1977 Chachoula

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CHACAHOULA 1977 Northeast Louisiana University Monroe, Louisiana Volume 44 Editor: Ron DeFatta

We are no longer children, for time has taken away our youth

The eyes that saw flowers blossom have now seen flowers die



As youthful innocence matured, ideas, thoughts, workings, and attractions all bowed obediently to time, and the consistency of its change


It's the memories that seem to be today's cherished happenings


Even those so close for so long, have now ventured their own way along the journey's many paths


Experience has, at times, been a ruthless instructor; helping others, a cause with little hope; and success, an elusive luxury


Only through maturing values and proper attitudes has inner peace ever been briefly grasped





The years have permitted all to taste defeat and to experience victory

Once victory was achieved, losing, although it di? occur, was never agam accepted with complacency I"

The realization of life is becoming truer, the appreciation of honesty is deepening,


understanding of love is crystallizing ...

President Dwight Delbert Vines

Board of Regents

5,'.11'(1: (r..,,,, 1"11 ): .\11,,·., W . I.k'f'\~ J" h .. TI.i... I,·' h..'aih-; Th."n<l~J .. " " " W. J.D.· ..,·IM·... ("ha;,,,,an: l>..rI.·.. a 11" 1",,.... ')4~",l i,, ~ J,,.. 1. no,I.. ~ R..p;.·"" M. I'n'\oIr;,I~, ', Vi.·.··(ha;'.... " , H"t",,! 1....£:1,; ( i,."I'{(" 1...1f,·y: 1:.. ,·11 ~:.til un : ~,,<I J K. lIay n.'!'.

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rIr "' IU i" .S, ~ r'~ '\fr. l). S. Y''''''J:; t't1~J'" tn'.' C

F"',", lh,I"'1\

Board of Trustees

1""." II"" l r,,, ,,, 1. ... 1: :'>1" "11 " , H,.."v,·y l'r. hi~r.I ...~ ldc "t , M, EI1' '<' iJ T. N, ~. \ " ., I'" .. id,·ol, ~II . Ho n I.•., ,'U)" :'il utl' 'fll \1enll"'r~ Mr •. \\' ,JlU n1 I). Hm.. n~ Mr. Chari..,. C..U...... Mr, J"I-'II"' J. 1l.. ,-;<'1; \1•. ~ ...",,,, . J, .: 1\1 . , ;.,,,,1,,,, t l","!; \1r. J. Y F"" ·,, .... ,,: :-'~"n.i I\",,~ H," 11, ·,1 ..., ( \1. CUP I.",: "1" I)~w" "n J"j,,,~: \Ir. J ( .. rl ,~ .J ny l ... rl: Mr... t :!3ud,- Kor\.; llllll rh k ~I N. C ~rr... Md l, 't\~.. ~l r l hwri. " M. o\l,lI~ M, \. J :o,\"n", o1, ,, : \11. 11.'. E \\' h'·l~ "n,,; ,, ,,,I Dr. 11<, ...., \ 1. W. w,oJ ••,,!.





F. Powt:rs, Vice Pres idenl fo r Academic Affairs.

Mr. James M. Nic holson, Executive Vice President.

Business Administratil

Dr. Van McGraw, Dea n of Business AdministraLion.

Ur. C harles Heltinge r, Uireclor :to

or tht颅路Uurea u uf Business and

Ecunum ie


Dr. James Caldwell, Head

or th e lJe partrncnt 01

t:: co nomi es and Finan ce.

Dr. Ron Johnson, Head o f the Department of Management and Marketing.


1Jr. Dean Kerr, Head oflh e De part men t o f Admin istra ti on, sion and Foundations.

Dr. Don Locke, Head of 'he Deparlm en' of Secondary an d Counsel or Edu",

Dr. Bern ard Shadoin , Dean of Educalion.

Dr. Earl Speigh's. Head of 'he [)epartm ent of Heallh ar cal Education. . _

Dr. Oscar Walley, Head of Ihe Department 01 Psychology.


Dr. Levelle Haynes, Head of the Departm ent of S pecial Educa路

Dr. Richard Worthingt on, Direclor of the School of Music.


Dr. Catherin e Vaughan, Head o f the Departm ent of Elem entary and Early Childhood Education.


Liberal Arts

Dr. Mars ha ll Scott Legan, Head of the Department of History an cl Government .

Or. Carl os Fanda l, Head of th e Departm ent of I Languages.

Col. James Dunn, Head of the Depart ment of MiliLary Scien ce.

Dr. Gilberl Welch, Head of the Deparlr~ Criminal Justice, Social Work and Socio

Dr. Jam es Parkerson, Head of the Department of Com mu nica ti on ArLs.

Dr. Jam es Edwards, Head of the Department of Art.





Dr. Kenneth

Shrad ~r.


or Pharmacy and



Dr. Betty Smith , Direclor of the School of Nursing. Sciences. :W".

Health S


and Applied Sciences

Frank Bruseato, Head of the De part ment of Chem istry.

Mr. Marcus Ma VP, Head of the Deparlment of Geosc,i ences. .li

Mr. Thurman Potts, Head of the Departme nl uf Ruilding Conslruction.

Or. Cecil Shugart. Head of the De pa


Or. Earl Prince, H ead of the Departmenl of Biology.


Dr. James Cason , Head of th e Deparlment of Agriculture.

Richard Finley, Head of th e Department of Mathem.tics.



Dr. Jo hn A. McLemo re. Dea n o i" G raduat e Sc hoo l.


l\'Irs. Susan F. (oales, Direcior of ~fomen 's Ho using.

Dr. Alex Jo hn, assi sl;.ml 10 Vi("i~ President of SLud enl Affairs.



Mrs. PaL Morse, Coordin ator of' Placem enl.

Dr. Cynthia Duncan, Directo r of San del Library.

Mr. Wade Dupuis, Director of University P olice.


Mr. Glynn Tubbs, Direclo r o f Men's H o using.

H. il;IcDo na ld. Coo rdinalor of Stude nl Activit ies. .I '{

ML William Laird, Alumni Exec uti ve Secre lary_

}lr. Jam es Hawkin s, Assoc ia te Dean for Counselill~ an d Finan足 cia l A id Services.



Dr. Charl es R. JVl cJ)onald, Diredor of'Coullseling and Pia C e n Ler.

Miss Martha "'Iadden, Dean of St udent Personnel.

Dr. Jack E. Kimball, Director of Testing and Guidance.

Mr. Nic k Lassiter, Assislant Dean of Student Personnel.



Miss Northeast Cindy Prevost, a general bus in ess major from Oak Grove, La. won the title of " Miss No rt heast 1976." Miss Prevost sang " Follow ' 路1e>1 for her lalenl pr~entatio n . Represen t颅

in g N ortheast in the Miss Lou is iana Pageant, CinJ y was chosen among the lop len .

Sandra Kildron First Runner-up

Karen Fore Second Runner-up I"

Gail Holloway

Third Runner-up

Rose Mary U mling

Fourth Runner-up


Suzie Sturdy

Beth Stewart


Ga yIe Gossen

Susan Porter

, 路1

Cathy Hamilton

Fi v (:' Cha t.; a h o ul a lJ~ a uli t! s \\'l' re selet:Led fro m a fi d d ()f 1.5 s(:路 mi路finalists nom ina te d by lh E" s tu de nt bo d y. A lea \路vas helcllhe a fl c rn oo n o rth e pagea n t a l th e ho m e o r Pr~s id e nt an d Mrs. Dwig ht

D. Vin ~5.

~\-f istre!'.S orn! re m o n i es

pageant was :\'l iss Louisian a

for th(:' Cand y

Crocker. TIlt' C llCu:a ho ul a i:3 t".a ulles and the ir s po nso rs are C a y l ~ Gosse n, Kappa 拢p . silon ; Cath e rin e Ha m ilt o n , Alpha Omicron Pi; Susan Po rl (:' r~ Phi Mu; Beth Ste wart, K a ppa Del ta; and Suzie Sturdy, Uni o n Board.


~ " I" 'IoI.I I " ." .

10·. , 1: \"" .. III,~, I .,, ",'~ \\ :11,1.. r. ~ 1 ,,, ,,1, ,,;! I I,,,,,, '.111 I hlAl l~ ' lh :-" "''''' . " 1,,·Tt. , . ·I~ ."

Vv, ,' ,

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Who's Who In American

Universities and Colleges

This year at NLU forty-eight students were selected for this widely recognized honor. The y were nominated by a stud ent.fac ulty co rnmiltee based on several faclors. Students selected were required to be carrying a full load of COUfSES, to have maintain ed a scholastic average of at least 2.5, to have completed 90 hours, to have participated in extra-curricular activit ies, t.o have displayed ex­ e mplary character and to show promise of future cit.izenship development.

TvI' "ItI,1 (I...", I.. ft ): T."I IIm..x Wlln" n, ~Io a ..." I rIO" C. ~",·II. Phill,,, kru''''' '\.Ia"'~. M,,<;tIlr>1. Hi",I...... " . \1i,I,II.· I" h (I...". I.·ro: G f<'ji:."r)' 1\-1. lI.. n.,.. II" . Ch,,,I,"\ U"II 1;;~I ,, ~,· r. '"d.II.- .i~I,1. J"I,,, \\-"r"'" S.... id,. U"U..... n I,·r,: 1(" " ,,1.1 \ Iark 1... l.n' ~. null"n, nllltl: ~ .., Ir.o Kip Kill!!.


.~b ...,.·I.. lt

( Irow I..rL): C"on;.· ~~",he., \1 jl:~d L>anitl Trimble, 1.10"111 Paul I.,·is.

\ lid.lI .. 1..11 j f'um 1o,1t): I'~u la Sh ll..... lIuLI, 1\1. Shu'n"·a). K.lhryn lI~nc~ Wat kman .

o\!iddlo· ,,!:,hl: Mr,,·" H;<: hDrd 1I "I.I;n~""

lI"llo m I~h ( I"'m Ido: Oo"oa Jo ~).tt()ll. S... zann c \'~il O rou~SII.I'd. S h'rI ,,~ t.. U.,.hea.

nollo'o m~hlk: Ikh""ah H ,,'~1',cl d.

llullurn "j"hl (Iw m I ~ h ): T ...,.r-a Ann Th o u) ",~. !\I. ro.:i. l.u Hru n.... r.

'1"'1, 1\11 , h.~I" n .~ .. I,·" ,

1''' 1' " 1= 1,, ; ( .•"";,, J ,.h .. ~", 1. 11 .. 1..·., II.

\).. ,I1, ,,,u~


11..11 ..... \1 ....,,, J.. Io" Il" \';0",1

I"h ~ "~I I, ,,,, "

\I -.,,,, 'tl..... .,.:..,.

Mi t......n

f rl,,<I~ · .. . ~.I •• ;, '\ 11 "

i :r.. ". , ' :t~"hl '" ,\ " n ', rdl "



\ \

r " 1> 1.-11' I.aVo" .... · I...I.II~.U'.

',.,1' (;~"t: IlId,anl 1'.......·11 Mo1::",11.

"'"n 11 ..113 ..,1. T..,l.I I. \-\ah'"

U" 'h"" 1..11 {l r...... k ll ): <;1"",011" '" I). I'rw.·, MlI!) I . 1t"~" I1 ;" < If.­

M" I.I1.- I.-It: Paln,",S U..",.. m


M"lod, Ii. . Farra •.


r"v 10-11 {Irum ,",II}: J"""Vh Crq: Cha"ht'R:,

r ,'lnla L"lo' i... I,aU.. n;lid En~I(',.

'1'''1' rif(h l: J"h" 1\1. NIt·h. ,!.."".

\1iddl,·I" il: \I ,· lan~ \hl lla~, ·. Anlhon ~' W"yn.­ 1l, .,U"l'a"1.

Mi,MI.· ,ijl:hl. I.,'ah Wlml >(, tI",

H.,.... n.I.,h ( IT"", I.. h ): J',•.'~ S<:lon naikicr Ill,

,\nn" Il urn~, Corr"~' P"rk. lit- Uk!.

& 11<."1 'if(h t (Iro'" I"h ): CUht' fI"~ rl'l rlL<I~,

I'au ln M.

1 ~, lh "nd,·.

Who's Who Credits


1'11,."I01I",.,I,••,II,,"ul " 10'1111\. 1'1111"11 \. ,.... "",I I jOl~"",'h '''hi ~ 1\1 .... '11"'" II!iJl 11.11 \;h"lr: \I"hll ".,ml"l. P"h., 1'1,1 """1'I.iI 1"'"0 \II'I'~ I ~"'I,· I.I I~'b t'I,_,I,." III,,,, rl"j(~" ••1 ':tu,lt·nt b,·"i,'1 (:~nal .. ",a' 1.\1111''', ,II- UII" ~. \\••,..,..•. :l~1 """II1I1II.,'hJ,. \ I, ,·-1'..·• 1"IlI, I'nl, H. (''''"111'11· I'J' Ill'­ 1'lIrr""II'."I~1 II .... 1",1......1,11' (J.... II~"L1"l \11,1 ~ I""" 1"1,, l>tlt.. 11. I I"" I l ",!llIlI'l. l'j1"1·7 1 ~ tcl~I\I ••. n. lll\III.~~ IllliiT. "".,.,.,. 1.'/11 \, "ullilll'.4'1II, "'J",,II"iL I.mi,.r III ,,' "1I11,h.~! U.. ,II..~I .... h,·I~r·IIII' H~III:lI" 'J;\"'lA'ltct. h"'tIi!" .1.U. '1I'~JlI"'III11I.. I) h-Ao :;(.1\1, tbL I', 0""'11» I'L 1l1.I.uu" Iln~.. jf" t "111·,1 1'111"1 I hlk I., h""I" .' J.tl. 1I"llI~ • I lloliulni.-. \""',n I.

IH)-.F'I.WUi., \1 I ''''IJ<ftH \.~7, So \ ~,I ''',"",,,,"111111:: 'IIl,l .... "1\'" Ii.,wltl, 1"'_Il,,"I~ ...t\: ,. 'l;ll .' '"111.11,\'11 :::0 '1I.t., .. ,II'1 I .lIlIlI , 1 I'll rJI~""II{"f'] 1',11' ~'IM .... 1"111.,

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NOI.E' "" ",[;'10:, l~o\<"l li,d.", I".~" .. HI,,_rhl




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Welcome to


.~ es llecl in 'h t' gt" HI ~' rolling hill!: o f NOl"lh easl Loui siana is th e I\,,-in t:ilics o r .vl o nfOt' and \V f'.s.t iVlonrot', homt' o r Northeast Lou i足 siana Lnivl' rs il y. Monroe is kn ow n as the Pan: maker city of the Gulf Soull1\.csl. T he ,揃itr of 60,000 is luealt'd on th e banks of the bea utiful Ouachita Riv er, lh(" s isle r cily of ~l esl Monroe has a ~opu l ati()n o f about 16,000. The ci ties are loc:ated approximalel y halfv,:ay hc h'\'f'en ~!I t' mphjsa nd I\ew Orl ea ns. and Shreve po l1 a nd


Vjcksburg. II is readil y accessibl e from all ~ecli o n s Lou isiana and neighbo rin g sLales by air and major highways. The 150 ac re campus o f .\ lortheaSl is lot: ated ( JIl Bayou Oesiard in Monrot'. It is a grmving univers it y of approx imat e ly 10,000. The <.:amp u~ co nsists or th irt eell acade mi c bUi ldings; the Stud e nt Union Buil ding. wh i<: h ho uses bU\\-'ling lanes, ret: rcati o n room , lo un ge. snack oar, and meetin g rooms; Brown Stad iUIll ; a len nis s tadi um; \\/ilsoll [wing Co liseum ; and 14 resid en ce halls. NLU has modern equipm ent and facilities for all of the C UI-足 rieula T ht' sch ool has a hig ht )' qualifieJ fi:u.:ult y with more th an sjxt y percent having docloral d~g rce:$. Lea rnin g oppo rtuniti (-'6 ar t' found in th e n um erou s extJ'acurri cul ar activ iti es avail ab le In th t' students as well as in r eg ul arly sehed ul ed d asse~. Thf'sf' exlra<..' ur足 ri cular activities are knm"'n as No rth east St ud ent Life.

" ')

Spring Fever


Lale in every Spring Se mester o ur heart s and minds turn away fr om slud y a nd sc hool for Spring f eve r Weeke nd. It's a lime for stude-nls to have fun with (:ampu s organizations heightenin g th e

carnival atmosp her e by sponsorin g hoo ths whic h offe r fo od and a mu se足 m enlo On Sunday C\Teryo ne rushes to





find a comfortabl e

SPOllo li sten to an aftern oo n of outdoo r

con cert s.


'76 Summer Session

JUN[ 15

JeN [ 20

Union Board -"lovie (I Lovl:' You Alice B T ok las)

Science \Vorksho J.> in [Iemen ÂŁducalion


JUJ\ [ 24

Summ e r Aero s pac e Edu c ation

Uni on Board \Joyie (K lute)

Works hop

JU:'lE 2.3 JUNE lB



The Wizard of Oz

Publieation \Vorkshop Ikgislralioll


!irsl SUTllJncr sl:'s~ ion

JL J\[ I

JUNE 28 Marching Band Workshop

Cla::.-.st's hegin

JL"[ 9 SLudenl JC N f~

Co UlH.: i I W'IJrkshop


Lead ership \\:orks ~op J U~ [


Creative \Vrilin g " forks hop

JUN[ 15 ,'"lark H,n ley-[lbow Room

JU:'l [ 30 Table Tl!nnis Singles Uni on & Movie (Bullil)

JLLY 4 Americas' 200lh birthday

.JULY 5 H oli day

JULY 7 Final Exams.

JULY 27 Uni o n Hoarel Movi e (C ool Ilan"


.I LLY 29 rt)r ~t:cond SUllllner ses 路

Buard :Vlovie ( ror


Tennj ~



An..: hery AUG UST 5 Union Board ~'Iovie (Blue Wal e r )

I Sa"'k. ,.,....-~~ Ibow Boom

II arry )

lJann' and

Drill Team

\Iusi<: CaJn~

Twirlers, Drum }lajor, flag Corps Camp

A UGUST 6 Un io n Board Dan ce (Zacharia)

Th e H o bbie AUGLST 9 Firs l Annual

(\o rlhern

S~iril Works hop

AUGUST 12 Final E xa m

AUG UST' 13 Comm e ncem e nl

Louisian a

"An Indian Reservation"





. . . ..


It 's a crim e 10 Iw s tu c k in li ne. Lin t"~ tho ug h art' de finite aspects in NLU registrati o n. First th e sludenl is fon:t:d ill lin e in 颅 s id e Brow n Cy m Ann ex w ajlin g Lo reeeivt: a packet tha l will a ll o \., him 10 s tan d in lin e a t hi s advisor's o ffi ce. Th t'Sf; lin ee; seem

min o r in co mpar ison


th e

JIt' xl

lin es

Lha l


t'Il CO UIHt~H路d

enrOul e to registrati o n-the lin e of cars heading fo r the fo list'lim. On e o r the ImH lin e indi gn a tion s 1S the waitin g at Ihe C hl;;~ ca rd tables. Whe n th e fin a l c hec ki ng lin e is l'eacht:(1and tuiti o n is paid a false euph o ri a is 8Il a in t"d. As students conqu e r the last linc, a ste p int o I he brighu:;u nlighl m a kes the whol e expe ri ence see m worthwhil e., until it 's lim p 10 bu y boo ks.

(~ II)~CI{S IIJ~ \l)~ ,.

James Mapes

James Mapes, auth ority on l::SP and hypn os is, (~a pli valed th e alt.ention o f stu­ dents a nd visitors on Friday night of

S pring Fever \Veekend. The SGA-spoll s orecl program was divided into I\vo s~.g mt'nt s-.Journ e)' Throug h the Mvsteri es or the Milld and Jo urn ey Through tht:' \V o rld 0(" Hypnosis. The first portio n dealt with mind Co n­ trol. predi ction of i"ree will. inlerpretation o r body language and telepathy. All de.n­ onslralion s and experiments in vo lved au­ di ence parti(; ipalion. The second portioll dealt with hypno­ Lism. '"Anyone ca n be hpynolized and there a{e many useR for hypnotism:' J\:1ape~ proved his point by selectin g volunteers to br hypnotized and then hyp­ notizing st.'ve ra l members of th e a udience as \~':f>11.


Kres kin, a fam ed mentalis t and fore m os t authority in the fielJ o f ESP opened Ihe 19 76 Fall SGA's Spea ker Series. An audience o f about 1,200 were amazed and deli ght ed wi th Kl"eskins' stunts. He lau nc hed the show with a m ag ic tri c k. Three men's rin gs, borro wed from the a udience \'\Ic re a pparently jo in ed by the force

of his will 10 for m a chain. He Ihen as tound ed the audience with his mind-readin g powers by reading one man's social security number without a mis take. In the powe r of suggestion he ap足 pare ntly cau sed a s tud e nt firs t to crave a cigaretl e and then af'Ler

receiv ing permission to smoke, he was n Ol ab le to light up. He ended th e show with his lamous check stunt. While he was led away out of s ight and earsh o t by two stud ents, 4 person s

chosen at random from th e s pectat.ors hid Kres kin 's $2,500 chec k. He voweJ he wo uld forfeit Ihe check to the SGA if he co uld not lind it. To the delig hl of Ihe audience, he returned and found the check with only a small amount. of Lroubl e.



Dr. Raym ond T. McNally presented " A Night of Ho rro r" and received a

shrieking applaus e as the curtain rose and he leaped out or his coffin in the black attir e of a vampire. His perform足

an ce was during Ho mecoming ~' eek to highlight Halloween. Dr. M c ~ally is international ly recog足 ni ze d a5 One of the b es t li ving authorities on Dracu la, Yam pires and

r,eal monsters. The program fea tured historic and literary refer ences to the "undead " on which Dr. McNall y has \o\Tillcn three books. "A Clutch of Vam足 fJ1rcs" won the Count

Award .


Dra(' ula Socit'ly

Vincent Bugliosi Music from the Beatles' White Album and a backdrop with " He lter Skelter" le tLered in red helped to creaLe the ap­ propriate mood for Vin ce nt Bug li os i's appearan ce at North­

east. 13ugliosi was th e- prosecu ting attorney for the Tale-La­ hianca murd er tria ls. A large audience listened as he s poke about Manson 's trem e ndous influen ce upon hi s followers,

the Iria l, som e of th e bizarre incidents thai occurred during iL and Charles Manson and th e Famil y's backgro und. Bugliosi began his disc uss ion hy decl aring lhallhc Tal e­

LaBian ca murders are the "' most bizarre in recorded an nal s of American c rim e:' Bugliosi said Manson was completely differe nt from any oth er mass murderer, c iting the Boston Strangl e r, Hi t: hard Speck and o ther famous kill ers as exam­ ples.Without exception, thes e mass murderers all co mmit­ ted the acts themselves \.,.-hile M a nson only directed his dis­ ciples to kill. He ended his discu ssion with a lon g question and answe r session with th e audi e nce_

Black History Week

Black His tory \Veek \'\I as cleclal"ed Fe bruary sixth throu g h lhe eleve nth a t North east. AClivilies were held

durin g th e \·y(" t' k in hon or of th e celebrati on, with the g ues t s pea ker for the week being Dr. Ha lph Waldo Em er­ son Jones, pres id ent of Gra mbling Slale University. H e ~ pok('

on th t> contributions of black American s in educa­

ti on . The week"s highlig ht was the crow ning of \ 'li55 Ula c k LS5enc!' fo r 1977. S he is Judianna [\'Iarie Furloug h


~pt't:T h

and hear ing pat hology majo r at

_~LU .


Harry Chapin






Chocolate Milk

James Taylor Jam es Taylur. s ingf'r.

(:0 101>05 .... 1',


mus ician. W<:i !:oi pn :St' llkd hy th e union

Board A pril i7 al Ew ing Coliseum.

Taylor's co ncert was enj oyed by a

capacity c rowd. He was born in Boston

ano reared in ' orl h Carojin a and is

said to lell abo ut him self throug h his

so ngs.

Taylor is not ed fo r si ngles suc h as

" I·.. ire and Kain ," " You've got a

Friend ," " Mexico" and the song he reo

corded wit h his singer·com poser wile

Carl y Simon , " How Sweet It Is To fie

Loved By You."

Chocolate Milk Choco late Milk

has lht'

th ird

CO ll cert

ur th e 1976 fall se mes te r. T his ~/uuP had begi nnin gs dee p in .\lel\' O rl ea ns.

Me rnh e rs of' Choco la te Milk are Arnad t't! Cas ln e ll . E rnt'st Oabon ~

Ro ben Oabon, Fende r Rh ocb, Joseph SlTlith III , Frank Ri chards, Owig ht Ri chards, lVla l'io Tio, and

Ke nn eth

Williams. Tlw ir allwm "Choc:o la lf' \ ·l ilk" co nt a in ed al l o rig ina l material. 11 \,.,. <15 produced hy Allen Tousai lll and Mars ha ll Se ho rn in New Orleans at Sea-

Saint Stuui o.

• 'XI

ry Chapin

Chnpin. s in f!," (or. write r. fil m ".ilppear"ed in eo nctrt at :'IILU during "e,"ni.n g week. M r. Chapin was born Village into a musical . At the age o f lin een C hapin and form ed a fo lk group. He dropped music scene for a \"" hil e in co l路

then he went into lilm editing and made documentaries of hi~ After th is he return ed to the music

This Lim e s uccess ca me to which in cluded his lirst Gold Hoc"

with his album "Verities & .uThal album's hit single "Cats

Cradle" estab lis hed Chapi n as an in the music world. Chap in has also Iwo other hit singles " W -O- L-D" and "

The Dirt Band

The Dirt Iland headlin ed the lirst rail

Union Hoard ConeNt. The band was forme rl y th e \lilly GrillY Dirllland. The

Dirt Band is com posed of Jo hn Me!::uen, Jell Hanna, John Cable, Jeff Clark. and Jimm y Fadden_ T ogeth e r th ey played a div ersified style o f music ranging from' Caj un tun es Lo folk-rock to blu egrass and aco us tic 路mo untain mus ic. Th e g ro up has had lour hit s in gles, " !\'Ir. Bojang les," aHu y For Me The- H.ain ,'路 "Ho use at Pooh Corn er," and "Some of Shell ys Illue.'-' Thei r a lbum " Will th e C ircle Ile Unbroken ," made music hi story. The s ix-sided album achieved gold reco rd sta tus and was a joinl e ffo rt of some of th e greatest names in th e fie lds of coun try and bluegrass mus ic.


Winning Isn't Everything .. • The weathe rrn a n was not f:uu pe rati vt: but th a t d idn ' l stop N L~ . [)ispla ys ''< to re put up, s pirit was in Ihe ai r and th t; stud ents ga\'l:' it all th ey had. T here \"en ' varied ac­ tivities durin g thaI wee k of OI.;l ObtT. Beginning on \''t· dtlesd a~ . [Jr. Ha~ mond IVl cf\a ll y spoke o n Dracul a, Thursday was a big night \\,hen the Union Boa rd pre!)t'nt ed Harry C hap lin in co nct'rt. an d th e n Ih t" Alum · n i arri\·etl Fri<lay from ncar and I~u' to recall In t:rn u ri es of oays past. T Ilt' hig hlig ht oj" til t" wt't'k<:'nd was the ga m !:' wilh the Northwest, ' m Ot'lll ons. AI ha lftim e Quee n Reg ina Car. rtlOIl was I'rl~.-i r~1l1t'd with her fl H' tnt-'rnht ~ r l:O Ul't. In addi . ti on 10 tilt-' c uurt. 8t·ti vities fCalureu th e twirl e rs, \~a r bon­ nets, and flag co rps hac ked by \l LU's band . the Soun d or T()d a ~ . Hom e('u illin g 1976 t- nd erl wilh a dance lIuH night which ft-aLu r ed Zachari ah at tlw C ivi c Cent er. I.)es pilt' lhe di sH)Jpoinlln t' nl o j" los ill g lh e roolhall gam e il appeared !"n ost of Ih ~ slud t'IH ~ e nj oyed HtHlH' c:o rnin g n unelht' less.


. r


_ _c . ­


~ •



1976 ...



Off Campus . ..

• rRC RITl ~


zoo 34/ 53 4/2 1 All SEATS ' 2 50



f o r th ose wh o (;an 't fi nd eno ugh tu wear th e mselves o ut durin g th e d ay lig ht hours, th e re is always th e nig ht life ull ca mpus. M ov ie th ea ters pre vai l through ~·t o n roe s howin g the fa vorj Le fli cks. Hot spots s uc h as Sal's Saloon , S iesta, a nd Th e E lectr ic Ci rc us offer a n a t­ m os p here o f exc ite m e n t a nd var ie ty fur thus e wh o freq ue n t th e m. A quick meal can a lways be a c.:qu il'ed at the. fast food c hai ns aro und cam pus th at o fTer a te mptin g me nu o f ha mburge rs. pizza, or lacus. The n for th e twe nty-fo ur hour soc ial ga the r ings a nd meals th ere is al­ ways Sa rnbos a nd T ower Crill.



Cabaret wa" 1111' hi ~ldi 1-.d1l v I' th~.: Uni vt'r!'it y Art ~ Ft".".lival 1It,Ifi in April. Dr. CI ' O I "gt:· Ik i"l1l ~ t' r \T d CI S dinT­ lor of th t' Inu ~ it'i.ll.

:\dn':-.~ :\'ln n:dt'~


s{arreJ in tlw prOdUdiol1. Thl' .;; ho\\' w u~ ruur nights run · Iling- and W<1~ u tt~' IH!t'd h)' larg(, audi enc('s ('ach ni ghL. CallClrd is u n1u:-. ical ~\'hi("h v.. as ct' tll t' IT ci aro und lhe pr t'­ Will' I'ra 111 C I · I"Jlwny.



The Serpent

The NLU De part 111(' 11 I of Cummunica­ lion Arts prod uction o f I he Ser pent wa!' presenled las l fall. The drama ",. s per· fO"med by a cas I of l 4. Car ole Lawrence, a graduate studell t in speech was tl i r~c tor of the production . The- hjg hl ights of the pro­ du cti on were the Adam and E ve scene, parts o flh e Cain and Ahel seq uen ce, anti a s('e ne e nt it led "Bega tlin fl : ' A G ree k chorus, eon sis ting of" fo ur wum en added the narralivf:' in lerprt"lalion for th e event s O il

slage. Jell Conl ey and Shery l Sa ll er for Ad am and Eve.

gave;> lh ~ pt:'rform an ces


Cavalleria Rusticana

Members of the NLU opera workshop presented a one act opera entitled "' Cavalleria i{usli cana." T his opera is an Italian vers ion which has been translated to En glis h. Dr. George Brian,

p rofessor of Speech at NLU, was the stage director for the pro足 duction.

The opera takes place in a Sicillian village on Easter morni ng an d is a love story. The lead role was played by Shirley Stewart, a New Orleans senior.


Wreck Tech

S~iril 'wa~ hi!.dl ("or lht' allnual rla::-h Iwl\.. ·"~'ll tlw '1" '1'11 Bulldu?!~ a nd the (\1) rtlH:,a~t Ind ians. Tl w w ~t' k h("gCU l wilh vlay<.,r Howard o ffi cia ll y ~r()d (limi n t! l\uv. I S·:lO a ... Wn"d , '1" ...(·11 \X: fc.:' k. Th(~ S. C. A. sold \'\: rt'd .: T,"("h hlllllpn ..;lickl'!"'" and h'('-:-ohi rb in honor or the ga nw . T ilt: high lif!ht II1\' H('d,. ,.. ;J.'" a "i'<.llll~ I'Clicl " I)r~i.lllil. \'d hy Ina l t's on camp us. '{t' Ull g 111 (' 11 f!a lh"fI ·(1 aI'tHIJl( 1 ( 1llrlil s and shv ul t: tI e ll Cl1 U ri.igt'r lll ' lll 10 Jadi p:, In li m n.. d l)l\ 11 I l lI'i l' 1')o,( ' I'.!'S UIl ­ dt~l'\\ t'Jr. Many \"'0111('11 g l <ldl ~ ("cJlnpli ('d wi lfl tl w:>" , J" ' qu(':-'I::S mak.


i ng: ~t' \· t' ra l

Il'h l l l·':-

h<-l pPY.

IK,,\; \, ,~"]: u'l, l)jrl


St ud e nt s use a varidy of ways to gd to class. Ct':lIi ng Iht'I"!:.; oil limt' may nut be as casy as it sounds. If" one is a (;u ll1llluler he us uall y s pends tim ~ circ ling th t' campus for a Ixukin g place hop足 ill g it is in som e vic inity close to his classroum. On ce p<lrkt,.,u, ht! sho uld forgel about m uving it for the I'C~t o f l\l(' (lay. 51 u<it'IlIS u n en use bicycles arid , unl ike t:ars, they ean be parked and cha ined alm ust all )w he re. ~~ vell with hikes and t"us, a stud ent wuu ld be wi5~ lu inves L in a good pair uf Snt :aktTs for that run tu class. Anti thp il there art: some slmle nls whe n racetl \vil h t;:x lrem t~ uhstac les wi ll stup at nothin g 10 gel 10 class 0 11 ti me .

) 1'"

Construction at

NLU Continuing

Tlw No rth east ca mpus find s it self grad­ ua ll ~ n:p;;md ing wi lh eac h new st' lnes l t! L

Salltl('1 I.ibrary haJ an add itiun of' a thi rd flo or [hi:=; y('ur \',:hieh was completed in '"prill!! of 1977. The floor co:-.I approx­ illl ol<' ly ~l,]:iO.OO() which includ ", full (·4ui ~.JrT1enL

fl uor,

lh t'


\Vith thi s addition of" the third lihrary will be ahle 10 adequ atel y

th e educa tional

1\ uri fH'USl. Construc tion

program s a t

0[" the Ilew fo otba ll stadium bega n Ihi~ )war and will he corn· "lel ed by fa ll of 1977. The stadi u", should cu.:;1 a pproximatel y s ix million d o llars a nd wi ll be o n campus. The Ile\.... te nnis co urts were co m "I eted in the lall of 1976 a nd uS<' of lhe m began in Ihe spring o f L977. The :::it:hool a lso saw the beginning of fra ternit y row with th e co mpiclioll or the Kappa Sig­ ma hous e.


_.,..,.. ............ ....

..- . ~


. _.......... . ....... . .._If· . ... . ".. . '''''''--' '" .... . .... ......•• .....-. • •• "V," .... ""


• • •

Hea uly m(~a n s JilTel"t'nt lhing::; to dillt'r("'nl P(~oplt;. Th e slruc · lur e amI d es ign o r arc hiledu re and th e ' ... . o nd t: r o r nCtlure:; ha ve

co mbin ed l o form m~ny beaulif"ul sigh Is on th e Nor1h t'Ctst Cam­ pus. A foggy murning ove r lh t' bayou, Lht' s un spar kling on llH' wa te r, icicles form ed 011 branches on a c\) ld tll orning. llw i' un s l~l · lin g uVI~ r th e nllnpus o r ju ~ l th e ('am}Ju s ilst" IC


Patterns Patterns Patterns Patterns Patterns


Patterns is the geometrical repetition of objects, the re peated rows of cars, books, bricks, and the symelrical view of stained glass in th e selling sun_ l.ife must have patterns and NLU has several. Life is a pattern with every step marked evenly wilh th e lasl. The harm onious blend of ca mpus architecture repeats the patterns evident throughout cam pus. Classroo ms with row upon row of empty chairs, the coliseum with its endl ess circle of spectator sealing. al l are copies, repe足 ated objects found at NLU.


II '

Average Student


~ ·" I )('n(II I U I ' t·

T oldl '\l un lh l~

da,,-~ i li " 'll i ,, "

Cli lw n(l i l ll r~ ';'

1)1' 1" ":11 1 (Jll ullt l

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2 5o,;~ 2(,

Il Jl6


Ik'T.:.a liun

126.(,8 :\ BB,4'U:l


CI \! l hi n ~

U 9,7 12

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:2 .').;"BI lo.m7 6 5J)97

1.1 0

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l' I(:a $un~

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lnl'ura n n " ", :'; PI:Il !'t:: St" n:u T t· I.:vi$)u n M i",;cllan l"Q\ IS

4.1 ,.'1 ;\:\ -1- 1.11 4


Ga so l ine Hous ing


42.Z:l 4 :\('.').261 6i A·0tl;

1!l. i(J


Ut il i t ies


:2.9 1 100.00

$:23 1(l,9 9 I

I( o: rlls

Cl otl-,ii,g

1.78 1.:-38

:1 2.0:2 1

lo lit.ti <.:s


Re~a i r s



Fl o u ~ i n~


A ~ tomob il c

:l.81 1.10 2.JJ7 .flO 1. 1.)7 2'). i J

:\O.U I .1 6(J,:I4JJ

O l il .;n. I)e llta l t\'l ",di.;al ;\\. tu ll1()l lil.:


Homt: Ei\!... c.r r. ai nmen t

Top Ten Curriculums at Northeast c

"~ 0 0


1IU1I1U.I·. . .••. . .I'.'U.............,IUJII.....I ....IU. . .IIII. . . .- . ......I .....I ....UI.. 1•• n.II.lu~I. . .I ••IUIII. .II...IIUI•• I ••I ••II....IUIII. .I ... I ••11 s.l111I1"II_II'-'U I

0 0

.......I ............I ...Ullll•• II.......I...IIII....UIOI......IIIII.I..I.II.III.IIIII••tIIIIIIIIIIIUI.I.1

.lln1lll1..lllllullll.n.II. . . .I . . . .I _....IIIIIII...111




~ <: ~

" G;


0 1­ . .IU.IHuulllnUlllltl.I. .llIIlIllIIIUlU.II. . .IIIIIII.........I.....I.I........llllau.......WI ........1IU7

."tWlnl. . .I.llnPII••• III_I-..uUIIII.lllln.IIW..IIII.111


0 0

'" 0


-1.1_ .....1-...,.11.....111. .1111111l0iii1

lIIllll. .IOIIIII. .IIIII. . .II.I...IIII.IIIIIIII'.........I . . . . . . .I ••II. . . . .W . . . . .IIII_IIII...IIII. .II·lwy·

. . . . . . .IIIUIIII. . .IHI.I...III...luunllll..lul. . .IIII.....I ..UIlIIlUIII. . . . . .U_IIUIIII_IIIII.~ _ _......_ _ _I .....IU. . . . .


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Sex Ratio of Northeast Students

. n:'J 574


11 4;~


TOIM. 3280 1529 llH7 2077


(,29 4il()5

1070 9143






!o.lu(it-nl!' com t.' fn}Jl) all pari::-he~ in Il w stal(~ as well as from all parts ur lht' L nil t:d Stille:-- an d ,11 50 from many The S I UI ~S inciud L: Alabatn~ A.rizona, :\ l'kan :;.as, California. Co nn (~.l'li<: ul. Fl orida. Cf'orgia, Ill inois, Indiana, Kan !'ll"', I\enlucky, '\'lain e, Maryland, 'Vl~sachu sclt s, l\'l ichigan , .\linne::;ola, Mi s ~i 5f:. ippi , Missouri, 1\'1onlana.

f\ t" " Jt' rsI...'Y, New (\'l ('xil'o,

York , f\-orlh Carulina, Ohio. Oklahoma . Pt'nn!'yl'vani a, South TaiMUl , H un~ K()n ~. Colu mbia, Jurdan, Lt路hanon, Puerto Kil"o, Canada, Hondura!'_ En gland , India_ Th ailand, Irt"lan d, Ht:lgl Ui o. i3urma. Nigt' ri a \ ('\\ IImnpshil't:'.


Tennl':'",et". T t'xa~ , Virginia, and \Vi !:w lln sin. Tht' furt>ign co un tri es art' Brazil,

~ull lh


Phill ipp i n t: ~.


Jamait:a. anu Francf'.



Didn't You Read the

Sf6np~ 'JE

Signs. . .

:' .,


.~. I ~






路,AW ' D c


I':;T f\ lt7/('

I/ ~ ")F

Sign s are seen evc~ r )'w ht'r e. so metim es a l Lh t~ cos t o f bl uc kin g out the sce nt:ry o flhe campu s. HO\vt.'Vt' L lhey. fur (he m ost f,Ja rt , are usculu (JrOlll ole j piriL g iv\:' dir n.:tion s, <mel g iw' informa lion abou t aclivili ~ ilL N LU. S tudents ar e t o ld to do thi s o r don ' I do lhat by th e ~ i~n s and il" a stud !."IlL should make a mislukc-" a qu e::i ' lion us ua lly hea rd is <' Didn' l ),o u r ead th e sign'~"

rytounto.i'\ ~OM.~

+0,.. -=R..â‚Ź. fl..-t



Let's Party

Cd ebrations, dan ces. parti es art' just a re\路\-, word5 to describe NLU s lucienL social

p:alherings. The), (;(:I n happ en an y-time of Ih C" da y a nd for an y reaso n. Hom ecoming, end of SE" m e~ l l:' r, fral.ernilr, student life secti o n of th e yearbo o k finish ed , are just a fe w reason s for having a pa l'ty. But who rea lly needs a rea::.on, so " Le l' s Pany:' a ve ry cornmon phrase in ca mpus lift\




The Elections of 1976

Gerald Ford This was th t' firs t tim e for man y s iud e il ls Iu \'ol e in a presidential ejection . The)' had

jobs and un e mp)0Y'nenl " l'r~id E' nt

Fo rd

is nut going to

th e day


b reakdo\-\'n th e viewpoin ts on certain subjects copyrig ht ed by Common Cause and Po'!.\' \V 0 \." .

sali- fi ed until everybody has a job v.'ho want s a job. Thai is the only c rile-rion by whi ch th is admin i.stration will judge wheth e.r we are go ing well or badl y.

Government spending

" Five out of s ix jobs in this co untry 3('e in private bus in ess and industry. Common

" .. th e govern ment must slop s pending so

~e n ~e

many rhoices



make. Un th ese pages is a

mu c; h a nd borrowing so mu c h of o ur where it will do the mos t good. T o ho ld down the cost of liv­ in g. we must h o ld down the cost of living,

te lls us this is the place to loo k for more jobs and to find them fasler. "

m o ne y: In Of e hand s

we must hold down the cos I. of govern­ men !. "

Health care "We can n ot r ealistically afford federa ll y di ctated national health insuran ce provid · ing full coverage for all ... 1 do e nvi sion

\'v he n we may uSt:: tht:: private hi ins uran t!:! systr m to olTe r more middl co me famili es hi g h qual it )' heahh se~

Big government " \V e must not con tinu e drifting in direction of bigger and bigger ment. H ... wt:: continue to int.:r government's s hare of our et.;onom, will have n o c hoict' but tu raise taxc~ will , in th e prot.:ess, dampen further for ces of com pet ition, ris k and reward


have served us well."

Military spending "Th e amounts 1 see k ',vill provide natiunal defense it now appears \',or II W e dare nol do less. And if o ur ello"

sec ure int e rn a tional arms limitat falle r, we will need to do more."

Dete nte "To me, detente means a fen'cnl for peac ~hut not peace at any pri mean s th e preservation of fundam Am eri can prin c iples not their saeriti·

Gun con trol f o rd is " unalterably opposed to reg is tr at io n of gun own ers and r eg istra ti on of guns." He fav o rs pro ti o n on th e man ufacture or sale of S day Nighl Spec ial.

Abortion He opposes abOJ1ion « on demand' be li e ves that it is jus tified in cases of or wh ere the life of the woman "'~ s ta ke.

Taxes "A

maj or objective shou ld b

simplify th e tax system as well as rna m o re equitable. My administration's jectives are threefold-greater si mpli li o n, and lower taxes."


!pending jr b,la""'"d hudgets over the busi­ If the t'.eonomv is managed attai'n a bal all ced th e end of my

unemplo}ment thl" lIIajor priority of th e next has got to be e mployment. i-- that W ~ call get down to 3 o\'erall rat (' down to 4.5 pe r IIny aciVl!rSe effect 011 inlla­

of programs and in the pru;t ten years, l:rf'ateci duplications, waste


"f Jed eral agencies should to no more [han 200 ..."

endangerin g th e defense of or our c.;ol1l1ni lmenls to o ur

can " ,duce present defense ex­ by S.l or S7 billio n annually."

Taxes Ca rt e r favo rs

u a simpl e stru cture with a ll in co me treat ed th e sa me, with in come be in g taxed o nl y o nce. with a trul y progressive UtX rate so that Ih ose who

made the m osl . . . paid the hilther percen·

tage in to tal taxes." makt· it d ea r that detente the Soviet., as well as the

refrain from irrespo nsibl e in other cou ntri es."

regiSLration of hand gun s, . turday Night Specials" and of gun ownerShip by anyo n e a crime invol vin g a gu n and menially competen t. He op· restrictions on manu fac ture

H ealth care HOur present hea lt.h care system is in need of drastic reorgalli za li o n . ~) Carte r's proposals includ e: "a Il ation al health in­ s ura nce program nuan ced by ge neral tax revenues and e mpl oyer- em pl oyee s hared payroll tax es-wh ich is univ e rsal and

mandato ry. n

ikaborlion is wro ng. I d o n' tlhink should do anj1hin g 10 en· ..,...,Ion. "

And How They Stood

• • •




\Vith eac h nc\'\" semestn mall '~ all t" nli o n turn s (0 tht' ft'male or visa路 vt::rsa. Co uples arc seen l ogt:'l ht;:r t" \' t" rywh~r e . Slow and silent . .,'alks a lo ng th e bayou, quiet re!rt'a l ::: l1 t"a r tht' do rm s. or just be in g toge lher a l foo tba ll games a nd par ti es. th es(' cl rc ju ~ t a few ways (;o lJpl es enj oy b~ing with f'llc h othN. Uatin g i!;.. was. and always wi ll be th e mosl exc: ilin ~ pa ri o r a CctlTIpUS sOl: ictl life.

12 1

Distinctive' Features at Northeast Most likely Northeast has many distinc足 tive features unkn own 10 th e maj o rity of

stud ents. In Garrett Hall, NLU has a Zoology museum that is ranked fifth in the nation.

The largest herbarium in Louisiana is also housed th ere. Garrell Hall also boasts of a green house in ",,"hi <: h plants for botony,

agronomy and se veral research projects are grown.

The third Ooor of Hanna is

lined with reli(;5 of earth's past


hisl or~-.


de nt s ca n view eve rything fro m ol d s keletons to different types of rock form a足 tion s.



North east has a n e l{'(':tron mi c roscop{' thal is located on the first floo r of Hanna and al so on th is Hoor is a ph ys ics el ec trical lab. For stud ents who need help wjth studi es, a n A V lab is iocalffi in thi s building. Then fo r th e star gazers and " 'ealh er watchers th ere is th t' large te lescope and weath f'T' machines that a re found on ca mpus. Not 10 men ti o n the c he mistry pha r macy. biology, or phys ics labs where somet hing always interestin g is ha ppen ing.


You Better Be


Th e NLU campus cop is simply amazing. H e ca n be everywhere at once. If one should violate th e parking zo ne laws, a yellow tic ket (the mark o r 'he campus co p) ..... ill be wailing when he return s. 路0 this is a sa lute to the cam pus co p wh o is evel). ..路her e and always o n duty; if you want to get by witho ut gettin g a lic kel, yo u better be qui ck.




Facial exprcssioll s fJorlra y most vividly th e inner th o ug ht.s o f' Nor th eas t's stud e nts. Simple acti on s or the face can change one's oUlward 8fJpearance. There are ex足 pressions fo r happiness, sadness, ex<.:i le足 m en l, boredom- tl)~ list is endless. Ex足 pression can sitllJ)l y be slated as jusl a sile nt vocalization o n inn er feelings and tho ug ht s.



• • •

Classes and studyin g is what college educati on is all about. Differe nt types of stud ents are found in each classroom . Eac h stud ent has his own edu cati onal goal in mind. h 's classes which are pro­ vided to stimulate students to these goals.

l :m

Classrooms Around NLU ...


'1\路l'shi rlS-\...路 h elh ~r plain or uecunltl'd

beconw th t.' " thing" on ('a n1~u s. Local hu .'Sint~st~ urten ust! L~wrn f'or fr t't ad ve rtise nwnl. Student:=:. uSc th e m to t' l\颅 ~1'esS th eir lo ya lt y and t'> upp orl I'o r univt'I"' ::: itics, but murt:' o n~n It:t' -s hirts displa y the s tudt"l1l' S in1 en-'!'t and t"1.~nd::, . Sayings and g-(wd o ld f'ashiotlt-'d thoughts on \\ urld L'Ve nl~ are broug ht lIut into the open by I ht ~e lOOC;o culton inve nti o n s. hU H'



Snow r\Lli studen ts too k e verything in stride as two wint er storms tran s fo rm ed th e ca mpus Into a ,",inte r "ionderl and. Snowmen and sno wball lig hls were located t' vel)'wh ere on cam pus. The ex­ c itement las ted f()r on ly a dJ): as rising tempe ratures melted the whil e Ilulf.







" Take it from me, Polygrip really works."

ound the Cam pus.

"The l)isco-l)uck"

"Lose 8 games by I I

points? No way!"


-足 --


T he swin e flu in noc ulation is the first cur e developed without a

-and that's a nice re fl ection on you.

"The Pepsident Kid"

/ Year

' .Q uick, give me the answers, mv test is at 5:00'"

" Watch out, The Indians are approaching!"

" I' m go ing to dessert this place."






" J think this mac hine just al e )'our I.D. '¡

" ] wond er what happened


the guy I saved this plaec f()r'~"


" H a n es mak es


feel g?,od" all und e r.

H.a( ; kin~


• "\,(l hat do you mcan I can 't park in this zone?"

" He's d uckin g the iss ue!"

" Hot Lips"

Ouac hit a: Neve r

Campus ...

pa ri sh th oug ht.

th e

HCa n ), o u get me a da te with a cule cosmetic bag?"

" How's your love life?"

fThe pn'(Tcclin g


layo uts were taken fro lll the 19.')5 Chacah oula. }

Netters end

on even note

W ilh a r ep utatio n 10 pro letl. ;'\Iort heast's, tennis Lea rn worked its way 10 a 9路9 season

in dual ma tch play under ('oac hes J ohnn y Robin so n an d Phil Trahan . Th e- yo un g I\LU tea m o pened the seaso n with an ea.;;y shu to ut wi n over M ('!\~ese. T he Ill di ans th en wen t o n 10 lost' to Ark ansas, Ho uston and Lama r. Nor lhe-as l edged T exas Sou the rn in a du al match . .)路4. Defendin g: cham pi ons for th e Big Go ld T ourn a ment in Hatties burg, th e In di ans fini shed wilh 27 poi nts 10 wind up hehin d O kl a ho ma S lale and So ulhern Illin ois.




wenl on 10 defeal Nic holls

Eastern Michigan , a member of ~nmilcan Conle rence.

began a strin g of home ap­ wilh losses to Northweste rn and and narrowl y defealed Ar kan·

Rock 5·4. shuioul by AJaba ma, Norlh. defeal t:d Lo uisiana Tec h in a series 8·1, 7·2. T his made Ihe in a row over th e Bulldogs.



playing all hi s ma lc hes in No. l. Pascale was th e on ly regular playe r on Ihe team to Hnish abov e .500 in sin gles. Other singles reco rds were Wilso n Ca mpb ell 5 ·1, Don Murray 8·12, Hill S he ph erd 10· 12, Hill Siegel 6· 13, Tim Hurnh am 4·5, a nd Hoh Clo ud 1·0. I n do ubl es, Pascale and S hepherd. Ihe '0. llea m, has Ihe hesl record , 14·9. They made Ihe Ji nals in the Big Gol d Tourna· rnent in th eir best s howi ng o f th e year.

healtm Northeast in tennis (WI'(lS rn; I' ... !;!::: (T " I" H"" III,.,,,1 1'1ISo ... 1<-. n llml .... ,,,... .. I,,)~· r. ( 11,"'",n l W;I~o" C""'I,I••·lllIt\rl llili ~h""""rd in ,WII..n.

Raymon d PlIOcale was Ihe lOp the season "ilh a 15·6 reco rd ,



9 McNeese 2 Arkansas I


4 Lamar 9 Grambling 5 Texas South ern 6 Nicholls State



Eastern Michigan

2 5 0 8 7 4 3


I 8

Arkan sas Alabama La. Tech La Tech Arkan sas Arkansas Memphis SL Tulane



0 7 8 5 0 4 3 2 7 4 9 I

2 5 6 8 I



Linksters experience

disappointing season

Dr. Wallace Jones was appointed head golf coach at th e beginning of the '76 season. His work was c ut o ut (or him; of a nin e member squad, only (\\,'0 had seen co llegiate activity. se ni o r SCO LL Ellen and

junior Jack Hunni cutl.. ~or{heasl competed in nin e team mat ches and tournam ents. The season's opener, the IVIardi Gras Invita Li o na l was a sign o f lim es to come as the Indians placed a dismal eighth.


Mardi Gras Invilalional. ..... ...... 81h McNeese Inlcrcollegiale. .. ..... ... 12,h NorthwesLern Dual MaLch.... Rained nu' Triangular Meel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3rd Nicholls SLate Tournament. ........ 6Lh Louisiana Intercollegiate . .......... 7th

La. Tech In vitational. ..... . ....... 41h Indian InviLaLional. ....... . ,. , ... ' 41h Holiday in Dixie Meet. . . . . . . . . . . .. 7th OI'I'OSITt.. I',\CI::: (T"p) Hidllln i Hult,.,hll.'$ 5Iu.... ~ hi~ .. tyl.. ul put t"'ll (B.....'n' otthl l Mikt lkunn<"r tal.,·s a lull . wm~ I ~tto", IcflJ ~"'U £ lIt l'l . ~.j" !l to

!inal tournament, Lhe Dixi., Ihe Indians finished the season tied for tea m ....'ere E.llen and Hunn icut averages. Following were (81.1), Bill Harvey (82.0), David Young Callaway, and David Cole


00101 • !ioOnd IfIIP.

{T"I' I t'run t H.. ,.. (lr,,'" I.. h ~ M.h ijrunn,·r. J ~'I. HUOI\ll 'utl s.~ .u Ell.·... S....."'d 1\.,.. : C.. ud. \\· ~II,,,,,· )0"'....... lJa.·jcl (" .... lJa'l.1 'lull"':.




\l< \'1>\.

Strength and winning highlight Women's Tennis Under the direction of new head coac h Martha Hawth o rn e th e women's Le nnis lea rn closed ou t th e s pring season wilh a

13-2 record in dual matches and a lhird place finish in th e LAIAW Slate Tourna足 ment. No rtheast open ed th e 19 76 season in a dual matc h aga in s t Northwes tern with a powerful women's tennis program. Shutout winn ers in th eir mat c hes against Northw es te rn , the lea rn trave led to

Mississippi Stale, Ole Miss and Mississippi University fo r Wo men. The Lad y In dia ns beat Ole Miss and Mississippi Stale whil e los in g 10 Mi ssiss ippi U niv e rs ity fo r

Women, 8-L Norlheast th en mel LSU, Alabama and Auburn in du al matches o n the campus of

LSU. Th e wo m en beat Auburn a nd Alabama by 5-4 scores and lost 10 LSU, 9足

O. The women nellers played baek-lo-back matches against Universi ty o f Hous ton and in the T exas Interco ll egiat e Sec tio nals for Wom en.


The netters decisively beal the Unive r­ sily of Houslon and placed sevenlh among 15 schools in the sectionals. After an intermission of two weeks the

Lady Indians co mpeted in one of the na­ lion's largesl meels, the fifth annual Texas Women's In te rco ll egiate Tournament. The lournamenl was interrupted by rain

and called off. In the NLU Tournamenl, the lady nel­ lers showed lheir slrengt h by soundly defealinp; four opponenls lo walk away with its own invitational c hampio nship. Number one seeded Gina Alvarado fin ished wilh • 19-6 record, Debbie San ­ ders was ] 7-2, Karen Zimmerman 21-7,

Debbie Lawler 16-8, Peggy Clay 8-3, Nan­ cy Sloan 11-3, Lili Palmer 4-6, Rulh Spill­ man 2-1 and Carol Myers 1-0. OPPOSlTE PAG£l (Top) I.)ebbie SandeN in Hdion. (Bolloml Karr:n ZimmnUlan gelling read~ 10 lob.

Firlol Ko .. (Irom I"n); Gina ,..IYIII.do, O..bbit Sande"" Karen Zinuner. man. Second Ko .. : Coach Mlrtha H.wlhoTne, IJo::bbie La",ler, Nan.:y SIOIlIl, and Lili p.liner.

( BOllom) Prolil e 01 nulflber un" ~ed (jin a AIYlrado.



Team enters 16th year under head coach The Track leam slarled ils 16lh season und e r the leadership o f Coach Bob Groseclose. Behind the scorin g of Gerald Prin ce, Jo hn Floyd, Harold Jones, Sleve Dodso n and Paul Davis. North east's thin clads


totaled enough points 10 win two meets, pla ce second in three others and third in 1\"'"0 more.

I ~t

[T"p) lJav,,;! Dumars showing good lorn> In lhe (;~rHk ) j'rin..:o:: """n;ng .he 100 ~,:ltd rlMh !,, ~


La. Tech All路Comers Meet. .. ... .... 1st Soulhwestelon Recreation Meet. .... ' 3rd

Triangular Meet. ................. 2nd Cowboy Relays. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2nd Texas Relays. , ....... No learn standing

Southwestern Relays.. No team standing La Tech InvitationaL .. , ' , , ' , , . ' ,,2nd La, Tech Open, , , ' , , , , ' , , ' , , , , , , , , 3rd Northeast InvitationaL , , ' , , , ' .. , , ,,1st



Baseballers finish with a winning

--- -~ .....:.. •

. -•

. •





.. .


The weather played a big rol e in the Arkansas State game and the home do u· bl e header with Arkansas·Lillle Rock with both ga mes being rained out.

The Ind ians then fell to defeat in a do u· bl e header at Mem phis State. Bu t North eas t went o n a winnin g s treak

aft er Ole Miss po unded the Tribe 19· ] in the first ga me of a hom e twin bill. The In · dians ca me from six runs back to nip the Rebe ls in th e second gam e, 9·8. and later

bea l Centenary, Della State, Ar kansas al Monticell o, and Wi scons in .

Louisian a Tech s napped NLU's eight gam e winn in g s treak wit h a 5-3 viclory in

th e firs t ga me of a twin bill. Later, Ih e In· dian s used a six run uprising in th e third

inn ing to take the nightcap 7·]. The North east ball cl ub was off and ro ll. ing. But again Ihe ball team was not ab le to get its schedule coordinated with th e

weath e r. Three double head ers were rained Qu t with Northwestern, He nderson

Stale, and Lo uisiana College. I nactive for two weeks due to rain, the

Tribe swept a do uble header over Lo ui· siana College. It was evident that the usual Tribe formula of good defense and tim ely hilling was not aflected by this layoff.


The Indians, with 12 games le ft , needed on ly one more win to assure th em ora \,,'ill­ nin g season. '\\'ith th e Cent enary gam e, No r-lheasl reach ed the 20 vic lory plateau. Dennis Surratt, in the turning point of th e season, tied a schooj record of' five run s batted in in a single game. Northeast batling champion was freshm a n cenl er­ field e r, Freddie Kalil (.316). Ka lil also tie,l with senio r outfi elder Ro nnie lIuff for the m os t hilS with 3 1. Gary Ro berts, Ronnie HulT and Mik e Ne lso n all lied for second plare in batting hon o rs with .277 marks. Robe rts was the learn leader in stolen bases wilh nine and Jimmy Cochran led the C lub with 20 run s scored. A lo la l o f eight pitc hers, th e largest number in several years al NLU, started gam es for th e Indians. Onl y two hurlers averaged on e in n ing per game played, lar­ ry Reece and Randy Rey nolds.. Reece had bes t ERA of the two (3.20) and Rey nolds had the teams most wins with a 5-3 record. The Indian s only lost three members of the lea rn by gradu alion. (11'1'( IS IT ~. I' ,), (; r; (I "I" (:"""l-' I ..".. r " ·dd,,. t-dill 11m!....·, " ",,1,,1, I.. 1.;1,....

" u.,( lin~

'0>"'0'.1 ..... Irl y. ( II" ••,,,,,,

\'1'''11) La'''' H,·,.,..· rd,'",,,,,,, a 1.., ( 1.,,11 Ip.. ~ $tnl.. out. (Ro nI'm) IlUln ~ MWrlill l~ ''';: '" J .·,""k ",h" 10 " (I,~ glo,''''





2 4 2

5 1 9 10 6 6 7 10 7 11



















No rthwestern Northwestern Mem phis S late Mem phis State Grambling Gra mbling Ole Miss Ole Miss Centenary Delta State Delta Stale Ark-Monticello Ark-Monticello W ise-Stevens PL W ise-Stevens PI. La T ech La T ech Louisiana College Lo uisiana College Ark-Monticello Ark-Monticello Lou isiana College Louisiana College

2 5 6 10 1 3 19

Southwes tern Southwestern Southwestern Southwes tern



1 4 0 13 5 4

Grambl ing Centenary Cent enary La T ech La T ech

8 0 0 2 2 1 2 4

5 1 2 0 9 1 4

5 5 6


. ._足





I''\C~:: IT.. V) h ""Mi.· K, lil " 01",1, 10 l.aK. (11" 11<1111 ~· tl i H"I... rl ~ V"'~ '>\11 a ( ; r" nl l>llnj!: 1,I~yr r. ( tlou " m R lj!.hl f J'''IIII\ ( ..<:I lrall an Ii Il'·lf ni!. :,,,,ran j!:" ill~ R I I ~r It." 11811.

()I' I'()!, IT E

GlI "

~'r"" 1

It,).. (I." ", Id lt: \MI Ilullt ..l" n. t.:.ary Ko bt:rts. ltlIo ,,(I~ tl~,..,ltI .... \lil.· I.i,·nh.., •. Ji m O""rr ~. IH ll(I t~ Surraa I!..d<y M ~h,~,·r. Tr, im-r, ~milh. Sl.·....· JUl',,,,,, S,·",.nd Ko ..~ It l~ Vin il, t;. Ilo lwlt' lI" ff, l(u,ln.'Y \1,-""",:1,. e".ij! Ca.",. tlill Hwrh . r.eddlC: KalI l O. " ny \l af'"I. \ ; U~ C..".·h, I!. u-.; II. ........ Third Kow: e...d , ....,.. ~I, '"n, .U. !jIll Hamill"", J •.~ "".." , Jlmnl y (oo:kran, 0 3\'.11 Sh,.d.'I", Tu", \ 1..."" 'I " m"" Sir" " ,:, 108m' 11..,......... Paul ~t.&'(cy, 1101,1;. !\d..m, I ~II ~' II.." C\a_ GJ'll<lu a... "' ~~~~lanL 1)....,


Indian Spirit Leaders

,' Jortheast's cheerleaders are c hosen in March of each Sprin g semester by a pan el of thr ee judges. This year, th e NLU chee rl eadi ng squad was co mposed of six females and four males. Th e Tribe c heerl ead ers aH e-nded th e Universal Cheerl ead ers Association 1976 Sum mer Camp at Memphis Stale Univers ity wh ere they wo n the M aster Key to Spirit Award l fo ur superior ribbon s, l\vO excel\ent ones, and one o UlSiandjng ribbon. The i\ 'Jaslef Key to Spi rit Award was th e most spirited learn award voted on by the ('het'r!eade r~ wh o a ll en ded th e ca mp. NLC also brought home a spinl s tick by winning it for Ihree days. Uurin g th e ir stay 31 th e camp, the Indjans had to co mpete against s uch outs tand ing cheerlead ing sq uads as LSU, Ole Miss. and Arkansas. Mem bers of th e 1976· 77 c heedeading squ ad are: P ~co la Barnes (co- captain ), junior Radio­ TV major from Rayvi ll e; Cleveland Black, j unio r Radiology major from Ida; Kar en Daugher­ ly, sop ho mo re DentaJ Hygiene major from Bossier City: Ja n Hargrod er, seni or Pharmacy ma­ jor from Crowl e y; S usan Karam, jun ior Nursing major from Kind er; Pau li ne LeBeau, sophom ore Dental Hygiene major from Balon H.ouge: Cliff Lackm an (Captain), senior Pha r­ macy majo r [ro m Boyce; Alfred Lui, junior pre-engineering maj or from Hong Kong; Jo hn Sullivan, senior General Studies maj or from 'West Monroe; and Sharen Van Buren , sop ho more Home Eco nomic Clot-bing and Textile major from Monro e.

