

"'"". '""<'ffi"TOZ,; N LU Marching B~nd, fbg COrps. Band, Pro<w.; SNA, Care er NurSing COll1m llt~,

MY', e Sc ho lar.hi p,

MARliN, SHUIA DARlEN£. " velilge-' .1.0. AC"Vllles De lta Omicron, Secre ta. y, Tr e a , u.er, W arde n, Alph.J PSI Omega; No flh· eas l Sell lor Board: Delta O m Icro n S,ar: COnterl Cho lf. NlU Slngeri; N ort h ea, t Ope.~ W o .k.hop Prod uctIons, No rth eaSI rh ea ne P.od uctl o n s PACE, IO NI KAY Averag e ) 76 Ac!Ovll,el NLU Ac counting Club, H.SIOfl an, T.e.a,u re, Beta Gamm~ SIgma, Ph, Kdppa PhI, Hon o. Rolli NlU Al umOl Sch ot~ rshi p, O ,"IB TrUll fu nd S< h o larsh lp. Beta G:.om ma Sigma Sch o l.arlhlp PE RRY, RU N Ave-r.lge .1,7 ACIIV llI e!>. ~~cha f1ge Siuden t from I;'ilel 1974-76; Pre~ldent's liS! 1975 -7& RHD, DE80R AH t( AY (DEB81£) Ave .ag e' ) 79 ACll v.lI~ Ka ppa Della 1972·76, Ed,lo., Sc h Olal'S hl p Chalfman, P .e~s Chaorman,

Se rgea,l!· a l- Arm s, Scho l.ush ,p Awa rd 1973-75, "~ ' IS G • .a(,OU ~ t w­ ,ng" Aw ard 1975, St'f\ lor SOdld 1<,175· 7&; CompdSI Clu b 1':17.3·74, 5e<; , el .ar~, Alpha LdlTOb da De lta 197J .76; Ph, Kapp.o Ph, 1974·76, SGA Wome n' ; thg h rs Comm lllet' 1<)72-74: Ch.tcahoula B eau l~ F,nal, .1 ' 9 74 ROBICHAUX, RO NALD JO SEP H (R J J Av er age l2S AChvlll r.~ Ka ppa PS' ' 97)-75, Voce-Pr eS lde nl 1974 ·75, Ed u (;ahOn Cha Ul lId J1 19;4·75. ProfeSSIona l A ct lv ltle~ O -. a"mdn 1975-7&, MO' I O u t· !Iaodrng Pledge 1974, MOil O u ts(an d lng ACI ' V~ 19 74-7S, Siu dent Am ('(.can Pha"naceu I'c a l ASSI;Cfol llon 197]· 75, Edu ( aliOfl Ch.alr­ man 1974.75, ReSlo n<l 1 Al le rnale De-Iegd le 1975, Lou ls'''''a Stue Pha.mac eu tlu l ASSOCld l,on D ,uS ... bu~e Comm lllee, Rho Ch , 1975: A(Chtry I "tra lTlu r~ l~ F ir ~ 1 Plac e 197 4, SKond PliC e- 1975, We lg htll fltng tntramu r~ l~ Second Place 1,;:\74, F, ISI Place ' 975 ST R O ~ All'-' , MIC HAEL 0 (SAINT) Ave rage- J I) Actw,lle,: P, Ka pp.i Alph a 1973 -75, Trea su re-r 1974 -75, Besl Act ;ve Member 1974, Ph. Kap pa Phi 1974-75. S"ld Gamln~ Sigma 1911-75, Sta le BOdld 01 Ed uc all on Scho l a r ~hl p, Hon or Roll SANSON , TRUDY HEArl ~v ~ra ge 1.n A C lov llle~ Sia ler Hall R ep.e~enlatfVe fo r food CounC Il '971-72, S la( ~ r Hall SO(lal Chal r· m"n 1971 -72, ,uoiOr Cla H rrc a ~ u.e r 0 ' Den ia l H~ IJ,ene 197~ - 75: IADHA Pr e~ ldenl 197 5·7&, Sen 'or Cla~~ Pre.irJe-n l of [ko tal Hy_ gl e ne- 1975-76, Honor Roli 5tMM£S, LAURA l"' VEII.NE Av" .age 3 B4 AClivl !l e~ 5r'JA ' 972· 75, Ph, Kappa Ph i 197 4· 75, Wel ley Fo unda!lo n 1972-75, S ecretd r ~ 1974 ·75, Amefr Cdn Le s ,on 5 Ch ol~ "hl p j<)71 -71, SI. fran c .~ HOSpi tal Auxl hilf Y xholar~h'p 1974 -75; fO \.Jnd ~ ( .on S!: hola r$h lp 197)-74, 1975, SIMS, WI LLI AM ED DIN S (tODY , Average) ('3 Acl ""lles SNA 1974·76, Ph, Ela '>'gma 1974, Al p ha Ep $Ijo n O(>l la 1<) 7~, Ph, Kap pa Ph, 1975 SOMOZ A, CAR LOS fERNANDO Averilge-. J 2 Ac" Vllle. Ph, TJU Gam ma 1972-76, Publoc R e la llon~ , HI ~'o"an, VI(f - Pre~td en l. f o re Ign St udenl S "- >S()( ldlion 1972-74, S-ocC N Club 1')74 ·7&, Vice­ PreSIdent, f' , e~ldent St ud e nt R lghl~ CO mm111 1i':'e 1975-76, Sffilor Clils< Sec.e lary- Trea I Urer 1975-7&, Ho n or ROll STADlER, DOUG LAS CECIL Ave fage ) 97 AC llv llr e s Ph, Alpn.. rhela 1975: Phi Ka.ppa Ph, 1975, NL U \Jelera n's Organliallo n 1975, Boa.d o f Direclor!, Pa.l ,ame- n laroa.n, Ou ts,;r nd lll g Sophomore $1,,­ den I 1974 TAY LOR, SUSAN KAY Av era ge: ) 5 ACl I~ lt'~ Un <on 80ard 1972 -7&, C ha irm a n 1975-76, Vlce·C halrm an lo r En le fl alllm pn t 1974· 75, Reneatron Ch.llf ma n 1973- 74. NE C Con vention Delegi te 197 4, 1975; Chee-rl~d d e- r 197 )· 74, Balketball Slol llSIIC,il n 1973, 197'>. StTA 1971, 1975, SIgma Alphd Ch I, Parlla rnen t ~(lan 1972 ·76, Speec h AIl S A, \OClall on, fe,tl val ludge 19;4, 19' 5; Homecomi ng Ste e rtng Co mm,!le-e 19 75-76, Alpha l.ambda Delta, Pr e <rd e-nt 1973, Ph, Kappa Plu1974 ·76. Senio r 80drd 19N-7b TOUCHET, FR ANCiS ADAM (fRA NK) Avera ge 3)2 1\( 1Iv 'II I"; HudiO" Hall Do rm Co ull c ll 1973-75, Ple~rOenl, InH<rlllura.1 ~an' age r, In!'amural BOdrd Rep res e nU' ,ve 197}· 74, Foo d Se-rvlc e s CommlHec Ch alfm a o 1973·7&, " C S 1974-7&, V lce -P.~rden{ 1974-75, Se rgea flt-a t-Arms 1975-76 ; Ofl Camp,,~ Hou ) Ulg Com mit. lee 1974·76, La b AS~ I~larli rn Q ua lr la llve Analysi s 1974 .7S, La ....cade rny of SO{'flce. Rese.o.rch Pa pe l 1974 -7S, Student An alyl,c al ChemIst o f !he Yea r 1974 . 75, SG A Pu.e an d AppJred Snenc es $enol ' 10 ' 1974.75, Su m mer Cha irm a n 01 Sl ud en' Rlgh ls Comm l(tee 1975, Co-C ha i(m~n o f Siuden! Rlghl $ Comm lilee 1975·76, Un'vt>r~l l y Comm ll\e-e on N LU Co ll e s ' a, e Due P,oce lS 1975 ·76 lRAH AN, KAR ~N C LAIRE A\l era ge 38 Ac1 :vl\ l e~ Newm~n Clu b 1971 ,72, Alpha l ambd a Deltd '19 71·71, A cacI~ Ltl le S'~t er, 5weelllt'dri 197Z-7 3, Re~Ide nt AHIstant 1973 ·7S, 5e n lo r BOd.d 197'>, Ka ptJa Ep $l\oo 1974· 7S, Ph , Kappa Phi, Rh o Chi, T H Ha",~ Scho la . ~ h'p 1971 ·7 5, Alu mn i Sc h ol ar,h,p 1971_71, Dea n' s L,s t TR AYLOR , CLA IR SH(RMAN A\le rage 3.8& A(I ,vr]<e . K.lppa Ep­ I ri o n 1914-75, Ptedg t Pre~odent, Swdenl Ame "c~n Pharmateuuc al Aswclal lo o 1974-7S. Alpha. hmbda De lld 1971, Ph, Kappa Ph, 19 71; Rho (h I 1975, Sla te Board o f Ed ucauo n Scho tarsh lp 1970-7J WYATT, LJOCIA LE ( Avelage 3.46. Al phd La mbda Dell J 1966-b 7, Sigm a Tau Delta 1975·76, Edit or o r HfuCON, ACddem lC Sc h o la r­ sh. p "1966,

Omicron Delto


First row, le ft to righl - Or. A ugust D anti---Adv isor, Ray m o nd Knu l zen-Fa cuhy Sec re tary, l e n ny Fan t -fa c ult y M ember, Roben d ent, James LIllich-Vice Preside nt, Charles DeLaCroix- Slud ent Secre tary Second (Ow ; Da ve Che n, Cha rl es Kung . James Bales,

Wil so n, Mike Davis, Lewi s Smith, Rob Clou d. Randal Park er, Robert Nic kelson. lam es Wingfi eld, Randall DavI s.

ministration stu de n t-fa cu Ity D elta Kap pa is acti v ice to th e un iversil,vl " nd soc ial, c ultural , an,rl Innn ral


Board is an

honor society

recognizes those women who ing in leadership, service,

rhnl".;hi". The diversified mem足 encourages cooperation be足 izations. Activities include

projects with Ouachita Parish Health Ass ociation, Mai n line, Arthriti s Fou ndation Dance Member s are chosen by by the department heads ns of out standing junior with an average of at least 3.0.

row, left to nght: Evelyn Etzel--Hislorian-Reporter, Dimity Derrick-President , Anne Burns-Treasurer, Mrs. EloI se Stanhope-A dvisor, Beverl y Oeborah Reed, Pall Y Bell, Susan Ta ylor, Ka y Pa ce. Second row: Carol yn Col vard, Karen Echols, Pal Pale, Claire Traylor, Shelia Marlin, Elissa Roberts, Mary Ann Bordelon . N ot shown : Trudi Hopper, Kay Jackson, loni Pace, Deni se Strant on, Karen Trahan , M elani e Wallace, Palricia

. loretta Webb.

Se nior


.. 111


Alpha Lamd~ , R~I)ai )S a honor socie t

Alpha Lambda Delta

for IWornen

honors high _sct,{ola;'i~ during the first year ot college. pose is to pr~~n'~tljgent a high standifa- i1'i~ r~~og ni developing m~arf n ~ful goals., ship require~", ~ ,~,8 t ~ien ho urs and e~.rj lng,a·A'''v age 3.5 d u ri ng tos H[lS t seme:;lef 'or' o f co ll ege, ,_

RighI, left 10 fight Bre nda Ca rsley­ Trea. surer, Me lanie Youngblood­ Preslde nl , Wa.nda BagweH--Edil o r. Julia le an-Sec retary, ludy Haynes­ Vice Pres ident, lanet Hdl--Hi storian, lody Courvlll~ember5 hip Chair· man.

First row. left to right: Melanie Youngblood, Wanda Bagwell, Brenda Carsley, Julia Jean, Judy Haynes, Jan et Hill, lody Courville. Mary Casler. Camilla Albright. Seco nd row: Kathryn Mouser-Advisor, Becky Burke, Jan Wi lhi te, Carol Morris, Alice l eWIS, Dorothy Crowder, Chalupnick, Ruth Shumway, Co nnie Fisher, Kay Grant. Susan Beal, Amy Brumfield, Paula landrum, Patty Davi s, Mary Messina, 5horan Crot... show n: Sue Archiba ld , Kath y Frost, Ginge r Iglesias, Diane Joh n , Susan McCrimmon, Nancy Ro binson, Theresa Ro binson, lana Sm ith, Debbie\o\

Eta Sigma James Gat es Earl Gipso n Maurice Hawl ey Denni s Henn en

Thoma s Holli s Dav id Jo n es Thoma s Patt o n Darrell Pitz er Charles Ri ce Colton Sand ers Randy Sarrad et Patrick Sp ence r John Terracino Jo sep h Thomas Russell Tynes

Phi Et a Sigm ~~,s , a'{{)at ional honor society for m~'n,-~ I:l;'d ents earning an av erage·; q (' \;a;. ). 5 during th eir fir st s ~ irst year at college. Th rganlZation was es tab lt •.~3; the NLU c hapter wa~ cfiar eJed!.,a nd estab­ lished in th e fall se m es ter of 1972,

Raymond Watt s

LEFT: Firs t row, left to righ t: Dr. B Earl Prince-Faculty Advisor, Charles Cain-­ Pre Sid e nt, Tim Burnham--Vlce-Presidenl Seco nd row : Don Alllson-HI~lorjan, Charl es Ri ce-Sec retary, Darrell Pllzer-­ Tre a~ ure r , Ga ry luftey---Senior Advisor

PrJ , ( Id. 51!:"'''


Faculty Memb Martha l. Adams, Ph.D.

John C. Lew is, Ph.D .

Pamela M. Baker

Va n C. McGraw, Ph.D .-Presid

Louis Bedell, Ph.D .

Rebecca L. M cKillips

Lon ni e T. Bennell, Ph D.

Lewi s M . Mc Kn ee ly, Ph.D.

Arthu r l. Bethke, Ph.D .

Donald L. Marsha ll

• Ruth Bruner, Ph.D.

Phi Kappa


Russe ll H. Meier, Ph.D .

Bobby G. Canterbury

frank Morga n, Jr., Ph.D.

H amlet R. Ca rt er, Jr.

lames B. Potts, Jr., Ph.D.

Charl es E. DeP oe, Ph.D .

Glenn f. Powers, Ph .D.

Kathleen A . D rud e, Ph. D.

B. E. Prin ce, Ph.D.

Da niel E. Dupree, Ph.D .

Ray Lamar Rhodes

Gary G . Fergu so n, Ph.D .

B. l. Ric ks, Ph .D .

Richard finl ey, Ph.D.-Treasurer

V. Jack so n Smith , Ph.D .

Patri cia I. Ga rl and, Ph .D .

Donald G. Spencer, Ph .D.-Se

Henry T. Garner, Jr., Ph.D .

Tom E. St ri cklin, Ph.D .

Felix R. Garrett

Dw ight D. Vines, Ph.D .

Dor othy H. Griest, Ph.D .

fr ank Vingiello, Ph .D.

Elizabeth An ne H ait

George T. Walke r, Ph.D.

Phi Kappa Phi is a nati onal C. E. Watkins, Ph.D.

Sa n fo rd B. Halperi n, Ph.D. ho n or soc iety whose primary ob­ jective is the re cognition an d en­

Maci l C. Wilkie, Jr., Ph .D.

couragement of superior scholar ­ 'Wi lli am Ham mo nd , Ph.D. ship It is a • Ral ph Wilso n foste r H. Hold eman T. E. H oltzclaw, Ph.D.- Vice -Presid ent Robe rt P. Knott, Ph.D .

'J . B. Wooley, Ph.D. Le onard M. Young, Ph.D .

.. Louis e Lemert

an average a juni or with an average of at lea st 3.5; or a graduate student who has com ­ p leted 18 hour s at No rthea st, and has an average of at least 3.75. *Emeritu s Life Me mber


L. Allen

Frederick Churc h, Jr. R. Cloud

O'Ree J. Gore

Mark R. Ofen loc h

Gayle An n Gossen

Kenne lh M. Owens

Stephen H. Gray

Joni Kay Pa ce

Anitra Fields Hall

Doyle Randa ll Pa rk er

William Bruce Hanks

Joseph David Peak, III

Robin E. Hea rd

Joa nn L. Perrer

Prentiss C. Hendrick s, Jr.

Jeann e Cat herine Phe lan

Linda L. Henl ey

Ma rth a A nn Pittman

Donna Mat heny H erlong

Marsha L. Popw ell

Conn ie POrie r H euse l

Donna Gail Ray

Billie Don Ho ll and

C harl es D . Rice

Patri c ia Ann Holland

Barbara J. Roberds

Linda Holl ey

Susan A. Rugg

Mary A. Ho llid ay

Fred J. Ru shing, III

D eb orah Leigh Holyfi eld

Beverly Strain Sandi dge

Linda Miles Holyfield

Subhash J. Saxena

R. Copper Hughes

Wi lliam Eddins Sims

Norlyn B. Hyde

Na ncy C. Sin gleton

Judy Dianne Jacbo n

Peggy Bann Siavich

Gordon Lee Jam es

Debo rah Ann Smith

Laura Mi c helle Jayne

Elizab eth N . Smilh

Martha Ann Joh nso n

Mar il yn Jo 50 11 berger

E. Gayle Jones

Douglas C. Stadter

Debb ie G . Ke lly

Joh n David Stro m

Anita Kil e

Mic h ael D. St . Roma in

J. Stephen Kilpatri ck

Dorothy Young St uart

Ki en Wah Cha rl es Kung

E. Grey B. Talley

Isaac Lai

Shar ron , ",,on ree Thomas

Susa n E. Lawrence

Teresa Ann Thomey

H an Wah Li

C lint Tho rn ton

James S. Lillich

Susa n Gail Tompkins

Katherin e Jea nette Lockwood

Terri Lynn Tra ylor

Kar en Denise Love ll

Ru sse ll Wayn e Turrentine

Debo rah Kay Lynn

A ud ie A. Van Zand t

Don K. Marti n

Diana J. Varn er

Deborah J. Matthews

Ed win a D . Villa

Lee Eubanks

Marica Kin caid Matt hews

Kalhleen A. Vree land

A. Findley

Carol Sue May

Dougla s M . Walke r

Mary Annette Mayo

Mary Jane Waller

James C. McMan

Joe T. Walters, Jr.

Marlo D . McR ea

Patr icia Seawrighl Warn er

Elis sa Ann Mi tchell

Corali e Heard Wh ite

Ann Eslopina l

P. Ga haran, Jr. Ann Gall oway C. Garlington

Gee, Jr.

Kri s T. M offa t

Sherri e Ann Whitman

Jo hn M . N ic ho lso n

Joseph Rogilli o Wil so n

Marilyn T. N o la

Jam es Wingfi eld

Joel William N o rri s Susanne M. Oc hs


I( .p ~

Ph .


Kappa " ~.

II:' I,


• • First row, le fl 10 right Aaron HubE'f, C lnd a Hube r- Advi sor, Pally Be ll, Deanne Matlock , Tammy Hi c kman, Pau la FontenO l, Rena Tweed y, GI"d",,1 Pau la Be rgeron_ Seco nd row Cindy J one~ , Pal ri ce MaJ ea u. Karen Q Uirk, Caroline Bozeman, Te rE-sa Car u l h e r~ / lOrlnda Girard, Karen I Saves, Debbie Vermillion, Nell Zac h, Karer, Trahan, Lynn Coo k. Cali Gossen, Pam Lockard, Pau lett e 13 e ninal e T hird r()V.J: JoAnn Slephel Pic kering, ,rvi eli ssa Montgomerv, Susan Tompk l n~, O('lbbi e Ka lil , Phvllis Hebert, Renea t3ra shear, LOI s Dav lsson-A d.... l sor Fourth row: Deni Ann Co leman. Colleen Coller, Juli E' O liv ier, M ary 13 lanc hal, M e li ssa Broules, Ellen D ea ring, Be th Yo ung, \/elm a LeWI S, Caroline Wong. )0 o ili on, Ann Ponder. Fifth ro",,_ ArlE'ne LII}ebe rg, Chri . . H amon , Pa t se y Angelle, J ov Le 0 oux, Lea h l om bard, Ei leen Ij ililmek, Cindy Wilson, l~ Mary Ell en Dup UI S. Not shown C hdrl ene Bu c k, iV1ary Grace Co nSLant lno/·r rudl Hopper, Pat Keifer, Rhonria May, Theresa Mire, Carleen Simon, I cen t, Kathy Mclnlos h, Shelly Opfe rkuc h


left to right: Cinda Hube (-Ad\ll~or. PalLy Bell -Pa rliamentarian. Second row : Milier-Corresponding Secretary, Eileen Billimek-VlCe-Pres,den l. Pam Lockard足 Third row: Teresa Caruthers--Chaplain, Paula Fonlenol -Recordl ng Secrel al Y. Tammy Hickman-P resident, Julie O liver- Ru sh C hairman, Denise Young足


Fors t row, left Lo n gh 1: Robe rl $ta nlOn, Me rt' K Marcan le l, Cha rles Piazza, Ron Ma nasco, Alben Ra la. Bruce Clem e nl. l on atha n V1a ll on, Mical De Bob Hodge. Dea n Bergea ux, Hal Wh ite. Ron Mueller, GreH V mz Second row. H owa rd Moore, Melvin Skeeles, Bill y Cobb, Benny Landry, Isa ac tal, Rodgers. SIeve Brunso n, Jude l emoin e, G le nn Be rn a lowlcz, Ro n Mady , 8 0 b Pntc hard, Je ff Ber le au, Jimmy N ew sorn. Thi rd IO\\,: Dr. Joseph Hube Good'>on, DaV id Wal le tS, ""a ury St agg s. M al k C hla ~>o n, Mo nt y I ngra rn . H oward Vinc enl, Cl aude Lockha rt , DaVid Green, 0 aug M cEac hern, Kenl Ra ymond !vl arl tn, Mike Wil kerson Fourl h row: l a rry For eman , Brad Callm, Da nny Myers, Blane Perry, Don Wa rnner, M ike Lucketl , Reed McDI Robe rt Laun ey. Bi ll Fon tenol, C h riS Cole, Doug Bloc k, Fift h row (standi ng) Robert A UCOin, Mike Battaglia, JeHre)' Bo lolt e, Bil ly DaVies, tseated r-l FrenC h, Gary Map l e~, D aVid H OWie, M ark .'v1idd lebroo ks, Shawn Mc Gee. Phil1r Vidrlf)e. Steve Pearce. D r. Robe rt p, K nOll St and ing at rea r h J o h n ~o n, Ben Orlando. Danny Coll ln\ . N o t sh ow n: Wa rre n Benoy, Pa LCarner, Ji m Cox, Dan Crump, Vic D e ni cola, Thoma s Hassell . Gilbe rt )O"le" Kemp, M ike K ullman, ,'v1 ark Ma ne\, M itc h Sim mer s, Da Vid St roud , Geo rge Varino, Stf'phen Smi th , Marv in Talberl.







FlrS I fOW, lefl to ri gh t: Greg Vlnz- Editor, Bruce Clem ent-Secretary, Bob H. HistOrian, C harles Plaz.za-V ice-PreSld en t, l o nath an V lall o n--Masler.At-Arms,( 1rns----Pr es idenl. Second row : ,\1Ical D e6row-Regl ona l Correspondent. How~ As st. Trea surer, Hal W hile-Prelate. Thl(d ro w: D ean 6ergeaux-Hi s[oflan, 1 cante\.---Asst Pledge Capl aln, Ron Mu ell er-T reasurer. Fourth ro w: Ron :\llana~ Ca p lain, A lbert Ra ia- I nner G uard, Ken M i ll e r- A5~ t. Co rrespo ndent, A lum ni Lia iso n.


Th e Be ta Beta C hap ter of Ph i De lta C hi was orgJ at No rth eas t in 1959 as a prp/essio nal ph armac fraternity fo r men . 1 ~ ...;pD(,PQse is to encour ag deve lo pm e nt o f ch~.ra~i~rr:i~i~~~~ip, and schola Me mbership is by iriy\t;(f i ~~: ,B nr\l-,. ' Thi s year, Be\a"Bet'(, re celv;!iCf it~-~.j g h\b,.A c hiev Aw a rd and wa ~路(pbtH C0: ;路 'a 'i)1 ,~./OWsele the bes t Phi Delta\路O/1J. "" _e.fmtio n. lnad to these h o nors, 1he , Br , h r f I~ Beta to prize in c hapte r pub!;tat , ~d 4i~s t prize in tM tio na I W indow Dispt",y" 路"".\ l~..Ac tivities inel Bl ood Dri ve a nd d :hH'is efr . riv e fo r 51. J C hildre n's Hos pital and a t'J1fired Giver's Fund P, Puff Foot ball game.


,r;.Of:i.~;;;'i'·I' \Jti n I fra­ 10 help "" ''' ''''''·'~I hi es and

o f phar-

Left to right: G lynn M. Jones--Rcgenl, Steve Jenk ln,>--Trea s' u rer, Ronald Duk~C h ap l a i n, Sieve Srni lh--Vice Regen t, James Bre nt- Recording ~ecre la ry, Ph illi p Cas h--ls l Sgl. -A I­ Ar m s, Tom Shelt ol')-(o rrespond lng Sec r~lary, Dr W illiam Bourn-Grand Coun cil Deputy, Of. Josep h Kern--Co-Ad­ visor, PeICI VorSler-2nd Sgl -A I-Alm s, Leo na rd Neyland­ Hlsto nan

First row, len [0 right Sieve Smith, Sle ....e Jen kins, Tom Shehon, Debbie Trope a-Swee theart Ronal d D uk e Seco nd row . Pefer Vo rs ler, Le on ard Neyland, James Brent. Phill.p Cash. Gly nn Jones Third row O r. Dale Cro nk, Or. Joseph Kern , Dr. Rober! Kee, Dr . Wi lliam Bo urn, Dr Theodore E,d:h o ll, Or Micha el DeGennaro. Fourth JOW . Dr. August Danll, Rodl Culolla, Jim Culpepper. Ro nald Robl c hau;(, J Philli p Brown , Ron la fiue, Sleve n Gu illo ry, flflh row: Tom ­ my M arli n. Ri tc hi e Marli n. Gene King. Cha rlt!s Pa rildela s, RiCky D el eaumon l, Tra cy Th o ma~, Ph illi p G igli o Sixth row : Mi ke Bess, Randy G reen. Patrick fungo Ro be rt D enmon, John NOrriS, DiCk Jeffus. Jimm ie Harlan, Pil l Stelly, Tyro ne Cheng, Stephen CollinS, Daniel Mul.





. '.

f-. ". ,

Front row , leil to nght. Dr. Theodore E'C khoh, 1(arf>o Trahan . Oenlse FaCIane, Claire Traylor. G ladys Mill er, P,w la FOnlenol , Tamera HICkman,

ShuillO. Patucla Bell, Lee Lamberl-Sec retar y- rreasurer, Kathnne Parrish , Cyn thia lones-Vice- Pres ident, Ma.rk Chras:.on, Edward

Sullivan, DLl ose ph Huber- Second row : Dr Joseph Kern. Dr Kenneth Sh rader, lohn Neal , D r Rouen BUi ce, 0 .. W Ill iam Bourn, 01.

Sleven Zelensk l, Dr. August Danl!, Dr. Bobby Dav id son, Dr. Reyna ld o Saenz, Dr Mi c h <H:~ 1 Degennaro. David M cGee, D r. William Kelll..-;,dv ','o~

C Euge ne Wa tkins, James

Br ent~Prestden l ,

Dr. Gary Ferguson

Rho Chi

Bela Chi..<;~ apter o ~~o. Chi, a tional ho â‚ŹlSrF[~ ~lt:;~nal macy society, "I' ~ s) es tablished 1961 to promot ~dvancement the pha rma ce ll(' ~ s ' 'e nces thr~ th e enCDUragtrol amd recognit' ~"\ .r. ' of sou nd sch \, I ~~(pS I Memberst is open 10 philf ,#"v majors wit~ 3.0 average, art~ co nd junior or senio r sllanding.

Ep s il on Dell a is a national socie lY f",t'pl' e -'d, e ntal and pre J r I studen ts , fhe ,oc ie ty seeks to ta l and

(to rs in

adeQ,;j'a tf}1)ri)'gt,ll,11 of pre足



Alpha Epsilon Delta

le/tto right: Jan Corn w ell--Histo nan, D eb bie Remont , Jim Lillich.. . ....... Tr easurer, Stev e Morri s, Carol N orri s, Carm en Srelgman. Second row . Roy

Thompson--Re pon er, Charli e Ly on, W ay ne Sm ith, Rick y H endrix, Jean Pac han kl s Third row. D ebb ie Lynn- Secreta.ry, Ted W arren, Millie

Charles Rice, Joe N o rris, Copper Huges. FOUJl h row: Dr W IIII.1m Norns--Advi sor, Ly nn St rahan, Ben Harm on, Ch uc k Anzalene, Charl es

Fifth row: Br endan Flynn , Rob Cl oud, Ra y Walls, Jam es Gat es Sixth row : Bob N ickelson-Pr esident , G.uy Luffey-Vlce.. President , Jo hn Bour ..

Kerry Anders _

,.., lpM Epsolo n

De ll~

. 121


Fi rst row, lefllo right Ji m Wing(ie ld-Pre ~ lde nl . Mike Morri s- Vice- Pr esldent , Kim Wainwrlghl - Sec retary, Brad l-iar t -Tre'aSCHer. S.",," D on Yieldin g-Advisor, Marilyn Woods, Sadye Bernhe im, Ron l e l e ux, Gt'a ry Aycock. Connie Mill er. Sharon Theve nOL Beckla m, Audle Va n Zand!.

Alpha Phi Sigma

Alpha Phi science hono r <o;;r.;'f'1\

ism in th e

keep abreas re searc h, to to es tabli s h

ando~,I~~~~ti~:~~I:S~~~::~ be in ne th efit sfield ship is extend ing attained at ing, 2.8 overall average, 3.0 grade point average in the major.

Gamma Sigma

Beta Gamm .,,sigma is a national nonorarv so l y~ i ) usiness. The iPUIlposes of { 'an ization are encourag~~.!l,... l!.~.,:"..~,rd scholarIIlIp and c'ompriSfu"Tl.ent among audents tJu~ j~ess, '0 promote

,L dvan rTi'C"

.,ea \t'I';~ e ucation in

bulineSS, ~..tg~t6$ e Integrity In

the condu t of bu s ine~s activiti es.

ts in t......·.... 0% of th e



senior cla ss o r ~., top 5% of th e junior cla ss are eligible lo r mem­ bership. .,or

'. ")l1dIU John son-Pres ident Jerry Hood-Vice -President Kaylor-Secre tary-Trea surer

Pi Kappa Delta

Pi Kappa D elta i s. an honorary frater­ nity lor interco U<:.g1J!~!, debaters, co m­ petitive s peak(\~ Q,\II-cla ssroom au­ dience speaker ~::':'1'ld'~6 tructors in o ral com mun lCatlon : ~:t.J

p,urp ose 15 to pro­

mote sch olarship,I,,6 l1'ec ially in forensic Ipeaking. The funtla nental belief o f the fratern ity is: " Th art of persuasio n, beautifu l and ju st.

Boers ig-Vice-Preside n t Dickson I Govang-President

i Head

TellYHickman Sandra Kild ron Cindi LeBou ef Dr. Robert Bicker-Sp o nso r I

Sigma Gamma Epsij

average in Earth Scie nce.

First row , lelt 10 rig ht : Pe ler Ha rri son--Sec relary-Treasu rer, Danny Doss- Vice--P reside nL, D ona ld Sobba-Preslde nc Second row: Donald Shepr

Ro berl Rho ne, Johnny Ha ll, W iley Reagan, Ski p Breard- Hisforian. Th i rd (Ow: Mich ael Ea rl, Ma rc h Smith, Robe rl Young, Bru ce Farmer, EI

Kavanaugh, Gary Slringer. No( sh own: Jay Dick, Mike Goert z.




ttl". left to right : Ethel Wlggins--Secre l a, y- T r ea~ure r,

Faye Sande fs--Publl c Relati o ns Seco nd rQw: O r. Pau l Karr--Advisol, (ordray, Su slerWhiU tng w n--Pres lden l, Ben Avant-Degree Capldlf1. Mar y N unnally. Thi rd row fr ed Hancock, Paula Da vis. lombard 100, He rm a n Slad e. Fo u n h row Dav id W ha tl ey, Do n W Il kes, Reggie Albrillon , Ke nt Brant ley Not Show n : Ph,1 .....Vk.·I'r.,"d,' OL, Tom Clarke, lohony Fal herf"e, Ky le Peopte ~.

r ~~i~~~~ ~I'O~

p ro m o te sc h o las li c ro mote Ihe I, and 10 D.~llll!Ni,.,l d\~lo nships be­ sl u !ff(I'~:i!lI.lt \l11 y, ad m i ni s­ =:r:>;~-ke r co il e g e s i n w h ateve r ce rne d . Ir'

Delta Demeter

pa r,ti~if ~1'1

t~~ t oca l com ­

anq; ·l? _')f~V d~,.r~e h ome eco ­ s tud~nt wI(h' a b e ll e r und e r­ of th ei r

(¥loser; field .


Omicron Phi

row, left to right: Ma ry Ch lCola-Preslden l, Cassandra Augusl -Vice· Pres id ent, Conni e Crow-SecreLary, Shirley 8 e the u--Treasure r, Carmen Dar­ , \ Rebecc a Fogge r-R epo rl er. Seco nd row. Dr. Ann Kapp-Fac ull y Member, Equilla Be ckwit h, Jun e Berry, Ne ll Wi lliams , Sheila

'thC)m'lSall,Pa ula Dolh o nd e. Kathy Pa yne, l udy Duff, Becky While, Ca rolyn Colva rd, Diane Baker, Pa lricia Pale, Susan Va ll ery, Pally Dav Is, San dra Sa n­ ders, Dr. Daisy Daniets--Advi sot. Not shown : Martha FranCl5--Advisof.

Facu lty M embers

Dr. Ri c hard B. Chardkoff Peter H. Davis Dr. Bobby L. England Dr. Jean C. Engla nd

Graduat e Stud ent s Patricia L. Bates.-­ Secretary James D. Carr­ President

Ted B. Ferguson

Arlyne W. Ever itt

Dr. Ric hard F. Haynes

G lenda R. Hild ebrand-

Dr. N o lli e W. Hickman

Treasu rer

D r. H. Perry Jones

Larry Jeff erso n

Dr. M . Scott Legan

Lou ise Lewis

M s. Charlene F. Shanas

Ke nneth M . Owens

Ross P. Shirah

Thurman A. Rob ert s,

Dr. Thoma s E. Strick lin­

Da v id P. Sa ndlin

Advisor Dr. William A. Wa lker Dr . E. Russ William s.-­ Advisor

Phi Alpha



J. Douglas Wade Cat hy A. Webb-­ Vice-Pre;ident William F. Young

Und ergrad uat e Student s

Jam es D . Ba les George Bonnette Michael J. Fonteno t Patt y C. Gra ves Connie H eusel Waiter V. Kendrick Paul Lensing Julia May Jan N ic ho ls.--H istarian Ali ce Pipes Th o ma s E. Spencer Douglas C. Stad te r upon the study of the writing of histo­ ry. Any student of history may beco me a member by mainlain ­ ing a high standard of work in hi s studi es.

ni zation for

D~;:::'~~~~\ ingrabuild­ duate



F'flil row, left to right : David Emb ry-Pres ide nt . Den niS Dean--V,ce-Pre:..den\ , frank Fau<;t - Secre lary - Trea~u re r , Jeff Bean- Pledge Ma ster, Donald Ma rshal~Fa c u!ty Adv\~or , Jerry Bradley-Faculty Member. Seco nd row , Joh n Robert s, To mmy M c Damel , William Coope r. Mike Wi lson, Third l O W ' Anlony Garnada, Alle n Ray. St e've Hallm an. Not shown: Robe rt Burke tt, R,ad Che hab, Jim Hunt , Albert Hughes, Tommy LeB lanc, Greg May, Th oma s Poon, Dr. John E. 6all, Be njamin F. Bateman, F£"lix R. Ga rre tt , Thomas 0 , Mc Donald , Thurman L POlIS, Lamar E. Roge rs.

Bard Barefield Geraldine Brown Deborah Christman Donna Douglas Larry Dunigan Barbara Staff Ed wa rds Jackie Gra y Lynn Guidry Joel Guyer Janice Harrington Elaine Hawthorn Ma ry Alice Holliday Barbara J. Jackson Patricia Jones James McCan Bruce McCormick James E. Morrison

Wilton Nolan Willie Phillips Tru di Portie Cha rl es Reigel Deborah Tarver Steve Tolson Shirley Wilson Dr. Charles T. Dunn Psi Chi is a nati in psyc hology a Northeast in th e primary

honor soc iety charte red at 1969. The is the ad足 of psy足 dJlla11iiti1iI~! n also seeks



to ~~us~'~~~;~rd~ nd main足 tain1e~,the members in all academic i parti cularly in psychology.

Dr. Wayne Gi lbert Dr. Maury M. Haraway Dr. Louis E. McGuire Dr. Ernest Maples足 Faculty Advisor Dr. Osca r Wa lley

Roc;ema ry M cLemore

l. Adam s, Ph D .­

Frank Morga n Ir., PhD . Karen N Ix-Prec;idenl

Ashley-Se c retary Richard Norris Suzza nn e Och s

Sigma Tau


Mona A. Ol,ve r P. Bird song Margaret M . Park er BlackwellLarry Pettielte Blanks

lame s B. PO lt s Ir., PhD . Gary Ri chardson Th erese Rob ert s Sue Seab

Sigma Tau Delta i ~ an ho no rary English fral ernit y for men and women . I IS purpoc; e i~ 10 co nfer distin c tion fo r high achievemen t in Engli sh language and lileral ure, to provide cu ltural stimulalion o n co llege campu S~.l hr o u gh ,Is local c hapterl' to {offii h-c~muni!y inte u:si' -wl th,ii: Eingli~ 'depart­ me ts .{6 r o<1g;~iOt-a l (,,~~e rs, 'p.o,el ./. 'up o/1 ' )- ~...,'" r>e<'\" Igh 10

ci ') I!<,h i!)

~~( n~s,tJi~;~r> ~'14 10

e,,~!tP~~ r ei

Wanda Sharpin Dankenbring

Randy Shee han Edy Speights Roger SteWa rt Elaine M. Stotko l o hn Strom Cynthia Van Landingham Cathy M. Walk er Melanie Walla ce Sue Warn ock ludy Webb lanet William s

A. Mclem o re, PhD .

Ii !t~ CII . al wr lt i g. J.,<, - ) , I ~ \UI,!io ).6~ erS?l/l ex­ t eni'l\\i, "~ ,Egg-J:is ::Y.'aj , s o r minor haoJ in~ rl{'d~ \ ,....­a j,$- grade • _, __ po,nt ave ra ~ !},- l~).ve hours of Engli sh or a J. 5 in eighleen o r m o re hours of Engli sh, and an overall 3.0 grad e POIOI av erage. Graduat e sludents must meet undergrad uate requireme nt s and maintain an overall 3.5 grade po i n! ave rage.

Phi Ta u Ga m ma is a fo reign o rga nizati o n w hose p ur pose it is to

Phi Tau Gamma

Fir st row, lell 10 right: Susan Hl:!mpe rly足 Publi C Relallons, Joe l Nugenl-Presldenl, Kalhy M cCleery- Secre lary. Second row: Mike Riley- Treasu rer. Ca ll o!> Sa mo7.. a-足 Vice-Presid ent .

FIr!> 1 row. left 10 flghl: loel Nugenl, Kathy M cCl eery. Mike Ril ey. Susan Hempe rl y, Carl os Samoza. Second row : Patricia Ril ey, Mary Holt , M arcia Kinkade, Crela Woods, She rri SLevenson, Nancy Root, Theresa Pohlson, Kenneth Quave. N ot shown ' V icki e Henne s, Chery l Lan ce, Denn iS Poo le.

Ih e p racl ice of fo reign languages fami l ia r iz e memb e rs w i l h Ih e c lileralure, and an of I he coun lr ies fro m th e languages sludied origina led fri end ship and und erslanding belw" en counlries and Ih e Uni led Stales. M,'mbe l sh~ ope n to th ose studenls enrolled in a language or w ho have co mpleted one of a university foreign language wilh al 2.0 ave rage and have an ove rall average least 2.0.

Sigma Alpha Chi

First row, le ft 10 right : Sally Harper, Dr. E. J. J. Kramar-Fa culty Adv iso r, Anne tt e Despot. Beverly ,"l oses, Vilginia Evans, A ll en Breland, Judy Harvey足 Trea surer. Seco nd row: D ebbie Earl---SecreLary, Vi c kie N ewm an- Vi ce-Pr es lde nl. Debbie Harper, Diane Mu se, Jayne Fr eeland, Karen Collins. Karen Clack- Pres id ent. Third row : Ruth Shumway, Debbi e Sal sbu ry, BeLh Crafl . D ebbie Huffman, Marcld. H eard- Hi st o rian , Jami e Jo hnsto n, Karen Dickson. Margaret Go ul et[, Karen Wible.

Fir',! row' I{, chard Woodard Second ro"" , leh 10 ught Bdl Rambin. A IMl Paul lee, Dr George C. Boan-Advlsor, OireUor . KU l h Clon ml{c f Thud ro w Pdl W Hdmmo nch. lame!> Clary, lu he C reen. f o urth l OW: Sue Moore, Susan F,flh ruw Mlchal'l H() l ey f\{:' l<j- ~ld~:<" Mana~t: r ~ I x lh row ' Sibl ey Sm,th, Carole L<lwre n ce-- Bu S lOe~s Manager (Secrt'iaf'!1 ., h m'l;ll' li'l! GdY- Pl o mpl "",. I.)onak! Govan!o:'-Bu:> .n c"., MaNge r (Trea ~ ur p r) .

Alpha Psi Omega

I I路'

.\'I'h.. ,'" ,."" .\(...

Alpha Psi Omega i s a nali onal ary drama fraternity , O rganized in 1 Alpha Psi Omega seeks 10 encou parti cipal ion in and promotion of

malic produ c tions. Membership invitation to interested dra ma slulden"

honorThe reward among the

stu­ and nee of i s open to ting with a B


Alpha Epsilon Rho

left (0 right: Marla Co ulLer-Chaplain, Larry M o reh ead, De nni s Martin ez, Mi chael Savoy-Pr es ident, Frank Chl OC hli, Jr" Clara Joe Sa n o r, To mmy Carler. Se co nd row ; Gen e SaVO ie, Claude Younger, Bdl Covingt on, Jr., Jac ki e Ri c hard- Sec re· Tu cker, Doro thy Fin ebe rg-Treas urer. Third row: Dr. v , Jac k!>o n Smith-Fa c ult y Adv ISor, Jerom e Adams-Student Tri­ I

Represe ntative.

Kappa Kappa Psi is a national honorary fraternit y. I ts purpose is to promot e the



Psi Right: left to righ!: Mark Walker-Trea s足 u rer, Gar y San on- President. Alan Moore--Historian, lew is Smil ~Sec r e足 tary , D onnie Gee-Vice-President. Bel ow : First row, leh La right: Faculty ho noraries----Or. Eug ene Steinquest. Stanley Finck, D r. Ri cha rd Worthington, Cindy Day-Sweetheart, Jack White, Gertrude Sandrock, l owry Riggins, Dr. Roger Jones, Jerry Vance, Paul Everett. Second row: Ken Bryan, Melvin Yorks, Ga.ry Barton, Sieve Hender son, Mark Wa.lker, Mike l owe, Mike Hahn, David Beach, lewis Smith, l oren lblings, Don足 nie Gee. Third row: Hunt Neely. Oill Clark, Rex McCarger, Mike Radcliff, leon ard Croc ker, Steve Terracina, Alan lee, Alan Moore, Paul Stillings. Maurice Kelly. NOt shown: D ick Powell, Joel Childress .

tence and we lfare of t he Unive rsity band cu ltivat e a whol esome respect for its and ach ievemen ts. Membership is by i n v ital~ to male band membe rs. Kappa Kappa Psi helps to promote student in terest in the and to develop a better understanding the student s and fac ul ty.

Above : First row, le fl to rtghl · lac k White-Advisor. Ca lh y All en, Peggy Fu ssell, Tricia Gn mes, DebbIe Rem ont , Ci nd y Day, Sianley Finck Second r ow· Ka ren Kelly, Debbie Hi nkle, Martha VonD lezel5kl , Su san lucky, Pam Hicks, MarCia Marli n, M rs. lack While, Dona Baker, Kathy Fr o51. Marla. Co ult er, Fl orence Boot h, Judy Ca m. left: Debbi e Kemonl-Trea. 5urel . Peggy Fu sseU--Sec­ retal Y, Tricia. C nmes--Presiden(, Cmdy Day-- H lsl onan , Kalhy AlIe n- VlC e­ Pre sident.

Tau Beta

Sigma Tau Beta Sigma i,s ,,~ national honorary

"and sorority for .u t\j.~ef~ity bandswomen , The sorority w <i~1-oT~ani ~d o n a national !evelm 1946 to'{!, t\le eXistence and welfa re of the I I'lwe.~ ity band and to cultivate a wh 6 lesotUe '.respect for it s ac­ livilies and ac hi'~~e me,"t ~, II also strives to slimulat e i nt ere sf " o'f Ih e co mmunit y lowards the University band,


fir st row , left (0 fight: Stanley Finck-Facu lt y Advisor, Dr. Eugene Ste.nque sl. G. l owry Riggins, Dr. Ri c ha rd Won hinglon, lack W hile,

son-Sw eethea rt, Dav id Gibs o n, Df. Jo hn Cale, Dr. Wi l(ord Smi th, la y Bocoo k, Ernie Thigpln. Second row : MaUrice Kell y, Gordon

Le Boeu f, Willie Westbrooks, Steve Branc h-Vice-Preside nt, M ih o n Bell-Treasurer, Randall Parker-Secretary, Carl Durden, Danny

fe ll C ro wd e r-Pres ide nt Th ird row : Warre n Dew ey, DaVId Ca rroll, DaVi d Crocke l!, Gar y Miers, l ar ry l ee, Cully Brea rd , David lee, Don

No t shown : G . G. Gauthrea ux, Alan

lee, Buddy M oo re, Jim Roge rs.

Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia

rnity ctereate,


tere SI in

~~~t~~~t~~~s. ~

and r clion hapter' D ecember.

Ita Omicron


Delta r com足

muni cat~'~~!m:~~7 ellow music stu service t

ca reer.

fO....., left 10 right Sue Mo ore, Sheila Manlfl----Chaplain-Warden, Deb orah Eager-Dlreclor of l\.1usical Ac足 Rut h Clomnger. Second row. Cheryl Hales-Treasurer, Karen Brun son, lanel Boyd-SeCietary-Hislorlan, Third row ' Mr s. Elo ise 5Ianhope--Adv l!lor, Raina Hates---Dire< t o r of Publi city, A nne Burns-Second . P,,,,,lonl, leHe ria Keys--F irst Vice-President. Melody Winn-PreMdenl. Not shown: Julie Green, Jamce

Scabbard and Blade J









Flrsi row , letllo nghl: Pledges; Ca rl Faulkenberry, Chuck Brew ste r, Bill Pete rso n, Jam es Wingfield, Van Leigh . Seco nd row: Members; Bennie Barnhill, Bo b Barnett . Larry Mcintosh, Mike l aughlin, Robert Hendricks, D ean Tho mpson. Ben me Lo lli e. Thi rd row : Officers; C PT , O. A. Thomasson-Advisor. Cdt.lCPT Steve Beeson-Comma nde r, Cd t.i2 Lt. Anthony Br o ussa rd-Treas urer, e d L!'1 5g!. Earl Johnson-Secretary. Cdt./l Lt. Danny Cambre-E)(ecu路 li ve Officer. Not show n Keilh Baker, Sieve Gray, Ro bert H amm . Prenti ss H endricks, Br enda Hull O, Annie Jo hn son , Mike Manning, Frank M cCloy, Way n e Sykes.


. Subb,u d and 81ade

right: Melba Martir.--Vi ce- Presldent, Brenda Hutl o, Linda Pucketl-Pres ident, Marion Byrd , Mes . Ingri d Clark-Advisor, Allen-SeC reta ry-Treasurer. NOI shown: Annie Johnson, D eanne Malloc k.


The Brigadear Cadettes were organized in 1972 to promote spirit and morale of the cadets .t NlU . These young ladies ass ume hostess responsibi lities at the social functions of the Reserve Officers Training Corps and al so serve

in various ot her communit y project s. To become a member, a girl mu st be enrolled at NlU and mainta in at least a 2.0 average. She does not have to be enrol led in the ROTC pro-




American Society of Agrono NLU Chapt

Kn ee ling, left 10 nght : (v en Rob in so n, David Mann. Se con d row : Pet er O'N eal, Samuel Pace, Dr.lasper G. Hammons-) Pal Riley. Third row : Timothy Talbot. Fourth row Purse r Srmmons---SecreLary路Treasurer . Fiflh rO\N : Billy Neilsef)-Vic dent. Douglas Moore, Phillip Murray. Sixth row Charles O rligo-Preside nL, Fay Sanders .

me Economics Association

Linda Gord-Sp o nsor, Georgie Erwin---Presldenl. Meli ssa Taylor- Treasurer, Mary e hlcol a-VlCe Pres ident, Ginger Roach-足 , Kristy Cole-Parhamentarla n, Sh irley Bethea--Report er. Rene Jackson-Sponsor . Second row: Sha ron Va n Buren, Pa lll Dav is, Ka足 Nan Palmer. Third (Ow : Juanita Whllrna n, Sandra Moll. Ka th ie Benne tt Fourth (OW Sharon W hrlling ton, A nn Henderson. fi/lh I>II"y Ilon,.5, Edith Pardue, Lo rraine Crain. Si xth f OW : Jani s Ragan, Connie Walke r, Ca ssa nd ra Augus t Joyce Bowers.




' ''5

Alpha Eta Rho

' ""

Top: Frrs( row: George M c Pherson, Lenny Sheurer, Andy Pel erson, Geo rge Hall, Ed Buckley, Brian Braud.

Janice James, Paul Gudilis, Doug Bales, CoL D. S. Hartley. Second row: Mark Fiori, Ted Shell, Wayne

Pete Idell, Cindy Hunt. David Moffel, Neal Mendoza, Greg H offpaui r, Dana Decker, Vernon Knowles.

Math erne, Lynn Campbell, Laura Hargrove, Ron DeRoch e, Terry Owers. Christ Thompson, Scott Ellen.

Bottom : Cindy Hunt, Bob Mathern, George Hall, Paul GUdllis, 8ill Maham, Jan Jo hnson, Dana Decker, Thompson a re looking at awards won by the group.

Flying Tomahawks

. George Hall, Ian Johnson, Cindy Hunt. Greg Hoffpaui r, Bob Matherne. Kneeling : Paul GUdlll~, Ted She ll, Bdl Mahan.

lenny Scheurer, Dana Decker.

ei l Mendoza, Chris

Association of General Contractors

Top, Jel l 10 fight: Mike ColvlO--Vice Pre!>ide nt, An lh ony Granala--Sergean l-AI-Arms, Mike W.ls on--Secretary, Sleve n Ha llm an--President,

Treasurer. Bo«om : Top row: DaVid Embry, Jo hn CUller, Van Leigh Jr., Steve Hallman , Ri c hard V room. Second row: John Roberts, I

Thomas McDanie l, Jane Rymer, Mike Wi lson, Mark Caste llana, Mike Colvin, Mi c ha e l Embry, Gle nn Bordelon, Donnie Burley, Ken Roan. "O,lto,••,

Or . Joh n E. Ball, Tommy Arnold , Athony Granata, Ed Wirt, Frank Morris, Dennis Dean, Frank Faus t, Bubby Chris, Deborah Savage, Bill Cocreham,

Ross, Curtis loftin, Steve Moore, Benay Baker, John Heard, Tommy LeBlanc , Jerry Ti chner, Ro nald Babb, Joe BrocaLo.



A !~ n .

of General


! 10 fighc) : John Wa llace, Clark Colvin, Charl ie Makar, John Ni ch olso n,

Sca nding Dr. James Wilkins, Phillip Right se ll , O li v ia Pau l, To ny A r足 Wa ll er, Tom Sheridan, Sherri Humphri es, Bruce M cGehee, Larry Dale, Pri tchard, Joe Worley, Ch ri s Shu f fl in

Sigma Epsilon

American Society for Perso Administrati

FrOM rOw: Randy Kem p--Presld enl, Elain e Miller-Vice Pre sldenL , Rita Lewi5--Secrelary, Nickolas Morgan-Treasurer. Ba ck row. Wilham Mundy, Annie Purvis, Jam es McBelh--Advisor, lorraine Wlnslon, Kathy Hayden , Cyn l hia Buck.


The purpos e of Ihe Am erican Sociely sonnel Adminislration includes helping to understand personnel requirements, to resumes, 10 provide scholarships, and 10 busines smen-sludent rap sessions.



• row; Kirk Touc hsl one, Malco lm Cheek, VIC Si ewa n , George Jo h n!:.. Second row: Jerry Williams, Randa ll Cooper. Dr. James l.

Thlld ro w . Wesley Bohon, Randy Helga son, D onavan Dav Is. Fourfh row : James Mixon, Lawrence Sm ll h. Fdth rON :

Gerald Fos ter. NICho las Morgan.





'onal Collegiate Assn. for Secretaries

left to fight" Paula l and rum-Recording Secretary, Cindy Prall-PubliCIty C hairman, Paula Rye-----足 I Oliv ia Pa ul---Vlce-P res idenl, Ca rolyn Sm ilh-C o rres pondlng Secre1ary. Second row. Candy [arl, Kay Kline. D ebbie Funderbu rk . Rita Spatafora, Pal He nr y, Pam He nry, Sharr o n DavI s, Susan Jone" Na nCY Cox, Phylli s MalieU.

"~t 'l

Collfl.lle Ann. for

~(. .


The Americ Chemical Soc' Th e Am e ri c an Chemical Society Affili ate is an o rganization of c he mi stry edu cat ion maiors at N purpo se and o bjectives of the club is m o le th e stud y o f c he mistry, from a d ent teac her relation ship, and ,--''' - -~ m embers with the opportunities in


Fro nt ro w : Bert Land, Fl oren ce Booth---Secretary-Treasurer, Carolyn Duvall, Danny Kyle-Vice Pres ident. Second row : Colleen Bea sley, Dirnity Fred Ru shing. Third ro w : Dan Robinson, Sam Greer, Th omas Germany-President, Francis Touchet, Rex Davy, Dr. Ed Overt on.

Jo Ann Hebert Phylll\ Hebert Ronn y He fner Tamara Hic kman Ro bert Hodge Ma nl Y Ingram Jun Jay nes Glynn Jones KevIn JudICe Debb ie Kalil Chns Kabt o ne Allen Kemp Pat ri Cia Kieffer ,'yhchael Kullman Oarlene Lam bert Cheryl Larneu Sand ra Larry Keith LeBlanc Jov LeDoux St~phen Leung Pam Lockald Claude l ock hart leah Lomba rd lucille McCa sland Frank McCoy Garry McCrory Richard McCull o ugh Th omas McDo nald Wilt lam McEac hern Dav id Mcinhre Kathy Macln l osh Ma rk Middlebr ooks Gladys Miller f red Mills Melissa M ontgomery Cheryl Morehead l ohn Neal Leonard Ney land Julie OliVier Shelley Opferkuc h Charles Piazza John PIazza Penn y Pi ckermg Karen Quuk Alber( Rals Er nesl Rh odes Roland Robichaux Ronald Robinson lynn Rodgers

Steven Rumsey David Ru sso Kenneth Sandifer Ca rlee n Simon Thomas Skeeles Nancy Smith Steve Smith Slephen $ml(h Jo Ann Slephens Da vid Stove r RIChard Sullivan Pa ul Taylor Karen Trahan r-.. orri S Turea u Dana Tweedy George Va rin o Made line Veneziani H oward Vincent Grego ry Vlnz DWight Wa ll ace Dona ld Warriner Charles Wascom ,v lichele Wa sylczak ~ar(y Welch Cliflon While Michael Wi lk erson Cy nth ia W il son Sleven Yell o tl Dani el Wai-Jean Yeung Denise Yo ung Elizabeth Yo ung

The Student American Phar­ mac euli cal A ssoc iation is the repre­ se ntative bod y at pharmacy majors, with membership open to all pre­ pharmacy and pharmacy stude nts. Th e memb ers are invo lved in service proj ec ts for the community and for fellow pharmacy students and have monthly meetings with interesting and informati ve speak e rs . The organization i s al so invol ve d in the edu ca t io nal and legislative aspects of pharmacy, helping to shape the pro­ fessio n of pharmacy for the future.

s. A. P. A.

lee lambert-Reco rding Sec retary, Gladys Miller-Treasurer, Sleve Brunson-President, Rena

~Cm·"'i pc'n cl;ng Secretary, Frank McCloy-Hi storian , Karen Trahan-Vice Pres ident , Willie Clavler­ Sludent s Representative. 5. A. P A.. . ISS

Society of Physics


Seated" Sharo n While-Sec relary, Randall DavIs-President. Standing: Te Chu an Shih , Slephen Woo, Frand se n, C ha des FrOSl, Boyce Humphries-Treasurer, Dr. De nni s Sleve nson- SPS AdvI sor .

Geological Society

Fro nt row: Left Lo right: Mic hael Nault, M ik e Riley, Ga ry SlnngeL Second

Kavanaugh, Ro bert Rhone, Don She ppard, Wiley Reaga n, Bruce Farmer. 156 .

. Soc.etv of

P tW~ lu,rGeol~ l c~ 1 5ociely

M ike Earl, Pete Harriso n, Ro ber! Young, Jimm y Kimball, Johnn y Hall, Richard Dave Carson, Skip Breard. Fo urth row: DWc1 m Yo ung. Tho mas Ta lley, March U "'rr;~


~A ~



U o ~ ............

I ....... .... r _ ...

A..J • •. ~_


r"\ __ _ . •

r. ___

r. __ C" _ &..l._

dlife Club purpose of the NLU Wildlife Club is to unit e those st u­ concerned with the protection, conservation and wise nt of wildlife resources and the environment, lo

about a st ronge r interest in the wildlife of Northeast Lo ui­ ,and to increase awareness and appreciation of wildlife

club st riv es to reach these goals by participating in Na­ Wildlife Week, giving presentations to schools on sub­ such as endange red species and wildlife habitat, as well as projects to increase the public's awareness of such sub­

,left 10 right Robert Gaugh, Second row: Lynn Laws---Treasurer, Amy Benderirn-Secretary, Ricky William s, Third row: Frankie Caire-Public Relalions Chairman, Jackie Strong Glenda Carlton, Andrew Scurria-Presidenl, DaVid Simons-Vi ce Pres l­ Pias, Fourth (ow: Dr. Herbert Walla ce, Tim Vola, Matthew COUrlman , DaVid Moreland, Bdl Wells, John Harri s, l eon Ta ylor, McCartney, Gary Bind erirn, Dr. David Kee-AdvL50r.

W, ldllfe Club





• •

Fifst fow:D o netta Sullivan, Caro l And rew s, Deb ra Thompson, Vicki Herme!">. Second King.. Debra Forwood , Donna Kerry, Ali ce Lewis. Third row: Nigel Hall, Edna Day, Nic ky Schaefer, Fourtn roW" Pam Torbet, Kathy Fros t, Debra Newkirk..

158 .


Chlpl~' oj


D~llIal Hygi~mM j,


nior Chapter of the erican Dental Hygienists Assn.


.... I




. Kathy lolley, jana Hall, Karen Smelley, Diana Herring, laverne lay, Second row: Peggy O'Neal, Terri Akin, Allison Ruby Tucker. Third row. Anita Klle, Valerie Thompson, Alicia Sawyer. Fourth row.

Trudy Sanson, Bronwen

Debbie langley, Barbara Pfanner.

Jr. Ch<aoter of AmerlCiln Dentol l

HY8ie nl~ ls



Sea (ed: Bottom row, lefl to right: Cl int on Ca in . Deborah Holyfi eld, Sa ndy Bag ley. Pat M iller. Em my Burford, Ca rl Cheramie-Preslder Miller, Vicki PIazza; Sec onci lOW: Eddy Sim s, l ou A nn Cooper, Mary ,'v1arl ln, Mary' Row den-Co nsultant, Norma Gales-Consultant , rison. Kathy Rober ts, l avern e Se mm e~, D iane Belgard, Conn ie RosenzweIg; Third roW" Lin da Holyfield , Joe Hamri ck, Debo rah Chase. Barbara Hum phrey, A rt lt~ Kern. Ro bin C ia rk; Fourth TOW Fra nk H oward, I nez A nd erson.




Fro nl row lefe 10 rig hI' M s. No rma Ga leS-AdVisor, M s. Mary Rowderr--Advi sor, I

fo rd-1st Vic e路Pres id ent, D eni se Miller-F reshman Representa tive, Pa l Miller-C, 109 Sec retary; Second (ow: Sandy Bag ley--T reasurer, Vicki Pi azza-Recording Seer to n Ca irr--H isto rian, Debbie Ho lyfield-2n d V ice-Presiden t, Ca rl Cheram ie-Pres


. Sludenl

Nu r ~~ A~~ 11

Student Correctional Association row, left co right: Bill Klt c hens--A dvlso r, Walteree Ba rn e~, Jeff U ndelWooci, Second roW' WIllie ,,,.._P,",,,Jent, Kathy Lee, Kerry BOS lw lck, Ma rk Copage Third row Ma ry Rod rigu ez, Sharon 1 Dixon. Fo urlh ro w: Lissa Langdon- Treasur er, Tracye Fletcher, Te rri D ennard . Fifth W oods, Ja n Swa nso n, La QUl ta Smith. Sixth row: John Turner, Carolyn LeWIS, Sherri Ben足 roW' Glyn n Ware--I nslru ctor. H ope Mee ks, Rodney Cruse. Not s ho wn . Sad ye Bernh elm足 I, ChriS Rodrigu ez-Secretary, C harles Flowe rs--Parliarnenta ria n.

NlU Student Correc ti o na l A ssoci ation

forma ll y organized durin g the Fall

1 97 4 . Th e purp oses of the

I are to promote an awareness of

respect for co rrections as a fie ld o f ser足

IO promote and par ticipate in ser vice

within th e c o mmunity, to keep

of co rrec ti o nal o ppo rtunities, and to

a c loser relati ons hip between the

ts and the University.

'iludt'nI C o rrf!Cl .o.u1 As~n .


Student Social Work


The Student Social Work is composed of social work, tions , and sociology majors. The

participates in area service M,ior.d provide s members with pertaining 10 their chosen prclfes~.iI

FifSf lOW, le'l to righr: Mavis Price-Corre spond ing Sec rela ry, Gloria King-Recording Secretary, Janet EllioLt-President, Kay Vice President, Mary Williams--Treasurer. Seco nd (Ow: Yolanda Johnson, Dominique Hall, Sammie Watkins-Parliamentarian, ball, Suzy Chaffin , Kenny Honeyc utl. Th ird lOW : Eddie Jenkins, Ootlie Jones, leonarda Cascio, joyce Bowers .

Oc cupational Therapy Assn. leff 10 right: Anita Bli sr-Tr easurer, Patricia Brunson-Sec retary, Cynthia M cCom lc-Vice-Presi足 Stein-Presid ent. Second l O W: Marie Rub ben, M elba Clay, J ul ia Jean , Brad Br earden, Allan

i Handley-Faculty Advisor. Third row. Sharon Beas ley, Theresa Gregorio, Dianne Hicks,


Occupational Therapy Associ足 of Northeast Louisiana University organized to de velop an apprecia足 understanding of the ideas and ~ecti v'" of oc c upational therapy. omi,pr';hip is open to any stude nt is enrolled in the cou rse of study to a degree in o c cupat ional

OCcu~I'o ....1 TI\e'lpy

An n


Above-f lrsl row, left 10 rIght: Mike WI lson, Georg e PruiH, lucy Sha ckleford-AdvIsor, John I,Vall, Kellh Murphy. Second row: PalSy Ira C rump, Ch(l s Soignie{, Boyd Co le. W il son Ca mpbe ll . Th/(d {Ow: Martha Phill ey, PaL H oll iman, Sue Desadier. Carolyn Th,omosonJ Hernandez, Marion Lawrence, Conni e Zeagler. Fovfl h row: Camille Hardy, Teresa M erce r, Jan Berry, Kaye Kyzar, G ina Coburn, Susan Crowe. Belo~ Fi'$t row, left [0 nght. Elaine Hernandez-Tr eas urer, Pal H olliman-President. Second rOw : Sue Secretary, Mike Cob ur~Vic.e揃Pfesident.

The Physica l Education Majors' 足 Minors' Club was organized to provide

an opportunity for pro fess ional growth

and development and to support ac足 tively all moveme nts d irected towa rd

an improvement and elevation of the

profession . Membership is open to stu足 dents majoring or minoring in physical

education .


lb4 . . P("""M Club

Women's Recreation Association The purpose of the Women's Recrea足 tion Association is to encourage participa足

tion in a wide va riet y of activities, thereb y contributing to total fitne ss and enjoyable use of lei sure time. Membership is o pen to all wo me n student s. Competition is pro足 vided in vo lleyba ll, basketball , softball , badminton , tabl e tenn is, tennis, archery, bowling, and ho rses hoes.

Barbara Allen, Pal Holliman, Kaye Kyzar, Cami ll e Hardy, Jan

W_R " ... 11

Bayou Raid

Kn eelmg. lell 10 light: Be nnie llar n hIU-VlCe-P,eside nt, SIeve Gray-Preside nt Sianding: Ga bri el Buggs, Mal. Jac k Tarr, Mike Trimble, Bob Bamen, Kle ln s, "m Shurley. irving Walker, New lon Poncehouse, Randy Barago na, A nlhony Broussard . NOI shown: Robe n Hendricks-Treasurer.

The function of the Bayou Raiders is to cadet s in developing an understanding preciation of unconventional and guerilla and ranger type training. Doing this aids ber in becoming proficient in the leelhnitll scouting, patrolling, ri ver na vigation, first v iva I, mountaineering, and orienteering. ti v ities develop physical fitness, sellf-".Iialnd leadership ability. The ultimate goal of Raiders is to prepare the cadets for duty as ficers and as productive citizens.

NLU Rifle Team Jefl/ollght John Coleman-Team Capfain, linda SUlterfi eld , Wayne Sykes. Back row: Suzanne Thomas E. Avera-Coach, Alan Dwyer.

Brous ~ ard ,

U Fusileer Drill Team

Left to right Mike laughlin, Newlon Princehouse. Anthony Broussard. Earllohrl5on. Sieve Beeson, Bob Barnell.

!t rfle re.. mlfu11~r 01111 Tum

Black Cauci Associatic

M en, lei/to fight Ben Clark, Napo leon Gipson, James Hall, Claude LeDuff, Frank Miller, Lawrence Chamberl ain , Err ol Ro bi nso n, Mike M an ning, lam路 be rt Moore, Jesse All e n, Leroy lo hnson, Walter Kendrick. Women: Debra Smith , Kasandra DOI11lnlqu e, Sue Te nne ssee, Ma ry W ard, Carri e Dunn. Regina Carm e n, Cy nthia Riggs, Mary Gallien, N adine Walker, Mary Dixon, Lorraine Winston , Alice Ro binson, G le ndora Pa rke r, Bre nd a Fe nce roy, Shelly Stewart, Audre nla Has ton, Kalh y Williams, Pauline Thaxton, Sandra Swains.

1&8 . .. 81,lck

C a uc u ~

!DUlrDo!;e of the Chin ese Students is to provide o pp o rtunities

students to get together with N ort heas t stud e nts, members, and all co mmunity The o r ga nizati o n also the mutual flow of Eas tern

Chinese Students Association

. Cha rles Kung, Tin g路Wa i l eung-Treasurer, Edwa rd Cheung-Presidenl , Rebe cca Koo--Vice PresidenL, James Ho-Secrelary, Chi颅 ....-I.':I;v;I' Director. Second row: Se Hing la m, Yeun路Sang Cheun& SIeve Ho, Darcy W ong, Tyrone Cheung, Daniel Yeung. Third row: Daniel UN,n","" <;I,;"',~' hiu, Cecilia Yu, Aileen Chan, Dani el Mui. Fo urth {o w: Jackie Ng.



Top co borcom: Frank Touchet- President, W endell Sew e ll, Bernadin e Farmer, Caroline Bozeman, mlns, Mi cha el Hi cks, Edna Day, Marla Morris-Vic e Pres id ent, Lee Ann Yarbrough, Rhonda I Lisa Beav er, Kay Alford, Deborah Guynes, Deborah Knowl es, Teresa Witcher-Secretary, Cathy shown : Jan Berry, Will Cyphers, Mike Mayo, Bobby Nossa man, Danny Robinson, Peggy Poole, Hild a Ga uthier.

110 .

DOlm Coun< o\

The T. O . Brown Chapler o f the Student Loui­ siana Tea chers' Assn. was in stalled in 1952 to give professional training and experience to persons studying to become teachers. Membership is open to students enrol led in a teacher education cu r­ riculum.


Ste ... e Terracin~Treasurer, Lynn Saker- President , Ramona Leon- Historian. Second McDanicls--Corresponding Secretary, Martha Pillman-Recording Secretary, Sally 1Ob<"s--P,,,';.• men,,.d.n. Olivia Pau~Reporter. S. l . T. A. . . . 171

Karate Club Flfsr lOW: Dr. MarLha Hargadine--Adviso r, Mark Ha rgadine, Jan Haygood. Mike den!. Second row : R.oxanne Pea( so ~Vice Pre side nl, Barry Wood-Secretary, Jim Hill.




First rOW: Cindy Nelson, Alvin Lui, Trudi Wiggins. Second fOW; Mildred le Nell, Connie Heusel, Be'''''I''~1 172 .. '(lrlle Club/Mode,,, Daner Club

udent Art Guild

row: Marityn M o r(el ~ Se c relary, Dorothy Feinberg-Vi ce Pr es idem , Dianna Dayton-President, Dorcas M o ses足 ,Mike Nebel. Sec o nd row : Albion Hebert, Clayona Wallers. Third row : lynn Fant, Ruth Buckley, Wanda Churc h. row: Mary Boles, Cindy N elson, Hugh Glasgow. fr'fth row: David Bailey.

St udell t Afl GUIld


Compass Club

The Com pass Club is a won se rvi ce o rganizat ion affiliated th e Pilot Club and is conCE with promoting safety and a in commu ni ly services ,

Seated, Jeff to righe.' Kathy Oost a-Second Vice President , Jackie i President, An nett e H o rt o ~First Vice President. Scanding: Giselle Ga uthier, Becki Fletcher, Sharon Hancock, Patti Richard. DiiN. Carol Busby, Pam l anham, Kim Wascom .

1''' .

CompU1 Club

esley ndation Wesley Foundation is an organiza ti on dedi 足 to pro mo ting Christianit y o n campu s. Thi s is through wor ship, stud y, service, fellow ship, i and perso nnel, all o n a co ntemporary basis. Wesley Fo undatio n is located beside Strauss Building. Membership is open to th e en 足 comm unity.

Weiley foutldilhOn .. 175



Front row: Sha ro n Beasl ey-Secre tary, Gerri Causey-Correspondl ng Secrelary, Bec ky Fogger-Executive O\al nie Bea sley-Soc ial Chairman , Second ro W" Bill Parker, Wende ll Sew ell, Marc ia Daniels, Colleen Be,"I,ey--Fiina", ~ man, James Oliver, Gary Yo ung.. limbo Carlton. Third row: Ken Deibel, Ca thy Geiger, Peggy D eibel, Gail Oliver, Allen, Mark Fogger.


ChI Alph.

aptist Student Union

Dawn Hallman, Rhonda Cook, Debbie Gu ynes, D orinda Brunson.

lyn n Ryals. Ric hard McCall. 5ec o nd

f OW :

Sle phen Jo nes , J. B.

,""'0 ",."c· Or. Sam Sanford-Dil €clor, Bill Bagwe/!.

Newman Center

row: Theresa Mile lello-Sec retary, Sa rah Co wden, Ram o na Leon , Mary Se mmes, Cmdy Clayt o n, Ke nny Ho neyc ull . SeCG D r. Vingl e ll o, Lo r e lli~ Hughe s, Pa ul Go od e, M ike G oe rtz, Mal)' Ann Pero-Vlce Preside nl , Pat King , Rita Johns, Chns Gre ~


BIYant. M arcella Fro!> t. Third row. Eugen e Smi th , Pat Kieffer-Pr esi den t, Bo b EaS ler, Phil Hea rne, Pam Spragg i ns, Phil Edmor

Knights of Columbl

Shu mw ay.





Le/t 10 fight: Randy Baragona-Sec reta .y, Eugene Smil ~ Depul y G rand Knight, CharfiE' Sampognaro , Philip Edmond-Warden, Ma rk MiddlebrooKs, Mike Goertz-Grand Knight, Ben Orl ando-Trea surer, Ricky Simmons , Dr. frank Vingi ello---Advisor. HS

Newm.. n

CenleriKnighl ~

01 Columbus

olic Daughters of America

Semmes, Eliline Hernandez, Cindy Clayton, Brenda Sognier. 5tanding: Melanie Johnson, Thersa Thomas . Rita lewis, Margaret Gourett,

Karen Collins, Ellen Miller, Pat Kieffer, Jack ie Rawls, Pam Spraggins, Mary Frances McCloy.

Cl thollC Oolughten ot Am",,, .. . 179

N. L. U. Twir

From (efl to right Cindy Boullion, C hr i~ l ine Be llow. Bett y Jo Thoma~ , N ancy Wel ch, Debbie Hinkle. lE'Qulla Welch, l ynn Anml,"nl~ 1!i

Umling, Julie Tullis, Becky 180

NlU l .... "lel )

Spea~ .

U. Flagettes


Flagettes perform at home football and basketball games. Membership is by tryouts, wh ich are held in the spring and fall.

N lU

f}~se rfe l

. . . 181

N. L. U. Cheerlea

Sealed: John Sullivan, Charles Smllh , Carl Cheramie, Jeff Ellard , Cliff Lackman , Standing: Connie Johnson- Head Cheerleader, Sherry Kenny, Kathy

John so n, Peco ra Barnes, Debra WHt.


. Chee fle..de '1

en Little Indians

Indians: Connie Head, Melissa Austin, M arilyn Pale, Johnette Mitchell, Sharon GUillory, Beth Stewart , Jerri Sue Joseph, Renee Finley, Debbie Robin Daniel.

The dance and drill team that performs at basketball games is known as the Ten Little Indians. They are under the direc tion of Mrs. Ann Teekell. Theresa Walters served as Captain and Maril yn Pate served as Co-captain. Other members not shown are Jud y Furlo w , Ali ce Michie, Lyn,n Newman, and Gail Simmons. Theresa Walters-.. . C~ p tain


l ill ie Ind l.. n~

. 1l


First row: Caplai~Bre nda Savage. Sec ond row: c.~~~.~;~;~:t~= Teresa Wall e rs, Bre nda laird . Third (Ow: Susie W illiams, PraU, Judy Farl ow , Paula Finl ey, M eli ssa Austi n, Caro lyn Smith, Founh row: Cind y Jose ph, De bbie Crew , Marilyn Pale,

Margaret f o nenberry, Alice Michie, Sca rlet lowe, Tonya Debbie lewi s, Karen Va n Buren, Pal Porter, Johneue Milch.•II, Ci'ldJ Michelle Vern o n, Jerri Sue Joseph, Evelyn Peters. Sixth row: thy Newman, l ynn N ewman, Linda Creighton, Colella Ke~.

Wanda Fant , Beth Hargi s, Dela ra Hudson. Seventh row: linda m o ns, Jenn y Spille rs, Patty Wilkins, Su zy Payne, laney Brown, ' Y, leslie Bates.


18" . .. W. fbo nneu

eric an Heritage Singers

lefr 10 rlg hl: Kenneth Evans, Kale Crowder, Ma rc i Dance, Ruby Jean Robe rtso n. Standmg: lan ic e Lilli e, James Moore, II Anita Stri ck.land, Dave Lin e r, Ricky [va ns, Bob by Harre ll, Sue Moo re, Thomas Ba lzretle, Bobby Powell, liz Clyde Ennis, Ann Coss, Ca rol Morris, Beth Ca nno n, Mary James.

erdenominational Ensemble First row, lelr

10 right: Ro nald Butl er- Vice President. Leroy Jo hnso n--Presid ent. Seco nd rOw: Joyce O live r, Mary Ward, Renee Turner-C haplain, Jerri Tay lo r, La rry Greene.

Ame.iun H eri tilge Singers/Interdenominational Ememble . . 185


Kn eeling: Clyde Enni s, David Lee, Jackie Haye. Siandlllg: Peco la Barnes. Charles Flynn , Dr. Ca rol Chrislopher, Janna Pam Srn ith, Odyn Bostl e man, DaVid Croc kell, james Clary, Laurl Burgess, Ruthie Houston, Mike Sullivan.

University Chora


~i ,

Fjrs l row, Ie'! 10 fig ht Ca thy Wilbanks. Laura Hudrnan, Re ne Blac kmon, Liz Cannon, Dena Millwee, N o bie Watkins, M elody Le nard, Carol Rh odes. Jan足

na Gifford, Cynthia Chalupnlk, Ann Goss, Judy Curingt on. Maria Tay lor, Pecola Barnes, Rhonda Mc Gough, Amy Crawford, Laura Terry, Susan Britton, Pam Smith, Anita St ric tland, Jan e l Hill, Julie Champagne, Debbie Holtzclaw, Margaret Fo rtenberry, La Rhonda Dixon, Carol Ja ckson, Mary Jam es, Evelyn Etzel, Ali ce Cariton , Ka y Griggs. Second fOW: Sta nl ey Moore, Ricky Evans, Kevin Bowman, Sibley Smith, Ro n za Edmonson, Thomas Balzreue, Joel Furr, Orlyn Bastleman, Kathleen Fleming, Bob Harrell, Jill Rodgers, Mark Franks, Andrea Franks, Don Debman . Lea Wa lls, John Sullivan, James lIeux, Joel Childress, Roger Geoghegan, Charles Flynn , Cl yde Ennis.


166 . .

~leclone~Un l vel~lly


Kn eelmg: Clyde Enni s, Dav id lee, Ja ckie Haye. Scandmg: Pecola Barnes. C harl e.s Flyn n, Or. C~ro l Ch ~ lsl opher, Pam Smith, Orlyn Bostleman, D avid Croc kett, lam es Clary, Lauri Bu rgess, Rut hl e Houston, M ike Sullivan.


University Char .' '.'



Firs! row, lefc 10 right Cat hy Wilbanks, laura Hudman, Rene Blackmon, liz Clnnon, Dena M i11wee. Nobie Watkins, Melody Lenard, Carol Rh od es, Jan足 na Gifford, Cynt hia Chalu pnik, Ann Goss, Judy Curington, Ma ria Taylor, Pecola Ba rnes, Rhonda McGo ugh, Am y Crawford, laura Terry, Susdn Britton, Pam Smith. Anita Slric tland, jdnet Hi11, Julie C hdmpagne, Debbie Holtzcla w, Mdrgdret Fortenbe rry, La Rhonda Dix on. Carol Jdckson, Mary Jdmes, Evelyn tll el, jo Al ice Carlt on, Kay Grig gs. Second fOW: Stanl ey Moore, Ricky Evan s. Kevin Bowman, Sibley Smith, Ronla Edmonson, Th o mas Balzretle, j oel furr, Orlyn Bost leman, Kathleen Fleming, Bob Harrell, Jill Rodgers. Mark Fra nks, Andrea Franks, Don Debman , Lea Walls, John Sullivan, James lieux, l oel Childress, Roger Geoghegan. Charles fl ynn, C lyde Enn is. 186

neoone",llJnlver~lly e nOl;!, '

ncert Choir

[0 right Kenneth Bryan, Melvin Yorks, Jackie Hayes, Kenneth Fletcher, Randa ll Parker, James Moore, Robert FI nch, David Ca rro ll ,

IIn 'MNn,. Gordon Roach, Dale Liner, Jeff Berteau, Roben Branch, Carl Taylor, Paul Lee, Carl Durden, Glen WarneL Women, lefe to

Julie Green, Gail Holloway, She li a Martin, Melis sa Percy, Ann Burns, Deborah Eager, Joyce Smith, Cheryl H ales,

Melody Winn, Lee J ames, Doris Pettis, Joyce McVay , Lauri Burgess, Charmai ne Price, Karen Brunson, Lana Wilson, Liz Peter.

Cloninger, Karen Fore, Annette Walley.

omen's Choral Group

left to righr: Dr. Carol Christopher, Janice Brown, Debbie Jenkins, lynda Jesse-Asst. Director, Debbie Waddles, Beth Murray,

Janet Boyd-Sec retary, Carolyn law rence, Marlene Smith, Carolyn Gibson, lu Ann Gibson, Debbie Butler. Second row:

Patsy Smilh, loretta Hughes, Marga ret Osborne, Mela nie Branch, Jan Scalia, linda Carter, Ruth Cloninger, Jackie Grant, Julie

~'re',ide'"t, Theresa Watson.

Concen Cholfl\No metl ChOfill Groyp .

Sound of Today


I udy Genovese lack ie Harvey Tricia Grime s

Marilyn M c Broom Pam Hi cks Dawn Knight Allissa Sears l oey Shivers Peggy Fu ssell OBOES Donnie Gee James H obbs Mi llie St rain

BASSOONS Capie O ' D o nn ell Hunt Nee ley

Bb CLA RINETS Martha Vo n Diezelski Nancy Howe ll Mike Radcliff Ka ren Ros coe

186 . . IIlnd

Bb CLARI N ETS Jack ie Alford Debbi e Smit h Clara Hardin Susan Lu cky Susa n H o ld er la ckie Jack so n Dona Bak er Kathy Frost CONTRA-ALTO C LARIN ET Brian Sivils BASS CLARI ET M aureen Therioc Ernie Thigpen ALTO SAXOP H ONES lay Bocook Kim Rob ertso n Robert Maynard I. T. Platt

TE NO R SAXOP HONES Theresa Ro b inson Bill Clark

BARITO NE SAXOPHONES Randall Parker TRUMPETS (CO RN ETS) Dick Wat son Lew is Smith Debbi e N emitz lohn Auletta Milton Bell Mike Hart Rick H owe ll Carey Agregaa rd Dick Powe ll Ed Davis Mark Walker

HORN S Danny Crowde r Samm y Fo nten o t Carl D urden Matt Massingal e Li z Shaw

TROMBONES Wesley Woodrow

TROMBONES lohn Smith Loren Iblings Glyn Blazier Ri chard I

Mike LeBoeuf Mike Aston David Moody TUBAS Gary Barton Alan Lee Eddie Griffin David Carroll

The Sound of Toda y, t he NLU Marching Indian Band, the Pep Band, th e Sy mph o ni c Band , and th e Con 足 ce rt Band are open to student partic足

ipation. Jack White is director of the bands. The Marching Band performs at home football games and takes two trips each year. The Concert Band presents three formal concerts on camp u s and tours each spring,

while the Pep Band performs at all h o rn e basketball games.

8.lnd . . 189

Jazz Ense

Glen Martin---Guitar, Art Rutherford-Bass, Mike Pia no , Warren Dewey-Drum s, Saxop hones-Bill Rodney Davis, J. T. Platte, Bob Maynard, Brian Sivils, bone!;-Loren Iblings, Ken Harrison, Wesley W()oclrOl짜, Smith, Pete Linn, Trumpet!;-Milton Bell, Jo hn Auletta, Saucier, D ebbie Nemi(z, Carey Agregaard.

190 " . Jau En,emble

Student Government Assn. StandIng: Nancy Bozeman-Secrela ry, Greg Tubre--V lce Presi足


Gra dua te SenalorDavid Rekstad .





Sam G reer. freshman Senators- Carolyn Arende r and

. Ted Warrell-Junior, Tim Burnham-S oph omore, Daniel W_lhm," To m Sheridan-Se nior.

SGA . . 191

1 Senators {r o m lhe College of Education." Standing: C he ryl Sm ith, Be nita West, Lisa Beavers. ROlhwell, SIeve Terracina.

Sen ators (rom lh e College 0 1 Business: Sea led-Scali Ellen, Clark Colvin. Slanding-Davld Craighead, George Johns.



Sena fors fro m (he College of Liberal Arcs: Standing-Marsanne Golsby, Alla n

M oo re, Eva Cassey, Terrill Boykin.

from (he CoJlege o f Pha rma<:y and Allied Hea(ch . Sta nding-R oy

S ea t e ~R og e r




lee, Bill Shepherd, john Allison, Roy Paul sen . Seal ed-Dawn Sa ye~, Kalle

lisa PIerce SGA





The U ni o n Boa rd pr ov id es enl ert ain 足 m e nt fo r th e stud e nt s o f th e uni ve rsity. It co ntrac ts entert ainm ent a llr a c li on ~, d ances, a nd m ov ies fo r eac h sem e ster.

The exec uli ve o ffi cers o i Ih e U ni o n Boa rd are elec led b y Ihe slud enl bod y in a spring elec ti o n. Board mem bers ar e selec ted fr o m stud enl s w h o have h ied app li ca ti o n s and ha ve b ee n inl e r足 v iew ed and ap p roved by th e Board.

Publl c lLy Committee: M ike ""' lI so n. vVllll arT) Lawrenc e, D iane loh nson, Sleve May, Deb ra Traylor, Tom my Lel",,( - OI lerry Sl ac k.


L o rnn HI l,l f(1

Hospitality Commluee lanel Hiller, Suzie Stu rdy, Mlm Moore--Chalrman

Miairs Comm itt ee Below- Ci ndy Kie nt z, Charles iJ evdl e Above­ • .,OIh,I--Cha,,,rr,,n,Sleve Ha llman

Movie Committee: Ea rl Ray, Susan Hempe rley, Ka thy Macintos h, Marsha PopweH-C hai rman , J, B. Walson.

-"--足 Big Name Entertainmen t Committee: Charles Makar, Carolin e l ync h, Dave She rman-- Chairman, laura Ch es hire.


UI\IOIl Uo~ rd

oto Lab

lab: Model, Sandra Ki ldron, Terry Cochran, Carl Burns, l eo Ho neyc uLt, Billy Heckford.

KNLU KN LU o peral es seve n da ys a week du rin g Ih e sc hoo l year o n 88.7 mh o II prov id es a va rie l Y o f prog ram s in c luding Ih e lal eS! po ps, co mpl ete news w ith wire se r v i ce, N LU SP 0 ri S, spec ial event s o n ca mpus, co nce rt music, and o th er areas o f intereS I to th e N o rth eas t Siu denis. KNLU StaH: Seol{ed- BIII Covmglon Sl.wumg-Dr V Jackson ~m 'lh , Howa rd Har l, Jack.e ~lChard. Gene Flank e hl ocehi



'"" iJ-IRon DeFalla, D oc ia Wyall, AI Blackwell, Claire Barham . ""路inR--Be,hClemenl, Sa lly Dankenbnng, Cynlhia Crowley

"Helicon," under the sponsorship of Sigma Tau offers to Northeast students and faculty the nity to publish p oetry, short stories, pla ys ",says in a quality publication distribut ed 1r00Ighout the area.



WOW Fall Staff fdf lor Mary living ston 'l.nd Managing Edf lor Jerry Grays on

1\ , Reporter s: SH(Irlg-Debbie Moo re, C. J. Sa n or, Debbie Thornlon. Standing-Second row- Mark Tdvlor, Brou ssard, Signora V. Thomas, Melinda Shelt on, Milly Ryan , Kathy Oosla Sranding-TllIrd row-David He,',,1"'"''', nls Maniniez, Andy Sne lling, l onn y Smi th, Roy Keene.


Pow Wo w

I Sillmg: Ma ry llvings l on--Ed llo r Sfandmg. Renee Blackm on-Make- up Edil o r, Jerry G rayson---M a lkl~ln~ Eth lor, D ru Ri chards-颅 .' '' ike Robm son-SpOrl S Ed llor, Donna Womack-Copy EO l lor

.- .

To ny ArplOo-Busmess Manager {(all and spring sem eS ler)

. Fred G ia.nfo rle-Arli sL 5tandmg路 Be ... erl y Steph enson -Typ ISI. Bel l y Miles. Jean ni e

l> !)w W OW


I :"

Pow Wow Spring Staff TOp rtght 5eale cl- Rene~ lJIackrno n--"v\akeup Ed it o r, Md r ~' Llvl ngsl on--EdL足 lo r Sldndlng, Belly Mt le s--Copy Ed it o r, Dr u ~ Ic ha ( d s--C()py Edllor, M ike Bla la<o--S p orls Edito r, jer ry G r a yson--,\~anag ln g Editor, Frank Chlastak足 Nt'w ... Ed it or.

Above: Sea led- Fred Gia nio rle-- A nlsl Scandmg-O ruann DUfbln--lV\ake up An isl, Jeannie Bro ussard-Makeup A l l is l, Ms. Pat Robe rts-Compos illon Supe rviso r

Jerry Grayson--Managing Ed it o r and M ary Llvingslon--Edltof

202 .

"ow W ow Staff

Spnng Selll~ " l er Ad va nced Reponer,........5landmg- .'vh ll y Ryan, D ru Ric hard s, Davi d Hollow ay, 51/11Og足 Oebble Thorn[ on. Pol ly S[ra lO ,


row-Judy Brown,


Goisby, Slwley Be lhea, Susan Allain Second ro w- Mike Cook, George Duma~ , SCOl t Smllh , Jo hn Lowe, Randy Pe llf s,

""dt,Y"no,nd Daye. Th ird row- Allen Slerllng, RI c Wade, DaVid

Pow Wow



Cha ca hou la Staff Seated- Cleve land Black, Ronnie DeFatla Sranding­ Sa lly Greenberg, Bridge t Thompson, Bec ky Martin, Nelwyn Wilbanks, l o is Klemme, leonard Crocker ( firsl sem es ter) .

Associate Edilor-Ronnle Oefatla.

20<1 .. . Cha(;lho ula Staif

Edit or-Bridget Thompson.


Assistant Edito rs: Sus ie Hum p hries, Nelwyn Wilbanks. Cleveland Bla ck .

EdLtorial A ssistants-K athy Hargis, Becky Martin.

1Assistanls-Sally Greenberg, loi s Klemme.

Ch<l.uhou l... 51... 11 .







RiBbt Mib WlIt.............dMlt. John Robeno足

Vic........... nt, Telry Bo,lwlclo-5ec181a1Y Cory Lute.-Treasurer. Mr, Glenn Tubbs-Ad.isof,



1'1 '",' I

Panhellenic Council

4'1n. • •



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uf -\Ipha 1'101 \lph., wa,

In 1972 ,~, 1l)()h ,It t=I\\'

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Alpha Kapp. Alflhd Ordpt wa~ rounded IJpCt·mber 21 . l8b5 or Wa,hmgton Col­ Ipge (now Washington "nil Let:' UnovP,­ "ry) rhe Gamma Nil Chal'rer 01 KA wa, ,-harter('d '" r9'>" "' '- 0 h~a~l.




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rlll'ta Chi Chapter 01 "apr~ Slgmd was Instalied on campus In 1967 kapll" Sigma was founded In 18b9 al Ihe University 01 Virginia

C.hu, i. >\'1/ .. 1(11"(1 I'" '''1\ 'hl"~ k 1\,11 Udll"Y il


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Etl Pi Chapter of Kappa Alpha P~I was on NovE'mbE'r 17. 1974. The fratE'rnlly ~; I"iltilled

'" 1911 at Southern Indiana In 1I100nl10810n. IndIana.




1'1 I\appa Alpha \'Va5 l"und.~lln lHf,1! at the UnlveT.tty ot Vif~fnla PK.~ wa' rhartered Mar h Ttl, \'171 ., North!'."t

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Sigma Tau Gamma r he B~I,I NlI Lhapli'l "". Installed I une lB, I %U dl , ",trw,ISI S,grna rau Gamma w.~ loulltJ"rJ IfI 1"20 al War­ rt'flsuurg, Mi~)ouri

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Tau Kappa Epsilon Ta u Kappa Ep'lion \'Va, e~labll$ hed 19. 195b oilihe Nonheasl Cam颅 Ills rilE' halt!tnll~' wa' fOl./nd"d In IIl'lQ "I lillOo" W~'I ..ya n UnlvP"il y Iln .."lay







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rheta X, JfJund~d at Ren;selJN I' olytechnit In,tlt"'" at Troy I>.ew Vork, an April 2<J. 11J6-1. The Brla p" Chdpter 01 fheld X, Frat<'fnlly WJ< mganlf('d .t 'o,the.", 111 t,)69

Theta Xi






.f 1'\1



(Cl.... ~IIP.r 01 Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorortry wa' 1 1973 The Soronty was found ..d In t:,U,i\lvltriitv In Washlngton 0 C.

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Alpha Omicron Pi Ian. 2, 18~7 at Barnard College of Colum· bla UnIversi ty marked the bc.>gmni ng of Alpha OmIcron P,. Lambda Tau Chapter of Alpha Om Icron PI was Installed In 195B.

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Della Sigma fheta \Va. rounded "I Northeast on Oct 23. 1'174 ThE'Sororoly was chanered on 'an 13. I'll 3 at Howald UniverSity In Washington 0 C





1'.111 011' I'.." "h",;)r t\lrlt- 1\, ..1 ~ +o, .. t.\-l,to

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DelLa letd ( haptl'l of KdfJPd Ih路ir. wa 111,Lal1ro on Itll! North... I rampu, 111 1'167 Thr .ornrllY Wd founded on Ocl. 21. 1897 al lrmgwootJ Co 11"1芦'. \.1

Kappa Delta

Phi Mu n,..

Alph•• Rho Chdfllt'r .11 NOli 111'.,,1 w•• ' tl1,IJIIt'd ,n 1'1% I hp hr'l rllai'll r b'·g.ln t)n NCJ\ l l'lq JI Wc·,j,·~.n ("olll'!(I' III Mdt on, G~c>r!tld

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Th" ,ormily had It, foundong on

Oct 15. 1898 at Longwood College, farmvllI", We~t Virginia r-.ortheas!'s Zeta Delta Chapter was .nstalled In 1%5.


I..,. '1' • /fll



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Pacific 3

It wa s th e Season opener fo r H ead Coach O lli e Kel ler's Tribe agai nst th e Uni versity of Pac i fic Ti gers . Jose Rod riguez put Pacifi c o n the sco reb oard fi rst w it h a 32-yard field goal w ith 24 seco nd s remaini ng in the first half. Sop ho mo re Dav id Shrader d id a little scalpi ng for the In­ d ians w ith o nly 11 seco nds re maining in th e third pe ri od, ki cking a fie ld goal also fro m 32 yard s o ul. Rod Alexa nder led o rt heast ru sh ers w ith 91 yard s on 16 carr ies and Fred Co leman led th e Tr ibe rece i vers with 66 yard s on fo ur recep tions.

Sa fety Terry Smi th w as the Tr ibe' s c hief o n defen se. Smith had seven unassi sted tackle s, assisted fo u r ot hers and re cove red a fu mble. With 1:03 remaining in the ball game, the Indian s at­ temp ted a 34-ya rd fie ld goa l w hi c h w as un success fu l. The fin al o ut co me was No rthea st 3, Pac ifi c 3.

Kenr Srare 3 r

NLU 29

It lo o ked like Kent State all th e way in th e opening mo ­ men ts o f the ga me. The first Fl ashes' score came w hen a Joe Brun er pa ss w as p ic ked off by Cedric Brown, who ran 52 yard s fo r th e sco re. A t the end of th e fir st qu arter N LU was behi nd 15-0. o rt heast's first sco re came when the I ndian s reco vered a

Ke nt State fumble o n the 45 -yard lin e. W il lie Wa lk er went o n to score fo r the Tri be. Halfwa y int o t he secon d qu arter Wa lk er sco red hi s seco nd to u c hd own o n thi rd an d goal from th e Ke nt Stat e tw o-yar d line .

The fo urth quarter had the Indi an s o ut sco re th e Flashes th irt ee n to six, bu t it wa s no t en o ugh . N o rth east's fir st score in th e fin al quarter cam e w hen Bruner ran beh ind th e bl o ck­ i ng o f Ed Harri s fo r th e tou c hd own . Bruner late r sneaked o ne yard for the la st to uchd ow n o f the evening, b u t th e two -po in t co nversi o n, whic h w ould ha ve tie d the game, failed . It w as N LU 29, Ken t St ate 31 .

24 2

r Qoll»1I

EMU 21

NLU 24

Mistakes hurt the Indians in their third game of the season against Eastern Michigan as the Tribe went down to defeat, 27-24. Indian quarterback Joe Bruner set new school records for most passes attempted (40), completions (27) and yards (326), but this was not enough to offset the mistakes the In足 dians made on both offense and defense. N LU's first score came on a one yard plunge by Willie Walker. Early in the third quarter, David Shrader added 3 points to the scoreboard by kicking a 42-yard field goal. Down 27-10 at the beginning of the fourth quarter, the In足 dians scored twice and barely missed another TO . The two TO 's were scored by Willie Walker and David Dumars. NLU led the Hurons in all offensive categories . The Indians racked up 31 first downs, compared to 16 for EMU and rolled up 424 yards of total offense while EMU managed 292, all on the ground. The Tribe gained 98 yards rushing to go with Bruner's 326 aerial yards. Fred Coleman snagged eight of Bruner's tosses for 109 yards, Frank Maxwell caught seven for 84 and Harvey Johnson grabbed five for 51. Ed Harris earned 61 yards on 16 efforts. Top: Cheerleaders Pee ala Barnes and Charles Smith doing one of their stunts as cheerleader John Sullivan looks on . BalCOm: Quarterback Joe Bruner prepares to pass as he gets good blocking from the line. Opposite Top; Paul Early attacking a Pacific player. Opposite Bottom: Kimball Colly (22) grabs hold of a Kent State runner as Paul McElroy (42) comes in for the kill.

NLU 38

Drake 2S

Northeast entered the gam e with the nation 's No. 5 passing attack and an 0-2-'1 record. "From Rookie to Stardom," could have been a subtheme for the game between N LU, ~nd Drake, Fresh足 man tailback Greg Schaff showed the fans that number "34" w as lo oking for paydirt as he ran for 162 yard s and three tou c hdowns. Schaff scored N LU's firs t touchdown of the game and also scored a tou c hdown in the third and fourth quarters. NLU ' s first big break of the game came when Drake fumbled and Ro bert Hannah rec ove red for the Indians at the Bulldog's 21, Three plays later, the Tribe faked a field goal and holder Kirby Arcenaux galloped 15 yards for the touchdown . David Shrader se t a new sc hool record w ith a 49-yard field goal. Running back Rod Alexander ran 8 yards for a TO and had 82 yards on H carries, Ed Harri s picked up 72 yard s o n 17 carri es. The I ndians played a well-balanced game and the final score was N LU 38, Drake 25.

NLU 34

NSU 20

Northeast managed to post its second straight victory this tim e by a two touchdown margin of 34-20 against the N o rthwestern D emo ns at Shreveport's State Fair Stadium . With just over a minute left in the game freshman Isadore Kirklin mad e a 67-yard interception return to clinch the win.

The first half of the contest wa s a battle bet ween the offensive units of th e two teams. No rtheast scored o n ev 足

ery possession excep t the last one, while Northwestern scored on two of its fo u r pos sess ion s, then tried an u nsuc足

cessfu l fie ld goal w hich was b locked by N LU all -A meri can Glen n Flem ing. The Ind ian s drove 86 ya rds o n 14 p lays for the game's first to uchd ow n. The TO came when Greg Sch aff mad e a o ne ya rd run into the end zo ne. Wit h 5:25 lef t in th e first stanza David Shrader k icke d a 45-yard fie ld go al. N LU go t o ff to a good second qua rter start when Joe Brun er sneaked from on e yar d o ut to gi ve th e Indian s a 17 -7 lead over the Dem ons. W ith 2:32 left in the seco nd quarter, Brun er scored hi s second to u c hd o wn o f th e gam e fro m three yards o ut. N o rth wes tern sco red it s fina l to u chdow n o f th e co n足 test w ith 2:32 left in th e ba ll ga me. The Dem o n s tried a two- po int con versio n w hi c h was spo il ed by limm y l enkins.

NLU 34


N LU ' s d efen se played a big part in it s 34-7 v icto ry over th e Lamar Cardinal s. Led by all -Am eri ca n G lenn Fl em ing, th e I ndians forced eight Lamar fumbles and th e seco ndary ca me up w ith four pass intercepli ons. l oe Bruner, N LU 's reco rd breakin g quarterbac k, threw 16 o f 28 fo r 190 yard s and two to uc hd own s. He threw a 28- yard pa ss to Frank M axwell dow n th e sidelines fo r th e first score o f th e game, th e n Rod Alexand er ran three yard s fo r th e sec ond to uc hdow n ea rl y in th e seco nd quart er. Midway in the seco nd q uart er fr eshman G reg Sc haff scored a TO w hi c h upped th e Indian s' lead to 21-0. A lso in th e seco nd quart er, Bruner co nn ec ted w ith Harvey l o hnso n fo r 25 ya rds and an o th er TO . David Shrader kic ked the ex tr a poin t for the Tribe. N LU's fi nal to uc hdown came in th e fo urth quarter when Br ia n Garriga, rep lacing quart erback Brun er, on thi rd and fo urt h at the Lama r seve n sneaked dow n the sidel in es fo r th e sco re. NLU v ic tory ove r Lamar ma rk ed a thr ee-game win n ing streak for the Indi ans whi c h w as th eir first string of that length since 1968. Right: Quarterb ac k Joe Brun er receives a je rsey fro m a ma nage r.

Opposite Top: Greg Schaff pl u nges toward goal line. Op足 posite Bo ttom: Fred Co leman catches a Br u ner pass as Kent Ad ams (57) and Fra nk Maxwell (28) look on .



McNeese 15

NLU 14

I n a hard fough t game, N LU bowed t o a powerfu I McN eese team 15-14 . In the first quarter Mc Neese drove 80 yard s for a touchdown, then NLU used turnovers to set up two touchdowns in th e second period . Glenn Fleming cau sed a fumbl e and Jimmy Jenkins recovered it at the Cowboys' 16. Three plays later Joe Bruner sneaked int o the end-z o ne for the score. Late r in the second quarter, Isadore Kirklin inter­ cepted a pas s and returned it 37 yards to the McN eese 33. Greg Sc haff went on to score for th e In­ di ans. With 1 :23 left in the game, Cow b oy M ike MacArthur scored for McNeese and then ran the winnin g two·point con version. NLU 's loss to McNeese snapped a three-game winning streak for the Indians. Top: Profile of North eas t defensive line. Boltom : NLU in action against McNeese. Oppo site Botto m: A Southeastern runn er trie s to break into Trib e territory as Vic Dalrympl e (29) stand s ready.

StU 49

NLU 19

It was a wet homecoming for Queen Brenda Savage and NLU's football team . The rain which fell throughout the game didn' t stop the determination of the roaring South足 eastern Lions as they ra n for 365 yards and passed for 62. The Lions went on to drench the Indians 49-19. Northeast was not able to move the ball on the ground so they had to depend on the passing of quarterback Joe Bruner. He completed 16 of 42 for 272 yards and two scores but was intercepted three times .

The first homecoming touchdown for the Tribe came when Ed Harris plunged one-yard out to tie the score 7-7. The other two Indian scores came when Bruner com足 pleted a 14-yard pass to Frank Maxwell in the second quarter and hit Greg Schaff with a 30-yarder in the third.

248 .


Hor~omi "8


Brenda Savage linda Curry Queen Minority Ma id Debbie Norris Sophomore Maid

Laura Walcher Gayle Gossen Junior Maid Senior Maid Johnetle Mitchell

Freshman Maid

Hurne<0 n1m 8

WTS 45

NLU 20

West Texas State scored four touchdowns in less than four minutes in the second and third quarters to down the In­ dians 45-20. The Tribe was plagued by two outslanding WTS players­ Anthoney Dogan, who scored three touchdowns and Michael Nelson, who got three of four inlerceptions for his learn .

NlU's first apparenl score carne when Harvey Johnson­ making his first start of the year at tailback after playing receiver-ran 76 yards for a touchdown but an official ruled he stepped out of bounds at the WTS' 34. But he scored six plays later from the seven. NlU went for two points and failed. Early in the second period the Indians drove 77 yards to score on Ed Harris' one­ yard plunge and David Shrader kicked the PAT for a short 13-10 NlU lead with 13:27 left in the half. Johnson scored the final touchdown for the Indians from the West Texas four-yard line.

LA. TECH 4 r

NLU 23

Northeast's Joe Bruner hit 16 of 28 for 235 yards in the tra­ ditional game between NLU and Tech but the Bulldogs rip­ ped the Indians, 41-23. N lU's first touchdown came early in the second quarter when Bruner completed a pass to David Dumars from the Tech 26-yard line. With 5:02 left in the second quarter, David Shrader kicked a 24-yard field goal to put NLU within three points behind Tech,13-10. Joe Bruner scored the last two TDs for N lU on runs of two and one yards. Top: NlU lines up againstWTS. Right Harvey Johnson breaks away from a Tech player while Kent Adams (57) looks on. Opposite Top: A sideline profile of Head Coach Ollie Keller. Opposite Bottom: N LU in action against Louisville. '150


