1972 Chacahoula

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Biedenharn Hall

Garrett Hall 2

The No rtheast Louisiana University Campus

Bry Hall

--~==========-----Sugar Hall

Caldwell Hall 4


Hanna Hall

Stubbs Hall


Filhiol Hall 5


Brown Stadium

Adminis tra tion Building

Brown H all

Student Union Building



Ewing Coliseum


Sandel Library


Coenen Cafeteria

Brown Auditorium



----Residence and

Dining Halls

Gunby Dining H all

M adi son Hall-Wome n

Shultz Dining Hall


Brea rd H all-W ome n

Harris Hall-Women

Cosper Hall-Women

Slater Hall-Women


Ouachita Hall- Women

Lemert Hall-Women

Nicholson Hall-Women


Monroe Hall-Women

Olin Hall-M e n


NORTHEAST LOUISIANA UNIVERSITY. To the populo us of Lo uis ia na it is a req足 uisit e of society, a n ins tituti o n of high er learning, the co untry 's s ix th la rges t sc hoo l of pharmacy , a nd a pl ace to prepa re their children for the world o ut s ide the ho me . To the inh a bit a nt s of Monroe, NL U is a n entire entit y-the larges t contrib ut or to th e eco nom y of the cit y, a nd a reser voir of educa ted young men a nd women . To th e 8,800 s tude nts of NLU it is a way of life , a sounding boa rd for idea ls a nd be足 lie fs, a city within a city . It is a city of knowledge ... competition .. work . .. socialization .. friendship . And a s in a ny city , ma ny confl ic ts exist. Conflicts betwee n the adminis tra tio n, s tuden t a nd s tudent , and ha rdes t to allevi a te, th e co n足 fli ct betwee n the s tudent a nd him se lf. Eac h individua l s tudent mu s t dec ide th e pa th tha t his life is to take. He mus t choose betwee n right a nd wro ng, good a nd evil. His ha rdes t task is to loo k a t life fro m bo th s ides a nd to dis ting uis h between rea lit y a nd illus ion .

Mas ur H all-Men

Sherrous e Hall-Men


bOWj and /Iowj

0/ an ffe l hair,

and ice Cream cajt!ej in the air, and feath ered can,;!onj e(ler,;!wh ere, i '(Ie looked at cloudj that wa';!.


concrete whilene:!:! reachin7J to the jh'1

a tea,ful farewell

a hi:!:!

/01' each aj the loume':! to rejote the paradox

0/ co!!e7Je tie be7Jirl:! .


but now the,! onl,! block the jun, the,! rain and 6now on ever'! one, 60 man,! tl.in<J6 i would have done, but clou~ 'Jot in m,! wa'!"


the ,,tniuer:Ji!'fj

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the btured image

/0" Jorne,

the beginning

an interim . . . p eace in the m id Jt

0/ war.


moonj andjunej and/err;j whee!", the dizzy dancin<;j way you /eel, aj every fairy tale comej real, i ve looked at love that way足


a moment. . . alone . . . to /ove and

be loved. . . to 'jain- to fa:Je. . . no

apofa'jiej . . . together . . . forever?



but now it'j jtl.jt anof/'er j/' ow, Y0lt lealle 'em /augh in'l w/'ell and ;llIoll care, Jon't

lei lhem 1m ow,

Jon 'I 'lille yourjel!away_


'J0I~ 'l0'

mul/led tau'ijh:J . . . meanin'ijlejj wOl'dj e:Jcape

/01' C~

while . . . dancin'ij

ctatterin'ij can:J . . . ,moke pl'e:J:Jin'ij


. ..


lear:! and /ear:! and /eeAnff proud, 10 Ja';f

'i love ';f0U "riffhl oul loud,

dreamJ and Jcheme:! and circuJ crowd:!, i've looked al A/e lhal wa';fo


a candle in lhe

fYtif'J路o l路

. a doo,' once opened

. rejot"J:ion . . .

cL/e ...


but now old /riendJ are actinfj Jtranfje, the'f Jhake their h eadJ, the'f Ja'f i've chan'Jed. but Jomethin'J 'J 10Jt but Jomethinfj ~ fjaineJ, in /;vin'J ever'f da'fo


to :Jee, but to :Jee the inlliJible . . to hear, bu.t to hear :!ifence to accept . . . to &lJe . . . ~n peace


i'llelooked al/;/e /rom loll,. jidej now,

/rom win and IOje; and jIlljomehow,

iI':J Ale':J llujionj i recall;

i reall" don 'I know Ale

al all.




President George T. Walker 36

路- I



Mrs. Walker


State Boar d

Jesse H. Bankston


Charles Colbert

Robert H. Curry

William J. Dodd

Superintendent, 1971

Frederick L Eagan

louis J. Michat

Supetinlendenl. 1972

Of Education

Enoch T. Nix

Harvey A. Peltier, Sr.


Mrs. A. D. Smith

W . E. Whetstone

Fred Tannehill

Dr. Boyd M. Woodard



-•James M. Nicholson Execut ive Vice President Dr. Glenn F. Powers

Vi ce Presi dent for Acade mic Affairs

AHon R. Taylor Vice Presidenl for Student Aflalrs


Campus Services

Char1,es McDonald Coordina to r 0 1 Student Aclivities

WiII,iam Laird Director of Alumni Affairs

Mrs. Tinora E. Mullins Hostess

James F. Hawldns Director of Financia l Aid and Placement

Or. Jack Kimball Director 01 Testing and Guidance

James Fryer Assistant Director of Financial Aid and Placement

Alma Lufes Assistant Registrar


Robert Wysocki Di rector of Academ ic Computer Center

Bill Beall Athletic Director

Gerald Stone Director of News Bureau

Ronald Gunter Purchasing Agent

Jerry Ingram Director of Data Processing

Bob Anderson

Sports Informa tion Director


lester Butler Aud itor

Martha Madden Dean of Women

Thom as E. Murphy Dean of Men

Nick Lassiter Cou nselo r to Men


Wade N. Dupuis Di rector of Securi ty and Safety

Robert L. DeMoss Directo r of Auxil ia ry Enterprises

Jim Haddox Directo r of Men' s Housing

/ Susan Featherston Director of Women's Hou sin g

Dalton LeBlanc Director of High Sch oo l Relati ons



Dr. Jack V_ Collins Coord ina tor of Evenin g Divis ion and Freshmen Counseling

Dr. Lake C. Oxford

Director of Instilutional Research

Nan Copeland librari an


Dr. Brylhel H. Brantl.ey Counseling Cenler Head

Maud Merrill Benlrup Head Librarian

Zanona Flinn Lib(arian

Dora M. Beard

Li brarian

Diane Green Libraria n

Cora Dreher Libra(ian

Rebecca McKnights librarian

Leroy Landon Li brarian

McDonald Baxter Lib rarian

Emily Higdon librari an

College of Business Administration

Dean Dwight D. Vines

James T. Hood

Head of Department o f Acco unting:

B.S. , Louisiana Tech University;

M.B.A., Ph .D.. Louisiana State Uni­ ve rsity

Eugene H. Fox

Head o f Depart ment of Economics

and Finance: B.S.. Nonhern Sta te

College: Ph.D., University o f Ala­ bama

Van C. McGraw

Head of Department of Manag e­ ment and Marketing: 8.5., M.S .Ed .,

Northwestern State University; Ph.D ..

Louisiana State Universily

Charles O. Bettinger, III

Head of Departmen t of Business

and Economic Resea rch ; B.B.A.,

M.B.A. , Ph.D., University of Texas

Ruth Bruner

Head of Department 01 Ofrlce Ad ­ ministrat ion: B.S., Memphis State

Unive rsity; M. A., Northwestern Uni­ versity; Ph.D., Louisiana Stale Uni­ vers ity

ACCOUNTING Cynthia R. Bettinger

In struc tor of Acco unting: B.B.A.,

Unive rsi ty o f Texas: M.B.A., North ­

east Louis iana Universily

Thomas W. Chatham

Ass istan t Prof essor: B.S. , Lo uisia na






Univers ity ,

M.B.A. ,

Northeas t

Louisia na University; C.P.A., Lou­

isia na

John D. Edwards

Professor o f Accounting : B.S., Lou­

isiana Tech University; M.B.A., Lou­

isiana Stale University; Ph.D., Uni­

vers it y of Al abama; C.P.A., Louisiana

James T. Hood Professo r and Head of Depa rt ment of Accounting: 8.5. , Louisiana Tech University; M.B.A. , Ph.D., Louisiana Siale Unive rsity B. T. Kaylor ASS istant Pro fesso r: B.B A., Tulane Unive rsity: M B.A .. Loyola University; C.P.A., Lo uisiana

John L. Luffey

Accounting: B.S.,

Professo r of Centenary College: M.B.A., Univer­

sity o f Texas; C.P.A., Louisiana

Robert L. Robinson

Professor B S.. M.A ..

Ass oc iat e University o f South ern Mississi ppi ;

D.B.A.. Mississippi State University

Will T. Smith

Associa te Professor: B.S., Lo uisiana

Tech University ; M.B.A. , University

o f Denver; C.P.A. . Lou isiana

Maci( C. Wilkie

Assoc ia te Professor: B.S.. M .S.,

Ph D. Lou iSian a Siale University

Marilynn G. Winborne

Pro fessor of Accou nting: B.S.C. ,

Te)( as Christian Univers ity; M.B.A.,

Southern Meth odist University; Ph.D.,

University of Texas; C.P .A. , Texas


Eugene H. Fox Professo r and Head o f Department o f Eco nomi cs a nd Fin ance: 8.S., No rth ern State Coll ege : Ph.D. , Uni­ versity o f Alabama Mohamed-Amid Futayyeh Assis tant Professor: B.A., Ame ri can University of Beirut: M.A. , Unive rsity of Kansas; Ph .D., University of Ok lahoma Patricia Ingram 'Garland ASSO Ciate Professor : 8 S, lOU isiana Tech UnlverSlly: M.B.A. , Ph .D., Uni­ versity of A rkansas Jerry Hood Ass istant Pro fessor: B.S., Lo ui siana Tech University ; M .B .A., Texas Tech University


Edgar L. Hopusch Professo r: B.S., Assoc ia te M.S" D.B.A., University of Col orad o Preston M. Juvenal Assoc iate Pro fesso r: B.S., Oklaho ma City University; M.B.A., Ph .D., Uni ­ versity of Oklahoma Lawrence A. Kratz Professor of Econ omi CS and Fina nce B. A. , M. A., University of Cincin nati; Ph.D .. University 01 Mississippi Thomas R. McCann Assoc iate Professo r: B.S.. Mississip pi State Univers ily; M.A .. George Pea ­ body Coll ege Richard G. Milk Ass istant PrOfesso r: B.S., Corn ell Uni versity; M.S.. University of Ten ­ ne ssee Ph D.. l o w~ Siale University David N. Norris Assistan t Professor: B.A., Northea st Lou iSiana University; M.B.A., Lou ­ Isiana Tech Univers ity Donald R. Walers Ass istan t Professo r: B. S., M.B.A .. Lo uiSiana Tech University MANAGEMENT AND MARKETING Bobby G. Canterbury Assistan t Pro fessor: B .S., Northwest ­ ern State Univers ity; M.A, Louisiana State University Haml.et R. Carter, Jr. Assistant Professo r: B.S., United Siales Military Academy; M. B.A., Unive rsity of Mississippi Bill Chastain Ass istan t Professor: B.A., J.D.. Uni­ ve rsity of Oklah oma Lyndon E. Dawson, Jr. Associate Professor : B.S. , M.B.A" l ouisian a State University; Ph.D. University 0: Alabama Maynard M. Dolecheck Associa te Pro fessor: B. S.. Iowa Stal e Univers it y: M.B A , Univer sity of Colorado Ph D.. University of Ala­ ba ma John Paul Dunn B.S.E.. Ar­ Associate Professor' kan sas State College; M.A., State College of Iowa ; Ph.D. U ni ve ~ s ity of Arka nsas Robert H. Harrison Assoc iate Pro fesso r: B.S., Northwes l­ ern Sta le Unive rsity; M B.A., Ph D., Univers ity of Arkan sas Joseph W. Lane, Jr. Instr uctor in Managemen l: B. S., M.B.A.. Nort heas t Louisiana Univer­ sity James E. Lewis Assistant Professo r: B.S.. Northeast l ouiSiana Univers ity: l.l.B., louisiana Siale University William E. Loftin Assis tant Pro fessor: B.S.. M.B.A.. Northeas l l ou isiana University


James M. McBeth Instructor in Management: B.S., MA, University of Southern Mis· sissippi Van C. McGraw Professor and Head of Department of Management and Marketing: B.S.• M.S.Ed ., Northwestern State Univer· sity; Ph.D., Louisiana Stale University Carleton C. Page Associate Professor: B.B.A ., M.B.A., University of Mississippi; D.B.A., Indiana University Rosemary Pledger Professor of Management: B.A.. Harding College; M.S., University of Arkansas: D.B.A. , Texas Tech Unj· versity Jack Y. PursifuJl Assistant Professo r: B.S ., M.A., Uni· versity of A labama LaHoma Lee Riederer Associa te Professor: B.B.A., Baylor University; M.B.A., Southern Meth· odis t Unive rsity; Ph.D .. University o f Florida Henry M. Strumpell Assista nt Professor: B.A. , SI. Olaf College; M .S., Baylor University; M .B.A., Air Force Institute of Tech·

nology. C.D.P. Lawson L. Swearingen, Jr. Assi stant Professor : B.A., Northeast Lou isiana University; J.D., Tul ane University James A. Wilkins Assistant Professor: B.B.A.. M.B.A., Texas Tech University OFFICE ADMINISTRATION Carolyn L. Babb B.S., M.S.. Assistant Professor: University of Southern Mississippi Gloria C. Brantley Assoc iate Pro fessor: B.S.. North­ east Louisia na University; M.B.E.. Miss issippi; Univers ity of Ed.D., Oklahoma State Unive rsity Ruth Bruner Professor and Head of Depa rt men t of Office Admini stration: B.S., Memph is State Univers ity; M.A.. Northwestern University; Ph.D., Lou · isi ana State University Carolyn Do\echeck Assistan t Profes sor: B.S., Southern Stale College; M.B.A., Indiana Uni­ versity Sandra E. McKay Instructor in Office Administration; B.S. , M.Ed.. Northea st Lou isiana University Howard W. Morton Associate Professor: B.S., Mississippi Co ll ege ; M.B.E., University of Mis· sissippi Shirley W. Robbins Assistant Pro fessor: B.S., Delta State Colfege; M .B.E., University of Mi s­ siss ippi

J. William Smith, Jr. Associa te PrOfessor: B.S., University of Southern Mississippi; M.B.E.• Uni­ vers ity of Mi SSiss ippi; Ed.D. , Col· orado Stale College Carol P. Stiga~1 In structor of Office Ad minist rat ion: B.S.. University of Southwestern Lou isiana: M.Ed., Louisian a Stat e University BUREAU OF BUSINESS RESEARCH Charles O. Bettinger, III B. B.A.. M.B.A., Ph .D.. Unive rsity of Texas LaHoma Riederer B.B.A.. Baylor UnIVe rsity; M.B.A. . South ern Mel hod i s t Univers ity; Ph .D., Unive rsity of Florida

Th. development of th e a bilities and allit udes necessary fol' success in business-related ca r eers a n d fo l' p a l'足 ticipati on as respons i ble citi ze ns is Ihe prim ary o bj ecti ve of the Co ll ege o! Busin ess A dmini s tl'a tio n . The quantit y of kn ow ledge p e rt a ining to the business a nd eco nomic en v iro n足 ment is enlal'ge d thr o ug h fac ult y and student resea rch. Beca use t he field s of business a dmini s tr a tio n se l'v e a s a medium fol' co ns ult a ti on a nd m edi足 ation in respect to b usi ness a nd eco足 nomic prohlems. th e gu alit y of life in the communit y and s urr o un d ing regions is im proved.


C ollege of


r Dean Henry T. Garner


Bernard Shadoin

Head of Department of Elementary

and Secondary Educa tion: B.S.,

Northweste rn State University; M.A.,

Stephen F. Aus tin State University;

Ed.D., Univers ity of Arkansas

Richard A. Worthington

Head of Departm en t of Mu sic: S.M.,

M.M., University of Mi chiga n; Ed.D.,

UnlVersJly 01 Illinois

Oscar N. Walley, Jr.

Head of Department of Psychology:

B.A., Millsaps COllege; B.D., Emo ry

Univers ity; M.S., Ph.D., Unive rsity of

Southe rn Mi ss iss ippi

Barry l. Johnson

Head of Departm ent of Hea lth and

Physical Edu cation: B.S., North足 we stern State Univers ity; M.S.,

Baylor University; Ed .D., Louisiana

Stale Univers ity



Head o f Department of Special

Educa tion : B.S., Loui siana Tech Uni足 versity; M.Ed., Louisiana Stale Uni足 vers ity; Ed.D. , George Peabody


ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY Marjorie S. Snyder Professor: B.S., Lo uisia na Tech Uni· EDUCATION David N. Aspy vers ity; B.A., Northeast Louisiana Professor: A.B. , M.Ed ., Unive rsity of University: M.A., Ed.D., George Pea· Ed.D., University of Louisville; body Co llege Kentucky James E. Sullivan Ruby B. Ball Assistant Professor: B.S., Centenary Associate Prefessor: B.A., North­ College; M.Ed. , Northwestern State M.Ed., University; Ed D. , Universi ty of Arkan· Stal e UniverSity: western sas Louisiana Stale University Catherine D. Vaughan

Marshall D. Boyd Associate Pro fessor; B.A., M.Ed.,

Assista nt Proressor : B.S., Lo uisia na No rtheast Loui siana University: Ed.D.,

Te ch University; M.Ed ., Northwest­ Unive rsity of Sou th ern Mis sissipp i

ern State Universi ty; Ph.D., East R. Elgin Ward Texas Slate Un iversity Assistant Professor: B.A., Hende rso n William J. Christmas State College ; M.Ed., East Texas Professor: B.S. , M.A. , Un iversity of Stale Unive rsity; Ed.D., University of Alaba ma; Ed.D ., Columbia Univers'I1Y Miss issippi OeWayne Haynes Asslsta nl Professor' B.A. Hende rson Hugh Williams State Teacher's Co ll ege; M.S. E.. Te aching Assistant: 8. S., No rtheast Louisiana University East Texas Slate Un ive rsity: Ed.D., HEALTH AND PHYSICAL Unive rsily of Mississ ipp i EDUCATION T. Eugene HoltzclaW Arthur R. Adams, Jr. Professor: B.A., Louisiana Tech Uni­ versity; M.S., Ed.D., University o f Professo r; B.S., M.S., Ph .D., Lou · isiana State University Arkansas Wallace L. Jones Billy J. Arrington Assoc iate Profe ssor; B.A., M .Ed ., Assistan t Professo r: B.A., Ouachila Ed.D., Loui siana State University Bapti sl Unive rsity; M.E., Midweste rn Louise G. Lemert University; Ed.D., University o f Ar­ Associate Prolessor of Library kansas Sc ience and Eng li sh : B.A., B.S., Henry W. Boyles Lo uis iana State Universily; M.A. , Ass istant Professor: B.E., Tulane Uni· George Peabody College vers lty: M Ed ., No rtheas t Louisiana University Don W. Locke Ass istan t Pro ressor: 6S., M.Ed., Charles R. Buck Mississ ippi College; Ed .D. , Univer· Associate Professor: B.S., Central sity of Mi ss issippi Stale Co l!ege; M.Ed., University of Merrill S. Nicklas Oklahoma; Ed.D., University of Ar· Professor: 8 .S, Lo uis iana Tech Uni­ kansas versity: M .S., Ed.D., Universily of James J. Coats Arka nsas Assista nt Professor: B.S., Louisian a Bill L Perry College : M.Ed., Louisiana State Uni­ Dire ctor o f Ed ucational Medi a: B.S.. versity Northeastern Stale Co llege ; M.A., Leonard O. Fant Oklahc ma City UniverSity; Ed.D., Unj. Assistant Professor and Basketball vers ity o f Oklahoma Coach: B.S., Centenary Coll ege ; Buckley E. Qualls M.A., University o f Alabama Associate Professor and Director of Student Teaching: B.A., M. S., Ed .D. , Bayl or Univers ity William 1(. Russel~ Professor: 8.M., Ouach ita Baptist University; B.S., M.S. , Texas Chri stian University; Ed.D., Unive rsity of Ho us ­ ton Bernard Shadoin Professor and Head of Depart ment of Eleme ntary and Secondary Ed· ucation: B.S., Northwe stern State University; M.A., Stephen F. Austin State Universi ty; Ed .D.. Unive rsity of Arkansas Herman R. Sigler Associate Professor: B.A., University of Southwesle rn Louisiana; M.A. , George Peabody CO llege

Betly M . Faught Instructor: B.S., Northweste rn Stale Unrversity; M.Ed., Memphis State Unive rsity Clinton N. Fitzpatrick Assistant Prolessor: B.S., University of Co lorado ; M.S., Eastern Illinois Ed. D., Colorado State Univers ity; Un iversity Robert H. Groseclose Asso ciate Professor and Cross Coun ­ try, Track and Field Coach: B.S., Texas Christia n University; M.Ed., University o f Texas Elizabeth Hendrix Instructor: B.S. , Nor theast Louisian a University; M.S., Lou isiana State Uni­ ve rsity Bennie Ho:l is Ass istan t Proles sor and Assistant Basketball Coach: 8. S.. M.S. , North ­ east Louisiana Unive rsity Albert V. Hollister Assistant Pro fes sor: B.S., Mankato State College : M.A., Ed. D., George Pea bOdy Co llege Barry L. Johnson Professo r and He ad of Depart me nt of Health and Physica l Ed ucation: B.S, NoflhwesLern Sta te University ; M.S., Baylor University; Ed.D., Lou­ isiana State Univers it y Char'les F. Martin Instructo r an d Ath letic Train er: B.S., M.Ed.. Unive rsity 01 Oklahoma Jack C_ Rowan Associate Pro fessor: B.A.. Concord State Co llege; M.Ed., Mississippi Coll ege Eart D. Speights Ass oc iate Professo r: B.S ., M.Ed ., North weste rn State Unive rsity; Ed.D., Unive rsity of Arkansas Sara L. Stockard Instructor: B.S., Northeast Lou isiana University; M.A. , Texas Woma n' s Uni ­ vers ity

Dixie B. White Ass istant Pro fessor, and Head Foot­ ba ll Coach: B.A., Texas Technological Co llege MUSIC

Florence Z . Allbritton Professor: B.M., M.M., Chi cago MUSical College Douglas M. Baer Assistant Professo r: B.M., M.A" Stetson University; Ph.D" Florida State Unive rsity Judith M. 8a\0 Instruc tor: 8.M.Ed., West Texas State Unive rsity; M.M., University of South ­ ern Miss iss ippi John C. Burgin Assistan l Pro fesso r: B.A., Garson­ Newman CO ll ege; M.M., Ind iana Uni­ ve rsity; Ph.D., George Peabody Coll ege John G. Cale Assistant Professor: B.M., Louisiana Sta te University : M.A.. University of Michigan; Ph.D., Louisiana State Uni­ versity Joe F. Cleveland ASSistant Pro fessor: B.M.E., Texas Ch ristian University: M.M.Ed ., Uni ~ versity 01 Colorado Donald R. Cornelt Assistant Professo r: B.M., North ­ wes lern Unive rsi ty; M.M., Unive rsity o f Louisville; D.M.A., Northweste rn Unive rsily Edward Deckard Assistant Professo r: 8.S., M.S., Indiana State University; D. M.A. . Uni­ versity o f Mi ssouri Charles Eve Ass istant Professor: B.M., M.M., Unive rsity o f Colorado Stanley G. Finck Ass istant Professor: 8 .M., State Uni­ versity o f Iowa; M.M. Ed .. University of Arkansas David L. Gibson Instruc tor: B.M. , North Texas State University; M.M., Northwestern Uni ­ versity James E. Gillespie, Jr. Assistant Pro fesso r: B. S., Conco rd Coll ege; M.M., D.M.A., Indiana Un i­ ve rsity William J. Herring Ass istant Professo r: B.S., Mississippi College; M.M.E., Louisiana Slate University Barry R. Hopper Instructor: B.A. , University of So uth Flo rida ; M.M., North Texas State University James F. Monroe Pro fessor: B.M., Baylor University; M. M., America n Conservatory of Mus ic ; M.A., Ph.D., University of North Carolina


G. Lowry Riggins

Wayne M. Gilb ert

Associate Professor: B.A., M.A.,

University of Texas; Ph .D., Univer·

silY of Ka nsas

vers ity of Illinois Maury M. Haraway

Gertrud e M. Sandrock Ass istant Professo r: B. A., M.A., Ph .D.,

Associate Professor: B.A., Carnegie Univers ity of Mississippi

Ins titute of Techno logy ; M .Ed., Uni­ Ernest G. Mapl es, Jr.

versity of PIttsbu rgh Assistant Professor: B.A. , South·

Wilford O. Smith

western at Memph is; M.A., Me mphis

Pro fessor: B.S. , Texas Tech Univer­

State Univers ity; Ph.D ., Un iversity o f

si ty; M.M., Universi ty of Texa s: Ph.D. ,

Miss iss ippi

George Peabody College

Louis E. McGuire

Eloise C. Si a nhope ASs ista nt Professor: B.A., M. A. ,

Ph D.. Un ive rSIty 01 Miss issi ppi

Associate Profess or: 8.M., Henderson Sia l e Co llege; M.M., Chicago Ca n­ Jam es l . Outtz

servatory 01 Music Instructor: B.A., Northeast louisiana

Un ive rs ity

Eugene W. Sieinquest Assista nt Professo r: A B., Western Bobby L Stephenson

Ken tucky State Universily; M. M., ASSistant Pro fessor: B.A, M.A..

Wes t Virginia Unive rsity; Ph.D., Ph .D., University of Alabama

Geo rge Pea body College Jam es O. Thras her

Professor: B.A.. University of New

Jerry W. Vance Mexico; M.S.. Ph.D. , University of

Ass istant Professo r: B.M.E ., Fort

Ok lahoma

Hays Slale Co llege : M.M.E., Wich ita

Oscar N. Walley, Jr.


AssOC iate Professor and Head of

Jack W. Wh ile

Departmen t 01 Psychology: B.A,

Ass istant Professo r: 8.M.E.. Nonh ­

Mill saps College; B.D. , Emory Uni­ eas t Lo uis iana Uni versity; M.M.,

vers ity; M.S., Ph.D., University of

Lou is ia na State Unive rsity

Sout hern Miss iss ipp i

Ri chard A. Worthington


PrOfesso r an d Direc to r 01 Sc hoo l

Tina Bailey

of MUSic: B.M ., M.M. , Univers ity of

Graduate Ass istant : B.A., No rtheast

Michi gan; Ed D., University of Ill ino is Louis ia na Univers ity

PSY CHOLOGY Level le Haynes

Professo r and Director of Special

Ch arles T. Dunn

Educalion: 8 .5., Louis iana Tech Uni­ Assistant Professo r: B.S., M.S. , Uni ­

vers ity; M.Ed., Lou isiana State Uni·

vers ity o f Southern Mississ ippi; Ph.D.,

versity; Ed.D., George Peabody

Universi ty of M iSSissippi


William D. Gay

Berlin A . Heck

Assistan t Professor: B.S., lincoln

InstrUClor: B.S., Louisiana State Uni·

ve rsity; M.Ed., Northeasl LouiSiana

Memori al University; M.A., Unive rsity


of Ke ntucky

Assistant Profe ssor: B.A. , North Texas State University; M.S., Uni ·


Donald Joyner Associate Pro fessor: B.A.. M .A., Eastern New Mexico University; Ed. D.. University 01 Cincin nati Harold F. Lewing Assoc iate Professor : B.A" No rth ­ wes lern Sla le University: M.S., East Texas Baptist COllege; M.A., George Peabody College; Ph.D., Southern Il linoIs Unive rsity Cecil C. Lipscomb Assistan t Professor: B.A., Mi ss iss ippi Co llege; M .A., Baylor University Dolph H. McCle ish Assis lant Professo r: B.S.. Louisiana Tech Univers ity: M.Ed. , Lo uis iana State Universi ty John R. Morel(a Ass istant Professor: B.A., University 01 Southweste rn Louisiana; M .Ed .. Universily 01 Oklahoma Jackie Morgan Graduate Ass is tant: B.A., M .Ed .. Norl heast Lo uisiana University Charley B . Underwood In struc tor: B A.. Louisiana College; C.S.W.. M.S.W., Louisia na State Uni ­ versil y

Jenny Webber

Instructor: B.A .. Lou isiana Slate Uni­ vers ity: M .A.. Universi ty of South­ w es~ern Lo uis iana

T he Co ll ege o f Ed ucatio n p re pa res un derg ra du a te s t ude nt s as pros pec­ tive t eachers w ho will be li be rally educated a nd kn ow ledga bl e in spe ­ c ia li zed teac hing fi elds . G ra duate s tu­ den ts are p repa red as teac he rs and oth er sc hoo l perso nn el w hose com ­ p etence is assured by ma intenan ce o f a proper b a lance be t wee n subject mat­ t er and profess io na l courses. M nsic s tu dents are prov ided wit h mu s ical skills a nd a backgro und kn owledge of mn s ic. Psycho logy a nd Speci a l Educa tio n stude nts are also provided with backgro und a nd ski ll s in thei r r espec tive fi elds.


College of Liberal Arts

Dean Frank Morgan



James B. Edwards

Head of Department of Art : B.A.,

North weste rn Stale University; M.Ed .,

Ph. D., Easl Texas Sta te University

John A. McLemore

Head of Departme nt of English: B. S.,

M.A., Memp his Slate University;

Ph.D., Unive rsity of Mississi ppi

Carlos D. Fandal

Head of Department

Of Foreig n

Languages: B.S.. M.A.. Ph.D.. Lou ­ is iana State UniversiLy

Ernest E. Bruce, Jr.

Head o f Department o f Military

SCie nce : B.S., Mc Neese State Uni­ versity; Lieutenant Colonel, Infantry,

United Stales Ar my

Gilford l. Jackson

Acti ng Head o f Department of His ­ tory and Gove rn ment: B.A., M.A.,

Ph.D., University or Oklahoma

James W. Parkerson

Head of Departmen t of Speech: B.A. ,

Louisiana Tech University; M.A.,

Unive rsity of Iowa; Ph .D., Louisiana

State Unive rsity

Maurice J . Anderson

Head o f Department of Soci ology

and Social Sciences: B.A., Lou­ isiana College: Th .M., Th. D., New

Orl eans Baptist The ologica l Semi­ nary; M.A. . Ph.D., LouisIana Stale




James B . Edwards Associate Pro fessor an d Head of Depa rt men t of Art: B.A.. Northwes t­ ern Stale Unive rsity; M.Ed ., Ph.D., Eas t Texas St ale Univers ity Ricnard E. Hayes Assis tant Professor : B.A. . South ern Illinois Unive rsi ty; M.F.A.. Indi ana Unive rsity Al,binc R. Hinojosa In str uctor: B.A., East Texas Sl ate Univers il,} Denn is l. Mitch e; 1 Instruc tor: B.S., M.A., Fort Hays Kansas Slale College; M.F.A .. Arizona State University Gerald W. Ortego

Grad uate Teach ing l ouisiana College


B.A ..

Edward E. Schutz Assistant Professor: B.S.. Southwest Texas Stale Coll ege; M .A., New Mex­

ico Highlands Univers ity Jimmy W. Tarver

Instructor: 8.5., Louisiana Tech Un;­ vers l!v Jean F. Taylor ASSls tanl Professor:

B.F. A ,

M S ..

M.F.A.. Ohio Stale Universily Jo Ella Williams Ass istant Pro lesso r: B.S., Grambling Co llege: M.A., Northe ast Louisia na University Robert G. Ward Assi stant Professor: M.A.. University ot Iowa; B.F.A.. Illinois Wesleyan Universltv ENGLISH Mona Acosta

Instructo r: BA, Northeast louiSiana

University; M.A.. University 01 Ar­


Martha L. Adams

Assi sta nt Pro fesso r: B.A. , Della

State College; M. A., Ph.D., Univer­

sity 01 Mississippi

Robert B. Anderson

ASSistant Professo r 01 B.A., M.A.J.. Louisiana ve rsity

Jou rnali sm:

Sla le Uni ­

Nelwyn K. Bickley

Instructor: B.A.. Unive rsity western Louisiana: M.A., Lou isia na University

Theda P. Birdsong

Instructor: B.A. , M.A., Louisiana Unive rsity

Ruthann U. Cage

Instructor: BA, M.A., Lou isiana Unive rsity

Robert A . Carroll

Ins tru ctor in Journa li sm: B east Lo ui siana Uni versity


of South­



Nort heast

A., North ­

AI,i ce Farmer Northeast Instructor: B.A. , M.A., Louisiana Universi ty Adelaide H. Frazier In structor: B.Ed ., Uni versity of Miami; M.A.. Nor theast Louisiana Unive r sity Patrick P_ Garren Assista nt Professor: B.A.. Louisiana Tech Unive rsily; M.A.. Aubu rn Uni­ versity; Ed .D.. North Texas State University louise E. Harris Ass istant Professor: B.A ., Northwest ern State University; M.A., louisiana State University Jerry D. Holmes Associate Professor: B.A., Missis­ sipp i College: M.A.. Ph.D., Univer­ sity of Mi ssissippi Jessie M. lockhart Assistant Professor: B.A., Alabama College; M.A. , Unive rsity of Alaba ma John l. Mcinnis, III Assis tant Professor: B .A. , Sou th ern Methodist Univers ity; M.A., Lou isiana Slate University L M. McKneely Professo r: B.S., Georgia Teac her' s Co lleg e; M.A .. Ph.D., Emory Univer­ sity John A. Mclemore Professo r and Head of Department of English: B.S., M.A., Memp his Siale Unive rsity; Ph.D., University of Mississippi Margaret C. Moss Assis ta nt Professor: B.A., M.A., Uni ­ versity of Texas; M.A., Ph.D., Rice University Margaret M. Parker Assistant Professor: B.A., Louisiana Tech University; M.A .. Texas Chri stian University James B. POllS, Jr. Assoc iate Professo r: A. B.. Glenville State College; M.A., George Peabody College; Ph.D., University of Missis­ sippi Wanda Sharpli" Instructor: B.A .. M.A., Northeast LOui­ siana University Margaret P. Steigman Instructor: B.A., Arkansas College; M.A.. Northeast Louisiana University Gerald C. Slone Instructor in Journalism: B.A.J., M.A.J., Lou isiana State University A. W. Washington Instr uctor: B.S., M.A., Ohio State Un iversity 4



Wol,fram C. Chanin

Professo r: B.A., M.A., Ph.D ., Univer­ si ty of Wiln o, Po land; Ph.D.. Aca~

demia Mondia le, Rome. Italy


A. Earl Ingram Assistant PrOfessor: B.S., Northeast Louisi ana University; M.A., Ph.D., Lou isiana Sta te University Gilford L. Jackson William A. Walker, Jr.

Associate Professo r and Acting Head Professo r: B.S., Tenn essee POlytech­ Charlene F. Crawley o f Department of Social Sciences: nic Ins titute: M.A., George Peabody

Instructor : B.S .. Louis iana State Uni­ B.A. , M.A., Ph .D., Unive rsity of Okla­ Co llege; Ph.D., Univ ersity of Texas

vers ity; M.A., Tutane University homa E. Russ Williams, Jr,

CarlOS D. Fandal H. Perry Jones ASSistant Profe sso r: B.M.Ed ., South­ Associate Professor and Head of Associate Professo r: B.S. , Mississippi eastern Louis iana University; M.Ed.,

Department 01 Foreign Languages: Col:ege; M. A., Appalachian State Uni­ Ph.D., Univers ity of Southern Missis­ B.S., M.A. , Ph .D., Louisiana State versity; Ph .D.. University of Missis­ sippi

University sippi Annelies T. Hayward M. Scott Legan SOCIOLOGY AND SOCIAL in structor: Abltur, Obers chule F. Mad­ Assis tant Professo r: B.S., M.A., Mis­ SCIENCES chen, Bayreuth, G e r man y; M.A., sissippi State University; Ph .D., Uni­ Louisia na State University versity of Mississ ippi Orlando B. Hernandez Maurice J. Anderson John C. Lewis Instruc to r: BA, Aubu rn University ; Professor and Head of Depa rtment of Assis tant Professor: B's.Ed .. Unive r­ M.A, Lou isiana ' State University Sociology and Social Sciences: B.A. , sity of Akron; M.A., Kent Stale Uni­ LOUisiana College ; Th .M., Th .O., New Ernest E. Norden vers ity Assista nt Professor; B.S., Purd ue Uni ­ Orleans Bap tist Theologica l Seminary; Eari T. Mill,en vers ity; M.A .. Unive rsity of Oregon M.A .. Ph.D., Louisiana Siale University Professor: B.A., Ph .D .. Unive rsity of Georges-Marie Quesada Frank P. Forwood Wash ington Instructor: Baccala ureal. Di plome Ass istan t Pro fessor of Sociology: B.S., Winton R. Mizell Universitaire d 'Etude liHeraire, li­ Auburn University; B.D ., Th .D., South· Ass istan t Professor: B .A.. Ouachi ta cence d'Enseignemenl d 'Histoire. Sor­ Baptist Unive rsity ; B.D., Southwest­ ern Baptist Th eolog ical Sem inary bon ne. Paris, Fran ce; Diplome de fin ern Ba pt ist Theological Seminary; Errs J. Ginn M.A. , Midwestern University d'Ecole Norm ale, Pa ris, France Associate Professor of Social Welfare Marie P . Watson Joseph l. Poetker and Sociology: BA, Mi ss iss ippi Col· Instructor: B.S. , M.E d , Loui sia na State lege; M.S.W., Lou isia na State Univer­ Assistant Prof essor: A.B., Northwes t­ sity ern University; Ph.D., University of University F. Eugene Heilman North Carolina Professor of Sociolo gy: B.A. , DePauw Paul L. Rawson MILITARY SCIENCE University: M. Ed .. Indiana Univers ity; Associate Professor: B.A., Geo rge M.A.. University of Wi sconsi n; Ph .D., Peabody Coll ege; M.AT., Harvard Emest E. Bruce, Jr. University of Nebraska Universi ty Professor and Hea d of Department James E. Morris Thomas E. Stricklin of Milita ry Scie nce: B.S.. Mc Neese Assis tant Professor of Law Enforce­ Associate Professo r: B.S., Mi ss issippi State Univers ity: Lieut enant Colonel, ment : M. P. A., Illinois Institute of Tech ­ College; M.A., University of Alabama; In fantry , United States Army nology Ph.D., Miss iss ippi Sta le University Phillip W. Childress Gene F. Tarver Assistant Professor: B.A. Unive rsity Ass istant Professor: B.A., Northeast of Ten nessee; Captain, United States Lou isiana University; M.A.. LOuiSiana Army Slate University; Ph.D., University of Leonard A. Ragus Kentucky Assista n, Professor: B. S., Louisiana State Unive rsi ty; Captai n, Infantry, United States Army James W. Walts Ass istant Pro fessor: B.A. , Northwes t­ ern Sta te Univers ity; Capta in. Armo r. Uni ted Stat es Army HISTORY & GOVERNMENT

Richard B. Chardkoff Associate Professor: B.A., Vand erbilt University; M.A. , Ph.D., Florida State University Bobby L. England Assistant Professo r: B.S. , M.Ed., Ph.D., East Texas State Unive rsity Ted B. Ferguson Associate Professor: B . S . M . A . , Lo uisiana State Univers ity Richard F. Haynes Assista nt Professor: B.A. , Sou theast· ern Lou isia na University; M.A.. Ph.D., Lou isiana State University Noltie W. Hickman Professor: B.S., University of South­ ern Mississippi; M. A., University of Mississippi; Ph.D., University of Texas



Charlene W. Bailey Instruc tor. B.A., Northeast Lou isiana University Sarah A. Barnett Instr uctor: B.A.. Northeast LouiSiana Universily George C. Brian

Professo r: B.S., M.A., Ph.D.. l ou isiana Sta te Univers ity

Clarence W. Chandler

Ins tructor: B.A.. louisiana College ;

M.A .. Stephen F. Aust in State Univer­ sity

Patricia M. CI.ay Instructor: B.A., University of South­ wes tern LOUisiana

Jerri Sue Dischert

Instructor: B.S.E., Arkansas A & M College

Shirley A. Fields Instructor: B.A , Northeast l ou isiana Univers ity Claude C. Fuller Associate Professor; B.S., M.A.. West Texas State Universi ty Karen H. Goree

Instructor : B.A, Northeast Louisia na

Unive rsity

Edward J . J . Kramer

Professor: B.A., Abilene Christian COl·

lege ; M.A.. Ph.D., Florida State Uni·


Th e Coll ege o f Libe ra l Art s a ims prim a ril y to pre pa re it s s tud e nt s fo r s pecia liza ti on throug h a b as ic pro­ g r am o f s tudi es in the libe ra l a rts. Oth e r s tud ent s a t N orth eas t a re pre ­ p a r ed i n th eir r es pecti ve fi eld by th e College b eca use it prov ides found a ­ ti on courses for th e tra ining o f teac h­ e rs , a nd it o ff ers a bac kg ro und of liber a l e du ca ti o n fo r o the r pro fes­

James W. Parkerson

Prc fessor and Hea d of Department of

Speech: B.A., Louisiana Tech Uni·

ve rsity; M.A.. University of Iowa;

Ph.D .. Lou iSiana Sla te Unive rsity

Preston F. Sisk

Inslructor: B.A.. Memphis State Uni­ vers ity; M.A .. University of Arkansas

V. Jackson Smith Ass istant Professor: B.A., Unive rsity of Texas: M.A.. Sac ramento Slate Uni­ versity; Ph.D Univers ity of Texas

s iona l ca ree rs.


College of Pharmacy and Allied Health Professions

Dean Ben F. Cooper

_ -....-..;::!:_







_____________________ ___

Lee A. Sens Acting Head of Depa rlme nt o f Alli ed HealLh SCIences and Cu rri culu m Oi­ rec to r of Occupational Th erapy: B.A. , Howard College; O.T. M.A. Texas Woman 's Uni versity Jeann e A. S ho rl Head 01 Schoo l of Nur sing: B S .• M.S., New York Univers ily Ben F. Coope r, Jr. Head of School o f Pharmacy: B.A.. B. S., M.S., Ph.D.• Unive rsity o f North Caro lina



Lee A. Sens Acting Head o f Department 01 Allied Heallh Sciences and Cu rri culum Di足 rector of Occ upationa l Therapy: B.A. , Howa rd College; OT , M.A., Texas Woma n' s Universily SCHOOL 01 NURSING

Virginia H. Aspy

Instructo r in Nursing: 8.S., Catherine

Spaulding College; M.N., University of

Fl o ri da

Billie S. Barringer

Ass istant Professor of Nursing: B.S.,

NOrt heast Louisiana University; M.A.,

New York University

Dixie L. Brown

Assistant Professo r: B.S.N., Texas

Christian University; M.S., University

of Co lorOido

Norma J . Gates Assistan t Instructor : B .S. , Northeast Lou isiana University

Marilyn P. Glasgow Assistant Professor: B.S.N., Univers ily of Arkansas ; M.S., Emory UniverSity Nancy lowery Instruc tor: B.S. , Northwestern State Univers ity; M N., Emory Univers ity Helen T. McA'mond As sistant Instructor: B.S. , Nort heast LouiSiana University Charlene Reed Inst ru c tor: B.S., Norlhwestern State University; M.N., Emory University Mary E. Rowden Associate Professor: B.A. , Marlboro Co ll eg e; M.S., Indiana University Jeanne A. Short Assoc iate Professor and Head of School of Nursing: B.S. , M.S., New York University Betty E. Smilh In structor: B.S., Northweste rn State University: M.N .. Emory University





Archie J. Beebe Ass istant Professor : B.S., Ph.D ., Med足 ica l College of Virginia Charles N. Bell Assistant Professor: 8.S ., M.S., North 足 east Louisiana University Edward A. Brecht Professor: B.S .. MS. , Ph.D., Univer足 sity of Minnesota Dale H. Cronk Professor: B.S., M.S., Ph.D., State University of Iowa


August G. Danti Professor: 8 .8., M .S., Unive rsity o f Pittsbu rgh: Ph.D .. Ohio Sta le Univer­ sity Theodore H. Eickhol1 Assoc iate Professor : B.S. , Ph.D., Uni­ vers ily of Minnesota Gary G. Ferguson Assist ant Pro fessor: B.S., University o f Housto n: M.S., Baylor University Col­ lege of Medici ne; Ph .D., University of Colorado Paul F. Geiger Associa te Professor: B.S ., M.S .. Ph .D., University 0: Texas John T. Goorley Professor: B.S., Ohio Stale University; M.S. , Ph .D., Purdue Unive rsity Jerome F. Hensiak Associate Pro fesso r: B.S.. M.S., Uni­ ve rsity of Wisconsin; Ph.D., Stale Uni­ ve rsity o f Iowa John C. Hildenbrand, 111 Ass istant for Professional Affairs: B.A .. Louisiana Sta te University; B.S., Northeast LOuisiana University Phil lip C. Jobe AssIstant Professor : B.S., University o f New Mexico ; Ph.D., University of Arizona Joseph H. Kern Pro fessor. B.S .. M .S. , Ph .D., Ohio Sla le UniverSity

Robert P. Knoll Pro fesso r: B.S., Union Unive rsity ; M.S.. Purdue Unive rsity; Ph.D., Ore­ gon Slate University Wallace E. Longmire As sistant Professor: B.A., 8.S., M.S .. Oregon Siale University A. Bryce Nielsen

AssIstant Pro fessor: B.S.. M.S., Uni­ versity o f Uta h Reynaldo V. Saenz Associate Professor: B.S.. M.S., Ph.D., UniverSIty of Texas David J . Sialkin Ass istant Pro fesso r: B.A. , Wayne State Unive rsity ; B.S., Merce r University; M.S. , University o f Mi ss isSippi Jon J. Tania Assoc iate Pro fesso r: B.S., Ferris State Coll ege; M.S., University of Iowa

Th e College of Pharm acy and Al ­ li ed H ea lth Pro fess ion s trains s tu­ dents in the fundamental s of th e ir respective ca reers di ,'ected Ioward pub ­ li c health se r v ices. Not only d oes th e C ollege pro v id e the s tude nt with bas ic scientifi c tec hniques for appli­ cation to and resea rch in the hea lth sc ien ces, but it also develops in the st udent respect for th e dign ity of m a n and an unders ta ndin g o f basic hum an needs.


D. Vagi

Assis tant Professor 8 .S. M.S., Ph.D. , University of Texas C. Eugene Walkins Assoc iate Professor: B.S., M.S., Uni­ ve rsity of Tennessee; Ph.D" Unive r­ sity o f Mississippi Ralph M. Wilson Professor: B.S., M.S., University of Oklahoma Ronald A. Young Assistant Professor : Ph. D., Unive rsity 01 Southern Cali fornia


College of Pure and Applied Sciences

Dean Daniel E. Dupree


Marcus B. Mapp

Head o f Departm en t of Geology: B.S.,

M.S., Miss issi ppi State Unive rsity

Marianne B. Kapp

Hea d o f Depart ment of Home Eco ­ nomics: B.S., M.S., Louisiana Tech

University; Ed.D., Ok lahoma Slate Uni­ ve rsify

Richard D. Finley

Head o f De partmenl of Mathematics:

B.S ., Northwestern Oklahoma State College: M.S., CO lorado Slate Univer­ sity; Ph .D., Oklahoma Stale Univer­ sity Cecil G . Shugart

Head of Departm en t of Physics: B.S.,

North Tex as Stale University ; M.S.,

Ph.D. , University o f Texas

James L. Cason

Head o f Department o f Agricu lture:

B.S.. Lou isiana Tech Uni versity; M.S., Mississippi State University; Ph .D., North Caro lina Sla te University B. E. Prince Head 01 Oepa nmenl o f Biology: 8.S. , M.S., Ph .D., Louisiana Slate University

Thurman Potts

Head of Department o f Building Con­ stru c tion: a .Arch., Kan sas State Uni­ vers ity; M.Arch., University of Ne­ braska

Earl. W. Baker

Head o f Department o f Chemistry:

B.S., Montana Sta te Univers ity: M.A.,

Ph.D., Joh ns Hopkins University



Beryl C. Franklin

BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Pro fessor: A. B.. Kentucky Wesle yan

Edward H. Allen

John E. Ball

College; M.S., Unive rsity of Kentucky;

Associate Professo r of An imal Sci­

Assistant Professor : B.S. , M.S., North­ Ph.D ., Ohio Stale University

ence: B.S., M.S., Louisiana State Uni­

western Sta te; Ph .D., North Texas

vers ity; Ph .D., Mi ss iss ippi State Uni­

David T. Kee



Associate Professor: B.A., North Mich­ F. Bradley

Jerrold James L. Cason igan University; M.S. , University of

Associate Professo r: Mas ters in Arch­ Professo r of Agronomy and Head of Arkan sas ; Ph .D.. Michi gan Slate Uni­ itectural Engin ee ring, Okl ahoma Slate

Departm en t of Agriculture: B.S., Loui­ versity


siana Tech University; M.S., Missis­ William W. Miller, III

sippi Siale University; Ph.D. , North Joseph D. Jacobs

Associate Professor: 8 .S., M.S., Mis­ Carolina State Universily Instructor: B.S., Northea st Louisiana

Siss ippi State University; Ph .D., Au­ Unive rsity

Jasper G. Hammons burn Univers ity

Professor of Agronomy: B.S., M.S., Victor SherwOOd Kelly

Russell A. Normand

Mississ ippi Siale University; Ph.D.• Instruc tor: B.A. . Nonheast Louisia na

Ass istant Professor: B.S., M.S., Ph.D.,

Pennsylva nia State University University; M.A .. Stephen F. Austin

Louisiana Stale Universily

Fosler F. Holdeman Slate University

William W. Norris, Jr.