Northeast Loses Season Opener

1\0rlheasl o pened up its 1976 football campaign aga in s t a powerfu l Arkansas

S late team. ASU was going aher ils 15th consecu tiv e win.

NLL Ihrew th e first punch with an 8 0· yard scoring drive on their first possession.

Tig ht end l\'lark Pickell we nt in to score

Ihe lirst No rlh eas t touchdown of th e seaSOn on a three-yard pass from Brian

Garriga. David Shrader kicked the extra point for Ihe Indians. ASU sco red Ihe seco nd louchdown of

the game early in the second quarter. Den­ nis Bolden sco red Ihe TD fo r AS U,


NLU's d efense played a big part in the second quarter of the game. With 7:41 left in th e second quarler, Paul McElroy .to p· ped ASU fr om sco ring th eir second touchdown. Arkan sas had to settle for a fi eld goal whi ch gave th em a 10·7 lead, Arkansas extended their lead with 25 ste­ onds left in th e first half wh en halfbac k Bo lden pa.ssed Lo Danny Garrison two ya rd s out for a touchdown.

About midway into the third qU8(ter l'iorlheast fumbl ed and ASU recove red , Th at fumbl e set up anoth e r AS U touchdow n. The sco re at th e end of the

thi rd quarter was ASU 24, "LV 7. Early in the fo urth quarter the offense slarted rolling. Brian Gar~1 quarterba c k kee pe r, went yards for a first down. Vernon cei ved two han doffs from ya rd ga in . Garriga saw paydirt



for th e

tou chdo wn . The two point

failed, With 5:07 left in the game, fumbl ed th e ball to set up a sure secutive win for Arkansas Stale.

o ul come; NLU 13, Arkansas 31.


Northeast Scalps Lamar Cardinals

Ihe first hom e game for Coach

Crow and his mighly Tribe was an estimat ed all P,ndan ce o[

fans to watch NLU cage the firSI score came wh e n



in midair and

caught it and ran 99 yards

PAT uttempl was wide


interception by isadore Kirklin second

~L u

sco re with a re turn

The Indians settled for a field slopped allhe 25 and wen l .Io.. ,.,om al halftime lead in g 9-0.

kicked olllh" second half and hil around lhe 24, Greg Schafr k 10 the 36 buL a face mas k call

agains t La mar ITlV\,(· d th t' bull to mi <lf"i dd . Th e o flen st:' fail ed t() t::d blM I'II" d al1(1 Mjk ~· ' i{obt' rtso n had to pUllt I'\.)r 1114' fir:.;t lim(' in th e co nl es t Lamar go t po~~t'~~jtlJl at lh t" ir 10 a nd on

tl H' fir$t play frurn !:'ni llllll <li!:t: lht' Car­ dinals bruke fur ,I 34 yard run Illilkinc:. it fi rst an d I !;!Jl i.H th t: l..amar 44. Ca rdinal Bobby Fl on~s ca ll1 t' in at tl w tluarkrbaek $pO l and on lhjrc/ ilfld long hHd a pass lip. ped by Ind ian Jimmy Jt' nkins ~et\ irl g up f"uunh an d six. The punt v,,'a5 bl ocked by T,·ibeman David Kin g se llin g up th t! nex t Ind ian touc hd own. Sl' hafTbroke 100:-,1;' Hnd mo\'(·d th e ba ll down 1 ( 1 (he Cardinal 14. Tai l!.mek .\le al ChCld(~s g1.1 ill t'd lhr et' Yil nj ~ tilt.' IW X! Iwo down s sellin g up a third an d lon g

s ituation. (;;.I1" riga drnpfwd hac k to pass

LillI d(~t..: ided to rUIl ~Uld lI1<ld .. it 10 lh t~ Car· dinal on e. Garriga kq)\ and weill 0 ...·' :1' th l' middl e lo St:un" llw ttJuehdowJl. TI ll' (' xLra po int JTl(tde the :,(;ol't: 16·0 wilh 7::lH I,·n to p lay ill Ihe thir d quarte r.

A turnove r d urin~ \JI. U's lh'x l pO~5f'":;:;­ sion sd up tht· onl y 1..Blllar IlllIl'hdowll. Garr iga ruJJllin ~ ("rom lilt' fivt' was hit a t the l 5 and rumbll'd. Lalllar r(·(·o . . t·n~d Ihe ba ll and S<.:o n·d f OUl" plays laler. making lht:' final sea n' i\UJ I(), Lamar (), OI'I'OSITI:. I'Ma:: I'noli l,- " I

\" u !"~

,,[Io- u<;',- Ii,,,,.

IUd , • I"h ) ~I ,· ~,I ( , .a' nJ"h" I},., I" ( :..,.. . ]!'j::hl: (1""I1" ' (W ~ I.lr i~u '.u r nll" ('il h"r~I 'nf (1" ...,, ;(10 I h~ ii,,, .. ,ill ho , ," ' \" ~''' ' 'I ~l j \ ",,01 .1.,1", H,·", ,,,;! I (~") ],,,.lin!' ,,01

Tribe Wins Second Home Game of the

Exciteme nl was the name of th e game

between NLU and the University of Texas­ Arlingt on as Northeast came from behind

in the fourth quart er to defeal UTA, 21-20. Freshman qu arterback Mike Howell came into the contest halfway through the second quart er and passed for three

louchdowns. Howell led the Tribe in rush· ing and passing with )01 yards rushin g and 205 yards passing. The firsl sc ore of the gam e came whe n UTA galloped 66 yards in nine plays after th e opening ki c koff The extra point at­ le mpl was no good. It was NLU's turn to try and pus h the

football to that six point reward, but UTA's defense had other plans as they slopped the Indians on a 55-yard d,;ve that ended wilh a field goal attempt that went wide to the right. The Mave ricks recei ved the pigs kin on

the 20-yard line a nd drove 80 yards in 13 plays to score and make a tw o- point con· version .

With only 3:34 left in the hale Howell led the Indians 80 yards in nine plays lo score NLU's first tou chdown of the game, throwing 17 yards to John Floyd. David Shrader kicked th e extra point makin g it 14·7 at the half way mark NLU had an o ther chan ce to score with

three seconds len in the half when defen· siv E' tackl e Warren Simmons interce pted a

screen pass at the UTA 35 and scrambled down to the 30. Shrader's 47-yanl field goal fell shorl of the badly needed three points. Shrad er go l another chance at the

Ihree points when UTA was penalized 15 yards for ro ughing the kicker. The kick missed hy in ches 10 th e lefL. Howell started off the second half of the contesl "ith a 44-yard pass to Floyd who was slopped on the Maveri ck 12-yard lin e. On fourth and one at the three, Mike Churillo gOI the first down 1uI th e ball decided


lake a di,,'e into th e arms of a

UTA pl aye r. NLU's defense did an outstanding job in stopping UTA as they were forced to punt after only fiv e plays, but they soon gOI the ba ll back as they carried it six times for 36 ya rds and th e TO. The extra point was no good ma king the score 20-7 in favor of UTA.

What Northeast needed was a miracle and Howe ll starled the miracle by com­ pleting an II-yard pass to Frank Maxwell and on the next play, following the key blocks by Greg Sc haff and John Floyd, turned the corn er and gained 34. But a clipping penalty brought it back lo the UTA 43. Howell kept for ten more and passed to Maxwell for 16 making it firsl and lO at the Maverick 16. Howell passed the balllo the lhree and on third and goal passed lo Maxwell who made a diving calch in lhe e nd zon e for the touc hdown. Shrader's ex­ tra point narrowed th e margin to 20-14.

The Indians marched 96 yards in th e next drive. Two Howell-lo-Maxwell passes for 37 yards worked the team to the Mavs' ) 6. Howell hit Maxwell in the end zone with a 16-yard pass that lied up the game. David Shrader added the extra point thal won the ga me for the lndians.

OPPt )SITE I' AC~ (Ab"vef. T he toolball 1 3 1< ~~ a «,101 I'd......rn pl....... ( &oll o no t. T"t-.., ,I,·rl'll...· I~d hy K~n Ivo~ (7 '\) ,I iw,. oro UTi\. I'lay el$ "'h,l~ Ha ro ld Thomp!<" ro 1:\:2 ) hI.,.,;!(s up Irunl

(A bo ve" Ri@;hl J: l>ub H. llen ( 701, Jim Whi Leh~HrI (tin Sc otl W3 n.. ~r (M I. an rl J,mmi.. .4, r\ a nlS (i8)sloo..·" wnrm ing u p bdnl"e 11,,: g pm t .l Le ri ): i)u a rlE"rb.:u; k M ik~ Ho... dl ( II)~. ,hown r"n · uintt Ih .. ball. (Monon, ); Milt" Heena n (7 5) and Dub HQUt l> (70 ) !: i ~ e Fren k l'rI o~ ..... (:28) a pal on lh e btc k an .. r an oot:ollU, d in g ru n.


Tribe Loses Battle

It on Iy too k McNeese 5 5 yards in 10 pl ays in the o pening of the ballga me to draw lirst blood in the traditional Cowboy and Indi an batl ie.

McNeese scored first on a first and goa l on a qu arte rbac k keeper. T he PAT was no good. . 'LU dec ided 10 do a liltle scalping of their o\\-'n as Harvty Jo hn son rel urned the

kicko ff 10 Ihe 47-ya rd li ne_ Then 'like Howell scrambled and passed 10 J ohn f'loyd fo r a gain of 29 yards. T he In d ians ga ined ano the r lirst do wn o n a Ho we ll to

Neal C harles pitch for a gain of 12 yards. On third an d goal , Howell passed to ~'Ia x­ well for Ihe TD. Ki rby Arceneau x sco red the two -po int con versio n fo r N LU. The second quarte r was all l ndian s .


Isadort Kir klin scored the seco nJ Indian T O whe n he int erce pt ed a pass an d wenl 57 ya rds to score. On their next possess io n McNeese sco red 10 elevate Ihe score 15·14 in favor of NUL Greg Schaff scored the

next touchdown fo r the Tribe maki ng


22- 14, T hen H owell co nn ected on a 56­ yard ae rial to 10 hn Floyd to make th e ha lft ime score 29- 14. T he seco nd half of the ba llga me was th at sa me old Indian soap o pera Nl,-U fum b led t he k ickoff to se t u p a to uc hdown. A fumbled pun t attem pt sci up anot her !\'1c(l1eese score, whi ch was a

fi eld goal. Brian Garri ga (;~m e in fo r the injured Mike Howell and scored th e final India n touchdo wn on a keeper from th e two. The

exira po inl all.e mpl was witk

McNeese to ok Ihe lead on in the fourth Co wboy offense ground nut toochdo wn in 12 plays but the att empt was slopped. Mc :'l eese sco r ed Ih t! ' touchdown after a 10· play drive 52 yards. T he key play in Ihe 30·yard pass co mplet ion to McArt hur tak ing the ball to the fin al scor~ carne wiLh 24 Ihe cloc k. In a linal erfort Ga rriga seco nds left . The pass was Greg S ittig for Mc Neese 10 victory fo r Ihe Cowboys, 36·;35. p oss~ssio n

Cardinals un th~ mad art!"r a hearl hreak-

\Ic"ieest, :\6·35. T hi s lim e th e wen' facin g IIi (' Ca rdinal s o f Before Icuving lor Louisville


had the id ea of ha vin g turkey

"ppe, but til<' Cardinals had a

for they wanted Indian has h

on th e menu. lndia n has h it was as th e Ca rd inals ran ove r th e Indians 36·ll. T he 1ndian offense was un able t o ge t anythin g go in g de;pi te usin g aU three qu art e rbacks. The o nly to uc hdown ca rn e whe n Harvey John so n re turn ed a ki ckoff 90 yards fo r th e TO . Mike Howell hit [-"'rank Maxwe ll for the two· poin l conver· sio n. The lndians on ly gajn ed 154 yards in the ba ll ga me whi c h is half of th e us ual amount.. T hey tro Ued only as far as th e Cardinals 20 a nd they did that o n a fu mble recove ry. ;'Jor l hea st los t d e fe ns iv e bac k Pau I

McEl roy o n th e o pen in g kic koff. They also lost Mik e Rohe rtson wh o s prained hi s ankl e wh en he was ro ug hed up o n a punt in th e third quart e r, Th e Card in a ls scored the first TO of the gam e with 9:26 left in th e first qua rt er. I n th e set!ond (luarte r Card inal fresh­ man Ebb Willitlm s in his Hrst reception o f his co llege career fan 75 )'ard s for th e sec­ ond Cardinal score. The Cardin a ls sco red two more TU's with th e fina l one corn in g with 1:49 left in the Gallga",c. Th e Car ds bloc ked a punt an d got the ba ll on the 40 a ll (I in seven play!'; reac hed vaydirt. Th ~ fin al score was NLU 8, Lo uisvi lle 36.

."'U..:Jt Goes Down to Defeat, 14-10 It was a noth er eou ld -ha ve-heen for

NLU. Fo r th ey s hould have ur could have beaten th e roa rin g Li o ns of Southeaste rn. For th e fou rth strai g ht g,lllH' Ihl.:' o ppo­ ne nl sco red o n th e ir first po:-;~ess ion. SLU we nt 63 ya rds in 11 plays to sco n~ and on th eir third possessio n s(:o rcd again afte r on ly nin e mi nut cs o f tlw quarter had passe d. Aft er sco rin g lht:ir tir~ t TD. dH' Li o ns got the ball back when 'LU fumbl ed it at the 34 . The Ind ian de fe nse stuppc,l SLU for two ya rds in lIl1'l't' plays and tl1<' a l· te mpt at a lield goa l was s hurl. N LU turn ed the ha ll OV(; I" on down s o n th e n ex t pl"y. SLU " ;cd a 5H·yanl aerial to increase the ir lead lo l ::J·O, 'I'll(-' ex tra poinl was good. No rth eas t's onl y SCI) rl' nunt' la te in th .., st:t.: ond quarlt'l" when '1ikt' Howell ('o n­ neeted fo r Ihrt>c' I,)('l..;;~es out 01" four in ninl.:' plays lo r iI ga in 67 yards, H owell"s passes ne Ll ed :t~ yard~ Hlld the seo re c:amt' whe n he round Joh n Floyd in lhe end lo ll e for lht' 22,yl;lrd 10 Ut..: hd o wn yass. With 4:28 le ft in th e third qua rt e r th e final score o f lh e ballga me ''''e lll 10 th e I n­ diall s wilh. Dav id Shrader ki c ki ng (\ :22· yard fidd goal. T hat was no l e nough i"o r lh t> In di Hns as th ey went down to de feal


l4· 10. OI'I'OSlTt::. ' >At; ~: (LtI,): l: hri~ MIt t: (451, L:u,,:e SlBo liH (54 ). T en~ Smuh (2) oIn.1 I b.ru!!1 T hompson (;\2Ja n aeking ... M o:; ~t.,!I<' runn el".

NbghlJ r,All k

r.1a~wd l

(2R) in ,,,1'(111.

(Abo~r); Jimtnl' knJ,.in~ (90) :alm..loI I'Ullerllh.. IX"'"' 0 11 I (111,11,(1;11 p'lI)'~ r ~ I ",\~ ,~ Sl..nlill (j.l ) ":m cl, ~R~i). 10 ~"ll'" (Beluw): S u,roum\ inf( an "n .. m~ MiJ,." Ch"rill" (36), u'a,nm ~'m n,on.~ ~70), J(.-n 1' 0' rr (Til, J".. J("h" (6 1). UoIvi<1 Kin~ (9:\) "nd rer ~ S m.lh (5)"



NLU-NSU It was a cold and bris k honWl.:om ing for Queen f-h 'gina Ca nnon and lh(~ Trihe. II \V(l~ a hurniliatinc; defeat thaI saw nin e

\urn() \' er~

given " t o

D emoll !' U~

th ey hurnrc\ the Indians. ll ·9.

lhe- :\Jorlh\'" eslt: rn

f\ I.l \. first hit! mistake \. .·a~ fumblin g lhe ball on the nine-yard linc. The

De mon::; on th t: next play carri ed the ball in for Ihe touchdown. !Vlislake number two \....as fumbling tilt'

hall on the 'JSU 44. :'JorthwesLern I'e­ (;oVfrt·d it whi ch se t up an o l.her 5 (: 01"1:' for Ihe De-mOil S. On the next play Demon S idney Thornton carried [he ba ll ..l.:{ yards for the touchdo wn in an ()verpowerjn ~ run .

The third bip: In istake came- when .'.Jo rthvrt's (ern int e rcepted th e ball at J'.JLU 's 47 . Thornton, scoring his third

to ucho ow n of th e gam e. carried the ball in from 28 yards out. No rtheast moved 66 yards in t\.,...o plays to scor{' the onl y J\,LU touclJdO'rvn of th e gi:lme_ J\J ea l Charl es carried lhe ball 15 yards to 5cort: for the Tribe. Th e extra point was no good making th e sco n~' 21 ·6 at halhim e. The on I)" score of the second half cam e whe-Tl an NLU drive was Slopped at th e Demon ', 10 and Shrader s pliLthe uprighL wiLh H 27-yard field goal. The Indian s had t\\O more chan ces to sco re but they were s topped by a costly unsportsmanlike con · du ct penally and an interce ption in the e nd zone. Th e final ho mecoming score

Northwestern 21, NLU 9.

NLU-DAYTON The Dayton Flyers handed No rtheast th e ir fifth s tra ight lost as NLU \.,...ent dO\.. . n

Lo defeat 37-13. The Flyers sco red first latc in the firs t quarter on a 5 J -yard field goal. The), also scored the firs t to uchd ow n of Ih e gam e on

a sc reen pass which res ulted in a 60-yard

run and the TD. Dayton sl:ored again early in the second

period on a 39 yard field goal making Lhe score 13-0, NorLheast behind. Northeast got back into the contes t

when Mike Howell compleLed LwO aerials,


Tribe Handed 5th and 6th Defe 0 11(' lor ()2 yards to J o hn Floyd and th e o th e r u ll e went 1'01' 15 yard s and a lou(· hdown to Fran k Maxwell. Th e Indiall ~ ho pt:' for a comeback waf. when Flyt'r ItoI(~· r DiXDn ~al\opcd :2.5 yards

for a Til with 4:03 len 1,..,lore the haiL With 4H se('ond s len in the half Lhc Fivers pas~l:d fo r lH yards and ano llwr TIJ, mak­ ing thl: halftime :-c.;o re 27-7. Earl : in ll H' third yuarter the Tribe tlt."kn~1' h~· ld th l" Fl yers \\ho had Lo settl ('

for a 51-yard fi eld goat NLU scored their final louchdowl the game with 12 plays for 77 yards-It In idway in the third quarter when f, man Vern on Mills went over from yards ()ut to score the TD_ The exira p was no good. The lin al . core of the game came" Dayt on scored in 12 plays Lo conch.

67-yarrl drive. making the final sror'l

the ballgam e Davton 37. NLU


Tribe Stampeded by Buffaloes

o rlh east lost a chilling ga rtH' 1.0 \\:es l Texas Slale .58·41. The lemperalure wa__ 2 1 degrees with a c hill fa cto r of zero. Four learn records were ~et hy th e In­ dians making th e most offe nsivt' plays, 66 rushes and 38 passes ror a lalal of 93 and th e most offens iv e yards, 3 39 rushing, and 278 pass ing for a 10la l of 6 17 yards. The most po ints ever scored by both learns in a n Indian game 99 co mbin e d, and th e mosl firSI downs fo r Ih e Tribe wilh 35, '..'ere also reco rds sel. Tailback eal Charl es led Ihe ground aHack ror NLU wilh 148 yards on 12 car· ries and two to uchdowns, on e from 63 yards oul and Ihe olher from 24 yards Out. Charles beca me th e rush ing leade r for Ihe India ns wiLh a season LOlal of 355 yards 10 Howell's 310. WTS sco red off Iheir firsL possession of Ihe gam e La score th e only TD o f Ihe firs L quart er. In the second quarter seven tou chdowns were scored. fo ur in a period of one minuLe and 28 seconds. The Buffaloes sco red four of th e seven and 30 painLs La Ihe Ind ians' 21 pain Is La give WST a 36-21 advanLage al th e halfway mark. The Lh ird qu an er saw only 16 points sco red, eig ht for NLU a nd eight (or \Vest T exas, La gi ve the Buffalues a 44·29 lead going into the fourth quartel', LU scored 12 poinls in Ihc fa urLh qu arter o n Iwo louchd o wnsand missed the extra point allempts whil e \Vesl T exas score-d 14 po ints ''''it h Iwo l.ou c hdown s and one s uccessful two· poin t eo n version to win lh e co nt es t wilh a 17 point edge, 58·41. t)\' I'fl ~ ITE l'''' C~:

(T<>I't, ,\ Il a} '"'' n,'<' r RlIod,,;n,2 [n"i",,, Il" ,,:::

M ~d ,,·r ,., . \ 1!.<" M m~ I n, h an~ 111111 Fir"'"

IT"p) Jo hn F I ,,~rI \,.'rh"", ball tum) I).. ron y Hum jl:nhb inF;)

PI"'" u p on lhi. rWInall.

j" 11 ~IIO'" , ..... . '("....0 W~T pl(J.~er.

nar.kftTOund (&1­

Bulldogs Defeat Indians The agony of defeat once agai n plagued the Tribe as Ihey went down 10 defeat 55·35 al Ihe hands of th e Louis iana Tech Bulldogs. North east scored two qui c k TD's again s t Louis ian a T ec h in th e firs t two m inut es of

Ihe ga me. John Floyd scored Ihe firSI to uchdown of the ga m e


returnin g Tec h's punl­

after their first possessio n-52 yards. The Tribe scored again o n Tech's next posses­ sion when lin E-hacker Lan-y Hathorn inter­ ce pted a screen pass at the 12 and ran it in to ma ke th e score 14·0 in favor of NLU with only a minute and 53 s("co nds gone in the ga me. Tec h laLer s co fe-d two touc hdowns bUl failed o n lheir PAT's aLi em pi \...·hich gave

Ihe India ns a 14· 12 lead.

Floyd, co ve red by two m en , m ad e an outstandin g catch and th en outran Ihe defense to <; om plele a 77 -yard tauehdo'NIl pass from Mike HoweJlto put the Indians bat; k in the number one posi tion, 23-1 8 wilh 9:27 len in th e half. Al the end of the half, Te" h look Ihe lead hy scoring t"ice. At Ihe beg:in ning of th e seco nd half il w,,", Tech leadin g, 39·29. The lhird quarter sa w on Iy one score and that was a Bulldog fi eldgoa l. Nort heast had a chan ce to score whe n th ey drove to the nin e but a pass o n fourth down wa~ inco mplete. The I'ourlh quarte r saw Louis iana Tech score 16 points to th e Indi ans' ~ i x: to g ive

Ihe i:lulldogs a 55·35 vic to ry.


ribe Loses Final Game

NorLheast e nd ed its 1976 football seaso n und er the leade rs hip of Head Coach John David Crow with a 2-9 record. Th~

Tribe's fma l game of the season was

aga in s l the Cajun 's o f Southwestern.

Southwestern s topped th e India ns in­ sid e th e 5 twice in th e last quarter to edge

the India ns, 7-5.

The lndians lost their eigh th in a row despi te outplaying th e heavily favored Ca­ juns throughout the eo n tes t The game':; onl y tou chdown came in the second quart er wh e n USL's quarterback

took the ball in to th e endz one from 9­ yards oul. Th e \:xlra poinl was good .

Northeast came back Lo sco re on a 24­ yard fi eld goal by David Shrade r with 31 seconds left in the lirst hall. The Ind ians had drive n from th eir 20 to lhe Caju n 7 in an 18 -pla~ drive thai con· ::;um ed almost eight minutes after gettin g a

first down on the 13_ Vernon :Vlills gained six yards to th e se ...·en, but a pass was in­

comple te and Mike Howell's rollout arou nd left e nd was slopped for no gai n and Shrader ca me in Lo ki ck th e fieldgoal. In the third period, USL Loo k th e o pen­ in g kickoff and drove Lo Northeast's seven

bul the Indians held o n fourth do wn and took over on th e six. An inlerceplion by ~LU threat that

Larry Hal.horn started an

wenL from the Southweste rn 49 to th e 17, bu t an in terception s lopp ed the drive.

The Tribe's defe nse held again in the fourth period. and USL decided to punt. The ball was ce nle red ove r the head of the USL punter for a safely with 1:55 len in th e gam e.

The Indians took the ki ck and moved 10 USL's 35, bUlthen the Tribe was penalized five yards for moti o n and a How e tl pass Lo Maxwe ll was intercepted at th e five to end

the game and th e 1976 footba ll season for Northeast. OPPOSITE PACE (Topl: 1>.,,1 "-leElnl'\' NI'''' . ilh a l .ou.. iana TN'h rt~'''! '',·r. (Hull"m): l"h" Flu"n hokb ,;1' .,... l.ooI l~1I in ,"laI''''1 "I"r IT"", ,~lll .. II" ...·II ... , II ~ r'i!h l .. n ~ "''''''' 1'1$' "'lh 11f'I' 1' ~·li.,,, 'r., ,,, 'i",·, "',." ,',.', JI ' ''l'''~ 'I"" n., I ',·a.... '''. { I~I(I,,'" I: ()u~l1l'r' .... k II"". ,.)1 hanoI.. .. n·...




"" J ,Ii" , 1'1<1' "I' II,, ' ",~I,II.·.

1976 Indians


Harvey Johnson , Tony l\'l o rrison , Kirby Arceneaux. Howell, Robert N ewman , Danny Harr is, Vernon

Minor, Tom Kiddy, Be nny .l ones, Mike Gray, well, Holenn Roussel , Mike Ro bertson , Paul M,:ELroyj Carey, Chris Mire, Plez Jen kins, Melvin Butler, 1111, Mike Brown, Byrel Book, Kent Adams, Joh n Scott Walker, Nelson S he pher, Preston Sifford,

Probst. Mike Needleman, Danny Pearson, Jimmie David No lte, Warre n Trimb le, Jell Walker, Howard

Mike Nicholson, Jimmy Jenkins.


Smith, John Flo yd, Brian Garriga, I\:l aj or Haynes, Plank, Phillip Larim ore, lJann y Pringl e, (\'eal C hal es, Parh, Harold T hom p~OJL Doug Mayb~n)' , Greg

Mil., Churili u, Jo hn G rowl. Dav id Shrade r, Greg

Samm y Kn aub, Darwyn /\n derson , Mike Larry Hathorn , Si eve Ow en, Jim Li eux, Jim

, iV'like Whilwt'll, Du Hallen. \Varren Simmons, lJard"ick, K e n Iv o r y, Mik e She~h erd , Mike

''lark Pickell , \V ayne Cog-gan , Clark Givens , I'allon, Dext".- Wh ile, Dav id Kin g, Ha ndy H a re,


Ladies Gain Experience

If success ca n be m easured on lyon th e numbe r o f victo ri es a lea rn comes up with , then this year's NLU women's bas ketball learn was a failure. Jf fulure success is measure d oy ex perience, expos ur e and im­ prove me nt, th en th e Lady In dian s are o n

their way to beller thin gs. \'t' hen looking at the \\'"on -I os5 reco rd, NOrlh eaSl's wom en didn't fair 100 well. But a cl oser exam in ali a n s bo ws lh al a hig

reason for this was that th ey played one of th e most rugged scherlu les o ne can j m­

agine. During th e co urse of the season th e Squaws too k on such po wer houses as Stephen F. Austin. the No. 4 ranked team in th e co untry, South easLe.rn Lo uis ian a,

one of the top s mall college tea ms in the nati o n , Pano la Ju n ior Coll ege, a top

ranked JC team and LSL and Louisiana Tech, th e two best sq uads in the Lo uisiana major college catego ry. " I feel by playing the ty pe of schedul e we played , we ga in ed ex perien ce from some of th e s tron gest tea ms aro und ,~' s aid coach Bre nda Bro o ks. "Eve n thou g h we

got beat , we played lai rly decent." I:lrooks leels that play ing s uc h a stro ng schedul e wi ll he lp he r in re<;fuitin g, because "us uall y the better ball players want to play again s t th e hette r lea rn s."

There were many hright. s pots on the '76· 77 Lady Indians. Tbe leader in most o lfensi ve categories was Betsy Kim ball , the tea m 's olll y seni or, who ave raged around 20 poi nts a ga me while pullin g down about 11 rebo un ds an o uti ng. The youthful tea m's leader in rebo unds was a freshm an-Lin da Andrews fro.m Mari on, who averaged nea rl y 13 a ga me. Other major cogs on the team includ ed junior g uard Martha "Cool." Gill ey, junio r

forward Cindy Head, freshm an forward Gin ger Marlin, ju n io r g uard De bbie Olive

and sophomo re guard Pat West.



56 S3 74 80 79

87 tOl

93 93 84







Pano la JC So ulheasl ertl SoulheasLern Step hen F. Au stin

Pal1 0 la JC LSU La Tech Louisiana College


J\jc holls Sla te 1\ on hwest e- rn



80 69 73 63 34 69


Louisiana Co llege

8S 9S 90 7S 80

Stephen F. Austin Lo uisiana Tech

LSU Nicho ll s State IXonhwestcrn



16th Straight Winner


Starting t.he 1976-77 basketball seaso n in the :\lew Orl ean s C lass ic, ~LL met on e of its tou ghes t opponents in years, lliinois State. The Redbird s of lilinoi s Stale had too mu c h di sc iplin e and poise for "LU in the opener, hut so me deadly o utside shoot­ ing kept th e indians in th e ga me most o r the way _ It wasn' t until th e seco nd half when Carl Kilpat ri ck fouled oul alld Calvin Natt held in c hec k. lhat Illin ois was abl e to Slop th e In dians 87-78. Paired with !\1urray Stat e in the consola­ tion game, th e N LU cagers were ah ead at halftim e 36·34, bUI lost Ihe lead earl y ill the st'cond half and we re he hind for muc h of the period. But with 4:44 to go ) NLU finall y pull ed ahealf wbe ll David Hall took a pass fro m Jo hn Pickett and put in a l2­ fooler. That made it, 72-7 l l\OI·theast. Hut Murray Stale s urged ah ead to stay, defeat­ ing Ihe Indian s 83·82. This was th e li rsl lime NLU had fail ed to win · a game in a tournam ent in l6 yea rs. Tribe sophomore Calvin :"Jatl was selected th e tournament's

MVP. .~ sup er defe n ive effort pulled Ihe Tribe out o f jl s early-season slump. The Indian s held So uth eastern to 48 points, the lowes t to tal by a tribe opponent since Ihe 1962-63 se""on . On ofk nse Ihe In­ dia ns did a 101 of Ihi ngs right in Ihe firs I half, pilin g up a is-poin t lead until Ihe SLC Lions' seco n d hai r defensive effort c hopped th e lead to seven. Tne margin moved up and down hut Northeast stayed a head lon g enoug h to win 60·48. Alter opening to mixed reviews, NLU o p e n ed tn e ir hom e seas o n with the McNeese Cowboys. '1orth eas t pulled oul a winner 78-68 whi le act ually having more turn ove rs than McNeese. 19-17. These turn ove rs hadn ' t occ ured at c ru cial times as those in previous games had. NLU's yo uthful Indian s took o n a veteran Louis ian a T ec h team in Ruston. Afte r T ech too k a 32-30 halftime lead, NLU qui ckly went ahead in the lirst s ix minutes o f play and stayed to lin ish 74-65. The Tribe had to strugg le fo r the ir next two wins at ho me against Hous ton Haptisl and Nic ho lls Stat e.

OI'I'O:->ITE -"IIU (421



Carl .... ,1 ...,.. ,;,·1, (SJ I


.w~ ~

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I"" 1..... ~~j" .. 11 T .·.·h B"II. I,,~



( Leh l '\4U 1 -l2 1 ~"",.. ~ ,.. hal Ih.· d"n!,; ~ all . /"1,,1. ,..·1", II.· ~ 111,11..... ,n Ih,. I" ... 1..00 " . Ih...·.,,,001" on ..·..r"'F-. r.·I"'"I\,I,,- a,.. 1 ~I"'..I"' ;,: ,....,_ ...

<!~ nl.,.


In th t, gamt' aga inst Ni cho ll s on e im ­ ) roV('Ill t' nl


l ad

th e

was eviden t, the I ndians on ly


lllrnUVf' fS compared 10 o\'cr ~reViOllg gam GS.


Indi ans o pl:':n ed

th e




Classic \vith a \v'in ovt'r Georg:ia State. The

Nalt brothers, Calvin and Ken flv, pro ­

vided 46 ~oints '~ld Calvin haul ed dow n

J 1 n'buunds as the Tribe took their sixth

const>(:lllivt' \\·in.

La. Teeh did it again a!:' they snatched Iht' Pal'cmakt:r Classic title away from Ih <:' NLU Indians in the iinaimoments or~lay. Nurtht::ast , holding a hart' une·poinll<::ad at half'tinlt', allnosl l unl( :d I he tables un

Tec h. The Indians rell hehind and cuu ldn 't pull t Vt~ n until 2:04 was left in th e \lam e. With 1:05 Icft, Ki lpatric k hit a Jumper off lh e rip;hl baselLn(' making it 70·70. T ec h's iliA lTIan Lanky We ll s put in th e winnin g hasket with set:onds 10 go. North eas t call eel tim e to map their strategy and hopefully se.n u th e game into over· tim e, but Kenny NallS' 30·footer missed and b rothe r Ca lvin's rebounded s ho t ro lled off the rim al the buzzer, ~ving T ec h the win , 72·70. 1H4

NSU's Dan Hell lead th e upsel of the Trihe as th e Indians fell to del" .1. 81-67. The inabilit y 10 hit from Ih e c Ul sid e was NLU's c hit' f problem in the ir Joss.

In th e second of four road games th e T ribe slUn g T exas at Ad in glo n LO l·60 in o ne o f' the bes t o ffensive ga m es of Ihe young seaso n. No.. th eas l ~s s hooting per­ centage improved but th e hall handling did,, 't as NLU had a wh opp in ~ 19 tur· nove l's.

The Indians advanced th eir willnilll( mark 10 8·4 on the season whil e play in g in a gym wh ere th ey had won o nly on e li me in 11 years. Oown by s ix at halfLim t, th e In­ dian s ca me back in th e final pe-riod 10 beat Arkansas State 70-65. NLU s uffered a 78-73 setbac k at the hand s o f USL, a n oppon e nt th ey hadn ' t met si nce 1972. The Indi ans deve loped tro ubl e wi th a dry s pell of some four minu tes in th e final per iod. h proved more than the Tr ibe co uld Qvert.:o m e. ~ No rtheast moved bac k into th e groove with o n e of th e bes t hom e gam es 01" the year as th e I ndi an s defe at ed the stubbor n Me rce r Bears 94-81 Th e Tr ibe's d efense was put to the tcst .... : t-;..~ ........ ..: • • {! I <lo nur nnivpr.. il v Tbe In­ dial1S fi red a n e ven 50 per t:ent fr o m the fi eld but the 19 turnovers told th e story. Lamar was down . t th e half 3 1·29, but return ed to dominat e th e second half, tak­ in g th e lead (o r good with 4:26 left . With 31 seco nd s left, NLU' s Ke nn y Na tt missed the seco nd s hot of a o ne-and-on e, leaving th e sco re 65·64. The s ho ck of the on e-point by Lamar hadn ' ( worn ofTwhen th e Tribe we nt sou th to play Mc Neese Stat e. But ano th er heartbreaker wa5 in store for the Tribe as th ey fett to de feat 76·75. Tied at the half­ way buzze r, the two team s bauled bac k and fo rth in the se(;o nd period with McNeese em mergin g th e winn er. ~or t he&t m et Arkan sas Stat e in a ho m e con test. Fo r th e third tim e in as man)' o ut­ ings, the In dians played a cl iffh anger and for th e third time th t'y co me up on th e s ho rt end of a o ne -point d ceis ion. Ahead by 36-30 a t intermissio n, NLU remained o n top for th e firs t 13 minut es o f the sec­ o nd pe ri od bU I couldn ' t s hak e the ASU team, wh o t:ome bac k with a strin g of points to Iinis h ah ead 79-78. ( )PI'U:-.1TF t'\l ; ~ ' (I "I" 1),,~ i. 1 " ~ I' tl~1 '''''~ , ... " ' Ul"" "" d iu., "'1''' ' '\_( .\ r\..,,""'l" -.(,01, . ,1\"[(' ."' 1....' ·n'" '\JU ( ((It. h. I, ,,,(..,. " ' ,·11. ~ II<I I' ,..~. ·( I (~.I J (," J ... . " , .( ... ,, ' ,"" .,,~, ~.. ''', .. .(1, t" •• "" ",,,~ ·I .~ h.


.. "

• , .. " . " ,

. Iu';"): ~ (I " .. ·

( 1" '1>1 1,,1.. \ I'" l .·.. t l ( ,,11" ' ''1'(_ '>,"""I' ..10... (, "'" \1., 1.,,01 1...,· "1' ;"" •• \ ....\ . \ 1..-111 10," I ~'''''' ~,' ''' . ,101 B..·...·" 1(,,11,. ,1'." '0" , 1",,,1" "


,I"",.:.: ~ '''.....''1

\,\/i lh thf·lurgesl crowd attendance of the yeur! 69tll). E".. ill g t: oliseum wiln essed [wo imporl:lrI ( eve nts. Calvin Nan scored his 1 ,(lI ~llh point and I'iLU sna pped a three gam e series of single poi nt losses by d,·jea tin g rival Louisiana Tech 89-82_ In a return road game with Lam ar , the NLU Indians found out what it's lik e 10 be on the winning side of a on e-point deci­ sion as th ey com e home "ith the prize,

56-55. The last few games--both "ins and been of the down-lo ·the -wire vari e ty and the game against S outhern l oss c~have

Demons 74·72. Calv in :"Jall poured in a career hi gh of 39 points but th e NSU team putl ed together as a team and th e De mons prevailed . LJp hy four poi nts at the half, I\SU never trailed in th e linal period. The Demo ns twice opened nin e -point gaps, but cou ld neve r hrcak away. ~orlhwestern too k the lead for kee ps with a IS-footer off the baselin e with 3:38 to play. That made it 72-70. Another tough loss for the Tribe oc­ c ured at Cente nary and this time the heartbreak read lik e this, Centenary 77 , No rth east 75. This loss came despite the

-Mississippi was no exception. Ahead 44-43 at halhime, th e Indians held the lead off and on, but the winner at the s o und of the buz ze r wa s So ut he rn Mississippi 82-81. The Tribe pulled off their best offensive e ffort of th e year against Georgia St at e. At the intermission leadin g by a comfortahle margin ! the Indians onl y increased Ihal lead to the final second of play, 108-66. NLU knocked off Houston Baptist in Houston, 75-57 to run their record to 13-9. The Indians were up by only four at lhe midbreak 33-29, hut dominat ed the final minutes to wit} comfortably. The NLC Indians dropped another dose one in losin~ to th e Northwestern I~'

Indians' best s hoo tin g lirst half of the season with 67 per cent. Throughout th e game the two North Louisiana schools were neve r separated by more than six points. A win sa v ed th e Indi ans' bum · persticke rs from th e jire as Northeast pulled out ahead of UNO to win a two­ pointer of their own, in over time, 80·78. Th e team linally see med to pull together as th e offen sive and defensive honors were evenly divided among the cagers. Northeast's junior varsity hasketball team did "quite well this year for a team that is really a prep lor the Indian s uperlatives of the future. Indication that the jV pro­ gram is a success is thal two players from

last year's squad, David Hall and Ja May o, we re starters on this year's va that came up with its 16th winning sea The Dave DeRousse coached Br. start ed off th e season with a bang by \ ning their tirst three games against Pall Kil go re, and Barksdal e. They suffi th eir first loss of th e season in a rem with P anola in Carthage, T exas 78-69, then lost again to Kilgore. The NLU jV's found their .. in! stride again and promptly reeled olT straighl wins over the likes of Ue Lon Morris. Willard Moore Marin fort Polk. The Braves were whipped by a know n as Kimball Business Mac 87·70 in on e of their worst games season. Do in g most of the damage i gam e were form e r Northeast slars Rose and To mm y Grubb. The JV's were never down for 10 bounding to top Barksdal e and Fort The most prolific scorer on the squad was Konald Frazier, who a\' nearly 20 points a game. Other top included Konni e Uuwling. Ti Givens, Bo hby Bozeman, Uanny B Walcher, and Mark Gross. Gross, the squads 6-6 big mall, W 10 th e team aft er on ly fo ur games d knee injury. Dowling \'"a s promote varsity afler som e outstanding g leaving the tea m with only a skelel original un it. As the record shows. the junior group once again served its pu all owing young players to gain ga expe rience and developing a win titud e among futur e Indian stando

Junior Varsity Scoreboard

NLU 66

80 58 69 68 78 81 82 106 70

37 76 53 78 76 75 72 74 103 87

99 83 90

70 68 89

Panola Jr. Coll ege Kilgore Jr. College Barksdale AFB Panola Jr. Coll ege Kil gore Jr. Coll ege Delgado Jr. College Lon Morris Jr. College Willard Moore Marina FI. Polk K i III ball Bu si n ess Mac hin es Barksdal e A FB FI. Polk Intram ural AlI ·Slars

111" '(1" 1"1 ~ I>\(;~:, n "pI (. ·rt..... I "' '''' ~ ,,,,,.1 I. ,,, a,l,· "1.·" , I"nlll' I,,, .. k.... , I. 11 111 ,,11(21 1. \ "1\ 1.\111. ,,,,.1 ... ,11'111r ,, · ~ (;·11 ",11, I, .. " .~I ...r " ," J:" ill ,I",·. ,, ~ Ih, \",~ I''''''''L. rn.

If""" """",',

(T,,!!!: I\.,nn ... I:l. ..dintt 11 0 ) all('m p( ~ 1<> l>1 ........ l,h (· ~hOI 01 • \"SL' pla} .. r ..hilt· Il,,;::.' " (:r"~11 (~,(II hr l.... HI" d~l .. nsj~~ mo\', ', (I.eh): l' r,),illtl( h3 \ h l'l ..... i!:lu ;'"i "nnw ad~.lnl .~ ... K'I" .. "kll.j·~ll or'·r. ~ 'I ~ck pl:ayr..... I' &......




*78 *82 60 78 74 84 90 +80 + 70 67 101 70 73 94 64 75 78 89 56 81 108 75


87 83 48 68 65 78 75 64 72 81 60 65 78 81 65 76 79 82 55 82 66 57 74 77 78

65 98

CJ5 72




;'\Jew Orlean s Classic

+ Pact' maker


Cla ssic

Illin oi!- Slale

Murra y Stal l;" Soulhr:a."h'rll LU lljS j~lla

McNeese Slale Louisiana Tec h Houston Hap! isl

1\ ic holls SlaLe Geo rgia Soul ht:: rn

Luuisiana Tech !\ort!n,,'este rn S tate

Texas- Arlin gton Arkansas Slate Soutlnoif::Sle rn

Me rcer

Lamar McNeese lal e Arkansas la lt;>

Louil)iana T~c h I....•a lnar

Sout hern Missiosippi Geo rg ia State Hu u:sto n l3apti ~1 \lor! hW t5Lern S ta tt'

Cent enarv

\Jew Orl;.n 5 (0'1') L,,( JlJi ~ \' ill e




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I ~",,'i .•

~m'·r "'~ '_~IU<I,·1I 1 .\ ......

Spikers End Season

The Lady Ind ia ns end ed th e ir volleyball seaso n by fi.nishing fifth in th e slate lo ur路 nament in Lafaye tt e. At th e to urn ey, !'ill; defeated the Universit y of New Orleans. So utheastern Louisiana, and I\ic holl s, but we re beate n twi ce by th e eventual stale c hampi o n, Tulane. Last yea rs state c hamp, LSU, t:ame in seco nd , _~ol'thw esl e rrl placed third, Southwes tern ) a l earn Northeas t de feated on two diflerent occasion s this season, finished fourth and NLU and Nic ho lls tied for fifth. On the season, the Lad y I ndia n s we re ll-J3 un der first yea r coach Brend a Brooks_

I~ '

• ()I'I'( lSI'H, I'

"c,t. n " 1' ) lir,' ''oI" ;':.Iu l, I,.·,,,, . h, ... ,)'I,!:

' ''"d M.. IIs.sa 1.., 1.' It ·l ) In

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I !"'i'l \ "II , ~b:o ll " 'all ' , durn,,, !: II ... I .~II. (I"" n",,,, " ,, '~ hn~ \Ir... "I .. "':.Lul,I,,·r~ . l ""!:" r M"r,,,,. M, II!.... 1.! lk. !'n,,1a I,,,,·,,, :--"..,ul",;.t .-.;""\1.,,, W·h...·. l '" u, h lI.-.-n , l~ IIr""I.", lI" r, .".·,.







For the fi rs t tim e in North ~as l 's hislor;' a wo man was nam ed to head th e I)~ J->Clrl . menL of Recreat ion an d Sport s. [\:1 iss Bett y Fa ught too k oV(' r th e De partm e nt of He-c · ("{'a lion

and Sports afte r Ja<.: k

H ()\,iall

retired .

\li55 Faught is a graduate of North · western Stat e. ho lds a master's oeg ree from ylcm~his S tate and has bet' n at 1\ L U

since 1966. COCleh Vaught is pres ident uf' the Louisiana A5~ocia li o n o/" Inlcrco ll ep:i­ ale Athl eti <:s for \Vornen and has prt:. vio usly served that organiza tion as vie t'­ pr€"Sidenl in ehargr of pur-li e relation s.

Ass isting Miss Faugh t in the Intramural po rti o n of rec reation and sports is '\-!r. Ca m ille C urri er. The Int ramural Program is based uJ->on the J->hilosophy of maximum \'o luntar-y Sill ­ d e nt s J->a rt it:ipati o n in a va riety o f phy~i c:a l ct c li v ilies. T her e a rt~ ove l- 30 diffe re nt lea ms. with individual and t.:o-eo uca li o nal ac tivit ies o ffe r ed an nuaHy. All com pe ti · lion c ulmin ates with the presentation o f' a ppr o priate a wards.

Flag Football Fraternity l.K:l: 2. n K A 3. K A 4. :l: T r


Flag Football ORGANIZATION 1. 2. 3. 4.

rCA Soul Society POC BSU


1. 2. 3. 4.

Olin (6-8) Sherrouse Hudson RA 's


1. Sal's 2. Crusaders


1. 2. 3. 4.

PEMM Hudson Masur Madison


ME N 1. FCA 2. Soul Society 3. K:L (t' ) 4. Sal 's Ie

WOMEN 1. 2. 3. 4.

PEMM Hudson Madison Masur



1.:l:Tr K:l:



4. TKE

ORGANIZATION 1. PDe 2. Scabbard & Blade 3. BSU 4. Soul Society

DORMITORY 1. Hudson 2. Sherrouse 3. Olin 1-5 4. Olin 6-8

INDEPENDENT 1. 2. 3. 4.

VB'ers PDe "B"

K:l: " B" Varks




1. 2. 3. 4.

1. BSU

Hudson Sherrouse


(t 路 ) Scabbard & Ie Blade

2. Harris 3. Madison 4. TKE sis

I ').~

Archery MEN (sights) 1. Michael Melancon-Ind. 2. Glenn Hummel-Ind.

WOMEN (sights) 1. Nancy Robinson-KA 2. Ginger Moreland-Hudson

MEN (no-sights) 1. Robert Burkett-AGe 2. Daniel Rhodes-Olin

WOMEN (no-sights) 1. Marian Howard-Masur 2. Sherry Holstead-4> M

" JI,



1. Steve Marionneaux-Ind. 2. Craig Case-FCA

1. Richard John-Ind. 2. Steve Kamerman-FCA 3. Roy Lee-Ind. Leigh Martin-K~

Badminton MEN 1. Rod Noland-I nd. 2. Alfred Lui-CSU

1. Jane Alexander-Masur 2. Cindy Clayton-BSU 3. Maria Morris--KE 4. Dana Ayers-Madison

WOMEN 1. Jan Berry-PEMM 2. Sherry Holstead-FCA

1. Johnny Wilson--Scabbard & Blade Angie Carney 2. David Craighead-BSU Jane Alexander

FIELD GOAL KICKING 1. Mel Knotts--KA 2. Craig Case-FCA



134 142 150 158 167 177 190

Art Davis John Fox Ricky Braddock M ichael Lowe Charlie McCain Mike Joseph Bill Cloutel Greg McQuown Mike Strider Steve Sutherland Ricky Smith David Mann Joe Thompson Mike Adams

over 190 Keith Huey Steve Owen

Olin 6-8

Olin 6-8


RA 's K~

Sher.-S. SGA

KA K~ ~Tr


Table Tennis Singles

Daniel Chu Alutsius Chan Kenneth Koo Alfred Lu i


Wanda Howard Jana Crawford Kathy Taken Ginny Crawford


eshoe Singles Lee Wyant Marc Capella James Light Paul Courrege



orseshoe Doubles Lee Wyant Mike Robertson Paul Courrege Marc Capella


Co-Rec Bowling . George Peret John Ensminger

eightlifting (T earn ) . KA


K~ K~

1. Ann Auzenne Gill Greer 2. Mary White Mike Varino 3. Bab Schmitt Jim Carr 4. Debbie Holtzclaw David Linzel

Wesley Ind. SGA Ind.

K'l' PEMM 路

' ;9

All-University (men) 1. K"1: 2. KA 3. POC

4. Fellowship Christian Alth. 5. Scabbard & Blade 6. Chinese Student Assoc. 7. ~E 8. Soul Society 9. "1:T



n KA

Wrestling 1. KA 2. Olin Hall 3. K"1: 4 . ."1: T 5. Student Government


Volleyball 1. Hudson 2. Sherrouse 3. K"l: 4. Scabbard & Blade


All路 University (women) 1. K~ 2. PEMM 3. Baptist Student Union

ZTA 5. <l>M


6. TKE "Sis" 7 . Aon 8. Scabbard & Blade 9. Chinese Student Assoc . 10. ~E<I>

Organization 1. PEMM 2. Baptist Student Union 3. TKE " Sis" 4. Scabbard & Blade 5. Chinese Student Assoc.

6. ~E


Sorority 1. K~ 2. Aon 3. <I> M









KA 'l!






Greek Life at NLU ...

Panhellenic Council

1. Sut.lln U"wn~

2. Uia."~ K.....,l 3. Gwen Morvan' -4. Jan .. ~ Brown 5. [j,;a "inc,路 6. Mi"h ..1e Nd!>On I. Uline I'fpp en fl. J"ln"i~ "'I'"II~ "'I,,,,,,,! Karim


10. L,lIi&... Polk

II. h "hb.," Sa,'.,"


Interf raternity Council

I. ll"na ld 2. J~rollll'



~'r3"kl./I C~ru~

l . nA~

,.;. Hanny


ClIfV Man,.路!1


.. (;,.....-,:1' 1>"llrl

;. Holl Mean

8. hhll K....In 9.

Hoh ~ rt lI "n ,lrid~JI

10. T e...y U~ ... i$ II. \'Ir. (;I~nn T"lob:. 12. Mi(,hllt'l Har-a...1 1:1. Uavid \1 eU lnio:U. I'. Oon ... lIi$lln 15. M,k" We<:m~ I ~ !:Jr"'tI' John wn 17. T o ny P(orl""ru 18. s..I'Vt" Ka~ 19. St"v" Wtlham. 20. T~~ &""".d, 2\. Mll~ til..,路,".



,,.. , :-;1.·,",·:-;"",1,

I. J'moi." F,~lw'

C<~'IJ:" I /.·~n

..,.,.,~. II . ~ ",.· .

4 . ElVO..- \,.11"



11....." ,- It""h I...... I bn l ~


T..", \ \.·d ....

Il"',,,· I).... "ml.,, ".SI.·" (;"'<""


II .

~ I. I )"",,'"


I t. Ch". I" I."... ~ Li . \lark "1'. -,· ..11 .. 14. II.·, ,", "'·;IOll'" IS. 1'". M, I)"",.I,' 1(,.

\I, l ." I Un"' ~

) ,. (:"'11 H.) I""',,,,-, ~ IR I)'",nll' t Iom" I I.-,

Acacia Fra ternit y was insla lled at ~urth­ easl On Apri l 20, 1969, and has proved il· ,011 in all fields of end eavo r. The funda· menial purpose~ of' Acacia are: " To strengthen th e lies of friendship. o ne \...·ith Ihe oth e r; to pre pare o urselves as edu caled men to take a mor e active part and have a ~re.at influence in affai rs of the q)n1­ munily: to seek th e truth and knowing iI, lO giv e light to those with whom WE' may be associatt' d as we trave l along life's path ­ way." Sumt" Acacia activiti es at f\orth easl are lheir Black and Gold Spring Formal, fl.u sh parties. TGIF'S, co llec ting mon ey ["or lhe Shrin e r's Child ren's Cl.inil,: in Shreveporl and a uarhrque. Th(> frat ernity was fou nded 1\'la)' 12, 1904 at th e Unive rsi ty of \-li(·higan .

Alpha Kappa Alpha

I. 1I,,路n.la iI,i", :L 11.-1"" ... J......... :~ . 1)..路 10 ...... M"y -l. ~:' 路na II,~I". 'i. Jud i Furl"u~h h. :-h~nJlI "rI. I)v n ~

7. 1l,,,,lavn

11"l l ln

In, ,1 " "'I!ln',I,

Theta Zel. ChaJ.>le r o f Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority was c h? rt ert'd lJect'mber l.

1973. Its main purpose is

10 {; ul!ivale


e ncourage high sc ho lasti c and ethical stan­ dards and to (>fo m o l e un ity and frie nds hip a mo ng college women. to s tud y and ht' lp a lleviatE' a ll proble ms Co nce rn ing girls and \,,"o men 1 to maintain a progressive inleresl in co ll ege life. and 10 be of" st.~ rv ie t' 10 all mankind . Th i. year Alpha Kappa Alpha parli"i· paled in Ihe Head Progra m for Youth s as well as Ihe S ic kl e Cell Program. ln eluded in ~otnt' of th ei r othe r se r,,-ice projt'ds

were taking fruil to the e lde rl y during Ihl" Ch ristm as holidays along with sf:'nding l lll­ derprivil eged yo uths to Ca mp Chi<.:ola fur the summ er.

Alpha Omicron Pi

I . 1).-1.1",< 11..11", la.. 1.. I<.. .. tl" 11 ~""h"" i

1),'1,1", < \\"1""1""

" Laura Wha ll,.y i, "'.II I" H".. ,..("\ I.I M !lnt"'"' .. "'~I I I\ 1'I"n'I'"


H. Ih",,,~J,, \\~h"l\ 'J. I.',a 1'".,,-,­

III. I..~II" 1\1"lu' II. T, -r", Ikllnanl

:' 5, ;110. '17. 'lB. VJ. 40. ~l.

-1.2. 4-."1.

-1.4. 4.1.

k"ll" lid' Il.1o ldw' n


Ma')(all" 11on,I",,,,,

11,·,'''' 11",,,.1

J" ... 1",,·

Carllon SI"phani,' U.. I'·s ",l>n·

l'a"IiM Haln'"

Ikl>l,i,' r... in).';

" ... Ih\· D"II,·.

Br,'nola \\' hll, '

I'h)'lii ~ \\'ad,'




4(,. (; "'~ ... ~ .U!{"


I)". ",·


4;. Ju",' th""'r -tHo D,·I,bi.. Sa"aj("

I,L I ."" "'al


~U " ''''


If, "',m ,\,,,.,,,,, I i ~u ,h Burl"",

lIS I.. n;,,,, II,,,,,,,, I') 1',,1


I ). ,n~hll'·


1) ... 1..""">1,

1 1. U "',"!,i l..a rr i.,u "li. Ikl l, \1..1; ""," :l.i. I, n "' nhu,)( 1.1. 'I "" ~a I..",,'" 2'.. ' " " ,., II ..." "th. ~h .... J.. ,,,,,......


11. SI... u, ~"'Y'~"''''' VI 1\",\,,, n ....",".·, t'}. T.'n. I'"rk. ', iii....... ·1'... '.." . 11" 1,,,..,, II. :-. ...' .•·11,· W" I~' 11. 11""',1> :-'p,l",~" 1.1. 1.11.·.. Earth",,.,, :'''''1111 I),,~i,, ~


.1') lui,,· Hurlan ~t) IJ'an, 11o-" ~n .''il . r, ·r.~' ThnrH " Y ,,2. (;'"1'("( M, Ilonald ,,:\ l\kli,.~a 11",,1,.,. .'"H. k.dd, ~ W" II .. ",·

.'):') KH<"I' ~hirn'" !')(~ I ,·"na'..!a Ca...',,, .'i 7. \ ".~, J"I,"~o n


M,," m "'n\.3\I,·


'1 h,· ....."

Gn~.. ril.

6/1. Man ," '\"I"' ~ t>l . lUl l ) I)........ " •.•

(,1. J,... ~ ... J...-"",,,, (d . ....1\ ';riflP" (,.t . II," ''') I'nld\llnl (,.~.

( ol,.

H.,o"a M"..." ,";<"I0· HII" "',' II" U" .... Y

(,7 . i\1d+n,lu .... ,·1... ,,, (,H la" '-":"'n~

Lambd a Tau Chapter of Alpha Omicro n Pi was installed in 1958 to e n足 (:ouragt:: fraternit y and love; to sland for charader, dignil y, and scholarship; ant.I Lo slriv~ for and 6upport the bes t interest of Ih t' univers ity. Tht: jacque minot r ose, rubies, pearls, s heaves of \..:heal , and Ragge<ly Anns ar e special to these AOIl ladies. A costume Hallowee n party, th e Alpha Part y, and th e annllal Host' BaJl high.light ed the year for thi s sorority. AOll's have held projects suc h as slr~et drives for collec ting dona足 lion s for tht: Arthrilis Foundation. This year at Regional C onvention, La mbda T a u Chapler \vas awarded the Outstanding Chapter orHcg ion VII an d for the cha pt er initiating th e high est percentage of pledges. This international sororil), was found ed January 2nd, 1897, at Barnard College Columbia Universit y_


Alpha Phi Alpha

I. 1),-,",;, e h .. "'I.. ,.... :l.. Ii,.I II路n ~it"I'"'''' "I. I)"" .;, 4. Ikon Da r!, 0.. Cll~rl,路_ .\ ,h.""



lIi1rr~ III ~ .... ,~

i::la Chi C ha~l e .. o f Alph a Ph i Alpha Frate rni l~' was chartert"cI on th e <.:a mfJus of ~orlllt:' ast Lou i ~ i a n a U n ivr!rsil y

'\-'larch 3,

1972. Alph a Phi . \ Iph" is th e olde. t and larges t' Bl ac k Frakrnil )' in th e United

States lod"y. On Oec:enl he .. 4, 1906. al

Cornell li ni\t e r~it y in Ith aca, l\ew York. Alpha Phi Alpha \\'fl5 founded hy seven men wh o have ~ in l;f' been de-signal ed as lht' rounclin g '·jt' \,d·· lg'· of th e fr i:l lernlly.

" Th,' a ims o f Al pha Phi Alpha arr 'ma n ly o ct> d s, scho lar ship. respec t of

wo man hood <lnd love for all m an kind .'


ai m ~

t' xcmp li fy the quality of men

thai make lip lh t' bro therhood of Alpha

P hi Al p ha Frat" l'n it),."

The fall o f 1972 mark ed Ihe first year o f i:: ta C hi C ha pter o f Alpha Phi Alpha "xi.­ tence as a fu nc ti on on th E" .\jorth e~sl Loui­ ~ ian a

L'ni\lers il y campus. On e of th eir ac­

tiviti es Ih i~ past year was a Sic kle C('II

Anemia Driv e.

t i,

Archonian Omicron Epsilon Club

t ~lv viu I( " I/I' r<oll 2. E"wl,13 I ~'nj"," ," :'1. ' ,,~~~, II all 4. I); >n na 111',,1


~: va


(" ,,",-a' r.o.

Wil\iam ~

)< )

;~ J;i

~ ':

i. i: U"rN War.. 9. I)""i",", S.·,,,-. Itl. H, ·rn..lin,· War,·


) -; ,~oIIJ , f



It. 1:"",,;,· :0,1 (1,1..,

'----' i,

'b 0 /L I Jv'lf ( j


,,- j



Ze ta Phi Bela is a social so rority which e nco urages high acad e mi c standing and sponsors sOt:iaJ activities. T he so rority wa s fo und ed in 1920 as a res u lt of the en· co urageme nt of tw o bro th e rs, Ch arl ~s Ro ber t T ay lo r and Langs tr o m Taylor. The purpose 0 1" Zela Phi Bela js to s tren gt hen an un d e rsta ndin g of th e mean· in g of se rvices. So me o f t ht' goal s o f Zeta Phi Be la a re fin e r woma nh ood, sc ho la r· s hip, serv ict' to hu ma nit y, and sislN hood. So m ~ o f lh e ad ivities a nd proj ec ts ac ­ com plished by th e me m hers of Zt' t£l Phi Bela's An .: hunian C lu b since their ap· peara nce on N LU's ca m pus are a fame sale, anu £I visit to th e c hildren 's ward of a hospilal wh en! they gave a s hort play, sang C hristmas carols, and played Santa for the c hil d r en. Th ey a lso m ade p upp ets, mo bil es, a nd fr uit hags to g lV t' Lo th e c hil d ren as Chri stmas gi ns.

Ze La Ph i Bela is I he n ewes l So ro r il y o n ca mpus.

1 11

Delta Sigma Theta

1. Jdl,·,;u I-,..·v.. , 2..\h·ll"l t :"I:' i, l',jln,·lu ~1""!1~""~ 4. Clo ll rn,u",, ' I'r;, o•

.J. Umll " M,I, 'hdl

(" \1,·lan .. · j"h"",m

7, 1I",n,,,· Mu.,· n<l . . v W...h inj:I .."


9. 1(.,,,,,, ,1.11,, '1

lu. e.' .llr n I,!·.....

II. !.h"I,..,-, I.dl.. n 12. A'I~..I. ~' ...h'nl!I.." I ;t. Ul;lnn.. U' ,I1'."b

Lambda Rho Chapler or Delt a Sigma Theta Sorority holds as ils main pu rpose and aim to establish , maintain , and en足 courage high cultural, in tellectual , and moral standards am ong ils me mbers. In addition to promotin g ed ucati ona l

at.: hievemen t, this o rgani za l.ion s upports and par ti cipates in ~ubli c service pro足 grams.

T his veal' Delta Sigma Thela held a s pec ial rece ptio n for the ir sisler ano Homecoming Quee n, Reg ina Carmoll . during the Homecoming festivi ties. Last spr ing, a bike-a- th on was sponsor ed


Deha Sigma Thela in which lhey rode t' igh leen miles. All proct'eds went to lht' Menlal Health Program . Lambda Rho Cha pl e r was roun ded al Norlheasl on OClober 23, 1974. The Sororit y was chart erf"d on January L~,

19 L3, a l H oward

Lniversily in

'Washington 0 . C.