NLU 14

Louisville 10

N o rtheast e nd ed its first football se as on as a di visio n one

team wi th a vi c to ry over th e Lo uisv ille Cardinal s, 14-10. Af ter being dow n at halftime by 10-0, th e Indians won th e game w ith a third-quart er surge that p roduced both Tribe touchd ow ns. Fir st, the In d ians drove 75 yard s o n th eir ini tial p ossess ion of the half. After a 22-ya rd pass fro m Jo e Bruner to Fred Co le足 man , Harvey Jo hn so n had tw o c arries of nin e ya rd s each be fo re sweep ing right end fo r six yard s and the TD. The fin al sco re came o n the last play o f th e third period when Brun er hit David Dumars with a 42-yard touchd ow n pass. Jo hnson, p laying o nly his thir d game of the seaso n at tail bac k, led NLU runn er s with 151 yard s in 23 carri es w hile Bru ner hit nin e of 21 passes fo r 174 yard s. Lo u isvi li e was led by Wa lt er Peacock, w h o had 206 yard s ru shing. The v ic to ry gave N ort heast a 4-6-1 re co rd for the seaso n and wa s the las t at N LU for Coach Keller, w ho ended hi s te nure with a 14- 24 -3 reco rd. The fo ur year s A thl etic Direct o r Bi ll Beall and Coach Keller were at N LU were eventful one s. D uring tha t tim e Northeast strengthen ed it s grid sched ul e, c ulminating in 1975 when the scho ol was e leva ted to majo r status in footba ll, an d recei ved a $6 milli on appropriati on fro m th e Lo ui siana Legislature for a new stadium. Th e 1976 Ch acahoula staff and stud ent body w ish Coaches Bea ll and Keller th e bes t of luck.

K nl \dclr"lh, Cent!!1 RlJu Alt'xandt'f, I-tlmntn~ 8;\(1;.


"ndrev.'~ CCI'lrl'1

"Irby ,~,cl~nt!dux, Quarll'fback. Dudl I\lIlllt.lKl', Ill1pbdck~1

1(lfTI MnQlrJ. Sph! End

.\t1 ike 6 1 .a l u~~ Off( nit;\. ( rolc.klt, .\1 lke 8wwn, lfnpbac k!! 1



Quatltl rbJc1<

rim c..l~)tdy. O f lt!ml\'l~ J IId.lt· !\..t'at CI'Mrlm, Rtlnoing Bitlk

Vll kt-' t hurlllQ, Oefl·l\!.iVl' add

rted Colpman, TIShl ~ f,rt I\mlboll Colly. D(·il!n!o,ivc ildtf.. Vlt n~h"m pl t;', O t' h'ml\'£' I.h ld.

Ocwld DuHl.:. r.... "pitt KfI("elvt:f

PA\d bu1r, Dt"lemlvl' T.IIt::klt· Phillip E liJl Qn~, l l n t>t)a(~e r Glenn Fle-mi ng, Lm ~ bAd.er

John Ht·nuns O,feniilve GU4fCi

Juhn FI(1yd, SI,lU Rt.'ct·,\>t r Richard Ff('drick~oll, Dt:'feo)lve End

Iln.I" Gd.rrl~d qua rl ~.hd<..k ( lark tiivt-n .. , SpIt' Kett"I\'er .uudd~'

Hdt'\klm. TIghl End

Robtl:rl rl~nJ1d", f)f'lf'l'I<h'O flack ~<lndy HJre~. LUleu.u:kf'f ~d Ha.m... Runni ng Bod. Larry Hathorn, LInt.'backN Dub Hdtl4'n, Offen~l ....c T.-tt.:kle Malor I-LJln l~,). D,(Iit~I)~ i ",e Back

Mike Heenan. Offco!;\vt! C oarrj Can'y HjO'-~ . DQi cfh lVf' End

Kt'" Ivoty, Di!tel'\~iyt:' Tac klt­ hmm.,. Jrn m~, Defe.ns. i ~c 'E nd Plt~l knklm O rft.!." I Ve. (j uard t;,lII1'Q" Inhm.on, Split [ nd

Players of the Week

Rod Alexander

Terrv Smith

Kent Slale

Joe Bruner

Paul McElroy


Frank Maxwell


Greg Schaff


Plez Jenkins


Frank Maxwell


Tllln Ki(hj~·. Split R4'n'\\l1 ~..l tlt)rf' .... lfklfn, ()f"(,U~I"''' 60ld J(W Kuhl1. Of>rl!I'll,'Yf'


In'll lll"w(' Running Bold. (,rt!~ .\1"nll''',o. L'Iwb.ar ~l'l

Oou~ M.yberry, Runfl uK I1d(k

Frank Maxwoll, ~pW Rt'( t,'l\'I." "'aul MCElroy Dehm.. I\'c U.lrk Dt'xter f\o"ylol, l ITwb"df't \1lkc .... jehubrcJon, ()If,'ow.·t fJ,k!, Dann.,. Pt'.r~orl ()III'"\''\''' liu.I!IJ

Players of the Week

Isadore Kirkland No Players Harvey Johnson

Glenn Richardson

David Dumars

Paul Mcelroy Ken Ivory

M;uk Pi,kIPtl, Tight ['1d Rick Plank, QIJ.. tlt~rba(k Cer41d Prince. Deft:'tl"lvl' Kift\!; -flAarty Pfob~1. OH~n"4\Of' r,,<..klt' N~)(ky Rawl§. lmebr)c.kt!1

Rlcha.d Reml"dl~f Dehm\j'ys' l.lI_kll·

GII!r1n f{ichan:hoh. L"lf~bdC J..~.,

MIke Roht"JI!iOrt, "unler

Gleg ~ch.kff, Runrllng B.u.k

Mikfl- Sni!'phfrd. OIrE:'(hiv.· r.. ,klt>

Kov,n Sh,U,,'8>. T'Q~' tn~ Dav,d 'Shr.adfi."r Kuzkllr

W.rren Simmom. I.)pf(·n)tv~ l41ckl~

Terry Smith. Defen"I~·f· flaC'k

Mlli! Summeryill•• O.'en"ve End W.rren Trjmb"'. fijhl End MArk \I.lenU..... Olfen.lv<>Cuird

Gary \'Varner. Offen"we Gu"ud Glen WY4nl, Defennvr E-nd Ch~k ChildreSij LIN"bickcr.. LJelen.. l ... e £nd~ Co.Kh

Don fllen, Offen'ti\le



Ollie Kener. Heod (ruch ~h.r'es Mal11O, .t\thtf"lit: T'illnt'r Dennis ThomA'. Deftm\ ...·~ linp.

COdlh Howird Tomlln'ion. onen~tve C"ordinal'll Sieve W.Uen. Oeten'SlVe Coofdlnalol

Top; Sieve Kamerman (52) retrieving the ball. Botcom: Carl Kilpatrick up for two points against Centenary. Opposite Page: Top: Indians Calvin Natt (42) Carl Kilpatrick and David Pickell (30) surround Centenary's 7-1 star Ro bert Parish . Bottom: Charles DeLaCroix (54) in action again st Houston Baptist.


0 4





4th Annual


First Round

La. Tech 74, Lamar 69

N LU 76, Texas Christian 75

Consolation Game

Lamar 54, Texas Christian 48

Championship Game

La. Tech 76, N LU 73

Louisiana Tech won the 4th annual Pacemaker Cla ss ic held at Northeast. Tec h d eleat ed N LU , the d el ending c hampion b y a sco re 0 176-73 . Third place w ent to Lamar and Texas Christian w as lourth. N o rth eas!'s Cal v in N ail wa s c hose n m os t va luable player 01 the tournament and he wa s also selected to the all - to urnament leam . Oth e r all - tournament selec ti o ns were Mike McC o nath y and Lank y Wells 01 Tec h, Jerry Jingles 01 Northea st, Gary Landers 01 Texas Christian and Ho mer Taylor 01 Lamar. OPPOSITE PAGE: Left Cal vin N ail (42) Ires hman superstar, wa s N LU 's leading scorer during the Pace maker C lassic c ham pion ship game again st Loui足 siana Tec h with 27 pOints.Right: Seni o r Je rry Jingles, shown afte r a lall against Te c h, sco red 25 points in th e linals . Top : David Pi ckett (30) go ing up to score. Bo tto m: Jerry Walker at the lin e lor th e Indian s.

The 1975-76 ba sket ball seaso n was o ne of th e b es t in NL U hi story. Afte r a slow star t, th e Indian s w o n 15 o f th eir last 16 games to fini sh w ith an 18-7 reco rd , Nort heas t's b es t si nce goi ng major and the sc hool's 15th con sec utive w inni ng rec ­ ord. For the firs t tim e in history, tw o pla ye rs averaged ove r 20 points. Sen i o r Jerr y Jingles overtook rookie Cal v in Nail in the la st gam e of the season to wi n th e sco r ing titl e w ith a 20.8 average to Na il'S 20.6. Nail, howe ver, led the tea m in field goa l (.558) and fr ee th row (.791) accuracy and rebo und s (11.0). The te am se t records for most co nsec utive w in s (14) and season fi eld goa l accuracy (.487). Most o f the m ajor atten­ dance reco rd s were al so broken, includ ing best average h ome attendan ce (5 ,451) and bes t average tota l attendance (4 ,1 48 ). ) ingles and David Pickell ended their careers as th e sc hool's No. 3 and N o. 5 all-time sco rer s, Jingl es with 1,716 points and Pi ck ett with 1 ,4~8 . Highli ghts o f the campaign in c lu ded a com e- fro m-b ehind v i ctory over nationally ran ked Centenary and d o ubl e wi n s ove r New O rl ea ns, South A labama and McNeese.

Top: David Hall (24) u p for two against Arkan sas State. Right: Milt And rews (10) blocking o ut an oppo nent. O PPOSITE PA C E (left). David Pi cke ll (30) grabs for the ball. Right: Roger Green (SO) on defense fo r the Indian s.

Mi lt Andrew s Danny Ba ys C h a rl es D e l aCrolx Ro nnie D owling Tillman G ivens

Roger Green Mark Gross Dav id Hal! Je n y Jing les

Sieve Kamerman Carl Ki lpa t rick Jamie Mayo Ca lv in NaU DaVid Pickell

Randy Smith

Pat Smilh A lle n Ta nz y Joe Wa lc he r

Jerry Walker Dave DeRousse, JV Coach l e nny Fanl. Head Coach Be nnv HolliS, A'>s ls lanl Coach



Lell: Betsy Kimball (40) goes up fo r two points w hile D ebbi e Dixon (14) looks on.

BOllom : Pat W es l in aclion against UNO . OPPOSI TE PAGE: Top: Debra Smith (15) trie s 10 ge l around an U NO player.

No rth east's women' s basketball team ended a suc足 cessfu l regu lar seaso n with a vic to ry over ri va l Louisia na Tec h, 73-66. Thai win gave Ihe Lad y Indian s a 13-11 mark to lake into the state to urname nt. The Indians, coac hed by Cherrie Walker and Pat Redd, beat every team on their sc hedule at least once except for Whitworth and Southern, and finished third in the No rthwe ste rn Tournament. Monroe junior Betsy Kimball was the team ' s leading scorer and rebounder for the season.

Ian Berry l o nlee Dev ille DebbIe DIxon Carolyn Epling

Cathy Gebhardt

Cindy Head Bet sy Kimball Ginger Moreland Brenda Saulsberry

Marilyn Simmons Debra SmiLh Karen Van Buren Pal West

Women !Âť.sltetb.1II1



Turkey Trot

1 st 2nd

David Rhodes Barry lanningham

Ol in 1-5 Hud

3rd 4th

Michael Hicks Jim Hill


AII-U niversity 2nd

PEMM Pi Kappa Alpha

3rd 4th

Pi Delta Chi Kappa Alpha





Coed Tennis

Tony Fieber Cindy Jones David Craighead Kathy Messina

1 sf 2nd


Newman SGA

Tennis Singles 15t 2nd 3rd 4th

Tony Fieber leigh Marti n Paul Rothwell Joh nnyWilson


Tab le Ten nis Coed "1st


2nd 3rd 4th

Tony Fieber Judy Burley Kenny Bostwick Beth Grandon Kenny Bostwick Ann Courreqe David Chisholm Ann Tietje

Newman Olin 1-5 Olin 1-5 Hudson-N

Table Tenni s D oubles 1st

Tony Fieber Frank McCloy 2nd David Chen John Nea l

Newman CSU

Tabl e Tenn is Singles


1 st 2nd 3rd \,.4th

Cheong Po Tony Fieber Bill Gardner Chuck Gavtney

CSU ewman IND PKA ~

I n ' Umll'<lI~

.. 26S

VOLLEYBALL Fraternity 1~l 2nd 3rd

Kappa Igma Kappa Alpha PI Kappa Alpha

Organizations 1 l 2nd

Stud nt Gov rnment As n


PI Delta chi



Dorms 1st


Hud on N Olin 9, 10, I'

VOLLEYBALL Independent 1 sl


PI Delta Chi-B Kappa Alpha-B

AII-U niversity 15l

2nd 3rd


Kappa Sigma Student Government Asso PI Delta Chl -B Hudson-N

Badminton Coed 1t 2nd 3rd


Rod Noland Cathy Gebhardt Mark Sanders Betty Henderson Clart>nce Lee herry Holstead Danny Donald Cathy McKamn

I 0 INO K~


Badminton Doubles 1t

2nd 3ru


Rod oland Bill hepherd ""ilee Manning Don leeks Chari 5 Hughe lohn Norri~ Mark Sanders Br;an LeBold


Badminton Singles 1t 2nd Jrd 4th

Rod Noland Mark Sand rs Clarence Lee Alfred Lu i


IN 0

In l,..mu r.. l ~

26 1

Flag Football Dorms 1 st 2nd 3rd 4th

Masur-S Olin-6, 7, 8 Hudson-N Sherrouse-N

Fraternity 1 st 2nd 3rd 4th

Kappa Sigma Acacia Pi Kappa Alpha Alpha Phi Alpha

Organizations 1st 2nd 3rd 4th

Baptist Student Union Geology Phi Delta Chi ludent Government Assn.

Independent 1st 2nd 3rd 4th

BMF Kappa Alpha-B Kappa Sigma-B Gusto

Flag Football AII-U niversity 1st 2nd 3rd 4th

BMF Kappa Sigma Masur-S Acacia

Golf (Pitch & Run) 15t 2nd 3rd 4th

Gene King Mike Batchelor Randy Green Chuck lones

KPsi AGC KPsi K~

Pool Singles 15l 2nd 3rd 4th

Wayne Ward Arthur Giles loel Holley Andrew Cascio

Sig Tau KA Acacia KA

Pool Doubles 15t 2nd 3rd 4th

Wayne Ward Ed Carnevalelti Mike Fulco Barry Brown Mike Fulco Arthur Giles T. N orsworlhy Harry Davis

SigTau KA KA Olin 9-11



Archery 1st 2nd 3rd 4th

Robert Burkeu Roland Robichaux Olin Thomas Chuck Gautney

SLX KPsi Olin 1-5


Basketball Freethrow 1st

2nd 3rd 4th


Ron Manasco Mike Morris Bobby Moore Keith Bowen


Sherrouse路S Sherrouse路N



Wrestling Neal Johnson Ted GUillory Rick Braddock Ellis Whitehead Tom Ferguson DaVid Ferguson Gene Savoie Doug Bales 190 Joe Thornp"on

AII-U niversity Kappa Alpha Pi Kappa Alpha Geology

Olin 6-8

PKA Geology

KA Olin 6-8 KA Sher足 Acacia


Th e exp er i en ce d vo lley ball team had fo ur re lur n i ng m e mb er s, head ed b y c aplain Ril a Burl ey, In it s seco nd ye ar o f varsit y com pe titl on l th e tea m was coached by Bett y Faught. A m ong th e season hig hlights w ere third pl ace finishe s in their own No rth eas t To urnament and in th e No r th ~ w es tern To urn a m e nt.

RIGHT: Teresa M erce r attempts to score for N LU . Botto m: Brend a Saulsberry returns a serve to th e op p osing te am . OPPOSITE PA GE TOP: left to right: Diann e Beard, Betsy Kimball, Carol y n Epting, Bren d a Saulsbury, Caro ly n Yo ung, Cindy Head. Sec o nd row : Cath y G ebhard t, Jan Berr y, Pat West, Coa c h Bett y Faught, Cynthia Evan s, Rita Burley, Teressa M erce r. Bo t足 tom : Cath y G ebhardt goes to the net fo r the return .


Vol l~b.loli



Shanklin' s N CAA championship in th e high jumpfirst NCAA individu al title-highlight ed th e 1975 tra ck field season. Shanklin leaped 7-1 fo r an upse t victor y in th e meet in Provo, Utah . N o rth east won four m ee t cham 足 with its best showin gs co ming in the Cowb oy Relays Char les and t he Lo ui sian a Tec h Inv itati onal. Sh anklin school and state reco rd with a 7-1 1/4 high jum p an d th e of Willie W ooda rd , Craig Prewi t, Gerald Pri nc e and Johnson set an o th er record with 40. 2 in the 440 relay. Gerald Prince wa s th e leading scorer w i th 57 1/ 2 p o in ts for hurdl er Mike Welch.

PA CE: Top: Craig Prewit gets earl y hand o ff fr o m Her足 Bottom: Randy Adair in action in th e p o le vault. Harvey John son wi ns th is one easily for North east.



Righ t: Mike Law rence c rosses the fini sh line an instant ah ead of a Tec h runn er. Bottom: Hurd ler Mike Welc h in action.


Rand y Adair Charles Ashton He rma n Olake Pau l Dav is William Di son Steve Dodso n

Jimmy Ed ward s Max Ell h.)I Jo hn Frandse n Dan Herllmg

Harvey Johnso n Harold Jo nes MIke law rence Gary Pale cek Kenny Pa yne

Craig Prewit Gerard Prince Ivy Robichaux

Rueben Roy

Warren Shanklm Dwayne Sim pson Mike W e lch Wtllic Woodard David Young Dwain Young

• •

- .. . . ,. I

, •




Aft er a few poor years, ort heast ba se­ ball b egan the Irl p back in 1975 . The In­ dians slill didn ' t reac h .500 b ut the 13 vic ­ tories mat ched th e tOlal fo r th e tw o p re­ vious years co mbin ed . Th e bigges t win s came over O kl aho ma State and TCU . Larr y Reece (4-4) and Randy Reyn o lds (5-5 ) were the to p pit c hers. Mike Li enh o p led the team in batting fo r th e seco nd year in a row , thi s tim e wi l h .344 . Jimmy Coc hran hit .321 and Gary Ri chter .314. Ri c hter signed with th e Cin cinnati Red s at th e end of the season. Ro nni e Huff led in RBI' s with 18 and Ri chte r and Mike Nelso n had four ho mers eac h to lead in that d epart­ m e nt.

OPPOSITE PACE To p . A Tech p layer 51id es i nt o sho rtstop Jim Coc hran . BOlto m: Dann y Martin grima ces after releasing a pitch. Top: RBI lead er Ro nni e Huff tak es a full c ut. Bott o m : Seco nd b as eman Gary Ri chter awai ts thr ow fr om ca tc her.

Baseball . . 279

ABOVE: Left: N LU in act ion against Te c h. Right: Randy Reynolds de c id ed to take a c hew before the game OPPOSITE PACE: Rod ney Messina relaxes between a twinbill .

Jerry Allen Donald AIII~on Ru ss Bro...... /1 Cra ig Ca'>e illl"'lm Y Coc hr an

Ronn re De-Falla Bill Ham ilt o n Ro nn lf' Hurt Steve J Qne~

Mlk ~

Llenhop Da nn y lv1 a rl l n Pau l lv1 axe y Rodney ME:! ~"' l na Mike N "" Ic,o rl Arl Oubre

11m OwrE:!Y

St ilrl ley Pa rker ."-1rke Phillips lar ry Reece

Randy Rey no ld s C a ry Ric ht er DavId Sh rade r Oen nr ') Surra H


Mac VVeaver


tI .lleb,,1I .,





For th e second straight year, Northeast fini shed in th e top 20 in th e N CAA C ha mpi o nships and Terr y Moo r made AII­ A meri ca n. Th e Indian , ti ed for 17th plac e In th e NCAA w ith seven points and M oor mad e the top 16 in Singl es. Oth er highlight s o f th e campa ign w ere first place in th e Big Co ld In ­ vitatio na l a nd dual match vic to ri es ove r Mi s~o un and Pep­

perd in e. Moor fini shed with a 23 -3 reco rd, Ma rk Sa nders was 14- 7, Brad Co leman 13-5, Ra ym o nd Pascale 9-8, C regg Man­ d ell 5-3, Don ,Murra y 5-6, Wil son Campbell 5-7 and Bru ce Erhardt 1-0.

OPPOSITE PAGE: Top : A pro fi le of N LU' s tenni s crowd . 80{­ tom : A ll- A meri can Terr y Moorget ssel to return a lob Lell: Terr y Moo r gels read y 10 serv e. Bottom: W ilso n Campbe ll (lef t) and Brad Coleman in action.



PAGE: Top left: Ra ym o nd Pasca le. To p right D o n Ba Ha m : Mark Sa nders.

' DDnCln

Standing (Iell to right) : Terr y Mo o r, D on M urray, Ken Jantz, Ra ym o nd Pasca le, Bill Shepherd. Kn ee ling: Sanders, Wi lso n Cam pbell , Brad Co leman, G regg Man足 Bruce Erh ardt.


Th e fir st univ e rsit y-sponsor ed wome n's (e nni s leam e n足

loyed a su cce ssful season . Although Ih ere had b een club co mpe titi o n in prev iou s year s, the 1975 w om en's tenni s

l eam wa s Ihe first 10 be administered Ihro ugh th e new D epartm ent o f Rec reatio n and SP Oris . The fe mal e nelt ers, coac hed b y Pam Bak er, had a 5-2 reco rd , losing o nly a pair o f o ne-po inl d ec i sio ns to LSU . N LU w as sec ond in th e o rth足 w es tern to urnament and neve r finis;h ed be lo w fourth in Ihree ot he r tournam en ts. Se nior Catherin e Jo nes w o n th e

team's top award, Ih e Siud ent A thl el e Iro ph y, at Ihe end 01 Ih e seaso n. To p : Lelt to right N LU 's nelters Lili Palmer, D ebbie Sanders, Karen Z immerman, Peggy Clay and Calh e rin e Jo nes. Bot足 tom : D e bbi e Sa nders wa rm s up during prac li ce. O PP O SITE PACE : Top : Peggy Clay prac ti ces her swing for th e up co ming to urnam en!. OPPOSITE PACE: Bottom : Karen

Z immerman reac hes far in relurning her opponenl's ball.





( .011

The inexpe rienced NlU golf tea m did not enjoy a banner season, but should get better since there were no seniors on the team . Th e team's be st showing came in the Ind ian Invi ta足 ti ona l with second place and in the Mardi Gras Invitational with a fou rth place in a field of 11 . Jack Hunn icutt was the seaso n leader with a 78.2 average, followed by Paul Jon es w ith 78.8, Scott Ellen with 78.9, George Carroll with 80.7, Joe Huey with 81 .1, Tom McVoy with 83.0 and Jeff Baker with 86 .0.


OPPOSITE PACE: Top: Scott Ellen in action. golfers in a h ome match .


Bottom: NlU's

TOP: Fron{ (lelt to right) : Jeff Baker, Paul Jon es and Scott Ellen. Bac k : Assistant Coach Dan ny Rou ssel , George Carroll, Joe Huey, Coach D on Ellen, TomMcVoyandJackHunnicutl. Left: Tom McVoy in action ,


Mano Altamiran o Terry Boykin Allain Catt -Lamy M ichael Cheva li er FrancIsco Espinola

Alain Gossein Je rr y G ra yson Peter Idel

Pele r Lam

Bob McNeeley Carlos So mOla D ominique Trevaux

Tim Vola


290 . , Soccef

The N LU ' s Soccer team became an official club this year. The undefeated Indians, co.ach4 Carl os Cruz from Hon duras, included a 9-3 vi"torv. N LU 's riva l Louis iana Tech.

Mike Bialas Below: Mike Bialas also recorded a Northeast "first." The biB offensive tackle became the first NlU football player to make a major college AII路 America team when he was named to the AcademIc All路 America second team. He had made the college division scholastic AII路America first team as a junior. Bialas has a cumulalive 3,8 average in journal路 ism.





President George T. Wa

At the last Christmas in the President's hom e were Mr. and Mrs. George T. Walker, jr., Dr. and Mrs. George T. Walker, Dr. and Mrs. Grier Stephens, and grandchildren Lynnellen Walker (standing, sec足 o nd fro m left, front row) and (all sitting) Todd Stephens, Leigh Ann Walker, Beth Walker and Claire Stephens.

Dr . Geo rge T. W alker became N o rth east' s Pres i足 d e nt o n July 1, 195 8. Und er hi s guidan ce N orth足 east has undergo ne a pe ri od o f rapid gr owth . Working beside Dr. W alk er during the se years, Mrs. Walk er, as th e pres id ent's wife, has had the re spon sibility of rep rese nting N LU an d has helped plan


hos t num e ro us fun c ti o ns in vo lv mg

fa c ulty, staff, stu de nts and vi siting d ignitari es o n and off campu s. Th e Cha cahoula staff w o uld like to thank th e W alkers fo r 17 1i 2 years of outstanding service to Northeast.

II!cretarlies to Preside nt W alker w ere Mrs. Kathleen Jones and Mrs. Alice Alleman. PreMem W.. lk"r



Dwight D. Vines

On Jan. 1, 1976, Dr. Dwight Vines succeeded retiring President George 1. Walker. Dr. Vines has been Dean of College of Business Admini s足 trati on since 1964. His wife is the former Jean Varnad o, and they have three children .

Vice President James Ni cholson welcomes Dr. Dwight

President and Mrs. Dwight D. Vines.

P l e~ jdem

VOI"Ies .• 299

-Governor Edwin Edwar

Governor Edwin Edwards came to the N LU ca mpu s September 18to dedi足 cate the proposed $6 million football stadium . Prior to the gr o und-breaking, Govern or Edwards m et with student s and facult y in the SUB lobby.

Board of Trustees Senator Harvey Pe lti er, Jr.-President

Mr. Enoc h T. NI,.;- Vi ce President

Mr. Gary W. Sa ndife r- Stud e nt Member M rs. Wi lliam O. Brown

Mr. Cha rl es Co lbert MI. Joseph J. Davies, k

Me F. L Eagan, Jr. Mr. Gordon Flory

Mr. J. Y. Foreman Rev . Herberl M. Gordon Mrs. Dawson Johns Mr.

J. Curtis Jo ubert

Mrs. Claude Kirkpat rick Mrs Carrie W. Mc He nry Mr. Charles M. Miller, Sr. Mr. N. J. Stafford, Jr. Mr. W . E. Whetstone

Dr. Boyd M. Woodard


Jam es M . Nic holso n, Exec utive Vice President.

Dr. Brythel rl . Brantly, Vice Presi dent for Student Aifa irs.

D r. Glen n F. Powers, Vice Pres ident fo r Academic Alfalr ~.

Administrative Officials

Bo b A. Ca rro ll, D ireclor o f



Susan Coats, Director of Housing.

Martha Madden, Dean of Studen l Personnel.

Dr. Charles R. ,\.1cDonald, Director of Coun sel.

Ing and Placement Center.

Alm a l. l ufcy, Reglslrar


Thomas E. Murphy. Dean of SludenlS

Or. Cyn th ia D u ncan, Di reCl o r of Sandel lIb rary

De a n o f [he Colle ge 01 BU Sin e ss Administrat ion (B ec ame presi dent Jan. 1. 1976)

D r James Hood . Head o f t he Departm ent o f Ac足 c ountm ~ (Became acti ng dea n Jan 1, 1976)

D r. Van McGraw. Head o f the D e ranm e nl o f :\I\a nageme nt and M':Hk ellng


K"" ,,,.\, Al h",n " ',.I I/,)n

Dr Dorot hy Cru nk, H ead o( Ihe D eparLm en t 01 O ff,ce Admr nrslral io l)





Dr. Charles Bettinger, D irec to r o f th e Bureau of Bu sin ess and Economic Research

lI .... i"'('~~

Ad m, rll ~I '.1fion

.. 307


Or. Don Locke, Head of the Depanment of Seco ndary and Counselo r Education

D r. Earl Speigh rc;, Head of the De par tme n t of Hea lth and Physical Edu cation

Dr. Oscar Walley, Head of the Departmen l o f Psy足 cho logy


lolu( ~lIun

Berna rd Shad otn, Dea n o f l he Co llegf' o f Edu callon

Dr. Richard Worth ington, Direc tor o f lhe Sc hoo l of Music

Dr l evelle Haynes , Hea d of Ihe Depa nmenl o f Spec ial Edu ca ti o n

D r. Catherine Vaughan, Head o f the Department of Elementary and Early Ch.ildh ood Educati o n




Dr Frank MO lgan, Ir , Oean of the College o f liberal Art~


Jame ~

POllS, Head of the Depanme nt 01 Engli sh

Dr Cad os Fanda l, Head of th e DepaH m enl of Fo reign

Dr. Jam es Edwards, Head o f the D epartment of Art

D r. Gilbert Welc h, Head of the D epartm ent o f Soc iology a nd Soc Ial Services

D r. lam es Par kerso n, Head o f the D epa rt m en t Comrnunlcal lo n A rl~

Dr. Ma rshal Scon l egan , AC llOg Head of the Oepar l menl of Hlsl o r,.路 and

G o ~'e r nm e n l








Or. A. M . Hoc henedel. Hea d of the D eparlmen t A llied Hea lth SCIen ces

or ing







D r. Ric hard Finl ey, Hea d of the Depart m ent oi

Ma the mati cs

Purl' ;iod Apphl!'d xlPnces _


Dr frank Bruscalo, AC!lng Head o f rhe Departmen! of Chem1stry

D r lame s Ca<.o n.

Mr Thurman Pous, H ead oi the Department of Bu ilding Coos! rucl ion

Dr. Cecil Shuga rl , H ead o f the Oepanm em of Ph ys ics

Dr. Ann Kapp, Head of Ihe Deparlmenl of H o rne Eco no miC s

Dr. Jo hn A. M c Lemore, D ea n of the Graduat e School


Te!J t, retest and try again



. heel


loh n Aaro n - Fr , Shre~'epof!, Cyn th ia Abboll - I r . M onroe, Pal nCla A bington - Sr , Shrevepoff, M lc hael l A bney - Fr , la ke Chaties, Regina ld A b rams - Jr.. Bos.qCr C.(y, 10 l ynn .A CCMdo - Fr. M o nroe,

LJ. Lt. l a. l a. la la

Pam Achord - Fr .. BalOn Rouge. La A lle n Adatrls - Fr , Mer Rnuge, La Brenda Adams - So ph .. We st Monroe. La DaVid A d"ms -S oph, M onroe, La D o nna K A da m ~ - Ir , Newe{(lon. La Erne...' R. Aliam"> - Fr , Monroe, La

leromeAdam:-, -Jr , Jackson, M.ss Jo h n L A da m~ - G rad ., Mo nroe, La Karobn Addm 'i - Soph , W,wer, La Ken t .Adamo; - I r.• \l\f e5( M onroe. LJ Mark A dam 'i - Fr , Sh revepofl, La 'vIarY K. Adam., - Soph , Natche z, .'viliS

.'v'i lchae l R Adams - Fr , Shrevepo1l, La Ronda Ac1am ~- Sop h., Cincmnall, OhiO Sha ron Adams - Fr, Columbia, la Tina A d,l ms - Soph , Monroe. La To mmy L Adam s- Fr., Shr€'v epoH, La A rt hur Adcock - Sr. . V,v,an, La

Su san L Adcock- Fr , Shreveport, Lt ,"vlar .... Adklns - Sr, Balon Rou/:l e, La. Carey L Agregilard - Ir , New Orleans, La Dana Aguillard - Fr , Ba sile, La. Slep hen Ahrens - Grad ., £1 Dorado, Ark Da le Ah renl - ~ r. , M o nroe, La

Ese-Ohe U A ldeyan - ~oph , Ni/:l ena Edwa rd .A.. lllSwor l h -I f , MlOden. La. Cami ll,l A lb righ t - Soph , HO l Spnng s. Ark Ma n e A lbrit to n - Sr , K/fbo ume, La Reg ina ld A lb l ll lOn - Sr , West Monroe, Ld. Roc1 nt>y A lb fl lio n - Sr . RayVille, La.

Va n C Albnl ion - Fr., FarmPfvllle, La l en E'1I A lexander - Fr , De ihl, la. Rodney L Alexander- Sr , 5agmaw. MIl:h Caro lyn A I(o rd - Ir , We.sl MO{1foe, La Kay l. A lfo rd - Fr . Bmsier Cily, La Manon A Uo rd - Sr., Winnsboro, La.

Wa ll er C A lfo rd - Fr. , Bogalu sa, Cal hy Alfr ed - Fr ,West MonroE', SIeve A llred - Sop h. West M onroe, Edelie A ll ain - Soph, Port Affen, A ilecia A ll en - Sr, Oak Crove, Barbaro Allen - Ir., M o nroe,

La. La

La La La. La

Brenda l. A lIen - Fr., M O{1foe, Con nie R. Allen - Fr. . M O{1foe, Jerr)' Al len - Fr., Marron, loh n A llen - Soph .. SIjdell, Lynn A llen - Sr., New O , Jeam, MIChael A llen - Fr., Ba stro p,

la. La. La. La. La. L,a.

Nevill R A llen -I r., Delhl, SheIla A. Allen - F,.• Wmn5bofo. Kerry A illen - Soph , lena, David A. AII I\ on - Fr., Ringgold, Dona ld A lli son - Soph , PineVi lle, 10 hn T. Al li son -Ir , RmggolJ,

la. l a.

La. La. La. La

Che ryl K Alpha - Fr . M on roe, La.

Maflo A llam iran o - Soph .• Honduras

Gina A lvarado - Fr.• San AntoniO, Tx .

Cl audia E. Am b ursey - Fr , Poncha!ou/a, La.

Evelyn E A lv is - Fl .. DownSVille, La.

A rlhur L Amo~ - Fr . MO{1foe, la.

Billy E. Amos· Sop h., W in nsboro, La.

Kerry A nders - Soph ., We st M onroe, La.

Dorolh y A nderson - Fr., Ba strop, La.

Gw end olyn Anderson· Ir.• Shreveport, La

Mildred l. Anderson. Soph ., M onroe. La

Rila M . A nderso n . Fr.. M o nroe, La.

Sheila Anderso n · Fr., Mtnd en, La.

Spen ce r And erson . Sr., Su lphur, La.

Terry A nderson . Sr., Shreveport, La.

Ca rol F. A ndrew s - Jr.. M onroe, La.

Danny A ndrew s - Fr.. Monroe, La.

l ynn A nd rew s - Fr., Bastrop. La.

Sharon Andrew s · Fr., l ena, La.

Fred Andru s - Sr., Boss ier Cay, La.

Pat sy Angell e · Sr. , Cec ilia, La.

Bdl A nglin - Jr., Ha ynes vlJJe, La .

Herc ules A nth ony - Fr ., M er Rouge, La.

Chu ck A nza lone - Sop h., M onroe. La.

Harvey A rceneaUx.- Sr., La(ayelle, La.

Kuby Arcenea ux - Fr.. Morgan City, Ld

M ichd el Ardoi n - Sr .. l ennings. La.

Carolyn Mender - Fr ., M OOfoe, La

Pel er ArmalO ' Jr., M orga n City, La.

Mar y Gayle Armstrong· Fr.. Monroe, La.

William Annsl rong, Ir . • Fr., Shrevep o rr, La.

Tomm y Arn old· Sr.• Belialre, Tex.

Tony Arpino · Sr., Shteveport. La.

M elinda Asaff · Ir., Shrevep o fl, La.

Dell As hley· Jr., N ew eli(o n, La.

Charles As hl on · Soph., M on/oe, La .

Joey As hwonh· Soph.. We.srlake, La.

Mike A. Aston - Fr., M o nroe, La.

Roy AS l on , III - Jr., M onroe, La.

Carolyn "' tk ins · Fr. . W isne r, La.

Carolyn A tkin s · I r.. Bas {( OP, La

Wi llie R. AIki ns· Fr ., Wisner. La.

Linda D . Au b rey · Fr., Bas{rop, l a. Kerri A. A UCOin - Fr., Pineville, Deb o rah L. Audl(sch - Fr., Monroe, D ou gla s Augspu rger - Soph ., MoO/oe. Cassandra August - Sr., New Orleans.



La. l a.

Bre nda O . Austin - Fr., Mangham, La.



Ma rc us Aus tin - Fr. , Eroj, Melissa A. Austin - Fr., Shrevepo rt. Mart y A utrey - Sop h., W es ( Monroe. Ben Avant - Sr., Calhoun, Gaye Ne ll Aycock - Soph., O lla, Jeff rey Aycock - Sop h., Monroe,

Ld. La . La. La.

Dana Aye r ~ - Fr., Shreveport. Ne lwyn M. Aymond · Jr., Alexandria. Gayle M . Ayo - Soph ., Ho uma, Pa mela Ayo - Fr. , Houma, Ronald K. Babb - Sr. , M o nl oe, Beth A. Babcoc k - Fr., Pioneer,

La. La. La La. La. La .

La. La.

Saiiy Ba c h - Fr., DellH, La Craig D. Baer - Fr., Monroe, La. David R. Baer - Soph , Monroe, La. Terne S. Bagley - Sooh., Shrevep o rl, La. Ric hardW. Bagwe ll- Fr., Mmden, La . Wanda S. Bagwell - Soph., Mmde n, La .

WIlliam R. Bagwell - Jr., Minden, La. Sharon J. Bahm - Sop h., Hammond, La. Bi ll Bailey - Soph ., Spring hill, La. David Bailey - Sr., New O rlea ns, La. Oa le Baillie - Fr., M on roe, La. Je ff A. Baillie - Jr., M on roe, La.

James Bain - Sr.• Tupelo, Miss. Brian K. Bake r - Sr., Tioga, La. Charlie Baker - Jr., Alexandria, La. David Baker - Soph., Lake Charles, La. D f>b bie K. Bakf>r - Fr., Shrevepo rc, La. Diann Baker - Soph., M o nroe, La.

Dona Baker - Soph ., Shreveport La Gene Baker - Sr., Hayn es vi lle, La l e({rey C , B.:tker - SO{'Jh, CDlulni>us, O

h ,o

Linda Bak e r - Fr. {'vfonf o e . La.

Ll lZle Bake r - Soph " Rayv ille, La.

Lynn Baker · Jr., Ha}'ne5ville, La .

Robe rt Bales - )r.,A /exandfla, La.

Evonne BaldWin - Sr., Alexandfla, La.

Jim W . Baldwin - G rad " Fanwood, N }.

M ic helle Baldwin - Sop h , Cleveland. O hiO

S u ~a n Baldwin - Fr.. WlIln sboro. La.

Jam es Bales - Sr., Rudyard, Mlch

Richa rd Ballard · Fr., Farmerville, La.

Trudl Ba ltz · Jr., Bak er, La.

Thomas A. Balzrett e - Fr., Shreveport, La.

Sa lly Bamburg - Sr., V,Vian, La.

Ivan Bank - So ph ., Monroe, La.

Liza O. Banks - Fr., Mo nroe, La.

Randa l Ga rago na - So ph ., Slidell, La.

Danny Barbera - Fr., Thibodaux, La.

Sharon L. Bardin - Fr, lackso n, Tenn.

Lind a D. Bardw ell- Fr., Monroe, La.

Kend all Barefie ld - Sr., Winn sboro, La.

Karen Barefoo t - So ph ., Monroe, La .

Bec ky Bareswill- Sr., Deihl, La.

Debra Barnard - So [)h ., Shreveporr, La .

Cec ile Barnes - Fr .. Shreveport, La

Darlene W . Garn es - Sr., W es t M o nroe, La.

Pecola Barnes - So ph ., Rayville, La.

Vicky D. Barnes - Sr., Wes t M o nroe, La.

Emm a J. Barnett - Fr., M onroe. La

Shelley K. Barney - Fr., Leesville, La.

Jo hn 5. Barrett - Fr., l ena, La.

Donna G. Barron· Jr., RlIsto n, La.

Geo rge Barron · Fr., l ena, La.

Jo hnny Barrow· Fr., Delhi, La.

Kare n A. Barton - Fr., Atlanca, La.

Robert L Bart o n - Fr., M on roe, La.

Ro nald F. Bartow - Fr., Alexandria, La.

James Ba sco - Grad., Shreveport, La.

BnanJ . Bates- Fr., Boss ierCify, La.

Elizabeth Bates - Sr., Covingran, La.

Larry L Bates - Fr., Winnfield, La.

Leslie Bates - Fr., Wes l Monroe, La

M ic hael P. Baudo in - Fr., AbbeVIlle, La.

Huey Bayl es - Fr., Monroe, La.

DaVid Beach· Sop h.. Boss ier Cie y, La.

Susan Beal - Soph., Natchez, M iss.

Diane Beard - Fr., Cfowley, La.

Deborah l. Bearden - Fr., W es t Monroe, La.

Beth Beasley - Sr., Sh{evepofl, La.

Colleen S. Beasley - Sr.. Fe{{ id ay, L~.

Ronald E. Beasley - Jr .• Femday, La.

Sha ron Beasley - Soph" Ferriday. La .

Jackie l. Beauchamp - Fr. , St. FranCisville. La.

Elaine Beauregard - Jr., Alexandria, La.

Lisa Bea ver - Soph., Monro e, La.

Terry E. Beavers - Sr.. Blylhevil/e, Ark.

Mark Bedgood - Fr., Wesl M o nroe, La.

Mark W. Bedgood - Sop h., WeSl Monroe, La.

Sharon E. Bee - Fr., Monroe, La.


. l2J

Rebecc a Beebe - )uph ,OJk Crove, La William C. Beelle' - Fr, Springhill, La )leVfO Bf'p~(Jn - 5" Irving, rex Audrey Be hlar - Jr, ,\ '"",>v Orleilns, La. Brad B(' ldll)g - )r ,8.1 ton Rouge, La D iane tk lgiHU - \"r" Pinev ille, L1

BrpnOil Bpl!- I f , 8a5lrop, La

C1ydp Bp ll . Soph , FC'ffldar, La K pll [ Bpll - <;joph , Momoe. La ,'vhll o n G Bp ll - '>r , Thibodaux, La Pal riC lii A t.:ell - )r ,Monfrose, Ark .'vl1c hae l ,\"\ Be lot e - I f , f\:i)f chez, MIH

Charles Be lton - Fr. , Monroe, La Da le Benavides - Sr.. Memphis, Tenn 0 11 0 Benavides - Grad. , Bogota, Colombia Emelda S. Benjamin - Fr. , Bordelonville, La. Ja m es W . Be njamin - Fr.. Pollock, La Co nnie Be nnett - Sr ,Pocahonfas, Ark.

Kand;' l3 E' nnC i( - Jr" Balon RougfO, La Ka lh e fln C::' Ben lwli - j r, Balon Rouge, Ld Kalhl fO J Bp.nnel l - Jr., Siarl, LJ l:3"rry C [3pn lOIl - fr, Forese La She ri 'denton - So ph , Monroe. La Gary l:3erg~ lr om - Sr. Camden. Ark

Edwa rd G Ke rn(l IO\"' ICZ - Sr.. Shrevep0ri. La JanC' Kernhard t Fr., Shreveport La Sady f' K Ker n he lnl - Sf , Monroe, La A lanB Kerry- Fr , Sh revep o fl, La Ca ro l yn I B.,rry - Jr , Oak Grove, La Phi li p H. Be rry - Soph , Shleveporl, Ld_

RIC ha rd C Be rry - Jr , Monroe, Shirley R Bf'rry - Jr.. Monroe, Stephen A l3erry - Jr.. O ak Grove, Jpf( Berteau - Sr.. Conza/es, Be ned lC"i Bertrand - Sr , Elton. Shirl ey E. Bethea - Sr , Rocky Moun{,

La .

Ld La La La La

M ike J. I3 lalas - Sr., Gulfporl, MISS Si eve A Billin gs - )op h , Bogalusa, La Den c ka Blllll lt;" ley - )o ph ., Pri c hard, LJ Amy Billder im - G rad ., As heville, N. C Cary E. Blndp'(lm - Gra d ., D ic kso n, Okla Maril y n Binford 路 Soph ., Marlon , La

A il sa Bingham - Fr., Wi5ner, La Debbie R. BlfdweH - Fr , Oell)J, La Tim BI!>hop . Jr , Monroe, La Cleve land W . Blac k. - )oph ,Ida, La Con n ie Black - 50 p h., New ellton , La Gary BI.1ck - "Soph ., Newelllon, La.

Lisa Black - So ph ., OUa, La .'vIan lyn J. Black - Fe. Newe llton, La Clala Blackma n - Jr ,Grayson, La Janel S. Blackmcl.n - Soph . Bawop, La. Renee' I1 lackmon - Jr. , Indiano la. MIH. Eli zabe tha BIJ ck l'n o n - Fr , Vicksburg, Miss

Cha rl es Blackwe ll - Sr I Monroe. La Pam L ~ I a<..kwe ll - Fr., Oak Grove, La Bobby I3 lake - Jr ,Shrevepo rt, La C ind y J Blakenev - rr., N Of(h Bend, Ore M ary I3 lanrha.1 - Sr ,Cov ln g/on, La Ver non Bldn"on - r- r , Wi sner, La

Rona ld Slal.ler - Soph ., W eS{ Monroe, Thomas G . BlaZ ie r - Fr , West Monroe, Mic ha el Ble vins 路 Soph ., Shreveporl. Kim Blocker - F( ,Oakdale, Su ':>an Blox ham 路 I r ,Ba lon Rouge, Samue l Boa l flghl - Jr , Monloe,

La La La La. La. Lil

Kare n R Brantley - Sr., MeG~hee, Ark Ke nt Brantley· Soph.,/onesv ille, La. Shie la Bran ton· Jr., Ura nia, La. Karel Brashear. Sr., lanesboro, La. Freda Bra sher. Sr., M onroe, La R,ck E. Bra she r . Fr.. Svlphvr, La.

Ann Bra y - Fr., M on ro e, La Sk ,p Bre ard - Sr., Monroe, La. Sle ph en Breed · Sop h .. Monroe, La. Deann e Breed love· Fr., Monroe, La. Hele n Bre Ithaup t · So ph , l ena, La. Su san l Bellhaupl · Fr. , Mo nroe, La

Be rnard Bre la nd - Sr., Sterlmgron, Lil. D . Annet te Brewer - Fr.. Minden, La . .'\l1a rgare l BrewS le r· Soph ., Monroe, La Mary Nelda Brewto n · Sr., BaHrop, La. Mic key Brewton · Jr., Wmnfield, La. Patrick Bria n · Sr., Walker, La.

Ange lia Brigg s · Fr.. Monroe, La.

D e borah D . Briggs - Fr. , Ferrid ay, La.

Debra Bright· Fr., BaslTop, La.

Th o ma s Bmte r - Sr., Grena da, MIss.

Aaron Britton - So ph. , Monroe, l.a.

Rickey Brill o n - Fr., Calhoun, La.

Susan C. Bnuon - Jr , Delhi, Jeffrey l. Broadway - Ir, Gilbelf, loseph P. Broc ato - Sr., Shreveporl, Suza nne Broca to · Soph., Shreveport, Wi lliam E. Brooks - Sr., Monroe. Anthony Broussa rd - Jr., Jennmg s,







Ro bert Broussard -Ir .• /en nings, La .

SU2a nne Broussard - Jr., Franklin, La.

Arma Brow n - Fr., Gilbert, La.

Bob Brown - Sr., M onroe, La.

Carol yn F. Bro whaw - Jr., Mon roe. La.

C harle s Br own - Sop h., Lake PrO VIdence. La.

Debra Brown· fr., M o nroe, La.

Do nna M. Brown - Fr., We Si Monroe, La.

Emme ll f Brown - So ph ., W es t M onroe, La.

C loria Brown· Sr., BaH fOp, La.

H. Go rdon Bro wn - Sr. , M onroe, l.a. Crove r Brow n - Fr., Gilbert La.

J. Phillip Brown - Jr., Ddwson Spllngs, Ky.

James K. Brown , II - Fr., Bossier City, La.

Jane Brown - Jr.. Bas /un. L.a.

Janey Br ow n - Jr., Atexandria, La.

Janice M . Br ow n - Fr., WeS/ M onroe, La

Janice Br ow n - Jr., Sim mespofl, La.

Joan Brown - Fe , Baskin, La.

Judy Brown - Soph.,Shrevepofl, La.

linda R. Brown - Fr , Poncha LO ufa, La.

Manha Brown - Jr.. Monroe, La.

Michael E. Brown - Fr., BilOXI, Mis s.

Patricia Brown - Jr ., Sh reve-pon, La.

Randa ll Brown - Fr., Slidell, La.

Roc helle A. Brown - Sr., Eu nice, La.

Ronald Brown - Fr., Wes l Mo nroe, La.

Sarah l. Brown - Ft., West M o moe, La.

Sha rondi a Brown - Fr., Downsville, La

Sta cey Brown - Fr., Shreveport. La.

Thom as W. Brown - Grad., M onroe, L.a.

Phylli s A. Browne - Fr.. Baker, La.

Carolyn Brown lee · Jr., Calho un, La.

M elissa Broy les - Sr., Kentwood. La .

Janel Bruce - Fr. , M o nroe, L.a.

Bronwen Bru c hhau s - Sr ., HlOn, La.

larry J. Brugier - Fr., West Mo nroe, La.

Amy D . Brumfi eld · Soph., BalOn Rouge, La.

Marcia Bruner - Jr., Chenoa, 11/.

Mic hael D. Brunn er - So ph ., Bethel Park, Pa.

Dorinda J. Brunson - Jr., Monroe, La.

Patri cia Brunson · Jr , Homer, La

Cyn thia G. Brya n - Jr , Baskin, La.

Jerri Bryan - Soph., Spearsville, La.

Syb il Bryan - fr., Baskin, L.d.

Vergil O . Bryan - Sr , Monroe. La.

James Bryan[ - jr., Monroe. La.

Karen M. Bryanl - Fr.• St. Francisvill e, La.

MaryLou Bryant - Soph ., Harrisburg, Pa.

Cynthia A. Buck - Fr., Shreveporl, La.

Ruth Buckley - Fr., Monroe, La

Gabriele Buggs' Soph., Lake Chatles, La.

Emma Buie - Sr., W esl Monroe, La.

Manha BUIe - Fr., Monroe, La.

Clifford Bulloc k · Fr., DeIhl, La.

SCali Bumgardner - Sr ., Bunkie, La.

Janis Bunc h - Soph., Monroe, La.

Andre l. Bunniu - fr ., Girard, La.

Yvette BUnnin - Soph., Girard, La .

Oebble E. Burch· Fr., Farmerville, La.

Emily Burford - Sr., lena, l.a.

laufl Burgess - Soph ., M onroe, La.

Susan Burfoot - Fr., Ho mer, La.

Becky Burk· Soph., Monroe, La.

Margaret Burlew - Grad., Bastrop, La.

Donnie Burley - Jr., M on tetey, La

Gregory Burley - Fr., M o nterey, La.

Misheal Burney - Jr., Boss ier Ciry, l.a.

Tim Burnham - Sop h., Springhiff, Liil.

Anne Surns - Sr., Clayson, l.a.



Cheryll. Burns - Fr. , D elhi, C hri sto pher Burton - Jr., New Iberia, Caro l J. Bu sb y - Sr. , M o nroe, Rene Bu sh - Jr., Alexandria, Sherman Bu sh - Fr. , W est Monroe, Andrey BUller· Sop h., Ba ro n Ro uge,

La. La. La. La. La.


Barbara K. Butler - Fr., Delhi, La.

Oeb ra A. Buller - Fr., Monroe, La.

Dwa yne Butl er - Soph., Texdfkana , Ark.

Evelyn Y. BUller - Fr., Monroe, La.

R.ona ld BuxJe r · Sr. , Baton Rouge. La.

Toby M. BUl ler - 5r , Ma ngha m, La.

Belinda Byrd · Soph. . Co lum bia, La

Donna Byrd - Fr ,Cla ylon, La.

Marian Byrd - Sr., LiHfe Rock, Ark.

Sandra Byrd - Sr., Baro n Rouge, La.

Sharanda Byrd · Fr., Wes f Monroe, La .

li sa A Caballero - Fr., W es f Mo nroe, La.

Janice Cabro n - Sop h., N ew O rle ans, La Cha rles M. Ca in - Soph ., Ho r Spring!>, Ark.

Cl inlOn A. Ca in - Jr., Bossiel Ciry, tao Da na Ca in - Fr., Oakdale, tao Jud y K. Cain - Fr., BasCtop , La RandyCa in - Fr., Winn sboro, La.

Ronnie Cai n - Fr., Winns bo ro, tao Caro lyn Caldwell - Sr., M onroe, La. Gwendoly n R. Ca ldwell- Sr., Wesr M onroe, La. Bubba Ca lhoun - Fr., Colu mbia, La. David Calho un · Fr., Wesl Monroe, La. larryCa lhoun · Fr. , M o nroe, La.

Wayne A. Ca lhoun - Fr., Wesl Monroe, La.

Ba rbara Ca llahan - Soph ., Hou ston, Tex.

C raigCaJl away· 50ph ., Delhi, Lil.

lucille Calligan - Fr., Lake Charres, La.

John D. Cameron - Fr ., Mo nroe, ta..

Curtis Ca mpb e ll - Fr. . Shreveport, La.

Gretc hen l. Ca mpbe ll - Sr., Shrevepoft La.

l ynn Campbell - G rad ., Shreveport. La.

Vic ki l. Camp be ll - Fr., West M onroe, La.

Wi lson Ca mpbell - Sr., Ba ngor, Irela nd

Debbie Canal - Sr.• Monroe. La.

Jo e Cangelosi - G rad., Ba lO n Rouge, La.

.l le . .


Beth Can no n - I-r., West Monroe, La.

Rebecca CanSI Ia.nos · FI., HOI Springs, Ark.

Richard I. Carbon · Fr., MoO/oe, La.

Carolyn R. Carlton - Grad ., Lecompte, La.

Gle nda Ca rho n . Sr., Lake Vd'age, Ark.

Jo Ail ce Ca ric o n - Fr. , Monroe, La

Regin a Ca rm o n · Fr., La ke Charles, La

Edward Ca rnevaletll . Grad., Lake Village, Ark.

Colene Carpen ter · Fr.. Farmerville, La.

Mic ha el F. Carper· 51., Bato n Rouge, La

Debra. Carr· Fr., W is ner, La.

Debora h Car r· Fr., Ba strop, La.

lames Ca rr . Grad., Collax, La.

Ronald Ca rr · Fr. , Monroe, La

Patrick Carrie r · Sr., Eunice. La.

Janel Ca rro ll - Soph., Monroe, La.

Stephen Ca rro ll · Soph., St. Joseph, La.

Brenda S. Car sley · Soph., Vicksb urg. MIss.

Matlin K. Ca rson · Soph., Wes l Monroe, La.

Clyde T. Carler - Sr., La/ayelle, Ld.

Connie Carter - Fr., Calho un, La.

George W . Carter - Jr., Monroe, La

Sa lly A. Carte r · Fr., Femday, La.

Sa ndra K. Ca rte r · I r. , Shrevepofl, La

Sharon Carte r - Fr.. Darnell, La.

Tho ma s Cart er - Sr., Benton, La.

Vi cki /. Ca n er· Fr., Shreveport, La.

Cla udea n M. Carlwnght . Sr. , Chalham, La.

TNe sa Caruthers - Sr., Bay St. Lows, Mis .~ .

Andrew J. Casc io· Soph., Shreveport La.

Johnny CasCIo - Fr., Monroe, La.

Leo narda J. Cas cio· Fr., Monroe, Ld.

Craig E. Case · Soph. , W est Monroe, La.

Mari Ca sse l - Jr., O lla, La.

Eva Ca ssey - Sf , Monroe, La.

Tim M. Ca ss idy· Fr., Jennings, La.

Mark Cas tellana· Jr., P;lff is Is land, S. C

8renda J. Castil/o· Fr., Chalmette, La.

Wilham P. Ca talano - Fr., BOSSie r City, La .

Ca rolyn S. Ca ter - Jr., Winn sboro, La.

Sue E. Ca tes · Fr., Jackson, M iss.

Cherry L. Ca ud le - Fr., Spnnghill, La.

Ge rri L. Causey - Sop h., Oakdale, La.

l o uann e Ca usey - soph., Shreveport, La.

Pam G. Ca usey - sop h., Churc h PoiO(, La.

Elaine Chac here - Fr.. Opelo usas, La .

Ro bert Chachere· 51., Eu nice, La.

lean ne Chadick· soph., Monroe, La.

Barba ra Cha ffin - Soph., Pme Prairie, La .

Suz y Cha ffin - Jr., Gra nd Cane, La.

Ka lie I. Chd Ho ld - Fr., Mer Rouge, La.

Cli n( S. Chain. soph., Bastrop, La.

Cynthia L. Chalupn ik · Soph., Shreveport, La.

lawren ce E. Chamberlai n · Fr., Kilbourne. La.

Ricky Cham b less· Soph., Wes ' Mo nroe, La.

Mic hael K. Chambliss· Sr., Kinder, La.

Ri ckie Cham bliss -/r., Monroe, La.

Julie Champagne - Fr., Ba (o n Rouge, La .

Chi Ko ng Chan - Jr., Ho ng Kong

Yn Wah Chan' Sr., Hong Ko ng

Do nald Chan d ler· Fr., Ca lvin, La.

Ja net Chandler · Fr., Bencfey, La.

Cathy L. ChaMe· Fr., Wilm on t, Ark.

David Chapma n - Grad ., Monroe, La.

Diane Cha pman· Jr., Lake Pro viden ce, La.

Deborah J. Cha se· Sr., Enterp rise, La.

8u r·C~

. 329

Jane C h a~e - J r , fnlflrprise, La.

Hayd en R. C hasteen - Fr., Crapevlne, Tex.

Sharon Cha tham - Sr., Chatham, La.

Riad C hehab · Grad., Beirut-Lebano n

Tyro n e T. Cheng - Sr. , Hong Kong

David Chen· Sr., Hong Kong

Ca ll A. Cheramie - St., Cu r Off. La. Alford Cherry - Soph., Monroe, La. Howard O. Che!>hire · Fr . Monroe, La. Sta nley Chester - Jr., Hambvl& Ark. She K Kay Cheung - Sr. , Hong Kong Yeun Sang C heung - Grad., Hong Kong

Mark C hia sso n - J r. , La/ayell e, La. Ca th y C hICk - Sop h., Plym o uth, M I. Ben ita Ch ildress - Fr, M onroe, La. Dav id Chish o lm - Sr. , Punkin Ce nter, La Cynth ia Chi sley - Fr. , Monroe, La. Kathry n A. Ch illY - Fr., DeQUIncy, La.




Mic hae l Choa te· Sr. , Carthage, Tex Thom as Chustle - Sr.. Hambvl& Ark Deborah Ch ri stman - Grad., M onroe, La.

Cheo ng'Po C hu - Jr., Ho ng Kong

Fred Chu rch - Jr., Monroe, La.

Wanda Chu rc h - Fr., Monroe, La.

Paula C hlocch l - Sr., Minden, Frank li n Chla){a k - Sr., Mo nroe, D.lv id Chop· Sop h., Oak Gro ve, Debora h Chri sl ma n - G rad, M o nroe, Frank Chnslm an - Fr. , Mo n roe, Jam es E. Cica la· Jr., M o nroe,

La. La. La. La. La. La.

Wa rren C lslaghi - Soph. , 5hreveporr, Ka ren Clack · Sr., Monroe, Derry Clancy - Fr., Fra nklinton, A leda l Clark· Fr., Wes(/a ke, Ben Cla rk · Sop h., Monroe, Bobbie Ci.lrk - Sr.• Monroe,







Carol Cla rk - Jr. , Monroe, Durwood Clark - Sr., l o nesboro, EverelieClark· Jr. , M onroe, Gai l Clark · Jr., M o nroe, GayleM . Cl ark - Fr., lena. Leona rd Clark - Jr., M onroe,







Marc u S R. Clar k - Soph., 5u /(ur, La . Mit chell Clark - Fr , Winmboro, La. Pea rl Clark ' Sr., Ferriday, La Renee Clark - Soph., Lillie Rock, Ark..

Robert Clark · Fr., Shre veport, La. Ro bin Clark - Soph., Monroe, La. Willia m A. Clark· Soph., lena, La. James Clary - Ir • Rayville, La.

Diane Cla unc h · So p h., Monroe, Roge r Clau sen - Soph.• Maplewood, Wi lli e Clav ier - Sr., Opelousas, O a nn y C lay- )r. ,Ra yville.

La. La. La. La.

l eroy V. Clay - Fr., Crossell, A,k. Cindy Clay lon. Fr.. M Olgan Ciry. La. Stephen C. Clemens - Fr., Telf Cily. I nd. C harles Clifford - Sr., Vidalia . La.

no . . hces

Cat hy A. Clin lon - Fr., FarmervJ}}e, La.

Phi lli p Clomo n . Sr., MontOe, la

George H . Clo ud - Fr., Wh'l e O ah, Tex.

Robert R. Clo ud - Sc , Dallas, Tex.

Bert ha Cobb - Fr. , New Roads, La.

Da vId Co bb - Ir., Vidalia, La.

Maxine Cobb - Fr. , New Roa d s, La.

Norma A. Co bb · Fr., New Roads, lit

Wlilldnl /. Cob b - Sr., POri A llen, La .

James R. Coc hran - Soph., Pasadena, Tex.

Terry Cochran - Sr., SpringhIll, La

Joseph W. Cocreham . Sr., B;Hon Rouge, La.

Cynlhla Co ffey - Fr., M Ontoe, l a

Terry M. Coffman - Fr., Alexa ndna, La .

Wi lli am Coggin s - Fr. , M on roe, La.

ulhy Cohen - Sf , Natclll roc hes, La.

Ca thy Cok er · Sr., WinflSbof o, La.

Arleen Colem an - Soph., l ake PrOVIdence, La.

D onnie Co lemall' Fr., Bas/rap, La.

Elizabeth Coleman - Soph., )o nesvifle, La.

John A. Coleman - Sr. , lameHown, La.

N . Keith Co leman - Sr ,Suffur, La. Sarah Coleman - Fr., Ba SCfop, La. Shirley Coleman - Soph., Gilberr, La.

TW lnkye R. Colem an - Fr., HauSMon, La

Ken Coley - Sr., lena, La.

D ian n Colli e · Sc, Calhoun, La.

Bob Col her - Sr., MontOC, La.

Anth ony Co llins· Soph , Lake Ch arles, La

Ayn Co lli ns· Fr., M ontoe, La

Eliz abeth Collins · Fr. , Lake C harles. La

John Collin s - /r. , Rayville, Ld.

l o hn W . Coli 105 - Fr. , Tallula h, La.

Ka ren l. Colli ns· Fr., \tVinnsoofO, La.

Wa ller Collins - Sr., M o nr oe, La.

Sandra Co lli nsworth· Soph. ,j onei bofO, La

Ca ren E Coll om · So ph., Stall, La.

Tom Co ll um - Sr., M o ntgomery, Ala.

Co lleen M. Coller - Jr.• Lake Cha rle s, La.

Carolyn Co lvard - Sr. , M o ntoe, La .

Enos l. Colvin - J c, Rayville, La.

Gayl e A. CO IVlr1 - Fr., Wes r Mon/oe, La .

Ch,,· COI


l I


Idm lP Co!vm - rl ,All:'x.tncJnJ, Ll l<:>nnd rd Col vin - 50p h , Rayville. La I\1 I<. h...al l Colv lo - SI , We'il ,\;fo nrue. La Penny M . Co l v in - Fr . H/e.H M o nroe, La. C.lIhenne E Conr.ld - Soph , Sulfur, La. ,\-\.:1ry l.ra<.e COO'> idnt Hl O - 5f . f.<ew

Orleans. La

lyiarv( c..onw rSt' - Fr , Pol/o<..k, La

Tem Conley· Fr. MJngha m , La VICki IJ Coody - Ir., W(?s/ MantOE', La. (jC.' bd Blar km on Coo k - ~()ph. We~ ' M onroI:', La leanc ll eO Coo k- )r , We~rMollfot:. La lYIlt) Cook - Sf. Nal<.hiloches. La

,\'l l c hde l Co ok · Fr . M on roe, M lc ha cl t Coo k · ~op h ,S /u.1(:'II, N ick Cook - If . M o nro!;!, I<!a y Cook - 51 . We51 Mo nroe, laurd B ( oopPor - 5, • M onroe. lou A. Coopf"r - ~r., Wmllshoro.

La Ld. La La. La


Randall Coop er - ~r. West Momul:', LJ 'vVll lrarn <":OOp t'1 - Sf . West Munroe, LJ Bill y C opeland - Sr, Monrot;!, t J. Judv Cope la nd - h ,Star!, LJ. DWI)l)e R Cop es - Fr , West Monroe, LiI Pa trrc la Co pe,> . h .. De lh •. La

Gary Core orJn - Fl. New Or/~<Hl S, Lil Sha ron COld roy . Soph, 5pr,nghlif. LJ ttever ly C o rke rn · Fr , Bdi o n Rouge. Lil Gregory D . Corkern - Fr. . fran ldm' orl. La Roberl W Corkt' rn · Sr.. A fexJnrilia, Ld. D on n a L Co rl ey - Fr . Ba~ tr{)" . La.

Bnr bMa l CormIer · Sr, Gueydan. Ld lf~ lI e Corneli us · f r. De Ihl. La Ja n Cornwell · Sr , lena. La M r(hael T Corre ro - Soph. ,\/Ion rol;', La. Cart-yC o,>,:·· Fr , 5pflnghlll, L1 Bt;>verlv Con on - Fr, M Ontoe, La

Catheri ne Cotl on· Soph , MOllroe. La Debra COIlOI) - ~r , RayviJJe, La G u s Couc h - Fr.. MOMoe, La. M arla Cou ller - Jr., '- ,u le Rock, Ark Don na Coun ts - Fr., Wes t MontOe, La A nn Counege · Soph , Je nnings. La

Jody l. Cour Vi lle - Soph , Ro anoke, Pau l Courre!!w · Sr., Jenning s, Bdl CovI ng ton · Ir , W esr Monro e, Ca ry Cov ington · Soph , We st M o nroe, Joyce Covmglo n - Grad., M onroe, ,\1 all hJ Covington · Fr ,Oak Grove,


La La. Ld.

La. La