Assoc iate Professor of Ag ric ullural Donald l. Marshall

Professo r: B.S., LOUISiana Tech Uni ­ Eng ineering: a.s., M.S. LOUisiana Assistant Professor: B.S .. M.S., Uni­ M .S .. Ph.D., Louisiana State

ve(sity; Slate Unive rsity versity of Florida


Paul P. Kapp

Jotm O. Nelson

B. E. Prince Assistant Professor of Horticulture:

tnstr uctor: B.S. in M.E .. Unlversily of

Pro fess or and Head of Bio lo gy De­ B.S. , M.S.. Ph .D.. Lo uisiana Slate Uni­ Southwestern LOUi siana, B.S. in MBA,

partment: B.S., M.S., Ph .D., Lo ui siana versity Northeast Louisian a Universi ty

Stale Universi ty BIOLOGY

Thurman Potts

B. L. Ricks Ellon R. Barrett

Associate Professor and Head of De­ Profe sso r: B.S ., Loui siana Tec h Uni­

Associate Professo r: B.S" Mis sissippi part me nt of Building Cons truction :

versity; M.S. , Ph .D., Lou isiana State

Stale Universi ty; M.S., Mi ss iSS ippi Col­ B.Arch., Kansas State Uni vers ity;


lege; Ph.D., Mi ssisSippi Sta te Univer­ M.Arch., Univers ity of Nebras ka

sity Lawrence S. Baum

Charles A. Rich

ASSOC iate Profe ssor: B.S.. M.S., Ph.D.,

R. Dale Thomas Assi stant Professor: B.A., Southwest­ University of Alabama

ern al Memphis; B.S.C. E., M.E. . Uni­ Associate Professo r and Curator 01 Harold C. Bounds

vers ity 01 Florida the Herba rium: B.S., Carson- Newman Ass ista nt Professor: B.S., Cen tenary

College; B.D.. Southeas tern Se minary; lamar E. Rodgers College; M.S.. Ph.D .. louisiana Stale

Ph.D.. Universily 01 Tennessee Assistant Professo r: M.I.A. , Northwest­ University

ern Sla le College Herbert S. Wallace

Frank M. Boyd

Professor: B.A .. Unive rSIty of Denver;

ASSOCiate Professor: B.S., North Geor­

CHEMISTRY M.A. , Unive rsity of Ka nsas; Ph .D.,

gia College; M.S.. Unive rsity of Ten ­

Iowa Stale Univers ity

nessee; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin

Eari W. Baker Edward C. Whatley

Charles E. DePoe Professor and Head of Depar lm ent of Associa te Professor and Curator of Professo r: 8.S. , Louisiana Tec h Uni­ Chemistry; B.S., Montana State Uni­ Museum of Zoology : B.S., M.S. , Ph.D., versity; M.S., Univers it y of Arka nsas;

versity; M.A., Ph.D., John s Hopkin s Oklahoma State University Ph.D., Mississippi State Unive rsity



Frances P. Baldwin Carl Shipp

Assistant Prof essor : B.S .. M.S.. Lou i­ Graduate Teac hi ng Assistant : B.S.

siana State University Northeast Loui siana University

Kizhavana A. Unnikrishnan

Edward L. Biersmith Graduate Teac hing Assista nt e.s.,

Ass istant Professo r: B.S. , Rockhurst University o f Bombay, India

Col lege: Ph .D. , University of Kansas Frank N. Bruscato Assis tant Professor: B.S., Northeast Louis iana University: M.S. , University 01 MIss issipp i: Ph.D., University of Louisv ille

Frank A. Vingiello

Professor of Chemislry: B.S.. Brooklyn

Polytec hnic Institute: Ph .D .. Duke Uni ­ ve rsity

Welton Washington

Graduat e Labo ratory Assista nt: B.S.,

David S. Byrd Grambling Co ll ege

Professo r of Che mistry : B.S., South­ ern (A rk.) Sta te Co ll ege; M.S., Uni­ Oscar L. Wright

vers it y of Ken tu cky; Ph.D., University Professor of Chemis try: B.Ed ., Sou th­ of Loui sville ern Illinois UniverSity; M.S., Ph.D.,

University 01 Mi ssou ri

Charles Carliste Graduate Lab ora tory Assis tant: B.S., Jiann-long Wu

Nort heast Louis iana Unive rsity Graduate Teac hing Assistant: B.S.,

Fujen Cat holic Unive rsity

Sally E. Cauthen

Associa te Professor: B.S., Abilene GEOLOGY Christian College : M.S. , Louisiana Lloyd N. Glawe

State University ; Ph.D.. Oxford Uni­ Associate Professor: B.S., Unive rsity

versity of illinois ; M.S., Ph.D., Louisiana Sta le

Jeng-Fu Chen Unive rsity

Graduate Labora tory Assistant B.S., Dan Herman J ackson

Taiwan Prov incial Taipei Institute of Assistant Professo r: B.S., West Texas

Technology Slate Univers ity; M.S., Texas Chris­ Robert V. Colli ns tian Univers ity

Gradua te Laboratory Assistant B.S., Marcus B. Mapp

Northeast Loui siana Unive rsity Professor and Head of Department o f

Robert D. Ellis Geology: B.S. , M.S. , Mississ ippi Stale

Grad uate Laboratory Assistant: B.S., University

Gram bling Co ll ege Leonard M. Young

Jessi e D. Hinton ASSista nt Professo r: B.S., Ric e Uni­ Grad uate Teac hing Assistant: B. S., versity; M.S. , Unive rsity o f Oklahoma;

Northeas t Louisiana University Ph .D., Unive rsity of Texas

Robert L. Holt HOME ECONOMICS Professor of Chem istry: B.S., Unive r­ Dai sy H. Daniels

sil y 01 MissisSippi; Ph .D., University Assistant Pro fesso r: B.S., Louisiana

o f North Carolina State Unive rsity; M.A. , Mississippi

Morgan R. Kidd College

Assistant Professor: B.S., Unive rsity Era B. Davis

o f Texas; Ph.D., Texas Christian Uni­ Associate Professor: B.S., Northwest­ vers ity ern Slate University; M.S., LouiSiana

Sherlyn Larrison Stale University; Ph.D. Texas Wom­ Gradua te Teaching Assis tant: B.S. , en's Unive rsity

Louisiana Sta te Unive rsity Sandra L. Gosch

Billy B. Letson Instruc tor in Home Economics: B.A..

Associ ate Professo r: B.S. , M.S. , Ph.D., Hendrix Co llege; M.A., Northwestern

UnIVersit y of Alabama Stale Unive rsity

Kenneth J. Miller Marianne B. Kapp

Professor of Che mistry: B.S., Eastern ASSOc iate Pro fessor and Head of De­ Naza rene College; M.A. , Ph.D., Johns partment o f Home Economics: B.S.,

Hopkins Univers ity M.S.. Louisiana Tec h Unive rsity; Ed.D., Ok tahoma Sta te Univers ity Randy Normand

Frances S. Kelso

Professor o f Home Economics: B.S.,

Middle Tennessee State University;

Edward B. Overton M.A. , George Pea body College

Assistant Pro fesso r: B.S., Ph .D., Uni­ Jeanne Mack

versity of Alabama Assistant Professor; B.A., Louisia na

Naginbhai M. Patel Tech University; M.S.Ed., Northwest­ Graduate Teaching Assistant: B.S., ern State UniverSity; Ph .D., Texas

M.S., Unive rsity 01 Gujaral, India Women's University

Frances Mitchell

Mary Ming Sha Instruc tor: B.S. , M.S., Louisiana Tech

Graduate Laboratory Assistant: B.S.. National Taiwan Normal University University

Graduate Teaching Assistant: North east Louisiana Unive rsity




Roy D. Avant

Instruc tor: B. S.. Northeast l ou isiana

Univ ersity; M.S., l ou isiana Tech Uni­


Joseph L. Avard

Assistant Professor : B.S., South east­

ern Oklahom a Slate Co llege; M.S.,

Ed. D., Oklahoma Stat e Universi ty

Lonnie T. Bennett

Assoc iate Professor: B. S , Nort hwest­

ern Slate Univ ersity; M.A. , Lou isiana

Sta le University; Ph.D., Oklahoma

State University

Jimmy R. Campbell

Assistant Professor: B.S., M.S., Loui­

siana Tech Uni versity

Barbara A. Childress

Instructor o f Mathematics: B.S.. North­

western Siale Unive rsIty; M.A. , Loui­

siana State University

Alton R. Crawley

Ass istant Professor: B.S., Lou isiana

Tec h University ; M.S., Ph .D., Texas

A & M University

Richard D. Finley

Associat e Professor: B.S., Northwesl­

ern Oklahoma Slate Coll ege; M.S.,

Colorado State University ; Ph .D., Ok la­

homa Slate Universit y

Richard T. Fritsche

Assoc iate Prof esso r B. S., M.S . SI.

Lou is University: Ph.D .. Universily of

ArIZon a

Rosemary R. Hamner

Assistant Professor ; B.A., Ouachita

Baptls t Univers ity; M.A., Univers ily of


Frank L. Harmon

Pro fessor 01 Mathema tics : B.A., M.A.,

Universi ty o f Miss issippi

Roderick A. Hickman

Professor 01 Mathemalics: B.S., Mis­

siss ippi State University; M.A., George

Peabody College

Russeli R. Rainbolt

Assisl ant Prof es so r: B.S., Louisian a

Tec h Universily; M.A.T., University of

Vi rginia

Mignon S. Riley

Instructor in Mathemat ics: B.S., M.S.,

Louisiana Tec h Unive rsily

Charles R. Smilh

Assoc iate Professor: B. S., Norlhwest­

ern Stale Unive rsity; M .S., Ed.D.,

Oklahoma State University


The abili ty to think critically and logically is One o f the many benefits a studen t in the College of Pure a n d Appli ed Sc ien ces receives. S tu den ts a l'e tra in ed in the fund a m e nt a ls of th eir I'es pective field s for pos itio n s of tru s t and responsibilit y in hu ­ manitarian o r public se r vices or in th e field of scientifi c r esea rch. A member of this Colleg e is provid ed with a broad knowl edg e of fac ts and th eo ries, thus giv ing him th e abi lit y to substantiat e th em co n­ vinci ngly.

Dona ld G. Spencer Assistant Professor: B.S. , M.S., Loui­ siana Tech Univers ity; Ph .D. , Univer ­ sity of Alabama Hubert Tolman Assistant Professo r: 8.S., M.S., Uni· verslty o f Nebraska ; Ph .D., Iowa State Unive rsity Louis J. Vogel, Ins truc tor B.A., Universi ty of Texas ; M.S. Un iversity of Houston PHYSICS

Louis R. Bedell Assistant Pro fessor: B.S. , Aubu rn Uni· verslty; Ph.D ., Brown Unive rsity Vincent A. Genusa ASSOCiate Professor: B.S., No rtheast LOU isiana Unive rsity; Ph .D., Michigan

Siale Larry D. Johnson

Assistant Professor: B.S. , l ouisiana Tech Universily; M.S., Ph .D. , Univer­ sity oj Tennessee John H. Myers Assislant Pro fes so r: B.S., M.S. , Tu ­ lane University: Ph .D., LO UIsiana Tech University Robert M. Ricke" ASS istant Pro fessor: 8.S.. Stale Coi ­ lege of Arkansas; M.S., l ou isiana Tech Univers ity Jacob L, Segrest ASSOCiate Professor: B.S., Sleve n F. Austi n State Co ll ege : M.S., Texas A & I Unlverslly Cecil G , Shugart As soc ia te Professo r and Hea d of De­ pa rtme nt of Physics: B.S., North Tex­ as Sta te Univer sity: M .S., Ph .D., Uni· vers ity of Texas Ronald E. Smith ASSOC iate Professor: 8.S ., M .S., Ph .D., Texas A & M University


Graduate School




B. Wooley

The Gradu a te Sc h oo l p rov ides s tu­ dents wilh opp ortuniti es fo r impr o v­ ing professional co m pe t. e ncy , p rom o­

tion of the w elf a re of ge n era l s o­ ciety is achieved, a dee pe r unde r­ standing of hum a n kn owl e dge is ob­ tained, and prepa ra tio n s are m a d e for further gradu at e s t udy. T he gra dua te student a chi eves rar gl'ea te r res pon s i­ bility than the und ergra du ate through the daily u se of No rtheas t' s library and labo rato ri es. Al so be nefi c ial to the gradua te s tud e nt a re a cquaint­ ances with o ld er sc hola rs. S upe rior work is ex p ec ted o f a ll stud ent s, while max imum achi evement is (e­ qu ired .


First Runner-Up Becomes Miss NLU

First runner-up Pamela Auttonb erry be颅 came Miss Northeast Louisiana University in August of 1971 when lhe crowned Miss NLU, Pinkie Humphrie s, w as m a rri ed . Pam w as officially crowned Miss NLU at the beginning of lhe Fall term . The 19-year-old sophomore from We st Monroe. Lo ui siana , is majoring in Genera l Business.

Miss NlU, Pm kie Humphries, accepts roses from President Walker as Pam Auttonberry. First Runner路up looks on.

Pamela Auttonberry becomes the new Miss NLU .

Pinkie Lee Humphries


Robyn Sanders served refreshments. Flam Auttonberry, Miss NLU congratulates Pal Ag in.

Three Susans, a Pat, and a Sandy Constitute Beauty for 1972 Susen Odom, Su se n Lary, Susie Clark , Pet Ag in , a nd San dy Und erwood we re c hose n to represe nt Nor theas t as Chaca足 haul. Beau ties for 1972, Fift een semi-finalists were c ho se n by s tud ent vole fr o m over thir ty -fi ve nomi足 nees fro m va riou s ca mpus organizatio ns. The fiv e b eauties were selected by judges from the s urrounding area at the annua l Chaco holi /a Beauty Reception , SUSie Clarke

Susan Odom. SUSie Clarke , Pat Agin . Susan Lary , Sandy UnderWOOd.


mi:J:J S U i t! C larke

J{!epre:Jenlinq :lhela




Henry Bridges

Reagan Slinnett

Thomas Medley



Thirty-two st udents were elected to WHO'S WH O


AND U NIVERSITIES . Considered o n the bas is of

scho lar'ship an d leaders hip, these s tudents w e r'e chose n

by a s tu dent- ad m inis t rati on co mmittee. o ffic ia ll y rec 足

omm ended by NLU and acce pted by th e n atio n a l or足

gan iza ti on.

Shan O'Brien

Maggie Neale

Susan Lary

Cheryl Crowson

J 1

Tommy Bowling



) Kenny Spear, Suzanne Martin Robert Sonnier

Martha Cox

Mirth. Priest

Kathy Myrick

Beth Rutherford


Alan Stonecipher

Pal Mathias

Linda Losto""ky

Keith Kirby

Stepheny Knower

Katie Andrews David Fiorenz.a

Mittie King


Cindy Tripp

laura Harris

Kathy Moore

Tom Guylon Alan Evans

Vance Beauregard

Bruce Swindle





Bill Thrasher and Head Cheerleader Maureen McGeever

Karen Stampley and Kris Krisen

Mascot Steve Reddy


Cheerleaders Patsy Hammonds

Patti Pope

Chuck Penn



~~ra 'Fho~l3son

Jon BJackmon

Dan. Certain

Trlel. C8nre rbu fY

Ann Wilder

co- ca ptain

Linda Greer






Debbie Craft

Karen Frantom




路G lo;;. WilliamsOn


Donmr Hqllis

Pal Johnson

co路captain Pam

Patti Hartman


·f l;1


Jan Blackmon



Rhonda Cantrell

Kaollly Wallon


TEN LIJ'TLE Gloria Williamson

Mary I.,.bnot

, •J Plm Stow."

Gretchen CoJ.e

(Ih,en Leslowlky cap[aln








Trish Canterbury



Sandy Cornell


The North east base ball te am continued in its winning tradition under hea d coach Bill Dol so n (l eft] and hi s assistant Lou St. Amant (rig ht] . The Indians w ere 29-17-1 , NA IA District 30 champions and No.2 in Ihe Area II tournament. The Indians were paced by their fine starting rotation of Tom Brow n, Mike Thompson, Van Pardue, and Kenny Rouss el. The NLU slaff had a I earn E.R.A. of 1.99.

.I ,

Mike Thompson

Van Pardue

Kenny RouI.el




Woody Epplnetle--pilcher

Steve McDowell.-catcher



Jimmy Dean-catcher

Billy Hannah-catchet


Phil Bounds-1 b

Char1es Prestidge-2b

Bryan Kirby- 55

Rob Smith-3b

Buddy Canal-1b

Doug Bice-2b



... ."l

BaITY' Am edee- II




Ronnl- . Husser-rl

David Harrell-ct

Sieve Oade--of

Mike Presley-o l Kerry Roussel-o f

-足 '"



Brian Newcomer-of

Ed Foster-o f



TheNLU Links ters closed o ut esc co m 足 pet iti on in third place. In th e nine esc Mini-Tourna ments pl ayed , NL U won two and was f ive or less strok es beh in d the win足 nerin six ol hers. N ortheast golfers can ex 足

pect a fine '72 seas on with th e en tire '71 l earn returning and several outstanding

freshma n prospec ts on hand . The highlig ht of he season was the tea m's sixth place fi nish in the NCAA Na ti onal College Divi足 sion T o urnament in Chico , California.

Eddie Green

Golr Team: Tommy Carter PulSy Mire Eddie Green

Doug Farr Swep Lovitt

Robert Shelton



Eddie Green Robert Shelton Tommy Carter

Doug Farr

Total Strokes 2020 2098 2043 2178

Average 74.8 74.9 75.7 77.8

Low Round 68 67 67 72

Tommy Carter

Robert Shelton

Doug Farr


Kyle Jon es


Swep Lovi"

Putsy Mire Kyle Jones Swep Lovitt



]324 789

77.9 77.9 78.9








The NLU Te nni s team finished its last season of esc compe ti tion in second place. This team, one of the finest in Northeast history, wa s paced by severa l outstanding performers. The Louisiana Te n nis Associ ­ ation had Padge Bolton ranked nu mber one in the state a nd Phil Trahan ranked num­ bel' three. The doubles combination of Bol­ ton-Trahan was ranked number 'tw o and was eventua lly the esc do u bles cham­ pion. The esc was divided i nt o five divi ­ s ion s o f singles play and two divisions of doubles competition. In add iti on to having the esc do ubl es c hamps in divi ­ s ion one, NLU netter s garne ,'ed cham­ pion ship or ru nn erup spots in four of the five sing les divisions. Padge Bolton-GSC Aunnerup, NO.1

Tennis Team : Phil Trahan

Padge BoHon Jimmy Wood Bill Cooke Robert Taylor Richard Stuart

Randy Cooper Chris Bu rns

I Du al Ma tc h Scores

N ic holls State 2

Northeast 5

So utheastern 0

North east 5

Memphis State9

North east 0

Southwestern 0

Nor theas t 7

Southeas tern 0

Northeast 7

Arkansas StateI

Northeast 9

Phil Trahan-GSC Champion. NO. 2

4 6 2 7 7 7 6


M cNees e North wes tern 1


M cNeese Southwestern 0

Louisiana TechO

Louisiana Tech 0

Nicholls State 1



oc,' •• "

j -,

Chris Burns--G SC Runnerup, No , 3

Northeast Northeas t Northeas t Northeast Northeast Northeast Northeas t


Richard Stuart


I ')

Randy Cooper











Bob Groseclose, Northeast's track and cross co untry coacb,is one of the most successful in the nation. At NLU si nce 1960, Groseclose ha s coached Northeast to four GSC cross country titles and finished lower than second only once in track a nd field competition . Groseclose's Northeast teams have included two present or for足 mer world record holders , pole vaulter John Pennel and hurdler Don Styron, and numerous other stars including sprinters Dave Styron, Ronnie Fountain and Dalton LeBlanc; hurdlers Roger Morgan, Roger Mann and Jimmy Upton; pole vaulter Larry Ashley, flat jumper Don Warren and high jumper Jack McDougal. Four of Groseclose's athletes have won national championships. Inrecognition of Groseclose's success at Northeast, he has been a lecturer a t numerous coaching clinics throug hou t the country. In 1964 he was coach of an AAU team that represented the United States in severalLatinAmerica track meets and in 1970 was a coach in the U.S. Olympic Summer Development Program. H e has twice been named "Coach of the Year" in the Gulf States Co nference.

•.. ~



By far th e outsta nding thinclad of NLU's '71 seaso n was Jimm y Upton. While par­ ticip ati ng in four event s, he led the team in points scored with 103'''. Jim had the team's fastes t time in the hundred yard dash (9 .7 ), 120 High Hurdles (13.8, 13.7 W.A .). a nd the 440 yard Intermediate Hurdles (51 .1). He also auchored the 440 relay.

~iiinny Brown '

Bennla Archie


The integral part of any Track squad is its rel ay team s . Whil e trac k is geared to indi vid ual s and th eir skill s, the relay t eams requ ire a treme nd ous am ount of teamwork .

The two most popular relay s in college com 足 petition are the 440 and mile relays. NLU's 440 team consi sted of Bennie Archie, Jimmy Brown, Don Zim足 merman , and lim Upton. Their fas test clock ing was 41 .3 seconds . Mile re layers were Alan Bailey, Joe Ross, Ji mmy Brown, and Scott Rawdon. They managed to break the tape in 3:1 4.3 minu tes.



Jimmy Upton .

Kenny Mann scored 17! points for the NLU thincl ads while partic ipating in two events. Kenny's 14 .3 in the 120 High Hurdles was bested only by Upton. He afso Ihrew the Javelin 169-9 .

Jan Nicholson was NLU's mile r. Jan l urned in a fine 4 :19 .1 run .

Jimmy Stewart ran the 440 yard Intermedi ate His bes t recorded time was 55.8 second s.

H u rdle~.

T.he grueling three-m ile ru n was Freddy Ph illey's event. He set a new school record in this event with a time of 14 :4 7.6 .


Phil Brown threw the shot put 40-1 and in discus competition had a bes t throw 0 1 146-0.

Davi d Savoy led the shot putters with a toss o f 45- 11 .

Next to Upton, NLU's most product ive sco rer was Mark Hart. Hart's Discus competilion netted the Indians 41 points . His bes l effo rt was t 59-2 and he won the GSC ch ampionsh ip in Ihe evenl.

Jimmy Wallace was the NLU high jumper. His best effort was a leap 01 6路2.

Pole Vaulter Roger landry managed to clear 14路6.


Track is a truly demanding sport-you not only com足 pete again st other s uperbly train ed athlel es , but also agai nst a more unyielding s tandard in the form of a stop watch or tape mea s ure. In no other sport do the minules pass so qu ic kl y a nd the fraction of a second seem so long. Trac k is th e basis for all at hl etics for-in th e ryt hmic s lrides of the runners and the syncopated movements of the fi eld m en- every muscle of the body is used.



- --





Fall-Winter Sports


In February Nort heast nam ed form er Baylor University he ad football coach Bill Beall (at right) as the school's first full­ time athletic director. Beall took over a job form erly combined with the head foot­ ball coaching post. H e brings to hi s new position over 20 years ex p er ien ce as a high schoo l h ead coach, an assistant coach a t three universities, and he ad coach at Bay­ lor. Beall's top-priority job will be to move Northeast's athletic progra m into major division status in all sports. He will direct a program th at reached a high level of s uccess in the college division duri ng the eight years Dixie White (below) was direc­ tor. White remains as head coach in foo t­ ball. where he has given NLU more win­ ning season s than any other coach.


Along the sidelines of any game is a group of nervous men. Whil e Ihey don't wear uniforms a nd never play a down, th ey greatly affect the outcome of the game. They are the coaches. In addition to H ead Coach Dixie White, NLU emp loys live other football coac hes and a team trainer. Bill Dotson is In charge of Ih e offensive line. Come game time, you can find Wallace Hargan, tutor of Ihe defensive backfield, and Bob Groseclose in the press box. Down on the field, laking Ihe press box information, is linebacker Goach Billy Hendrix. There is also Ihe man in cha rge of getting poinls on the board - offensive backfield coach Ralph Lane . One of the most imp ort ant of a ll is team Ir aine r Charles Marlin, the man who holds the learn logelher-with a roll of tape.

Fir st fOW: Clifton Lom bas, Tommy Gras , Mi ke Albritton, Tommy McDanie l, Randy Poisso. Bobby Sce lfo, Do n Smi th, Greg Niel. Joel Hanberl Y, ,Jack Fraser, Mike Smit h, Keith Moncrief, Gil Mathe rne. Second row: Jimmy Jone s, Steve Adcox, Phil Brasher, Mike Vercher, Sid Rhodes, Duane Bi lli ngs, Ray Boo ne, Chuck Frie mel, Don LeBoyd, Ll Oyd Wax, Don St roderd, Ernie Roussel, Hugh Murphy Thud row: Gary Ezell , Ken Ellender, Steve Mullis, Ga rry McEntyre, Sid Mc Cu ll in, Charles Poisso , Paul Von Diezel足 ski, Mike McCa in , Errick Stephens, Kazi mer Wawrzyniak, Chester Pleasant , Clayton Bl ades , Frank Landry, Danny. Lee , Roy Pele rs. Danny Rousse l. Nol p.'Clured: Alie n Taylor, Rubin .Jo nes , Van Lambert , Grover Mann , DaVid Man zella , Bill Sa rtin, Richard Borne, Ronnie Proce ll. Mike Moore , Ru sty Brow n, Mi ke Hyle.

In looking b ac k, 1971 w ill be remembered as a big yea r in No rth足 eas t foo tball hi s tor y. It w as not th e bes t N ortheas t te am to eve r be fi elded, but th e 4-6-1 record was not in d icat ive of the bran d o f fo otb a ll pla yed-foo tba ll is mu ch more tha n a season re cord of fin al scores. Nin eteen-seven ty-on e was a pio neer year and a ye ar of change in atti足 tu de and phil osop hy. From the vis iona ry pl a ns th a t we re anno unced before the sea son began to the pos t- se ason announcem ent that Drake - a m ajor uni ve rSity-had bee n added to the '72 schedule, th e a ttitu de w as one o f "big tim e" footba ll for N or theast and th e Twin Ci ties ar ea. The season itself, somewh at overs ha dowe d by ann oun cement s, long range pl ans , s pecu lation, and discussion of th e future, sa w NLU ta ke on th ree tea ms tha t fini s hed in th e top fi ve in th e natio n-a form idab le s.!Ohed ule for a n yone. T he highlig h t of the sea son w as a 10-1 0 tie with Eas t ern Mi chigan Un ive rsi t y whi ch, at the tim e, was ra nked No. 1 in th e na tion. In a ll th e talk one thing seems to be forg ott en. Part of big time footb all i s w inning aga inst ma jor college co mpetiti on, but a n equall y la rge part of big time foo tba ll is bi g time support fro m fan s. At the Eas tern Michiga n gam e, acknowl edg in g bad w eather, only 2000 people cam e to s ee N ortheas t pl ay the No. 1 team in the n ation. Whil e the ca li bre of N ortheast foot ball is growing to reach ma jor college s ta tus , their fans w ill be growin g with th em , as well, to re ac h m ajor co llege s tatus .


NLU opened I he seaso n by winnin g a 19-13 th ri ll er from th e Marine Corps, This game, lik e the one the year be足 fore, w as nol decided un til th e final seconds, Th e clock ran out as Charley Poisso was tackling Marine fu llback Les Stec kel on t he Northeast six-yard line, Van Lambert rus hed for 75 yards, including two to uchdown runs of 16 yards eac h, in leading the Indians to victory , A fum ble recove ry by Fra nk Landr y and Sid Rh odes's pa ss inter足 ce pti on ignited to uchd own drives . It was a fin e season opener for N orthea st.


Game nwnber two was disappointing as the Indians dropped a 24-7 decis ion to Howilrd Pa yne . One o f t he game' s few bright s pot s was the pas s ing of Allen Tay­ lor. Tayl or hit 13 of 28 for 129 yards in a losing ca use. Frank Landr y and Gil Ma­ therne led th e defense with nin e a nd eight tackles. res pecti vel y. Scotty Dye r carried it over from the two-y a rd lin e with 1:33 left in the g am e for NLU's only s co re.

Th e third Northeast foe w as Ark a nsas State University. In 1971 ASU was defend­ ing its N o. 1 ranking of th e '70 s eason. The Indians. led by a n opportunistic de­ fense. pl ayed well bnt came out on the s ho rt e nd of a 20-6 s core. Greg Niel picked of two Arkan s as passes a nd Errick S tephen s sc ooped up two fumbles to s pe a rh ea d the d efen sive efforl. Overshadowing their per­ form ance , however w as the emergence of a new offe ns i ve s tar. Late in the se co nd q narter freshman quarterback Don Smith entered the game and proceeded to co m­ plete 15 of 39 passes for 275 ya rd s. The aerial figure of 275 ya rd s se t a n ew NLU s ingl e game record .

Northeast evened its season record at 2-2 by edging the Northwestern Demons, 15-14. Once again fumbles were prominent with Garry McEntyre falling on two big ones for the Indians. One recovery set up NLU's second touchdown. Another big play came with :14 seconds left in the first half as Mike McCain, on fourth down, stopped the Demons' Bob Watlig ny on the Indian one -yard lin e. Offensively, the Northeast line was devastating, ope ning holes that netted 241 yards rushiug. Play足 ing on that offensive line were guards Grover Mann and Ernie Roussel, tackles Gary Ezell and Jimmy Jones, and cen t er Richard Borne. Leading NLU rushers were Van Lambert [8 3 yards), Dou LeBoyd (54 yards), and Don Stroderd (52 yards ).


The Indi ans trave led to Chaltanooga , T e nn ., fo r a game with th e U ni ve rs it y o f Tenne s see at C ha lt a足 noogu. A fter jumping oul to a 20-0 bulge, No rth 足 enst hung on for a 27-21 win. Rubin Jon es had his fin est day eve r as h e pulled in six Don Smith pa sses [01' 11 5 ya rd s and three TDs. The offense was well balanced in picking up 337 yards - 146 on the g ro un d and 191 throug h the air ways. Freshman cornerback Jod Han be rry turned in a fine game , inte rcep ling a pass , deflect ing another, and making fiv e un足 assisted tac kle s. The win pushed the Indi ans to 3-2 on the season.

Nort heast took on its second No. 1 ranked team in the form of the McNeese Cowboys. The Co w足 boys jumped ou t to a 24 -7 h a lftim e lea d, but had to d ig in t o preserve a 31-21 victory. Once again Don Smith provided mos t of the offen s ive p unch as he passed for 26 4 yards and rush ed fo r ana l h er 50. His t ot a l o ffens e mark of 314 yards broke hi s own single ga m e reco rd. Defen s ive sta ndo uts w en,: p. nrl Chester Pl easa nt (9 t ack les and Iw u assists) a nd safe ty Keith M on cri e f (8 t ack les and 2 ass is ts ). Pleas ant also threw McNeese rushers for losses three times.



---Homecoming '71 was an error plagued game reminescent of Ihe '70 game. Between NLU a nd its opponent,


th ere




overs. The only score of Ihe ga m e came lale in the seco nd quarter whe n Bill Sarlin converted a 34- yard field goal. The hard -nosed Nor th east de足 fense m ade t he score sland up as they forced fO llr SLU t urn overs in the fourt h q uar ter. Keith Mon足 crief picked off two Lion passes, o ne with :57 sec足 onds ,'emaini ng . to he lp preserve Northeas t's first

s hutollt si nce 1968. Once again Cheste r Pleasa nt did outstanding defensive work. Van Lambert led the offense with 131 yards on the ground.



Queen-Sharon Scruggs

Homecoming Court: Ellie Carter, Peggy Lyon, Maureen McGeever, Sharon Scruggs, Maggie Horton, and Mary Ann Hart.


The I ndians cou ldn 't see m to ge t un ­ tr acked against the USL Bulldogs and dropped a 31-7 decision. The India ns were und on e by th eir own mi s tak es- eight turn­ overs [5 fumb les a nd 3 int ercep tion s ). Nort heas t' s on ly sco r e came in the fourth quart er when Rubin Jo nes ca ught his eigh th touc hdown pass of the seaso n, a 33-yarder from Alle n Taylo r. Taylor threw for 109 yards, complet in g 6 of 13 throws .

For th e third time in the season NLU took the fi eld aga in s t a N O.1- ra nk ed tea m. This foe, Eastern Michigan University, batt led Northeas t to a 10-10 s ta nd- orr. Northeast s cored ea rly, a field goa l a nd l ouc hdow n in it s firs t two possess ions, and th e defe n se thwarted the sco rin g ef­ fort s of EMU . Both NLU scores were se t up by fum ble recoveries in Michigan ter­ ritory-one by Chester Pleasant and th e o t her by Mi ke McCai n . For a while it looked as if Nor theast might upset th e un­ beate n Hurons till a blocked Danny Lee punt gave EMU a fi rs t a nd goal at th e seve n. For Northeast it was th e ga me th ey go t it a ll together; it was a lso the first tie in 1 61 ga mes d at ing back to 1954 .


Th e Indi ans w ent to Do than, Ala. to mee t the Troy Stale Red Wave. Desp it e s t aying close all the w ay, Nor theast cam e ou t o n the di sappointin g end of a 21-7 score. Defe n sively , lin eb ac ker Ke n Ellender a nd sa fety Ke ith Mon crief were all over the fi eld making nin e and eig ht tack les, re specti vely. On ce again Allen Taylor turned in a stel lar reli e f performance , completing 8 of 18 for 147 yards and one sco re. Freshman p unter Danny Lee helped keep the h ome te am at a di sad vantage as he b oomed e ig ht punts for a n averag e of 42 .8 ya rds.

Northeast closed ou t an up an d down season with a 23-0 loss to a rc h-rival Louisiana Tec h. One of the few bright spots lor t he Indians w as the play of line 足 backer Charli e Poisso. Poisso was in on thirteen tackles and picked off a Bulldog pass. One other rather optimistic point about the game-o f the 22 sta rt e rs only three were seniors. A ll in a ll, only s ix will be departing the squad v ia g radu atio n. Of the remaining 19 s tarters, five were fr es h足 men , six were so phomore s, and e ight we re juniors. Th e future looks pro misin g for this young NLU squad.


Don Smilh Qu arterback

Don Stroderd fu llback

Rubin Jones fl ankerback



Allen Taylor Quarterback

Van Lambert





Ken Ellencler, Ray Boone (making tackle), and Joel Hanberry.



Charles Poisso, Sid Rhodes, Ken Ellender (with in­

terception), and Greg Niel.




Char:es Poisso, Keith Mon­ c rief, Ray Boone.

Greg Niel


Keith Moncrief, Jack Fraser, Greg Niel, and David Manzella.


For the average basketba ll fa n , the seaso n begins with the opening tip -off. Actually th is is the e nd of th e beg innin g. For the co aching s taff, the '71-'72 seaso n bega n wi th the en d o f th e '70足 '71 sea son. At that time lhe recruiting of blue足 c hip high schoo l players was in full swing, and th e staff bega n eva luating the re turning ta lent. With the results of this eva lu ation, decisions were made as t o what offen s ive patterns and w hich defenses would best utilize that talen t. For the players. the seaso n began two mon th s before the Sam H ouston tip-o ff with a run ning program to get in shape. T hen on October 15, the playe rs a nd coaches look th e court fo r th e first practice- and the job of getting it a ll toge th er bega n. So the 7:3 0 ti p -off on December 1 brought the curtain down o n Act One of th e '71- '72 season. The open ing ga me w as a h eart break er. a one point loss.. . a free throw after time had fun ou t. Now it is lime ror a new ta c tic . . , the trial a nd error m ethod. As th e season wears on, if som et hin g isn't work ing, find something that w ill ... and be ready to do it by th e next game....

--= ~~

II look a while for Ihe Indians 10 ge l it logeth er. Three o f the first four ga mes e nd­ ed in d efea t for Northeast , the fourth ga me being a 106-80 loss a t the hands of Loui s ia na Te ch. It loo ked like it might be a long seaso n for NL U fa ns .

Des pit e th e dis mal beginning there w e re performances . Bo b C a r­ several out s ta nding son , who a lw ays see ms to play well aga ins t Louisiana C o ll ege, poured in 21 point s aga in s t LC in the only winnin g effort of the fir s t four games . H enry S teele, returning NAIA sec ­ ond team a ll-Am erican, was the leading sco r­ er and reb ound er in losses to Sam H ous ton and Ole Miss . The third returning st a rt e r, Andrew HHrris , was top rebounder and s cor­ er in th e T ech l oss .


Th" T r ch I"s s s~" m ed to s nap th e In­ rlinn, out o f a s lu m p. T he y s treaked to four "";11" in th,'it· ne,t [iv" g Rmes w h ich includ ed a ~eClJnd-p lar.~ finish in the Fort Eus tis C ltrihlm8s Invitational T ournam ent. f1enry S teele r.on ti nuf,rl to play fine ball, r ,,,'ry ing the bruril of the sc oring and re­ boundin!! load. Andrew Har ri s turned 10 one II f hi~ finest games iI " inst Hampd en-Sydne y whfn he contributed 31 point s. Howev er, Hoirris


d esti ned

fo r

perh ap s


fine s t

pame I~v~ r in a few w eeks. Tha t was th e nighl It e oulscor€ d USL's Dwi ght Lamar. For Cnnch I. enn y Fant, begi n ning his 15th sea­ son At Nor thea s t, things begin to look bright­ er, This w inn i n~ s purt made the prospects for iln

e le v [!nl h

gna rl .

co n.s ec uti ve

wjnn in g


lo ok

Jesse Burn elte began 10 co me into hi s d urin g this winni ng s trea k. Agains t own LSUNO h e pulled down 16 rebo und s. Dave Farrell , a nother firsl year s tarter. g rabbed off a ga me high 11 ca roms agai nst Hampden足 Sydn ey. However, hi s bigges t asse t, hi s de足 fe ns ive abi lity , doesn't s how up in th e box score. Dave is on e of th e o ul s tandi ng pupil s of Assistant Coach Benn y Holl is. Defen se is the rea lm of Hollis, wh o is in h is secono year at his a lm a mat er , North eas t.

As the season wore on and the C hristm as va足 catio n ended, th e Indi ans se tl led down to play solid and occas ionally spec ta cular b aske tball. A home record 7 ,000 fa ns jamm ed i nt o Ewing Coliseum for the game with h era ld ed US L. Many of them gave Nort h eas t no chance whatsoever. Instea d of th e expected ru naway, th ey saw N LU ba ili e the Ca jun s to tbe wire In a real thrill er. Although Northeas t came out on th e sho l't e nd of a 75-73 score, n o In dian fan came away d isappointed with hi s tea m. In fact, th e spiri t of th e team that night s pread to th e fan s, a nd sc h oo l spirit r eac hed its peak. Those 7,000 fans and more-a record 7,9 50足 came ba ck th e night of the T ec h rema tc h. The tea m s pirit was tbe re , but th e In dians tri ed too h ard . Th e resull was a disappointing loss. The goa l or a wi nning season was s till i n sight so th e Indians s hook it off an d wen t on.



As the tea m settled d ow n, Jesse Burn e llP. emel'ged as a so lid scorer. reboun der, a nd team lead P. r. Coache s Fa nt an d Holl is h ad to be p leased with th e pl ay o f Burn ett e, Carso n. a nd Farre ll w ho will be the nucle us of next year's team. Mike Bu rch developed into a so lid number s ix man who sa w a good deal of ac ti o n in all the ga mes . Anothe r fr eq u ent sub s titut e wa s diminuti ve Phil Jackso n. A t 5'10" Phil is th e s hortest s quad me mb er.

Rounding out the ten-man squad were Randy Albritton, Don Fisher, and Wesley Boddie. Albritton and Boddie a re sophomores who will return to bolster next year's squad. Fisher wound up his playing career at Northeast th is seaso n. In addi足 tion to the ten man sq uad fresh足 men Mike Rose a nd Gralin Davis were elevated to th e Varsity travel足 ing squad before mid-season . Both saw some action with Rose be com足 ing the seventh man.




Sam Hrluslon I, nuisiuna College 0 1" Miss



1.",,15;nna Tech



79 74 76 N LU 102 NLU 77 NLU 83 NLU 81 N Ll l 73 NLU 56 N LU 77 N LU 72 NLU NLU 7 1




NLU 83. N LU 107NLU 101

Norlhwestern Stale . Louisinna College Virginia Slnt,路


60 84



Harnpdun-Sydney LSUi'\O

IlA 72' 56* R1*

Lilma r


SouthBBslern SC'llthwostern Nnrlh 'f"xes S late lIIkNees" Dell" Siule


M c:\eese Louisiana Tech

75 98

68 68

84 101

Nflrlhwrsl"rn StRle


So u llleasiern Lamar (OTI






NLU - :91 NLH 73

Soulhwcstcr n 112 Nicholl s StAte 75 SeAson Record: 'Games played in thl) Fort b;uslis Christ颅 ma s Invi tullonal Tournament.


The th e


Frosh-w ell freshm en


t hey



are-one Northeast

of hi s 足

tory [technically th e fi rs t fr os h team, In the past it has been the JV squa d). Coaching the fres hman team is Bud Dea n. Dean is in his fi rs t season at NLU , coming here after an illu s triou s playi ng career a t Louisiana T ec h and a year of coaching in the high sc hoo l ra nk s. Coa ch Dea n has built a s olid fres h足 man unit th a t within Loui s iana .

w as

rec ruited

mainl y


Coach Dean

Ra nd y Pierce and Mik e La ry a lternated at th e point a ll s eas on. From th e po int positio n these tw o quarter足 ba ck ed the team.



Randy Pierce (number 12)

fro m

The Frosh-well here th ey are-one of the finest freshm en teams in Northeast his足 tory (technically Lh e fir st fr os h team, In the past it has been the JV squad) . Coaching the fres hman team is Bud Dean. Dean is in his first seaso n at NLU , co min g here after an illu s trious playi ng career a t Loui s iana Tech and a yea r of coac hing in the high s chool ranks . Coach Dea n has built a solid fres h足 man unit that within Louisiana .


recruit ed

mainl y


Coach Dean

Rand y Pierce and Mike La ry alternated at th e point a ll seaso n. From th e point position

these two Quart er足

backed the team .


Randy Pierce (number 12)


Ranc e Cra m, Bubba Wyly , a nd Don Philley a lte rnated a t th e wings with a ll seeing a good d eal of acti o n. Joe C la nt o n had bee n a sta rt e r till a n a nkl e injur y forced him o ut of ac tio n.

Rance Cram (number 22)

James (Bubba) Wyly

Joe Clanton (number 24)

Don Philley

Ru bin Jones (number 20)

Gral in Davis (num be r 54)

Mike Rose

Gra lin Davis, Mike Rose, and Dal e Placke were the Frosh pos t men with Rose and Davis seeing the mos t action. Rubin Dale Placke (numb er 50)

Jones , who pl ayed a Nor theas t thi s .seaso n, Frosh as welL Rubin NLU on a basketball

lot. of foo t ball for saw action with the ori gi na ll y ca me to sc hola rs hip.




Lell to Right: Joe Co llura, Glen Venator. Dave Dom engeaux, Oave Tag gar t, Ra ndy Snow, Sieve Snow.

Randy SnOW

Steve Snow Team Capt ain


Dave Taggart

Glen Vena tor

H ever a learn was di sassoc ia ted f ro m its

respective schoo l, lhal learn is No rth eas l's gymnastics learn - se ld om heard from a nd littl e unders tood by the s tudent body. Vel

the gymnas ti cs team s tr i ves o n-an d even does q uite we ll.

A gymnasti cs mee t co n s i.::il s of s ix eve nts: Free Exe rci ses, S id e Horse, Still Rin gs , Long Horse Va ulting , Parallel Bars, and Horizo nta l Ba rs. Each lea m in a m ee t has lhree a ll-a r oun d men-thal is th ree men th ~ l ent er each ev ent. Fu rtherm ore a tea m is allowed to enter two m ore m e n

in each event. NLU 's "a ll around " com足 pelilors are th e S n ow brothers, Steve (th e team capta in) a nd Randy and Glen Ve na足 tor. Dave Tagga rt and Joe Co ll ur a both perform in the Free Exercises a nd S till Rings Compe tition . Dave Dom en geaux co mpe tes in the Free Exercises a nd Long Horse Vaul ting.


Joe Collura

Dave Domengeaux


Women's Sports

There is mo re to Women's Sports at Northeast than mos t s tude nts imagine. In addition to the Intramural activities­ volleyball, basketball, ping pong and oth­ ers-NLU has a girls Volleyball and Bas­ ketball team that co mpetes intercolle­ giately. This is indeed a tribute to the girls who participate a nd their Health and Physica l Education Department coaches. They receive no financial help and must pay for their equipment a nd travel expenses. The girls volleyball team is coached by Miss Betty Faught, an instructor in the Health and Physical Education De­ partment. The Team competed in tourna­ ments at Southwestern, Southern State College in Magnolia , Arkansas, and Northweste rn . There are "A" and "8" teams that compete a t tournaments . At Southwestern NLU garn ered a third place in A-t eam competition a nd a first place in B-team action. At Southern there was one division and the NLU girls walked off with lop honors winning a ll five of their mat ches. At Northw es tern the B-team again took fir s t in it s division.

A·team: Kneeling: Ka thy Odom, Earlene Hannah. Stand· ing: Pat Aedd, Peg gy Boren, Susan Hodges, Sa ndy Smilh. Ctndy Boudreaux.

B· team: Kneeling: Teresa Barna rd. Julia Boothe. Stand· ing: linda Hardy. Betty Adam s, Debbie Tripp , Kathy Carroll, Cherr ie Walker.


Intramural Volleyball


[n Ihese shols yo u see pictures of Nort h­ eas l's other Women 's le arn Ihal competes inler-co lleg ia te ly-the Women's Ba s ketball team . Th e tea m is coached b y Miss Di xie Ben nett and Mrs. Jo y Brannum , g radu a te assistant s in H ea lth and Ph ysic al Educa­ tion. The sc h ed ul e included games with No rlhwestern, Southwes tern, and an ap ­ pearanr.e in Nor thwe s !ern's Tournament. The g irls who have participated in th e program are: Juli a Boothe, Pat Gosch, Dollie Swakchammer, Carolyn Neal, So­ phie Hendersen , Angela Carroll, Jan e l Mclnlo sh, Joy P la nt, Debbie Marsuli a , Kay Nugent, and Wray Robinson , mana­ ger.






Some are in leagues ; others are Saturday afternoon or week night competition to enter at your leisure. In this brief g limpse of the Intra 足 mural Program a ll of the events could n o t be pi c tured and the re足 sults of th e co mpetitio n could not be pr inted. N ever th eless , these pro 足 grams are off ered to int erested stu足 de nts.


Northeast offers an extensive intramural program in team and individual competi~ tion. Among the activities offered are:

Football, Archery, Tennis, Badminton, Basketball, Pool, Table Tennis, Volley足 balL Wrestling, Bowling, Weight Lifting, Horseshoes, Softball, Golf, Track, Skish, Swimming.


Although not a part of the Intramura l program, pictured here is Chess Club pres­ ident and champ ion Joel Aronson. Each year the Chess Club sponsors a tournament for Northeast students. It is a quite dif­ ferent activity, but another attempt to pro­ vide something for everyone. Another dif­ ferent activity is projected by the Fencing Club Coac hed by Mr. Wallace Longmire, they meet weekly for instruction and com­ pete in fencing tournaments .


No matter which sport is yo ur favo rite -or if you don't like any of them at all足 yo u hav e to ad mit that co llege athletics is big busines s. A lumni who wi ll not contribute to any other schoo l fund pay big money to up grade the athletic program. Alum ni who never

atte nd


gr adua Li o n




pagean t, a play, or a conce rt religiously fol足 low th e foothall team . In fact, nation al rep足 utations for many colleges and universities are made b y their a thletic programs. If you don ' t believe it look at the "name school s" around the country and see what they are noted for. So here are a few shots of you r athletic program-a program that, like it or n o t, is grow ing an d s tri ving to build North足 eas t an athleti c reputation.


No matt er w hich sport is yo ur favorit e - o r i f you don' t lik e any o f th e m at a1l足 you h ave to adm it th at co ll ege athletics IS big business. Alumni wh o will not contribute to any oth er school fund pay b ig money to up g rade the athletic program. Alumni who nev er a tt end a gradu a ti on exe rcise, a beaut y pageant , a play, or a conce rt. religiously fol足 low the football team. In fa c t, national rep足 utation s fo r man y co ll eges a nd uni ve rs ities are ma d e by their a thl e tic prog rams. If you don ' t be li eve it look a t th e "name sc hools" aronnd th e country and see what the y are noted for. So here are a few shots of your at.h le tic program-a progr am that, like it or no t, is gro wing and striving to build North足 east an a thl e tic reputati on.



. .. -

_. .



... .足 .




Student Life


SGA Elections Draw

Much Attention

The 1971-72 election of Student Government of足 ficers was, in effect, the beginning of a new era in involvement. It all began with the first primary and the throwing in of the hats of Danny Rhodes, Frank Snelling, Jerry Ramsey, and Mike Bell. The student body had not seen so much fervor in an SGA election in many years. After the election results were in, the two men in the run-offs were Danny Rhodes, the first long-hair to ever try for an executive officer of North足 east SGA, and Frank Snelling, a more conservative candidate. The ensuing time before the run-off was a flurry of sign hanging, door-to-door canvasing and just plain getting out to meet the voters. After a record turnout at the polls, Danny Rhodes became the new president with a slim majority of 30 voters. In the rest of the executive offices, Skipper Tripp was victorious over Van Lambert; Shan O'Brien won without opposition and Becky Rast pulled a majority with approximately 1000 votes to spare.



Go West Day





Union Board Presents ...


.-' /:.

. - . . . - .'足

Splash Into



Karen and Richard Carpenter 186

Josh White, Jr. In Concert









"acktons 191

Aretha Franklin 192

The Osmonds



Trinidad Tripoli


Northeast Productions






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Ed Graczyk's

1n.:~ "i caI directed by


August 8 and 9, 1970


Northeast Theatre 198

2:30 P.M.

Jack and the Beanstalk










Reserve Seats -

8:00 p.m .

$1.00 203

111111 btl lIli \!:ljr \!:.l lbrb r.l [ b. 1 .$ ( I""


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we by

Wi Hillm


Staged and Directed by Preston Sisk

Northeast Theatre December 9, 10, 11, 1971

8:00 p.m.