Esquires of Omega Psi Phi Club

l. Cl",j~ LJo...loin ,

:.I.. Lest,,"r 1I13,...lIal

J. 4. 5. (,-

Koor;"k \I.hnlid<l I)a\'id L \1.-1)an;~I~ Ilr. Ehid$x Ja",,路, K.. tmi. T3VI",

7. AUlhu r S ":;,Ih

H. AII" n \I:ard <J. l.... n'lI.. 1'..... ,..... HI, H"F:lnal<i AI>n'''' ~

The Esquire Club of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity was formed on March 13 , 1976 aft e r proper colonization procedure und e r the advlsorship of Dr. Elridge James.

Th e Esquires initial emphasis has been th e ga ining of funds and properlies to enlarge iLs club tr easury.

In its youlhful slage, 1111:'" urganization h a~

been invo lved in few community effo rts, but does pl edge efforts in the 011足 co m in g se m esler for enhan cement of the communily, t:a mpus, a n d the beuerment th ose in need. The Esquires sponsored se ve ra l ca r was hes a;; well as parLicipaled in intramura l foo tball and volleyball. Ad足 diti o nall y, th e orga ni zati o n intends lo s po nso r a maid in th e Mis~ Blac k [ ssen ce Pageant.



Kappa Alpha

.. t,-,n..

2 :1.



I. II'.,..n I'~ul C"u..'!!..

I~all"a.n Durha", S. \li l .. I .•)....

~ "". " >; '0)""

- ~.

t: h~rl~

:Fi. \l;a\',,,' C" nlo"\' j(. \101..,. h-l,.lil('n; . ii. Mil,- N' -al


John lIa, l~bol

Ua~ O~~I .. y

II . "',,,1,· K,)I.... r(,..:'" I i . J"l>n Pi....... r .'r!) Il"",..-;d. 1.1 I"h" F." IJ~""I 1',11"'11,"




I i . 1<-.. ~u,· J,,><, ... h T"n" n~ Aid...." 19. H,,·ky fh ""'VSUn 10 H.,~.· . 1'",,1 21.

m...·.....dd ,·r

J"hn SI"'II" "





(;uf) 1,...".­

", i ("

<.. K'm"" - L..· :\i.


<, .)

"l H. ",,,,Iy L" ,d.·,· .;N Call '<-'"." L..llo" ,• :10. I(j, .l. ~ ~ I,,"h

"'l,L" I',·""

n . ~ ,."


:l.S. k n Knigh, :l4. Hid, A"",."",.: t .... I\... ~~ liro,l.I.o\"L 2(., /t"" n... \1~_,,,(\ 17. lJay "j Ik ... h





:\<) Mil.. \1 "", 40. l)"n " ~ S ",m,

'I. 1'''1 I'a"",-L 4:l. Paul "-Iax,-, 1:1 Chu,·l IN..",I,-" 4 f; S l "~ " \i;' ilh...", t: r.. ~ \1<-\' ... "... ;n 47. 1).".': p,-,U\'" St.-vl· l ;, ..m



.'i ll. 5 1. St. ."j:t

\tik~ J"~"l' h

f fllnL A~hl.~ j<,..., Ja,,,I,,, r-.h L.. ""d)..,.." I.1

J...h" /.a{:"""

-)4. W<"!o L...O",


,.i?-~<UV'" rf),;'Zff1

~ .Iol




~.~~I:;!1~~~ t': '~("rf~,I",-r:~\H I.JI;, { 'Y '\~'J''~~ S\ ? _ : o ~/'\.,. ~ '( (,S, , \I " II " 'i") 'J'\) I ~ "\'A""'Y" /, r , I : .i l7t ~) I' )

,/ .

y\!)t1!Y~\ h,\i "{F \\ I (~~ \ ..

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oJ. ,J


I, \"'-






t "


,­ ~

I! r 1'\ ,\,)' 21("7 ~ / .- ...... --'""'-3 ~

I~ \'1 ~ I ) \ (If! J ~ L$iG/i'! L,I 2r

Gamma Nu Chapter of Kappa Alpha was chartered in 1956 Lo promo~e high ideals of br olherhood, citizenship, and scholarship. Kappa Alpha serves as an ad足 junc t to [h e acade mi c life o f the University by providing an enjoyable soc ial life [or its

m em be" and pl edges.

Highlights of lh e social <.;alendar incluue lungl e Parly, J.lI ac k and White Christm ... Formal, and Old Soulh. Old South Week co nsisLs o f a hayride, pig r oast, lawn party and is concluden by the Old Soulh Ball. Kappa Alpha's parlic ipati on in Ihe Home足 co ming float display won th eir chapter th t'" Presidents' Award.

Kappa Alpha Psi

1. (,ir" oI a W""d, 2. J,·r"",,· \.Yll"~' I,'''''''' Ju 1\.), ,.. \t'a h ~ r K,·n,I,i.· k. r>. ~and •• Fur.1



K..nntth Ih......

i. I:: lIa \ l a<... .

'" .'\d ..."ia Hu,,"',," 9. 1),,,,. 1,1 F.anll",


The fla Pi e h"!,kr Kappa Alpha Ps i wa::: ('hl:.Il'I cn.: d Oil \luvt'm lll'r 17. 1974 o n llt('



l argl'~ l

~J r

\l LU. Kal'p n Alpha Psi


or all


bla('k :;:ocial

f"ral l'rni ti t's ill Arnl 'ri('a. Kappa o;;eeks 10 in­ ,;Iill into hCJ lh Il wln lw "... Cl nd pledges alike

Ihl' itlt'ell o r 11Oilorahie <Il;hil'v t' m ent in ev­

en fi t'lt!

0 1"

"lilli an

(' IH 1(',,1\'0 1'.

The Eta I'i

C ha pli'r hc.l~ <I ll annu<l l cann ed goo d5 . . oc i,, 1 l o r nl ' t' d " 1<:lfHili cs durin ~ Th(-lll"~g:i\'ill ~ and th l' :--prini; ~t:mesll 'r h<.l:-. th l ' ,utdl,d '.ltlra..rioll 01 [hi' ~Il nual ~prin:.:: pit·ni (, unci Cirn~nn alld Cn'am Hall.

Kappa Delta

(",I" \10"1,1" l{h"'III~


Ik"" \1,1 .... ,... , 1'""ld H"I"'rl",,,


1'1.,11" (I"l,,,,,, I..!,""" lurrdl

:-"'a.-I" 1 .. ",H "'1',I"'jt) \,~,.", 'I :-,,1, IJ 1'",,1. \"nn In"

'" IJ"" BUll, h ,, ,",,,'I .. \I"..d,






'17. LIIHI~ Lund,

:21>. Ik,"l',·... ,\

2<), ,~O




\1"'11:'1'0'1 \n" 1(.",.1,,11

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\",t.;. Enw~(


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11"f(f 1'",,1

I),'n",<' I)""",,)!U('

Delta Zela Chapte r oj" Kappa Ut"lta \'ia.. . ins lallf'fl un ('(l lllpUS in 1967. Th ~~ ohjl.:'{'t ul Kappa Ut· ha is to promol t: lru t· rr i t'nd~ hi}J amung a U cl) lIegt" girl . . b~ prolll oting thust' p r in('ipk~ o f trulh, of' Il •..nor. of dut ~\ with· out which th ~'rt' ca rl h~' no tr ut' f'ri t·nd:-;hip. Th e Whil t' Host' Furmat hif! hli ~ h lt:' d lhl' r ( )J' th t' K<'IJlP<:l Della ~ir l~.

sprin g adi\'ilil'~


soro ril y '~

philanthropy is

i.'o lk(' til1 ~

IlH)Ory fot' lhe Crippl..:d Chil dl'l..> n':,- HOH)\' ill HichldnU, VirAinia. Fall Hush. pl''> dl!-"( ' d!"() \J·in, in tramural ~ports. li nd parli c.: ipid· irlg in H OrtH'( 'omi nf?, ft'S li vilit's wcrt' :WfllC

oj' lhe so rority's

a(;\i\'i lj ~p..

foundin g 01 lilt.' ~oro r ily was a l LOfl~' \''lOod Co llege, Virginia un ()1,;[OhI;'T 2:3rd. 1897.

, "''' 11_,,,,

&~ .....

K~ -

Kappa Sigma

J.·n j"h.,..",

~I,. ( .1"1' I)" .... ~

;7, 11.." '\II~"",

;;,, 'n", 11.",10-1," ,

.W. 1}<,ull W,,,,,!


I. 11,, 1oat 'I),"H "I 'Z I"" 1("""", .1. I " 'lI h \1""; ,,

". •• ".

'. ( .h"I' ...-. '-",,,·,,1 .,1 ,\ 1", ,,


~ulr, · 11

II"ul p ~uir

'>1«, , lhl l I ):", 1 : ~' n l! "\l 1

" j"h" \ ~ ;, \ ," ~ I " " W. 1l'"II" ,.. \ .lw.· II 'I,k. I . "''''n. 11,,1, r,.""I,-, '1.,, 1.1 " I ;o,~,· ~, ...... ~ 1I\1.. ·tI... 1<1 I',. \ Ii l.- .\ ,111111_

" I)

'" ...


II~"" I Il~k"r

\iil.· lld".." ,,1

H . I .... rv IIMn.t

t,;,." " .~ , u . a" " 1I ";f;~'


"", 1'6ul

I" hn'" ( ·...W I"

rli. h."

I i . kll .'\ ..·...·"

·tlt 1I,1I ." t, 'n vl.-,

."J. lJ:m ." H ~n" JnII

I ••, I'.u,m J. ·" ~i,,.


I i . I(\"" I ~ I,.,,:.: It"".. " l lv.. I",:.:

!i:l. I"h"



\lu '1'I.y F,·"". II I n. \1,10.. <1191\1...", 1" 10,, I,,, -, .. ,,. ~ •.•


:/ ~.

\1:"" ,,,. \1.11 ,,,,,,, •.


k if 1\<1.11"

Cb..d,, ·


t•• 11;.",,1 1','11' 1,1,'1""

:.'1. ~ ,,,


"'k~.· .ul ..·11


11 .~l i"p


~I ,~ ,



!"·,,r~ ... ~. "'''.

; 7. l ,,"I~ ( ,ar, 'a.

11, ......n \I ,lk .

~,H. :o "~ ,,. \I. i ll ia",~

10,...... '\ ,,,<11,,,,,· ~ I, . b"" ... 1.')l11l ~;. 11, 11 1"''''10 l ~. I l~ l, lIaoll ... 1.'1. 1I ,,101o~ 11M\. (n. J,·n n~ ~ " r I L 1:1 ...,.·",·.' I.. ~,

'" w. '"


". II.



Il,'n 11""...""

i' ~ . \l i~ , ' I ;" "~"r



eill l,y l ;"" '.. 1 .,lU r~


(,:/ , I I~rr .. ~ l\ro"" 1,1. Il" ll< or;l" H3dtla.1

1,'1. {~:; .



IIdh HUll' S KII...... Man'h,.r.ki "'a,l", Il aq;:",

hi. Su.•i.· P....." ,·

K_ f JP\

.S1G.M \

Tht.' Ln Chi Chapl t'l' uf Kappa Sig ma ill ~ t u lled

W d !5

campu s in 19()7. Sinn>the n. it h..t:-. 1!l"o wn leI ht~ Ill<' la rges t ["ratemi! ), 0 11 n tmpu :-.. l\. a ppa ~i C: lll a is a rraL e rn ;,}1 Ilrolh erh uod \."host' m l' mh l'J'~ a rt' sdt'eit'd 011 th t' ha:::i::-: o f qu a liti t!s of ahility, per­ Oil

~o n(}lil y. <Inti charadt'r, aSsuri n g a::o.soci­

ali o n It ~



o Ul5l andil1 J; g roup o f lTl en .

o hj,'(:Lin'::; art' Icad e r:;hip. se rv ict'. and

o Ubltllldin g

hruth erhood.

Scholarship plays a big (JurI in this fra­ a~ wt"ll i.l:! brotherhood. A hig; hig;h­ lighl or the:- frat (:' rnjly" S YC 'ar it> the buildinp: o f' their n l' W ho mt' 011 Frat ernit y How. te rnil y.

:Vl a n y Inc.- mllers o f Ka ppa Si~loa pa rlici· 1'<.11 (:> (1 in lh~' intramural spo r ll; program n.·5 ullin ~

in lh t' fral t' rn iLy GI;:·in:; named All

U niY(: r~ il y Cha mpiol1 ~, At'l ivil it ,:; I"or lhi::">

cu;li ve fral erni ly IH.lvl ' bn' n C n·'t'll Parl y. lh t' End l ilt' \\todd Parl ~, TG IF's. a Chri:;lllla:'> !"uod d riv e. <l Fo unJ cr'~ Day hanqu t' l. I hI;' Sl ardu ~tt ' r l3all and lh l' l)rca m G if! f ormal. " H ~Pil Sig ma lll e n


,: ; up po f'lt:d lhl' Indian s hy l<lkil\ ~ a hus [ri p tu I <,fayett e fur th,' \lL U-USL footl ,a ll 1!a rne. Ka~IJa Sir::nHlI-'n.lll'l"nil~ ..... <l:, foulidecllll

l869 al Ill(' U ni\"(:: rs il~·

or Viq; inia.

Phi Mu

'''''It., ,',.

I 1" ,1, 'l " ~''' 'LlI.J ' 1. ,\ 1"1...,, , t 1\..,..·,,,,,,.. \1.1..11""" I :-1 ...,1"


::, ri,." \ ,,,II j,



k rn ""'- J""'" h ' ". n o II""" r


". ).., .. ,1" III. ....,,"

(,,, II ,,,,,

(, n -, ·,

1\,..,,, ,,

I I " " ~J" I.•."" I~ . I), ! ." _.1. 11",1 .1 ..,1 I \ C.... I" " .0, 01 •..,

II . 11 .. , ,1.\ ". ,hdra I;', n., l y Ilur k 1(, _ O,lil a IId!..,' -'

I;. ""'''' \ .."',

Iii I.~d lt' I .ara", ..,

I ') I h'I,I"" ~_v, · ,,,,,,,

.!II I-. .. n·" \ ..n Bu... ~ ,

'2 1 ." MIIl .. ,,'" 1),('x,· I,I..,

:l ~ . ." ' ...,n 11 ( .bl ,·~.1

•1.1 I)",,, ,· II" I ~ ,l M,.·.. " 1",uII 1• . \'''".\' 'Willlr.·'·

Lh. I);,,,,, 1<,,1"'<1 .,," 17 e"" lv ('''''H lX. I. ". ,11,- ~I\ C.. "j ~ ,,, l

2') 1,"11 II r"" ,, .JIJ. I "",, I ''',,~ \a

I I. \h. , \ I" d",

II I.,,.. -.I 'U'L


),, 1111 \ " ~ I ...,

II I "" ' I~ 101\1," ,'I:>. I'u' " \ .~,d,,',·. "·11., I, ,,,h f i. 1...,,,1 ,\In na.


"',111" II " r~ " .~') h ...n 11 " ."""""",1, U!. 1),.1 ,1,,, I ! ~' I ~"

'" ,,- tl"J,,,,·.. '" ... ·\ 1..." ... rtl", 11. ,,''< '" " •...11\,1, :->''':.;:''


' I. (" .",~". ~. "

\ " I. ,

I"","M II


~.; .

II•. 1l000 h II...

<7 I,,, ~,. 11 ..", 1,,·,

.US " ~ " I~ n Jh"n I'). I ),,,n,

\V .lloa,, '~

'".,(1. C' ud \" J''''''I,h Ch" ,\"i (,ar,I",., .;:L 1',,», U,"b .>.l . { ... d" I;." Ii' :'.10""'0 \ "" u .,:'>. 1:I,n,.{\, 1.1" ''''lI "'" ,I) M", I." · (fI>' ,,,n,·1I




",Ii. ~ ()

\au,", I-.ar;"" T. ·ro~

\ .. u..~

. l'a" la lJalll.,

Phi \'1u Fratt> rn it y. st'c..:ond uld t'-st na· tional soc ia! ~o rority in Iht' Un ited St;:lt t':". "'i:t~ fu ullckd a t \~! t"~ lcya n Co lJegt' M ~H: OIl, C,'o q::id. Ma rch 4. lK52. 'fh,· Alpha Hh" C ha pl er a l \lI.U inslalled in 1956.


Th t, "h i IVl u's Cit !\;or lh (-'a::51 receiv('d thl' Clwa rd rnl" th e "l o~ ' Out:-;. (anding Chapl!.'r in tht' Il Cil io n at th f ir u Hlventi on this YL'a!". Thl:' Cha pt er also l' l!.ct"ived an award for don a lin g (h I'" lnu sl m Ollt'y to th ei r ph ila nthr opy. t he 55 HO PE, along with n°· ("t'iv in p; a qu ota award. Phi 1\1 u llar tic ipatt's in many so(ial ClC· tivi ti es d urin g th t' yt"'a r. Included in lht'sl' at: ti vi ties are th t' Pink Plantati o n Ba ll, Go \~i t'-~t Day, tht, annual Powder Puff Gamf'. and a Hikt' fo r HOPE in which lht:.'\ \...·alked 10 milt'S to raise mo ney {"or tlw hosp ita l ship. During; Iht' C hri~ lm a!' holi· days. th ~ Phi \'l u \ hel d a Chr"i~llTIas ~arl~ for undt' l"privil t""!,!!·d chi ltJn~ n al th t" Nt'\\·· m an Ct;' llt f" r.

Pi Kappa Alpha

lbr ..... :"1 ,''' -1,1

( hu' ~ :"11'1'1" '11"" " '\11~ " III u "" 'r


~ " .<1 H"I "'rl~ (,,,r- \ 11"" ..11 ' 1,1... \ 1,-( " lin Hrl " ,h 1(."r,1I I)., ,, ~ ~:, II,' "




I' .'II '~

11,,,",,.(.,.,,.,,,-, ,...., I ..." , \b r;:(\ld 1. ..." ·,, 1..·, ,,

/I I).",;: ' '').:'I·"'~ '·' /I. 1••1", \" II,q ll



11m.I "<lwt ..... " I \1 •.( ,,,

17 I ",.. t :ra h


...... ", ( (...1.,


" ",, ~,·, I


20 <;.·",·11,,1,·... 21. I)"""" (;"rrd :n 1.,1", lia rd", n 1.1" 1......1 ~I, BOI""'" L'llim,Il"' j:'·"


2). lla",1~ I)"" dl.l


Hanll~ ~I<",.-;orl

n. :-""pha",,·


"' Io,rt i,,~

t-. ~Io· Aul",

,1,.'11 1.8"''''

.W ' I, ... artl Pu,'''' .<1 ,>tt.,. {·l)r" "




:11. \." "1" ,, :->"".10

:J·t Hid'3rd II"n'I'I"i.·...



n.·,· I1...~a"

"'I;,d.. Ot:u;n.

Ii. Hw!.. ,- J .."I.·...

0 "",· 1(",


r\/\ '\

~ , (' . . >IJ I



, Ii \ \ 'Ll

l[ Uu V

f)i Ka ppa Alph tl was found ed for "lhe eS La hli shmenl l)C fri t:: nd s hip o n a firmer a nd m o re las ling' hilS is; for lh e prom o tion of brotherl y lovl"' and kin o fee lin gs for lh t' m utual ben e fit a n tI advHne em e nt ofth t' in足 lerests o f' [h ost' wilh \\'110111 we sympalhi zt' and dCf:m wo rth y t)t' o ur ("egard; th us \","e can m oS l s ucce:;sfu ll y accomp lis h our ob 足 jec lives."

This fra te rnil )' ho lds a Oream Girl Fur足 ma l annuall y ttlld (:olleds mo nt'y for its phila nthropy-Big H ro tll e r~ (If ." "merica. On m a n y a ft ern oo ns befo re pl": p ralli t."s it"s lht' Pikes wh o have bee n set' n riding throu g h ca mpu .:; no th ei r 1928 Seagrav e

Fire Truck. Tht' fO llndin ~ o f Pi Kappa Alpha was on iVlan:h 1st , I H6~ a t Ih t' Univt'n; ity o f" Virgin ia.

Sigma Tau Gamma


J,m,.. 1'1, .." ,,,


I.,,, 111,- \ 1.-(

.l-~ I"I]I I

{. J'II1"" \ ld.I.r " n, L

,,,,· 11,,10,,,... ,,,

, . II.." 1'" ,-,"

TI"h •.I,'<\o"


• •111


" 1,,1 \\ " ~I,,

H ( II... I. ·~ \1 ..1



:-.,,'" ' ,......'·'''3

lI.. u ~ \\ i... II. IS..,,,, I" h"",."


1'\"1. II.

I i< .hl ~

Ha"" .,. With••,,, ' I"st) lI othl> t .a ~

Pl. (.orY:::"IOIII,

:W. K ~ ,," H UI'~ ;2 L T u mm..- "-""'11$ n. K"'I;), H...w;u l~. 1)""i, 1 'fllvlm N . K.t har,1 ~,,\ilh l='. J"""',,h HOllin. tto \1..... A",,~




28. Alia" I'oq u,'

2<). M...1r; C"'''fl:,11 .il) Jam... Naqu", .U . J","\., Ga>olvn :S:L Ih.,.nl Ch" ..""",'

:n. Tun\ ,'"rt".u

1'. '..1'1) :,.-1" ",1" Ie.. " n,W.'II.


~. I(,d, ~ W,lI,~



1& \ 1<"1...lkn",""


Jw,,'"'' c..: ulJ""r:"


I).·hl...· I'a',.,­ t. rah ...n

Bela Nu Chapt"r of Sig ma Tau Camma chartered on :'\lo nh eas t's Campus "'larch 19,1960. S igma 'fau Gamma was founded In 1920 a t \-V' a rr t' l1sburg,


:\'lissouri. It is an orgu ni zfI \i un of ( :o ll('~c men lin ked loge-LIlI ' r for Ih (' p U rp()~H' o\" promot­ inp; lh t:' hi g h es t iJ t:a l ~ oj" manho o d , brothedwud. a nd c iti ze ns hip al o n:r \... ith social. (' ultural, s(:h() larl y, n,.·(:r ealional. a nd ut:' ll t' vu lt'" nL ac.;c.; o lllplis hm t' IlIS a mo ng its Ill C I'll hers.

Sip; Tau '!; mO:ljo r t' venl s ro r th e year in ­ cl ud ed lhe Play bo)' Dance. Christmas For­ maL Jun §!le Ju ict' Party, and th t' End url he ~/ orld Parly. T he highlight of the ye ar is a ''leek of" activiti es wh ie h includ es Founders Day Banqu et, a Crub Dall Ct.'. and \,\.lhite }{ost' Forma l.

Tau Kappa Epsilon

I. \'1"",I", lI .':i .....,,""" 1. I)"n,.ll !"w '~

Ja" 11", 1;::,·,

j.\, I. ,. Ja. h .,,,

" r•. 11,.-1,1",· ...,h:o..

:">".1, Il ud, ....


I);a l\.- W'/,:,"I <I"

H ')u......' 1II",ha",

'i . 'v'u n Jo \\ ;l li8m ;;0 1l III, t;. ~ lh" M " ,l a~ lI . " -1.~ nl1 l ) un h"I1l \I ~rll Llu~all

" " ", r"" n

llo , · ~ l l.t... n ,· u ~r, · d

Mat h'

I ~, . bld:-"!!i,,? I an., 11 .."na I; S h,, 11> \ 1ar'·... ~ l la rk It,. hll."I ', w~ ," ;Ln .!n. 1I'"n Bi.h"I'

'"'" ":no

1.,10" t,., ·,'I, ',

'2"2 l hu. I. lIur-.' Bn" '" t:.,",*,,,,,, 14. I"' ,rd ..., t",~ !:,,·i

H. l ;....,

1:;',1 ",(

'~ I)

11,,11 M." "I

:n Ban' " 1",d.,,, .m. ildl l;,,,'''''''' 1'1, HalO H..].,-Ia;1

I)"H id 1\1. 1\ I" " ,...



it ... h .I., I ....





Ih ll I...) ,........


{"' r~ rd

'i ~ .

, \avo'


IJ"~,, I



II, ~ , , ~, I


H . J"hll \ h"


,W F"-I l lI-lo1"'''

,:I,,,rti.· .,,,,,,h

40 LJjrd " Iilk.

4l. l);o"id \ Id ull,"

Hlllv ~ r~, ,,,.

'{H. \"\-" ,lI

," ". 1)1\" ", ( 44

.t :) .1(,


n" haro l ll ,ltd,'

\Ii'. r 1<.·.·.1


I)~",,, , ,,




I)"" ~"I W a l~ "r

Ikl ll

f \


~~ . 'I BlA '~~



Tau K Gl jJpa epsilon b Ihe wo rld \ largt~sL socia l frater nit y with t)V("r :) (0 (· haf.>lcrs in lhe United Sla les al\d Canada. T a u Kappa l::psi lull \",'a~ foun ded 'Tu t':-(iuy • .Jan ucu), la, l899, at Illin o is \V eslt'yan U niv ersil ~' in Ul oomi n g t on , IJl inoi g. r~ p ~ il u n l'vl u C h apler


c h arlt:ft'd


f\o l"lh t"i:lst

Uni h' rsily on May 10 , 1956. ma kin g TKE th e olclest rralf-: rnil j on Ih(; i\I..L ca mpus. Fo undns Oct}' HanlIU t;'l, [{ eo Ca rnation !:kill. I : xdla np.t'~ with .suror iti ('~, a nJ th e Chri5'lm n!:o Danct' have bt't'll hjghli~hl s of this year for the TKI:: \a tI\ LU. Ta u Kappa [psi lon iil~u \-\'on firSl plan.:' u n their hu meco mill g dis pla y in th e fratern ity divi· stOn.

Theta Xi

I. ~: n,i l, \1,.. ,,111.­ 2. 1l,,·I"H.I J"h"",.. " :\. \l.' illiu,n (;a'" -I. 1("",,,,. t.., U~"I

II" .. 1.,,,.1..,. (, 1.,1.., vk t-,"Il " "·



TI "",, ~,

" "",·Ii,·,

Il. Il,,·l,.. 11.... 1,.... <) 1J,111'l1uI' M .It·,

, C O?





, \





TlwtJ. Xi i:-. lilt'

()Idl'::-lll<llional fraternit y

un n nl1pu:-._ havill t! iWl'1l founcl(~ d ;\I)ri/

29. IR()4. It

4'nd t'i.lvol'f. 10 J:;si::;t



In d('Yl'iop tlw high(';:.( ... c hlllar~ hip ratin/-! ('On",i.. ll' nl \.,illl hi~ ahilil'f \0 Iwlt t"f HWIlIui <ll'I<I ph~::-il'al Iwhil :,. 10 have ::- inl ·t·l' il ~· t()\\anl ()Iht'r:-- i111(! :-ell"·cu llllt!.'II('t" II al~\) <l:-.::-i~1::- 1llt'lnlH'r.., in d('v( '\ol)ill l! rl'::-poll­ ::-iiJilily 10 hi ~ l'll clpln. \"o \\ q!t' , l' omlnullil ~. and coulltr): k ,H \I ' r:--hip abilitil':-.; <.Ind d l 'I 'IH'1' ::-pirilual Und \T:,, \alldin ~. ~\H"i~1I

1' \'(" 111 :-. 1.

.1 Tlwl a Xi included 1\11' Chrislmd:' J:orrmd,

Il onw('o min ~ l)~ll'I("(' .

\ail'nlin t'" Ihuh'l'. Foundl'!" " Da y_ <lIld ~llnh.· parli!.:,s.

various wl"d",t'nd J"ou lhull

H 'I

Zeta Tau Alpha

11,.1",- 1-.",1\,,1

2". \,1,11 ... .,lr4'"

B,.."dJ 11"",..11 I\HlI :-'had"", .~. I), Iobi.- H,li."

S, ~had"jn

,", ~har"" I 'il J..dl


I>. Wanda l'''UI,d(>r~ kanll" ~1a.1,', H. (,lI"': ("..,1o,,]

" \1"" ia Ilru,"'"

I;) I.Indu MOI)'" II. 11.



I)"rln~ Carwll

". vl"n,,,

1)"1,1,,, · \\-" ....hl



I :;. H" hh." 1,,~ Il ... u'·r

f.alh, 11 .. ,,,,,,,,,-.,

17 hO I, I)"",,1

I.. (;",'n ~ I" .... I '). l.ll1.l<l -;',,, I,·n-.l;. ·k.,T




,. lUdII"" ,

I.,; :\''''Ioin

"n. n"" "l



I ~\", I" ",

\I"", 11"10,,

\\ ....,Ia 11"....,,1


(I,,· ,~I In ,w~


I'". 11""nil


I'.!,(I ,'



:-"1".hdr \"!,,,," :11. MMlha II,..,.. "

:12 .


:'1,. J,,,ly '-1~.

TI'I<""o, Th"",,,~


I, alk>. d"

:1.'), lkhl"" \lllh -, '-\( 1vI~.., 1' ...1..0'1 1





n all l r O,,{oy" '­

HUI" Sp,lm .. n

.i'). I.Itld;l. CIa",,,n


Lf"5.I... Il a"~,,,~ 41. (:31 I>y ~ milh 42. IA"''' l:n,:i ,sh U 'lod'ck Bald..,,, 44. Jan'" Ilnllb.,nnr ~,. SIJ~ltn 1\ IIc hinf;hanl 46. Jo .. y Eojdi. h .n. L)n Tr.. 4H. Los.... u.a.,,,~

Zeta De ll a C hapi n o r Z ... ta Tau 'Il pha \'Vas in slall t' d in 1965. lis purfjiJSl' i.-. to iu · Lens il), fri t-· ndship. c'n 'al t'

1"0:-. 1('1'

suc h ~t: nlinH' nl ~.

a sfJiri t

or Im.\·,

\..H' rf"ol' lll


~ u ('\~

d erds and moltl !;u('h o ~iniun:-; t\~ will ~'Oll­ du ct:' lo t il\' huild ing Ill" nohln and pun'l'

wCJtnallho()d .


Zdcl Tau A1IJha Sorority


\\'~L'" f"o ulldpd

O("{ o her 18 . I H98 , in F arlI H ' p ..· ilk. Virginia. Ac ti v ili t!~ fu r till"' y~~ar induded Zela's Kiv t'rboa l Par i)' 0 11 lilt' T win City \lut':t'n and during Ii ollw('o llling \V ('(·' k Ihis sorol'jly proclUl' E:' d a palri oli c nO cl[ 10 di ~ p l ay . Sc hul :(.'::;

-' Peanut " c ' haracft'r~ ,md whil e violets an;' hdd dea r in \ hi ' h ea d ~ 01 a ll Zeta'"


Kappa Sigma First

to Build on NLU'S

Fraternity Row

Th",ta C hi C hapkr o f Kappa Sig ma mov c:d inlo NO rlh­

east's firsl frat e rnity o ........ ell. fraleruil Y built t:h a l, lt.- r ho use

ill Ja uua ry. Th e S 120.000 rnull i·pu rpOSt: s tru c ture slt't" In. s ixlt: t'n and ;s lht" c ulmination of" nin f" )"eCl rS wllrk by lh('

IOL:al grnup. Othcr campus I"ral ernitit:s tl lso plan huilding in nea r futur e.

lh t'

Fo r man\' vea rs, social rralcrniLic ~ and lllt'ir alumni havt' heen look(ng for prop!:'"!"I)' on whi e h to [wild frale-mit) h\)u s~ ~ . "Fr<ll e rnit} H.ow", a strip of lan d a long Bon Air!:'" and Norlh l~<ls l ))ri ....e, \~· as Ihe solution. All optio n 10 pun:hase land wa~ o ff ert'd \0 Ih l' fnllernilies

approxima ldy li ,, ~ ' years ago. This \.,.a5 Iht' hq::illlling "Ith" ~o 'H o-ht, n 'alil y 0 1" Fralt-mil y Row. Gro und-hrea king ceremonie s fo r KutJva S i ~ lHa were held Mal' 3 rd . 1976 , wil h wo rk continuing l\ll ' "dil ~. Tile s trul.:lUn· in~ · I\l d ~~.; e iglll bl:'droolll$, d la rf!;(" Inulti· IHlrpUf'j· room, an upstai rs f!;arnt: roo m, ,I kill"hc n. d I'ron l porc h alld a spu{' io u:" patio drt;,a.

Pi Kappa Al p h a tral c rnilv n路;,id(~>; I}l't'sc nl ly at 4 320 OcSiar d St r~ 1 wh e l'e th t' il" tra ditio na l fir,' tru c k Ula v b e $1Ot'n . Tho:- Pik ~s ha~' e r~c~ nll \' i:>l'(;U re a a loan t o purc hase land o n' Frate rnity Ko ....路. Construc tion o~ Ihl: ir h o u s~ will begin a pv roxiIll3 h' !Y in o n e ~ e a l". Pla n;> fo r the h Ollse aTe !:o lill in lh ~ prOI: t"slI. Sig lna l'<lu G<.lOlma ('mh:: rnit y pu n: hascd lan d ill 1971 , a nd pla n 10 beg in co nstruc t io n ti ll Ih ~~ i r ho us t" in the fall o f 1977. Pl an s in l" \ud e a kitc hen . ha r room, bedroo l'ls, a nd a mtllti.purpo:<,e roo m to ser ve for (' h3 pl ~ r m eetings a nd pa rLi ~& Prescntly, T a u Ka ppa E ps ilo n fr atn ni lY is resi\ling a t ;\'lar ke t S trc~1. Tb is ho ust' was boug ht and n: m odt'kd lo r Ihe fra ter nities us e. Ka p pa A lpha P~i have th eil' res id eiH;t> in South l\1 o nrot' whr.!"e they h oJcl c ha pI n m ed in ~s and adi vitie:'i.

( ) Il ;'PU I';:" 'III) :") 11" "" 1. l l"it' Tll!'l a Xi fl'<llcruil, lIo u ,:;,' l' dU 1)(' round. Thi.~ H':II AI twi" h,l;O- m"",-d 10 Fral c r n il'f Bu" . Th l·il' hv u ~ I ' \~I.I ;-' I'll l'dI1IM ' , lln1IU I h. · Lll i~ ... r,. il ' and nlu\' t'"fl t o til l- fi n . o; ill " 11 11 Frai l'"

ni l" HilI'. Pn ·\ iou.... ly. 11ll" Inl l; n lli l had bC~'n r... nl ing n hl.u ........ " "P,,<I :\Iph;\ i~ pn''<\.· llI ly r.· ... ;.!;n!! at :3:-W8 NO l'lh(·a.... 1 I)r;I'(' . Tlw Ord"r " illlH.· h \l,l din~ tlw ir IH' " 11IJU"'" o n 3l-S1 2 N() rt lw ~ 1 Lhi,·". ,'\to . I i... " I htt p,,' r illl ' lllllt" r; <lm l , In ' ll " Iunlll; hd Vt> u wv rkinc:: t (l~t:t Iw r t .. flt i",' IrHHl n '''f KAt '" I. UI/";,· ::< Uit"t' 19 75. Th .. nt' w ff o. l ~ r ni l y h ou~ (' wi ll ..I,·q> .~ i ll \\ Illi a Id f :': I' ", wio.l r "OI Il j>rov il lin:; It p la(·,· III h" I,1 d ~tt ll' l"" i1lld nw ... i"i!' "1'11('1"1 ' ;I n ' II'" ., tl WI" IraL"l'lt ili(';-. tlml do 11<1 1 ha\' .. 1"f,,. i c1t · I 1I" 1~, h UI hold tI.... il In... ,·tul ;..!,,, in tht' :)lud"11I Union huild ing. T h..:,(· a rlO AllJhd I'hi f\lplta . 'Ih o h.I. 1 I" itI" Vt' Irmll Illt'ir hOl! ,.,·· dU I' II) $1,IJiuIl) '011 ' ,,1I·u, ·l ;on. oIJltll l1l' rIT,' lllly 1"oIO lll t.,·d I': ~quin's vI P:::. i I)hi C lub.. ~1'.Up " h, ." " 10 11 .. , ,· ,1 ph:w\' of !>t· l"nH\llI·11 1 I"l''''i(knn · lIulllll" l"I- 11;1.·(· 101"' 1\ rIll pl.ll l" rtmlJ< ' 10 1" Ill(' l lt' ~lr lul ur('.



This past fall, NLU offerecl l\icholso[} Oorm to bt- COI)足 verLt'd intu the Panhellenic Dunn when: various numbers of girb fnml each sorority would reside in the dorm_ The University wa;, ""illing tu cunvertthree dorm rooms into one large chapter ruum fur each sorority. Tht' sororities w~re unahl(, to fill ('vel)' roo Ill, which Wei:, a"tipulatiotl before the Univer~ity wuuld give ils consent tu renovate the dorm, This cuming fall they ""ill try again to get the required llUm足 ber uf room reservatiuns. I n the meantime, the sororities cuntinue to hold chapter mt:etings in rooms in the Student Univn buildinf!: and in classroom$. Ont' may lhink lht' picture of the dours are just ordinary doors, but tu tht' sororities they are the unly place they can call their uwn. The sororities do not have the large financial backing that thf' fraternitif's have but they do haw building funds that each rrlember cuntributes a cerLain aillountto_ The fraternities and sorurities have their certain tables \~'here they sit in thf: Student Union building during breaks, but it .....oulJ al>pear ])lore is needed than just this. They need a place of residence tu call their o ....'n where they may Jive, hold chapler meetings. parties, and general bull sessions... The dreams of a permanent residency likt' Ibis are finally beginning to become a reality.

:tl S

Wh o are these famo us people?


Edil o l

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A. Shaggy D. A. H. Biollit: Wo man C. Bioni( M Ull D. Thf! resa (; rC'~ori()

A. Pr uud Val her

Chip Sho t C. S"t' AnlO IV U. Alan Moo rt' I::S,


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C. Ndlluu I.. o( thl' No rt h D, ~('l ....; n Wilha nk>:o


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Summer helps LO."isi.n. Univ",ity

Mo",o.. CoUl"'''' "203

/ Vol. 46 No. 12


~o vehlbe r 19, 1!)76

some students to earn degrees

Students can ulili'te the 12·week s umme r session at NLU to make significa nt progress toward their degree, said Dr. Glen n F. Powe rs , a cademic vice presi dent . "The summ er sessIOn at Northeast is especially flexible ," said Dr. Powers. " Wise eleclion of the usual course of­ rerings may be used 10 hasten graduation United States , there seemed to be spirit , or 10 re lieve a n overload during the fa ll or commitment, leadership a nd optimism spring semesters." throughout the college and Northeast The two-six-weeks summe r terms a re fa c ilities were good. acco r ding to Integ ra l parts of the year-round program President Vines . of educa tion available at the University, he noted . A student who follows the "Th e team indicated tha t a progra m sc hedule available at NLU may meet the which has developed these and other requIrements for his undergraduate stre ngths in a short time could certainly degree in less tha n three calendar years . The traditional se mes ters of 18 weeks continue to im prove," said Dr. Vines. each, combined with the 12-week summer sess ion , provide a neldble year-round P roper ti me program of ins truction. Capable students President Vines fel t the board wouldn' t ca n accelerate the progress of their have deleted Nortbeast's program if it had academic program s by ea r ning a taken proper time to a na lyze reports and muimum of 56 se mester hours a year-14 consider the matter . In the summe r session an d 21 in each of the two regular semesters . " We unders tand how s uch mis takes ca n " We are plea sed to be able to provide occur when visitors attempt, in six this service to our students, a nd urge them working hours . to evaluate students, to avail themselves of this opportunity in faculty , disse rtations, research effort. the summer of 1m," said Dr. Powers. " As courses of s tudy , curricula , physical plant , a member of the SGA put it, don' t and the numerous other factors in a vacation-get your education." doctoral prog ram . The first term of the 1m swnmer Dr . Vines indica te d tha l he would move session begi ns with registration on May 30, ;lnd the second term with 2.1 Pages

ate appeals allowed

a persona l interest in saving the quality of education in Louisiana ." doc toral prog ram in Cancella tion have a second chance . se n. La wrence Gibbs explained that which wis h to oppose the Regents' decision to eliminate Northeas t's doctoral program in educaU on their doctoral programs may was scheduled to be a ccredited by the National Council on the Accreditation of to the board. Teac her Education (Ne ATE ) ear lier this "U"this month, the Louisiana Board month and had to be ca ncelled alter the voted to terminate 18 doctoral aegen lS' decision . at seven state universities , "'LU's doctorate in education . " { think you acted too hastily ," Gibbs told Arceneaux . Arceneaux, stale comm issioner Thompson said that there were "a lot of education, assured a joint Education Commitlee sub­ descrepancies" in the evaluation reported Monday that appeals would be by the team oC out-of-state proCessors several complaints Crom which s tudied the various programs . N L U Presid ent Dwight D. Vines responded immediately to this turn of events. "We will appeal for a rehearing, " , I~!isl<'tm's who spoke out for the said Dr . Vines. were State Rep. Dr . Vines revealed that Northeast had of Delbi and Se n. already indicated unofficia ll y to the board of Monroe . a desire for a (urther review . " We feel another hearing is in order ." said nU>mJ"""" who is enrolled in the President Vines. doctorate program at that the NLU program was eliminated and not asked to Progr a m good UNO and Northwestern in adequate progra ms. Hc cited facts and sta teme nts by the visiting evaluation team recom ­ vis it ing team which did the evaluation for elimination or the education a belie f that "our prog ra m is as good as Northwestern , Northeast and and better than most other programs the the commiltee decided board decidcd to retain." '~~i~~!r]~a~ considerations to Some of th e visiting team's r ema rks ~ over Northeas t in indicated tha t Northea st appeared to bc a vigorous institution, the faculty was t\ortheast should be part of stronger tban one usually found at tbe "said Thompson . " I have reg iona l un ive rsities in the Southeas tern

Classes to dismiss

for Thanksgiving

Classes ..... iII be dis missed al Wednesdav ror the ~;;kSi:; ;;,~i holidays and will a.m. Monday. Nov.

on lor

The Snacic: Bar and Games area will close at noon and reopen at 7 :30 The second floor close at 5 a ls o reopen 29.

The Infirmary will close a t <1 p. m. \'r'ednesday and reopen al 3 p.m ., Sunday, No\-·. 28 .

The SWitchboard WIll continue a 24-hour-a-day service through out thc holidays . 'l'l1e Pos t Office schedul c ..... i ll be as follows: usual mail service to 5 p.m. Wednesday; mail will be received , sorted and placed in post office boxes on Frida y, Nov. 21) ; the bui lding will be open o n Nov. 26 from 9-11 a .m . for facult y and staff to call for their mail. All offices, incl ud ing the hooks tore and other opera ling­ fund budget. units, will close at the regula r hour Of! Wednesday and rcma in closed until the regula r opening hour on Nov . 29.



t:.UIO'" .


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l:'TlUtly ,<t;U¥. 1::1, 1::110

Survival ...name of game Survival is the name of lhe game, and Norlheasl's doclonl program in education may do jusl that­ survive! Northeast, along with any other university, may appeal lhe Board of Regent's recenl decision to eliminate its doctoral program . This sudden turn of events was announced Monday after a Joint Legislative Education Subcommittee looked into lhe malter. Severallegislalors objected lo the terminations of the programs and soughl ap­ propriate action from the Regents.

Interception ... or blown play?

• • • ...............sgtvmg conjures ide est, pilgrims, turkey

Lincoln fixed the date as III Thursday in November and de it a national holiday . asked what holiday oc­ lhe fourth Thursday of he would mos t surely reply However, if he were Thanksgiving really probably could only say lhat tradition. then, is Thanksgiving a celebration? , Gov. William Bradford or­ Pilgrims to hold a three-day commemoration of their of friendship , lhe In­ taught lhe Pilgrims to raise as corn and other the Indians had rl1~nms farming and many lessons about surviving England country, the ;m,;t"rl the Indians as their to their first harvest America on Dec. 13,

~~'~~~~~~~~n:m.-~~~~~~~~~mr.~-;~~Oi<~lt~v ing until


s napped. my kick wobbly, but strikes the crossbar and bounees over. NLU wins ! Blaine brings me baek to rea lity by saying,

l ~_ _ _--"

Blaine and

I believe in you!

M. C. Whorton, Jr.

B. S. Math-NLU

POW WOW Associated Collegiate Press: All-American 1941-51, 1972-76 National School Yearbook-Newspaper Association: A-plus 1972-1974, 1976 Louis iana Snorts Writers Association Award 1970,1973-76 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

wa s celebrate d President George Washington issued the first na tional proclamation of Thanksgiving on November 26, 1789. In 1863, Abraham

Renee Blackmon . . .. . . . Edi tor Dru Riehards .. . .. .. .. . ....... Managing Editor Betly Miles . . ... News Editor Polly Strain . .Assistant News Editor David M . Holloway ............... Sports Editor Debbie Thornton . . .. Copy Editor . . . ... . . Copy Edit6r Raymond L. Daye . Jeannie Broussard . . . .. ... Copy Editor .. Business Manager Clark Colvin Alan Moore . . . ... . .... . ... . Artist

Sarah J . Hale, editor and fa the "Ladies ' Magazine" in I!o credited with the establish! Thanksgiving as a national She urged President Lill proclaim the day a national III both magazine edi torials and ~ When lhe word Thanks mentioned , one can alw s pecific s ymbols of this Turkey is the tradi tional m while pumpkin pie is the mCl'l\ dessert offered. The " hom of the cornucopia . is an ancie symbol which has been Thanksgiving . Thanksgi ving may be eel s piritual or historical man holiday always implies a dinner. A typical Thanksgi consis ts of turkey and dress potatoes , cranberry sauce, assortment of vegetables, w· deserts to [ollow the meal. certainly have a hearty appe day so . Happy Thanksgiving!

011..:: 111 lluO ' IU l llln III tM n u4M' bOdy CI __ 1IIIISt u n'v e rSily PUO to 1rofd tvery Fr j<lay f!~'tpI .,...... U ,I m'n .l i(ln ~i o<U . v.fW$ e>c pn·sU'<! en TI>f! teI,IO'''' ' I">O W Ct Tne . u lhon it s igned, . '10 ,roow 01 fro e Pow ~ . ;gM"d • • '10 r.hoy(O 011 1 W inrefp..-f ffO to be neusw; ' roe "" m in' ~tt . "on. il s ta cu lly . steil 0' omlire ,rUOfl'lf bll COtf UP O!>dffiCt ro o Pow WOw. NOfl ro el1' SII" an. " A.v",", ue , Mon ro e , La . 71XtJ . ~ oro<I ti ns POSt_lNid "

Pow Wow OUlt" are 100.led in su e 2:19 . hl..,.-­ an s wfr :142. 3190. Bu~ i nfts m.nag .... :l41·2 IN. S yfill r .

nu,., l'r1Clay NOv . 19, 1916

Hand halftime show

Final examination schedule · MMlt:JI., . DK. 13. ' ': 50 o.m. U. 10· '1 :50 a .m Ot< 11.UnOOf\· 1 SOp.m. Nonel a ~ . 0«. 13. ' ,) '$0 II m. · Monda", OK. 13, ~ $ :.51) om. .. n".1oO'ay , Dec .., . "JO I .m. . Tvt1oO'l" . Dec . Il. '0.11 :50 I .m .

IIMWF &. MWC la ,~, IMW F .. MW C lns ~, .

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Weont'l.dl~ .

tMWF .. MW Cllun

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hOTE I. Exa mlna tlolls lo ~ Oil. $emf".r hovr , 1,,1oJU will ~O;"'Mdvrlno Inl" IM I CI"55 ml"flln.o dvr lrIQ Ine De-rlcd MQr!CI"Y, OK. ~. F rll"" . OK 10. 2 E~.mlll. llc "s for 1119'" 'rId 10K' "' ( I"'lel IIr~ 10 1)1" O'VI"II DI Ihl" la, l oer;oe d1lS' ~1 wnv lCl havl" mI' I yrl"9 lh. Of<"iO<l TIIU'I"!!.,. Dec . " W lIKlnHI"y,OtC 15 S. AI' .~gul8f .::I.." u WI II me" " I I l"I e" u,ua' "mflo I l"IroUgh "'rlG"y, Ott 10. 1916.

.. A ll r.gu lar c l DUU ,...,,11 obI.... '" Ih t abo"e SCl"ltclvl~.

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GRA,OOATI NG StVOE NTS ' C I'I:AOES OVE IN A.EGIHRAA. ' SOF"' ICE BEF ORE NOON . WEONE SOAY. OEC • A"OII"ll"' ,...o:In " . due III lI"Ie 1'I:t9II , r a' ·!. Olflc~ oef'QIc _~ • .c rl(l. y. OK . U. HOw~""" . to 'a"fllla ' l" IBM oO~ I';o''' . 1I ' I rrall.lled I.... , . ....en •• a ll l'!on lbl' , 9, adU OI"rU' (I,,' ltd w ith '" 14 hou rs IHIS!le ad m ,n illereo


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to offer highlights A highlight of the NLU !\fa rch­ ing Indian Band 's halHime enter ta inment Saturday niglJt at the NLU-Tech football game in Brown Stadlum will be a special arrangement oC" The Pictures of Spain. " Jack \\'hite, NLU director of bands, said the number will feature trumpet soloists J ohn Auletta, Huntington Station , N. y " sophomore, and Larry Smith, Monroe sophomore . The Warbonnets. NLU's dance and drill team, will perform a high precision-kick routi ne to the title song from the motion picture "Ca baret. " Warbonnets captain is Teresa Waiters , Monroe jun ior. Co-caplains of the grol.lP are Debbie Crew and Lynn Newman , West Monroe juniors, and Beth Stewart. Monroe junior . Also during the halftime show , the percussion section will be


acuity urges salaj

Make-up Stan: Terri Prall Ka thy WOffi)l ler Alan MoON' Doris Pylant Bill Bt"ant" Me linda ShdlO n Drua nn Durbin


president for academic aff recom­ the Senate approved an outli input relative to summer S( broa d policies. tinuing Stating that a one-term Senate mer would be a disservice t ors of students, fac ult y and u1 tim1o,"1-""'e"'"I!I!l~""""P!!!""...t eac h the university , the senate department be encouraged to of a devise new short courses and recomm ended the

featured in a s pec ia l arra ngement of :'The Legend oC the One-Eyed Sailor ." SoloiSts wHi be John Auletta , trum pet soloist, and Liz SlJaw , horn soloist. The Ma rehing Indian Band will exit the field to an arrangement of the traditional Irish lune "Danny Boy, " as performed by the 27th Lancers Drum and Bugle Corps. The band 's final home halftime show of the current football season will be dedicated by the band to President and Mrs. Dwight D . Vines " for their continual and loyal support or (he band," White sa id. The "Sound of Today " band will present its uSl.lal pre-game show at 7: 15 p.m . The band will a lso present a post-game concert immediately foll owin g the gam e .



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rom wasnmgton to Larter


Southern presidents continue service


1<0;1110' " Nott ; Tn ·, ,s ' ''t I ,n l 01 a two·pllrt SE'''es T". second o. n 01 tno: W-r ,t!> wi ll 001

"" ,nltO ,n rh# DeU",Mt


K::l ~' mOlld

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P ow



South ern P res idents, though few in number, have had a great impact on the history and politics of the United States . From 1789· 1850. a South erner served as Presidenl for 4.9 yea rs. compared to 12 for Northe m ers. Since t85O, when Gen. Zac hery Taylor died in office , a South ern-born citizen has serv ed as President for on ly 18years, compa red to tOO for non­ Southerners. J immy Carter of Georgia is the latest Southerne r to ascend to the White House- the first to be e lected from a without a the death The South er n na tiona l leaders ConsLiI utlo na I began. George "~' ~h,;~-J VIrginia served as P resident. assuming 1789 after being seleeted by the e lectora l Washington's lribution to the P,,,,';d,n' establishing a government which gel the new nation on . the Revolution . He Ihe U.5. Merchant successfull y awa y fr om tangl e menl~ .,

dependence and some factions of the existing polHical parties .

to be a d ch aris tocra tic pla nter or wealthy merchant.

James Madison, fir s t President to serve during a full -fleclged war, was a ls o the s m allest Pres ident ever to serve . Third in the line known as the "Virginia Dyna sty ," he stood ~H and weighted 100 pounds. During the War of 1812 he was fOI'ced to run from the Whi te House when the British invaded the city. James Monroe was the last of the old Presidents and last of the "Virginia Dynasty " which also included Washington , Jefferson and Madison . He is best known for his stand against European colonization in this hemisphe re . which became known as the

"Accidental President" John Tyler of Virginia became Ihe nation's fir st "accidental Pr es ident " when 68·yea r-ol d Gen . William Henry Ha rrison died of pneumonia afte r only one month in office. T y le r 's ad min is tration is noteworthy only because t he machinery for a nnexJng Texas was put into gear . This happened during the " lame duc k" period of Tyler's admi.nistration and he wa nted to leave ofCice with som e aecomplis hment to his cre<l.it.

nothing more hatred and and South . won

Gen. Zachary Taylor was lhe last Whig elected President a nd t he las t South e rne r electe d President in his own right until Jimm y Ca rter . Taylor was born in Virginia and elected from Louisia na . He had neve r held civil oHice or voted in a presidential elec tiof' when th e Wh igs elected him as their nommee. Jus t as his Whig oredeeess or had done-Harrison- Taylor died in office, He is beli eved to have died from an acute intestinal disorder in 1850. His short te rm in office did

over . Some historians Taylor did more comprom ise by ever could have

"Young H lck ory"

on sale

James K. Polk of

are on sale SUB-212, and

~~",..l;:!i'.!I:~e Office Ron LeLeux,

each and fea ture and a wrecked­ in ma roon, against

Thomas JeHerson lace of American

a degree his the " Revolution of

and anew way o~~;~;~!~~~;,~~~~~~~~ election us hered in a Lhlnking.

Jefferson 's most achie vement was the purchase Louisiana fo r $15 million (rom

Kapoleon .




wasa lm ost drawn jntaa war with

original 13

elect ion




term ed

"Revolution of 1828."

Engla nd in 1807 when the English fir e d on th e "C hesa peak e , " killing three Americans,

He is said 10 be the "father modem democ racy ." He was firs t P resident to be

wounding 18 and taking four

un der

English Navy deserters from the

Democratic parly---dropping

ship .



"Repubhcan "

In an eHort to s how England we would not take suc h acUons lying down , but to stay out of war, Jefferson called for the Embargo Act o( 1807 which proh ibited the exportation of American goods to any foreign port, on American or foreigh vessels . The embargo was the most W\popula r thing J efferson did in office . New England merchant ships lay in harbors . Cotlon, grain and tobacco piled up on Southern wharves.



a ttached to it. He used the veto morc i than ail of his combi ned-l2 compared to 10 the six before him ,


Jackson faced his (irst major tesl in 1832 when South Ca rolina dl'ew up a nu llifica ti on agreement and claimed the of­ fensive Ta ri f! of 1832 null and void and calling for her sis ter states to join in the nullifica tion action. Th~ days before he left oHiee, Jackson sent a veiled threat to Jefferson repealed the Embargo Act. replacing it with t he Non­ South Carolina, saying, " In lorty Intercourse Act which prohibited days, I can have within the limits trade only Wilh England and of South Carolina fifty thollSand men ." France . Clay averted civil war by Ironica lly , Jefferson a nd John Adams, his old e nemy, died on pushing through a compromise the sa me day- July 4., 1826. bill which still maintained a Jefferson died three hours before protecti ve taritf, but a more Adams. but Ada ms last words lenient rate. were " JeHerson still survives." Jackson continued to hold a In one sense he was right­ great deal of power in the Jefferson 's political ideals lived Democratic party until he died _ on long after him, and are still He became the idol of the com­ ::o liVl'

in th.. n PrI:>r:>tinn nr 1....

mnn m"l.n Nn


d id fV\A AAVP.

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c.:v rl~

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Z....-' ''II~ Ja r: ksun Bill Cl.rk CII"I} CBld .. ~1I HII 1"".>nd l}.. mr~ 1 Mo na C,.n ..h­ I(on,"" Hopkins Th<:n"$I\ Hohin""n Ikrln . (juiU"n TH UMPET, Larry 5 nll,h Pal ~'inkki"l'"r Paul S ivil. Kf ll r Holli~ I';' Mnk o rr, Jon ~ I)'"k l'owf: 1I Tim IJchbi .. Nf"Il\;'7 1k:.<1 Hale


., ,""II G"oxi.. ,n J In 0\1,...... ,. (harl.... Soni'h J"hn ".3n .... .:""... SI..",an Ly,, '-'~ II (fN"al

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Bill. \ ...1...... . 1',,·...

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11,11 ' !;oilo, Ma, EII •••II Ib", '~ I/e'·....

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Or. 5,,,·n' <,·I .




Un路"d. "'\l~n , \' Sh"nl,'" Barr.."


AOII ... I(' lIorl''''. Pr~.

Paula lAndrum, T ...... ,'Io'!!;,f Hi"hnrtl. Sn.. ~",h


\'al.. ,i~ Smilh

K\'llC..... T ,wlv.

K ..Uy \10'0><.,<1'

Mr", j ll.(.... Hushin,. S l'rm.o'

~:d Ilud, I.... I' "h. lId . Il.,y (".,n. Tr' ·... J"h" t ( ". ~ "

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IldU. ~~I . ..I

(: " 'f 11., ill'''''"'' I'kd~ •. (.""" itunl, I'n',

Jan J"I",",,,,. \ . I' .......

Bill ""'l ah~ "

11,, \0 Myth" .",·

\ .." M. 1'1" '~""" n Cho' ~ Hnll,l!. ~ , . ,

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I'aul (;ui,I,h

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C,n,I} l-IulII. :..,'<'.

Jan J.,hll " "" C".C_P\



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ij.;.....U" ebarl.,. tJ..,,,,ir

Cnolon ..


.... ilr.. 11 Br. " " h Winiam Bru/.d lIartdl IIr ~. u ~ Hl-Ilrlall Can11' EII ~t1

[and.. n""

Kuhl" (:...Irr lJill (:I.T,nna H~,,, Uau &<;n


Will", Cla,-j..., Dann y Cla. C;;uny (:oh"" JaRl O C...I<'

Urrnda D"o -ol ..

J a~ee ~

I'aull)oll(l­ C. th y lA~.tin o ."rif"nt: lildcberg t:~ntilla !:Mul'i"al lombArd U"bhy .;\" I\~ Lull Th"mM ~"""II<'n KathrYn M.cinIUw, .;11"" Flrrllr S l\fIwn M... .C ee \I.' ill1 , on ~'u n"'not Sttvtn Mct..lu~r.n lJ.n~ F" um .. ra l V.ui ce M,)f'.aJl H"l1I arrl frugt'

Jan Matlleme Ch(',"!-'II (;a.~ .. a.d

Dunne Matlock Lorinnll (;i..rd

S Llnonellr M e.u ~ ."nn..I,,. ( ;..,....:,1 ...·;11, coS Hr.!,­

H..ymund M.. I.nron Lst dl.· GuidI)', Re<.. Sn~

Mark Middlebroolu. P r~~. \ 10')' Hnl" ~ 11 Th ere. Miller Can Harrel~un Karen No l~ n Timothy liart John Norti. Manrin·lbwl ry Juli.e OliYe r Shamn Hay.....




Oprerl;;lIch Ikr. tld . BJ"


PaT~ e~

Durlley PtllO!jj rin Uu'tn Per" id

Iltane Poer")­ t}oell ra Pierron Huth Pond.. r jama> Pook Chrwo phel Vriu;heu Kalen Qu.rek W')' Rhodell Kim Hid•• ,d Chari"" !tobv Sh.,on RusH S,C>'en Hunacr Mal"\' S.voie SI~Y~ Shelton

t;UY Soilelu"

I::u~en t Snlith Jim.... Soile.u Jan el 5900.., Sh,ron Spivty Su.;an SIAgtC Jo Slephcm I' .ul TQylor Itob~ rt


;\{icha..1T ou\»

Kohen Tunla

M, rld il1 c Veuezian;

Philil' Vidnne. \t . I'I\.~ Lea~r ll Wall

l)wi~hl W. IJ.u.. lIi. l.

[)on.ld ~'.frin"f. Tf~ ~lIn)· ~',·I"h

uu(11 Wekll


~'( ndl

AU3Iin Whipp BoBnic- Wllil.. Gay111r Wilkir" [I.i"", Willi.unJon William WOld" ~niM: Youn!! •

Kris Young ." Ike Uringu'" Jin. T ;alit')"• .\dfi.w­



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\ ~ 'k~ 1h-."".,. l'''lr,d" lI ill,u rn

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1:.lh~ Chi , : ~



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Lu)(la t lolly



11t 'lIdr ;" k ~


1'\" lh' ll" II~' ...."Ib 1'..", Lanlulm

C ath~


Li"", l'~rl"r !Su;i.. l'a~n .·

Dian" I" ' I~ '''''

C.r,,1 Pi, ~ .. Il lkohhy" I'lunl l :alh ~ Hu..'"'' t\~lh y ~u ,·i,·r

j"II" ;" WoU,t',

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\ , 1, ,, ,, W.o'-"

(;' ~8 AIIt.rd. I'a rl. SU ly t:ho(f,n Jall .:t l)".oonnc Domin iqll~

Han H" ne.: JQh n:\(/.,

l Y<Jry u.,rinjl.'



M i k~

Maf(<':e \ Iandy rok[)unQu jI.'h S.. m ,'l/ nr$.H.rLhy. p,~ " Sa ndra Olldlle~' MaYlj I'ric e. S~ ,·.-H c porl'" \1d() n~

I)e bl>i ~


Wij(intun, T, ea'!.. K. v William", V. I'res.. T,,;,; Wi tl iam ~ i{io:ha..1 "'um~,·~


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Ed;.:", '1 ••1••",,,,, IJ..I" ' ralo 110M •..!.!.. '... ·•. f rKIl L 1I "".J.(h ~ .\ J

I,'" LIll.'



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I:'H It,m,)'·,.

(:r"lhi:t H,,,,,,,,, 1 ~ 'I , I .i, ' H.'"!!''''' ( :,or

I.III!!,- H,.h.-II.•


bMi.· ~;'I1~ Lilli.· ~'"lIh I,'nuil,-. :-."1.·" ,, 1:,,,1.·.· ,",l r.~1 Ikn lo l""I,,r\'"

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P"Lrieia noyd Kid, Ilra~hH. Tr('il~. Gr,'\,·hin 1:1110"1,,,,\1 n'!ji:illa t :..,nWIl LiM !).' lu.d•. :'...:. n.....\.y (; uill.u), ·fh .._ lI arpt·r Clan· lh·rl lt'rl

Ku ..n K <·tI~ T" rT)" I.,'" CHwlvn 1 ~ , r(I . 1'1'1 ....

(nr! n ~fI \t.;C"rllli<-k. \' . 1'1'0'"

\1:~ lId y MHrl in

St",dr~ M.· I,·n,.

J'·r....· Mu Uin

Su",,-n l'uw" 1i

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1I, 'n·II ~"' I ·tll '" Mr< \ . .., Ilrill

ltd "'," \1.·( ,",,,,I,,,,

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I::lai,w lI"rr.'1I

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I'a '" M ;"~ ',,.


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C"....I ~I " rris II,·" ", \-\ "ulq" I)"" ( h"u rl...· Vid,i,' I','''''' Fr("d I{i,·hattl l.in.1ll I .... ')' Th" ,n...~ \ look"" \\·all. ... T ru .l y W'f'.{!:in ~


K ~ 'h} W,II'l" L~



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I.un 1I-1u r l'h ) Io.. ...... ·r

r. 1"'f!<l f< " \U"'" '' I.,~" 11<-;1'"' "

DiJ. nna j)aYI"" \ ,.~ .. I)dlr",..