Reba C o ..... rngl on - Jr , Plarn Dealmg, La Va n Coulon - FI , N ew Orleans, La Sa rah Cow d en. Fr., OJk Crove, Robe r! Cowgill · JL, Vivian, Stephen Cowgi ll - Fr , Rapid City, 5 Irene Cox - Soph, 5h' e ~'epo ' (,

La La D.


Ken ne th Co x - $oph ., WeH Monrot'. La Lisa Cox· J r , M o nroe, Ld Th o m as Cox - Sr I Spdffa, N . C. Silly Crabtree - SI ,PocJ honla S, A rk Karen C rafl • Fr , Springhill, Ld. Ti na Craf t - $op h ,Monroe, La,

Je ff Craig. Fr., Spnnghlll, Dave Craighea d - Soph., Springhill, Elissa C ram· Sr., M onroe, RuslYC ram · Jr., Basu o p, Dav Id Craw fo rd · Fr. , We sr M onroe,

David Cfawfo(d -

La La.



L.l .

Jr .,l e na, La.

Ed cli e Crawfo rd - C; r ,

WI ~ne (,


Elva 10 Crawlord - Sr , BdlOn Rouge, La

Roben Cra w lord - Sop h. BalOn ROll g<?', Ld

Sian Cra w fo rd - Soph , Dt /bac h. La

lames Crcekmore - Sr , PO r! 5mou(fl, L1

Dianna Crclghlo n . I r , M onroe. Lil

l ind a Creig ht on - Fr , M onroe, La.

D ebb iE" Crew 路 Soph , ~'Ves l M onroe. La

Ri c hard Cng ler - Jr. , Monroe. La

Leona rd Crocker - Ir .. Crenla. Va.

D avid Crocke ll - Sr , Monfoe, La

Jea n C romwell - FI , \.Veil ,\ 1o oroe. La.

lulre C ro nin - Jf, Pmevillf', La

Samuel Crosby - Fr , Oa k CfOVE'. La

Pa lly Crotwell - f r . Ba ron RougE', La.

Sha ron Cro lw el ' - Ir , Mo nloe, La

Con nleCrow - I r. , Monroe, La

Darrell Crow d e r - Sr I M onroe, La

Ka te Crow d er . Sop h , West Monroe, La Suz a nne C rowd er 路 Soph , M onroe, La Cassie Crowe - Fr ., Oak Crove, La Kim Crum - Fr , Ferriday, La Patti Crum - Fr , Tallulah, La Clint o n C rump - Sr. , HaynesvIlle, Ld.

Mary Crump - Soph., West Monroe. La Tommy Cr ump - Fr ., HaynesvIlle. La Rodl C ulo lla - Sr , Chalmeue, La. Ann Culp - fr , MOOloe, La G lenn Cul p - I r , Monroe. La Rhonda Culp - Fr., M onroe. La

James Culpepper - Jr., Houma, La Reba Cummrngs - Jr. , We51 Monroe. La

Debra Cummins路 Sop h.. Cro wv'('e. La Sharo n Cummin s - Jr. , W es l Monroe, La SUlan Cunningham - Fr , Shrevepo rt, La C indy CUp it - Fr . Stet/lnglon, La

lud y Cunng( o n - Fr.. WHne!, La. Danie l Curri e路 Fr., COvtnglOn, La In s Gay ( uuy - Sop h., Pollock, La. linda Curry - Soph., Rayville. La Jo hn Curl IS - Sop h , Monroe, La l ee Cut reI . Sr.. Fernday, lao COl-C UI


Bev Cyphers - Sr., EI D orado. Ark.

Vi c tor Dalrymple - Sop h., Oak Grove, La.

William Damper - Fr., Ra yville, La.

Bre nda Daniel - Fr , Sc. Francisville, La.

Dav,d Danie l - Grad.. Shreveport, La.

Ma rC! Daniel - Fr., Monroe, La.

Ro bin Danlel- Soph. . MOflfoe, La. Cheryl Darnell - J r., M o nroe, La . Darlene Dauge reaux - Fr. , Church Poinr, La Max Da ught ry - Fr., W innfield. La Apla i D avenpOlI - Sr., New Orleans, La. Gwendolyn Davenport - Sr. Bastrop, La.

Ge ra ld Davey - Sr., Balt imore, Md. Rex Davey - Grad. , 5everna Park, Md. Karen David - Fr., Kenner, La. Art hur Davidson - Sr.,Abbeyville, La. Doug la s Davidson - Fr., West M o nro e, La. Mary Davidson - Fr., 5hreveporc, La. G reggory Da vies - G rad., Monroe, La. William Dav,es - Jr., Po n cha toula, La. Be linda Davis - Soph ., M On/oe. La. Cynthia Davis - Soph., Leesville, La. Don Da vis - Fr. , Jackson. Miss. Frank Davis - Jr. , West M o nroe, La.

George Da vis - Jr., Monroe, La.

Gerald Da vis - Soph., Lo ne Pine, La.

Harry Da vis - Fr., St Joseph, La.

Ja cqueline Da vis - Sr. , M o nroe, La.

James Davis - Fr.. M Ofl(o e, La.

John Davi s - Fr., Slidell, La.

Judith Davi s - Soph ., Basklf1, La. Karl Davi s - Sr.• Ferriday, La. Kathy Davi s - Fr., JoneSVille, La. lmda Da vis - Jf" M onroe, La . lisa Davis - Jr., Warre n, Ark. Marilyn Da vis - Sop h., Wisner, La.

Marilyn L Da vis - Fr ., Bastrop, La.

Mary Davis - Fr., Alexandria, La.

Patty Davis - Sop h., Boga/usa, La.

Paul Davis - Jr ., Texas City, Tex.

Paula Davis - Soph., Spearsville, La.

Ra y Davis - Soph.• Core y, La.

Rodney Davis - Fr.. Minden, La.

Sha ron Davis - Soph ., lanesville, La.

Sharon Davi s - Fr., Monroe, La.

Terry Davies - Jr., Co lumbia, La.

Theresa Davis - Fr., Breaux Bridg e, La.

Wanda Faye Davis - Jr., Bo n o, Ark.

Brenda Dawkins - Soph.• WeSC Monroe, Cynthia Day - JI., Shrevep0rl. Edna Day - Sr. . Bato n Ro uge, Jacqueline Day - Fl., N ew ellton. Jam es Day - Fr., Bastrop, Ken Day - Jr., Shre veporl,







linda Day - Sr., W innsboro, La. Pam Day - If . Baker. La. Philip Day - I r , West M o nroe, La. Rac hel Day - Fr., SleriinglOn, La. Raymond Daye - Soph., Benlo n, La. Dianna Dayton - Sr., W eS t M onroe. La Chuck Deel - Fr., W eSl M onroe, La Denni s Dean - Sr., Fairbanks, La. George Dean - Jr., }efferso n, Tex . Kay D e an - Sr. , Mo nroe, La. Slephen D ean - }I., Cl /b ert, La. Ellen D ear ing - Sr.. Natc hitoc hes ]]4

. fI.u~

Step hanie Delcambre· Sop h.. New Ibella, La

Cynthia De loach · Ir., Wesl Monroe, La.

Del ores De loach· Jr., Eff,e, La.

Loli ta De Mello· Jr. , Shre vepo rc, La.

Gary De Moss· Fr., Eros , La.

lim De Moss · Fr. , Wesl MOnToe, La

Ca rol De ngle r · Fr., Slidel,. La.

VIC to r Denlcloa - Sr., Ba lon Rouge. La.

Te rri Denn a rd · Soph.. Monroe, La.

Keyin Denoux· Fr , Gonza les, La.

Mark Dent · Soph ., Monroe, La

Ja ne l De rbo nne - Fr.. Ho uston, Tex.

PatriCia De ro use ll e· Fr., Lafaye tte, La.

Dimi ty De rri ck · Sr., Shreveport La.

Kathy Desadl er· Sop h., Lake PrOVidence, La.

Sandra Desadier . Sr., Mon lfceUo. Ark

Anne ne D espon · Fr., Shrevepoft, La.

Libby De um ll ie - Sop h., Oa kda le, La .

Curtis Dev ille - Fr.. Ville Pralle, La.

Do n Devi lle - Soph.. VIlle Pla lle, La.

Loril ee Deville· Ft., Buckeye, La

Marsha Dew · Fr., Mer Rouge, La

Rodney Dew. Sr., Bawop, La.

Rose Dew · Jr.. ColfinSlOn, La.

Cess ie De wey - Fr. , M onroe, La.

Warren D ew ey· Sr., Monroe, La.

Franki e 0 ic kin s . Fr.. Monroe, La.

RIChard Di c ker so n· Fr., Slidell, La.

Suza nn e D i c k e r~ o n . Fr., Mont oe, La.

Ric ha rd Dic key · Soph., Wi nnsbot o, La.

Jo hn Dickins o n· Jr., LakeCharJes. La.

Gwendo lyn Di c ks o n· Fr., Mo nroe. La.

Nancy Dillingham· Jr., Monroe, La.

Jo Dillon - St .• MeadvilJe. La.

Do nna Di lm ore · Fr., Wes l Monroe, La.

Edward Dinger · Sr., Lake Providence, La.

Martha Dink ins· Sop h., Shreveporl, La.

Josep h Dispenza· Fr. , Monroe, La.

La Ronda Dixon · Sop h., Oak Grove. La.

Mary Di xon· Ir., TaJ/u/ah, La .

Sha ron Doame · Fr., Wes( M onroe. La

Patrici a Dobbins· Fr., Wes r Monroe, La.

Sieve Dods on - Sr., Shrevep orl, La.

Vicky Dod son · Jr., Shrevepo rl, La.

Kenneth Do e ll · Fr ., New Orfeans, La .

Trudl Doggett· Fr. , Basuop, La.

Dana DOlse· Sr.. Eunice. La.

Ka thy Do llar· Fr.. Baskin, La

Brad Domingu e - Fr. , Breaux Bridge, La

Kasandra I. Domingue · Fr., Bacon Rouge, La.

Pat Do nahue - Fr. , D elhi, La.

Randy Donald - Fr., Wes l Monroe, La.

Kath y D . Dopson · Soph., Crossett, Ark.

Carme n L Dorcik · Sr., Biloxi, MIss.

He nfletta Dotray· Fr., Monroe, La.

Debbie A. Doughty - Fr., Lafayette, La.

Ga rry l. Dowd · Fr. , Monroe, La .

Terry l. Dowd · Sr.. Monroe, La.

Ronnie Dowling· Fr., Simsboro. La.

Thom as Doyle· Sr., EI Dorado, Ark.

Ma rk Drago - Soph., Alexan dria, La.

Margaret Draper - Fr. , Slidell, La.

Mike Drennan · Soph., CuI/port, Miss.

Victo r Drewry. Soph ., West Monroe, La.

Wanda G. Driver· Fr.. Lake Providence, La.

Cathy Duche sne· Sr.. Monroe, lil.



Charles Duc he s ne - Fr.. Delh i, La, Deborah Duc he!>ne - Sr., Hebef/, La. Melvin R Duckett - Fr ,Colum bia, La. Oaden€' Du cksw orth· Fr., M endenha ll, Miss. Kevin Duco te - Fr., New Odeans, La. Mau re en A Dugan - Jr , Bogalusa, La

Christopher Dugas - Soph., Marion, La.

Susan s Duggin s - JI., Monroe. La. David B. Dumas - Fr.. Houma, La Donah Duma s - It .. EI Dorado, Ark. Te rry L. Ou ma s· Fr., M on roe, La Cynlhi a J. Durum,[ - Fr., Bun kJe, La. Charl es Dunaway - Soph. , Monroe, La Joe D. D una way · Jr., Warren, Ark,


Bennie Dunca n - Fr. , Monroe, La. Mike T. Dunham - Fr. . Baskin s, La.

C Lee Dunn· Sr., Monroe, La. Ca rrie Dunn - Fr., Delh i, La.




Duane O. Dun n - fr. , M arrero, La Judy Dunn - Sr., Monroe, La Judy A. Dunn - Fr., Camden, Ark Kalhy Du nn - f r., Monroe, La.

I [I



Richard D unn - Sr., ShrevepoH, Sebu rn D unn - Sr. , Wes t Mon ro e, Amt a Dupre - Fr., Houma, Palll D upre - 11. , Franklin,





TtmOihy Dupre - Jr., Mathews, La

SIaoe Du pree - Soph., Baton Rouge, La.

Steven Dupree - Fr , Bastrop, La.

Ma ry Ellen Dup UIS - Sr., Baton Rouge, La

M it c hell Duracher - Fr., Mandeville, Gary D urbin - Jr. , Jones boro. Ca rl Durde n - Soph, West Monroe, Ragan Du rham - SI., M onroe,





Warren R. Du rham - Ir., M onroe, La.

Myra Duvall- Soph. , Meta ine, La.

Caro lyn Duvalle - Sr., New Orlea ns, La.

Ala n L. Dwyer - Fr., Sf. Frandlville, La.

Ahc ia Dw)' er - Sr , Sr. Franc is ville, La.

Dara Dyer - J I., Alexandria, La.

De bra Ea ek les - Fr. , Baron Rouge, La.

Roxanne Ea des - Soph., Ha ynesvi lle, La.

Terri Eades - Fr., Newef/con, La.

Deborah Eager -Ir., Monroe, La.

Ed di e W . Eargle · 50ph ., Vicksburg, Miss.

Candy Ea rl - Soph., Crowville, La.

Deb bi e Ea rl - Sr, Sterlington, La. Roben EaS ler - Sr., Shreveporc, La. Elhel Ea~lerling - Grad., Monroe, La. Donna Ea son - Soph., Mo nroe, La. Jo hn Easo n - Fr., Monroe, La. Emma Eaves - Sop h., Swartz, La.

Pam Ebarb - fr , Shrevepofl, La Roy Ebarb - Fr., Farmerville. La Wayne Ebarb - If., Shreveport, La. Ame hsa Eeh eve rri - Sr., Hondu,a~ Karen Ec hols - SI. , Monroe, La Greg Ec ka r( - Jr., Subiaco, Ark.

Phillip Edm ond· Fr., Ope(ousa5, La.

Patsy Edmondson· Fr., West Monroe, La .

Lester Edwards· Sr., C/ow ville, La.

Marian Edwards· Sr., Monroe, La.

Rocky Edward s· Fr., Dubberfy, l.a.

Ronald Edwards· Fr., Tallulah, La.

Deborah Elaine· Fr., Ferriday, La.

Sam ue l Eldridge · Ft.. Bastrop, La.

Rose Ellee· FI.. Monroe, Ltl.

Ma rt h.a Eley· Fl., Wes t Montoe, La.

Mary Ann Eley· Sr., COlinth, M ISS.

Rita Eley - Fr., Gilbert, Ltl

Susan Eley· Soph., Wesl M onroe, La.

Forrest Ello ff· Jr., Monroe, La.

Janet Elliotl . Sr., Monroe, Lil.

lef{ Ellard - Sr. , Basuop, La.

Scott Ellen - Sr., Ef Dorado, Ark.

Karen Ellend er - Sr., Houma, La .

Mar sha Elle rbe· Fr., M on roe, La.

Max Ellio t!· Jr., Texas Cily, Tex.

Paul Elli o tt· Sop h., Bato n Rouge, La.

Th omas Elli o tt· St., Monroe, La.

Glenda Ellis - Fr., Ferriday, La.

lIllie Ellis - Fr., Delhi, La.

Mary Ellis· Fr.. Monroe, La

Mona Ellis· Soph .. West Monroe, La.

Phillip Elm o re · Sr., West Monroe, La.

Nancy Elo i. Jr., Sulphur, La.

Peggy Elrod· Sr., Winnsboro, Lil.

Glo ria Elz y - Fr., Winnsboro, La.

David Embry - Sr., Bacon Rouge, La.

Di onne Emb ry - Soph., Shreveport, La.

Micha e l Embry - Sr., Baron Rouge, La.

Sherry Emfinge r - Jr., Franklin , La.

Dena Emmo ns· Sr., M onroe, La.

Jo English - Fr., M o nroe, La.

lora Engli sh - Fr., M onfOe, La.

Mic hae l Enloe· Sr., Shreveport, La.

l oren Enmon· Fr.• Ponchatoula, Ltl.

la Donald Ens ley · Jr. , Delhi, La.

Jeanelle Eppinell e . Soph ., Bascrop, La.

Bruce Erhard t · Soph ., Delmar, N. y.

Du(·irh .' JJ7

GeorglCl l r\vln - I r. Alexandria. Rena Erw m - Sc, Monro e, Mike ES 5we in - Fr. M onroe, Cyn lh,a h 10p,n al - ~r.. Sf Bernard, Evelyn [ tze l - Sr ,Me lJ"H~, Allene bans - Soph. , Oa k Grove,

La. La La. La. La La

lIey Eva n s - So ph .. Clar k s, La Ken neth Eva!)s - Jr., Monroe, La. laur ie ( va n s - Sop h. Bossier Ciry, la l isa Evan ... - Sr, Monroe, La RI CkY Eva ns - Sr , Wes t Monroe, La S~(ah Evans ' Jr, M er Roug e, La

Tom Evan s - Jr , N e w Orleans, La . N icky Everett - So ph., 1\o1 onro~, l ao Clemen tin e Evern!! - Sop h , M onroe, La. ElI se E. (well - Soph, Baron Ro uge, La G Stacey Ew ell - Soph , Baron Ro uge, La, Debbie Ew mg - )o ph., New Iberia

- Fr , N ew O ,I~an5 , Be rna H Ezell路 Fr.. Eros, Ph yllis Ezell - Sop h , Cilberf, C. I Fauban ks - Fr.. MOtlfoe, Jan E. Falle ua - Fr.. MonlOe, Mic hael I Fail e; - Jr ,Shrevep o rl,

Sharon B

Ex nl no~

La, La

lao La. La, La,

James D. Fancher - FI , Bas tro p, La. Wanda l Fan 1 - Fr. , Mo nroe, La. Be rnad ine Fa rmer - Sr, Bacon Ro uge, La. 8ru ce R. Farrn e r - ~r., Haughl orl, La. Jan ice A. Fa rm er路 Fr., Shri:'vep orl. La Warne r D . Fan 路 Soph , BOSHer Cit y, La,

Elton R. Farra r - Ir , Ra yville, La.

Me lody Fa ((ar - Jr., ShreYe porl., La.

Pam Farra r - Fr., Basrrop, La .

Sleven Farrar - Ir., M on ro e. La.

Ca ssand ra Faulk - Fr., West Monroe, La.

Ka thleen Faulk - Fr., Sulphut, La.

Carl E. Fa ulkenbe rry - Jr., M onroe, l a.

M ur relyn Fa ulkenberry - Grad ., BOSSIer, La.

She ne Faulkenberry - Sr.. Bossier City. La.

Fra nk H Faust - Sr., Monroe, La.

Jani ce l. Faulheree - Fr., Monroe, La.

DorOlhy F. Fei nberg - Sr., EI D o rado, Atlc.

Davi d Fe lk er - Sr I Harahan, La Norm a I Fe lt on - Sr, Monrof', La Hrenda Fen ce ro,' - Sop h , Col/imlDn, La Ke ith R. Ferg(I SOn - Soph, Fe rri da y, La Rodney 5 Ferg uso n -!> r , Monrcw, La T h()ma ~ Fergu son, New Orleam, {a

Ma rs ha ll Finc h· Sr.. Mun ro e, La Rand y Fieber - Soph . Lou l:,'.',lle, MIS5 Sh irl ey Field s - Fr , WI~ner, La Gle nd a Fillingam e - !>o ph, Srerling/on, La Dru c dla .A.. . Flnd le.... - !>r, Oberlin, Ld Clara Fin ster· Fr .. M onroe, La

Charle s M. Fink beine r - Ir . 'vlonroe, Lil Rex K, Finkl ea -!>r, Delhi. La Charles Fm layson - Soph . Tallulah, L.1 Robert M FlI)ley - Fr . M u nroe-, La. Cons tance Flshf'r - Soph . V.ddlia. La Dee Fi sher - Fr , W eSi M o moe. La

lohnny E Fisher - !>r .. G ray. La Frances Fish er - Sr.. DeQ u!!l cc v, La Julie Fis c her - Fr., Shr eveport La. Lynn Fi sher - Sr, Ba ron Rouge, La Johnny E. Fisher - Fr .. Houma, La. Stephen R Fisher - 51 . Monroe, La,

Pa t [ Fi tZSimmo n s - Fr.. Afexandfla . La Gary Flem ing - Fr ., MOO1oe, (a. Ka t h lee n D . Fiemlllg' Fr , Monroe, La Tr acye Flesher · Fr.. Plflevrfle. La Ke nne t h L. Fletc her - Sr , W es t Montoe. La. MelVin Fletch er - SI , 'vlonroe. La,

Rebecca Flet c her - 50ph., Monroe, La Stephen Florentin e - Sop h. We.q Monroe, La Oscar Flore s - Ir , Tangipahoa, La Gwendolyn Flow ers - Jr . Monroe, La C leta<; Floyd - Sr, Monroe, La Joh n Floyd - Fr , Cladewal€'r, Te)( .

N eita Floyd - Fr., ForeS! Hili. La Shlela I Floyd - Sr.. l ena. La Brendan J. Fl yn n - Soph .. Shreveport La Ch arles Fl ynn - Jr. , BaSllop, La Rebec ca Fogg er - Jr , Rayviffe. Lil Debra Folds - Jr., Delhi. La

Renee Folmar - Fr , Shrevepon , La. Diana Fomina.ya - J r , Monro e, La Ca.thy Fonte not - So ph., lena , La. He rm an Fonten o t - Sr., Opelousas, (a . M ik e Fo n ten o t - Sr., M onroe, La O dl s Fo n te no t - Fr ., WeH M o nroe, La.

Sheila Fontenot - Fr.. Ope fousas, La W I1ham Fo rb lto - Jr ., Ca lhoun , La Arthur Ford - Sr., BaylOwn. Tex Co nnie Ford - Soph.. Delhi, La. Cynthia Ford - Fr, V ida li a. La Pa mela Ford - Soph ., Deihl, La

Ray Ford - Sr., Jack so n, M'H, Sa lly A nn Ford - Soph , M o nro€', La. Sa ndra Ford - Fr., Monroe, (a. Stephanie Fo rd - Jr , JunC llo n C ll y, Ark. Karen Fore - Fr., Grayson. La. Dan na f o rrest - Sr , Monroe, La

Margaret Fortenberry - Soph ., West M on roe, La. Fred fOSler - Grad., Wesc M o nroe, La Tho mas foster - Sr., West Monroe, La. Harry fOli - Fr., Maringou in, La. Nadia Foti - Jr., Maringo uin, La. Eli za belh Fowler - Fr., Shreveport, La. lrv.-tov.

) 1'


Sl p\l p Fo w l<:>r - So p h , S! eriln g w n, Lil

T ony Fovder - ~r , M onro €' , La Rolw ri r m " lkeo., - Jr , Wesl Mo nroe, Lil. ~dn dr a Fo y - Fr. \-VmtHbOro. La Mary Fra ga la . DeIhl. La. Kim fran( •., - F. , lena, La


Jo hn Fra nd..,en - Jr, M o nroe, La Cl d I H~ Frank · Fr , Fran k /II I, L.'I She il a Frank - )L , Amari llo. Tex Th alia hdnk - Fr. . \Ve s( Mo n roe, La CiHe'V Fra nk lin - Fr, A iexandnil, La Rita Franklin - )Ol ) h .} (' na, La

'vIJrk Franh - Fr ,PIM.' vlllf::', La Charles Frazier · ~r .. Ba skin, Ld Rob.... n Frazier - rr , M onr of', La R,( ha rd Frede ri ckson - Sr , Chalm €He. La D ruc dlJ Freela nd - fr , BaHrop . La I,.·" c \),w l Frppm a n - Fr , Wes( ."vtollfoe. La

\ I, ella r ref'rn oln - ) r. WlIl nsbof O, La N a n<. y F rE'v - ~ () p h., H<l ynesvl lle. LJ Bre nn a f em eroy - )onh , Co1l1fl5 Ion. La

C u rl f'1:' Frem.h · Sf , Monroe. La Da Vid Frpnc h - Sr.. M oriOn, MrH Gary Frene h - Soph , .I'vlo nro€" La

She rry French - fr., RidgeCrest, La. Cha rles froman - Sr., West M o nroe, La. Virginia Froman - Grad., M o nro e, La. Kathy Frost - Sop h., W es t M o nroe, La. Ginger Fruge - Fr., Alexandria, La Wayne Fry - Soph., Oa k Park, III.

Mi ke Fu lc o - Sr . Sh rev ep o rt, Benn l Fu ller - Fr., CrOWVille, Dan Fu ller - Sr , De ih l, Kevi n Fulle r - ~ r , W esl Monroe, Reg rna Fu lle r - Sr.. MO /ll oe, l ame.; f- ullel - 5 , .. W('Si Monroe,

La La. La. La La.


Debra Kay Funderburk - Soph., Sfart, La.

Patrick P. Fung - Sr., Ho ng Ko ng

Tommy Fuse lier - Sr. , Ville Plal/e, La.

Judianna Furl ough - Fr. , Monroe, La.

Sleven Furell - Sop h., M o nroe, La.

Joe l H. Furr - Soph. , W est M onroe, La.

Cdrla S Fusilier - Fr , Reddell, Susa n M FusillN - Fr, Ville Plaue. Den nis Fussell- Soph , /'vIJnden, Paul Fulrell - Fr , We ~ t M o nroe,

La La La .


Step hen Fu l rell - Son h , Colfax, La Lrnda F Gaa r - So p h . Newe llto n, t a. Ke ith Ga rney - Jr , Green Cove Spnngs, Fla. Lo rella Gd lberl h . Sr, Sh revep o rt, La

Patnck T Ga llagher - Ir , M on roe, Ld G lona J. Call man - Sr, Ra yville, La Tony Ganey - I r., Vidal/a, La Kathy A Gann - Sorh, Minden, La

William Gam - Soph., VJvJarl, Catherrne GilrClii - Fr ,Alexand na, Cynthia GarCia - Ir , Alexandria, Bobb y Gardner - Fr., M OOlo e,


f 4( •. ,

La La La La.

Brenda Carland - Fr., Wesl Munroe. La

Wt"~1 M o nrot', La

;' :l a rk G(lrner - Fr . RayvllIl::!, LJ

StephanIe Ga rn t'r . Soph , Sh,e~'flport, Ld

Corre I Gallf'1 - Sr , 8d Slrop. La

Donna Garrpll . Fr. Monroe, La.

lin dd C G a rn !:' r - Fr ,

M elan ie Ga rre ll - Jr., Wes l MOfl(O~, La.

Chery/l Gaspard · Ir., MarkSVIlle, La.

Donna Ga lle n · Fr., M o nroe, (a.

Ja mi e Garrell · Sr., Bas/ro p, (a .

Bna n R. G arriga - JI ,Gul/porl, M,ss

An d re G a rsaud - Jf., Tioga, (a.

Donna G a!>lo n -.) 1 , Oa k Grove, Loi

la ck C a ston · Fr , We> 1 Monroe, La

Jan Y Ga s/on - Jr.. Bos ~ ler C l(y, (J

Ken Gas /on - Fr , Oa k Grove, (a

lame!> l. Ga te!> - So ph ,PflIlCt'fOn, Lit.

James M Ga l h l n ~:. - II , Pio neer, L(I

C huck F. Ga ut n e v - Fr , Ha ughwJ}, La <; hu ley Gayd en - Fr , Monroe, La Iv1 lchae l Gaylo r · Jr ,San AntOniO, Texas D o na ld G~e - Sr , Can lon, Texa~ SI eve W , Gee l - So ph , Pampa, Tex Ba rba ra I!o, Gel:.sle r - Fr , Shfe yep0rl, La

Wa yn e Genl ry - Fr , We" ,vtollroe, La. Rov R. Geogh ega n - Fr ,Fayeue, Mm Tomm y Germ.u"'\y - Sf ,/on csvlllt', L1 Ro b e r! Ges[r in e - /r, Peena, III. Kala ,A. . Granarr s - Fr , W ell Monroc, (d Beverly C Glb :.on - Fr., Oa k Cro.'e, La


I3 cve rly Gibson · ,Arc h,l)ald. La. Carolyn S. Gibso n - Sr , Ra)' vr/le, La. Trrna l. Gibson - Fr., lena. La Idna S. G iffO rd - Fr., Bacon Ruuge, La Vlncenl F G ig li O - Fr ,Shreye porr, ( a Charl o l !e G, lb erl - f r . Monroe, La

Con nil;! Gi lbe rt -Ir , W es l Monroe, Ld l isa D . G llbe n . Fr .. We s( Monroe, Lil Tun G ll bell - Soph., Sh(ev~po rt La Art hu r G iles· Fr . Bura s, La. Donnie G . G iles - Fr ,Plarn Oea/rng. La lv1 arcla G iles - Fr , Mon roe, La

D~nZI I B. G il mo re - Fr. Pinel/Ifff'. Jerry T G ,lmofp· Cr<ld, Monrof'. lohn W' Gilmorf' ~ Soph, Monuw. N.1om , l. G ll mo r!"· Fr.. West MonlOf', E<l rl G ' p~on · ~oph, Winn sboro, Lor inda K G lrard·::ir, Ham monri,

La La tel

La La La

Ff"hx G irod - Fr. Hebf"r/. La Ann Givens ~ Jr , Boga/lisa. L<t

Fran ces Gi ve ns· Fr , Monroe. 1..1 Gina G Givens · fr , WeSt Monroe. L,l l ose ph C G.vcns · Fr . Shrevepofi, L<l Laura E G ive n s· $op h, W'sfl ef. L<l

We ldon C. Give n s - Jr. , BosHer City, La . Jana Giffo rd - Fr , Baton Rouge, La. Hugh G G lasgow - Sr. , Monroe, La. Brenda Glen n - Jr. , Swar tz, La. Pau la Glezen - Fr., Shreveport, La. G regory Glover ~ Soph , Monroe, La.

l o d y Glovp r - Fr ,SW<1« (Z, La Brian l. Gobert - Fr , OakdalE', La. Iv1annda Gobert· 50ph , Lake Charle>, L<l (Indy J Goe lzmann· Fr. Na/chez, M'H. JacQu c ll ne GOinS - Fr., Monroe, La. Stu an R Gold sby - Fr. CO llOn Valle.,., La.

\V llhalT. T. Go nee- Fr., Minden, La

.,,",ona Go nza les - Sop h., M o nroe, La

Jerry W . Good· Fr, Monroe, La

Pau l Goode - Jr. , Wesllake, La .

Kl:: nn el h E Goodson - Sr., Tex arkana, Tex .

.\.oIaf" lean GoodW in - Fr , West M o n roe, La.

Sha ron F Goodwi n - So p h., HaynE'sv iffe, La Ti m T Gordon · Sop h. , Shrevepo{(, La Debbie L Core· Fr., We.H M o nroe, La ."\nn E Coss - Soph ., Minden, La. Margaret Goul eH - Jr , Simpson, La Sh<lnnon Gou(gue~ - Sr , HahnvIlle, La

Gary Gow an - Sr.. M onrol:, La Jan Gowan - Soph, E{)(H . La M ilCh Vv' Goy ne - Fr . M o nro€' , La CL ndy Goza - Fr. M onroe, La Pat ricia G raber! - Fr, Ponce, Pu€' rto Rr(.o John Grabl e - Fr , \I\/e51 .'¥Ionrol;', La.

Th oma~

E G ra ce - Fr, Breau x Bridge, La la nlneG rad.. . - Fr, M o nroe, La

Ant ho n y 5. Granata - Sf , Balon Rouge. La Bel h G randon - Sop h , Kaplan, La Dt'bra Gra nl - Fr. , Bonlla. La Jacqu elin e Gran t - ~oph . BJHrop, La

lame > L. Gran l - f r.. It\.-'€,Sl Mon roe, La Kay Grant - Sop h , G rayson, La Cha ri olteG rJPPE' - Sr . Siuepfa, La Ca th YGras er - Fr., Monroe, La JLm G ra vb - Fr. , Ba s/rop, La l o hn G raves - So ph , Mo nloe, La

Karen Gra ves - Sop h. West Iv/o nwe, La Karen S. Grave s - fr , Ferrida y', La Debra Gray - Fr.. M onroe, La Do rrelha Gray - I r ,Epp s. La. l ela G ra y - Fr, Vivian, La. M ic ha e l A. G ray - Fr., Wrnmbolo. LJ

Mic hael E Gray - f r , fa rmervill e, La

Sle phen G ra y · Sr ,Go nzales, La . [)onald F Green - Fr, BJ 5lr op . La EarnesllOe J. Green - Fr , M on roe. La l inda G Gree n - Sr.. We5( Monroe, La Terti Boyd G reen - Fr.. Femday, La Kerry Greene - Sr , New Orlean s, La Sally Greenberg - Fr , Alexandria , La A ndrea C. G ree ne· Fr.. Nalchr /oches. La Ea rl Greer - Grad , Shreveporl, La. Janice L. Greer - Fr , l ena, La Jelf K Gree r - Fr, WeSlMo nro€', La.

leonard E. Greer· Fr., Ne w {b erra, La Theresa Gregorio - Fr.. V,vian. La Pam Gregory - Sr.. Me ta irie, La Cha riolle Gregory - Fr, Mo nroe, La jerryG remillion - Fr , M onroe, La

N annelte GremI llIo n - Jr ,Alexandria. La

Bett ie G. Grey· Fr., BalO n Roug e, La

Margaret R. Gnese - So p h .. Shreveport La

Cy nthi a l. Guffm - Fr., Shrevepofl, La.

Edward G uffin - Fr.. Farm erVIlle, La.

JudyGnffln· Fr., We st Monroe. La

Susan Gnffit h • Fr. . Bogalus a. La

William A. Grlffllh - Gra d ., Slldeil, Lil.

Eliza beth Griggs - So ph , We;; I Monroe-, La.

Jefr Grlg!.by - Fr ,R u ston, La,

Judy G rigsby · $oph., RaYV ille, La. TrlCla A. Grim es - Sr., Tallulah, La G lenda N. Guice - Soph , Monro e, La Este lle Guidry - So ph .. Breaux Bf/dge. La D lanneG u lchard - Fr., N ew Orleans, La.

l ynn GUidry· Grad , Wes tw ego, La Paula B. Guidry. Sr., Mathews, La . Denise A Gui llo ry - Fr. , Reddell, La De nise Guillo ry . Soph., Mamou, La

(j ,f· Cu,


G\"'cn Gu illo ry - Ir. Vldfill e, I'h lllq) GUillory - 'w ph , Monroe, >hMon Llllilo ry - Fr. . We ~ t Monroe, O . !>Ieven Gu II I 01'1' - ) r , 'th Jlt-' PIa.Cle, r ed GUilio rj' - Soph, Redell, loWfd A Gu ill o t - 51 . .\1.;Jrk )Yllle,

L.;J . La La

Lel La La

"-1ar,,· GUIII(J I ~ - ~( . Ha rn~oIl/HJrg, Ld IdllJ ~ Gu lledge - I f, ,\ -'o nroe, La Donn a Gu li f'lI e - I r . M onroe, La Oedh L. Gulley - Fr . M Inden, La )f:'dn re Gu ll ey - h. M inden , Ld. Cary ,\~ Gunn - Sr , rallulJh . LJ

Bel lyG ulhrre -Sr, WrnnsQ oro, Peg,g'r Gu lh rrp - :'oph .. ,v/onroe, l{ ~ b €'cc .;J Gu t hrre - Soph . Monro/;;, La n( I::' Haa ~ e - Fr . Morg.]n Cil~', De bo rdh Haddad - Fr, Mon roe, W illI am Halbroo k - Jr., ,\1onroe,

J a me ~

LJ La La

tel La


,,'v1~ng ham.


Bob Hage n - Sop h., Je n a. Deana 0 Hahn - Soph., 8~strop, Franc es Halsty - F; . WE'Sf Mon lOE'. Thoma s Ha lbert - So ph . Alex<J n dfla, Cy n thia D . Ha le - Fr , Wa l P/ pfoo /,


C. Haddock - Ir

'- a


La La.

Bo bby W . Hales - Fr., Ho lly Ridge, L~ . My" T. Hales - Jr. , Mangham, La. Bre nda Ha ll- Fr., Mo nroe, La . David F. Ha ll - Sop h., As hdo wn, Ark. Domi niq ue Ha ll - Jr., Mobile, A la. Emme ll C. Hall - Fr., W inn sbOfO, La.

Ge o rge ,vi Hall - Soph, W aler loo, lowJ lames D . Ha ll - Jr , Homer, La Janna Ha ll - Sf . M ontoe. La Jo hn ny L Hat!- Gr ad , M o ntoe, La Ka th y Ha ll · Jr.. Columbia, La Ke rney Ha ll - Sr , Me lai"e, La Kim D . Hall - Jr . W . Montoe, La La u y M Ha ll . G rad, Ba lOn Rouge, La Lindsey H. Ha tl - Jr., TE'xdlk ana, Tex . Li la Ha ll - Fr .• M o ntoe, La. O lin Ha ll - Jr.• Mansfield, La . Pam G Hall· F(., Mmden, La. J44

t i(e~

Pau l Hall· Soph , ,'vlonroe, Ld.

Thedd L Ha ll · )r, Monroe. L,.l.

Ton ! Hatley· Fr , Monrue. La.

Dawn Hallman · )r , Car/d od, Tex

Steven Hallman · Sr., Carland, Tex .

C h a rl p.~ G. Hambv · )op h., Odk Crovt!. La.

Teresa I Hamby · )oph , Oak Crave, La

l:Je<..ky Ha me l · Soph , ,'v/onroe, La

Pau la Ha mel · Fr , Monroe, Lo

Bill Hamil ton· Ir , Lm{on, Ind

Bruce Hamillo n - Jr.. /one5boro, La

lan el Ham ilt o n - Fr., Farmerville. Lti

Kath y H amI lto n · Sr , I·V Monroe. La

Roberl C Hamilton · It , Forest, La

Valh nce Hamil ton - )r., %rf'Veporl, La

l ea Ann Hamm · Soph , W Monroe, La.

Robert K Hamm - Ir , Sh rf"veporl., La.

Randy H ammell - Jr., FOf(e~l, Ld

M ike Ha mmock - Fr .. Monroe, La,

S Dianne Hamm ond - Sop h .. Ca lhoun, La

Cal herine Hamm on s - Soph . Monroe, La.

D eborah Hamm Orl~ - So ph . FarmervIlle, La.

James G. Hamm o n ~ - Fr , Munroe. La

Joan Hammo ns - Sr , \l\i'$ner, L.1

Evelyn Hamp lo n - I r , Momoe. La

W ill red Hamp l on - Fr .. Monroe, La .

Dav id Ha mr ick - Sr .. Rayville, La

Sharon Hancock - Ft., M o nroe, La.

l arry Hand - x>ph , Sh revepOrf, lao

M ike Haney - )r, Mmden. La

Buddy Ha nkins - Sr , Oak Crave, La

Mark A. Hankin s - Soph, Oak Crove, La.

Bruce Ha n ks - Sr., W lafayette, Ind.

Pillncia Han na - Ir . Monrf.Je, lao

Zame Hanna - Sop h , Jennmgs, lao

Robe r( Hannah - SI . OceanSpflng s, M/55.

Jess ie Harb o r - Sr , W Monroe, la o

TII1a Harding - Fr., Mmden, lao

Cam ill e Hardy - Sop h. Huly Ridge, la

Debbie Hardy - Fr., H o lly RIdge, l a

Ellen Hard y· Fr., Welsh, La.

Wilham D . Ha rdy · Sop h., Monroe. La.

Randy Hare - Fr. , Ff Walton Beach. f la

Elll.abel h Hargb - Jr , Colfal(, La.

Kalh leen Hargi s - Fr , COl/al(, lao

Brian Harglss - Fr , Dumas. Al k

Cheryl Hargrode f ' Jr , Crowley, lao

Steven Hargroder - I L, Cro wle y, lao

Glenn O . Hargrove - So ph , W. Monroe, La .

Lloyd Harg rove · Fr , Monroe, La

Jimm Ie Harlan· Sr, Barlow, Ky.

Paul Harlan - Soph., Wrnnlield, La.

KaLh y Ha yden - Jr., Bacon Rouge, La.

Michea l Hicks - So ph ., Tioga, La

Randall Harlan · Fr., Shreveporl, La.

Ceci lia Harp - Sop h., W. M o nroe, La.

JOh n Harp - Sr., W. Monro e, La.

CalVin Harper - Fr., Monro e, La

Gu, ·H" ,

l 4S

DavIs Harper· So ph ., Monroe, La. Debra Ha rper . Jr., Hammon d, La. G len Ha rper· Sr., Bastrop. La. Jan ice Harper· Fr. , BaSltop. La J. Pau l Ha rper - Fr.. Oak Grove. La Hilda Harre ll- Jr., M Orlon, Miss Gary Ha rre lson· Sr., Bastrop, La. Th e resa Harrell - Fr., Deihl, La Sa m Harring ton - Fr., Monroe. La Charles Harris · Fr. , Monro e. La. Edward Harris - Soph. , Monroe. La. Em il y Ha Uls - So ph ., Pineville. La Ke nneth Harri s - Soph., Mon roe, lauri e Harri s - Fr., MamfJeld, Pame la Harri s - So ph., Monroe, Ben Harriso n - Soph., Monroe, Bill Harmon - Jr. , Monroe, Bruce Hamson - Sr., M on roe,







David Harri son · Jr. , Bas trop, La.

Sa ndra Har mo n - Ft.. Mo nroe, La.

D ix ie Hamson - Fr. , Monroe, La.

lan ls Harmon - Jr., Colfax, La.

Joh n Ha rriso n - Soph ., M inden, La.

Kalh erine Harrison - Jr., M onroe. La.

Kenneth Hamson - Sop h., Monroe, Willi am Har rison - Jr. , Mo nroe, Candl Han · Soph .. Shrevepo rt, Cynthia Hart - Soph , Monroe, Gregory Ha n - So p h., BossIer City, Ka re n Hart - Sr. , Monroe.

La. La La. La. La. La.

Karen S. Han - Soph., Monroe, La. Mlc heal Hart · Sr., Boss ier City, La. Ric ha rd Hanley - Soph" Ridgecrest, La. Bob Hartoo n - Jr., FOri Smith, Ark T. Andrea Ha rves ton - Sop h. , G rayson, La. Jolena Harvey - Sop h. , Monloe. La.

Judy Harvey - Sr., Delhi, La Rosie Harvey - Fr., Lake Plovidence, La. lames Harvill - Fr" Bossier CI/y, La. Bob Han.vood - Fr.. Mon roe, La. Thomas Hasse n - Sr., Hoflanda /e, Miss. Danie l Hasti ngs - Jr., Monroe, La.

Edwa rd Hathaway - Soph., Wes t Monroe, La Raymond Hat haway - Sop h.. Baton Rouge, La. Larry Hath o rn· Jr., Hous ton, Tex. Micheal Hath orn· Soph.. Pineville, La. Cat hy Hatte n - Fr., WeSl Monroe, La. Dub Ha lle n· So ph., Wes t Monroe, La. Ros al yn Haltin - Sr., Mon roe. La Jea nnie Ha w kins· II" Waldron, Ark. Priscilla Hawkins· Fr., Opelousas, La. Sa bnna Hawkin s· Fr., Oak Crove, La. Sa ndra Hawk in s - Sr. , Bossier City, La. Maurice Haw ley - Soph .. Monroe, La. Davey Hawt ho rn e· Fr., Bas[rop, La

Flo rence Hayes - Sr" Alexandria, La.

Jacy Haye· Jr. , Ca mden, Ark.

Jarne s Hayes · Fr., Oak Crove, La.

Ricky Hayes - Fr. , Deville, La.

Kath y Haymore - Sop h., Hure, Va.

Donna Haynes - Sr., W est Monroe, La. James Hayne5' Fr., Mo nroe, La. Judy Haynes - Sop h., Monroe, La. Jea nnette Hays - $o ph ., B055ler City, La. Susan Hayes - Fr., Monroe, La. Sharon Haynes - Sop h" Sh re vepo rt, La.

Ba rbara Hayward· Jr., Brandon. MIss

Cmdy Hayward· Fr.• Blandon, MilS.

Michea l Hayward · FI., Monroe, La

Cindy A. Head · Sop h., PIoneer, La.

Connie Head - Fr., WeSf MonlOf'. Lil

larry J. Head· Sr., Mon roe, La.

Tommy D . Head· Fr., M aflon, La.

Vickie D . Head · Fr., WeH Monroe. Lil

Kat hy Heap · Fr ,Abira Springs. La.

Jo hn A. Hea rd · Jr., Wesl Mo nroe, La.

Ro ben Heard· Fr , Wm ndJeld, La.

M an in Hearne · Sr .. WeH M onroe, La

Philli p Hea rne - Sr., Wes r M o nroe, La

D iane Hea th - So p h., Lockhan , Te x.

Steph en A. Hea th - Jr., De Q uin c y, La .

Albi on Hebe rt - Fr., Su lp hur, L,1.

Beve rl y Hebe rt - Sr .. Cro wley, La.

D ianna Hebert- Sr.. Hebel!, La

Henry Hebe rl . Fr , Heberl, La.

Jo A nn Heberl . 51., Scott La

l ola Heben . Fr., Monroe, La

Phy lli s Heben - Jr , Mamou, La

Janice Heck · Sr.. West Monme, La

Charles Hec ka rd· Fr., Monroe. La.

Mik e Hec nan • Jr., Chicago. III

Ro nn y D. Hefner · Sr., M c Crory, Ark.

Fran Hein denreich - Fr., M o nroe, La.

l eslie Heins - Sr., Bossier Cit y, La.

Karl Heise rman - Jr.. Sh revepo rt La

A nn Helm s · Jr., Wes l Palm Beach, Fla.

Susa n Hemperley · Jr.. Shrevep orl, La

Ka ren Hem p hill · Sr., Monroe, La.

Belly Hende rson· Fr., Monroe, La.

Dav id Hende rson · Soph., New Orleans, La.

Dorol hy Henderson· Fr., Monroe, l.a.

Glen Henderson· Fr.. alia, l.a.

l ioneU Henderso n · Sr.. femday, l.a.

Marion Hende l so n - Sop h., femday, l. a

Nancy Ann Henderson - Sr., Monroe, La

Pal ll Henderson - Fr., Monroe, La.

Sop hi e Henderson - Jr., Delhi, La

Steph en Hende rson - Jr., Shrevepo rt , La

Roben Helndri cks - Jr., Co fumbia, La.

Bobby Hendri x - Fr , M o n roe, La

To mm y Hendri x , Jr., W esl M onroe, La.

Step hen R. Hend ri x - Fr. , Ba ron Rouge, La.

D enn i!. Hennen· Soph., Srellinglon, La.

Cynl hia Henry - Fr. , Lake Charles, La.

Danieh Henry - Fr., S(JlphtJr, La

Desiree Henry - Fr., Pride. La.

Id a Henry - Soph., Bas trop, La.

Jimmy Henry - Jr., Bernice, La.

lois Henry· Fr., Mon roe, La.

Pamela Henry· Fr.. Searl, La.

Palric ia Henry· Fr., Sfi}!f, La

M aril yn Herc henhah n • Sr., Montoe, La

D avid Herles - Fr , lena, La.

D onna Herl ong - Sr., Bas trop, La.

Vicki Hermes - Sr., M o nroe, La.

Elaine Hernandez - Sr., Chase, La .

Grego ry Hernandez - Jr., Chase, La.

Iris Hernandez - Soph., W es l Monroe, I.a.

John Hernandez - f r., Chase. La

Pam A. Hernand ez - Fr.. New Orleans, La.

Rickey Hernandez - Fr.. Lafaye ue. La.

Gail Herndon ~ Fr., Lom poc. Ca l.

lI~ r - Ht'r

l C7

Brenda H erron · Fr, Gulfport, Mil S DIana Hernng - Sf. ll\!(·... fJ.',I.. ·, La l ane D . H errin gto n - /1 , ~IC:Jland(/a. La Cat herine S Hlcklngbolt QIn - Fr . Ha ~lr 0r>, La Tamcrra H J( k lOd n Sr , Pasadena. rex Terry H lCk rn,Hl - Fr. PoJ/o ck, LI ¥

A llen T. Hicks - Fr. , Eudo ra, Ark. Co nnie H Ic ks - Soph., M o nroe, La Dian ne Hic ks · Fr., Farm erville, La . Ceorge Hicks - Soph ., M o nroe, La. lames Hicks - Fr., W es t M o nroe, La. C hri stin e Hidalgo - FL, Baldwin, La.

leara H igginbotto m · Fr.. Springhifl, La. Ronald Hilburn -/r., N ew Orleans, La. Ca ro lyn Hill - Sf., Shrevep o rf, La. Evelyn Hill - Fr., BOOfca, La. Connie Hill· Fr., Slidell, La. David Hill· Jr., Judsonia. A rk.

1,111 H I!! - Soph . Ope/o(J s a .~, Ld Ka th y H fl l - Soph , Mm de n, La Peg,Hv H ili· Fr.. W/!ll15l>oro. La To m H ill- Fr , Rayville. La. K,H t:n H ilihou '> e - Fr., M onroe, La Stephen H ril - Fr., [\lew O rleans. L.1

l an~ 1 Hili ne r - Sr.. Mo n roe, La G lOri a Hillia rd - Fr , Mo nroe, L1 Clau d e R H dt o n - Sr , M o nroe. La Marga re t Hlndmo n - If.. M OOloe, La lea n el le H ln e~ - Sop h , Epp s, La To mm y H ines - Sr , ~ onroc. La

l anda H l n~o n - Jr., BalOn Rouge. La t'- gar ~ lIn H o - Sr.. Hong Kong Clen da H oard - Fr , W lnllsboro, La Ala n Hobbs - Fr , Mou nla lll Ho me. Ark De bra H obb s - Soph . ~onfoe. La l3 e~~le H o b bs - Fr, BOlllla. L<I

Cath erin e H oc utt - Fr. , M o nroe, La. Beck y Ho dge - Fr. , Fa rm erville, La . Ed H o dgE'S - Sop h., M o nro e, La, Mark Hodge -/ r" crarks ville, La. Ro bert E. H odge - Sr., Paragould, Ark. Barbara Hoff · Fr., BOss ier Ci l y, La.

Be!h H o ffman - Jr ., EI D orad o, Ark.

Grego ry H o ffpa uir - Jr. , Metairie, La.

Karl H oHpau ir - Sr., Lake Charles, La.

Dee H ogan· Fr., W es f M o nroe, La.

Ele tttic e n H ogan - Fr., Grand Ca ne, La.

Judy Hogan - Fr., Swartz, La.

Kri stina H o gan - Fr., New Orleans, La.

Barbara H ogard - Fr. , West M onroe, La.

James Hogse tt- Fr., Haug h [o n, La.

Ma ck H oldi nes s · Sr., Ba strop, La.

Gwyn n Ho lladay· Fr. , Spr;nghifl, La.

Brenda H olla nd· Soph., West M o nroe, La.

M ichael H olland - Soph ., M onroe, Paoy H o lland - Jr. , Shreveporl. W ill iam H o lliday - Sop h., PlOevUfe, Charles H oll y · So ph ., PIoneer,





Elaine H o lley· Sr., M onr oe, La.

Kenneth Ho lley · Fr., W est M o nroe, l. a.

Mike Ho llier · Sr .• 5unsef, La.

Patsy H o lliman· Sr., W est M on roe, La.

Clay Ho llingw o rlh • Sr., W est M o nroe. La.

Bonnie H o lloway · Soph.• M o nroe. La.

D av,rI Ho ll owav . Fr. , Tallt//a h. La

Dav id M H ol 'o~vay · If , 5hrevepuTf, La

Gal l Ho ll oway - SI . M onlOe, La

le ffery H o lio..... ay - Suph , M UMoe. La

SCali Ho lloway - SI • Monroe. La

l oe Ho lm an · Fr.. 5pnnghlll. La

E rne ~ll n e H o lm es· ~r., BO/lIla, Ltl

Frank Ho lm es · rr. M o nroe. Lil

Kall e H o lm e~ · Fr . M o nl oe. La

Mary Ho lmes · Fr.. M o nroe, La.

Sh ela Ho lmes · Fr. Pineville, La

Sherry Ho islead . I r . Amite. La

D ebbie Holt sclaw - Sop h., W. M onroe, La.

l o hn H olzern • Fr.• West M onroe, La.

Kathy H oneyc utt· Fr., O ak Gro ve, La .

Ke nn elh Hon eycutt· Sr .• M er Ro uge, La.

l eo Hon eycult -If ., Oak Grove, La.

Barbara Ho oker · Sr., New O rlea ns, La.

.....t ary H ookel ' FI , W inns boro, L1

Rub y H ook er · FI , Win ns b oro. Ltl

M lC hea l Hooks · 50 ph , M onroe. Lc1

Arl hu f H o pkm ~ · FI , M o nlOe, La

Gl ayson Hopper - Fr.. Columbia. Ltl

Gary HOl ne - Sop h , W mns boro. Ltl

Hank Ho rn· FI ,Shrevepofl, La

,'1lcheal Ho rn - JI , W ald en, Ark

N Annell e Honan - ~op h ., Monroe, La

D ennis Hosea - Fr., De Ih l, La

Au dr en la Haston ' Fr , M orJIoe. La

Iil mes H ouslOn - fr , Monroe, La

Jerry H ouS1on - Fr. LakeCh'Jfles. La

Rue h ie Ho u ston - Sf , Monroe, La

R o~e m ary Hova n er - Jr , Monroe. La

Debra H oward - Fr. le na, La

Frank How ard - Ir , Lake PrO Vi de n ce, La

Wan da Howard - Jf , Oak Ridge. La

Howi e Ho ward - Sr., We.s' M onroe, La . Bell e H ow ell- G rad. AsS!, M onroe, La. Brenda Howell - Sop h., West M o nroe, La. Cad Howell - Ir., Pioneer, La Oav id Howie - Jr., Paxto n, 111. Kenneth Howie - Jr. , Elgin, III. Ho n ~- C h l

Hw - Grad .. RepublIC 01 Ch ma o\1,n Chang Haling - Grad , Ta,wan Jane ! H uckabav - Fr , SlerllOglon, La. D avid G. Hudman - Fr., Bf'th dny, La. Lw ra Hud man - FI , Balo n Ro uge, La. Sta nley Hud nall - Fr.. W es t MOrlloe, La.

Co leman Hudson ~ Fr. , Alexandria, La. Delera Hudson - So p h., Monroe, La. K irk Hudson - Sr., Lake C harles, La Shem e Humphlles · Sr., Monroe, La. Susi e Humphrie s . Fr., WesUvtoOloe, La lim H unl - Sr., Wesr M o nroe, La.

Da nny Hu dson ' Sr ,Alexandria, La . Deneva Hudson -/ r., Dwight, til. laura jean Hudso n -Ir., Ulan ia, La. Michael Hud son - Jr ., West Monroe, La. Ray m a n C. H udson - Fr. , Win nsboro, La W illiam Hudson· Sr. , Hamson, Ark.

D ann y Huey - Sr., M onroe, Joe D. Huey - soph., Monroe, Keith A. Huey - Fr., Monroe, Margare ! Huey - Fr., Monroe, Ro nnie Huff - Sr., We.Sf Monroe, Oebbi e Huffman - Fr. , Urania,







l o hn S. Huif<;!eller - Fr . Sl. FrancJJvl lle, La D eb,a Hughes - Fr , Bas /rop, La. Roberl Hu ghes - Sr., M unroe, La. Terry Hughes - sr , Balon Rouge, La G lenn Hu mme l - Fr , Wesr Monroe, La. Barba ra H um p herv - Soph., RuS/on, la

M lChealO Humphrey - Sr., CovlOglon, R,cha,d Humphries - so ph .. Alexandria, Rand y Hunnlcu ll - Fr., M on roe, Tom Humph'ies - Sr., M o nroe, V icki l. Hu n lCuU - Fr ,Wesl M onroe, Jack W. Hu nnl ( uH - Jr. , Monroe,

La La La. La

La.. La.

Jame... HunnlCu/L - Fr., New Orleans, La . Cmd y Hu n L - Sop h, Ba.s tr op, La. Dorothy Hunler - Jr., Mon roe, La. Rodne y Hur sL - Soph., HOI Springs, Ark.. M ike Husted - Soph., Monro e, La. l o hn Hu tc hings - Jr. , a lia., La.

Jennifer Hu tc hi ns - Grad ., Shre veport, La.

Jo hn Hutchins· Grad., Shre veport La.

Stephen Hutchinson - J r., Monroe, La.

Ge nev a H utson - Jr., Dwigh!. 1II.

Linda Hutson - 51. , Stall, La.

Norlyn Hyde - Sr., Monroe, La.

l ames Hyl ander - Fr., Farmerv ille, Ra mona Hylander - Fr., Farm erville, Lo ren Ib llngs - Sr., Shreveporr., Pel er Id el - 50 ph., SlIdell, Judith Indbnet- Fr ., M o nroe, G inger Iglesia s· Jr. , Shrevepo rt,







M o nty Ingra m - Jr., Franklin, La. James JnzlOa • Sr., Monroe, La. Evely n lrby · Jr., Delhi, La. Judith Ireland· Fr., Bastrop, La. l ee Irvin - Jr., Shreveport, La Charlie Jab bi a - Fr., Monro e, La. )SO .. h cel

Ther on Ja c ks - Jr.. Vln /on. La

Caro l Jo Ja c kso n - Fr . tv/o (1( oe, La.

Charle s Ja c h o n - Fr , M o nr oe, La

Donna Jac ho n - Fr . WeS1 M o nroe, Ld.

fvelyn Jac kso n - Fr., Lak e Pro vid ence, La

Fredrick Jac h o n - Fr , l'v/ o(1( oe, La

l a n l ~ Ja c kso n - Fr.. M o n roe, Ld.

Je ff lack so n - Fr , 5p(fngh dl, La

Le d wenia Ja c kson - 5 r , MontoE', La

Mary Jac kson - Fr , 8aSffop. La

M o n roe Jac kso n - Fr.. l ena, L.l

Naom i Jdc kson - Fr , Monro~, La

P('nny Jac kso n - Fr.. Ff'rflday. La

Richa rd lack son - Ir., Monroe, l ao

Shirley Jac kson - Fr ,De/hi, La.

r e rry la c b o n - , r.. 8asrrop. La.

Ve nella Ja c kson - Soph , Cilbert. La.

Ve rn a Jac kson - Fr.. 1'v /on rOf', La.

Dorthy Jacobs - Fr., I'v/ o n/ oe, La

Joe Jacobs - So ph. M O(1(oe, La

Unda Jagge rs - Sr. , W est l'v/ o nfOe, La

Carol Ja m es - Fr. , M on roe, La

Eliza beth Jam es - so ph .. M onroe, La.

Go rd on Ja mes - s r , Bas u op. La

Leeann Ja m es - Jr.. ,\1o(1(oe, (,a.

Ma ry Jo James - Fr., 51. Joseph, La

Ma ry la mes - Fr., Monroe, La.

RIC ha rd Ja mes - Sop h., LeeH'llIe, Lol.

Sha nl yn James - Fr , Ha ynesville, La.

Ra ndy Ja rreli - soph , BOH ler CIty, La

Jim Jayn es - Sr. , C , eenvllle, Tenn.

Ju lia Jean - Sop h., Shreveport, La.

Ca rol yn Jeffe rson . G rad ., M o nro e, La.

Richard Jeffe rso n . Fr.. D o ylin e, La.

Cecil Je ffre ys - Sr. , M o nroe, La

Sandy Je lks - Sr., M o nroe, La .

Danny Je nk ins - Fr., Pin eville, La

Debra Jenkin s - Fr.. M O(1( oe, La.

Deb ra A. Jenkin s - soph., M o nroe, La.

Debra F. Je nk in s - Fr., Bastfop, La.

Ed di e Jenkins路 Sr., Winn fie ld, La.

Eva Je n kin s - Fr., M onroe. La.

Ho .... -/t-I>


Jeannie l e nkln ~ - Fr , J one~vl ll e, Ilrnrn v Jenk ln~ - Vr , Bogalusa, John J en kln ~ - So ph . Monroe, Kennel h Jenkin s - Soph . W/ ~ner, lalreIlJ€'nkln~ - Sr.. M onroe, Micha el Jenkin .. - Fr , Bas/rop,

La L.l La La . La. La .

Plez )f'nklns - 50p h., Houscon, Tex . Ray Jenk ins· Sr , We.st M o nroe, La. Shu rf'Y Jenkin s - 51., Ba.s uop, La. Steve Jenkins - Sr., Fordyce, Ark.. Pa triCia Jerkins - Jr., Monroe, La. Danna leter - Fr., Evan.s, l a.

,'vlary Jimm erson - Fr.• Snrevepoff, La Judllh link s - Ir., M o nroe, La. Zuiflkar jlwani - Sr , RUHon, La. Cyn l hia Joe - So ph .. Pme 81ul/, Ark. George T John s - I r. , Homel, La. RIC hard John s - Ir , Opelousas, La.

Sherry Johno; - Fr , Oa k Grove, La.

Vickie J o hn ~ - Fr , /one5boro, La.

Alice Johnso n - Fr., MOnf{)€ , La

Beverly Johnson - fr , W Monroe, La Bob l ohmon - Ir . BaHrop, La Charlon e Johnson - So ph , Mofllo e, La

Ba rba ra Johnson - Ir , "'·'onroe. Cindy John son - Sr , M oOloe. Connie John son - Ir , MOOloe, Constance l ohnson - Fr., MOOloe, D avid Johnson - Fr, M onroe, CynlhiaJ ohnson - Sr, Bas/fop,




La. La. La.

Dennis J o hn ~on - Sr., Shrevepor t, La. D ian Jo hn son - Fr., Shreveporr, La. Dougla s John so n - Fr., Ba .w op, La. Earl Johnson - So p h., M onroe, La. Helen John so n - Fr., Monroe, La. Jan John so n - Jr. . Hun/inglCn 5lar/on, N Y

l ohnn y Johm on - Jr. . Pm eviflf', La Kalhy l ohnson - So ph , M on roe, La Kay John so n - Jr. . Fr. W.1/lon, fl.1 Margie l ohmon - Jr , MonrOf', La. Melba John son - Sr , Monroe, La Mlchaellohnson - Fr., Basrrop, l ao

Mitchell Johnson - Sr., Clbsland, La. M elanie Jo hn son - Sop h.. M obIle, A/. Monica Jo hn son· Sr. , Ba s crop. La Neal Johnson· Jr.• lena , La.

Nathaniel Johnson - Fr.• Mobile, A/. Palli Jo hnson· Soph., Monroe, La. Pall y Jo hnson· Fr.. Oa kdale, La. Ri chard Z. Jo h nson · Soph., M o nroe. La.

Rhonda Jo hnso n - Fr.. Alexandria, La. Ro b!n Jo hn so n · Jr.• Bastrop, La. RUlh John son· Fr. , Monroe, La.

Sherry l. John son· Fr., We st Monroe, La.

Shirley Johnson - Soph., West Mon roe, La.

Susan Jo hnson - Jr., Monroe, La.

Va linda Jo h nso n - Fl. . Epps, La.

VIvi an l o hn son · Fr., Tallutah, La.

Wa yne Jo hn son - Fr., Monroe, La.

William Jo hnson - Fr., Sprinshill, La. Yo!a ndaJ ohnson - Jr. . WlOnsboro, La. Jo hnny John!:lon • Sr.. W mnsbo ro, La. Kathy Jo hn sto n - Fr., Bossier Ci l y, La. Kay Jo hnsl o n • Sop h .• Winn sbo ro, La .

Ric hard Johnston - ~op h ., M onroe, La. Dona ld Jo hnslon - Sr. , Monroe, La. Wa lter Johnston· Fr. ,Shreveporr, La Anth ony Jones· Fr., Wi sner, La. Brend a Jones· Fr., M er Rouge, La . Br ian Jones· Fe., Coldo nna, La.

CIndy Jones - Sr., Epps, La. Cheryl Ann Jo nes · Jr. . Frank/IO, La. Chuc k Jo nes· Fr., Sr. Joseph, La. Cyn thia Jo nes · Fr., Baron Rouge, La. Dennis Jo nes · Sop h., Sh reveporc, La. Dolli Jo nes · Fr., Monroe, La.

Eve lyn Jo nes· Jr., M onroe, La. Gilbert Jones· Sr., Amite, La. Glenda Jon es - Sr. , Deih l, La. Harro ld l o nes - Fr., Su lphur, La. Jerald Jones· Jr., Ca mden, A,. Jackie I o nes· Soph., Monroe, La. Harold lanes· Sop h.. Monroe, La Kathy Jones - Jr., M onroe, La Jo hn Jo nes - Jr., M onroe, La. lisa Ann Jones - soph , Benton. La laura Jones · Fr., Dubach, La. lea Jones · Fr.• West Monroe, La

lill ie Jones - soph., Monroe, La. Matt Jones - Fr., Monroe, La. Mikki Jones · Fr., M onroe, La. Pam Jones · Jr.. Haynesville, La Patsy Jo nes· Fr. , Colling s lo n, La. Peggy Jones · Fr., Rayville, La. Richa rd l o nes · Fr , Shreveporl, La. Robert l a nes - Sop h., Woodbfidge, Va

SCOII Jo nes - Sop h., Marion, La.

Sheila Jones - Fr , Sarepta, La.

Wanda Jo nes - Fr., Oak Crove, La.

Verno n Jone s - Ft.. Wmn/ie ld, La

!ton·I Oll.


Bob Jordan - Sop h., Monroe, lo hnJordan - Fr., Bastrop, Charles Joseph - Sr., Monroe, Cmdy l ose ph - Soph., Monroe, Jern Sue loseph - Fr., Monroe, Chri st ine Josuha - Ir., Monroe,

La. La. La. La.



Ben l owers - Sr., CoushaUa, Cy nthia Joyce - Soph., 5L Joseph, Debbie I oyce -Ir., Kilbourne, Nancy Joyner -1r.,Arcadia, Sue M. I ue - Fr., ShreveporC, Sheila M. Kage - Fr ,Monroe,







Debbie Kalil - Sr., Monroe, Freddy Kalil - Fr ,Monroe, Nancy Karam - Soph., Oakdale, Norman Karamales - Soph ., Leesville, David Karisny - Fr., TI oga, Ben H. Ka sisc hke - Jr. , Caving/on,







Ernest G. Kavanaugh - Sr. , Monroe, La.

Robert Kay - So ph. , WeSI Monroe, La.

William Keene - Soph.,Jena, La.

John Keeler - Jr. , Sl Joe, La.

C. Denise Keelon - Soph , West Monroe, La. lack L Kei rn - Fr. , WeH Monroe, La.

Jennifer A. Keller - Fr. , M on ro e, La Kalle Keller - Sr., M onroe, La. Nancy C. Keller - Fr. , Basrrop, La. Ric hard J. Keller - Jr., Wes( Monroe, La. Danny M. Kelley - Fr., Hamburg, Ark. David A. Kelly - Soph, Plain Dealmg, La.

Doris J. Kelly - Sr., Monroe, La. leanie Kelly - Sop h., West Monroe, La. Jo hn Kell y - Sr., Monroe, La JoyM. Kelly - Fr. , New Orleans, La. Karen Kelly· Soph , Jonesville, La. Mau rice M. Kelly· Sr., GreenVIlle, Miss.

Allen l. Kemp · Sr., Ponchatoula, La. Edit h M. Kemp - Fr.. Moncerey. La. Randall Kemp - Soph., Baskin. La. Bobble J. Kennedy - Fr. ,Sw arCz, La Brodertck Kennedy - Fr., Monroe. La. C harl o ne Kennedy - Sr., Monroe. La

M ike Kennedy - Fr., Farmerville, La.

Roben W. Kennedy - Sr., Monroe, La.

Renee Kennedy - Fr.• Rayvdle, La.

Cleo A. Kennerly - FI. , BalOn Rouge, La.

Jamesc. Kennerly - Sr., BaCon Rouge. La.

Sara h Kendrick - Sr. . lena, La.

Margare( D . Kenerson - Fr. , Winnsboro, A rl ie Kern - J f., Zachary, Donna C. Kerry - Jr., Bossier City, Mark KelC hell - Fr., Wes t Monroe. Colella Keys· Soph , Monroe, Jeffefla Keys - Sr. , Monroe,

154 ..



La. La.

La La. La.

Co nni e Kicker· Fr" Monroe, Marian Ki lcoyne - Sr" Monroe, Sandra Kildron· Fr" Monroe, Anita Kile - Sr., Provensa/, John E. Killgore - Sr., HaYllesville, Carl D. Kilpatri ck - Soph., BaS/rop,

La .



Jean Kilpatri ck - Sr., Bastrop, Shelley l. Kincade - Fr., WeH Monroe, Betsy Kmg - Fr., Monroe, Beverly King· Sop h., Tallulah, David King· Soph ., Delhi, G lona King· Sr., Taffulah,

La. La. La La. La La.




Janet King - Fr., Monroe, La.

John King, Jr. - Sop h., Wes t M o nroe, La.

Kip King - Jr., Shre veport, La.

linda King - Soph., M o nroe, La.

Shirley King - Fr., Delhi, La.

Valerie King - Sop h., M onroe, La.

Marcia Kinkade - Fr. , Monroe, Ld.

Will iam M . Kinnaird - Sr., Mo nroe, La.

Henry Kirkham - Sr., WeH Monroe, Ld

Rodney C. Kirkh am - Sr.. Boss ier CIty, La.

Ronald D . Kirkham - Fr.. West M onroe, La.

David G. Kirk land - So ph ., Minden, La.

Idadore Kirklin · Fr., Paulina, La.

Su san Ki! c hlngham - Jr , Monroe, La .

Henry Ki zer - Soph.. Shreveport La

LOI~ Klemme - Fr, Co lu mbu s, Miss.

Sandra Klin e - Jr., Mangham, La.

Cynthia L Knigh t - Fr. , FarmervIlle, La.

Dawn Knight - Fr., Rayville, La.

Ji m Kn ight - Grad., Mo nroe, La.

Jo hn Kn ight - Fr. , M onroe, La.

John Knight - Soph. , Baker, lao

Kosta Knight - Fr., Winnsboro, La.

Ric hard Knight - So ph ., Lake Providence, La.

Sheree l. Kn ight - Sop h., South Bend, Id.

Allen A. Knighten - fl., New Orleans, La

Mary Knowles - Fr. ,Shrcve p ofl, La.

Kenneth D. Knowlton - Sr , M o nroe, La.

Patricia Knox - Fr.. Winn sboro, La.

Rand y Knox - Fr , Win nsboro, lao

Reggie Knox - So ph ., Monroe, La .

Ter esa Knox - Fr., Fo rl Nece55;ty, La.

Frank Koerner - Sr., Sh revepofl, La.

Ricky N . Ko tl enbroo k - Sr., 5pringhifl, La .

Diane Krauel - Jr. ,5 hrevepo r ~ La.

Eddie Krenz elok - Soph., H OI Spring), Ark.

Klen Wah Charles Kung - Sr., H ong Kong

Yiu T. Kwok - Sr., Hong Kong

Danny Kyle - Jr., M on roe. l a.

Tanya S. Kyle - Fr. , Monroe, La.

Iris Kyles - Fr., Mo nroe, La.

Fredd y LaBorde - Fr., Winnsboro, La. Phyllis LaBorde - Soph., Bossier CiW, La.

Cliff Lackman - Jr.• Boyce, La.

Essie La cy - Soph., M o nroe, La.

Dolores La Farra - Jr., M cGehee, Ark.