Tom Murton


Frank Reynolds

Stewart Udall

Bill Dodd


New Breed of Voters Showed Interest and Support in the Gubernatorial Race

Sludenll ....ppod Ed......d••


'l'ho new ele.cLlIraII, showed much ill te res t in the Lo u i ~j an(t race for gtl'vl~flJ(')r _ Ma ny s lude nts de voted their spar~ time to wor king fo r the c<IuclJuate r Ih~jJ choice, a n d Jollow ed up by oUng on

ele"till n day. S tudents searche.d their convicl iuns .lnd q ues tio ned ·the can didates' plaLfnrms. 1-'01' the first tim e in 1he hlslory of Louiqian.l, eighteen to twent y-year-olds cast theil' 11:)1 ­ lots. Among thos e c and ,d~lcS who visited th e N LU ca mpus Were Demnorats Edwin Edwards and Bennelt lohnslon : fwd Re­ pu blic an David T reen.

r Stuclellla 101 John""'lL

David Treen






Suzanne Hil ler

Alpha Omicron PI

Peggy Lyon

Donna Hollis

Su zan ne Martin

Kappa Della

Mitlie King

K. 8. O'Donnell

Panhellenic Council

Janice Benoit

Daph ne Crane


Phi Mu

Terri Greene

Beth Ferguson

Bette Holloway

Zeta Tau Alpha

Beth Ferguson, vice president; Peggy Lyon, treasurer; Donna Hollis, president ; Terri Greene, secretary.

Pan hellenic Christmas Formal


Greek Week strengthened the bond of Panhellen.c sp.n !.

The Greek Gamos did have Iheir fUnnier mo足 ments .

The lIororilies can always be counted on for boosting school spirit.


Rick Baker

Henry Bridges

Kappa Sigma

Jeff Cree l

Theta XI

Dewey Biscotlo

Bruce Farmer

Tom Medley

Dickie Hearn

Jim McMicheals

Randy Lavei

Billy Cole

Marty McKay

Mike Mi gues

Interfraternity Council

Kappa Al pha


David Adams

Gregg Montgomery

Pi Kappa Alpha

John Luffey

Charles Schaeffer

Tau Kappa Epsilon

Robert Bannan

Marshall Swenson

Bill Tassin

David Bonicard

Robert Goleman

Mark Hansen

Joe LeTourneau

Sigma Tau Gamma

John Miller

Billy Cole explains the intricacies of the sack relay.

Slanding: Jim Haddox, advisor ; Rick Baker. president. Seated: Mark Hansen, treasurer; Billy Cole. vice plesident; Jim McMichea ls, secretary.

The boat race was just one of the highlights of Greek Week.

Thela Xi sponsored a fraternity "whoppe r-eat足 in g " COniest.

The three-Jegged race proved QU ite a challenge.



Debbie Ande rso n

Nancy Bettis

Gail Spear


Bobbie Barr

Lynn Brady

Cheryl Crowson

Shirley Brandt

Ch ris Dahl

Alpha Omicron Pi

Debbie Doles

linda Greer

Sharon Fa nt

l ouraine Gregg

Belva Berlin

Keith Barton

Marl ee n Fin ley

Catherine Gregario

Elissa Bun n

Nancy Davis

Lynn Byrnes

8eth Dred riCh

Gene A. Berto naschi

Debby Buckner

Becky Doles

Lambda Tau Chapter

Jo Ann Fosler

Rose Gregorio

Jud y Ga nn away

Elizabeth Grace

Jan Grubbs

Elizabeth Hanna

Jackie Kelsoe

Mittie King

.f Sharon Hardy


Suzanne Hiller

Donna Hollis

Jud y Joh nson

Judy Lombardino

Debbi e Loviza

Ava McClurkin

loraine Tomnnson

Alice Myatt

Sandi Pauli


, Cheryl Poindexter

Vicki McEachern


Anita Roper

Kay Turner

Robyn Sande rs

Sandra UndenNOOd

Donna Slacum

Sammie Thigpen

Wanda Thrower

Sally Walpo le

Karen Willson

Nancy Zundel


a lph a om icron pi a smile sisters united sharing, help­ ing, friends hip he le n, s tell a, bess , jess i ndi vidua Is parfa it glasses jacquem inot red roses arthritis found a­ tion c hac bea ut y winning ba nn ers rall ying for I'us h . . . ts & I'd sellin g pens tortie liille women just h appen to h ave a gui tar ruby pearl h otdogs a nd bonfire . acacia swee lheart sen ior boa rd outstanding junior woman who's who panh e ll enic presid ent . so tak e my hand and walk th rough th e land of AOTT . AOII officers : Mittie King, preside nt; Janet Konsinski, chapler relations; Cheryl Crowson, recording sec re tary : Cheryl Poindexter, treasurer; cathy Underwood, corresponding secrelary.

Tortie added much color to the festiv ities of homecom· ing weekend.

Spirit is AO's middle name .


David Adams

Mark Alleman

Ron Anderson

Emmett Barham

Paul Barker

Jimmy Bryanl

David C. Carpenter

Randy Coope r

Jeff Edman

Thomas Ferguson

Hershall Royd

Joe Foote

Gary Francis

Ronnie Haines

Pau l Heilman

Hut Howell

Richa rd Ingram

Ken Johnson

Kappa Alpha

Herschel Jones

John Jorden

Patrick Kelly

Tom LeBleu

Eddie Lyons

David McLemore

Robby McMath

Thoma s McMath

Gregg Montgomery

Chuck Norris

Larry Peltiette

Robert St. John

Tommy Scurrla


Gamma Nu Chapter

Todd Simmons

Robert S. Smith

Frank Snellings

Ricky Tomlin

Gary Williams

Robert Wyche

KA'. come out in force to signal the beg innin g of Old South .

kappa a lp h a o rde r . . k a ca nn o n a h o mecom ing disp la y step ahead ? 1956 in s ta ll a ti on . . . jung le pa rt y. . chris tmas ca ro ling black and wh ite formal old south. weekend . . . garden party . sharecrop足 per's ba ll garden par ty chari ty bow l southern gent le足 me n h eritage a so uth e rn tradition . . a ll in k a.

leA shows its capabilities with a competition banner during Wreck Tech Week.

KA officers : Frank Sne lli ngs, pafl:amentanan' Chuck Wes lechel, his足 torian ; Gregg Mon tg::>mery , recording secretary; Joe Foole , correspo nd 足 ing secreta ry; Tommy SCUrfl8. president; Ke n John son, vice president.

Janice Benoi, was Kappa Alpha's Rose .

The garden party was a small reminde r 01 a quieter, less hurried past.


Patti Alexander

Pat Bates

Jan Bl ackmo n

. t

Brenda Boyette

Jo Ann Bradley

Pennie Brewton

Sandy Cornel

Do lly DeBray

,~ , - l

. ," ,

Debbie Ch ristman

Kay Denning

Gretchen Cole

Susan Ebarb

Dian na Cook

linda Ec kard

Kappa Delta

Mary Jane Flynn

Carol Ford



Judy Coo n

Susan Eubanks


Marilyn Fayad

Marleen Firmin

Delta Zeta Chapter

Jan et Ford

Michelle French

Jeann ie Fudickar

Betty Gorsage


,, ~,

. Debbie Gremillon



Martha Gremill ion

Carolyn Harville

Karen Hayward

Pat HenlY

Linda Howard

Allyson JOnes

Karen Kelly

Dixie Kelb

Eill en Lastowsky

Nancy Leigh


Bitsy Jen se n




'v Peggy Leigh

Pal Lilly

Peggy Lyo n

Sharon Nabours

Magg ie Nea le

Conn ie Prince

Nancy Ril ey

Janice Robinett e

Debra Smith

Kav Smi th

Ka lhy SI. John

Robbie Netherton

Dott ie McEnery

K. B. O'Donn ell

Amy Roy

Cindy McGee

Libbey Moseley

Mary Anne Percy

Emily Shelby

Jan PeUerso n

Em ily Slaughter

LeAnn Svigel

Sharon Tubre

Monnila Vick

Becky Walker

Sherry Williams

Beverly You nger

kappa d elt. diamond smi les. tea rs.

making of a kA co mbin a tion of hard work

nafl con ve nti o n . . , ac hi evemenL

Kappa Delta showed both tale nt and spi rit during WRECK TECH week. Officers, I-r: Su zanne Martin, presi dent: Pam Herrington. sec retary ; Jan et Vaughn, treasurer; Roslyn Will iams, assistant treasu rer; Susi e Sm ith, editor; Mary Ann Eason, membershi chairman.

award . . . iet a ngels . . sga se na tors . . dorm officers wh o's wh o. . rush girls little s is ters . . captain of war足 bonn ets. . ten little in dia ns associat e ed . chaca honl a . JL maid, hom eco ming gran d swe eps ta kes award se nior board .. a lpha lambda delta .. . d ev il doll s . :kA dogpat ch treas. of pa n hell eni c . . . facu lt y足 children's chri stm as pa rty panhe llenic dance. initia tion w hile rose forma l .. life laughler .. love loyalty birthday party . . . fi ve yea rs old diam ond s . . emerald s . pearls.. s i s terhood . . making a great kA.


Frank Anzalone

Louis Cox

Robert Austin

Stephen Cranford

Fredrick Fudikar

Joh n Glouoso

Ronald Babb

Ralph Cross

James Green

Kappa Sigma

Kim Hogue

Jimmy Jernigan

Don McGuire

Mike McMenemon

Robert Oliver


Dean Pellegrin

Ben Bacon

Jimmy Bass

Steve Carson

Doug Dawkins

Charles Dixon

William Fincher

Kenneth Greer

Robert Hanna

Robert Helm

Theta Chi Chapter

Kyle Jones

Pat Lambert

Edward Merrick

Joseph Miciotto

Charles Rea

Don Robinson

Randy Lavei

Rick Morrison

William Rolfe

Mike Madden

Danny D99

Malcolm Sager

Kenny Spea r

Frank Serlo

Don Smith

Vic Stewart

Angelo Tamporello

Randy Taylor

Barry Teague

Don Spice r

Richard Slega11

Sandy Burton

Les TaTVer

Libby Cox

John Trevathan

Carolyn Maxwell

Maggie Horton



Harold Turner

Doug Wade

Sandy Cornet served as a Kappa Sig rush girl.

Steve Walers

Randy Wil son

k a pp a s igma ... star and cres ­ cent . searle!, white, g reen ifc officers.. sga repre­ sentativ es . nlu indians b as ketball, football, track, golf · .. intramurals. . fa ll ru s h · . . levee parties . . . uncle sa m' s . founders day ba n­ quet ... booster bowl ... green p arty so uth sea island . . . s h av ing cream fights .. greek we ek ... s tar and crescent ball · .. end of the world party ... fri end and brother . aekab.

New ottioers: Jeff Creel , grand scribe; Scott Stewert, grand procura­ tor; Di ckie Hearn, grand master; Jim McMichaels, grand master of ceremon ies ; Bill Galligan, grand Ireasurer.

Bill Young


Susan Lary

Peggy Lyon

Old officers: Jim McMichaels, grand scribe; Jeff Creel, grand procurator; Jim Sturgis, grand master; Frank Anza­ lone, grand masler of ceremonies .


Vicki Adams

Pat Agin

Kathy Albritton

Debby Alexander

Susan Allain

Phylli s Badeaux

Lynn Barri os

Janice Bass

Glori a Bell

Jani ce Ben oit

Mary Berna rd

Pam Bishop

, "



" ,

Cherwyn Breaux

Julie Bu rroughs

Gay Caldwell

Phi Mu

Ellie Carter

Libby Cox

Janet Deville

Alpha Rho Chapter

Marilyn Donald

Mary Dossel

Chris Draper

Karen Draper

Kay Eichelberger

Connie French

Kathy Fren ch

A lic ia Futch

Terri Greene

Janet Gunter

Bette Halloway

Patsy Hammonds

Lynette Hester

Robin Holstead

Sherri Humphri es

Jamie Johnston

;e. p.

~" f'.,

Debra Harris


M ary Ann Hart

Joanie Johnson

Jackie H, Johnson

June Keller

Lana Jackson

Susan Lary

Karen Lovell

Debbie Martin

Kay Matkins

Karen MCC oy

Maure en McGeever

Christy Morton

Susa nn e Ochs

Patt i Pope

Terri Richardson

Amy Riley

Jenny Robertson

Ginger Roos

Dawn McKnight

Lynda Sad ler

Maria Sampognaro

Ca rol Sawye r

Zelda Simmons

Judith Slaughte r

Debra Spann

Karen Stamptey

Tr isha Sterli ng

Barbara Tanner

Vickie Va nn

Ann Whitaker

phi mu ... a warming smile. laught er .. wonde rl and .. tears h appi n ess is a p hi mu .. to do a common thing uncommon足 ly well two chac beau ties spirit mis~ oua chita ka ppa sig sweet h ea rt toy car l . . les soe urs fidl e les . . . uss h ope ... rose a nd w hite k appa a lp h a rose. . panhellenic IOI'mal . . . the n spring. . s un足 s h ine . spring formal . . honor. love. truth. friends .. memories phi mu ... phi mu love. phi mu sisterhood. . a phi mu lady. Martha Reed was awarded best pledge.

Gloria Williamson

Phi Mu Officers, I-r: Bene Holloway, president; Karen McCoy, sec reta ry; Cherwyn Breaux, treasurer; Terre Greene, Panhel足 lenic delegate.


Byron Betrand

Albert Axen

Carl Cochran

Brent Cockrell

Rocky Oavid

James Dearie

Earl Denning

Jim Faler

James Frank

Fred Galler

Gary Green

Mike Huffty

Jerry Knox

Charlie Lombardino

John Luffey

Edward C. Mills

Guy Motsinge r

Oaryl Newman

Pi Kappa Alpha

Ronnie Pay

Michael Perot

Charles Schaeffer

Bill Tassin

Kenny Tucker


George Varino

Wanda Strickland is ITKA' S Dream Girl.

Charles Purcell

Kyle Tillman

James R. Walker

Dean White

IlKA officers: Carl Shipp, vice president; John lu ffey, president; Way ne Deloach , secretary; Charles Schaeffer, treasurer.

The Christmas fonnal was en足 joyed by all. Fun was a key word at Pike's rush parties.

pi kappa a lph a. . garnet and old go ld . . second yea r chapter received in ma rch ka-ka football game little sisters c hristm as party . . . lu足 kemia drive t oy bowl christmas form al new mem足 b ers project. . age is no meas足 ure of performance . judicial board jus tice. dream girl sga senators . .. intra mura ls . . district convention leaders hip academy .. pace maker award .. phi phi kappa alpha.

The Ifltle sisters of Phi Kappa Alpha added much to the fraternity.


Jarrett Ba mburg

Joe Brocato

Sed ri c Banks

George Carso

Pat rick Dray

Paul Draper

Robert Berw ick

Sam Cimino

Phillip Dunca n

Richard Borne

Andrew Bowd en

Herb ert Breard

Ral ph Cottingham

Robert Cov ington

Tom Deal

Paul Dunstone

Gerald Garlington

Beta Nu

Sigma Tau Gamma


Charl es Elias

Roberl Goleman

Sam Grizzaffi

Mark Han sen

Franki e Joseph

Forrest King

Gary Knott

Robert Kriso n

Joe LeTournea u

Rod McCoy

Joh n R. Miller

William Moo dy

James Murphy

Mark Nelson

Robert Quinn

Gary Rankin

Steve Reddy

William Roche

Charles Strickland

Joe Strickland

Dean Th ompson

Bill Thrasher

Ricky Tyler

Lawrence Vaughn

Tom Walters

Tom Whatley

Aichard Villa

Wayne West

Sig Tau was awarded Outstanding fra ternity on campus by IFe. in 1971. ...:. ..... t..

John Yerger


Sig Tau olficers: Andy Bowden, membership ; Joe LeTourneau, pre sident; Gary Knott , education; Richard Villa. ma nageme nt. Amy Riley was chose n as Sigma Tau Gamma's sweetheart.

s igma tau gamma . . out s tanding fral. award. . c heerleaders bi cyc le race . intramural c hampions . . . ifc o ffi cers .. . sga sen a tors.. whit e rose formal $1,000 for muscu lar dystro ph y' ... chamber

of commerce . ramada wreck . end of the w orld p art y .. ifc a tlant a de lega te . .. . ex cells in conve ntion c aveman par ty next in new orlean s ... who's who s igma tau gamma.

A colorlul addition to homeco ming was Sig Ta u's display.

Sig Tau sponsored a bicycle race. the路 lirst of its kind at NLU.

John lightfoot

Joe AmadP.n

Daniel McCuller

William Miller

David McDaniel

Randy Robicheaux

Rick Ranson

Marshall Swenson

Tekes help in campus beautificati on.

Tau Kappa Epsilon

Epsilon Mu Chapter

tau kappa epsilon . . . not for wea lth rank or h on or b ut for personal worth and character. . . jan uary 10, 1899. . north weste rn trips. rush parties., character. ed uca足 tion .. . democracy. spring retreat. geno's. . training parties. . . work day. . three fires. . red carna tion ball . t.au kappa epsilon. Richard Van Matre

Joe Wray

Tekes prepare homecoming d isplay.


Tau Kappa Epsilon Officers, '.r: Butch Shcoo ler. president: Lewis Allgood , pledge trainer; Jay Ba sco, secretary: Robe rt Bannan, chaplain: Daniel McCuller, sergeant at arms: Marshall Swenson, historian.

-I The Teke bell traveled to Northwestern.


Rush was an experience for both member and rushee. Polly Burton was chosen as Sweetheart of Tau Kappa Eps ilon .

The Teke bell helped 10 liven up many a pep rally.

Many of the Tekes showed their skill al the Teke pool tou rnament.


Dewey Biscotlo President

Glenn Lively Pledg e Trainer

Andy Roberts Vice President

Herbie Otwell Pledge Trainer

, Marty McKay Treasu rer

Klmmie Crcmford Ritual Chai rman

Blount Armstrong

Mark Battistone

Theta Xi

Gene Bogg s

Gregg Bullock

JImmy Causey


Larry Chiasson

Beta Psi Chapter

Artist's conception of new Theta Xi house, complete with indoor swimming poo l. Scheduled for construction on the new Fraternity Row adjacent 10 the NLU campus,


Theta Xi was very active in campus beautification project.

Mel Crlslofalo

Joe Humble

Buddy Jackson

Randy Deveny

Joe welcomes rushee lo路the TX house.

Joe Facciol0

Jerry Fields

Phil Henry

The Purpost: of Theta Xi is to provide a college home environment for its active mem bers ill which fellowship and alumni guidance lead to wholesome menIal, moral, physical, and spiritual growth. To that end Theta Xi actively supports and augments college and community efforts to make individual members more mature and chapter groups more useful units of society. Through its alnmni and undergraduate leadership Theta Xi endeavors fo assist each member to develop : one, intellectual cnriosily thai assnres the highest schola~hip rating consistenf with his abil ity ; (WO, habits that lead to beller meulal and physical health ; three, sincerity in his association wilh others and confidence in himself; (our, responsibility to chapter, college, community and country: liVe, leadership that comes from prncticing the principles of democ ratic self-gO\路emment ; six, interests and activities outside regular scholastic studies that employ spare time to advantage; se ven, spiritnal nnde~tanding that provides a reservoir of strength to draw upon when faced )Vith conditions beyond c()mprehension. '

Ed Laskowski

John Laurenzano

Ron Moser

Malt Mouser

Jim Lohman

David Price

Jimmy Herron

Bill Johnslon

Rayford Johnston

Ray Mangrum

Paul McCorvey

Todd Moore

Ken Rachal

Randy SlafJord

Charles Webb


Joe Brown

Rich ard Gilliland

Brian Guthrie

Thomas Gray

J oh n Kelly

Jeff Koigy

Barn ie Nash

Walter Lockhart

Part of being a ZB T is p art ic ipating In th e March o f Dime s Mil e of Pennies.

Zeta Beta Tau

Ja cob Roberts

Gamma Epsilon Chapter


_---足 .

Rush girls always seem to help during rush .


Joe Kern

ZBT office rs: Richard Gilliland, treasurer : John Woods , vice president; Joe Kern, president; Danny Gree nburg. secretary.

ZBT helps the Marc h of Dimes with th eir annual Mile of Pen nies.

Jay explains the intri caC ies of rus h.

2 4~

Milzle Akins

Debbie Bennett

Carol Black

Melody Cawthorn

Karen Cherry

Claudia Clawson

Barbara Cox

Daphne Crane

Judy Defee

Peggy Dillon

Carol Jean Dixon

Margaret Douglas

Ginger Qurrett

Dana Faught

Beth Ferguson

Carolyn Gray

Kathy Hanks

Regina Harrell

Zeta Tau Alpha


Zeta Delta Chapter

Janice Hatch

Joy Anne Hathorn

Debbie Hayes

Susan Hiers

Betty L. Jopling

Linda LeBreton

Kathy McBride

Dorothy McCoy

Nova McCuller

Susan Mouk

Kathy Myrick

Pamela Newman

Carolyn O'Neal

Candy Pardue

Patti Plunketl

Mary Ann Polhson

Carol Porter

Adrienne Poss

, Jeannine Rowden

Pat Ryder

Joy Serlo

Gail Sherman

Kathy Smith

liz Stewert

Wanda Strickland

Jennie Truly

Jana Walker

Carolyn Wright

Zeta Tau Alpha officers, /路 r: Da phne Crai ne, Panhell enic; Carolyn Wright, hislorian: Joy Serio, co rrespond in g secretary : Barbara Cox , pledge trainer; Mitzie Akins. treas urer: Carolyn O'Neal, vice president ; Be th Ferguson, Panhellenic; Pat Mathias, presiden t.

zeta tau a lph a ... ze ta lady ... ru s h girls. pi kappa a lpha dream g irl rotc spo nso rs christmas coo ki es over颅 seas seni or b oard pan helle ni c chris tm as formal turquoise blue and s teel grey . . . pledg e proj ec t. who' s w ho fraternity little si sters. hom ecoming qneen . sg a senat or . second in bomecoming displays with a large toe? cindereJia four sho rt years of coll ege. . filled with ze ta love. a sen se of belonging and fri end s who become sis ters . zet a .. with a h erita ge . but most of all a ze ta lady. Old timey music and matching cos tu mes aid ed in produ cing feSlive air.

ZTA pledge party was a definite success.



Robe rt Addison

Woodrow Davis

Dwight Allen

Oscar Barber

Chris Gabriel

Roy Burrell

Glenn Hicks

Jimmy Christian

Jeffery Holmes

Alpha Phi Alpha Colony

Sid ney Holmes

Frank Lyons


Cathe James

Cheste r Hooke r

Larry Ma ck

Oortie Moore

Sam Smith

Earl Kennedy

Nathan Winesberry

Alpha Phi Alpha Officers, ' ~ r: Roy Burre ll , vi ce president C hester Hoo ker , secretary; Nathan Wlnesbe rry , pres iden t: Sam Smi th , as sis tant sec retary; and Robe rt Addison, chaplain. No! shown: Henry Steele, treasurer.

a lph a phi a lpha . founded dec 4, 1906 40,000 s tr ong ... firs t black fraternity co rn e ll universit y . interra cial s ince 1945 three hundred forty seven college c hap足 ters high sc holastic s tanda rds . hi g h mora l character broth erly lo ve perso nal progress loyalty .. respect of woma nh ood light of the world . . . alph a phi a lpha.







Skipper Tripp Vice-President

Skipper, Shan, Becky, and Danny

Shan O'Brien Treasurer

Becky Rast Secretary


Vaneo Beauregard Pura ~nd Applied Scl."~~.

Pal eatea

David ellclcbou.... PhfJlmocy


Greg Blue Liberal Aria

Ja Ann Bradley Educall('In R.n. BUll


Jomeo 8rfggo Graduale

GOry Coopor BU91nass Chrio Dahl


Lynell Flynn Educat on

Bob FolAy P~nrmacy

Kathy Frenoh Ed~oal>on



Randy Fuller ,Junior Pres d~nt

Jim Horrlngton Freshman Prestdenl Suzanne Hiller EducallQn

RJchard Gaorley

Liber"1 Art'

Bruce Lancaster BUO'iness

Judi Lombardln. Llbecol Art~

Eddie Klaln Pharmacy

KIm Powell Pure and Applied Sc lencos

Reagan Stinnett SOh lor Pro,ldenl

ea.rl Shipp GmdtJa l e

G.... g WIlliam.


SU"n SlNmpoll

Unilln WUhlngton

L"beral Arts

Sophomore Presldenl



Union Board

North east Loui s iana University Union Board prov ide s ent.erta inm ent as well as a stimulating

s ocial atm os phere for the s tudents of th e Uni足 versity. Membe rship is mad e up of full -time stu足 dents of th e University. The purpose of th e or足 ganization is to unify , through a co mpreh ensive so cia l,



recreation al


th e

students, faculty , s taff, and alumni of N. L. U., and to provide the proper orga nization



c ililies for th ese programs. The goal of the Union 80ard is t o e nh ance th e scope of the educatio n provided by th e institution.

linda Allen , Chairman


Oscar Barbar

Karen Draper

Ca lherine Gregorio

Sherry Loftin

Karen Lovell

Diane Pascha ll

Lou Hammons

Jackie Kelsoe

Members discuss this season's entertainment.

Michael Robinson

Dan Rog ers

Gail Scrogg ins No ; picture d: lisa Beard, Secretary; Landa Bell, Donnie Chandler, Donna Curry, LaflY Eason, Todd Landrum, Emily May, Susan adam, Carol Sawyer, Justin Soileau, Greg Wallace, Vice足 Chairman lor Student Life ; Mr. Charles Mc足 Donald, Adviso r.



Sharon Strain

Susan Wise

Andy Roberts, Vice-Chairman for Ent erta inment

Janet Koncinsky. Treasurer


Enjoying a reputation as o ne of the most ac­ tive organizations o n ca mpu s , the Marching In­ dians have a fu II sch edu le drumming up school spirit and representing the University. The band perform s at pep r a lli es, participates in parades, and plays for special functions at NLU. The wide­ ly acclaim ed marching band also performs at home football games , and make at least one out­ of-town game each year. The band consists of over one hundred and twenty co ll ege musicians from every leve l of Univers ity life, performing a rare combination o f pl'ecision, pageantry, and good music. During the second semester, the band divides into two conce rt g roup s- the Sy mp honic Wind Ensemble and t he Concert Band . The Sy mphonic Wind Ensemble meet s for re hearsa ls four ho urs a week and performs mu s ic of a ll s tyles from the classics to mode rn sy mph on ic works. From time to time gues t co nduc tors, co mpose rs, a nd pro­ fessional perform ers work with and appear with the group. Membership is hy audition on ly. The Concert Band is made of other members of the Marching band a nd stude nt s who wish to be in a performing group, In addition to a spring concert appearance, th e two bands also make a concert tour through the sta te. Students are also selected from the two groups to form a "pep band" for all hom e basketball games.

119: 4


NLU Band gives crowd·p [easing per· formances at half·time shows.

Pre·school rehearsals enab le sq uad leaders to leach freshmen Ihe basIcs of ma rchi ng and allow upper­ classmen 10 brush · up on their ma rching.

Tw irlers Ed ie Speights, Beverly McMahon , Diane Labry, and Sherry Crum plon perfo rm exC iting routi nes 10 the band' s back· ground mus ic .


Our nationally known band d irecto r, MR. WHITE, does a remarkable job of oversee ing rehearsal s and also Judging high schoo l fes tivals around the cou ntry.


The band and the Warbonnets fo rm an unbeatable team.

Head Drum Major John Rugg is fea lured al ha lf-time show on th e drums.

Assi stant Drum Major John Li ttle directs the band on specia l occas ions.

Head Twirler Sherry Crumpto n is among bes t in South.

Concert Band gives campus co ncert before going on statewide tour.

Ann ual Awards Banquet is hel d al Paragon Embers as highlight of marching season.


The new PERCUSS ION ENSEMBLE gives students a chance to hear great percuss ion works .


The FACULTY BRASS QUINTET gives an enjoyable conce rt w ilh the o rgan professor.



is popula r among

OPERA WOAKSHOP gives flavor to the School 01 Music with its splendid pe rformances of works such as

"The Mikado" and " The Medium."

The CONCERT CHOIR prese nts many pe rformances during til e year.

The NLU SYMPHONIC ORCHESTRA gives pl easurab le concerts during th e year.

NLU'S newest group, Th e NLU SINGERS, is po pul ar wi th th e stud ents.


Circle K

Not Pictured: Mark Steve n­ so n, Treasurer; Dr. Pa l Gar­

reI, Ad visor.

Roland Rutkowski, Vice President ; John Ke ll er, Vice Pres ide nt ; Bobbie Dosher, Sweet­ hea rt; Bruce McCormick, Pres iden t, and Don Stephe ns, Secretary

Circle K, locally installed in 1957, is a na­ tional serv ice o rganization which seeks to develop leade rs hip, scholarship , and ch a ra c ter in young me n. Membership is by invitation. The organiza ­ tio n's major projec ts are servi ce oriente d with emphasis on service to the Univers ity and the commun ity ,

Prospective members look over scrap books of Circ le K during rus h smoker.


Interested sludents fill oul applicat ions to join Circle K.

Not Pictured: Ra lph Penueli , Vice Preside nt; Dr. E. H. A I~ len, Advisor.

Mike Moore, Public Relations; Roy Pete rs , Club Representat ive; Gail Haynes, Se crelary; Bruce Newcomer, PubliC Relations; Mike Johnston, President.

Rodeo Club

The NLU Rod eo Club was est ablish ed to dev elop great er interest among co llege stud ents in rod eos, promote scholarship, morality, and soc ial culture among its m embers; and es tabli s h confidence and friend ly re la tions be tw een coll eges and nniversities of the U. S. The Rod eo team travels to other co lleges and universiti es rodeos Lo participate in their events.

Mike Johnston finished 5th in the 1971 College National Finals in Bozeman, Montana.



Soul Society

The Students of a Soul Society w as or足 ganized in the summer of 1968. Its purpose a nd goa l is 10 maintain high Black represe ntation on camp us, and to improve and promot e bett e r cooperat ion among all students at NLU. Any person who has t he self-pride and lo ve o f brot h足 erhood. which are the marks of a ve ry well ad足 ju s t ed person . is eligible for membership. Charl es Stewa rt, Ala n King. Glenn Bran tley, Cathe James, Rubin Jones, Fran k Lyons , Alonao Nu le, James OU tl l , John Buie .

. Oscar Barber


Nolan Bernard

Glenn Brantley

Connie Brooks

Adell Brown

John Buia

Mildred Buie

Linda Calhoun

Calh e James

Albert Clark

Janice Coleman

Lawrence Coleman

Sadie Coleman

Aline Crump

Olevia Davis

Ashton Dunn

Charles Ellis

Ledell Gipson

Jo Ann Goldsby

Arthur Grant

Doris Gray



William Harris



,.~i~... J

John Buie, Vice Presid en t Glen n Brantl ey, Mem ber AdvIsory Counc il ; lillian Washing ton, Assistant Secreta ry; Cha rl es Siewa rt Pres ident; and James Qutlz, Adviso r.

Nol Pictured: Ronni e Andrews. Helen Buller. Linda Brown, Vivian Cole足

man, A igean Caldwell, Lawrenc e Crum pton , Dennis Davis, Sylvia Ed足

wards, Art hur Edward s, Johnny Elware, Ray Guillory, Sidney Holnie s,

Rubin Jones and Ca th e Jam es helped Ronald Hall, leroy Jon es, Joseph Jam ar, Oca le ne Jones, Barbara Lof揃

Ihe Soul Society 10 be Number 1. ton, Raymo nd Maxwell, Joe M itchell, Edith Sm ith , Rhoda Scott, AI Wil足

liams, Ava Wilson.

, Terry Harts

Barbara Jackson

LaVonne Johnson

Mary Johnson

Nancy Jones

Brenda Lawson

Toinelte Loyd

Mary Mitchell

Carol yn Riley

Noah Riley

Alice Ro land

Palsy Smith

James Starr

Charles Stewart

Lillie Tuc ker

lillian Washington

Nathan Winesberry



Rooseve lt Wright


David Austin

Keith Barton

Joel Chapman

Joe Kern

Sarah Nations

Lannie Philley

Dan Willett

Jon Snelling


Benson Scott

Patti Plunkel1

Maggie Neale

I Thomas


Honorary Pre-Medical Society Nol Pictured Mike Albritton, Roger L. Baum, Richard Bourne, The Northeast Honorary Pre-Medical Tommy Bowling, Cleve Brooks, Edward 0 Coleman, Arthur Society was established in 1968 to promote Ferrario, Jerry D Freeman E. Sammie Greer, Linda Griese, cooperation and contacts among pre-medi足 Donnie Hammett, Ronnie Hammett, Paul Heilman, Steve Hutch足 cal educa tors and the practicing members Ins Bryan Mills, Beth Pohlarn, Benny Popwell, Steve Pamey, of the profession; to promote excellence in James L. Saterflel, Jr, David C. Schaff, Randy Taylor, George Varina, David Walsworth pre-medical scholarship; and to establish

a binding fraternal relationship among the members of the Society. Dr. W. W. Norris, Jr., Advisor

Dwight Phelps, Reporter; Cleve Brooks, Historian; Phyllis Gillmore, Secretary; David Carpenter, Vice President; and Tommy Bowling, President.



Jean Boyett

Becky Many

Alvin Lui

Jana Schaller

Lillian Washi ngton Mary Marsala , Secretary ; Pat Peny, Treasurer: Starr Scolield , President; Charles ESlep, Vice Presiden t

Modern Dance Club

The Modern Dance Club w as established to further participation and interes t in modern dance hy givin g beginning anJ a dvanced st ud ent s an opportunity to work together to gain exp eri足 en ce in pe rform ing and to provide e ntertainment for others t;\fongh pres e ntation o f formal and informal dance programs. Auditio ns are h eld at the beginning of the fall and s pri ng sem esters for th ose who are intere s ted.

Not Prdured:

Sharon Borg kvisl Ad rel Brulle Jimi Gar rett Michelle Hebert Susan Kim ba ll' Ann Whitaker

Ms. Sara Stockard Advisor

Trying out a new routine.


". -.

Terry Aucoin, Editor路 ln路Chi ef



Maggie Neale, Associate Editor


Randy Nichols, Sports Editor

Mitzie Maxwell, Assis\an\ Ed itor Gregg Bullock, Clerk

Ginger Roos and Booker Hall, Cle rks


S tud en ts are selected eac h semester to form the editorial s taff of th e award -w in­ ning week ly newspaper, th e Pow Wow. [n addition , s tud e n ts enro ll ed in th e jour­ nali s m news rep o rtin g cl asses co ntribut e to the P ow Wo w w ith art icl es obta in ed from th e ir assigned beats . The Po w Wo w se rves as both a training m edium fo r s (u­ d e nts w ho desire to mak e jo u r na li s m the il' c areer a nd a medium for co mmunica tion on the NLU campus. To be se lec ted as a staff member on the Pow Wow is COll.s id­ ered to be an honor , as being on the staff indicates proven abilit y in th e fi eld of journalism. It is hard work at th e same time, with some staff memb ers spe ndin g more than 25 hours per week puttin g to­ ge ther the newspaper.

Martha Priest Kathy Myrick and Pierce McKeithen



Alison Crenshaw an d Pat Malhias


FALL, 1971

Bob Bray

ed itor

Kathy Myrick

manag ing ed itor

Martha Priest

news editor

Pierce McKeithen

spOrls edilor

Charles Haddox

copy editor

Pat Sharp

copy ed itor

Standing are Bob Bray, Pierce McKeithen, Charles Haddox, and Kathy Myrick, and seared are Martha Priest and Pat Sharp, all members of the fall staff.

Charles Haddox, Fran Govan g, and Adviser Bob Carroll.

SPRING, 1972

Kalhy Myrick


Martha Priest

managing editor

Charles Haddox

news ed Ito r

Pierce McKeithen

spo rts editor

Pat Mathias

copy editor

Alison Crenshaw

copy editor

P.t Mathl.., Martha Priest, Alison C renshaw, Kathy Myric k, and Charles H.addox formed the spring staff.


Senior Board

Th e NLU Senior Board is a n h onorary or足 ga nizati on whi ch recog ni zes out st anding se nior wo me n . Potential m embers are nom inat ed by the variou s dean s, a nd from this li s t, the girl s a re se lected by th e present Bo ard member s. Senior Boa rd is also a service orga nization, and its memb er s serv e the universit y in v arious capacities thro ugh足 ou t t h e year.

Jennifer Davi. Preside nt

Cheryl Lynn Crowson

Nancy Le igh

Christine Dahl

Emily She lby

Jan Hi cks

CarOlyn Wright

Not pictured: Margaret Breard, Secre足 tary: Margaret Horlon; Susan Lary; Pat Mathias, Historian; Kathy Myrick . Vice Pres ident ; Miss Frances Bald足 wi n, Adviser.


Peggy Cha'etaln Treasurer

Stephany Knower

Patricia Vee

The Women's Recreation Association was in足 stalled in 1937 to encourage participation in a large variety of activities, thereby cont ributing to total fitness and enjoyable use of leisure time. The WRA at Northeast is in charge of intralmural sports for women. Membership is open to all women s lud ent s.




Kathy Odom President

Pam Herrington

Vice President

Julia Booth





Linda Hardy


Wanda Bate s, Cindy Jeannie Fudickar, Pat

Gosch, Debbie M arzula , Hi sto rian ~ Re足 porter; Pal Redd. Betsy Sheets, Cher足 rie Walker, Miss Betty Faught , Ad足 viser.

Beverly Harris

Becky Many


S tudent Nurses


The Studenl Nurses Association serves as a channel of communication between the studenls and the professional nursing organ izat ions. 11 seek s to promote profess ion a l and socia l unily among nurses al N. L. U. Any student e nro ll ed in nurs ing is e ligible. Th e Association parlicipates in all ac tivities of the state and nati onal stude nt nurses assoc iation.

Left to right: Debbie Payne, Corresponding Secretary; Sister Linda Constantine, Treasurer; Pam Odom, First Vice President; Janis Fran路 cis, Second Vice Preside nt; Freida Sadler, President; Donna Teague , Studenl Consultant; Jill Hodges, Recordi ng Sec retary.


Mary Jo Ball

Wicklynne Bassett

Gay Nell Bean

Sf. Mary Bened ict

Carol Blac k

Sandra Bright

Marilyn Buford

Sharon Ch ambless

Re ila Cook

Susan Covington

Madeline Crist

Jennifer Dav is

Jan Dumas

Siri Edward

Bonnie Ekle

Peggy Ellerbe

Debra Fowler

Sister laura Garin

Carol Gates

Rita Handley

Sharon Hart

Kathleen Hice

Donna HumphrIes

Barbara Jones

Darice Keder

Linda Levy

Sa rah


Gina Little

Ditplay shown at Student Nursing Convenlion.

Mary Meeks

Grace Murry

Lynn Peck

Julie Perkins

Belinda Robertson

Pruta Tabordon

laura Wage s

Marcene Williams

lywana Wilson

Not Pictured: Melba Albrillon lynn Allen Celia Broiuletle Judy Childress Nancy Cos lelia Betsey Elliot Janet Ford Jill Hodges

Jan Jones Brenda Kindrick Karen Krouskup Kathy Leon Barbara McClung Jean Mathias Patricia Mertens Jean Newsome Randora Woodard


Jack Barron President

Alpha Psi Omega Alpha Ps i Om ega is a nation al hono ra r y drama frate rnit y organized in 1963 t o en courage parti cipa ti o n in a nd th e prom oti on of thea tre per足

Robin W",n


form a n ce s. M em be rs hip is by in v it a tion Lo inter足

es ted d ra ma stud e nt s . Fo un de r of the N orth east Cas t is M r. C laud e Fuller.

Not pictured: Mr s. Jo Br ia n, Peggy Byers, Mr. Chandler, John Di sch er! . Pal Duke, For足 re st Fairl ey, Nancy Gova ng , Si足 mon Jinn ings , Keit h Kirby, Butch Pace, Donna Parha m, Mrs. Sandrock. Susan Wible, Dori s Youngblood, Dr. Bri an. Advi sor ; Mr. Si sk, Advisor; Mr. Fuller, Advis or.

Jerrie Oisc hert

Karen Draper

Terri Pratt


Eps ilon Tau Chapte r of Phi Alph a T heta, a nationa l honora ry hist ory soci e ty , giv es recog ni足 tion t o stud en ts s howi ng ex ce ll e nce in histor y a nd a hig h lev el of a t ta inment in o th e r fi elds of so足 cial sc ience. Its purpose is 10 fost er a n inte res t in hi s torical endea vors.

Phi Alpha Theta

Cindy Tripp Secrelary

Clyde Caselton

Jame s Collom

Wayne Evans

Ross Davison

Dixie Kolb

Debbie Loviza Not pictured: Dotti e Bergeron, Treasurer; Anne Bernhardt, Glen Blue, Jeanne Danziger, Pe te r Davis, Bob Dickman. President; Mart i Durham, Thomas Frank足 li n, Sianley Hargus, Oeborah Halch , Marilou Hildenbrand. Hi storian; JeanneHe LeBlanc, Pat Mathis. Kathy Myrick, Ross Shi rah . Donna Ston e, Dr. Tho足 mas E. Stri cklin, Advi sor; Dr. Marshall S. Legan, Advisor .

Carolyn Wright


Music Educators National Conference

The Music Educators National Conference promotes expanded inlere s l in the field of music educatio n. The organiza tion

sponsors a number

of speakers and performing groups during the academic year. Its s tress is on the transit ion from student to that of teacher. Membership is open 10 any musi c major.

Noah Riley



Larry Thompoon

Pat Agin

Marsha Anderson

Vice Pres iden t

Robert Brooks

Rebecca Burgin

Elizabeth Cain

Donna Calton

Delilah Darden

Phyllis Fosler

Betsy Gilliam

Michael Green

Tere sa Green

Janice Jones

Not pictured: Marth a Arrington, Eileen Cloninger, Ro semary Davis, Stanley Davis, Miriam Duell, Ted Finkbe iner, Jane Girard, Mary Jane Hawkins, Vicki Hodgkins, Secretary-Treasurer; Larry Kulcke . Troy Lizenby, Debo rah Miller, She ila Nichols, RObert Pruski, Donald Reagan, Harold Rob inson, Sadie Sm ith, Karen SOlomon, Ada Turner, Mary Ann Vidrine, Barbara Wi ndso r, Dr. Edward Deckard, Ad足 visor; Mi ss Gertrude M. Sandrock, Adviso r.

Vaun lillie

Dorothy Olive

Susan Pickens

Annia Smith

Eta Epsilon was organized in 1967 to fu rther scholars hip in the fie ld of ho me econom ics a nd to fu r­ ther professio nal goa ls. Me mber­ s hip is by in v it atio n.

Eta Epsilon


Jon HI.1ao Secretary

Peggy Gotte



Beth Diedrich

Vivia n Jones

Marilyn Pickett

Ae oorter

Not pictured: Deborah Doles, Fean Harbuck, Andrea Heckford . Treasurer; Judy Knight. Susan Lary, President; Christine McGuffee, Diane Moreland, Vice President; Charlotte Nelson, Par­ liamentarian ; Bonnie Prewitt, Cynthia Thigpen , Social Chairman; Mrs . Fran ­ ces 8. Mitchell, Advisor; Mrs . Shel · ley Cooper.

Mary lu Smi th


Rita Wal ker

Kappa Psi

James Williams

Paul Knecht

Re gent


Kappa Psi is the oldest and the largest phar足 maceutic al fraternity. The objecti ve of Kappa Psi is to encourage professionalism among its mem足 bers. In order to be considered for membership, one must show sc holasti c aptitude as well as a true interest in the professio n of pharmacy and what it stands for.

Not pictured: Mike Pollard, Chaplain; John Silverberg, Vice Regent; Dr. Theodo re Eick足 ho ll. Grand Counc il Deputy.

James Simpson Treasurer

Chauncey Young Historian


Th e H ome Economics A s socia tion, est ab­ lis h ed in 1940, provid es it s members with train­ ing in g roup , socia l and pro fessional acti vities. Memb ership is open to all hom e economi cs maj ors and min ors. Among the Ass oc iati on's a c tivities al'e partic ip a tion in h omecoming, Go West Day, the s tate c onve ntion. and a ba nque t.



Vice Chairman

Home Economics Association

Jenny Ferguson

Rila Walker Renee Mouraa Christine

Secretary­ Reporter-Slate


Treasurer Historian Reporter


• Marilyn Akers

Margaret Burlew

Joan Cook


Peggy Paul


Alma Price


Vee Jones

Susan Peters

Rosemary Tripi

Margaret Haddox

Tonda Little

Edith McMurray


" ".

Paula Harper

Anne Foster

Karen Kelly


Nol pictured: Belva Berlin, Judy Eley, Lilliane Elledge, Jan HLcks. Chairman; S:ephanie Jackson, Charlotte Nelson , Dora Norred, Cynthia Th ig pen , Diane Turner . Gilliad Willis, Mrs. Sandra Gosch , Advisor: Mrs. Ann Register , Advisor.

Data Processing Management Association Gayle Beard President

Linda Harkness Vice Pres ident

Regina Taylor Treas urer

Nell Bever

John Cicero

Thomas Cox

Bessie Dorsey

Danny Ford

Jimmy Frilz

Ledelle Gipson

Jim Greenlee

John Kapp

Robert Mei sne r

Beverly Neal

Fae Palmby

Thomas Pollard

Connie Reeks

Eric Reuter

David Roach

Julia Scott

Ch arles Swayzer

Larry Thompson

Nanette Vallery

Not pictured: Barbara Austin, Debra Seaver, Albert Ku, Ray­ mond Poc he, Sammy Stigall, Secretary ; Cat hy Walker, Sher­ ry Whitehead, Bill Whitworth , Mike Wh itworth, Mr. Henry M. Slr.Jmpeli. Advisor.

The North east D,P, M ,A, was establish ed in the fall of 1971 to promote a , better underst anding of data proce ssing as a professio n. The organiza ­ tion se rves as a means o f further ing the careers of data pro cessi ng s tud e nt s . as an informa ti o n so urce for yo ung peo pl e int eres ted in a d ata pro­ cess ing ca reer. a nd as a clearing house for infor­ mation o n employment opportunities for stud ent s co mpleting th ei r e ducation s in fields relating to data processing, M emb ership is open (0 busin ess and compu ter science majors.


of Physics Students

Th e Soc iety o f Physics S tud ents is one of the soc ie ties associated w ith the Am eric an In s titut e of Phys ics. Membe rsh ip in SPS is ope n to a ny pe rson si nce rely in teres ted in ph ysics. T he purpose of the S ocie ty i s to promote edncat iona l activiti es for stnd ent s in terested in the field and to aw ard recognition a nd distinction to s tudents who hav e

achieved high scholarsh ip in p hysics by electing them memb e rsh ip.

Bruce Wheeler


Regan Stinnett

Vice President

Fra nk Cloutie r

Lorraine Moore

Sec retary

Russel Arsaga

SIeve Evans

Randy Hill man

Not pictured: Mikie Alford, Richard Ch e n, Cha rl es Copes, Jonn Cox , Harrison Lee, Don Miller, Michael Papillon, Sherrod Smith, Dr. Larry Johnson , AdviSOr.

Lonnie Hood


Joh n Malvido

The objects and purp ose s of t his organiza ­

Collegiate Farm Bureau

tion are to crea te m ore in terest in agriculture as

a profession as w ell as a way of life among the studen ts and facu lt y of N.L.U. as w ell as sur ­ rounding co mm u niti es; to make avail abl e to t he s luden IS of ag ri culture al Ihis institution the mos t curren t. info rm a tion on inventions, tests, prac ti ces,

prob lems, a nd legislation in agriculture; t o fosler a las ling re lationship between student s enrolled in agriculture a nd senior farmers in the area; to serve as 8 vital link between cl assroom work and

the demands of agriculture as an indus try; and in general to prepare N.L.o. graduates in agricullure to accept roles as lead ers in developing the tre ­ mendo us agric ultu ral poten ti a l of America by p romoting in its membe rs KNOW LEDGE, EX ­ PER IENCE, a nd LEADERSHIP .

Danny Creel Vice Presi de nt

John Hendrix

Secretary- Treasurer

Robert Jones

Gayle HaynM

Reggie Albritlon

Re porter

Forest Mixon

Tom Corry

La Donn a Graves

Nol pictured: C. Cooper, Lynn Deloach. Alan Doy le. Wend ell Fo rdha m, Dua ne Foster, Frank Graves, Wall ace Jackso n, Pres ­ ident; Peggy Jones, Jim Mc­ Cready , Mike Moo re, Bruce Newcome r, James N ew m a n, Donovan Perrod in, Pam T ripp, Roger Wil son, Dr. Ja mes L, Cason, Adv isor.


Eta Rho

Alpha Eta Rho is a professional organ ization of avia tion enthusiasts a t N.L.U . The orga niza­ ti on is open to any N.L. U. student with an in­ t eres t in and a desire to promote av iation. Its members range from mu lti- engi ne commercial pilots to non-rated enthusiasts. The activi ties re­ flect the adventure of the avia tion profession co mbin ed w ith an intense interest in our Univer­ s ity. o ur c ity, and our state.

OFFICERS: Ned Conn er, Tr eas ­ urer; Thomas Daves, Pres ide nt; Pau l Norman, Pledgemasler; Billy White, Vice Preside nt ; Henry Way, Sergea nt-AI-Arms.


Vernon Bothwell

Keith Bryant

Robert Cedars

Ned Conner

Thomas Daves

George Davis

Donnie Enlow

Gary Galasso

Michael Kimball

Oeris Morace


Richard Paris h

Steve Sewell

Kneeling, fell (0 righ t: Clay 8 alo', Bill White ; Back row; Gary Galasso, Carl Sibley, Joe Scagliolti, Tom Barnard, Rick Craw 足 ford, Joe Rosse r, Tom Daves, Sandy Turnbull , Jim Sullivan, Ned Conner, Larry Wood , Jimmy Baker

Not pictured: Susan Maxwell, Scott McDowe ll. Cleo May, Kraig Kafoed, Jim Baker, Bar足 bara Stevens, David Th omason, Ray Kni chel, Larry WOOd, Mr. Dean Hartley, Advisor.

Henry L. Way

Joyce Snowden

Billy While

Physical Education Majors and Minors Club

Pam Henington


Teresa Bamard


Richard Benea1

Robert Biggers

Julia Booth

Bobby Hamlin

LInda Hardy

Kathy Odom

Laura Gould


The Phys ical Education M ajors-Min or s Club was organized to provide every oppo rtunity for profe ssiona l growth and development and to sup足 po rt ac tively a ll movements directed toward a n improvement and e levation o f the profession, M embership is open to stud ent s majoring or mi noring in physical ed ucation.