:-'u>u l1 1 111 1,.1;,·1.1

:-;...... St J" hll B u~.· r .s ..I1"'..l


B.arj, ar>l

J;I"""~ Ik " I" "

W.~" ldl

1("'-' 31,1 M.., · r a",,"~ /1-1..... 1I,,1,,·rt l\-k( ;.·h. ·.· l{"l"'rl M, \l ll"hM'"

"rlhu r :-'ltllih FI..,~d :-" '\1 111",,11 II.-n :::;... ill MaryS .... 1

U" ><'''~ \-k~hll d "

JIm my '1'.0'"

:-'hu"",,d~ IL >h" "

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J... I U"ul,

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I"" e. "'I'

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M.·,I.· t: ..","" 'I",'<.--..a Fr ~" I " '"

It.",I)· (;u ,n"I)" IIn·,,,IH L lIali \Var" ~ Il o'-v' " Paul 11 (l~ l.n/!.' An""" ",·I..-.rl W,II'all, II"lldnx

J""I<",'[' J<>,,, '"

Mi.-hjl,,·1 M, I'lml ,· l ;w~1l

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1'0-1 .. "

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T 'u ~I ""

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CJ.ry" u T...."... ,,,I ClaY\lna \h!h-,.,.

Jimm y Wh" ul""

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M"H .tM. I 'rt'~ B.,li nda r.'IIIhm l

O.. hh ..· II.:q.:""

Y. 1'1'1'"

1'3i~, ' W i l , '\O~

Uun a W",,,I

lJ"n al. 1 Y "u"~' Jr.

Jrr~ L ·' u.IIt•. A,"­ 1(" 1.•.,, t;. W...!.:\tl'.





I)a-..n II.·ruwll 1l"'llda Hruh.' I'DI \Iud... Il L". C'~'II,' CMt<."

Itol"n Cia,!..

Hrenda t)..II,,~ .. n

H,·" "..- (;... ;11,,'1'

\;,."" ... 1 1,·u~.>I. I',..,.

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C,.. .,I .., \'l<-\'a~

S un,,\' ~ln;"" · lh. ' r

" ,.. ~n 1.'!I,1a

Mill ~r.

I'uh. Ch.n'~n. f'w,,- Clu"'Gn.

It~mb in.

(ynlhi. HIl~,..,n



J...... Til.l .... r. H" ,".r/J ..... M.",,,I..·,

T;;l'rI} W~in .... S.·.·.:j ".a-.. .

H,~, · Y"u nj::

I>" "hLnh ~ ... tl3 rp .. hn ... ~.I~.



Kart'n &h~rJ!:, /t ee. Sec.

Cliwn::hdl 6 rown, Le<:,tu •.,r

t:II~f1 C.nd~nn c

COmly Claywn. Cr.,," Hef("m Kalhl een Fk'nin ll M,..r~arr·1 Cu ulll'"l, P~lfI l.alll,~m .

TruM.N" I V. Ile<,!"nl Hamona l ..... 'm, O<pniSI Hil a k .. i., ~m. Sn.:. Mar, ~'f1I" " ;' ~k CIQy, T . u... ~~ ,l .s h c ll ~ ,· 1'..h·Cu.d . Trus l"',- 2 Kar.." M'l\:hdl, hi V. H ~!t~", 1)':1>1",' " ...null \farg'~ Hi"lIan l, T,..·a,J. Il:u lr ara .<;"' m m,~. i\lo nil" r


I'<~,· A, mwlo, It.~. Sr·.·. Clrarli( lIah r

1"\"" l), +"il c

Alk" Uulo o"

..... ad,· l)ul"'"

1'1.,11,1' Ed,,,,,,, ... \\·3.nl,·n

Ti", II , rl

L,hI.,· llill

J"hn r.......

\ 1ik.c·l.ud,r·"

\ h . k l,1idd !c;hru"l...

130-.. (I.lm"I", T... ·3~

ral h," Sam I'o liu.i. (;""1"

Cha ri,.,. S am .... '!:n ar<>

FrI",," i~ ~·h" " rl7.'·n"uff:

[)."""I,I H. Simnr" ,," Eu/!..·",· :-, .nith. Crwnn Kn'jo( hl Cur, S<.il ..uu

J,"" VU, Tn,..,·.,

1):,,, .11 W.-n(li . hn. .s~ " 1><. F.....,," V"' gi,·I1 ,., T.u~lr·'· I),. i'lu ,::, u:II Balli.



NIVERSITY HORALE I.... n' .\rrinj:wII J,"h 'Jail... , SU'~I! tlnnl1 ,tall,,',

I'",n., ,\. '~'" '

~, It, .


IllJ.n"r H''ll t .'ri,·~ t •• rll"n

" d"'" F"n . 1.•1,. I)'·hlli,· Cr~' .·~ Jim C d',,,,,1, 1'., ...

"-I i, loud I hlha..1

CH"t J.. J;..·L.""

1 .~" ..la " ..... ,.. I;'ad.

C~""'r"n C o lljn ~

C ••ld ."

1"lfr. e ""l.,n

J)"u ;: L~ ~ I;"",

\" 'ta 1 ~"'1II1 . ~,,· ..T,,·a... Jao ki.·!lR!<, \ . I',.....

Hn, ,·,· I\-I«g'" I' ~!l)d ., N...~ 10 1,,,,,1,,,, I(,, ~, h. C.. ~d , HUlln ll'"

III" C"",.,-U l {u.I.,lpi.

t. ,.,~. H,,\J.



CI""" , ~" ,.l",all rt",d ~,h"d

(.bro·""' < ~I ra.h"" A~, t. I)'r<~

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!,ind .. lI an l) L"" h 11",llt,·

">h,·lia 11" 1",,... M",i.' H,,.,..,.rd

\ "l. I',,·r,.. ]1"",'" Hdnd ol

;\1,,'" 1(" 1",',,,, ,,, C,'nll"" lkl""""" :- ~ I "i~ H..h,,""n

:-10;""" S. "'·""oly.I,>.

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Pal'« I" SUlUh


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hn ~ 1


\' ~ n.<'ll"

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ltu.I..lph ,:11,< I: mm a. fI ..m",in[:

Md!llosh ~la . lln

U""lhl .. ~I vrro~ Ijr,·" d<\ M.Mm·


W i, ... y



('\'O\ h'3 Willia"l~ )("~Ir;m'

Willillm, 1 i."I" W,II .. cn. '·], ·Iv,n Wilham ~

\I ,·lvin \\'..,,,,irull

I ' ~",.-I .

1\0 ..


.1..1 1<:",.,1.·, Un.." l) "U~"h I>,," a lll I ;" v,o.n;: l'''lrK i" II "rr,.""

f"rr , II" I..man 1.."1\ J"I"""" ~ton y l.ulI, .., ('A'~ M,, ·,~


It"" "10. ,,( •.., -;..,,,1. ~ hl·r ""."

lIu",,·1I .,),,,,,10 :-it" ,w l......1. 1'\,·11) \t.' , ~ .,1 \ ;d" ,)

" , -\11,-" . 1'.. 1,.


Ihm·IIUb, l. \ . l'n,.... 1'10,1 (" a. k . I"cl, ( ... ",;:1.." , \(", •.

11. 1.1, ~' a"ll.". I·,.......

...." .. , Ila"'''j(

1),·I.I",· \m"I>...,I"".

MJ'( LII. ,0."" M, ..... h ~

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1"".13 I). "l1 l .. ~ y. ~" '-. Mar\" Rn.l" ~ I>n , A...· :I. ~, IJ"",·,,,IJa Cark l, r..·;);5. 1\ 1,...· II Hrpt>', V. 1'1'<3­

\, ,,1,,,,\,, J"h n",". I'r.1'. I ..<f,r,'., I...,..,-ry 1~·I;nJ a

PI"II,I'" laH" '" W""h,nt:'" ''

[)d,l'>\ Will\jl,".~. I'''r l. I ..,- \;i.-

\1,r,lha m ~

Dr. K Jall"'!I. Ad. ,



1I"""n\ll ry U.nlmF. I .."


Arn ,s\ru"f(


G "'llhrellll ~

T .. ~h Gn-,路"

T ~rn 'lI~ Jan ..11

K;l.~ S~lIlv,,1

FL'TUHE TWIHU::"H,: I' all y F"hller





"1', ." ......

W:J.lI ~r ...


j,b;,' ~ . " .... <:....·OIplli"

I .~"" \'k....na n. ( :"'~' bIJI3"1

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H.·" .... Ga ll i"" ".atll ~ \ ; r.~·'

J;.., Ir.i.. 11"" who -'



J.. rri !-til" JV"'ph " .. ~I!i. K",, ~ Cin.!, \hllll.·, U" n nM \,-wI"" 1! N" ~I .~


\'I~')' i'!"fry 1),.. 11,.," ~n " lhnf: Con.ly S"rr~1I

"'"n'" \ au I I."", ;.


Wa liam ~

Judy ~url" lIl:h

j'"n, M'I<;h,,1

C..l d

l ", " "l~

t::~" lr"



I'al I'vrk' 1),,"(,.1,' Fr~nl..>

Sh;... .... t: .... [I. u,

C..."""· I1 ..,,.j

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llB"" Si L,-. M"" ;:"'''I F"rlt'nh,rrv 1.",.1) H"til" '" 1.i~1 I l...u"",j. ~ cih nry 101 ,,1,.. ..,111 1'3111 .. CI"~"n PatH Wil~in&"" O~h~

Whih' t"Y

"'.. ndi.. t;,.../lwin l~h Ih',rif 5,;v lt~


Su~", W,llIams GII ,I Sim<ll()nl

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lIa... I) Hd~~!,,,,

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1'''''11' ' (1,"!'>10·....." I lfUII" " ()ud.",

D,U" " G,n"" 1 \\" (10,11,, 1;" ><0.,, \ (,,, .•. \ I....... n",· I.,,'~I .....

J l:t

\J. ill iam K Hap;wdl

.I""'.... Ilnu!,:Ia:< I!al ...~ <.hllrl,,,< ~lcI,>n IIh... k",,·1I " ..thon > \\"lIvn,· Ik ...."""", (',,,,,.,,\ ' .'\,,,... (:a,n MH"I,aA ,. CarlJ.·, I)"",,, Clr~n T u, 'lia' 1.1,,,.. ~ f,· rlr-ri.·k I. hurd' Ja",~' K","" CU"h", n I ... ~ >lI a l"<l P. C.. "·~.'r III Huo.( ... t:«'wl~", Jr. M. l.· Ilhl'< I!aOllall lJa vl~

J" hn F II ,.ma nn IJ d l\" ti li llnawllY

II 1).'0111,1 (;•.,:. Jr. S" 'I, I",,, II. Cray

J"" 1. .. ·'·0

Il,-n,..., llaYK I 1; ... 11.. 11, ·, Jr. My" Il~ k ... J,.

\J.' ilIiam \~. 11.,,;,.,,"

~:n'~"~ I\ I,..h",,1 lI"rrp-au ••

(;,,,,1<>11 I ,.•' jam'" .J. Sit...·,·" "-ill'~'<;" ~ -'oil"," )"... ·"h Ku "-"' n \\.'~h ( har l.", ",,,.;:::

.:,,1"1 T .

I~·BI8n .

II." II-b l,~.ln. I.... It,," al" ~l~rl 1 ~'I .. u~ Alv;" 'u'·~un I.ui

(,11" Ell;. Lull,., Ch"." ... Elli", I. ,"" n j)"naM t..:. Marun T...!.! .I' '''''ph '\1",,'"

Jam ,.... i:"'F",,: ,\la,

H,,·ha.,1 1'",.. ..11 M"Ca ll

j"hn ,'\ . J\.l ,.( .,mmn", P.t':'>.

.Inhn M8r~ hAlI \1"";: .. 117.1<'

J" h n \1.

"ii;. ·h"I~"n.

Ma x W"l(n ~ Ua,·m"n.1 C. Wan ,



I:.a;' S''''m W..J ",b.oo k

K"h.." K ",',lIiams 11

It \\' it"","

J",~ .. ph



'\1.. It Ilr.



s,.·honrp rh.." Fa•..

",,,~,,~I I)~nl;.


FACU.TY '\1t:: MB ~. I{S :

Hr..... ,,~u'" I J8n I.

J)~3" J)8ni ~ 1 lJuvrr~

CnDrh I.... nn} Fall' U,. PI'l t:a"...,

Da",t! 11"'.:111 Kh,,<1 .......... 1""<::<;.

1),. I:, u~"," " HQII~d&w

j"hn 1'. 1{"I"'rls

,\ l .. ·ha,·1 K" I,.. ,,,,,,,,

D., Jam.. ~ T. H.....rl \1r. Ka,m .,sd Knuupn

I). Kanrlall l'arln

Enrli,," S,m~

J" I. o W3vn.' Sm;,h

>;,hl,", J",i,.,o Sm.,h, .Jr.

\1;d,~ ..1 n. Sl. K'"oain

\li.·ha,·' i)nllwl Trimhlt', S"'·. T ,....a"

Mr. John Lun..y Dr. , ~ \t . /t-kKnt't' k' Mlln'U~ "'app O..ao J. M. NK'h" I~"" M.. Hi'u ;" S"h""I"r"", Mr, I.•".s,,,n Swe8rill~e"


I'......"ku, DWlf:.hl Via"" Or. Ed \\'h8'1"~





Ma •• h;> U..... "

1)'>IIn,la Hrunsnn



Cn d, y ( ."rli ,.j ,·

(;m,,' \:,u .. I" ...1

:"ha"", (:'''''''',·11

I'aula U"lh" nd"



C."oo,,· F"" ,,"

11.>.-1., Hall,,"1 J""k,,' Ila .... "} K...r"~ra Hay"",,, 1 M:H1o(Il'd H ;,ul"","

C,nd . I",,·vh Ill all ~ t..' a'·'·' Iha"" \1" ...· Catb \ i.-I;"I, l.iUi,,,, 1',,11. 11... 1. <"1~""lTl

M..lan,,· 'ounlll,I......

Mrs. El,,,,,,' St .. n.." ..... Acl>.

\1 11', H,...."'ary Hamn".,

A.j~ .

(~,r\"" ,\, ,, ,, , ~,,

" " r", I. .... ".1",. I.w·!... " .. ,....1"...· 1:,,·hM.1 1 ~"U~r. j h·.", tlllIl ,I".'II~"l ....... '""" 11""".1", 1,,·,

1,,1... \.· ~1 1I.,,,,h, · Y,, ~ J~" i, lI...



J"hn"" (u"h J,." K. Cur" .... ,·11

11 ,·,, 1,

I),·,, ~..I

I;"" "IH" ~I ,,, ,, 1:.11"\ F"' I)" Io. Ili,L I'",

(;ull,,~I ...r

11. "

Il arri,..", I,.h" II ~rr , ... ", Hi, 'l 11 "".1 .., ~ . " I.,,,I, ~



11",1,,,, 11 I., . ~

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II" ,' I.,·,·, \. I'...... ,.10,,,1. ... Lvo", , .10".-1 .." , \I.'!lnon

",," "'1,,1''' a' Wa,·,,, · \laro"n", ·d."~ , lo u ,I, . .


... ",

-" "It ~1." lIh" .. . 1"1,,, ~1t " ,.,,",

, ""I.

. T,...u,.


1I"I >("rl \V . M"",,· I. 'u" I' u, · h /l.,, ~i. \N"~ I" ,, Par l, ·,

H",' I'aul. "" 11;11 1'111J~1, · I,I ,·, \1.1r~ 1'" l"l\ l li ll ~ 1'"w"11 1),·1,1",· a""",,,, il u,·,,1 HIo. >( I. ·. 11111 "h'·l'h. "I

1, 11,·" ."I,,·ru lall l 1, ~ rI ," ~ II''''''' '''

.1 ,.1,,\ \\ u.' '' ,· :-,,,,,h, I',..,•.

l:a, "" ·" :- "

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:-", r",

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1"",1 W'If" '"

1(", \\'~I "

\ Iilli, \\.'1,,,11,·, l.,J url<' \\' h ; , ,, ~~ r

II r \\' ;III~'H W \"r'h. 1\,1, .



" elv.

4; L, ..." ( "II' II"n~(,1 Ik \, I1,· B.." " ,),,10...... 14 ~.I(, '" ~ .. nar g"·",I&,, n"In Fro'" dl ~:

.. "

·n."",a._ (',,"0"

lla~" ' 11 l'oI ~,·,

r.1;>r~ P....... y. Tr~;u;.

I).m,d 11,'('101:>01, ~" " .

Cha,I," IIi, '"

C ..h ,," ~"n,(""

Ja",." (, ...I.~

«;",,( ~ ~urt'3.1.· ,

~: ",rI

( :I\~rl ~. S''''"'''" . nl ',- ~ milh_ I',,·~ . I'u'","" 0.; (.'"", ., '1"

L:i.."" "

~.(lw ,. ,.1


Maor...,· II ~ .. I..,. D,·n",,. 11 ,'" ''' ''' <\iI,'" 1I"'b "l"1","I",_II"lIi. GI,·"" flu ",,,,,.1 Ua,·i ,( l.,... ,.... '( ~ \ia..;" . \. Pn.,.. 1l,,1 ~·o1 Ma'na l"d 1)""aJ,1 10,1,11,-, N"h"I". M"'I!"II"



U~ "id

Sln nq"•.,.1 ).,11" Tn " ...i"" )''''''ph r h " ma~ l'tuS!>,>IJ ·r' n.'. i '.',il· ~ \ , .~.

I)"a"!! Vu Mi, ·I,.,-J ~~,,-'" ({a l" " '''''' \\-·;>1 .....



I:Iillirf Borg

D.-an lk~geHlI~

J.. n Ikrtellu

C"lt<Ul Bo uf'll(eo;,;

Brad Co .lin

lJn'''f (;1 " mflil. ( :" .......

Chris (,:o /,-. " rum. Lin;",,"




Day'..... Prelal"

t;ary Mav'''''

M ~ ....l M"",nalr l


\l0:I1"n<lI(I. Hilli.

Sha.. " !\fcC ....

Mark Io.hddkh •.,.,ks

K.. n Mill••

WilY"" Mi, ....

Ho;'.rd M",,~, Pr...

Hill r o nlen ot

J im my N\""'\KI m ijen Orland" Bolo "";lchard Mil.. Ibhy

David Fl'('llch. Innt" Cuard

SI." " Sh.>lu>n

!Joh GE'IM rinf K,," G"O(I ~n t..: 1I1] Hprr1' l!l<Jn

H•• art Bub l", T.lbo-,l, Ii I'm;. I'h il Violrin'

Mau ri e.. H aw lry

l>On Warrine r liu;.' Wrlch Davi d W .. ",jl I)nid Wick.. rs Mil .. W,lk..rwn l)r. &bb~ UllvidllOn, Ad\".

lJi lly

Mi".1 I>dhow, Itrg. Curro

Paul DUfln'

Bob H.. ~ (·, MMltr Al "' rmt

Mo nty InE-nlm. Pltt.lg.. CliP. Johnny Joh nWfI , TT"" Uarry Lani n!(Mm Hobtrt lAl llflfY

Mike LuckHI'

!.,," s.....

Lin.ra Ball , 1t1a.... Blandl3-l, Chapla".

K,u;" B"n.! Ph,-II .., ~u,, {I > Ca~ulyn I\'.l .. man. !li~.



j'r nn v IJ,.'k .. rin~

s.. ..

"'1 ,'li_l:IlV\'I ~!

~nn Col .. mall Camlyn Du~'i'l\\"

l).. ni5l'

(:haTI~"" 1J1I,'" rh~rr' \\


l."ro~,b <';.-a.d, C...... S ~'" (;u"l~ t;.~ .. ",

1:::51 .. 11..


t;ayl .. Hush Chrno". Chm Ha mil"

Jan Ha'j:r",l... r J...ann ... 1I ... ki"s . Phvlli~ H..I.\,.I. So"isr CIl'",n, I.... Uou ~ .... rI.·fwU I,,,lI.. ro: 1.....1. I..... "'ba'd. H.-... Sr'·. Ucn ,~ L... ran, K alh~ Madnlu9h Palri.,.. Ma)"au Dt'an'I C l\-1;,lI...·" eh" .... 1 M.....·h..ad Juli .. 'OIIl';r •• \. 1'1"5,



KB'"'' QUIrk lla... na ~ s Dunn " ~d ..)' Jv .... nn ~k'rn~

0..1,1,;.. V.. rmdh"n Cinrl} Wil~"n. I'arl. y""nf« I'reo. N...I\ Zad,

pu:m;rs HI'If.,o'Ioa (:.....k Mol)' IA,oIIi!.. Danna I>.:.III,i.. Hllnna S l, arvn HByn.... Suzann .. \...Jwy Calh\' I."v.lln..

Th..,;.... Mill.·, G",.'f\ M.. noonl U""hbi.· "i... rrun S harun Spiv.. v Jani~ Sullivan

Ma,\r hn.. Vcn u i"nl GAY!" Wilk,ns






1;1.. "" Al la m ~

M,l ,' II, .."

I'h ill,1' Br",,'n

1'1,,11 ,1' Ca" h

~ j ll j,· Cl av ... r

SI,·V'· L o II", ~ . K"i!=""1

1t, ... I",· ,- C ul' >! I,'

h nH"o Cull"' Vlw r. enrr. ~,

H~ ' l l' 1)P1.,·" ",,,,,nl

H"j,,· rt I)"nn"",

I\ o nn,,· i)ull', Chaplai"

.I~ , · l ~: ,, !=

Ila m·11



.1"" ",," , F"I' Ha n,1- C""'Il I",,",i,' I k,rl nll

D""", Hu,

ili, l ,,"I'lu ,


J"n, ·~

I,,'"'' "-Ir':;! l; ,, ' ~ K",~o lnn

ItMllh I.D"'" i{jl,.j, ,, · \I.ullll . \ k"


To n,m y Mar""

J" h" N, "n~. I ~I .... ~ I. _ a l An " "

(. lt a rl ,'" l' anul..Ju,

HII""j,· 1'"1,,,"

K.. " SAn ,lil ,·r. "1""'3' .

N,·I"" " 1'. S I ,.J I~

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r ",mi.· Hsh.·,

I ),"'....a \h-I,I.

J u ,l~ t;n)r'h~

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J), ~ "a

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lIu ,h \lill. "

Ila "n ~ Mu.. ,I0 ~ 11"1.'" , '"r\.;.-.

r'tl", 1'..,." ,.



M ~ rt"II" II. ~ ·. !

Car.. I,·"

:'"l'a,, ~ I ,u ....

:o:.ltar"u S..... !,·.... Jail ~I~'II

Jan,.·,· Swa" ,, ' "

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1I;:I,·i,1 H.II l' l,a t :N....r

"(' lin Clarl.. U'nny C,,·il I'aula U" 'I(I, I'ublic Juhn n,. hlh""ce

Cha,l.... ~i nla}M""

F....o Han~ c..k



K" I,.ion~


M'I"! ,"unn,lIy,


v. T



Ky'" P"""I($

I"' r;<"i. Kil.,.

~ .•).. 5,nrl.. rt<, 1',....

1I,·rmall 51. ,I..

) ""-y T urn~r

1J.. ~i" \1' kal l'·r, U"!l t~ .. Ca.jJu,."

LSullt.... WhiulIIfi:' o n

I::lh .. 1 W'.(l,I:in~

D"" l,I;' ilh~

K"k Zauno,H·hcr

nr. I'.ul K. j.Ip. ",rI, . Ur. ,",' ,II,.m Cru,,,,,'on, All. .


Ju,,,' IIPr!) :-i h;, I...· I kll,..~ "'all, y l:, ,,·h,an I.",,",,' ern" 1'~ll v I ).\\"i~

I' a ui~ 1)<., 11".>"d,'

Jud y Ilull

It.. I0, · , · , ·~ F"ItlC"r

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I ~' '''' \\' hu\"

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M ..., Hm ~ Jad.;.....," Dr. '\n,1 K~"'I' ro1.". Ma r""1 I... r <lo<'

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1' 1. -" J,' ''''''' ~

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II.'n"i.. 1.011,..

Fd M, I ).,nald

N.·.. \".., l',in'Thou",:

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\.I'H.I.'_ iii. h 1~"Ii ~ r II.,}!,·,_


Ikbo... h Eva,, &

DrLainr Lao~ord

C.roln' LawTen""

Eug"~r Long

Hrenda Lu e",

Mary Ann e Marsh.:!1

Macond. \1.:M.ki"

Heverly Millikin u.e,-c rly M""cs U..... e "1.u",,- Sec. Joyce Oliver Laur. Pn:"nall eharlolle Ho.ch


Teni Roxigen


Iku.lin l)~bra HouI)I;ÂŤ>il Ann Urny AUe" ~r~lllnd, Pres. 1:.10)<' Lh"pmlln Lonni e Clinton CynthlO LofTe} Karen Colli ns

An neue


K.IT" Oicksoo

EVIll\ &

J80" ~'reela"d

Matgll1C'1 Goulel1

Karty. t: r.v~

Ikbble Hlrpe.

M.rei. Heard, 'I. p".,..

Jacquelyn Hiwn~

!)ebbi" HuITm,,"

Sieve John loO n

Lkbbie 5abbul) Heverly 5.:he:ll1 eidcT Ru1h Shumway, Treu.

Karen Taylor l'earli" Thom. Kar en Wible Jacq uelin .. W;n~mM Ppm Willillm~

SUloall ,\Ii Uln, :'l1<4l:" Ma".ii<'·' Cully 1I ....ml Itull , C I.."ioF,· r



11 "I"\'li"I,1

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·\hi" I."i, Ilu'In<1'« MOfln!:,·[

'11"'" /.In,

C" .." k

~"" "1"0'"

I.Y'''' S,,,d,

Or. C'''''f:'' UTian . .\dv.

\1r. BiU B"...·lm. ",Iv.


J.. rom ..

i\d"".,~ .

I' re ...

"1'", ,), &Jsl..... id,

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\t8rl ~ l.all''''

Ihom.. Marlin .... £ tl d.\, \.lra,U...,­ C h"rl No are.. ~IH

1.00rr), /l-k,r~ h<:',.J, Y.

Jud y M. i:lr(J'Wn, T«,as.

Nrw !oQ m,· Ka th, Oo:o;la Hank Phelps Ja, kie- Ki< 'honl Martin HQ.. f ll

Tommy CII.rI ~r Hd h eftA,,,,n GI'''"It Ch acher ..


": hnsli~

h all;' Chi \.. ~,h,

I::v "f<:,lll' Clerk L.lr rr Claf\. Mk hlltl J. Cox>k Jam...,. Coo l'<'r Mli da. Cvull...

I' B~' Kyan 0 "r8 Jo S;u, ... . Sec.

Frll n k M. S.,·"y

Dan S iv,\o.

I), V. J. Smith



Hill Cu",nSlo n

Al on S l"rlin~

Tum 11..... 1

Su x i ~ ~llIrd,

\1IIry Dixun H.d.y LSlt"l'

I)ur"lh y t '"",hurp.

St.-pha",.. r urd

M . t'.nn~

Guls hy

Ch. rl .... Halky

Kath y I.. Hay..,,,, ..

Cmd y Ki" T1 lt (l'erd "d

Mr. SI"I'I'''n Kullal.,

,, ~


S. m l S ""lli~ S,~oro \' Th<.fIlI " (;a~ T hom~n

Harry TII,·k .. r H.i.' W. <le

/Io1 ~[a ni ..


S lr w \l' hih'

Claud .. Y"u ngo-r. Jr.



Mlk~ AI-,,,,y Bill \.lar k. S<-<. . 1."",,,.,1 Crv<.:l....

JHll 1\-1, Ik.tlf:I,·

'lik.. (;'Py I::ild~ G,ifkn M,k.' Hahn, T••:.a5. '-;I" ~" H.. n<kro,on. V. P,,,,,. Alan '·' .,hI:... I.• ",,-'n IIJlmlt$

\Ii l,' [{('o ld,!! :,, ,\ Kull ... rI<>.J

' t~A)(rt ~b.)""lro l

.<\IHn Mo<oT<', " a rt til.... N,·.. I~ l ~an,lall Park,"


~1,lI lng"

Da y,,1 :'''''''qu,,,1 r.lark W~ll ..... 1',....

SI,dh Humlol..

'.,..... ".""h lIist .路.....rl

II"...,; Io..n',:.h l \1al"}"lyn M. IlroMlm


". ,,101 ~

Th.. n.,... H.. h," ~" n I." ~h_ .:-',路,,

\I,lIi." S,ra'" ~ Whit.路, '\<I~ . rill . k, Ad\".





\lillon Hdl

T,,,,, Bmw"


J. ~ lIocoo~


W;ln,.., Ik.....\, I)';'" Shrl' par<'1 ~:rni. · T h,l'plO

jv"n (;. Cak

::;1.1""" C I'\nd" ""I".

Dayi" (; ih~ ~,

G. (;. Cauln"·B u ~. Ward e"

I."n·n Ihhop

K..:ha ro Juhn.!o<.> n

Vaun LIllI<­

1"- J3.·L h:imhall

B .. :hart l M d(illn~~'

, ; , 1.""''1' Ki~;n ~

D,. Wi l( on:! ~",i. I,

I k ~: u/(,I"O" S... i"qur~l

)8,'" \lib, It,

Ik ltio.:h".d Wo.II1'''/(,' O(l


Dav ;.-ILa,..,1I

Fr...1 \ ;orn,·. Hi.!.

Carl llun l,·n. St-,.

LaBoua"l 1:::".1.1<"")'. "l"r"I1/1.

(.a'1' It-h,,,,",

B"o.lr Moorr. .... 1'.....

HanriaU I'"rk,·" Pro's.

Bru...• Pt"IIninjol:l""

' ;onltlfl K"",.h, ,"umn,

i\1.LIMlII l


H" ' n~nl


t;jll'''' I'I~






Seniors and Graduates

('7'llhloor. I. M,III',I-Sr.• 'IIt'uul'. !'.s·rt Ii '''....''..1,1 W.~"" .\lu.",__ Sr, Bo~. (:IIYI I'h&flll

I.)Onnl lI.il1 A•• m.-Sr.. " .....·[III.n. 11 H, KUlli Klnl i\rI,,,,,-,"w.. Winnlb,wtJ, loll'''' ..·~t

,'\11 hur I f f

AIio~,'l _ :k.

Vhall. PllI1I'u\

8n-ntln o\"I.I""'-""'ifo~ M,,1I1 .r, :,nl' ~'I.. I ""n' "1Ii(r-Mlltnl. Jr "'" .\,...... II~ I.· . \Iu'

II."" Hl'"b.,o1 \11 .....II-"Ir... ~."

1.·.,··,1·.. 1 \.1 ...... \ill .,







(~r. 'i~ ~hn.

) .•1....,,1 L 1t;1n..... ""h.-~1.. \111,,1..1'1. l:,·u II".

s.....,,' I

,\lI"I..t-")", M"""", 11 n' JUIII"

>\I!r,.[w It,'" .....• "II"'.........~., 41.~ GRlYP, t;n"

4:1101lr.l'11i1l 1..4K1iM1..uI~·II-:-lI .. INti ...... '1 r ... /lngl'UII "X

t.~11 IklroIh... AII<-II-...."".. \,.... Orll'lll1l" \W~

J"III' T .\l U..,_S.... ItiII(.BuIo.l. I",ml

lI\1w..... Il .\"',..........s.._ "'lliI-r,nl,•• \.1.... I"·,,



(.;11". lI'~ ,\t.. I..... _~., \1..... 1),-,,1 III

\\,. '\"'''''M_~ .• n.. 1l1' ..."nll. \"hllrlll

n, .. i.... ","[1"" 1("",-1_

~r., N~w Url........ IJ'I

\IoIP>11 . II~S.. M••,,,".. I1&I'1'

1:1\1""" /, ...",,[ ~ilIU" !H-.• """"II

\t"I'[.... ~


I.." ... ~.QI1"1' A)'I' ............~, "'1,1"1"'>"1",,1, l'hllm,

jlnkr MII.ir AIII""".......... S... '\In.ulol,i.... I:lrrll til

~11lI1lIII 1t.I~dh.,r, . ~t.lftror. !l11M1I]

I'.~!III IIIII~':,~ Ilyd..... INId, In"'"

1.11'''' " .. 10; u.il.,-:if.. M".lr(ll,.I ..... 1.111

nlarlil' Uti.~r. J, _S.... \I_dn", M~~

\,rllll" lW... p......-'W., II"Yllf·"'U~, I....,'"

l,i,&,,, .'~ lbkn ·'sr.• ItIlY\Uw.. " ­ ,""""" }_ tIIle--6,., ~It ....w.i.. .\1.ul.

Irudl I"""~~,, l~h_Sr.. U.~"". ~u'"

nllt"" ~'I1)"'f' liam.,.,I--..,t., SIM'I!~h.III.. I"',"" .If.,,/! I~u. R.ml'So-~_, MOl1wr, (/~I\ Ikil


Hlme.---.5•. ~h.. II'\.~C'If"

lloon," IlRnlJl\o-St-. WIl.... I)lII"... 1Iltl'L


!ti,"'..... \t

lk-t-... j. i.l~ II_

nll'n'" L.. tw"p_ i~l". """n.... l at MI'l

,,-.. ,t

INU_~ ..... nll •.-, III, '''lOnn K."UlI,II.~, .. ~St ''''''....,......., •• II. u.,..


R .... ril. Un.-h~

S",.I, UtIlI<, RI·..I. '1'--". "'"' ~'·I'•." f



tJ",nf IL,o~L." .1'\--.. . ', "'h,IiIlI \""' luUl ~11w.1",," 0,'" -'I, 'I/UI', w!'oil •• d


"II"")' 1I.I,dl 1~""IIJIit)1I ~ .• r, M.."uv,' lin, 1.IU,hll~'"--4.1

't'"'Ii~. ~;rll


~I'~"II ~ l....,.j H-..-!'ojr.. \11";","1', "!ami

"flO"',,, JIIII~ o.-llI"A'·I'-~I".. 1I 'L1".... t"wirm t ,.lilt Ik.n" 1'-'I,nll....S'.. 1~"fI IIUlJp I\u.TI"

,.,.~ "',.... 4, •.• \1~lpkk. I"f9Il\~ ....... 1\

'4K+t.roI \hulnl"l' Btolul__"'..

\. 1 ~ fI" .... ~III~--.(.1

Ir.i.uth.. JulI"~II" ~",1_s..... "iit~r', U b·1..1 '-ohM I. 'lMl,,,,_"'iI, """I/of, I.""

""nY--"'I., nl'" G,.",.." U l;.r l.rl "oitrph", AII"n 11'11'r-S. , Mil""", 1..1'11' rltf It If p. U'f'l"M_~' 4.:<,1\/111<"11. 1'1,.,M L..iII)A JUIII'

H··IIrt.!II.' P''"''' Hr{lrund-~r., Ut·.n, ''''1"11 Itl"io.... ""'lilt, II h fA

~"'Ir\M- t:,~hOll 6rt1~""

J,wy Vlul.11~·lkifo .. II"-"'f.. I.fI»w.tt. AlII,. MI'J. I.. !'I_II Hi"--.""l., tll'l" LJ


1M. \I lCl.k_Sr.. 'tL,..1 \'''''''''''. tI ... t.1

n,'''''''' ",-\,"un. ·HI".. hhlill".... M... Jo,.m \1.,.,· HI.Ilt'h.aI_~... t ""nll'II..,. II'h.,.m SM'""I~ 0"",111 liullttlllhl-"'" M,'.I..... "" J.lf'·1} I'nl Uvl""I_~r. i\("'IDlt'VfI"ilw~ I'h.ltn. 1111•• S. JI"I'4''-~I .• '\1....1'•• ""'" 'Ol"l., l'ham, ~W'hn-II

Mann, I.. &nd-~t'.. Jo'u.."H~. ,.~

1l.Ar. ... .,...II,·j 111"""'4 ~.l'"

t1ranraf" ,~In I~h'it.. r"-f"l·,.,it!,.. U,rll1 f~t

,'rny t;. t:to.\ .... k~ ~,. 111.....·hud. K TV M"


D."., J,

Boad~-!W.. Lal.di~I~ .......r

',")11,. 1",..nJ_ ~.. un~ t +"l.- I·".......,

llu"., ''''I.Irw' lkol,lll', Jr........!'or., 1I,... ml, I't..r,"

jJJ'" 80061 ..... 1-.... , n,lb(Jd",,~. I-'hMm K,nnf'lh ....""...e tiuwrfto_" nil..' ..' .... r .... 111

l'II~YI"lI 1'1111 1\0,'11"110-..1;"" \ktwm. ,\ll, I"'-In

'1,,1"'1\ t:.. \u If........

'\0 ".It..., h 110..,.1,-""


I\~J h~a.. \1-.,' IW'1l

,,-,'I '\" \,. ~,.

t.dol /I".,I--~I 1,1 ...\ \f..",,,.·. ,,,.... ,,',1 ...... I",I.........../. 'ol.,.. \111m.... Ii,,~ ~.I \ 011 .111' 11." . ." .. ... 1•• ~1"P\.,.,)t"o11. 1'lw.1lr>


I.,.... I~ II 111 ..111""\-"" \"mlll.· \"

\ 1\·lulI I IIh~ .,1.-. 1h.... 11rr I ;1".. I , ni,~. C;r., :-il

\1 M"I l' Ik. -~r. \1," ,rr~' "

:"- bad beginnin g ma kes a ba.d end· mg.



U'~ ... l lit ,d'l-~ ""., I \r~. \nll ,R¥ \fr.11I.. •...."'"*f,t-!\! I. '" Irtlf'. \IF\. I' 1j:,'ou...... .1 -~r.. SnIDII'J"" ''';11. I...


.."u..,..... \w.III""L~lftnl--:-'r" I ,.. "kill'. lI. f • \.I'D I"~ UiLalw,n I 11",,",,111, I( I:, 1.,1 '1 .. 111"11 t 'I~ , I'" Ilro ... j.-......l~ /IlQ'H~'·. 'h,L rmh\." 111')"'" _""r., "'/}IIIII!'.I,aw ~'ul "illl., Mw' ,.,',.....,_... 1\.... u"I' .'WI 'Ili'!..


."'.'1'1 '

" h_ """ Ilru~l. ., . ~ lo-rn''';III1I, il",",.1 ,',... r Ullr"" II J. -{of \t'If'"'' III..Ij1. C:, .. \U~>t"nl ,,,,",,,, lI"'h"" I.,,~ lit."",", I.l~. Ii.." :'>1

0;"."1.,, \nll ltlor.1- •

'.,111'" '..d"",,--"r

11.oltll'l H..'~I.


IhII,.. I~flil I '''ll

1.1"".1" till"" t;lIlb"",r.-~' " .... t,,,·,

f"''" f.1

111#'1)1 H,k... 4'nml,, - ....', 1I,,1u.n1 l'rlt.. bt III I'll loorph II~ ....I 1.... I_'u. 1·'...iri.... 'I\. 1"'111"11' 1.,><1' I..,,, I ~.\,b,.· L.mpII<'II-!)". "'h"'~1 p()t 1ft t'~"llc 1t'·I1.....' far"wlI\~~', W...... 1'b.J.""



JI..tUI Dr.runl Cllrl.'_~r., 1(,,",,1t" 'Itoll"!!

h"",\"lh t.:llmll\aTI-"L. P,!k ~ ......... \1'

E.MII" Jilin.., t """..... I'·,I~.,.! IJIk.. Villi1ft!"'. >\It,• .\"

J~fI''''' I"'-toy tMl -Gr_ l(llfllJ(, lIiII.


~,I ..... t.&, (..tl~Sr,. sn"'~",)oI,rt. ~11'"

',I.ttIIe?>J l ~.-4 .' " \fill'" ....'....'" S, '(a,i I.,,,,, ( .....~",,, HIl&, s,,11 ~ 111 1m "nnt c:ll.U.h..r-s.... N,... {blr..-,.., l'bam, ~h l... n'lI~ c"-~''''-'''' It 'Po 'I'If'


'i.. ~t·J'fim,_St 4:'~r ll:,.I1 ... "" .. \\1.


Hu. 3""·~ '.I,..... -~I II "'j( ~'UfI, 11,•• " \nall 1\ "" Ii ,"",,1-.'" It ".~ ......, ",-""

I III t..tlftll. Clt.U'I Sf_ 110 'II ..... II~ \

,\"t.·" t,II"I"no~ .. I"', ,., t ltll'.

lIiolujl ~ l.h.I',~n_~. 1..1., I'... "I. 1M '1,...,f



'·r ,11 !11M'' ; t:h"u"It""-';r.. 1I11""It..."••. I"h

~u U lh',_(.r, 1"",,111 ,1111"'" ':1, "j'.I'" I :11tU-'"" .. 1I,,'lt( K '"1'0 10. 'I~~ o\ullro'io ..,,\ ,. I:I.. ,~- ...,... M·'iI"" , I "". J\IOI l~, IIIII'd J... m..... I., .. -!-·w \lllllfl.4,. I,lIjlltl

\J ..,

\\',11.. J.II"·' t.ll., ..., ~r. O.II"I"u_,


. IU)'IU~. l'lMI.t!

I,_,tn, I....,.. U,,!-">

II,....,· I 1'·nll'1l1

'11,,1,-11, l'hum

,t, ....,., \-1,'"1.... 1"'"1' ~c


Ua,,,IIIJI"O.., e., H,_ •. " ,,'. ..- .., ' ....'fn... T



r...", 1'01),111" '" hfa 't-",), ~II/lr.t.lhil~ H. r.J Jllltu... (:tUi!t1l1,h,,1 "I........ !..'.• \r.-."Il.. , I'ltl"" K"B I' c:;,h'l-""".J'"I1, ~ I!,I J"f,,1 11<. C"ltI,,-..;;.. 1"".... ,tI. '1111" 1111 P"hd~h."rl',lIin

';r.,I",,',,~,II. \1i ... l,uul

..... pl_ ~,'u.l"Ill (.lIm. ~r~ Itltl"n II ...,~, ..... pi.. " \Ilt-~ i ...."'-."ir, . :Op''''¢lilL \\~


I\ulloa \t C•• "rw~.....,li,I,,,. I'h¥.,,,

The peopl e may he madt' 10 lolio,", fI path o f aClion , but they may nOI be' mad e 10 unden:; tand il


\ .. 1. lI'HI'" I ,~",Ir-- !'it., "'~I \t""",,· bt " ~It"loh. C.....


"'1'""1(. rtl!., 1"IIr",

\ ',,1''''''' 1{IlY \ ·411.......r., ~"'j( Mv"n~. """

I..."." It t " .."·r--,",r~ \I"n' ..... I' 1'.

'allfY r'"'I"''--"''' W,.,. ,\I .."fll<'. \1"lh r.j itw,lhrJlI I QI'~r "'"_ "'·r" \t,,",,,,,,,, 1"'11 Hu. It,", ..,!! 'IN t . " ...·u.-....._ \Jr~II'It.. \"

....0. II1i1l1

L ... "lIltt"-~I,

).'''''"JI'. 0..-,

N III> t(.-I"·,·,,• • 41m ...., .1-4;•.• Jl'rtll, Hi" CII'~II, I ~I,

•. e,,~,I .· . I h..... , u .,.~ """""". \t1/lO t.d


.,-1'''' III..

um (:"""1;11.". J•.-....

""-. ILulIl,,,j.;.r \t.~ 1 I •• h

\'\',"'1 \lutH..... K. f\ " ..'

k ..!tu Jt) t,nillrjlh.tl..- ~r., "l.1Il l).r'-llli~ ......

n,.......~ t I., I A'_:'~. ~.", .... ~ l_ I'hiltn~ I,nlll\ Iw-th •.••Il.......,....,. \'.,1,,111. ~IO&II [b+'1 I.l - ."n" Cr..n~t'~ l'hat". 1l.,I..f. '.IInl'itl't..r_I...nI-:W.. ,.110,..,,,,,,",,, .. t>'j,.111

\1...-., "',



Lr_r...-d 'n, n..I. .... l.w tnl

J..,," '."-' itt 1:(1'0' h- St-" ('''lin......... I I~ I'l

!orol ....". I ~"" ':"'lw,·I~ ..., . M""",·.. Ufl1l Ld r.onllir 3U" ~ , _~~ \hl'WI'. U l.r fd RllIll'~ \

t:lI''''I~Sr., t~ l",lllJ\"'~'


,JU',r" I) L",I '''' ' '"'I"-~. 11'lIUlttn. j'hum.

I,.." ...

n, I.-.JtI1lIIy..... 3r~ (:""",\\U... 1.11'tI1 ... '


C".~I UI.. tUl~ IIm,nfl'-Sr., \lur.... 'I, "ilI4I,. 1.... ,fJ!'· Ibt~j.-...: ., l"It.,h~I,,\t1M,


Th e superior man i~ mod est in hi$ s '>t~e t:h, hul exceeds ill his actions.


III-IIIIcta ...."f


\hHltlJO'. l!&"-", LJ

IJotIIl" ,\1I1i Uul-,,'v., :\111111_. Ii... ,

kl11l '"n Uti".... :ir_ t'oetririllt. \111


l.nd. Ilh---&.• "tllllmoj'••\,1 1M 1.1... 1).1"1-.,.........'iI"..., ",l.- I,,)\..n

I'lIlrld. J-nn-r U....t.- ... t •• I'totlI,IIIJ. ''''''_ In.. \1'1'

...,hl. '" 1J."..on-......~ -...., ".'Nr , tJ,.,u 1>"


Kvel. Ikr-"W., .,.••" It.~, '" 11111.•

....., I'-r-Y. M..."" ..., t ...... Y.,r I~.,,"" J, 01)-&,. Rlkft', 1o:fr.m ":d

it.}llMtftli L I~~, ., Bn,II/I1, jc;lUn ~~Jlt- G.,,,, I~I-Sr~ lil'ltcn, \,;," ~ tAl t'J I,~ o\nll I)... ,I,,~•• Nllidlr,w~II' 1't,.,'1'

M..... lm.•• "",'~'i_~~ lJtlllrrlt"lt~ ,*Id Mp t...lltl& (Ahn.... I)rW,"",-'!w•• :;IIth......,.1 t,M 'II 1l1",II, la!da lJt'fnrk-!lOI., Shrn'f'port. J'twra .;.......... 1)r"I'w..lo---...~ .• '[."..Wo. ,",.n s...~ .... H. 1JN4..-&~ New.~lw.. (:rft ""I


1',1111.,,11..· 1'''1........,. t"'IIIOI 1.1

IW.Il'!'1 I Ilwl'''··-'''~ "'~lh,"" ... I·II'!,,!, 1.£I"'"I"",.t~~III-...."

~ ..,

... I I M .., ...

""."'11 .. III ....u


\ ..... ,',I...", rh~t 1'tt 1'." I ...... "Ih., "I-I!,- 10",.1


I ,~."

1'11'11"" I:"" ,ud.. " I" \I, ''' ' \'",,,,,, '1".1,

'\.11 1_' _~. t_,,, III \1,* I ."" II

\lfI~ ... lIi''',I.. ''\,lh''t-1l ,il_" 1,·"",,1111 I,'" ~I.




\,",H 1, ·" .... 11"1--"1" ""'1lf"". "'~

,\1 1011 ,11"1 ~_ I .' ~WI,t "'" 'iotI, "'. 1~1l , I """ I "!

U,¥ll,t,\·un·. Ir - ....

"I., ..


fil,l" l.tfl'IL--,.... ' "",, II \1""'.... \,.. Mil_ III

....,,,1. \If.. ini.a t \MII'" ~_ \1"1 H"",,, "1106.11 U.'"

"' I ~i .\11" t \oUl_"'or.• t I'II~ '" ..... \I,

1.... , t ...,,-.... It/l' "" ,,, ".., \II.... ill-IJI' .f!

""' .. ~I~ I:~I rt ' _ "II., \I" " "', 1'1,.. U"" 'WOIUlt •.y,·rnll-'I, \I"" .",.. I '1"1', l'hUt. t,/,.II-St, lilli,,·, .. Fh"" 1:,1

\,\.' a il lo r Iht' wis('!:o \ or all coun · sd ors. T ime. I'EHI CL£S

Ik-nt ailmr 11U'1I1i ,-.c.;f .. ll", .. " H"ujP.'. I'n..u,,, 1t,~,,,I. III,,, Ipo_1 ·t;'. I'nm,;" .. 1",,1

\\r. "'rl 1\ hrl'. "'H

U .... , II


11...,.·,. ,

~'MII_~r ., 1~ .. \ilk.

CI.~ \1~II 'It', 'h


\1"' ..... 1, ti.U) ~""vr-"!' "' 1"1"'1'1~ " " M" . 1,.,1, t..nt'"f I 1..1" ,,_), . 1I~n'wll~h , 1'..1 ..1 ",. '''.WI.II

Ilrw".... h ..".h.. ~

~I . 1:"Cliow..... , \;~n ~j

......111, It . ,",.....,_.., t l'n'"I .. I,ul


."'UII·"" "n"""" t-~ " .. ,;,

H..hl.1I U. It.-iu

IV_ M...." .., 1.,-,01 I~J; .. , j,. ,~ l ."I1....n' "11. ti.tl' ~'1' \ "I",,, II... ~'. , \I\t 'li l,flll:vlal,I-!'Ir . f).1. "I" .. ~,IIAI'I \,.,~

\1,,",..... f

l lollh,·r~;t...

u.... "up-Inl.,

WiJ,nlUlli. ,,",I

~ lo~"'r,. 1 "lIr'~I'''' H,>I ,,1 uta,

I"·I... \·,·~ I). 1 1'f!i!~--"" • H .l~ 11". 'I t 1,1

Urbrll :'to,.•·•.l..I _!lo,~ UHhl, t 10 til r ,l' \tl'!lu Ht l


Lluu1000 K.., ..wrl---....... h' ~"'"_ Mi_, I" tII""

\t"•• ...., I;~ ....

r 1""JIt,.. \ 1..., h'''~,,~I,_'!t,


"" ~ 'lI t

r......... '11

... d~" , . 1·,,"'. nJ- "'r.. 'h.nll :-:.hill\·....

T.,.I\ 1.111" ".'''''1'')..11.1 II [, r J

H ,hi.. I'",, ' ~'_""' " ,..,. M, .,,,·,,·, .... "1. ~

kll"" 'II II. I' I_ _ ~ ' " 'lmIP .... 4;..lhl' !'\'

".01" r11, 10., I ,...,...


I ."10, 110-



IA m"..I,.-..... t;,·.. ""

:"0 ••, \ I ", l"a. \ 1,··


WIlII",1I U.o.I' I rtl l"1--~.. ....... l :",,,111,..\rk " I'I"'IIU rl ll"'''' ~ t ....... IU·_r.,I, \ il.,' 1'10.,11·...... 1) lI1h ill '''''Mil "'ll! 'o-bl. , Il.ao l m. t:nlCt .,1





t •• II~ .·r'-"'i ,

t u' llua \ t ~.11 i. I... ,,, \ . I,lIm "m- '"

,\)...11 11"', l'r..."If't!

\ 1.; ~1I1l1na. 1 r t') :'11"0 ' ..... I'M,. 1:';'11

Jul lollo 11. 1.1ll1in--,"" I "..,>111\)0". 1'\:'"'1"

U" noiJ' lIlU<' r",II,IrIt_ 3c-.... ( "I\,.,r... . ,111'1' ~. t " "",,· 1;\11"'" ~r. \I. ...., \ 1"11,,.. , 'II' ~


l .a ",' ~ n \" ,, ~.lIh" I" ..",.,

"h,,·, ,·,,-"I /"'".

I· r lY' II", ·",,~ t;r ' IU' . r _~ ••• M"IIr.JI'

I",,' 1111\ I;lp.._

.... ,

\10 illl ~t-.. ' ... .. M~

Bad m t:n live tha i lh~y mlly eal a nd dri n k , v.h e reas guod m en ~a l a lld

drink that tf1t:y may liv e. SOCKATES In .I"d. (: Iroll'l l _~~ IIrill'OI,"tlla.l. Ilfwm' \ ,,,,, 'l.. n,· t i i , 'I'1I'_~ _ U.~I ..... 111' 111 .." •• \.1,.,111-:'1" \I "nI\";'. U.\dm

\h~fl~ ,,,,,,l,y-Oir., r.,llI"f"I,·" liO),l. HS, n ' \lid ...... ,JIf"lh 1<;(1.. 1" t;lIud..... ~I " Tr'4l'kllllu, .\ , .... , ''t~m. \till} t,"·... ~ ;QI,IL , .. ~'.. ILu"" IWlIfY; 1'1""", \ ""..tlr 1......... I..I..__ Il;ilfll\ H.oLIiIC". I'ha:rnl l.Il )I, ' " t .. .,...·r...... ~r;. ' ..... yt'lt" , 1'(\11;,,11


\tll ~

~ ~.n ,.,..."\ , SI) & H l'h.-r (i rrt'.-4:'ft ~ ft'\",... 1. U k-.n \1I1l," If' \ ,j\.It' (:"""u,bIwt-'r.. ,,\'·"""11,11'>.\, til. ,\.o'm \l, ln f",.j \ '. Ci liRiIl, 1,.-::" " T",~.,., An..... t'!urrnj J.... I\ IMflf' ( :r~Sr.. 1U)'\i.I"'~ Uuo E.d

h ot


I" '... '~I


1)'·"1" 1\ t, " \lj"l)'-~r" lot./I... ,tt, ('III' ~ .... ~d"k" t .Clll r ".-..-~. \' nltln,'. I.... t~ 1 K-it ~ ~ .... (,ullu'lo-5t.. J1w,,'r. Ufill .;,.



1... "", , IIII~ I hllh.·...-."it"~ ""k'1o:MIdra. " fulI',1I

,,',nfa,n "Urh.rl lldlMn,.a,.......s,.. 1'-".,,'1" I..·"..y,


11"" lilli/II'


1",,,. U 11.101

II" 1-."


...... V. J.



n" \ I"

I ..,.. '1i..,.... III~ I-I., 11_" H, ..,;,II,'"

n•• \ II."..

"', 'I"



llolll l,,,,,h'l>- '" Ill" ., I \,1 I, I"


"In,,,,,, Il.".11 1__ '



t ,,, ..,

II,,~ .. I I,,.. 1I~"'I!o !'-"r IlIro~ I,· \11 '"

1'"ui, ,,, j.\ 'IlIl IlI,,,_,,,,,, \1",·". j',.".,

, Im" II..U Ilallll'lI 1i••I"'I" \1... ~. I

I.."" IIm ~ .. "I, --....1 I."'.... , I'h",'1,

I ,I



II .. I.. lIatj_!>ot .\1.·",,, I, • \ .. ,.




"r. 1t...1l1t

I'M'" IL 11.11>-"1-, .._ .... H...'/.....

".,,- "" .... H ' ....,..1 .." .,~ l'lt~f'ft'

Whoso neglec ts learning in his yo ulh. loses ils past and is J ean for Ih e fu ture. EURIPI DES


"mn. lionioo Jh,-","'ill" """t,I"11I t",1 ,.. 111U,'" II~I~I"---I-"'"

III' •

'11111. ...,

.l1I'd ~

11 . ,....11/1

...._ ': •• 1',1)..


,,",,'h, ,1111' I)I~" .. " "",~,,,,(\_......

'1""",, u.·,.. .. I

.s.u_ Uru, In- II.,-r.uro 1./.. 1.,,_1'..\11..... t ..·,,1 r.""'lh, I. IInrl-· ......\I..ut 'hi•• ' .... "·,,

H,,·,j"" I Ita"tlt->:

J.. ~" ..... II".... Ir.,"_Sr

114!\111 .....

,,·./1., II

", ..I,lr..". \1 "


\hlll"'" It lIu.. .·t ~~. 111 ~, .. M","W 1'1111 '" K.II,\ I.. IId ~""''''''''''''1 lMi'lfl tl'I'¥". 1!..,.",... I'ro. )'IIIl':""" 11I1 1111),_:-". \I. '~1I1141 ,1~. N\lu j\aI "'"lJn~ .. ..,..I - ..... ~ I.lII....... \I •• Sl ~ Sf I.,j

hltn "nt..", ""11,,1-.."1 W'''''

",,''' ~

11'.11' I ..n

"" lIfll .\,,rilu, IIt.,." tt,J) ~,. !'tll,o."I"Jo1 PfP I,"" J" II..·• 1l1"111.1I1(~ljI;iI""'-Sc-.• \It, """'~b. ","0

J....,"ttt~ ...,"11 1I..lm..-..,... t,. IJ(... t'llllll lir·.h, tl", ,,,-,"

1).""Ih, ~ 1I~.I'·r"""'" "r.• lI... t'''I~ ,' ,'

u..n.Jd ""',roo" 'I~"",~,.tr--"" \\ irono.bm... \ ••

HI.·I'...." 1I.·",I.·TIOI'n----!'iI .. .,h'I'\·l'l'l.. t. '\1.,•• ~t 1'.lmllf,r lI ..tld.."."", - ~. " r'4 Mn,,,,,,,·, ,_ 1111_ T"..,..,,. ~.I,," tlf,lIf,;, !'ic.. 'II.,.. \ 1,,,,,,,,·, "", \ iI tOlill I. I"'"".-.-.'it.. !'!h/,...·,·,.. ,tI. l,,""l H~, U,·t"'rlh ....,." flJKi,fi ll-o;.-.. \t III".... lit,,·

1'... ,1',11 ,\1111 "'II... ~Sr_l..uH.. villt, tt.... I klol~ Ihl 1 4~'j,t '\[In !tILl !l.r.• luJ..... ne.. \,k , l'l...,m I".._U, II,U--...... " foIvnn",!.t1ll' \ 1,,1111. I......h... lllllh~. I"II"'HII, l)T \IM'.... II.

II",,,, I h u,~!'it"_ 'til».

t''''flUf\ '"


II .11.....Il-~,. Mo1." III' ,.­

\1111'. k Uilldill~"r 11,,..1'''1', 1'1,"1,

I'.'f" I. ,\nll II"I[,IIIL....."". SlIU' ~'·I""II .~ ..

11..,.1 \t ",,11,.....,........,-1'., ~,~¥~J"'", 1''1In!


"".\'11. 1I .. 1T'o _~


"'·GI,I...." .\,·l. "hlnl

fI..I, ,, .. 1I''''IIf .I-~, \tl'''' "'. I.., II,., ""'1'" un•• 11" .... ,1--· 1;1.. ' ....\;...·1 M"... t.h ~ Ii

K<'I.. II " ..... U--4;r., rt'vll"'C. II b l.tI

j.£ll \\ . )ltl II....... I~S, '. j·Ii",".t " ...

'.III·~ It. '1o, ... r4l·_l't . . .... ,... M'r"""" \hL. 11, .. .& I II.



I .....,. I, lIuJ"".~II;u UtU.t1 .... ~1~1l a:~ M.. h..,. ",';II\"'n' lI",h''''_'''r , Munro...., \t",1l

&dill!. "'4 1I.. ,npI,.....r- ...... Itv-'''n. NUlI"I'

1..I1«'f1 U Ihll":l.............' ~ :011(·.... ""11. "nn~lIr I~w-..."", ,,

IooIIM ~..I

.....'""1.. "1



Or_Jo..... lfiCW_S'. 'lvna, 1,,-,_.& I ... I.••" J....toIn-Sr" 1'.I'",p. SF.. !oil t·"





M41(!;,,,,I.. -'rk I""'""

Thr: days that are !Slilllo the wis~st ....' iln esscs.

CO lO!!



\ ..,tt... , I~"ifrwd


. . bur..-S.... t.,lhftl1, ~11 Ui \tt)l'nM'. En £u

I.,n J......---Liij,.,

tw. J,rnk.n..

.!'Ir., !'ih" ·¥f'pt.,,.

fj,"Q EdIM~"IIM

J.,lbh An.. JIrt~'3I., Mnn ......, I; U .....1

lull...... K. J... __ St., ~I.",,~. Ph.",

tYftlh..... Je..-. _ Via.... ~r, tv'--. ~ Mof'd

tMrbae. N.." J,.h,",,,_Y., \toft, ..... :;Wo' 1i.1

"-..... ~ jI''''I''_~'' M...../~. I'ltala.

VuJIUMle K....,.· J'"L,",HI-.5I ,. "'",naboru..~)( 'Vi ~ Whe.._M_ M,LonI",,! A".


J.IIII.. Mlofl...1 J.,,,,._s.-~ Ul"lhi, Iflod P)'tI:h

J... 0\. JPIL.IIO--:;r,. IIUtilhtpto. ~ ...illl'. , _'i., '"~

....~ J,rII..._St-.. tL Will.,.. 11t.--to, ria.•• :- "',


I 11111.1 t(.,.... J' .... n.1t _ ..... ""... ft. "" I.-h \1 ~,roo-!'II , f ,... I ..... "tt I 11'1,,[ .\UII 1.,I'1 ..... "'r.. h_llhn. .... 11[.


"Inn'' "' ' 'IAn

'\all 1111 ''1"11 11011---... .

..... ,.1,"' (, 1..,,_'1, .11••_ K. '. ttl..

11,1,1..... [,.. ,r. J"ln ~I, k.,II"·llf"'" II , •.41 I~ ul\~'\n,t:; I. Itl," ...,.,-..... H'~nll'" .njll. 1'h,,'1l1 ~IMi"

It .... "\1'--0;,... Slm·w,I1In. PI.l"1"lII'4

Virtue is nol left 10 stand alon e. He who pracliecs it will ha\'e neigh . bors. CONFUCIUS

lot,.,,,!!"." ",

Mlfl- .... ·IIM~,_ & J. til 1.,1 ~,·,irll' ... .-It~r \I'IU"", Blull"lI

1Iot,I.I Il

tv-'jwntl[,t-...., ..

,",", ....',,,, -"'1.. ;(.1II,h...,1

tot,"',..... ~~ ..... ,I


"""''''1'''11. 1..,,1 II~,

• "II.!t"'jlI1ll1_"',., \ ...,1'111. I ..." IJ.o.tI,- 1:1.......11' I<ri. r... ~~ "r~ "!1ott'V"[KoII. tiro", f.,'

... "",In "'ii' to,.IlI'[It-"!I,


~~ ' II

~"." ~·.h

(I.R.I.... t\u"[t-+;, [1""1\ h""II, n.,..... ,Im

,.'" TNI t-. •• ~" lllllom ~I'

~ ••

1. 1\,.."" l'hlnn



"',,"flW. ,\,..,"

I.. ..,.. Sr.• \4 ..1.111, Irl "'m~ I'MiI I.I/I~~.' "'.. Ih U",

:O-lI.". 1..-.';,.• 11,..,,, ",.,ftf&. II....


tv ""..Ih ........ I...ml",t-"'., \"''"".... III,. IIrtt... It IMlI~!-e .• \I"""lr. , lI"ft,

1.''I'riia 1.'llt...t - !Or.., ...""rf....

1)11,,\11 IJIM,lr),-!u., \l'Ilt'llqlt<'

"!"II '"'''.11'....

l_~'I' "



I', ...

t.l~n, t.,1

.,,_ fillY, . ...11 II""

I'.'.~I. l.-,hI_:" ........1. I t:ih'. U,nl 'hl'l'lll""~~I. \\rLIolI.. ,I\ulnn LIlt K. b~ !!r.• 110"" Iv.n.c, 1.... 101

I~ I" I ...... ,·"'-.-Sr..


'""II""",, \u,.

J .....1,11 H. 1",,,lt,,,,,, lor.. V,"""',.... , 1",01

J,,,, U-II I ..u".-s~.. Ptnr~II", Itt-m UiluP Hu.k 1 _ ~ II........,... , T ..... "-'

J"-.n Ih-nm 1,,-......., I.~I' 1',.Inr, t'IuIrm

It... "-',....fIIIl,.fl-.,·Ii .• )..".,1',.. ""'1 :-vIIi '--~.• Slin'VII'pDn. t_ St

,,"''''. \1,..1 Il,>!, I~ I,'''' ....hl.

\. I

I ,. -":'r '11".1,'" "hun "" ~~ 1,1 L1/.1 r,LI'II I,•

",.",,-!'o,. irwl"'"'



,,, .~".II I ,~, l-"r. \\ r<l \1,,, " 1,101 , ... 1.,-.1·., ", .. IN.. Ik. \11'


" I.t

I'" ,;,1·1 Il., 1.11,_' II.,HII,. \..