An n La Fleur - Jr., Su lphur, La.

Sheryl Laing - Fr., Bastrop , La .

Alan Laird - Sop h., Tioga, La.

Brenda La.ird - Jr., M o nroe, La.

Mark La ird - Sr. , lenn;ng s, La.

Lee Lambert - Sr., N ew O rleans. La.

Ken Lamartiniere - Fr., Bunkie, La.

Kenneth W . lambert - Jr., M on roe, La. R. Darlene Lambert - Jr. , Man y, La. PreSio n Lan cas ter - Sr., Monroe, La. Cheryl Lance - Soph ., New Iberia, La. Harold Lancon - Fr., Baldwin, La. Carrie B. Landers - Fr., Monroe, La.

David Landrum - Fr., Rayville, La. lenetca Landrum - Jr., Monroe, La. Paula M. Landrum - Sop h., Na tchez, La. Bernard K. Landr y - Fr., Gonzales, La. Carolyn landry - Jr., Napoleonville, La. Chris M . landry - Fr., Monroe, La.

Glenn A. Land ry - Fr., New Orlei3ns, La. Josep h B. Landry - Sr., Gonzi3Ies, La. Phi llip Landry - Sr.. Mecairie. La. I. Mic hael Lane - Sr., Delhi, La. Kenneth B. La ne - Sr., Gra yson, La. Martha J. Lang - Soph., Many, La

David Lang(ord - Fr., Con w ay, AngelKJue Langley - Sr., BOHler Cily, Karen S. Lan ham - Jr. , Boss ier G ey. Pam Lanham - Sr., Bossier Clly, Barry K. Lanmgham - Jr.,L akeCharles, Ma rilyn Lanl z - Sr.• Lake Charies,

La. La. La La La. La.

Cheryl Larrteu - Sr. , M e /afrie, La. Mi cha el R. La~ourc e - Fr. , Monroe, La. Mike Lasuzzo - Sr., M o nroe, La. Mitc h Lath am - Fr., Mamfleld, La. Richa rd D.la than - Sr. , Warren, Ark, Ja mes Latller - Fr ,Abbeville. La.

MaHeelLallier - Fr.,5h,evep ore, La.

Chi la u - I r , Hong Kong

M ic hael Laughlin - Sr.. Mon roe, La.

Ro bert Launey - Sr , Ville Pia He, La.

l o hn A.La unIU S - soph., Bossier Gry, La.

Dommie l awl ess - So ph. , Sh reveport, La.

Carol yn S. Lawren ce - Sop h., West M on roe, Deborah law renc e - Jr., M o nroe, Mario n A Lawre nce - Sr. , Monroe, Susa n E. Lawrence - Sr., A lexandria, W illiam Law rence· Soph.• PineVille, Ro land Laws· Ir., frank/IO,







Bonnie A. l awson - Sr. , Monroe, La. Linda Lawso n - Fr , Monroe, La. Ora Law son - Fr.. M onroe, La. Mar y Lay - Soph., 5ciuks, La Pauline Lebeau - Fr. , Balon R.ouge, La. Glenn M. Leblanc· Fr. , M arrero. L:.I

Robert K LeBl anc - Ir.• D elcambre, La.

Cynthia L l eBoue' - h , Boga lusa, La

M IC hael A. l eBoue( - Sr. , Sc hu€'ver. La

Roberta l ed bett er. Fr., Blfmmgham, A/. Warren G Ledger - Fr., Sterling Con, La. J o~eph H. Ledo ux - Sr. , Opeloll5a s, La.

SfidgelLeduf( · Sr. , Pa rr Allen, La. Claude LeDu if . Fr., Port Allen, La. Bi ll Lee - Sr.. M o nroe, La. Cla rence Lee - Jr • Wesr Monroe, La. Clay Lee - Fr.. Bossier Ciry, La Cyn th ia Lee· Fr., ferriday, La.

Dalton R. lee- Jr., Wes l M onroe. La. DaVid Lee - Sr.. Winnfield. La. Diane R. lee - Jr., HOllston, Tex. Howard Lee· Jr., DeIhl, La. Joh n Lee - Jr., Grand Pra jrie, La Mark H Lee· Fr., New Orleans, La.

Ri chard 8. Lee - Fr., Alexandfla, La Ronnie l ee - Fr., Shreveport. La. Roy Lee - Jr.. l ena, La W aller Lee - Fr., M o nroe, La. Syb il Lefeb ur e - Sr., M onroe. La Jam es Legg - So p h., Mlflden, La.

Va n E. Leigh - Sr., M onroe, ta.

Ju lia Ann Leisk - Fr., Shreveporr, Ld.

Wil ham Lc- jeune . I r , Lake Charles. La.

Ro na ld M. LeLeux - Jr.• Sufphur, La.

Susan ! emaue· Jr.. Kaplan, La.

Erick Lem en - Grad., Monroe. La.



Greg Lemoine - Sr., NiHchitoches, La.

lude Lemoine - Sr. , Moreau vIlle, La.

Nancy Lemoine - Sr., Monroe, La.

MargarelLemons - Fr., Bon ita, La.

LIsa C. Lenard - Fr. . West Monroe, La.

M elod y Lenard - Soph., West Monroe, La.

Mic hael Lenard - Sr., West M o nroe, La.

Ru ssell A. Lenard - Soph ., Shrevep0rl. La.

Ramona Leon - Soph ., Monroe, La

Jo hn Leopard - Jr., Shreveporl, La.

Lynn Leslie - lr., Wa((en, Ark.

Marcell K. Leslie - Grad., Monroe, La.

Edd Les ter - Jr., Oak Crove, La.

Marc ia Les Ler - Fr., Birmmgham, A/.

lori C. Letso n - Fr., Monroe, La.

Ting Leung - Sr., Hong Kong

Alice LewI s - Soph., Monroe, La.

Co nstance Lewi s - Soph., Thibodaux, La.

DarreliL ewl s路 Jr., Dubach, La.

Debbi e Lewi s - Soph., West Monroe, lao

John LewIs - Sr., Bastrop, La.

lin da Lewi s - J r. , Shreveport, La.

l inda R. Lewi s - Fr. , Monroe, La.

Susan Lewi s - Jr. ,Shreveport, La.

Tonya LewI s - Fr., Sf. Jos eph. La.

Ve lma LewI s - Sr., Po whatan, La.

She rri Lewt er - Jr., M o nroe, La.

Kathy Lex - Fr., Shreveport, La.

Wai-lim li - Jr., Hong Kong

lim H. L, eux - Fr., Balo n Rouge, La.

James light- Jr., Sh revep o rl, La.

Cheryl G. Lindow - Soph., M o nroe, La.

Daniel Lindow - Fr., M onroe, La.

SCOl( Lindsay - Fr., W es t M em p his, A rk.

Si eve A. Lindsay - Sr., W est M onroe, La.

Mary Lindsey - Sr., Baton Rouge, La.

la n-tin

. lSi

Sa rah lint o n - Fr ., Bakel, l.a.

David Linzel - Jr., Mo nroe, l.a.

lo-Ann Linz y - Sr., Monroe, l.a.

Gary M . LIpps - Soph., Baton Rouge, La.

Janice Little - Fr., Monroe, l.a.

linda Little - Fr., Benton, La.

Vaun little· Sr., Monroe. Sherri littleton · Soph., West Monroe, Roy M. Liuzza· Fr., Monroe, Mary E. Livingston - Sr., Elm Grove, Sandra Livingston - Jr.. Bastrop, Charles Lobrano - Fr., Mangham,


La .


La .


La .

linda J. Loc he - Ir , Collinston. La.

Lo nnie R. Lockhart - Fr ,HOmfY, La

Clinton Loflin - Sr. , West Monroe, La.

Michael C. Loflin - Sr. , Benton, La.

Terry Lofton - F(., Tioga, l.tl .

Anita Logan· J(" Mooringsport, Ltl.

James Lohman· Jr., Delhi, La.

Deelarious Lallie - I r ,Monroe, La.

Ethel Lallie - Fr.• M o nroe, La.

Debbie Lombardl no - Soph., Bos5ier Cicy, La.

Jan M. Lomba rdino - Fr., New Orleans, Hugh Long . Fr., l ena, Carolyn Lord - Soph. , Winnsboro, Chuck Lord - fr., Bastrop,





Toni Lo rd - f t., Monroe, D ean R. LOllinger· Soph., Shreveport, Debra Loudd - fr., Monroe, Ru th A loundon - Fr., Tallulah,





Ri c hard l. Love - Jr., Calhoun, Stacey L Love - fr , ferriday, Randy M. Lovell - Sr., l.ake Providence, LtlRone LOvett· Fr., West M onroe,

La .




Barl Lowans - fr., M ercersburg, l.a. Dave l owe · Fr., Mamfield, La. JoeyA. Lowe - Soph., Bossier City, La Johnny Low e - Soph., Clinlon, Miss. Michael Lowe - Jr., Natchez, Miss. Sca rlett Lowe - fr., Vidalia, La .

Jerry O. Lowery - fr., RayviJle, La. Clyde G. Loyd - Soph., Fairbank s, La. Rita M. Lucien· Sop h .. Monroe, La. Mike Lucken - Jr., Ba ron Rouge, La. Tommy Luckett - Fr., Neweillon, La. Laura l. Luckie - Fr. , Monroe, La.

Dave J. Luffey - Soph., Monroe, La.

frances luHey - Jr., MOOloe, La.

Isaac L LuHey - Jr., M o nroe, La.

Alfred lui · Jr.• Hong Kong

Alvin Lui - Sr.. Hong Kong

Fernadine Luker - Sr., Natchitoches, La .

Allen A. lum - Sr., Hun/inglon Scation, N. Y. Mary Lumpkin - Fr., Bonita, La. Cindy Lundy· fr., ai' Ciry, La. Cynthia Lupo - Soph., Winn5boro, La. Dee Lurry - Jr., lena. La. Gary Luse- Soph ., Monroe, La.

Jeanme luthe r· Fr., Lalayelle, La

RIC hard lulher· Fr., M o nroe, La

Gloria M. luttrell · Fr., Kenner, La.

Rex lutt(e ll · Jt., EI Dorado. Ark.

Carolyn lyles · Sop h., VIdalia, La.

Debo rah lyles· Fr., Man8ham, La.

Ca rolyn l ync h· Fr ., M o nroe. La

Eugene P. lyn c h - Jr ., /onesville, La.

Robert lynn - Soph ., Sulphur, La.

Charle s ly o n . Jr., HaynesvIlle, La.

Donald lyon. Grad ., Bacon Rouge, La.

laren e lyons - Fr., M onroe, La.

Robert D. lyons - Fr., Monroe, La.

Jan Mc Bride - Jr., We51 Monroe, La.

Kent Mc Brid e· Sr.,lonesboro, La.

Michael Mc Bride - Fr., Shfeveport, La.

Michaell. Mc Brid e - Fr. , PlaIn Dea/ill&- Ld.

Paula McBride - Fr., Pinevil/e, La.

Susa n J. Mc Brid e - Jr., ShreyeporC, La. Bobby J. McCall- Fr., Acme, La. Ri c ha rd McCall - Jr., Minden, La. B.}. McCandlish - Fr., Tallulah, La. Ro berta McCa rty· Jr., Sulphur, La. R. luci lle McCas land - Jr., A/exand,ia, La. la rry K. McClam - Fr., SlerlmglOn, La. John .""'1. McClana ha n - Fr., Minden, La Vuglllia Mclendon - Sr, Oak RIdge, La. An ne tteMcC loskey - Fr , Monroe, La Andrea A. McCloud - Fr, M o n/Q(>, La Fra nk M McCloy - Sr , New Orleans, Ld Mary F. McC loy - Jr., Ne w O rlean s, La. Debbie A. McClu re - Fr., West M onroe, La. Donna McCl ure · Soph., W est Monroe, La. Wesley McCom b - Sr., Shrevep ort, La. Cynth ia McComic· Soph .; Minden, La Diana L McConathy, Sr., Shreveporr, La. Jan e McConathy - Soph ., W est Monroe. La. Charles McCo rmick - Sr., Vivian, La. Ja mes McCo rmick - Jr.; ViYian, La. Kelsey McCormick - Fr., HaughlOn, La. Mike P. M cCour t - Fr., M onroe, La. Michael McCoy - Fr., Bastrop, La.

Scott McCoy· Soph ., Tallulah , La. Vernon McCoy· Fr., Dunn, La. Sieve McC ready· Fr ., Bonita , la o John McCri mm o n - Jr., Minde n, lao Debora h McDaniel· Fr ., Kelly, l. a. Debra A. McDani el - Fr., l.ake Providence, La. Glend a A. McDaniel- Sr., Lake PlOv idence, La.

Mark McDamel - Soph.,Jonesbora, La.

Thomas R. McDaniel· Sr., BOHier, La.

Ca ro l McDaniel - Sop h., l.ake PrOVidence, La.

Jesse J. McD aniels - Fr., Moorin8sporf, l.a.

Rl c ky McDannel- Fr. , e retna, La.

l eslie McDe rmill - $oph., fpps, La.

Charles McDonald -jr., Mangham, La.

Ed die McDo nald· Soph., Corey, l.a.

Ginger McDonald - Sop h., Atlanta, l.a.

Mi c hael McDonald - Jr., Shreveport, l.a.

Mi c hael P. Mc Donald - Sr. , M onroe, La.

Pat ric k McD onal d - Sr., lachon, La.

Patti McD onald - Fr., Benton, La.

Amanda McDonoug h· Jr., Vidalia, La.

Jimmy D. Mc Dougle - Soph.• Perryville, l.a.

Josephine Mc Dowell · Sr., Delhi, La.

Melvin Mc Dowell- Sr., Delh i, l.a .

Sa die McDowe ll - Sr., Delhi. La. Sharon Y. McD u ffy · Jr., Shreveport, La Do ug McEachern - Jr., Magnolia, Ark. Vickie McEac hern - Grad., Vivian, La. Kathe rin e McGa ha - Soph., Alexandria , La. Margare l McGaha - Jr., Ta llulah, La. Sam McGa ugh - Fr., We sl Monroe, La. David O. McGe e - Grad., Baslrap, La. Robert E. McGehee· Fr., Shreveport, La. Rhonda l. McGough· Fr , Monroe, La . Rona ld F. McGowen - Sr., Monroe, La. Dewa nna R. McGrew - Fr., West Monroe, La. Delanea l. McG uffee· Soph., Columbia. La. He nry A. McG uire - Sr., Grayson, l.a. Rick McGuin - Sr.• Nalchi{Qches, La. Steve McHenry . Ft., M onroe, La. Vin a D. Mc Hen ry - Soph., Mo nroe, l.a. David D. Mcintire - Sr., Shreveport, La. Martha Mcju nkins -J r. , Texarkan a, Ark.

Anne M. McKay' Fr., M onroe, La.

Toni E. McKee - Sr., Ba Slrop, La.

Jo hn McK enzie - Jr., Sh reveport. La.

Rosemary Mcla ren - Sop h., Mansfield, l.a.

Do nna K. Mcleland· Fr., M o nroe, La.

linda Mcleroy - Fr., Center. Tex.

Mi c hael McMahan- Fr., M ontoe. l.a.

JennyMcManus - Sr., H olly Ridge, La.

John McMic hael- Jr., Shreveport, La.

Rober! L McM ic hael - Sop h., Shfeveporl., La.

Charlene McMillan - Fr ., Bogalusa, La.

Chuck McMilJan - Fr., Bogalusa, La.

leal McMullen· Soph., McComb, Miss.

Ricky l. McMulle n - Fr., Monroe, l. a.

Debbie l. McNabb - Soph., Wesf M onroe, La.

Mark Mc Neely - Sr., Slidell, l.a.

Geo rge V. Mc Pherson - Fr., Oakdale, La.

Pau lin e McQuarn - Fr., Boyce. La.

Jo hn Mcqueen · Fr., Wesr M onroe. La.

Sleven Mcq ueen · Jr., DeQ uincy, La.

Peggy McQ uiliing - Fr., Alexandria, La.

Gradon McQuiston - Soph., Monroe, La.

Susan G. MeT urn er - Fr., Monroe, La .

3&0 •••


Olyce C McVay - Sr., Monroe, La.

Daisy 6 . McVoy - Fr ., Monroe, La.

Tom m y McVoy - Fr. , Pensacora, Fla.

W illiam Dav id McWhon e r - Jr, W est M o nroe, La.

Kat hryn Mac in tosh - Sr ,Bato n Rouge, ( a.

Nancy Mack - Sr., West M onroe, La.

M ik e Madden - Sr., Sa o los e, Ca l

Susan K. Madden - Fr. , Wes f Mo nroe. La

C laud elle Madd rv - Fr, Mo nroe, La

Dorothy Madi5o ~ - Jr., Fr an klin, La

Rona ld .'v1ady - Sr. , Du blm, Va

Bruce Magee - Sr. , Mangham, La

Joe Magee - Fr. , Monroe, La.

JimmyMagette - Fr., New tbe/ia, La.

Charl ene Magnon - Fr ., A /exandna, La.

Chris l. Magouirk - Fr., Wesr Monroe, La.

Ba rbara Magow n - Fr , We.~ t Monroe, La.

Ste ve Magown路 Grad., W es t Monroe, La.

Dale W. Ma haffey - Sr., Monroe, La.

Wi lli am Mahan - Jr., BiFmmgh am, Ar.

Linda A. Mahoney路 Sr., Monroe, La.

John L Ma isa no - Sr.,j efferson, La.

Patrice Majeau - J r., N ew Odeam, La

Cha rles Makar - Sr., Na rchJCoches, La.

Cha rles Mal b ro ux . So ph., t ake Charles, La.

Jea n ne Ma ley - Sop h., Monroe, La.

Ph y lli ~ Malle tt - Fr. , Monroe, La.

Pau la G. Ma ll oy - Fr. , Crosse n, Ark.

Jos eph M. Malmay - Jr., Sf' , Mangham, La.

Russell Ma lone - Sr., Mo nroe, La.

Susan Ma lon e - So ph .. Monroe, La.

Gregory Manl ey - Sr.. Monroe, La.

David Mann - Jr., Bastrop, La.

Gail Mann - Soph., Bastrop, La

Stephe n Mann - Sr., Boga lusa, La.

Mickey l. Ma nning - Jr., Ste rlington, La.

Felix Man yweat h e r - Fr., M on roe, La.

Benard Marbley - So ph., Columbia, La.

Kare n Marc hefskl - Fr., Monroe, La

Nancy Ma rchesch i - Fr., Hunringwn Sra., N. Y.

Debra Marc hand - Fr., Sa repta, La.

Tresa L Maricle - Fr., Oakda le, La.

Ge ra ldi ne Mari onneaux - G rad., West M onroe, La.

Wayne Marion ne aux - Jr., West Monroe, La.

D avid F. Marlatt - Fr., Bas(fop, La.

Deb olah L. Ma ron ey - Fr., Mo nroe, La.

David E.. Marquardt - Fr., Lafayetle, La.

Sa ndra L. Ma rsh - Fr., Baker, La.

Annie M. Marshall- Fr., N ewellto n, La.

Lum inda Marshall - Sr., D elhi, La.

Marya nne Marshall - Sop h., Shrevepo rt, La.

Judy Mart ien - Sr., M o nroe, La.

Albert Martin - Fr. , Bastrop, La.

Becky Martin - Fr. Shreveport, La.

Sh e ila D. Martin - Sr., Wesl M o nroe, La.

D o n Martin - Sr., B OSS Ie! Oty, La .

Don na Marlin - SI., Cro wv!lIe, La.

Ma rCia Ma rtin - Sr., Oak Grove, La

Mark Ma rlin - Fr., Shrevepor(. La.

Mary L. Marlin - Sr. , Winnfi eld, La.

Me lba Marlin - Sr., O JJa, La .

Mildred Martin - Sr.,Alexa nd ria, La.

Pamela Ma rtin - Jr. , Soodheimef, La.

Pa mela Martin - Soph., Winnsbor o, La.

Patti Martin - Fr., Ha ynesville, La .

M cC-MA f .


Raymond Martin - Sr., Anacoco, Ren ee Marlin - Sop h. , Feff/day, Rhonda Marlin· Sr. ,Jennings, Terry T. Marlin - Fr., Shrevepofl, Dennis Marllnez - Jr. , Shrevepofl, Todd Ma rye - )r., AJexandna, Barry Mash . Fr., Boss ;erC.l y, Jon B. Mas k· Fr., M onroe, Charles W. Mason· I r , M onroe, Malt F. Massinga le - Fr., Fa rmervlJie, Suzanne Masse tt· Sop h., New Otlean~, Edw ard H. Massey- Fr ,Jone~ bo(o,

La. La. La.

L.a. La.

La La.





La .

Ella Massey - So ph., Rayville, La. Susan Ma the ny· Jr., Bas rop, La Th e resa Mat he ny· Fr., Blanchard, La Dav id M. Mat herne· Sr., Houma, La Ro be n I Mat he rne· Soph., Houma, La. Charles Mat hews · Ir , Monroe, La D'Lalne E. Mat hews· Sr., A/exandna, La. Pau l Mathews - Fr., A/exa ndna, La. Mind y l. Mathis, Sr • Hawesbufg, Mis~ Deann e Ma tloc k · Jr., Baton Rouge. La. Edward J. Mal so n - Jr., Bastrop. La. Fred ,V1alt e- Fr., Oberlin, La .

Seth EMalihews·F r.. Monroe.La. lIeen A. Ma tthew s - Fr., A/exandna. La. Scolt Mallhews - Jr., Monroe, La W illiam Ma uhe ws· Sr., Dalla s, Tex.

Ste ve A Ma lti son . Fr., M o nroe. La .

P;w l H . Maxey - Sop h., Wesr Monroe, La.

Sandra R. Maxey - Fr., Monroe. La. f ra nk E. Maxwell - Fr.. Delhi, La . Gary Maxwell · Jr., Monroe, La. joann Maxwell - So ph ., Wisner, La . Leven ia Maxwell - Grad., Indianola, M iss Carol May · Sr., Columbia, La . Debo rah l. .\IIay - Sop h.• SI. Joseph. Ellen Ma~' - Soph., Shreveport. Frances L. May - It .. Shreveport Monica May - Soph., Columbia, Michael May' Jr., SL Joseph, Rhonda May - Sr., Wesl M onroe,

La .

La. La. La

La. La.

She re L. May - Sr., West M onroe, La.

Ste ve May - So ph., N ew ell lOn, La.

Doug las W. Maybe rry - Jr. , Gulfporl, MIss.

Sandra Mayes - Jr. , New Orleans, La.

Shern Mayhall - Fr. , Ba strop, La.

Roben E. Maynard - Fr. , Bossier City, La .

la.mes E Mayo - Fr. , Baslfop, La.

Michael Mayo - Fr. , Shreveport, La.

Nancy Mayo· Jr., Hicks, Wilham O. Mayo - Sr., Hicks, Joe W. Mays - Fr., Winnsb oro, Tom Mears · Jr., M onroe,

La. La.

La. La.

Laurie Meaux - Fr., Su /phut, La. fr ederic k Mead · FI.,Jonesboro. La. Randy Medlin - Fr., Marion, La. laure Meehan - Soph , Bouiet G ly, La.

Tom Mee r - Soph. , Uberty, Ky.

Mic hael Melan c on - Sr. , Thibodaux, La.

She ila Melder - Soph., }onesboro, La.

Sandra Melena - Jr. , Shreveport, La.

Kifk Me nard - Fr. , M o nroe, La.

Mary Menyweathe r - Fr. , Monroe, La.

Emile Merean le - Soph., Frank /ini on, La

Freda Merce r - So ph., Grayson, La.

Leona Mercer - Sr. , Winn sboro, La.

Teresa Me rcer - Jr., Grayson, La.

Rodn ey Messina 路 Soph., Monroe, La.

Ricky Mes tayer - Jr. , New Iberia, La.

Fre ddieM e thvln - Jr. , West Mo nroe, La.

Pa trice Met oyer - So p h., Alexa ndria, La .

Cindy Mewborn路 Fr., Monr oe, La.

Alic e Mic hie - Jr., A ustin, Tex.

Sammy Mlc iotto 路 Jr., Sh reveport, La.

Ma rk Midd lebrook s - Jr., Crowley, La.

Virginia Middlelo n . Fl. , Bastrop, La.

Ga ry M iers - Jr., Mon roe, La.

To ni Mila m - Fr., Na tchitoches, La.

Le!:'li e Miles - Jr., M er Rouge, La.

Tyrone Mi les - Fr., Mo nroe, La.

Micha e l Miletello - Sop h. , M o nroe, La.

Beli nda Milfo rd - Jr , WeH Monroe, La.

Ca rringlon Miller - Fr., Los Angeles, Cal.

Cha rio lle Mill e r - Jr., Lilt/e Rock, Ark.

Connie Miller - Sr., Monroe, La.

Debo ra h Mill er - Sr., Cro5Setr, Ark.

Don a ld Miller - Fr. , Springhill, La.

Ela me Mill e r路 Jr. , Kilb ourne, La

Elle n M. Mill e r - Fr., Church Point, La.

Fra nk Mil ler - Fr., Col/ins to n, La.

Gladys Mille r - Sr. , Lake Char/es, La.

Mik e C. Mille r - Fr. , Waba sh, Ind.

Pal Miller - Jr.,j ennings, La.

Slephen Mille r - Sr., Sunse t, La.

Sle v.en 8 . Mill e r - Fr. , Bascrop, La.

Th e resa Miller - Sop h., Lak e Charles, La.

Travi s Mill er - Sr., Lake Charles, La.

Bre nd a G. Mills - Fr., Winnfi eld, La.

Cath erine Milts - Fr., Shreveport, La.

Fred M ill s - Sr.. Breaux Blidg e. La. Kim Milton - Fr., Baker. La. Ma rianneM lnlo - Fr., Shrevepo rt, La. Roy R. Minckler - Sr. , Boga(usa, La . Samuel Mitcham - Grad. , Basuop, La. Diane Mitchell - Jr., Q lla, La.

Johne lle Mitchell- Fr. , West MOOloe, La. D e bbie Mixon - Soph., MOnloe. La. James Eugene Mixon - Jr., Montoe. La. CI ndy G. Moak - Fr., Natc hez, Miss. lowrey Moak - Fr., Ferriday, La. Ca ro l Moffat - Fr.. Loudonviffe, N . Y.

Kris Moffat - Jr., Loudon vif(e, N. Y.

O leiva Moffel- Fr., Winn sboro, La .

David R. Moffett - Sr. , Meridian, M iss.

Mike MonCrief - Soph. , Bastrop, La.

Me lissa Montgomery - Jr., Jonesboro, Alk.

Nancy Moon - Soph., Farmerville. La.

C. Alan Moore - Jr., Monroe, La Cec il Moore - Soph., Start, La. David R. Moore - fr. , Ra yville, La. D e bora h Moore - fr., Bonita, La. De bra Mo ore - Soph.. West Monroe, La Eaff1es lin e Moore - Soph., Mer Rouge, La.

ESler Moore - Sop h., Monroe, La. James Moore - Jr. , Monroe, la. Kalhy Moore - Fr., Bossier, La. la mbert Moore - Soph., Collinston, La. lind a Moore - Fr., West Monroe, La. Mary I. Moore - J I., Alexandria, La.

Mic hael l. Moore - Sr., Sterlington, La.

Patric ia Moore - Fr. , Shreveport. La.

Ricky Moore - Soph.. Winnfield. La.

Robert Moore - Fr., Minden. La .

larry Morehead - Sop h. , Minden, La.

Pam M o re head - Sr., West Monroe, La .

Da v id Mo re land - Grad., Monroe, Prudy More land - Grad. , Monroe, D o nna G. Morgan - Soph., Monroe, Ge o rge Morgan - lr., Tallulah, loan M. Morgan - Sr., Monroe, Joh n Morgan, Ir. - Sr. , Shrevepor t,

La .






Karen V. Morgan - Fr., Iowa, La.

Ni c hola s Morgan - Fr., Shreveparr, La.

Th o ma s Morgan - Grad. , Luling.. La.

Wililarn Morley - Sop h., Owego, N. Y.

Marilyn Morrell - Sr., Monroe, La.

Carol Morris - Soph Farmerville, La.


Ch risty J. Morris - Fr., Monroe, La.

Debbie Morris - Fl., Monroe, La.

D o nna Morris - $oph., Vicksburg, MISS .

Ka1hy D . Morris - Fr., Monroe, La.

Maria T. Morri~ - $oph., Sw ugarr, Germany

Mic h ae l W . Morris - Jr., Farmelville, La.

Rocky Mo ms - $oph. , Srerlington, Ste phan Morris - Sr., RayvifJe, Jeri M o rrison: Soph.,Sh revep ort. G w en Morvanl - Soph., Sulphur, Jirn Moser - Fr., ShreveporC, Beverly Mo ses - Fr., Newel/lOn,







Burt Moses - Jr., West Monroe. La. Edwin Moss - Soph., Homer, La. Jeannie MOlhers paugh - Soph., West Monroe, La . Sandra Molt - Fr., Pollock, La. Odessa Ma tton - Fr., Wesr Monroe, La. Andy M o ule - $ r., Monroe. La.

Geo rge M ouk - Sr., MOnlo e, La James M o uk - Sop h., M onroe, La Henry M o ut o n - Sop h., La fayelte, La. Brenda Ma y · f r., M o nroe. La D ebo rah M ay· Jr.• M o nroe, La. Daniel M ui . Sr., Ho ng Ko ng

Ro nald Mulv in - Sr., Rich m o nd, Va. M arie Mundy - Ir., Ba strop , La. Palric ia M und y· Fr., Bastrop, La. W illia m Mu nd y · So ph., Ba slfop, La. Ro nnie M unn - h , Bo ss ier City, La. Ca thy M urphy - Jr., Shrevepor (, La.

Jenni fe r Murp hy · Jr., M o nroe, La. Th o mas Mu rph y - Fr., Shrevep o rt, La Victoria M urp hy - So ph., Dodson, La. Be th M urray · Fr. , Rayville, La. D iane M use . So ph., M Onloe. La. Alice M yatt - Sr., Wes t Monroe, La

Kurt M yers - Ba l on Ro ug e, La. linda M ye rs - Fr., Shfevep 0 rl. La. Phil M yers · Jr., Springhill, La. Shivaran M yles · Jr., Bastrop, La. Tho mas M yrick· Fr , Ben Con, La . Cannen N ahlen · Sr. , Lil lie Rock. A rK.

l o u N ale · Sr. , Farm er ville, La.

Terri N ale · Fr.. Fafmervi lle. La.

Cynthia N appier - Fr., Rayviffe, La.

Brenda N ash - Fr. , Lake C harles, La.

Wa yne Nash . Sr., RU Ho n, La.

Shelby Na ti o n - Fr., D eville, La.

Ca lvin N att· Fr., Basrrop, La .

M ic hael N ault - Sr., N ew O rleans, La

Donna Na varro - Fr., Tran syl vania, La.

Paul ine Navarro - Fr., Alexandr ia, La.

Steve Nealy - Fr., Bato n Ro uge, La.

N ell eal hery - Fr., M in den, La.

M ike N ebel - Jr., Hou ma, La. RICha rd N oely - Jr., Farm erville, La. Joey N eitl - Fr., M o nroe, La. Al an N elson - Fr., Bastro p, La. Anthony N elso n - Sr. , W est M onroe, La. Cynthia N els o n - So ph ., / ena, La.

Helen Nel son - Fr., M onroe, La. Meli nda Nelson - Fr., Shrevepor(, La. Mi c hael N elso n - Jr., Sunshine, Fla. Mic helle N elson - So ph., M o nro e, La. Nancy N elso n - Fr., Vick sburg, MiH. Tara N elson - Fr., Ba lo n Ro uge, La.

D ebbie Nem itz - Sop h., Boss ie r Cit y, La Merry Neth ery - Fr ., O lla. La lisa N eli les - Fr , M o nroe, La D onna ew berg - Fr ., M onroe, La. lenore N ew bill · Fr. , Mo nroe, La. Glen n Newcomer ' Sr . N ew O rleans. La

D ebra Newki rk - Soph., M o n roe, lao Kat hy N ewm an - Fr., West M onfo e, La. la ne N ewma n - Sr., W es t M o ntoe, La. Pamela N ewman - Fr. , Gilbert, La . Russe ll N ew m an - Fr ., Winnsbo ro, La. Vickie Newma n - Sr., W innsbo ro, La .

Edwi n N ewsom - Sr., W insto n -5alem, N . C. James N ewso n - Sr., M o nroe, La. Ross News o me - Sop h., Boss ier, La Charn To ng Ng . Sr., Hong Ko ng Hung-Chi Ng - Sr., Hong Kong Kw o k- Kuen Ng - 5,., H ong Kong Mi'· NII


Kwo k-Wa l Ng - So ph ., Hong Kong lok-Ming Ng - Sr. , Hong Kong l ug-M iwg Ng - Soph., Hong Kong Yue n Sh vi Ngan - Sr. , Hong Kong Ja n N ic ho ls - Sr., Monroe, l ao Ra nd y N icho l!> - Fr.. Monroe, lao

Ric hard N ic ho ls - Jr. , Winn5bor o, l ao W illi am Nic ho lso n - G ra d., Syrac u5e, N . y. Susan Nic ke lson - Fr. ,jena, La. Te rry Nic kl a s - Soph. , Monroe, lao Bill y Niel son - Jr. , D elhi, lao D e bo ra h Nie lson - Soph., Monr oe, l ao

Va nes sa Nimmer - Soph., Bastrop, La. Bev e rly No ble - Sr, West Monroe, La. Olho re ne Nobles - Sr ,Monroe, La. Da nny Nola - Fr, M onroe, La. larry No la - Fr. , M o nroe, La Ma ril yn Nola - Sr. , Monroe, La .

Da nn a Nolan - Fr., West Monroe, Paul Nolan - Fr., Monroe, Robe rt No la n - Soph., Mer Roug e, Rod No la nd - Jr., We~tMonr oe, Ka re n No len - Sr., M onroe, Je ffre y No rdy ke - So ph. , Mo nroe,


l ao lao La. La. La.

She ri Norman -IL, A lexandr ia, La. Vicki No rma n - So ph., Boss ier Cily, La. Susa n No rma nd - Soph., A lexandria, La. Ca ro l No rris -Jr., Monro e, lao Debbie No rris - Jr., le na, La.

Gw e ndo lyn No rri s - Fr., jones, La. Jan ic e No rri s - Soph., Bastrop, La . Joe l Norri s - Sr., Mo nroe, La. Jo hn Norris - Sr., Little Roc k, Ark. Pa ul Norris - Fr., Monroe, La.

Ri c ky No rri s - Fr" West M onroe, La. Ke nneth No rswo rt hy - Soph., Shre ve p o rt, La. Sa mue l No rsworthy - Jr. , Co v jngton, La. Ca rolyn Now lin -Ir. , Oak Grove, La. Chri s Now lin - Fr. , O ak Grove, La_ Ste ve Nova k - Sr., Russellv iffe, Ark.

366 ..


Donald N ugell/ - Soph.. Monroe. La.

lames Nugent - fr., leila, La.

Joel Nugent - ~ r . Pinev ille, La.

Ka ren Nugem - ;oph . Monroe, Lil.

Paula Nugent - Sop l· .. Jilnevill£>. I.a.

Mary NunnaJl y - Fr.. Ba \!,op, La.

Dwayne Obermeyer - Soph.. f\.t<0(11(, ,. l "",

Joyce Odcnbaugh - Fr., Bastrop. l ot

Phillip Odom - Fr. , F;;umerv ille, La.

Tcrctha Odom - Fr., Bonica, La.

Capi~ O'Donnell· Fr.• Monroe, La.

Malk Ofen loch - Sr., Cenlerpoint, La.

MelbaOgde n Soph., Je na. La.

Sharon Ogden - I r , 8dHrU/J, l,l

Ca thy Ogea - Soph . Sofphw. lit

Ernest G. Okavanaugh· S- t .,I\·fOIH(lt· La

D ennis Olive - Ir., Mansfield, J..J

James Oliver - Sr., Bun k.ie, La

Mary Oliver - Soph.. Welsh. La. Robert O li ve r · J r., Monroe, La. Jul ie Olivier - Sr.. La/aye"e, La. Peggy Oneal - Sr.. Pineville. La.

Peter Onea l - Fr .. Bu ckeye, La.

Kathy Oosta· Soph., Z wo{/e. La.

Ang le O'Pry - Fr., Monroe, La

Edmond J. O'Q urn - Sr.. Alexandria, lao

Be n Orlando - Sr., MOlgan (icy, La.

Ca rl Orr· Fr. , Benton, La.

David Orr - Sr.. Baslfop. La.

Charles Ortigo - Sf. . PineviJIe, La.

Ph ylli s Ostteen - Fr. , 5hteveport, l ao

Arthur O ubre - Sr., Bunkie. La.

Jill Lyn Owen - Soph.. Boss ier Ciey, La .

Joh n Owens - Sr.. Jena , La.

Kath y O w en s - Fr. , W es ( Monloe

Jesse O w e ns - Sr., Wesl Monroe. La.

Jim R. Ow rey . Sr., Houston, La.

De bby Pace - Sr., Lake Providence, La.

Tensie Pack - Fr., W es l Monroe. La.

Brian Painle r - Fr.. BOHier Cicy, La.

Ga ry Palecek - Sr., 51 Lo uis, M o.

Deborah Palm er - Jr.,Shrevepor l, La.

Elizabeth Palm er - Sop h., Booneville, MiS!..

Edward Pamp lin - Sr.. Montoe, lao

Brenda Pamplin - Sr., MontOe, La.

Charles Pa rade las - Jr., New OrleaO$, lao

CharlolLe Paradela s - Fr., M onroe. La

Regina Pardon - Soph., Oa k Crave, l ao

Edith Pardoe - Jr.. Farmerville, La.

Billy Parker - Sr., We51 M onroe, l ao

Karl Pa rk er - Soph, Shrevepolf, La.

Carolyn Parke r · Jr., W es t Monroe, l ao

D onald Parker - Sr. . Monroe, La.

Doyle Pa rke r - Sr., Monroe, La.

Glen d ora Parker - SOJJh.. Oak Ridge, l.a .

Kathleen Parker - Sr., Deihl. La.

Lisa Pa rker - Soph., Monroe, La.

Marlene Parker· Sr , Effi e, La,

Mit c he ll Parke r· Fr., FarmervilJe, La.

Rand y Parker. Sop h., Jena, La.

Rex Parker - FL , West Mon roe, La.

RICky Parker - Sr., M o nroe, La.

Ro bin Pa rk er - Fr., Crowville, La.

She lia Park e r - Jr , W est Monroe, Terri Parker - Sop h., Sh reve port, Vicki Parker - Fr., Gonza le~, Waylo n Parker - Soph., Monr oe, Randy Park s - Fr., Wes t MOOloe,

RIc hard Pa rnn o - Sr., M onroe, Man lyn Pare - So ph ., Wesf Monroe, Pal PaLe - Sr., WeS f MOn roe, Elizabe th Pa tri ck - Soph., Monroe, Ja mes PaLr lc k - Jr., Lake Providence, Warre n Pa trICk - Jr., Tallulah,

La. La. La. La. La.

La La .

La La . La . La .

G in ny Pa lt erson - Sr., Monroe, La. I u ne Pa tterso n. Jr., Shreveporl, La. :-o mmy Pano n - So ph ., PorC A((en, La. Wa nda Patty - Sop h., D elhi, La. O livia Paul- Sr., Mon te rey, La. She rry D. Paul- Fr. , D eville, La. Roy Pa ulso n - Jr., Hoc Spring ~, Ark. Tommy Pa ul - Fr., lena, La. Inez Pa yne - Gra d ., Monroe, La. Te na Pa yne - Soph., Spflnghlff, La. Alex Pa yto n - Fr ., Me( Rouge, La. Lata h M . Payl o n - Soph ., GreenvIlle, MIss.

Steve Pea rce - Sr., Magnolia, Ark. Te resa A . Pearce· Sop h., Magnolia, Ark. Martha Pea rl - F, . PrairieVi lle, la, D udl ey Pellegrin - Jr., Ho um a, La. Marga rel C. Pe llegon - Fr ., Houma, La. Mike Penn - Sr., M onroe. La. Ali ce l. Pe nnmgto n · Jr, West Monroe, DaVid Pembe rt o n· Fr., Ha ynesville. ElIzabe th Penton · Fr.. So/phOTo Kyle D. Peoples· Jr., WlOm bofo, D Iane Pep pers - $oph., Jena, Mary T, Percy· Fr., Pineville,




La .



Michael V. Per kins · Soph., West M on roe, La.

William Pe rkin s · Sr., Lo ndon, Eng.

lauren C. Pernic i · Soph., Shrevepoll, La.

Bre nda Pe rritt - Fr. , M inden, La.

Bla ne Pe rry - Sr., DeQuincy, tao

Dia nna l. Pe rry - Sr. , Montoe, tao

Earl Pe rry - Sr., M on roe, La.

Ga ynell Pe rry - Sop h., M o nroe, La.

Ke nneth Pe rsinge r. Sr., Winns boro, La.

Evelyn l. Peters - Soph., M o nroe, La.

l. Ann Peters - Sr. , Ma nsfield, La.

l o nni e Pe ters - Jr., Wes l M o nroe, La.

Slathum Pe te rs· J r.. New ellto n, La.

Vicki l. Pe te rson· ft ., Slid e/" La

Andre H. Peterso n - Jr., Goodma n, La.

Eh zabeth Peterso n - Soph., Wes l M o nroe, La.

l y nn E. Peters o n - Soph., Bastrop, La.

Wilham R. Pe te rson - Jr., We st Mon roe. La

Dav id Pe Hie He - Jr.,Shre veport. La.

Mary Petlie ll e · Fr., Shrevepo rt, La.

D ons Pelli s - Jr., Monroe, La.

Randall Pe ttis - Soph ., Bas(( op. La.

Susan Pell y - Fr., Kilbourne, La.

Bill Pflugfe lder - Sop h., D elta y Beach, Fl.

Tim Phe lan · Sr., Donaldson, Ark.

Hank K. Ph e lps· Jr., Shrevepoll, La .

Richard S. Ph e lps - Fr., Fa rme rvill e, La.

Martha Philley - Soph., Oa k Grove, La

Esther lynn Phillips - Sr., Haynesville, La.

lind a Phillips - Jr. , Winn sbol o, La.

ladyn Phillips - So ph ., M onroe, La.

Jennife r Phillipe - Jr., Gonzales, La.

Sher.alyn Ph ilpot - Fr., Bo nica, L.a .

Patricia Pia s - Ir., A lexandria, La.

Pe nn y Pi c ke ring - Sr., M on roe, La

Mark E. Pickell - I r. , As hdow n, Ark,

Sharo n K. Pickett · Fr. , Monroe, La.

Beverly J. Pierce· Fr. , Mo nroe, La.

John Pierce - Jr. , Shrevepoll, La.

Lisa Pierce - Fr., Shrevepo rt, La

Theresa Piero ni - Fr., Lake ViII.lge, Ark.

Ch,Hles l. Pil c he r - Fr., M onroe, La.

Kenn e th l. Pilgree n - Sr., M o nroe, La. Darryl Pinc kard - Jr., West M o ntee, La. Alice M. Pipes · Sr., M o nroe, La. BuddyPipes· so ph ., O ak Ridge, La. luc ille Pipes· Fr., SI./oseph, La . Mary Ann Piro - Sop h., M o nroe, La.

Kathal ee n Plt l man - Fr., Dubberly, La. ).ames M. Pil tman - Sr., Fran klinto n, La.

Martha Pittman· Jr., M onroe, La.

Darre ll R. Pilze r· Sop h., Su lp hur, La.

Margie F. Plain· Fr., Wisher, La.

Ric k H. Plank - Fr.• La keland, Ff.

lames Pla it - Fr. , Lake Charles, La.

Paul M . Plumm e r - So ph ., Bossier CiIY, La.

Allan Po g ue · Jr. , M onroe, La.

Theresa Po hls o n· Fr., Monroe, La.

Belina Poland· Sop h., Wm ns boro, La.

Ro bert Poland· Soph., Srinkley, A rk.

Sh e ila Poland - Jr., l e na, La.

Ro nnie Polito - Sr. , In dependence, La.

lillian Po lk· Jr., Mo nro e, La.

Becky Ponder· Fr., WeH M o nroe, La.

Danny L. Ponde r· Soph ., Tallulah, La.

Ruth Ponder . Sr., N atchitoches, La.

P.u · Pon


Roger Pool - Jr., Shrevep oft, La.

Anita Poole - Sop h., Monroe, La.

James Poo le - Grad., Shrevepofl. La .

Joyce E. Poole - Fr. , l ena, La.

ludy Poole - Sop h.• M onroe, La.

Peggy G. Poole - Fr. .)onesvllfe, La.

Sy lVia F. Poole - Fr., /ena , La.

Chari OHe Popa ll - fr., Aierandrja , La.

Belh l. Pope - Sr. , Lak e Charles, La.

Stepha nie Poo le · Fr., M onroe, La.

Bill Po rc h· Fr. , M onroe, La.

C li ff Porc h - Jr., M onroe, La.

Susan Po rl er - Soph., EI Dorado, Ark A thony J. Po rl ero - So ph ., Shreveporc, La. Lada ria M. Posey · Sop h. , l ena, La. Nolan Posey · Soph., Houma, La. Peggy Posey · Fr ., Shrevepofl, La. Ne lda M . Poss - Sr., Grayson. La.

A llan Pogue - Jr., Monroe. Bo bby PoweU - Fr., Oak Grove. Connie I. Powel l - Fr., W innsboro, Co nni e Powell - Soph ., Sicily Is/and, Dewey Powell- Shrevepofl, Edilh Po well - Soph., West Monroe,







l oyce L. Powell- Fr. . Wmnsboro, La .

Rodney L. Powell- f r., Monroe, La.

Jose ph R. Powers· Sr., M o nroe, La.

Reba Powe rs · Jr., Tall ulah, La.

Aub rey l. Prather - Fr., Ferridav, La.

Cindy Prall· So ph., M obile, AI.

Clyde Pratt - Jr., Shreveport, La. D ennis R. Pratt - Fr., Shreveport, La. M anlyn Preaus· Sr., Marion, La. Darryl Presnall - Fr.. Wmnfield, La. laura Presna ll· Jr., Columbia, La. Jim T. Press e - Sr. , M onroe, Lit

Cind y Prevost· Fr., Oak Glove, La Craig Prew il - Soph., Borger, Tex. Charmaine Price· Jr., M on roe, La. Kalh y Price - So p h.• Monroe, La. MaVIS Pri ce - Jr. , Marrero, La. Pa ul Price - Sr. , Winnsboro, La.

Sha ro n Pri ce - Sr., West M o nroe, Gerald Prince - Sr ., Gib son, N ew to n Pri nceh ouse - Soph ., Shreveport, Jamce 0. Pnne - Fr. , Epps,





Cl are nce E. Pri ngle - Sr., Berkeley, Cal.

Robert P. Pritchard - Sr., Bragg City, M o.

Bo nnie P(itch etl - Sop h.• BenlDn, 111.

Anni ce Proce ll- Fr.• Shreveport, La.

M elvin Procell- Sr., Shreveport, La.

Rose M . Proc lo r - Soph ., Lake Charles, La.

l o retha S. Profil • Sr., Monroe, La.

Harry Prophit - Jr., West M on roe, Lilli A nn Prov ine - Fr. , AleKandria, Denni s Prud en - fr., M o nroe, George Pruitt· Grad., Delhi,

)i O

. hces





linda Pu cke tt - Grad., M onroe. La. Sharon Pugh - Grad., Alexandria. La. O ebT3 A Purcell - Fr., Na tc hez, La Robert R. Purvi", - Fr.. Bogalusa, La. Betty Jo PUln.- m - Jr., Monroe, La. David Puner . ~uph .. BalOn Rouge. La.

Raben H. Qu inn - Sr.. 8a jl rup. lJ

Mark G. Rabb - Fr.. Ferriday, La.

Jonathan Raden - Sr., Poltstown, Pa.

Cynthia Radcliff - Sr., M edford, O re.

Thomas C. Radcliff - Grad., M edford, Ore.

Ric hard Rahm • Fr.. Shrevepor t, La

Albert Raia - Sr., Grosse Tete, La. Macy Raine r - Fr., Norfolk, Va . Paulla Rainer - Soph., M on roe, La. William Rainer - Fr. , M Ollroe, La. Shen Ra inwater· Fr. , Baker, La. Renee Rambin · Fr.• lena, La. Don na Ramsey - Jr., Wes ( Monro e, La.

Sharon Ramsey - Fr.. Haughcon, La.

Debra L. Randall - Sr., Ferr iday, La.

Margaret Ra ndall - Soph , Newefl lon, La.

Eva Randers-C hnsl ian sen· Soph., Monroe, La.

Thomas Randers-Ch risllansen - Sop h., M o nroe, La

Al o k Ranjan - Grad., Lllcknow, (ndla

Diana l. Ratcliff - Fr ., Springhill, La.

Haro ld C. Ratcliff - Sop h., New O rleans. La.

William J. Rat cliff - Fr.. M o nroe, La.

William Rau sc hkolb· Jr., Harvey, La .

Sharron Rawls - Fr., Wes / M onroe, La.

A llen Ray - Sr., Ackerman, MrS5.

D onna Ra y - Jr., Marion, Ark.

Donna G. Ray· Sr., West M onroe, La

Pall; Ray · Fr. . Minden, La.

Ter ry Ray · Jr., West M onroe, La.

Ricky Rayl- Sr.. Bossier Cicy, La .

Cynl hla Rayson - Soph., Shreveport, La

lane t Raym o nd · Sr., Hahnvifle. La

D aVid Raym o nd · Fr., Calhoun, La.

Rocky C. Rawl s - Soph., Oak C rove, La.

Sa mue l Reagan - Soph., W innsboro, La.

La rry J. Reece - Jr., Osceola, Ark

Df"borah Rp.t'd .

~r , A{e~anrl,.a, L.~ .

Marlene Rt-'ed - Grad. We~1 Monroe, (il. I'ell Rf"ed - Jr.. V/eSi Munroe. La Gwe ndo lyn Reeder - ) oph.. La ke Ch,ules, La BeHy Rf'e-s(' - G rad , Balon Rouge, La !vl o n ica RI:'f'sC - Fr , B a ~trop, Lil

Mary Reeves - Fr., ~VInf")SbOf(). Ph lllq) F RpiNes - Fr. M iHlon, Bru.:.t' W Regan - I r . Lakf> C harles, Lilli an Rf'g ln - J ~. '\-/onroe. ~u,an Relghll f'V Ir , WPS[ Monroe Oeln lel Rt: ksta d - Fr , Downprs Crove.


Lel 1.a La

La /II

David Rf.>kstad - Fr., Dowll €'r 5 C rove, III. Pallie RelJac · Soph., M onroe, La . Mary Y. Remedies· Soph ., Benton, La. Ric hard W . Remedies - Fr., Shreveport... La. Carla R. Remingt o n - Soph ., Boga lusa, La D ~ bdrah Rc mont - Ir., AlexandfliJ, l. a.

Kathy l. Reppond - Fr.,5terflng(On, La.

Roben l. Reyenga - Soph., TexafkanJ, Tex.

Mario n K. Reyna - Fr., Basrrop, l.a.

Sarr ie L Reynolds - Ir., W ichita f all!>, Tex.

Eldridge E. Reynolds - Sr., Delhi, La.

Emma A. Reynolds - Sr., Alex andria, l.a

Od ie Reynolds· Sr., Synope, La. Mark J. Reyno ld s - Sr., Wichita faf/s, Tex. Carol Rhodes - J r., Bas (rop, La. DaVid Rh odes - Jr., A/exandlla, La. Joseph H. Rhodes - Sr., Sh re veporr, La. Larry Rhodes - Sr., Morgan Cicy, La.

Randy S. Rhode s - Soph., Farmerville, La.

Ra ben F. Rhone - Grad., We5t M o nroe, l. a.

Terri Rhymes - Fr., Springhill, l.a.

Gary W. Rials - Fr. , Ba Sl1 op, La.

Myr tl e Rials - Fr., West Monroe. La .

Gw end olyn Ricard - Sr , 5(. losep h, l.a.

Cha rles Rice - Jr., Clenmora, La. Debora Rice - Sr., M o nroe, La. I. Steve Rich - Sr., l.afayette, l. a. Debo rah Ric hard - Sr., Bastrop, lao Dona ld Ri chard - Fr., MOOf~, Ld. Elizabet h L. Ri chard - Fr. , Crand Chenier, La . lacqueline Richard· Jr., Monr o e, La.

Kim RIChard· Jr., Pierre Paa, La.

PalrlCta A. RIChard - Fr., Monroe, La.

Dru Ri c hard ~ - Jr.,Colfax, La.

Evelyn Ric ha rdson - Fr., Crowville, La.

Janel Ri c hardson· If, Shrevep ofl, l.a.

Randall Richardson - Fr., W es t Monroe, La.

Steven Richardso n - Soph., Qlla, l.a.

Barbara Ric hey - Sr., Iowa, l.a.

Frankie Richey - Jr., Wesl Monroe, La.

Brenda Ric hmond - )r., Alexandria, La.

Donna Richm ond - Fr.. l.ake Cha rles, La.

lisa Rider - Jr., Fr. MOnloe, Va Patricia A. Riga ! - Fr. , West M OnToe, La. JaniceM. Riggs - Sr., l.akeCharle s, l.a. Mike Ril ey - Jr., Spfing hilf, La. Patricia Riley - Fr., SpringhIll, La. Jeanne Rinaudo - 50ph., Shrevepor(, La. Pam Rinaudo - Fr., Shreveport, Kathy L. Risenh oover - Soph., M o nroe, LaUrie P. Risenhoover - Fr. , Monroe, Jerry Rit chie - Fr., Minden, She rri l. Ritchie - Soph , Shreveport,


l ao

l. a.



Debby Riller - Fr., Monroe, l ao


I~ ,,·,

lin da Rlv er~ -) r.. /junklf'!, La

VIC RlvOlre - Fr., M onroe. La

Charl o ue Roach - Jr. , WISIl(' t, Ll

Go rd on Roach - C rad . WI~ nt:'r, la

Wa ll er Roach - I f ,\V I~ ".~ r 1.•1

Jane l Roark· Sr , Alt'). M IJI ).l, Ltl

Karen Roark - Fr., W eSI M onroe, La.

Robin Roark - Jr., West Monroe, La

Ken Robbins - Soph., Wisner. La.

Ma rga ret Rabene - Soph ., Mamou, lao

l ohn l. Roberson, II - Fr. , Shreveport, La.

SY hlli~ D Rob cr~Ol1 - Fr ,Bunk l!:', La

Terry Roberso n - )oph ,Spencer, La

Charle s T. Robe rh - FI , M cGe hee, Ar k

Oebra vv. Robert s - ~o p h. W.sn er La

Fred Roberls - Jr ., M onlO€ , La.

Ins Robfor\~ - Fr , JOIl€,~, Ld

Jo hn Ro berts - SI , We~( Monroe, L~

)oyre A. Roben s - ~r. Wes( Montoe, La

Kalhleen Ro be rts - S" RuHon, La

Ma rk A Robert s - Sr . Magno/ld. Ark

.'vI ,c hael Roberls - Jr.. Monroe, La.

M ik e Robe rl s - Sorh . West Monroe, La

Pame la R Robert s - Fr ., Leesville, La

C Ho lyn A Robert son - Sr , Mon roe, La

C.... nthla RoUerl o;.on - Fr, BaS/rap, La.

Dilnna Roberl son - Fr, Deihl, Ll.

Kif"" Robertso n - Soph. Ba/on RouMe, La

M ike Robert so n - I r ,Sh reveport, La

Raymond Rober()on - Sf , Spflnghlll, La

Susan E. Roberl )on - Fr , Shrevepon, La

W illiam 0 Robert son - J r ,Bon na, La

Gregory P Robichaux - ) r , Raceland, La

Joseph C Ro b ic haux - Soph .. Cha/met/e, La

Ri c kie RobIc haux - Jr, Franklin. La

Charlps R. Robins - Fr , Monloe, Ld

A llee Le e Robin son - Fr , W in nsboro, La

Aubrey Robin son - $orh ., Ba5lrop, La

Brenda J Robmson - Jr., Monroe, La.

De lons D. Robinson - Sr., NewelJ!on, La.

D liln e M . Ro binson - Fr., M onroe, Ll

Eaol Robinson - Jr ., Gueydan, La

Isaac Robin so n, Jr. - SI . 805ton, Mas s.

I lola Robinson - Fr .. Monroe, La

John Ro bins on - Sr., Tioga, La

Kathenne Robinson - Fr ,P ine Biuf(, Ark

Marilyn RoblOson - Soph., ,'v10nroe. La

Paul RobIn so n · Fr., Conzales. La Peggy A . Robin son· Fr. , W mnsboro, La Sa m son Ray Robin son - Sf , Washlflglon, La. Ronald D. Robi nson. St . Effie, La Theresa Robinson - Soph, LI((/e Rock , Ark Toola Robinson - Fr. . Monroe, La

Larry Roche· Jr., Mon~oe, La

J. B. Rodgers - Fr.. Baslrop, La.

lynn Rodge rs - Sr.. Texark ana. Tex

Ten Rodgers - Jr., We st Monroe, La

Ch ris Rodr iguez - SI , Alexandria, La

Donald Rogers - Sr. Lillie Roc k, Ark

Ellen F Rogers · Sr., Bastrop, I.a

James Rogers· Fr., Marrero, La.

Norma J. Rogers - Crad., Calhoun, La.

Linda C. Ro len - Fr., Sprroghlll, La

lyn elle R. Rolland - Fr., New Orlea ns, La.

Nancy Root - Fr. , Mo nroe, La

iO:ee· R:o o


She ila Roge rs - Fr., 8aSl1op, La. Earl Ro iling· Jr. , Mandevllle, La. Regi na Rollins - Fr., Win m bo ro, La . Cuy B. Ro mero - Jr., La ke Charles, La. Ma rk A. Ro me ro - Jr., La ke Charles, I.a Gwendolyn Ros s - Sr., M o nroe, La. Ela ine Ro pe r - Sr. , M o ntoe, La. Emile Roque,>, III - Sr., Baton Ro uge, La. Susa n Rosedale · Jr.. Monroe, La. Co nnie Rose nz weIg - Sr., Shre lleporc, La. Jo hn R. Ross - Sr., M o nroe, La Kalhi e Ross - Soph. , Minden, La.

Robert S. Ross - Fr. , SIan , La. Th e lma J Ross - Sr., Monroe, La. Yvonne Ross - Fr., Oak Grove, La. Jim Rowan · Fr., Montoe, La. Sharo n Rowe ll - Sop h. , Farmerville, La. Ivory Jo Roy - Sop h., M onroe, La. M ik e Roy · Sr., Iow a. La.

Sophie Roy - Fr , Monroe, La.

Sue Ba les Roy · Jr., W e:. I Mon roe, La.

l eo Rubin - Jr. , Rayville, La.

Jame!. C. Rucker · Grad., Shreveporl , La.

Fra n Rue - Fr., San(a Fe, N . M.

Ka thy G. Rugg · Fr.. West Mo nroe, La. Sharo n Rugg - Soph., Sterlingto n , La. Pa m Ruie - Soph ., VicksbUlg, La. Roge r D . Rushfeld l - Sr., Ocean Falls, B. C. Paul RushIng - Fr., Mangham, La . Ann O. Russell- Sr., Monroe, La. Ja mes Ru sse ll- Sr., Oak Gro ve, La.

l eslie Russell- Fr., West M o nroe, La.

M ic hael Russell· Jr. , Mo nroe, La.

Cathy M Ru<,so - Soph ., 5hrevepoft, La.

Thoma s Ru tledge - Jr. , Lake Ar,hvl, La.

Arthur Rutherfo rd - fr. , Shfeveporl, La.

Mild red A. Ryan - Sop h., Vickslxlfg. Miss.

Paula D. Rye -Ir., Pio neer, La.

Jane Ryme r· Jr., Monr oe, La.

Ge orge Sadik - Sr., Ko vsba , Lebanon

Bobby Sac km an - Soph. , We~l M o nroe, La.

Pa ul Sadler - J r , MOOloe, La.

Chari esSa la ssi - fr., W e lsh, La .

Be rtha Sa ller - Sr., CuHe n, La.

Dougla s Sa ller - Soph ., West Monloe, La.

She ryl Salter · Fr., Steriingco n, La .

Cha rlie Sa mpognaro - Jr., MonfOe, La.

Frank Sa mpognaro· Fr., M o nroe, La .

Ruthie Sampson · Fr., Mo nroe, La. RUlhie R. Sam p son - Fr. , Ba su op, La. Ali ce Fay Sand e rs - Soph., Trans ylv ania, La Allie Mae Sa nde rs - Soph , TlamyJvania, La.

Bob Sanders - Fr., Ha ynesvillE', La.

Debra Sanders· Sr., Dallas, Tex.

lIsa Sanders - Jr. , M o nroe, La. Mark Sande rs - Grad., M o nloe, La. Sharo n Sande rs· So ph., Wmnfield, La. Te rn Sanders - Jr., fI Dorado, Ark. Vi c ki Sanders · Sr., Monroe. La. Bell e rly Sandidge · Sr., Monroe, La. Ke nneth Sandifer - Jr., PVlvis, Miss. Jo hn Sanford - Fr.. WeSI Monroe, La. Pam Sanford · Fr., West Monroe, La. Dewey Sanson· Fr., Wildsville, La. Fre d Sap p - Soph., Stat .. La. Clara Jo Sartor· Soph ., Alto, La.

Linda Sartor. Sr., West Monroe, La. Katherine Saucier· So ph. , Alexandria, La. Willie Sauls berry . Soph ., QUI/ man, La. Raymond Sauve - Sr., Pineville. La. Brenda Savage - Sr .• Monroe, La

Debbie Savage - Soph ., Shreveport, La Deborah Savage - Soph., Ba slIop, La. Fred Savage· Sr.. Magnolia. Ark. Carl Savoie· Sr., Sunser, La. Gene Savo ie· Sr., Shreveport La. Frank Savoy - J r., Jennings, La. Jo hn Saxon - Soph.• M onroe, La.

Dawna Saves - J r., Alexandria, La . Diana Saves - Grad., Pineville, La. Lmda Sca rbo rough· Sf., Bossier Cily, La. G regory Sc haff - Fr., M e lajne, La. Evelyn Sc hanks· Fr.,Monroe, La . Linda SCha rf - Soph., Calhoun, La.

Ca ro lyn 5chech -jr., CovI08(on, La Celeste Sche re - Sr., Balon Rouge, La. Leonard Schevrer - Sr., N ew Orledns. Ld. Joey Sc hexnallder . Sr., ArnaudvWe, Ld . Frank Sc hmidt· Sop h.. West Monroe. Ld.

Barbara Sc hm itt - Soph., Metdirie. La. Susan Schmitt - Sr.. Me laifle. La Sleven Schmluzehe· Soph ., Montoe. La DaVid Schofie ld · Jr Bergenfield, ",.]. Sherne Sc ho les · Fr.. Shreveport, La. Mike Sc hoo n oyer . Soph . Deilli, La. Edward Sc hroc k · Fr., Carlsbad, N. M. I

Jacquelina Sc hrock - Fr., Oak Grove, La. Kathi Sc hut z· Sop h., Monroe. La . Sleven Schut z· Jr ,Monroe, La. Mar\< Schwend . Fr.. Bloomfteld, N. J. Cat hy Schwartz· Soph., Kenlwood, La Annette Scoggins· Fr, Bastrop, La




, ,


ROB· Seo


Melanie Scott· Fr., Monroe. La.

Mi chae l Sc ali - Sr., Monticello. A,k.

Val SCOlt - Fr ., ferriday, La.

Sherry Sc an - Fr., NewelllOn, La.

lohn Scruggs - Sr., Ferriday, La.

Pam Scr uggs - Sr., Monroe, La .

Sharon Scruggs - Sr., DeQuincy, And rew Scurria - Grad.. Tallulah, Ellen Seago - Fr., Shreveport. Usa Se al- Soph.,Shrevepofl, Sheryl Sea l- Sr., 5hrevepoTl, Alissa Sears - Fr.• Shreveporl,







Gw endo lyn Seay - Sop h., Mer Rouge, La.

James Seay . Fr . Collinston, La.

LeoSebaslian - Jr., Sh revepOfI. La.

So nja Segars - Sr., fpps, La.

Dana Segrest - Fr., Monroe, La.

Jero me Segura - Jr., Ama, La.

David Se ller!l - Sop h. , Sulphur, La.

Gloria Semie n - Soph ., Lake Charles, La,

Bre nda Se mmes - Soph., Monroe, La.

Laverne Semmes - Sr., Monroe, La .

Mary Semmes - Fr., Minden, La.

Joe Sepulvado - Fr., Boyce, Ld.

Amy Sevier· Sr., Vick5bufg, Miss.

Mike Sevier· Soph., Tallulah, La.

Spe nc e r Sevie r - Soph., Tallulah , La.

W endell Sewell- Fr., Pineville, La .

Barbara Seymour - Soph., Bastrop, La.

Edward Seymo ur - Fr , Fe",day, La.

Jea nie Shad io n - Jr., Monroe, Patti Shad ion • Fr., Monroe, Anna Shannon - Soph., Wes! Monroe, Kaye Sharbo no - Sr., West Monroe, Elizabeth Shaw - Fr. .Shreveporl, Hen ry Shaw - Sr., Wisner,





La .


Jan She ll - J r., Winnfield, La.

Brenda She lling - Jr., Monroe, La.

Me linda Shellon - Soph., Shreveport. La

Sleven Shehon · Jr., Monroe, La .

Tom Shel ton - Sr . West Monroe, La.

I ulie Shepa rd - Fr. , Baron Rouge, La.





Bill Sheph erd - Sr., Pme Blull, Ark.

Mike Shepherd - Jr., Lake Providence, La.

Don Sheppa rd - Sr., O dessa, Tex.

Ph ilhpSheppa rd - Fr., Monroe, La.

Susan Sheppen- Sop h., Shreveport, La.

Dave She rman - Jr., Greenville, MI ss.

David She rma n - Fr., Monro e, La.

Torn Sherida n - Sr., Baldwin, N. Y.

La rry Sheil ds - Soph., W es t Monroe, La.

Jesse Sh,e rs - Jr., Mangha m, La.

Sue Shifflelle· Fr., M onroe, La.

Kev.n Shilling s - Fr ., St. Amant, La.

Kare n Shinn . Fr., Osceola, Ark.

Joey Shivers· Fr., Mo nroe, La.

Wanda Shockey· Grad., M er Rouge, Ld.

Carl Shockley . Fr., Haynesville, La.

Emily Shoema ke r · Soph ., Delhi, La.

My rlis Sh oem ake r - Fr. , Rayville, La.

Ri c kie Shoe make r - Jr., M o nr oe, La.

Betsy Show· Sop h., Pine Bluff, A rk .

David Shrader - Sop h., M onroe, La.

Rulh Shumway - Sop h., Vidalia , La.

Jimmy Shurley - Jr., Benlon, Min.

Valeria Sibill e· Fr., Hayes, La.

Gi na Sigres t . Soph., Shreveport, La.

Daw n Sikes - Fr., West M onroe, La.

le rry Silm on - Gra d ., Sterlmgton, La.

C ha rles Simmo ns · Fr., M OnToe, La.

ElizeyS imm o m - Sr., Vidalia. La.

eail Simmons· I r., Sf. Louis, M o.

Te rry Simmons - Fr., Spling hill, La

Bru ce Si m on· Sr., Ma nsu ,s, La.

Ca rl een Simo n· Sr., Breaux Bridge, La.

C handra Simons· Sr., Shrevepore. La.

Paul Si mo ns· Jr., Ringgold, La.

Dwayne Si m pson - G rad., Columb ia, La.

Ro bert Simp son · Sr., Oak Crove, La .

Chern e Si m s· Soph ., Bossier Clly, La.

Ro land Sim s - Fr., W es t M o nroe, La.

William Sims - Sr., Rayviffe, La.

Fra nkie Sing le lOn - Fr., Winn sboro, La.

Ellen Sistrunk · Fr. , SI"IIeveport, La.

Lynn Siudy · J r., Monroe, La.

Me lvin Skeeles · Sr., Alexandria. La.

l es te r Skelt on · Sop h., Tallulah, La.

Jerry Sla ck - So p h., M o nroe, La.

David Slade - Fr., Tioga, La.

Herman Slade· Sop h., Momoe, La.

Rho nda Slade - Fr., Mo nroe, La.

Kim Siavant • Fr., Mo m oe, La

Carmen Slayte r · Sop h., Pine vi lle. La.

Ru sse ll Smallw ood - Fr., Monroe, La.

Robin Sm art - Fr., Shreveport, La.

Wayne Smart · Fr., Winnfield, ttL

Gl enda Smed ley· Jr. , M urfreesboro. Ark.

Jo hn Smed ley· Sr. , Murfreesbo ro , Ark.

Kare n Smelley· Sr., Shreveport, La.

Alice Smith - Fr., MOllroe, La.

5co-Smi .


Becky Smith - Fr., W eSf Monroe, La. Bo bby Smith - So ph .• Monroe, La. Bobby E. Smith - Fr., Deville, La. Carol yn Smith - Soph., Ster/ing ro o, La. Charli e Smith - Fr., Natch ez. Miss. Ch eryl Smith - Fr. , M o nroe. La.

Cy nthia Smith · Fr. , Monroe, Dandrea Smith · Fr. , Oa k Crave, Donald Smi th · So ph., Mangham, Do nna Smith . Sr., Ster{mgro n .. Donny Smith - Sr., M o nroe, Fran k Smith - Fr. , West M onroe,



La .

La .



Gregory Smith - 5r., A lexan dna, Gordon Smith · Sr., Oak Crove, Guy Smith - Fr., Monroe, Gw endolyn Smith ~ So p h., BossiN Ciry, Ja m es Smith - Sr. , Baker, lana Smilh - Sr. , Baker.



La .

La .

La .


Je nny Smith - Sr., Minden, La.