Terry Knight

Keith McVay

LInda Miles

Kay Nugent

Jeffrey Nu[man

Joy Plants

Sharon Smith

Randal Snow

Gulna Sylvestri

Donna Tucker

Not pictured: Jerry Anlee, Gary Babcock, Wan­ da Bates, Linda Bissette, Phil Bounds, Jay Bowdon, Frank Bruscalo, Jesse Burnette, Larry Byran, James Carpenter, James Coats, Vongle Coleman, Brenda Crum, Jan Do\lar, Gary Ezell, Robert Fowler, Jeannie Fudickar, Vice Presi­ dent; Donnie FurlOW, PreSident; Pat Gosch, Andrew Harris, Beverly Harris, Mary Kelly, Charles Knight, Pam Kokinos, Cathy LaPietra, Van Lambert, Ed Laskowsk i, Douglas Lee, Clif­ ton Lombas, Randy Long, Robert Lowery, Peg­ gie Lyon, Gilbert Matherne, James McArthur, Becky McBeth, Barbara McGee, Terry Mc­ Knight, Keith McVay, Pat MileleHo, John Mor­ gan, Jimmy Murphy, Carl Nelson, Brenda Os­ bnrn, Roy Peters, Mike Phillips, Mike Recio, Pau Redd, Renee Redden , Gay Richmond, Danny Roussel, Jim Ryan, Herbert Schneider, Ben Teekell, Mike Thompson, Ronnie Vernon, Cher­ rie Walker, Susa nne Walker, lloyd Wax, Mrs. Eliza be th Hendrix, Advisor.


The Council of Resid ent Women Students, under the sponsorship of the Dean of Women's Office, is responsible for dealing with the prob足 lems of dormitory livin g, Members are elec ted by the respeclive dormit ory residents,

Jan Hlcb President



Council of Resident Women

Debbie Lovin

Wendy Lee

VIce President


Suzanne Bamburg

Janet Barham

Cindy 8eaugh



Teresa Brassell

Anne GrensnC:!.w

Mary Oesadier

Beth Diedrich

Carolyn Harville

Patrice Hebert

Barbars Hooker

Janet Koncinsky

Susan Kratzer

Suzanne Martin

Becky McBeth

Chrisline McGuffee

Sharon Nabours

Prudence Parks

Karen Prine

Ginger Roos

Donna Slacum

Elizabeth Spivey

Wand a Strickland

Belinda Thorpe

Frances Walker

Jill Wib ben

Martha Williamson

Nor pictured: De De Burk, Ja· nice Carter, Phyllis Co leman, Treasure r: Barbara Curtis, Un~ da Eckard, Jeannie Fudickar, Trudy Head, Debbie Martin, Dolli e McEnery, Connie Meeks, Beth Miller, Ell en Nichols, Sal­ ly Rol and, Janet She ll, Glyn Smith, Martha Th omas, Cathy Underwood, Social Chairman ; She ilia Vanderhoff, Martha Mad­ de n, Advi sor.


Delt a Omicron is an

honorary professiona l Its purpose is to foster a nd create sc holarship a nd fellowship a mo ng mu s icians during their s tudent days. The fraternity is actively engaged in mu s ica l a nd soc ia l act ivities which would benefit th e organization and it s members .

mu sic fra ternity for women.

President Becky Burgin and treasurer Jane Girard discuss monthly financial report.

,, Rebecca Burgin

Phyllis Fosler

Ruth Smith


Delta Omicron

Sally Tsul

Not pictured: Oenise Cripps , Theresa Duke, Vice Presi 路 dent : Marie Freeze, Beverly Gill, Jane Girard. Treas urer: Vicki Hodgkins, Second Vice

Presi dent:



Deborah Miller, Ada Turner, Belly Williams , June Young, Mrs.



Eloise Stanhope, Ad 路

Delta Omicron annua l talenl show.

Cynthia Sykes

Phi Kappa Phi Phi Kappa Phi wa s establi shed to provide an honor sociely dedical ed 10 th e unity and de足 m ocracy of education and op en to honor students from all dep a rtments of American univers ities and colleg es. I1S prime object is to e mphasize sc hol ar足 s hip and character in the thought of college stu足 dents, to fos ter lh e signifi cant purposes for which instilu tio ns of higher learning have bee n fou nded, and to slimulat e menlal achievement by recogni足 tion through elec tion to members hip. OFFICERS: Eugene Watkins President Alan Stonecipher Vi ce President

Van McGraw Treasurer

Pat Garland Sec retary Martha Adams Corresponde nt UNDERGRADUATES:

January 6, 1971 election

Louraine BaH Vance Beauregard Jan ice Bonnette Margaret Breard Bette Brown Vel ma Bu tl er

Kath eri ne Caples

David Carpenter Peggy Chatela in

Carolyn Cook

Marth a Cox

Cheryl Crowson

Donna Curry

Ka thl een Day

Diane Dees

Allan Evans

Reynolds Faull<

David Fi orenza Mary Foster

Lois Freeze

Terri Frost Claude Fuller

Ja ne Girard Marie Gover Vera Goux James Gre enlee Linda Griese

Joy Hathorn

Peggy Herlevic Joy Hes ter Judy Jil es

Jan Johnston

Jerry Jones De bby Keller

G loria Kickel Wade Kilpatrick

Dixie Kolb

Van Lambe r:

Jane Malone

Carolyn Marvin

Suzanne Marlin

Susa n Maxwell

William McElroy

Lee McLendon

Merril Melle

Karen Miller Barbara Norris

Betty Osburne Rose lie Overby

Carol Palowsky

Julie Perkins

Margaret Perkins

Brenda Pickett

Kathryn Poland

Margaret Reeks

Anne Sanders

Constance Simpso n

Lenita Smith Linda Smith Jon Snelling Kenneth Spear Sammy Stigall Regan St innett Al an Stonecipher Loree Toney Marion UnderwOOd Frances Vin es David Wolf Carolyn Wright

March 3, 1971 election

Dona ld Au lds

Eli zabeth Baldwin

Jimmy Branlley Donna Brown

Elizabeth Cain

Mickey Culpepper

Chr is Dahl

Jennifer Davis

Fran ces Davison

Shei la Eiche lberge r

Bernadine Fontana Carol Gates Norma Gales Rita Handles

Stanley Hargus

La ura Harris Fredye Lon g John Lulfy

Mary Macl<

True Magruder

Kathe rine Moore

Linda Montieth Juanita Palmer Dana Perason John Sa nde rs Kathryn Sch ech

Richard Sherman

David Stewart Ashley Stoball

Charles Swind le Cy nthia Thigpen

Margaret Torrey

Cynth ia Tripp

David Wa lswort h Thomas Weeks GRADUATES: Donan Acke l

Dorothy Blackwell

Elle n Fortinberry

Anne Johnson

James Middl eton

FACULTY: William Hammond


Alpha Lambda Della is a nationa l honor so­ ciety for fr eshman women, stressing high scholas ­ tic ave rage and intellectual curiosi ty . A 3.5 average with 15 semes ter hours in the first semester of th e freshman year are required for membership. Among the organization's activities were open house during Homeco ming and a tea for all freshman women with a 3.0 grade point average .

Alpha Lambda Delta

Keith Barton

Anne CrlMhaw

Carolyn Harvill.


Vice President



Lou Hammons

Social Chai rman

Gall Wallace

Ritual Chairman

Cheryl Crowson

Toni Brookreson

( Prudence PlIIko

Sharon Chatelain

Jan Wilson



Ed. Flame

Betty Danna

Jann Dumas

Senior Advisor


'~ .





-.,. ·.Ii

Sharon Fant

Anna Gray

Anila Gregory

Altheia Ham

Candice Hays

Patrice Herbert

Susan Irby

Jerri Johnston

Vivian Jones

Faerie Lafield

Laurie Lightner

Nancy McGanless

Regina McLean

Betty Moos

Nan cy Mullins

Sarah Nations

Idana Phillips

Patti Plunkelt

Mary Robinson

Clair Sherman

Olivia Warnock


Not pictured: Deborah Dean. Marilyn Donald, Linda Greer, Marilyn Hennigan, She r r y McCrimmon, Adrienne Poss, Beth Reppond. Catherine Underwood, Janet Vaughan, Membership Chairman; Janet WiJliams, Roselyn Williams, Miss Susan Featherson, Ad足 visor.



Joel Aronson


Joel Aronson wins th e tournament championship.

Noel Denoux

Vice Pres ident

The purpose of the Chess Club is to improve the chess playing abilities of Ih e members. The Club sponsors tournaments against other colleges and universities in the hope of crealing a closer tie with the othel' chess clubs in the state as well as promoting a competitive spiri t among the various schools.

Nor pictured: Albert Clark, Jo足 seph Clarke, Amelisa Echeve({i. Mike Halley, George LaGrutla, Don Magruder. David Naqui n, John Nicolle, Glenn Procell, Cary Stee n, Ken neth Underhill, Or. Glenn F. Power, Advisor.

Foley Nash Secretary-T reasu re r


Martha Williamson



Joel Aronson


Joel Aronson wins the tournament championship .

Noel Denoux

Vice Pres ident

The purpose of the Chess Club is to improve th e chess playing abiliti es of th e members. The C lub sponsors tournaments agai nst other coll eges and universities in the hope of crea ting a closer tie with the other chess clubs in th e state as well as promoting a competitive spirit among the various schools.

Nol pictured: Albert Clark, Jo足 seph Clarke, Amellsa Echeverri. Mi ke Halley, George LaGruHa, Don Magrud er, David Naquin, John Nicolle, Glen n Procell , Cary Stee n, Ken neth Underhill, Or. Glenn F. Power, Advisor.

Foley Nash

Secretary -Treasu rer


Martha Williamson

Eta Iota Chapter of Phi Mp Alpha Sinfonia, in stalled in 1955 on the Northeast campus, is an honorary nation a l music fraternity for men or足 ganized to create interest in the performance and co mp osition of Ameri can musi c. Members hip in this org anizatio n is by invitatio n only. Some of th e function s of the fraternity this year were sponsoring the N.L. U. Jazz Ens em ble, serving as ushers for man y recitals a nd ho s ting the Amer足 ican Music Recita l for high school students.

Phi Mu

Alpha Sinfonia

Thomas de 18 Bretonne

Tom Gorman


Vice President

Allen Brown

Nol ;:; ictured: Alan Clarke. War足 den; Paul Hall, William McEl足 roy, Ke n Thomp son, Secretary.

Noah Riley

Michae! Green

John Sanders

David Zeagler

Tommy Kelly Presid ent

Buzz Gamer Vice President

David Spears Secretary

David Martinez Correspondent

Joseph Vlzena Treasurer

Richard Adkins Burl Arche r Robert Ben neH

David Blackbourne Brian Bond Gary Brinson Charles Brow n Bin Broyles John Bull Bill Burt John Chadbourne Larry Chiasson Bill Colvin Don Crawley

Pete Dileo Rickey Doucel Tom my Dukes

Dea n Pupre' Emeric Dup uy La ne Eaves

AI Eike Anthony Falcone B ob Foley Gary Folks

Lynn Forel Randy Hanks Darryl Harbell Go rd on Harris

Phi Delta Chi

James Herna ndez A nthony Hughes Frank Inman Ronnie Joh ns

Joe Kenady Eddie Kl ein Joh n LaHaye Neil LaH aye Jerry L3nclos Ira Lasse igne Mike Lau tigar

John Laws Cha(les Leach Steve Lee Mike Louviere Tom Lovett Stanley Maas Raymond McCa ndlish Ray Mc Dani el Holmes Milliken Bob Munster


Tommy Kelly President

Buzz Gamer

David Spears

Vice Pres ident


David Martinez. Correspondent

Joseph Vlzena Treasurer

Richard Adkins Burt Archer Robert Bennett

David Blackbourne Brian Bond Gary Br inson Charles Brown

Bill Broyles John Bull 8 i1t Burt John Chadbour ne

Larry Chiasson Bill Colv in Don Crawley

Pete Dileo Rickey Doucel T ommy Dukes

Dean Pupre' Emeric Dupuy Lane Eaves AI Eike Anthony Falcone BOb Foley Gary Folks Lynn Foret

Rand y Hanks Darry ! Harbe l!

Gordon Harris

Phi Delta Chi

James Hernandez. Anthony Hughes Frank Inman Ronnie Johns

Joe Kenady Eddie Kl ein John LaHaye Neil LaHaye Jerry L3nclos Ira Lassei gne Mike Lautigar John Laws Charles Leach Steve Lee Mike Louvie re Tom Lovett Stanley Maas Raymond McCa ndlish

Ray McOani el Holmes Milliken Bob Munster


Th e obj ec tiv es and purp ose s of this org aniza­ ti on are to d eve]op greater interest in ag ri culture, promote schol ars hip among its members, es tab­ lis h confid en ce a nd frie ndly rel a tion s between the coll eges and univ ers ities of the United S tates, pro­ mote moral and social cu lture among its mem­ bers, es tablish a closer ti e of one to another in th e dev elopm ent of th e int elle ct, friendship, and fid elity to the high es t ideals o f a ss oci ate d effort.



tarry Harper Secretary-Treas urer

Danny Creel

Presid ent

Not pictured: Lynn Beaty, Vice PreSident ; Eddie Davis, Alv is

Foste r, Joe Girschick,




Jackso n,

Donald McMillin , David Nagel, Bobby Sandidge, Ka pp, Advi so r.

Forest Mixon


Harold Black


Pa ul P.

Tom Corry

Degree Captain

Kim Powell

The Social Science Club was installed in 1932 to stimu la te inte res t in the Social Sciences, to fur ­ ther ku ow ledge of the professional fi elds of So­ cia l Scie nces. a nd to promote cl ose r relation be­ t wee n fac ult y a nd s tud ent s in the field . Member­ s hi p is open t o int erested persons. Mo ney ob­ tained from "m um-sa le" goes to ward sc holar­ s hip s.

Beverly Cogdell Secretary· Treas urer

Jack Barron


Bill Leshe

Fern Perry

Social Science Club

Kay Hilburn

Kathy Remington

Not pictured: Pat Duke, Vice President; Stanley Hargus, Butch

Pace, Dr. H. P. Jones, Advisor; Dr. B. England, Mr. Paul Raw­



Arthu r Barron

Bill Brossette

Kenny Brown

John Ca ldwell

Micky Chadderdo n

David Cook

James Decke r

David Dorsch

Beth Horne

James Huffman

To mmy James

William Marsalis

Associated General Contractors of America A SS OCIATTi:O OF



.......... CIlI C A.

Wi llie Roberts

Ronald Mart inez

David Scoggins

Ronnie Anderson, Sergeant at Ar ms; John Hunter, Treasure r; Jane Potts, Secretary: Ant ho ny Ditta , Vice .Pres iden t; Lonnie Will iam s, Presiden t; Mr. Jerro ld F. Bradley, Advi so r.

Th e student chapter of the A ssoc iated Gen­ er al Co ntractors was organized in the s ummer of 196 7. S in ce that time, it h as gro wn to be the larges t A GC Chapter in t he nation. Th e NLU A GC is a profe ss ional fraternity with t he p urp ose of ga ining an app recia ti on a nd unders ta nding of th e id ea ls and obj ecti ves of genera l co ntrac to rs, a nd to pro vide a link betwee n bUilding con s truc­ tion m a jors and th e cons truction indus tr y. Each y ear the AGC C ha pter has man y social events su ch a s dances, bar beq ues, fi s h fr ie s, and ot hers. Th ese are climaxed eac h year by an annua l fie ld t rip. This year, th e cha p ter wi ll go t o Hous­ ton , Tex as to attend th e N a tiona l Associated Gen­ eral Contractors Convention.


Not pictured: Marvin Awtry, Phillip Bible, James Siansell, Earl Bordelon, Steve Chandler, Jack Cockrell , Hank Cooksey. James Curry, Bobby

Ensminge r. Laurence Fa va lora, Walker Gl enn,

Tracy Hum ble, John Hunter, Charles JOhnson.

Donnie JOhns ton, Danny Keyes , Ric k MeAI­ mond, Mike McC lain, Lonn ie Mahoney, Ch ris Mills, John Nelson, Charles Poole, Frank Ayan, Ronnie Sharp, H. D. Smith , Bud dy Spicer, ROber t St ralto n. Allen Taylor, Rande ll Wa lker, Chu ck Weslerchil, Eddie Wilson, Way ne Woo ds.

Compass Club

The Compass Club is a newly orga nized or­ ganization whi ch w as chartered in April o f 1970. It is a se rvi ce organization for co ll ege wom e n, functioning on th e campus, se rving the campus and the community. It is a character-buildiug group which promot es fellow s hip a nd en co ur a g es iuitiative and democratic leadership. In the Com ­ pass Club program, Pilot. Int. ernational h a s the opportunity to fulfill its objec ti ve by training young wom eu of today for th e leade rship th ey will assume in the near future. The Compass Club memb ers l earn of their prospective adult roles of life and th e meaning of serviceable , ag ­

Fa. Palmby Secretary

gressive citizenship which is necessa ry for the maintenanc e of principle s of fr ee dom. Debbie Bennett

Jan Blackmon

I Lynn Byrnes

Debbie Christmas

Gretchen Cole

Sandra Oea l

Diann e Doliar

Marleen Fin!ey

Amanda Gunter

Sherr ie Humphries

Judy Johnson

Denise Knight

Karen Lovell

Linda Miles


Janice Moore

Alice Myatt

Cheryl Poindexter

Ginger Roos

Elaine Ryan

Kay Turner

Paula Ratcliff

Not pictured; Nancy Riley, Vice President ; Anne Hanna, Treas­ urer; Phylli S Badea ux, Dianne Barton , Gene Ann Bertonasc hi, Shirley Brand l, Pennie Brewton, Ellie Ca rter, Cat herine Jordan. Gail Laird . Mary Lovelady, Dana Luse , Sa malie Mason, Dawn McKni ght, Linda Miles, Martha Reed , Lynda Sad!er. Ka thy SI. John , Wanda Throw­ er, Pam Tri pp, Sally Walpole, Mrs. Ca rolyn Babb , Advisor; Mrs. Sarah Stockard, Advisor; Mi ss Carol Stigall, Advisor.


Compass Club

The Compass Club is a newly organized or­ ganization which was chartered in April of 1970. It is a service organization for college women, functioning on the campus, serving the campus and the commnnity. It is a character-building group which promotes fellowship and encourages initiative and democratic leadership. In the Com­ pass Club program, Pilot International has the opportunity to fulfill its objective by training young women of today for the leadership they will assume in the near future. The Compass Club members learn of their prospective adult roles of life and the meaning of serviceable, ag­ gressive citizenship which is necessary for the maintenance of principles of freedom. Debbie Bennett

Fae Palmby Secretary

Jan Blackmon

I Lynn Byrnes

Debbie Christmas

Gretchen Cole

Sandra Deal

Dianne Dollar

Marleen Finley

Amanda Gunter

Sherrie Humphries

Judy Johnson

Denise Knight

Karen Lovell

Linda Miles

Janice Moore

Alice Myatt

Ginger Roos

Elaine Ryan

Cheryl Poindexter

Paula Ratcliff

Not pictured: Nancy Riley, Vice President; Anne Hanna, Treas­ urer; Phyllis Badeaux, Dianne Barton, Gene Ann Bertonaschi, Shirley Brandt, Pennie Brewlon, Ellie Carter, Catherine Jordan, Gail Laird, Mary Lovelady, Dana Luse, Samalie Mason, Dawn McKnight, Linda Miles, Martha Reed, Lynda Sadler, Kathy SI. John, Wanda Throw­ er, Pam Tripp, Sally Walpole, Mrs. Carolyn Babb, Advisor; Mrs. Sarah Stockard, Advisor; Miss Carol Stigall. Advisor.

Kay Turner


Pi Kappa Delta Louisiana Th ela Chapter of Pi Kappa Delta, a national forensic fraterni t y, w as locally in ­ s talled March 16, 1970, to give recognition to st u­ dent s in inte r-coll eg iate debate and co mp etitive individ ua l s peakin g. Members hip is open to a ll s tud ents w ho p a rticipate in co mpetiti ve s peaking a nd w ho demo ns tra te a hig h deg ree of academic exc ellen ce.


( I Charlotta Fin che r

Jeannette Adcock

Booker Hall

Robert Hili

Renee' Martin


Not pictured: Rocky Branon, Lois Cazau bon, Jon Davis, Randy Fuller, Jackie Hernan­ dez., Keith Kirby , Tom Ni chol­ son, Butch Pace , La rry Ray­ mond, Mike Ware, Susan Wible, Clarence Chandler, Advisor.

Dean Mache ras

Roberl Venable

Pi Sigma Epsilon

Pi Sigma Epsilon is a group of men who are interested in the advancement of marketing, sales management, and selling as a career and a pro­ fession. Objectives of the organization are to pro­ mote the study of these areas , to bring together academically qualified students who are interested in the areas , to st imulate improved methods and techniques , and to instill in its members the highes t possible ethica l standards in selling.

Leo Rossler


Nanna" Many


Wayne Chambless

Gordon Griffin

Tony Arpine


Byron Davis

Sieve Shurr

Nol pictured: Byron Brea rd, Sergeant at Arms; Ri c hard Brooks , Jackie Fosler, Jim Gre­ co, Rand y Green, Todd Land­ rum , Ron Magg io, Vice Presi ­ dent ; Tom Medley, Pub lic Re­ lations; Tom Ni cholson , Peyton Wilson , Ra ndy Green , Or. Lyn­ don Dawson, Advi sor.

Don Teach

Steve Turner


The prim a ry obj ective of R ho Chi is to pro­ mot e the ad v a ncement of the pha rmaceuti cal

Rho Chi Society

sci ences th rough the enco urage ment and recog ni ~

tion o f s ou nd sc hola rs hip . H ig h s ta nd a rd s of sc hola rl y a ttain m en ts are d em a nded fo r elec tion t o m emb ers h ip . Rh o C hi also see k s to promote sc holarly fellow s hip in pha rm a cy by bringi ng un­ d erg ra duate a nd gra duate s tudent s , and fac ul ty m embe rs tog eth er in fr ate rna l and help ful asso­ cia tion . As an h ono r socie t y, it ha s sought to in­ c rease fhe aware ness of th e profess ion, and th ere­ b y to enh a n ce th e pres ti ge of th e profe ssion . The S ociet y a lso enc ourages re search in pharmacy.

Jon Smith V ic e Preside nt

Selind a Lui

Kathy Hann Secretary-Treasurer

Viclor Michel

Herbert Dukes

Frances McG owe n

Glen Barron

Peggy Chatelain

Kir by G uillot

G len n June au

Larry LaBove

Merril Mille

George Munn


Not pictured: Arc hie Beebe, Ed wa rd Brec ht, Ben Coope r, Da le Cro nk, Advisor; Aug ust Robert Sonnie r

Richard Stull

John Z itzmann

Danli ,

Di anne



dent ; The odore Eick holt, Gary Ferg uso n, Pau l Geiger, John GOaTley, Jerome He nsiak, Phil­ lip Jobee, Jo seph Ke rn . Robert Knoll, Stephany Knower, Wal­ lac e Longmi re, Suza nne Mc­ Elwee. Lawrence Rob in son, Bryce Nielson, Judy Pri meaux, Reynaldo Saenz. Jon Tanja, Mi chal Te rrell , Rosemary Tre­ vison, Donald Vogt, Eugene Wa lkins, Ralph Wi lson, Palrici a Vee.


The Speech Arts Ass ociati on, comprised of speech majors and minors, seek s to aid in th e edncational development of the speec h s tud ent by enconraging his active particip a tion in speec h­ related activities and to stimnlate interes t in a ll areas of speech.

Spee ch Arts Associati on

Steve Culpeppe r

Gloria Baker

Jack Barron

Cathy Davis

Karen Draper

Charlolta Fincher


Higg inbo tham

Robe rt Hill

Marque rile


Eilee n Lastowsky

Dea n Macheras

Renee' Martin

Leonard Miller

Beryl Bolton

Kim Powell

No/ p ictur ed: John Brooks, Peggy Byers , Gay Ca ldwell, Jon Davi es, Ro bert Duke, Forest Fairly, Vice Pr es ident; li nda Kay Fife. Randy Fu l­ ler. Judy Genu sa, Nancy Govang, Lee Gray, Laura HarriS, Jacquelin e Hernan ­ dez, Doug Holmes, Jan et Isbe ll, Keilh Kirby, Pres i­ dent; linda Lastowsky, John


Livings ton,

Don n a

Mass ingill, Sec retary -Trea s­ urer, Hom er Mass in gill, Joe McMakin. Debra Meadows, Sall y Mears, Mari a Ni co lai­ dis, Bu tch Pace . Vi c Park er. Larry Raym ond, Kathy Rem­ ingt on, Rand all Smith, Mike Ware, Mark Watso n. Susa n Wibl e, Pascal Zachary. Dr. Jam es W. Parkerso n, Ad­ visor. Terri Pratt

Brenda Sittig

Jerry Stretch


Student Louisiana Teachers' Association The Student Louisiana Teachers' Association is a professional associa ti on for co llege stu dent s who are preparing for teaching caree rs. The broad purposes o f th e SLTA a re to promot e growth. leade rs hip, knowl edge, unders t a nding, and r espo nsibility. M embe rs hip is open to a ll education maj ors .

Shome Sando..

Vice President

Christine McGuffee


Janet Vaughan


Carol Terry

Carolyn Wright



Kay Denning


Janice BonneU

Dathleen Marshall



Dr. Don Locke



The N . L. U. American Chemical Society Student Affiliate advance s all areas of chemistry. It serves as a social organiza tion and is open to all chemistry and chemical engineering majors with a 3.0 average. This year's activities included lec tures by scientists and teachers from throughout the country.

American Chemical Society

John Green President

Don Wright

Vice President

Secrelary- Treasurer

Herbert Jackson

Joe E. Jackso n

Donovon Kerr

Mary David Baker

01evia Davis

Wayne Moncrief

Not pictured : Robert Crawley, Josep h Guarisco, Woody Hol 足 ley, An se Reid. John SerriteUi, Dav id Walsworth , Miss Frances Baldwin, Ad viSOr.

Dwight Phelps

David Shields


Americ an Pharmaceutical Associat ion Brian Bond President

Joe F. Kenady Vice President

Mary Ann Pohlson Secretary

Frances Hall Secretary

Joel Aronson Glenn Barron Susan Benedict Bona Benjamin Mike Benjamin Roy Bourgeois Gary Brinson

William H. Bu rt Kay Cannon Kenneth V. Chap man Larry Chiasson Don Crawley Thomas de la Bretonne Bobb ie Dosher

Rickey Doucet Tommy Dukes Wayne Falcone Luke Fremin Colleen Gurley Paul Guse Randy Hanks


Keith Hatfield Joy Hathorn James Hernandez Ken Holden Vickie Holland Thomas Kelly Carol Lynn Ki mball

Paul Knecht Stephany Knower Kwok-Hun KOD Gene LaFleur Linda LeBreton Roy Longino Michael Louviere

Ray McDaniel



David Ochman d Frank O'Neal Brian Ortego Rufus Romero Linda Russo Alec Sklar

Jon Smith Robert Sonni er Kenneth Spear Paul Staab Ba rbara Stafford Larry Talley

Don Tassin Katherine Tau zin Bradley Vin cen t Joseph Vizena Jimmy Walker James Williams Patr icia Yee

Not pictured: Joseph Alexander Robe rt Benne tt David Bl ackbourne Edwin Bl anche Gordon Braza n Bill Broy les Alice Caldwell Jack Chadbourne Bill Co lvin Ril ey Cree l Reg ie Cuave Pete Dileo Joseph deLauney Sharon DeRouen

Dean Dupre Nancy Edwards Bob Fa ley Cynthia Grubb Willi am Hanso n Jay Harg rode r Donn a Harre ll Gordon Harri s Deborah Herlevic Rona ld Johns, Treas urer Edd ie Klein George LaGrulta John LaHaye Gerald Lanclos John Laws

Li nda Leek Jerry Lo fl in, Historian Va llie Long Don ald Lynx Stanl ey Maas Randall Magee Davi d Mart inez Carol Marquard t Bruce Matle Jack Mayberry Dia nne McBride Severan Med ine Cha rles Miller Holmes Milliken Robert Munster

Th e Student American Pharmace utical Asso­ ciation is a s ubdivision of the American Pharma­ ceuti cal Association, the professional orga nization of pharm acis ts. It was formed to promote the in­ tere s ts of th e s tudent memb e rs o f the Association , to prov ide a mec h a nis m w h e re by s lude ut me m­ bers m ay be inform ed of the affairs of th e Assoc ia­ tion , and to provide a forum for th e ex press ion of student opinion on pertiuent ac ti v ities and pol­ icies concerning the profes sion of pharmacy . Membership at NLU is open to all pharmacy and pre-pharm acy majors . Representing the NLU chapter of the Student APha at the na­ tional convention were Mary An n Po hlson, Joy Hathorn. Jerry Loftin. and Wayne Falcone .

.- 1.


Kappa Epsil on is a profess ional pha rmacy frat ernity for wo men with a 2.0 average, good ch ar act er. a nd professional int e rest. KE att empts to s timulate schol arship a nd p a rti cip ates in all of th e national h ealth week ca mpaigns. T he organi足 zation has servi ce proj ects centered arou nd the h o lid ays and a number of socia l activities for women, facult y, and alumni.

Stephany Knower

Preside nt

Peggy Chatelain Secretary



Bona Benjamin

Vice Pre si de nt

Barbara Stafford

Joy Hathorn

Kay Cannon

Parliam entarian

Sec retary

Treasure r

\\ Susan Benedict


Susie Danna

I Ida Dodge

Frances Hall

Kalh Hann

Belinda Lui

Suzanne Marlin

Debbie McCallon

Margaret Nuss

Shan O'Brien

Mary Ann Poh lson

Pat Yee

Not pictured: Alice Caldwell, Dian e Doiron, Joel Guillot, Donna Harrell, Jerri Jones, Chaplain ; Diane McB ride, So足 cial Chai rm an: Carol McElveen, Suzann e McE lwee, Francine McKe lvey, Kay Marlin, Susan Nickerso n, Judy Prim ea u, Patty Royals, Eve I y n Thompson, Rosemary Trevision , Historian; Joy Varina, Mrs. Paul Geige r, Advisor,



Students Club

Alvin Yui~Sun Lui President

Foley Nash Vice President

Shen-Kay Cheung

Robbie Bazer

Wai Fung

Sunil Kum ar

Yi-Hsia Le e


Bour Jour Ho

Marga ret Jue

Wei Man Chiu

KwOk Hun Koo

Stella Lam The Fore ign Studen t Ass ocia tion is a ch ap足 te r of the Nationa l Association of Foreign Stu足 dent s a nd th e South Central Associa tion of For足 e ign Studen ts. This organi za tion is ac ti ve ly in足 volved i n bringin g togeth er the co mmunity of M onroe a nd the fore ign s tudents a ttendin g N. L. U. and establi s hing a close and friendly relationship between th em .

Chumpon Ku enlag

Huo-Hua Lee

Susanna Lok

Belinda Lui

Peler Ng

George Sadik

Priscilla Poon

Pankaj Shah

Lily Shiu

Jean Stewart



Kwok Yin Sung

Steven Tsao


San-Lee Tsui

Susan Welch

NOI pictured: Christa Alexander, Glo­ ria Baker, Secretary-Treasurer; De De Burk, Kianna Lai Chan, Charlie Chou Chen, Hsiu Chih Chen, Jeng Fu Chen, Pam Po Chou, Kamal Esmail, Andre Joseph Karam, Jan McLain, Naginb­ • , hai Patel, Rudy Javier Rovera, Mary Sha, Tom Hall Ping Tam, K. A. Un­ • nikrishnan, Juan Valencia, Jiann Long Bonnie Kit Tung Wu, Joseph Wu, Alan Pak Yu, Dr. Wolfram N. Chanin, Advisor.

Wing Kwan Yip


The Baptist Stud ent Union w as es tab 足 lis hed in 1950. It is a Christ-centered. s tu足 dent -led c hurc h organization. M embe rs hip is open to a ll s tud ents. The BSU is loca te d a t 1005 University Aven ue.


Regan Slinnetl

Tommy Edmonds

Presi den t

Vice President

Baptist Student Union

Fern Peny


Ca nterbury Society provid es to a ll who wish to come an evening o f worship, feast 足 ing, fellowship, and fun eac h Wednesday. Th e program is flexibl e a nd serves to meet th e n eeds and want s of those who a tlend regularly. Examples of past progra ms are a s tudy of the rock opera "[ es us Christ Superstar, " a hamburger barbeque, and goof-off a nd rap sess ion s. O ur aim is 10 form a c lose community in thi s religio us a tm os ph e re .

Canterbury Society

. .,-


Keilh Milligan


Keith Barton

Vice President

Kathleen Smith Sec retary


The Pentecostal Students Fellowship is an international organizati o n un der th e auspices of the United P ent ecos ta l Church, Its goals are to dev elop a nd maintaiu in each member a clo se r r ela ti onship Lo God,


Pentecostal Students Fellowship



The Wes tminster Fell ows hip was established in 1955 to provide a pl ace for students to a ppl y th eir Chris tian living in a prac tica l way. The organiz ation is primarily fo r Presbyterians, but mem bership is not restricted to members of that church. Th e Wes tmi nster Hous e is loca ted at 409 University Avenue.




Albert Thomas


Robert Venable Vice President

Betty Dana Secretary


The work of the Ne wman Club is to help develop the whole man, a man who under s tands his religious ideas and tri es to live up to his convictions. The Newman Club , established in 1959, is associated with the Ca tholic Church. Membership is open to a Il students. The Newman Club is located at 911 U niv ersity Avenue.

T he W es le y F oundation is an o r­ ga niza tion d edicated to promoting



Ch ristianity on this campus. This is do n e through worship, study, se rv ice , fellowship, facilities, and p erso nn el, a ll on a contemporary b as is. Th e Wesley Foundation is lo­ ca ted on Bay ou DeSiard [112 Dela­ no Driv e) ac ro ss from Stubbs Hall. M embe rs hi p is open to the entire

' .. ¥

ca mp us co mmunity. •








", _.:--'

. ":

Randy Nichols Vi ce President

Marilyn Akers Secretary




Chi Alpha is a program designed to en足 co urage Chris tian ac tivity on st a te col足 leg e and university campuses . The ca mpus chapter activiti es are geared to provide opp ortunit y for Chri s tian w itne ss ing. training . w o rship, service, and fellows hip, Chi Alpha is the Greek equivalent for CA -the initials for Christ's a mbas s adors.

Donnie Kerr


Gail Grimes


Duane Amis Anita Boyd Lyn n Cantrell Shelley Coa ls David Dome ngeau x D IXie Fro st

Suzette Larche Pa ula Litlle G lenn M artin Sarah Nation s Roger Rankin DaV id Savage Linda Savag e

Do nna Younts


C I-iU~(1-f OF







N I rn



Edward Allen


Cornelius Augurson Monroe

Claude Bailey Monroe

Sarah Barnett Monroe

G r

a d u


Ewell Berry Troy, A!a .

Howard Beth Bronx. N, Y.

Bruce Boulware Wes t Monro e

James Briggs

Baton Rouge

Robert Crammer Monroe

Darrell Cross West Monroe

Kathy Day





James Collom


Jerrie Dischert Slar City, Ark .


Ronnie Ful ler Oak Ridge

Wei Fung Kowloon, Hong Kong

Anthony Galanle

Yonkers, N, y,

Karen Goree Balon Rouge

Charlene Hermas Delhi

Kay Hilburn West Monroe

Janet Hood Monroe

Sunil Kumar Madras, India

Kuo-Hua lee Taj Chung, Taiwan

James Greenlee Monroe

Sour-Jour Ho Min Hsiung Chiayi Taiwan

Walter Huffman Harrisonburg

Yi-Hsia Yu Lee Taj Chung, Taiwan

Marsha Griffin Sterlington

Paul Guse Cedarburg, Wise.

Edward Hochenedel West Monroe

Carlton Jones Baton Rouge

John Kapp Monroe

lola Little Baskin

Betty lewis Delhi

George Munn Balon Roug e

1&, Sherman Phillips Winnsboro


Philip Piasecki Lynnlil e, Mass .

Mary Many Monroe

lyn Murphy Monroe

Kirby Price Monroe

Subhaschandra Saxena Bombay, In dia


Lynda Minor Savannah, Ga.

Gerald Ortego Alexandria

John Parker Georgetown

David Roach Monroe

Julia Scott Fairbanks

Bankaj Shah India

Charles Shu-Chia China

Fred Silverstein Bronx, N. Y.

Phillip Staley Monroe

Richard Stull Benton. III.

G r

a d John Tempeton Jonesboro

Mary Tiller Monroe

James Tinsley Spearville

James Tripp Monroe


a t

e s

Marion Underwood Lake Providence

Bruce Wheeler Marion

Beth Willis Monroe

Chungle WU Sheng1ainan, Taiwan

Roosevelt Wright Monroe

Wing Yip Mongkok, Kowloon. Hong Kong

John Zitzman New Orleans





Debbie Arrons. Mathematics. Monroe Charli e Adycock. Pha,m . Ba lon Rouge Pe ggy Adkins, Sociology, Homer Mllzle Akins, So cial Welfare, Alexandria Pam Albe rt s, Sooia l We lfare, Shreveport VIvian Alfo rd , Social Weliare, Mer Roug e

Linda All en, Physical Ther" Bossi er City Ke llh Andrews M an agement, Monro e Kati e And rews, Mklg" EI Dorado, Ark . Jo el Aronson Pharmac y Orlan do, Fla. Jimmy Aswell. Pharmacy, Wes t Monroe Maxine Auge r, Elem. Educ" Oak Grove Donal ds Aulds, Pre-Med.. Wesl Monroe Brenda Averly, English, Vida li a Jerry Bailey, Gen. Bus., West Monroe Darrell Bal n, Medical Tech Sh reveport Barba ra Baldwin. Of. Adm , Shrevepo rt Suzanne Bamburg. Accounling, Vivian Joseph Bareswill, Economics, Delhi Teresa Barnard, H,&PE, Monroe Amy Barron, Library Sci., Harri sonburg Aurlhur Barron, Building Canst., Monroe Glen Barron, Pharmacy, Shreveport Jack Barron, Social Studies, Pi neviU e


Ma ry Bass, Nursing, Shreveport Gayle Beard . Data Proc .. West Monroe Vance Beau regard, Math., Shreveport Susan Bened ict, Pharmacy, New Orleans Bona Be nJam in, Plla rm acy, Aiexandria Michael Benjam in, Pharmacy, Alexandria Frank Benlna le, Pharmacy, New Orleans Harry Berry, General BusineSs, Monroe Ne ll Seve r, Date Processing, Monroe Bob Berw ick, Management. Monroe Glona Bingham. So cial Studies, Monroe Dewey BI SCOltO, Government. Fluker Haro ld Black, Pre- Vet. Med" Shreveport Step hani e Blackmo n, Dist. Ed., Monroe Brian Bond , Pharmac y. Jonesville Janic e Bonne tle , Elem. Ed., West Monroe Peggy Boren, Geology, Polloc k Dalton Boudreaux, Pharma cy, HOI..:ma Geo rg e Boud rea ux, Phar., Abi ta Sp rings Ba rbara Bourge ois, Biology Education,

New Orleans Rona ld Bo urgeois, Pharmacy, Th ibodaux Joseph Bous, H.&PE, Wilmington, Del. Suz ie Bradley, Journalism, Oak Grove Ira Bramerd , H,&PE, Lockpo rt , 111.


Ronn ie Brewlon, Geology, Winnfield Henry Bridges, Mathematics, Minden Sand ra Bright, Nursing, Alexa nd ria Gary Br inson , Pha/macy, Jone sboro Lennis Bro ussard, Pharmacy, Mauri ce Mlilicen i Browe r, Med. Tech .. Monro e Ad ell Brown, Agriculture, Gilbert All en Brown, Music, West Monroe Edm un d Brown, Governmen t, Monroe Juanita Brown , Math .. Wes t Monroe Laura Brown , Office Adm., Shreveport Roy Brown, Agriculture, Kil bourn e Bobby Bryant. Gen. Business, Monroe Becky Bu rgin, Music, Perry. Fla. Stan ley Burkhardt, Gov.} New Orlea ns Margaret Burlew , Home Ec., Baslrop Chris Burns, Accountin g, LaM arq ue, Tex. Will iam Burt, Pharmacy, Benton

David Bushne ll, Computer Sci.. Monroe Pam Bu tchart, Soc. Wei/ere North Africa E l l za路~ elh Ca in, M usic, Bastrop Kay Ca nnon, Pha/macy, Balon Rouge DaVid Carp enl fr, Pre - Deni., Shreveport James Ca rter, Accounting . Doy line Ronald Ca rte r, Accounting, Mon roe Thom as Carlo. Phar., River Forest, III. Paul C'lachere, P,'larmac}" Kinder Jack Ch adbourne Pha rmacy. Shreveport Michael Chadderdon, Build. Con., Monro e Sharon Cham bless, Nuts .. West Monroe

Ronald Champ ney, North Ada ms, Mass. Fran k Chapma n, Go vernment, Monroe Kenneth Chapm an, Phar., Port Sulphur Peggy Cha te lain, Ph ar., Al exandria Jo e Chatma n Gen. Bus .. Oak Grove Chr iS Cherry. Pharma cy, Boss ie r

Larry Ch aisso n, Pharmacy. Mermentau Albert Clark, Government, Ferriday Alan Clarke, M USIC, HayneSVi lle Barbara Clayton, Art, Rayville Walter Clement, Law Enforce., Slidell Gail Coates , E/em. Educ., Baton Rouge

Kerry Cock rell, Management, Monroe Billy Cole, Bldg. Cons/., Monroe Lysbelh Cockrell, English, Monroe George Co le, Pharmacy, Haugh ton Lynn C~ l e , Journ alism, Haugh lon Lane COleman , Bldg . Const .. Jonesvil le Bill Co lvin , Pharmacy, Ferriday Ned Conner, Marketing , Lafayette Geo rge tle Corbin , Art, Gilbe rt Thomas Co rry, Animal SCience, Monroe Dennis Cowart, Accoun ting, Harrisbu rg Martha Cox, Biology, Wesl Monroe

Ronnie Brewton, Geology, Winnfi eld Henry Bridges, Mathematics, Minden Sandra Bright, NUfsing, Alexandria Gary Bnnson, Pharmacy, Jone sboro Lennis Brou ssard, Phafmacy, Maurice Millicent Brower, Med. Tech .. Monro e Ade ll Brown , Agriculture, Gilbert Allen Brown, Music, West Monroe Edmund Brown, Governmen t, Monroe Juanlia Brown, Math.. West Monroe Laura Brown , Office Adm., Shreveport Roy Brow n, Agriculture, Kilbourn e Bobby Bryant, Gen. Business, Monroe Becky Burg in, Music, Perry, Fla. Stanley Burkhardt, Gov., New Orleans Margaret Bur lew, Home Ec., Bas trop Chris Burns, Accounting, LaM arque, l ex, William Burt, Pharmacy, Benton

David Bushnell, Computer Sci., Monroe Pam Butchart. Soc. Wellare. NorLh Afric a Elizabeth Ca in. Music, Bastrop Kay Ca nnon, Pharmacy, Baton Rouge Dav id Ca rpen ter, Pre- Denl. , Shreveport James Carter, Accounting. Doy li ne Ronald Carle r, Accounting, Monroe Thomas Carta. Phar., River Fores\, III. Paul C'lachere. Pharmacy. Kinder Jack Chadbourne, Pharmacy, Shreveport Michael Ch adderdon, Build. Con., Monro e Sharo n Chambless, Nurs. , Wes t Monroe

Ronal d Ch ampney, North Adams, Mass . Frank Chapman, Government, Monroe Ke nneth Chapma n, Phar., Port Sulphur Pegg y Chatelain, Pha r., Al exandria Joe Chatma n Gen. Bus" Oak Grove Chr is Cherry, Pharmacy. Bossier

Larry Chaisson. Pharmacy, Merm entau Albert Clark, Go vernment, Ferriday Alan Clarke. MUSIC , Haynesvi lle Barba ra Clayton, Art, Rayville Wa lter Clement, Law Enforce. , Slidell Gai l Coates, EJem. Educ .. Baton Rouge

Kerry Cockrell. Management, Monroe Billy Co le, Bldg. Consl .. Monroe Lysbeth Cockrell , English, Monroe George Co le, Pharm acy, Haug hton Lynn C:!-Ie, Journalism, Haughton Lane Coleman , Bldg. Const.. Jonesvi lle Bill Co lvin, Pharmacy, Ferriday Ned Conner, Marketing, Lafayette Geo rgette Corbin, Art, Gilbert Thomas Corry, Animal SCie nce, Monroe Dennis Cowart , Accoonling, Harri sburg Martha Cox, Biology, Wes t Monroe


Richard Cravatls, Eng " Brookline, Mass. Donald Crawley, Phar. , West Monroe Patsy Crawley, Special Ed., Bastrop Danny Cree l, Animal Sci. , Winnfi eld Made lin e Cr ist, Nursing, Downsvill e Sherry Crooks. Data Processing . Jena Warren Cross, Socia l Stud ies. Haughton Chery l Crowson, Math., Shrevepo rt Tommy E. Cruse, Gen. Business, Jena Rachael Cum mings, Ele. Ed., Monroe Christine Datd. So cial Studies, Bi rmi ngh am, Ala. Cha rles Dalbor Ge.'1. Bus Pl aquem ine Claude Da lessio , General Business, Jar linsvH le, N.J. Susane Da nn a Pharmacy' West Menroe Thomas Daves. Aviation, Monroe Ge org e DavIs, Aviation, Miami. Fla Jenn ifer DavIs , Nursing, Monroe Byron DavI s, Markelinr;. Monroe Joel Davis, Pharmacy, Monro e Marie DavIs, Home Economics Sta rt Orevia Davis , Chemistry, Dubach Woodrow Davis, Medical Tech " Epps Fran ces Davison, Engfish, Mon roe Ross Davison, Soc, S,Iu dies, Sh reveport


Thoma s de la Bretonne, Phar., Hcurna DWight Dela ney, General Business. Briarwood, N Y Lynn Deloach, Agricu!l ure, Monroe Brenda Demery, Eca n. , Natchiloches David Dewe y, Gen. Bus., Baton Rouge Pe te Dil eo, Pnarmacy, Ind epender,ce Ida Dod ge, Pharm acy, Monroe Judith Dodge, Government, Alexandria Davi d Dorsch Buiiding Cons/ ruc tion, Washinglon. DC. Bobbie Dosher. Pharm acy, Oak Grove Jed Do uglas , PSYCho/ogV. Colu mb (a William Dougla s, Biology, Mon roe Kat hy Downs, Social Welfare, Bastrop DavIs Drewet t, Economics, Jena Ftoyd Duchesno, SOCIal Studies, Monro Herbe rt Du kes, Pre -Pharm ., Magee, Miss Louie Dunn, Ag!icultu re, Grayson Ro bb ie Early, Office Adm., Jonesville Dewey Eaves, Pharmacy, West Mon roe Res a Edmond son, So cia l S{udies . Fares' Lotti e Ed wards, Ele . Ed. , Jonesville Al bert Elke. Pha:macy, New Orlea ns Ricky Ell ington, Agriculture, Rayville Ladd Ellis, Accounting, WinnSbOro



Peggy Ellis, General Business, Delhi Judy Endress, English, Delhi Fra nk Er nst, Pharmacy, Natchez, Miss. Allan Evans, Go vern ment, Cha lmette Carla Eva ns, Business. Wi nnsbo ro Linda Evan s, Ele. Ed., Monroe

St even Evans, Physics, Alexandria Reba Eze ll, Ele. Education, Gilbert Wayn e Fa lco ne, Pharm., Independence Reynolds Faulk, Agricufture, Monroe Joan Fess, Ele. Ed. , Shreveport Ca rla Fishm an Soc . Welfare, Sociology

Mi chael Flenlroy, Da la Pro., Monroe Pal Fletc her, Engiish, Bas kin Becky Foley. Ubrary Sci., Shreve port S.pence Fonte, Pharmacy, Zachary Carl Fontenot. Pharmacy, Opelousas Mary Fosler, Geology, Morrow JanLce Fra nCIS, Nursing. Jena Luke Fremi n, Pharm acy. Plaquemine Kathy Frenc h, Biolog y Ed., Shreveport Brian Fryday, Accounting, Kilbo urne Willia m Funderbu rg, Geology. Bastrop Haro ld Ga llman, Matljematics, Rayville Wilham Gallma n. Build. Con ., Rayville Gary Garner. Pharmacy, Dall as , Tex. Carol Ga tes, Nursing, Monroe Nea l God Win, Accounting, Shreveport Tern Golso n Gen. Bus., West Monroe Donal d Go rdy, Pharmacy, West Monro e

Tho mas Gorm an, Music, Netco ng, N.J. Peggy GOlt e, Horn e Ec., Pi onee r Jacq uelyn Gray, Psychology, Tallul ah John Green, Chemistry, West Monroe Bruc E' Gregg, Gen . Bus., Sterlington Sammy Grizza ffi , Pharm .. Morg an City Jef Groc howsky, Ps yChology. Miami, Fla. John Guid ry , Gen. Bus., We st Monroe Russell GUidry . Pharma cy, Abbeville Irene Guillory , Business, Effie Kirby Guillot, Pharmacy, t.1:l:1 suro Colleen Gu rl ey , Pharmacy, Monroe

Tom Guy1on, Pre -Law, Monroe Roberl Hai nes, Law Enforcement, Houslon, Tex. Frances Hall. PfJarmac y, Mon ro'3 Marian Hall, Libra ry Sci., WLnnsboro Bobby Hamlin. H.&P.E. Ville Pia lie Shelley Hamlin, Biology, Ville Plalte


Yvone Hamm, Home Economics, Castor Rita Handley, Nursing, Monroe Chene Hankins Journalism. Pioneer Kathy Hann . Pharmacy, Maplewood Li nda Harkness, Data Pro., Co llinston Kenneth Harper, Pharmacy, Bunkie Larry Harper. Agri. -Business, Kilbou rne Jani ce Harrington , Psych , Winnsboro Larry Hart, Agricuflure, Columbia Maxine Haslauer, Art. New Orleans Cal Hassell, Soc. Slu., Bossier City Charles Hathaway, Socia l Studies, Redding, Mass. ,joy Harhorn, Pharmacy, Monroe Billie Haynes, Build. Can., Bastrop Din ah Henderson, Library Sci., Monroe Pam Herrington, H.&P.ÂŁ., Lake Providence Jan Hioks, Home Ec., Winnsboro Sob Hili Soc. Stu., Swampscott, Mass.