'''''''' I~ ""_"" ",I, ~""'fI. \ 1...,1;

,:, I ...... ;· ~;, .. ,-" .. .\I",,,,,, \I I

\\.i I h"II-:-". II ".~ """" 11! •• q~.; 1', "

\I"" ~' "'''' "'III,·Ii,·/,1 _~r_ ""'rlmf""u, \,


I., ... M",.,,,, I I,,I,,, I

I'~'_IJ"" IJI. t, •.,

I, "I, II...." 1.11,'1 ...." .." 1.,,, ... 11,,.10.... , j'I...,,,

I', 'J'\ \I" ,wi 1 ",,10, "_"', .. I "Il"k!!! 11, ,..

1'''.1) I nl"'~, I~-'"

\I,,,,,, ... li

'" UU'

,u-"", n,,1f' "'"n~ "",I. \1 I

\ 1w II 1

\It>"" "I H,·,.. I ",II.t-;', I~"""""J '",

Cu,,)I~u '111'0 1,..,1.' __ "'r~ \ i,I.Ii~. U".. I)IOII'r"

c:l .. rI.· I.. h.'n-"'. 11I"'u... ,,II,·, I'll' ~I.·.I t .... ,1. \1"",\", M,hll ~!. )1.-."" '1.11".1'.... '" ,:,," "'1111 \IIIII'~" ''11 •. \L1u.. lwr,'.I',,· \1,·,1


.......111, L "111"~~.. litflUlru~ ~II W~

'.n,.~ \1,." I" ... ",--..:;, .. I Ill"! St.ttl..,l. " , .•\

'1),011\", \11111."", • .1-")\-.,, \1; ... , \I ...",,,., ",.. 1)".11

1),11'" JUIl'.... \1111'"-'" U.-~'''. 1"11111'"

\I ,I., 'III'" MIU~" c.... I 'U.. i .. ~I ..

I'.. "".l~ 11111'



.... '" 1111'11" ... ~,~ \\.l.

\In,ulln:.., \t'

11",1 ,., \~ \1 ....111\ !'it. "''''''''', I '.... M,',I

l\,wIIU" \I. "",,1,11 1--.... , I Ir.it !'Ilwt\'''- 'ii.. '1,lT"tII


"1"n,,,,1 \1 .. ,11 ....... ~, II ,,~'· ..··IY, 'II'"

~r~ \1.",,", / •• ,

till""'" 1,'-1 ....

,,~_.., 'II.,...., ,II '11. =' •., ,, __

~I~I"' .. IIII""'" ................ "lrlllhl,uH...

\111"" .i.r'u1 .. "~",....,,. 1'.. ·.~ln, 1]. " 1.,1

tI,I~'1I ~""I

I ~ II"",

I 1\

'hlll..·.. _

H"tM'I1 "._~I

W,m,•." 11I"'jltl". \1.'\'_" ' " 'hI,., H ~ .\1" In S. \111....-1' Sr.. "uu,..-.,·, t.,·,,1 14\ 1.1 H. 'tdJIIr~"', ,\I.. \1""IIK'.\,1 JII"" I " " ...,,1111.1,--....1, '1\1,..., 'I",,,, ... I n~. Ii 1I""II'""..t1 \1,1 1111- 'Or M.t! In,. l'b\ t;~ I )



li•.I"ttl M,I"" ...... Ipl"1 I' \rhll \' \1.4 r ",,' ,,,' !<ill \II'" , 11,.\ t ...'1' \I \\ 1),.n 'u-:--r. 11'1" I "1M' II \ Illlfh." \I, II, 11 ... \ It "If \I\I1I1"~' I. ,.,.. I ,I 1111' \, \1· ,,,,,,,1.1.1- ", \I~n I.... ", \.


\"1111111 ... "t, \1"H", ..lIl11l_..... ~ \.lnllll, ~'" W~ "ll11lo'tr Il'"III,., \1,1, .... "". ~"H" .. I'h~'"

~'I'W" Will" 'tj'V'I"n

'or I"i,l'.. ~"" 1'11",11'

LI_I M,.,U"y- ~I Till"",,, tn, \1",4" ~h, 1,,,.-1 'i,'I~,

I'''''-.''\r,_ 1'I"IH"lftl",I'h,,1o

u' ..... 1II \1(',,',11 "r.. " .... ' 11,,(\ ""I'li,~ ~


II.. \rl..,

I~," n"

'110,1,.\, I,\._I,'II~

\I.... ~ \I,.IlIM.. ",tv 'or t ,,,.. ,.\ I·h..",

II.II¥ ,\\.1,,_ "'- J, ,-~. I,ww

I ·1, II \101.-"" \\ T HL'1I1'. I - "' I,,'

( IUIII(,,," ,\11....,. Mill .. _!'or lilli, II", k ~t 1~~l!r 1,,111,1'''''1 .~~ U IINI, I,,'" II,,·


"o\l'~ 1)_PlItIl"T-"", 1,lII1j,- tt 'N~

'rL , 1'1",,,,,

~1' I:oI"

n. \\ \I,Ik-.-S". :"IUIIIII'I. 1"I,ul1" '1', ~¥r. r,...101 M"'I~I'- '0,. lll~" 1.1 ..,11"_


t \1,,, "1' :"It






Cd".! ~lull.II __"I~ 1.l>I.. I,~,.'III1. \.,


"'''UrII) "'*"Vb~, \1"1",,. ", ..... ,.,~ \flll"­ \ In""ul J..... '1'1t 0\1",,'..,·._.... 110""... II"URI'. M..., I I t l..tI.~ \t~I_ M ''''ttv,.,'·I_~' ),..,,,,,1,. '''••\r1o. . "~I",

1·....1I. \to)C>m~r, Jr-'", M",,,......." I I' Ahm M,~,~<.;" ., I~ ... ,~ t -Iy, 'I.,' I..... JWll, r L M.,."...--u" M,,,lI,.... Ioli. :"4 1 M. '1111 \hl~

\l U ••II ......


'_111,.11, "\lI,n-

""m'.. . .



III I~,I \'"p.ui....... \I",f 1... ,1,

",........ f;,ltttlnl "I1""f.--*'I,.. t ..n ~H '''~~). Hotl,· C,...

1"""1=1' Till"!...,,, ,~nI nl'~ \,1.11" \Wi" M..".--."ir.. rMown,II,·, ,\"" !'ranL I. :;,_ J.J1 .... III, ~ ' ~'II J.,rot"I ~ " ...",., Ir :;~, t"'I'''' ~'" '4'

'''",,,.,_!;r.. ,\1..,"_

M.d••• I ~'..II ... t"~"1 j·"'III.,.,,1I1, 1.:-0" .....,"" M",,·lr'l'-:-ir. \tll""" t - ~'.,j

JHlI"I.I" MI"II"_~'" \1 .. 11" ..... Nil_

"I.,." '1,,_ !o.1~ M"nn"-, "'I' "" II nil',

1:<\1"""'" I.IJ'I:MI!. ,,,"h'~ ~r.. I.,nl~ H,~l




J.. ,n..,. u , •• '_i-":~ U...... h..., l'I"",u

\IM h,u. 11..1111 \ ..1.... 11 "" !-.w,hm.. n.... \.

I " ... 10.. 1."'11"'" v,./II.n "r 'x'1I h lilll"" kvul('!'. I ~,I ~('

lIulI(ll h. '\11 ~,II· ... &: 11.''''':' Ibm

",,111...1 "~_Io II~"" .h'''lIt \I... ~


""",.,,, ',,1.'1' Sr.• "")U,,,... I'I,IIITfl 1'/111" ""." ,.,..".._"',. 1Af'OOI \1."",.. 11..".1..... 1... 1) , ... 1....1111..·

,j_"'.. "' .......



Time as he th ings.


old IC.:1chcs all


~1I11111'" It ~ .........,,"" - .. '.I~t'l'mw"'l I( II '."U 'II"..-"!.r. J..II••I.... \.11"


1).·1...",1 ••• '" I I I .,1111<'

1",.1.. 111• ..,·


..,...., 1. tlp ... ..



.....; 101,,111,", "'II-JI' U


\,U. "'111".1'11",",

_I.,. \.~... I


n, 'Ho:lty,tt .; , . ''io"...."" t:...1 1)'·1...,,,11 "'~"n fl'I...-."k.• I:...,h" Hat'l tu. . )li~.---."!(. "'1I1'.n,,,,, n.,. ",•



..hrtl.... M, ,,,,',,..Mid_!\r,, 1..... I JuI~ ,l\wtm

.\'UII'" t)oI•• _~.• 'II...."'..., ~

J""'" Ir.... 1,,,,",-,,, ........ ......,..... ~

n.,.t.-I'1;,,1 ... ·U....I

,..." ,·.. I_k_",., u.--.. H...11l" ~bl""'''p",,,


I)......"wh tu' ll l'at"...,_· .• ~n-~ ....on, ,-", '" I.•' L IOMID""'-__,.....o"n..., ~,~ ... .,.



1'.I ",r_~' ..

"'....,..~,II •. ",. H I , ....1

fItl""'" J."",·ptll"Il.,I.. '-~r.. ~... 0.11·...,.. l'hlrm t-:tIiI/\ I'atnuo-- ..,,~ ~"fII~"llk liE·

"'....~ M,,..,UI'. I;'" Ru. \t•..,nor, M.. l.d ~__I. 0. 1 '.,lo.ft_~ .... """ \lUft•• Un,b.t. '"-' I "_~" \t.. "NI'.,"~

~Jli't'1. ,· ...a-Sr.. ~.1for1"'\.11..,,!n ...1

t.: .""1" Su.. hd U.,~l,

"",'.I.n 1'1'''...-.'''',

.co.,.""" n..­

-,,-_ _ w"'.... rw-...........\.......... __



u..,. ................. lr.-tk........... 1'Iw..


f'hilip ~,,_!Ior H.,n_III... s"....... tl.11n' .......~""" \\innMlnn,. ,.,.





t...I,· Uni,II'<'!."I.-..";" ~I n".

\ .....". I·t"~,.- ..... I'''<l,r.•'w.." .. R,,~,. ttL¥. C',,",

1,',"I.j,.I ... ~ I'rln--", \I."", \1..",,,,, \1,..1 r l'! h

1:Ii.r. .... I~I-""r~ \ .." •• ,.. !'ofM" 1:,1

!I'lm ..... ~I""""",,,,.,. Ie" 1\ "'"

t1Tt,_ ".,

l.un W. I'" "'I, .... rtI .. ~ll,


IJt;!h.. \.-.

I...·r l'I.II·",_t.r, \ll'''''H

l)utr\1 "'I,·n. l'i~,·l ''''~~I .. '" I oJ \I,..,....... ,. ~

I\tarlhn .\nl!1.. I\IIUUllI :..-, Mnnn •. loll,:-'r

T"'I) f l'III"""'1'--~' ., ""~I",,,,\, " .. I~'ntm

lu,d. ~ I'llInk_ " . \\'",,,,t..,,,,,.


. ' ..



~'''''' 'I 'hi.. 'IIIP 1"~.Iot-"',~ \WI"".-,,, ..... l'hum I,,"'t_"~., \"IIOM'. (I U ,·.... rfl,-.." I,al,.. t:113 "'" II f. r,1



""art"« I·...



" im..l"




!:ohr-nrt"'"' I'hllrrn ,'11..-."'. M.,n",,','"



'h\l~ (:OM\',II·rll·,_~r.. 11....,.... "!o.:oI' 'A (:Iw"l0... II IIT)' t'",llu."~~r . \1'l11,"",./Ij,., ~"" ..


N"I'~II·I'. MI~ ..

J.II~ ~"r, . M'M""". l),onll.""U"'IW,"



II "'~' U &


Ka"'' ' ' '-''r.. "W1't! M,""...., .1"," t,1

Willi.rn U tt,..,..t.II. J,,......."\• • w~,



Wi:"(Jom comes lhrough surferin g.


1h!;i'1IYJ K. Kand~ ,U.""'''''''''I_'''' " \I('nl"r. llu.,r". \10" It""hm-..(:,, N\,,,,, l)O-lI,i, 101,1..., 1,,- ,'.IiI, (tid.nl K KMt-SI'.• IJotMi..1' ('Ih.


~n'" ArM tt.,1nfl1lld-!k, tloUun,JIr.......

t.....,. J•..- It.....·~" . 1)w~I..

\,L 16• .,£

Din.; ~ """'-Sf.. ~."' .. ".,

I."u.n \J.

~. . .ft



1'_11 K...h,..,.....s..

I". 0..


\1011""', """


(hml.~ Ih .... HIIIU11I' .., \1'1(11'" '(' t.h",I••,,· \un II, ,,~_ \\1'11' "\1&11 II", (; .. .1",1 •.,I....ulll."u It., \\ h'H I.l.,., ~i

\.1'1"'1.. \'....' II IlId.,..-'" lA,,,,,·,, III., 1"·,11'''1I111.,\"",,,,t-'', 1..... ·"i1,,' 1'1 ~f'"

IHII V'Ulhll~n 'lul,h ..... ILl '" W;,,,,'oIWr!O, \~'lill'

\ .... 't I.HIII" It..lw,.",..--" ,\J'·~I .. ,lftl, '\'

I (~ ~I, I("hl' hu,t.-!'u" I.,,,.~ Iii,. ' ... " Lt'I~

I """,Im "."IA' ,-"" \t ,.", ~l<U1rln',:,p Th·

t.l ",1"",1 t, I(,,,p'''. Jr "r" ."1'1111'1 "'~U"

I .", u' 11....·,1.1 ..........;... \I'lflrto!. ~: h'm I· .,1

Ilh·It".. j II ' h '",. \I !II" _ I.!. U' ~,J

",.t '"

H",>,,,.'II---",, "'11" .•".,1.

"UUII \ "'11111

Lit',,, I,'H



L g rO\.,' old ever lea rn ing man y th ings.

1", It...I',n-:'!' n,,\'\II1i~ I H·"'~.rl

.,,, I.,


\I.." lCu .. ,,~)'- ~I .. ,),,1111,





to),. III_I" .• Mu,.... t.. nl. 11111


1'.. "",1" J 1l1•• I ,III~ -~.. MIIIlFIYfIl1, " L­

Ilt.,,,,,,,, I' 1(1111.\111.-..... , 1",,1.· ·\,..I,,,t.....

1\,1.1" :-t"I~ ltill .._ .. r. \\.-1.1 \lUDNt', "'I' l'II.I.

r ..."n,·ui.... "n.'·'.......,.

1l1l .. ". 1 ."~ ..,,


',i . \\\

t IlIonl.I, ~, \1.......,, " .., " 11111'111

.. I\h'-""'., 1 II~' l'r,,~ .. hlm, ~II&U 1\10\101 II. 11"'... ,111·1,1- ~r,_ MOOr...., i'twl\'l I.JIi..lHI UoU1'lf'll ~~or~ J,~~ .. 1I1,. '1\" ,I \II, hu,,1 n'"'1'11 ~.'r1--..'i" M".lLk .. I.,,,, ..... rl, 1'1.,nl"l """,,,11 TlnlR,1Iol !;'·rrlrn.,·. "".., t;,UI"II'" "I, ~ n,'~,·rI.~. ~ ~~.,.

.11'1"'\'1" ~U"f_"1 .\"'11, I~'II' III

I).. ~;' I J;I.>'/I" ""11Wo ,~.. l .... jll. '\..... /.,·...Il""l


n,,.. A.hn

Muilllll lh,tllltll"',r,,\,' ,,1-\1,1 uL,· I'm,'"",,",. AFi·Bwi il,,'" {; !'A"'I'I,,,,,l Jr. Gr, lOo"-' II'~, 1;",,1 ~hlll ~ ...

'!-i'l I.. ~ Sbru-i;, 11.,0/111 :to.... I'.


1"-""" I.,nll 11.,,1,

~ 1r \))o_Sr•• Uill tj.ro>"\'t'. I VIr

" l l\Jn , w~~t'lr" \ ,,'-II.tI,. ~ I..&II TI,,,,

lh....~lIr II. 1)10

~il " r'""I~.

"' t..

ill",,, •. t£rliJ11 ~JII~'"

" mlifJot'.

Hay~,l h',



I ~nl", "',.., ,,. ""'''''h'r---l.,., VI, """"''':, PIt"'"'.. Di"



n, N.1fo-...~~ "'1Ifll\),·,

u.. lri:iI'kft ~1.()!IIt-!W.,




t:h-I}t 1Jo..~ !'i",iI~"'f.. " ..nr....·, l U. Ell

(";w,'II.I..I)... '.tll; S'fI",~l'of .., ...... " •. 1~.·Il.:oior

1"h" '" .,R,. :Oml"".

I... "',u· HNn.

\ri... Iw.-Mt"d

&,"' A~, ;:,ml~~', T*-,* I;"",

!'It,",~11 j.&,"'mlll "'.. tl'l ('.t,~\'C'.I"'.,,,,

"rifJll:inil ~u.. Sm"It-Sr•. IiM'H'I" £.1

.14',11,11.., '\. ~ .. I,·_~"",.. \li.'h"l ..


'It',·"nn~ ~lJlnll"-Sr..


Lul''''f/, 1',)'1 I,

!..we Mu,r ~nill-~I .. 'Ill"l"" V,I...!!}., I......",. (:11";1: I;"'",.." s..,,,,,.--l'ot., \IM~, til.!'

Cliff "",1,,_1\'1 ~~ Ad.. hH. ArlL., Ph.trtn na,I..,. u.. St>-"-.."if.• WI.,•••, \Iklh Ria. ~..... I')~';;:J.. 1I'I,",,1l,., ",,"till 1;.1

S,,,...I-SI".. \Ii.." \1"" ... ,,·, Witl 1:')11

I':.!hiql :iu-'''IJo ,-'II., '·"'...·it"·. \ " '"

\ ~ ""nl" I. ~'""lJ·UtA. \'II~

''',l', II' li..JI,1!

:-" ..

I sit beside mv lon elv fire

And pray f~ r \~'isd~m yet:

For calmnes.s to remember

Or courage to forgel. CHAHLES HAMI LTON AII)E

wi Qndrll Stllr~,. &phi" 1',*",

"t;o." , "t)'fl.,.Slmnttl-S,..

1,\,.., 'l..IUtN!', Gt'B ~

1&,_ C. SlI'pn..--&.. MuultR, 0('1' s..

I'11l1 M. ~.. a...cml ~ hi" \tr Ed,oill &""".'1-51'.. k~ ... u.... M~ OIt,kIl'I'SlD"'!·.lh'k, MalinI"'. t: Cit Ell


1'.111. JUIli Sttnuu-St" Stmll'i'l,.;.rl., J'lUm FlIo,W-St.rallror-.."'.. Millllen, .0\1'1 '

Mw-I .\l Stridft-Sr.. 11.v.l\u, 1'bI1 1!!

c.,.., I.. s.~1' ., "'"' ~IRI~, Gf'OI T~ Stroolf'-,......,' i\ff'IU'",,"~ CU'I'I'Ip t..



~ s..hi.--sr.. MUll""", r..... ~Onlt ~ SlIirrtJJ--St.. MOWImt', rr,.·Ornl




t..nmil It·",..I" T<1111._"" ., l...t.~"I;'It... I-'lulrm M~:ohll \t. TII~'''r-.'i,_ \t,lI)fo)IIt, .\11 M..fi.- T~io""':""'....... t~,a~a, II ':c William U. T.,tc,-s,.• n~,_ C,ln' J". \\',lIlam ,,_ T .. nnitul~"I'" nlln,lII. Pt.. · ~·.·t

SI"Pho-u J~ 'nttT..q,.--.'"ir" U~·I,,,,-.. IIi.) 1:'1

S.I\"Q J. T.... I_'ir~ "".In"pro.», nu~ ."dm

1-1" T..--sr~ MII"~~, tlu. Adnl"

(..lItll)..l Tll.ilK'fl~lI»---&r" T"II}'od.M.~ l'f,e''''

1Iu1... !1 c;, TII"i~~ .. lib"....~ 11'11011""

""r1/~ Ann .. 'Thum.-,-~_I] '~I"¥Jt) ..... n... :!1W1 Ld 1l1"lo(j1CJl1 \n.1 Thom~r .. Ol~ Diu

o.r- II'Y~ TlII.m~""" &1(111 RolI(Ijr~ t~w lMtoltan

Witl.M nw TOOmplirt't--."'f" ll!rlQJf M_I!l", lJrtIl I~ j(

Libla J/, l},~"'I_-Sr.•


Thom l o~.

~llIDr:.:.I'. 'l;tmI


O~ ~ 'ullm

t~, '\nn ~~J\-S.I .. t:llOll, Inl V~· t:!f.TnelI( 'l'in_"il'.• kJflli u ~, l'h~ml

Ras h indeed is he who rec ko ns o n lh e mo rrow, o r haply o n days beyond il; lor lomorrow is n Ol, un· lil 'loday is pasl.

SO PHOCLI:S MllrW' A. l'......~.t

I~fa\~~. See Wl l.inl~ 1nml_!n .., ~'lIfI'·""",II.IIl-d:/Cl6·rn JuJI.. A"".. "n,,·IIttI_Sr~ N,.. Cblt·lIIlI'l, !::WID t:d

Mivhoad lI..nry T"".~r}. lioillra, ""-rib S. T",dn.a Sr.. Mo".UI'. !AoJ O.vad Ntll T "W-Sr,. ~rirlgfllll, Phlrtm


U",I)" K. 'r ~ ~...-.s , .. MtI'lJ"fl<". Gerr 1~Il,b!ot J.."" T.m.,.--sr~ Mt,.,~.



IldIn f\, V..... IU1~Sr., l"inMill,. 1'11.,..,1 fl'tlltip \ 'i,ch..... _St" D.;()lrlncy. Phu"" '-.Un John Vill tjo~~ t;roIo1,,-. l'ltlltn f'.mlr. VOl.l~.-SI" 1Ak.cl Ch.ri.(to. Abrt. Mruih. \'00 Uir.tdirld..-..'"ir;, .}f...... ~ Elm! lid

lu,I...... C

\"'411 , 1 .~"

j'un l"""

1),.'. ' ..... ,1

Jtj. t..tol .\I~ro \ ' I,,,m F"L. " .n,.,. !lltt.: 4 ..;,

"'1", \),uli " "111>4--"'· """", I'''''. I u" I.".


I ... ""I. I... 'r-~' " l'Iht' '\''I'' II, \1 l ;,,"ro;,' J"IIII \\ .. 11.. ,'1'- "I,.. \1 'U"'''. htl I)...

I ~II I. '1\ JoI ~ ...._')r I AII.llyh, 1.. ·....

J"hu I)"'\'ill 'Il,o"lk,"'f' _.:..... ~tl"II.~I. 1'I",m1

,\ 111\ , hlo-n \:Ii .. n- .., , ' 11l1I ~ 1 1I1 .. 41 1l 1'.. I,

' ,"iWorii " ",,,. V.~I t- ~I . IM,)II II I~, j!11~t " l

1....... 1"',1 II l\'oI.1II .. , , ~ ~I" . 1,'1"'1 Si,dn~._ !\II... . 1'1 ",

II '

111-:>1 .. SLrM""~' M,II" Ik ,II" .J" ",.. ~. , ,, _IO,I ., \'1,,,....1... 11", 1,.1

jo,.", ' . . ... 101 \),o .. II.MI.



WIIII" o-~ !..



~""~'II A!ln \\' RI.. I :-:r.. .101"'''''11, ",.<,1 1•• 1, t :,.<, I !; ••• \hlll' '''', 'lin.

".(I" . . .

,\ H"IJ !lIlYILI " ~.nl. ~ " !1l1r.·.. I~"I . l'hu'"1 T'ullj.. ~~ 'IJ.,'ulrIll-!;or, I!IIII,lJh: ',fI. l·t.,. \ Io·11 ft.;1'l1 111'11 1'" \\ ~ '''101- '' ' , 1~',ltH I IJ>l). t, II'111 ~.... I iLlI,,"'1.t. ',"1.1' ''\'.... hh... li'It--.''i!'.• ,t,..,.. . ,,·, "' ~' II ' 1.,1 IH"~ L,~ ' \\o .... III"...."'t -"ir" UIl'I"lil'ld, NLor1

!'>'}oi"'''' Wll.. ,....~r" \ 1"",".... 11'f'1I


,,.,,,,,- In

"'In ' \ ~III'<

\t <l{.<'_"'1 1" , .... 10·'\ ","", ,.nll_'k,Mull',,, , "III,, 'to;;• •(1"......... ,\''', \1;"/11..-.,,--:;,,. \i ",,"... \1"11'1•.,." I)n~i(1 'WIII ~ '" ~I n....,"·I' II,,~ \111'

1t.n} III ' " til "" i/Jil.. - ~ r. \\ .111 \111'\1\>,·, I 'll"


I),I"I""~ ~\',.M- ~I'.. ""ojl,,,'. Ih.uIOI/tAI MIIJ"lr fl,~~' \1, . 1001............, I I ~n "" "1'I 1 1. l'IIlJ., II \ /Il... l,u' I '>\' j·fd_!'I'., ""11r4,. 1't1 \,. "F;li.llI..

Il~"' k l ~·Ir. " · 1 W\"I,!I lr ___~ ... ljUI' fl i 11 '-1 u ~. I' liuroll


l.ha,,, W....:..,,_ .., .• \1."'Y'IIItf1, \ ...

MIIIII' , ,,., \l, hpitl.. --",,. '1,<ulllciriA, I'I.'.M.·,I


Wt",,· I.·, -."i1.• M.".,...·, ...w 1:"(

I "",,,,1, ~'III,,~<·r-:or I . fl.i ~I I"I"" '"",_II",,

B' ·nn ~l • .., " M'('-~ , .. Itllffld". I'l-w-Ul

Fol .... ~ ll} \!,'hl"",- Sr.. III'".

I:. \ll lo l"..... S, .,

J ."",,~lt"·,

. ..... ,,!l

nut.. ~ .. ,,\.-. I.~w 1('11

11 I'bl.~J 1.. Wfail ......."'" ~ .. "."~, .." II.~ I::J

J"v" I,~ 1111 1'4,11" OW"illl.... " :Sr.• \1"01. -.... III " ,j,I.so 'I", ~ I ......r"'l Whilljj,W" t-."I.-,. 4'1.JI'."10'" /I ~;, tllI~1 " Ill

IMI... lIr. ,ull'n \Ir. horhl_Sr.• i!mlJ'''p, JlJUm U. ,,<1 M "'-,.·..0:'''1-''11 ,.!,II Lo.!w... \I"" I"~m.

Fit'" \hl"ll' \\ ljlVt,,_Sr., «:lIIhugn.. llici

U.. bLior (.roUlalll \L·lIBinh-.n--~r•• 11"'I1ID"UIi.~· \\l;­

\t kh..·1\1.:,1"-""'''_'''1", ...,,,,1... M'- l'hal"l



I)u,'trle I.}nlt

tt.n ,II.-.

\\'m.lI...._s' ~


't"I"ill~M. 'w"J

Ka,. W.I\",,~.. 5h,·....,,·,.ull. S'k \\ H,.llen I.. Will~lI_~r•• \1, ..,.. 1......... 1 Trrl') I. \'\: II~ ". ,,,,,,,,II·c CiI1. l'hunll


lAm. Jon" W~'f .. l.PfIl- !.ib ~ h .•h Vtlm .... ~ II'ltut. tiT Ilk" n, ~'1"d~ ...~-Sf_ jr-n... Inti Mp l 'o!ll!NI "',,01 ~ ilt:h... r-~I.•• until,




\\'UOIIII"k-':))-" ~.tU, fJ!.,~



t'uru; ~l,.nr!!If. , I t lJ"~ K""F' !'har"l \" ~Mo'l \\I'III~ ~" Iklll, t\ •.n~ I'h ~ fl l J'.-J1li 1.1'1I1"1~ """",,,,,""",,0;,., Il floJIp; KUflllI", 1~lIrrn

fllnt.:M1de r ""'. WU'~" ~ .'l1Itll·[ntll"" Hu. IUifY!o N~1iI1 W.MO~ r.. Bdloo UIoJl'i~, (..,Im


, 'hiall AlUl 'ft<loO&-l)r.. ,;L.rJ......"r, Tr-..... \le,l l 'a h 'II"'lt, 1,...,,,,,, \I,o,,"i",'II~.:l-<;I'_ Hmp_. T",li. . !Ii" ". E.! A~'I \\,,~_ Molml", ''!.,d. INN l.1",11'11\ """w!:hl--fit•• \\nnfl>t., 1:1Il0l Adm

t.:...ll t.to.nll


l'onduIluula. ....... tAr

1)"" "11 1C,)t hf.IW- r ... lJill_ Sr.• ""Qu llli ')" 1)" 1\1 II}.,. ~I~"H~I t •. Yr IlQI ~".• Itr.rQujn ~, I't.llml


W"I JOII"I Y,·jjllJit-Sr., r.!onn 'i'". Pillir"'''

MrMtl Joowph r o,b-Sr.• W.,. I\j••nr,w-. loti.. Ed

l>rtIw All.. Y,)U~.. \1',·1.-, l'barm

'1 &I",'g~ f ., \ Jl'bbury.. ~ti .... l'bvtn K'I"~ ~ . Y,",,,,--,,CW.. \\I"'fI M iMlror~ t;kofl' t:.Il


tr...r. M, YOtInr--"-... MOfiftW) l'harm n..,· M. \'''ij''~.. M(ln ,,"'. t~tl \t1Hl&i1iu Ka.:had ~.louS-Sr. , ·tripoli, Ld-on. 1'I..,.m


RaYlll ood t.:Llj(tIl~ l~I~_ :'iI.. !'Ilel!) l,Jau.l! ~:tl.", Marilyn 't, Zl~~~ r.. " ..n... (.h., t:sit.~~t



M'chnd Lynn ,l,hn ~_S<. p h" Lakl" Ch:ll"\CI. Mu. E<J

Prml t l.. Ann -\ c hl)rd--~u lJh .. Balo n 1\ouge. I;:J

I:l.endo Adam_Jr., Well Mo nroe, t\'u r.;

Conn'e Lynn Ad"II,_Fr., &[I,D IU SD, C"mp So;

Oavid A. Adorn _ Jr., \1 o n r~, HlJg Cfl"

I,'~' Tim Ad..,,_Fr., M \J nl er~\'. Pre..t::flg

Jimm;.,. Hunol AJII<m.

Jr..- r•.. .xMo elhon. H&+' I:

Ke n. "t1/1m_ Jr., West M....nr...... MgI

-'1..., K. ,t"yn "dam_

Jr.. 1\'1" ·h,,,. MIU.. Ac('

Pa ondll J~.n Ada m_ J, . ik-sa luilo&. I' ha r m

S..... n Lu ,I,<1co.:10:-&",h.. Sh,C"·"pol1. M. ,h I::.oJ

Ve rn "" U. A d l.>n$ol.>..-r , ., Slcrh ngln n, ,' hr lo.

Sherron ,-\ilin., Ajll t _Soph.. Mun r«', O-\d,n \'a md ll Kay Abo _ fr.. M u n ru~. G.:n St

Pllui]. ,\Ibc" - tw., ShreH' p" '" G.."


Camilla L~.,,_ Alhr ighl_ J. " HOI Spn nhl, A,k... ~\~· h Ikhnrah A" ntll l' Atb, iUI),_tr.• !''''''I·olle,. C o n .p ~· L~-dia Lor.in Albriuo n- " r.. \1,1""" \ \"II' Q<" Jou nl

Penn} GBrl ~ AI !;.rill o..-fr.. ::$t e, li/l Pil Gn. l" h aTfn Iko nil '" Mark Vul a li ll. & ~ & OEd

BDrbar~ J ~ an AI ~ ..." d"T- Fr., Pame la G. AI ~ 1<anJeI'- Sop h .

I)onna Kay AU ord-Jr.. W"'!I Monroe. /'1:: W",111'1" Gr.·gOl'} Allo"I- .... 1J,,~ lu~ ... Su.· ""k Calh y .... Ir....d-Soph. . Weat Monroe. £ Ie.., t:rl

""" 1,11.. " LI·~ u, \ llo·,l-- h . 'W ..... I Itl,,, ... .. ·• IHd ~ I .." J I:. loI " 111.." _ 1•. 1',,,,1 11" ... 1'1 ..,, .., 1l...." I.. I. "' lI n _ Sv]>h , Itl,,,, w... rurr Call.,.."",· Al I"'I-Fr" 1... Lt' l'rvv i. I"" ,t\ (;.... v Cu nn,,· lIa... .\ 11.·_:;..",h.. 1\1 ,..,...... A. . ~ ' l erry M. "'''.·n-S••",h . Man ,.n. ,\, "

J.. h" T. "'II,·'_ J." :5I ,.... U. m,l,,: C.. "

K....·., ,\II ... n-I',,, ('r'.....·•• A. I.: . n"ll

... ddi.. ~ 1. ,.\II ,· tl-- Fr.. M"".",·. OAd " .

~ "I h, D" "i... .,\ 11, 11-:-," 1'1... 11..,..1.... 1'. 1.01 , \n


J" o\. 11,·...- F." IJa ul' l.I,,.. . (l Ad ",

l. U( y

M~ .·

.... II.·,I--f •..

H "~ ~ , II ,·.

EIt-" , F. ...

R"" dy Ray .'\lIen-Fr.• Vi... ;",o. ........'"

Sh eila Ann AlI~ ph .. Wino.boro. lump :j(.

D. vid Allen AII~ lI-So jlh .• Hinggold.. }''':II' m

Donald L. Al lito,_lr" Vine-- ilil'. Ace Coon; e A. Al m&lld-Fr., Hlr.1"tlI v;lI e, C.en Sl Ch eryl Ki m AJ phii--Su ph., Monroe, Ace

M. rio Altam \,..no-Jr., Monroe, Bldg Con UilJy 1::. An,_l,.. e rn..... ille, "harm Roll('rt L Amo_"',.• Monroe, nn/Com BIoIr. Ke".,. L Ander.-Jr., Wni MOIl nN'. J'I"I". Medll-'re. tknt u.1W)'ft Be".,. Andenon- h ., Lutcher. tt&TV Mgt [onm. IR" AR denon-lr., [lIP' Nu,..



Mi<:had Lyn n "b n f ~So"h.., Lak", Cll,1.rle.. 1'01 ... t:d

Pamda An" J' ~ h or~uph., H.ilon 1\0 "8"" £.1

I:lrt':ndft ·\dams.-Jr" We!M Monrot, Nul" Conn..: I.ynn Adam _ f r .. 1kI@.-alu sl. Cum!, ~

Uavid >\. "dam_J ... ~1o"~. Bldg Con

I"y Tin, :\dll"'_~· r .. M o nl~r~y, f'r t. J: n/t

ji",....... H.u..... 1 "dam~. J,.- Fr.. Nt .. ..,!!I"n, H&I't:

K.,,,I Itdaons- Jr.. Welot Munrox:. 0\1,.,

~tllry K..llu)n Ad:u>I _ Jr., N.. .,,,,,~ \ Ii...... An Pamela Ju .. Ad3m_Jr., ik>f;oluM, I' harm

S"""n W Itde...d ,-&.o ....... Sh, ..,·.. po n , 'blh Ed

Vemon U. Arl~j" ..... ,-r,.. Slcrlinllion. Marl

ShlU'1'On :\ihM Ajlkf',_Suph .. \tun ro",. OIt,lm Pllmcle NI) AI.: ,n_r, ., M .. " ".", \;"" SI 1'&11; 1. Alben._~:" .. Shr.,,·t:p<>n . c.;cn 51

t:amilla louist Itlbrigl,l-Jr.• HOi Sl'rin p. Ark., P~)'<:b Deborah Ann eu t Aillrin ,,~rr.. "i"n illo:. (""'p 5,­ Lyd i.& wnoin AIt.riUon- l'r.• W ..AI Mo".....c. Journ

Penn y Gayle .<\llJri llu~ft .. S4 .. rli",IQ". I'hlrn' Ila.rb9r~ Jr.." Al eu"dr.r-F." 130"'1(1., ~brk P9m~l .. C . ,t.1... unrltr--Suph. \-id9Ii ... Bus & 01::,1 l)on "a K9Y ,\l ford-Jr.. ",,' CIOj Mu"'"Oe 1'1:. W.llt. G'''''::Qr; IIII'''''--Jr.. Uogalll~ :)0<' Wk Cath y i\lIr..-d-Soph.. We.;( Munrl)<'. J:: lf'm t.:d

'10 I,h. n 4.1,·"" \ 11" ',1-- 1, .. \t ,,, 1>1"" ...,,'. 11101;: 4:.. " L •. ,1, 1,,· -\ Ull i, _J, .. I' .• (1 \ 11,·" . 1'1 """, Un'fld~ I ~ '''" '' ' I--~",pl~ . '1,,1'I "~ ·. C"r' C311".rt,,~ ."""Ro-Fr" 1... 1.,· 1·",~"I "n"" 1 l;", C<l""i"I\M" .""I'I_S,'Vh .. ,\/> ]"'0' 0\1. ,",U.·Ro-!)i'ph .. ...h r'''''. .\,:.,


J"hn T. AII.-,_J •.. SI" I"II, Illd;: ( ~'" Ka r. ·" C.. ..... ,·I. Ar l .. 1(,.,1 ."01,1 ... · M, ,\lI ,·,_F... i\1"" , ...... 0""",

"~' I " (I"il ',u \11"' _:->"111,.. 11"-'1"" 1,. 1.,1 . XII

I.",i J.. A',,",_F,., Ih,u!:I""". OAd",

I.u,', M." AII' ·'l--fr . I {~r~' l k .•~ I,·, ,, I;:d

."II,·n- ",.,


H..... d:r tuy AII"..-"',., Viv;" n. Sheil. Allc,_s.."h.. Wi"".OOr". t.:.omp Sf


lk";d Atlcn AtI(&Q,_So ph., Hinsgold, Ph, ron l)Qn a\d L A1flOolJ,_Jr.• Pl.nf'\·ill(, At( (onn;.. A. Almand-Fr.. If. yn~~alc, Gen :;, Cheryl Kim Alp,"-Soph.. Monroe, Ace

Mario Aha",ir.",_ Jr., Monroe:, Bl~ Con 8ill y 1::. AmM- Jr., Cmwvillr, .,h8'''' Kobe" L ,,",0_.: •. , MQnroo;, Finf(ol " Utank I(cny L Ander.-J.... WNI Mo"roe, .. ~. MeNJ>"'.Dt:"t D8rwyt11:kny Andrno,l-- r,., ble iler, K&TV Mgt Ern ml Inn A..drnon--Jr., I::ppt., Nu~


\1",,, ,11 ,,,,,,'11 ,,

·,,,, I, ·r~, ,,-~

•.. W,"'I ' I"",...·. \",.

1',,1", ~ I I" " " ,\ ", 1.·....,." . Jr.-F•.. "'.... , ~l'''H ... , B... ' 1!o:1 ' h...l.. It ..." ... '\ 11.1,·. -",,-:-..,1'10. \I"l, I. 'n \",. Ib nn , I.,'" An.I..."',.....-S,'I' f•.• ~ I ". (I".,. 1' 1. .... I.II ~ .....d"",,- J•.. , ,,,,,, .,,,, ,\ 11 .... ...(1 \\· .IL.n_." ·\,,'I..·.. ...-~ .lIh._ <:.'"'''1..•. J.. uru

:-haron .... -\".1..,,, ... ~ 'I' h .. jo-lla. ,\ ,1 110'. (.~ ,I II .\n lho",~Jr. r" lh.I.\I•. ~ " W~ I :" I ~ ' " I . .\rd"Io~I.l--1 t ..... ,·hih",I.I. (~ · " t \ ~r" I, ,, F. ·\ "·n,lo·. -S,,.,h.. '-1.)11" .... '\'" 1..... I}11 Ib,,,,,· "',, "~' ''m;.~J' .. 1',,,,,••11, . \ " .... I .,'"'' '\ ' ''''' ''''';,r-J•.. ~I .rin!," il l. 1:1.'''' t .II

M~r; l ; y."I.· ,\""<lr" "I'_ '- ;"'I'"'' M"nr,,,·. 1',, ·.(\1\11

' I "fl ·..., aulh \rllold-- I ' .. \Vi.,.".•. ~: n , ""I )"hll H.•\(\I.ur-t" r. . Mo''''''·' ,\,111. ,. CI\ ' "I~ n "3 '0'" '\ll",:------S,' I,h.. Ik»I'''II. tI 'M

Wh e n a ll ... lsl:! is lost. fulurt· ~liII n;: ma in s.


HOVEl:: K,'rr; " n" ~ "'U'·<lU,-:-"'pt... p'n.·",II,-.,O, .. ,),-s ' I"!"}:" .,,, ,.., ,\ u ''' "_ ~ r.• B~l' '' ' l(ou~, .. I>h()I" )""'" I~' IJ~ I" . \u>\,I1I)("'-],"

11.. 101,,,.

1",,,,", Aug[J"",_~'r,,


Il,, ~ \1~1

M"",, ~'.

!Ju s r>1,,'I

It"I"" 1." ', ,,. ·\ ,hh,,·u,ann-Fr.• :-.10.1.,11. 1:1",,,1 Ii,,·u.ld I),.. " .. ,. \ .. ~Il ,,_t", .. 'Ia"t: lo.lrn. I),\tlm 1\1;1" u_ I .arl ,\u:<.",-S" ,.h., t:" ".. 11 ..1 "',·1.· h"'.·~ o\u[t.t--fr.• J.... "i"p ... l'h:orm \I:ln' A"l r.. ~J~.. C"l u..,hu.· , M ~ .. \0..... 0.. \I . A,'·' --......... ~nf\· ..·I'.' rl. I'ha" n

11 ..


I~" h -\''',''11.· H.:oI"·,,. ·l_~'ph .. I'.." ....·r. \ ,,, . J..,,,..,. Ihi.." If.... k_ FT . M..n r' JI". Ii I...... I'""wh. It 1l1O.li;)l_tr.. M" ",.li,·"I, " ... 1 r\,.·" 1).., ;.11(. I I~"~_~'I.I, ._ \1"",.. ••·, ", . :-...""" \ 1.,,;,. I\;';.: I ,, ·,<-- ~ •.. I..... L,· I'... ~ i" llu. \\' 4h\la !'l. lIal-..... U.-J~ . \1 1.n~".·. Bu- ... ,1"1

. ".·,·.. .;,..

IrW,,1l M." h,·lk B1l,I,'_ [>'r" \ 1",,1<);'. [ ,(·,,:'l .\n 'l Uuru"d lk.. lo--h.. ~1""r".. ,. i~ " " ":.1 U""nl<' Ii~" "'~ ~" " Sh"·"'·I'<>II. ~ or T. 1't-l.;.'1 Sh""·" I..". I,l.o!.il .. ~~ r, .. Munro .·. Inol Mp, ' J".' I ',..nl..... Haorn.l;lIh,·._ r •.. Mu,,'''''·'·' ;~ ~

U,,,.II \lo :vIII••·.. 11.1)1>'" Jr.- r . .. WI",.· f ...51.... !'barn.

u"......--.., .. W...., [\1."",.... I'n~ I'h y 'fh..r " an " !'aue.!-<: lb k ~~- ff .• Fl. H........ 1",Oklo.. ';,·n ~ I I)"hhlt' )i... ~ l~k .. r-:WVk. ShrfVtlX.rt. Ho.d 'f"~n Jdfrry Chd Uml..".-J•.• t ·..,t,It"hu!.. Hldg \ :"n "i.·bo·lI .. .-\n .. Htkh.m- J, .. O .......antl. Oh1l', I".nl HYI: l)am.. 1 Oavid !kII-J•.. Juno. Ap•.8u, (,;I, ,,~'I L~nn

I'.ul. L~n" lJan... ~-J~.. \1"",,,... C' "fl Bus Dat'ln.y Paul I:Iarh.·r_~.,~b .• ThilJ,,,d.. u.... l'harnl I.,nda Diln,· Jl&rt l.. .. I1--:."ph•• M<.>n" .... I·,,·. \ur~ H... hDr.1 \j. IXtrh~r n- h .. S hr c\' ~ ..,,(\. I ~I. ~rl \1 ~ I .. ~n M. Il~rl.: " r-J •.. 1'1'qo('rnm.'. I'h~'n' C¥n lhi~ H..~~I" l\;lrn,,,,,-.'i"i,h .. i.alh"un. \1<>01 Tnh

" ' '''<1(10 ), Eli'.3 b"Ih H. rn~..-Jr., Chil"an"uj!:ll. '(" "" " l · r~. U ""1 Ihg

Mao·i" h,-Li.. U.nU",I. Jr.-~·r .. \1.1, .... 1010"'"... l,;"o 51 .

K"h..,rt L. I:bro"·U- Jr.. Shr ..,·",,,,,,, 1Ii.1


J., Uar.....-S" .. h.. W•."t \I"nr.....

Conn" M. BaUlll-t"r.. M.II.,.....•. \w ,.,.

Ho.ln .. y GI" .. B(lrrr H-t r.• Vi.· ..n. (;, ."

I~ ..)

!:>h" , ill'n K a~ KMr.. II_ Fr .• \I""r' '':, Nur.


~ hllr~. MI$'" A,'"

1'3I<i"'3 ."nn lXIrton-Fr.. W..,n li.1d. Nu ...

{; " 'f:"'" T""t\~ Il"s._ f'r. :::i t.',,'·CI)V,ll:l... Arlm

1 ,."t, lJa,;,.:.... r r.. \1:.1ot 1\1 " '\l o~. OA, I",

J",l y Kay U(lh·_Fr . Mmd,·n..4.i r :'how T,

JII,m.· Lynn Barrn l-t·r..

I_ I,,· li.a,,·n Uat ' .......S .... h.• \h~ M " nr"~. PE Ed

""'Ih\· 11..11oO,_f, .• M,,"'<le. Lo.nl> So'

I'.. tol Uau l-f,,, Illbn" .... Cr.." Ju'

".",n.." .. J.. nr 1t.}_F,.. Sh" ·v",,.. ,II. L:.1.. m ~:"I

Idr....y s. Illll('._t",.. !:th,,·v"'.... rt . 1',,·· M.,d

Le mll~1 I)~ ...!o()n !:k;l.II-F•., Wh~al on . 1',... \" .,

F,f(I.....d .. K"U.. fI 1I~ ~IJt"-Jr. o\I o)lIf" ,·. I ••: " ~ Il ,., h"nll. I.}nn H,·al\ l, · , _!:t o)~h... \X"51 "'1" 01',,,.. [I" ,n Ed

.... ",·in c... H..~r< I .. n-- r•. M,."".... 1' •• ·.0'.1 ,"'(1 Shat<ir1 H.\,;l.d.....-J•.. F"rnd o-y. OT 1I...·ky l~· all )'- t c . M.n. lfll, u..,,! K~!( 1-,,4.nTl U. ·,,"~_F, .. I',n... .I"" I' r~. l'h~ rm

Ja"lk 1_

U"~U,· h.J "' ~ ~ 'l'h ..

SI F'a,,\·i,~ .Il ... N ur~

LInJa n.·.....cr-Fr .. M"nrv-:. .,; .. " II"" l.i.... .'nn I:I....... '- Jr.. M'III""·' En ",

(;1.."" I.. 1I,"'(·h<·I-Jr.• 11/..... tll l n "~. tlTi!,!>...·..

rynlho:o !:tu .. U... t,... I._F•.. \hn,.r.. ·ltJ H&·I .. t:

[l.·l....·..... Ora.. U.... · I_~lIh .• tlal.. (; r...." A,"

","all.. ,;~ tujl:"~ ~ Iio-I,yar,l-r, . u..,.·.II,·, 1',,,.I'r,., ,m C.ol ilna H. I:I .. II-rr .• ~1 • ..""".-iJl", /tlw

Th ~

fUlUre is ~ornelhing whic h e ven'one readI es a l Lb e ra'lt' ot s ixly minul es an h o ur , whalever h e d oes, whoeve r h e is.


Jan''''. I::. ij.-II-Fr.. \1""",.:, U". ...... ,h~ 1. ~ l\n H.. ll-fr.. \,,,·i~n . EI,·". l.1

Kth.....:ca IIt-,h Uell-Suph, M.k.... I" "f'· i-'h.rm

Shell,' M. Ht-ll-F•., M.,r1f(l('. SJlO". t::d· \io:n R~I

H M~' .4.nn .· B.. llan grr--S..... h.. t..:h.lmel!~ "'ha,m

Chart"", Ht-ho n-Soph.. \i DOl"..", Acr

I:.mt ld a Su .. t).-n)ll""n_Su ph.. Hordelo n,·ille. OT

UlIIon \la",. !knn\'l l_r, ., BalO" Kouo;c. then.

/{ry an L Henoil- Jr.. Lor.r~~~ I ". "'harm

Ju<l~ lkolOn-t"r.• Jt n&, GcnSt

Li.." )( tn ~ lWnoo_t·, .. lena.. O.... d"'

Jan .. 1;.1'" Ht-nlon-f'r.. r ures l. Soc WI..

I..... An"~lIe Bemhar<ll-...S o ph.. S hrtv~porl. s,-" Wk AI.,. R~'3 n Ikr~-S.)ph .. Sh,,;,·t,,,,.I. 1'1,.tt"

lkndl'lIlI Fay lk-'f)-Fr.. Sprinjt;hln, Spo"(' 1::11

ClUalyn Ana Rrrry-t"r.. Wis" t,. Oen, H y~

Ell a M. Ik..........-t"r., W,nnib..,ro. U.v {:~r A-\,..

Froo..nt:k C · Ue""rFr.. Wr.Sl Moo·rOt'. Hltlft( ;""


C lr ,,";o KilY lI..rl""-k. W~\ M•.' ""'..·. i::k m Edi t: e.. Jan Ilr rry-- I•.. H<, ~;" r U t,. IM;I'f. I:A "t"fI " ~ 'I'" ~ u , · li"" I"r-t'r .. \1" ........ H b .:'1 t:.I , I~· W lI ilt... rrv- f r , 1'.10"".... "'U$ r d J.'·,{u..l,nt \ lar'" l:hllu~Jr .• ~k.MVO;:. O R T ", h J.,h"" ... C. 1I' I\'mo-fr.• ~ ..rI'nplulI. Nu l'!'

C,"'o,.. L Hbd.-Jr.. "".....·..11'00. '1 .. r~

I, j..... C 'r~ ~ ",· k-Jr .• Olt.., G.. " 51

j,,"("I~. I.llackman---Jr" H..~ r .. p. N.. ...

~: ..rI..." t' . lIIM'·... ''''''.-l'r.. Oak Cr"n'. EI .. m .~I

1l9Y,.lll. 1I11o,·k" d ...... - .... .. \lonr".e . t,; .. n ~, ......,1" J. Ulak....--Jr .• SItt-..v.... '</t 1. 11,.<\

UIIO" ~'

it.l' lJJ a\c.-SoI,h .• u"lh i. M...J T"" h


.. E 1II~ ,,(,n .... SUII)nu •• OH T eo:h I', .. t. \1.. ... t.II~nL_ Fr., AI....... nd ri.a. t l" m Ltl


( : ~ n d.a ~.

~I\ "... ,\ ,IIl "

W... \ Munr, .... ,to, "

\1i,fu,..1 I .... ,,, IlIrv'",--j r.. :;hr...·..I'''". (;.." HII~

n..,n.,,! (;"'"n

lil. "kro!I".-f•.,

IJb~i~ r-S>I)h.,

.(" 'Ia O,an".. Uh_JI.. Shr,.,,~ .......,. tlT " "no."l ' .. lloard-h .. !Shrl'''cp'''I'l. 11'1 . 1 \l f l W. I..·, H...ymv ntl i:loF!,:_ h ., t1 a,n Ik.li nto: P&A b< I.....,a Ann &1 1"n ~s.. f.'h., Oa k Crov.., U>\.,lm

Ki, .

By natu re, me n are nearly alike; by practice, th ey ge l 10 be wide apart.

CONFUCIUS I:: dp.r .......... ""n Ikolto n-F•., I'In e-'iI!f, Av ::! h. ..·nd " C~ .. Ii<Jllo, _ S..p.... ,, ,l k. Ar l


CB I)'

L~ n "

Ikol)"fr-fr.. ""hI. nll . 0\,1 U('... ij,-",'I '\n n~ U.\II ·I;'l i~J •., N ~ .. O rl~8ru.I:: I,·m i::J

H:Uldy Honoer- Jr., Ib!lrop. Hilol Ilo na U, I!ool l_!)o ph.. ( ;un,j Che niu, I)"n l H~F j",.,I''' & ~On.--fT.• 1'01113n,1, ,( . k.. t>b.r m Ho"ud Kr n\ llo:<o! k--5"ph.. \I o nroo:. I'T ~ . M cll t:,)ward H <>l'k, ~ & n_Fr.. Col1 ~ge I'ark. IJ a.. I'harm !)a" Id Hav.""nd Uoud ' ''8.~ )O-- rr .. Ibk ~ r. S"~ 51 III


Jodi'!l & •..;I,eaul-F•., IJald,,-in , ""u ,, Jo lI" Nea l ~'dre:w ~-jr ., llald"'i", t'.e· M"i \ ',('lti Clair &ud'~. ~ _k . CI," n:h I'oin!., H Ed f an, U Mi ehelle 1::. 1:k>~leI-rr .• L.f.~"Cl\~ \)f nl HYIl ND" ~" Ikourque--t" •., Mo"r<>e, Clu ~ Ka"~" t },.,,, Il.outwell--Fr.. BMu~f." Ce<' 5 1

J:tn;" Ty'"'' I:low,,· n-t"r., S\ertiog\Of\. Air :51 J. "dlf I.o ur,n" & •.-r.... n--j, .• Mo nr <>e, H [.c £1.1

I'.u-ir.i. I.ene lJoytl--Fr.,



\'ic kil: Lynn Boyd-F•., Shr("VI:......rt, DePI H~ 1l W~ Mon, oe:, M~I Lid. Brackjn--Ir_ Lak f ..... ovidmce, 1111 lJrei

Sn . " .. Le1I. tJoyeu-r•.,


J(.. ~ B. "C km . ,_Fr.. Shreveport, \>harm Edwll rd Ail e" Br.ddock-t"r., Momoe. I'n:·· Mm Jlime~ £tl......-d tJradford-F._ Monroe. Mgl


~Ieni B.adford-Fr., HOu&ion, T eL, OAdm J. m"" o.vid Bl"arh ha_Fr.• &Sl.op. Camp 5,' Lydia M. Brady--F•., Wt:lI\ Monroe, Nu,

Shlrle-, L Uratl_h., Mon n .... Eh' rn t:.1 A,I ~,,,, Ur.nd~jr .. WrO'{I~l ... 1'1"'1'10 Mdan;'· Ann Urand_~,,,t... W.~la 1 ... '\ju.... 00.. JohftnnaU,.,.".lm_ Fr.. II~ NI" ...:.... :;1 Shirlf'! V.·.. nno· Ilnln.I.,,_:-50, t1h.. 1t"<.1"",, Ilu. ,\ ,Im MjI;l Lunn f' G. Kran..n-Fr.. IM,)u 1t,,-~. H,,~ A,I ,"

P,..rry Wa.TH· l:h-a"II~~-s... ...h.. 1',1)f'",,,r. ·\ I(r i.llu~ .1,,0" Ilrantl,,·),-Fr.. Fa""...... .II\·. lia.1T.·.·h

t:3rhara An ,..' II,."........- Jr.. St....·rp"r1. 1',.·. ~ I '·'IiI'.y d,

l-.n1l1r Lynn llrm _ Fr.. Md"ui<·. 1'.·.·.PI-oDr'u

Carr..IIl<.....ph Ih.·~"K_ h .. l-llf._. Pr,·.M.,·,

\ Ia",ha ....... y lIr'·... ~-J r .. Frunkhu ..... u.,.

r.-.-.."" .

Su,,"," Lynn Hn·,\haupl_ F, ., M"nr o(". t:.. n,v So.. ,\""..,1 ... U' ..... l'"r- S"V I'.• M... U",n. Ln R Paul",. B.iW-rr., 1,.:"lh",III, 11... & ot;J "-tnl 'rI ,·n .~,· nr...,.·._Fr.. W~ Mon." ... A. \1;"h_1 K. It''~h' r-:"Io .\,II.. 11 0.... ,11.... t,;..~,1 Kh...lw Uron ,, _/"r., ( aU~.u" . It f, t:.1

U.. nald II. Hr"" d"na" u - S"'VI\ . N~ .. !," ........ \.lUI' •.I"J,n

B.ury U",I. · Hr"ad"'.r-f. , \l,' inrl~IM'fO, 1'... ·IHnl

U~nl")· H,oa<I" II}-F•. , MQn,,,.., •.1,,(1 I)..~

Suunn.· Hf(O("nl<r-Jf., :,h . ... "'I)() rt. \ u'"

::>1<-'3 n Car,.! Hn,L._~r.. Shr,·w'·\''',I. C.·" ~I

i\n"r~ ... 1'/0.. 1 1I'''1I5'11 •• l--j • . I... k,· Ann" •• AI'<

Junn ... M. Hruu§.." ",.,l--j ...


j"u rn

Jt'I.n'n ~s. L",.. An[li~ Man.-I:kQ"<r-F... llo~H~', A.',

Hhl..." l: •• ig H'"u$",,-,tI-_Fr.,


A.m", C.. a.n Hw.. .-~· ... cm,..,I. S... Wk

We musl build a. new world a far bell e r "" o1'ld--one in \,..hic h the e ternal dignily of man is rt's j)ec lcd. HARRY S. TRUMAN I)<.'~n llro.. . -jr., H:"'jtI,l un, II ... M,I('I Hr-""da 1. ij.uw. -So"h., M VII" ",", Pr".Ph;)nrl C"'TW t:M"It.. ij...... _~· r .. Oa k Cr" w<.' , I-: I.-n, Ed


Camr I'ot B....... _F... M"nr", ·. HUf. .I,,"n!

Chan-tl.,l1 ~ Ar!np \.I'l>w._jr., i::uni..:e. f'harnl C"arl.". H. li'Q""r--jr., Columbia. "'sycll Janice"1. Bro..·.-Sul'n ~ \\-'nt Monrot', i::d juan I""ui* B.".. u..- Jr., l;l.asl..!n, £nf!; ~.d JodI!' G,&.I I.Irnw.-F... Shrey~po rt, Bu... ... ,·f'·1.... Juli. Il"""n--fr.. t,;;U~rt, ~pK t::d

Ulli.. Il.nw.-ft... Monroe. OAdn l b nd. T. lJ,o'..,I--Soph.• Mon."~ , c.:1&Tu Kalldall \\" IJn... .-soph. Shdell. Wid MI;' Samuel louis Hrow.-F,., MO'"OC, Lob Ant ~.ce, I.y"n Brooo-.soph" Thurm,n E.ic Il ro.. .-rr..

S"r~'~por~ j nur" KaY"ill~, lib Atl

\t' ....do L~ Ilro .. ,_t't.. Clllumbirl., IJUI Jimmy Brucf'-jr.. V;W""I I'h.rm IJr~nd. Ann Brvltf·- Jr.• Monroc. Chorco Uao Palr;.,i. A.. IJ"Jrlw ...........Jr.• Homer. OT Gloria Atln Iln.onlfirl d--r•.• S, Lei!>, l-:,r.. m t::d Carol jl,lnr Uruyninch_t'r., AleJUlndtia. Nv,,"

Y~n l i6 n .. n<1 k I~J\'~ " I-h .• Ma<l.f'id, l. I' ••• ", (yn'hia Ann \J u, L-S,."h.. Sh ..... q ><," . I'hurlN run(:. ~ A, Uul ~ rr .. Il' .-I.h. OT c.;rulfl,..... M"r UUIl.... t>- r T, M" nn,... L,h Ka ....... .4.1'11'1 " Bull••• I.-J•.. Mu",I':..II... Nit '"


S u>-an .... lIul"'l ......-Sul>l•.. Hun,.... Z"u

\lidi.,·II)A\,i<llIu,,,. _F r., M"n roe. lit •• Ca rla Hunl,am-F. , 1.&1.:., Chari..,. NUl< 1),-1)1& '\'n .. lludcII--t·, .. '-l .."k..... , Ld .;1.. 1'1 1\.. Uumh ~m- h .. :'p.ill!!"h,ll. !l ..; uF,n r, no Il llurnh3 In-Jr. S~.(n g l"lI . A...·

1)..1In A. 1I"...... "-Jr.. Mhn"",. L:!w I:::nl

1. 05-A Joy lIu ~h,-,,·, .. 'l""rvo'. M" <I '(",;"h

I),·"nd. lI..."h--h .. '{ nnn.iI". J\ u'"

I!.:- I'ra .-",,, 11,,11"'- :"'1' ''-. '.1 unr",·. ~,,~n

1\' ...11" n u ll> Uull,·r--F•• lIu"'" l ;" n ~

'h·l.. I"' n~ u..1 1,·r-Fr.. 0,,1< . : , ....... \;"'~ Ikh"da "':,lI h", i,w H rn.~J ' .• Cut umhi", ,!. , ••.

Llchl,i .. I:: 'iu l...th Ih .... ~h .. (.I.'nlll"'.... \10-"


D., ,,,,,~ ~h.,.. U\'r,J-..').: 'ph.• CI I~ ".n. N" ....

(Juuil'S M. Ca,n--J... Hot Sp.;nF"~' .h L.• I'harm

D"u1l Jr~n C.. in--::;. ... h.. Ilal.,ln!.::. M~d T r d,

JiO<:q ... plin.. L)"'n ;~,' t,;~; n·- "'" Mon ."... Air ~I ~" Tr

1.1'11'1 C.kl...·.. II_V... M.. ta;rlt:. 11'1 " \-Iu~ UI

e",,,} .

Lul"ilk ( .. lIij(~n--~, ph .. I ...h Char.... ~ . O~l T.. "h Cindy I.,":,' C.""aT< I"U\- F, . l..sl a~ "l l~, Ur n' HY/I: J" nn lJa," C"",,· "HI--S"I,h., M..,n", ... A,... H" I,,' n~ n.. ,\"n C3"'I>--]... W..... M.."",,-\ ~.\ ',1,'1.. W.. yn.· A. Ca n'~ !:>u l)h.> Hoy"rt",I ..., P. ~. t'h a rn. T.. ",. Ca n' I,bdl-F•., W..,. Mo"",... 'lju .~

\ i, l.. t.., ,,,,h~Il-F,., Ilies. "'Ivn."... :0,0.: II'"

<;il'ltly L C"mu :.-.~ph .. :ih.enpor\. I.lb .\or.

t:lI.. n \ l a.y ClOlI. ';dl n...-J •., Thib.....IBIl >.. P\,anl'l

John WlI)'n.. <:..",1:111..,....-]" , '-" ')'lI"". tAl

Hrl l, .:an " on-~" IJh.. 'W "S1 MUM"", H Eo· 1::0\

s.,nd, t... ( .. r1i.I\,- r •., \1;'""" \1"" ",,'. 1\. \..Io:n '

=:O "" n I.Y" (.II,&\..._ _ F,., M unr. ~. Joum AI;c~ Carh oll- Soph., Mv,,,.... ·, G. .. ~ \1. Carm" n-Sopn " La\:'.. Chark'$, OT I'."ie\:. -\, Carn w II--Sf,pn.. Mon roe •.-\", L)"bra Fa} Ca"r-!i<.>ph., W"'n~ •. II u:!CI'\'T e _


H ~i>l /l3

M"ri.t.n Lynn Can~Soph .. Monro.., OH Te<-h

M,U lin "': ..,Ih C'TII<.n-J•.. Wn l Monrue. ;h~'

Uti! H. U ..n-Ft., N"... Yo rk.. , . Y..