Jo hn Smith - Soph ... Pine Bluff, Ark.

Jo hn R. Smith - Jr. , WeSf Monroe, La.

John ny Smith· Fr. ,Sp ringhill, La.

Kat Smith· Fr., Shreveport La.

Kathy Smith - Jr., Fef{iday, La.

Ke nn et h Smi th - Fr., Lee-s v,jJe, La.

Larry Smith - Soph., M o nroe, La.

LaQuita Sr'rll!h - Sr., Mo nroe, La.

Lawrence Smith - Fr., Ruston, La.

Lew is Sm ith - Sr., 5hreveporc, La.

l ilheS rnllh - Fr., Tallulah, La.

linda Smith - Fr. , West M on roe, La. l o nny Sm llh - Soph., M o nroe, La. Louise Smith - Fr., Oa k Ridge, La. lynn Smit h · Fr., Monroe, La. Marlene Smith - Fr., O ak Ridge, La. Mark Sm ith· So ph., Pafle/son, La. MIChelle Smith - Jr ., ie na, La. Minette Smith - I r. , Mo nroe, La. Myron Sml1h - Fr , Monroe, La. Nancy Smith - Sr., KeHhvlfie, La. O rlando Smith · jr ... 5h/f' veporr, La. Pamela Smith - Fr., Bas(rop, La. 378


Pamela K. Smith· Fr ., Ferriday, La.

Pat Smith· Sr., Bastrop, La.

Randy Smith - Fr. , Bema n, La.

Richard Smith· Fr., Monro e, La.

Richard Smilh· Grad., Winnsboro, La.

Rodney Sm ith · Sop h., Farmerville, La.

Samuel Smilh - Soph., Monroe, La.

SCOII Smith· Jr., Tioga, La.

Sibley Smith - J r., Tioga, La.

Step he n Smith - Sr. , Marked Tr ee, Ark.

Steve H. Sm ith· Sr. , Kana s Ci ty, M o.

Terry Sm ilh . Fr., Bogalusa, La.

Wanda Smilh· Fl., Monroe, La.

Melanie Smithey· Soph., Monroe, La.

William Smi they - Sr., Sibley, La.

Cind y Snead - Sr., Dubach, La.

Tho mas Snelling - Fr., Shfevepoa, La.

Donald Sobba - Grad., Crowley, La.

Chris Soignier· Sr., W es t Monroe, La.

lani ce Soignier - Fr., Monro e, La.

Jam es Soileau - Soph., Ville Plalte, La.

Je nnife r Soi leau - Sr., Eunice, La.

Paula Soileau· Fr., Ville Platre, La.

Rebecca Solanic - Jr., Shreveport, La.

Carol So rey· Jr., Monroe, La.

Ca rl Sorre ls - Sr., Atkins, Ark .

Carlos Som ola· Sr., Metairie, La. Sandie Spain· Grad ., Monroe, La Barbara Spann - Jr. , Wisner, La. Anita Spears· Sr., Hernando, Miss.

Rebecca Spears · Soph., Shreveport, La .

Kathy Speer - Soph., Monroe, La.

Pat Spencer· Sop h. , Wesc Monroe, La.

Robert Spencer· Jr. , Winnsboro, La.

Thomas Spe nce r· Sr. , Montoe, La.

Jenny Spillers· Sop h., Homer, La.

Sara Spillman - Fr ., S(. Francisville, La.

Ruth Spilman - Sop h., Sulph ur, La.

Sharon Spivey · Soph., Ferriday, La.

Philip Sporl - Soph., West Monroe, La.

Pamela SpragRins - Sop h., Opelousas, La.

Elwyn Springfield - soph., Monroe, La.

Michael Stacey - Soph., Bunkie, La.

Michael St. Romain· Sr., BalOn Rouge, La.

Bernadette Stafford · Fr., Alexandria, La .

Usa Stafford - Soph ., Vic ksburg, Miss.

MauryStaggs · Sr., Shreveport, La.

Pal Stamper . J r., Pineville, La.

Bill Stampley - Sr., Shreveport, La.

l ynne Stanfield - Sop h.. Shreveport, La.

Carolyn Stansbury· Grad., tI Dorado, Ark.

Terry Stansbury - Fr., WeH Monroe, La.

Denis e Stanton· Sr. , Slidell, La.

Willie SLark . Fr., Wisner, La.

BrelL Slams· Soph., Bogalusa, La.

Karl Slams· Sr., Bogalu sa, La.

DaVId Stasberry· Fr., Bato n Rouge, La

Niki Stcyk - Sr., Los Angeles.. Ca l.



JOY ~I ~ed· Ir. WeH Moome. La Rhonda ~lel n - So p h , COnvf:' ll/, La Micha e l SI(:'ll neu - Jr, W €'51 Monroe. La Dwaynp SIf:' p hem - Fr. B f) ~ 51f:" CIl )" La lamp.., Ste phen'> -I r. Mmden, La Ke lly Sl f;'p hen'> - Fr . SpfJneh l1l. Ltl

Tho ma s Slep hf' ns. - Soph , ~ hr e v c porl. La Beve rly Sl ephf' m o n - ) op h . Bascrop. La C ha rles S l e p h e n ~on - So p h . Wmnfle ld. La Jo hn S!f' phen sOIl - So ph . ShfeVf:'pO fl. La Pau l S(f' ph(:n ~ o n - I r , BM, f( Op . La Alle n St e rling - J r , Spllnghlll, La

Ka thy Sl f:'vf" n~ - Fr , Gilherr, La Sus ie Sl... vt'n ~ - Jr .. Monroe, La Janrce St e ve n~o n - 50 ph ., Rd yvllle, La Sh e rrl Slevemon - Fr. Shre vepo rt . La Ba rry Slewa rl - Suph ., lena. La Bet h SIf'WMI - Soph , MOM oe. La

Randall Sl e ....'ar l - SI , lena. La Shelley Ste wa n - ~ or h. Mer Rouge, La V IC Sl ewa " - Sr . Monroe, La Pau l SII1JIOH'> - Sop h . HOi Spn ng5, Ark Pa llY ~l ln ')on - Fr , Shrevepon , ta Ste p ha n .e SlI rl mg - Sop h . f,ank/m, La.

Farre n St one - Soph . Monroe, La. larne ,> )I ont' - Sr . Monroe, La Rebe <.e a Slo n e - So ph . /one5vill e, La . J arn e ~ Store y - JI , Mmden , La <\t\lche leSt ou l - Fr. Sh reve port La Kare n )l o vall -)r . Hebert Lo:!

David Slove l · 5. , fvlo n l lu~ lI o, Ark Lynn Strahan - )()ph.. WJnlHboro, La M illie Strain - Fr , Monroe, La A n ita Sl ru. kland - Fr , Shrevepor t, La l(I c ob St rIC kland - Sr , Grayson, L,l. Ga ry Sl rln g~r - G rad , We.sl Monroe, La

Jani ce Siu nger . Fr. , W est Monroe, C.H o l Slrillman - Fr., We st Monroe, A . Jackie Sirong - G rad. , Olla. Dianne Stro ng· Sr , Monroe. Tommy Slrong-F r , Minden. She rry Slu c key - Fr., M onroe,

La. La. La. La La. La .

Gay le Sl ump· Sr , /oM.sboro, Ark

S uzie Sl urd y - Fr , Hot Sp nngs, Ark

Be lv a Sulli van - Fr . Oak GlOve, La

Donella S ullivan - ) o ph . Sulphur, La Jan Sullivan - Fr , Monroe, La Jo hn S ul li van - I r , Monroe, U

Mik e Sulli van - Fr , '"Ves t .' vlonroe, Rh o nda Sullivan - Fr , Boss ier Ca y, Ric hard Sullivan - Sr., Co lto n Valley. D en ni S SUfl a!t - Ir.. Monroe, S teph e n Sutherla nd - Fr , VIdal, a, Sandra Swa l/)s - Fr.. Alexa ndna,

La. La. La La.


La .

(Ilhy Swanne r - So ph , We H Monroe, Ja ne l Swanson - Fr., M onroe, C indy Swayze . Fr , Winmboro, C harles Swayze r - Fr , Monroe, Jam es Swell - Fr., Hebert Elizabe th Sw e n son - Soph .. Jena,




La .



Bru ce Swope - Sop h., Mo nroe, Anthony Sykes - Jr.. M onroe, G len da Sykes - Jr., M onroe, James Sykora - Soph .• 8 a lo n Rouge, Phy llis Syko ra - Sr., Monro e, Ric ky Sypen - Fr., ColumbIa,






La .

Jan ,\.1 Tagga rt · Fr., Slue\'e port, La M andy L Tall - f r . Shr evep0rf, La Ka th y Take n - Fr . Shrevep0rf , La.

lames Tall ey· So ph , J one~boro. LJ T eay Ta lly · Fr., BogaJusd, La Norman Tam - Gr ad , Ho ng Kong

Michael W Tann e hill - fr , Pineville, to Sa ra Tanner - Fr , Cheneyville, La Allen Tanzy - Fr , Bastrop, La. Clyde Tarran t - Fr .,S hrevepo1l, La. Shauna Ta rve r - !I , New Orfeans, La Sheila K Tarver - Fr ,Wmnsboro, La

Ca rl D Tay lor - ~o ph .. A/exandna, La Dana L Taylor - Fr , Monro e, la o DIx ie l. Tavlor - If, West tv/nnroe. La lerr" W Taylor - Fr , lena, La. l aura Taylor - Soph., ShrevepO I !. La. Mark Taylo. · Sf, Bal on Ro uge, Ld

Neadmia Tay lor - Fr., Wes l Momoe, l.d.

Roben Taylo r· Fr., Bacon Rouge, La.

Su san Taylo r - Sr., Afexanduo, La.

Hilm i H. Tazz lz, Sr. , Jerusalem, Jordan

Steve Teel - Fr. , Bastrop, La

Ma rk A. Telotla - Fr., Jeanefeue, l.a.

Pa triCia G . Templ e - Fr. SIMI. La Martha Su e Tennessee - So ph ,Clavlon, La \.yl illam TennIso n · I I, Sicily 15/and, l.a John Te rraClna · Sop h , BOH ler, La Ste phen Terraclna - Soph .. Opefou~<lS. L,1 Bento n 0 Terl al, Jr - Fr , MonrOe. La

Bre nda Terral · Sr .. M o nroe, La l aura Terry· Fr., Monroe, La. Ved a Terry - Fr ., BOSSier Cay. l.a Sa lvol Teo:.l a -Ir., WatefprOol, l.a l yn Tew - Soph ., Monroe, Lit Jack O . ThMpe - F r , Sibley, l.a.

Mic hael Tha)l;I On· Fr.. Baslrop, La.

Paulin e Thaxton· Sop h. , Oak Ridge, La.

Maureen The no t- Fr. , H ou ma. La.

Sharon E. Theveno t - Sr., Bunkie, La.

ea rl Thibodeaux - Ir. , Thibo dauJf , La .

Sand ra l. Thibod ea ux - Fr. , Lake Charle s. La .

Steve Thibode.)U)I;· St., Bogalusa, La.

Diane Thomas· Fr , Ionesv ille, La.

Alfreda Thomas - Fr., Calhoun, La.

Be linda F. Thomas - Fr., Ba sCfop, La.

De nni s C. Thomas - Sr., FranklinlOn, La.

Frankie Thomas· Sr. , M o nroe, La.

Jeffe ry Thomas - Fr , Alexandrra, La laleane Thoma~ - Grad., RuslOn, La Mary o. Thoma ~ - Fr , Shre veporl, La. O lin C. Thomas - Soph , Brandon. ,V" SS Pea r/,e Thomas - Fr., Bonita, La. Sig no ra V Thoma s - Soph., 5hreveporl, La. The resa Th omas - Fr., New Orleans, La.

Tracy Thoma s· Sr., 5prmghill, La.

Edward Thomaso n - Sr., Cotton Va lley, La.

Ginger Thomason - Soph., Za c hary, La.

Sharon Thomason - Soph., Alro, La.

Sheila N. Thomason · Sr., Alto, La .

Te rry Tho mey - Jr., EI Dorado, Ark.

Bridge t A. Thomp son - Sr., Olla, La.

Caro lyn Thomp so n - Sr., 5larks, La.

C ha rli e l. Thompso n· Fr.. l ena, La.

Che ryl A. Thompson - Jr., Mon re rey, La.

Dea n B. Th ompso n · Jr. , Balon Rouge, La.

De bo rah W. Thompson -Ir., Baton Rouge. La.

Ed na J. Thompson· Sr., Monroe, La.

Fra ncis C Thom pso n - Ir.. Delhi, La.

Gai l Thompson· Sr., Winnsbo ro. La.

Gary l. Thompson - Fr., M on roe, La.

loe Thompson - Fr. , 5honga/o u, La.

Micha el R. Thompson· Fr. , Starks, La.

Nancy Th om pson - Sop h., M onroe, La.

Philip Thompson - Jr., MOllticello, Ark.

Ri c key Thompson · Sop h., Basuop, La.

Sleven B. Thom p son· Jr., Bossier CilY, La .

Do ris L. Th o rnhill - Jr., Wisner, La.

Me linda S. Thornhill· Soph., Winnsboro, La. Ro ma Thornhill· Fr., Wisn er, La. Steve Thornhill· Fr ., LawlOn, O kla. Debbie Tho rnton - Jr., New Orleans, La. Kevin Thornl on - Soph., Ero s, La. Slep hen Throckmorton - Sr. , Mo nroe, La. Jerry Tic he nor - Sr., Jones boro, La.

Ch arles Tidwell· Sr., Friends hip, La.

Laurelta Tidwell· Jr., Monroe, La.

Roxana Tidwell · Fr., Rayville, La .

Ann Tietje - Ir., Ellon, La.

Janel Tillman - I r., Mo nroe, La.

Chrisly Tingle - Fr. , Sh reveport, La. Susan Tinnin· Soph., New O rleans, La . Dena Tipton· Sop h., Vidalia, La . Donna Tiser· Jr., Jonesville, La. Magg ie Titmus - Jr., West Monroe, La. Norman Tison - Soph., Jena, La. Susan To mpkins - Sr., Boss ie, Ciry, La.

Ch yleen Toney - Fr., Monroe, La.

Pamela To rbet· Jr. , Homel, La.

George Torregrossa - Fr., Bato n Rouge, La.

Denila Torrence · Soph., M o nroe, La.

Ro bert Torry - I r. , Alexandria, La.

• Phillip T OSlOn • F L, M onroe, La.

Ellis Toups· Jr., Gueydan, La.

Janis Townsend - Sop h., Camden, Ark

John Townsend· Soph., Monroe, La. Alton Trahan · Jr.. M onroe, La.

Marian Trahan - Ir., l aiayeue, La.

John Traweek - Soph., MoofOe, La Rita Traxler - Sr., Monroe, La, Debra Traylor . Fr., Monroe, La, Starlette Traylor - Fr. , Marion, La, Julie Treeo'll · Sr., N ew Orleans, La. BeckyTrerne - Fr., DeQuincy. La

LloydTrichel1 - Jr., Monroe, La .

Jeannette Trichel - 50ph.,Sreriingtoo, La.

Debbie Tropea - Sr., M onroe, La.

Michael Truax - Jr., Houma , La.

Sherry Truelove - Fr., Delhi, La .

Thomas Tubbs - Soph., Bossie" Cay, La.

CherlyTucker · Jr., Montoe, La. Ruby Tucker - Sr., Shrevepofl, La . JulieTulils - Fr. , H ou ma, La.

Scott Tullis · Sr., West Monroe. La. Thomas Tullis - Fr. , Magee, Ark. Robert T uma - I r. , Libu se, La.

JerryTurner - Jr. , Oak C ro ve, La

JohnnyTurner - Fr. , Monroe, La.

Randall Turner - Fr , Winnfield, La.

Randy Turner - Sr , Bossier Ca y, L.:1.

Rene Turner - Sr., Ha~' nes v"le, Lil.

Sharon Turner - Fr., Pineviffe, La.

Sylvia Turner - Soph. , Monroe, La.

Jan Turrentine - Fr., Alexandria, La.

Rena Tweedy - Sr., Minden, La

Pamela TWiner - Fr., Mangham, La.

An ita Tyler - Fr. , Spring hjff, La.

Russell Tynes - Soph., Boss ie r City, La.

Bernice Ulmer - Fr., RaYVIlle, La.

Deborah Ulmer - Soph, Forest Hill, La

Rose Mary U mhng - Fr., Bossier City, La.

Bobby Underwood - Sr., MoO/De, La

Faye Underwood - Sr., Wesl Monroe. La.

Sha ron Underwood · Sr.. CuJ/en. Lel

Marilyn Upton - Soph., Monroe, La.

Martha Upton - Sr. , Wesl Monro e, La.

lames Va lentine - Soph., Mangham, La.

Mark Va lentine - Fr., Fort Wailon Beacll, Fla.

Karen Van Buren - Fr., M onroe, La.

Sharen Van Buren - Fr., Monroe, La.

Susie Vann - Jr., Alexandria, La.

Robbin Vanderford - Fr. , Bossier Cicy, La.

lohn Van Veckhoven - Fr., MoO/oe, La.

Sal Va risco - Soph ., MoO/oe, La

Cathy Varner - Soph ., Wes( MoO/De, La.

Candace Vaughan - Fr., M o nroe, La

Gary Vaughan - Sr., Coalgate, Ok la.

Timolhy Veillon - Jr., Eunice, La.

Ellen Venable - Sr., Westlake, La.

Madelin e Veneziani - Jr., Alexandria, La.

Billy Verdun - Fr., Morgan C ity, La.

Mi chell e Vernon - Fr., Baton Rouge, La.

Debra Vermi ll ion - Jr., Pineville, La.

Annette Vescovo - Grad ., Memphis , Tenn.

Shelia Vick - Fr., Cilbert, La.

Patricia Vicror - Fr., New Orleans, La

Philip Vidrine - Jr., De Quincy, La.

Howard Vincent - Sr., De Quincy, La.



Farrel V ilieJoin - Jr., Crowley, La. Lauren Vince nl- Soph ., Monroe, La. Alan V ines - Soph., Converse, La. Mitchell V ines - Fr., Mansviffe, La. Speedy Vin so n - Soph., M onroe, La. Clem Vio la - Fr., M onroe, La.

l ena Virgil - Fr., Tallulall , La Sharon Virgil - So ph., Lake Plovidence, La Ernie Voc ke -Jr., L.ake Charles, La. D erric k VagI - Jr., Venice, F(a. Karl Vog t - Sr., VenJce, Fla. Nancy Vagi' So p h. , Fefliday, La.

Sa rah Vagi - Sr., Ferriday, La.

Tim o th y Vola - Grad., Rockford, fIJ.

M anda Von Diezelskl - Jr., Oak GlOve, La.

Martha Von Dieze lski - Jr., M o nro e, La.

Pau l Von Oieze lski - Sr. , Monroe, La.

Peter Vo rster · Sr. , Subia co, Ark.

Patrick Vos s - Fr.. Merauie, Kathleen Vree land· Sr. , M o nroe, Ri c hard Vroom - Jr., Mon roe, Jean Wa cl or - G rad ., Oa k Grove, Abron Wade - So ph., Ferr iday, C harles W ade - Sr., Wesl M onroe,

La. La. La. La. La. La.

Phyllis Wade - Fr., ViVia n, La.

Robert Waggone r - Fr., Ches(O vl, La.

Kim Wainwright - Jr., ShrevepoTl, La.

Han Li Wah - Sr., Hong Kong

Pat ri c ia Waits - Sr., lena, La.

I oe Wa lcher - Fr., Shrevepo rt, La.

Lau ra Walche r - J (., ShrevepoTl, La.

Michael Walden - Fr., Monroe, La.

Marsha W aldrop - soph., Tallulah, La.

Hugh W aldroup - Soph., Bas lrop, La.

Bruce Wa lk er - Fr., M o nroe, La.

Cathy Wa lk er - Grad., M o nroe, La.

Cliffo rd Walker - Jr., W est Monroe, Daniel W alker - Sr., Tallula h, D eborah Walker - Fr , Minden, Deborah C. Wa lker - Sop h., W eSl M o nroe, Donna W alk er - Soph ., Ba srrop, Gaile Walker· Fr., l e na,

La. La. La.

La. La. La

Ja yWalker - Sr. , Bogalusa, l erryWalker - Sop h., Mmden, Jo hn Oavid Walk er - Jr.. Mmden, Jo hn Walker - Jr ., Monroe, JudyWalker - Jr., West Monroe, Mark Wa lk er - Sr., Sill evepofl,







Nadine Walker - Sr., New Orleans, RuthieWalk er · Fr., Monroe, Allrechiea W all- Sop h., Tallulah, Billy Wall - Jr., M o nroe, Lea vell Wall - Jr. , D eQuincy, TraceyWal1 - Fr. , Alexandria,







D ebbleWallace · So ph., Crowley, La. Dwight Wa lla ce - Jr., H eber Springs, Ark. James Walla ce· Sr., Monroe, La. John Wallace - Sr., Shreveport, La. Judit h Wallace - Fr., Minden , La. Kathyrn Wa llace - Fr., Winnsboro, La .

Kathy Walla ce· $oph., Monloe, La. MelanIe Wallace - Sr., Baton Ro uge, La. Ann etl e Walley· Sr., Winnsb oro, La.

Kathy D. Walls - Fr. , Monroe, La.

MI cha el Walswo rth - Sop,h.. , West M onroe, La.

Ctayona Walters· Sr.,) ena, La

David W alters - Sr., La Place, La. john Walle rs - Soph ., O lta, La. RoyWa\( e rs - Fr., M onroe, La. Sheila W a lt ers - Jr., Monroe, La. Teresa Wall e rs - Jr., Monroe, La Thomas Wa lters - Sr., M onroe, La.

Donna Walton - Jr.,Ale)(a ndria, La. Beve rl y Wa rd - Fr., Monroe, La. Cherry Wa rd - Fr. , Mon roe, La. Cin di Wa rd · fr., Mo nroe, La. Ma ria Wa rd· Fr., Plaucfleville, La. Ric hard Ward - Soph., Monroe, La.

Ri chard Wa rd - Sr., Du mas, Ark. Sieve Wa rd - Sop h .. Salem, Ore. Be rnad in e Ware - Fr., Monroe, La Gary Warne r - Jr., femday, La.

W illiS Warne r - Sr., Monroe, La.

All e n Wa rni x . Sr., Camden, Ark.

Sue Wa rnock - Gra d ., Baron Rouge, La

Edwardean Wa rre n - Sr., Monroe. La.

Ted Warren - ,r., Haughton, La.

Charles Wasco m - Sr., D enham Spflngs, La.

Kim Wasc om - Sop h., Bogalwa, La.

l ea h Washam · Fr., farmerville, La.

Klmb erl yWash bum - Fr, Balon Rouge, La.

Ange la Was hingt o n - Jr., Monroe, La.

Debbie Was hingt on· Sr., West M on roe, La.

Jacque lin e Washmgl on· Fr , Monroe, La.

Ge orge Wa shington - Fr., Monroe, La.

Sue Wasa - Sr., Bellwood. /JI.

," lik e Wa lers - Fr., Sflreveporr, La. Nob le Watkins - Fr., Monroe, La.. Sammie Wa lkim - Sf ,Bos sier Cit y, La Cynt hia Wa lley - Fr, Bernice, La. BemardWatso n - Fr. , Mon/oe, La Douglas Wat so n - Sop h., Monroe, La. jack Wa tson - Sr., Gre rna, La. James Watson - Sr., HaynewJlle, La. Pa lsy WalSo n - Soph , We5l Monroe, La. Raymond Watson - fr., Tallul ah. La. Ric ha rd Wat so n - Grad., Da llas, Tex . Ve ron lCal Watson - Soph., Wisner, La. Virgi nia \,Valso n - Sorh , Tallulah, Lil Max Wa tters - Jr., Bas/ rop, La. Denni s WaHs - Fr., Stal f, La Ran dy Watt~ - Soph, West M onroe, l.a. Ra y Wail S - Jr. , We st M onroe. La Ca rol Wayland - Fr. , Sprmg/JiII, La.

Cla udIa Weave r - Sr. , Bastrop, La Barba ra Webb - Sr. , Shreveport l.a JIm Webb - Sr., Jena, La ,Vl ic hae l Webb - Sr., M o nroe, La. Noel W ebb - Soph.. Bastrop, La. Robert W ebber - Soph.. Ferrida y, La.

ObleWebs rer - Sop h , MOIlrOf.:, La. Earl Wederbrook . Jr., fI. Lauderdale. Fl. Samue l Weem s - Fr.. Delhi, La Th oma s \'veem:. . Fr. Wl nnlleld. La Suse lieWe lss - Fr., Slidell, La Andrea Welc h - Jr, Oak Grove, La. \311 1Welch - Grad, Monroe, La. DaVid Welc h - Sop h., fen a, La. Herman Welch - Jr. , Delh( La. Ma n y Welch - Jr., Hammond, La. MlkeWe lch - Jr ,Sunrar, Tex. Mary W e lc h - Fr.. MOllroe, La.

Robin W eld on - Soph , Oakdale, (a. Ken Well s - Fr., BOHler City, La Marvin We lls - Sr. , SICIly Island, (a . Dav id Wend t· So ph ., Baron RougE'. La. Benita West - Jr., Bossier Cay. La. Charles Wes L - Sr., West Po in t, NY

David West - Sr , WeH M onroe, La. Kennet h WesL - Fr., Lake Charles, La. Roger Westberry - Jr., /a ck5on. M iH. Kathy Wes to n - Jr., Mang ham. La. Dav id W halley - Soph., Shrevepo rt, La Mi llie W haLley - Jr., Alexandna, La.

Laura Whalley - Soph., M o nroe, La Ri chard Wh ea t - Sr., West M onroe, La. Ka y Whitaker - Fr. , Ba strop, La. A rthu r W hite - Soph., Ba~l! op. La. Bo nnie W hile - Sr., Bunk ie, La. David W hite - Ir., Bogalusa, La

Delia WhiLe - So ph ., Pinellille, La.

Dianna Whil e - Soph., Oak Crave, La.

Donna W hite - Fr. , Ba Slrop, La.

Cl en W hile - Jr., Hamburg. A rk.

Hal W hite· Sr., Zac hary, La.

JacquehneW hite - Fr., M o nroe, La.

John W hil e - Fr., Hot Sp rmg s, Ark.

Jo hn E. WhiLe - Jr , Oak Crove, La.

Joh n M V\'hll e - ft. , f ranklin, r enn.

l ,..a Wh il f,eld - Soph , M o nroe, La £Ilis W h lL ehea d - Soph., BalOn Rot/ge, La. D ianeW hl Lley - Soph , M<)Oroe, La.

Sherrie Whit man - Fr , Shreveporl, La. Joyce Whitmore - Fr., Bastrop, La. A llen Wh lHlngl on - Sr., M OOloe, La. Karen W ible - Fr.. M o nroe, La. David W ickers - Sr. . S[. Lo uis, M o . l oa nne Wic ker - Sop h., Za char y, La.

Eth eJWiggin s - Sr., Calh oun. Jo hn W iggins - Sr. , Calh o un, T rudy W iggins - So ph., Spnoghifl, D o nna W iginto n - Fr., Hammond. Ca thy Wi lbank ... - Fr. , Wesf Monroe, M aeW ilbanks - Jr., / ena,

La. La La. La.

La La.

N elw yn Wil ban k s - Jr., West Monroe, La. JJrn es VV , I(OX - Sr , Wavelan d, MISS. Jani ce Wllhile - 5>o ph. , Monroe, La. Phillip W ilh ite - Jr., West M onroe, La. Mik e W llk erso n - Sr.. PurvIs, M ISS. Tink er W ilkerso n - Soph , West M o nroe, l.a.

Cilylne \A·· ilke ns - So ph., Colum bia, l.a.

PaLLi Wilkin so n - Fr., Sh revepo rt, l.a.

BeUy) . William s - Fr. , M on roe, l.a.

Bell y J. Williams - Fr., Wm05boro, La.

Bo b Wil liam s - Soph., RaYllille, La.

Brenda W . W illiams - Jr., Greenville, MISS.

Cia Ike M . W llham s - Sr., M onroe, l.a. Cliff Wi lli ams - Sop h .• lena, D ebo rah Wi lhams - Sr., Monroe, DianneWiliiams· Jr., Mamf,eJd, Haro ld Wi lliams - Fr., New Orleans. Jam es R. W ll ham s - Fr.. W est Monroe,

l.a. La . La. La. La

Jan lce W ,ll 1a m s - FI, Vidalia, La Janice Will iams· Fr., New Roads, La . lenean W illiam s - Fr., M on roe. La. l ea nieW llham s - Fr.. M er Rouge. La Jerro me Wi lliam s · Fr • Monroe. La. Jerry W ilham s - Sr., Oak Grove, La.

Joa nie Williams· Fr., Shrevep0rf, l.a.

Joey Wi lliams· Sr., StlfevepofC, l.a .

John Williams· Sr., Winnsbo ro, l.a .

Kalhy William s · Sop h., l.ake Charfes, l.a.

l(ayWi liiams · IL, Shrevepor t La

Li :.a C. William s - Fr., Monro e, La.

Marsha William s - Sop h., /ena, La.

Mary l Williams - Soph., Rayv/JJe, La.

Mic ha el William s - Fr., New Iberia. La.

Pal sy Williams · Sr. , Shrevep ort. La. RayWilii ams - Fr., Grayson. l.a. RIC hard A. W ill iams - Sr , M on roe, l.a.

RickyW llltams - Fr., Winnsboro. l.a Roberl Wi lliam s · It., W est M onroe, La. Sally Williams - Fr., Wesl M onroe, La Susie WillIa ms - Soph .. Oak Grove, i a. Saundra William s - Sr., Monroe, l.a Sh irley Wilham ') · Je, WeSl Monroe. La

Sleph e n S. William s - Fr., Pineville, La . To mmie Wllliam s · So ph ., Balon Rouge, La. Wayne Williams - Jr., Bacon Ro vge, La. William W illia ms · Fr. . Win nsboro. La Elizabe lh William son· Soph.. Baskin, l.a. Ca il Williamson - Fr. . West Mon roe, La.

James D. W illia ms - Fr., New I beria, La. Ma ry ' o Williamson· Soph., Ken ner, La. MendyWilhamso n. Fr., Monroe, l.a. Patr ic ia Williamson . Soph , Bastrop, l.a. Stephen R. W illiamson - Sr., Monroe, La. KoyneW illis · Fr., M onroe. La.

laura Willis - Fr., Basff op, La. NancyWillis - Soph., Oak Crove, La. Susan WilliS - Fr., Monroe. La. TerryWiliis - Jr., Boss ier Ciry, La. Sharon Wiliness - Fr., M onroe, La BobbyWilson · Sr.• lena, La. Cind y Wilson· Sr., Ty rer, Tex. Cind y B. Wil son - Sop h., Monroe, La . Deborah Wi lson · Fr., Bastrop, La Cary Wilson - J r. , O live! Springs, La GradyW ilson - Sf" Bastrop, La. Janice F. W ilso n. Sr., Monroe, La .

Johnny \-\llI so n - Sr , Ro( heSle r. NY Joseph \ ....·II~on - Sr , Fayeuevlf(e, Ark Ldna Wil so n - I r.. Shreveport, La Lashelle Wilson - Soph., Monroe. La Leland Wil so n - Sop h, Winnfield, La Mike \Nil so n - Sr I Fore51. La

Robert L WII~on - Sr ,Monrof'. La. Sandra Wil"on - Soph, U rania, La Sharon Wilson - Sr ,Mo nroe. La Thoma~ D Wil so n - Fr , D erm ou, Ark Tom J. Wilson - ~H I Monroe, La \-\layne WiI')on - Sr , Monroe, La.

GeorgeW tllcher - Jr I Shrevep0rl, La. lanp.t W lm be rlv - Sr ,Sulphu r, La. Margaretle VVlnchesl er - Sr , We 5{ Monroe, La. Lonn rev'ilnder - Fr, W is ner, Lil. A lli so n VI/tndham - Sf. Balon Rouge, La. Rlck W ln dham - Soph.,/ena, La

M tehael W indham - Fr.. Monroe, N ancyWLn free· Fr., Spflng/lIl1, lames 'vVJIlg l leld - Sr , We5( Monroe, Me lodyWln n - Sr., Shrevep0rl, Easl er W lnsl o n - Fr., Mer Rouge, Lo ralne W lnst o n . Jr , TaJ/u/ah,

La. La. La. La. La. La.

Ma ryWlns lon - Fr., Tallulah, La Ed Wlrt - Sr., Ba lo n Rouge, La.

E v a\l\t l ~ p - Fr . Monro e, La.

Joa nn W rse - Sr , fena, La.

Ric hard \l\t llhenns lo n - Sr • M onroe, La.

Teresa vV)(c hee - Soph . Foresl, La.

l odyWomac k - Jr., Swar tz, La Ka l hyv\/oma ck - Fr, Shreveport, La Fung V·olon g - Jf , Hong Kong Pa ng Leung Won g - Jr., Hong Kong Shu n-Fuk \I\'oog - G rad ., Hong Kong Yen-mel Wo ng - Sr., Hong Kong

Alexander .......·ood - Sf . 51. FranClsvlffe, Bar ry Wood - Jr., Be!!e Chasse, Delores .......·ood - Jr ,Monroe, Harry R VVood - Sr.. Mangham, Martha Ann Wood - Sr., lena, Marilyn Woods - Jr., Bastrop,







Mi chael Wood - Fr, We51 Monroe, La VIvian Wood - Jr ,Gladewater, Tex Jacq u elin e Wooden - Sr., Ba5trop, La. CalVin \-Voodfork - Soph., NalcileL, MJs) Doris Woodfork - Fr., Natchez, MISS Sharon Woodrow· Jr ,Monroe, La.

Gre La W oods - Sop h. , West Monroe, La.

RIChard Woodard - Jr., Winnsboro, La.

Mike Woodyard· Sr., West Helena, Ark.

Wade Woo lery · Jr , West Monroe, La.

Jam es Worley· Fr., M onroe, La.

Lee W o rthy - Sr., Jackson, MISS .

Bo bbyVv ossama n - Sr., Shre yeport, La. Ab iga il Wright - Jr , Monroe, La. Bru ce Wright - Grad, Cr055el!, Ark. Car la Wrtght - Sop h., West Monroe, La. D eb ra W rig ht - Fr. , Monroe, La. I(ve n W ngh t - Jr. , Corey, La

WLlham W rtght . Fr. , Monroe, La. )ohn W rinkle - Fr., BeMon, La . G len W yatH . Fr., Monroe, La. l eeWya nt - Fr. , M ontoe, La. Roben Wya nll - Sr. , Monroe, La. G leno G. Wyall - Fr ,CO((ln8510n, La


f <lt.es

l oni Wyles - Fr., WeS( Monroe, La

Deborah Wylie - Fr., Oa k Grove, La

Te rri Wynn - Sop h., Montoe. La.

leann Yarbrough· Jr., Ponch.a /oula, La

RayVarbrough. Jr., B.1S/rOp, La

Danny Va les - Fr., We st Momoe, La.

Jo hnny Yatt!s - Sr., Fores{, La

La rry Yal es - So ph., Bossier CI/Y, La

Michea J Ya tes · Fr. Monroe, La.

Thoma s Yal es· Sr , Monroe, La.

Wilhalll Yales · Fr., W es t Monroe, La .

lynn York · Jr., W es t Momoe, La.

Me lvi n York s · $oph ., We~ r Monroe, La.

Dav id You ng· Fr., Boss ier City, La

Elizabelh Young - Sr., Vicksburg, M,s s.

Cary Young . Fr., BOHier Cicy, La.

El ta Young · Suph ., Monroe, La

Ga ry You ng - Soph. , M obile, Ala

Gary A Young . Soph., Monroe, La.

Gen Young · Soph.. (.ake Charles, La

James Young · Sr., Tallulah, La

Janey Young - Soph.. Shrl!vepor/, La.

Pa m Yo ung · Fr , Momot!, La.

Rme Young· Soph ., Monrof', La.

Melanie Youngblood · Sop h.. Minden, La.

Steve Youra • Sr. , Spflnghill, La,

Helen Yount · So ph ., Monroe, La.

TIn Yung . Jr., Hong Kong

Ne ll Zach · Sr., Shlevepo r!, La.

Mu stapha Za ghloul . Sr., Lebanon

Sa ra Zagone · Fr., Monroe, La.

Charles Zammit· Fr, New O rleans, La.

Ann Zaunbreche r · Fr., lones, La.

Raymond Zeagler · Sop h., Monroe, La.

Karen ZImm e rman . Sr., Shreveport, La

Way ne Zumwalt· Grad , Magno/ia, Ark

'. '








W ,I---lum






Aaron. John 0[11 320

"'bbut\' Cynth,a L 320

,\blng Oil, PJlr"-'J '" 12n

Abington. Kathryn 131

Abney, Michael Lynn J20

Ah'am." Reginald \"'ayne 320


210, 211

Accardo,)o Lynn 320

Achord. Pamela "nr J21J

Adair, Stephen Randall 275, 277

Adam;, Allen 320

Adams, ElrendJ. Gayle 310

AdamI, DaVid Arthur 320

Adam;, Donn~ K 320

-',dams, Ernest Reed 320

Adams, John Luthe,)20

Adams, Jerome 1]:>, 320

Aciam\, Karolin

Adams, Adams, AdamI, AdamI, Ac1am"






Ra,mond 320

Dr "'-1arlh,J. 114, 131

Marv Ka;hryn J20

Mlchdel Rober! .120

Ad~m\, RondJ lynn 320

"'dams, ShMon Kay 310

.\daml, Sheldon Kent 245, 252, 320

"darn<, Tina 320

Ada'Tls, Tomm, Lee 310

"dcock, Arthur lee 320

Adcock, Su~~n Lea J20 ,o,dk'f1I, Marv GrJfe 320

AgrE'l;aard, Carey L Ir ·190,320

"'gu,llard, Dana E 320

Ahr~ns, Slephen W 320

Ahrenr, Oale R 320

",nevan, beohe Ukl"''' 320

Aln\worlh, EdwiHd Leon 320

"'k,n, Terri W 158,159

"'.Ibllghl, Cam III" L 112, ,20

AlbrillOn, Mdrle J20

Alhflilon, Reginald 0 125, )20

Alhrlilon, RodnC'y 0 320

Albflilon, \'In Clyde 320

,\I~xanner. l('nNI 320

Ale~Jnder, Rodnev l 252,320

"'.llorn, Carolvn SUP )20

Allord, Kay lynn 170, 320

"lIorn, WJller Greg 320

"liord, ~vdllam M<lrlon 320

Alired, Calhy Lynn :no

Allr;?n, Slephl'n GIC'nn ,20

AIIJIn lame~ Ed"',Hd 310

"Ilaln, Susan CoalS 203

Alll'"n, AI'P(la R 320

Allen, Barb<H<l ,....1 165,320

Allf'n, Bf'yerlv Susan 123

Allen, Brenda Lee 176,320

Allen, Calh~rlne l 115, lJ7

Allen, Connie Rae 320

Allen, Jerrv "...\ac 281, 320

Allen, les~e Joe 166

Allen, lohn Healh 111. 320

Allen, Lynn DO'Olhea 141. 320

Allen, Mrchael R 320

Allen, ,.... evrlle R no

Allen, Sheila Ano 310

AII~n, Thomds 174

Aillen, Kerr} Martrn 320

AIII,on, DaVid Allen 320

Allison, Donald Larsen 113, 281, 320

Allison, John Thomas 193,320

Alpha. CherYl Kim 320

Alpha Epsdon Della 121

Alpha Epsilon Rho 135

Alpha Ela Rho 147

Alpha Kappa Alpha 12B, 229

Alpha Lambda D~lla 112

Alpha Omicron P, 2)0, 2)1

Alpha Phi Alpha 212, 213

Alpha Phi S'gma'22

AlphJ P,I Omega 134

Alllmrrano, Marro P :no

Alvarado, G,na 11)4, 320

Alvl>, Evelyn E 320

Amburgey, Claudia E 320

American Chemical Society 154

Amefrcan Hprltage ~rngers 185

Amellcan Soclely ot Agronomy 144

American SO(lety 01 Per,onnal Adrlllnr~lra-

Iron 150

Amos, Arlhur Lee 310

Anden, K~rry Lynn 121, 321

Anderson, Dorothy R 321

1'J'derson, Emma Inez 160

Ancrr~on, Gwendolyne 321

Ander~on, Margie D 115

Anderson, Mrldred L 32,

Ande,son, R'la Mae 32.

Anderson, Sheila Renee 32,

Anderson, Terry lynn 311

Andrews, Carol F 1 ~8, 321

."ndrews, Danny leo 321

Andrew>, Lynn 230, 321

Andrews, Michael W 252

Andrews. \.1111 1& I

Andrew" Sharon Kay )21

Andrus, Fredeflck I 321

Angelle, Pal,y L 116, lS5, 23b, 321

"'nglrn, Willram Perry 2.0, 321



Anlhofl'.. Hrrcul",



Ar~nl, ~vdm~

Ann 115

'\rcene,lUX, Harvey 321

Arceneaux, Thomas Klrhy 2,2, J21

"'.(doln. rvtlchael 1 321

"'.render, Carolyn F;;ve 191, 238, 321

"'.(maIO. Peler rvt\ch~eI121

Armllage, Dude \,,' 252

Armllrong, L'rnn 180

,"'.<mll,on~, Mary Gavlr JZl

ArmSlrong, William Ir 321

A<nold, Thom~~ Paul 148,252,321

Arpmo, Anlhonv 149, 20-1, 32·1

Asalf, Melinda A 130,321

i~"hle,.lames Eudell 321

"'.,hle". Pamel;; 0 131

A~hlon, Charlf's Ray 212, 277, 121

Ashworth, loey T 321

A,soclallOn or General COnlrilCIors 148

ASlon, Roy Lee 111. 321

i~llon, ,\.1lchael A 311

.Alklrls, Carolyn Ann 121

,Aikins, Carolvn Faye 321

Alkln~, Willie Rar 32,

Aubrev. Linda Darnell 322

A~J(orn, Kerrl Anne 230, "22

AUCOin, Rooerl Glenn 111:\, 155

:\lod"sch, DeborJh L J22

Augspurger, Willdid DougldS no, 312

Augu>l. (,l.s",ndra E 127,145,)22 Aule"a, lohr' Thoma~ 190

AUolln, Brenda Dianne 322

AUllln, Marcus Carl 322

."USlln, Mell%d Ann 181, 184, 234, 322

,Aulrey, \.1ar} Marlha 230, 322

Av~nl, BenJMnln K 125,122 ,AverJ, SFC Thoma, 167

."'.ycock, Gaye Nell 122

:\'rcock, Geary Stephen ln Aycock leirr~y I 216.122

Ayers, DanJ Mafle 322

Aymond, Nelwyn ,. ..\ 3n Ayo, Gaylf' MarlP )22

Ayo, Pameld Fav€ .122




Bahb, Ronald Kenl148, 322

Bahcock, 8eth Annelle 322

B~ch, Sally 322

Baer, Crarg D 322

Bae" DaVid Rolh 322

Bagl"y, S;;ndra C 1&0 Bagle., lerfle Sue 322

Bagwell, Rlch;;'rd W 322

BaS.... ell, Wanda S 112,322 Bagwell, William R 113,177,322 !Iahm, ~haron !C'ilr1 322

Salley, Brll 321

Sddev, Oavld W 173. J22

Baillie, Dale 8urnpil 322

B~dlle, lelfre\' A 21b, 322

Baln, larnel Porler 322

Baker, Belly Benay 148

Baker, ~nan Kerth 322

Baker, Charlie)r 312

Baker, Cheryl lynn )71, 32J

Baker, DJvrd Wayne 2,6, 322

8aker, Debbre Kay 322

Baker, Diane M 127,2)8,322

8aker, Don~ Lee 137, )2J

Baker, Gary Gene 323

8aker, Jeffrey Chel 216, 2B9, 323

Baker, Col lohn )11

8ake" LlndJ Lee 323

Baker, lillie faye )13 8ake" Pamela 114

Baldwrn, lames W 323

8aldwrn, Kerrr SUi-an 230, 32J 8aldwrn, levonnf' 323

BaldwlO, Mrchelle Ann j2J

8ale~, James Dou!{las 104, 110, 128, 141), 323

Bales, Robert Eugene 220, 3D

BaiIMd, Richard I. JD

8altz, Trudl lordyne )23 8alzrelle, Thoma, A 185, 186, 323

Bamburs, Mrchelle 0 115

Bamburs, Sally 10 234, 323

8ank, Ivan 8ruce 323

8anks, llsa Dianne 238, 323

8aptiSI :::'lurlenl Unron 177

Baragona, Randal C 166, '178, 323

Barbera, Danny Paul 323

8ardln, Sharon l )23 8ardwell, linda Diane 323

8Jrelleld, Clarence Kendall 32J 8arelield, jerlY B 130

8arefool, Karen Denise 184, 323

8are,wlll, Rebecca I 323

BJrham, Clalfe ,\.1 .31, 199

Barnarn, Debra RUlh J23 Barnes, Cecrle 323

8arne5, Darlene Wall 323

8ame" P(xol~ 182, 186, 323

8arne5, Vicky 0 238, 323

8ames, Walleree 1&1 8arnell, Emma Jean 32.> Barnell, Roberl L 140,11)6,1&7 Barney, Shelley K. 32J 8arnhlll, 8arney C 166

8arnhlll, Bennie W 140

8arrell, lohn Sherman 323

8arron, Donna Gay 323

Barron, George A Ir 323

8arrow, lohnny D. 323

Harlon. GMY Don 136 f1~rlon, KJren ,'dele 32) 8arton, Roberl lOUIS 323

llarlC)'v. RonJld I '''Ier 123

Ih ~ co, lame, Owen 323

BaS",l; rll. 278-281


B;;leman, CUril> B ·129

Bales, Brian I JV

B;;les, Elizabelh Ellen 136, 323

Bali'S, L,l.rry Lee 32J Bales, L..,I,e Karen li:l4, )23 !Iale~, Patrlcra Lynn 128

8allJgliJ, Michael A 118

BaudOin, Michael J23

lIavle" Hucy E 323

!Iayou Ralder~ 166

!Ia.v<, Danny 261

BeKh, DaVid Paul13b, 21~, 323

Beal, Su~an Chamble(·112, 323

Beall. Bill 303

8ean, leri K 129

Beard, Diane Clare 138, 272 323

Brearden, Brad 163

Bearden, Deborah LY"n ,lJ

Be~,ley, Beth 323

Beasl"v, Coll"en 5 ,05, 'S~, 174, 323

3"~ <,,,y, Ronald E 174, )2,1

Bea ~ l .. y, ShJron Kay 163, l7~, 323

8 .. ~uchamp, I~cque"ne 32J

8eauregard, F [Iarne 234, 323

[:leaver, Lr~a Ann 170, 192, 32J

Beavers, Terrell E J23

Beckwllh, EqUilia 127

8edell. Dr lOUIS 11~

Bedgood, Mark B J2J

ElE'"ngoorl, Mark W 3lJ

13 ..1', Sharon Ela'ne 323

Elecbr-, Rf'be((a Dean 124

Beene, VVrlllMn C Ir 324

Be~,on. Sleven Floyd 1~0, 167,124

AehlJr, Audrey le;;n 32~

Belding, FeliX Brad 324

!Ielgaln, DI.J.ne Lyn 1&0,324

81'11, Brenda Dianne 324

81'11, Clyde 0 324

\lell,DI lohn 12'l

Bell, kenl \.11(h~el 324

81'11, MriiOn Gerard 138, ,90, 324

Bell, PalriCia "nn 111, lib, 117 120,155 324

6ellow, Chfl>lene M 180

Belole, Mrchael M 170, 324

l3ellon. Charle~ Ray )24

8en;;"'Lde~, Dale 324

BenaVides, OllO E 32-1­ BeninatI', ~aulellf' M ,16, 155

BerlJ~mm, fmelda Sue 324

Benlamln, lames Wesley 324

BpnlarTlln, lusluslr 155

Bennell, Connr(~ Ann 324

,lennell, Kanrla 2J8, 324

Bennetl, Kalherlne ," 1-1-5,314

Bennetl, Kalh,e 1 324

Bennell, Dr lonnie 114

Be no)" Arlhur Warren 110

Benlon, Barrv C. 32~

8enlon, Shell Lavelle 161, 324

Bergeaux, Dean Pau1118, 155.172

Be<geron, Paula Jean 116

8ergslrom, Gar)' A 324

BernJIOW,CZ, Edward G 118,324

Bf'rnh~rdl, Jane A )24

Bernhelfn, S~yde K 122,324 Berry, Alan Bryan 324

Berr\', Caroly" Havp<, 32~ 8erry, Janice Marie 164. 165. 272

8eny, lune 127

Bel<'r, Philip Hugh 32~

8erry, Rr(hard ChariI', 324

8err" Shrrley C 324

Berry, Slephen Allen 324

8erleau,Ieil Paul 118, 187,324 8erirand, BenedlCl 8 220,324

Bela Gamma Sigma 123

Belhea, Shliley Evelvn 127, 14:;,201,)24

8elhke, Dr Arlhur 114

Beltlnger, Dr Charles 307

Bialas, Michael Joseph 106, 115,202,252,

291, 32~

flicker. Dr Roberl123

B,llimek, Eileen L 111),117,155

Billing., Sleven Allen 324

8,llIngsley, Dencka Y 324

Blndeflm, GalY £ 157,324

8",derlm, Harrlel Amy 324

Bmiord, Marilyn rvt 324

8",gham, Ailsa Raylene 314

81fdsong, Theda 131

8l1dwell, Debbie Ray 324

B,shop, Tlmolhy Ellis 324

81ack Caucu, 16B

8lack, Cleveland W 204,205, 324

Black, Connie Ellen 324

8lack, Gary leon 2.6, 32~

Black, Lr:.;; GayI' .324

Black, rvtardyn I 324

Blackman, Clara Ann 324

81ackman, janel Sue 32~

8lackmon, (hzabelh A 324

Blackmon, Kalhryn Renee 186, 201, 202, 324

8lackwell, Charles A 110, .1)., 324

Blackwell, Pamela L 324

Blake, Bobby 101' 324

Blake, Herman 275, 277

Blakeney, Cmdy Jo 324

8lanchat, M;;ry C lib. ~S5. 32~

BIJnk<, ~orhle 131

Blanlon. V~rnon Lee 324

BlaZier, RonJld D 324

Blazlf'r, Thomas G 32~

Bleylns, ,\.1lchael l 210, J24

BII\S, Anna Dianne 16J

Block. Dougl.; G 118

Blocker, Kim J24

Bloxham Susan I. 181,2]0,324

Bocook, jav ,\Iexander 138

Ilonrn, lules Ir 325

Boerslg, Pamela Marie 123. 325

BOIl',. Mary Owens 173, 325

Boldln.g, CMoie Ann 325

Bolding, Lesa i~nn 325

Bololle, lerirev P 118

Bollon, lames We,ley 152,315

BOll on, Shawnda G;;f' 325

!Iond, Kdren E. 155, 323

Bond, Randy L 325

Bonfl!;lLo, flerl'l Ann 325

Bonllgho, lo,eph F 155,325

Ilunrn, Brenda Hamil(on 325

BonnC'r, R;;ndv B 113,325

[lonnelle, George R !2B

Boone, Larry""'\ 11:>

BOOlh, Dona [)rOlan ,25

BOf)lh, Florence Ann 137, J25

Bordelon, Glenn M 148,325

Bordelon, Mary B 111

Bordelon. Ty>on 0 Ir 216,325

BordC'lon, Wiliram P 325

80rden, Bobbv Glenn 325

Bosely, HowMrl K 325

80stelrn~nn, Orlyn H 186

BOSIWlck, Kerry 11)1

80mo,'lck, Tem:! C 208,214,325

Boudreau~ Donald R 325

Boudrea.ux, John NealllJ, 315

Boud,eaux, Kennelh W 155

Boudreaux, Vrcki C 325

Bouillon, Cynlhla A 180, 325

Bounds, PhylliS 325

Bourrle3u~, lohn 121

BourS, Ted Anlhony ns

Bourg~("lIS, 8radley I )25

80urgeOlS, G J Jr 155

BourgeOIS, Terry rvt 325

Bourgoyne, Waller 0 325

Bourn, Dr Wrlliam 119, 120

80wden, Kenneth IN 325

Bowen, George Edward 32S

Bowen, Marcy Gall 209, 234, 32:>

8owen, William Kenh 325

Bowers, Brenda loyce 145, 1&2, ;2)

Bower~, Burl Andrew 325

Bow,e, ChariI'> Harold 325

Bowle~, RoberL E Ir 315

Bowlin, Rfchard BUller 325

Bowman, Joe ,\.1,chael 325

80wman, John KeVin 18&, 325

80wman, John leon 325

Box, Rebec(a Su~an 236, 32:>

Boyd, Audrey Savage )25

Boyd, lanel Lauren 115,13'1, 187

80yd, Mary Ann J25

Boykm, Temll Wayne 106, 193, n5

80yles, Henry Wayne 325

80leman,Caroline A 115,111), 170,->25

Bo~emal1, Nancy lea" 1')1 , Hr), 31'-.

BOlem;;n, Susan A 23~, 325

Briickin, Llda \.1arlene 325

Braddock, lames R 214, )25

Braddock, Rick, 12."

8radiord, Phillip 0, 325

Bradford, Sherry L )25

Bradlev. Alan 8arron 325

Bradley, Jack MIChael 214, 325

8radley, lerry 129

Bradshaw, Cynlhla 0 325

8radv, Wilbern 101' 325

BrJkhage, Dale W 113, 323

Branch, M Aileen 325

8ranch, Melanie Ann 187, J25

8ranch, Robert Sleven 138.187

Brandle, Gar I Y"onne 325

Brannon, Gerald rvt 325

8randow, lames. Anlhony 325

Brangalo, ,\.1ary 10 234, 325

Bran~on, Tommy Lee 155

8ramley, Dr Bry\hel 301

Brantl~y, Floyd Ken1125, 316

Br~nlley, Karen Renee 116, 326

Branton, Mary She Ira 326

Bra~hear, Karel R 116,326

8ra<her, Freda Joan 311)

Brasher, RICk bmond 326

Brasher, Tommy 53

8raud, 811an Joseph 146

Bra)" "'nn Ellen 32&

Breard, Cully 138

Breard, Skip 124, 156, 326

BreaLJx, ,\.1ary Ann 112

8reed, Slephen Douglas 326

Breedlove, Deanne 326

8rellhaupl, Helen A 234, J26

Brellhaupl, SLJs~n Lynn 326

Breland, Bernard A 133,326

Brenl, Jam~s H 119,120,155

8rewer, Dorfls Annelle 326

8rewster, Charles Ray 140

8rewsle" Margarel R 326

Brewton, Jame, rvt 326

Brewlon, Mary N 326

''' "i,

l:I"an, Or George 1J ~ o nan. Pall•.;:k K 326

II nce. J~ nN 238

111I~.de"r Cildelle; 141

Bnggs. "'ngella Ka \' 326

~r, sgs. DebOlah D )26 6"g hl, Debra INn )26 8rlg Mlwell, )udllh 1 11

r,,,S ler, Thomas Hen",' n6 8nllon. "'Mr.m Rl c8. rlo 326

~lI ll on . R,.;: koel' J16

iJruton. !tu<an G .~ 186, 32&

'1ro~dway, )ellrey l 326

6rOCaI O. IU'\eph H8, 326

:)rocaIO. ~ulJnne ]2(, 5roo k ~. 11,,',II ,am h lwar d )ll:r Brou\~.ard, Anlhon\' 140. 100. 167, 326

BrOUS~j rd, lean M 102

BfOusl.lrd, Robe rt P 326

6 rou~~a .d, SUIanne 167, 326

Srowha"' . Ca .o lyn Faye 316

Bro.... n, Mma Ge;;n 326

Bro.... n. (harle! M. :n6

BrO.... II, Deb. a l yo n 326

Bro.... n. Do nna R J16

B.t)Wn. ( onrllf'\I fe l~on )26

Blo .... ", Dr Ellc 13 1

B.o w n, G t rald lr. e 13U O,own. G lo pa Jear. 2)2. 126

Bro.....n . G ro",cI Lt"e 326

Brown. HI': Ibefi Gordon 107. 224, 326

8r(")wn. ).mes Kerr II J17

6ro"'l1 . lames Plulhp 155, 327

Bro.... n. lane Ehlilbelh 164, j27

B..;, wn . j~ne l l B4. 327

BlOwo, jan lr.e Kay e 327

8rown. jan ,C!' ,."Ian" 187. 2n, ) 27

Blow n. Joan l 327

Blo .... n, Judy Mape 201. 127

8rown, l 'nda Rurh 327

Brown. Ma' iha I 2JI:I,327

~rown, Moch.el E 252,327

Bm ..... n. Paln,'a G J27

6rown. Rand.l ll IN 317

Brown. Robe rl Charl~s j2f>

8,ow n, Rocnelle 327

Brown, Rona ld 327

Bm.... n, R u~~e ll lee 18 1

Brown. Sarah lo s.a 127

Bro .... n, Sh,uond,,, K 327

Brow n, SIJCf'y Lynn 2)6. 327

Brown, Th omdl W 157, 327

Browne, Phyl " ~ ... nn 327

Brow n lee. Calo l,'n .I, J21

B.oy les. Me hs~a Kay 155. no. ~1.7

Bruce, Jane l Irene 327

aruchha u ~. 8. o nwen 156. 159, )27

~rusi ef. t arry ' o~e ph 32'

~fum ll ekL Amv D 112. jl;'

Bruner, Mar c.. l u 1)1:1. )17

Bruner, Maxwell, 1011.245.25 2

Brunner, Mi cha el Dav,d 317

8run~on, DOflnda)o 177. 327

8 runson. lohn Sleven 100, 11(1. 155

Brunson. Karen l 1l8, 1l9. 187

Brunson. P.l I" na'" 1&J, J 27

e ru \C3\0. D. fr an k 314

Ilryan. Cylllh,a Ga ol 327

I!ry~n, 'erry Von J27

flry~n. Kennf"lh ...Ian 116.187

6 r)"an. ~yb ,1 327

IIryan. Ve rgil 0 Ir )27

B.vanl. Be lh 96

"ryant, Dr Herber! 131

Uryanl. )amell A 327

Bryanl . Karen II.\Ar,t 327

Bryanl. Mary Lou 238, 3D

8ry~ nl , S"lldra I' 176,179

lIuc~. C )'f1 th'a Ann ISO, J27

!lOCk. SUSd Il Charl ef1e 116

Buckley. Ed )o ~ eph 146

lIu(kl~, Ruth Ellen 173. J27

3ugg ~, Ga bne l~ [ 166,327

Bure, (mma \....it.."ms 327

SUII', ,."Iarlha Kay 327

BUll', Dr ~oOe .1 110

Bllllock. Chrlord L J27

Bllmgaldner. SlOI \ H 321

Blln(h. I.Hm 234, J 27

Uulln, J~mes Reggie 113

Bunn"l. "'nd re l;lfller 327

Bunn,,!. Yvelle Re ne 327

Allrch. Debb.e (lien 327

Uurfool, SUSdn f 327

8urford, Em,ly 1&0, )27

8urg~s, Laur, je.n 186, 187, 327

Burk, Becky Lynn 112, B6,317

Burkel!. Itobefl Fir 129

Burlew. M,ugaret Lou 327

S.... ,le." Donn 'e R. "148. 327

Bu rley. Gr{'go ry P 311

Bu rley, Rita Ann 171

8urney, M ,~h eal '" 327

8u rnh~m, T,mOlhy 6. 11 3, 191,327

Aurns, Anne Tereu 111 , 119, lB7, 327

8urn~. Carl 197

B.... rn ~, Chelyl l 32B

BUHell, l a ..y 5pen;::er 218

SUIIon, h oi CtH,slopher J28

Bu~by. (.jImL Jean 115, 176. J21:1

Bu~h. Rent:! Fran;::e) 231), J28

8u~h, Sherma n l .ne 328

8utler, Bilrbilr ... Ka y 128

6ulLer, f)ebr ... " nn 187, 328

Bu: le r. ( ...elyn Y ]2A

BUlle•. Rodn"y D :n.~ Burle•. Ron~lrl Lf o n 185 JZB BU lle., Toby Vlu nyan 3 ~1:I BUXIOn, SUliInne ... ISS Syrd, Bel rnda K )28

Byrd, Do nna Ma " e n8

Byrd, Manan 141, 325

Byrd, S')nd re ... nn 328

Byrd, 5handra H 32ft

Chand:"I. lanPI "~y 329

C hanz~, Calhy L )29

Chapma n, O",",d H J29

Chdp man, Ooane { 329

Cha rd ko iL Or R,( har("j G 121'!

(.l1MII" N" " I l'jl

Ch~le, Deborah jn 160, 329

Chase. )~ne E 3JO

Chaslten , Hayo1 ~n R 330

Ch~ [ham, Sha ron M 3;0

Ch~k , Ma l(o lm 152

-c ­ C~ballero, L" a ...nn J28 Che~l ea dl'"l ~ 162

Cab ron, )anl(<' 128

Cheh.b. R'ad A L 12<), JJO

C/l m, Cha rl l'~ Ml(.h'e l 1 13. 321:1 Chen, 1~ , Wa f O" v,d 110 155,330

Cheng. lyrone h ,loon j JO

Ca m, CI'nl on 318

Ca rn. Oana jean HI:I Cheldm'e. CJ rI" 160.152. no

Cam, Iudy Kay 1 37.328 Cherry, Alford no

C~.n. Randy Neal )18 C he ~hue, How aro1 0 1%, 3)0

Ca,n, Ronn,e Lynn 32B Chellef. Walle r 5 330

Cheung, Shek·Kay E l ~ S, 16<:!, 330

Ca Ld well. Ca.olyn M 328

Caldwell, Gwen tiolyn R )18 Che un g, Tvrone 169

Ca le. Dr.loh n 08 Cheu ng , Yeun Sang 169, 330

Ca lh ourl, Dav,d M 326

Chi Alph a 174

Calho un, Larry 31B (h laHo n. M~A Oa",d 11 1l, 120. .:UO

C~ l houn, Waymon("j H .)28 Ch,ck. Calhellne!: n o

Ca lhou n. Wayn oe ,\ Htl On(ola, Vlary E 107, 1 16, 127 145

Callaha n, Barbar') I 32B Ch ol dle~s. !Ieo lla 0 .HO

C~ lLawa)", Cfa'l! Sle "en 328

Chrld. ess. lof' 1Me lo m 18b

Cal ligan, Lue ,lIe 328

Ch,noese Siudenb A;SO( laHon 169

CJ ion.D, Jame\ ) 14

Ch'oe(h " fr"nk J Lr 135. I'JI\

CarnCr e. l o~ph D"n'f I 140

C h,oe(h " Pa ula Aon 99, 2.16, 330

Ca-neron. john D'I vl Jl8

C h,sholm . Dhrd R 130

Campbell, Curl" E 214,326 C h,sley, Cyn\h 'a 3)0

Campbe ll . Grelc hen l. )18 Ch'llv. K.lhryn A 310

Camp bell, Henry W,I ~on 164. 283. 285, 328

Chlaslak. F ran ~"n J 20t.)JO

CampbelJ, l ynn A 140, 328

ChOiole. M,chael F. 130

Camr bell, V,( ~ , Lyr'f\ 328

(ho p, L ou '~ DaVid 21b. JjO

Ca na l. Debbie ... 328

(hl ' ~, Charit's K ~\' 148

Cangelos" 1 0~{'ph D Ir 328

ChrlSlle, Thom~~ El 330

( hnSlm. n. Debo. ah l 100. 130, J 10

Cannon, Ehubelh 185, 18&. 329

Ca ro s ll ,) n o~. RebeCCJ .129

C hlls lman . f rank '1\1 221. 330

Ca rl in. 10h11 Arddfo rd 118

Chn Hopher, DI Carol 1116. 187

C".ls()n. RI(hard j 329

Ch ...., Cheong.Po no

C~ .llon . Ca rolyn R J29

Chu. Dav,d 169

Ca rhon. Gle nda W ood I ~ ~ . 329

Chung,. L,h· lou 169

Carl t<)n. ,,,me5 174

Chu r(h. UovvF Ir 11 3.21~.HO

ru lton, 10 Aloce ls rl. 129

Chu.(h, Wa nda L ~nn e 173. 3)U

( hu fi li o. M,chael C 152

CMmon. Regln" Ma"e 168,329

C~ rneva lell' . EddIe I 329

C , e~ l a. J.me, E 108, .))0

Carpe nl e r. (olelle 129

( ,slag hl, Warren john ))(1

<..arper. M' chae l F. I SS. )19

C I~ck, lul,a Karen 106. 13J. 330

Carr, Deh r.. raye J29

(Ia ncy, Derry H )r 3.10

C~ ". Delo.a h lynn 329

O al k. Alee'iI lynn 3)0

Carr. James Dewev l1 S, IlA, 329­ Cialk. Ben lee M 168,208,212 3JG

Cal(. Ron.jl ld la lk~on 329

Cla,k. Bo b b,e It 330

Cla rk. 0 1101 Ann 3]0

Ca'''e' , P"l n( k 8 l IB, 155, )29

Ca rro ll, 80b 301

Clar l. Du' ,",ood 0 I; J30

Ca rroll, Dav,d lugene 13B, lA7 Clark. Eve, eac C 3]0

Ca rroll, Ge orge 261

ClJI~. Ga, 1 E 230. )30

Ca rroll, janel E 129

Cla'k. Gay le Man e 3]()

Ca rr oll, Slephen 5 J29 Clark, .VIr< Inlo;rod 141

Cauley. 6rellda S.... e 111, J2':l Clark, l eonard J 3JQ

C"rson, Oa ....d Brook, 156

Clark, .-';a , cu~ Robley 330

C"rson, Marhn K 113. 329

C la rk, MHd'eli \Vayne "\30

(.rlel, Clyde Thoma! 329

Clark, Pea.1 Ann 212. 3 )0

Ca rle', Con n.e Lee 329

Clark, Renee no

C. rler, George II\' 129

Clark, Rob!,r1 Myle ~ 21 0, 3JO

<"~lIer, llOd~ K 187

C lark, Roc,n lane 160, J 30

Ca r!e r, Salli e Ann 329

Clark. Will iam A 136.1 90. J30

Caner, Sa ndr a Kay )29

Claly. lilmes E. L. 1H. 18 4,)3O

Carte r, S h~ffon L. 329

CI..unch, D,~na Cru se no

Ca rter, I homas S. 329

Clau~n, Roge l Mark J30

Cdrler, Tommy R. I. 135.2.14

(I.v,el, Wilire jame~ 155, 130

Caner. VICk. 10 329

( lay, Danny l "ne J30

Ca ll .... ,.gl1l, Claudea.. 329

CIJY, l eroy V.n({,n l 330

CarUl hers, Tere", K"y 110. 1 17, 1.55, 329

Cla y, Vl e lb a I\rnold 163

Ca5(10. Andrew lo hn 214,)29

Clay, Peggy 286

CasClu, johnn.,.. Pa lr,d 216. J29

CI.lylOn. C,nd." Ann 17B. 179, J10

C a~<:Io. l eonarda Joe '6Z, 130, )29

Clemen l. Slephen C 3 «J

C.I~, C ra'8 Edward 2B1,)29

Clemen,. Bruce BIl l:). 1:'$

C a~h, Ph,llo p R.y 119

Clemen l. Ehzabeth L 199

Ca~le( . Rob.n [ 11 2

C hr(o rd, Charles " 1~ .5. no

Ca; ,el, Ma n Lynn 329

C hnlon, Ca!he " ne ...nn 18 1. 3)1

Cas>e y, [va E.lee n 232, j29

C loa re, M, ctwel 1;5

Ca,~ ,dy, r,mo th y M 252.329

C lo rnon, Ph "lip W 3)1

Calieli aM. Mark I. 14G. 129

Cloninge r, (..aL I A 181, 187

Ca'I IlIo. Brenda jean 329

C lonmge,. RUlh Ellen 134,139,18 7

Cata lano. Wilham P 329

CLoud, Geor~e H Ir J3 1

Cale., CMol yn Sue 329

C loud. Robel l Royce 10~. 110. 115 121, 33 1

C.les, Sue Ulen 329

(Q,J I ~. Su~a .. 302

(alhol;;:: Daughlel! 01 ... merlca 179

Cobb, lJertha M~ e ])1

Caudle. Che lry Lvnn )29

Coob, Dav..l Ha."ey 331

Ca us ey, Gen, l ynn 174, 319

Co bb, Els,e "~K"'~ 331

Cauley. Lou Allne J29

Cobb, Norm' Ann Hl

Causey. P~mela Ga,1 329

Cobb. W,lham Jo ~eph 118. 155, 331

Chac ahoula Beaul,es~, 99

Cob u rn, MiChael K 164

Cha c ~ houia SI~ff 204, 205

Cochfan, lames Ro ss 279, t81 . D '

Ch a<:he.e. Rooerl F.ld on J29

Coch.an. f e rr I' Ray 197, J 31

Chachele, ,.11 ...nn e 155

COCleham, Jos.eph W jr 14<1

Cha che re, The fes.a Elalf'e 329

Coffey, Cynlh,a faye 331

C hadick, jeanne )29

COllman. l e ..y,\ll JJ I

Chati,n, Baroala L 329

Coggin•. W,II,am 3) 1

Chalfm, Sus.an Lee 162,)2')

Co hen, Ca lhy DorOlhy 155. 236. ])1

Cha lfold. Kd l, e lean 119

Coker, Ca theron e ...nn 33 1

C ham, C linl Sleven 329

Cole, Boyd H. 16"

Ch~lupn.k, Cy nlh,a l 112, 166,329

Coil', James C 11 8. 155

Chambe .l ~ in. Lawrence 168. )29

Cole, Ka.en 131

(h.mbh s~, Ri(ky l 329

Cole, K" ~IY Kay 14 .5

Cha mb"I., M.e h.!el )29

Cole, Vi,k'e l ynn 126

C h amblil~, Ri;::kle H 329

Coleman, An n Memdl h l 1b

Champagne. luhe A. 166. 234, 329

(oleman. Arlee n Mae ]31

Cna n. AIleen Hr9

Cole man, Brold 21B, 285

Chan, Ch, Kong 169, J29

Coleman, Dunr-re R.y 3)1

Chan. 'I'n Wah 329

Colem.n, frederi ck 252

Coleman, lohn .... )3"1

Choind ler, Don~ ld Lee 110 319

Cl'>I..,man...... orm.. n K 3)1

Coleman. $;r ra h }. H I

Coleman, Sh"ley ."'nn )31

Coleman , Ty,. rnk ye It J) I

(olev, Ken Presley 3) 1

(01111', D,~nll ))1

Colher, Gf'orKe R If 1 1 ~

ColI ,ns , ...nn 13 1

Coll ,ns, "'nlhon y Bllan 212. ll1

CoU ,ns. D~nny An lhon ~' 101. l iS, 11 6. I'jS

ColI ,ns, Elrubelh 3Jl

Colli ns , ' ohn W J31

Collln l, john W ,I"" ,n))1

CO IIIll \, K",en l ynne 1)3. 179, 33'1

Coil .os, Slephen l. 155

Coli .o s, Walt er Loee n l

Colhmworth. ~,) n dra 0 H I

Coll um. \'Io'dll.rm Thoma.\ D I

Coli)', Ki mball Ime ph 243. 252

Colter, Col1p.f"n M 116.1 55.3)1

Colv ilrd. Carolyn G 107. 111 ,127.238, 3.11

ColVin. CI~rk { Ir 149, 192

Colvm. Eno. leland Ir 331

Co l ~ln. GJyle Ann 311

Colv m. LennMd ))1

Colv'n, VI ,e ha e l Leon 148, )31

Col",n, Penn y M8" e J31

C om pa~s Clu b 176

Co mpel,hon 140

Conaran. G.ry n6

Con C~r\ Chou 187

C() nl e ~ . lern D,anne JJ2

Conr ~d, Cal he nne 332

ConS I~nHn o, Mlory G 116.))2

Conve. ~e. Mary C J32

(ood y, Vid, D,ane 33Z

Cook. Sebil M 8 332

Cook, /ea"ell e Owenl ))2

Cook, Michael loh n 203, 332

Coo~. Ni c hol a; R. J32

Cook. Pal"" a Lynn I1 b, .1n

COOk. Rhonda 177

rOOk. ·r hom a.\ Rayb\H n 3)2

Coope. , lau,a BalJMd 312

(OOpei. Lou "nn 1&0.)) 2

Coor.e r. R" nt..l~1I C.noy 332