Ke n Holden, Pharmacy, Pon chatoula Donna Holl iS, English , Columbia l inda Hooker , Pharmacy, New Orieans Roberl Hooper, Pharma cy, Sh reve port Beth Horne, Build. Can., EI Paso, Tex. Darryl Hote, Pharmacy, New Orleans Do uglas Howell, Gen. Business, Monroe Marguerite Howerton , Speech Therapy, Sh reveport larry Ivy, Pharmacy, Magee, Miss, Herbert Jackso n, Chemistry, Monroe Joe Jackso n, Chemistry, Monroe larry Jac kso n, Pharm ., Montice llo, Ark. Wallace Jackson, Agriculture, Monroe Thomas James Build. Can., Monroe Randy Jenkins, Liberal Arts, Sterlinglon Grace Johanson, Chemistry, Oak Grove Ronnie Johns, Pharmacy, Bu nkie Charles Johnson, BUild. Cel?, Monroe

Joani e John so n, Ele. Ed., Monroe John John son, Pharmacy, Monroe Norma Johnson, Ele. Ed., Alexandria Rodney John son, Ind. Man ., Alexandria Jan Joh nson, Ele. Ed., West Monroe Willian Johnson, Go vernment, Shreveport CarO l Jones, Accounling, Bast rop Karen Jones, Home Economics, Monroe l inda Jones, Home Economics, Epps Mark Jones, Geology, Monroe Glenn Juneau, Pharmacy, Everg reen Malcol m Kees, Ind. Man., Pineville Tom Kelly, Pharmacy, Bastrop Bern ice Kemp, Math., New Orleans Joe Kenady, Pharmacy, Mena, Ark. Earl Kennedy, Pharmacy, Monroe Donovan Derr, Chemislry, Ham mond Ca rol Kimball , Pharmacy, Dequin cy


Bob Kirkpatrick, Bioiogy, Baton Rouge Pau l Knecht. Pharmacy, New Orleans Terry Kn ight, H.&P.E., Baker Stephany Knowe r, Pharmacy, Arabi Dixie Kolb Soc. Welfare, Alexandria Chumpon Kuentag, Geology, Ba ngkok, Thailand La rry LaBove, Pharmacy, Lake Charles Neil LaHaye, Pharmacy, Monroe Ira Lasse igne , Pharmacy, Ga lliano Jac k Leake, Geology, Pascag oul a, Miss. Mary Ledig, Sociology, Alexa ndria Lewis Ledlow, Biology, Shreveport Nan cy Leig h. Ele. Education, Monroe Linda Levy, NursIng, Chalmette James lied, Aviation, Coatesville, Ps. Virg inia little, Nurs ing, Forest Roy Lo ngino. Pharmacy. Shreveport Mike Lo uviere, Pharmacy, Jea nerette Earl Lowery, Aviation, Fori Lauderdale, Fla. Belinda Lu i, Pharmacy, Hong Kong Maryli n Lyles, Ele. Ed ., RaYVille Frank Lyons, Pharmacy, Crow ley Oean Macneras, Speech, Sale m, Mass. Wanda Manley, Mathematics, Colum.bia


Becky Many. H.&P.£', Wes t Monroe Norman Many. Ma.ngement, Monroe Will iam Marsalis, Build. Con., Shrevepo rt Re nee Martin. Speech , West Mo nroe Suzanne Mar ti n, Pharmacy, Hay nesville Thomas Masek, Government, Ch icipee Fa ll s. Mass. Linda Mason, £Ie. Education, Monroe Arlena Maxwell, Soc. Welfare, Monroe Steve Mayer, Soc. WeJfare. New York Raymon d McCa ndlish, Pharmacy, Delhi Charl otte McCullcch, Gov., Monroe Ray McDaniel, Pharmacy, Sulphu r Dorothy McGowen, Nurs. , West Monroe Fran ce s McGowen , Pharmacy, Arcadia Irma McGu ffee , Home Ec., Enterprise Linda McKai n. Gen Business, Bon ita Mi ckey McLea n, Management, Bast rop Gilbert Mc Mi ll an, Agr., Jonesvill e Ril ey McMi llan, Gen. Business, Start Ed ith McMurray, Home Ec., Winn sboro Sherry McKni ght, Dist. Ed., Mag noli a, Ark. Caro lyn McPh erso n, Home Ec., Epps Keit h McVay, H.&P .E., West Monroe Lanny McVay, Building Con., Enterprise

Th elma Merrells, Gen, Bus ., Winnsboro Jo e Mertens. Pha rm acy, Alexandria Vic Miche l, Pharmacy, Houma Joseph Mille, Pharma cy, New Orlea ns Leona rd Mi ll er, Speech, Monroe Pete r Mira nte, Gen. Bus., Va lley Sl rea m, N.Y. L. J, M IX Pharmacy, New Roads Wayne ~"I onc ri e f . Chem., West Monro e Larry Moncus ky, Com. Sd, A lexand ri a James Monk, Ar!. Downsville Lorraine Moore, Physics, Monroe Carl Moo re, Music, Mon roe

Errol Moran, Pharmacy, Wi sner Don na Moreau, Accounting, Monroe John Morn s, Soc Welfare , Bast rop Marty Moses, Liberal Arts, Monroe Nolan Moul le, Accounting, Ferri day Re nee Mou ras , Home Ec., New Orleans

Ca roly n Moy. NurSing, Monroe Cleo May. Social Weffare, MQnroe Linda Moyers, Eng lish, De lhi Carl M urphy , Mark eting, Mer Rouge Daniel Murphy, Management. Gretna Ellen Na pp ier, Home Economics, Delhi




Magg ie Neale, Pharmacy, Singapore, Singapo re Gary Newman, Aviation, Fort La uderdale, Fl a. Peter Ng, Pharmacy, Hong Ko ng Ell en Ni cho ls, Ele. Ed., East Weymouth, Mass. Jerry Ni cho lson. Marketing, Bossler Jan Nolen, Geolog y, Monroe Steve Norma n, Pharmacy, Monroe Dora Norred , Hom e Ee., Dodson Jeffery Nulman, H.&P.E., Bronx, N.Y, Margaret Nuss, Pharmacy, Covington Shan O'Bri en, Phar., Hou ston, Tex. David Oemand, Pharmacy, Reserve Kathy Odom, H.& P.E., Hotly Ridge Roge r Odom, H.&P.E., Mangham Do rothy Ol ive, Music, Bonita Pau la Olso n, Soc. Wei., Wesl Monroe Frank O'Neal, Pharmacy, Napoleonville Brian Ortego, Pharmacy. Washington Benjam in Owens, Law Enforce., Monroe: Fae Palmby. Data Pro., Monroe Juanita Palmer, Sociology, Mon roe John Patrick, Accounting, Ferriday Julie Perkins , Nursing, Auston Kenneth Ph elps, Accounting, Houston, Tex.


Marilyr. Pickett , Hom e Ec onomics, De lhi Catherine Pi per, Ele, Ed" Rayv ille Mary Ann Po hlson. Pharm acy, Slarl Diane Plummer, Elemen{ary Ed , Monroe Tom Post, FmElnCe Rayvill e Jeny POliS, Managemenl, Baker An na Powell, Ele. Ed ., West Monroe Lyn da Powell. Library Science, West Monroe Tern Pratt, Speech, Marion M,chaei Presley , H.& P.E. , Arabi Bon nie Prewitt, Home Ec. , Wes t Monroe Charles Provenza, Marke fing , Shreveport

John Quad e, Art, Minden

DOri s Rac hal, Library Science,

Shreveport Becky Ra in s, Home Ec., Dermott, Ark. Rona ld Rask in , Gen. Business, Brooklyn, N. Y. Mi chael Rauer Soc Stu. Houston, Tex. Margaret Reeks, I\ccounling, Pioneer Billy Reeves, Pharmacy, Su lphur Sam Reeves , English, Monterey Diane Regan Ele. Ed. Wash ing ton D.C. Ke nneth Renfroe, Soc. Stu., Monroe Carey Reyn olds. Blo!ogy, Monroe Brenda Richardson, Ele. Ed., Co lumbia Rodger Richey, Pharmacy, Alexandria Roxie Ri ggs, Medica' Technology. Monl erey Any Ri ley. Chemistry, Monroe Ca rolyn Roa rk, Busmess, Jena Willie Roberts, Bul/dmg Con ., Monroe Don Rob ertson, Pharmacy, Baton Rouge

8ettye Robin son, Business, Monr oe Steve Rogers, Gen, Busin ess, Monroe Terry Rogers, Mathem atics , Girard Rufus Romero, Pharmacy, Ame lia Linda Russo, Pharma cy, Monroe George Sadik, Ph arm acy, Beiru t, Lebanon

Freida Sadler, Nursing, Delhi Michael Sagrer, Pharmacy, Abbevill e Linda Sanches, Home Ec., Del hi Shem Sanders, Ele. Ed. , Houma Sharo n Sawyer. Soc. Welfare, Ba strop Nellie Scallan. Pharmacy, Monroe Daniel Schm idt, Pharma cy, Ch al mette Susan Schwab, Office Adm ., Monroe Eugene Scott, Pre -Medicine, W. Monroe Sharon Scruggs, Home Ee., ferriday Tomm y Scurria, Pharmacy, Tallulah Linda Sea man, Hom e Ec., Lake Village, Ark.


Sleven Sellers. Pharmacy, Berw ick Scott Sevier, Pha rmacy, Lake Charles Charles Seymour. Phafrnacy, Baker Lennie Shankle, hfan agemenl, EI Dorado, Ark. Emil y Shelb y ,'.1arherTlaffcs. Monroe Mary Ann Shows , f Ie. Ed. , DOdson Edd ie Si mm on s. Malhemalics. SI Martinvil le James Simpso n, Pharm acy, Luling Al ec Sk lar, Ph armacy, Shreveport Carol Sm ith, Home Ec , Pineville Dew ilt Sm llh Gen. Bus TIOga Jon Smith, Pha1ma cy, EI Do ra do , Ark. Malessa Sm ith, Soc. We ltare , Wisner Patsy Sm ith, Eng lish , Tallul ah Randa ll Sm ll h, Speech, Vidalia Sadie Sm ith . Music, Bastrop Suza nne Sm ith, Soc. We ifare, Ori ental, N C.

Ed Hh Sn ell , Ele. Ed., Monroe Jo n Snell ing, P!e - Medidne, Shrevepor l Robert Sonnier. Pharmacy, Jennings Kenneth Spear. Pharmacy Knoxv ill e Tenn. Lloyd Spille rs, Marketing, Vidalia Pa ul Staab , Pl7arma cy, Spri ngfie ld. III. Ba rba ra Sl aflour , Pharma cy, Boyce


Carl Sieinbeck, H.&P.E., West Mon roe Allred Sle nnelt, Management, Pelican Rega n Stlnnell , Phys ics, Minden Penny Slo ne, Home Ec., Wes t Monroe Jerry Stretch, Radio & Television Man., Monroe Susan Strumpe ll, Libe ral Arts, Monroe Patricia Sweeney , Hls/ory. St. Morllz. Swilzeriand Char les SWindle Acco unting, Perryville Rita Tabo rdon, Nursing, New Orl eans Larry Tal ley, Pharmacy, Sp rin ghill Penny Talley , Spanish, Monroe Hall Tam , Social We lfa re, Pa k Tai. Hong Ko ng linda Tarver, English, Col umbia Don Tass in, Pharm acy, Mansura Jud llh Tass in, Business, Vida li a Jack Taylor, Gen. Bus., Bossier City Connie Taylo r. Business, Sterl ington Regina Tay lor, Dala Processing. Sterlington Donna Teag ue, Nursing, New Orl eans Ca rol Terry . English, Eve rgree n Pat Te rry, Social We lfare, Pin eV il le Eve lyn Thompson, Pharmacy, Parks, Arl Glenn Thompson, Accounting, Monroe Larry Thompson. Dala Processing, Monroe



Pat Agin, MUSIc. Monroe Marilyn Akers, Home Ec., Los Angeles, CalIforn ia Ran dy Alb rilton, Building Can., Fa rmerville Neld a A lbritton , Accounting, Harriso nburg Pres to n Allen. Radio路 Te levision Mg/., Del hi Joe Amaden, Law Enforcement, Lonoke, Ark . Ge rald Ama to. Pre路 Law, New Orlea ns Ma ry An derson. Medical Technology, Ep ps Ronald Anderson, Building Cons /ruc tion, Homer Freda Anders, Oltice Adm., Monroe Cathy Arcen ea ux, Accounting, Sh reve po rt Willi am Arnold, Soc. Welfare, Newe lton Russel l Arsaga , Physics, New Or leans Oavid Atkins, Management, Shreveport Terry AUCO in, Accounting, Morgan City lind a Bagg arl y, Pha rm acy, Bastrop Mary David Baker, Chemistry, Alexandria John Ba lla nce. Pre路 Fore stry, Arcadia Michael Baragona , Pre路Pharm acy, Jon esboro Janel Barham, Pha rmacy, Al exand ria Alice Barry, Pharmacy, Portland , Ark . Robbie Baz er. Spa nish, Shreve port Philip Beard, Pharmacy, Oberli n J erry Bee ne. Pre-La w, Tallulah

Rickey Bennell. Accounting , Monro!:; Molly Bickrl am , Soc. Wella re, Monroe Sue Bla eel. English, Bastrop Ann Bord elon, Ele. Ed., Marksville Josep h Bowd on, H&P.E., RaYVille Mary An n Boyte. English, Oa k Grove Ni ed a Bradd ock, Dala Processing, Crowvil le Haro ld Brakhage, Psychology, Minden Jimmy Branlley, Pharmacy, Monroe Ch erwyn Breaux, Medical Techn ology, Loureaville

Chery ! Bri ngo l, Ele. Ed., Vida lia Ka ren Brooks, Jo urnalism, Monroe Clyde Brossette, Building Cons /ruction, Sh reve port Edward Broussard, Pha rmac y, Delcambre Belly Brow n, Busin ess, Wi sner

Glenn Brown , Pharmacy, Balon Roug e Ji mmy Brown , H.&. P.E., Hattiesburg . Miss. Kenn eth Brown, Building Cons truction, Monroe linda Brown, Ph armacy, Simmesport Marilyn Buford, Nursing. Saker

John Buie, Art, Gilbert John Bull. Pharmac y, Arabi Gregg Bu llock. Music, Delhi Mi chael Burc h, SoCia! Studies, Log ansport Vickye Burges s, Business, Hamnerville


John Ca in, Office Adm., Monroe Emma Ca ldwell , Medical Technology, Pionee r John Caldwell, Bldg. Con., Co llinston Richard Ca ldwell, PSYChclog y Cal houn Jacklyn Ca lhoun, OUlce Adm., Grelna Don na Callan, Music, Alexa ndria Caro l Can non, Arl, Baton Rouge Larry Carr, La w En forc ement, Leesville Oliver Carro ll , Accounting, Shreveport Chery l Carte r, Marketing. Monroe Jane Ca rler, E!em. Ed. , Clinton Finl ey Cartwr ight, Soc. We!., Tallulah Clyde Case lton. Hislory, Wes l Monroe BI ll Ch ambli ss. MUS IC, Sl-j reveporl Steve Chandler. Pre -Medic ine. Monroe Danny Chapman. English, WInnsboro Martha Chapma n. fIe. Ed. , Alexand ria SusIe Clarke. Speech. Wes t Monroe

John C icero, Data Processing. Monroe Marie Clayto n. Home Ee., Clayton Lillie Cliflon, Business, Rayville Dwayne Coe , Management, Monroe Beverly Cogdell, Physical Therapy, Shreve port Jerry Coleman, Gen. Bus., Shreveport Sue Collar, Soc. Studies, Leesbu rg, Fl a. Robbye Collins, Hom e Ec., Jone sbo ro Michale Colwell , Law Enforcem ent, Columbi a Joan Cook, Hom e Ec., Shrevepo rt Marg aret Coon, Pharmacy, Winnfield Gary Cooper, Pre路 Law, Quitman


Th omas Cox, Management, Monroe Alison Crenshaw, Journalism , Sh reveport Gary Crouch. Pre -Law, Epps PaUy Cruse, Ele. Ed .. Enlerprise Cam ile Cu rrier, H.&P.E. , Am ite Cary Davis, Management, West Monroe

Kathy Davis, Office Adm., Forest James Decker, Bldg. Con., Pi neville Willi am Deloac h, Markeling, Sw artz Dav id Deloach, Marketing, New Orlea ns Kay Denning, Ele. Ed., Baton Roug e Mary Desad ler. Soc. Siudies , Lak e Provid ence Beth Diedrich, Home Ec., Thibodau x Edwin Domingue, Pharmacy, Opel ousas Ricky Doucet, Pharmacy, Washington Bessie Dorsey, Oata Processing, Natchitoches Sue Douglas, Ele. Ed. , Rayv ill e Sus an Dowden, Law En/arcement, West Monroe Thomas Dowdy, Industrial Managemenl, West Monroe Karen Draper, Speech , Counc il Blu/fs, Iowa Margaret Drew. Gen. Bus., Minden Virginia Ducol e, fIe . Ed., Alexandria Kenneth Dufrene, Data Processing, Gre tn a Glenn Dugas, Pharmacy, Lafayelle


Sharon Dunn ings, Ele. Ed., Monroe Mary Edmonds. Chemistry. Sic ily Islan d Willis Edmond s. BIOlogy. Minden Rex ~nsminge r . Gen. Bus .. Monroe Edith Elki ns. Business. CroWVi ll e Jon Ellis, Sociology, Shrevepo rt Marl ha Farme r. Pharmacy, Cryslal Spri ngs, Miss. Dana Faug ht. Home Ee. , Bossier City Laurence Favalora . Bldg . Can .. New Orleans linda Fife. S,oeech, Monroe Bren da Flo ry, Nursing, Sh reve port Je ff rey Font enol, Pharmacy, We stl ake Danny Ford , Computer Science. Vidalia Will iam FOSler, Data Pro cessing. Neweili on William Fowler. Econom!cs, Oak Grove Te r:y Frances, ÂŁIe. Ed .. Mon roe Charles Fra:lier. Agriculiure-Business. Baskin Nanc.e Fra zier, Medical Technology. J ena Carl French, Agfonomy, La ke Providence James Fritz. Computer Science, Spn ngh lll Mon ica Fryday Soc. Stu. Bastrop Donn ie Fu rl ow , H.&P.E., West Monroe t...l arlanne Futch, Arl, Shreveport Don Gagno n, Bldg. Can., New Orl ea ns

Gary Galasso, Avialion, New Yo rk, N. Y. Lonnie Galey. Bldg. Con.. Green wood, Miss. Judy Gan naway, Ele. Ed" Monroe Jerri Ga rris. Occupa.tionaf Therapy. Jonesboro Peggy Gee, Pharmacy. West Monroe

Larry Gibson, Pharmacy, Winnfiel d Ph yllis Gilmore, Biology. Jena Ledell Gipson, Compuler Science, Winnsboro Randal Gi(ouard. Pharmacy, Rayne Betty Go rsage. Ele. Ed. , Monr oe

Mich ael Go rsage, Insurance, Monroe Wa lter Gos s, Bldg. Can .. KOSC iusko, MIss. Cheryl Graff , Nursing, West Monroe Audrey Green. Accounling. Bastrop Francis Gree n, Accounting. West Monroe

Ro bert Green, Music, Haughton

Teresa Green, Music, Parkin, Ark.

Timothy Green, Accounting. Monroe

Rick Gregg, Managemenl. Rockville, Md .

Calherin e Grego riO. Medical TeChnology.


Th omas Griffin , Markeling, Benton, Ark. Dennis Gros, JOurna lism. Slidell John Gu idry, Bus. Adm., Monroe Davi d Du nn, Accounting, Jones boro Gwen Gwin , Medical Technology, Oak Grove


Lynn Haase, Bldg. Con., New Orlea ns Charles Haddox, Journalism, Bastrop Carolyn ne Hale, H.&P. E., Monme Daria Hamilton, Library SCience, Monroe linda Hamilton, Business, Monroe

John Hammons , Pre-La w, Columbia Randall Hanks, PIJarmacy, Gueydon Earlene Hannah, H.&PE, Jena Regina Harrell, Pharmacy, Ferriday Kenneth Hart, Management, Monroe

Keith Hatfi eld, Pharmacy, Texarkana, Arkansas Ginge r Hathaway, Medical Te chnology, Jonesboro Deborah Hatten, Accounting, Winnsboro Mary Hawkins, Mus ic, Monroe Debb ie Hayes, Social Wellare, Monroe

Shi rley Haynes, Business, Rayville

McDullar Hegwood, Management,


Anita Henni gan , Medical Technology,

Mario n James Hernandez, Pharmacy, Lafaye tte Ral ph Hickman, Accounting, Monroe


Jess ie Hilton. Pre -Law, Laure l. MIss. Jamie Hodge, Geology, West Monroe Charles Hodgkins, Econ omics. Lake Providence Vickie Holland , Pharmacy. Shreve port Thomas Hollis, Accounting, Sterl ing to n

Sharon Hollis, Government, Hai le Belle Holl oway, Home Ec., Monroe Martha Holmes, Pharmacy, Monroe Frank Howa rd, Medical TechnoJogy, Lake ProV idence Linda Howard, Soc. Stu., Shreve port

James Hu ffman, Bldg. Con., Bellevill e, Kansas John Hunter, Bldg. Can., Delhi Ph il Hunter, Economics, St. Louis, Mo. Kay Enzina, Office Adm., Monro e Ann Johnson, fnglish, Monroe

Mary Johnson, Nursing, Monr oe Rosie John so n, fie. Ed., Tallulah Keith Joiner, Management, Monroe Deli lah Jones, fie. Ed., Urania Patri cia Jones, Psychology, Winnsboro


Robert Jones. Agrjcullure, Monroe

Eddie Justice. Arl, Sh reveport

Tom Keller, Art, Peoria, III.

Ronny Kemp. H.&P.E., Monterey

James Ken ny, £Ie. Ed .. Boss ier City

Sa lly Kilpatrick, Pharmacy, Monroe

David King , Liberal Arls, Monroe

David Kirby , Pre-Medicine, Houston, Tex.

Pres ton Klump, Pha rmacy, Lake Arthur

Raymo nd Knichel, Pre-Medicine,

Fort Laude rdale, Fla. Karen Knig ht. Hom e Ee. , Winnsboro Jan Koncinsky. Mathematics, Alexandria Kwok Hun KOQ, Pharmacy, Hong Kong ViCki Krame r, Ele, Ed. , Alexandria Susan Kratzer. Ele. Ed., Minden Gene LaF leur, Pharmacy, Kinder Ca theri ne l aws , £/e. Ed. , Fra nklin Brenda Lawson , Gen. Bus., Mon roe

Linda LeBreton, Pharmacy, New Orleans Glona LeBrun , Art, Wesl Monroe William Ledger, Management, Monroe Lyn n Lee. Medical Technology. Jena John Lee, Ele, Ed. , CrOWVill e Ca rolyn Leonard , Soc. WeI., Rusto n

Wallace Lew Is, Mathematics, Grayson

Manon Lilly, Nursing, Mans field

Lou Litll e, Home Ec., Winnsboro

Sue Lobaugh , Ele. Ed. , Monroe

Russe ll Lofa nt, Liberal Arts, Mon roe

Judy Lumbardino, Pre -Law, Bossier City Debbie Loviza, History. Soda Spri ngs, Idaho

Janot Lowery, Pharmacy, West Lake

Alvin Lui, Mathema tics, Hong Kong

Melissa Mai ne lli. Ele. Ed. , Bossier

Glenn Marlin, Accounting, Monroe Kay Matkins, English, Sterlington Rick McAlm ond, Bldg. Con" Monroe Charles McBride, Bldg. Con., Durant, Mi ssissip pI Debb ie Mc Ca llon, Pharmacy, Monroe

8 eHy McConathy. Nursing, Jonesbo ro Bruce McCormick. Psychology, Shreveport Lau rel McCowin. Ele. Ed., Rayvill e Barbara McCoy, Marketing, Baton Rouge Karen MCCoy, £Ie. Ed., Natchitoches

Ronnie McCreary, Bldg. Can., West, Miss. Pat ri ck McDon alt;1 , Management, Jackson Dollie McEn ery, Accounting, Oak Ridge Mauree n McG eeve r, English, Bastrop Nancy McKaskle, Medical Technology, Many


Micheal McMenemon, Pharmacy. New Orleans Dav ie McWilliams, Data Processing, Winnsboro Li nda McWilliams, AcCounting. Monroe Patricia Merl ens, Nursing, Monroe John Metzger, Aviation, Fort Lauderda le, Fla. Mike Mi gues, Pharmacy, Pin eville Miriam Miller, English, Shre vepo rt Keith Milligan , Liberal Arts, Houma Jean Anne Mire, Pharmacy, Covinglon Cha rles Moc k. Accounting, Monroe Matt ie Mo ffit , BUSiness, Winnsboro Barbara Montagino, Nursing, Baton Rouge Sheil a Moore, Psychology, Alexand ria Mike Morgan, Law En/arcement, Ba ton Rouge Gayle Morr is, Pharmacy, Colfax Randall Moses, Management. Sh reveporl Jack Murphy, Pre -Medicine. Swartz Barba ra Nalback, Office Adm., Wesl Monroe

Gandy Nattin, Ele. Ed., Bossier City Fol ey Nash, Spanish, Monroe Beverly Nea l, Da ta Processing, Urania Mark Nels on, Bld g. Con., Monroe Debbie Newco mer. Olfice Adm., Mon roe Genevia Nicholas, Social Welfare, New Orlea ns Susanne Ochs . French, West Monroe Pam Odom, Nursing, Wes t Monroe K. B. O 'Donnell, Psycho (o9~1. Logansport James O'Glee, Pharmacy, Sarepta Judy Oleska . fIe. fd., Bossier Herbert Otwell , Law Enlorcement, Monroe Paul a Parker, O/lice Adm .. Dodson Mark Pasqua, Pharmacy, Eu nice Louis Pavich. Pharmacy, Eunice Audrey Pazmi no, Business, Delhi Mary Ann Percy, Social Studies, Pi nevil le Susan Peters , Home Ec., NeweHto n

Dwigh t Ph el ps , Pre -Medicine, Monroe Lannie Ph ill ey, Pre-Medicine, Oak Grove Cheryl Poi ndex ter, Special Education, West Monr oe Thomas Poll ard, Computer Science, Oak Grove Charles Poole, Bldg. Can., Monroe Henry Parler, History, Marrero Kim Powell, Animal Science, New Orleans Stephen Pralher , Accounting, Shreveport Leon PreS ion, Arl, McAl ester, Okla. Alma Price, Home Ec. , Sicily Isla nd Earnest Pri ce, Pharmacy, Lake Cha rl es Pam Price. Ele. Ed., Winnsboro


Janet Pries t, Home Ec., Bastrop Connie Prince , Home Ec., Monroe Karen Pri ne, Home Ec. , Ep ps Law renc e Proctor, Law En lorcement, Vidalia Barbara Profit. H. &P.E., Monroe Thomas Radcliff, Managem ent, Ball Becky Rast. Journalism, Shreveport Donna RatlHf, English, Epps Margene Ray, Ele. Ed., Bastrop Chester Reed, Biology, Vidali a Connie Reeks, Data Process ing , Pionee r Linda Rees, Psychology, Elton Rita Reppond , Nursing, Mari on Eric Reuter, Compu{er Science, New Orleans Noah Riley, Music, Vida lia Phyllis Rino, Efe. Ed., Alexandria Doyle Rob inson, Agricullure-Business , Gilbert Mike Rob inson, Pre-Medicine, Shreveport Ging er Robinson, Ele. Ed., Winnsbo ro Pau l Ror ie, General Business, Boss ier Cily Carl Rosby, Computer Science, Oak Grove Carl Roshlo, Accounting, Pineville Leo Rossler, MarKeling, Shreveport Emily Rush, Social Welfare, Monroe


Dan ny Russe ll, Bldg. Con., Co lumbia Julius Ru ssell, Music, Monroe Rolland Rutkowski, Social WeI/are, Lafayetle Eve rt Rytand, Governmen(, Pineville Jennifer Sap9, H.&P.E. , Sterlington

Karen Schwend. Art, Bloomfield, N. J. David Sco ggins, Bldg. Can. , Bast rop Douglas Self, Insurance, Pio neer Gary Senn, Accounting, Wes l Monroe Marg ie Serio, Medical Technology, Ferriday

Lin da Sess ions. Speech, Shrevepo rt Rona ld She lby, Accounlfng, Monroe Mary Shellon, Nursing, Springhill Lilly Shiu, Medica/ Techno logy, Hong Ko ng Ann Simpson, Social Stu. , New Orlea ns

Gwen Sing leton, Music, Winnsboro David Sm ith, Pharmacy, Arcadia Marc Smith, Pharmacy, Mt. Verno n, II/. Joy Smith, Pharmacy, Ke ntwood Marilyn SmIth, Pharmacy, Monroe


Janet Priest, Home Ec .. Bastrop Connie Pri nce, Home Ec .. Monroe Ka ren Pri ne, Home Ee_. Epps Law rence Proctor, Law En/arcem ent, Vidalia Ba rba ra Prof ll, H.&P.E., Monroe Thomas Radcliff, Managemen t, Ball Bec ky Rast. Journ alism, ShrevepOII Donna Ratliff, English, Epp s Marge ne Ray, Ele . Ed., Bastrop Chester Reed , Biology, Vid ali a Co nni e Reeks , Da ta Processing, Pionee r Li nd a Rees, Psychology, El to n Rila Reppond , Nursing, Mari on Eric Reuter, Computer Science, New Orlean s Noah Riley , Music, Vi dalia Phyll is Ri no, Ele. Ed., Alexandria Doyle Robinson, Agricullure-Business, Gilbert Mike Robinson, Pre-Medicine Shreveport Ginger Robinson, Ele. Ed. , Winnsboro Paul Rorie, General Business, Bossie r City Carl Rosby, Computer Science, Oak Grove Carl Rashlo, Accounting, Pi neville Leo Rossler. Markeling. Shreveport Emily Rush, Socia l Welfare, Monroe


Danny Russell, Bldg. Con., Co lumbia Julius Russe ll, Music, Monroe Rolland Rutkowski. Social Wef/are, Lafayette Everl Ryland, Government. Pineville Jennifer Sa pp, H.&P.E., Sterling Ion

Karen Schwend. Arr, Bloom fiel d, N. J. Dav id Scogg ins, Bldg . Con. , Bastrop Douglas Self, Insurance, Pio neer Gary Senn, Accounling, Wes l Monroe Marg ie Se rio, Medical Technology. Ferriday

Li nda Session s. Speech. Shrevepo rt Ronald Shelby, Accounting, Monroe Mary She llon, Nursing, Springhill Lilly Sh iu, Medical Technology, Hong Kong Ann Si mpso n, Sociat Stu. , New Orlean s

Gwen Sin glelon , Music, Winnsbo ro David Sm ilh, Pharmacy, Arcadia Ma(c Smith, Pharmacy. Mt. Verno n, III. Joy Smith, Pharmacy, Kentwood Marilyn Smilh, Pharmacy. Monroe


Mary Lu Smith, Home Ec., EI Dorado, Arkansas Vallarie Smith, Nursing, Monroe Randall Snow, H.&P.E., Hurst, Texas Kathy Spencer, Nursing, Monroe Elizabeth Spivey, Nursing, Ferriday Karen Stampley, French, Shreveport Sheila Stephens, Data Processing, Gilbert Diana Stewa rt, Nursing, Port Allen Susan Stewa rt, Speech. Shreveport Sharon Strain. Medical Technology, Shreveport Ka thlee n Tanner, Ele. Ed., Wi lmot, Ark. Les lie Tanner, Pharmacy, New Orleans

Katheri ne Tauzi n, Pharmacy. Monroe Larry Taylor. Accounting. New Orleans Ph yllis Theall, Pharmacy. Abbeville Fredd ie Th eriot, Gen. Bus., Monroe Alvie Thornhill, Ele. Ed. , Winnsboro Sand ra To llive r, Business, Sicily Island James Turbeville. Pharmacy, New Orleans Kay Turn er, Distributive Education, We st Monro e Janet Turn er, Ele. Ed ., Simmesport lind say Tycer, Biology. Amite Jan et Vaughan. Ele. Ed., Monroe Bradl ey Vincent, Pharmacy, Opelou sas Marianna Vocke. Dala Processing, Monroe Frances Walk er, Office Adm., Jena David Warn er, Gen. Bus., West Monroe Richard Watson, Governmenl, Ba skin Denise Whe eler. Music, West Monroe Threta Whittington, Sociology, Monroe

John Wilkin s, Gen. Bus., Tallulah Linda Willard, Accounling, Monroe Dan Willett, Pre-Medicine, Tallulah Annette Williams, Office Adm. , Oak Ridge Ben Williams , Agriculture, Monroe Ellen Williams, Ele. Ed., Winnsboro

Gloria Wi lliams, Gen. Bus., Monroe Judy Williams. Office Adm. , Ethel William Wilson , Law Enlorcement, Bossier Cedric Windham, Management. Jena Nathan Wines berry. Soc. Stu. , New Orleans Clifton Wingfield , Psychology, Magnolia , Arkansas

Martha Wroten . Ele. Ed., Monroe Lavis Yeals. Office Adm., Monroe Pal<: Yu , Pharmacy, Hong Kong Sue n Y Yum, Pharmacy, Pine Bluff, Ark.





Dennis Adams, Accounting, Wisner Marsha Adams, Social Welfare, Jena Carolyn Agen t, Special Ed. , Co lumbia, Mississippi Dwight Allen , Pre -Law, Wi ldsville Martha Allen, BUSiness, Kilbourn e Wi lma Allen, Office Adm. , Delhi Mars ha And erso n, Voice, New Orleans Tony Arpino, Bldg. Con., Shreveport Sandra Augusta , Soc. Welfare, Ferr id ay David Aust in, Pre-Medicine, West Monroe Phyllis Badeaux. Pre-Medicine, New Ibe ria Gloria Baker, Speech, Puyallup, Wash.

Ti m Baldwin, Soc . Stu., Vivian Mary Jo Ball. Nursing, Tallulah Robert Bannan, Pre- Law, Vicksburg, Mississ ippi Beve rly Baragona, Special Education, Arcad ia Osca r Barber, Government. Lake Prov idence JOseph Barbuto, Marketing, Wey mouth , Mass. Jerry Barefi eld, Psychology, Ft. Necessity Donna Barker, Ele . Ed., Monroe Carro ll Barron, Pre -Medicine, Monroe Rita Bartlett. Business, West Monroe Keith Barton, Pre 路 Medicine, Iowa, 111. James Basco, Pre -Medicine, Shreveport Gay Bean, Nursing, Ruston Cindy Bea ugh. Mathematics, Morgan Cily Cindy Beck, Dala Processing, Tran sy lvania Bernard Beckham, La w Enforcement, Monroe Mary Bellard, Occupational Therapy, lake Charles Richard Bencal. H.&P.E., Salem , Mass.

Sister Mary Benedi ct, NUfSing, Monroe Paulette Benmate, Pharmacy, New Or lea ns Waynelte Besse r, Office Adm. , Natchez, Miss. Robert Bi ggers, H.&PE, Sh revepo rt Albert Bloc k. Government, West Monroe VIvian Blood saw, Accounting, Wildsville

Wesley Boddie, Law Enlorcement, Bienv ille Mary Boles, Art. Mangham Pat Bonn er, H.&P.E., Bastrop Julia Boothe, H.&P.E. , Wisne r Anne Bordelon, Sociology, Alexandria

JoAnn Brad ley, Education, Shreveport Mary Brakhage, Biology, Minden Steve Branch, Sociology, Wes t Monroe CHllon Bn dges, Government, Su lphur Ernest Bridg es, Law Enforcement, North Little Rock. Ark.

Samu el Bridges. English, Monro e

Toni Brookre son. Ma thematics, Abilene. Tex as John Broo ks, Speech, West Monroe Gall Brown, fie. Ed., Monroe Debbie Brown, Social Welfare. Tioga Elnora Brown, Olfice Adm., Rayvill e Jo e Brown , Data Processing, Shreve port Marsha Brown, Ad vertising Design , Ch ath am Vicky Brown , fIe. Ed., West Mon roe De bbie Brya n, Pharmacy, Wes t Monroe Mirian BuChner, Education, Monroe Dianna Burn s, Gen. Bus., Monroe Marvin Burr, Accounting, Mon roe Roy Bu rrell, Mathematics, Oak Grove Julie Burroughs, Ele. Ed., Shrevepo rt Susan Byars, Ele. Ed., Boss ier City Donna By rd, Mathematics, West Mon roe Danny Cain, Law Enforcement, Bossi er Domi nick Calderone, Pharmacy, Metairi e


Linda Calhoun, SOC. Stu., Monroe

Lynn Campbell, Pre-Medicine, Shreveport

Francis Campbell , Pharmacy, Monroe

Terry Ca nnon, Law Enforcement,

Baton Rouge

Angela Cappello, SOCial Welfare,


Lanelt e CarrOll , Aft, Pinevi ll e

James Carter, Pharmacy, Man sfield Celeste Casse l. Home Ec., Olla De nise Caslillow, Dist .• Ed., Sulphur Wayne Chambless, Mgt., West Monroe Debbie Chapman, Home Ec. , Pri nceton Joel Chapman. Pre -Medicine, Farmerville Monte Chapman, Ind. Mgt., Farmerville Suzan Chapman, Special Ed., Gueydan James Chappell, Pre-Veterinary Med., Cotto n Valley Sharon Chatelai n, Gen . Bus .. Alexa ndria Suzanne Childers, Ed., Grayson Laura Clark, H.&P.E., Shreveport Susie Clay, Mathematics, Monroe Frank Cloutier, Physics, Haugh ton Nora Cloutier, Dist. Ed., Haughton Shelly Coa ts, Med. Technology. Mer Rouge Lynn Cockerha m, Soc. Welfare, Trout Fred Cole. Ele. Ed., West Monroe


Edward Co leman, Pre~ Medicine, Lake Providence Janice Co leman, Ps ycho lo g y Monroe Nanelte Co mea ux, Ele. Ed. , New Iberi a Sisler linda Co nstatin, Nursing, Rayne Davi d Coo k, Bldg. Con. , Shrevepor t Dianne COO k. Data Processin g, Bossie r City Ricky Coo k, Bldg. Can., Bast rop Melba Cooksey. Ele. Ed., Baskin Gary Cooper, H &P.E., Bastrop LOla Cooper, Soc. WeI/are, Winnsboro Mellonee Cooper, H& P.E., Monroe Ca rolyn Cope land, Occupational Therapy, Shreve po rt Glenn Ca rvill e, H.&P.E. , Monroe Martha Cowarl, Ele. Ed .. VIVian Barbara Cox, Med. Tech., Baton Roug e Diann e Cox, Occupational Therapy, Shrev epo rt Debbie Craft, Home Ec., Monro e Daphn e Cra in , Ele. Ed., Shreveport An nE! Crenshavv, Art, Sh reveport Norma Cri swell, Occupational Therapy, Pol lock Loretta Crow, Home Ec., Lake Vi ll age, Arkansas Margaret Crowe, Soc. Stu. , Bossier City Aline Crump, Soc. WeI., Claylon Sherry Crumplon, Ele. Ed., Ft. Worth , Tex.


Gwendolyn Dallas , Ele. Ed., Wi nnsboro Dan na Michael , Pharmacy, Monroe Setty Danna, Pharmacy, Monroe Henry Dannehl. Mgl. , Columbia Delilah Darden, Music, Monroe Ca thy Davis, Speech, Monroe lioda Davis, Home Ec., St. Joseph Cindy Day, E/e. Ed ., Downsvil le Debb ie Day, Ele. Ed, Bastro p Jan et DeVille. Business, Monroe Julia Defee, English, Bastrop Noe l Denoux, Data Processing, New Orleans Step henie Denton, Pharma cy, Jena Charoletl e Dew, Occupal iona l Therapy, Vidal ia Linda Dickey , Ele. Ed., West Monroe Glenda Doles , English, Deihl David Domengeaux, Bldg. Con, Lafayette Gordon Don hoe, Soc. Welfare, Del hi Kalhryn Doughly, Ele. Ed., Tullos Mary Doy er , Gen. Bus., Cullen Dwayne Duhon , Law En/arcement, Wes tlake Jann Dumas, Nursing , Ba lon Rouge Sharon Dumas, Nursing, Houma Willie Dunn, Gen. Bus. , Oelhi


Sieve Duple ss is, Bus. , Baton Rouge

Janice Durbin, Occupational The rapy,

Baton Roug e Bill y Du va l, Data Processing, Morgan City Susa n Ebarb, Speech , Shreveport Clarissa El ey, Sociology, West Monroe Lea Ell edge, Accounting, Hebert Aze lie Ell ender, Pharmacy, Sulphur Pame la El oi, Soc. Stu., Sul phur Michae l Eppinetle, Law Enforcement, Monroe Frank Elier, Pharmacy, Mangha m Jesse Eva ns, Bldg. Can ., Sterlmgton Edmund Ewell, Pre -Vet. Med., Baton Rouge

Linda Ezell , Ele. Ed., Gilbert Sharon Fan!, Nursing, Alexa ndria Katheri ne Farme(, Ele. Ed., New Orleans Rebecca Fato helt, Home Ee., Winnsboro Jenny Ferguson , Ele. Ed., Monroe Marion Fe rguson, Home Ee.. Baton Aouge Alice Feuis, Ele. Ed. , Winnsboro William Fincher, Pharmacy, Shreveport Kenneth Fletcher, Gen. Bus., West Monroe Eddie Fl oyd, Marketing, Monroe linda Fontenot, Office Adm., Washington Annie Foster, Computer SCience, Monroe Ph ylli s Fos ter, Music, Monroe Oebbie Fowler, Nursing, Wes t Monroe Ca rol Fra nklin , Ele. Ed., Jena Ri chard Frank lin , Law Enforcement, Alexandria James French, Bldg. Con., Balon Rouge Charles Friemel. Pre-Med., Shreveport

Verda Fu rlough, Nursing, New York, N. Y.

Chris Gabriel. Mathematics, Ba ldwin

Jose Garay, Gov., Mexico City, Mex ico

Susan Garder, Medical Technology,

Boss ier City Sisler Laura Garin, Nursing, Monroe Lucille Garrett , Office Adm.. New Roads DaVid Game, Pre-Eng., Baytown, Tex. Barbara Gauth ier, SpeeCh, Monroe Byron Gauthier, Accounting, CO llonport Elizabeth George, NurSing, Swa rtz Becky George, Ma(keting, Monroe Henry Gibso n, Pharmacy, Bastrop

Richard Gililland, Geology, Bossier City

Betsy Gi lliam, Music, Li ttle Rock, Ark.

Maxcine Goldman, Data Processing ,


Debbie Goodwin, Pharmacy, Monrce

Linoa Graham , Office Adm.,

FOri Lauderdale, Fla.

Terri Granlham , French, Sh reveport

Anna Gray, Med. Tech., Alexand ria

James Gray, Bldg. Con., Winnsboro

Doro thy Green, Business, Oak Grove

Paula Gree n, f ie. f d., Marion

Cheryl Greeson, Ele. Ed. , Lisbon

Anila Gregory, fIe. Ed., Oelhi

Herman Griese , Mgt , Shreveport

Ch eryl Guerin, Office Adm., New Roads

Delores Guerin, Nursing, Monroe

Ann GUil lot, fIe. Ed., Sh revepo rt

Lawan na Gunn, Soc. WeI/are, Monroe

Am anda Gunte r, Pre- Law, Wlnnifletd

Deb! Guyton, Dis'. Ed., Houston , Tex.

Booker Hall, Journalism, Rayv ille

Jon Hall, Managemen/, Monroe

Marlene Hall, Music, Bastrop

Allh eia Ham, Accounl ing , Caslor


Debra Hamby, Home Ee., Oak Grove Pa tsy Hammonds, SpeeCh, Monroe Lou Hammons, EngliSh, Pollo Ck Susan Harbin , Computer Sci., Shreveport Palrick Harding, Mgt., Shreveport Beverly Hardy, Nursing, Abbevi lle

Carole Hardy, Ele. Ed., Monroe Linda Hardy. H,& P.E., Holly Ridge Sharon Hardy, Accounting, Monroe William Harkness, Gen. Bus. , Collinston Paula Harper, Home Ec., Kilbourne Debbie Harri s, Ele. Ed., West Monroe

Patricia Hartma n, Ele. Ed., Monroe Caroly n Harville, Art, Bossie r City Kaye Halhor n, Spanish, Alexandria Judy Hawn, Office Adm., Bossie r City Alice Haynes, Ere . Ed., Monroe Ann Haynes, Office Adm., Columbia

Candi ce Hayes, Soc. Welfare, Shreveport Ronald Hearnsberger, Data Processing, Spnnghill Roy Heal h, Aviation, Ra yville Dianna Heberl, Nursing, Hebert Pal Heberl, English, Sh reveport Kathy Hemphill, ÂŁIe. Ed., Gilberl


Len a Henderson, Data Processing, Lake Providence Lind a Henderson, Special Ed., Monroe Sue Hensley, Ele. Ed., Tallulah John Hendrix, Agriculture, SI. Joseph Roberl Hernandez, Pre-Med., Winnsboro Debbie Hicks, Nursing, Shreveport Glenn Hicks , Bldg. Con., Winnsboro Rodney Higginbotham, Speech, Springhill Janice Hill, Physics, Monroe Suzanne Hiller, Ele. Ed., Monroe Harry Hillman. Physics, Monroe Carolyn Hinton, Speech, Shreveport

/1 Patricia Hixon, Ele. Ed. , Swartz

Frank Holland, Pharmacy, Natc hez, Miss.

Jo Ann Ho tard, Art, Pi cayune, Miss.

Jane Howie, Nursing, Montrose, Ark.

Barba ra Huckaby, H.&P.E. , Ste rlington

Deborah Hudnall, Spec. Ed. , Newelton

Ruby Huffman, Ele. Ed., Harrisonburg

Allen Hughes, Business, Monroe

Donna Hughes, Radiology, Spea rsv ill e

Donna Humphries, Nursing, Chalmette

Daniel Hunter, Bldg . Con., St. Lou is, Mo.

Donald Hunter, Law Enforcement,

Bossier City John Hutch ins, Gen. Bus. , Shreveport Susan Faye Irby, Spanish, Vicksbu rg, MIssissippi Donna Jackson, Nursing, Monroe Lana Jackson , H.&P.E. , Baton Rouge Cathe James, Gov., New Orleans Linda Jean, E(e. Ed., Shreveport

Cindy Johnson, Computet Sci., Bastrop Joyce Johnson, Home Ec., Monroe Jerri Joh nston. Biology, West Monroe Patricia JOIner, Data Processing, Monroe Barbara Jones, Nursing, Monroe Vivian Jones, Home Ec. , Rayville

Mary Jordan, Arl, Winnfield

Mary Joseph, Dala Processing, Monroe

John Kelier, Computer Sci. , Co llInston

Karen Kelly, Home Ec., Mind en

Jackie Kelsoe, English, New Iberia

Jan Kern, Med. Technolo gy, Baker


Joe Kern , Pre-Medicine, Monroe Paul Kethley, Art, Sh revepcrt Dorothy Kimball, Home Ec., Ferriday Peg gy King, Pharmacy, West Monroe Rita King, Ele. Ed., West Monro e Wanna King, Ele. Ed., Monroe Evelyn Kirkham, Nursing, Olla Rusty Knight, Pre-Law, Franklinton Jeffrey Kology, Journalism, Long Island, N. Y. Alb ert Ku, Computer SCience, Montice llo , Ark. Diane Labry, Ele. Ed. , Slidell Faer ie Lafie ld , Education, Co ushatta

Clinton Lancaster, Finance, Winnfiald Charles Lanclos, H.&P.E. , Bossier City Jan is Landry. Pharmacy, Pmeville Michelle Landry. Ele. Ed., Monroe John Laster, Gen. Bus., Sh reveport Eileen Las lowsky, Speech, Chicago Heights, III.

Judy Lawrence , Ete. Ed., Monroe Mary Laws , Accounting, Franklin Doug las Lea, Agronomy, Winnsboro Kathryn LeBlanc, Pharmacy, La ke Cha rles Sandra LeCompte, Educarion, Houma Wanda Lee , Education, Winnsboro Wendy Lee Ele. Ed., Lafitte Jam es Legg itt Accounting, Monroe Ke ith Legg itt, Accounting, Delhi Ka thryn Leon, Nursing, Monroe Willi am L"â‚Ź she, History, Shreveport Elli s Lewis, Ele. Ed., Eros

Laurie Li ghtne r, EducaUon, Bossier City Howard lincucum, Pre-La w, Georgetown Sarah li ndey, Nursing , Jena SlJsie Llil ielon , Soc. WeI/a re, Monroe Sherry Loft in, Speech, Monroe Richard Long, Computer Sci., Monroe Belinda Lorenz, Nursing, Garland, Tex. Jerry Lowery, Physical Therapy, Joyce Patricia Lowery. SpeeCh, Baldwin James Loyless, Bldg. Can., Bastro p J im Luck, PIe-Law. Houma Michael Lyons, Dala Processing, Mangham


Bill Marak, Psychology, Shrevepo rt

Patricia Marcet, Music, Mobil e, Ala.