Jam;r \{~""'r c"MC.-rr.. ~·r.."day. fob l"


1 "" 11 ~

Cartrr_Fr., Mun,U'f'. <';"1'1


h, h n Mich• • d Car le.-Fr.. Monrue. I' loann Mill)' Lee Cantr-Fr., Mo nroe. L1em &J

~Jhr An

n Carl<:r-Soph., .-.. rnday. H J::c [01 \ irE.,n;a G. Ca.. n-Fr.• M.. n " !i ~ ld, GO'n S, Ch.i;" C. C" .... Mghl_ r,.. TBllubh. c"n SI Leonarda J, C~c ,,,--s...l>h,, \t OIlf"Q". Soc \\01 llrr.nda J<,on CIM illo-Sol'h., Cbal ment'. MU6 t':'1 Wilnda K. C. lt'r-Fr.. Winnsboro,'!'n~ '

l.'. ~rn

L Laull<:~--Svpl\.. I )ukd. lr. I '~)"h l....>u A'ilte Catl~Jr .. S llrt"\·' ·I~ 'I1. n,,~ A. lm 1'. ,.•,·1. Ann CIlY" ,~·r.. " ..... rut·. !iu<· Wl Itus.: 'bric G- . ~ _ fr .• B,_ier C,.t , Nur· k a"",· Cloa,lw:l _ JI'" K""'.·illA ... (col "...... In. ,,,... Cynlhia Lo uilooe Chalupll i~-Jr.• Sh.rn·vol1, \t,,~


I'ald .. ,,, Ch a ll_ Fr .. II""S "',," ~. Clw lI.

I all wr in,· I.,'" Cll "n. ·. ,--:~~",ph. . \1',11'1101. Ark.. S..... Sill," tt.iln ~. ujl.'·n, l.hapl,.-iI-- F,., Cr an ... " . 1" 1:'. 1:" "

l)..lHd H,;;... Ch., I. -....-f,.. j,·nol. B", I ... w

\"~ I Ch~ .I.·_S. ,ph .. \,... l) rI<-311" 1.,1. A.,

1).",.101 II" h"n Chau",·r- Jr.. HII"""or'd, I'harm


[ 1;, ..1"'110 An n t:I" ·" "~ .pl •.. M" ,IIu'·. II 1::, ~ ..

J" I,n Kn ',n t:h rt·~- t"r .. ',1,' ,." ~I "n r< . ·. \\' 14 Mp

U"r" ,h y An."1-..· Ch.·.lin--Fr.. \\- jn" .h. ...... S,..· W.-I

Wan, b. \",,·n,· Cht·".·___ b ., ."" ,·u", lri3., '11 00)-

Chr',....I'h,•• I.~"," CI.;..... '.. r_ t r.. lh~ I.vp. \la rk " .....alll 1n" oJ Ch Mh,r, -:;' •..,h .. Iv ...... I,,'m. ,\c.

Li5.a ..... 1' ~ : hild, ·nc.-- h .. Cullin... " ' ," " " C.... lh, a C hi ~ "·'·- :><'I.I L . Mol"''''', . )A ,[ m K:tlh')'n ""nrll" [ h,lI o--;:",,,Io .. l"-V "II' ''~. (.,," UU6 ~~v a L HB",I,·~·Cllr'$l "' ''ii->· II-J r .. \1 .. " ....",. .\11 1">­

Ir vo n lo ve som e thing !"r et'i if il re lurns it's yours, if nol il was n ev ~ r meant 10 be. A ~() I\yMOUS

!ret . it

Wan ,·" 1" hn (L' l a~j ,+-j r.. !:I1",·v.·p.,rl, 11,'IoP~: Ol ~ M IiI~ Clait..."",- t"•.• Ma n"h,· I,1. M,''[ T~" h Fr~n "'. Ch a ~ ........... f •.. "',·\ n" ,hi:,. I).-n l Calh y L <;b t< I.:....Jr.. 1'".",..,.. ". M,.. I).·nl H ~g


l.in,la (;a ~ Clan.v I_f. .. ~hr, ' v"' I)Q "' , !)" .. WI. H"n L. ( 1IIrk-J •.. M" " ""·. I:.!,·,,, t~.1 U<o m-II ....l a, k- I-r.. \t·',' ",·r. :\(1 l\1a....u._ Cl ar ~-Jr .. ~ull'l ..., . I ..." t:: nt )\-l.r!'(a r ~ ' "no CIAr\..- Fr.• \\o ~ . M"nl\w. l·r,·.I)o.·nl K" n" r Clllr~-J •. , 1.,,,1,· H,.. ·I..• •\rk .• M ~. l "I".."h



S <': larv- h .• Filr n' ......·,"" , \\' 1<1 L,a ... [ ..,

J.. dy An n d:.~s ,,~h.. . Mon'",·. prr . ... r . <; ln~l~ An" da~l" n--s..j.>I... \1""." Ci l\",


~ .....(' C. l:l ~m ~n _s...ph .. T.·" tit- . Ind .. Hu rt J Hn L Co hh--·~ ... I'h. . \I;' r.<! Mu nru\·. A.·\ l.),.-Io"~ II-bu..... C... hb&-rr., T atl .. lv., I::h'm t::d

lA·lu.a ";.,1 c....: \.." .hon_ FI ~ Well Munroo::. Inl i..)e$

T O'rry :\1. LOnmll' -::.oph.. AII'....., ,jri ~ B.., Ad .....

Jvnalhan T ..d J Lol_fr. , H<><.; kv Urao"h , .",ct:

Ad ""n l.:ol" """I1--Jr.. Lak .. I'.o~idf." t:e. U\lI & OEd

Shortry- A. c...1"rnaII--Jr.•~ 'lbet1.. CI&To:J.

Tho:resa Lynn ("lema _Jr., jad(!-(I n.

"s~1,; h

";I/rdo n UOI"T) ( ...lIin _ r •.. \l;inn sll or.... C..... St Mo" ......, U... :\Ig.

Karo:ll L~nn .. Cotlin_Suph.. W ' nA$I ~>I ". S.,&H 'rh"r

l'r-i,dllo Cvll,n_fr.. \'8I indl , Col"'., 01'

Send" 1J",i.5~ Cl/lh"iWonl_S"ph. . Jon, 'II h.oru, ~ ". WI.:

L.."", II. Colvin-Fr.• tkadk r. Arl.:., o.:nl Ii}!(

J. <.:.rnr..... n ( om,,_:-;.,..,h ..

L."m L. (au4<'t-s..vh.. OaL~,,'''' \'syt'h Lu u Anne rlu.W 1"-Jr.. S lrrt·'·"l~>fl. II" .. ,'drn l'ol" II· I ~ Ann eayn_f... M,~nl"O<" So" 'I,I.· k 111>1'0' \1ari e Cr: I~_Fr., &";" er ,:il" Nu,."

J, ...",,,, rh~~,,:~-,)!' .. K...... ·;u·I"'.



M ,,~.

I... U....

Chaluflnlk-JI·.. SII'''''I'"o rl, \ius Ed

1'1I~. "1II {:h;o,, _ h .. [[..... it )0;:" ,,1'. Ch"on • ~Ilh'rin.· I.•.•. C h.n;~"""""'>I' h. , ,Viln",' . .... rk.., ~,. :'It/L,b ~, th a n 1:."1'"...,. t:h~ f'I ...II-Fr.. (;ra)~on. 1·......·!::n Jil D.n ul Itr;;,.. r h ~ d,·~ F ... kll., Ih.. La... '\",,1 Ch~rI.· _s..'l'h .. N,· .. Uri"......... Ld, Arl I).", al,! 1\,,1,1'" Ch~u, · .'r- jr .. H""" uo"d. l'~rll1

t: li,,,, I,,'II, ,"un C h" I'L_~' II"'. \1 .."".·. II F" l:::01 j "l", 1(f" '" Ch ",· ~- Fr" WOol />I" " n "·. Wlol \ 11\' Uornlh v A.. " .1h' Ch..lli"..-F r.. W" ." .h....... ~ W,·I "" a ndl' '\,'11.' Ch",\t'_ tr., "!~~~n,t "lI .. '\11.... •:h,i o<1""h"'J I .~."n C,,;..,.t....,- Fr.. Ila, l",1-' \\~f ~ H".... U",·iJ Ch, ..h.t,- :oi-'I'i,,, Iv" ",.I~"" . •".



t..... .. Chil,k.--h.• {~,Ua ..... " I"'rm "' " nme. I)A,hn K:.u h'1'" Anr,..lh- (;h,II>-:'I........ 1>0."\1,, "" ,. (;.'" u ..s Eva L HMd.·rs·C h,i otias,s..._ j r.. \1"n ....."" :o. UI">

C~nl h,a l:hi~H·,,-:),,\,h. ,

H tOu love l;onH! lhin g

set it free; if i\ returns i" s yo urs, if nol il was nC\'c r meal'll \ 0



W,rr" n J" h" r .. 13(t.hi--Jr.. ~IUI·V<·V"I"\. H.:\!'"t Oh. Mar CI~i \ .... rnt- F... M ~~~I ,.'I". M.··; T ~.:h ".a n 0\. C:h;jn..-,..-F •., .\I.· ~~,,, l n; •. IJ··"1 Il ,'l' Calh ~ t.:. I.: hlr \:- jr.. PI ' ·HIO"I!.. M•., l;lo' nl H ~j(

Lin.l" G,,} l:lsn lu n-fr.. Shr,'v" I"'M.~ .. W!.. Hen L I.t.rk-Jr .. M"" " ..t'. I],'," ~;J Inr",11 '--lark- h .. \t' ~"·r . 1..,1, .''1n Man:u~ t:h,, ~_J ... :;ol..lour. t,........ ln t ft.b r!t;jfcl """ t;tnrt.-Fr.. v.-""I M"n",,'. 1'.... ·Ut·nl Horn ,·" <.:Iul- Jr., 1.,,11.. It,,,·!... ,hI... M ~, I T .."h

LNI S. ct3 f'\'- ~ r .. F,,"n..'.... '''.., W .. II.... w l:::1l1 Judr An n dDr-~"Vh.. ~hHU"'c. 1>r.'. \ ~ 1 ( In.t~ Ann U,,~t"_Sv~lo.. \Io'}':a .. e",',OT :")I or ~ C. Cl.. nlfn!--Suph.. Td! Gil", IIIIt.. H<>rl Jlln ~: . CoM_'S..ph.. \h.,.. Munro.:. t\ (., Ut>lu",,& />I~II"" C"lot-Ft.• Ts flul.h, l:::1",", l:::<I

I),,·I.... ~~ Goil CO~ k ... rhDn_Fr .. W~ bt Mlln......" Inl lk~ T .. rl'\' \1. t: o flm~.- ~oph. . .'!,I ..un,lru., I:!u ~ .~dm

Jonalh,n T "dd t:ulo- t'... , I{"c kv Hran.:h, ." co:

ArI.,.. n Co tcm,n-jr., Lakt I'CG~'idr.'lt:t:. Bu. & Ol:::(]

Shi.wy,.l,. t:...t.. ma.-Jr.,·(;,lbtn. G!&Tu

The resa L)"n CnitfO.l_J r.. Jlld ~n . Vs)"h

C.mlnn Uort') t:..ll in_fr.. Winn.boru, Gfn SI. J. rem.."," (OUiIl_Sop!.., Monru.., BUi 1(;jre" J.~nnf Lotlin_S.. ph.. \1/'''''' $10" . ... ~ p&H Th.. r l>ri~ ,lhl t:otlin_t'r.. V.lm<ia, (Ali/., OT Stnd r. Urn;'", C.,llintWOrlh-S"I'h.. j .. m." b<lfu. S",· Wl LIM K. I.:ot¥in--t"r. , IJndlfr. Ar-I..... Do·,,1 1I~j(


1'.., ...., M;) .... C"h·;n-_S,'I,h .. W,"",I Mn " ....·. n ..", ~A I 11,,1...... ~' I" C"I... II--F•.. I: ......,,,,. Ph a.n,

I("b~,,-a \1:1.. Con In-h.. 1:,,,1'1...... 1. -\ . 1. .• NIl~

, ;In.;.. 1.1''''' ( ••"v,-, <..---V, .. P" llu' · ~ ' In, 1)'5

M;)'1' Ca rr,,11 C"" H~'io ... I,.. l'ollt1l.:k. tlll ~ :\, I ",i~ : ~n Ull~

Ca rr ... (,:<X1<I)_Fr .. Wl'~l M ()n rv':' Oil) C.n MFt

Uradl..}' Nt''''," Cool - h.. M,,11'<)<,:.


Jam,,:!, l. C...., .. _ .. r. . 1.V .. ~t Monrot', H&Pt: I..ur' c..,... t ... r- k. H.al!1",I'. LIb :\ ..1 Iha"""

lht;h~1 C"V<"_s..II'J~. \" C!'l

Muon.... Da y ell< \1!(1

1'~lrw;jll ,<\s,n C"I'I.,;.-h.. Jj.:-Ih., !lAd.n Cary M".I,ael Cvrc"r-Jn-----rr., N.·" (hl .. ~,,~. !jhl!! Cv"

(:ret«>.y Uoh.. Cort.:ern_Suph.. Franld'nl.... , ..., ('. Ph.,m Carn,nn Hen .... C...... dl....-Fr.• Kilbvurne. O~m t:d ~ ~d :;,1, ........ C ... un .••dman--Fr., San "nl.WI". T~ .. Sp "~I . Ju" ,\ron <..:uu'T~6-Jr. J~nnin, ... 1)r,,1 ~" f

The optimist proclaim! thaI W~ live in the best of all possibl~ world~ and the pcssimisl fears Ihis is true. JAM~S

U. I::d Kalh)",," Ma .... Cuu/"$on-Jr.. )!8IIIrOp, l::Iem UJ l..lU'\, Mnrip

Cuurr~_rr _ J e ll'lI"!,: ~. ~:

~hnna Caru) t:uUrl n~ .......-rr .. b(: h~ ')',



Lalhpri ne (""u.• i'_1r.. \1arl "l! r..... Pi-la,m

Laura An""'l~ Cnvi nfi!,on-- rr.. Ook III()III'. 'Iur! S''' ph,.,n <,,:"'w, ill_ "ph., Makl M, ~l u .. Gf n :-:" 1),," nQ Ko y (:,,~-~ r.• (lllk C rl"· ~ . t:nr. J"hn 1' •.•". t~ )lt- r •. tlj.n)j"~h~m, At,.. H&TV \~l ~1aJ~,· Ir e"" (,,\- jr.. Shl"l!'eplHl. 1'I,u,," Tina K. \,;'<1.II- JI .. Mon"..... I'II"r",

I).vili Cohh (;r.i«- Fr.• Oak G,ove, ~f\ 5t fibr\o; L rf\A ~', .. 5,"'''' A"I,oree. III .. Nu", ...my JeaOlne (;, ... Iord-Soph_ Wt!S, Monroe, t::lem Ed J amct Mi,:ha..1 (; r. ,,·I(lrd--t',.. HauSh".> n, .1.1:" Hov L Cu... lor,J-Sol'h., MOOl(l(.. J(lutn Cvnthia tt Cn"' I~Fr_ Oak GrQ~e. OAdm Ste~f

C"I~1o,_ F,., Shr.."epor1. Lib An Lori Ann CrICk-Fr.. j1'; nl, Gell St l ..IUld C 'o m,,· d~F •.. West M Ol\ro~ Go~ Jim (;,"" ..... U- Fr., M(lnro..>e, Psvt:h C.,l lla"td ern_F,., Monroc, Ace Julie JOlIn (;ro.....U- rr•• ".'''''1 M onr(le. Nu"

Uorry I)a,·id

'I'~on"e C. orief'-Fr" Monroc, OAdm Mary \~/. C 'dnl ~Jr .. W~I Monroe. ",uno Mike UUOlIle C,ul"-&ph.. W~I "1o"roe-. Hl dg CO" G."!-Oflt ( ",&-Fr., L..eesvn\e. u ... I::nl Sh.,on Culherl - Fr.. Shreveport. ijrdalf!; Ann I::Iiz.8belh Cnl~oph .. Monroe. Gen Bus

tl hollda tl en.. CII1~Soph.. MDnro e, 1111 De!! Marguerile Virgini.3 Clil pepper-JT., "'1onroe, PTe·P'tu.l,I'm Johnn,!Cnnningh ~ Fr., Monroe, Cen Sl Judy L}TIn Cll ril1g1on-Suph., Wi-mer. £d Keenan JIII1 C Currar_ Soph., ~1ollroe. La .. I::nl linda Gayle CUTT)-Jr.• HlyvUle, NUTI



I',.,.,nv M~ ...· 1:•• lvi......-S, .ph.. W, ...\ 1\1"",... ·. 1]••", 1::,1 H"h"'", Su.· C,. lv i.. _h.. I{u~'"n . Phllr n, I(e b('t~:a f,b,· ("n lr _ Fr.. ~~ "I1 I.n.l, Ark .. Nu r' U ..,i" I.'nn Lom·~r_FI.. p.,",...~ . In\ D.·. Man' Carrnlll ." ... ~ r_~o pll., 1'"II...d •. lIu ~ ,\ ,Imle"n lJu ~


C,,(toJ ~ Fr. ,


M, ,,u .~ \ I)II ~



H. a.II..) Neko" luuk- Fr.• \1,>11,"". I'~rch I. C( ~'n,,","-Fr.. \\' ....\ Mon ",.... H&PI::: IA r< (";."' I.....- J•.. I};\,<'I To.>\I, l~\o An Uia"n.· IIa.·hd C"pt'I"--St)I,h.• W.·..... Mt)n' o~. U.., (a' Mp Pal.i,·i;, All" ~.op<"'-- rr.. I.lo::lh" OA,I.\I C .,~ Mid\ Ml C"'''·v'II<>-F,.. New Orl,·,n ~. IIldp: C.." J;&rn('~


Uo hn Co rkc m--Soplo.. ~·f ankIHu"ll . Ptt· Pbarm Car m"n R"n"" Cu",e llu--Fr~ K,th,) urn" , EJ.,m [.1 ~n Anloni, •• T u .• ~j./ 1::.<1 Jean " nn (;"urre1l:_Jr.. J ~ nn,n !t-•. I)(-n. Hyoll

eyn 5hr. ..... CounO'eI",an--fr..

Thl;' op{imi!!l proclaims thai we live in the ueg, o f a ll possible worlds and (he pessimist fea rs

this is 1\"ue.

JAMl:S CABELL Lilli') \!a,;" Cu lln~¢-F, . knn .np. L D. 1::.1 K• •hteo- n Ma", l"nllown---Jr.. Ha!i lroj./. I::lem Ed Sab.in~ Carul c... url."·»-,.·•.• Zadlllrv. l-1Iarm J••• I t:al h,.r in e Cuusin-Jr.• Ma.lI ... n. !'harm

C"'·in~l"n----Fr .. Oak R~ .... Nun ~"l'lw:n (,.w,l:ill-~.} I)h.. M.kI..n, Mu., Ce n S.

1....11. . Ann e" "

Uo•• ,,& Kay Lo,-Fr.. Oak Grove, Lorr } ..hn l'''U'o' C... ~ F.... t:i.min/lha m. AlII .• R&TV Mill \hll~ .. I r...u,· (n_]T.. Sh... v .,.,,,n. Ph.,m 1'in3 K. (r.n- Jr.. M OM O". l'h.,,,,

n.v.rl Gobb ( r<l¥--Fr .. Oak (; rove. ~n Sl

S\e\'" M.Hk t: .. nl'-t·r.. 5\::\111 Airlorc e. III., Nu~

.a.my Jn lllo'C ("....I01(~SO ph.. \\' ..,.. I\l0nroe. t:lem t:.ri

J.m6 M i.:hael t: r. ...lor<l-t'r.. Hau~hluo. Act:

I\.vr L. t:n ...,lo,d-Soj./h., Mon roe. Juu,n

(;,.",hia H. Cra.. ley-fr.• O.k C 'uv~ . OAn m

LaTI)" Oavid (ra"o_t·r., 5hT(,Vepo n , Lib A,.

t....Jri An .. t:rick-t·r.. Je ..... Ge n 5,


( r\lmw~ ll- h.• W~l 'to... roe. Gov

Jim (' ulw el~r, .• Monroe. "'ye ll

Carl ()av id


J... lie Jo-n <': lo..·d~Fr~ Wt:t(

\l onroe. Ace:


Mo nt~.

Yvonn e (rutiel-f,., Mo uroe. U.-\dm M.I)" W. (:rump-Jr.• W,.". l\1rm ro~ . Nul1

M,k.. I.>uuno:: <': r .. _~ph .. W ~I :l.1 0nroe, Bldg t:o ... (;'''8ori<:: Cru:t-Fr.• Lu,vm... Law k:nl Shoro u (nlbe_ Fr .• Sh, evc pon . Il,d~ Lliubcth t:ulp-Sc..ph.• Munroe. G.,n !:lin


Rhonda Hen ~ Culp-Soph.. Monroe, lUI O~ MOl""@;.lIeri' e "irginillCulpepper-Jr.• Mon roE. Pre. Phnn

Jo hnn y Cu nnin,g .....-Fr.. Monro e, Gen 5. Judy Lynn Curinglon_~ ph .. Weu er. t::d Jun.. L UmI_Soph.. Mnn'(O t, Law £nt L ind. Cart.- Cu"}'-Jr.. tt.yvUl e.. NUI1


/t.<::hard lo,1.doil"j C: ur ry-Sul'h" W~I \t ..llrUt·. A"

J"hn C, t.: urt .~J r .. M"IL" .... !:.·n ...

Gn." D. Cupil_Su.,IL. SI.·.lin!-.,un. I '~""h

C' nd~ L Cy r-Fr.. 1....."".11.·, G.", Ikr.

Janie.. Ur n",,. U.J_Fr.. .\1 1)11".... II Ed t:J&T.·"

Ella Ka'.:n !>alL_fr., H. ....... SI' .:.1

M",wi Lynn Ua,lId-_F,.. M o nto~, l :,",

F~Ii"'1I M~" .. lIann_h ., Wel'l M..n ....... \u""

Amanda J" ll anlld,I--Jr.. H,·b,:... I~'I

\ laIY I)al,;';.· Uan( ir>-fr.. 1"IIf-v ,lIe. [!e m [<I

Darl~ne Ano d·AuE,\'~.,, _So Ilh.. Chu,~ h I'" ",., ;\ ,, ~

\tax I::. 1>"u';'I I)'--.'''oph.. \\,innJi~ l d , Pha""

Jail .. [h... hrlh D.~;~r, .. UOI(\II H" " Et . t,;.m SI

.0.11.1..\1111<" I).. vi _ t'r .. ~I,r.."" ..... '" uT

U~3Iri. : .. l;~I .. U3 ~ ~t'I " M..nr"~. "u~

Charl rs II . I}ni.... J ... - r, .. Haujothl"n. Ph)

(,nll"a '\n " 11II,v19--J •., l..-nl·iU,,, H.'I.' I'I;:

U.,I... a n.... i"" Da' ....... Fr.. F~,rida)'. l)al

y, ,,

IJ,..., I. .. til" .. I b.~ is-t' . ...\lvn,.,"" , Inl I )..~ Iiallri.· 0"",.0- 1'•.. ~·innlhnro . •\ir !Ito·.. T r J,,'n'" 'l' v..U" !Jal_f. .. Wt:.!oI M" 'Hvl', t.:1 ~ ,n t.:d Jlth n 0\11 ..,\ Uhl5. J'.-:""'I'h. . SI'<lI'II, Pr ~.. Denl J"o' D.o.,·i _ f, .. Warre n..\rk .. Pr" ., u~ K~lhy Ann i).o.,,>-Svll!o .. J un el~ ;II(:. ~ •. Wk

\taf$ha A. 1J",·is-Jr.. Hayvdl('. 1.;"0 11".

\!IIIY Ann Ua,i_ Svl'h.. I... " .. "'rol· ;c1t " .~:, E I ~ m t:.1

M..rv Ella Ua ~ ,_Fr .. J.,na., So.' \\' k

I'aula MOMU.. 1)", ' '_1... ::il"<'a ~v ,l1e••"8 ., . 11n~

H" .. .·ma n.· l)a.·j_F •.• l.<:'d,·jllt:. ;\ tfl'l'

Sandra Su~ 1):II __ F•., No~d,,,1.. f,tiSh.. "''h.,n,

Shawn Kll y UII,,_Jr .. Ju" es ~ille . U -\<Im H. O;r ,· js-~ ..."h.. M.,nro(:, ,,(.,

Thel'CSa ""u 1J..,t.--Fr.. Urcau ~ Hri,/!;.., OH T(ch

Tnmml l)a"l$. III- f r., 'lta" 'hu, I-'n:..\t...!

Vk:\or C. Da"i_h .. Monroe. I..... Lnl

SU)8n J, UlI."'n_rr.• S h.e-.'tjlOtl " e ..


H,~nrla Ka.. /h.wl-in ...... l r .. \1." '$1 \l on......~ \If ..... Calhy A.nn l)Jw .... y-..... ~1i,ldl. Nvr.. ft~J~ nck Carl ulI.r--rr.. K,'(liwood. J.>, ~.J.>h;rrn' I).;-burah L~l'n o"ln--F... l,\·ol".prool . ....".0.,1 0 ..11<11 Lynn O... ~t·r.. r~rm ~rviUt. Journ Or:mold Shan t LJe'on am-So ph.• Mlln' n~, l'harm

llan.a ....... 1 I).;-..s.. ~r_k ..\'o i" Sp"nb">, ,\.. faith U.. Fit_ f . ...\I"u.rodn.... \ II ~ ~t ikf' ~1~71" Ur:1,*mh......... h.. N\,.. Ib.-n.. al dg Con Li!a Ann .. 1)"lo.d_F... Sh..." ...... n . OT /'anl rl;r Gav!r UeI,*:I>-J •.• t.:lli", (A:o Uchbi .. IIn~ O.. m..i_r~, . t.:o~ing1nn. "'re· I'harm

Jim n~M O_S<.ph., W~ Moprl.le. OU~ C"ol "nne Ur.ngl"......SOp h.. Slick-II, i\'Vr1 Tem Lynn Uennlr6--J . .. Mon'Oo:. J.~ .... [nl Lmda lJiane Ilotnlo,_ Fr.• Monro... It.d Tech Ja.nd Lynn.. Oeroolln_Soph.., Housion. Tn.. So... Wk Judy O. tk,rick_t·, .. ShrevepoM, Hill

JuJ~ .~""

U..,.r<,I ... r- t r., I.ak ,· Pr", ~k",~· . t l,·".. tol

M. 1).·...,,,I0..._ J•., I~ ,I. .. I ' . ",,,k,,,~·. I;,·" Uu .

'\""1"111" 1',.... ".,I~..,..I'h., :-.1",·, .. ",,,1. ~V& tI Th...

('""",·1,'" 0\ . U.·S... l a'''~Jr .. T~ llu lall. ~::'I

1.,1 ,1" 1),·u lnih~Jr .• I)"I.,I.. J.'. I'harm

1I"l'< ·\"n ,·I~· U ''' 'h '- Fr .. Oal.lb l.·. U.·nl 11~j:

K "'l h ~



1).. ·I.,.... $o..,,~ Vh., S li<l ,· II. l'ha.." 1I"·k , ·~s..." I, .. W.nn~ ho.>"'. A~"n !;\ :::r

II" I"oro l ....."h W"' , ~ " I

Ih........·y I ,11.· O,lb hunh<-Jr . :,1..... "1'1'.,,.. l'hur", J.....··I, I. l)"'I,,·m.<L Jr -~I>h .. \ I"nro<·. B... ~ o\.ln. J11< 10. ... S. JIi M "_~' • 1Jo~;.·, t ,... \ 1....1 r..d .

J.·......i,· I,,"....... u,.....-r" 1;';" 1\:.'. 1'1011'"'

I."j("nd;. l.vIIII H.",...- J•.. Oak (; r.,..,. tlu ' & 0 t:" II.· I ~,, ~ I , L,,,,, 1).. I.hi"_:-'<'I'J..• M..." .,,·. 1'1.~rm 1'... lnc 1;1 .... '111 1/.,I,I.' n_....."I•.. W' :!-I \1" " ' Hf. OA.I,,, t .....,· ~'· .. CI". U..,I;I. J. - h .. :;h••·,·".....n . Wkl 1\IJ1:1 & I.u"

".·",,..\h 1. U•..,II--So...h.. \I..laln.·• .\,- •. 11..1""1 F.all l.l ),'F",, _ l'r. 1\-1,,,(1..,, . A••

"-Gill) tl.-n .,... [)"lbr- ~'vl, .. Jl<o..<kin. \l~r" l .i,...,[o...""II)"'1"II",,:I.,- I·• .. Mila. N u'~

I) .. ",, ·,· IJor,1I1" ll.\u.,-Fr .. 1...,:,(g, I' II,·. l.... f·l),: 1I 1 H~~

~~ I, ,n '\"" I), '"kl' _ ~ ', .. 1. ..1. •• ( : h~ rl, ... ,",, ,.

Pari 1)1" lh,' An1~rica)l mylh is lh(ll P~'Up!L' .... hu (ln' handt:t! Ih\' . ;.I.,in uf a

delle! ilht"l'p .11 !ll"unua· lio n tilfH" think Ih nl il

....·ill kt'.t"p their


alivt' fo1't'v\:1'. J u Lynn Uc'n l ,,)-~:k,l-'h., M..,n ru ~, FI"", .~d It' ·... er! t: . Oo lll"y--r,., Munro e, o\n

KHlh y I)op&o"-),,, C'\>Mcll. ,\r l. .. LI~", Ltl T.H"m... .:lIIr,... II;:. I)I),I, I_ I",.. (o lon ,I,,:!. G"n~,

SI""",n 1'. o..~h(lI ..I--Fr., WI'I, ,". !'h. rm I{rian Uo u" hl)-Fr., Je n., Sp I::.J Val. rie Kslr Uou~l a._ F •.. &Slr<'.... 0\.;. t,;~......t:•• Ibroid Oou~I __SoII" .• I'ono;llaluula. I'h.rlll ""'i" l l. arll'$ IJ,,:. ...'(It'Il, J r,-I ~Hille, .·h .u. .. \I ~.k E,I...·.r,1 U'-Jgu--.'"i"I'I\.. o\lcx;1 nd r.a. P,.I :j•.

C"fQlvn Ann U"'J]" __ I-"r.. Mo nroe. J::., I

S"lvII) 1.II·au"hn- r r.............,... It!e. I:h-m &1 1:.,n... IA",n Un .. ~r- Fr .. M(lnl"", NtI~ U~; .. tka Ot,,·er-t"r., M()/Ifoe. Nu ,," Oi(lJIt' Orummer-FI .. Oelh!, A" Unrhal' c.;.~lo.: Ouch.._.... ~ t'r .. Hel""I......e.La ..

V"IIJ)' J..an l)u.;hl'"inc--ft.. HI'!x:rt. 1..;1" Cnl K~,;" 1'. O".:ult- Sullh., Ar.LJ~ A,

Mary M..,,;.,rl l)uf"ur- Fr., AI~un"rI', Arl t:hnslvp hcr L llue:.as-So ph.. Mul"ion . t.iwl AJi t-1I "" 'rn ~ lJ"LIhnn-J r.• &Ion Ituu~ .._ Ilh'Trn 1\1.oI.n,,· t,;lmh;-, ll,,,,,_~oph .. r.rmc ..... ,IIt. \ors

.. llf.lh Charlf:n.. UUmmil-t'r.• Ill1nllt. N""

~: I,

Udinil. llun~afl-F, .. TaHul nh. l~n Sl llullu.-Fr.. I t:d .. , II~ . La.. Cn [ Kalhryll Ly'", l>unha..-fr.. lialon It<llljl;(', De'll L<i Thoma.! Mit·ha'" Ounham-Sol/h.. Ha!)kin. H&l't Shrr~ .o\.nn lJunlin-Fr.. C.rI~lHj. T~~., Ii&Pt:

e..o". · M.

JOII~ \'I AS O '~ U K()W~

u..d...... l)1.no,· Uunr_t·,.. r-.1o .. ~ r. .. LtI. !).:ol H'fi: \.. llrf j,· Uun ..-F•.. O..lhi. lIAd,,, Wil liam 1-:. Uu nn-Jr.. lJv,Iu" l1" u/l:'·' Law lot 1);,.\·,,1 -\llo-n ()"pl...-I.... n-J,.. 1.a1:J~,·"~. Ph.,.m \larv 1..lh'·f'A .. I>"pl..d,io- Jr.. \ ..... Oolt.. n.... G,·" I Sl....·'... \ti.·h.. ~ i)up,,·, ..... f r.. II~ ' ......... Sn.- \I.. l

r.lilo ·hdl ])a'lI\," llur.... h,·._!>"I'I~. \hnd("~il1,·. Ph.rnl t_.. 'hman_ ~·r .. \"j,·b"",fY />1,..... l·r... l'h~fnl I) ~\·',I L 1:. .."o--..'i"I'h.. ::)1I"n"I.;II, (',h •.1...1 -\'(; ,~ 1\<1. Eaw-,- h .. Wam'f1, A.k.. I't. JOt" Ga" Tru, ,,,,,,, t;aH.·rI "'l'-h.. M o n,,,~ , \...<I ,np ~,. I..un Ed ..;!.rd Ea.~,·.h" r "'" M"n'vo:. I'.('· M ~ .J Ell....

r..a y E....... "Ij/:- Fr.. 1,..·."S'Ilk I..t. ,\rl l) I.l .... t- t'r.. M ...... u.·• •\,1 \l, " W, II."IO )" ..... lIh 1::.-h"I_S"",h.. MO)nr... ·• .l..,:t (;.~ .l..oo "', ld l ~"T,I:;- "'.. .., .....'311"<1"01. .~. \'.. H·T\' \11'1 J~rn ....\ . Edn" ....I_ r r .. s'l'll r 1.I.nd. L-a" Enl ) ..... p.'r~ t,:' ..... ar,l<,....- h .. W,!dwI II.·. I"". ~ht-ola


Ut"n(' '-rnfl ' :fli,,!!,'r-h.. ::)hr.·y....... 'rt. ~.-••. Uo l

Ca ... 1 ..l.."n ~4r I.>If-Fr .. M.... r..... 1.1 1. ~ •.

itoolvlI T ,:.1..1." L::la ....·-fr., H"~h"', Nu....

Kalhl...·n Muj,· 1:. 1,1i~,, - Fr .. H.~ !(Io' Q". ~;L" 'n bl

\l ar.h. J" L::I,·.-So..pl., 'W 1"l'. l,1"n ...... OA,I,n

:::'uilan H~ I(·" ~], ','- Ir.. W"'I M"n,,,.'. N""

1I wrin klC"s mu :\ 1 ht" writ ·

len upon our bruws. leL lh em nul b<: w riU e n upo n lh f" hearl. Tht" s pirit shou ld nC;."\T r grow

old. JAM ES A.


l.a'f) lIalt· Eli"O- t',,, \Ion ...... G" .. St t.hou I)~ ... i" ~J lan~F, ., n,'U1 rvl-'- I·.~ . t:n!l \'"I.. rlO' AfI!I.. I~ EJl i fl~fln-h .. 11..'<I'lr"I'. OAdm

1).'11""' Th..rm.. "

~: II;()OI- "r ..

) •." ". HI,llt



[),,' Ir I.~ t::1I • r.. ":.. 11"... S,,~( L::d

Gtrnda I'ay... L:: !1 _~ .. h .. f ... , nda)'. ~~I

It,,,tI.. lph L::1li._ Ff .. l ~v,"e. .O\. ~

l :.lrlif' H..n n L::"' .. ....-Jr.. WrM M..........·. G.,,'

Ju I." n(' i::n,.:t " t-- S"ph.. Mu","". l'rt"·l-'ba . m Cal'l)lr" -\fIfI L::"'I,;n(' Uf'-Fr" ~ eM M"",Ot'. Sf.t Wl A",,; Ernsl-t'r.• W.. bh. Mh,,,. Ii L::, Ed Pal rid, U. Ervifl<,,---Sopb.. 1I."r:;hll>n. I..... L::nl Ma""n G. u,1",flk_fr.. Hhifl"hart . u,,~ Adm

8obb1'" lean I::vw_h., Tallulah. (;".. ~ I U~ b" .ab K. I:: ...,n_f,., Monrot. CO)I'I'O P S. I.,.. .it l.u.·illt t::'·M_J,.. ~iu Cit •. l'hy Ther NllfI "~ L:: ~ ~,,_Fr .•

V"rl. Ann

Lu ~.l'li.

MEr ltolOll". GM St Eyert ll- f,.. \1un_. "',.(,

O,·bb.,. L. [ .. 'fI,I:;-J •. . Nr'" ''-'t n a,

I-'re'\- ~ I

Sharu" Iklll £'I!":" ",-So..ph. . N~ ....· Orl"nna. I)~~ Ca. Mgl JM l:IO:.Bb.-lh ' ·alJdt_SIIplo .. Monroe. Nul'1 WafldllUt r "" I-:XOph.. M... nroe. Cen 51 LoJuan O.nell., FaouJ'-f•.• .sh'e ~epo". I~ ...h In a Milt r . . /f_SoptL, 8"",jer City. Mr d T~'h Pam ........ r-f•.. I3l1Strop. I\u,",

Ku hl...·n Ann C.,ur~r


F~ u lk~~'I.,h .. ~ulphur.

F,·at,+-~· r..


M,,,,,, ....

Ja.m~ . M u ."h~ F, ·nn ,· II--~·r .. ~ .

K., ."r!.. ,~ .. K .....n

r"f1:uS<Jr _~"l' h~

I ~ , .. ,".· ~ik.~Fr .. ( ; .,.....~'"


l'tl,. m H T\' M~

J"'.... ph. I't.;nm L...:,.... ,lIr.l.orr

\ I " nn.... M,"/ T""h

~· ;I"...»-rr..



1'1,,'''''' ' ' K .. ~ Fi lhi" I--Fr.. />1 on, ..... li is l

Clara A. Fln ,"lrr-S,' ph.. M.. nru,·. A,r St..... Tr

SU\..iTl I...... Fi" Ir>-- Fr.. Monr,,". I"IlY

t' hRrv n M .... r;'· Fislwr-h., si",·,·"!".rl, H...Id 1' ...,h

Br~n,l .. l;. nau-Fr.. >\\",,,and ri'l., AJ H& ~r

D.. hhi,- ~l .. 'mn!-~h .. \\'e~l Mom·o~. La" [nl

Ih" ';01 \\'", ...... tl el"h ..,-rr.. Ba~k;n. Uldjl; C"n

('m lh,a ... "" Fluy\I--F•.. Sh . .. v<.:vvri . M,''; T .·"h

J•.I", \tan",,1 ~l u)d, 1"_ ~ l'h., (:Iad"""alrr, Tex.,


H..rtf. "d Jose ph Fuch---h.. IJr.i,h,...ilr. .>\~~

1. Paul Fokl!r- Fr.. U..Jh .. ......, 1.; ... P'I.,n,·k FonO"l--rr.• Lakr C hs rl~ .,; ~ ... Iiu~

G~, Fonlai ....--Fr" U~, ...r. He" LII)",

Juli.,.. M. FOnlan_Fr.. G '...,n v ~I~. 1'tl• • ",

Lvn L h.~ -'.. f ..."J-S"ph.• \ ' .,j.I>., IJu:<

I).- \ouh Su.. r ...,I--F•., tIa.~ '''.p, I"'",.h

U",...,h v A. ~·"" I--Jr.• M"r H.... ~ ( . [d

H('fl~" H. ~"", I--Fr .. ',1.' ,,,,,, />1 •. n"" Gen!)l

Sandra K.i~' .. F')IIJ__ ~p h .. u,,~ A,jm S...,;an fOT(I--Sn"h., M.. r Hou p;(". .....'(\. \ura K".,. n H.~h", ,,,a r'''f'--~''ph ., G. ays'''''' Pr~ Vel ~tarEar~ 1 II~ y ~e F(lrI ,·nh~rry-Jr., W~SI Monr oe. \u ....

The death or democracy is nOl likely to be a n assass ina · tion from ambush. It will be a slow extin ction from apa­ thy. indiffere nce. and un ­ dernour~hm e nt .


H"n.,,, FUSler-t'r., \\01(:$1 Mo nn;oo:, Suo; WI.

. Jodlyo FO'Oler_Fr_ HOlnl'r, / ..: 0;

C 'nll~

U.. vid Louis

rOUrtl ~r.)I-Fr .•

Lak .. Charlo., P .. ~. Pharn' J"lie N. ,.o",kr_Fr., Mvnr_ . C,;cn ~I

H" I",,, l), F"",I"I'-- Fr.. ',1.'<::$' ~Ioo, ..... :. t:rim Ju, S~ ~ ..... F .... ler-Ir.. Ste rling,,, ... ( ;(>'1 t:arnt;e.l H;" .... _F,., Wioo~III.I'''. Pr".I...w ~tl('ra G:ui Fo;-'Fr.. \Jii"n500I'O, E lo; m Ut Daift' Lo",s~ F'lIE;ala-Fr.. ~Ion ....,. I.Icnl ~ p; Kim I\o,.,]a Franr -SO ph.• Jeo:J, [k'n I:A

l.;eO"8e B.

F,aoldi'_~opl, .•

1U}... ille. P&" SC V. Franld'n_Fr.. J..oa. iii .. " Ho nald )'r3"kh_Fr., .... ,.y<:uc, ....."" Ho~ir Fn.nkhn-Jr., Shre.'cport, Nt \\om,a", FOrTC$l F,."kli.-Fr.• Keithville. H·1V Mgt S.nh Kathe r'''t' Fra"t.:-Jr., We:!ot Muorot:. U em I::tI Kalh ~


1. Frl.ller-"·r" Sh,C'·o;pon. IWR Adm/Oat ....0 I)""e I)loa F,('(;I.elt_"', ., I_itto... M ~., HOlt Ooudlla Jayne Frula,,~Soph .. t:I.utrop, Sp&H Ther Jackie G. F,,,,,m• .-Fr., LAke Providel.ee. Ed M e.lI~ ~'r«mu ol_Fr., MOllroe. I:lem Ed Ma,k ~I""e Fric ~Fr., Sh~ellOn . Law Enf ~ II ~

M.llon K"II C1' Frltd,tl~n--Jr., rur« •. ( hen,

Joa""" r ,i._Fr., Spri" ghill A<!~

Ginf';t-r Ann FTlllt<"-S<.ph., Akundria, u",

~e nm Ka.henne Fulkr-Soph.. Cro- .. iHc:. I::I" m I:.d

Keith Fuller-F•. , Muoroe, ""

MBI")' H. Fulh:r- Fr.. S h~""Pl'rt, OAdn.


I>. · "i ~· ~ul",,·._ t r..

Sprin,.I" II,

t'~)'~ '

K.uhry n [)enis.' I'underbvrk- t'r.• Ka\""lI e, H

Janel Lamar FUfil;e,-Fr., l.l clioMi n ~, Pr~ ·\u ", Linda r. Caal'-Jr.• Nf""lito n. J::lem Ed \u rd Ly"" Ga.:>r- F, ., Mnn,,,,,, llu.~ M~

>\mali ~ Nif: hQb Gain o::t- Fr" Monroe, SPI':<' Ed

A".hony Vineen. Gllneo--f." Al c..and'i:a. Uus Adm Mg.

Howard C. Ga;" e.-Sn ph., Akundna. l'I,""n

l'aulUa"id t; allo.. w-F•., Nt.. O.. kan~, k r

:;\l M O \1. I;.mmil~rr ., 1::1 \lorado. ArL, In, . '\1p;t

0\1(10 . Ga n.I:r-F•., Farmerville, Sot; Wir.

Te roeeo G ord~--~·r. , Monn..,. (JAdn.

Linda Lou;...-: G.,i n-So ph., £.1 (Jen.n... ( 1I1i1.• Ed Ginj::er t;. mcr- rr.• Monrv e, SJ)C'". ~..... K.m AI.n t; arncr-rr.• Amile. PhaTn'

Uo"na KaT..n Garrell-Soph., Mo nrot, Spec t:d

The futurt" ... seem!' to me no unilied dream. but a mince pie, long in the baking, neve r quite done. 1::. B. WHITI:: M": hae l T~IT"n<: .. Galli--Jr.. Shn\v,..pnt1,

nu ~

Mil '

Fnon Gon ld e,o--Fr.• \i onroe. Ot_II' H y@:

G;""II .. M. Gau.hier-Soph.• l'ine"iUe. 10v.

Lanrn In u GAu.ner--F,.• Mo"roe, II Uft ." dm

&.bar. Ann Geie05lcr-Soph.. Shrevepor l.. Nu~

KOch.rO ~I.rn" G... nll)--Fr.• West MontOf<. R.T \, Mt;1

T. ",ie H.. C..,.,I..,...-Fr.• Minde n. Oen. H~! II. Kay Gt-:rp:lwga,_Soph.• Fa~'c..e. Mi•• Gr. n Aw Uarlen e t,;""'lIe--h.. Mon ~. OAdm 51l11ir t::arlyno ~ wi'--Jr .• Mon ~. P .... Nn.,.

Kenn e.h Lane Gibl:.--rr.• Monroe, Bu! Atlon JWlel

F.ye Gib.on-Soph. . Ne.. Ibe ria, Pre· ... h. rm

Tri". Lynn e Gibeol>--::inph .• J ~ nll, Nu.I'! H.onald G. Gidden_t·r.. S h ~ .. cport. ,4. 0:<:

M.rg.n-t Hae G~Jr .. 5hre""port, Moo Tec h J.me!l A. Giffurd-Jr., Leland, Mw... Mu.I £d

Sue Giffo,d--Soph.. leland., M.... Mil £d L.>i .... e C. Gilbe.-Jr.. Monroe, Jour Lisa U. GillKr1-t"•.• Weat Monl'W"~ OAdm F.. n A. Gil_F,,, Shreveport, Gcn 51 M.m.r Lynn G;~Jr~ We.! Mon.-. COrT


Shel"T}' Ann Gill-rr.• Ken .wood. Air 51....

Cheryllk"We Gilmono-Fr., hn.." rYille. ECh I:d Jerry Lee GiptO.-Fr.. WinMooro" I'T-e-J'tw-m Yu.. EI~ Givtn_Jr., WinIMboro" Nul'l I',"""on A. C",en_.I. .. Monroe. "',,..:h S*"" Eliubeth Gleilnet-rr.• Mon~. {;en 51. ~AU [. Jo GI~~~·r .. ~_pon. f::lem t:d


j ....l\. Mikd (;I"".,..- ::>opl. .. ,\ l" nr"t:. s.... H.. Il YS" .. C"ldtn-jr.. ~l "nroe., Ucm E,J !:il""f ! H.a11>n t;" ld 5 hy--~ ..ph.. ("u lt"" \·;o.tt,")". La.. LI'( l)a,·id 1,1..t;"'1" G"tt.."\'-Fr.. j,'ny. Ad I I." ";,,,U T. t.o lwn-t"r.. (:alho.. n. bus .\UmJl}a \ W~IJo t.;o.... Ulk7-Soph.• I.r"n ,tt... An :


C"l>n L>. G....... hn---~oph .. F.. n,rl o.,. L> o., Co. . .. -\ .... 1 [mil, L c:...H r-Fr.. u-"",,,iU,,. In :s&H.L: -\""" I ..., u!>~ (;".man-Fr.. \1.'1">'1 11.10""'''0:. (;"n


<":",;;.-Jr.. \1;n<l.·". MU~ E,I,',"",' Cin,l\" J. (;"za--S"l>h.. M,,,'n.... S.. , WI.. PBI.i,:i .. F. G'IlI'~ri-Y>ph .. Lok" Chark" \u~



TI.. 'm .... tA ......",d C .... ·t'-S"l>h .. H.... au~ U.odj:c.. G.:u l

L... :IM G."o;;.. C ..... h.am--Fr ..

\-l<l~I ia. M I'~

I. nh .. nd~-a. Gr a foam-Fr ., H.a~""itt ... Sp&H I'aul Wittian, Gra nd"n-F •.• 1(.'l'lan, \ltd IJ.. I...... M. t;.~ " ...___Jr.. WCl;1 \I onroc. rviU I Ed J"non y H. G'"lIw·,,"-~uph .• Po..., I,,,,,, !:lId ;; t:Dr\


Ka.~" Gra"u--)r.. \\' esl \Ium.,.,. S p I'all, KII ....n SUI' (;r... ~"i.' ph~ F"rnd.y. 1;.1,,", UI Ik ,t,· G("n( Gra.r-SoJph .. Ualun H.0"E ~. Nu ... CHulyll J"h""I1.· G . .._Fr..."'lu"ru~ , Nu .... L>t'_h.1I Ann G.ay_·S0l' h., 1101.",,,,,,. SO" \llL .\ li,:hB.. I E G r B~'- !x.ph .• fa.m ........itI". Prll·ft kcl

T r.", l.vn"" t;.ar-S"ph.• Jacl..son. M'Si.. tU:&1 ns L:I.n,,,,lm .. Gr<!too---Fr., M"n.oo:. \l-\dn' Lar,",.. cn~I_So vh .. Ua~'t)l> . !-"h,,,rn T.,rri H... \·d t;r~ r>--::; ... ph.• r.,.(ida~. I-' ff ·Ph:r.rn, S.I\) J. t :.""n l..:.-g-~ ph. . ",I.._""ndna.. t.:I f l~ pe..: t:d t; r.,~ Ais.un Grcen~-"r.. W~ • .\ I (lnr()t'~ La- .:"1

lJo n Akin G"'...._ Fr.. Shrevepon. I-'re.l:: n g K",hy (; r,."r_ rr.• Mon, o<" Nun Th~ r..-;a l ef G.-.:gvri__ ~pb., V,".,,, (IT ( hiU I," lf Grt1!."I"}-s..."h ~ Mo nr....,. OAdm ca,l Franc""," Gr~~,,__ ~.,pb .• "':ol"mbu.. OAdm Ann Eli...:: Grit_Fr.• ~ 1,,",,vcp.>rI. \ ted T,..;h

( yn,h.... K.m crlm._Soph .• Wesl Mo n •....,. Ho.,~ St».In Jo:o n G ri lljn_~(lph.. !:log-,oh,J.a., .1 £ d lnst Mg' t:liubt, h K...t~ (;';I;I;-"- Jr.• Wr..n Mo>n roc, 0a1 Co r Mgt J ~ n G. cripbr-::;"I.IL. K"! lon, "'r., Opl J.em~ R..""dl Gri.n~Ic~f"r .. Hauif"Sburg, Min .• "'h1 Jo lin]. (; ro .. l, Jr.. -Fr.. l.u l...~, Art

Mic hael PB"I C " ..i~~FI·.. MOll-an C"y. ",.,.. M,.,J c l,.nd. Nt" Guie__Jr., RaY" illf, 1·1 fr t:,J S hll(o n Kay Gilidry-Fr., K,nd,.r, A.r Slf w Tr Ikck y "':uill"I"}-Fr ., "ine ~me. OT ...h.II,p t; ... lIo ~J •.. M OMOC, ",:.,0 SI Henet' "':u.llory-F... M c M lnn~ille, Tf lln ., OK Tech

Vn da. JoyCf Coller- fr .• Dublch. I..tb Se l>ebon,h Ann G UYl,_Jr., S hff:vepon, H I::dlnM MIJ1 ~bril ~ It GU}I OI_fr.• u..:I!ier G ,y, Mlrk YhCf Mic h • .,1 H _Soph .. Morpn (;jt y. (; hem Lulive ll i. I:: lle n Hldtling-rr .• At lam• • Pre. ... h.l.lln Jam" I>onald HIlglt'" Ii-Soph.• Ha~hlOn . ...rf· .........m

:' ;0

MIt-h••-' 1Ii ... " .. llah.-J. ,. tla' l rt'l~ 1'ft'.\l t~1 IJ. tLlI.- h .. uo,.....·, \ Ill. C""II ':-" HIUy W........ Han- Fr.. W"'" MOM,..., J.IU.

ja m~.

( "'\.I~•. \li.,hilt-' lI.n- Jr.. \\I al." t...... I"..·.. .", ,",,,. .." Elinh..... h II.n...-~ .. ph.. W,.,.,. M"tlr",', Co... l'an,,·I. ell.! I\~II--!)....I,.. Mituk ", Ur

Ton; I)i"n",- Hall ....- :.;."'Io.. M ,, " w~. Nu l'! Ch .. rI..... t ,I.'"'' 1-1" ",1.,-,::-_1'1. .. 001.. e ,m'", b ,,,IWhl I,,,,, f .·........ la",- llu,,,I, _ lr. (1"I..I.n ...·. I·h:>rllO C ~l l,..ril,,· t."u, ~'· ll a ""h"n-:-"I'I L , W ...l M,,"ru ~. n.lr.,I,n 0...1"" Iknak 1I~"Hh..,_ rr., \I" "n.', '1 ~tI TN:h L,·~ ,\ "Il lid"",,--Jr.. \\'...., M""r"~. \;~n SI

I'htll,l' Doujll» Il a ,,,,,,, , ,- ~·r., \I'H .......'. \ I M" 1),o" ..... 111I m'''.. '''l--j •.. C.tU't ,un, G..,, ::"1 C",I,,·nn., j,'O" Ihm"",,, _ J, ,, M" "".... " ,.,. \).iII •• ~ 1 .~. ! 1,.[1, .... "" .--:,.."h.. M""" .... !,o " Wk lui... :\n" Ilamrwk _ tr.. !,h.I.·ll l'h Juu' J~"'.. i\· !)..... II....,h,,_h .. \1 ..., ........ \~ .... ~.

:-;h ~wll

..... ~ Ih"q ...k_Fr.. \I""(vl·. 1'••· . Ph~ T loa

n.·.. H ~"tl-- Jr. . :-hr" '·,·.,...'1. I·..·· i)..."

I.lIr~ I ~.,.h, · j"

II.. n~l n_ ~·r.. R;"j:f" I,1. I.m.

l)arr..II·Wayn .· lI l1l1 s,.!,e,_ J. ';"rd ..",·.II,·. \ 1" .. l'h~.", "" ur~h~ hay ..." ..... " o-- Fr . 1.1"" ,,.,. M ...... L.iI. Art \)" n ~hll . 1I11 ..1... ~ rr .. I~ · II.·" I"" M".


It... h.·.. E. II".... I.· n.-rr.llu~lr"". 1.,1 • .'1.,

J" hn F. ~Iar,j,,_~ .ph .. M.",w... Wkl MjI;l

T Im A. IIardill__ Fr. M"" ..... C" n !:I,

1" " a M. II.. n",,~!:.u I'h. , M",dclI. M"d T,, ·h

!.,"tla J"an 'b...,j)- t'. .. 1'.1""""', \i,~1 ,h

W,II ,... ", Oa..h. lla•• I~-Jr .. M"",,,,·. C.·" lIu~


.­ \lal""I", n.·..H U I/ \ lIa._ F.., Mt'"""·,I1,,. Pharr/! Julia Ca,,~ H:u lan-Fr.. O!"· ~n ". Ark., It·T\' \l ft' Ali,,~ I ~Ju ~ H3......- r •., "'lu""'''. ~'"'" ~I Sor. \lal K ru.l y L V"" UlI'l"'r- Fr . \lr ~ MUM.." . 0 " '),,,



is as the wayes of

ocean .

(,OJl sl81ltl y


A'iONYMOuS Runna C a~l ... Ha'I'.:r- t'r.. \lr "l" \1"n roc, I\' u,," lIildtl ~J'll'ln Horr... I~J •.• M" .h>n. \1i""., Ph..n, K~nn ",h Sha y lI a' ...... II-- .. ,.. T 'Q!:u. 1,1.'1<.1 MgI!C..." Salllud Guy H.. rr"lt'un-~ .>ph . , M"n"'~, (;" " SI

~:'I ... v'"


H .H~J ....

r.,lon roo.

t...... tnr

Em;'" ..' tnn lI:arri...-Jr.. I·". ty illf, ,"UI'li J...1u ri~ EUt " Hlln,~So rh.. ManW~Id . Ace \ticha...! O.n.. Hllrr_rr.. Mon ro.,. Ous

P. .....I.. Ann Ib •.-i.--Jr., MOlHot. bus/Oil' P•.,

Cla u,ha I'""iria HaHi:!oOn.-S"pl\" Sl'rilllt hill, ! J~·I' I, ) Th,'r

Oixi .. A. H. rri50n.-Soph., M"","OI!, A(~ 'i John A. Horri",,"-jr., Minden. Pr... i)fnl Sharon I)"nin HMrrl!on-t'r., L.k e l'ru"i,ln,c"," (:"11 :->, (;r~Korr Sl....... Hu ...-h., IJnl!lil'f" Cil !. Mu ~ t:.d Hichard HanN'1I H~r1le,__Jr" HidJ!""'''''l, S.x, 51 Ed u..,h JUM' ph Hl.Tl()()n- ir., Flo S'nilh. Arl..., Pharm


M..;ha..1 I::dwonl HoelL_J r., T J..,L I'hlI m I'an,d~ j . Ili""--Jr., M um·. ..., !fIll' I...ara Ann .. Ii ;FPnb'lI h an_~I.h., SI.rillltloill A,'"

h ...qlld~ n ~hl:J!in=--Jr .. N.,... Ofl'·.. I1". Sj, P"th

C"nni,. H il~s...p h ., Slid..l!. Una r,"

I::do.l ..· H.II- h.. MuM .....,. L,l, Ar t

GI."" la Su.. IIiII-Fr .• B"mla, 50<. \,/\

P.. ",..]a Diu",' IliIl-h.. Wa-t loh.>flr<>e. .01. ~ P3 11H"la J", Ilill--Fr.. Min,I"n . \'11 11'

r""1 H. ll;II--Su"h., Ha )"y,\I,·, Gr n SI

Vid.i !101I--h.. .oI.r,·h,to..,l<l. Cf n !)t

\\";ll.ouI" M. HiII--Supl,.. II " ,ill... C"n 5.

Ka...." AI>" lIillh()u-Su"n... Mun.-.:.e, l..a... rn (

I'h~ lIi~ .\nn HiU ... r- Fr.. Stlrn",,",rl . ~; c " S.

Honnll" U llillm., _ F,., M"nn~. P'"' ,. M.... I

Jan .... H" ... ..d Hi" tt-- F,.. "'"" !-l Mon l"OC, ("r.

~,Irll .;\Ii,,(' H, wn-t·r., Ih............ A,r S!..... TI

Mi . .. lIu hJ,...-fr.. 1'01"""''''' 0\"

l\..,b~rt H CII"· Ii ",,h~ ell ..

r-r,., \1"nw~ , il-l,, ~ f.d

La .h,·nn~ U;U,... Iiv(:ulI-~r .. \1 .., 11,...", A"...

Lmd.. Caml HO(lg<,"- Fr.• \"iYl3 n. !>,d l><>~

~: d HnJf(~ __ Jr_ Mun r,, ~ . 1,,1> Arl

Jan Hn d~,,!-Sup"" M..,n ........ I\ UI'>

..I,np:ir Ut an ,," H oJncll-~· r .. Franklin , Ma,k

1).,(' HU !!8 ......... ~ " I' n.. . We!ll. Mon '''e, SO" Sl Ld '"-lett n,'" ,"",Iin r H"l'IIr>-h ., (,;rafl Q Cn ne, Sp&H Thcr "'rilAin .'\nll HUji:~I _:""ph .• ' Ie ... Orleana, ",cc Jo hn H....... ~y Hukl ... ,......... Fr.• Nlltc hltoch n, Sus Adm!l)~.. Pro Gwynn \\:lti.. l1"l1.dar-Su l'h~ Sprin((hill , I::d Brend . ~~ Hulla .. d--Jr_ \\o~"$ t MonMt. 1. .... t:n l

Hit ll Kath...';n.. Ho lland-t-r.• t'l.tch t2., ~ti$.s. . M.rk Chari", Lynn Hol1~ Jr.. I'ion«r. I::l~ m 1::.1 Vida.. (;.~Il' HollC\,-Fr.. \l.nji:hlUn , I...... I::nl ij.,ftn ll' "nn Ho;> ll" " ar--Jr.. Mun"",. Nu rt l)a.. i,1 Ly•• n 1~ "n" ..·a~SUph .. Tallulah. t 'i" 5h.""1'(' Lynn 1I01l"... ar- ~·t. , M""",",, Nu"

t:rn~in l' Hulln~_ ~·r .•

& " 't•.


&- l H:d

Holly r . Hnlm __ Jr.. uk.- t..: ha rl('!o. Ucnl Hyg S h~la l). Hu lm- S ""h..

Pinn.lle. P~~d,

H olm~ Fr .. Alc:\illldri o.. El e'" Ed Eup;cn c liolnmnn. Jr.- f. .. S hrl'lvcpo;>n. Nu..., l).. horah K .~· Koh;«.>la_ J r , WeN Munroe.. ,,",IOn

",eli,' C lancr [ul;ur

." lice Lee HOCIku -Fr.. WinnlOOro. CI..'IrTel 7\bry Jet" Hooker-Soph.. Winntboro. Nu...,

e1"'!.'. A. lI o;>pkin_Ft.. T,llula h, P~

C.ry Ly..n Ho, n_lr.. Winn sboro, Phum KOlhl«n

]jry. n

Hurne- ~·r..

H o;>" o '_~' ,,,

Winn!h<o.o;>, H&PI:: Mo nroe. Soc

S« mucl Cheyi:! HOIIe_J ... UtI"i. Iiu. Ve b.:.or.h Ann HnulI.o. - t·r.. S hrtvcpoO rl. Acr Jam el K~ nn edy Hout(o._F,.. Monr()t:, ]jill

Marilvn H o ult o;>--s..,ph.. Monroe. Gomp Sc PrHt~n L Ho ..ard-Jr.. s....rep.... P!tarm Lur. Ann Hudman--Supl~, 1:I,lon Koug~, Mu, l:d/VtII:

1)<"1..... 11,.d... _Fr., \V'nn,..I~"<I. 111::,

Kr , ll, ~ . Hu.,.....-:0yh., ,....10",......, t.......• Enl

U..I)btt' ,\ 11"ll "';I.,........Sot>lt.. LIn." .... Sp&.H I"h....

I.lt-hr•.0\10" Ilu~h, ~ 3ul'h .. Ii,o-I"'I'. (lIa ,I,,1I ,' J,,", n n Hum l,j, ~ r,.. 1\-1 """,,'. u'" ~ h dly H.. 111l1lll>1.~~ ~_. \I,'\~ ' :'<l utv'J<.:. Mu> ~.d

Cil-lln I::UI\"II" Ilun"nd-.'~"I>h .. W.."l MUll",",'. l'fI,· IJ,·n' 1\-1.", J" lIl11nph,.·y_Fr.. r"lu,"l.oi~. 1'& .\ S,' \,..t.•• I .• nn I(un.. ~'<a'll--~)I'h .. \1,' ."" \"Iu,m...·. EI,·", Ed hm,·~

FIsollin 1'lul\lIi<'ulI-:·"'l'h,. \ ,.,.. ()rleal1 ~. I'harm Jul" 1'(·".. I"f-'<· Ilul1l-l'r.. Fumo·n LIt.-. (fl ..,Iwrn" :-;".' IluNI-rr., Ba",r,,!,. ~'" Wk

J"hn \.IIUI<I""~_J,. ,()II •. llld .. \.n" Ilam.",,, Io. ... ~ Ilyl...",k, - S"ph.. F~rrn""",· ill. , 1;, •• 1:(1 (in'). 1I.~I, .. M"",,,.·.Arl E.' H,·na,· 1 ""t) n ~l-S.) I>h.. I\-I",u,,,·. -'I , ,. J..... n~ A. In;:albo--~,) ., h.. I.Q ~ " I:h"'I.-·... U.. nl Il \'l" Tr..,"\ I... ·,· In~",~"ll-- rr .. I _~ '':'"it' r C,h . II,.,

Minll hvm_Fr.• /tI",,,,,.. \t" ,1<

Ark""....· M. Ir" ...-r,.. :,... I.,hur. 11&1", Il •.,.