COO~(, Rand" IL 1(0tle rl 152.

Col, on, Beverly C lea n 3J1

CO llon, Calheltlloe A. 14S, 132

Collon, De b ra Nance 332

Couch , Gus Lee 214, )32

Coulon, Van M'(M~I 332

Coul!el, Marl~ Yvelle 135. I),. )32

Coullo n. Maroa 232

Cou ll\S, Donna C 332

Co urreg e, jean ... nn 3J2

Co urrege . Paul G~ le n 2'~. 332

Co unman, Edw~ ,d M 157

Courv,lIe, lody lynne 112. 332

Cov Ington. Ga ry W JJ2

Cov'ngton. loyce " 33 2

Co",nl)lo n, M.\nha Gay 332

Covm8lOn. Reba 10 332

COy,oglo n, Wilham G. US. 198. 3)2

Cowden, S.uah ,,,ne 178. 3)2

Cow8,11, Robe.! M 222,3)2

Cowg'll, Slep hen C. 131

Cox, Jam es Clyde 115. 118

Cox. Kennelh Eat! J32

Cox, l'~a Ann 332

Cox. Madge Ifene 3)2

Co~. Thoma, CL.ry 3J2

Coy. Nall cy ...nde. w n 153

Crab lree. B,lIy P ]J2

Crafl, Be lh lH

Cla(l, R Karen J31

C"" I, Tina Kaye 236. 332

C la,g, Cal vin lefiery 332

Cra,g head . Day,d W 192, 3)2

CraIn . Ke nnel h L. ~ OO

(r., n, W'OI(,ed L 145

Cram, Elus.a M 11 I, 332

Cram, Ru )setl Dean 3]2

Crawrord, Amy Jean 'ne 186

Cfilwlord, Dav,d Glenn 332

C. aw lo rd, David Mark 114, 332

C. aw IOld. Eddie \V J))

Clawford, [i va jo )33

C rawlord , Robe n 8 3))

C rawfo rd , Slanley G 3]3

(ree kmOfe, '~mu R 333

C re'ghlon , D,anna Lyn n J.B

(re'ghton, Lmda Ga.1 184. 33 3

C fl"W. Debra Lynn 97,98,153,184.234.333

C rogle r. Il., ehard D J.B

Crocker. lconMd P. II I 06.1001, )))

C'ockel!. Dilvld Hoyle 1J8, ' 66,}))

Cromwell. Jean Roger~ 333

Cronm. lu lte joanne 333

Cro nk, Dr. Dale 119

Cros by, Samue l JJ3

Crolwell, Pally M. )))

C rolwell, Sha ron L 3D

C.ow, Conn,e Sue 127, J1J

Crow, John Da vid 303

ClOwder, Darrell R 106, 1J8, 333

Cro.... der. Dorothy S 11 2

C rowder, M...uy Kale 185. J)j

Crowe. ( asandla Gfe y JJJ

C rowe, Susan l ea ·16<1 Cro wley, Cynth ia lynn 199

Cfurn. "im (hzabelh)J) C fUm, P~llIe flizabelh 238, 33J (rum p. Clm!Ofl 0 118, JD Crump, II., Lee 164



Crump, VlMY VVaugh 333 Crump, Thom.;.s DJI" 3JJ Crunk, Dr DorOlh,107 Cru<,e, Claud Rodney 161

CulollJ, Rodl Wdl'Jm 3D Culp, Ann EI,zabelh ,HJ Culp, Glenn \Vhll~on 1"11 33J Culp, Rhonda Ren~ 333

Culpepper, IMne; Dale 333

Cummong" Reb~ Jovce J33 Cummins, Debra D 170,333 Cummins, Sharon Moak 3J3 Cunningham, Suzan I "j CUpll, Cynlh,a Deno;,e 333

CUpll, Th~re5a D,anne 115

CUrlrlglon, Judy Lvnne 186, JJJ Currie. Dan,el Lewl, 3)3 Currv, I,,~ Gay 333

Curry, linda G 24'),333 CU'I,S, John Carl~ton 33J CUller, John Gobon 14[1 Cuorf'r, leona Bels JJ3 Cypher" Beverl)- Ann J,34 Cyrus, Jerome Anlhon,. 218

. D路

D.le, larry Ray 14')

DalrYlnple, V'c lor II. Ir 24(,,252, JJ4

Dance. Vlarne 185

Dan'el, Brend~ Ann 134 334

Ddnoel, Dav)d C Jr 334'

Dan,el, Vlarc, Lynn 334

Dan,,,I, Robin Lee 183 234 334

Dan'els, MarCia 174' , Dankenbrlng, SJlly I 199

Dani<enrlng, SMo!h 1)'1

Darnell, Cheryl Dianne JJ4

Dala Procesoong A"O(la(oon 131

Daugereaux, Darlene II 334

Daughenv, Karen Ann 2.l4

Daughlry, Vln EdWin 3J4

Davenport, Gwendol,.n J J34

Davey, Gerald Paul B4

Davey, R~x Bridges 15~, 3J~

DaVId, Karen Ann 3J4

DaVIdson. Arlhur Duane 3J~

Dav,dson, Douglas C JJ4

Dav,dson, ,VlMY Jean 33-1

DaVIe>, Gre~ory E 334

DaVIes, William G 118, J3~

Da,,,, 8ellnda Kay 234, 334

DJ"~, Cyrllhla 334

Davl~, Deborah Ann 163

D~vlS, Don J34

Davl~, Donovan Edwar<.i 152

D~VIS, Frank 334

D<oVIS, Georse M. 115, 3J~

DaVIS, Ger~ld 3J4

DavII, Harry 334

LlilVI< Jaci<i('" ll4

DaVIS, James JJ~

Dav,\, lohn 334

Dav,s, judith 33~

DilVI~, K,l.rI 334

DaVIS, Kathy J34

DaVIS, Londa 334

DdVlj, L,sa 334

Davl>, Marilyn 1~4

DaVIS, Marilyn l. 334

Dav,s, VIMI' 334

Dav,s. ,Vllke 110

Dav,s, Patrici. J 111, 117, 145, JJ~

Dav,s, Paul 277, 3)4

Dav,~, Paula Monelle 115, 33~

Dav,s, Randall Blakr 110, 156

Dav,s, Ray 334

DavIS, Ray Charles 212, 3)4

Da",~, Rodney lee 190,)14

Dav,s, Sharon 334

Dav,s, Sharon Kav 153 334

Dav,s, Terry OI.S '211,334

DaVIS, Theresa 334

Dav,s, Wanda 334

Dawkins, Brenda 334

Day, Cynlh'a Lvnn 136, 137, 334

Day, Edna Ruth 170, 33~

Day, Edward Dewayne 158

Day, JacquelIne 334

Day, Janes 334

Day, Ken 3J4

Day, LInda 334

D~v, Pamf'l~ 334

Day, Rachel 334

Daye, Raymond LeWIS 203, 334

DJyton, D'ann~ V 1i3 334

Dean, DenniS J 129, 14B, 334

Dean, George F 2OB, 210, 334

Dean, Kay 334

Dean, Stephen 334

Dearing, Ellen Ann 11(, 334

Debnam, Donald S lab Debrow, Mic ~ 1 E. 118

Decker, Dana Paul 146 147

Deel, Chu(k 334 '

DeFatta, Ronald J 19'),21)4,21&, 2B1

Defee, Judy 101

De,bel, Ken 1i4 De,bel, Peggy 174

DeLaCrol~, Charle-; P 11)4, 110, 115, 152, 254,

261 Delcilmbre, StephanIe 230 334

Oeloach, Cynth'a 335 ' Deloach, Delores 335

Delonde, Paula 100

Della Demeter 12S 392.


Delta Omicron 139

Dell~ S.gma 152

Della Sigma Thela 232, 23]

Demello, Lolltil 335

Demoss, GMY 335

Demos,. l,m)35 Dengler, Carol 1)"i11<I)la \',c<or Ir 118 " ,

Dennarr1. Tern lynn 161. 230, 335

Denoux, Ke"n 335

Deni. Mark JJ5

DErbonn~. lanel 335

Deroche, Ronald C 146

Derouselle, I'alrlua J35

Di'rou"f'. Dave 261

Derrick, Dlmny linda 105. til, 115, 134, 335

Desadler, Kalhy M 230,333

De,ad,er. Sue 164, ]J5

Dhput, Vla,y Annetle 133 J35

Df'~I"f.:tno. George f 203 '

De"lle, Charles Lovl~ 19~ ]';5

De~,lle, Donald M l'i], 335

De",lle, lorilee 335

D,'w, Milr$h~, J35

Dew, Rodney 335

Dew, Ro<e 335

Dewey. Ce'~Ie 33.'i

Dewev, Warren J. 13f1, 190, .135

D,ckerson, Richard 335

DKKer>on, Suzanne 335

Dickey, R,chard 335

D'ck,ns, Frani<,e 335

D,ck'n_on. lohn 3)5

D,ckson, Gwendolyn J)5

D,llard, Charlene 181

D,II'ngham, Nann' 335

D,llon, Jo Margaret 116, 135

1),lmore, Donna 335

D'nger, EdwMd Delann 120 335

D,nklns, 1artha Aline 234, 335

D'Slln, W,II,aln, Ben 277

D'~penla, Jo,eph B5

DIxon, Deborah Ann 161

D,xon, Karen 123

D,xorl, Laronda lynn 186, JJ5

DIxon, Mary helyn '161>, 335

Doane, )harnn, 335

Dobbins, PatriCia 335

Dod~on, Dan,el Sle~en 277, 3JS

Dod~on. Sieve 335

Doell, Kenne\h J35

Dossetl, Trud, 335

Do,se, Dana 1.>5

Dolhonde, Paula M 127

Dollar, Kathy Renee 230 335

Domlrlgue, Kasandra I l'6B,335

Donllnque, Brad 335

Donahue, Pal 335

Donald, Marlon R 220 335

Dopson, Kalhy 0 335'

Dornk, Carmen lucille 127 335

Dorm Council 170 '

Doss, Danoel lee 124, 15&

Dotray, Hen"ella 335

Doughty, Deborah A 234,335

Douglas, Donna Htlda 130

Dowd. Garry 335

Dow<.i, Terrv 335

Dowlong, Ronnie 2&1, )J5

Doyle, Thoma~ 335

Drago, Mark Edward 1')5, 335

Draper, Margaret 335

Drennan, M,ke 335

Drewry, VlClor 335

Driver, Wanda J35

Duchesne, Calhy 335

Duchesne, Charles 336

Duche\ne, Deborah 336

Duckelt, MelVin 336

Ducksworth. Darlene 336

Ducole, KeVin 336

Duff, Judy Nell 127

Dugan, Maureen 336

Dusas, ChrIStopher J)(,

Dugg,n" Susan B 153,230,336

Duke, Ronald Julian 119

Dukes, Henry Clay 115

Duma5, DaVid Brliln 203, 252, 336

Dumas, Donah 336

Duma~, Terry 336

Dummllt, Cynthia 336

Dunaway, ChMle~ 33('

Dunaway, Joe 33('

Duncan, Benn,e 336

Dunham, M,ke 336

Dunigan, Larry 130

Dunn, Carrie 168, 336

Dunn, Judy J36

Dunn, Judy A 336

Dunn, Kathy 336

Dunn, Lee 336

Dunn, R,chard 336

Dunn, Seburn 33(,

Dupre, Anila 336

Dupre, PaU, Lou,se 238 H6

Dupree, StacIe H6 '

Dupree, Sleven 336

DupuI~, MMY Ellen 116, 33('

Duracher, Mitchell J3('

Durbin, Druann 202

DurbIn, Gary 336

Durden, C<orl Dewayne 13B, 187, 336

Durham, Warren Ragan 214, 336

Durn~m, Wa, ren 336

Duvall, Myra )36

Duvalle, Carolyn D 155, 336

Dwyer, Alan l 1(,7, D6

Dwyer, Allle .>36

Dyel, Ddta 336



., .


拢ackles, Debr., 33-6

[ad,~s, RoxannE' 336

tilde" Terro 336

Ea~er, Deborah S IJ,), '187, 3.36

ea.gles, Charles C Jr 105

Eargle, Eddie 336

Larl, Candace Ckern 153, J3&

E~rI, Debra Turner 13..1, J36

brl, M.chael VV 124,156

Early, Paul Wavne 243

EaSier, Rob~rl \V 178,336

ta~terllng, llhel 336

Ea,on, Donn., 3J6

fason, John 336

Eaton, Robert larry 126

tave<, Emma 33fJ

Ebarb, Pamela CclV 23~

Eb",b. Roy.136

Ebarb Wayne 336

Echeveme. Amelosa 336

Ecllols, Karen C H 101 111.2)4,136

Ed",!. Karen 336 .

Eddleman, rhoma'l 53

Edmond, Phlll,p lames 175, 137

Edmond~on. Pill'y P 337

Edmon,on, Ronzil A IB6

拢dward" Sarbara 130

Edward~, Gov Edw)n 300

Edwards, James Mochael 277

Edwardl, Lp\lf>r A 337

Edwards, Ma"an 228, 337

Edwards, Rod,. Lyn J37

Edwilrd\, Rondld D 220.337

Elaine, Deborah lynn 337

Eldridge. Samuel 1-1 337

EICOones 186

Elee, Rose Marie 337

Eln, Martha Jo 337

[ley, Mar\' Ann 3J7

Elev, Rita Gavle 337

Elev, Susan Helen 337

EIIOfl, Forre,l Alan 337

[liard, lell Dou~'as 182, J37

Ellen, 5coti Newell lOS 14(, 192,289.337

Ellender, Karen Avo 337 '

Ellerbe, Mar,ha H' J37

EII'oll, lanel Suzanne 1(,2 337

[11'olt, ....Iax C 277,3.17 '

[11,olt, Paul Dav,d 337

[IIIOlt, Thoma~ W 337

Ell,s, Glenda Faye 337

[IllS, liZZie C J37

Ellos, Mary A Brown 3.37

EIi,~, Mona McDuffie 337

Elmore, Phillop Rov 252, 337

Elo., Nancy LOUise 23B, 337

Elror1, Peggy Dawn 337

Ehlon, Dudley Clark 116

Elzy, Gloria Faye 137

Embry, 8arbara DIOnne 337

Embry, Dav,d VVoo<.irow 129 148, H7

Embry, M,chael H. 148, 337 .

Emnnger, Sherry L 337

Emmon, Loren 23~

Emmons, Den~ Diane 209 23(' 337

English, Jo Lene J37 ' ,

EnSlosh, Lora lee 238,.337 Enloe, ,Vllchael Thomas )37 Enmon, loren Sue 137

Ennos, Clyde W 1\ 185, 186

Ensley, La Donald 337

Epponelle, ,VlMY Jeanclle 3J7 Epting, Carolyn Sue 272

Erhardt, Bruce [IIIOlll13, 285, 337

ErWin, Georgie M. 14S, 236, )38 Erwin, Rena Carden 338

Esswe,n, John MIke ,H8 E:;topinal, CynthIa Ann 115, 338

flzel, Evelyn Elo,se 111 186 209, 23B, 338

tubanh, Kenneth l. 11'5 ' Evans, Allene 33B Evan~, Cynlh,a Ann 272

Evan~, liey Harm Jr 338

Evans, James Thomal DB Evam, Kenneth Jon 185 33B Evans, laUrie Lucille [van~ Lisa Ann 238, 338

Evan~, Rocky Dale 185 186 338

Evan~, Sarah V 133,338 ' EvereB, Nicky 338

[verelle, Clark 224

[verltt, Arlyne W,nn HB Everrill. Clementine K DB Ewell, Edwona Elise 33B Ewell, Geralyn Slacey )38 Ew,ng.. Deborah Lynn 230, 33B Exnlc,os. 5haron Belh 3J8 EzeU, Bernalloer H 338

Ezell, Phyllis Jane 33B


+ Faces 318

Fa,rbanks, Cynlhla J. 33B

Falletta, Jan E 338

fall." Mich~el Jo~eph 338

Fancher, James D 338

Fant, Lenny 2(,1

Fanl, Noci<~y lynn 173

Fanl, Wanda lee 184 236 3,1l

Farlow, Judy 184 ' ,

Farmer. Alfreda B 156

Farmer. Bernadine 170, 338

Farmer, Bruce 12~, 338

Farmer, lan,ce Ann JJ8

Farr, Warnef Dahlgre.n JJB

farral, Elion R 111338

Farrar, James Sleven 338

farm, Melody K 234 338

FJrrar, Pamela 33B '

Faulk, Ca~sandrJ M 3J8

Faulk, Kalhleen Ann 331:l

Faulkenb~rry, Carl E 140.338

Faulklnberry, Murrelvn 338

~aulklnberry. She"e l 338

FJust. franklin H 'i29, 1~8, JJ8

Fautheree, lanle('" l 338

Fe,nberg, Dorothy F 135,17), 3J8

Fdker, DaVid Slanley 224, 339

felwn, Norma lean 339

Fpnceroy, Brenda Joyce 168 ..139,340

rergu~on, Keith R 3J,) ,

Fergu~on, Rodnev 5 339

Fergu,on, Thomas D JJQ

Fieber, Randy Rav 339

f,eld" Shirley M~e JJ9

fdJ,nsame. Glenda 339

F.nch, Mar~hall 224, 339

F,,1(h, Robert H Jr HI7

F.nci<, SIan lev 1 38

hndley, Dru~illa A 113, 3J9

F,n,qer. Clara A 3J9

F\nkbe,ner, Charles 339

F\nklea, R<"~ Kelvan 339

Finlayson, ChMle~ M 222, 3.1')

FInley. Paula ~Uf' 184

Finley, Renee 183, 184

Finley. Robert M,chael 339

F<o", Mark Anlhony 146

FIsher, Jul,e Marie 339

Fisher, Con Hance Ann 112,339

F,<hpr, Dee Anna 339

Fisher, France~ Anne 236. 339

Fisher, Johnny E. 210, 339

FI<her. Vlar,. lynn 33')

Fisher, Stephen Ray 339

Fisher. Thomas Arnold 339

FIIZ\lmmon~, Patr,,'la 13')

Fleming, Gary Wayne 339

FI('"rnln~, Glenn 252

Fleming, John 252

FlemIng, Kalhleen IB6, 33')

Fle~her, Trayce Dawn 1(,1, 339

Fletcher, Kennelh lee lB7, D9

Flelcher. MelVin a 339

FlelCher, Rebecca J 176,338

Fllnlroy, Wilford M. 115

Florentine, Stephen 31')

Flore" O~car Augusto 339

Flowers, Gwendolyn ..139

Flovd, Cletas GaddIS 339

Floyd, John Manuel 252, 339

Floyd, Nella fave 3J9

Floyd, Sh.ela hene JJ9

Flullt, Darrell M 155

FIYHlg Tomahawk, 197

Flynn, Brendan I 111. t21, J39

Flynn, Charles 186, 33'1

Fogger, Mark 17~

Fogger, Rebecca 117, 1i4, 339

Foil, Roscoe Floyd Jr 155

Fold~, Debra Sue 339

folmar, Carol Reene 236 339

Fom,naya, DIana LUlse 339

Fonlenot. Cathy 238, 339

Fonlenot, Herman 339

FonlenOl, Michael Jay 128,195,339

,onlcnol, Od." 3]9

FontenOl, Paula Smith 116117120

Fontenot, Sheola Asnes 339 '

Football 242~247, 250, 253

Forbllo, W,II,am 11B, JJ9

Ford, Alv,n Redale, 21B

Ford, Arthur 339

ford, Charle, Ray 339

Ford, Connie Sue 339

Ford, Cynlh,a )39

Ford, Pamela 339

Ford, 5.l11,路 339

Ford, Sandra 339

Ford, Stephanie 339

Fore, Karen Rebecca 187 339

Foreman, larry 118, 155 '

Forre~t. Danna Stevens 339

Fortenberry, Margarel 184, 186, 339

Forewood, Debra E 158

Foster, Fred Jead 339

F0'lter, Gerald 152

foster, Thomas Lloyd 339

Fotl, H~rry Jerome 339

FoIl, NadIa Jarema 339

Fowler, Elozabel Ann 3J9

Fowler, Steven Wade 340

fowler, Tony 340

FowlKes, Robert 340

Fay, Sandra Gaol 340

Fragala, Mary 340

Francis, K,m Angela 340

Frandsen, John R,chard '156 227,340

Frank, Claire Marie 340 '

Frank, Sheda lean lOB, 340

Franklin, Cuey W~yne 340

Frilnklin, Donald ,", veri 218

Frilnk hn , 11 'la Kay )40

Franh. Andru 18b

Fr ank,. Geo rge 12)

F, ~ nk~, '<lar k l vnn 186, j40

franb, Tha i . ~ 340

~r.JIer flflY SWf'el hea.ts 100, 101

frn,er, Cha rles J4 0

fra I Le r, D~I , ne 131

Fraz,e" Robe rt J40

f ' edert(l( ~on, Rl ch. rd 25 2, 340

fre eland, D,u Col l~ 133, 340

f,eema n. "1 ,(h~e ll('e 340

h e",,,,.,,. Sh pll a S 340

Frc nc h, C,-" Iet' 340

fren c h, Dilv,d l ama r 118, 1 S5, J~O

~rt'nc h . G~ rr Pau l 1 13, 340

~ re.,. , r" ~nC\' CianI.' 2).1, 340

F" ll , loh n ISS

flC)man, Chad e; )4U

froman. V" ~w,,a HO

Fro ;,!, Chold es lSb

FroSI, Ka lhv Aon '137. 1~8 ..HO

r ,o~t, Ma l (1.'11 1.' 178

' rvgt', G mSe . "' nn nO, 140

tr ~, Way M Pa ul 14 6. H I)

Fu k o. M.c holel john 108, 2 14, )40

f ull er, lIennle 340

Fu ll e r, Da nny Le e J~ O

fulle ', Jam e s Hen.y J40

~u lle<. Ke ~ ln Wayne JdU

fu ll e. . Reg ln3 34<;1

r urld~rburk, Debra K~ v 15), 340

~ ung. P~IIIck 155,340

furIOu 8h.l ud ' ~nna 340

fUll, loe: Ha rvf!Y 186, 140

fu\f' lop" Th o mas Rya n 120. )40

ru " lr e r. Ca rl Sve }40

~u\lllel , SU, oI n M~IIe 340

fU~$el ', D f'nn ,~ 22&, 340

fu~sell , Peggy Suunne 137

' ulrell , Pa ul Wat lOn HO

;ul,el', 51ephen '-iark 216. ) 40

-G Gaa" L.nda Faye 340

G"h;H an , Don 107

Galnev, Ke 'lh J40

Galb e' th. l orellol lean 3~O

G~lIolg h ( 'r. Pa Hi c k HO

Gallie n. Ma ry France j 168

Gall man , G loria I",a n )40

Ga nf!Y. l ony Ph,llip 140

Gann, Kollhy An ne lle 340

Gan l. W il liam 226, HO

Gar Ci a, Ca lhell ne 236. )40

Garc 'a, Cynt h'a 13&, J40

Cud ne., 50bbv l ave ll 340

G~.r"and, 6renda 34 1

Ca rl'l'Igl o n. 6 ,enda 11 5

ea rne" l'nda 341

Garn."a, Anlhon y 129

Ga rne1" , Mark Hu d son 3H

Gamer , Slephan le 341

Gan, Uav rd 302

Garr, trnd a 184

GUrell. Carre '''cob }41

C~rreH, Darlna K,Hen 2.}8, 341

G",ell , lam rf! Ha ¥den )41

Garrell , Me 'an, e 236, 341

Calrell, ~el,,<. 129

Garfell, Pa( 1)1

::;arr,ga, 8" an Ric ha rd 252, 341

::;lrs;rud , And. e lo hn 341

::>a\p.l rd, Che rvl Ann 341

:;Io~ton. Ch arl e~ 342

~, Ion, Don na 238, 34 1

::;Ulon, la ck l;an e 341

::;'SlOn, IJn Yvonne 341

::;'If!I, la mes 11 J . 121 , 141

:;alh,ng s, lame} 34 1

:Jaugh, Rob en lS6

:;aulhie r, G,selle 176

:;aulney, ChMiel 220, HI

:;ay, Wilham 114

:;"'1"01, MIC ha e l 208. 226, 341

:;ebnardt. Ca ll1e,,ne 272

Howa rd D. 11 5, 136, ) 4 1

~" Sleven 341

:;e,ser. Ca lhv 174

~"' lSsl er, 6.J,bara Ann HI

~!'nVy, RICha rd Wayne 341

~ghegan , Roge, 166, )41

~e rmany. Tho ma s '05, 154, )41

~i bblm, hnya 164

~ ,bson. Ann 187

~ jb\on, 8everly Combs 341

;iblOn, Beve " Y SUf! 341

;ib!>Ofl, Davrd 138

',b<.on. Carolyn 167, J41

; Ib~on, t,sa 1 %

:, Uord, lan a Sue lBO , J 41 , 342

;,&1.0. Vin ce nl 34 1

;lloerl, Ch~ rlo((e 34 1

iilben, T.mot h y 341

,jlbe rt lisa D ,anne 341

l.les. A. \hur Eugene )41

iiles, Donn ... Gene ] 41

I"M, Ma rcta Den. ~e 341

tilmo.e, Denzil 342

,tlmme. le,f)' Th o mas )4~

llmure, lohn J42

Ilmo 'e. ..... o mi )42

Ip~o n. ta,1 Ray 113, 342

~p!on, Napoleon 168

, .ard , lorinda K~y 116, 155, 342



G rro d, Fel .. lill' )4 2

G' ven ~, Ann Ma n E" 2)8.3 42

G,vens, Fr~nc~, 34 2

G,ve n~, G,na G~,' )42

G ' ve n~, IOS"flh }4t

G've n~, la ura fl len 34 <

G ,ven s. T ' lI nl~n 261

G"'fOns , We ldon 25 2. ) 4 ~

GIHSOW, Hugh Tn. 342

G I(>ason. Pa u la '15 4

G le n n, Brenda )42

G love r, lady M , k~1 3~2

Goben . B"an leo> 142

Gob N!. '<I~ " nd a Gd,1 342:

Gocrl l , ,'<I,chae l 178

G o"' t~nlann , Cyn th,a )4 2

Go rn s, Jacq uelrn", 342

Go lds by. Slua" R31ph )42

COi l 288, 28 9

Cohby, M" rsannt; 1')3, 203

Go ne, W,II 'am ) 42

Gonu les, "v1 ol"la J42

Good. Jerr y 342

Goode, I' au I T h om a ~ 178, 342

Goftdson , Ke nnet h 118,1 55.342

GoodwrJl, Mar y lean J42

Go odw'n, Sharon fa ve 142

Gordon, T' m 14y lor 34 2

Go re, Debbi e } 41

Gore, O ree lohn swn '11 S

Gv~ ;, Ann ( lo zai.Jc'" J42

(,OIJ I<:II, Mar'! J<e t I ,] 17<1, l-11

GOU r!(Uei. Shanno n 342

Gow an, Ga'y Lowe .H 2

Go..... a n, Irmol lan J43

Goyne, 'vl,I(hell ) 42

Go u , Cynt h,. } e~n ) 4l

Grab ert, Pa tflCla 143

Grable. loh n 34}

Grace, Thom as J4)

Grady, lan 'ne 14)

Granal" , An1hollY 143, 343

Gundon. Beth An n J4J

Gra nt. H("ver ly K~y ] 4)

(', anl, De b,,) Ann 343

G rant, lacq ue l"'e 167, 34 3

Gran ' , ,ol me, J4 J

Granl , Wa nda 112

G rappe, Cha.IOH e J4 3

Graser, C3thy Ann 34}

G ra ... e~, Jimm y J4J

G r a ve~, John Dav,d 34J

Gra ~h. K~ren ) 4)

Gr;J.ves. Kare n Sue J4J

Gravel , POlity 118

G ra} . Debr a Ann 343

Gny, Dorre lha )4)

G ray, lacq uelyn 130

Gra¥, Lel~ )4)

Gr. y. '-ilcha e l J4J

Gray, M,c he,, 1 Eu gene 34J

Gr ay, Slephen 11 S, , 61'0, 343

G ' ayso n, Jerry 106, 200, 201 , 2m

Grayson, Sle .... en Ray 34 3

Gre e ks 206

G ree n, Dav.d n 8

Green, D o n~ld 3d

G reen , f .un (">I.n (" ) 43

Green , )ulle 187

G reen, larry 185

Gr een. lind a )4)

Gree n, R.odger 21'01

Gr(" en, Te m 236. 14J

Greenburg, Sa il)' loa n 171 ,204. 2J(), )43

Gre e ne. Andea }4J

G ree ne, Kerry 2)0, )4]

C .eer, Earl ~ anlueJ 343

G re e r, ,,)O 'ce J4 3

Gree r, leffre v 343

G reer, leonud ) 43

Gr ee' . Sam '154

Grego"o, Dan,el 138

G 'esollo, Ther,a 163, no, J 43

G'eKory. Cha rlo" e 343

Greg ory, Pame la 236, J4)

Gre rnillron. le rry 34 3

G reln llhon, Nan neu e 34J

Grey, CI" 'I 178

G rle";e, M;a f!l.arel J 4J

G "Om, Cyn th,;a J 43

Gn(f.n. Edward )4)

Gr,lI.n, Judllh143

Gllff rn, Suunne 343

G nffr. h, SUla n 230

C rr ffl.h, Wi llr~ m J4J

G"gg~, e loube lh Ka y 166, 230, 343

Grrss by, 'ef[ley 34J

GIIg~ by, ludy J O

Gllmes, P,Hrre ra 1)7, 343

Gro", Mark 26 1

G~,dl "~' Charles 146, 147

Gu, ee, G len d" 34J

Gu 'c hard, Dian ne 3 43

G uidry, Paula 34)

GuiUory, Sleph e l'l 3<\4

Gu,lI ory, Shar o n 183, 164, 236, 34 4

Guill o ry, Gwendo lyn 3«

GUIllo ry, Phfli,p )44

Gurllo •• l a ura 155

G u,lIote , Ma ry )4 4

Gulit'dSf!, lanis Claire 2)4, 144

Gullene, Donn. )44

Gulley, Deah lvnn, )«

Gulley, l e~ nl 34~

Gunn, Ga ry 344

G,oIhlle. 6~ 1I ¥ 344

Guthll e, P~gy 344

GUlhroe. Rebe cca 344

Gu\-"o::, . 10l'1130

Guy"e~, Deborah 170,

1 ~7

_H Ha ase, Lance 344

Haddad, De bora h 236, .3 44

Haddock, lame!> }44 HJ ddo ~ , 'vlarg arel 13 1

Hagen, Robe" 34 4

Hilgga.d , lanice 01 Hahn. Deana 343

Hahn, MlC hea l 136

Hahl)', h ancf'S )44 Hale, Cynlh ,a 344

HJ les, W oI l,am )44 Ha lf'S, Ch {'f~ll yr' n 139, 167

H3 les, My<l 344

Ha les, R a rn~ 139

Hall, D a~ld 161 , 3 4~ Ha ll. D om 'f1qul! 1(,1, 195,02. 144

Hal l. Emmel l 344

Hal" E, ne!>t 114, J44 Hall, G eorge 146, 147. 344

Hall, Ja mes 168, J44 Hall, lanna 159, j 44

HOI!!, lohn n y 124

Hil lI, Jo se ph J4 4 Ha ll, K;a \hy j44 Hol ll , Larry 344

H.. II, lila 344

Hall. l ,n!ev 344

Hal" K.m )44 H.lII, N'gell S6

Halt O lr n 344

Ha ll, Pame li 344

Hall, Pa ul ) 45

Hall, The da J 4S

Ha llak.l~ha g 155

H.1l1 ev. Toni 345

Hallman , Dawn 177, 1%, 143

Hallm" n, Sieve 14ij. 195, 34S

Ham by. Charl e! 345

Hammel, Pau.a 230, 345

Hame l. Re becca 130, 345

Ha mlhon, 8111181, 345

Hamollo n, 6IUee )45

I-iamlil on, lane . )45

Ha mol tun, Kal hv ) 45

Ha m.l ton. Robe rl 34S

Ham illon, V.,h"c e 23), J4S

H ~ mm , lea Ann )45

Hamm , Robe n 345

Hamm e t, Randy 345

Hammo ck, M,(heal 345

I~ a mmond, Calhe"ne 238

Ham mond, D iann e 345

Holm m ond~, P.ilsy 134

Ha mm o ns, Cathe r",e 345

Hammons. Deborah J 45

Hammon ., IoI Ille;; 34S

Hammom, D r jasper 144

Ham rllo ns, Joan 14S

Hamp lon, l~ ... I\'O)4<;

Hamplon , WrI(red 345

Ha rn.ick, loe DaVid H.O, 345

Han cock, Fred 125

Ha ncoc k, Sha ron 176, J4 5

Hand, La rf)' 21b, 345

Ha rrey. MII.;f! 345

H ~nk ' nI, Buddy )45

H"nkrns, Chol.lte 252

Hank.n s, .'<Iark A. J4S

Hank s, W,lliam 107, 115.126,149, )45

Hann a, Patne i" 345

Hanna. Z.1ne ) 45

Ha nn;ah. Robe rt 252, 345

Holfbor, !e'iie 345

Hilrdrng, rrna 345

Hald y, Cam ril e 164. 165, 345

Har dy, Deb bie Day 165. 34 5

HoIrdy, Ellen 345

Hardy, W,II.a m 145

HdJe, Ra nd all 252. 345

HM"gr~. ( liHbe(h 184, 236, )4 5

Harg iS, Kathl een 204, 20S, 236. 345

Harg.;.! , 6rran 345

Hars adln, -';ark 172

Hargrod e r, Che ryl ) 45

H.ug. oder, Stev.rn )45

Ha rgro\'e, Glenn J45

Ha rg love, ta u,a 146

H lftgro ve, Ll uyd 345

Ha r'an, j,mm 'e 345

Hdflan. Paul 210, J 45 Ha rl an , Rand all )45 Ha fl), Cecilia )4S Harp, john 345

H~ rper, COl lo m 345

H;a'per, Davrs 346

Harpe•• Sdlly 13) Harral, Bobble 185, 186

Ha ..e ll, Hild ~ }46 Harrell, The re'il ]~ Ha rrel'on. Gary 155,]46 Harringlon, lan,s 130

HAnington, Sam .146

Harns, Cludes )~ Ha",s, Edward 252. 346

Halfil, Ernrl y 3~ Hams, John 15 7

Ha rri s, Ken nelh 346

H.i ffll, laurre 346

Har,,'. lou ,~ e 131

Ha m,. Pamel.. 34E1

Harrrs. Wa yn e 157

Har mon. Ben 121

Har" $on, 6,11 )~ b

Hamson, Bruce J46

Harmon, Claud, ,, 1%

Harrr sol"l, DoI,'.d ) 46

Ha rr.so n, U .. ,e )~6

Ha l/'Ion, l an' ~ Z16, J46

Har",on. john 34b

H" ffl>on , Ka (h",,,ne )46

Ham so n, K(' nne. h ' 90,3·16

H ar,, ~on, Pe l", r 12~

H ar ll~o l'l. Sand ra 34&

Ha m son, Wil loa m J46

Ha rt. Brad 122

Han. C.~nd l 236 , 346

Hart, Cvn lh 'a 346

Ha.t, Gregor\' 34b

H ~rl , Ho,",ard 198

HMI, KareL"l )4b

H.)ft, Ka re n 5 346

Ha", l 'nd a 131

Harl , M,eh.ie l 346

HoI liley, I.:, chard 346

H~.t oo n , Bob 346

HarvestoL"l. T A.nd e.ea )4(,

Ha ,vey, lo l'ena ) 46

H a rv ~y. lud y 1 n. 346

Ha lvey, Ros,e 346

Har v, lI, jamel 346

HarWO Od, l1uOe rl 220, 3~6

H.. ,~e ' " Th orn;as 118, 346

Ha 't,ngs, Dan,e l 216, 34(,

Ha lhawa)', (d.... ar d 346

Halha,\,ay, R:a vmond 346

Hithorn, ldJ ry 252, ) 46

Halhorn, M,( hae l 346

Halle n, Cal i1y 346

Hallen, Dub 146

Hdll et"1. Wlli ord 252

Ha ll rn, Rosa lyn 128, 346

Hawk ins, lames F J02

Hawk m s, Haria 155

Hawk,ns, P"~crl la 346

Haw kln>. Sab n na 346

Hawkm s, Sa ndra 346

Hawley. Ma ufl ce 111, 346

HaW lhor ne, Da vey 346

Hilwthorn f!, El.,ne 130

Hayden, Ka thy 150, 151.345

Hal'f!, lac k.e 186,187, 34b

Hay es, Fl ore nce ) 46

Ha~\, , a mes J46

H~Yf! s, Rocky )46

Havel, Sus;rn 346

Ha ¥good, }anel 171

Haymo re. Ka thy 181, 346

Hav f'f! $, Don na 112, 177, 34b

Hayne~, lolme ~ 306

Ha y<'l'e~. ,udy 346

Ha~nes, Ma lor 252

Hayn es, Sha ron J46

Ha~, Jean nelle ) 46

Havw~rd , Ann elr es 102

Hayw drd, Ba.bara 347

HaYWl rd, Crnd \' }47

Haywa rd, Charlf! s M 'c h~al 216, J47

Hi'ad, Conn ie 163, 184, 147

Head, ldrf)' 347

Heild. Tomm y D. 347

Head, Vick,e 113. ) 47

Hu rd, lo hn 146, 347

Hea,d , 'vl~ rera 133

Heard , Robert 347

Heard, R.ob.n 115

He"ps, Ka Ihy 347

Hejtne, Marlin 3~7

He arne. PhI llip 178, J47

HNlh, Sle phen A 347

Hebe fl , Albron 173, J47

Heber t, ge~ell y 1" , 155, 236, 347

Hebe r!, D,.ne 347

He ber l, He my 347

Hebefl. loA nn lS5, 147

Hebert, l o la J47

Hebe rt, Phyl losl15, 116, 347

Hec k. la ni ce 347

Hec kard, Charles 347

He(nan, 'v11ke 347

Heena,' , Ml(h u l 2S2

Hein e r, Ronn y 155, 347

He ",denre ich, fran 34 7

HeInl, l el"e 347

He l5e'man, Karl 347

Helga\on. Jame\ 152

Helm ~, Ann 341

H elm ~, lean eae 231

Hem pe. ley, Susan 02, '196. 347

He mphi ll, Ka .en 347

Hend e r~o n, Be lly 347

Hende. so n, Dav,d 347

Henderson. Doro(hy 341

Henderson, Glen )47

Hender\ o n, l'oneli 347

H~nder~on, Maro o n ]47

Hend e rl o n, N;a ncy An n )47

Hen~rlon, Pall; 347

Hl!nde,\on, Sophie 347

H~nderson, Stephen 3~7

Hl.'fldrrckl, PrentrH 103, 11 5

Hend.ic ks, Rob ert 140, 208, 212, 347

H"ndrill. Bobb y 2H. 147

Hend rix, R,ay Dale 121



Hendr'lx. rommy 34? Hendrix. Slephen 3~7 Hpnnen. Dennis 113. 347

Hf'rHy. jimmy 226

Hf'nrv. Cynthia 3H

H('m, DJ~I~I ,D

Henry, DeSiree 3 ~ 7

Henry, Ida 347

Henry. jlmm, 347

Henry, LOI~ J~7

Henry. Pampll;! 153. 347

Henr), PJlrlUa 10.3, J47

Hen,on. BrendJ J~5

H~rchenhJhn. Marilyn 236, 247

Herles. Da"d 224. 347

Hl'rlong, Donna 110.. 347

Herme, \'ICi()na ])2,158.347 Hern"nd,,~. E'alnn( 163. 17,) H7 Hernandez. Greg 347

Herna~del. In~ 147

Hernandez. lohn 3H Hernandez. Pamela 181. 147

Hernandez. R,ckey 347

Herndon. Gall J~7 Herring, Diana 158, 15'l, 148

Herrington. lane J48 Herrnn. Br~nda 348

Herlling, lJarllel227 Heu~el, Connie Porter 115, 128. 172

Hlcklnghollom )~8 Hickman, Tamara 116, Hlckm~n. lerry 348

Hick. Allen 348

HICks. Connre 341> HICks, D,a,lne 163. 348

HicK>. George 348

Hick>. lame. 348

Hick!. lami's 348

HICks. Mrcheal 170, 34ft HICks. P~mel~ 137. 348

Hidalgo. Chmllne 348

Hlgglnbollom, Leara 3~8 Hilburn, Ronald J48 Hlldehrand. Glenda 128

Hill, C~rolvn 348

Hill, Con5tance 234

Hill, Davrd 348

Hill, Evelvn J~8 Hill, I~nel Ruth 112, 186, 343

Hill, Kathy 348

Hill, Ilmmy 172

Hill. Peggl' J48 Hill, S:"phen Robert 216. 348

Hil l. f om 348

I-J,ll er, larlet. 1':15, 216, 348

Hrllhouse. K.aren 348

Hrlliard. GlOria 348

H,lton, Claude 3~13 Hindman. Margaret 231, 345

Hines, Gary 252

Hines, leanette 348

~line<. Tommy 348

Hines, florence 131

Hinkle, Debbie 137, 180

Hinson. l.:tnd~ 348

Ho. Kwok 16'1 Ho. NgM Fun )48 Hoard. Glend.. 348

Hohh~. AI"n 348

Hohb;.. Debra 3~5 Hobbs. Be~sle .'..48

Hocult. CMherine 348

Hodge. Bedy 348

Hodge. Ed 348

Hodge, Malle 348

Hodge, Robert 118. )48 Half. Barbara 348

Holfmiln, Beth 348

HOlfpaUir. Gregory 146. 147.348 Hoffpaulf, KJrI 218, >48 Hogan, Dee 348

Hogan, ElellrrCen 348

Hogan, Iud) 348

Hog~n, Krrstln~ 348

Hogard, Barbara 348

HogseU, james 348

Holdrnes •. Mack 348

Holeyfleld, Debra 160

Holeytleld, linda 160

Holeyf.eld, Mrcheal134

Holeyfteld, Susan 134. 181

Hollilday. GWYilnn 348

Hollilnd, 811lte 115

Holland, Brenda 348

Holland, 'VIlke 3~8 Holland, PatroCla 115, 3~8 Holl1day. Marl' Alice 115, 130

Hollrday. Williilm 348

Hollrman, Patsy Rutf 164, 16S Hollow~y, Bonnre 131

Hollaway, DaVid 200, 203, 3~9

Hollaway, Gad 97, 101, 187, 231, 349

Holly, Charle~ 349

Holley, Elame 3~9 Holley, Kenneth 349

Hollier, ~rke 349

Hollim~n, P;l.tsy J~9 Hollingsworlh, Clay )49 Holloway, Davrd A 349

Holloway, jeffery 349

Holloway, ScoU 349

Holman, joe 349

Holme,. Calhemle 193. 349

Holmes, Erestine )49 Holmes, Frank 34<) 394 .. . Inde:t

Holmes. 'VIary 3~9 Haimes. Shela 349

Hoislead. Sherry 236. 3~';I Hnllzrlaw. Deborah 1&:', 231, 34';1 Hql,iwld. r!dJordh liS Holyfield. linda 113

Hollern, John 149

HonE'YCUli. Kath) 349

HoneyculI, Kenneth 162. 178. J4'l Honeycull, leo 197, 349

Hooker, BMhara 349

Hooker, Mary 349

HOOKer, Ruby 349

Hook>. Mlcheal 349

Hopk"'>. Arthur 349

Hopper. Gravson 349

Hopper. Trudr G 104,111,116 Horne. Gary 349

Horn. Hank 3~9

Horn, Mlcheal 349

Horton, Nora A 176,349 Ho;ea, lJennl\ 349

Haston. Audrenla 349

Houlion. Emma R 186.187.349 HOUSIOn. lames 349

HoullQn. lerry 34':1 Hovaner, Rosemary J49 Howard, Debra 349

Howard. frank i lbO.349 HowMd. HOWie J50 HOWdfd. \h,'anda j 238. 34" Howell, Beue 350

Howell, 8renda M 238.350 Howell, Carl 350

HOWie, DaVid E 118. 3:>0 H,n. Hong-U, JSO HUJng. ,\-lln Chon/( J50 Huckab..y. lanee 350

Hudman, Davrd 3S0 Hudman. Laura A 18b, J50 Hudnall, Stanl,",. 350

Hudson, Coleman .'150 Hudwn, Danny ,';0 Hudson, Krrk E 216,350 HucJson, Laura 350

Hudson, Mrdwal 350

Hudson, R.. ymond 350

Hud'on, William 350

Huey, D~nny 350

HlJey, loe 0 28g, 350

Huey. Kellh 350

Hoey, Mar~aret 350

Huh. Ronnie I 279 28'1.350

HutlrrlJn. DHwrJh'~ I ·ll. 350

Hughr-. ~,Ibe" I<. 1.29 Hugh",. C()I)lwr 121

Hughes. Debra 350

Hughes. LOrella 178. 187

Hughes. Robert C 110. 115, J~O Hughe •. Terr'," 350

Hummel, Gler,,, 350

Hur.'llhr,·y. l)Jrbar~ N 160, \)0 HUIll[)hrey MI(h<:al 1')0 Hurnphne5, Bo',"ce 156

Humph"e~, Richard 350

Humphries, Sherrie K 14",350 Humphries, Sus~n C 20~, 205, 236, 350

Humphries, Tom 350

HunnicuU,lack W 289.3:>0 HUnnICUU, I~mes 150

Hunnlcufl, Phllrp R 222,350 HUnnlcufl, Vicki 350

Hunt. Cynthld A 146. 1~7, 350

HUnt, j,m 0 12';1.350 Hunte!. 0010 thy 350

Hurst. Rooney 3S0 HUlled. Mike 350

Hutchrngs, john 3S0 Hutch,n;. lennlfer 350

Hutchms. lohn 350

Hutchinson, Slephen 350

Hutson, Geneva 350

Hutwn, lmda J50 HullO, Brenda S. 141

Hyde, ,",orlyn 115, 3S0 Hl'lander, james 350

HylJnder. Rilmona 3:>0

.,. Ibl,ngs, Loren 350

Ibirnss, loren 0 136.190 !del. Peter W 146,350 Igle~,as, Grnger 350

In~bnet, judrth 350

Insram, 'VIonly 8. 118, 155, 350

Interdenominational En~emble 185

Interfraternlly Council 108

Inzlna, James 350

Irby. Evelyn 350

Ireland, Judith A. B8, 350

Irvrn, Kenneth L 252,350

.J. jabbla, Charles P 216, 350

jads, Theron 351

jackson, Alice 131

jack~on, Barbilra I 130

jackson, Carol I. 186, 234, 351

jilckson, Charle> 351

jaCKson, Donna K 111.351 lackson, Evell'n 351

jackson, Fredrick JSl jackson, Dr. Herman 156

jackson, janr, 351

jackson. Monror 331

lackson. Naomi 351

lackson. Penn) 351

jackson. Renee 145

lackson. RIChard 351

lackson, Sh"ely 351

lacbon. Terry 351

jackson, 'venetl,! 351

jack;;on. Verna 351

Idcobs, joseph 0 2'14

j A.D Ii.A 158.159

I.. ggero. Lind .. l51

lames. Carol 351

I"mes. Elrzabeth 351

lame<. Gordon l 106,115

lames. janrce 146

lames. Lee A 187,351

lames. Mary E 185.351

lamp<. Marv I 181'>.231.350

lames. Rlch~rd 351

larnes. 5herilyn J51

lantI. Coach Ken 289

larrrll, Randall K 220,351

Id\'n~, Laura M 115,209

jJ\r1'" Iml f< I~~ 151

jau Ensemhle 1"0

lean, Julia K 112,163,351

jerff'rson, Carolyn 351

j~r(er\on. Lam. 0 12B

jerferson, Rlc;,ard 351

lel(ery. Cecil 351

kl~'. S~nd\"


len kin>, Danny 351

if'nkln~, Dehra A 1!l7. 351

JenkinS. Edd,f' 162. 351

jenkln>. Eva 351

JenkinS. I.. mes H 252,352

lenkrrlS. leann,e 3';2

lenklns. lohn 3S2

Jenkin,. Kenneeh JS2

jenkln,. L~trell 352

lenk,n>. Mlcheal 352

If'"nk"'<. Ple.z A. 152 , 352

lenklns. RJY 351

lenklns, Shirley 352

lenklns, Steve 119. 3S2

I<::,sse. lynda K. 187

Jeter. Danna JS2

Ilmme,~nn, ,'VIary 352

lingle>, jerome 257

jinks, ludlth J52

Ilvanl, Zueftkar 3.')2

1010. Cynthia 3S2

lohn, Dr Alex 304

lohn~, George T 152.192

johns. Richard ]52

lohns. Sherry 352

lohns, V,ck,e 3:>2

lohnson, Ahce 352

lohn\on. Beverly J52

lohn,on, Bob 152

johnsor;o, Barbara 352

lohrlson, Chariolle C 151,352

lohnson, Cindy 351

Johnson, Conn,e 0 182, J52

lohnjon, ConslJnce 352

lohnson, David G 214,352

lohn'ion, Denrm 352

Johnson. Dran l. 1'Cl4, 352

lohnson, Dougla~ 352

lohnson, Earll 140,167,352

johnson, Harvel' E 252.275. 277

jOtHlson, Helen 352

johnson, jan A 146,147,352

JohnSOn, johnny W 115,351

johnson. Kathv L 236, 352

johnson, Kathy M. 151, 352

Johnson. Leroy lb8, 185

Johnson. Margie 351

Johnson, Melanie v 17",353

Johnson, Melba 352

johnson. Michael 3n

lohnson. Mltch~1I E 353

Johnson. Monr,a L 353

johnson, Nathaniel A 353

johnson. N~al L 200, no. 353

lohnson. PaUl A lS1, 234, 353

johnson. Pall I L 2)~, 353

Johnson. Rhonda G 153

john,on. Richard Z 353

Johnson. Robin L 353

lohnson, Dr Ronald 123

lohnson. Ruth E 353

johnson. ~herry L 353

lohmon. Shirley A 353

lohnson. Steve W. 353

lohnson, Su>;!. n 23'1, 353

lohnson. ValindJ G 353

lohnson, V,v,an 0 35J

johnson. William R. 353

lohnson. Yolanda R 353

johnston, Cathy C 182

johns lon, DonJld R 353

johnston, James L 133

lohnslon, Kathy L 353

lohn~lon, Kay L 3S3

lohn~lon, Richard N 226,353

lohnslon, Wal{er O. 216. 353

jones, Anthony 35J

lones, Brenda D. 3S3

jones, 8nan K 3S3

lone~, Candy M 353

jones, Calheflne 286

jones, Charles W. 216, 353

Cheryl A 353

L 153

Cynlhla.'VI. 120. 1 ';3.353

Denno\ K 353

DOI"e 162,353

Elizabelh L 353

[va G 115

Evelvn 5 3S3

G,lb~rl H 118,353

Glendo f 353

Glynn M 11", 155

Dr H PerrI" 128

H;;rold 277: 353

Harold 0 I 13. 353

Jacalyn M 35)

ie!~ld VII 2'i4. 353

lohn M 353

Kathlef'n F '145.236.353

Laur.. 0 353

Lillie 'VI 353

Lisa A 353

Mall 353

Michele L 353

Pamela C 234. 353

Pats) W 130,3S3

Peggl" L J53

Robert 353

Dr Roger 136

lon~o. )(011 G 353

jones. Shei,a M J53

lones. Slephen T. 177

jones. Vernon R H3

jon~,. Wdnd .. F ,51

jones, Willi~m P 289

jord~n, Bob M 3.";4

lordan, lohn L. 35~

losi'ph. Cynthra A 184. 2)6, 35~

loseph, Ie'" S 1m, 184. 236. 354

loshua, Chmtlnf' 354

lower~. 8en R 354

lovce, Cynthia A 354

lovce, lJebble L >54

jayne" Nancy I 354

lud'ce. Ki'vln j 155

jul'. Sne M 354


lone~, Cynthl~

lonet>, lones, lone'. jane>, lones, lones. lone>, jonf'\ lones, Jones, lone;, lones. lone" lones, lones. lones. lones, lanes. jones. lones, lone". lones, jones. lone;. lones, lone•.

., . Kagt>. Shelia M 354

Kaln. Clrnl lbO

Kame. r--ann' 1';7

Kalil. Deborah A 116, 354

Kalil. freddIe 354

KJI<lone. Chrl, Y 155

Karnerman, Steve M 254.261

K~pp. Dr Ann 127. 315

Kapp. Dr Paul125

Kappa Alpha 21~. 215

KJ,JI'" .o,lphJ I'» 2 Ie, 21'1

Kappa Dell~ 234. 235

Kapp~ tpsdon 116. 117

Kappa Kappa p" 116

Kapp~ Omicron Phr 127

Kappa P\r 119

Kapp~ Sigma 216, 217

Kar~m. Nancy L 236, J54

Karamales. Norman r 354

Kar~te Club 172

K~flsny. Da,ld F 354

Kasischke, Ben 1-1 354

Kavanangh, Erne;1 G 124,151'>.354

Kay. Robert E 354

Kaylor, B T 123

Kee. Dr Roben 119

Kee, Dr DaVid 157

Keeler. john C 354

Keene. Wilham R. 200. 35~

Keelon, Cydnel' 0 354

Kerro, jack L 35~

Keller, jennlfe, A. 236. 354

Keller. Nancy G 35~

Keller, Cooeh Ollte 242, 353

Keller, Richard j 156,224,354

Keller. Dr Willi~m 120

Kelley. Danny M 35~

Kelly. DaVid A 35~

Kelly, Dom j 354

Kelly, Jeanie R 23~. 354

Kell~', john 0 354

Kelly, joy M 354

Kelly Karen "137.154

Kell;, Maur,ce M 136,138.354

Kernp, Allen L 354

Kemp, Don A 118.15:>

Kemp, Edrlh M 354

Kemp, Rilndall A 151,150,354

Kendrrck, ~arah Lu 354

Kendrrck. Waller 107, 128, 108, 218

Kenerson, ,'VIarg;!. ret 0 254

K<"nnedy, 8roderrd; 354

Kennedy, CharlOlle A 354

Kennedy, Mrch~el 0 354

Kennedy Renee 354

Kennedy, Robert W 354

Kennerly. Cleo A 354

Kennerly, james C 354

Kenney. Sherry' l 182

K~rn, Artr'" j 160, 35~

Kern, Dr. loseph 119, 120

Kerry, Donna C 158,354

Ketchell, Mark D. 354

Keys, Colell ;!. 0 184.354

Key~, Jelferra L. 139. 187. 232, 354

KICker, Conn ie F. 354

Kiddy. Torn P. 253

Kreffer, Patrlcra A. 155, 178. 179

'nlz. Cyn.hla P 19S

coyne. /'>U ,,;, n M 2)1.239, lS 4

rlron. ~ nd r. II. 12). 197.35<1

~ ore, Joh n f J54

".' " ck. CoI r' D. 2S4 . 261. 154

p.l lrock. Collull )54 pl.llck . lo h .... S l iS r.b.lII. Juk )OJ rboil i. hmm)' C. 1 J.6 " ball, luil e B 162. 212

lude, Shell ey L 354

'~. 8 el~f S J '; 4

De'Vell~ '" 172,



Dav td S )5 4

II!. C ion. [ H12.354

19, )ane. ~ ]55

I&- lo hn C ) 55

'&. lI nd. G J55

~g. PoI 'flCI.. C U 6

'" Sand ra j( 156.)55

:g, Shlfle) A )55

,!\. V. lene 355

H ide. MM t'llI A 1)2, 2Jl. 3'iJ "l101Hd. W,II '.M M 353

bolm, Hen.y L l 55

kham, Rodoey C J5S

kham. lI.odn .... y 0 355

k!.lnd. D.,·ld G 355

kil n, l,.dor e lS]. 355

Chf'fH. 6111 16 1

chmgt'llll'l, SV lan C 218, 3SS

'1:15, lack 1M>

-cr, Hen' " I 217. 155

:"me. LOI ~ { 204, 205. HI. 155

nco Sand,. K 15 1, 355

'81'1 ., Cyn lhl a l 355

. ghl. DiI..... n C 355

' 81'11. Jrm C 355

Ip'hr . lohn C ) 55

ISh •. John D. HS

iSh'. K ,,~ . a 355

igh l o' Columb<u 118

Igh •. Richa rd r ) 55

ifihl. Sheree l 3S5

' Shlen. Allen K 355

llU 196

011, D. Roherl 1 11'1

uw le!, De bor olh A 170

(lw l ~!, M.l r~· f 355

owle l. V!". non E u 6

(l wl(on, Kennelh 35S

o X. P~lrI C I J K H S

ox, Randy D 355

0>., Regg ie G 122. 355

0 .... 1eresa '" )55

Ulle n, Ra ymond I 10

~rnel, frolnk A )55

0, SUI-K woln II. 169

IIcnblook. Ricky W 355

Imel. Of ( J J I))

Ine. Joine' G 108

lU el, DI~ne E 109. U6, 3~5

· Iae lok. Eddie A J 55 tI n. Jo~e ph ~ lS ) IIrN n, Mrch;14;!1 P 11 8. IS5 118. Klen Wah C l Ob, 110, 1 15. 169, 355

ok. Y,u r )SS

~, D.nn y L JSS

e. Tan y~ So )55

e •. IllS E 155

·er. Kaye 164. 165


)I>.-de. r,eddv I lS5 }(J.de. Ph yll is ,., IRI. )55

Ikmin , Clrll II: 182.355

IV, ht\ l ~ 8 355

ilia, Dolo .,,! 5 355

leu•. Cha rlolle A 355

. ~lon .W~\' 115. I II)

"K. Shrryl l JS5

rd. "'1010 So 135, ISS

Id, 8 rer>d a \1 16-4.355

rd. ~ I k ( 355

n.~ H 169

OH\l nle,e, "en 0 J 55

rben. Kenn ",lh W 355

Abell. lee A 120. ISS, )55

r.t.rert. It ubv 0 155, 1 ~ 5

~ a!le,. lohn P. 355

If..... Chrryl 0 131, )S:'

(lIn, Huold C )55

dN •. C;! rfOe B )55

dfUm, David M )';5

drum. K.lIell E 181

clum. l~nel tol 355

d-UI11. Paula M 1 12. 1'>1, 155

~.y. 8ell\oI rd l55

dlY. CoI'ol)'1I A. )S5

dry. Glenn A. 35b

dIY, Joseph 8 l 1ts, 35b

diY, Ma~ IS C ) 5b

dry, Phd,p A J51>

e, '.mes M 3Sb

F' Ke nne lh 8 J Sb

gdan, lissa' 108, lb1

~fa ld . DaVid 3506

gil"(, Deb ra S 159

sley, Angeloq ue M 2.)8,1506

hi m, K" r~n S 176, )506

ham . Pa mela A. 156

Ilghim. aury K 15" 2. M,url)'11 5 356

eu, Chelyl A 3.,f>

la lseo . limes H 1 51

la lY. 5.ndli 0 155

l olSO U' ct, MK"hoiel R )56

t a uI~le i . N ,ck 104

Lasuu o, M ,chiel R. )56

l.\h 6m. Don .\.1 3Sb

lilhan, Richard D ) 56

La ll'er, lames E J56

lol il le r..\1a rlee l M )56

l au, C hi I( )56

Lau gh 1m, Mlcn;;.el A, JS 6

Launey. Ro be.. A 116, 356

lavn 'us. John A 1S6

l aw le>~, Do mm ,e l 156

la .. rr fltt!, (" tol< ' I 1) 4

l "'Ht' n<. ". C.J I" I~ll 30 Ill;'. 156

l aw IOl'otC, O ebo,,,h ... J'>('

LoI wl;.-nc" . "-1dflUI\ " 163,156

l"w rf'llt.,. \1 ll' haf>ll U f>.277

l.'W'.,. llCt-, \ u:..rn t H)f•• 11 5. JSh

Law I!'lIc"" \Vllh.loM' I'J~. ;5(.

La w ~. Lvn 156

l~ ..... ~. Roland 8 220. )56

L ~ ..... son. Bonn ie A 356

lolw ~on. lind .!. }S6

Law~Ol\. Or~' )5b

l ebeau, P;JUlrne E l56

Leblanc, (;1.11 r 119, 143. \ 9<1

Lebl.nc: , G lrnn "" )56

l ebl.; nc, Robe rt KISS, ]S6

I." \)ocu l. , '".:1'1 ....1 ... no. ''l0. J5h

lebou t'f, Cynlnlol L 356

t~dl)el!e l , Robe llol l ]S6

Ledge. , Wallen G 156

le dou~ , lo~ ph H. 15t., ) 56

l edou~. loy 0 11 &. 155

l edu.i. Budgel \1 356

L ~d u l f. Cldudt' J 16&, 35&

Le e. AI.,,? 13~ . 1)6

l ee. Ci<J,bo rne II.! 126

l ee. Cla rencp A 217. nfl.))6

l ee, C liI", 156

l~ , Cyrll hla I ) 56

Lee, 0 . 1100 II. )56

lee, D.vtd A 1311. I&", 356

t ee, D,oI"'e R )56

lep., Goir y R 1()1), 2 14

It:e. HI)W.l.f d j> 356

lee. Jo hn Bryo n J5t.

Le e, Ka l"')' P 161

Lee. La " y D 13&.21ij

Lee. M. r~ H 351>

lee. Paul 187

lH. Ric ha rd 6. l SI. 15(,

Let . ROrl rlle J56

l ee. 1I. O'r M 121, 191.356

l ee, Wa lt€,r R 356

L~, W IIII. m 1 3S6

l ~leb vfe. Syb il II. 356

L ~!la'I, Dr ,....I~lsh ..11 ~28, ) 11

Legg. Joi mes M lSb

Leigh, Va n f 148. J5 (,

l elsk, luh il 1\. ) S(,

leJ eune. W ill iaM 1\ 224 .3306

Lpleu x, Rona ld M 122, 19 1. ) 51.>

L€, ml'l e. Su~~n G J S6

Le mll n. ElIck )56

l e MO ine, Gregory P 214. )57

lll mOlne, Nilncy C ) 57

l flmoos, Ma' girel M ) 57

Lena rd. LI !.I ( )57

l e nard. Me lvdy l 180, ) 57

len~l"(] , Mic hael 8 35;'

Lenald, R"ss.e ll '" 357

lpro-el l. Mild red 172

Leo n. Ramo.la A I l l . 17&. 357

Le np~rd, lo hn L.114. ] 57

le~ lre. Kaye L 157

l e slie. Malce ll k )57

Le sler, Edd N )57

Leit el, MarCia D 2)6, 157

Le bon. l oti C ] 57

Leung. 51ephen Y 15S

leu II~, Img W 169.157

lew IS. " hee l 112.156. ))7

lew... C~ I ol yn 16 1

l ew'i . (on sta nce '-i ) 57

l l'WI\, Darre ll \AI 357

l e .....,.. Debb,!" R 1 8~. 357

Lewl '" fo nn l 357

l eWIS, Linda F. 357

Lew l!, Llnd~ R 357

l e ... i5, M~ .y L 128

Lew's, Rlla I 150, 179

leWIS, SU' an M )S7

te ..... ,s. funyd G JS7

l !"w". Vel m~ S 116,351

Lew ltr, ~he'" 3:>7

l e_, Kalhlyn M 134, 1'>7

L., HOll W liS LI. Wa l-llm 3S;'

lle rlnop, Mlch. el I 281

lleu~. James H 166,25 3. 35i

lilli'll. Ja Me l M. 21 7, JS7

Ll lr ",i)e l~ ",I ' ''l ~' r 11 &

l'lIlch. JoI Me~ 5 110, 115. 121

lindo w, Che/yl G_3S7

lindow, Dan I 216, ]5i

lindSool y. 5coll A 117, 157

lmd ~y.



lind \ey, Mary R. 232. 35;

Llllf'!, DaV id 185

I IIIt' r. Sla nley D 187

l llln, ()oIvid P 11:10

lIn:on, S.r.h II .58

Llolel. DoI" ld M. 226. 358

L in~ y, lo,,., n A 151. 358

Goi ty M 358

Lu rie. Idnlet! 0 18S,3SB t illie, l inda F )S8 l llllo:'. Va un I ) 58

l'tl ieloo . She", K )58 l lUZ U , Fl oy \1 158

l lvlllgSlon, ........ ry E, 106, 100, 201, 201, 35tl

Li v log~ IOrl , Sa rld ra 358

lnbuno. Cha rle, 'Iv 158

Loe he, L,oda J 358

loe kl ld, DOli ' P. 116. 117,1 55

l od e. Dr Don lOB

l ockha rr , CI,ude 118. ISS

loe kh,. r, l O"'l'" e R 358

l oc kwood. I(alheun!' J 115

lo )hn, Ch ..... on l 358

LOll ln, ( ur lll M 148

lo fl in, M ichael ( 167. 358

l o(lo n, Te rry L 351'1

Losan, AOII.. 1 234, J5tl

Lohman, Jdm e~ M 3Stl

l o ll ev. Kalnerin e t 158, 159

l olloe. 8en nl e J 140

Lo llre, Delil rrOIl~ L )58

lo ll,e. Ethel l 358

Lom bald , leah I 116, 155

l o mbol ld ,no, Debor ol tJ A 125. )58

Lombald,no, Ja nn:;e M. JS8

long. Hug h ( 358

looml ~, '-ia rgr rr 131

tor. nl. D enr5e 5 116

l ord. Carolyn f 35ts

l o rd. Chuck H8

l Old. T0 111 r 358

LOll lnger, Dp"' rI R 358

Loudd. D eo ra S 3511

Lo ud o n. RU lh A JS8

Lo",. Richard l 15ts

Lov p, S'oIce} l 358

l o\'ell. R. ndy M ]58

Lo,·etl. She,~1 l )56

l owarrs, 90I ri M )56

l owe. O , vld { JSR

Lo we. lohn (. 101. ) 56

lowe. loseph A .158

Lowe. Michael G 136.2 14, 351\

lo..... e. 5c. """ A 184, )58

Lo "" pry. l e rl~ 0 ) 58

Loyd, Clyde t. lS6

l UCIen, RI I ~ \1 )58

l ucken, Perri M 11 8. 356

Lu ckelt, f OM my 1 3511

l uck lC, lau /ol l H6

Luch. ~u ~ n E 1)7

lu rey, Almol l 104

luffey, Dave I 356

Lu .ley, fr ances E J56

Lu Uey, Gary e 11), 121

l u llp)" IUlIe l 358

l UI. Alned Y 358

lU I. Aivi ll y 171,358

lu ke •. fel....ad"'t 358

Lum. Allen 8 146, 356

Lumpkin . "'ary l )58

Lu ndy. Cindy 0 234. 358

t upo. Cynl h ,. I )S6

l Ulff, De t t 1Sfl

lu~. G. ry W 200.214.3:>8

Lu .ne. , RlCha ld A 3S9

Luther, 5u ~an J 234 . ) 5'J

Lu ll iell, Glo"a M 359

l urrr eli. lI. e~ e JS9

l yl es. CalOlvn A 151 , 359

ly l e~, Deborah I J59

l ync h, Carolrne F 196. 359

l ync h. [uBe ne P 359

lyn n, De borolh I( 115,121

l yon. Robe" 0 l 59

Lyon. ( hol.les E 121, 359

l yon. Duoa ld IN 359

lyon~. l oi re'll' JS9

lvoo ~, Ro bert D )59

L I"p~,


MoI crn.O!I'1, Kilh r ~ rI 155. l61

M.ck, Nancy e 36;

Madd e n. G.llh 30)

Madd e n, /\.t IC hliel R 217,361

M~d den. 5" Sdn I( )6 1

M~ddry . CI ~ud elte w 161

Mad'\on. Dorurh~ l . )61

Mady. Ronald. l 11 8. )61

Magel'. Delmas II 1f>1

M~gH, loe ,"1 361

"'age11t. Irmmy W 161

MAAno n, Cha rle ne M l 'i16. 16 1

\1agou llk . C hfl\IO phel 361

'-i~ gown , 8 01rbol ra A 361

.\1d gowrl, e M. les 5 361

"'1aha l1 ey, Da le W l6 1

Ma ha n, Wil liam'" }61

.\'1ahont'y. Lind" >til

MoI ' SirulO, lohn I 361

M~ le.u. Pd lflCr.! A 1 Hi. 361

Ma ~ .I. Cha rle~ 30 14\;. 1%, Jft l

Malb rO u~, Ch ol rl e~ I 161

Ma ley. Junnt 238. J61

M~lIel , Ph ylh\ A 153, la7, 161

Mi lloy, Pa ula G )61

........ Ima y. lo)efJ h M 361

Malone, r, ~nCl S II. 36;

Mol ione. S U ~oIn f> 1&1

Maf\a~c u. Glegory H. l .~ 1. .161

Mande ll. G reg 2as

Mane'. MIlk A 1 16

Man lcy. G rt-g ory H. 25), )6 1

Mann. Dilvld A 14 ~ , 361

Maoo, Gd ll M 361

M~nn, Slephl!n G 361

Mann 'ng. \1 ,chael R 166

Mannons. \1. ckev L 361

M<JoyweJ lhe l. Fel iX A 212 . • 61

M~p l es, Or e,"e~ l 130

MapfJ. MoI r cu~ 313

Marbley. Bern. rd )61

March.rld. Debola h K 3b l

Maf(he l~ kl. K~ rrn M 134, 161

MoIf(he~dll, NitrlC y I )61

Ma"de, Trevol J 36 1

Maroonne.u:l. Gerald ine 361

Ma ,iol\n e~u_ . Wayne H 206. 2 17 , 1&1

Mil lloI il, David r 3&1

Mar oney. Debofah L. 361

M~rqua rd l. DoI" ,d ( 3&1

Ma rsh, S~nd rol l 361

Marlll. ll. Arlnl e M 361

...I • • shal l. OOrl"ld ,29

'-iI 'Shilli. lum.nda 361

\1a rshall. Mol rv A 36 1

\101 t! Ien , lu dlth M 361

MoI r1ll\. Al be rt W . )6 1

.'-id rlln, (harles 253

Marlin, Doi nny II. 181.279

M., un, Donald K 1 15, 361

Marlin, Glen l 190

Mar,." . Jud 'th R 362

MoI l\....., Ma.c la 8 137. 161

Ma rlin, Moi rk l 361

Ma rJrn. MII ry l l bO, 3&1

Mati"', MellJ;; A 141, 362

Marlin, Mild red C 104 . 3& I

Mall In, P~ mel . K 361

Ma rhn, Pam ela R 361

MoIr lm, Pall , N 234,1(,1

MoIllm, RoI)'mo nd J 118. 361

Millli...., lI.ebecCoi L 204. 105, )62

Manin. Rho nd a 2.)7. )62

....<\<Irhn. Sheka 0 10 J. 111 . 139. 167, 161

M.,,,,.,. Tt Hy T 362

M"II ,nlez. Denrl 's C 1)S, 200. 3&2

,~ ~ rrt!. Todd I ,V,2 M. ,h, Barry D. ne 2 17, )62

'-ialk, Jon llyr o n 362

,"1.1<011, C h al l e~ W 121,362

\1. ~~eu , Suunne Ma ne 362

Ma;s.e~ . Eliol Lo u 'se 362

Ma~'ty, E;:l ..... ~ rd H. 362

"'. S~ , nglle, "''' Ihe w r ) 62

Ma lhe ny. !>u~n 361

.' b .heny. There~iI 10 362

\1a lheroe, DoI" Id '" 362

.\101 ,neme, Robe rt I 1.t., 14;',362

""" lnt'WI , Cha rles D Jr )62

,"u lhev.s, Paul G lf' n" 362

Malhews. ~,Ia , "e 362.

\1a lh, s. MI....d)- Lo u )b2

Matl oc k, Deaone M 116. 362

Ma\ ~on. Edwald I. Ir )62

Malle. fled Ange lo 224, 362

M.u hew$. Deoo!ah J l IS

M~ tl heW i. I I ~ en AICle 361

Ma n hew,. '-iol ' Cla K 115

Manht'Ws. Robe n SCOI( 162

Moilihew S. V,Vian Belh 162

MoIlI ht>w~ . Wilham H 362

Ma l " ~o n, SIeve Alltn 361

M~~e¥ . Pa ul Ho w.rd 215, 281, )62

M",e.,.. Sand ra W 362

Mnwel l. Frank [a rl 245. 253. 362

Maxwe ll. Gar y S 220, 3(,2

Ma ~ well. I ~ nn F 382

Ma~ .... ell. l even ,. l ee 3b2

May. Carol Sue 11 5. 361

Ma y. Debo"h I l lbl

Mdy. Frances l 362

MdV, EII(> n )62

May. l~mel G.ego ry 119

Ma~. lulra 116

May. Mlch.el )62

Ma y, Mo rl IC ~ E 362

M~y. Rhond ol Lynn l1b. )62

She le Me.ce l J.62

M~y . Sr..ven Hol roid ' 94. 362

Mal' belry, Do ugln W 253. 36 2

"'d yes , Sand" [Mlha 362

M"" ha ll. She rrl Sue )62

"' ~yna rd. Rot>P1I [ dward 190. 361

M~yo. l aMes Ea rl 261, 362

"' ~vo. M lch~el AIMI )62

Ma yo. N~ nc'f Ja t;obs 362

Mayo. Wilham 0 161

Ma ys. loe W_3&2

Mca "de, l a",~ l ) 59

Mc B"<.I~, Kenl I 359

Mc811 de, Ml cho)el 0 ) S9

Mc U"de, Mi chae l l ee 359

McB nde , Pau la G ~~ 359

Mc6nde. Sus.; n IOdn 238, 1S9

"'cCall, 80bble IUrI 359

Mc Ca ll, R,cha .d Powell 1 77. )59

McCafldLo~h. 6ell~ la oe 159

McCa n , 'oI me~ 130

MCCa rgil r, Rex D o wn"" 1 36

McC6(lnf'Y, Wayne 157

McCoI~l and . RebecCil lUCille 100. 155. 2.37,


McCiarn, larr y 1.; "0< .H9

"'cCid.nol ha n, lohn M JS~


I "de~


McCleel) , M~rk I( "1) 2

McClo, kev . Annelle M 159

McCloud. "' nd rea A )S9

McClov. Frank Ml chael1 SS, 359

McC lov. M~ r'f fr.n ce! 179. lS9

,\1cO UIe. Deb•• ."nn 3SQ

McC lu.e. Donna Ma.ie JSq

.\ 1cComb. lo hn Wesley 151 , 159

McC o mlC, Cy n lh.a ... nn 163, 359

\1cConalh,". DIana luu 139

McCo n.. , hy, 5.l.ah la n e 131, 359

McCormlCic, 6.oc~ K 1)0

McCor mIck, Cha rle s N 222.359

""cC o rmid c, lamf-s R 222. )S9

\\cC o rmlc k, I(t.hey W .. de ) 59

"'1cCou r. , Mlch;;el Pe lt' l 359

"'1«(01', ,"",(h.ae l VV.aynt' 359

""(Co y, XOl l W 350,)60

\1 (Coy, Verr")" l 36/), 3b4

""(Cready, Sleven Wa,'ne 36{)

""(C nmm o n. lo hn A 360

""(C ro ry , Gary ~d """n 155

""cCulio u gh R. H Ir 155

MeD,m, e l, Carol A 3bO

McDan, e l, Del.lorah 5 360

McDanI e l, Of-bra Ann J60

McD~n,el , Glenda A 171 , ) 60

McDanIel, Mark H 1('0

McDan 't'I. Thomas R Ir 129, 148,3(,0

McDan Ie ls, lelse I JbO

McDannel. R" ky lp.p 160

McDer mitt , le~ I , t' M 360

M(Donald, Charle~ M 360

McOo"",ld, Ch a "e~ 30S

McD ona ld , O r Cha rh.'$ R 303

McOon .. ld, fdd le l ee'l l2 . 360

M(Oonald, G Inger 2)2. )60

Mc Donald, "" ' ~e 360

McDon.. ld , ""'c hae l r 215, )60

Mc Do nald , Pa. nck A. 210. 360