Frieda Marsch, Soc . Welfare, Monroe

Kathleen Marsh all, Malh emalics. Slid el1

Linda Mason, Ele. Ed., Wes l Monr oe

Mary Jo Massart, Home Ec. , Monro e

Mitzie Maxwell, Ele. Ed., Monroe Pamela Mayo, Nursing, Jones Kathy McBride, Ele. Ed., Shrevepo rt Harry McCain, Pharmacy, Alexa ndria Nancy McCanless, Occupational Therapy, Shreve port Charles McCartney, Pharmacy, Shreveport Tomas McC lain, Gen. Bus ., Wes t Monro e William McClain, Bldg. Construction, New Orleans Mary McCormi ck, Ele. Ed., Mon roe John McDon ald, History, Heflin Kathryn McD ona ld, Education, Mangham Kenny McDoug le, Music, Perryville James McFarlain, Soc. Stu ., Sulphur Patti McGee, Ele. Ed. , Houston, Tex. Patton McHenry, Liberal Arts. Monroe Deborah McKinney. Art, Houston Ella McKinnie, Soc. Wellare, Rayville Reg ina McLean, English, Natc hes. Miss ,


Palricia McLin, Med. Tech., Balon Rouge Robert Meisner, Computer Sci. , O lla Shere Mercer, Business, Wes t Monroe Jan iS Mickles , Education, Gretna Ann Miller, Nursing, Eunice Larry M iller. Mathematics, Springh ill Forrest Mi xo n, Agriculrure, Je na Peggy MonIz, Speech Therapy , Des trahan Benni e Moo re, Animal Sci., Bastrop Joe Moore . Eco nomics, Monroe Ka th ry n Moo re, Soc. Welfare, Monroe MaUle Moo re, Soc. Welfare, Monroe Myrtle Moore, Mathematics, Mer Rouge Todd Moore, Pre-Law, Bato n Rouge Belly Moos, Home Ec., Monroe DaVid Moreland , Management Heflin Pax ton Moreland, Accounting, Bossier John Morgan, H.&P.E., Shreveport Pat ricia Morris, Medical Technology, Farmerville libby Mose ley, Dafa Processmg, Vidalia Charl es Mulhearn, Pharmacy, Monroe Theresa Mulhea rn, Nursing, Sterlington Richard Mulhearn, Physical Therapy, Rayville Wanda Muller, Pharmacy, Westwego


Nancy Mullins, Music, Bossi er Cily Oiane Murdaugh, Pharmacy, Brya nt, Ark . Grace Murry, Pharmacy, New Orleans Manlyn Nash, Sociology, Oelhi Sarah Nations, Pre-Medicine, Bastrop Donna Neal, Phvsical Therapv, Mer Rouge Irma Nelson, Art, Monroe LOIs Nelson, Nursing, Hefl in Karl Nero, Accounting, ColumbIa Ba rba ra Newton, OUice Adm., Oe lhi Randall Nichols , English, Sh revepo rt Karen Nix, English , West Monroe Deborah No la n, Pharmacy, New Orlea ns Deb orah Nugent, Business , Grayson Alonzo Nu\€, History, Lake Providence John Odom, Law Enforcement, Mansrield Robert Oliver, SOCiology, Monroe Deborah Ory, Mathematics, Baker

Hubert Ou bre, Bldg. Can., Gramercy Ken nelh Owens, Chemistry, West Monroe Donna Pace, Nursing, a lia WI llI am Par is, Psychology, Lake Prov idence RIchard Pa rish, Pre-Eng. , Monroe Oeborah Parker, Phvsical Therapy, Anacoco Prudence Pa rks, English, Baton Rouge Peggy Pa ul, Home Ec., Mon terey Sandi Paul i, Da/a Processing, Metairie James Pennywe ll , Pre-Med., Keithville Noel Perez, Music, Bayou Ch ico Alice PerkIns, Data Processing, West Monroe Eli za beth Pe rot, Bio/ogV, Mon(Q€ Sa ndra Pe rritt, Art, Eros Fern Perry, Soc. We ffare, Monroe Don ald Philley, Data Processing, Oak Grove ldana Phillips , Pharmacy, Winnfield

Pam Perryman , Ollice Adm .. Monroe Pa tricia Philli ps, Ele. Ed., Haynesville Janalyn Ph ilpot, Disl. Ed., Bastrop Rebecca Phipps, Nursing, Allanta Susan Pickens , MuSiC, West Monroe Mark Pickett, Gen. Welfare, Springhill

Kathy Pilcher, Pre- Law, Minden Jam es Pirt le, Gen. Bus.. Bastro p Nikki Piro, Med. Technologv, Mangham Dale Placke, English , Tallulah Patti Plun kett, Pre-Med.. Sterlingto n Patti Pope, Pharmacy, Am ite

Jan e Potts, Dldg. Can., Monroe Betty Powell, Accounling, West Monroe Ri cha rd Powell, Gen. Bus., Shrevepo rt Jan Prather, Marketing, Shreve port Betty Prall , Mathematics, Junction Cit y Charlotte Price, Ele. Ed., Haynesvill e


Florence Price. Soc. Welfare ,

Ho ll ey Ridge

Hershal Price, Law Enlorcement,


Robert Qui nn, Ind. Mgt., Bas tro p

Leleand Rawls, Law Enlorcement,

Darne ll John Ray, Music, Alexandria Virginia Reighney, Bus " West Monroe Vicki Reppond , Ele. Ed., Marion

Junila Rhymes, Ele. Ed., Epps

Carol yn Richardson, Soc. Welfare,

Bastrop Huey Richardson, Mgt. , Alexandria Terri Richardson, Psycholog y, West Monroe Kenneth Riggin, Pre-Engineering, Wes' Monroe James Riley, Computer Sci .• Gonzales Gay Ritchie, Office Adm ., Monroe Kaye Roberts, Educa Uon, Chatham Beverly Roberls, Accounting, Chatham Roy Roberts , Soc. Stu., Ango la Belinda Roberlson, Nursing, Tall ulah Janice Robinette , Biology, Al exandria Mary Robinson , English, Versa iles, Mo. Richard Robinson, Soc. Stu., Monroe Carla Roger, Pharmacy, Lafayette Alice Roland , Special Ed., Monroe Heten Rose nkrans, Computer Science, Shreveport


Geraldine Rouse, Soc. Welfare, Kilbourne Jeannine Rawdon, Gen. Bus., Amite Ea r) RuSh, Ph y, Thera py, Houma Susan Rush, Home Ec.. Devi lle Palricia Ryde r, Biology, Buc keye Elizabeth Salter, Dist . Ed., Sulphur


Meli ssa Sampson. Gen. Bus. , Monroe John Sanders, Music, Monroe Karen Sanders. Business, Fares! Patricia Sandidg e. Efe. Ed., Harrisonburg Ca rl Sa ucier. Pharmacy, Opelousas Pamela Scruggs, Home Ec., Ferriday

Gerald Shaw, Avia tion. New Orleans Willie Shepard, H.&P.E .. Ferr iday Clair Sherman , Med. Tech. , Haynesville Hugh Shields, Chemistry, W. Monroe Zelda Simm ons, SOCiology, Shreveport Bonnie Sisson. Liberal Arts, Mer Rouge

Richard Siss on. Bldg. Can., Monroe

Brenda Siltig, Speech, Monroe

Ann ie Smith, Music, Monroe

June Smilh, Ele. Ed., Monroe

Donna Sm ith, Ele. Ed.• Ouitman, Miss.

James Smith, Pre-Med., Bastrop

Jerry Smilh, Bldg. Coo., Shreveport Ka thleen Smith, Nursing, Shrevepo rt Sam Smith, Data Processin g, Marrero Sharon Smith, H.&P.E., Winns boro Joyce Snowden , Ele. Ed., Alexandria Donal d Sobba, Geology, Crowley

Stan ley Spi ll ers, Oala Processing, Eros Virginia Spears, Psychology, Farmerville Pamela Stansbury, Accounting, Monroe Theresa Sta nsell , Nursing, Ba ton Rouge Deborah Steinquest. Music, Monroe Don Stephen s, Soc. Studies, Minden

Gerald Stephenson, Pte-Med., Slidell Danna Stevens, Pre-Med., Bastrop Charles Stewar t, Pre -Med., Monroe Fran ces Stewart, Ele. Ed., Monroe

Manl yn Stewart, Soc., Batesville, Ark. Mi chae l Slone, H.&P.E., Bunkie Caro l Stookey, Governmen t, Shreveport Jackie Strong, Ele. Ed.. Olla

SuShi Styron, Accounting, Monroe Eu nice Su lliva n, Art, Monroe Cha rles Swayzer, Computer SCience, Monroe Cindy Sykes. Music, Monroe

Ti mothy Sykes, Lew Enforcement, Monroe Guin a Sy lves tri , H.&P.E., Monroe Ann ette Tall ey, Ele. Ed., Shrevepo rt Sarah Tay lor, Art, Monroe Don Teac h, Gen. Bus., Shreveport Clara Th omas, H.&P.E., Delhi Ri chard Thomas, Gen . Bus ., Tall ulah Shirl ey Th omas, Liberal Arts, Sp ri nghill Ba rba ra Thornlon, Nursing, Monroe Joseph Toda ro, Radio -T.V. Management, Shreveport San -Lee Tsue, MuSiC, Hong Kong Bonnie Tung, Med. Tech., Hong Kong


Edward Turnvu ll. Aviation. Hammond Steven Turner, Gen. Bus., Monroe Sand ra Underwood. Gov., Sh reveport Susan Unger. Music, Mobile, Ala. Deborah Vall ery. Gen. Bus, Monro e Keltha Varn ado. Pharmacy, Lake Charles Robert Venable. Accounting, Wesllake Malvin Vince nt, Pharmacy, Erath Millon Voda. Arl. Pin ev ille Laura Wa ges, Nursing, New Milford, Penn. Kerry Walker. Gov., Wesl Monroe Rebecca Walker, Physical Therapy, Monroe Lawrence Wall, JournaUsm, Balon Rouge Gail Wallace, Journalism, Jackson, Miss. Janel Wa lters, Speech, West Monroe Boatne r Ware, Government, Arch iba ld Sue Warnock, English, Baton Rouge lill ian Wa shi ngton, Nursing, Newe ll ton AnneHe Waters, Offiee Adm., Bastrop Alicia Watts, Spec. Ed., Boss ier CI\y Ton i Welch, Gen. Bus., Monroe Stephen Wh ite, Pre路 Veterinary Medicin e, Bastrop Sandra Wild er, Office Adm. , Jena Susan Wiley, Occupational Therapy, Monroe

Sopho mores

Joyce Wi lke ning, Ele . Ed., Shreveport Barba ra Wil kinson, Phy. Therapy, Monroe Robe rt Wilki nso n, History San An lonio, Texas Mira Willen, Soc. Welfare, Thibodaux Charlo tte Williams, Special Ed., Jena

Dorothy Wtlliam s, Home Ee., Tallulah George Williamson, Accounting, Pin ev ill e Marlha Williamso n, Nursing, Monroe Patricia Williamso n, Library Sci., Delhi Sandra Williams, Efe. Ed., Tallulah

Janet Wi lso n, Soc. Welfale, Shreveport lillie Wilson, Office Adm., Monroe Linda Wilson, Pre路Law, Sh reveport Susan Wise, Data Processing, Bast rop Catherine Wortham. Soc. Stu .. Oak Ridg e

Robin Wynn, Art, Oak Ridge Susan Yorks, Med, Tech ., West Monroe David Ze ag ler, Mus ic, Monroe




--- 1/ .I" , \



Sidney Accardo . Pre-Law, Monroe Kathleen Adams, Med. Tech ., Winnsboro Danna AdcoCk, Home Ee. , Baton Rouge Br enda Addison, Soc. We lfare, Monroe David Agnew, Radio Tele. Mgmf., Monroe Do ra Albritton, Nursing, Monroe Reginald Albritton, Animal Science, Wesl Monroe Kathleen Albu s, Pharmac y, New Orleans AdO nna Alexand er, Office Adm., Oak Grove Dennis Alford . Computer Science, Vidalia Willia m Alford, Art, Winnsboro Lila Allain, Elementary, Shreveport Pat ricia Allen , English, Bossier City Beve rly Anders, Efe. Ed., West Monroe William Andress, Pre-Eng., Walker Wilma Arant, Home Ee. , Bastrop Richard Armstrong, Pre路 Dentistry, Bossier City Melissa Ashy, Business. Oakdale Susan Aswell, Law Enforcement, Downsville Billie AullOnberry, Home Economics, Wes t Monroe Neil Aymond, Pre-Pharmacy, Alexandria Karen Ayo, Office Adm ., Houma Bridget Babineaux, Ed. , Destreha n Lucy Backstrom, Nursing, Clarksdale, Miss.


Frances Bacot, Soc. WeI/are, Bastrop Ralph Baker, Aviation, Slidell Jacques Barakat. Aviation, Beirut, Lebanon Emm ell Barham, Pre- Law, Bastrop Ronald Barnard, Pre-Pharmacy, Springhill Ada Barnes, History, Tallulah Joyce Barnes. Business, Monroe Kevin Barnes, Radio-TV Management, West Monroe N.ancy Barnett, Phy. Therapy, Sterlinglo Mary Barras, Library Sci., Lafayette Dorethea Bass. Liberal Arts, Jena Janice Bass, Arl, Swartz Ivan Bass, Pre-Pharmacy, West Monro Wicklynne Bassett. Nursing, Monroe Carolyn Bates, English, Monroe Marilyn Bales. Ele. Ed., Monroe Patricia Bales, Pre-Law, Mooringsporl Robert Bauc um, Pre-Pharmacy, Shreveport Sammie Beam. Pre-Pharmacy, Shreveport Donna Bearden, Office Adm., Hodge Barbara Beasley, Soc. Welfare, Monroe Robert Bee ne, Pre-Eng., Haynesville Patricia Bell, Pre-Pharmacy, Montrose, Ark . Willie Bell, History, Epps


Kim Belton, English, Ruston De bra Bennett, Pharmacy, Monroe Deborah Bennett, Ma rketing, Bossier City Katherine Bennetl, English, Baton Rouge Naomi Bennen, Office Adm ., Delhi St ephen Benn ett, Libera! Arts, OeRidder

Carl Benoit, Pre-Pharmacy, Leo nville Jereldin e Benoit, Ele. Ed., Bastrop Valerie Benton, Olfice Adm ., Monroe Wayne Bergman, Arl , Sh reve port Belva Berlin. Home Ec .. Alexandria Joseph Bernard. Pharma cy, Lafayette

An nie Berry, Psycholog y, Monroe Dennis Berry. Accounting, Oak Grove Sher ry Berryh ill, Nursing, Shreveport Suanne Best, Nursing , Shrevepo rt Marityn Beth ea, Nursing, Bonita Nancy Beltis, Ma/h. Shreveport

Walter Big lan e, Aviation, Natchez, Miss. Eilleen Bi tllmek, Pre-Med. , Shreveport Olive r Billups, Pre -Law, Monroe Elizabeth Bishop, Ele. Ed., Gretna Jenn ette Bison , Occupa{ional Therapy, Shreveport Carol Black, Nursing, Shreveport Georgia Black, Speech, Shreve port Peggy Black, Business, New Orleans Christa Blackstock, Arl, West Monroe Serece Blackwell, Data Processing, Monterey Peggybeth Blair, NUfs ing, Jena Betsy Blankenship, Ele . Ed., Shreveport

Jan Blackmon, Pre-Med.• West Monroe Karen Bloomer, Biology, Morgan City Leona Bobo, Speech, Winnsboro Thomas Bodd ie. Geology , Shreveport Gene 80ggs. Biology, Monroe Beryl Bollon, Speech, Oxford, England

Joseph Bonfiglio, Pre-Pharmacy, New Orlea ns Arlene Bordelon, Phafmacy, Moreauville Joy Bordelon, NUfsing, Pinev ille Neal Bo stwick, P,e-Pharmacy. Shreveport

Vernon Bothwell, Aviation,

Cloverdale, Ind .

Paul Boudreaux, Math, Monroe

Grover Boughton, Dafa Processing,


Sandra Boulware, Soc. Welfare,

Hales Cornors, Wise.

Wanda Boutwell. Of. Adm ., Oak Grove

Gabtielle Bovenzi, Oflice Adm.,

Bossier City

Anita Boyd. Bus., West Monroe

Brenda Boyett, Ele. Ed., Monroe

Dan ny Boyett. H.&P.E., St')reveport Jean Boyette, Ele. Ed., Sleriing ion Patricia Bozemen, Home Ec ., Winnfield Hazel Bradford, Soc. Welfare, Jena Betty Bradley, Of/ice Adm., SI. Joseph Herbert Branch , Bldg. Con., Alexandria


Tommy Branson , Pre- Pharmacy, New Orleans Glen n Brantley, Math, Springhill Parey Branton . Gen. Bus. , Shongaloo Va lerye Branton . Home Ee. , Haynesville Teresa Bra ssell, Nursing, Olla Brian Braud, Aviation, Zuling

I' I

Rene Braud, Art, Bossie r Cily Nan Braughton, N urSing, Bastrop Ginge r Brewer. Pharmacy, Rus ton Sheryl Brice. Pharmacy, Bastrop Reb a Brig ht. Physical Therap y, Minden Judith Brigh twe ll, English, Oak Grove

Sheryl Brill , Liberal Arts, Minol, N. D. Judith Bringol. Home Ec., Vidalia Stephen Britton , Management, Delhi Joseph Brocato. Pre -Med., Shreveport Connie Brooks, Ele. Ed., Tallulah Dianne BrOOkS, Ollice Adm ., Monroe

Judy Brooks , Ele. Ed. , Monroe Robert Brooks, MusiC, Baton Rouge Wi ll iam Brooks, Pre-Pharmacy, Monroe Vicki e Brosset!, Nursing, Pineville Karen Brown, Home Ec., Monroe Mary Br own , Home Ec., Monroe

Wanda Brown, Business, Monroe Ke ith Bryant, Aviation, Monroe Beth Bryant, Sociology, Harvey Mild red Bu ie, Soc. Welfare, Gilbert Ren e Bull, Pre-La w, Arabi Adrian Burnaman, Aviation, Alexand ria

Misl1ea l Bu rney. H. &P.E., Bossier City Jam es Burton, Management, Sossier City Janet Butcher, Office Adm., Oa k Ridge Brenda Butler, Art, Houston, Tex. Clyde Butler, Pharmac y, Raceland Debbie Bul le r, Soc. Weftare, W. Mon roe

Richard BUller, Bldg. Con., Fores t Randall Byrd. Med. Tech., Columbia Lynn Byrnes, Pre-Occupational Therapy, Winnfield Rosie Calh oun, Psychology, Winnsbo ro Mary Jane Calla han, Med. Tech. , l ake Charles Terry Calloway, Physics, Vivian


Davi d Ca lton, Data Processing, Alexa ndri a Ja net Campbell. Speech , Springhill Jo Ca mpbell, Lib eral Arts, Spri nghill An thony Canal, Pre-Pharmacy. Monroe Debbie Ca nal. Ele. Ed. , Monroe Patri cia Can terbury, Data Processing, Monroe Rhond a Cantrell , Interior Design, Metairie Diane Capers, Office Adm ., Kilbo urn e Joyce Ca pl es, Otfice Adm., W. Monroe Marc Cappello, Pre -Ph armacy, Sh reve po rt Charles Carr, Pre -Ph armacy, Welsh Do rothy Carroll, H.& P.E. , Su lphur Herm an Carroll. Soc. Welfare, Monroe Billy Carter, Mad, Tech., Sh reveport Ca rolyn Carter, Ub. Sci. , Mans field Dianne Ca rler, Education, Monroe Joyce C-3rte r, Offic e Adm. , Monroe Timothy Carter, His/Dry, Monroe Jimm y Causey, Accounting, Baker Daniel Cazen ave, Law Enforcement, Arabi Robert Cedars, SCience, Winnfield Sieve Ch ache re, H.&P.E., Kinder Sh aron Ch atham, NurSing, Ch atham Brend a Chatma n, Sociology, Mon roe


Malcolm Cheek, Mgt., Pineville Virginia Cheek, Libera! Arts, Mempl1 ls, Tenn. George Cheeks, Music, West Monroe Diane Chesteen , Psychology, Baton Rouge Che ung Shek-Kay, Pre-Pharmacy, Hong Kong Ka tie Ch iasso n, Office Adm. , Gilbert Cindy Chiu Wei Man, Nursing, Hong Kong Rena Ch ocklin, Art, Delhi Gwendolyn Chretien, Dara Processing, Lake Charles Jimmy Chrislian, Managem en t, Bonita De bbie Christman, Psychology, Monroe Diane Ch ristman, Nursing, Chicago , 111. pamel a Church, Art, Monroe Sam C imin o. Pre 路 Pharmacy, Shrevepo rt Donal d Clark, Art, Wisner James Clark , Accounting, Colu mbia, Mississ ippi Will iam Cl ausen, Pre-Law, Sulphur Bru ce Clement, Pre -Med., Slidell Eileen Clon inger, Music, Slidell Terry Co ch ran, Gen. Slu., Spri nghill Lin da Coc krell, Occupational Th erapy. Wi nnsboro Sus an Coffey, Liberal Ar(s. Bossier City Gretchen Cole, Ele. Ed., Shrevepo rt Michael Col e, Geophysics. Shreveport


Deborah Cole man, Art, Monticello Lawrence Coleman, Agri. -Bus., Gilbert Mary Lee Colem an, Soc. Stu., Monroe Sadie Coleman, H.&PE , Bastrop Sandra Colema n, Art, Benton Bobbi e Colvin, Home Ec., Rayville

Rebecca Con ley, Art, Monroe Reita Cook, Nursing. Fai rba nks Sherman Cool ey, Office Adm., Tallulah Judy Coon, Ele. Ed., Wes t Monroe Deborah Cooper, Home Ec ., Alexand ria Flora Cooper, Soc. Welfa re, Winnsboro

Lonnie Cooper, Gen. Bus ., Forest Randall Cooper. History, West Monroe Terry Cooper, Bldg. Con. , Alexandria Vicky Lynn Cooper, Data Processing , Bastrop Wen dell Coplin. Accountmg. Wesllake Gayle Corley, Office Adm., Epps

Bruce Covington, Marketing, Oak Grove Susan Covington , Nursing, Ruston Steven Coyle, Gen. Bus., Shreveport George Cra ighead, Law Enforcement, New Orleans Cathy Crain, Pre-Pharmacy. ColumbJa Wi nifred Crain, Soc. Welfare, Co lumbia Edward Cram, Journalism, Bastrop Lamar Cra nston, Law Enforcement, En terprise Linda Craven, Home Ec. , Tioga Bre nda Crawley, Math, Bastrop Claudia Crews, Ed., Lake Providence Ma'Y Cros sley, Gen. Stu., Sterlington Sherrill Crowder, Marketing, SI. Fra nCisville Joey Culligan, Pre-Pharmacy, Slidell Steve Cu lpepper, Psychology. Shreveport Larry Dale, Chemistry, Vicksburg, Miss. Sharon Daley, Ele. Ed., Shreveport Nancy Dani81, Library SCi., Wisner

Sherrill Daniels, Psychology, Pineville Richard Dauman, Bldg. Can., Shreveport Katheri ne Da uzat, H.&P.E., Alexa ndria Alan Davidson, Accounting, Farmerville Susan Davidson, Of. Adm ., Shreveport Greg Davies, Law Enforcem ent, Winnfield

Dan Davis, Marke(ing, Alexandri a Dianne Davis, Math, Shreve port Edith Davis, Compuler Sci" Haughton Emm a Davis. Gov., Bastrop Jeffrey Davis, Pre -Physical Therapy, Bogalusa Karl Davis, Agriculture, Ferriday

Marie Davis, Dist. Ed., West Monroe Michael Davisson, Pre- Law, Chicago, III. Dianna Dayton, Art, West Monroe Sandra Deal, Office Adm. , Monroe David Dean, Biology, EI Dorado, Ark. Elizabeth Dean, Office Adm., Mangham

lohnnle Dean, Home Ec. , Bunkie lhilip Dea lon, Law Enforcement, Shreve port ~enneth DeSoto, Chemistry. Fra nklin 3everly Devine, Sociology. McGehee, Arkansas 10Y Dews, English, Shreveporl )ominick DiGange, Pre -Phatmacy, Arabi .Jancy Dilla hunty, Ele. Ed.. Mooringsport ::dward Dinger, Biolog y. La ke Prov idence vl arian Dian, Ele. Ed. , Alexa ndria jnda Ditta, Office Adm., Monroe :arol -Jean Dixo n, Sociology, Sh reveport jnda Dixon, Sociology, Sh reve port 3arbara Dobard, Office Adm., Alexan dria ::athy Dobson, Data ProceSSing, Ta llu la h ::onnle Doggell, Ele. Ed., Bastrop DIa nn e Do llar, Data Processing, Monroe )eborah Donahue. Libra(y SCj., Bastrop )onna Dosher, Office Adm. Oak Grove 30rdon DOlson, Med. Tech .• New Iberi a Donna Douglas , Med. Tech., Monroe Timothy Douglas, Libera l Arls, Swa rtz 3arah Doug las, Pharmacy, Pon cha toula Greg Drake, Marketing, Baton Roug e


Maria Drake. Pharmac y, Ponchatoula Wayne Drayden , Liberal Arts, Longpine Robert Dflver, Agriculture-Business, Lake Providen ce Thomas Dufrene. Mgl.• Shreveport Benn y Dumas, Malhemalics, Sprin ghill Carolyn Dunlap, Ele. Ed" Monroe Ashton Dunn , Gov., Mon roe Lawan na Dun nings, Home Ee .. Monroe Michael Du plls sey, Animal Sci., Bastrop Martha Dupree, Pre· Pharmacy. Bastrop Sleven Du pree , Art, Shreveporl Ga ry Du rbin , Accounting, Jonesboro Connie Edwa rds, Home Ec., Monroe James Edward s, Pre· Law, Junct ion City, Ark. Mari an Edwards, P(e· Pharmacy, Monroe Michael D. Edwards, H.& P.E., Tioga Siri Edwa rds , Nursing, EI Dorado, Ark . Donn ie Ek le, Nursing, Fort Lauderdale, Florida Peggy Ellerbe, Nursing, Monroe Pamela Elliott. Data Processing, Monroe Cathy Ell is, Soc. Welfare, Deihl Charles Ellis, His(ory, Ferriday Palricia Ell is, Office Adm ., West Monroe Peggy Elrod, Nursing, Winn sbo ro


Malcolm Enlow, Aviation, Ferriday John Ervine, Physics, Haughton August Esquinance, Biology, Mandeville Maggie Etier, Ele. Ed., Mangham Ricky Evans, Accounting, West Monroe Toni Evans, Sociology, Crossett, Ark.

Patsy Fairchild, Gen. Bus., Transylvania Nickey Fan!, Ar!, Monroe Marilyn Fayad, Speech, Greenville, Miss. Ralph Ferris, Agronomy, Winnsboro Yvonne Festavan, Accounting, Shreveport Dan Festervan, Gen. Bus., Shreveport

David Fields, Biology, West Monroe Carolyn Files, Disl. Ed., Monroe Charlotta Fincher, Speech, Sh reveport Laurie Findlay, Med. Tech., Litt le Rock, Arkansas Pamela Finklea, Education, Shre veport Rex Finklea, Bldg. Can., Delhi

Marleen Finley, Home Ec., Mon roe Viki Fleming, Law Enforcement , Bast rop William Fletcher, Voc. Agri., Winn sboro Nancy Fly, Mathematics, Memphis Mary Jane Flynn, Business, Monroe Herman Fontenot, Computer Sci., Opelousas

Barbara Ford, Office Adm., S1. Jose ph Danny Ford, Forestry, Sterlington Linda Fore, Pre-Dentistry, Bossi er Isabel Foster, Ele. Ed., Monroe James Foster, Gen. Stu., Shreveport Lavenia Foster, Business, Monroe

Michael Foster, Liberal Arts. Shreveport Myra Foster, Radiology, Lake Providence Anita Fowler, Speech, Alexandria Deborah Fox, Home Ec., Oak Grove Debra Franklin, Ele. Ed., Bastrop Michelle Franklin, Education, Alexandria

Larry Franks, Pre-Pharmacy, Bunkie Karen Frantom, Ele. Ed. , West Monroe John Frantom, Bi%gy, West Monroe Terry Frederick, Pre-Pharmacy, Monroe Carolyn Free, Soc. Welfare, Monroe Cheryl Friemel, Pre-Dentistry, Shreveport


Dixie Frost , Soc, Welfare, Calhoun Michael Fulco, Gen , Bus., Sh revepo rt Patri cia Fuller , Soc. Stu. , Houston Sabah Futayyeh , Ele. Ed" Syria Peg gy Ga ines. Office Adm .. Monroe Jerry Ga ll man, Pharma cy, Rayville

Helen Galloway, Ed ucation, New Orleans Dav id Gard ner. Biology, West Mo nroe Early Garner, Government, Monroe Rita Garner, Business. Ki lbourne Cal hy Garrett. Arl, Haynesvill e Gwen Gaske, Marke!in g, Shreveport

Ginger Gat es, Home f c., Jena John Gath ings, Accounting, Pioneer Randy Gilbe rt, H.&P.E. , Chatham Wanda Gll be rl. Nursing, Mon roe Kay Gill iland, Office Adm , Mo nroe Rita Gilmo re, Sp eech, Pinevill e

HaNey Ging les, So c. Weffafe , Shreve po rt Diann Gipson , Medical Technology, Winnsboro l ew IS Gladney, Accounting, Balon Rou ge J uli ann Glase r, Nursing, New Orlea ns Glenda Gl aze , History, Mo nroe Debo rah Gleason , Business, Shrevepo rt


Valer ie Goins, Accounting, Monroe Jo Ann Goldsby , Ol/ice Adm., Basl rop John GoOd man , Journalism, Newellton Rebeoca Goss, Business, Ruston Laura Gou ld, H.SPE. Garden Grove. Caiifofn la Elizabeth Grace, Spec. Ed. , B lancha rd Gwinartic Graham , Pre-Dentistry, Sh revepo rt Arthur Granl, Mg/., Wi nnsboro Ladonna Graves, Home Ec ., W. Monroe Carolyn Gray, Home Ee., Ferrid ay Dons Gray, Nursing, Monroe Kirk G ree n. Man agement, Monroe Melba Green, Gen . Bus., Baslrop Sondra Green, Psychology, Winnsbo ro Vicki Green, Art, Marion Charles Green lee , Pre-Pharmacy, El Dorado, Ark. Kay Greer, Hom Ee., Sh reveport Pamela Greer, Office Adm., Shrevepo rt Lorrai ne Gregg , Business, Sterli ngton Rosetta Gregorio, Library Sci., Vivian Gerard Griffin . Com . Sci., Sh reveport Ki t Griffin , Nursing, W. Monroe Gall Gflmes , Mathematics, Pine Bl uff S tephen Gro ss, H.&P.E., New Orleans

Patr icia Grover, Accountin g, Pinevill e Haro ld Grove s, Scien ce, Waco, Texas Darek Guichard. Pre -Pharmacy, New Orl eans li nda Guillory . Ollice Adm. , Bossie r City Will is Gu illory, Pharmacy, La faye tte Shephanie Bu ill ote, Pre -Pharmacy, Harriso nb urg Brian Guthrie. Pre-Denlisf ry, Fort Laud erdale, Fl a. Rit a Gu th rie , Home Ee. , Monroe Margaret Had dox, Home Ec, Mon roe Ca ro l Hage dorn, Office Adm ., Shreveport David Haiko, Law Enforcement, Bayo u Ch ico t Clay Hales, Soc. Stu., Darne ll Arch ie Haley, En glish, Monroe Ateta Hall. Soc. Welfare, Bastrop Bla nche Hall, Soc. We lfare, We sl Mon roe Earnest lne Hall , Oflice Adm .. Monroe Jea n Hall, Educalion , Monroe Bruce Ha mmons, Ed ucation, Pol lock Mary Hampton. Education, Jonesboro

Kim Hann, Biology, Lake Cha rles

Clara Harden , Music, Bastrop

Lynn Hardy, Ele . Ed ., Shreveport

Angelyn Harg iss , Art, Du mas, Ark.

Kath leen Harkins, Ele. Ed. , Man sfield


Cyn thia Harmo n, Pre-Pha rm acy. Medford, Oregon Davis Harp er, Pre-Dentistry. Crossett. Ark . Beve rl y Harris. H.&P.E. , Mo nroe Don ald Harris. Management, Boutte Do nna Harris , Office Adm., Shreveport Jam es Hauls , Law Enforcement, Monroe

Wi lli e Harris, Pre-Eng. , Gilbert Thomas Hamson, Soc. Stu., Atlanta, Ga. Sh aron Hart, Nursing, Winnsbo ro Te rry Harts, Med. Te ch., Ferriday William Harwell, Gen. Bus., Shreveport Sherry Hattaway. Office Adm., Alexandria

Patricia Hawkins, Soc. Welfa re, Bastrop Dori s Hawt horne, Ps ychology, Deca tur. Ala" Debra Hayes, Nursing. Eff ie Gayle Hay nes, Anima l Sci., W. Monroe Kathl ee n Hay nes, English, W. Monroe linda Haynes. Art, Monroe Debra Hays. Office Adm., Haynesvill e Terry Hays, HIstory, Sh reveport Ka ren Haywa rd, Gen. Stu. , Monroe Claire Hazlitt, His/ory, Delhi Hillary Heard. Speech, We st Monroe David Helme r, Pre -Law, Minden

Elton Henderson, Soc. Welfare, Sli dell Lionell Henderson, Bldg. Can .. Ferriday Marjorie Hen derson, Pre-Pharmacy, Cantonment, Fla. Sophie Henderson, Nursing, Delhi Debbie Hen son , Office Adm., Monroe Teresa Herlevic, Office Adm., Monroe Denise Hernand ez , H.&P.E. , Ba ton Rouge Howard Herring, Malh ematics, Vidalia Jeanine Herring, Office Adm., Alexandria Jim Herrin gton, Ed., Lake Providence Judy Hes ler, Olfice Adm., Jigger Kathlee n Hlce, Nursing, Alexand ria James Hickman, H.&P.E., Haynesv ille Charlolle Hicks, Home Ec. , Farmerville Susan Hiers, English, Shreveport Brad Higginbotham, Gov., Monroe Frederick Hightower, Accounting, Chatha m Annette Hilbu rn , Occupational Therapy. Shrevepor t

Howard Hilker, Data Processing, Slidell Debbie Hines, Lib. Sci., Alexand ria Katherine Hinton, Computer Sci., Su lphur Trudy Hinton , Management, W. Monroe Barbara Hixon, Ac countin g, Monroe Richa rd Hixon, Pre¡Med., Bastrop

Ed Hodges, Soc. Stu., Monroe Pauline Hod nel t, Ele. Ed., West Monroe Susan Hoffpauir, Radio & TV Mgt.. La ke Charles Linda Holbrook, Music, Vivian Pauline Holbrook, Nursing, VivIa n John Holcomb, Journalism , Shreveport

Mary Holliday, Psycholo gy, Pin eVille Clay Hollingsworth, Mgt., W. Monroe Laura Hollis, Ele. Ed., Monroe SLeven Hollowaye, Com. Sci., Am ite Robin Holstead, Com. Sci., Amite Patrick Holt, Pre-Med. , Hammond

Barbara Jean Hooker, Pre-Pharmacy,

New Orleans

Edward Hopple, Accounting,

New Brighlon, Penn.

Debra Hornsby, Office Adm ., Bastrop

Dorothy HOIard , Library Science,

Picayu ne, Miss.

Kay Howard, Business, Monroe

Mary Howard. Lib. Sci .• Shreve port

Cynthia Howell , Gen. Bus., Conro e, Tex.

Sheri Hudgins, Art, West Monroe

Judy Hudnall, Med. Tech ., Monro e

~Iich ael Huffly, Law Enfor cemen t.

Bossier Waller Hughart, Pre-Pharmacy, TullOS Garol Hughes, Liberal ATls, Pinevi lle ~ernon

Hughes, Dala Processing, Sterlington Joseph Humble, Pre-Med., Monroe :;harles Humphries, H.&P.E. , Alexan dria ~ydia Humphries, Art, Monroe ~he rrie Humph ries, Olfice Adm. , Monroe I izabelh Hut chison, Geology, New Orleans

Brenda Hulson, Soc. Stu., Monroe Cecil Hulto, Pre-Pharmacy, Sh reveport James Irby, Med. Tech., Oak Grove Ray Ivory, Government, Man gham Barbara Jackso n, Psychology, Monroe Ledwe nia Jackson, Nursing, Monroe

Karen Jackson, Educa tion, West Monroe Mary Jackson, Ollice Adm., Rayville Palricia JaCkso n, Home Ec., Monroe Rhonda Ja cob, Education , Bastrop Ruby James, Accounting, Monroe Lila JeUerson, English, Monroe

Eliz abeth Jenesse, Medical Technology, Bossier City Jefferey Jenkins, Aft, Sterlington Mark Jenkins, Pre- Law, Monroe Nona Jenkins, Phy. Therapy, Devi lle Paula Jenkins, Soc. Welfare, Ferriday Miriam Johanson, Spec. Ed., Oak Grove Debra Johns, Of/ice Adm., Winnfield Ca rr Johnson. Pre -Med., Shreveport Sue Joh nson. Ele. Ed. , Monroe Gwendolyn Johnson, Business, Bastrop John Joh nson, Science, Shrevepo rt Judith Johnso n, Gen. Stu., Vicksbu rg, Mississ ippi Judy Johnso n, Computer SCi., Oakdale Lavonne Johnson, Sociology, Monroe Martha Johnson , Office Adm., Delhi Rebecca Johnson, BUSiness, Monroe Ronald Johns on, Journalism , Chalmette Ronn ie Johnston , Liberal Arts, Chal mette

Donald JOhnston , Aviation, Monroe Gary Joh nston, Law Enforcement, Winnsboro Jamie Johnston, Business, Vidalia Rhonda Johnston, Ele. Ed., Mangham W!lIiam Johns to n, PUle & Applied Sci., Monroe Gandy Jon es, Government, Epps Cathe rine Jones, Business, Alexandria Constance Jones, Art, Bastrop David Jones, Marketing, Alexandria Defen da Jones, Speech, Lake Charles Ginger Jones, Educa tion, Monroe Jacatyn Jone s, Ele. Ed., Basirop


James Jones, Pre -Med., Haughton Janice Jon es, MuSiC, Alexandria Lawrence Jones, Journalism, Monroe Nancy Jones, Accoun ting, Rayville Richard Jon es, Pre-Med ., Benton Susan Jones, Med. Tech., Monroe

Terry Jones. PIe-Law, Winnsboro John Jordan , Pre-Law, Rayville Marlin Jordan, Agriculture, Mangham Patricia Jordan, Nursing, New Roads Randy Jordan, Pre-Veterinary Med., Natch ez, Missi ss ippi Ben Jowers, Pre-Ph almacy, CoushaHa

Margaret Ju e, Med. Tech ., Shreveport Jeune Keller, Soc. Stu., Monroe linda Kelty, Ollice Adm., Boss ier City Jackie Ke nnedy, Ele. Ed. , Spencer Judy Kennedy, Ol/ice Adm., Spencer Sharon Kennedy, Ele. Ed., Monroe

Kathy Kil liam, Soc. We lfare, Winnsboro James Kimball, Math, LafayeHe Casey King. Pre- Law, Delhi Julia King, Soc. Welfare, Holly Ridge John Kingrey, Bldg. Con., Kinder Will iam Kinnaird, Pre-Medicine, Monroe


Henry Kirkham , Mgt., West Monroe Rodney Ki rkham, Pre -Mad., Bossier City Susan Ki rkland, Education, Bos sier City James Kirlland, Pre -Law, Pollock Mary Lynn Kiler. Nursing, Monro e Denis e Knight, Data Processing, Monroe Darice Kader, Nursing , Slidell Charles Koth mann, Biology, New Orleans Michae l Kullman, Pre-Pharmacy, Morgan City James Kyzar, Agricullure, Tallulah Ronald La bo rde, Bldg. Con ., Bunkie Doris Ladart, Soc. We(/a re, Monroe William La dar t, Law Enforcement, Monroe Jacqueline LaFleur, Ele. Ed., Bunkie Stanley LaGr ange, Education, Mandeville Stella Lam, Med. Tech., Hong Kong Dianne Lanclos, Ele. Ed., Opelousas Teri Langford, Ele. Ed. , Sh reveport Denise Lan glois, Pharmacy, Balon Roug e Suzelle Lanti er, Pre -Pharmacy, Lafayelte Donna Latti er, Office Adm., Bossie r City Arthur La vergne, Pre-Law, Lake Charles Susan Lavo, Speech, Boss ie r Cily Dana Lawrence, Occupational Therapy, Shrevepor t

James Jones, Pre-Med., Haughton Janice Jones, Music, Alexa ndria Lawrence Jon es , Journalism. Monroe Nancy Jon es, Accounting, Rayville Richard Jones, Pre-Med., Benton Susan Jones, Med. Te ch., Monroe

Terry Jo nes. Pre-Law, Winnsboro John Jordan, Pre- Law, Rayville Marlin Jordan, Agriculture, Mangham Pat ric ia Jordan, Nursing, New Roads Randy Jordan, Pre-Veterinary Med., Natchez, Mi ssissipp i Ben Jowers. Pre路Pha rmacy, Coushatta

Margaret Jue, Med. Tech., Shreve port Jeune Keller, Soc. Stu., Monroe Linda Kelly, Ollice Adm., Bossier City Jackie Kennedy, Ele. Ed . Spen cer Judy Ken nedy, Office Adm., Spence r Sharon Ken nedy, Ele. Ed., Monroe

Ka thy Killia m, Soc. WeI/a rB, Winnsboro James Kimball, Math, Lafaye tt e casey King, Pre -Law, Del hi Julia Kmg, Soc. We lfare, Holly Ridge John Kingrey, Bldg. Can., Kind er William Kinnaird , Pre-Medicine, Monroe


Henry Kirkham, Mgt, West Monroe

Rodney Kirk ham, Pre- Mad. , Bossie r City

Susan Kirk land, Education, Bossie r City

James Ki rtland , Pre- Law, Pollock

Mary Lynn Kiter, Nursing. Monroe

Denise Kn ight, Dala Processin g, Monroe

Darice Kader, Nursing, Slid ell

Charles Kothmann , Biology. New Orl eans

Michae l Kullma n, Pre 路Pharmacy,

Morgan City

James Kyzar, Agricullure, Tall ulah

Ronald Laborde, Bldg. Can., Bunkie

Doris Ladart, Soc. Welfare, Monroe

William Ladart, Law Enforcement,


Jacqueline LaFleur, Ele. Ed. , Bunkie

Stan ley LaG range: Education, Mandeville

Stella Lam, Med. Tech ., Hong Kong

Dianne Lanclos, Ele . Ed. , Opetousas

Te ri La ngford , Ele. Ed., Shreveport


Denise Lang lois, Pharmacy, Baton Rouge

Su zette Lan lier. Pre-Pharmacy, Lafayette

Donna Lall ier, Office Adm., Boss ier City

Arthu r l avergn e, Pte 路Law, Lake Charles

Susan Lava, Speech, Bossier City

Dan a Lawrence, Occupalional Therapy, Shrevepo rt


Deborah Lawrence, Phy. Therapy, New Orl ea ns Donna Lawrence, Nursing, Shrevep ort Ronald Lawrence, Gen. Bus., Vivi an James Lea, Corrections, Angol a Dan LeBlanc, Pre-Ph armacy, New Iberia Kathy LeBrun, Home Ec. , West Monro e Ralph Lecoq, Pre-Pharm acy, Eunice Jan Ledingham, Office Adm., Baton Roug e Clote el Lee, Soc. Welfare, Monroe Ernes t Lee, Soc. Stu., Bastrop Eugenia Le e, Data Processing, Shrevepo rt Mary Ann Lee, Ele. Ed., Je na Richard Le e, Biology, Monroe Den nis Leehy, Pre-Med., Wes t Monroe Peggy Le igh, Soc. Stu., Monroe Cyn thia Lemoi ne, Pre-Pharmacy, Monroe Gregory Lemo ine, Law En/arceme nt, Natch itoches Ca rolyn l ewis, Soc. Welfa re, ColumbI a

Ca thy l ewis, English, Monroe

Gwendolyn l ewis, Occupational Therapy,

Farmerville John l ewis, PhySiCS, Bastro p Wedna l ewis, Special Ed., Enterprise Sherrand liahlen, Med. Tech. , Winn sboro Randall lillich, Pre-Med., Shreveport Palrlcla l illy, Art, Minden Robert l illy, Journalism, Winnsboro l au ra lind Ie, Ele. Ed., Monroe Virginia Undow, Nursing, Monroe Karen lingo, Med. Tech ., Oak Grove Paulet1e li ttle , Accounfing, Shreveport

Robert l ittl e, Pre- La w, Marion Vaun Lil tl e, Ins/ . Music, Monroe Nancy Lobaugh. H.&PE , Alexandria Sh ery l Lockwo od. Office Adm., BaSlrop Slelia Lockwood , Ele. Ed., Shreveport Michael Lofton , Accounting, W. Monroe

Jam es Lohman, Pre-Law, Delhi Susan na Lok, Office Adm., Hong Kong Karen Lovell. Ubera! Arts, Lake Charles Randy Lovell, Data Processing, La ke Provid ence Terrie Low e, Art, Monroe David Lowrey, Bfdg. Con., Monroe Toine lte Loyd , English, Lake Providence Reginald Lu cas , Pre- Medicine, Crossett, Arkansas Danila Lummu s, Education, Hosston Kurt Lynch, Computer Sci., New Orleans Charles Lyons, Law Enforcement, Alexand ria linda Lyons , H.&P.E., Alexand ri a Barbara Mack, Med. Tec h., Houma Eddie Lyons, Gen. Bus., Shreveport Slone Mack, Gen. Bus., Jennin gs Mary Mackey, Education, EI Dorado, Ark. Doug Madden, History, Shrevepo rt l on Magouirk, Radio & TV Mgl. , West Mory roe


Susan Malson, Pre -Law, Bastrop John Malvido, Physics, Monroe Carm en Manning, Pre -Pharmacy, Crossett, Arkansas Charles Mardis, Accounting, Natch ez, Miss. Mary Manonneaux, Accounting, Lake Charles Kathryn Marks, Dala Processing, Crossen. Arka nsas Mary Marsala. Educalion, Monroe Charles Martin, Sociology, W. Monroe Gregory Martin , Art, Delhi Pamela Martin, Olfice Adm., W. Monroe She lia Marti n, Lib. Sci., Ba strop Sylvia Manin, Libera! Arts, Leco mpt e Ronald Martin ez, Bldg. Can., New Iberia Massey Lorethie. Office Adm ., Collinston Christine Matthews. Speech, Lake Providence Susie May, Data Processing, W. Monroe Rebecca McBeth, H.&P.E. , W. Monroe David McCa in, Journalism, Zwolle Franzell McC lendon, Pre-Law, Bastrop lauri McCloskey, Foreign Languages, DetrOi t, Michigan Judith McConnell, Nursing, Downsvi ll e Randolph McCo rmick, Gen. Bus., Opelousas Dorothy McCoy, Sociology, Sh reveporl Kathlee n McCoy, Nursing, Jena


Pame la McCulloch . Soc., Welfa re, Balo n Rouse Andre McDade, Pre-Dentistry, Oak Grove See ly McDaniel, Ete Ed. , Oklahoma City, Okla homa Juanita McDonald, Ele. Ed., RaYVille Rodger McDona ld, Pre-Eng., Vidal ia Kathleen McDonou gh, Ed., Monroe SCOIl McDowell. Science, Ba lon Rouge Vick i McEachern , Pre-Ver. Med., Vivian Kare n McGal1a, Soc. Stu., Monroe Rene McGee, Mathematics. Jena Glenda Mclnlyre. Ele. Ed_, Goodwill Majori e McKaskle, Med. Tech ., Shrevepor t John McKenzie, Pre -Pharma cy, Mt. Vernon, HI. Robe rt McLea n, Pre-Denlistry, Natchez, Miss. Margaret McLemore. NurSing, Winnsbo ro Beverly Mc Mahan, Journalism, Monroe James McMan, Psychology, Minden Ronn ie MCManus, Gen. Bus.. Baker David McMillan, Mathematics, Mon roe El Sie MCMillan , Gen. Bus ., W. Monroe Karen McNeal. Med. Tech. , Pineville Sus ie McNeely. Education, Slidell Olyce McVay, NurSing, Jena John Meier, Pre-Law, Bossier

Mary Meeks, Nursing, EI Dorad o, Ark. Vena Mellon, Office Adm., Mer Roug e Cec ila Melvi lle, Soc. Stu .. Bossie r City Thoma s Mendel, History, Chicago, III. Carey Messina. Pre- Law. Monroe Murphy Meye rs, Bl dg . Co n., New Ib eria Vic lor Michon, Pre- Pharmacy, Arabi Ronald Middleton. H.&P.E., Rayville Linda Miles, H.&P.E. , Monroe Beth Miller. Art, Crossett, Ark. Gladys Mille r. Pre-Pharmacy, Lake Cha rles Mikey Miller. Bldg. Con., Marion

Mary Milchell, Ele. Ed. , Monroe

Rose Mitchell, Occupalional Th erapy,

Hous\o n. Texas Mi chae l Mlad en ka , H.&P.E. , Bossier Sh irley Mock, Oflice Adm., Monroe Karen Moh r, Ele. Ed., New Orleans Beve rly ly1oore, ÂŁIe. Ed., Rayville David Moore, Accounting, Monroe Janice Moore , Office Adm. , Monroe Detis Morace, Aviation, Monlerey Tony Moreno, Music, Shreveport Barry Morgan, Chemistry, Iowa Donna Morga n, Speech, Wi sner Ka re n Morgan. Home Ee., Demopolis, Ala. Pau la Morgan , Education, Monroe Marily n Morrell, Gen. Bus., Mon roe Don na Morris. Nursing, Farmerville Gail Morris, Art, Jena Brenda Moses, Soc. Welfare, Newellton

Edward Mouser. Gov., Mon roe Mary Munn . Olfice Adm., Haughton PaUi Munne rlyn, Education, Vivia n Deborah Muse, Home Ec., Monroe Randall Muse, AViation, Sh reve pori Alice Mya tt, Com. Sci., West Monroe

Margo Mye rs, Home Ec., Balon Rouge Sharon Nabours, Gen. Stu., Sulphur Carmen Nahlen, Med. Tech., Littl e Rock, Arkansas Lou Nale. Med. Tech., Farmerville Warren Nail, Gen . Bus., Bastrop Arlette Napastwik, H.&P.E" Bast rop