J.". 10. .....1 Ir vi n----h .• \lI b.l,a. l'n·.tnJ,:

L~ I ,' Ja, h ___ F•.. Tul ~, •. nu> M;: I

,\da Ja•. L"' "........ F•. , \\""""'.0.",1,0

Ca n.1 Ju Ja..t.:.~",,--:-;.,ph .. \j"nn... ·. (;,'11 ~,

(:~r l , ... tAw.ml Ja. l""........ S.,I'I,.. \I" nr' ..·. A\',

J.u l", ra.. JIM k.... ,n----~p l, .. J "nnlnl\~' I:.itnl t:'1 JoO n", 'vi,,,,,. Jac·b",,_S"fJh.. M" n'<lI', .:1.,", t::d Lan" l ;. I"d,...,.,n---- rr.• J~ •. ~"". M'!if.. ,\",


and th e

lift' i5 a t all liml;:s hel~)( e

'Ul )'lhing else or whal we (:3 n do. lOSt:: OHTt::GA Y GASSt::T

I'd",n " '" ~ Ic<:h,,, Ja("I:.s..,,- h .• ~Io ,,·.·!: .... orl, J",,,

Maud,n,· jad'$<.In-- r r., l."l (·Pr<lvl(l.. n,:.·. EI"m I:Ai

S Io .. I..v .... Ja.· l~ .........S"'l'h.. 0 ...10,. Hu~ ....,",

\-, ...1<. t..~,,, .. J.:.. ·!:.s.. _F•., M..... " .... II EdC I&T.:x

Z"'_" II" h,·I<""n- F,..• HUI"'I'. t;.·" ~

U" ""h) EI,,,,,1.. 1b JII,"'h,'--S.....J•. , 1......1"... It;,han>:t", I'l;w t.

J:IO" ,·" Ma".n.· Ja<~ .I_J •.. \ t" M.....



K..,hy H.." .. J3I:<;..t.-Fr.. \lan,r.dd. 1001,,<1 T.·d.

M~,,· b·.. I~ n Ja<;....d....-F•.. ZlId'a...'. P.,·. Phafn)

I(,m 1_ JII...... r ... n---- ..... M"n•.,.". ,\"".



h",,·......n-rr., I::t I)..,r",'''. o\.\:.. M"d '1'..,;10

t:I."... I",.h Ann Jllmn--Jr., U~UH'~·}'.


J... Jan'<;r-::""pt... ::'.

J,~ , t,h, tko ~


& 01::<1

i'IIIr,d" I~ .u ~ .. J"m<e->-F... &Slrvy. A~'

Th"ma, J. hme_Fr.• Itandal K.·.. h bn..lt-Jr.,

I ~·,..,'I'".

I("~j,,r t:il~ .

ta.... t::.nl

I'harmi AIII&s..

Tan"n~ L Jarr..lt-Fr., U'-'"rt:'h . l)" nl HI-:::

Julia 1\ . Ju _Jr.. :;hrf"v"I',. rt. nT

Jan L"UIW J..tI··" ' _ !>"I't..•.\orth Litll!: It uck , ,\rl,;. . .... 't"· ... hv'"

1I.~·hartJ Jam"$ J"U"l""><In-s.-,... h., I)..,yl'n", A. "

E"a Mlln.. Jenl<'n_~'f'h .. Monr("l", Nurt

I ..."... y knl,jn ... Jr.- !:o...ph., It.a r- iJle. Mf'd T «:h

• 374

l;o n Sl; iou s ne s~

Micha~t 110".-"" J.. nJr. jn_Sopb., iWo.1MII. Il.... M/E1 M. Y' o n n" Ji!n/Tlt"n.)n-~ph .• 5 hr;-\"(·1o'011.. Sp'''; 1::,1 &r~'" 1. J"hu"n-t·r.. :\Iu ""...gc, De". .:'1 Ua,b,,· ~. j"hn!'t.n-- I'r.. u.k .. "; h.,'"- C••rr IJrw! H. J.. hn.....n--rr.. '-"'",,;n l,AI), N ... n< t.:~!h~ A ltn n J ohn ~' n--Jr .. 1,l.'Ui Mnn,<.>e, I)ll~ .\ ,Im

U"ll(:.IM K . J.,h,uo._F•., Aluandda, A...~

j,-ITrn H.'I{:'" John<o)n-~· '" Jn~ k so n"iIl", ~,. .• nUl -\don

I.."nell K~ r John w ._Fr.. M "n r\l~. Svo.; S,

J"I ... An n Juhn~Hl- ~ r .. \1"n'I>I '. Inl I),·~

Kffid,,11 C,·.!,;, Jn hnson- Fr.. Oul..lal.:. ('\1 0111> S,·

1"!I<I1. John,-.n- f'r.. ~1\·un, lri ~. M...,I T,·,:h

Mdan..· V. J\) h"",, __ Jr .. M ob,I." AI.." I'harm

I'all; A. Juhni'o..n---Jr.. Mo" ....,. Hu~ A,lm

H..:h... 1 J(}h" ~n- J, ,, "'1..", 0". H,...

H,la Chr,>!in ... John~,_Jf.. l .in . lal~, T.. ll., II E,

Sh~~ l.~nn J.. hn",m- St'ph., \1.'....1 \lonr~. :\r~ ~;d

\ ... ltn.la <'>&),1.. J.. h..$I.>t>-Soph.. t:: .. ~ C..n Bu~

Vj"I <>ria 1I,·I,'n J.. hn...... n---t'r.. ~ ulphur, OT \·'~ 'an Ob.nda J(>.... ~ n- S "ph .• Tall"l.h, (:O rr

W',lha m It

J uhn~,,_ Su l'h .. ~pr"' ICh,lll)us

J..fi,.·... M.rk J" hn ~ "" - ~· r ., 1l.-..'5'''' 1.;ly, 1I&I 't:JMalh Natio o sare k e pt alive by the lacl lhal lhey have a progra m for lomorrow. JOSE OHTECA Y

GASSET KlIV Lv,," Juhn $lun_Jr.. Winll! h().o. .... r_ l·h.tm Il.·wrl y V. J"n.. _ !1."ph.. Farmerv,II..: l)o:nl HI": II 'i3n Io:,.-ilh Jnn'·_&>(llo., Goltionn ._ ..." .... h.rn' \ ""h,,. raJ" Jo" ~J t.. Haloll !\ouICe, 1)1" 1::;,1

0 ...1"". }on.".....F, .. Mm..•...", Muti ln

Uo!1t J"n..,......SOph .. \t onoxor.. ~· WI..

F,,·ri I'hilhp Jonc.--I'r.. ·ilk. H&I'E

Ca". lJ. Jon.-..Fr.. Jrn.. Ge nl C"lt'''I)' I ~,) .. Jo,, ~ F . .. M \ nri ~n . Phafll1 GITt.·h.'1I l)fn.... J,,,,...,...- ~' •. • /1-1 0",(>01',. ,,,'"

r.,111 ......

Jamb M. Ju,,~Fr .• ,\10n ro.-, NuA Jan ..... (,;ail}nn .._F,., f t n ida). An t::d K.... n.. lh Mil,·h .. n Jonl_F. .. Mnnro~, t.: h ~ ", KfV ." t'ord June_F•.• Sh ~"" p<)!L H.,T \- M@:\ Mi.·h.,1 Sh", m, n Jnn........ h .• M(,n rot:, Pa I'harm Milki JOII_SOpb.. Mon, ne, Ph Joum


Rhunda YY,mn.. Jullf::'-r,., Rayville. Mus <'10 Ot::d Ilnhin H."nu lon_t'r.• \v inMboro. HoT\ V,mnn It Jone_Suph., Wm n1idll, OT Ch.,lC$ b y lo rd .._Fr.• M."on. u.w En r Sh..li" An" l ord • •_fr.• L.ki O ""iC!-. OT \1ich~1 W..y.." Jot-ept--t"r.. MonrOf', I"re-Med

C)Tlthia Ann .. Joyce-Jr.• SI, JOIleph, t.:J t m Ed S"e ~;nfl Jue-Soph., Shrf.yeport. Nil"' K"nnflh Joxph Junc.~rr .• Bunkie, Law Enl Nancy l.eah K.... n.-J•.• O.Jr.d.le. NUr1l SUNn G. Karlm--Jr.• Kinde', NUA "lo rman Th orn.. K.,..malf::'-Jr.. ( ~vitle. 1.... E.. r


U~",.J r'. Kari..ny-SoVh., lJall. G..... l:Iu~ H"hrr' E. I(..-k, \1"<"0"1 M"nfiJ<'"~ (;"n 51 \h,'\ L. Keel..--Sovh., West Mo .. rOj>, Inl U($ H~ndy t :ul; ..nt:: K.. clcr-Fr., :')li.I..II, WkI M~I "' a~ n .. K"d e. Jr.-Jr.. West \I ...",...... MSt J.,;k I. K.. irn, Jr.- rr., W,.,.. M.. nr...". La.. ' :01


K<:II ... r-~,ph .,



I,\nn Kdl~y-.Fr.. \1;'"". MnnrC>(: , ::i1J~t I::d LJavid Arthur Kdh.~Jr .. Plam Ut:ahnfo; , Pharm K ...,..,,, Krlll-Jr., J<>n",~" ,II ~, "harm M, Oian .. Kl·n"'·~Jn-SojJh., Wlnn~huro, Pr... M....-i Davui P. Kenned....-Fr., Oal Gn.o"~, LJllt P'ru Trw~"

\I;~ "

K"nll.,.I)--St'I,h., " . ",..'n ·ilk Hldt' 1.:"1"1

E. Krn r..., Fr.. Ho""iu VI!", Hrd~~

!lobe n ~b.rl K... rry-)r.. U"Y';'" Prr .M.-,d

SUUlm" Lynn("H(" K.. v--- h ., \I,' t$i ;\1..... ,,00.. Mw~


:\ man is not old as loog as he is seeking some­ thing.


Lc... I.

l(a,' K,Mrun-S.. ph.. 1\lon'..... I'sye h

r..~·.. K,lIl3n--:')uI,IL ,

Wioo~bo ...... lie", E/.I

Shdl.-v L 1(.,,,,·a,I.--SopIL. \l'e,' ~1onr(ol'. EI",m I::d

!\.del" Ram'lIIa Klnl£- h .. CIaY' "n, "'hunl

l:I~v~d~ Ann Io..in g-S,'ph., Talluloh. I::n$

Jwnd 1(.., KrnE-S<>ph ., Munroe, In ~

J"ho <':.Ivln King, Jr.-Sopl1., \1,'"". "1on, <>", Art Ed

Kun It. Krno-Fr., ShrC\:eport, !:Iu.

Sloirky "00 Kint-Soph., Ue lhi , In!1 Mg.

John M,chael ....i.khan_Fr.• 011., Ge n St

CInd y K."i!il,t--::iopl ~. ra'mervil!~, !::ng Juhn I). Kn'ShI.-Jr., /:I.aler, Hu. Pamela Krtye Knitcht--fr., Butrnp. t..... &01 S haron K""" Knigh t--S<>ph., Oa~ Grove., N,m l'l tm;\a Ann ;':n OI,--Fr.. Haughton, J::len! Ed Kd.,.,,·... Jane Kohar_Fr., AI~mlr'" Gen ~


(;",,11- 1o.. ... lh- t"r.• ,\ I ••m ...·. Mltl

II.w,, ~ K,· u"~ K,.>\_ Fr .. II " ,,~ "" n~. ~ur~

I\"n ( h, al", .10 Kru....-~.I 'I, .. N,·.. Orl"all,.. 1 ',, ~ Phann C..", I",·,· ~u.· K'H10:0- Fr.. ::ihn'v"" ,,!!, Mu ~ 1::.1 Ir.. EI,,,,,, K yl,-,.....-)r.. \1 ..,uQO·. UII T,,<1 , F.. . III~ )",. I .... Uu.. i,~ ~,ph... \1;' ;" .. s l~,r". C" rr

""'ylill A"" ....&.de-J•.. !:kiss;". til}. NUB K..."n A"n LoCar_f,.. Monro", An Hohbie C.arol I.-f.<;hne,-Soph .. (;ilbe'l. [leon Ed JUIIIIII. W. Laehne_"'r.. (iinlen, I::lcm I::d t.:Iiubclh Anlleu c ~lAur-t'r ~ Je .., '""1"h Jul, ,,, M. Lnhe,.-Jr., Mdairie, OT

Suzann e Lahey-Jr.. Meloi.ir ie, Pharm Alnn S<:ou J...a,ir~jr. , Tiugl&, It.TV Mgt Melba O. l.&ir~Fr .. Kelly, Elem Ed

KJm O. Lamar1inlere-Soph.. Bunkie, G9v Cheryl Deni&<: .... 1Iee-Jr., Ne..· Iberia. frEd

000". Jr..."


J...a,nd~ ~Fr.,

Monro<:', CI&TCl

Ua ...id Murphy l .."dnll,_S<lph.. Rayville, Ph~ C ..·..... d"lyn Ue u,n" \..aJ,~o •• I-t'... 5hr.. v~por l. l:d William CI,a ,I~ . Lan~".-FI ., Amile, C~n SI 1'lIihll Wi!..o n Larin,,,rf'- r •., l:lal vn R... uge. H&I'l: M'l.. lWy LaS"un.:,-~ ph .. M"nrO(', ~ n Sl Kt"fIn.. lk Jam es l ... iJI. .. ...$--Fr.: We!\I"'~6u, I'haoll

Many Ma .... I.au ier-!l<o l'h., Sh••·v~p" n. Ilrdnl~ Ca",lyn Su,· Law,.. n~__S"I'h. , WUI Mo"ro\·. ~1,J,' ll Th"r EO"·.,d Ju.el-'h Lb·rcn,·, -Fr.• Clad..... 31.... Te.... Aoc John M. u......r.n';,:-i-r.• "'\In...,..,. G.,,, l:lus W,Il ... tll'oOrent',_F.... \1 \I "r~ i::1"m Ed LInd a La",!o.-~pl, .. \Ion ra". l:lu. I::d

lIaniel Wayn .. ~Fr .. Slark... Ao.:,

w,m~m Uav,d Leal~lm/l'I---Fr., I'i""v;tte, l:lldg t,:"n

E. Pauline I ",l:lta.-So~,h., &L" " Kou,e. I).,nl Hr& Yvonne ,\nnelIC l.,d~I.:ll"l Ir- t"r., Gonzala., H&l-'t: '-'Ienn Man;" Lel:llan~-So ph., Marrero. Hurl Alr,,:d 1::. Lel:lro". Jr.-:io pl~ . WO:Sl Mon.ve. HUi \181

Warr(1I t;. Led@.e r. Jt._Sopl~. Sl~rhn S"'<on, I'har."

Cynlhia Janw.:.. u.,.......:x.ph .. "errid~. Ao.:~

Oann,e tn-Fr.. Ru~'uot, lIio1Pre·;I>(",1

[unit e U:e-t"•.. Ullk NUN

J.:ll"l'C(' S. tee-t·,. , 1:I.,0a Hoag{', P.e.I'I,y The.

Jo...oeph I..t-e-Jr., lJoyline, 8u. Ma'

Lfc--t"r., .'\ u:untlr.a. ~ ,,~,. LJ

I.alill... 11M@. t: <01l

Michafl Uonllid I....-t'•.. HUO IOII. Wid Mgt ill Con

T~IT) Wayne L..e.,-..F •. , Ho mer. OT Jnli. AIoa U-"'''-~nf'h., Shru~P'I'n , t::.d Jun, C. t"mum_F•.• We!;t M Qn.,,~, OAd.,



\lnr" H.

Le_r •..

le$ly L.n an Lt-n... rtl--t'r., We~ Monr~, Sou,' Wit Li:.3·C L~n ••tl--!l<oph. , ""'e51 Munroe, Ac. Marcu, AI.n Lcn.rd--t'r.. \I,'t;51 M onr,,~, La .. t:nl Meludy !"oaist Lenant-Jr., 'W'~ Munro~ , OT

Only th e you ng die good.

CYN IC'S CALENDAH It.mon. Ann 1.0000._J•.. \lonra~, EI"rn I::d [}on .. S. !..e. li_F•., Warre ~, .00r1<. • .'ko.: Ju9n Met" laIlie-Sopl,.. Warr~n , Arl.... Hio Sheri lIu@.t:M I.A\lo_Jr., Ka.,...,I1.., 1::1".n I::d

Paulo Kay Leu-fr.• We'" Mon.oo:, Gen S.

Caltry. Ma ~ L.,.....,i"o--J.·., 1,,,J"pc.denl·e, t'harm

Tonya G. Lewie-Jr., Sl JOM:ph. I::l e m I::d

lkcky Lewl(ll"-S<.opl •., Mom"e, NUI$

Kalhy Marie 1.""-50,,h., Shreveporl, HL o:/lnM M~

M;(had Georg" Lindo-~·r .; Monroe, Hio

Cheryl G. Lindo-Jr., ,'o1onroo. t'.y( h

:X'l)1t Brylln Unu)--Fr., Alexandrili., Pre·!knl

Cary M. Lip..-Jr., &Ion Houge, IIUIII

Bubar. A. lilli _ Fr., We.! Monroe, r Me.

Mari lyn M, Liul_Sop!>., Monroe. I::k:m I::d

C.Lhy Ann (' Lodt..-cI--Soph., Weet Monroe. Mill t:d

Innn ," Hav LO'·khao1- J, ., HOfflO!r, Ae... H,,_n I::AJ ..'. rd 1..... I'ifl-t"r .. He n' ... n, ..k .­ Oa~ ,0:1 ~' a'fI~ l .ol'i n--rr ~ 1I",,,'on. Pharm 1'o:r'1" L LuIIOn--t'r.. Tiog;o., .v.,. l<>.. A" nt I . ,~"n-- Fr ~ \l' .." Mo nroe. H E.· Jan,,:1' MII'1" 1 ~,m l ... r, lin. _ ~ph.. " ew Orlea nS. ) 'I. u m

\..co·d A. Lun fl:'- Fr., M(l nroe. l"rf· Mrd I-'all. S u:\;)n l."n ~ Fr .. Fanrl H~J! le, l.il> s.. l{o lK"rt I..on ~-.'i()ph., M.n,kn, Hi s t Samu.-I J 06~ ph L.or",,~, _ Fr. , MO'¥3n Lit>_ I'r ~ . M~oI n.. l>rs S. I-<)" rld·-~';'0l'h ., i\1(lnroe. " n l.i~" lJ,a n,.1.""p--fr., Su lphur, OH T ~<:h

lb.,,' I...,... e--~ ,ph. . Ma'Hfici d , Psych JO(" ." . l..o .. .--Jr.. Bo:!O!>ier CH~ , \Unl Jo hn Eclw~rd Ltr,..•- j r., C hn ton. ~b., H·TV Mp K,mhlu Kav L..,.w.-Fr , \1.' ,",,1 Monr(>c. ,\ u !lOl.·.. "I~o I.,"'·....-Fr.. W,,,l MonroO!, Jour K.a ~ I.u~;a......:--Fr., lkJr.tro p, Sp&1I n .....


Iti.." M"na I. .." ... n-----Jr_ \lonroO!, OAdm H"nat" l.um,nu~Fr.. Viv i3 n, t:.len. 1::0.1 Cin,l ~ I).. d " n .. l .. " d ........... SOpIL, 0 .1 Ci, ~ , \ Iar\o; kan.n.· 1...,I.<, r-Jr., 1.... 1.. ~.· "c, Dc n. H'l! ( ;1....11 Mlln(' I.UlIrel1--:'l.oph.. Kl'pn("r. lJ...bur"h I. 1.} I~S"I'h.. Mlln!!h;)".,


1"""rI .",:<

Carohn r Fa) .. Lyn, ·h---jr.. :'o1 onroe, 5 1' 1::<1

£ Iiube'h Ann e l.~oIl--Fr.. Ha ~·n"5 .. ille, [","

He n .... U.,., i.... Lvon~Fr.. Mo>nro~. Nu l'!'

£ . M"I ~ L111.;.......,.• Spri nghill , IA-n S,

Su .... n K.v MII(t.if".--50Vh., W~I MonTOO!. Sue ",..

l>f-borah An" M.dd,,-t·T., Monroe. Elem t:.J

Chris tuphn 1_ M~ouirk-rr~ W ... t M onrOt:, Mgt

Han) Port e r M"hl" n-----rr. Shr<:""''1' ort , Ll.w I:':n l

Malmda \1 a lma)"-Fr.. Mangham, Gen ::it

ll ... ~rah L"", Mal on l'"---Fr., Calh ou n , E C h £d

H.b.-o.;" a I::h.. al..Mh (l.JaJ.:" ne--Fr. . Bii.>I.Top. p,..... Pharrn

C,n dl' M_nlel'--Fr., MonTOO!, Gen :it

I)nnald A braham Mlln"",ur-Fr., A Icxandria, Bldg Cn n

.\1 .. li"". 1. Manue1--Fr" V'oIl " 1'IIl1le, Pkarm

J.. ~"" Ehzll h..,h Manv----tr., West "onro('~ Spee I::d

1k-1,0.. 10 Kay Marehand--Soph~ Sare pta, Nu ....

Gury G. Mll ro:ij!l..ne-rr., Winn~bum, Will Con

ll",·id t:. Marqulln:lt-Soph., 1",lore'le, Uo,", E"I

So"v,," Allin MarionnclluJ;-"·r.. Monroe, Hldg Con

Jay E. MIlBt'-Fr.• Marrero. P&A S'~

JII"quctyn Mllrlo: M~f":5I_FI .• o..lhi, CoPIP 5e

Sandr.. l ynn Mat!lI_Soph.. lIak,.", NUf":5

Tho /nlll H.ymond Mllf'lIhal1--t"r., ShreY"'pnrl, Bldg (on

Iklore.. VemeU Marlm--Suph., J,.,n.a.. Sp&H Th.,..

Jennv M.rti.-Fr" Monro", Nu",

Karen H.~ n~ M.rlin-Fr., Gay, Nun

Kathy 1-'. Marti.- Fr., L.eetovilk, I-'re. V".

I""wi. J.."t Mlrli.-Fr., Eppe.. Lib Art

T erry TCII.pies Morlin--Soph ., Gre" n~boro , N. Nul'fl

Kathy Lou;"'" Ma rlinl"2o-Fr., Ll.l aye tte, Gov



lul ll. lknis.- Ma rlul_rr.• w~ ... M(>n r,,~ , II t:r!t:I&Tr~ P.. I~r Hulh ML.... ,,>-F,.. l'> lo .. f~. Comp;x· Sutanne Mm .... >,·Iu...o --J•.• J~ I1 "1"I!On, N"" Donna Palm·13 M. ... 'n~al~r •• S liJ"IL ])en\ Hyp: Mall Ma.w<'n.;al~Soph .• fDrm ~n... lk. Hid" (01'1 T eTrif" Jo Malhf"n \,"-S<>ph., ShrcO"f".,orl. JOur

\',,~nla l.... u,y \1arHn-- fr" C,ma rro .. , \. \t.. IjUj AIl,n J"h""nv Malh ..w_t'r.• BGN it" r Cil\', 8u! ."dm Hol>t'rI J. Malh"m..--Jr.. H"I,UT111. Av tud,a.d Clad.. Mal"'Hl_fr., Shn'vq,o'I, WI.. e"" Ada J. ,,{' :-'bllh,..,.· _Fr., Monr,>f". 1M! M~

Hdh Malth ~ ... _ Soph.. \1onrvf, Soc Wk

1I".. n Alic .. M" uh_·_S<.ph.. AI.-..~ ..,In ... t: t: h Ed Timo thy IS:In t,buh•..., _ fr" IJlrm'ntth. .... " b ., -lo y Hradlry W,II •• m Ma)-- .-... Sh k"~ep<>'I , Hu,Jn . 1 .... " 1101" ";,,11 E. May-Jr.• (: .. Iumt,i., Law £n l Hun M.)--Jr., M...ntOo:'. Lib All SI"V<' Ma~Jr., \ .....flilon. I ~"n $ 1

Tammy L M a)--~·r.. Ne_ f lllo n, Arl T eri Ma ri.. Mar-F•., Columbia. (Mdm Ma'j!lt' A. M "yt"u~_Fr_ Mar"~Yllle, In <l Mj(1 1),,1..... 1:.1)· M",y fi..ld--F•., I' ,,,n,, ..., I',, ·. M.~I Caroly" Tol... Maynof'--;"J r.. Wesl Monror , I)~nl 1I ~(t (he rlO'S Mt: Cain_fr.. Wel l Monrot , Gr.n !:J us

IloberlA l.y"" ~ d": p_~p~ .. ~~il,r Cil }. 8u$ & ()£ ,J loh" \1.i chad McClana ha.-Sop h.. MII, \kn. u..... l::nr I)"hbw Ann M,·(lurr--Fr., Wesl M on ' ''~. Ii t:.·JCI&,Tu Uo .. na Maric Md': luro-Jr.. \(IC$I \ 10fl1'OoJ. II E~

The o ldt" r I g ro\~· Ih~ m o r e' I dis l;ust Ihe familiar doctrin e Iha: age brings wisdom. H. L. MENCK£N Cvnl hi . Ann M,:C"11I11-J r., " :'.1<1 Monwr, OT K~nnct h I::d ...a.rei ~kt"" "n ..II--Fr.. \\.',~ M"nTUf". (; .. 1' I:lu~ Shellty J.ro.: M.,CnnI--Fr.. N<,w lbo-rill. 1:: Ch.I~: I .. m ~: .t Carmr" Mar ... M'-(:"fmi,·k_ SoVh.. Cr'......." , Ar~ .. (IT

John Adams ""ld :"lln~ "r ~ t.illro::n. H\I~ ~1~t Con",.. I.)",,, \t,;4.:nO rl_ Stl ph., Winn sboro. n r m rei Hami d l.eslot \t....:Oy--fr., M" nroe, Jo ur Maril yn Am ..l", Md .;o)--"r., Mo nr Ot'. Nu.,. Scolt 'W.. ~k C,,~·-Jr.. Taliullh,l'harm \'rra Opal M ~"": ull od·_rr, Sh "-v,,porl, t)T

C"n)1 A. M,· I)" n 1O'I--J. .. 1.... 1...· l'r"\· i(I ,· "'~ .. O,.\.lm 110-\"11 Ann MI· I)" n io·I--." i"I,h., La ..... I·,,,,·;. k n' ·... N......

I)nirl t.:dwftl"ds MdJa n ll:: l!o-Jr.. Mu"rinp p"rl. t..o~

Jo hn Jelf~ McUonald-Suph., r-.linei~" ..o\ (,~ .

Thorn,", H ~d Mc Oo" ald-J,.. kk IlUm"nI, T tl... I' hllrm

Jimmy U. Md)nugl..-J •.. I' ( r~'\· ill~. Sot· St 1::.1

1)1~· id WillOn Mcf add <,n--Fr.• Shrncport. Med Toch

Oliver WM)"T' '' Md~ Fr., lklhi, 11&1-'1-.:

Belh A,m McC ivern-Fr., Mon'(>f". Pre·tl'harm

Monic" LaHet McGo ugh-F•.• West Monro.:. Sp....· I::d

H.hond" Lyu " M.:Gou(tt-S"ph., Mon._. Mu. Ed/V ...·

t.:onnit S. M,,-Grn_ t"~.• Co la mhia. p."....I.. ..

Ma r!.... J" "'kC.c..-h.,

W~I :'l onr~.

\h·.l T.,d .

la, H. MrG un«>-h., 'Ionro~. A,,\' Ivm M,·(;".,,-r•., "lo>lIf"", Nur~ It.lY M. In"r l'--Jr.• G"I".. lou r~, ttt.. t'1'\' ·I'h.,.n A"Jrt y Ga;1 \kln" ..h----Jr.. Tld lu illh, o.:n( I-h ~ 1)o:b." I;mn Mclo"n-- jt , I>eth'. 011 T,~:h

K3tl aoe rill" -\ nn Mdnl )~";'.ph .. \\'m."bu,,,, O-\dm

Ann " \1 . I\ kKa,,--Sovh., M..,,,....,, 1.),11 1',,,

l)cdt'e \1 " K,,)'-I'... l\1 anj:.haon, Nu r ~

p"Ir'da .~. MdGv-Fr.. A' .. ~ndna , WV

KMy U. lt" Md('n n;· v-.I r.. I\1i,,,I..n, l'harm

H"Y'o,ul) \ ld"'I'<:,_j(" M ii. n ~ t; .. ld , I'h~,m

M~ \ l al1(".--'s" I,h., I\lVII'""" I·'n.,.!'ha.m llN-sit" M. M, \ I illa,r----Sullh .. I'i"n",·r. :\ rt t:.1 Charle~ ,o,kM.ll arr-h ., Hoplu~ G.: n S. t-t.ri. Atll'\lO~tl.· M<.I\l illllo-t'r.• MOl\ ro.:, Nun Cur, Eh lll"'lh ,\kMumurr-h .. Monro C'. Cumr Se 0"'1<,"01, I. "'kNabb-Jr., W"", Mo nr oe. Ac..

H.(>b.-fI J,mt"i

I\hc!'8d K""";n M<:S.... nl'- tr.. L""'Hill.. , ~N' .susMn C.,I McTumtt--b<>ph., \lon rot. ~~ Aanr \1""a~F, .. i\1 "nr<.w~ M"d T ed, C .. en G. 1,1~3dor-Fr .• Hrbul. Ar. Lauroo: Lvnn '1~~ u _~ph .. :,ulphur. Phlrm Hll phad J.l mcs M ~ I~rr .. Mnnrue, Ph lro n


K....lh,'Y 1'I Mcdu- Jr., Jennin~ .-\0:'

uure ;\nnl" M""...._ ). .. 80$0!!irr Cil,.. L>cnl HYK Ita ) mo nd Paul \1clau<Xorr-J r., La k .. lharb Ph,rm Bdh Meh... n-Jr., MOII'"e, Ad U~

t::mile frank Mertnlle. Jr.-Jr.. FranUinlon.l'hum


Kreiter r.lcN'(lillr----50ph .. Monroe; Ilu l/U., Pro lArd Is Merlen--SOph., A'"unurie, Nltr:! Mori lyn Ka~· M ,,~r-Soph_ Oddsl!';, I::d

""nroy H....}' Mi crt--Fr. , Monroe. M£l1 Ton, Heo ~r Milom-Soph" Na.chilochO!!'. CI&Tu K.J~n 1.. O\I01...- r r.. Wes' Mon roe.. Rbd Tech Tlo l're:r.ll Mane Milctdlo.-Jr., 'ton,'C>e. OAd m l>ebr. Ann Mdl er- Fr.. ILllo n Houge. 0.. ProJBu $ GreEo", Allen Miller- Fr.• Balon Houg:e, Pharrn

101U11'; Renee \till" r_ r,., ~i""t MOllrQe, Ace Laiffi H. Miller-f•., Kentwood, "'un lIt an: lJ. Mi1le,....SOph~ Mmrien , Pre-Mer.l 1\1....... 1.. "" ille.- f,., L.tt... ChII,les. Uent HY6 :)eull I_yndon Miller- f ... ]1010"'01';, ASrI.ll..,

ThI';Ie!NI Milne Mliler-Jr.. lah ChiliII';" Pharm

",anca Ann e /Io1il1 et_rr ., P'neville, Ph~ rn Wayn e C. Miln('-jr., F'L Won h, Tell.. I'harm Kim Miho n-Jr., Bahr. Sp& H 1111:. ChriMoph c. 1'.. 1 Mir....-Fr" CovinglO", 0... K.~a Mllchell-t'r.. S ... nlde. Soc WIt Cyn lhia G.il Mo..- So ph., Nillchu .. MiM., Soc SI I::cl


Our deSlin)' t.:hanges with our thought: we shaH become whal ~'e wish 10 bec.:o me, do wha t we ~' i5h to do, ~' h e n o ur habitual lhou~h c.:u rrc· $pond", Yo'ill) \Jul dt::lin:. OKI SO .~

S. MA Jli)EN

1..)Wf't'y IA"('"

M Q. k-.~.pk, rnr.<l.~.

J.....,u. 1"" ,,,,,


Mohl.·~ Fr.,

\I.' lc l Ih" M..... rl)1' . .\,,1 1)..,0.


M,L.. \1 hlq- - J•., M"",,,.>, PhIlIp 11:"'0" Mhhky-- Fr.• KIIl, uur".: . ."" .,. All" " l)"u~I;).. \ ! ,,,·k- f . .. lia.<I.op. II", \1;;1 [,jna P. M"nc r.oI _So "h.. M"oro~ . :"rill!'!' .

h .d 1\ , Mu ... o:....d - Jr.. lI:'ri' Munroe. Ma rk u..-v~rl ~ A. Monn_::>VI'h.. \10'01$1 :IoI ..nrue. ij,,~ \Iik.· ,\ . M.·, nll"'I--.'iu" h.. Monn .... .\,y 1) ... 101"11 \lar" · \1"OI;:ufl... ~ Fr .. G.Wn n, (j.\"lm N.n ,~ (;. \I oo n- h .. F8 rm~r,,'lle. H&f'l: I::d ljeve rly Loui ~ \ loo,,- fl'.. Oo nila, SOL \t.' k

C,..-ol 1-1. \1 •.or......-jr.. Ud,JU, ..·..., An., 1'", - M ,·4Pr~ · U.;,u Cind~ L M""r_ V, ,, M" ... f"Oo", Hus M~

Uvr1ir Mo .. <'1'-~"'f'h. , M,,,,,,,,!. At'!"

I...wt K. Mouf"CI- Fr., Shrc..epo n. 1'&.\,5.'

Nan cy Ann M uor~-'').->\.Ih .. \l unrue. O"dm

Ricky M........--J r.• 11!III"j'dd. lhl P."

Kube" W.. l<Iun M uor~-.s.., l'h .. Min •.k..... I'~·M«I S hlfl .. y Jell" Moo<'l'- Fr.. Monroe.. Spef"" i::,j Laurll lie nor Mo",la.nd-J r.• r~n-'da". Rad T ...·h C• •b I). .. ... MD'1la.-Fr.• Cl'QW I~. Nun. Cyn.hi. McuIlHI_t'r.. Chio;:ogo, Ill.. Au St"" T r Eme Mar M nr~ .- fT., LiHiro p. Elem Ed

K.rt.n V"fin~ \ l o"':3.n--Jr.• I.... a, I'~~"(.'"

Ni.·h.,Ia.~ ChMlu ·\ l o'J"n--Sollh.. ~hn'''t'l'<>r,- A" r

Caro.l J.n~ MQrr_ Jr.. FllrmeJ"Y;IIe. 11.0 Ed

\)(I ooa ~u .. Mor~Jo ., V,o:UOOr;. >1i~.. In l l,).,~

JIm Mno r~JI .. HoM.' ''. PhII'm

Jonalhln L. M..m l.lo--l-·r., hrno ..r..OIk. A"

f u, l..an g

\I OfTi_ t·r.. b"har., I'harm

I.e;!:"h Mum~.- r, .. Choutlr~nl , ....u Sol .." Tr

IJ.eY~rly Ju ne Mwet-!)o\.lh., N....·.. lh"n. ~p&l1 TI~r

j uu";e Lynn Mo.h.,nlv&ush-Jr.. W(\<oI. Mo nrOo:". CO"

San,lra Jo M ot. -~n l'h .. f'"lInd... CI&TO'~

/-.-lar;. M" rr_h .. 1'()II h:itaIQu l;.,



J ",,, ~

(M..!&l. T c ni~

MOll Or-Soph., New Orle:lll>-, SiX'~ Ell

1:I,.,od. Sue Mo)---Sof'I... \Ionroe. OM",

MtI<'UO',or-Fr.• 11.'", MQn ro<". JDUr

1"1';\';. An" Muu d-... .... ph .. ~1"Op. H.. ,-'l)ul 1'1\>

\-I" .u <:,1.h.·;\i",· Mu,.. h._F . .. lIu,~ ..., t;,-n 5 .

Ito""'" l::d ....... "d Moup hr-Fr.. W.,~ Monro .., t;('.ol

l i l ll

Vi CtOI1. G.~ Mu' phr-Jr,. \)(IdilOu . So.' Wk

P...I Vi"5<ln /-.-h.,,_t',.. ltin@8DId. MaTI.; Knnn'.. I.. \iveD-fr., Huughlon. Men T ed. Tr.rrv Mn ..-Fr.. Ha ughl ofl . EI.,,,, ul JaJ'd, l.)al(' M y"d.-~·r ,. Sh,.,.·,., port. UAdm Ai>,n WuynO' N.po leo.-J,.: Mu"r".., 5DC S.

jU,"1:6 Hay N-.qu i.-Soph.. Ki"d.,r. l',.e.. l'hum lJf't'nd. Fl ye Nul_Soph.• Lak.., Chllrle!', Sp&H Ther I'umel. M«:hcll N,.h-t·r., Monroe., M.. ~ t:d Ten:sa jun N...I-Fr., HMu"Op. Ott Tech Mirv t:liubcth N~ ':-ft .. "IUllndru.. Ph.,m sh,.,itry U. N.,jD~ph .. Dullie. La..· Luf


t:l1a '\13 ~ Nall_ fr .. MD" f ha .... ~ \.:dT,· , ·h Mid...d S' t'ven \ ,·.I--r •., M.",.o('. II ..~ · ·." .~II Gai l ,al--:;"..h.. U.:." " n. v n Ilu , Halrilth HM·h .,.,II/'-F•., r"r..... n ·ilk.l:!kl(l, Con T ~rr.. , ,· ~h h.. r4--F•. , ttl" n, ,,,·. Ij,, ~ Ml't I kn ~ I."" /If,·l<.>,__ F... l .al. .. I:!."rt"", 11.,1 T, ~ h


~.u N~ L..."_S... ph ,,

M... ",~. Span

Tara L~''''' ~ Nd!oO n-~ l'h .. Ualo" Iloup-, U .:,.. W I) n .· N ,·I~" n--Fr.. ~ t.>n r.. ~, VOl M u~ 1:: <1 Ja mt'::' Clark "\Nr~" . Jr.-F... .\Ionr...,. 1,;.. ,,1 1.i~3 1.. 't·lll.,_F, .. .\ I ' . "n ~. \),\<10'1' llu nno Mo"'" N,·..·III.·rfl;- :x.p h.. M.. nr""" Oil T,·,'h

J.m.... 11....ard Nl....·' ~ 'rnl _ F, ~ .·ra nt. IIn. I·... ·~I~ d l).. h.II Ka, Nt"\II·k"l-j, .. M<)nf(l<', I) ", ,, . H y~ I.3IW u..nlon Nr .. noa n--Jr.. W"", \t" 'lro~. "-,, !:>,. B(,,' Oli v" . " ...... "'.n>-Jr.. W ~, ) 1111......... 1',,1 ~ 1(,,,,, .-\J,,,n Nr .. ... ' rfI' _j r.. !.k.,...i... G. ~ . Il·TV MII(I K.. " l N,t- Ir.. Hunr;K .. np.. I'h• •m

\!,o .'

r l ar~",-,,·

1l,· I"" ' JI


l:. N.d ,,,I,, J •.- Fr., S prin,l h.ll. IJI".,: l 'u•• U ... ,ni~ 1(0), Ni,J... ,b<.--i'r .. M UII'o,'••~ " W ' n n~I ".", .•. U,I!:: I!'n. 1::.1

N,(,h"l_ J . ..

Kin. E ' ,,,l.la.--f... M",..",.. In, I)" I.Ir"n.1. '- ' id;WI'>- t"r" MlJ nm.-. ~, ~: hl !:: l" ," 1::.1 J"rrr W""" ,, \ i ~ I "",,-Jf.. Delill. I' , ... M.,,]

Kn.u.. L.... n Ni1<Stn- Jr., Shr"".,......... St... \t' k

Ci n<ll' Il ~ n ~ Ni1l--F r., F"rm" ni!le. /\~. 1:: ..01 Nud - S"ph.. Do naklsunvill.·. II 1::" Ed C... ul II. No la nd-Soph.. W.,.. , M" n",.,. Su.'

Wh en I was yC)l lfi g I o b­ served lhal nine .){J I or every le ll Ih ings [ did we re la ilu res, ~ I did len I im es more ~ o rk ,

GEORGE HE IlJ'l ARI) SHA W 1' 3mortG 'ii ula n-Ft. , :'tar' , I'r ....\ I«I

Uod Nula"'.!--Jr.. \1;' """ Mum" ... Ml r!.

l!u!II!eU S"'phe n Nvle.-rr.. " .. nsl.dd. md,l Cun

Je lfr.-y H. Nnldy\<. e--Jr., Mo" . ..... .o\t- .,

Shen Norman- Jr., Ale ....ndtiA, 0 1( T~\: " lan;"'t Mp ri.. ''IIor n..... <l--50\,o.. Mnbv,lle. Me<l T~ d, S,..ph.... 'II . -'ot'lJl'>- f r.. ~:l ;n lk" lin" . 1'''3rn, Kit.hy M. Nu v al_ ~ r .. Munroe. 6.. n' H ~~ I>" ul. Lor~~ Nu ;::..nl--j r.. 1 'i" .,~'iI"'- s.... I::.d M~I'V Ch""t>dt> Nunn"U 'o'-S"ph.. 1:I.~ 'r"p, An ::),

JoVt:e .., " " Odenhllugh--Jr.. U.,'rop, i\1.1h


Mel ba F, O@;den- Jr.. Jen •• Nu .. (.,h)· I)..., Ogett-Jr" S ulphur. lJ en. H l'~ G a ~' ScOIi Oglesbee-fr.. Wesl Mon . ..... (A n S. w.n.\:e IUK ph O li nd6-Fr.. Mon roe. ~_""• •m J... y l.'e Hliver-Su ph., C!1ly!Oll, Sp&H The.

M3'" L Ol j.,·er-jr" Welilh, Nu..

Nathan t::dgu Oti,·e_Jr.. Wisn er, Gen S .

Haymond (hark-! OI.yon-Fr.. Mo nr "." (;', v

l'elcr ·\ t oah O' Neal-Fr., l3u c\: e..·..~ Ap-i.llt..

Y (olinc Lou..", Uu~Ia- Fr .. Z..o lle. J\,,1'lI

Angie K. O' Pry-Soph.. Mvn.oe, H t::,.


All".. I'.. ul (lrcl ,,~n..-fr .• Tllibli< lau", !'I,no' I:::la;n M. (J,,J,,:,,·n.--Fr.• 1 .lIr,,~ , I'h Mrm \or.,un";a e.,[ Urvhe)- r r" Lal.. Cha rl.. ~ \u~ AnSd:> Hun.", Orr-rr.. C r... >Il<:It••"'~ .. Vr".\o~ 1 Mark lllp-e,'" O~I .... m- rr . ~: hQI'~lh. I'herm U""i"., (h.,:.r-t'r.. \h~ M...nr....·. lUI 1),'$

San.lr. Ka.v O ll.·hl.., t'r.. 'III.",. M...n",.., :x.~ Wl K.. 'h~· ....... n 0"" '0_:-"'1.11 .. W,~ M... o.....", Nun II." """" l)ill..,...1 O .. "n~ jr. -F. " Luk .. I'n....·i,j"""". UIoI j,: t :uo ~uSOl" Gail OW"n~ Fr" w"'... M,m ..,", II 1::,. 1:::<1 EI.lnd f ,· W, ~I0-~ I"H·.-Fr.. !>IIIorI. C... IOII!>c Itall'h T. I' uj<<,,-Fr , Shr'·" "I>orI . Pbll'OI

Will Oll tn F 1'lOf.- rr.• (\.I ..."r..... 1'... ·. I,JIw

Ihv,d I. I' ain ,·. Jr..- h .. \1'·flY",1I.·. I'hllrrn II",,;,. 0\13.· I'.. ,l '·f'-~ r .. O.l H"~,,. OA-Am M ...... 1.. ,ui"..l'u~ .. r-J,.. l' i".. lJlurt ,\.k... 1..lI" t ... 1 M,ld,,,.I .... n .. Parl .. r-!oo'l'h.. \t· ~"'rl'C<""" Il~l,n Kob;" Ui;u, .. /·.rk.·,-Jr.. t:ro>o"jlk. !).. t: ,l

Tem U ~" i "., I '. r~ .. r-j r.. Shl"t".u"un. , 'hun " 'W,w"'n M. I'ark.r.r- Jr. , M"n r" .. , I' r,·.\1.. ,j S u";'n I .e.. Park<:rl<oufl-- t'r.. Cr"";s<'·ll. . \1nlh Mic hael Hiram I'a.rk ....... ~r .• W"", ~Lx..ru. l:Iu~


Th e basie fa eL of loday is th e Ireme ndous pace of c hange in human life.

ANONYMOUS Palon Uavid.l'ar k_ Fr.. \lon l'O<:. G.:: n Sl Chrisly I'amdl-Fr., We$!. MunrOf', UUf L ,I

.sandr~ Aonello: l'all.·t"S(uo-Fr.. ~U ll~arl. Arl . Cum,, !;.; l:h>nn a .s,, ~ I'allvrt-- ..... M"n.uc, O."dm

T ummy l'allo n--j ,., 1'.. r1 AII,· n. PI~ fln W;on.la U. Pall .~Jr.. Udhi. ~..d " ,... .s. ",,' nt·k~Fr .• Uos~ .... e.ly. 101 ... $ ,:d

"a.,·" \;J3t'<. 1'3ul--rr_ !'in,·,·ille. uT Thou..... -\. " aul-Jr., J"OII, InSoStH t:: Limb Uarnell Paull_ F •., St.rk s. Ph Jour

~usie 1'8~"h-Jr..

Sh..... vq )u r1. I)"nl H ~'jt Su~y pa}n......-J<.. W"", Mun n...... ,''0 T.:resa N,n p""J"(·.~s..ph .• "ll.Inolo.. , Ark... !.)enl Hy;!. Terry Kenneth I'"....... J>-Fr.• Mun"""" BidS Lon ClOdy )" " ..11 Pt:lIvy-- Fr.. ldsvillo:, L.ib Arl J.mes But Pca~~fr. , Mon .. ut. Fir'!

....tarpm C""I.. l'ell<l!:ri'-&ph., Il oun,l., o\I."I ·r ....·h n .vw{ Thorn ... Pemhcrtlln--Souh.. H.. }n~v~lc . IIld.. Con Le... i... Jefit n ' t'"nMloo--r r ......'''.., nd" ... Ph ) "UI ~liub(:lh U~"'n PenlQrt-- rr.. Sul phur. La.. lnl Sharon l:l izabe lli t' fnlon-Fr.. Winn ibo ro. OAdm Ui.n~ Ben.,.. '·~ppe~Jr. , J ~n ..: Venr Hy@;

C.rol P~mi c i--Jr.• Shreveport, "hMrm David Kei(h P~rol--Fr .. Shreve port, Phllrm [velyn Le. Pde~Jr .. Mon ror., S p~e Ld SLe"hanie t'ele........ Fr., Wal erpr oof. Gen St V'dci Lynn Pdenert--Soph., Slidr.l ~ Pr.,.[·hlIll1 EliJ.8belh J. Pclr.noOrt--Jr.. We~ ....lontoe. MU$ ui/VOo' U/.UU-Il

Lynn l::ll~n l'e,eJ'SO, _Jr., Has'rop. 1-1&1'1::

Kan,JlIli I:: Peuis-Soph.. Ha."'-w.... Jour

l'ell~Soph .• Kilboume. Nut'!'

Jan~1 " ('v~k, ......>o'dUlloula, Pharm

Cath~ J. Phillip_ Fr , Mobile. AI"., H&Pf.,lSran

\1a')' E~~I~"e .... hi\l,~rr .. Alna.ltir ia, H&+'£

Su'!ll" Ll'n..ll!'

Sheroly" Hac Ph,lpot- Soph.• Honiu" ~:rl

Pamela Kar Pi"ken_Fr.. SlIIn. OAdm

,.131') Ann Pidcelt-rr , Mf)nrUf, llem ~Ji

Li~" Btll, Pie."....-J •., Sh. ev"pnrl, ~UI~

11Ie,,,,,,,,, .>,nn I', ero ni--Soph. , Lakf Villa~", .!uk.. "harm

(k/.Jra Ann l'ieryo,_Jr.. Morflan C ,, ~. ""arm

( harl~~

L. p,]'·her-Soph.. Mo nrue. G~n 51

Pinnow, )c.-Soph., J)ow,, ~v ill~ , Elem £0.4

Jo hn Uudl.-I' I' ipes_¥r.. :l,1on.oe. (rim J..,.

....a'rkill ~usan Pillman--r., M"uroe. Hi~L



Billr Jue Piu_Fr., Monroe, H&pr. Brend a K,,} Plll~-fr.. Wi"n tOoro, Jf)Uf O. rrell H.o~' I-'iL lfl r---Jr., Sulphur. Chern Jal'll~ )",an k Pino l~II~Fr.. Hou ma, H&PE

A"" .. illa C. l' lau-rr., Monr oe. Elem [,.d

T . ....1.11--501>11., I,.a\..e Charlet . Mu!> £.:1

J. Plunk-Jr., ~.~ Monroe, Oenl Hyg

Thcrf"!.3 M ar i~ Pohls01~f) ph.. Mo nroe, "inrs

Mark O. Pnlilz-Supl,., SIHevrp<:'rt, Bu& "elm

I> e~p;y Gayl.. l'uul('-Soph., .Ionl'O'viBe, Alf 51.,,,, Tr



Syh';" J'aye Pool~5oph., Jena, Pre-La...

Ann PopalJ...-!>oph .. Aleundr"'" Ac~

Mbrk E. Porl(:r_rr ~ Shreveport, Mgl

T~rcsa H e,,~ .... orler-~· r .. Winnsboro, Soc

LaOa, rla M. rI~n" Po,..,.-Jr.. .lena, EI ~m f.d

Coaai~ Annt' PoIL..-t'r.. Colfax, Soc Wi<


Con n ie Jea n Powell-Svpn.. W;n"3boro, A.=

IJenn} 1,I,'a)n e po .... ell-Fr" Springhlll, Soc Wk

Joy"e u.nell Puo-tU--So ph.. Wian~boro. E\em J::d

Linda Po... ell-F..., Winn ~boro. H EeJt..'l&Tu

loha )loyd Po... ell-Fr.. Munro.:., E,,"'n Ed

Rt:'()"ey L Powell-Soph.• Mom"", Ace

Sharo n EliN!

PrcFa~"". ,

.....ke Chub., Ph&rm

L PrevoaJI-Jr.. Co lumbia., Sp&H Ther Cvnlhi. Den~ pf'('~o~}'r., Oak Grove, Ge... Bus laUTH



(;raig It P re- i!-Jr., Uorg~r. Tt'.A., Cen 5 , Gail l'lie.,.........F•.• Shreveport, S~ Ed John p,,("('--t·r., t·.rnl(:1"Yille, Law En r

Neoo'lon l'rincehoutC. JlI-Jr., Shreveport, Bu, Adm Jana K. Prol hro--J.'r .. Shrcveport. (';.en St B-enny h-..oden--t' r., Monroe, COnlP Soc Ocani.. M. J>nukn--Fr., Monroe, Gcn 51 Phillip W. Purvi,-Fr.• Wesl Mon roe. llenl Ed Pauid a Ann PU!IIIlcri--Jr., ~·"*"klin. P ...... n'

.'lathing changes more constantly than Ihe past; for the paM thal in­ flu e nces our lives do es n ol co nsist of what ac· lually happe ned, bUl of whal me n beHe ve hap­ pene d. G£RA LDW.


n.·".· !'y."n-F." f,I " .. "'.... O-\,Im

,\ . Io-I>n \· S"l'hi_ Qull_F<.. n ..k 1! " I~y.!:I< .. WI.;

I" .,.... Q:-.; () ullrI, _F." J,,".. ~I.o'>T'" t"·,, ~

'1'"" I). <,)" ",,_F. .. H ;n ~oltl, J"u.

11"rI, 1.(1." ..' Il ..hl.-- I f ., "110"''''1'''1 '. I'\'", m

It,,·hflr.! H" I..-rI R~h ""-~"I,h .... 1,ro ... ,·!'.. r1. I'r, .1)"


p.. "lia I.,'n" H.... "'r-J•.. o\1" n...,·. ''''''

Hobt r1 ]j. Haln~"'" H ou~I" on. I' re-I'h n.."

:ih"' r; I. Hnim.'Alf;r_Jr., Haker, , ' Ul'l'

Sharon llcni se Hll mse j-Soph.. H. u{:h lon, (1 .\(1 ...

",'. [)eal' Ram'lol.- y-- Fr., Mo nr <>\". G" n ~

eh..... H.. noillll-Jr., Alnandri ... Ph...",

I ),wi,1 B an,I"I- ~·r .. \l ..,,,,,,., (;r,,,, J.. ~

H"·I,,,nl ('10"" It" " .",,-~' •. 0 11... 11"• •\,J",

I)",nn~ t<.a.-, 11<11..1,11-:'--'1,1•., h ·... k l~,· . Ha,I;:!,·) t:,'r.I,( 1(a_ F, .. ;-,.1"'"" "1'''1'1. I,,·



I•..,,,,... t:III" I<'.. 11a,_ ~ ,,, 1\"" ' ''1', ,.,. ...,

H.,i ..·.. ,\11"11 H o!~Jr .. Jell;o, 1'1.Il.n,

Li"" HI)·I-h .. im-I"', (;ih . ~ " St

Uonn o Glil H.~",on (l- h.. liaelrop, t)"' dm

C",.hia lI, H.';"n-J•., S h. eY~r()r1. r</ul'$

l)~bh i'" Ann H'colgan-So ph. WeM Mo nro... N.. ,.,

:> 3mll .. III~ .1)' H'''-j(w_ Jr., \\'",,, ~h...... , (;",,1

(,. h.. rI~ ,\-'illiam H erld ~ .-f •. , V.· ~I o\1l1tl.OE', Go\'

I::wl,~, I _"u i .~ H(·rld,n f,- tr.. JII' L.....,. Mi ..... M~d T,·,·I.

Joon ~:. H..d,l,....-fr.. 11.- .. <1 I\l"nn '~, M,,' ~:' I

Ci ngt·' It H , ~, I- rr.. 1'01'111'''''. 1:: 1,'''' Ed

Shamn I),M " II,.,·I-F•.. tl-a..<lr"\,, 1t & 1'~_

l'h itliv n .."oJ H",·v" _~,,,t'h ., ,.h r, ..". ~ i n

Phil,1' I""'" a''' H,·ilan. l. Ir._~·, , Sh. n '·I1"" . I',,·.I. A'"

Ua",,4 ::i. \! ,·hl... I-:';'I' Io .. I ~ , ..." ·",, ' :" "", 111. 11,,";1)(11 I,.,." I)~ ~ ," J. 1{.'k~'., I--."'I" I,h .. I>""",·", Cr"".·. III. II"'~ \ ""

1\I·tI. Ell.." I(,·"h,,_ r • . M' ,nn,,', 0 ·\,100

Ca.hy 1)o3nn ,· H"IlI, ,,_~ r. J.." ... ~ ,II, ., J"o.

£"en.. 3(; lion of our lives IOU"h e-s on somt: c hord .ha l will vibrale in I::ter­

nily . [UWI ,~


CHAPIN .-)a"d•.o H~pp.""I-F • . MuTt;" ,. 11101;.0; e""

1.A",m, H I""J,._~r.. U• .• I'''\I, !;, ,, SI

~l)'rtl" H. HI,,-I.o-::'o l' h.. W\l-Ih"r. 1:1.,,,, 1:,1

EI .....I..·II, I. 1ti"hHr,I-~" p h. 1"",.. 1U "''''''I , bl


C. 1{...I'a«I- Fr.• 1';1" "" 0(', \ ' "k Uwh. "I-t'r.• M,,,,,, ••·. 1'& .4. !"

\it'IY.n F"~ "'r" k lI,charrl_S"ph., 11" 1" ,, I{"'''F-''' \la.\" L~nn I(... haut"",.-Fr.. Olt... 1'.",1., ..

P;oln,:ia -'nn t!" ·"ar.v..,,_ I". .. fa l;.".",·. I, ,. n IJ,,'

St.-\·~ " C. H"("h.,,I....,.-J•., 0 11.. , ~ li= t

I >~\n(·,.;\.

I:.li~abc.b Ann Hi chey--."in ph.. O"kcJ~h,·. Elm. t::d Ca. hy Dian n" H'.·b - Fr.. 1I~ . rup. OAd, ,, g.. 11 ~ H. lIipb),--F,., \,;. Ih o un , C en SI yalr;.:..... Sue Hil~SOp h .• Springhill. ~r"n J... nnt A-ta.i. HUl a... do--lr.. ShT'C;vt port. ~I o rl S hamn Min.. Hinchu_f r,. Shrevtpo rl. In. Oe,


l'I......ant 11 111. :-'k.ll·I~ '" Shr~ ....,..,rt, .\ Ittl jN"r, .\Ia" IlJlch,.-...-Su..,h., \li"d",n. I...t .. Vo l Sh",m I.~"n Bilr hi...---Jr., :,hror-H I-'O" ..",ir SIC-W T. l)door9h ilulh ItJu<_Jr., Mr,"rOC'. 1..1. ,\.1 Charhe Pa ul /("ad_rr.. Wi~n .. r. rift ll.: oo. Ila,,1..

l).. I..,ruh

1.~ l>n H , ,,~Ia,,.I--Fr ..

Chari,·.• It lIi,..,r- F•..

Dooo. l.ynn Roa.I<._.Lr.• Dc- II ... t: ChJ l:.I ~n' I::d Ah·, .,. U""r k- So~ ., \\'tst 1\1 """.... .\ 1.. .1 T..d, I.,m... W. H•.d",rson- Jr . Ha!vil l... C.·" ::'1 Ho bb~' Ho b.:NOn--rr.. Shr~v(po ". N tH'h Ca th c ri" .. n~,,~ .. K.. berb-Jr. . Oll.l. Nt..., 1Jt.",.,lr,;l, H. R,oIJc.l..- fr.. \I"n roc. Air Sic-.. Tr


l :lIf'I' Kv l,..," _~pl!. , Mon.or. p.... I...t ..

I.ydia Mmi .. K o~rtr-"'r.• N.... Sa'I' Y. I'harm

Pln,cla Ho,", It...be ~!:''' Vh .• L.: cl'f iJl~, Gc:" 51

1'"I....:i. Ndl Kohr-r1_F••, .\ltG, Pre "'hyT h..,

jBm c, K.. h ~t1soo , h .- h. , \'"n<:halvula... " haron

John I'th,k Ilvkrt.." ,,_"'.• UvSllI'l' <';'1),. 1.a .. t.:n(

I'au la Janr. Hob.,rb"n--Fr., j" nC"',II", ~rr

W.ll ia m Oren Hul.....-uGfI- jr.. &Oill, Soc St

11(,,, ,,,. \101irie Ho hio!oO,_Sopl•., JGou born. I::lem E,I

I~rry Uon Ko h; n~.-",- Fr .• lwutrop, H...d Tcd.

1.,;la Jcan Hnh inwIl--Jr., W r.f.I Monr,, ~, Soc Wk

\"i kki J ~~e H..,h,own--Fr.. -\'''"'0(:. t'r.,.t... ..

Shn« l.£.nore Hnh"'$On-- rr.. & Slro", Au'

Ther"'B Bh;>f Kol"nJOIl--Jr., 1.1It1f Rod,... Alk., Uld;; Cun

JoAn n Kuh'''':)J~l-'h .. U.I<. Gro.-.=, NUI"$

Charlo:!! MIl'had Kolo),-JI., YLlooCi,), Mis.... Pharm

!.k'·crly Iu'I n H"d)f"H-fr.. M.I.n!ficld. tJ.u Ad,...

Allen U~~' KodgeD-fr., Wlnns!.oro, P,e·I't11!li

D elhi. Kay H«IgeI"9- Fr.. B....IIO.., Cu mm Ar,

f eln Samu",' Rol and-F,.• P'inn·~l e. t;en 5.

Ci"ny Louin Hodge.--Fr.. Well Mon ......., OAd m

J..hn Blr.rnc} Hocigen;.-Sop h., &il ru p. Pre· L.,. ..

1>:O."id 1::. H o~t"I"!!--!:i opl •. , rarrnervill~. ~Id g eU"

Crad r Ito~er.t, J•.-&."h.. Qui.mlfl, Gen Un.

Lintl" Camill .. H"le.-Suph.• Sprin ghill, Nur'8 Lvnclte It Holland-Soph., New Of l un~ . Psych Glenn Spurg-eo" K"$Coe--Jr.. Mon roe, & . K ;lr", [). KOlI(:Oe-Soph .. l\olo "ro ~ , Hort K.,,,n S. Ho:oe- Jr .. r.lonroe. Soo: SI Ed Ste~'en Allen H08hIIl--Fr.. Tiog.... La.. I::flr

J ohn It Hou-h.. Mon.~ Bn.

On ly Ann K_ _ Fr~ 5h~'1Iort. Nurs

Willia m Je",luon H..;oelle-- Fr.. Shn:"'''pol"l. Hldg ton

Thomll~ M. Ro.. eo-So ph .• HoMie r Cily, pt'lr".

t:. rry Unit! Huw land-Jr., Sh reveport, K.n' MS'­

Jim.", A. Ho .. I..... rl--J r., Jenning... Ac (

h ..,,· .J. H,,),- Jr . ~l"nr ".·. Ilu~

S"I,h i,' lid .." lI...r-'-;"ph., 1\1",1(\".. 11-\•., E.I

"," ....,.1. I II"" k $,,,\.I--~ r.. l~ah'" H.. ,,~·. 1'10_""

r r"" ' : rd' .... ." H... _ S"ph.. :"I" n1 8 ~ ,'. N \"l, CUtliP So­ , CI",' Su,' Hu ll_ f •.. 5 Ii,lI·n. £1\": ~:. I

Slou, .... I\u;..:::.- J . .. :"I1o "1 lil1): I'''', 1'10. ,,,,

Ha rv'" H.....d l-- h .. M,,,,,..,,·. lJal I'", M'. ·h,.·1Hay H<»><·II--J." """In,.., nal P,,, «.,Iwn . ;1,·.. IIV.!'!.. ~t'f . W..~I IU,I" \.... 1 ( .11 1.) MOl, ... 1I,,_ _ Jr., Sh ..... ~~· "..rI . !.kill ., ,, Hull ... rl..r,I--')o'I,I." Shr"~"V"' I . \ I .. ~ E ,l 1'. '''''1. 5. Ku,k.I;:r--F,.• '-1" nn,.. , I 'r... \I ,~I



Maro l"n J. Hva,_ h .. 11-1 ... "1'<1' " E k m'~ II"" 1:::" (:hri~ y ~a . lonun- h .. \\" '<1 M"nr' ... . \1 ... E,I ""U!ll~. Farl'\·tl ~ .. Ih·r-Jr.. W"N Monr",·. IIMf!. CIOn I: lw"'1 An'" SII, n V'.t!" a ••_ I',. r-.l'>llr, ,,·, I'har m T.·•• ·~3 A. s..mp"I'" a,,, _ F.,, \I.."'..... Nu". F,,,,,!.. T . ~G' ''i>' ';Hla r. _~''p!t. . M."'...... HI,IF C"n

«"lhi.· An" ~" nll "" "_~ ·' I) h .. M.,,, ,,..·, J"UI

HI." """ 1. :-'~",I,· I\--I'r , M"" I.·... I)~ I I',..

,\ u;<' M...· Sa'"I ... .-~u l'l ~ . T,a,, ~yl\'on;a. 1o-b,h E. I

s."tI,·,...-J, . Tr:on~yl~ .... " .. " Fro II.."

Ull hll,d Ihk ;,an' k .......l - Jr , M."u ...·. 1.aw Enl

I('~" r \"'.• ~...... . ~ • •"I<·Nl,_ J . .. \\" '-1 M" n" .. . C · .. t: ~


o.'" na Stlnl .. " I-- ~ , .. \\' '''1 Mv.II'.... At>

r-.1 Yl"lh ..." 1" ,;, San' all _ F•. , Ih ,!lr" p. {)Ad",

Ku h,·nnt· M. S"lwi,·r- Jr.. o\J ,·~n, I,,,, . 1)"111 lI y~

/1" '11,1.. h y.· Sa ul ~ I,, · rl)-S"I't.. . Q"'hlln ... II&I'~.