McDona ld , Pa n l lean ).(,0

Mc Do n ald . Reed 11a

McDona ld, Th oma, M 129

M(Do n ald. Th orna ~ R 155

McDonou!:h, Amanda Ann 360

M(D oug le. IImm v Orr...... 360

McDo .....ell. l o~ep hlne }60

McDu.....ell. Me lVIn B 300

McDo.....e ll. Sad'e Le e 3bQ

Mc Durl~ , Shar on Yv o nne .360

McEach ern, Vpc kl Ga ll J60

McE ar c he rn , William DouS 118.1 55. 3bO

Mdlroy. Paul Murry ~43. 25)

McGaha. Kalh e rin e A 360

M cG aha. Marga re l A 360

McGaugh, S~'nuel E Ir 360

McGee, DaVId OPi I 120, 300

McGee , Sh ,w n Budley 118

McG e hee. 8roce 149

McGeh~, ~obe'l hrl )60

McGoo gh. Ilhondil Lynn 186, 360

McGowen, Ro n"ld F. )60

M(Craw. D. Va n J06

""'cGre ....., Dt'wa nn a RU lh 361)

i'> lcG o flee, Delanea t. )60

.\1cGo"t', Henry A J60

McGu lle, Dr Lov,~ E 130

McGuor l, GMneu R.c k It )60

Mc HenlY, 5 11?~ e DO ~'1e 360

McHenry, V l n~ Desho le l 360

Mclnllre. Oa~,d 0 155, JOO

."iclnnl~, Hele n 1)1

Mclr1nl ~, Dr lohn 131

."iclnlosh. Kalhy 196

Mcjunkin S, Marlhol r 360

."icK~y , Anne Mane 3bO

McKee, TOni Evans 360

McKen~l e, John M 226,360

McKneely, Dr, LewI ~ 131

Mclar e n. Ro ,e m~I Y 97, 237, 360

McLeldnd, Do nna Ka~' 360

,"iclemo re. Dr. John 316

Mcle mo re. RO!> e mOlr y 1)1

o..A c Lendon, Vlrgln,a L 237, 359

"icle.o y, lInd a Ka y 2)8. )60

McMd han Mle h ae! P'ul 160

McMan, llm~ ChOl r le~ 115

MCManu). Je nn y r 360

/'AcM le hael.lo hn f . 217. )60

McM,c hael. Ro berl 1 360

McMillan, C harle~ 1 J•• JO()

McM Illan, Cha rl.n e A, 360

McMu lle n, l e ll 300

McMulle n, Ric ky l ee 360

McN abb. Debo rah l ane J60

McNeely. M.lrk T J60

McPherso n, Geo rge)r 146.360

McQuarn, Pauhne J60

Mcq ueen , Jo hn C 360

Mcqueen, Steven W 360

McQulllinll' Peggy R 300

MCQUISlon, Grado n L. 360

McTurner, 5 u ,~ n Ga l) 360

McVay, Joyce 187

McVay, O lyce 36\

McV oy. Daisy Bro ad .....ay 361

McVoy, Th omu V . Ir 217,289,361

McWhorter, Wilhim 0 3b1

Mead, fredenck Ho ll 3b2

Mea ..., Thoma) AII o n 21 7, 362

Meaux, lauri e lynn 302

Medlin, Ra"dy R. 362

Meehan, u,ul e Anne 362

Me-el, Tom 163

Meeb, Hope GOldon 161

3% .. . Index

Mel~ncon, Mld-pael W )6J ,Melder, Shed", Diane J&3 ~elana , ~andr a F 3b3 ,o..Aenard. Krrk AUen )6}

o..AendoH, 'Ie.l luse ph 146. U 7

Men\"ll"ed, he r. M.l ,-y l 36 3

M~'C3n te. Em "e F Jr 227. 11'03

Merct'f. leo n') Rh ,(me s 363

Mer c e ' . Te ,cH A ;64,272, 363

Merek. "'leH:arwl 1 18

Me~ ~ ina , JO'>eph Rod nl"Y 217, ! 79. 28 1, 361

Me~ l a 'fel. Roc k\< I 36.3

Melh v,n. f. edd ,e IN 36) MeIOVE' r, Pa lnc e 363

Mewborn, Cvn lh la K~y 361

MIc h Ie. Aloce Bor)' 184, 2)7. 36.3 MI ClO lio. Samuel A 11 1, 3bJ Mldd lebruoks. M.J.rk 11a. I SS. 176. J63 Mldd letun. V ,,~in la V,3 Mler~. Gary Jer om ~ 1.38, 3b3 MIlam. Ton' Renee 363

MIles. Belly Marie 101, 102

MIle'. Lf'\I,e R J6.l MIles. rvrone F.ug~ne 363

Mllf'lelio . ."A'chael Ray 21 5. )63 Mllelello. Th€re'><l M 17n M,"ord. Belinda 0 363

M,IIf'r. CJ"'''glon M 363

MI I:er. Co nn ,e Wea ve. 122

M,lIer. Debora h C 3b} M,lIer, Den" e Mane 160

o..A llier. Dooald loe J63 MIlle •. Elaine Chavt'cs 1 50, 363

"'i lile •. Ell en Mane 179, 163

MllI -e•. Fran lc Henry Jr. 168. 36) MIlle •. G ladys An n 116 . 117, 120, 1 ')5. )61

MIlle •. Ka r!."n 1 '::16, 9 7

M.lle. , Ken W 118

Mlllf' r, 'vi Chall oHe A. )6) "" ,lIe •. Ml(he.. 1 Cene 363

MIUel. Patnoa An n 160, 36)

"",lIeJ, Stephen vv )63 MIUer. Steven Il 363

M,ller, Theresa M.a lle 363

MIller. TravI, Todd J63 """lis. Brenda Gile >63 Molls. Calher",e Anne )bJ "iolls. Fred H Jr. 155.)64 Moliwee. D€nil M,chel e 186

Minckler, Roy Ru<l 3('4 M'nto.."iarranne 3b4 More. Therese A 116

M'5~ Norlheaq %. 97

Mllcham. Samuel W. 364

Mllchell. Clark 224

MI«heli. Dia ne 1)2. )&4 MItche ll, Johne tte 163, 1114, 234, 249, )64

Mlld-Iell. Pamela Ann 164

M'xon . Deborah Kong 2)1, J64 MIKon.lames fugl"nl" 152, 3M MO.1 k, Cynth,a G a,1 )64 Moak, l owrey l ee 3M Modern Dance Clob 172

Moffat, Ca.o l Ro ,h 237, 36<1 Moilat, KIIS Tma I1 S. B 7, 364

Moffei. Oh~.a 364

Moifelt. Da VId I/: 146,364 Monc" el, Cha rles Mike )64 Montgom ery. Meh"sa l 116, 155, )6~

M(>{)n. Nancy Gay 161 . 231, 364

Moor. Terry 2B3. 28S ,\100re, CeCil Doug~ s H4 , 364

Muore, Curtis Alan 1)6. 364

Moore, DaVId Robert Jb4 Moore, Debbie 100

Moore, Deborah Kay 3M Moore, Debra D 364

Moore, EarneSline )64 Moore, hlher leWIS 364

Moore, Ho .....ard Ray l 1B Moore, James c. 364

Moore, james H efH~' 185, 18i Moore, Ka thryn Anne 364

Moo re , lambert Wende ll 168. )b4 Moore, lInda .... nn ) 64 Moo re , l.nd~ Ga y 2 J6 Mome, Mark Stanley 166

Moo re, Ma ry Belh M 134

Moore, Mary I. 195, 164

Moo rl", MICha1"1 la yne 364

Moore, Pa l" c la l ynn 3M Moore , RICky I.eon 114

Moore, Roben Weldo n 364

Moore, Sha ron Sue 134, 181 , 185, 187, 1)9

Moore, Steve £ 14B Moorehead, larry 135

Moorehead, Cheryl 155

Morehead, larry Wayne 364

Morehead, Pamela A nn 364

Moreland, DaVid W~yne 1S7, 364

Moreland, Prudy P. 3M Morgan, Donna Gall )64 Morgan, Dr Frank Ir )10,1)1 Morgan, George 364

Morgan, Joan M. 364

Morgan, John L jl. 115, 364

Morgan, Karen VIrginIa 364

Morgan, Nicholas C. 1)0 . 152. lb4 Morgan, Thomas C 364

Morley, William L 364

Morrell, Maulyn RO'oe In, )&4 Monis, Carol lane 112, 185. )64

Mo"j~, Chrj~ly Joy ](,.4

Morris, Deborah Kay 364

Donna Sue 364

Frank Je re l 148

Ka thy D ' ane 134, 364

o..Aar,a There<a 170. jb4

o..A ,c lu f' 1 Wall 112. 3M

Roc ky lane 36.

Sle ph a n W 121 , IM

\1om~on. Jen lvn n 160, 214, )64

Mom ~on. Jame5 E Itl 1 10

MOI\· .. nl. Gwvnne lh Ann 236, 364

Mo:.er. ,,,mes H ,. 3M

."Iose~. Beverly lun e 13J. )6.1

M~~ , Bu. 1 164

Morros. Morro>. Morro,. MO,., >. Mo rro <. \1u rn s. Mom s.

." Iu~e~, Dorca~


Moss. EdW In Burnelt 3M

MO lhe r5 pilug h, JeannIe J 6~

Mell. ~ ~nd r a 10 14 5. 36J

\1 01l0n. Ode!~a 3~4

Mou k, ... ndr;, ..... W,rr ters 364

."Iuuk. Geor8e We~lel' 227 . 165

'''lou~, lame' Cutl,~ 215 . .165

\1 ou lon. Henry M 365

Mo~, Brenda )ue 365

."io y, Deborah Andree 128, Jb5

Mueller, Runald 0 118

."iUI, Daniel Yuen-Ch,u 169, 3bS

Mulhn. Ronald 217

,\1"lvon , Ronald Geo rg e 3(,.'i

M"nd), ,\1~ " e Ha "' ~ 1 15 1. 365

\1undy , Pa tnc' a Ann 365

Mu nd y, Will Ia m [ 1')0.365

." Iunn, Ro nald i 16 5

'''-\Ufp h~ , Ca\hy Anne 114. 365

.\ 1u '- phy, len nole l l ynn 365

.\ 1u rphy, Ke Ith M 164

'''h" pn ~ . Thomas t 30 5

,\1 urphy, Tho-na~ V M>5

Mur phy, Vlo o na G :365

Morra)', Do nald ~hell on 165

,"-Iu rray, (Ieth 167, 3bS

Murray, Ph Ill Ip C 144

M u~e. DIane 133, H 1. 3bS

Mya lL Aloce Faye 36S

Myerl. Dann, Rov l I B

Myers, Kur l Cha rl e~ 365

Myerl. L,nda 36S

My<"fs, Ph,l Doyee J.65

.\1yles, Sh,varan 365

Myock. Thoma, Day Ir 365

_ N_

N-a hlen, Carmen L 365

Lou Ellen 365

NJl e, Terro Rene J65

'Ia~)plf'r, Cy nl h,,, A J65

Na \h . Aaron Wayne 365

NHh. Brenda Faye 36S

Na l'o n . She lby Dale 365

Na"onal Colleg'a!e As;,ocoau on for Sec le ­ la roe s IS)

Na n. Cal VIn l eon 154, 1 5 7, 259, l ft l. If, S

Na ult. '-!lChae l loseph 156, 36S

N -a ~'a rro, Don na [ 365

Nava rro, Pauline Ann 365

Navlo r. Kel v,n Delu e r 15}

Nea l, Sl e~e C 365

Neathe ry, Ne ll D . 36')

Ne bel, ."ilcb~eT Ja me ~ 17). 365

Nee ly. Ro<hard Hu nl 136

Ne i l ~e n , a,II.,. 144

Ne l~o n, Al an Wende ll 365

Ne lso n, Anthony Ray 36')

Nellon, MIchele 209, 23B , 365

Nebon, Cynlhla Eilen 172, 173, )(.5

Nelson, Helen Malle 231 , 365

Nel~on, Melinda LOUI~e 231. 365

Nelson, Michael Dav,d 281, 36S

Nelson. Nancy Ahese 3&5

Nelson, hra Lynne 365

Ne m,tz, Deborah Ann 190. 3b5

Nethery, !v\erry Ellen 36.~

Ne{ t l e~, LI XI lynn 36S

Ne ..... berg. Donna Malle 365

Ne .....!)III, len o,e Fa ye 365

Ne .....co mer. Glen B. J65

Newklrlt::. Deb ra Kay 158. 218. 16S

Ne ..... man Club 178

Ne wman , Kathy M. 164, 365

Newmoln, lanl" DenlOn 365

Newman, Nmrna l ynn 184

Ne..... man, Pamela [lame 16S

Ne.... m~n , Ru\sell A. ]65

Ne.... man, Vkkie l ynn OJ. 365

Ne.... ~om. (d wlrl R 365

Ne....som, Jame; f Ir 118,3 b5

Ne....some, ROI~ Ahon )b5

Neyland, leonard I 119,155

Ng, Charn Tong 3(,5

Ng, Jackie 1 &9

Ng, Kwok Kuen 365

Ng, Kwok Wai )66

Ng, Lok Mlng ]66

r--'g. Lug-M'ng 3b6

Ng.n. Yuen Shul 366

NiCholl, lames Randy 366

NIChol~, Jan Malle 128, 366

NiCholl, Richard Leo 36&

N,cho llOn, lame~ M ]01

N,ch o l,on, lohn M 115,149

NICholliOn, Mike 2S3

Nl(holson, WillIam F. 366

N 1Ckel ~on , Robert A 110, 111

NickelWn, S050lln Ann 137. 366

N,(klu, Terry lvnn 137, 366

Nielsen. BiUV Roy 366

N ~ le,

NI e lse n. Debe."h lu Jbb

"'Ale n Su e 1]1

NLU Ba nd 1M, 1119

NlU fia gell e; 1B l

"\JlU fu"l(!.·" D,,:' l l'dl" 1',7

N l U Rule l ~a m 167

Noble ~. O tho. cne l 366

N oel ~', R.("hHd J65

N o la, Dan l el l~n~ 220, ) 66

Nol~, la llY lohn II }6b

N o la, Ma" l} n Thf'rl'''-l l H. 366

N o ld n, Pau l l u the r 366

N o lan, Da nna Susan J6t.

N o l.n. Rober l M.lv o ](,;,.

N e lan, ""," I\ion Woodrow' m

N o land, RO land j;~(k 366

No le'" K ~ ren l 'H , J66

No.(ly ke. Je flrey H 227..16&

Norman, ~ h",,, 0 160. 3M,

NOlman. vlck, An n 366

N o rm~nd . SU'><In J66

Nc:rrm. Carol D,ane Ill. 3M.

N o rri \, Dehb ,e Gale 101. 254. 24~. J66

N o rrI S, Gwe ndul\'n l J6f.

N o rro s, Jan IC e 231, 366

NOrrol, Joel Wrllr~m 115. 121 . .'1&6

No rrI S, lo hn lUlher 366

NorllS. Pau l Howard ]&6

N Offl! . R,cky l ee J66

N Off'S. RO( h a,d 1)1

N OffO~, O. W, lham 121

No r~worl h~', "'f'nnerb E If,f,

No rs..... o.thy, 5.a moel 366

Novak, j. Ste~e n J66

No whn. C.H o l~n A 366

No wlrn. ( h rlslrn(' 16(,

Nugen t. Oo" , ld W~ 'fne 367

N ugen t. Ioimes Tho mas 1b7

N uge n !. Joel Brenl 131. 361

i'l ugen l, Kalen Hammell J67

Nuge n l. Polu l.! Nugen l 367

NUM" lI y, MHy E 125.3b7


-0­ Oberme yer, DW;lVne C 1fl7

Occu pal, o nal Ther~p) A\~ oG~ t lun '6)

()c b ~, Su<anne Malle 11.'). I J I

Odenba ugh, Jo\'ce Ann Jill

O d o m, Phillip 367

Odo m, Te ret ha l o uo;e )67

O dc:rnnell. Cap,e t" 367

O r~n l oCh. "'\.!.rk R 115. J('7

Og d e n, Melba F, 367

Ogde." Sha ro., J67

Ogea, Ca thy Dee J&7

O kavanaugh. Eames, G ](,7

O hve. Denn,s R )67

O hver. Gd ,11 74

O hyer. Tame s l 174, 367

O lo vef. lo,·c e 18S

O hve r. Ma ry {I'l'abelh ](,7

O hve r, MIlJ. Mona 131

O hve r. Ro be., Ea.1 367

O hv.er, lu be Amelte i16, 1 17. ISS, 3&7

O m 'Cton Del la lps.lon 126

O m 'Cton D ~I\a "'app'" 1 10

Onu l. Peggy Su e 158. 159. 367

Onu l, Pe ler 144, J67

Oo"a, K~lheflne An n 176.100. .'.67

Open ,ng "

O plerkuch, She ll ey M 11 6.155

O pry. Angela K...,.. 367

Oq uin , J. Edmond 367

O rgarH ~~ t,on 142

O rl ando, Ben Bernard 11 8, 178,367

O rr . C~ rl Eugene J67

O rr . DaV id K 367

O rri8 0. C IMries Dwaynr. 144,>fl7

O~bo trl , Margaret C~rul HI7

Oilleel"l, Phyl\O~ R. 23~. J67

O ubre . Arthur Wh' lnO»'lfll, lb7

O ve rto n. Dr Ed 154

O .....en. lI l1 l y<1n J67

0 ..... E'fl ~. l es~ fCd"k 367

O ..... en ~, John Stanl l"Y 215, )67

O .....en$, Kathy A nn 367

Owen\, Kl"nne il, M. 111, 1:?8

Owt'f~, Te..y Mal( U ~ 14(,

Ow ley, ' arnl"~ 181 .:361


Pace. Debby 367

Pace. Ion, lQ.i, I 11 . 11~

Pace.5am uel144

Pach allkl~, Jean 120

Pack. Tenllt~ 367

Palnler, arran 367

Pa lece k. Gary 277. 367

Palmer, Debo rah )67

Palmer. EII{abeth 367

Palmer, Nan 1~5

Palmer, Sandra 266

Pamphn, Brenda 367

Pamplin. Edward 367

Panhe llelliC Co uncil 2O'i

Pa.ade la ~. Cha rl~ Paradel~~,

.* ,7

Ch ul o tle 367

Pardon. Resen a 367

Pardue, Ed.l h 145. 167

P'illke •. 8111 y 174, 367

Parkel, Carolyn 367

Pa.ker, Oon.. ld 161

Pa rker. Doyl~ 115, 367

J lk er, Rex 168 M ~ o>r, Glendord 168 , 367 ark~' . 1( .111 107 ar ~er, K"lhle e n 307 Mke r. L'~i 367 arke. , Ma rlene Joa

ark er, "" 'lche ll Jb6

ork~", Ran d "!, 1 10, l a7. 227, J68

lr ke,. Rl c kv ZfI8, 218, 168

a lker, Rob in 3&<1

~r k er , Sheloa 368

a,ke r, S!a nl e)' 281

arke,. Te , ,, 2)1 . 31>8

~ r ~ e l , V.d , ) 68

arke , . ....... a"lon J6!l

~, ke ',on. Dr J an 'e~ J l 1

J, b, Ra no y J(,8

ar k" Ro be rt 360

allmo. R .~ ha,d 285

u rich, I(alhell ne 120

h cal <:: , R~ ymnnd 285

~ I e, Mi lil yn 18 ), 11>4, 368

~ I t', P ~" 't l.l Il l , 231. 3ee

Jllll k, E Ii ~ a belh 3M!

alnc k, )dm el ) (,8

dll en 36(; Ul er, o n, ' une 3(.11

.lIe flon , G II, ny 30()

ai lon, Tho ma) 11 J, 368

~ II~ , ~v and .; 308

Ivk,lIl. Ca ll 1 51

sui, Oh " ,~ 149, 1 ;'5, 171, J 68

~u l , Shelfy 368

,ul, Tho mJS ) {,8

aulSon, II. Oy 193, 368

arne , Ine! 361:\

aVlle, Jo\ e nn v 28 1

~'·ne. "" ~ rl h a 1!14

,;,y n ~, Ka thy 12 7, -*fI

4'",", . . .

~~Io n . A. l c ~


~ I'l on . l ala h ](,fI

eak, loe 115

€aICI', Sle pha n 1111, J 68

t'Jr(e, Ter€la ) 66

I'. rson , D anny 2S 1

ei'~ O n, Ro~:an n e 172

eu(. "Iarlh a 234. 368

~ 11~!: .. n. Dud ley )68

pll eg , IIl, Ma rga,,,, J 6!1

t'mbe rlon , tJa''1d J6f1

[ ,\1.\1 Cl u b 164

enn . ,\'I,chaeI 115, 368

emllllglon . "hce ) 68

ffi lOn. [lr l ab l' lh 'l68

eoplel, D, ~ o r. e 368

eople" Kyle .168

tp pe,~, D. ~ ne ]J5

'!" { Y, ""'. ,,, 135. J08

!'r H , ,'Yl e l , , ~ a 187

('rk,ns. M l ch ~el 369

er km" W il "~ m 36':1

ern" " l a w e n 135, 36'1

er re,. loa nn 11 :>

~ rr o, ,\ Iar} 178

t ' /lIl . Bre nda )6 9

~;ry, Bla ne 118,369

~fl y, Dla o nd 369

my, Ea rl 309

~r ,.,.. Gay n ~ 1I J69

~ ,'y, Run 369

~>-I nge r, I(en ne lh )&9

~:ltr ~, Eve lyn 184. )6 <)

!'l eI>, l o nn ie 369

'I ~r~, l o u"lha 369

1I ('f~, STan 22 S

~lers. 5ta lh um 369

Ilerlo n, l yn n 369

'lefl on , Wi lio am 140, 369

~!1 'el le. Dil vld 215, 309

'.l lell e. ""!a ry 237, 369

1lretle, l a rr y 131

\:IS, DOli ) 187, J69

ll l>, Ranoa ll 20], 220, Jo9

ll ~, Susan 369

In ner. B., rb ar a 1:>9

ugfeld er. W ill ,am 309

el.ln, Tl mo lhy 369

eipl. He nry ).69

I" I[)" R.lc ha rd 369

' Alp ha rh r l1l 12!1

I De lt ~ Chi 1Hl

I f\ l 5'&ma 113

~ K ap pa Ph,1 14. 115

,Ope, Jenn ifer 369

II e y, M.lr lha 164, 309

il i.p 5, E;;ther 309

~II ~. la dyn 235, 369

Uhp~, lo hn 2111

1II I p~. l .nd a 369

il pol. Sho:!ra lyn 369

I ""!u 236, 137

Mv Alp ha 5 Inion . ~ 138

Ta u Gamma 132

;)(0 la b 197

~, Pl' ''C la 157, )69

I n. C harle ~ ti ll, 155

ku , lo hn 1:>5

l U , V'c kI160

~ elln8, Pe n ny l I b, 155, 369

"elf. Da",d 2S7. 259, 261

ket l, Mo rk Z51, )69

kelt, Sharon B 8 , ) 69

~ce, ae ve tly .109

<e. Jo hn 21), 31.'J

c.:. l lia 193, lJ 't . 369

Piero ni, T ho: r€l ~ )69 PI K1I ppa "I p ha 220, 221 1' , Ka p p.l. Delta 12 3 Pdch e l. Cha de~ ; 69 P.lgree n, K("nne lt. ) 6,) PI(l<:i':Md , Dan) 1 3b9 Pi p e~ , 369

P'pes, Budd y 169

P lpe~, l ur ili(- U5, )69 P" o , Ma ry 369

PI 5.j!ma Ep >l lo n 149

P'H man, lam e! 369

Pill man, Kal h y Jb':f

p.H mar'l , ""!Mlha 11 '1 , 171. 369

Plae r, Darr eli l ll, 156. 193,225

Pla ,n ....., <1rS." ) 69

P I~r'lk, Rlcha ro 253, 369

Plall , h m e~ 190,36<;1

Plu mmel. Paul 31:09


"I~,\.;u e, J .)~t·p h

222, j f>9

Pohl~o n ,

Therela 132, 369

B.wna J,,9

P o l ~lld, Ko be n 220. J69

Pol~n d , Sheua 31:09

!>ololo, Ron nl e ) 69

Po lk, Ld h ~ Il ';111. 184, !Q9, 235,369

Po od e r, Be(ky 369

!>ond e r, 0.1 11"\' l b9

P,' nde r, Ruth 11 6, 369

P()o l, Ro ger 21;. 369

Poo le, Anlla 170

P o ol~. De nn iS 130

Poo le, I.. mes no

Pno le. loyce 370

Poo le, lud1' 370

Po o le, !>egg"!, 170

Poole, Roge r 191

Poo le, 5 le j"lh a nle .1).8.)70

Poo le, Syh'la J70

Poo n, To m 11<;1

Popall. Chii rl olle 176

Po pe, !lelhel 370

POI>""e ll, ""'a rsha 115, 1%

Porch. Ch llo n 106, 217, 370

Po rc h, W il ham 370

Po l ~ nd,

!>Ofle r, Su >.1n 217, 370

Po rt e ro , An \ho ny 222. n u

Porlle, Tr ud. l lO

~ owy, l ada ,'~ 370

Po~ e y, No lan 370

Po scy, Peggy ) 7(1

PO~ $. N e lda )70

POll . , D r Jam es 310

"<)11 ', Dr Thu rm on 1 1~

Poun d ers., Wa nda 2J.!1

Po..... e ll, ~d l l h 370

Powe ll, jo yce J70

Powel l, Pal sy 1M

Po well. Robe rl HIS, )70

Powe ll, Rod ne y 370

Pow e rS, Dr G le nll ~ 301

Powe rs. lo,eph 370

Powe r" R~b~ 370

Pow Wow 200, 20 1. 202 , 20)

P,at he f. " ubry 370

Prall, C,ndy 153, 184, 111, 370

Prall, Clyd e 370

Pia u. D enn ,! ) 70

Prea u" ""\a rlly n 370

Pres"" II, Dalry l 370

P re ~se, Ja mcs 370

Pre vo;., Cynth ,a 370

Pre w ll, Cra.g 21 5. 277, J70

P"ce, C ha rmame 167, lJ 2, 370

Pri ce. Ka lh y 370

Pflc e, Mh O;; 161 , 2J2. ) 10

P"<.e. P ~ ul 170

PII (~ , Sha rOIl )70

Pri nce, D r (a,lll S

P" nc e, Ger a ld 25) . 277, 310

Pllnceho use, Hen ,y 370

Pr InC ello."e, Ne Wl o n 166

Pflne, Ja nic e )70

p" ng1e, Clat e nce 310

Pnlc hdra , Cha rles H'I

P" lc hMd , Ro ben 1'8, 370

Pr l!(;I.en , Bon n,,~ 370

P ro b ~ l , Mane n 25)

Pr()ce ll, Ann lc e ) 70

Procell. Me lVin 170

P"X lor, Ros e 370

Pro fit, Lo re lha )1U

?roll hu, Harr y 370

Pro v,ne, l, 1I1 ) 70

Pr ude n, De n m! 227, )70

PIU,Il, G eo rge l b4, 370

PSI Ch, 1)0

Pucke ll. l ind a 141, )70

Pugh, 5 h.aron 371

Pur cell, De b ra 371

PUrv IS. An n,e 150

Pu rv,s, Ro berl ) 7 1

Pu l l e. , O ~ ",d 37 1

PO ll e r, Oa v..'j ) 71

PUlOa m , 131'11 " 215. ;7 '

.Q .

Ken ne, h 132

Qv,nn, lI.ob er! ) 71

Q Uirk. Kar en '116. I SS Q u av~,

. R· Ibbb, l\.1~ rk 371

Rad cl ,ff, Cyul h 'iI ) 71

Rad c li,f, Mi chae l 1)0 il.a d c l ,f(, yt,o mH ) 7 1 Rad en, 10ll .., I'o an ) 71 Ra gan . la ms 1 <15 ~a!1.8 ~ ' S, lind a 228 Ra hm, Rl chald 217. J71

Ra l ~,Albe '111 8,

17 1

Rain e" '-1ao::y 371

,I(,;lner, P~ u ha 231, 371

R~ .ne.,

VVIII ,a.n 371

Ra ll1wate ,. OI Nyl 311

R.. ,s, " Ib e.t 155

Ra mbin, 8 111 13 ~

Ram bin. Ren ~e 371

Ra m sey, Do nna 371

Ra msl' .,., Sha, o n 171

Ra ndall, Deb ra J71

Rd ndal l, M,u gale t 2J5, 371

Rand e rs. C hll ~ha n se n 371

Ra ll la n, "I o~ 371

R;ol hfr, D ia na 371

Rdlhr f, HMOld J7i

Rallr(f. Wd lla m 215, )71

Ra u> c hkolb. W ill 371

Raw ls, lac q ueh ne 179

Ra wls, Ro c kv 25J, 311

Ka wl ~ , Sh':itf o n 37 1

RoI y, All e n 1 Z9, 371

iby, Do n na ] 71

~ a,., ( 01 ,1 1%

Ra}, Pa[[lc.a 235. 37 1

R a ~, Te ll Y 371

I\. a yl, RIC ha rd J71

Ray mon d, DoI" ,d 2"17, 171

Ray mon d , Ja rl el )7 1

Ra yson, Cynlh la )7 1

Ruga n, Samu e l 211 , 371

Reaga ll, Wi ley 124. 156

R(:chll?d Da Vi d 22<;

Re Ec e, l a,'T 1lI1 , 371

Reed. De b b'e 10), 111 . 2JS, )7 2

Rt'ed. Ma rl e ne 372

Reed , Pal flc ,a 237, 372

Rt?<':dl'r, Gwe n 372

R ee~e, Sell, 372

Ree , e, Momu ) 72

R e eve~ , Mary 372

~ eeve5, Ph illi p ) ]2

Rega n, Bruce n s, J72

Rega n, Li ll ian 312

Re ige l, Charl es 130

Rel ghney, Susa n 2J8, 372

Rf' ~ Mad, O~n ,e I 1 91 , 372

Reblad , DaV id 191. ) 72

Re lla(, P~ lli e 272

Re mcd l e~, Moll Y )72

Re me d ies, R,cha.d 253. Jl 2

Re m lns' o n, Ca rla ] 72

Re mo n!, Debor~ h 121, n 7, 372

Reppo nd. K.I,lh y 312

Rcsea rc her or Ih e Yea r 102

R eyeng~, Robe rl 372

Reyna, Ma rr on H1

Reyno ldl, 8 a frlt' )72

Rey nol ds , Eldri dge J 72

Reyno ld s., Emma 372

Re,.·noIO~, Mark 172

Reyn o ld;, 0 011' 372

Reyno ld " Rand y 279, 261

Rh () Ch1 120

Rh od es, Ca rol 186, 372

Rhod es. D aVid 372

R hode~. Ern e !! 155. ) 72

~h od e>, jose p h 372

Rhod es, Ihnda ll 3 72

Rhone. Ro bert 124, 156, 3 72

Rhy rne~, Te rri 372

Rla ll, Gary 372

R.all. Myrll p. J71

RiC3rd, Gw e n 372

R'ce, Charle s 113, 11 5, 1 21, 372

Ric e. Debo ra 372

R,<;:h, le n y 37 2

Rl c ha,d , Debo ra h 372

RiChard, Do nald 372

Rlcha,d. ( 1i2abelh 372

R,c ha rd , lac q ue ll ne 135, 176. 191:1,372

Rlc hatd. Kim 372

Ri c hard , Pa l " co a 116, 372

K,t ha. rh. D , u 201, l02, 20J . 3 72

Rlc har d 50 n, Ga 'y 1) ·,

Ri char d so n, Eve lyn ) 72

RI(har dson, lane l 239, )72

Ric hard so n, Ra ndall 372

R.Cha rdson . Steven 372

Ri c hey, Oarb<l ra 372

R,c he y. f "nk'e 156, 372

RIC h mond. Bre nd a J72

R'c hmo nd, Do n na 372

Rlc hl e r, Gal l' 279 , 261

R.de r, l i ~ 209, 237, 372

Riga l, Pa,,,o a 372

R .gg ln ~, l()''' v 116. 1\8

It, gg~. Cyulll!. 108

Rlgg.s, l.a n,c", 232, 3]1

Rlg hl lell./ame ! 149

Roley. /a me5 132. 1 ~, 195, 372

R,le y, Pa lrl Cla H2, 144, 372

Rinau d o, leanne 3 72

Ihna udo . Pame la 372

R,,,,, n noo ver, Kil h y 372

R••en hoovcl. l au ne 372

R,(c h le, Je rry 371

Rilc hle. Sherr; 372

Ra le r, De bo rah 372

River" lind a J 7J

R,vOlre . UlyS5e ]13

Ro ach. Ch a rlo ll e 373

Roa c h, Go ,tl o n 138, J73

Ro a c h, Vlrgln'iI 14)

Ro.lth. W,l ll e r J7 3

Ro an, Ke n ne lh 148

Ro a rk, lan et 373

Ro a rk, Karen 373

Roar k, Rob ,n J7 J

Rob bin., Ke,) 37)

Ro ben e, Margare l )73

Ro beno ro, lo hn )7)

lI. o be l\ on, ~ylv ,a 373

Ro be rSOIl, re rry 37J

Ro be. l}. (a l h e r l n~ 11 1.1 60

Robe r l~, Cha, I.. , 3'3

Ro be r!>. Debra 37)

R O befl ~, Frt'd e r, ci(; 220, J 7)

Ro be ,I S. Iris .73

R.o ber ls loh n 119. 148. 220, )73

R oben~, loyce 37 3

Ro be rt s, ,'-1ane 111 , J7J

Robe rl " MMi(; 373

Robe" ~. Mlch ael l06, 37 3

Rob erts, Pa me la j 7J

Robe rtI , Pal 202

ROberts, Th~ ' ese 131

Ro berls, Th u rman 118

Ro beri so n, Ca ro ly n 37)

Rober l ~o n, Cy nlh,a 37J

Ro b efl~o fJ. Da nna 237, 37)

Robe rts o n, K , mb ~ 1I )7 J

Roberbo n, Mt(hae J 215, 2B, 373

Ro bt'ruon, Ra.,. mo nd 37)

Robe rl .;o n, Ro bb y 227

Ro bert so n, SV' iln J7J

Roberts o n, W illia m 3]j

Ro bicha ux. G II"IIO'y 37 J

~"bl ( i1 ~ U ~ , I vy 7;77

Rob l(ha ux, Jo,p!,h 37;

Rol)l cI1au,. R,e kl'" 373

Rob,c h ~ u x, Rot.md 108. ISo;.

Rob m5, C ha rle s )1 )

Ro bln lOn. " hce 'bS, J73

ROOII1 )O n, " u b rey 373

Robm WIl, 8re nd a Jl1

Rob lnlOn. Da n ny 154

Ro bln ;on, Oeloll$ 373

Ro b m son. D ia ne ) 7)

Ro binson. E" o l If.>8, 173

Rob,n ~o n , b aac 373

Robm so n, Ive n 1 4~

Rob ' nso n, !zola 373

Ro bll1;;on. M '(h ~ ~ 1 1 0l, ] 7)

Rob'n~o n . lo hnny 53

Ro biMOn. K ~ l he r lne 37)

Rob inso n, l\.1a fl lyn )7)

Rob,m on, Pavl 37)

Robi nson, Peggy }7l

Ro bll\ \o n, Ruby 1115

Robinso n. Sa mson J73

Robttu o n. The, e,a 11)

Roh ln ~ on , Ton lil 373

Rob'~o n, Rona ld 155, 3 7)

Roche, l.1rry 212

Ro dg ef~, Cmdy 118, 155, 373

Rodge,s, JoI l 160

Rod gers, John ) 7}

Rodger\, Tefl 37J

Ro drigu ez, Mar y '161, 371

Rose, s. Cynth ia 184

Roge,s. D on a ld 373

Roge rs, la ma r '129

R ogl! r ~, Ell e n 17J

Roge,." lam e ~ 37)

Ro ger s, l .nda 37)

ROgt'fl, Nor ma }7J

R o ger ~, O h! 208. 113

Roge rl . She ,la 374

Role ll, Lind a 374

Rollaod, l yne \\ e 374

1I.0)ling, Ea rl J7 4

Rol1,ngs , Reg ina ) 74

Ro m ero. G u~ 3 7 ~

Ro me ro, Mar ~ 3 7~

Roo t. Nancy 132, 231, 374

Ro pe,. An lla 37 4

Rop er. Pau l" 2)1

Roq "es, Emol e 21 1, )7 4

Rosed a le. S u s.~ n 374

Roseu lha l, Roy 195

Rme n l w elg ,l\.1a , ~· 160, 374

Ro sh w, Pal fl C ' ~ 126

R o ,~, Gw end o lyn 21 2. )74

ROSI. lo hn )1 4

Ros\.l u l. .a 148, ], 4

R o ~>, Rooe rt 374

Ross , The lma ]74

Ron. V"on ll l! 174

R.o lhwell, P~ u11 9l

Rous se l!, Coac h Danll ~' 2119

Ro w an. Jlmes 217. 374

Ro wd l!n. M.lIy 160

Ro w e ll. Sha ro n 374

Ro y, Illo ry 181, 374

Rov. Mi ke 37 ~

RvY, ~" bb.l n 2) I

RoY, .':>op h'l! 37 ~

Roy, 5ve 374

Rub be n, M'H,e 16J

Rubm. Ll"o 374

Ru Ckfof, I ~m p.s J7~

Rue, f ' . Ilce~ 174

l nd e~


Rugg, I<.,th~"m~ ]74 R... ~ Sharon lH Rule, Pamela ]74 Ru m~ey, Sleven 155

Ru sh/eld!, Rogel" 374

Rushi"s. fled 115, 154

Rushi"g , Pa ulllllen ]74 Ru~ ~e ll , lin" )74 Russell, james ]7 4

Ru~~ell, Le~IIe )74 Rus~ell, Mi c hael ]74 Ru~\ell, Dr. William JOB RIHSO, Ca thy 374

Russ.o, DavId I SS Ru the .(ord, Wahl" 190, )74 RUlledge, Tho mas ]74 Rya~, Ly nn 177

Ryan, MIldred 102, 20]. ]74

Rye. Pa ula 153, )74 Rymer, jane 14H. 231, 374

- SSackman, Bobby 374

.sadik. Ceorge 374

Sad lel, Paul )74

.saenz, Dr. Re ynold 120

5;llas;I. Cnaries ]7 ~

Sa ll e., Be~ha 232, ]7~ s"lte. , Dou&la$ 221

$impognaro, C ha. le \ 178, 2 17, ] 74

$impogn.,.o, hank 217, ]74 Silmou, Ca.los. III

$i.mlon, Rulnu.' 374

s..nder~, lI11ce 374

$;lnder!, IItlie )]" .sande~. Co hon 113

Sande~. Deb ra 286, )74 $..inders, Faye 125, 144

Sander •. LI ~a 2)5. 374

5;lnder~. Mark 265, 374

Sanden, Roben 37 ~ Sande. s. 5afld .. 127

Sande .s, Sha.on 2]'>, 174

$ander!. Terri ] 74

Sande. s, Vlelu )74 SandIdge, Beverly 11S, 374

Sandlrer, I<ennelh 374, ISS Sandroc k, MI. Certrude 13& Sand lin, DaVid 128

San lord, lo hn 374

San lord, Pamela 374

Sanford, Sa m 177

San son, Trudy 103, 158,159 SanOI, Clara )0 1]5, 260, 2JS, 374

Sarto., l", da 2)9, 175

Sa uder, I<alherone 175

s..uc.e r, RonnIe 1'JO Sau l~be "y, Brenda 172

s..ulli>erl)', W llhe 37S Sauve, Raymond 375

~a"age, Brenda lB4, 237, 249, 375

Savage, Deborah 146, 375

Savage, Debra 211, ]75 Savage, Fred 375

SaVO Ie, Carl 375

.saVOIe, Eugene 21" 375, 208, 135, 198

Savoy, frank OS, ]75

Saw~el . AII, ~on 159

S.u on, lo hn ]7S $;Iyes, Dawna 11&, ]75. 19] Sayes, D~na J7S ~calla, Ian 167

Scabbard and Blade 140

ScarborOugh, Linda 375

Schaefer. N Icolelte ISB Sc harr, Gregory 25], 375

Schanh, Evelyn 375

Schirf, Lyndi 375

Sehecn, Ca rOlyn 375

Scheurer, Leonard 375, 147

Scheve, Celelle 175

Sc hexna'ider, loey ]75 Schm,dl, rra ok l i S Se hmllt, 8albara ]7S S~ hm , " , Su~ n 2]9, 375

SC h n"ltlehe, Steven 375

x h o llield, DaVId 375

Scholes, Sherrie 375

Sc h oono... er, MiChael 375

Schrock, Edwud 375

Sc hr ock. jacqueline 375

Schull., I<alhl 375

Schutz, Sleven J7S SchwallZ, Calhy 170, 175

Sc hwe nd, Ma.k 175

Scog.ns, Annette ] 7S SCOIt , Me lanIe J76 Seoll, MIc hae l 376

SCOlt, SherI)' 376

S(Oll, Val ]76 Scruggs, John 376

Scrugg~, Pam A, 236, 376

Scrugg\, Sharor! 37& Scuflla,lI"dr~w 127, 37& Sea.go, Ellen 376

Seal, LOu 231, 37& Seal, She/yl 211 , 376

$ea.s, AI,na 376

$eay, Gwendolyo 376

$eay, james 376

Seb;n\Ian, l eo 376

Seaa~, Son.. 376

SegreSt, Darra 237, )76 Seg ura, Jerome 376

Sellers, D,tvid 225, 376

398. , Index

SemIen, Glona )76

Semmes, Brenda ]76

Semme~, Lilura 108, 376

Semmes, lave.n 169

Se mmes, /\UI)' 178, 179, )76

Sevier, limy 376

Sevier, MIChael 376

SeVier, Rober! ]76

Sewell, Wendell 170, 174, 376

Seymour, Barbara 37&

5hadOln, Jeanie 239, 376

ShadOln, Pall! 239, ]76

Shanklin, Je~~e 277

Sh anklin, Warren 291

Shannon , IInna 176

Shalbono , Sandia ]76

Shaldio, Wanda 131

Sha w, Ellzabe lh 376

Shaw, Heory )76

Sheenan, 'arne! 1)1

Shell, J~n B ,">, P&

Shell, Ted Wayne 1~7, 146

Shellong, Brendi 376

Shehon, Melind i 200, 376

Shehon, Slephen 376

Shell on, Torn 119, 376

Shepard, Julie 2JS, J76

Shepard , MIChael 2SJ, 377

Shepherd , W,II,am 19), 26S, ]72

Shep pa.d, Don 11~, 156, 136, 196, J77

Sheppa. rd, Phr lhp J77

Sheppe n, Su~n 2]5,)77

Shendan, Thorna~ 149, 191 ,377

S he r m~n, Dave t94 , 1%,177

Sherer, lenny 146

ShIelds, Fred ]77

Shlillelle, Sue 377

Shih, Chuin 156

Sh,ll",gs, KeVin 377, 253

Sh",n, Karen 377

Shi ll, Shirley 169

5h,ver~, lo\t'ph 377

Shockley, Ca.1 211 , ]77

Shoemakel, (m.ly 377

Shoem4 ke., Mylli ~ 371

Shoemaker, RickIe 21 5, ]71

Show, Betsy 377

Shrader, David 281, 2S], 377

Shllfilm, Ch,,>topner H9

Shuflln, Wanda 120

Shumway, ~lllh 1'12, 133.377, 176

Shurley, jame. 166, 377

Sibille, Valene 377

Sogrest, Gon.. 209, 215, 377

Sigma IIJphoi Ch , 133

S'8ma Gamma Eps,lo n 12 3

SIgma lambda Ch, 129

Sigma lau Delta 131

Sigma Tau Gamma 222, 22)

Sikes, Susin )77

SIlmon, JeffY 126, 377

Simmers, "'1llchel 118

Simmom, Charle~ 377

Simmons, David 157

Simmon" Call1BA, 377

SimmOnS, JennIe 181

S,mmOn\, PUrier 144

S'mmon ~, ~icky 178

S.mmons, .....arr en 2S4

Si mo o. Bruce ]77

Sunon, Carl~n 116, I SS, 377

Slmon~, Herberl )77

Slmp~n, Dwayne 277,)77

Simpson, Robert 21'2

Sims, Cherne ) 77

Sims, William 103, 160, 377

Singleton, Frankie 377

Singleton, Nincy 11 5

Sludy, Lyn BS, J77

Swih, 8nan 190

SkeeJes, Thom as 11 9, 15S, 371

Skelton, le\ te., 215,371

Sla ck, le rry 194, ]77

Slade, Dav.d ]77

Slade, Herman 377, 12S

Slade, Rhonda 377

Slivinl, Kim ) 77

SI,lvICh, Peggy l1S

Sliyler, Carmen 377

Smallwood, Ru~sell 377

Smarl, Robert 377

Sman, Robin 377

Smedley, Clenda )77

Sme<lley, john J77

SmeUey, Karen 159, 37i

Sm'th, II hce 377

Smith, Becky )78

Smllh, Bobby ]78

Smllh, Bobby I 376

Smith, C~rolyn 164

Smith, C,lfolyn 1"1, 1 53, 378

SmIth, Charles 1B2

Smith, W,lyne 2l5, 378, 121

Smith, Cheryl 192, 378

Smllh, Cynlhla 378

Smilh, Dandle.. 378

Smllh, Deborah 11 5, 168

Smllh, Donald J78

5m.th, Donny 178

Smllh, Grego.y 225, 377

Smith, C u y 377

Smit h, Gwendolyn 18 1, )77

Smilh, lina 377

Smilh, Jenny 2)7

Smilh, John 190

Smilh, john H. 378

Sm uh, lohn R, )7B

Smith, lohn W ] 78

Sm,th, 10'1'<(" 1]9

Smllh, Ka l 239

Sm' lh, Kenneth 378

Sml lh, La QUlla 237, 161, )76

SmIth, uwrence 152, 378, 21 1

Smll h, Lillie )78

Smith, linda 378

Sm llh, Lonny 200, 378

Smllh, lOUIS 136

Smith , Loul>e 378

Smith, March 12.

Smith, Mark 156

Smilh, M,lIlene 187

SmOlh, Myron 378

5milh, Nancy ]78, 155

Smilh, Ollando 378

Sm nh, Pimeli 379

Smilh, Pamela R 18&,379

Smith, Pit 2&1

Smith, Pal~y 187

SmIth, Rindy 261

Smith, Rich,lrd 379

Smllh, Richard L 379

Sm llh, Rodney 379

Sm Ith, S~muel 179

Sm,th , Scot! 20], 179

5m.th, $obley 166, ]79, 1]~

SmIth, Stephen llB. 379, 155

Smilh, Steve 119, 155, )79

Smith, Terry 221, 379, 25)

Sm,lh, Dr, Wilford 138

Smithey, Mel 379, 237

Smuhey, Wllliiffi 379

Snead, Cynlh,,l 235, 379

Snelling, Thom,lS 200, )79

x>bbi, Donald 124, 156, 379

Soigner, Brenda. 179

Soig ner, Chmtopher 179

Sog:n,e r, lanoce 3 79

Soileau, lame~ ]79

So.le .. u, lenn,lel 2] 1. 379

SOIleau, Pilula 379

SOI~nlC , Rebecu 379

5011 berger, Marilyn 115

So mOLi, C ~rlo~ 107, ]79

So rey, Carol 379

So rrell~, Bill 379

So ulhill, Elbert 53

SpaIn, Sa ndra 379

Spatalora, Rila 15]

Spears, Anlla ]79

Spear~, Rebecca 179,180

Speer, Mary ] 79

Spe ncer, PallIa 113, ] 7'9

Spencel, Roberl ]79

Spe ncer, Ihoma~ 12B, ]79

Sp,llers, Jennoe lB4

Sp illman, Sala 379

Spllmin, Ruth 239, 379

Spivey , Sharon 379

:) porl, Ralph 379

Spragglnl, Pameli 176, 179, ] 79

Sp ringfield, Elwyn 379

51 Amanl, Lou 5]

51 Romain, Michael 221 , 107, ]79

Slaeey, lo hn ]79

Sladle., DO"8Ia ~, liS, 128

Slaffo.d, BelOadeue 379

SlaHord, Lisa 379

Sti 8&S, Mau ry 11 B, 379

Sta mper, PalrlCla 379

Stampley, BIll 217, ]79

Stanfield, Lynne 379

Stan sbury, urolyn 379

Stansbury, Terl)' 379

Stanton, Denise 379

Stan lon, Robert 116

Stark, Willie ]79

SUln ~, B.eu ]79

SI.. m~, Ka.1 J7'9

Sle.gma n, C.. "nen 12 1

Sieln, Rhondi lb), 170, ]8()

Stelnque51, D,l""d 1]B

Ste,nquest, Dr [ugenle 13B

Stennett, MIChael 360

Slephens, Dwayne 380

Step hens, James 360

Step hen >, Jo Ann 1"16, ISS

Stephens, Thomas 215, 380

Stephen'ion, Beverly 99,201,237,)80

Stephenson, Charie~ 221, 360

Stephen.on, jo hn 215, ]60

S l ephen ~on, Pa,,11SO, JBO

Sie riong. Alleo 380, 20]

Steve n!, Janel 380

Slevens, Kalheflne 380

Steverllon, JanIce 380

Stevenson, Sherri 132, 231, 3&1

Stewart, Barry 221, JBO

Stewarl, Helh 183, 23S, 360

Stewart, Rand,lll 221, 360

Stewut, Roger 131

Siewart, Shelly 168,)80

Stewarl, VIC 380

S loIlong~, Pau l 116, 1'9], 180

SImson, Pally ]60

SIIIIIng,. Slephanoe 360

Slone, Falleo 215, 380

Stone, jam(>1 360

Stone, Rebt!cca 360

Siorey, jam~ 380

Sto ut, Michele 360

~tolki, Elame 1]1

5tov.lI, Karen J60

Stovel, D"vld 155, 380

SlIadler, Douglas 105

SlIah.. n, Lynn n" 380

SII;lIIn, M,ldre<l 239, 360

Slraln, Polly 103

Slfickland, IInita J8(J, 185,186

Slringe', L. 360, 124, 156

Slfinger, jinlce K 380

Strom, Jo hn DaVid 115, 131

51rong, IIvl~ ), 380

Strong, Dianne 380

Strong, Thomu C. J60

Slrong.lacltie 156

SUoud, Dav,d T. 11 6

Sluckey, Shelry l J60

Student 11.1 GUild 173

Studenl CO"e( ho nallls~n 161

Sludenl lIre 16

Sludenl N ur~el illS". 160

Sludenl Social Work IIs~ n 161

Slump, Gayle C, 360

Sturdy, Suunne I 380,195

Sullivan, Belva J 31'10

Sullivan, Donellil 231, 158, 380

SullIvan, John Carra 380, 182, 18&

SullIvan, Mi( hael W, 186, )110

Sull, van, Rhonda R laO

Sull,va n, R>cha rd W, 120, 155, 180

Sulh" .. n, Vre kl I, 23S, 380

Summe rV Ille, Mar k II 153

SurraH, De nniS Lt'On 281, J80

5ullerl,eid , lInda M, 1&7

SwainS, Sandri II, '168, 360

Swann er, Cal ny 239, 380

Swanner, Jinlce 16'1

Sw.. nson, lin e l ] 80

Swayze, Cyntnla J60

SWiyzer, Cnarle s II. J80

SwenloOn, (hubeth 360

Swett, lamh l 222, 380

Swope, 8ruce I< J60

Syke~, IInlhOny W 167,380

Sy k e~, C lenda P ]8()

Sykora, James W, 360

Syko.a, PhyllIS )80

Syperl, RiCky C )8Q



hll, IImanda ]81

Taken, M.. ry 1<. 196, 381

l'albert, M~roDl't H 116

hlbol , lorn Olny P, l~~

Talley, Grey 11 5

hiley, , .. mes W. ] 81

Talley, l eresa 1< . 36'1

Talley, Thomu l S6

Tam, NO'm.!n Foo M~n 381

hnnehlll, Ml c hael)81

lanrler, Sara 1<. 381

Tanzy, Allen E, 261, 381

lOlli, Maj, Jack 166

hffinl, Lucien C. 381

hrver, Deborah L 130

hrver, Sha una M. 361

Tarver, Sheli~ 1<, 381

Tau Bet. Sigm.l 137

Tau J(app.l Alpha 22~, 225

laylOf, u .1 0 167, 381

1 aylo r, D"na l. '176, 381

l,lylo., Dille l ]81

Taylor, Jerry t. 165

hylOf, Jerry W. 381

laylor, Liura A, 236, 381

Taylor, Leon l< , l S7

Taylor, Maro a P 18b

laylor, Mark 0 200

TayIOf, Meli~w J. 145

laylor, Neaomla M 361

faylor, Roberl H, )81

Taylo., SU.\<ln 1<. 106, 111,1 '14, lBl

T,lUll, Hilm. )61

leac h er 01 Ihe Yeal 102

leel, Thomas 5, 381

lel olti, Mirk 11, 381

Temple, PatrrCIJ C 381

Ten Liltle In dians 183

Tennes>ee, Marlha 168, )81

TenniS (Men 'l) 282-265

TenniS (WOmen' l) 286, 287

Tennison, Wilham E, 381

TerraC In.l, John 1"1 11],381

Terrac ,"a, Stephen 116, 171, 1'J2, 381

Terl al, 8enlo n 381

Terry, UUr.il 166, 2J l , 381

lei I)', Veda t.381

1 e\ta, 5.l.... 0 381

few, Rebi). 361, 239

Tharpe, lack D. 381

Theta Xi 226, 227

Th,ll(lon, Mi ~nae l 362

ThiXlon, Pauline 168, 382

Theriol, Ma uree" 161, ]B2

ThevenOI , Sharon 122, '1&1, ~2 Th rbodeauK,. Carl 382

Th,bod eau"" S<!ndra 382

Th,bodea u"" Sleven 227, ]82

Th '8den, EIOre 138

Ihomae, MoIry 362

Ihomi~, Ailleda 362

Thoma!, DenniS 25]

Thom.is, B('lindll 382

Thomas, Belly 10 '180

T:lOm as, Dennl \ Ca rr o l )82

T.'lomM, Fra"kle )82

Ihom a ~, Jefferv 382

Thomas. J o~ep h 1 1J

ThomH, la Je an e 3112

• homa~, Marv 382

Thomas O lm J82

rhuma~. Pe.J ril f:! M~f:!l~!

Thoma~. '>ha rro r. l i S

T:'om~~, S,snora 200, 382

Thoma!.. Ther{";iI I~. 38l

T!loma~on. CPl D A . 40

Thoma~on . fdwa.d )81

rnoma~on. ShafOn 382

Thom~mn. Shei la 1 27. 381

r;.,o......son. V ''I~ l n l a )82

T home ~. Tere5.!1 1$. 382

Thom ps'ln. Bndgel l 21. 179. 204, 382

Thom pson. Ca rolyn 382

Ihompson. Carolyn 164

Thompson. Charlie )82

Thomplon. Cheryl 382

Thompson. CI)fI ~ t op h e r 147. 146

Thumpson, Dean 140. 382

Ih ompson, Deb o r.!h 15 8. 382

Thompson, Edna 382

rnompsun, Gary 3B2

fllOmpson, J o~eph )82

h ompmn. Mrchael 382

Tho mpson. " an cv 237. J82

Th ompso n, Ph <1 rp 382

Thompson, R I<:ke~ 21S. 382

Thompson. Steven 382

Thompmn, Vale rie 158, lS<)

IhOl" h lil. DollS 362

ThOl"h.lI, Roma 382

fhOl" lon, Debra 200, 20). 382

Tho" lIon. Kev .n 382

Thr o{k mOr(Ofl , Ste phen 382

I Khenor, Jeuy W 148.382

I .dwell, Ch,trle~ )82

T.dwell, l aurella 382

Tidwel l. Roun a 382

I le l)e. Cymh.,} 97. 193.382

T. le. James 222

Il lIman. Janel l J82

Tmsle. Lo" C 362

Tmnln , Su~n 382

Tipton. Derla J )82

filer. Donna )82

rl'Orl. r-.orman 382

T.lrnus, Ma ggu' 382

Tol,en. Sieve 130

Tornlrn,on, HowarrJ 25)

Tornpkms. 5u~an 115, 11 6, 382

TOtley. Chyleen 382

TmbN. Pamela 158, 237. 382

TOHegro ~H. George 382

TOfrence, Dee 382

Tony, Robef' 382

Touchel, frank 105, 154, 170

Touch~lone, Ki rl 152

Townsend , Jan1s 38J

Townsend, John 383

h;jc k 274·277

1r~han, Allon )8)

T.ah'lfl, Ka.e n 111 , 116, 1()4, 1 20

"ahan, Manu. 38)

I faweek. lohn 21 S. )8)

Tfuler, RII~ 383

Traylor, Cla ll 104. 111. 120

Traylor, Debra 194. 383

Traylor, 5tarielle )83

Traylor, rem 11 5

Tre cos t. Julie 383

Treme. Rebec ca 383

Trichel, Jeannelt e 383

lrichell, Lloyd 215, 383

Trnnble, M.ehaell 66

Tf mble. W arren 253

I fOpe~, Deb or.!. n 3113

l rua_, M.chae l 383

Truelove, Sherr.,. 383

T ubb~, Glenn 208

l ubb,. Tho mas 383

Tubre, {lv,n 191

rucke,- Che fl v)it)

Tur.ker, Rub~ 159, 38;

Tull i~, Julie 180, 333

l u l h~, "'Y u o n ]83

T UIfl~ . Robe.1 38)

Tu.ea u, Norn~ 1SS

IUllle" leffY ]63

Turne" John C h ~fle~ 161

Turne l, Re ne 185. 232. 383

TUmer, Sharo n ]8)

l umer, Sy lv. a 383

Turrenlme. Jane( 383

Twee dy. Dana 116, 155 . 383

T..... I~ !. Pamela 383

Tyler, (.; ,}I I 383

Tynes. Ru~seIl 1 13, 383

-uUlmef. Oebo"h 383

Ulmef. Ho lvis ]83

Um1i ng, Ro~ "-iary 180. 235, 383

Un .on 80ud 194, 195, 1%

lJn.vers i.y ChOla le 186

Underwood, Bobbv 363

Ur.derwoW. F a ~ .lEl)

u nderwood , Ceol/rey 161

Underwo o d , Sharon ]83

Upton, ."1.aulyn J63

Upton. Martha )63

-y ­ \'~Ie-nt l ne,

Jame s 383

Mark 15), 161

Valle ry . SU'iOl n 117

V~n 8urt'O, KMen Itl 4, 237, J8J

Va n 80len, Sh.!fOn. 14 5. !li. 16J

Vanny. Sue 333, l.l7

Van<:e-, le rr ~' 1]6

v.! nvec lr.hoven. loh n Z17. J6J

\' lIn zand l. Aud.e 115

VJli n O. G"o fl<:,·111i. 1',-,

Vi"'~CO. 5.11 221 . J83

VaffllE' r, COlf he"ne 383

Va ogha" , D r, Calhe 'me 3()<1

VOlug h~n, Candolco, 383

Vau ghiln. GMV 31B

Ve illOn, Timot h y 383

Veru bl"" (lien 383

Vene1.lan i. Ma~ellne 155, 3Bj

V~rd un , Billy 383

Ve rmillion, Debril 116, 363

Ve rn o n. S u~an 184, 383

Ve,cuvo, "-ia'l~ 383

V.a ll o n. lonathan 118

Vlck. Sh e da )6)

Vloor. Patflcla 363

Vidrine Ph.i<p I1B, 383

Vlll e ,O,n, Farrel 384

Vll~Cen l. HowM<.I 118 155 . 3B3

V,n cl: n (. L.ure" ).8~

V.ncen t, Rita 116

Vin e- i. 0, OW'8h\ 0 298, 1'J~. J06

V''' e~, Alan 364

Vm l , C fegOfy 11 6. 155

\1'01.1. Cleme" .184

V"Sd. le na 364

V"g.l. Sh ato" J8.4

Vocke-. E lne~1 364

Volley ba ll 172. 273

Vagi, Defrlc k 384

VOKI , Kolli 384

Yog I, Nanc y)64

VOgl, S.!rolh 184

Vol~. Tlmolhy 157, J84

Vond le,e lsk •. Manda 384

Vond.ezelsk., Manha 137. 237,)64

Vondleze l ~ k •. Paul 384

Vo r$te •. William 119.364

Vo~~. Patfld 208. 227, )64

Vree land, Kathleen 115, 384

Vroom. Ri Chard 14B. 364


_w_ 187

Wolde. Abron )6 4

Wade. Charles JB 4

Wad~, Jame s 126

Wade. l a ,,), lH

Wade. Phy'h~ 211 , J84

W~d e. Robe., 384

Wade. Roc 203

Waonw"Sh._ Klfn 1'22, 38 ~

WaIlS, Pa' ,,(t~ 164

Walc h el, loe 2&1

Walcher, l.lu. a 1% . 23 1, 249. 364

WOllden. MIC h ael 217. 384

Wald/O p, Ma r~ha )64

Wald.o up, Da vid 384

W.!l l.:.e •. Bruc e 2 15. )6-4

Walke•. Cilthenne 131. )84

Walker. Con nie I 145

Walker. Daniel 225. )84

Walker, Debo.ah 364

Wa lke., Deborah C 384

Walke r, Do nn a 384

Wa lker, G~ IIe 384

Wal~er. Dr George T 2<)7,298

Walk e r, Irv.n 166

Wal ker, JilY 384

Walker, Jerf)' 257, 259, 261, 384

W alker, John 364

W all<. er, Jo hn D 384

W91~ er. Jud y )64

Walke r. Mdfk 13&, 384

Walker. Na d.n e 166. 22B. J64

Wa lker, Ru lh.e lJ3.<4

Wall. Jo h n n y 164

Wall, l e-a 186

Wall, l e avell 364

\V.lII, h acey 38<1

Wa ll.lce. DebOfah 364

Wa ll.lce, Dwighl 155, 221, ]64

W. II",<:e, D •. He. ber l 157

Wa llace, James 384

Wallace, John 149, 384

Waltolce, Judllh 384

Wallolce, Klt herlne 384

Wall~(e, Ka lhryn 36~

Walla ce, Melanie 111, 131, 384

Wall e r. MdfY 115. 149

Waliey, AnneHe 187, 384

Walley. Dr OJ(~r 1)0. 306

Walley. Steve 153

Walts. Kalhy 384

Walsw Orth, Michael 384

Waiterl, CI~yona 173, 384

W~llers. D~vld (r;jig 116.385

Wah e,~. Jame ~ 215. 385

W,"c.r ~, Shei l. J.j7, 385

Walle.~, Steve 253

Wal le fs, Tef e~a 163. 184. H7 . 365

Wa llon, D onn~ 231, 385

Warbonnets 184

Wa rd, Sevel ty ~8S

W,lfd, Che. ry.365

Wadd l e~, Hild~

Cvm hla 385

Mafia 385

Muy Lee-I68, 185

R.char d K. 385

Richard 365

IA'Me, 8ernadlne 365

Wa"'e' , Gary 253. )65

Wa fne ' , Gle n 16 1, 187

Wafllef, Pau'Cta 111 . 11 5

Wol llle ' , Wil lo~ 385

Wain'., AUen )650

Waffloe lt. O lov.a 1) 1, >65

Wa rrell. T4>d 121 . 1')1 J6S

Wa",ne. Donald 118 16S

Wn{om, Ct.. ~.le! 1505. )65

W;tseom, K,m 1 76. J6.S

W;tshbuffl. Kimber ly H I. 3tH

Wa snlllg lon, .... ngfla 232. 365

Wa shin g lon, Debb .e 365

Wa shln glon. GeorSe J85

Wa shlll8ton. Jacque hll e 3850

Wa sh.n glOn. larry

Wa !!), SUP. 1.'11. 385

Wa .vl c~a k , ""'.c he- Ie 155

'\o J I.. ", Ml c:' ~ t:: 1 18~

Wat k. ns. O r C Euge ne 120

Watk,ns. ""'...e 162. 23 1

Wa!kln l. Nob.e Carol 185,385

Watk ms. V.ness ~ 385

Watklll S. Samm.e 382

Watl ey, Cynlh l.! 395

W~ lIon, 81?o~ (d ).6S

W~ I ~on. DouglilS 385

Weh b, Noel l ynn J65

Webbe r, R:obel l Way ne 3.65

W(:b~'e r, Ob.e- Dodd 3aS

W<::d erbrook, £.1 r1 S 36S

Weems. D ona ld Ke .lh 1 26

weems, S.. mu el Edw .n 33~

Weems. T homa~ M 211, )650

We lu , S,, ~e lle Ma ll e 231. 385

We lc h, .... ndfea l ynn 385

We- Ieh. Dav .d NOfman 21 5. J85

,'VIlle h Dr G ll bcn J1 I

Welc h. 11erman Ray 385

Wel c h. LaQu'la 165. 180

Wel c h, "-iarly Roy 155. 365

Welch, Mary Ann )85

We lc h, "-i lchae l 276. 277

We lc h. Na n cy 180

~"(: kh, W .lliam Ru ssel l 126

We ldon, Rob.n Sue 386

Wet Is. Kennelh Ra y 208, 386

Wells. "-ia rv.n Ea rl 386

Well s, 8 11 1 157

We lsh, Dr (j.l bell 311

Wendl, Dav.d E jr 386

W~st. gen 'ta f 181 , 192, J86

West. C harles R:,c h ard 166

Wesc. Dav.d M .c h ael J86

West. Ken n e-I h Roly 166

wes t- P~Hlcoa Aon 172

We~lberry, R:ogef Dale 386

Weslbfoolts, W il lie ( 136

WeSIOIl, Kathy D'ane 386

W ha lley. Dav.d Pau l 12 5. 386

W h al ley. laura R" I!l 231, J86

Wha lley. "-i,iI,e A 121, 239, J8t,

Whea l. R'Chard le~ 1$1, 386

WIH lake r. Kay)8&

~'IIhHe. Anhur ea r! 386

Wh' le, 80n nl e Sla<:ey J8(,

~'':hl te, C"IIOfl HISS

Whil e, Da~ .d Ray 11 5. 386

Wh ile. De l. a Lynn 386

While. G le n S. 386

Wh.l e. Ha11 18. 386

Wrll! e. )a(k 138

Wh.t e. )ae k 136, 1)7

Wh.le , Mrs Jack 1 37

Whil e. la cQuehne 386

Whit e. lohn D 386

W one. lohn 217

Wh ile. lo hl\ [liOn J86

Wh. le . joh n Madden 366

Wh il e , Re be« a ela ine 12 ?

Wh ,le, Sh arOIl 0 156

Whueh ead, fi lls f 386

Wh.II'e ,d. Eh za ~ l h C 237, J60

Wh, ney, D ,a n e Elaine 386

WI"I ma n, Sheme Ann 11 5. 386

W h lt mo ,e. loyee l 336

W h " mo ' e. I" oln lla D. 145

W h ' lhng lo n. A. , III 386

Wh.\h"g IOn, 8\.51e. IlS

Wh.tI(ng lo n. Re bbecca A. 194

W hit tington, Sharron .... 14S

Wh o'~ Who 103 -H)9

Wible. Karen Ann 133.386

Wi c ker, Joanne 366

Wi Cke rs, Da~ ld M 386

Wiggin S, Elh e l Mari e 125 386

Wiggin! , Ge rtrud e S 153, 172

Wiggin S, Jo hn R u ~se ll 386

Wigs.n, lrudy 38&

Wilb.ank s, Cathy A 186.386

Wilba nk s, hta Mol e 381i

Wilbol n ki, Nflwyn 204. 205, J86

Wil<::o~ Jame~ Oelmol r 386

Wildliie Club 157

Wilh"e, J~ nls D iane 112. 386

Wi lh lle, Phillip M. )66

Wi l ke.~on, £befell M 11 6, 1S5, 386

Wi l kef~fl, Tinker 366

\Vi lk~, 0011 Dav.d 115

Wa-d. ' ...·atd, WMd. WJ rd. Ward ,

Wo.x!. .... ,.. xan,kr N 3BB

Wilkin s, G.ylne D J8b

WO)I.XI. Barry '<('.I I 172,."J.8B

WilkinS, )am ~! 149

Wllk.n<;, p~{\y lB 4

Wood . Ot'lor~' Mu... ~ J Ail

W. ,koro,on . P~HI Ann 386

Woud . Harry R I II 388

W.lham!, Anll .; K Jt.l7

w"uo ..'-Iarth ~ Ann n l . )68

Wu"d . .'-IlchJI' I {jcnl' JBiI

W .lham,. Beth ' )e~o 366

Wood. Vlv,an "nn )66

W.ll tol ms. 8ea y Jot! )86

\""·ooo.,d. RI(ho;lrd 134, 368

~V" ha m~. Bob 366

\>\',).)rlani. Wilhl' Roy 177

W .' hams. Blend~ )811

W ilholms. Cla rke M Ir J66

Wouden. lacq uehn!' S. 368

\Yondlwk. Ca t\'1fl II 2 12. J68

W itham s. Chlfo rd l 38Q

Wood (or ~ . UOII~ M 388

W. ' ha m ~. De bo,a h S. 112.)86

Wo o d ",,,,. Sharon (;olyle 1J'J

\V.I!o;tms. D.a nne l BJ. 386

W oUtlrnw. \Vp.~I .. y D ~vld 190

W ,lha m" D. E. RU H 128

Wood~. Grt·ta M"!\vyail H1 . .188

\Vilha m !. Ha ro ld J86

WOOO~ ..\>I~,,'yn ) !'~n l 21, 161, 21], 2M

W ' lI ia rn~. Ja mes R 386

W ,Il.am!. Jam~~ Ra y ) 8 7

Wood~·~rd, I"' me~ M J86

W()ole,~. W .. d~ (r.~mon ]1)6 W ,lha ms. Janet No rm a 131

W"rley. jNt:pll ~nTlmomI4'J Wllhams. )a nl ce 386

\,...·"II !J ' n~;'!ll . l). Ii , 1·,,,,1 lfl 1"1, I()<)

W.II.ams. Ja ni ce A 386

W"rI'~, WI,II.ll n I ,l!U\

Williams. jt'anle L 386

VV",)mar. 11,,1.111', jl!h

Will.am~, jenean G . 386

VVH,\ 1[,"

W.lliams. jera ld) )1 194,386

W, '¥.h ,. "~ )":JII ,HII

W.II.~m l , lerry Lee 152

\'n gl' l lin.;" II I· H:\l1

Wililarn~. jerome 386

Wfl iih l CHI.. \nl1<' l'm

W.II.aml, r-.ell12 7

Wlig hl l)eb. ~ An n ZJ'J. 3B8

WIIII~ms. joann 387

Wtlllhl. Ir~en C JB6

WIII.aml. john H Jr 387

Wi ll iams. Jo se ph C )r 222. J8 7

W II II~II.W"".j.'" 1. 1f18

Wllnkle. lohn Koge. J&I

W. lham!. K... (hy .1.1.1101.' 387

W" I , am~. Ka th y 0 168

Wya·1t. ChapnlJ n l e e ~15. JBB

'Nyan:. Gic li Ray 25 ] , .1 M

W.II 'olms, Kol Y 162

W, l h am ~ l. ~ Ga ll 187

Wy.l l. IJ nc. ~ !)al~ 106, 1'J'J

WJ lham~ . .\>Ia rsh.l R 235, )67

Wya l~. Gle no Galf\' .166

W .,ham •. MOl f',' E 162

\Vyan. Roh t'li Oen n1~ j86

W il1 tolm s, MolfV l ou 387

Wyles, Io n. ( .l69

W. l ham~, M,e- hacl l J8!

Wvhe, DebOlah Clydell J6'J

\V,lhol m s. Mochae! R 05~ 221

\Vynn, l ertl Kay .189

W .lha ms, Pa l ~y R 23), 367

\V, ' ham s. Ra vmond D. 165

W .llia ms. RIChard A. 387

Yar bro ugh, C;" o l Le'}nn ]89, liO

W. II ,am~, R.cky loe 156. 367

Yar b.ough, Kav A Jf JIJ<!

......',lIlams, Roberl H /r 387

Ya te5. Danny Iby J69

W ilholm s, Salty Ann 387

Yales, john nY M~IIO)n J89

W. i "olm~ . Saundra L )87

Yales, Larry M'lI ef\ J6'J

\'\'lIllolm~ , Shirley T. 387

Yates. lIoyS(C M.cna el 189

W.I"ams , Sleven ~ J87

Ye ll ol. She lly 158

Williams, SUlan RUlh 184. 23 .~ , 387

Ye ll o tt. S le~en hrl l S5

Wllham~. Tommie 387

Y~lmg. Dan .el If, 'i

Williams, W F III )87

Ye ung. Wal lean 1"55

Wllhams, Wayne R 387

Ylp.ld mg. Do n 122

\-V""amlon. EII.!;abeth 387

Yo rk . Lynn 389

Yor ks, Mel~1I1 lowph l!N. 136

Wllhamson. G~ " Dee 387

Young, Ca.olme )ed a: .. 272

W""am,on. Jam es D 361

W .IJ ,arnson. "-iary Jo 239, 387

Young. DaVid W J6'J

Yuung. rhube(h I. 116. 369

Wdl , arn~on. Mel , n d ~ G 2)9. )87

W ,II ,amson. Pailloa 387

Yo ung, Elia Joyce 389

...... l l h am ~on. Sle p hen R. 387

You II!:. Gar y Alle n 369. ·174

W .lll s, Koyne 217, 387

Young. Gary Wayne 21 7

W ill iS, r..r .Jncy 387

Vou ns. Ge.. Madely" 38'l

W illIS, Llufa 387

Youn&,- Jame. {dw .n J6<l

Will 's, Susan 187

Young, J~ntS "'Y.ie 181

W .It.~, Terry l ynn 387

Yo uog.lay Dwa .n 277. 156

W ,lI ness, Sha ro n lyn n 367

Young, J,lI (h ube. h 155

W ,hon. Bob by l 387

You ng, Lee D." .d 277

W .lson. C,ndy Beth 387

Yo ung, N;",cy Jane 389

W ,tson. Cynlh,a E lS7

You ,,&. Den'se 155

\'I.'il;on. De bora h Kay )87

Young, Pa mela D,a nne .169

\.\i.hon. Garv lORene 387

Young, Robe.t Campbell 114. 1 .~fl

W ilson, Gr~dy H )87

Yo ung, Rose Mane 233. 1.69

W .lson. Janl( ~ Fa ye 387

Young, W Caoy 217

Young, William F. 128

Wi l~on. Johnny M J r 388

W"son. loseph R. 11 0. 115, 386

Youngblood. Melanie E 112,)89

W.lson. Lana Gall 187, 388

Younger. Claude E 135

Younl. Helen Will I> 38

WII ..on. La , helle T 386

Wilson, Lel~nd 388

Y ou r~, Slep h e n Edward 369

Wdson. Mochael S 129, 148, 16~ , 194. 388 Yu. CL'C "' ~ C hHIfl ~ 169

Yung. Tin Yau )89

Wilson, Robert Le e 388

Willon. Sandr~ Kay 388

Wilson, Shamn G )68

-zWilsun , Sh"ley Ann 130

ZaC h. Em.ly Ne llwyn 116, ~

Wilson, Thomas Dav,d J.88

Zagone. Sara Ga.1 369

WII,on , Tom Jo hn 368

Z~mrn ll , C harle~ R j. 369

WllIon, W~vne Law rence J88

Zaunb reche •. E Ano 369

W.lleher, George W Z11 .)68

Ze agle. , CQ nnle C 164

Wlmbefl y. I ~nel l e ah 221, J88

Ze agle., Ra ymo nd E 389

W.nche5lef. L M 386

le la hI' Alpha 2)'l

Z . m,"e. m ~ n, M;u-y Kolfeo 2&;, ]89

W lndel. l o "n.e Ray J66

W.ndlwm , Allison 237, 209, )66

Z u mw.:. h. Ken n elh Wayne 189

Win dham, R,(ky Doy le J88

Wondom, M,(hae l Pau l )88

Wlnlfee, N ancy Ann 237. )88

Wlrlgheld, lames [ . 110, 11 5, 122.140,386

W'n n, Me lody Ann ) 1)6. ·18i. 139

Wm510n. fa ster Mae 386

Win~ton. l orra me 8 . 386. 168. 1)0

WmSlon. Mary lean ) 1)6

Wlr!, Debra .... nn 182

Wirt Morgan E Jr 368. 14(1

WI~, Eva) 388

Wise, JoAnn 368

W.selv, Allan R.y 163

WJlctlee, Tere!a 388

Witcher. Teresa Carol 170

Witherington, Rlcha.rd 388

Womack, Donna Jan e 201

Wom.ack, Jad y Sue 388

WomilCk, Kathleen .... 388

Won g, Da.rc y 1 &'l

Wong, Fung 388

Wong, Pang Leung J68

Wong, Shun-fuk 188

WOn8. Yin-Mel C a. olin e 116. 386

Woo, Stephen Yam·Chuen 156



. J99

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