Melba Nappier, Math, Delhi J nda Neal, Business, Urania \4arilyn Neely, Music, West Monroe Judy Nell, Soc. S'u.. Slidell 3illy Netherl and , Law En lorcement, Monroe :::l1 el)'l Newm an Chemis try, Winnsboro Oe lois Newman, Office Adm., Tallula h i:herie Nielsen. Nursing, Winnsboro ~ue Ann Nolan, Pre-Pharmacy, Mer Rouge 3ary Norman , Pre- Med., EI Do rado DoriS Norri s, Home Ec., Jones Marion Nug ent, H.& P.E., PineVille Janet Och s. Phy. Therapy, West Monro e :::onslance O'Conno r, Gov., Balon Rouge Tommy Odo m, Radio & TV Mg/., West Monro e )o(i ta Ohlenforst. Home Ec., Rayne 3elinda Oliver, Voice, Sic ily Island :::arla Olson, Liberal Arls, W. Monroe ) iana Olson, Math, Sh reve port 5harolyn Ort iS, Soc. Welfare. W. Monroe joh n Otwe ll, Bldg. Con., Winnsboro ~r l hu"( Oubre, Law Enforcement, Bunkie vlari lyn Owe ns. Soc. SlU., Oak Grove )ebb le Pace, Pre 路 Pharmacy, Monroe


James Pace, Gen. Bus. , Monroe Debra Pahal, Accoun ting, Monro e Gary Paris, Biology. Viv ian Bill y Parker, Biology. Monroe Cynthia Parker. Pre- Law, Pin e Bluff, Ark. Phylli S Parker, Malh , Monro e Diane Pascha ll . Education, Mon roe Rebecca Patri ck, Ele . Education, Memph iS. Ten n. Lee Pallerson . Pre - Law, West Monroe Setlye Paul, Phy. Therapy, Oeville Dorothy Paul. Home Ec , Jena Teresa Pau l, Office Adm., Acme Joyce PaUl, Office Adm., Monterey Janet Paxto n, Law Enforcement, Ba ton Rouge Gwendolyn Payne, Pre -Pharmacy, Winnsbo ro Pa ralea Payne. Dala Processing, Bonita Susan Payne, Ele. Ed., Oak Grove Nancy PeaCOC k, Med. Tech ., W. Monroe Wil bu r Pea rl. Pre-Vel . Med., Alexandria Lyn n Pec k, Nursing, Man dev ille William Peeples, Pharmacy, Bas trop Mary Penot, Pre -Pharmacy, New Orl eans Dianne Perkins. Math, Moorin gsport Laura Perron, Hom e Ec., New Orlea ns

Ali ce Peters, Business, Newelllon Son ia Peters, Pre -Law, Monroe Cu rt is Ph illips , Accounting, W. MONoe John Piazza , Pre路 Pharmacy, Vicksb urg, Mississippi Vi rg inia Pittard, Office Adm., Monroe David Plain, Pre-Med. , Rayvil le Joy Pl ants , H.&P.E., Shreveport Ja mes Pollard, Mgt, Springfi eld Pri SC illa Poon, Med. Tech. , Hon g Kong Greg ory Poret Radiology, Cotton port Carol Porter, Gen. Parler, Shreveport Li nd a Porte r, Office Adm. , Rayville Trud i Porlie, Psychology, Sulphur Debra Powe ll, Soc. Welfare, Monroe Joyce Prather, Accounting, Shreve porl Nom s Price, Da ta Processing , Monroe Mike Pr ice, Mgt., Jonesville Roger Price , Liberal Arls , Bossier Kindred Pries!. Pre-Med., Bastrop Patt i Prince. Lib. Sci., Clayton Cary Pritchard, Law En/arcem ent, Jena Michael Prilchell. Law Enforcemen t, Bas trop Charlene Proc lor, Psychology, New Orleans Harry Prophit , Pre - Med., West Monroe


Mary Pruitt , Nursing , Monroe Pat nc e Pru itt, 拢/e . Ed. , Monroe Glynn Putnam , Occupational Therapy, Monroe Keith Quebedeaux, Pre -Pharmacy, Opelousas Wiley Raborn , Music, Baton Rouge Robert Ragland, Biology, Alto

Albert Rahm, Pre-Law, Bossier City Sand ra Ra ines, Omce Adm., Shreveport Becky Ramsey, Gen. Bus. , Monroe Wil liam Randall , Pre-Vel. Med. , West Monroe Jacqueli ne Rash, Soc. Welfare, Bossier City Mary RatCl iff, Med. Te ch., Gilbert Paula Ra tClif f, Special Education , Bossier City Faye RaU liff, Soc. Wei., New Orleans Danial Rausc hkolb, Bldg. Can. , Harvey Willi am Ra usc hkolb, Bldg. Can., Harvey ViCkie Raybo rn , Bus., Wisner Cathy Rayford, Ed. , Bossier City DaVid Rayle, Gen . Bus., West Monroe Glynn Raymond , Pre -Pharmacy, Cut Off Susan Reeder, Speech, Haynesville Becky Reeves, Math, Monterey Sharro n Reeves, Education, Deville Rebecca Remont, Soc. Welfare, Alexandria


Glenda Reppond, Business, Marion Rhon da Riche. Med. Tech., Alexandna Cheryl Richmond, Home Ec. , Shreveport Will iam Ricketts, Bldg. Con. , Shreveport Caro lyn Riley, Speech, Vidali a Th elma Rivers, Business, Marion Gordon Roach, Music, Wisner Julia Roark, EducalJon, Jena Barbara Roberds, Office Adm., Metairie Marth a Roberson, Speech, Tallulah Carolyn Robe rts, Olfice Adm., W. Monroe Rebecca Robertson, f ie. Ed., Bonita

Greg ory Robi c haux, Pre-Pharmacy, Racela nd Beverly Robison , Home Ec., Jonesboro Delor is Robinson, Soc. Welfare, Newemo n Delores Rodgers, Music, Monroe Dan Rog ers, Law Enforce ment, Mansfield Virg inia Roos. Journalism, Shreve port

An it a Roper, Biology, Monroe Deborah Rosedale, Liberal Arts, Monroe Roy Rosen thal, Sociology, Alexand ria Amy Rossi, Ps ychology, Li ttle Rock, Ark. Oavid Roth sch il d, Computer Science, Su lphur Pa ul Rothwell, Pre -Med., Lu ling

lloyd Rougeau, Journalism, Oakdale Susan Rugg , Of/ice Adm., Monroe Pamela Rumfola, Biology, Baton Rouge Donn a Rush ing , English, Winnsboro Palri cia Ryan, Ele. Ed., Monroe J ane Ry land, Ele. Ed., Pineville

William Salinas, Pre-Med., Monroe Sherry Sandidge, Music, Clarksdale , Mi SS iss ippI Lucy Sapp, H&PE, Sta rt Doug Sauc ier, Pre-Med. , Alexand ria Jana Scha ll er, Pre-Med., Shreveport Pa W Sc heen, Spec. Ed., Shreve port

Everette Sch iele. Computer SCience. Alexand ria Russe ll Scholl. Pre-Med , Slidell Charles Scho lz, Law Enforcement, Sh revepo rt Sta rr Scofield. Speech. New Orleans Leon Sco tt. Education. Rayville LewIs Scon, Pre-Med. , West Monroe

Gail Scrog gi ns, Soc. Welfare, Boss ier City John Scruggs, So c. Slu., Ferriday Carolyn Seay. Nu rsing . Ba sHop Susan Seege rs, Home Ec., Neweillon Deborah Semmes, Arl, Mind en SLeven Sewell, Dara Processing, Vidalia Deborah Shaw, Business, Ba strop Debra Sheppard, Med. Tech., Monro e Ellen Sherman, Phy. Th erapy, Monro e Judith Sherman. Law Enforcement, Monroe Randall Shields, Dala Processing, West Monroe T. J. Shuflin, Chemistry, Alexandria


Stepllen Silu rr , Gen . Bus., little Rock, Arkan sas Rober t Simp so n, Music, Oak Grove Mary Je ss Sim s, Ele. Ed., Ba stro p Condy Sipes , Med. Tech., Monroe Do nna Slacu m, Home Ee. , Natchi toches ' ret ha Slater , Dala Pro cessing, Bastrop Emily Slau ghter, Office Adm. , Shreve por t Sharon Sla ughter, Den tal Hyg iene , Bastrop Clinton Smart. Pre- Pharma cy, Mangham Betty Sm it h, Math, Monroe De borah Smith, Gen. Stu. , Min den Debra Smith, Office Adm ., West Monroe Gl adys Sm ith , OUice Adm ., Tallul ah Greg ory Smith, Art, Sh reveport James Smith, Pre- Pharm acy, Baton Ro uge Karen Smith, Ele. Ed., Natchez, MI ss. Kat hl een Smllh, Home Ec. , Sc ot ch Pl ains, Ne w Jersey Ke nn eth Smith, Accounting, Slid ell

Virgini a Smith, Soc . Welfare, Bas trop Wilm a Smit h, Psychology, Monr oe Jan ice Snyder , Ele. Ed., Sh reveport Mich ae l South all. Pre 路 Pharmacy, Delhi De bra Spann, Accounting, Bastrop Francis Spann, Pre -Med., Wisner

Jimmie Spears, Pre-Eng. , Monroe PatriCia Spen cer, Med. Tech" Tallulah Th omas Spencer , History, Monroe Joan Spikes, Nursing, Shreveport Em ma Spill ma n, Business, Monroe Julius Spruell, Fman ce. Monroe

Ronald Spr uil l. Accounting, EI Dorado, Arkansas Sleven Spurlock, Psychology, Minden Rene SI. Julien, H.&P.E" Newel lton Ronni e Slacey , Pre -Pharmacy. Bunkie Jam es Starr, Bldg. Can. , Monroe Joyce Staten, Music, Rayvi lle

Barbara Stephenson, Socio log y, Bastrop Marilyn Ste rkx, Ele. Ed. , Alexan dria Nita Stevens, Ollice Adm ., Crowville Henry Steward, Accounting, Delhi Claude Stewart, Education, Pioneer Janice Stewart, E/e. Ed. , Monroe

Pa me la Stewart , Ollice Adm ., W. Monroe Boyce Slon e, Management, Jonesville James Stra lton, Com puter Sci. , Minden Wa nda Strickland. Pre- Law, Amite Jerry Strong, Soc. Welfare, Tallulah Bec ky Siroud, Soc. Welfare, W. Monro e

Ka theryn Sumner, Olfice Adm., Delhi Kwok Yin Sun g, Pha rmacy, Hong Kong Rebecca Swarner, Psychology, Gree nville, Mi ss. Marshall Swenson, Bldg. Can., Haughton Pamela Swillie, Art, Wi sner Diane Sylvester, Marketing, W, Monroe


Ruth Syplak, Pre -Pharmacy, Bryan, Tex. Bren nan Talley, Pre - Pharmacy, Sprmghill Medina Talley, Office Adm ., Vid alia De nise Tass in, Office Adm., Alexand ria Ca thy Taylor, Spec. Ed., Balon Rouge James Taylor, Pre -Pharmacy, Balon Rouge SheHa Telano, Home Ec., Starl Sa mm ie Thi gpen, English, Oakdale Barbar a Th omas, Ele. Ed. , West Monroe Tracy Tho mas, Pre-Pharmacy, Sp ringhill Carl Th omaso n, Gen. Bus., Sh reveport Gail Thompson. Ele. Ed., Win nsboro

liz Thompson, Med. TeC h. , West Monroe Margie Thompson. Omee Adm ., Winnfi eld Oscar Thompso n, Pre -Med ., JoneSVille Jerry Thornhill, Law Enlorcement, Monroe Belinda Tho rpe. Nursing, Spea rsville Val erie Thousand, H. &P.E., Rayne Sh irley Ti mm ons, Music , Metairi e David Tinsley, Biology, Spearsville Loraine Tom linson. H.&P.E. , Shreveport Alice Tooke, Ele. Ed .. Monroe James Touch ton. La'll Enlorcement, Alexand ria


Betty Townsend, Soc. Welfare , Shreveport Karen Trahan. Pre -Pharmacy, lafaye tte Terrance Trahan, Art, Su lphur Lou is Trich e\, Mgl. , West Monroe Ro sema ry Tripi, Home Ec .. Kenner De borah Tripp, H.& P.E., Spri nghill

Sleven Tsao . Pre- Pharmac y, Hong Kong Ba rry Tucker. Pre- Med. , Farmerv ill e Lil lie Tucker. Dala Processing. Vidalia Te rry Tucker. Med. TeCh .. Farmerville Robert Tu ll os. Pre-Pharmacy, Pineville Debbie Turner, Olfice Adm., Winnfield

Debra Tu rner, Business, Haughton Glor ia Turner. Home.Ec ., Ba strop Michae l Turner, Pre-Med ., Monroe Teresa Turner , Olfice Ad m. , Monroe William Turner, Mgt., Shrevepo rt Da na Tweedy , Med . Tech. . Minden

Barbara Tyler, Gov., Baslrop Mary Tyler, O/lice Adm., Mon roe Jerry Tyso n, Ar l, Rayville Pa me la Ulmer. Soc. Wellare. LeCompte Faye Underwood, Educalion, W. Monroe Yvonn e Underwood, Gen. Bus., Cu llen

Ell en Upton, Ele . Ed., Minden Marilyn Upton, Office Adm., Mon roe Susan Vallery, Hom e Ee., Monroe Audie Vanzandt. Law Enfo rcem ent, Shreveport Debb ie Var ilad o, Bus. Ed., Sh reveport Stephen Vene tis, Pre- Phalmacy, Franklin Darce lle Vermillio n, Psychology, Pin eville Karl Vogl. Pre-Pharmacy, Ve nice , Fla. Laura Wade. Soc. Stu. , West Monroe Cynthia Waites, Home Ee., Haughton Patricia Waits. Art, Jena Bre nda Wal ker, Nursing, Dub ach Dana Wa lke r. Journalism, Sh revepo rt Judy Walker, Sp eech, Shreveport Katherine Wa lker, Psycho logy, Gilbert Marth a Walker, Speech. Sh reveport Re nae Wa lker, So ciology, Jena Lynn Wall, Spec. Ed., Tallulah Rich ard Wallace, Ple -Med., Shreveport Benl se WaUey, Ele. Ed. , Wi nnsboro Anna Wa lton. Home Ec., Alexa ndria Bert ha Ware , Pre-Law, Monroe Frank Warren. Radio & TV Mgt., Calhoun Leig hton Warren, Gen. Bus., Shreve port


Jaquelin e Washinglon, Of/ice Adm. , Monro e Sue Waso . Accouniing, West Monroe Alana Watson , E/e. Ed., Slidell Glo ria Wa tson. Home Ee., Rayv ille Pa tty Watson. Library Sci., Delhi Sandr a Watts, Accounting, Neweilion Elsie Weat hersby, Music, Monroe Sa mmie Webb , Ele. Ed. , Jonesville Susan Welch , Pharmacy, Balon Rouge Ben Westbrook, Radio & TV Mgt , West Monroe Deborah Whatley, Office Adm., Bato n Rouge

David Whitlock, Law En/orcement, Monroe Billy WhiU en, Bldg. Con. , Shreveport Teresa Whitworth, Business, Clarksdale, MisS issippi Jill Wibben, Music, Shreveport James Widiger, Music, Baton Rouge


Stephen Wilkinson, Computer Science, Shreve port Betsy Williams, Pre-Med., Blanchard David Williams, Phy. Therapy, Benton Franklin Williams, Soc. Welfare, Alexandria Janet Williams, Education, New Iberia Joey WillI ams, Marketing, Shreveport Joyce Williams , Speech, Monroe Katie Williams, Soc. WeI/are, Monroe Mary Williams, Ele . Ed., Win nsboro Nelda Willi ams, Nursing, Grayson Walter Williams, Education, Crossett, Arkansas Gloria Williamson, Home Ee., West Monroe

Kerr i Williamson, Art, Deihl Jesse Williams , Soc. Welfare, Monroe Cheryl Wil li S. Ele . Ed. , Monro e Len Will is, Pre -Meei. , Bossier City Lynde\ Willis, Law Enforcement, Monroe Bobby Wilson, Pre路 Law, Tro ut

Karen Wilson , Law Enforcement, West Monroe linda Wil son. Ele. Ed., Sh reveport Tom Wi lso n, History, Extension Tywa na Wilson, Nursing, Urania James Womack, Ps ychology, Crowville

Terri Wo mack, Phy. Therapy, Bossier City Mary Womble , E/e. Ed., Winn sboro Vickie WOOd, Speech, Hamburg, Ark. Pand ora Wood ard, Nursing, BOSSie r City Michael Woods, Oata Processing, Winnsboro Randy Woods, Pharmacy, Gueydan

Richard Woodward, Music, Winnsboro William Woodward, Pre-Pharmacy, Alexandria Robert Woo ldridg e, Educalion, For t Necessity Creon Worley , Liberal Arls, Shreveport Joe Wray, Law Enlorcement, Winnsboro Barbara Wright, English, Monroe Carol Wrigllt, Ar{, Crowv ille Suzan Wyan , Home Ec., Jonesboro Do uglas You ng. Agri., Shreveport Donna Yo unts, Soc. Well are, Monro e Anthony Ziobrowski, Nursin g, Shreveport Nan cy Zund el, Ollice Adm ., t\lexandria



Accardo, Sidney. 370

Adami, Dennis, 356

Adom., K~~hleen, 370

Adams, M(!rlha, 356

Adcock, Charlie, 334

Adcock, D~nlla, 30~, 370

Adcox, 5tevell, 131




Ao'kins, PegQY, 3J~

Ac'kins, R"ich(lfd, 298

A<;Jent, Carolyn, 356

Ac;;in, Fotric!il, 84, 278, 346


Agn~w. D~Vld,


Ma'ilyn, 280, 283,

321, 3~o.

M:inl, Mdzie, 334

Alberts, Pal"7leld, 334

AlbrittOIl, Dora, 370

AlbrJtton, M,cnoel, 131

Albritton, Rono'y, 346

Albritton, Rqinald, 285, 370

Albus, KMnleen 370

Alexar.Jer, Donn<'l. 370

Alford, Dennis, 370

Alford, Vivian, 334

AlforD, W,III~m, 370

All" II. Lilo, 370

Allb"illon, Nelda, 346

Allen, Dwight, 356

Allen, EdwiHd, 328

Allen, Linde:! Svc, 256, 334

AI,'en, Morthll, 356

Allen, Polriciil, 370

Allen, helton, 346

Allen, Wilma. 356

Amaoen. Joe. 3~6

Am~~e. Gerald. 3~6

Amedee. Barry. 10~

Ander,. Beverly. 370

Ander" Freda. 3~6

Anderson. MM\h~. 27B. 356

Anderson. MMy. 3~6

Anderson. Ronald, 302, 3~6

Andre,s, William, 370

Andrews, Ronn,e, 265

Andrews, SMa~ 331

AranT, W,Ima, 370

Arceneaux, Cathy, 346

Archer. HiHold, 298

Archie, Bennie, 118

Arm::lro~g, Richard, 370

Arnelo, Will am. 3~6

Aronson, Joel. 296, 3iG, 33~

ArOlno, An~heny, J05, 356

Ar'OH, Debbie, 334

Ar'6g~, R ~\ _\ el! 2Bl, 3~6

Alhy, f..1c i I I S~, 370

Aswell, Su,~n, 370

Alk,r,I, David, 346

Auco,n. Terry, 268 346

Auger, Ma~ine. 33~

Augur,on, Corneluil, 321)

Augu,ta, Sandra. 3S6

Auld, Dellald, J3"r

AU>TI~, Dilyid, 267, 356

AJttonbcrry, Billi8, 370

Avert, Brend", 334

A,.mon'd, Neil ]70

Ayo. KMen, 370

B B~bineQu~. Br:dge', 370 B~chlrom, Lucy, 370

Ba~ct, Fr~nce" 370

B~deaux, Phyllis, 356

Baggorli, Linda, 346

B~iley, AI~n, liB

B~lley, Clilude, 323

B~,[ey, Jerry. 334

B,,'n, Donrell, 334

B.!Iktlr. Glorill, 307, 356

B ~ ~ er. ~<'imes F., 287

B ~ ~ er. Mary, 309, 3~6

Baku. Ralph, 370

B~ldwin, Barbllra, 334

B6ldwin, Timo~hy, 356

8,,11. Mary, 27~. 356

Ball~nce, John 3~6

Boloi, CI~y, 287

Bilmburg, 5u(lnne, 290, 334

Bann~n, Robert, 356

Boragon~, Mich"el, 3H

Bar(lrat Jacques, 3:10

BMber, Oscar, 257, 264, 356

Ilaroulo, JOleph, 356

I:\ordield, Jerry. 356

Bare,w,11 Jo,ep,l. 334

BMham, 'Emmelt. 370

BMf,am, Janet. 290. 3~6

Bar'<er, Donna, 356

BMnard, Ronald. 370

Barnard, Tere>~. 2B8. 33~

BM~Md, Tom, 287

Bllfnel, Ad~, 370

~Il,'nes, Joyce, 370

Bllfnes, KeVin, 370

Bornett, N~ncy, 370

Bornett, Sorah, 328

Barr~s, Mory, 310

Barron, Amy, 334

Barron, Annur, 302. 334

Barron, Carroll, 356

BMron, GlerJ, 3066, JIO, )3~

Barron, Jack, 276, 300,

307, 334


Barry, Alice. 346

BadleH, Joyce, 356

8Mton, Keifh, 267, 29~,


BilICO, Jamel, 356

Bass, Dorethea, 370

BoIS. Ivan, 370

Bass, Ja~ice, 370

B~S5, Mary, 3)4

BalseH, Wickl,nne, 274, 370

Bates, Car,?lyn. 370

Bates, Marilyn, 370

Batel, Patricia, ]54, 370

B~ucl.m, Rober~, 370

BMlor Ha-old. 33~

G~,er, 'Robbi~, 31~. 3~6

Be~m, Sammie, 370

Be~n, G~y, :u~, 356

Beard, Pn,lIip, 3~6

Bea,-d, Sherrill, 257

B~ard, 'virglnlo, 283

Bearden, Donnll, 370

B~(de" B~rbMIl, 370

B~/.Iugh, Cymhill, 210, 356

BeauregMd, Vance, 25", 334

Beck, CynT,~i~, 356

BechMn, B~'~MO, 356

Beene, Jerry, 346

Been~, Robed, 370

B~I', Lando, 257

Bell, Palrici~, 370

Bell, W,llie, 370

BeiIMd, MMi, 356

Bel~on, Beverly, 371

Benc~!, R chard, 288, 356

Beneoict. Sl}San, 310, 312, 3]4

Beniliale, Fronk, 334

Beninare, h~ldte, 356

Beni",min, Bon~, 310, 312, 334

B811~min, Mlch~el. 310, 334

BenneH, Deborah, 371

Be~nett, Debra.. 371

Bennetr, Nlloml, 371

Bennet~. Rickey, 3~6

BenneTt, Rober!, 298

BenneTt, Srephen. 371

Benoit, Carl, 371

BenClt, Jereldlnp.. 371

Benlon, Va,erle. 371

Bergman, Wayne, 371

Berlin, Belv~, 371

BernGrd, Jo,eph, 264, 371

Berry, Annie, 371

8err)" DenniS. 371

Berl,. Ewell, 328

B~rry, Horry, 33~

Be'I,hill, Sherry, 371

B~s\er, Loureltll. 356

Be)1, 5uall',e, 37~

Beth, Howar?, 3.:B

Berre~, Mordyn, 371

Bdtll, N"ncy, 371

Bever, DOIII, 283

Bever, Nell, 33~

Be"'ic~, Rocert, 33~

B,ce Dougills, 103

B,cxh~rn, Moll\'. 3~6

BiQgers, RoberT, 28B, 356

Blgl~ne, Wol~er, 371

S, Imek, EI'een, 371

B, I, ina>, Duane, 131

BI I. up-S, Oliver. 371

Cllllgha,"T', G,oliil, 334

Blsco~tO, Dewey, 334

BI~hop. Elil~belh, 371

B son, Mary, 371

Blocet, SaroMa, ]~6

B,~ck, CCHol,P4,}71

BI"ck, Georgl(l, 311

Black, Horold, 301

~I~d h,ggy, 371

Black'oour,le, D~vid, 254, 29B

Black'llon, JM, 96, 371

Blac<mon, Stephenie, 334

BI<:tckslock, Ch,-'ila, 371

Black ..... ell. Selece. 371

BI~de\, Arlhul, 131

~'dlr, Peg'>jy, 371

BI~nren~hlp, Bet.y, 371

Blod, Albert, 356

Blood-lh<:tw, 'vivl~n, 356

Bloomer, KMen, 371

Blue, Glen, 254

Bobo, Leon~, 371

Boodie, Thom~s, 371

Boddie. Wesley, 356

Boies, Mary, 356

Bcggs, Gene, 371

Bol~on, Beryl, 307, 371

Benu, Br:on, 298, 310, 33~

Bonriglio, Jmepn, 371

Bonlc~rd. Davio, 356

Bonner P~irici~, 356

Bonnel~e, Janice. 3013. 334

Boone Donald, 13 I

Boo~h~, Julio, 273, 28B, 356

Borcelon, Ann, 346

Bordelon, Anne, 356

Bordelon, Arlene, 371

Bordelon, Joy, 371

Boren, Peggy, 334

Bo,twick, Neal, 371

Bothwell, Vernon, 287, 371

Boudle(lu,,:. Ddl~on, 334

Boudreaux, George, 334

Boudre<:tux, P~ul, 371

Boughton, Grover, 371

BoulwMe, Bruce. 32B

Boulware, Sandr<'l. 371

Bounds, Philip, 102

Bourgeoii, BorbMa, 334

Bourgeoil, Ronald, 334

Bourgeoi'i, Rov, 310

BOUI, JOleph, 334

Boulwell, Wando. 371

Boyenzi, Gi:!broelle, 371

Bowdon, Joseph, 346

Boyd, Ani~~. 371

E-:oye~t, Blend~, 96, 371

BO'lll tie, Danny, 371

So ,, : ~te. Je~n. 371

a oy~e, Mary, 3~6

BDlernan. Palrlcia, 37!

Br(lddod, Niec'll, 3~6

Br~drord, Ha~el, 311

Br<:tdley, JoAnn, 357

Bradley, Mary, 290, 33~

Br~inerd, Ira, 334

Brakh~ge, HMOld, 3-'\6

Brdhage, MMY, 357

Branch, Helber1, 371

Branch, RoSerl, 357

Bro!\nson, Tommy, 372

Br6ntley, Glenn, 26~, 372

Br~ntley, Jimmy, 346

Bro~ton, P/.Irey, 372

Br~nton, V~lerye, 372

Bra>her, Phillip, 131

BrM>ell Teres~, 290, 372

Br~~d, Br:an, 372

Bra~d, Rene. 372

Br~ughtcn, Nan, 372

Sray, WilliMn, 271

8re3UX, Cherwyn, 3~6

Brewer, G路nger. 372

Brewton, Ron~i~, 335

Blice, Sheryl, 3/2

Bridge" Clifton, 357

BridQe\, Ernest, 357

B'ldgel, Henty, 3J 5

Bridce\, S~r;luel. 357

Brlgg~, J6mes. 25~, 328

Bright. Rebd, 372

Blig;lt, Sand-a, 27~, 335

Briohtwell Judilh,372

BriO, Sheryl, 372

Bringol, Cheryl. 346

B'inool, Judith. 372

Bri~;on, GaIY, 298, 310, 335

B.-iHon, Stephen, 372

Brocato, Jo,eph, 372 ~

B'ookreson, Toni, 294, ;,57

Broo'<s, Connie, 264, 372

Sroob, Di~nne. 372

Broob, John, 357

Broo,<:;, Judy, 372

Broo:<s, Karen, 3~6

Sroob, Robert, 27B, 372

BIOOh, William, 372

Brossett, Vidie, 372

Brossette, Clyde, 302, 3~6

Bro,ussare, Edw~.rd, 346.

Broussard, Lenn", 335

Brower, Millicent, 335

Brown, Adell, 264, 335

Brown, A,I,l en , 3J5

Brown, Bet~, 3~6

Brown, Chorles, 298

Brown. Debbie, 357

Brown. Ed'Tlund, 335

Brown, Elnora, 357

Brown. G~il, 357

Brown, Glenn, 346

Brown. Jimmy, liB. 3~6

Brown, Joe, 357

8rown, Juanitd, 335

B-own, Karen, 372

Brown, Kenneth, 302. 3~6

Brown, Laurll, 335

Brown, Lindil, 265, 3~b

Brown, Marsha, 357

B,'own, Mary, 372

Brown, Philip, 122

Brown. Roy, 335

B'own, Tom, 99

Brown, Vicky, 357

Brawn, Wenda, 372

Bwyiel, William, 298

Bryon, Debr~, 357

BryaM, Bobby, 335

Bryan~, Keith, 289, 372

Bry~nt, MMy, 372

Buchner. Miri~n, 357

Bufora', MMilyn, 274, 346

Buie, John, 264, 3~6

BJie, Milcred, 26-4, 372

Bull, John, 298, 346

Bull, Rene, 25~, 372

Bu!lod, $reggory, 264, 34b

Burch, Micnael, 3~6

Burd, R~nd~lI, 372

Burgess, ,{idye, 3466

Burgin, Rebecc~, 27B. 292, J35

BurkhMd~, St<:tnley. 335

BJrlew, MMgoret. 335

Burnaman, Adrion. 372

Burney, Misheal. 372

Burns, Chri~topher, 112,

I 13. 335

Burns. Dillnn~, 357

Burr, Marvin, 357

Burrell, Roy, 357

Burrough, Julie, 157

Burt, Willi(lm, 298, 310, 335

Burton, Jdrnel, 373

Burton, PMricia, 357

Bushnell, D(lvid, 335

Bu,tchart, Pamel~. 335

BtlIcher. Janet, 372

Butler. BreIlCCI, 372

Butler. Clyde, 372

Butler, Debbie, 372

Butler, Ricbrd. 372

By,'d, Donna. 3~7

Byrne~, Lynn, 3/2

c Coin Dannj', 357

Cllin Elilabein, 278, 335

Calc~rone, Dominick, 357

C~ldwell, Alge~n, 265

Caldwell, John, 302

C"lhoun, Linda, 26~, 357

Calhoun, ROlie, 372

C~llah6n, MMY J~ne. 372

Cdllow<:ty, Te-ry, 372

Cal~on, D~vid, 373

Calion, Dc.1n<:t, 279

C<:tmpbell, JMet, 373

C~rnpSell, Jo, 373

C~mpbell, Lynn, 357

Car7lpbell, Frllnce:;, 357

Canal Buddy, 103

Can~l: Debbie, 373

C<:tnno!O, Kalher:ne, 310, 312,


C~~non, Terry, 357

C3nterbur'{, PIl~ric:ll, 96, 373

Canlrell, Rhonda, 96, 373

Capers, E: IIabelh, 373

C~plel, Joyce, 373

Cuppe,lo, Angel", 357

CdPpe:I~, 1jarc, 373

CMpenler, David, 3J5

Cwr, Chllrles, 373

CM-oll, Dorothy, 3~3

Ctr-oll, Herman, 3/3

C(lrro~l, L"ne~te, 357

C~rier, Billy, 373

Carier, C~rolyn. 373

CMler, Di(lne, 373

CMter, James, 335, 357

Curler, JOi~e, 373

CMter, Ron<:tld, 335

C~rter, Timonthy, 373

C~rte", Tommy, 108

CMtlidge, Sherry, 109

Carta Homa" 335

Casellon. Clvde, 276.

CaSSEl, Celeste, 357

Caslil,ov<:, Denise, 357

Cllu,ey, J,mmy, 373

Cedllrl, Robed. 287. 373

Ch6chele, Clyde. 373

Ch~chere, P~ul, 335

Ch~dbou-ne, John, 29B, 335

Chodderdon, Mich~el, 302,



Ellis. 305, 357


Chamble,~, Sharon, 27~, Ch~money, Re-l~ld, 335

Ch~ndler, CnMle,. 257

C,~apman, Deborah, 357 Ch6pm~n, Fr"nk, 335


J081, 266, 357

C~~pr;l~n, Kenne~n, 310. 335

Ch6pm~n, Mon~e, 357

Ch<:tpm"n, SUIlln. 357

Ch~ppell, J<:tme" 357

Chotel03in, Peggy, 272, 306,

312, 335

Cbtel~in. Sh~ron, 29~. 357

Ch~Thllm, ShQron... 373

Ch~tman, Brend(l, 373

Cratman, Joseph, 335

Clee~, Malcolm, 373

Cheer, Virginia, 373

Cheeb, George, 373

Cherry, Chri:;;-ooher, 335

ChelTeen, Kalherlrle, 373

CheJng, SlId,Kay, 31~, 373

Chi~.son, Kalie, 373

Chi".son, Lawrence, 298, 310.


Childer~, Suzanne, 357

Chi", Cindy, 31~~_373

Chodlin, Renll, 373

Chretien, Gwendolyn, 373

Chrl\ti~n, Jimmy, 373

Chmtnan, De~n, 373

Chrl$lrTIan, Debor~h, 373

Church, Pllmel~, 373

C,cero, John, 2B3

Cimino, 5(1n1, 373

Clerk, AI bert, 264, 335

ClarK, Dondld, 373

Clark, Glend(l, 83

CiMk, Jome;, 373

Cl6rk, Laur~, 357

CI~rke, AIM', 335

CI~(.len, Will,lIm, 373

CI~y, Susie, 357

C!~ylon, BMb~,'~,}35

Clemenl, Bruce, 3/3

c.eme~t, Wiliter, 335

Cloninger, E,leen, 373

Clourier, Fr~nk. 234, 357

Clou~ er. Nor(l, 357

Cool>, G~il, 335

Co~lI, Shelley, 294, 357

Cochran. Terry, 373

CederhOlm, Lylln, 357

Codrell, Kerry, 3J5

Cocbell. Lind(l, 373

Ccff<!:t. Susan, 373

Ccgdell, Beverly, 300

Cole. Fred. 357

Cole George, 335

Cole: Grekhen, 96, 373

Cole Mich~el, 373

Cole: Virginia, 335

Colemlln, Deborah, 374

Colerr~n, Edwo~d, 358

ColemM, JlInice, 264. 358

Coleman L~wrence, 374

Co1ern6n: MMY L., 374

Coleman Mllry 5., 264

Coleman: MI~h~ e l, 264

ColerM,1, Od,>, 335

Colerr; ,ln, Sadie, 37~

Coler-vlrl, 5Ilndr<:t, 374

CalerTIiln, Vivk.n, 265

Collom, James, 276, 328

Colvin, Bcbbie, 37~

Colvin William, 298, 335

Come ~'ux, N"nette, 3~

Conley' Rebecc~, 37~

Conner', Ned, 286, 7.:37, 335

Con,t<:tnl,n, Si,ter Llnd <:t , 358

G-oo k DeYld 302,358

C):.o k' Elizdb'eth, 358

C<XJ I::' MCldeline, 282, 3~7

G:>o k: Rei!a, 274, 37'.

v.:. o k Ric;ky, 358

Coo k~, ~ill, 112, 114

Coo bey, Melb~. 358

Cooley, Sherm~n, 37~

Coon Judy, 374

Coon' MMgMet, 3~7

Coop 'e r, Debor~~, 37~

Cooper, Flor~, 374

Cooper, Guy, 254, ~47

Cooper, Gory W .. 3;,8

Coop 09~ , LOI~,. 358

Co o p er, Lonnl0, 37~

C =, o per, Mellonee, 358 ,

Cooper, Rand~ll, 112. 114, j7路j

Cooper, Terr\" 374

Cooper, Vicky, 374

Copeland, CMolyn, 3~B

Co~lln, Wendell, 37~

Co~bln, Georgetle, 335

Corley, Ev", 374

Cornelt, S~ndr~, U.

Cor'y, Thomas. 2B5, 301

Corville, Glenn, 358

Covinglon, Bruce, 374

Covlng~on, 5uian, 27~, 37":

Cowart, Denni,;, 335

Cox, BilrbM<:t, 35B

Cox, Deic,-e" 358

Cox, MMlha, 335

Cox, Thomll~, 283, 347

Coyle, Steven, 374

Cr~ft, Debbie, 358 _

Craighe~d, George, JI4

CrClin, Cathy, 37~

Cf~in, Daphne, 35B

Crain, Winirred, 37.4

Crll"ll, Ed ..... (lrd. 37-'.

C.-ilnmer, Robert, 328

Cr~nslon Lllmar, 374

Cr~v~~ts: R'ChMd, 336

Craven, Lind.~, 374

Crawford. Rick. 287

Cr~wle)', Brend<'i, 374

Cr~wley Don~ld, 298, 3 0, 336

Crawley' Pally, 336

Creel, o'an~y. 2B5. 301, D b

Crer,\haw, Aiison, 270, 3~7

Crensnllw, Anne, 290, 294, 353

Crew:;, C(ludia, 374

Crist, M~deline, 27~, 336

Criswell, Norn1~, 35B

Croob, Sherry, 336

Cross, Darrell, 328

Cro\~, Warren, 336

Cro,sley Mllry.374

Crouch, Gary, 3447

Crow, Lorella, 3353

Crowder, Sherrill, 374

Crowe, MargMet, 353

Crow,on, Cheryl, 272, 29~,


Crump, Aline, 264, 358

Crumplen, BMnes, 265

Crurnp~on, Sherry, 358

Cru,e, Patty, 347

c.-(J~e, Tommy, 336

CulligM Joey, 374

Culpepp'er, Stephen, 307, 37-1

Cummings, R",ch~el. 336

Cu.-rier, Coo mile, 347

uJrry, Donn~, 2S7

.D Dade, Sleven, 105

D~hl, Chri,rine, 254, 272, 336

Delbor, Clldrle~, 336

Dale, Larry, 374

Dalessio, CI"ud~, 336

D<'il c 'i, 5hMon 374

O ,~ ' I ~ I, Gwendolyn. 353

D ~ri el, NanC\'. 374

D",niel~, Sherrill, 374

D ~ nn~, Michael, 358

D ~ nn~. Betty, 294, 320, 358

D ~ nn~. S.u'(ln. 312, 3J6

Do)nnehl, Henry, 3S8

DMden, Delil~h, 278, 35B

O~lJ-man. Richllrd, 374 Daz ilt, K" lheri,' e , 374 Da ve., Tl:or:'I.'l~ . LSI>, 287, 336 Dllvidson, Allin , 374 Dilv id ~o n , SUiM,


D<'Jyies, G r eggory, J74 D<'lv is, Cary, 347 Ollvis, Cathy, 307, 358 D~v j$, OM , 374 DIlVil , Dillnne, 374

Du flllings, 5h~ron, 348 Du pl issey, Michael. 375 Dupre, JOlep h, 298 Dup ree , Mar thll, 375 Dupree , Sleven. 375 DI.'puy, Emer i-=-. 198 Du rb in, G<l ry, 375 Du rbin, J<lnice, )59 Du v(J I, W illiam, )59


Ollyi s, Edith, 374

Ollv is, Emmll , 374

O"vi, . George, 297, 3H OIlY;S, Je Frrey. 374 Davis, Jennifer, 271, 274. 336 Dav i" Joel, 336

0,}V15, John, 305~ ~J!> Davis, Karl, 374 D<'Iv ii, K6 lhryn, 347

Oilyis, Lind.:!, 3SS Dov is, Mdrie, ]]6. 37'1 Davis, OlevIII, 26 4, 30':, lJ6 Dav is, Woodrow, 336 D/lv ison, Euge nia, 336 Dllvison, Ross, 276 , 336

Dllviison, Mich<'lel, 37-'1 OilY, Cynth ill . lSa OilY , Debtll, 358

Oily, Ka t hlee n, 329 D<lylon, Oilllllh'l, 374 De ll i, SMdril, 374 Dean Dllvid , 374 Dellll, Eli~lIb elh. 37<1 Dean, Jimmy, 101 Dellll, JohrHlie, 375 Dell ton , Phillip, 375 Deder. J ~mes. 302. 347 Defee. J u l; ~ . 358 Delabreto~ne, Thom~$.


310. 336 Deldnev. Dwight, 336 Delo"'h. Ed....' n. 336 Del Mch. Wit li"m. 347 De loac h. Zeldnd . 347 De me ry, Bren o'~. 3)6 Deno u ~ , Noel, 296, 359 De nn ing. Kay, 30e , 347 Denlon, M"rv. 359 De l dd ie r, M~ I V. 2<10. )~7 Dewto, Ke~ne t h. 375 DeVill e, J -!lnet , 358 De ville , Beberly, 375 Dew, Chatolette , 358 Dewey. D-!l vid . 3J6 Dews, Roy, 375 Di,key, Lind" . 358 Diedric h. Elizab eth, 280.1'JO.


DiG r,,"g e . Domin ick, 375 Dil eo, Pete. 199. 336 D,lIahunty, N-!lncy. 375 Dinger, Edw-!l rd, 375 Diol'l , M-!lria n, 375 D~ ;.ch e r t . Jerrie, 276, 328 DIU" . Anl hollY, 302 Ditta, Lillda , 375 Di~on, C1Irol 路Je"lI. 375 O')on, Lind1l, ]75 Dob"rd , Barbll r-!l, 375 Do b bs. Roger. 375 Dodge, Id" . 312, 3~6 Dodson, Cd thy. 375 D09ge tt, Connie , 375 Do les , Glendll, 358 Doll"r. Aneta , 375 Dome ngeaUl(, D.,vid, 358 Domi ngu~. Edwil'l , 3d7 Donah ue, Deborah, 375 Don 1lhue, G ordon , )58 Do rl ch. DlIvid, )02, 336 Dor~ey , Bess ie, 283, 347 Dosher, 8obbie, 262, 310, 336 Dosher, Donlla , 375 Dohon, Go'don, )75 Do ucet, J 1ImeJ, 298, 310, ;H Do ughty, K"tliryn, 35B OooQ I"s. Donna, 375 DO" 91,H, J eddie, J36 Dou9ld5, Sue. 30]7 Douglo;1$, Ti mothy, 375 Dougl-!ls, Willi llm, 336 Dou9 la ls, S"rah, 375 Dowd e n, Suson, 347 Do wdy , Th omas, ].<17 Dow ns, K<llh y, )36 Doyer, MllrY, 358 Dra ke, Gr e9, 37S Dra ke. Maro a , 375 Dr"pe r , Koren, 2S7, 276 , 307, )47 Drdyde n, W(J yne. 375 Dre w, M(Jrg(Jret, 347 Drewett. DlIvis, 336 Driver. Robert-, )75 Duch es-ne , Floyd, 336 Du cole , Virgin i". 3-<\7 Dufrene, Thomal. 375 Du ho n, D....ayne, 358 Du ke s. He rbert , 298, 306, 110, JJ6 Dum lls, Benny. 375 Dum1lS. G le nn, 347 Dumlls, J lInn, 294 Dum(Js, Jeri, 358 Dumas, Shll ron, 274, 358 DunlliP. Caro lyn. 375 Dun n, Ash to n. 20-1, 375 Dunn, LOIJie, 316 Dunning!, l awll ""(J . 17S

Early. Ro bbie , 336 Ea~on. lo rr y, 257 Ellves, De wey, 29B, 336 Ebo'lrb, $ U$6 r:. 359 Edmonds, James. 3 16 Ed mor'ldl. Mdfy, 3 ~9 Edmo ndl, WilliS, 3~B Edmollsoll , Resa, 3310 Edw arc s, Connie, )75 Edw <l,路 d~. Fr" nk , )49 E,::'w<lrds, J"m es, 316 Edw<l rds, Lortie. 316 Ecw (Jrds, Ma l'i<ln. 375 Edw(Jrd~. M;C 'lael, 375 Edw(J rds, S i';. 274, 375 Ei~e, Albe rt, 298. JJI> H ie, Bo nn ie, 274, 375 Eley, Cle ri SS <I, 359 Elkins, Ed ith, 348 Elledge , Effyletl, 359 Ell ender, Ne lie , 359 Ellerbe, Peggy. 274. 375 El li nqton, Ridy, 336 El li ott, P.'lmelll, 375 Elli ~. C<llhy. 375 Ell is, C h" rl u, 264, 37S Ellis, Jon. 3~8 Elii~, La dd, 3)6 Ell is, Patricia, 375 El liS, Peggy, 3J7 El o i, P6me l(J , 359 El ro d, P~gy. 375 En dreH . Ju ci.V. ))7 Enlo...., M<l k o lm, 287, 376 Ens min ger, Reg il'ld ld. 348 Erni"", K"y , 349 Epp inette. M ,chlle i, 359 Eppinelle. Woody, 100 Ernst, Frll nk, 3]7 Ervine, J ohn, 376 hq v; ntlnce , AU<;jus l(J, )76 Et ier. Fran k, 359 El ier. MaQg ie , 376 EV<ln ., A tI"n, 276. 337 Evans, Cerl<l, 3}7 Evans, Jesse, 359 Evans, linda, 337 Evans, Ricky. 576 Evans, Sle ven, 284 , 337 Evens, To ni, 376 Ewell, Edmund, 3S9 hell, Ga ry, 131 Et ell. l in da, 359 Ezell, Rebe , 337

F Fo irchild, Pdtly, 376 F(Jkone. Antho ny, 298, 310,


Flint, Nick ev, 3766 F<lnt, Shllron, 294.359 Fa rm=r , Katherine, 359 Farm e r. MlI dhll, 348 F.; rr. OouQ I<I;, 108, 109 FlIrc helt, Re becca, 359 FlIu ght, DlInnd, 30]8 F<lu l~, Rey no lds, 3)7 Fav"lo r<l , Ulur ence, 348 Fayad. Mll r ilyn, 376 Ferguson, J en ny, 3S9 Ferguson. M" don, 359 Fe rri., Alice, 359 Ferr is, RlIl ph, 3]1) Fel!.s, Joan, 337 Fe itllvan. Yvon ne, 376 Felter"'(Jn, J orre ]), 376 Fiel ds, Da vid. 371> Fife, Lindll, 30]8 Files , ClI rolyn, 376 Fincher, Chdflolill, 304,

l7b Fin cher. WiJli"m. 3S9 ,cindla y, L<llJ rie. 376 Finklea, P1I meld, 376 Fin klell, Rex, 376 Fin ley. MlIri een, 376 Fishrn"n. C(JrllI . 337 Fl eming, Vit i. 376 Flentroy, ~ich(J e l . ))7 Fletcher, Kernelh , 359 Fle tcher, P1ItlY, 337 Fle t che r . Willi 11 m, 376 Fl ory, 8 re nd(J. 348 Fl oyd, Ed d ie. )59 Fly, NlIncv, 376 Flynn, MlI ry, 376 Flv nn, Susa n, 254 Foley. 8ec~y, 337 Foley, Rob ert. 254, 298 Folks, GlI ry, 198 Font e, Herbe rt. })7 Fonteno t, C(Jrl. 337 Fonte not, Herm ,," , 3n Fonte not. Jeffery, 349 Fontenot. Linde, )S9


Ford, 8Mbor", )76 Ford , Ddnnl. 371> Fwd , Danny K., 293. 3<48 Fo~e, lindo , 376 Fore t. l ynn, 298 Fost er. Ann, 359 FOlter, Sery l. 262 Fosler, Ed , 1066 FOlter, IS<lbel, 376 Fos ter, J<l m e ii, 376 Fosler. L<lu ~nia, 376 Fo. rer , Ma ry. 337 Fosler , M~ha e l, 376 Fo~ ler, Myra, 371> FOlter, Phvll il, 276 , 2~2, )59 Fode r. Willi.'lm, J 'i:8 Fow ler, Ana", 376 Fowler, De b bie. 359 Fowler, Wi ll i"m. )~8 Fox, Deboroh, 376 F~ancel. Terry, 348 Fr1lllci s, J <lnice, 337 frenklill , ClIr" l, 359 FJ'<ln kiin. De b ro, 376 Fra nklin, Mic.hell! , 376 Fr-!l n(iin, Ric.h ~rd. 359 Franh, l ~rry, 376 FrMtom. Anita , 96, 371. Fr<ln tom, J oh n, 376 Frase r, John, 131 Frari er, Ch(JrJes, Ji8 Frazier, Nan cy, 348 Freder id, Terry, 376 Free. Carol y n, 376 F.-ern in, Lule, ) 10, 337 Fr e ~ch, C<lri, 348 Fr enc h, J<l mes, 359 Fre nch, Kdhy, 254, ))7 Fri eme l. Charles, 13 1,359 Fr; emel. elle" l, 3766 Fri ll, JII.~s , 283. 348 Frost, D : ~ l e, 371 Fryday, Br i1ln , 33 ] F~ydal' . Monica, 348 Fu lc o. M :cha-el , )77 Fu ller. P<l lI icia, 377 Fuller. RlIndaJl, 2S<1 F~ ll e r Ronnie, 328 Fl.l llder burg, Wi lli~ m. 3)7 Fung, W.'li. 3 14, 328 f u rl o ugh: Yerd<l , 359 Furlow. DOJ'\l'l:e. 348 Futd\,y eil, Sab<lh. 377 Futch, Mar i<lnne, 3~8

G Gabr ie l. Chr is. 359 G.!Ig non , Don 3~8 G<lin es , Peg gy, J77 Ga lante, Antho ny, 32'1 G .'l l "s~o. Ga ry, 287, 348 G .!I ley, LOM ie, 348 G allma n, H" ro ld. ))7 G" llm 1ll'l, J erry , ]71 Gallman , William, ))7 G"lIow clY, Hele~, 377 G6nn-!lWIlY, J udy, 348 G aray, J o~e . 359 GMdner, D"vid. 3'7 Gard ne r, Susan, 359 Gari n, Silter l llur1l , 3S9 Gar ner. BUlL, 298 Gar ner. hrly. 377 G arn er, G (JY. ]77 Ger ne r, Rilll, 377 GlIrrett, C<l lhy, 377 G " rrell , Lu c ill e , 359 G(Jrr is. D"v id, 359 G lIrr is, Jerri. 348 G lIske, Gwen<lo lvn , 377 Ga t e~ , ClI ro l. 274, 337 Gal e s, Ging e r, 377 Ga t hings, John, 377 G a.uthier, S1Irbara, 359 G<luth ier, Byron. 359 Gee , Peggy, 348 G eorge, Eliube th. 350 Georg e , Rebecca, 359 G ibson. He n ry, 359 Gibson La rry, 348 G~ lberl , W(JI')da . 377 G,I bert, Ran dy , )77 Gilil land Ric h-!lrd, 360 Gill iam. Be rsy, 278 , 360 Gill ila nd , Kay, 3n G ilmore, Phy Jli $, 348 Gi lmore. Rita. 377 G inglies, H lIrvev. In Gipson , Diann, 3n G ip son, l ede ll, 264, 2B3, 348 G ,r(J"d , J ane, 292 Giroull t d. Randol. 348 Gladn ey. lewis, )77 GI1I,e r, Julia nn , 377 G lllze , G le nd 1l, G leaso n. Debo rah , 377 Go dwi ,1 . Ne& l, 337 Go ins, Ydlerie. 3n Go ldmlln, MOl(c ine. G old; by, ..... nn, Golson. Ter ri, 337 Goodmen, John, 377 Goodw in. Deborllh, 360 Goorley, Richa rd. 255 Gordv, Dp na ld, 3)7 Goree. KlI ren, 329 Gorman. Thom a$, 297, 337