IJdl<'",h Kav Sa~~.~J T. 1I11~l r" I" UI.I/( C"n

."'u""" S"'· r< ~F ... M"n",,·. An '

K ~v

Hi.u ."nn S,:ll lia-S" pt... \1 .... ....., 'u'"

t~ ...lyn E. S.· hank ~S. ,l'h .. \1 ,.., ,, ..... " •.•

Thy,1 ~:ha,I -S"I'I\, r-.h ,nr' .... IJ .....

J, ...I, A,," S.·h,.... -t',..

I ,\·~ ' ..II.·.


I.h E.I

.... ha~"n S. ·hn" .Y' I"~" I,h .• loG!..,' Charl,·.. (o1 <c<1 Anlt;,· :-, ·h~ "n ... I'·r-."")Vh., IA" , " nl'" '' t.1 ~ ,,, ~: .I

11" " 111" S.·hl"u l ........Fr., I .." .....ill,·. I ..... ~." I

!;arl....... t:. lh,·ron .. Sc·hmklt- ' ·r" \lo ""t 'l"nr......

Life affords no high er plea5urt! th~n (hOlt 01 s urm ounting ddlic ulli es , pa ss ing from on e !=.te p of s uccess to anolher, form ing n e \~ ",i.:shes and ;:,et"ing Ih t!1n g ratified.


."11,,," :,,:hmitil ,

tmnl.. 1),.(,1.... .


h·. _~,ph .,

\\' ..... Seh.fI,U l .. h..-. Fr.. '{ "n,v<\


1:" ",1' S,

(01..,",.,.... \,; rn



Ja,,'" (:Ia;r,' ::;'·hvlllarl"·r-F. ,, ::. h..... ' r por., OAdm

.Ia<cqu ,·I;n,· 1. S...hr... -k- J r" Oa t.. C' ''''e, 1\ unto

Jarn." I1null,·y !kh"" l:_ rr.. Oa k I ; rv '·~' ..I,d IJ ....

Ca,h~ " . S,·h,,·aru.--J,.. K,..n'''ood, 1\UTll

F'an.·;, So;h...art.>.. nhurlt-Jr.• u s, Ik-.lin. G"m>a ny. l'harl1.

(.::...,1 F.yr S... 'U ;n.....--..f " (I~ k Grv ...·_ £1..,,, 1::"

B..... nd~ S.·"u-So...h., H.~.. ilh:·. Nu,*

Do nnfll Mar... s.vU-"-r., Houma. Au S~ f'W Tr

Mr l. n;,· AI'"I s. '(I' l~Sorh" Monro... S", WI..

Mit.. .. S,;"II-t' r" '''f.... n(lriL <':""'11 5,:

Heh ~~,: . 50\:011-"'_, Mo nru .. , I'ha,rn HllOnda C4Y~ St'<lu_ Fr.. t.:r()... I ~v, Sp,~ t:d T .. mnlie l]i1~h.-th S(,.. tI_;;"'III~"T"lIulal~ ,\c..­ 1..0.\.11 Mllroa St.\--J r.. !) hn- V",1<1t1. '\u""

Lin,J. K.y Sc_;,JrI1$~kk .. r-rr" Sh'I"\" 'I•• ,r l. M... I l"~' h

l)urn 1. s.-@(rtJl.--Soph., 1\11111'''''. Nu r.

Shar"n 1)..11"" ~.·u- rr.. Z,,"(\,·. 1\, • K..II, It.·.. l·.· ~·II.·~ph .. N.·", (I,-I.·an .., U"," ,\,l ln B•• rllar.. kan S,·'nll........-... .. M,n,I<' II. :,.." WL l)a,..,·I·1 S" " , -S,'I,h.• \I.. nr...... 11& I' l I ).", ~n lhon ' :,.· .1.........-..... N,·.. Or"'lI " ~, l'I. ;Ior m t:II1'1). I..·, ~ ....·dl--.,...pl,.. Sh·rI;"~I"". l'r... I'II.roll

W,·n.t.·11 ~"" .· II- h .. \i"" ..... ·. ~ h~lh & .1 ..... J,'"'' ~·'· II,,>u.-Jf .. ! ~>01""I'. I.h '\n "n" a \1 ... ;.· Shan" ,,, _l r .. 'W''''I .... Iu'm'... l'lU ,," Sh,·,ja :'1'3"n'''I-- F• . \\· .,,1 M"".o'·. Nu ... l .. rl Va n :--loa'l _S"I'I,., 1\·1"".....·, 110" A.lm

1:..I,,·n 1-",1..·a••1 ':)I' n p--Jr.•

~IHlin(."1 .. n.

t;... 1

l lo,·" ..... \tan..

~h~ q_F.... F. "n,·,... ,II.,. 1.,1> .4. 11

.:'In,han... -Sh,·II'_ Jr.. S h.,·....'I".rI . N ,, ~

\1. ·Ii".I .. II,,, ...· ')1I.·II"......-Jr.. ~1u. · ,· '·I ....rl. J"u'

\Vilhan> \,·1.,,,, ~1"'l'h, .,I--r• . I... L. I'r""i.I.·" ,·,·. 4. J(I;·lI lH

l'lnll'l' Sh'·I'~"I--S"' l'h .. G<"n 11..., .


M"""" .

:-,u.... " ",n" ::,h"I'I"' " - J,,, Sl" ' '''' ·I""I. O:\ \11fl

!lallII'l l'. ~1 1l·n,b,_S"l'h .. S, r. , .....<.., N. , ' .• Il lclt:. C,," !).,,,tln Ilal.· ~h ("'''\~'I-- ~' .. MUll"" " , S,' '1'1,,·. Ja ........ \lid,.. d Shi.·I"'$--k . " " '$1 1\1"........ 1,,,1 MJ( I 1Y,,·n 'ta"" .. ·" 'I1"" .-:oj.' I,h., jb....,Ia , Arl.... ( h ... "

The glOl)' 01 Ihf' nalio n res l;:; in Ih e charader of ht:r lTlt-ln. And eharacl(:T'

boyho od . boy· IS Ii c h allange h. hi!> ddt:: rs. ANONYMOUS

com es Jr OlTl Thu5 eve ry 1.,,,,1:0 . ...il "J.i!J,_ Fr.. M...,,, ..·. ,\It ........ T, (:"11,, I.vnn :-'h, v"r_Fr., W"~I M,Jn " "', OAd." '1ar"~;"1 .\. "Ih ..,,'.._ Fr., i\t.:C\' I~ ·. " -\rll., IIi" \\,~J; •. L'T ~ \",rt _ Fr., ~h"·"' I" 'r l . l'hij"n

Ham id '\u~tin Sh,," - F•., ~ rrr" I DY , S I"" t;:..1 131'1,,' I<ulh "h" ..- Jr .. I'.n(" lstun , !\rk.. Ilal I'r" G~I) :;ih" w_ lr.. ~1" or<)o .. U n .4.fl Ih,~d M. 5 1I1ad.,.._ j •., M"'....c, lJu ~ 1'01;;1 ltd!. 4. "'I;;'IIr" S ~I,_ fr .• M" n r,,'I'. I'n:· ' 1"'-' ,",,,,I.\, ':""'~I_ rf .. ~I"nr' ..... ",,·. ro1.-d

S. n"... n s a"'T-S"I.h.• \1(,." M. ' n ....... 1·1 f.

:,,,L tl ..,.!t S •..-So"I•.. Hu"E: J;.",,~ [.1 M~ .... [10" " 1,;. 11 :-;ill, \(O.-J •.• M" nrue. :'pc<!" t;.1

l:.. ",J

\,:hn, l.".

Su,' Slmm",, _ t"r . MoJ " •..,,·, OAd,o

St ~rli,,~

,:),mmu n._ Suvh., ,\1uoruo:, p,,··M,,<1 II"!!,,, II.... ;,,· ~ "nm"n_ft .• C.. U. ,n "JIlle,-. I.."",' [ .. I

Clln ,IJI~Ol<, S ""'ll -'~Vh .• 1:1:&"'1,,'1'.

Ithnfli~ 11(....,,'" ~,m ..,I--S.>I.h..

I' hum

n.,.." 11""15" . l'hllrn,

tti.·h"nl ti p" S,n'Il"...-t"•.. Fa.m,' IviU... 0\ ,1


Ik"I"h :; 'm~""' !'h.. M""r.,.,. ~')O~ t;d

Ch01H1,· Ann Si~Jt .• B~;ft CO... l'ham.

CI.vd H"I.nd Sim~ ) •.- 5 ,,1'1... WQ't ~I"nn,"" Ch e rn t:nl!

Lo ra Ua ,h'ne Si(n:r- h .. AI.. ~.", lr;H, EI ~ rn bJ

l'. ..ic,. A.1n SnM--t"r .. Mu"", c, SI' Kick'll . Sinrh__ S"ph., I\h,nrvc, 11,<:(; r,."ki., S,nllk,,,n-!:o.oph .. """"1\$1..,..., EI~m UJ 1.1.>11 Ot-n.d," ~La noa" ll~fr .• Sh,"(......:purl, I~nl Hr[l Ma.ln. J;onc S kinn er-It.. Vi..: bJ-.,rg.. MOM.. II/Uf"lI

H......... ,." S.... I._ Fr.. ~p,io ~ hill. \1n! T...·I.

I "r ~ [",U \S SI;.. L-J •.. ,\l v""'~ ' Mt(t

H" hio D Sill"I.-F•.. 1'.1.."" ......'1.0;"

(,dlhl.·,·" ~ . :->bd.--.'i.. yt •. Calhan.,. 0'1'

1{,·I,.. I <I", 'iI'''I,',,- I . . ... · ,~ ,·, II, ·.I; .·,, 'iI

.... "" All!!,''' ' Sb~~ "I-"""S"I'h.. Mu"rot'. I' IoMOI

D"' l'h i,... !l, 'n,',' ~ .. , . II-- ~r .. ~I'r" v"porl, OJ( T.,..I, 1)"1" ,,... I.p,n .'),,, .. I1,·,,h,,'lt,·,-I·•. , Sh'f"" ·I"JrI. \ ;"n St It \\'a~" .. ~",a ' I-~' I 'h.. ""'nnli,,, I,I. I'''y 1),j"',.1 M. S........- t ... IA""vl lk. )." .. ,\h.·,· F-I~" :-',n'll_ r ... 1\1 ..""".. 1:'.10"" L,I A. lhu£ I..,· ~ ""lh--J ... Man;::ha",. Atl 0,·,

u,..."" ,\nn Stood_So' l'h.. W~'o( 1\1"""..., MnJ }i.,I01, ¥ 1. .o,'"'ll_ j,...\'1""., ,.., ~,." SI



;)n1l1h-- I·,., Sh""~"p''' 1..

T.~· h

P" 'd,

Il"n al •• j ..... ,·1 SI1I1I It--Jr.. Man,::h!III. UI .I~ e""

t:h£~bdh ,ov, n :'rnlll_ Jr,. I.kH,"oI,·r, (::.,

Lihl, y ~nn Srnitl_ Fr .. W...... M",ll,"" Main [.1

[ V~ I-:I:."w ~Il)ill _ h. , W)"" ~I~ ...,, t ,I,;", L,r Cur; ClI.1 S,n'l t-fr., lI;)ulf,'hl"", (;.' n 'lu" \:",d"n I).,w .. y"~ S,,"ll_I'•., (jal I;,,,..... '\rt (......"dalyn ....3y S""lh-- Jr" n'>:\S','r C'I,. 1>1u. 1:..1 Jan.· ,lon'''' "'",il l_ ~ 'l'h .. ",nl·vill.·. U"m "-'I lu,J ~ Iialba< h .'.", ill _ J•.. M" n''''', ~~nj:" Ed

"'alhy Lynn S,,,,,t-:;"I,h., A l nnn,lr' ~, M~,I T e ,,,

I....... \'n"" \luq.hv Snout-J•., Hu ..I(,". Ae.·

Lilli.. tI. S rnill_~ ."h .. Tallul~h , Nu ",

1.10 ,13 S. Smill_5"Vlt.. \\,,·.,1 \I,on...,,'. Corr i\illr l AI"" S,mll_I •. , P31h'1'l""'. I'",.. m ~ .I " A"" S"ml_ F ... ~1 .. ~a n,l n.a, Il.·", II Y1=

() d" ..,. Smilh---Fr., Ua;"op. 0 .... 1...

Paula Diann S,,,ill_ F•., ~:J 1l...", lu, Ark .. OA,I,,,

H..m ,I.' ,'\1" 91 S ""llo--S""h... L:J..fllnn, Ph. n o

H,d'H d :->nlllh-.F... I~," >ll" Luy, l\'Il''''

" " (,crtc .. " ~ 'n,( t-h. , i'<I"n.of', 1:.<1

Itoy h anl. S mllt-~ , .. h., 'We.1 M" n....... 1I&1'~,

Sh,." " Kwy Sm,II_ Fr., Mon.u~, SI' t::~1

T.,n'",y I::·u~,."v Sm 'I!_F,., Hvu f:hlu". L,I. Arl

\'a l.,.i.. Lynn e s mut-rr" ~l"nrO/, Ph )' Thr:r

W,:r,dn-I S""ll Sm,Ih---F... l3u,,~i~. \,11), L. ... ~~ " r

\\',II'<lm S.... il t-F •.. 1>1 .. n •.,." A",·

Th om~s A. Sndlin Fl- Soph.. Sh...,·""n'I, lh,<J,: .. ~

Carol Oi.n n.. So'gnier-fr.. Mon,...,. A~"

Jan~; ... Ga lt So'gmel'-Sop h., Mo nf1)e, No.s

I'aola Ann .. Soileau_ _&'ph., "ill.. l'I, " e. 1'.

n" lh Ann s.,oi.. _ Fr., Hnuma. l.h'A

J,,"'~ l(id;y So... dl-<-Fr., WC!II Mnn,oe. I::d

iteM" ~p3r~,, _ Fr., Buckey .. , 11&1'1.:

Con ni,. L Spear-Soph.. ll.a!!lrop, 1'.('.l'ha.",

Cynd, Gail Sp<'!a.mft ,_Fr. , for i S,n;lh, A.k.. I ),-nl lIy!!

Pat.ick Lee Sp.:n,·,..-Jr.• W~ 10101"'''" ., p,;

(jirl F''aok Sp' uc r-rr., Mon,.r,... G..n SI

<':yn lh,a Lron SpiJ!n"n--t'r., Shr,·"·!,,,,1. Up,11\~'h

1:1O'V .. rI~ S. Spllm an-FI'" Sulphor. OT

\. d"n" SI"n",,,,_ I , . \1."",,,·. II ~~ ~.<I I, \1 ,u i. :-' ••r"j!,:lH._ Jr . ( 1I'd .. usa~, I',}.'" ttl" h,,,,·1J.. h" S.", ~·~J ... Il ,m";". I·.,·. j),·n! 1."M '\l1n ~ ~ n""I-- h. . , ' .. l ,l.ufO: . M....... ~, .

I '~n"

SUJi;ln M.I~ " " S'~-J •.. 0 ."..1",,_<. I'hu,,, Car"l. Ann !-.1~'''I,,·r_ Fr .• l·in,'\lII.·, .')1.&11 '11,,·,

' " ....q .~" " SI ~ n~l .u,,___ tr.. Ill~. r..... Hl!>.1 T""h 'I"'ff) ~lIu •• I,ury--~" ..k. \l.'r>1 \1"",.. .... La.. Enl

Mid~.· 1 LJ~ , i"

')I" rn>o-h .. I~,t:al".a. I'h".", .\1. S'R lh ~,,_Fr.• 1I•.s,..;,·, (' ;", I...... E"I Chrllll"l'h,.• I ,. St. 0"" _ 1'. .. :-'h"""'I''';'' l.aw En l la. L ~1i',·I. ~ F •.. \\' •.". Mu"".... ,\ •.•. ~ u'

IH''',1(13 1_

">"',,_ J•.. UnM." . In

Sh....o ;:)I .·~ . .... >--F ... '"''''''''', I:: U, E,I ~I... n. '\n n.' :")..·... '·n... ,, _ F, .. ~h ft·,·C'I" ... , '''' \ "'",Wl "

I....· .....·y..... . . . n-t, .. 101.",. ... ·. FJ.· ,,, ,~y.,,, lot ~,· .. ;.tl_ "i< 'I,h.• \v..... M .,,,,,,,. H... ! T ... h Add.& St ,·...1I1-!-."I'Io., \ .... O.Io.·S'h. V," , I' ...

1.""",'11 .' t: ~h ,r l,'~

I)"..." , ')I"lha lll--F, .. \I.", n,.., lIu ~ M,.,., Pau l :;'"U,,'It.-- J •., 11,,1 ')l'ri .. Po ArL.., L,'" ~ .,I'·l>lIon,,· \0....." ~,hrllll"'-..... \I\h .. Fra .. !...li". 0\" •• :;,."·,,n 1. S •. J..hn--Io .. Alndn.lr l.l. ,\ rl eB lh,· ri " ,· ~."· j..l,,n- "r .. •:vv~. EI .. ", 1:,1 \'11'11)' I,...w ..... :;,....nt l>r"'.k- F, .. B".,~ , ... t.: ' ly. l'r.. -I..a",l llu ~ Adn>

F.... I I:. ~ ..1I13.,i-Fr.. II".

~.~n" p.

ArI. ..


l:i,u<·n, .. l::dwin S. tllh.iI" - ~r .. lIri.u"•. '1'.·"".• 1.... En l L..,n Stn.han-Jr.. \I.· ,",,~I ..... o, 1',.- \1.. 1 l:'r,,1 'J".n :;'In,,,nall- F•.• W"<i /.I"nr...., lol

1.1 Ih e advan l' t" of t:i ... il izalio ll . il is l1,=,w kn owledge whit:h paves Iht" ..... ay. And Ihe' pa\'t:;· Illt~ lll is ele rnal. W. R. WHITNI::Y \1;". 1_ ~."",I-- I ·r.. \';~ia" , Mo:o T",:}'

Tlow ..... ~rllOn •• "f. :Sll.:.n-fr.. W,"lIl M" "",.., t' r... Nu.~

Mllnba Sl.. I>I,J.·Ji .. kI---~·.~ lll-I"i. A,

Su,,;" )"m" Siurd y-S"ph.• II,,, SI"'n~ Ark. H·"" "1!,1

Jun Su!iiv:o.n--S.."h" Mun ."", I);. , I"'"

S''' I,'~ n

J.... Su lherl,nd-St."Il., \I"nr<><:. Uu . J'l~.

S.. ~n!lo,n-- Ir.• J"oa. D " m Ed

Eh'~!I~,h H.

Kuh'$ ::;"uUy ~""lIi c:"- Fr .. ,.,lo n."", H.T'" 1.,1';1 lIam..y O..a" ~"''' ~ un--Fr .. Mvnr",· .... ir ~"'w T. Uru ,: ~ 1(.;1,·in :-.w"I"--- Jr., W .. 'I M'ln r,,~. I... ",I'~'

Jim"'" !_ s.,.•. po-- h .. W.. $ I Mu nw,·. Ilhl;t C .."

t.;knrl. P. S}k •.--l •., 101n n ... ~ . Pha"n

:;,o1.urr-Jr., lkat" " 110 0;", Mar\.,

Janet K. y S,·j.... r_ Fr.. H..I'I" H"u~', HE,'

J& mef


Hlcky GI"n" Sy...... I--SOVh .. "lvn,...., P.,,- t:"1I;

Ma,), K.a '~ .. r;n .. T . J. <;n_Soph.• SI>'"''''I.oo''' l)a( P . ..

0\ fa " T an"" hill- F, .. \10"'0'". UldS (;0"

Sa.. Kl'll h.._fln ..

TI" "'''.-S"I'''" Ch""f")',',)1".


UrO:rlrlw S ur Tarter-...... Haile:-- .~u"

Eh~lIbo:t" J ~.",

Joh nnie


C&lh"ri!l ~

J•.. Jvn esvill c. P'f ,l\.ad T""h

Turv"r-F•.. Kt ll" HBd Tech

She". K.ly.: Tu yo:.-t'r., WinM! >V;", Elen. Ld


u..r bar. ])i.nn.. T~of'-rr" \tnn roo:. Sp.,. ~:d

}r.• AI..undr;1Io. I:::~

W.yl....· T.~k. ........ , .• ~hfe'I\fI .." . Ad [k.,

Eti,..,hc th \..oui!.. T.\'t.. r~ph .. Shrt"'~ l"'f\' N........

F.·nu lt T.,na, Taytor- t'r" Hall',..,,!. ArL }t.P ......tgt

J"n.. W "~n.· T.J lu .....s..ph., J",":o.. G.ot

e••1 I). l ·.ytorU. ~i. t


l.re Toyt'If- I•., Shre ' t' pon.

5<>. WI.

l........ Halo' Taylvf_ Fr" Ibto n H.a uE-~. Art U ~ }tuth Tal·I"...... ..1.. 111'('" I(oul"", Gcn Sl Hd>e.·u Jan \" Ta ... ,...... FT.. Mlln ....... Sp&11 Ther Te<lr"r~Fr" Mo"r... ~. Pr",.t:.u;,t Malk ..\ . Tdot'lI--Jr., J\"Dn ..., .. n". ~harn.

]alt) .... \..

Sa", J. T"n " nn _ Fr" lkI""i"r (it,. Hul' l.aura T t r rr----'»I,h., M" nr.oe, Gen S. V"d~ L. T..n .. _ :-.o.,h.. lkI s.ier C" ). Con Ke";n Julie Th~r;o(_"r .. 11"11n';" Cho- rn BrLl«' Uu. nr T" uts.:h-- t'r., Hau,:ht " n . l'r~.""t O...,~ ni e Thibod,·au_r r.. V,II .. 1>1011.·, I'h, .."

When I wa s young J wa s sure of eve rything~ ;n :1 f('w yea rs, having been mistaken a thou sa nd limes, I was not half so sure of most things as 1 was before; at present, I am hardly sure of any· thing but what God has r evea led 10 me. JOHN WESTLEY

t:.rlC C. Th;bodr.au ~- F, ., SllfeV"' fl".'rt.. U...... rwt",

l\:a";r\ G. 11Ii..I$- Jr.. AI,·u.nona. A(,:~

rraro "i.. JII" ,· Thum.._ f ... M "nn'~. I);.dm

l.'nda le.. n Th o ma.."--..'';''I'h .. Ferri .lay, t.:I& Te ..

Lou ... jam !'j Th.. ma_ f r.. Gi lbo,rl. La.. 1:;,,1 o\1a')' Uell Th ...,m U-"~" I , h .. Shre\' fI'Uft, Math 1::.,1 ~alr;d. Th omm_F... MOn TVe, t].. m ul I'aukl...Ion" Tho me_ f ,., MO'Hoe. OAdm

!:land.. 'I.'. ThQm» -t'r., M" n roe. t.: I&Tex !:Ii{!:no•• V. Tlloma_So l'h., Shr......port . )l·r \' Mp W. ("(lIt Th",nu-.'i"ph., Colurnbi ~. Ceu\ T,,", Th" mll....... rr.. Mo ,lrOc. DAdm Charlir I. ~r · I'h o nlp~,>-~uph. , J ~na. Pre· La .. Ernm. L. Thuml,,,,,n--So ph., I'r1 vnrQt. G.. n St


Ka th y Anil e ThQml"' on-- ~·r .. Wet' MQnn::>e, Con

Olga Lo ul$t Thum ",!o<>_Soph., \1 0 1l1 oe. G ~ n S.

It.. bel,,,.., Ann.. Thomp so n-So-Ip h.. C~lh ... un , Med Te<:h

!tic ke y 'IN'. Thn"'r~ I_Jr. , lJft!lrop. Ad Oeo!

1' ho.nu--"'" Al f')'o nd,i., \)e n' Hyg

Kuma Abi~r T hn mlulj.....&, p h., Wl5ner. i\,,1'$

Jod ~' Lynn

Kennd h W'Y" t Thu,."•• _rr.. Mon roe. P,,,,.;\led Eli',.Ibdt. Tichtl ~rr., W<:3t Monroe. I::lcm I::d So...n G.yl<- Til!--rr., Tioga. Mat h Ed ChpnCi Uono...n ~ill t ......fr.. Mnn,oe. " re ·l'h . .... S.ndr. K. Till ma _fr.. Ullnn, Brdul(I: Dena Joh..nnll TiplOn-Jr., Vidalia, OAdm

Lynn e I. Tobiu--Jr.• Alc.undri •. ,.\ce

Ann e Toce-F,., IAf.yr.tre. Uent UYI!:

lefT)' It Tompkin-OOph.. Bo_'r.r Cily. Nun.

!kend. F.ye Tone)'-Soph.. H.slfOP. HUll Adm/M!(t

Jo)'C'e Ann Toney--fr.• MIL "",,", :",,",

lro1i e An n Tnnn,"-t·,.. Cro!o&oe'lt. Ark.. ( o mp So'

e.. li


I)"II '~ "

10. ",,' T"f'r,·"n~j •.. \t,,,m M", s,,, \i:: l ... . 1).',11";' T" rr.-fl.,-F~., i00i''''' ''''. (,,' 11 lJu ~ M•• 1'11,·1 Ua ~,,1 T"ul_j~ , (. ",·yd" " . 1'1';1' ''' ('u" '" '' I)ua".· I.,,,,,...·,,,I--h .. \ 1" ", ,,.·, .\' ' bl Ja" .. I."r.·,,,' '1''''''''.'1"1,.1-1<.. (.,,,,,,1.·,,. ·\ rL.. \ ...r:­ M...l II 'I r.. , _J... 1,1',·[..h. 11.... ",

\. ,I U 'J.h.,. I ro· ",,_ ~

... Il,.(Ju,"'n. I ••"

E" I I ), \lui,,<"', 1),·" , 11y!! I ), Ior~ '1.a~ I ..._l r . M."",..·. ,1.1,,,1'1." It I (. " "I ~ "')!" " ' II Tu,.J....- Fr.. } ..",... rv l ll.·. I..." b,1 Th,.".". \ 1 '1 U n'_~" I,h .. M. (:. 1-. .... . Arl.. !'1'<iT'" hll l~ Ian ru" ,_ ..... I.;hu••·. II ~. , 11 .·I~ ·. ·. ·:o

I . '1 "

· I\H-~"I .h .

.,..... .... T ur,.:.·••II--F...

~I)rI"~I ,,I L

1\.·.·1-. ••· 1"'''' I"urn. ,-J r . lIa....... I'.

III",,,·.,,· L

1).\ (1",

1>.". 1. 1

r"fo....-~"p lt.. M" " ",,, , n"l C.. .

kT .... U. '1U,".·.-j •., OK!. ( ,r.,"·,

I\I;!~ ~f

L.if"l- was Il wa lll h. Ix ' lived, uud I' uriosil \" must bl;' k t'1>1 IJ livl"', ()I\ t· lIIu51 lll;'\" ' r

f ur

l"l'i:I. :ion . llll'n

whall;'\·t' 1"

his I,al'k

0 '\

lik .~ NN

..... n·" t . r"('...r-~ r.. I1,,....· "·' ( " '. Au

~t, ... I'r

U,u"bll tull....'· Tu......-F, . \1.' ;",,1 ,,·1<1. it,hr!.. ::-.1"" "" " nn'l uo ..., - j. .. ::.10 ..·",·"'.... , lko­ ::>h,·,...·. I ~'a '1urn,·,-" " 1~ ·, ... y,II.·, II, ••

'I'. ",,\1\' I "n 'l urtw.-FI. \\· ""dr,·I,I . O,\d", \ 'j( 1..,' 1.• '\ . 11.,:1> .. Tu"",·.-:-O"Vh.. Hayv llI, '. I ."r r I'"" ...b :'U(' T.. " ,,·.-F, .. 1t... H ill" 0",1\.. '\m ' " t.~ , 1 r ~'I " .-::-:"'t'I ... ~I 'n ,, ~hli i. C .'., 11"._ 1 ,,"1~ .'a h

I.,'''' u '1"1,·.-1 r . lIa....."I'. I.I" ....'() ,.\.Im 11.·hh" ,\"','11 '1. k .-F• . Ha.~"" I" O·\ .I,u

1l ,'..... ·11 \li' .. ~n'· T r ''' .,...........jr. . I ~,~<~ ·. Cuy. 1-'" .. /0.1 ... 1 M ~ .. h'u I ~~' 1.:I',.. ,,--jr.. \1 "'H...·. ,.. '1\ ~I h .n.... U.·tl,,;. \'3.l<-n'",,-J ...... ~"llh :. lll. ~ W C;."d:..·. It \"a"fhall--h., M,,"'..... lho) C... M ~ , ..... "' .n' J.... n \" ;..t.••.,.,..........tr.. lI~ ••" I'. ( IA. Io" I .JII"·" ~r;!\,.", "\ ;nn ' nl- ). .. \ ".m,,, ·. EI..", t~1

I.h,· f( "'nn \'I" '.."..........~r .. \1',,,,, . 1... ,•. ,. \U l'o

11,,) \ ,"'''It"""""S''I'f-o.. I" VI" '" " <'; ~ II lJu ~

1,,·. Mil. ~~ I

(;.HY /l. \''''''''I--F•., M" ",,,,·. 1'r,·.I ).-n,

W,ll ,,· "'1".· V";,:(·~ Fr .. Mv nr". , \ u,...

,\.Ir..n Vif';II--I ·r.. Ii..... \; ,n. 11&pt.:

(, "" ~ I \' At", \i n... ",_r ... 1'"","'....1" 11 ...

!;!ha,,,n Mol'''' \''';..,, 1-- J. , I,al .· 1',..""I.·n...., OA,hn

""..i.·,,, I.. \ ""rh,·,-,- rr... ""' '' u .... UI, .\ 11

1" 10,, Ii. \ ......h.n . Jr.- J, .. ljunl ,"" 1'1,,,,,,,

~:I , ..... l,<'t lo ,"nn .. \',,~I , I).~-Fr. , 1,\-' ..... ~1. . "r ' .... I Jh Ar t

~ 11111 l II"~'I,J " .. .............. ~' r . II ..",,, .." . T.. ~ .. M¥.k

."1"",, W.,lt~::>J II.' " f ,·nlll:... H...

Pt. y ll ~

1.)'" '1''' Waci..--S,' ph.. V' ''.... n, ( ~. rr

1)3"", t::1"in WaJI~ l'- fr.. \1 VIlft)'I, C,·" :oiL C I"i ~ Wil<llonj:l()n---~)"\lh .. f u rnh' !"YIII", l.a" 1:,, 1

K•. I;.o·fl Kay \1'~"",·r. Jr,- S"l'h.. <; h~S'''uL , 1'I, w lII TYIOI H.,,,,,,,, \1;' '''l<"",· r-- Fr.. W'innr, dtl , &oa&'Ot.:o! j:lfl".... IJa.. aon \1' ~ il_F ... I\H I !\11 .. n.I'It:.orm

l LEA I\()K KOOSl VU; r

Ilr, ' rHI ~ U"'I''I1<' W" lk,· r- F,. , W,· " :\1" " , ,,,'. A ."

l.la,',,1 ~"'11 Wall."l'-r•.. 1."" i"III,'. T. · ~,. !'I,,j rm

Ikl"'rah!t \li aIL,·._:,>"ph.. ~ 1 1I\ , I , " ' . 1),11 I' n;

I)" nll d l, \\- :.IL'·I'- j l'" 111\.,1 1".... :0;.,><, \VL

J.. n \Valk er-I r.. j lu·L·"u, I.. .. E"I

k iln,,· l''' f><' W:>ll'·r- Jr.. II.\,,~lu,.... 1,)','111 I h ~


r rll nt·('c:> Wa IL,'r- Jr.. \ ;IIi ....I. 1.11, :\"1

HI"'""d A"n W.. lk.·r- fr .. T llll ll lo.Ih. C .." s.

Judil h ;\ nll Wa ll- h .. \\',..,1 Munr< .... So"

1)<'1)<>rah J... on ',l' lIl1a• .....-JI·.. (:.,," '10'). \ "r,

I"dilh ;\lIn ,·II,· W~II"':'-''''' ' l'h, . \ 1" ,, 1.' 11. ~" . WI.

I)..... n~ I.Ylln,· Wah ,·~ 1 r., I ' ,. " , '~ Cil" OLI.... t; ..,, :"!l

J"",, 1(....(1 'W" ll,-. ,..-J" , O ll ~, 1,1\. ;\ 11 ~u,' Wah ....~--!j"l'h. , K;1Y'· III ~. 1::,1 r,, 't"~a Kiln 'W;olk ' ..-j" , M,,,, rO t". ]),all'" \1;' J h"n- h •. M"nroJot', A,,,'

\li"... 1..

'W ~rt~ tr.•

U,\ .I",

I'... n~ ..,r, ( ],.ug Pla uO' h",·,II ". 1.,,,, Ell !

:-. i o ll~ M a , i~ \\'~" ~~"I'h ..

St,·,·.. !::arl W~"~Jr"

;...1 ""n>~.

C.'" B...

B, ' rn~ " "'" '1\0 ....-..').'1'0" ~l <) nr ut". J" ..,

U ... rvl An " \\'u.~ rr .. lJu i<!I' HOllW, Sl''' E.I

\1H ry EII,'n \\- ••• _ F •. , M,,,,,u<,. :"iu "

1(1<' hMd l::uF-~n " Wa..m ...... " - I r " ~hl\ " 1",1 MJ,:I

DiHn,,," W,,' m~I,·,~ t r .. \iaMIi,·h). 1-1 E, 1:.1

t : h~ .. h' ·lh

M ..lvIII "'..... \\'''rt'·n-- ~ r.. \X·"" \I""" "" I '~,,:h S""-,,, I. ',l' "rr.·n- I'r, ~: II.)., ""ad". <\. L.. Oll ''''''' h I ,~ n \l". I).......... W;'l~h",~ ,,"- ... r.. ,\In,a,,,lna. I'h J"ur JatWI l).-,i\.. !m , 'W ""' hinfl" "-~''''I'h , M" " n..... \\o l 1"""" lIU Faw W .," I""~l<>r>--r r .. \ 1'''U, k'. ~lJr~ i\"' l h~ Kay W""htn:.,<\,m --t"•., 1I 1 " " r, ~' . '''un


\ d ,19 ',l' n hint:l"r>-- Fr" ,\I"nnJot'. IId,I ', .·.·h M.ori.. W.u h,nt-'iu fl--t'r.• Wtn n~I. ...". ,\ ,.• r .... L" .. i~ ....,~Vn- Fr " Hollil a. p,,·.Ln ~ \1i ~ harl O. Wa. ~ r-S" l'h., Shro'w l""I. 1" '" \1.·,1 :-' ho: lh)'" It Wm'~n--h, . Mo nro,;.:. llu~ Adn, M. M",,:Ur Walk in _ f . .. ~ h""~'"I,,,r l . 1'",.LIW!C, ,,' P"l(gi~

Nuh..· (:",,,1 W,u L", _ :-",ph,.


M"" ,',,,·. ~p&1 1 'II "" I..." ~:" I

W3t",)n-,)y.. \1,)1)""'"

\hllld~ W~ t;.un- t"r..

Tallulah, 11&·" 1-: I' humh (;Byl<>11 "Wal!oo ll -Fr.. I." •.,."ill." N . JI<'''~! G. W:Ub-Sv"h.. ~1o-,a{J, I r\a. lliu Ita n da ll JallW"s Wa •• ~J • . 'ol"':'I1 1.-1"" "",. I'.~, 0

M"ni"a Ell.'" 'W.·.. II,..rI),--t"r., C","<"I.· II. Ar k.. Ma lh

Fran l ... !. W~bh-- t' l .. MOil """'. Ua. P, ,,

Ward,, ' [ II..." W.· bl_h" Mv n " ..., El..:n. lei

SlIn'vd i::Jw,n W...... II,..-h .. ])..1 1... H&I' ~.

~l~ r l K("v,,, 1l'... If-F,.. W ~)!, II,l un'''". l'h y '1'....,

M 3r1L ~ lh W"",d -- I"I . Uvs"l(1 r Ci ll·. Mus L,I

S u ....... M.. ri~ Wei_Fr., Sho:ld l P h J"ur

HoL.n Su ... W...Ido n-Jr.. Oakdalt". M"d Ted,

\t onB Lill8 Wdt_ Fr.. T all ula h, W"

f."..,... 1-''';".. Well_::;"I-'h.. !'Ioin l),.al"'l!- ~,..< 1.:,1

Lind a Wo.:SI.-Fr.. T .,rry. I,)a~ Car Mgl

Uanod Gl en Wh • •I~ " •. , Shr...v... pon, Ph a. " ,


l .aul1I Hul" Whalle_J •.. \I"oroo:, f..: o SI

bM W,,~Io:~ Whill..-y--h .: La"'e Charles. So<: W'"

v lhr...· Wh'I f"- Fr.. ""nrot". El e m !:AI

\1..<)" H. While-fr.• \10",·{)t>~ Sp.., t-:'I

Sha ..,n G"yl~ Whi ..- - Fr., &.I«,V. llal 1'.<>

!:ih:.rvn H.. upn Whilf'"--F •.. Sh " ·v,,por1 . Prt". P hsr",


L.:o.. nrrl Wtoileh ead--Jr., Halon H"u~~, M"d T "" h

&lon 1{OllgC, Sp&H 'nler

Dame! L.:d... "nl Wtollne,~Fr., Houmll. Pr~.M ..d

MHtoa~1 Pau l Wtoiln,,)...-Fr., Ho uma. Pre· Met!

\1 a ry I)cni~ e \\'hillen-t"r., :' 13rt, UA<lm

Trudy ~ lf':rl~ \\/,&:in$--.Ir.. ~prin 7 hill. Hll ' Adm

Ill~no:to ~ r),..~h~ Wtoilnl':~Fr.,


\-\. Wlginlon-Fr.. Hammond. (;"'n 51

C .nlhl.~ Wlld"'''I-~r .. Wa .. :r1"". Iowa. Air Sl~ .. Tr

. Gar.. L \\' iI~y, Jr.- Soph.. ,';d"" 1',(" .1)(-,,1


. "-lan;i,. L,'3, W,'.".........Fr. , Sulphu r. 1::<1

J a ni~ lhant" Wllhne-J;'. \t "nw ~. 51'('(' ~':';I

M....... ,\,,11 Will....... 'n-Fr., Wal"q,m"i , Nu's

""nna C" .... I,,,.. Willr.{';;-Fr.. SI... I'"""n, HUi A<lm/prr· law

I~ \til",in!'-F•., S li<ldl. Prd..a..

Ga >'",,, Udan .. W,lkin_J•., l..:o luOibia. ]lhar",

])•.\,." ~ u~ WilIr.IJISUJl--So ph., lta.... in.., L.:,·hfElem!:Ai

Lisa K. Willo"i-Fr.• i'lalc"e:, M ~ .• Ar l

AI/rffio M",I<'Sle William>--SolJh.. 1"... a. DIl l 1....0

Amy tlynn Williarm.-_Fr., Shr!"\-·... wri. ~ y,\h

Arndl L,"",i~ William~F .. , N.... ()rI~on :l , Kad T el:h

lIarbara Fay.. Wilham!'--Fr.• Calhonn. S", W...

H.. ye rly K~n ... ~ i'ilJ,am!'--fr., MaMlield. lo,l"d T ~<,:h

Carol"n Ann William r- Fr., Shrt"wporl, >\,:,.

Cynihi~ Anu W,lham$--fr., r. ~t~vI II ~ , Nul"fo

\June I:: Willi a m_Fr.. Haughlon, I' re,l 'h y Th~,

Donna I.ynn Will,~m_Fr., Mon. '-"':", H&I'I:::

Ed w3r<l J3m ~ Wi1l,am.......Jr.. \i Qnroe. & ~

Elizabeth L. Wi!ltam _ F, ., MQ<lroo. 0,.·""

Elsena William_Fr., ~1 onrm', \) ~ I I-'fQ

GIII(lys Eli7.alod h Willums-Fr . MO"f<le, !lp&H 111..,

Karold W;lharn>--J r.• New O.lun!-, lkuJ l n~H.J::

Jan": ~ ArI~ n ~ U,'illia m_!XI"h" Vidalia, Nu,,"

Joonn WllIiarn:.--S uph .• 5 hr~('p(H'I , Oo-nl Hn~

Kalto. ' b .it WtlI Ll m.._ j •.• l..a"'f C t,arles. UI

K,,"lnnll Mo,i" \\' iI1l3",, >-- F•., HI, ...... i" . I' harm

K ~n nr:lh (:arl \Villiam >-- Fr., EI l)orlldo • .>\ rlr.., Uld ~ Gon

Linda :"Ih William_Fr.. Tallulah , Pre· Law ll,1:J.r'" I::.. William_Sop"' . Farmervill e. Air TI \{g l I'at,i"i" Ann \V ill iam_F,.• i:JlIslmp, I:: C h.l l:: l ~ m I::rI I'ally Elain" U,'i lliam.i-F.., Jena. Ce n SI Raym ond DQu~lass William_Soph.. C linlo u, A ~"t: S. Slephen William_Fr.. I'in.. vill... I'r<,; . M..d

Sondra Ann Willia _ r r.. SI. K'n.., Ai r Ste'O>' Tr FI1Ill<,:"" Jean WiII i.t"ntor - Fr" ihil~, Ceu S I M.... d y Willi.m&On_Fr" MOlll"Oe. Ge n ~t "atriei. Wi1litlmJ(l r-)r.. 8&$(ro .., So;:: Wir. Sharoo Ikn i$e Willo.- Fr.. WC$I Monroe, Ho-dC!Il@: Uanny ":.ul Wilb-t"r., Monroe. Sp


[ hal...,,,

"' ''r Wil l -h ..

-\J"n"" J. \(',I." . -t ·r..

\1" " ",•., U& PE

M"nn ~',



Ch"n1 L,·tor, W,I""t-f •. , J, ,,,.·. ,',I~·. 1.,1. \ n \~'I",,~J •. , M"",,,,', C"n Ka) W ,,~"n--.."i.,\ ~\ . )~l l\l l', I),), C,.r 'I):, 1I. .. lh.·.illr W,ls,,~t·r .. Mon.I.·.... t,tI

(:,,,, 1, B. I)•./ .....,.},

\1,'. I>.",-J, ., 1J.,~u·•..,. Elt-n, £,1 Lo la Il. W,j,.o,,-- t r.. W,,,,, fj ,·ld , E\"m 1:: ,1 I{ulwr( H. Wil""".,.........Fr., M.. n ..... ·, )~ I, · , · En l:(

J{"f(t'r Il"rnord \\<il~",.,......... Fr., \I"n",.·, 1".1 Mj/I

~Bn"ra Ka' W,I. ,>I'- .1 ... Lr'~ nlu , I )Ad,,,

Th./IIla:- Duv,d W,I, n'.,......... ~ •.• 1J ,· rn,oll. ArL., I.ih ."n

I...l UI<· '\ 1 ~<,

\"n ......' E. \\I il"".n--"" , M••n n ,,·, ' Ip

W.llia'" 1_ Wil.wn-..... \I ...... .... " a.LiB"..

MII·h.d ,'",,1 'W ",••• "n--Jr.. \1 ....." • • 1;1. ,\tl

Nan .~ "'nn Wtn ln ....--S••••h.. :'I1, .",~hill. .1,•.•

J••h l\

JOkph \1,'.nL- f •.. W,.-.l M, ..,,,... •• 11<$:1'[


\1, a~,,<

Wi" ln_i-r.. H.., unt.,l. 1'ha.M,

HlI"dall [ rIO"", Wi""....r- F,.. M.,n'",". " "',,,1,:" l(an .,," h,m," W. ,lr"r,I--Fr.. I\' ,,,,,,(,, n. il L. I'hanOl

13n.1·1......3,,,.. WUlld--,'i..,,!•., MH'''' '''' A,"

\"•.sa K. W.".. I--Fr.. M"",u.·. ~.A II '1'1 ....

P~m" 1a ~ u., Wu....l--l·r.. l.. n'.""H.....L.• A,

lIA y \\<",,, 1, Jr.- Fr., J, ''' lt, LoI, All

l),mn a I( . ~ W,,,,,h·,>- tr.. S,hl,,}. \ 1". ). .1

l)vri, \ta ri.. Wu... U" rk- :'i"ph., N~ I . 1,,·,_ \ 10; .... 0'1

\:iu" lyn A. W... " l.r - Fr., 1'0-1"''' '11\'. N UI~

(;" 'Ia M.. lw}aa W,..... I,......... jr., W.....( Mn n." .·, h,' I.",n~ lo l

M,,;hll..1 \J.>und~j r.. ;\" ... " ,Iea"... !,hn",

U.~·;II W ~hl- F(.. J•.",., A•.,



(;Irtl n C....... \1, ..·.ll--j•.• I:.ullon ~t u" . 1-'1,. rm

:ltin"m t;.y " '; ;>II--Fr.. C.. tlin"".. n . 1'10.,",

\\' ~ 'l\>l '. W·y><u..:.....Jr.. Mun......·. l"h. "n

Cinriy "'~·con_ t· •.. M.. nr....·• SI"'" 1i.1

F.,.,d YaShflllld--Suph.. T,·hu ll. I...." . I'(,~ ~~ ro;.:

Mlln V.t..,........F•., M (tn r. ,, ~ P,,·. Enj::

I.lnda Tl....y P,y'", Y.·._'\r.• M.... llr"... Nu,"" Hunn;,· I.vnn y".k- Jr.. Wt'!Il \ l unro.><'. \uu <':ada '\" 3" Y" u0 !l-Fr.. !:iI KI.. II, (;~n:-i l CJlulin,' J,. da l.. Yuunll- Fr., W...\ M" n,.,,· . I...." Cal") U. 'o'uun;r:-- Fr.. Winn~hor., Ili" Gui ~1 . Y"'''''r-.h.. Mull " "" !:iPlln ~:'I

~~ nl


J .n~ Y.. unJ:-J•. , ::\lor'·""I""rI . A" MFl

KIIIII)" :i 11J."n \ ' "un,.-S"ph., M unt'N. Nur.

M~I,nl" ~:.

\ ·""'MFhloud--J,.. " lolltl.. ~. ",",

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t . Ch Ell Earll Ch,ldh,,," 1 E,lu"' I"", ~.:-$o

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~" . "" ~: ,


".. ""n. ~

~, d blu"aillm ~:I, ' " ~: n~ EI,',:I •• ,:. I ~: n!: 'n" ~ " nF: t:. Io-,n bl ~.I0 · " \I"III~"" 1::,luo:.II"I1

Anwri('an Ut'ntal H}'t-: it'nists As~!u' i a l i(ln ,2H:i J\11It' rit:a n H t' ril ~e Si ll~t·rs :H>:~ A"w r;t:a n :-}HI' it::l" lor Pl' r!'4m nt' 1 :\ilministra tio n 278

-\rl'ho nisn Omicro n Epsilon Cl ob

2 16·2 17

;\ s."Oc iatiu n of Gt'nt'rul

Co nt ra~ l u r s

13aplisl Sluut'nl Umon 299

lla"ball 156·161

I\uskelball, Mt'n·s 182· 189

liaskr::tba ll, Womt'n 's 178 - 181

Ua"Oll Haider'S 28B

Het inge r. Or. Cha rles :{U

Hlac k Ca u\; us Assot:ialion 2YO

Blael HisIOI)' Wt't: k B2·}U

Hoard of Regent s 28

Hoard of TrU ! leeS 2H

ilranl!E'V, Ur. Hrvth E' 1 H. 21.)

13rust.!al"u. lk ~·r·a l\k 07

13u~li osi. Vin ce nl 8 1

1:::1t'('lones 3U I

£Squires or Om t:j!<I 1':<; Phi :l2U.;!;l


Fandal. Or. Ca rl(l!(. :~4

Faught , Mrs. UeH v4:~

"'inl..\·. Or. KidJa;d :~9

Flvil1 ~ T ullla ll awk;ol 275

F,;o lhall l64· 177

1-'tHt'l1 sit:s 30~

GeulOFic.al Sot:iety :lfi I

Golf ISII-1 5 1


Gn'l'ks 201-245

Ha\~-kin s. h~ mt's 44

llaVt1t's. Ur. I...:vdh· ~n

H o~:he rletlel. Ik ,\. ,\1. :~6

Honlt' I:::(' onomics :\l'so(:ialiull :l71

Homeco ming 5U-~<). 9:l .95

Honors 46·6.5

Hoo d, Or. James:i 1

~:n !: ~: n,I,~h

• M.·, f G.!-h'f)ft \I ,·,,·h.nn'sint.

. ·sm I.J t"~mily I . il ~

t'in f,n lm ,~·. (:"""n.·..·i.1 IhI"l."n\(

~ .., Lan t. F....·.F-n l... nt.U&IW

t, r,,·nl:"

C.·n UU! C , 'n ",·~ llIu~ 'no ...

';.·n))l (;" ,,(:,.1 SlYni""

C. H. Maso n Oul rt'sl'h 307

Cahart'! 98·99

Ca ldwe ll, 1)1'. James 3 1

(:ason. Or. Ja lllt's :39

Calholic Ua uglllt:rs 300

Chlll 'shoula Beauties 5 1·57

Chacahoula Slu ff 248·25 1

Ch apin , Harry 84

Cht!t'rJeudel's 162·163

Ches..<; Club 306

Chinese Sludenls Al=sot:iat ion 291

Chocolate Milk 87

Circl e K 272

Cla ~es 336·395

Coates, Mrs. S usan F,4 1

Co mpass Cluh 273

Conc e rl Chl) il' 302

C rl)~' , John David 41

Cru nk, Ur. Oorothy ~O


Geot ~I~


~~u ~h ~o:'O~~)'!iu

l,r"'" (.I"OII, :'en': ~

Gtr Ct .rn.n c.;", Goytr!lm~rl i U Eo · H" roe I:: cnnumw.:. H&'in( 1>n Houl ;n~.tnd In \eno. Ik.~il'tn H&PI:: Hu hh srld I' '' J~,,: ..I t:Jut:3,I ;n n Hi", HiMo ,y Ho l'\ H O I'\ M: ultu'~ 10, 1"'$lNm", n ll l

Ind ,\ tF1 l"dulI'''' MII""" ,'",,'n.

tnd P'feh Indult.'. 1 Payeh"I"jn' In.&tCl: In'u.en.:.· on(1 H....I t:~tol " tnal ~I\(I l... st;lu l;o....1 M~n~.· .... ·"1 Inl Un Inl" . ,o, Uf'!iltn Juu r JUl.Jmol lll m W .. ::ip<x l... n~ulI('" ::i1"",'.I''''­

La.. tnl 1.1.10' t::nlo roe rn"nl

Lih An i.iloer.1 "n.

Lib St.. Uh t. ", ::i':'cn.·,·


M.lh ~ll1\hem.I"O:"

M..d T ...:h Ml'd;... I Tf" ·hnolo~

t\l·al·ia 10}\·2( 19

MN> II.,. Menially H..I . ..I".I

·\dlll i ' li~lra tio n 24·4~

Helta Sig ma Pi 3 t 2

Agronom y Club 270

Alpna Chi Alpha 3 13

:\lphll ~:p~ i'"n Ikltu :~ 1 C1 ,\Ip hn ~; p ~ il(oil Ki ll' :\:11 Alpha I:::ta Rh o 274

Alpha Kappa Alph a 210·211 Alpha Omicron Pi 212·213 Al pha Ph; Alpha 2 14·21 5

Alpha Phi Sig ma 326

Alpha Psi Omega 330

Alpha Sig ma Chi 275

Ame rit.:an Che mical Society 280

Ddta Sig ma Th E'ln Z11J·2 l 9 Uirt !Jand 85

Don II Clubs 292 ·294

Do nn Co ullt.;il 29 ~

Duncan. Ur. C"nlhia 42

Dunn, Col. Jan'les ;i4

Duprt't". Or. Danit"1 3 7

Dupuis, Wad E' 42

Mil." Mu ~

~ ura


Mu! ;'


O ,<\d", Ollio.;.. Ad.n;n ;!04UI;"n

O')('Jl. O<:"JI" ''\U/I .. h ~

UK Teo.: h

Op ~ro li"2

Iiucono T..dn,,,I,,fry

or O~c upal ion aJ Th~'Rl'r

P&i\ St.. 1'l.Jrl' an d Al-'f.>Ii~ol So:;" n( ' ~. 1'1> l'hOlo~tlphy Ph J our Ph OLO·Joumal i:! m Ph.rm Pharm....., Ph~rm ..' PhllJ'm.(:nlo~y Phy Ph ysit."!I I'hy Th", I'h~k.1 Tht".&py 1'1 Sc "hint Sc,,,ncl' Pol Sc )'01";';81 ::id ..nn i'm-I).. nl P,,.,.lknl;"'1'

Dane e Company 297

Data PrOce5S in ~ Assot: ialio n 278

Delcambre, !::larry 4 1

De lta Ot"mE'te r 324

D elta Omic ru n ~35

[dwards, CO\'e rno r Ed ""in 28

Edwards. Ur_ James :l5

Elbow Koom 88-89

Int erdt"nominalional EU !'t'R1Ml'3C

IlIlerfralnnilv Council :l07

Inl ram uraLs i92-20 I

Jo hn. Ur. Alex 41

John son, Dr. ROil 3 1

Kapp, Dr. Ann 3 9

Kappa Alpha :22:2·22:J

Kappa Alpha Psi :l24·22!i

Kappa Dt"lta 226·227

Kappa Epsilon 319

Kappa Kappa Psi :~:t2

Kappa Omega Phi 325

Kappa Ps i :~2 1

Ka ()pa Si:?:mB. 22«-211)

Karat!: Club 288

Ke rr, Or. De an :~2

Kimball, Dr. .l ack E. 4.)

Knights of Columbu;; :WO

KN LU 258·259 Kreskin 79

Laird , William 44

lambda Tau 287

Lassile r. Nick 45

Lega n, Or. Man'i hall S"oll 34

wt:ke, Dr. Don :tl

Madden. Martha 4,:;

Mapes, James 71i

Mapp, Marcus 37

McDon ald. Charles H. 4:1

Mdlona ld, lk Chades K. 44

McC raw. lk Van :lO

Mc Lemore, Lk John (\ _40

Mc Nally, Ur. lU.ymonti HO

Med Tec h 287

Spe ig hts, lk Earl 32

SPO rlS 142 ·20)


Co l' t: ~iall' I

Assoc ial ion lo r


'~ i"h o l"o n . Jam!!s M. 29


11,11lt! l ()H. 2N)

1:1<1;': C" rp'" :~(l<)

. T wirl e- r!' 308

OGl:upati (J nal Th e rapy 285

Off Ca mpu s 96-97

Omicron Della Kap pa :n4

Opt;ning 4 ·23

Or{!:ani zalions 246·33 5

Panhd lell l(: Cou nci l 206

Parkerso n, Dr. Ja mes 35

11',,",, 0,;[< I Slude nl s 298

Et a Sig ma 3 17

Delta Ch i 3 LB

Phi Mu 230·231

Phi Mu }\I pho Sinfonia 334

I)ooto Lab 252

Pi Kappa Alpha 232-2 33

. Om ega Pi 322

i Sigma Epsilon 277

. Dr. J a mes 35

Potts. Thurma n 38

Pow Wow Sla l1' 253·2.)6

lk Glenn F. 29

Princ e. Dr. E:arl 38

Kegisl ratio n 76·77

Hho Chi 3 20

Rille T earn 2 89

Rodeo Club 306

S. A. L. I'H..~. 2H2

Sc abbard and Uladt:' 3 27

Senior Hoard 31 5

Se niors 33B·356

Se rf,)Cnl , Tht' 100

Sh adoin , Or. lkrna rd 32

Shrade r, lk Kenn eth 36

Shugart, lk C<:l..:il 38

Sigma Alph a Chi 3 29

Sigma Camma Epsilo n 323

Sig ma Lambda Chi 32!;J

S i~m a Ta u Gamm a 234·235

L. T. .~. 286


Spring Fe ver 70·71

S tu dt: nt ,<\n G uild 2 96

Student Co rrec tio nal Associat io n 2B4

S tu t.k nt Gove rn ment Association 260 ·26~

Studenl I.i fl' 66 ·141

S tud e nt N urses 28 .5

Slud t: nt So<:ia l Wo rk 284

Summ e r Sch ool 72· 73

Smith, lk Belly 36

Soc iety of Phys;es 280

Tau Be la S ig ma 333

Taylor, James 86

Ten lilli e Indians 3 11

Tennis, Men's 144·147

'ft': nnis , Womt'n 's 148· 149

Th e ta Xi 23H ·239

Track 15 2·1 55

T ubb;;, CI ) 1I1\ 4 :i

Ullde rd <l:-> <;IIll' 1I :\ S7 ·:i9S

unio n Hoa rd 26 4 .267

Univ ersity Cho ral e 3 0 1

Vaug han, Or. Cath e rine 33

Vines, Pr esid ent Dwight D. :l6, 27

Volleyball, Wom e n's 190 ·191

W alley, Or. 0 5(.·o.r


Wa rhonn ets 310

Welch , Dr. Gi lht'rl 34

Wesley Founda tion 298

Who's Who 60·65

Wildlife Clu b 28 I

W0I1hin gto n, lk Richard 33

Ze ta T a u Alph a 240 ·241

The Editor's Reflection

Alilhe wo ,·ld 's:. stage. And alllb(" men an, I wunwn e rs: Thev hav e Iheir' ex il s a n d ("n lran c("s: And on(" mall in pJay~ m a n y rJarl'!'. H io acl be in g ~," en aj.;t:::;. AI lir,;1 Mewlin g and puk inj.; in th e nurse':!! ar m s. Tlwn I he.' ~ c hoolho)' , "" ilh hi : > ::><l lc h e l A nd ~ hinill g morning fact' lik e s na il Unwillin g ly 10 ~hoo J. ~tHI Ihc n Ihe IO'·(' r. fU"nal'e, wilh a wueful ballad Made Iu hi s mi s ' rt:*,,' .:;,;i~'~-;;','rj;;;; ":o.oldier, Full of s irange oa ths . and lu:., rd e d like Iht· ," ''''.J'''''''. ' in ho nour s udd e n <uuJ l{ukk i n tlUarrcl , Seeking Ihc hubblrr<>pUl. lion F,\"f! n in th e C1Hln(ln':, moulh. An.tI (hen the' iu,;l ice, In fair rounel be ll ,. "" ith good capon lin 'd, Wilh e ye s se Ven! and lwanl formal CUi . Full of wise SMw~ a; jd Il\ode rn inslanN:i;: And !IO p h.r ,:.'s bis parI. The s ixth age sh ift s In lo th e Icom amI slipper'lI In loon , Wilh sp ec lacles On nuse an d pou c h on side. His h o~ , well sav'd, a world 10 wide For his sh r unk "hank; manly ,-o ice . Tnrn iog again IO','ard e hildi s h tre bl e. pillf>1'i l\nll lies in his so nnd . Lasl ~c e lle of a ll. Thai f'; n.d s Ihis l'ilrange cVI'nlrui history, Is ~C(Jnd e hildishn cs~ and me I 'e ob lh·ion. Sans tN>lh. ~IU'" eyes. ~ un s la sle san ~ everylhir\g.

Row , row, row your boal • . . Jimmy tarler iM el...,led . • • Mao Tse-ll1I1@ ..I"" . . • Vikingllandaon . . Yankee. win Ibe pennanl. • . I ~ raeli rai" on .; nl.. bbe . . , 8wine Ou. . . bicentennial King Kong • . . Gary Gilmore enlenred 10 "ealh . . . Nadia u.maneci an" Ihe OlympiC>! . allow.... 10 land in U. S . • . . I.ehanee.- civil WIU' • • ,Mary Hartman , 'lary Hartman . . children beld captive • . . lIowa"" Hughes di"" . . , Congressional Secretary Elizabelh Ray. 10 "'nul 1:1"11,,,•••• O .. l..lnll,1 eN h," Minll ..")!n ill SUI"" n"wl . •• I.,'gionnairt-·, ,Ii" ,..s,'. , . l'IIIIy l!I0e- hom,' . . . wom.. n ea,I .... al W" . I Puinl . . . carth'l"uk e in (;uult"lualal euv..,. 23,000,1,·..,1 . . • IIwrrlly, m.·rril y life i. l,ul .. rh·(·am .

So me or all of th e malerials expressed in this boo k do not necessar ily express th e opinion of th e university, its adminis· trators, faculty or students but rath er those of the editor and his staff. Due to a tim e fac tor in

publi shin g, som e activiti es he ld in th e laller part of th e year were un able to be covered.

It was our desire to say som e· thing wort hwhile in thi~ book. Bes ides pUlling down 'he life of a university in words and pi ctures we wanted Lo do it in a way ' hat would a ll ow vou the reader to th ink, To thin 'k of th e world aro un d yo u, how you can help better it and yourself:

GRAZIE! Sincere gratitude is extended to each and everyone who have made this book possible CHACAHOULA STAFF Su:-i~ '

Hendricks Kal h}' Hargis '\elwyn Wilbanl~ Cit·,,,, I" rill Black Silil y Cree nlwrg SIt' \'( ' "'uln ' lI

I ,(_.a h Bas:: ' TJwrc:'<l ( ; n ~gori ()

Bri(lg t'l ' rhoJllP ~on ~h: \'e

Sulhl ,r! a nd Ka y Zachary Kat hy Gell

~alh a niel

HuH,: hinson

Sharo n SIt:: vt'n s

Artwt)rk Alan '\l l)o n~

Ilulwrt \Vo o41

PHOTOGRAYHY Gilly H, 'ckford 'ferry CoehrUll

Pewl S lillilll2::-' David Flt-tclln Jelll1rad ~


(-IOllt'Yt;utt ,


Glell .I a mt's Ton y \Xi (/lll a c k (;('01'1.:;(' \\/ra y, 111

[\'} i kc Ad . w'l.':i


and IVlr:-;. Vi l1(" ~ Till(.lra \Iullin ~ R' lhc..' rt f)( , \'J ()s.,~

Mik ,· Silk Do rolh y H oo~land Sha ron Roth

Ccorp; ia I·lin es Stan W yatt Ca nd y Croc..: k'·' 1" Hazel Ho ht' ll

Cllarl l' ~ Robin~o n

C had .., Burks Julie Hamrick Cmo l Yaruro Class Scctitll

ADVISOR Bob Carro ll

Sudlo"r Phol() ~ ra phy of Ill inois

C, )f}H'dy

A spec ial thanks ;s extended to Me.

J" hn iVI cMichat·1

Carr o ll wh o has sho wn pa tien ce, dedicati o n, understa ndin g, di screti on, a sense o f' hum or and fl exibility in a job

JallH'~ Li~hl


PUBLISHING f-it-ningltl ll Publis hin g Co. Bill Bohn (H t' pl\ 'Sl:'nlali vt') Dick O Wt'n s nut'l)(' n

~\'1ill o l\

1,\ THE OFFICES Bo b A.nt./ <:, rson Larry Foley Lois \ 'l ario nn e au x C la udia Ains \,,'orth Hden ;VJdnni s

H a y t'~

Charlie Mc Don ald CI ~ IHl Tubbs Dr. Ja lll es Edwards Dr. Al ex Jo hn. Jr. IlL Bly the! Brantly Dr. .Jerry Holmt'5 Ill'. V. j . S mith rh. john IVlcl .t' more Ha nd y SIH.: t,han Tnri Prall Till;' I>ow WI)'" The SGA. The Uni oll Board The Inlrnmunll D(~ pt.

whi ch whil t:: 51ill maintaining objectivity must bridge the ga p of th e divers e pt' r­ sonalities thal will read this book.


My family Jes us Christ

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