GorSc')ge , Betly, 348 Gom;g~ , tvt i che ~l, 348

G OH, Jo hn. H8 G OIS, R ebe垄~a. 337 G ote , Pe:99Y, 337 G ould , l a ur<l, 289, Ji7 G'ace , e ii:<lb et.1, )77 Grd ff, Cheryl. 348 Gra hem , Gwin<'lrl ic, 377 Grllham, li ndll. )60 Grant, Arthur, 317 G ra ll1he m, Terri, 360 Gr.:.v e:s, l <'lDonM . 295, 360 Gra y. An n<'l, 294, 360 G ray, Carol yn. 377 Gra y, Doril, 2M, )n Gr lly, JaCQuelyn, 3J7 Gr<'l','. J ame s, 360 G oll Y, Thoma s, 360 Green, Audrey. 3~8 Gr een, OorotilY. 3w Gree n, Edd ie, 108 G reen, Frances, HS G reeJ'l, John, 309, 337 Green. Ki d. 377 G re en, Melb<'l. )77 Gre en, Poul c'), 360 G [<!en, Robe rt, 297. H8 Gr een, So ndrll , 377 Green , Teresa , 279, 3~8 Green . Terry , 178 Green, Timoth y. 349 Green, Vidi, 377 Greenlee , Ch <'lrles, 3n Gre e nlee, Jllm e$, 283, 329 Greer , Kay, 377 Greer. P<lme l.:., 377 Grees on, C he rvle , 360 G reg g, Bru ce, 3)1 G reg g, lorr lline , In G"egg , Richard, 348 Grego-i:>. C<l therin e, 257, 3~8 Gr ego rio, Rosetta. 377 Greg",y, An it<l, 29~ . 360 Grie~e, Herm,," , lbO Gr illen , G erold, 377 Gri ff in. Kit, 377 Gr iffin. Gordon, 30S Griff in, M~ rsha , 329 G ri rrin, Thom(JI, 3~8 Gr imes, Gail, 322. ) n Gr iulI fii. Sam , 337 Grcc hows k'l , Jeffrey, 337 G ros, Denn is. J'IB G ross, St e pllen. 3n Grover, P1I trici<l, 318 Gro .... es, ~drol d, 37B G u~ , i n. Che ryl, 360 GU Icha rd, D<lte k, 378 Gui dry , Murr e!!. 337, 348 G uidry, RUHell, 337 G U'il lo ry, Ir ene, 337 G uil lory, Lin da , 378 Gui llory. Wil li$, 378 Guillot. An n. 360 G uillot, Kirby. 306. )37 G uillot e , StephMie , 378 Gunn , D<lvid, 348 Gunn, Lawlln n<l, 360 Gur ley, Colleen , ) 10, 337 Guse, Pau l. 3 10 G use, Pd ul A .. 319 Gllf nrie, Br)1In , 378 G uthrie , Rit<l, 378 G u.ylon, De b re , 360 Guyto n. Th om<lSII, 337 G ....in . G ....e ndolyn. 3~8

H HII(J se. Lyn n, 349 H 1Iddo~ , Ch(Jrles, 270, 349 H(Jddo ~, Mo;1 rqa re t , 282. 379 Hage dorn, Carol, 378 Ha ,nes , Rob ert, 337 H a le . Ca rolyn , 3 ~ 9 Hll r e~ , C I(JY. 378 Haley, Arc hie , 378 HII II, A lelll. )78 Hal l, BI.:.ncne, 37S H IIII , Boo ker, 269 304, )60 H (JII , Ea r nestine, 378 Hc') II , FraJ'lces, 3 10, 3 13, 33 7 H<l II, Je<ln , 37S HilI! Jon, 360 Hal!. Mllrion, 337 Hall. Rila, 360 Hom . Atthe i./!. 294. 360 HlImby. Debr<l. 3W HlI rnilt on, Dar i(J , 3~9 H<lmilton, Li nd d. J4-? H<lmlin. 80b by, 2B8, 337 H ~m li n, She lley, 337 H"mm , K<l th-e rine, 337 H 1Immonds, Palsy, 93, 360 H1Immo"s, 8ruce, 3713 Hammo ns, J ohn, H9 Hammons, Lo u, 2S7, 290]. )60 Hamp ton, Mary .... nn, 378 H 1I!'Iberry , J oe l. 131 Handl ey, Rita. 274. 337 Han ks, Randall. 298, )10, 338, 349 H" nn. Kathy, 306, 3 13, 337 Han n, Kim. 338. 378 H lI nn oh, Bill y. 101 H 6 nn llh, Earlene , )49

H lI rb in, 5uson, 360 H"rbOI I, D-!I:ryl, 2'i8 Harden, Clare'), 379 Hll rdey , l ynn. 378 Harding , Patr ick. 360 Hard y, 8everl y. 3W Hardy, CMole . 360 Hordy, Linda, 273, 2B8. 360 Ha rdy. Skaron, 360 H ~r9 i ss, Anqe lyn, 378 H ar~ ins, K"l hleen, 378 Harkness, L(I'Ida, 338 Harknes l, Wi lli ilm. 360 H a rmon. Cynthi<l, 378 H ll rper, D!lvis, 378 H1Irper, Ken neth, 3J7 H II~pe r . Larry. 30 1, 3388 Har per, F'lIu lo, 182, 360 H<lrrell, Oevid , 10<; Harrell. Regina, 349 Hllrri nQ ton. J .... nic e , 264 , 338 H an it, Beverly , 273, 378 Hdt ris, Deb ra , 360 Ha rris , Donn~, j76 H" rris, Gordon, 298 Hatr i. , J/lmes. 378 HlIrr ~l , W illi e. 378 H /lrflwn , Tho f)'la5. J78 H er l, Kennet;" 349 Har t, l(Jrr y, 338 Ha rt. Ric n",d, 112 HlI rt. Sharon, 378 HlIrlm lll'l. Pa lricia , 360 Hdfh, Terry. 378 Ha r3~6e , Caro lyn , 2~0. 294. H a:well, Willi a m, 378 H"$ lauer, M ali ne, 338 HlIls e ll, C(J I. 338 He lfie ld, Ke ith, 3tO. 349 H <l th " ....(Jy, Cha rles ))6 H dtha ........ y, Gi nger: 349 Hathor n. Joy , 310, 312, 338 Hd t ho:n . K(Jye , 360 H~ ttllwc')y, Sherry. 378 HlIll en, Oebor"h 3~9 Hawkini, Mdr y, 349 H aw~ i n s, Palricill 3i8 H(Jwk ins. She try, h7 Hew n. J udy , 360 Hcw tharne , Doris. 37S Haye s, Deborah, 96. J~9 H lIy es , Debr<l , 379 Ha ynei , Alice , 360 Havnes. 8 ill ie, 338 H"ynes. G ay le. lc) 285 378 H(Jyn es, K(J t ht een. j78 ' H(Jyn es , Lindll, 378 Hoynel, Pluma, 360 H(Jynes. Shirley, 349 Hays, C<lndice, 294, 360 H -!lys, Debr(J, 378 Hays, Terry 378 H IIY....lIrd, K.,ren 378 H ellilt, CI(lire 378 Heard. H il!lIry', 378 Hell rnsbe rQer. Ron"ld, 360 Hellth, Roy. 3W Heb e rt, 01111'11'1'" 360 Heber t, PlItrice 290 360 He9wood, McO ull<l;. 349 H e lams , Chllrle ne, 329 He lme r, D" vid 378 H e mp hil l, K(Jthv, 360 H e nd e rson, Dinah 338 Heno' erson , Elron, ' 379 H e nderson, Lenll, 361 Hendel'W!'. lindll, 361 H e n der~OIl . lio l'lell, 379 H e nder son, M(Jrjor ie, 379 H e ndenon, So p hie 37'9 Hend,rix, John, 185 : 36 1 Hennlglln. Ani!lI, 349 H eM ley. Be tty, 361 H e nson . Debbie 379 Herbert, P1It rici~ 294 He~le vic, Teresll, ')7'1 He-nllndel, Denise, 3,., H e'~~9de l. JlIm e s, 298, 310, Hern.an de f. Robe rl, 361 Herrrng, Howd rd. 379 Herr ing, J e llnin e 3~ Her rI ngton, J<lm es , 2S5, 379 H errtng t on. PlImele 273 289 338 '" H~sler, J udy, 379 H!ce, KII~h leen, 271 , 37'9 H~dmlln, Jam es , 37'1 H~ ck m an , RlIlp h, 349 HICks, Cliariotte 379 Hicks. Oebor<lh '31>1 Hic;Sj/"n, 27Q: 280, 290, H icks. Gl enn, 361 H iers, $.usan, 379 Hi gg inboth" m . Brll d, 379 Hj9g inboth 1lm, Rodn"'" )07 36 1 -,., H jClhtowe r, Fredrick, 379 Htl bu r n. Judy, 379 Hilbur" , Kay, lOO. 319 Hilker, HO....<lrd. 379 Hill. Rob er t, 304, 307. He Hi ll er. 5\1<fanne, 255, 361 Hill m(Jn. Harry, 361 Hillmlln, Randv. 184


Hi IIOI'! , J es~ie , W~ H in e~ ,

Hinton, KJlherine, 379 Hinton , TrI,.'dy , 37~ Hi .. o n, Ba,- baIJ , 379

Hi:. o r"

Ric h~ rd.


He, Bour·Jour, ) 14, 329 Hothenedel, Edw.!fd. 329

Hodge. J om "c, ~< S H:>dges, Ed. J7? H"'-I~ Cil'll, Chorles, 3~'l' H ~::lne·t, P.. ~ n~, 179 Hoffp"ui-, Sus"n, )7'1 Holbf;)Ok. l ind ... . 379 Holbrook, P<'Iul"ne, 379 Holcomb John,)79 Holden. Kenneth, liD, ) ) 9 1-:01:01.0, 'vidie, ) 10, 349 Hollidoy, M"ry, ]~ Holli ngsworth, CI"v. 379 Holli ~ . D01no. 338 Ho lis, J omes, )49 Hollis, Leu'" . In Hollis, Sha'on, J~9 Hollo.... ".,.. 8elt" H9 Hollow,,'(. Ste"en, 379 Holmes, Ma rth", 3~9 Hoistel!ld. Robi n, 319 Holt. Patrick, 379 Hood, J onet, ] 29 Hood. l on,ie. 284 Hoo~er. Borcero , 290, 379 H&:Iker, L'n do . ])3

H oope r, Rob t.r l, 3311 H:>cple, Edwol rd 37'? Ho "ne , Be t " 3n, 338 Hc"nsbY' , Deor~ , 379 Ho tor d, Dorot~"'I, J79 Ho terd, J o , Jbl Hc le, D"r ryl, 338 Hc word, Ku'/ , 379 How!lrc'. lind", 34'1 Howa rd, Mery. 379 Ho.....ell. C~n l hia. )7'1 Hc.....ell Reuben, He Howerlon, Me'g ue'ite, 307,


I-Io wie. J o,e. 36 1 Hudabil)', 5Mborl' , 1~1 H 'JdQins, Ma chell!. 379 Hucnl!l ll . Debo r'l h. 361 Hudro!lI. Judy. 379 H'llrmon. J ames 302. H9 HJl ftv Mic hae l, 379 HJgh!lrt. Walier. 379 Hughe~, Alieni lb ' Hug~es. Caro, 3P HJg"e~, Donnl'. 2M Huohes. Ton),. 298 Hughes. Verno"l. 319 Hu-nble. Jos.... r:h. 379 Humphr;es, Cha-Ies. 319 Hu-n,ch-ies, l di a , 17¢ H ~rrp~ries , Sherrie. 30), 379 Hl'roter Dan'e l. 361 Hurt':!r. De1ald. H I Hunter Joh , 3~? Hlnter, PI-ilio , ~'l H uss~r. RCr'lnie, 10~ H utd:ins. Jo"n, Jbl H ltchis::>n. lil.,berh, J79 H u t~c , Ceci:, 3sa


I In, !;ne t. Ma ry, % In mon, John, 298 Ir':: o r. J !l mes, 320 I,by, Su sa n, '95, 36 1 Ive"l. C la udills , 380 I ~'I. La fry. 338

,J J ac l $.On. B!l rboro C . , 26S Jl!lcholl. Barbera J . 3eo J!I::~IO'1 DenM, 36 1 J ed,lo n. Herber l, 30'1. 339 ilcb.::·n. JI>e . )I)q, 319 JKhon, lana, 31> 1 Ja CKson, Lo rr y, 33B J lId~on , l ec ,,'enill, J30 Ja dson, l ela, JI!O J(l chon, Ml! ry. 3SO Jl!O cbon, Pa tr icio. 380 J(lcho", Wal loee, 338 Ja co:::JI, RI-onda , 380 J~ mar , J Qse:;.,\ 265 J" m e ~. Cathe. 361 Ja mes, RJby. 380 Jc)me~, .Thr>mas, 302, J ell n. L,nda , 36 t Je:re non, Lila, 380 J enesse. Elizabelh, 380 J enk;r~. Jamu, 3)8 J e,,~ in~, J ~r[ery, )90 J en ~ i ,, ~ Ma rk, 380 Je nt;">, N OM, 380 Jenkin:., Ps ula, 390


Jo~al"on, G r ~e ,


Joh ... n50n, Mi r i<lm, 380 John . Deb -a. 380 Johns, RC 1.//ld . 298, 338 John mn , Ann, 3 ~ 9 Joh llm n. C"rl . 380 Jorlrl~o n , Cy nlhia . 36 1


G wendoltn . 380 J an, 338 J r>aoie, 339 J O!11, Jl8 J o hn C lln~ Orl, 3g0 J oy ~ e , 265, 36 1 J vd ith, 303, 3eO Join~on Jud y, JeO J or.nso n. l ayonne. 265. 380 John~on, Martho. JeD John~::.r., Marv, 3~ 9 Johnson, Norrrc.. 33(1 John~on, R .t-~cc.!J. 31!0 JOln\e n, R::fno:'t, ~:>9 Je,'1nson, Ronald , 3~O Jol-n\on. Ro~ie. H9 Jr>nnson Sue, 380 John,on, W'oIlr" m, 338 Johnslo n, Donald, 330 JornSie n Donnie. 380 Jo~n.te n , Gary. 380 Joh pston. Ja -nre. 300 J o 'lnskln, Jerri, 2'75, 361 J:;.I-ns;c n, M,chae l. 263 J ohnsl o n, Rhond". 380 J ohmlon, W, I i<!r.l, leO Joi '1"':. Pa~ , 36t J oi'\er bnald, 3~9 J on ~ s . S:;rbera, 27~. Jb l Jore~. Ca rr d'{ , 380 J .:,es, C arlton . 329 Jon e s, en cl. 338 Jone~. C a ther ne, 380 Jene;, COn\ l ,nce. 300 J r>ne:;, D" vid. 390 Jone:;, De li l<l h, J~ 9 Jon ~ >, Der e l1:la, 380 J e nes, Gin:;! e-, 380 J o nes. Jac e lyn, J 80 J onc5, J"mes, 3S! Jone~, J M ' ce, 279. 331 jor.es, J imr.ly. II I Jone~, I( &ren, 33B Jone~. Ky le , 108, 110 Jones, Law~ence, )81 Jones. L' nd". ))8 ~o.u~s, Ma · k. ))8 ..Jone:;, Nancy , 311 1 Jonel, Nllncy S~e, 265 Jon es , OCo lene 265 J ones, P" I' jcril.'349 Jone~, R c h"rd, )B I Jore ,;, Robert, 28S. :!SO J one s, S.J~ol n, 381 Jones, Terry, 3B I J o~n'io n,

Oebhie, 379

Hinton. ellfaly." )et

Johnson, JO h IlIOIl . Johnlen, Johnson, Jorn son,

JonV9S~~v~~~. 280. 2(12, J::. rdlln, John, 3111 J Ofd~n. M" 'hn. J91 Jordon. M"fY, 361 J oro.!n. Palrrc'a , 381 Jore(ln , ~"nd ·t. 3el J eseph. t;(a'y, 36 1 J o wO!rs. Ben , 381 J ue. ~.!Jr 9are t, 3 11, 381 J ur.e"u, G lenn , 306, 339 J Jsli::e, Edd,e, JSO

K Koop. John. 283, 321 Kees, Malcr>lm, 339 KelJe .-. Jeune. Jel Keller. Jo,n, 262, 36 1 Ke ller. Tom. )50 Kell~,,;h~~ as, 298. 2'19. Kelly, K ~ ,. en , 28 2, 36 1 Ke ll 'f, L ndil, 38 1 l<e l5:::oe , j.)di e, 2S7, 36 1

Ke mo, Bern, ce 33B Ke mp, Ro na lc ' JSO Ke nady , JO$e;J'n, 298 , )10 338 ' Kenne:lt, Jo!d.le, )81 Ken 1edy. J udy 3S 1 Ken nedy. Ru>us. 338 Ke nno,:di. Sn.uon. 381 Ken ney, J~mes, 350 Ke-n, J ~(I, J6 1 Ke.-n , Jose,:)h, 2~6 362 Ke-r. Dono'~~n, J09, 322, .De Ket~ ley Pau l 362 '(ill;(l n " Ka~h;, )EI Kilparrick, 80b, 33~ Krr.c- alrid . Seroh. 350 K imb ~ lI. Cerol. 3 1D 338 Krmb,,!I, Doroll-y, 362 K Mb" ll . Jarr.es 38 1 K'Mball, Michll~l. 286, 287 K n:;! , Casey, Jat K'flg. Dav,d. JSO K'ng. Julia )a l King , PeQ.g~. 3£2 K'ng. Rit,. ~62 K ng W 4nn " , )62 K'nnai rd. W ;lIiam, 381 I( ~rb y . 8,~n, 102 Klroy. O"yi d , 350 Klr~ha:n, Ev e' ~r, :162 K"~h am , He nry )91 Kirkha m, ROo'ne'y, 38 1 Krr~l (lnd , SUIM 39 1 Kirll&nd , J ames 38 1 K;ler, Mery 381' Klein , Ed",; rd, 255, 298 Kru mp, Pr e ston , 350 Kne<:.h l, P..,ul , 28 1. 310 339

Kni chcl, R&l"mond , 35-l. Knig ~t, Denise, 303, ll! l Knig ht, K,,'ell, 350 Krtg,t, Rus ty, lb2 Kniqh~. Terr y, 289., 339 Knower, S ~ ep h ~ ny, 272 , )10, 3 12 ,3)9 Koder, Do,io;e. 274, 38 1 K~,l c , Di~ e. 276 339 K:)logy. Je'iery, 362 Kor.c.insky, Jenel, 267. 2'10.


K:;.:;., Kwo lt, 310, 314, 350 KO·"lm"nn. eh,,'les, J81 K'emer, 'lid•• ]50 K-alzer. Mar.' 29,. )50 K-ise,'. Rcbert. on KI.', A loer l , 362 K~enteQ, Chump~n. 3't., 339 K·J;lman. ~ ic,oel, 38 1 Kur"ar, ~uni l , ) I~ , 329 Kylar. Jomes, 3BI

L l ... eo rde. ROlICld 381 la!k:~e, larry, )06. 339 Le Bry, D·anJ . 362 La D!!!rI , Do'rl, 381 laD,··, W illi..,rr. ~81 Lo f iel d , F4er ie, 29S. 362 LaF 'eur, Arr h~ r . 1 10, 150 La f leur, J(l cquel'ne , 181 LaGra nge, StM ley, 39 t LaH~,' e, John, 2q8 LaH eye, Ne il, 2'18, 339 La m, K' T, 3 1 ~, ]8 1 La nc.a s:e l, C ',nl on, 362 l OnC.Mler, j ame', 255 L"ncle$, CherlU, 362 L"ncles, Dion ne, 38r Lancles, Gerald, 298 LMd run, Todd, 2S7 L.!Jndr...., Fro., k, IJ r Lern d r.... , J d ni,. 362 L~r.dr y , Mic.helle, )62 Lan :;! fr>ld, Teri, 3B I Langlo is , Den'le, 391 lent,er , Suuf' e, 38 1 l~r y, Suson . 82, lO t . 231 Losseigre , tro. 298, 3)9 l e~ r e-. J ohn, 362 l 6~ t owsky~ ~ileen, 96, ]07, 362 l~t Troef, Dr> n n~,

3!1 1

l liu ligll r , Mi::'1(1:el, i1~ l ave rgne, A rtt-u', 13 1 La yo. SUSl!n, 381 l " wrence, Dan..,. 381 la w-enc.e, Debc'.!Jh, 182 La wre nce, Don na. 382 lll w'ence, Jud),. 3~2 Law'ence, Ron~Id. 392 law~ . Jol- n, 2'16

La...·;, M"r.... 362

L(lws, U,1a , 3S0 La wson. 8 r@l1d~, US. 3 ~0 Le", O::.uql"s. ].\.2 lea, Ja mes. 3B2 I_ e~c~. Ch~-Iu, 299 lee~e, J ack l39

l e8Ia"c., Da n, 382 leBlanc. K,thry n. 362 Don"I ::t , 131 l e Brel on, Lince. 310, )50 Le Brun . Glori.!J, 35'J l e Brun, Kalhn·n. 382 l eCompl e, Sand",. 362 l eCoc, R... :ph, JB2 led o er , Willi(ln, 350 l d ,q , Ma",' 339 Led;n g Ma m, J a n, 382 l ee low, Lew is, 339 lee, Clet eel, ) B2 lee. Do nn\:" 131 lee. Erre\1 ll!2 Lee. EUQenia. J82 Lee. J ohn, 3St> lee, Kuo-Hu d, 31';, 329 lee, Lynn, 350 le e, ~" fY. 3e2 lee, R,::nilrd, JB2 lee. S'even, 2Q a l ee , Wand a. 2'10, 3e2 lee, WendY, 362 l ee . Yi Hsio. 3 14 329 Lees"v. Denn is. 382 Leggi tt. Jomes, 362 Leggitt. Keit h, 362 Leig" Nancy, 2n, 339 l e ,gh Pegg'!. 382 l encine, Cynth.". JH2 lenr>'ne, Gr~or1. 382 ler>n. Kolt hry n. 362 leonard, Carolyn. 3S0 lesr e . Vl illi,m 300 362 Lev\" l inda . 27~ . Lewis, Betty, 3)0, 339 Le"'i'i. C!lfoI Y.1 3B2 l ewis, C(lthv 382 lewis, Ell's jb2 LEw! s, G we'ndo l'\'n, 382 LeWI S, J o hn . 382 Lewi s, W a llace, JSO le w's. W edna. 382 l jed. J ames, 3H l ighlen , Sherrond . 382 lightner . l au.-ie. 2<;5 , 362 l illich , R.!Jn de ll, 382 leB o~d ,

Lrlli, Marion, 350 li l, \, . polric. .o, 3i12 l' I)'. Rooerl , J82 U 1cecum, Ho w<l d , 362 Lin e le , Laurer , 332 I.in do..... Vi ':;j in·", 332 L·n::! 5e ... , SIl'II ~, 27~, 3M2 li1gr>, K,rell , 382 lillie. Lela. 130 Lilt e , Fo ulet 'e, 3!12 l rtll ~ , Roboe-I, 3!!2 Li tl le, Tond.!J, 232 , 350 Litrle. Vaun . 279, 382 LiI··e. "'rginia. 274. )]9 L rtloeto n. S~sie. 3/:02 l OMugh, Nanc.y. 382 lobaugn, Saundra. JSO l~d.w ocd, Sher~I , 362 l odwoo d, Siella, 382 l or~nt. R U~$e ll. 3~0

l oll m. S,e r'Y, 257, 362 Lo·to n, Borbara, 2~5 l Oire", M chae!, ~S2 Lo'tmo! n. J arr es, .H2 Lo i.;:, Susanna, 31 ~ . 392 lom~rdino, J 'Jcllh, 2:)S, 3;;0 l OMMs. Glilten. 131 l019, R,eha-d , 362 long .nr>. Roy . 310, 3)9 le-en;:. Seljne~ , 362 LOJ"ie~e , Mike, 2<;18, 310, J~9

Leyell K,Hen. 257, 303. 382 lo"ell, R.!Iney, J82 LO'/e lt, Tne.TIa\, 2~ 8 Lo y,tl, ) wep, riO lo yi:a , Deoo la h, 290 ~~o Low.}, Terrie l 382 ' Lo werv , Dil Vld 382 lewelf , Ea ") , 3J9 lO'oIeri, J anet, 3:'l lO'oIl!!Y, Pelfr ero lb2 Lo yd , l oinel'e. 2i;~, 382 Lo\' eu, Jame~, 3t.2 L~cos, Reqin.!Jld, 382 l~c i.;: , Jo~r, 255 362 Lu i, Aly n~ '67.'314 3S0 Lui, geli~::..!J . 306 3D, 315,339 Lun·W'u s, Deflit!), le 2 l yles, Milr yil n. )39 l ,nch. Kur t. 382 l yon~ Ch"r,U. 3i12 L,ons. Fr"nk, 337 L·,ons. J~rres, 332 Lyons, l , nd". H2 Lron., M,::hael . J62

M Maos. Sto,ley, 218 M.!J(he'e i . 0/:0 1'1 . 307, 309, 339 M4d, g"tbora . 392 Wad., Stone, 382 MocJ:ev, M.!Jrl". 392 Mao d en. Allen )82

M ~'ne'li , Me lts~J. JSO

Ma.lcn, Susan , 381 Malvido, J01n, 2S4 , J8J Menle·.'. Wunda , 339 Mc nn. Kennerh, 120 M(ln ~ Colr-nen. :!83 MM'{, Beck y, 2tT, 273. 339 M"ny. M3r·,. 330 Man y, NO'Miln, :ms, 3)9 Worellll, P.!Jtric'", 363 M&ro,s. Ct,,,'le$ E, Jr .. 38) r.,{a "onnea\J~, iJar y, 383 M ar~ ~ , Ko~h l yn, 39) M ar~,, ' .), MillY. 383 MO'ia l' 5, Willi llm 302 339 M<l lle" , Fr'eda , JbJ ' Marnall, KOIlIllll' ''', 306, 3b3 "'Mt. n. Ct.arl>!'1 3DJ 1II .'IrI,n, Glenn, JW W.)rlrn, GregOr i . 3aJ Marl n, Po.-nel" 333 M"rtin, RIII,1ee. ) 01. 331 Mor'on, Rr>btr:, 30 ~ Wurlin, Shtt,,, 3tD /Jall,n. Sua nne 2'i0 3 13



M a't~ n . S"l v ;."




M(; rlrnez. D" v d 298 Mor lr ,el , R::.n.!lld, 302 M "ie~, lhor.'las, 3~9 Malr>n. l ' nda, 363 M ~rne r n., G :berl. 131 M.,'hias, Pa l, 270 M",k ons, KJy, l!lO Met'~ewi. C,,;)tine. 39J Mall..,ell. Arlene 339 Me.well, Rayn~',o, 265 MeKweli,.Marlha, 269. 363 Emr ly. 2;] Moy, K"len , 393 Mayer, Sleven. 3)9 Maye. p" mel" 36) tJcC" in, David J 93 Mc.Ca in. I-I "rr y' 36 3 Mc.Cain , Mike ,', 3 1 McCa ll e n, De bl a , 3 13, 35-0 McCa nd lil,\ Rll ym ond, 293, 339 McC&n1eu, Na l'! cy, 296, 363 McC"1 ~n e·( . Charle s, 363 McC lorn. Tnom"~, )63 McClein, W illia m , 363 McC lendo n, Ft~n zell . 393

""" y,

McCleskey. l our,. 38) McCon"thy . Se tty lynn. 350 McCO,1nell, J ud ,th, 383 Mc.Co rmic.k, Br~c e , 262, 350 Mc.Corm id:, Mary. 36J M cC ull o u g~ , Ch !l rlo tt e , JJ9 M c Cow' ~, L"ure l, JSO McCoy, Bll rbara . 350 MceOi, Doro l~y , 382 McCoy, Karen, 350 Mc.C oy, Ka thlee n, 383 M::Cullin , Sid, 131 McCu ll r>eh , Pamela, 3113 McDode, Doy;!!l, 383 McDaniel. Ket'ld"lI. 298, 110, 33'l McDM'el, Seely. 383 'JcDo n rel, Thomos, 1)1 Mc Oon"lc.I. Joh n. 363 McDo nto ld. J'lJ a .,ite )93 Mc Donl!Olo', Ka,lhryn'. 363 Mc Dono u<jh, Kel hleen, 3Bl Mc Do ugle, Kenny, 3(:) McDo.... eoli. Stephen 10 1 ::53 McEachern. Vicki. 383 ' Mc Enery, Dorotlly, 350 McEntire, Garry, III McGee, Patti . 363 McGeeytr. Ma ure en 92 3SO McGowen. Frenc.es.3Ot.' 331 McGuflee. C~risti n e , 308 I>.tf cGo wen, Dr> rel ~y, 339 McGul£ee, Irmll, nIl McHenr y, Warren 36) M cC'n ~ rn, G lend d, 3B3 M c K{I;~le , Marj orie 383 McKoe nl ie , J o 'ln, 363 i./ cK in~ 6~· , Deborall 363 McKni.gn l, .S herry, 339 McK ern, l' nda. 339 Mclean. Mickey , 339 M cle~ n , Regi n", ~'1S, 363 M ~ Le"n , Robert , ]8) Mclemore. 1>.tf"r<J6ret, 333 Mc.Lin . Pal.-icia , 363 Mc M.!J n, J" me\ , 381 M eMer.emo~, M ,c.~ae l

M c M ill~ ~ , Dc)vid 393'


Mc Mi!!an, EI,ie )33 McMillan . R le y, 339 Mc. Milli n, Gilbert, 33'9 I>.tf c~ur' " y, Ed· th. 292, J19 Mcl"ee l. Kare n. 383 McNeely. Su~ie l.lcPhertr>n ,. Caro:yrr , ))9 McVuy , Ker'h , 289, 3)9 Mc v ;!'!. Ldnny. 339 t./eW'II'''Ms. Davio', 351 IoJcWiII'a,",s, L·nd o .351 M e~ h . Mary, 275, 3S~ Mere r. J:>hll. 383 w' ei5ne r, Rr>b e't, ::63 Mell or. . Veri" . 381 Me lville. Cecilil!O , 384 Me nde l, T.iom" s, 334 M erce~ . She:e. 363 Me -re lls, Thelm" , 3«1 Merten s, J osep h, )~a .\.ierten. , Patricia 351 Meu:o n, Carel', 3s.\ Metlge', Jor. n. 35 t M ~'(ers, M ur~hy. 31H M rc he l, Vic, ~O Mickle$. Jo nis. 363 Middlelon. Rona ld, 3B4 Migues•.Michael , lS I M ~[es, l ' nd~, 289. 3OJ, 38~ Molle . J osep h, J10 Mll e. MeL' i!, ]066 M,ll er. An I'! , 363 M:lle r, Br.d h, J8~ M,lI e r, G l a dy~, 381

"" ;11 13', la rry , 363

Mille r. Leo na rd , 307 J~O Mirier. Mi'iam 35 1 • M~ II;9 a"l . Keir~, 3 17. )5 1 M!"rken, Ho l me~, 2'13 M !~o r, lynd", no M ore, Je"n, 3S1 Mi re. Pr.:tly, 108 , 110 M!!Ch!!'. Ro se. 26S, 38-4 M!Ic.hell. J ee, 265

;,.0; '_, l. J. , HO

Mixo,n. F OT ' e~ t 285. 30r, 36) MI.!Joe nl e . Mich.!Jel, 384 Mo:: k. C~arl e~ , 357 Mod, Sh rrl ey. 38~ Molfil, 1.("Hie , 35 1 Mo~r. Ka ren. ]8-4 Moncrief, Ke:th, 309 Mon eu~~y, l arr y, l~O i.lonlr Jamel. 340 Mr>nt iJl;;uine , B<rrba'a 351 M orll, Peggy. 36) • Mr>r>re, 8enn ie , 363 Moore, Beyerl y. )84 Mr>ore, Carol, ]40 Moore, David, )9 4 Moore, Ja me s, 253 Mr>ore, Jan ice. 303, 384 M oo r e, J oe , 363 Mo ore , Ko lhr~n, 363 Moore, Lorr~ i~e, 340 Mr>ore, Ma llie, 363 Moore, M\, l lle. 363 Moore , Shel l<'l , 351 M or>r~. Todd, 363 Mortic e . Deri s, 287. 361

Morel.:Jnd. Davi :t . 3~3 Moreland . P.!I(lon. )~l Mor g.!l n, h u }·. 38.. Mo rge n. John, J6) Morg.!l n. Michael. )5 1 Mo'g(ln. Peula. 384 M(I-re:l. Ma r;lyn, J8~ MOITos. Do~ne . 3!31 Morr ~ ,Ge t l )8~ Morr s. Geyle lSI Morril. Pel.r;';!. 363 Mose ley l 'bbv Mose~ . Brenda. 3~ M o~es. M.!Ir ly. )40 M os ~ s. Ra ne'all . 351 Mour~ l . !:"tele n Ren ee. 282.


Meyers. L,n de , J~O Mulh.etn. Ri c hilr d , 363 M ufl~n ~. Ne ncy. 295 , J6~ M ul l,~. Sleven. 13 1 Munn, George. 30). J:KJ M,unn , Ma ry. 384 MU Mcrly n, PJ l!i . 384 Munst e r. Robert . 2'lil Murda"Jg h. Dia ne 36~ Murphy, Carl. 340 Murphy, Deniel. 3-10 Murp hy, Hug ..... 1)1 Murphy. Jdek. 35 1 M.orpny, Kerry, 330 MU/ ·ey. Catheri. 271 Mu rry, Grace, J6~ M ~$e. Deboro!t. )84 My tilt. A I,;:;C. )03, 324 Myer$. Mor2(l. 384 Myr'i!k. Ktll hy. liD

N Na bOltrs. She ron, 298. 384 ~ ahlen. Carmel•. 38~ Ne,b~c.,. 8,Hbarll . 351 Nll le .. l ou Elle n. )84 NaOP ler. Elle n. 340 Ntls h, Fo ley. 296 314 ) 51 NlIsh, Mar il yn J'/;3 . NlI lio ns, SMa h, 2/:6. 2'15, 36f Neal, Bev e'l ~ 2B3 35 1 Neal . Do nna, ' )64 ' N eeo ~~ o Ma rga'et. 2bb, 26B, Ne 'so n, Irm a . 364 Neho n. Lo ,s, 3b-l Nellion . Ma rk, 151 Nero. Ka rl. 3bl, .'Iewcome -. De boro h. 351 Newcomer. Glen, 263 Ne wma n. G.:ary 340 Ne.... lon, B.-.rba;(I . )~ Ng. Feter, 315 340 N, :; hol" s. Gerlevia. 3S1 N ~chols. Elle n, 340 N 'ch36~' RllInd" ll, 26'J, 321. N 'cho I 50fl . Roy, 3~ 0 N,el. Gregory. 131 N ,•. Karen, 3M Nel a .'l, De borah, ) Norma n, Poul 236 No rr is.. 80'bl> ~a, 2i3 Nl<ge nt. Dtbra 264 N~ge.,I. M o"o~. 239 N~ IS . Ml>rQ.He t. 313 Nule. Alon20. 3t4

o Obrien, Shon, 2SJ O Crl, Suso une 351 Ocrllond. D~v id. 3 10 Odom, D Q T~Y, 273. 288 Odom . S ~ le n 85 257 Odon ne l. Ka l'nrl'~ lSI Og lee. J a'l'\es 35 i Oies kill. J ltdy )S I O live. Dorolh y 27'1 Oliver. Ro bed : l~ O ne.)I, Fran k JIO Orltgo. B ria ~ J 10 Ortego, G era ld, 3)0 O lwell , Herbert 3S 1 Oubre. Hubert. '364 O.... e n~ . Ke flfl elh, 36~

p P"ce, Do nno , 364 Folmby, Foe, 293. 3D] Po'due. van. 9'1 PO- ~i W iJli" m,3/>4 Pelm h. R'c l-la rd. 287, 3/:4 Par ke r , John. P"r ke r, Pau la , 3S1 Po rks, Prud ence , 29 1. 2'J~ , )"'i flll squo. IvIMk 35 1 Poseha ll. D ia ~ e 237 Poul. Pe99v. 281, 3b~ Pallle , Sand ra 3M Fa vi c.h. Louis.'3SI P(>t m 'n o . Au d rey Ped , l yn n, 274 Pelleg r in. Dea n, )M Pe RIl. Chili' Ie, . 9) Pen uell . Ral ph. 263 Percy. Mary Aline )5 1 Pcrlc IM, Alice, 3M


P1!-kins. 8re,00. 275 Pe-k;ns. J ul·e. 295 Perd. E li ~o belh. 3~ Perritt. Sen:::l.-a. 3M Perry. 1m. )QO, ] 16. 364 Perrvmen, PMrela. 36-4 releH. A lice. 282, 368 Pete'l. Roy. 13 1. 20l Pelers. 5u50 n. 282, )SI Pele:" Tomm.... 100 Plleloh\. Owig.,t. 266, )09, l SI Ph,lI.ey , OOllald. 364 Ph,lIe'l, Fr eddie. 12 1 Phi lle y. Lell oie, 26b . )51 Phil I P'. k:,)r.1 . 295 . 3&4 Phill"p3. Pa tric·¢ . 3b~ Phi: l;::)s. She rm an . 330 Phi lp o t, J anal yn. 36-1 Phipps , Re be;:;e/l . ~6-<I Piasec (i Ph ili p, 330 Piano. J or n. J86 P ic ~ en;. Suson . 279, 364 P, de 't. Ma r,hn, 260. J~ I p,lche r. K"thy. 3M P'ro , NilY 364 Pi d le, J! n1cs. 36+ PoIt,vd , V ir;lin' ~ . 38:> p','d;e. D11e, 3M ,0 .· in. Dav d, 3 ~ :> ~nh . Jo ..... 2's? J86 P!~ a.a ut . Ch ,,~t.r. t31 ?Iunle,t. Po tl'. 2M, 295 . lb~ PoM.on, MMY A<'1r. 310. 31] .


Poiflde ~t er . Cheryl. Po,s~o, C no d es. 131

30) )SI

Pol "nd . Ka thr.,n, 293 PolI ~-d . James. :!.% Pollard. Thom~s. 2aJ. 3S1 p:."le, Ch~rles 35 1 Peon. Mi o Ken l iS. 3860 Pene. Pi\lricia. 9J 36~ Porel . G rcq or \" , 3M Porle r , C,o;orol, JS6 Port Ie . Tr~d i 386 Pos~a. Torr.. 3~ r Poth, Jane . 302. 3ei Po lt s, Jer" v, H I PO"'ell, Ann e, HI Po we ll. Set1y, 3M Powell. Deero, 3M Powell . Kim. 255, lOI. 307, ) 51 Powe ll. l ,nd ... . 3i l POWI' ll. Rkh ~ rd . 36~ t'r... l he", Jcy~ e. 396 Prafher. St e o~e<'1. 35 1 Pratt, M:H Y. 364 Pratt. Terri. 2n, )07. 341 Presle~' Michi)el 1 0S , )~ I I're~tid gl' . Cherle~, 102 P.-eslon . Paul. 35 1 "ric::'. A'ma, 232, 351 Price. C"'adolre . 36~ Price. Er"e~t. 151

Price. Frorenee . 365

P"i:::e. Hel$hel P-ice. Kirby. 330 Price, Nor -is )86 Pr!ce, Rog er. Jeb Pro esl , Ja ~ e .. , 152

Prie~t, Kindred. 38!.

Pr iesf . Marlha . 270 Prince . C ooJ\ie 352 Prince. PlI tti. ) eb Prine. KMe n. 27 1 Pr itch ard, Cary. 3Sb Pritc hett, Mic hae l. 386 PreClor, C ho'l e,1 e . 386 Proclor. lawren ce , 352 Prof it. B... rb... r" . 352 Prophit. How v. 386 r-ro:, e nB . C htlr/e s. 34 i Prll' 1t. MMY. 386 Pruitt, P" t-iee. Jab PlI lmon . Glynn . 391>

Q Ouade. Joh n. HI O U!lbe d e all )'. Ke tho )!36 Quinn, Robert. )65

R R.a bo r n. W iley. 386 Ra chell, Oori, . 34 1 Ragl" nd. Rober t . 3Sto Rohm. Al be rt. 38!. RD iJ\ ~ . Bed '{, 3~ 1 R;:r;ne,. 5"ndro, 386. Ra mse v. Rebecca. J86 Re nd all . W i:/illm. 386 Ra sh . JllIcq ueli ne 3Db Ra s ~ · n. RO M!::I. )41 R..n l , Sedy. 253. 362 Ro!,tcJil ~ Mo!l ry, H6 RAtcl i ff. Pa ula 30J , 38& P., \~ rliFf. DonM, 3~ 2 R"tti il[. F"ye. 3£1b R ~ ue'. Michae l. 341 R~uschko l b. O... niel. 3M R"u~chko lb, W illiam. 3B6 Ra wlii. l e lo nd . J6.S Rey, John, 3t.5 Ray. M"rgene , 352

R o1y~orn. ·"ickie. 3S6 RllIvk-::I . Cath." J86

11 ,yle. Devi d . JB.!> ~rh·rnon::l. Gl ynn. J8b R"'l ::l,. . Sfeve, 92 f> ~der, SUla n. 386 Reds. Connie. 2£13 , )52 ~')o~ , Marg<Het. 293 . 241 Re eolel 8. II.,.. 3~t Reeve'. Rebecc lI , 386 Reeves. Semltel, 3~ I Reeves. Stpron, 3eb Reg an. DiMe. 341 Rernenf, Re becc.:a 381. Re'gh ne,.. V;rgina . 36S Rem ng lo .. , Fr ~eool. 300 Ren :roe, Ke ntQn. 3-.1 Reppond. Gleoda, 367 Reppond. R;' .... 352 R el. t ~r, Eri;:;. 283 . )52 Re\" no ,d s, c.~r e'4. ::4 1 Rhodes, De ni el. 252 Rhodu. Si dn el'". 13 1 R hv~es. J.J n lei 365 Ri( herdton, Corol, n. J 65 R ' ~hards on. Hueh 3b5 I{:d'~rd $on. Terri. 3~S R, c l\~J.. R od(j~r, 311 Rich rno:lO. CheNI. 387 RideJl s W lIia'l1. 337 Ri(.l'l in, (eMe·,. HS R ~<;J~s. Rc.ie. 341 Roley, Arry. 3.<1 1 R, lel'". Carolyn. 3137 Rae;, J<lrr e~. 365 ~ oll'.,.. Noeh. 217. 297. 352 R:no. Phylt'$, 3S2 R"t chie. Gay, 365 Roec.h. Dav,d, 781, 3)0 Ro.:ach, Gorde n. 387 RO.lrk, Carolyn. 3 ~ I R~rk. Julie, 357 Robe'd.;. Baroara. 3£17 Ro b er5c", Martha , 387 Rober/s, Sever lv. 3eS Rebe" !. Fr6 nklin, 257 Robert$. Rov. l65 Roberts. W i'lie, l :J2, 341 Robert ~on. 8elinoill. 27~, l 65 Ro b e rtscn. Den. 3~ r Rob 'c h au~ , Gre g ory. 387 Roo nelle. JI\r i:; ", 365 Rob inson. Be llv. 341 Robi nson, De lc"s, 3A1 ~ ob; n lon , Doyle. 3~2 Ro b inson. Gi no e r, 352 RobiniO"' . M" ';·. 2'15 . 3", Roo·nson. M;chae l. 257 352 R oO,n~on. Rict1ard . 365' ReQu . C...,le. 365 Rooers. 0 :1rI, 257. )87 R~! 's. Steven )4 1 RO.lers. Terry. J,q Rot~nd Alice. 365 RoII ....11. Gery. 299 Romero, Rufus. 310. H I Rool, G inger, 2~'J . 2Q l, 30) ]87 .:to p er, An;t ... 397 Ror.e, Peul l SI ROlbv. C.!Ir.l 352 RCle::la le. Deborah. 397 Ro\end ral1l Hefe n. ),,5 Rosefllha l Roy, 387 R05h 10. C ll rI, 352 Ross J oe, 11 9 Ron 1er. Leo, 305 ROlh ..."II. Pe ltl. 327 Roug e<'Tu . Lloyd, 3a7 RCJ'"-Ie ll, Dll niel . ~I ROL h e l Er nest 1)1 il:ou .ie' l. Kenny ~ Rousell. K('rrll. 105 Ro ...del1. ScoII , 11 '9 Je an ni ne. 365 Rugg. Susa n. 387 Rurr,fola. PeM. 187 'tltsh. Ea rl . 3bS. 3iP Rush. Emil y. 352 Rlt sh. 5ltson . 31:5 RushinQ. Don na . 387 RJuell, O:l n,·(. )52 Russell. J uliu\ )52 Ru Ho....liki. Rolla nd. 162. 352 Ryo n, P~lricia, 30 ), 387 Ryder . Patricia. 3£.5 R... I<'or.d. Everl, )S2 Rvlan :t . J6 ne. )87


Sadi~, Georqe. 3 15, 34 1

Sadle r, Frei :"lfl . 3~1 S:lqrera, t.,Ai c hae l. 34 1 Sla ' ~I'\ I. W illiom , )97 Sall e~. Elizece th , 365 SmlllPso n. Melisso1. 3b5 Sa nches. Lindo. 3~1 Sa nd e rs, Jol-n . 2''13. 2Q 7. 3bS Sanders, Kill re n. 365 Solinders, She rri, 356, )4~ Sand idge. P"tricia, 36S Sand idg e. Sherry. 38 7 5~ pp . J enniler. 3S7 Se pp, Luc v, 337 Sa uc ier, ClI ri . 365 Sauci er. Doug . 386

So·'~r . 0, ~i9. 122 SJlcn), SLbhosc.hanoro . 315,

330 5e"lIo., Ne -lie,)41 5:;e' O. Robert, 131 S:;na Ie ' . J anoll, 2!.7, lEi Schech , KothJ"¥n. 2'1) Schee n. Palli, )£17 $~n ele E~e;et'e. )87 S..;hrn,dt Oo1:o:el. 3~ I Scho.l. RU$seli Adrion . 3a1 5chol;: Ch..,ries, 397 Scof,etd. Slar', 90. 387 Scoggir s. O,v od. 302. )52 5~01 r. Euqene. ) ~ I Scell , J .10 " 2l31. 330 Sce tl, LN n. l87 SCrO'l (;nl , Kl1ren 257. )S7 Sc, uggs. J o h.. , 3 ~ 7 Scr.JQ'ls. She 'o n. ]4 1 Seurria . I he:nos. :l~ I Se" y, Carelvn. 367 Se,;o?rl Su.an, :;~7 Sell. Doug l" •. 3)2 Sd le r •. Sleve n, H2 Semmes. OahOrll h. 3~7 Senn. Gary. 351 5.:;io, Joy. lS2 ~ cvi e' . J im . Se ... e ll. Steven. 287 , 387 Shl1" Polnkc)i, 3 15. 33G Sntl"kle. Len n ie. 342 S,elby, Emily, 2n. 142 Shelby. Ronn ' e, 352 S.,elton. Mllry. 352 Shellon . Rob er'. 108. 100 Shep.,rd . ....., "lie. 3tS Steo~ 3 r(j. Debra, 387 She'Mil,', CI.N. 295. )$S Sh e rMo" Gllit. 387 ~herm"n, J udi". 3bf Shc'm:'l n R ;ch~ ~ 2B 5hiel d ~, HJqh, ]~~, Jr. Shi:>p. C arl. 255 SII·L. l if, ,· ) 15. ]52 Sru{li~, Tnorrcs. )S9 S1 L. r;. Ste ;:ohen. )05.388 S iole~' , Cdrl, 2137 S I... ersle'n , F ' ~ d , 33 1 ~ M"TIO r. S. Ed,;!,e, 342 ;' ,rl110n$. Ze .:h . Jl,5 S' ''';::Ilo n. E labe' .... 352 Sjm~ lc n, JeMes, 2:;1 , 3~2 !: irrIJ 1o n. Rc b('rf . 38;3 Si"TIs. Mol ry-, )BS

Sing let OIl . Gwe d o l ~n. 35'

S·re~. Ci nd ..... 388 Sisson . Bonnie 3bS Sillion. R'char::! 365 Sitl'q, Brend6. 307. 3bS Sklar , Alec. ] 10. 342 SlOCUM, Do nnill. 388 SI(lter. Ireth" 380 S'aug hler, E mil ~·. 388 StauQhter, Sharon, 3!J8 Smort. C linton, 3S0 Sm'lh. Anne. 274 Smith. Ann i~. 3"S S.,..·j Jh. B ett~. 388 Smith. 60 nnie, ]~5 Smit h. C erol, 3~2 Sm ith, Do vid , 352 S m ~t h . Debora h, 388 Sm , th. Debr". 388 Sm,:\ Dewitt 3-12 Smi~h . Don li ld 13 1 S."TIith. Donn ll '3b5 Srr:!th, Gl~dys . 399 Sm ' th, G l ego ry. ~~~ S"TIith. J ames E.. 3f 8 Smith. J ames M .. 3bS StTl~lh. Herrold, 299 Sm ,lh . Je rr y J66 Smi t h. Jo n. 31)6, 311 312 Smith , Koren 383 . Smith. Kot hleeo 388 $." ilh. K" lhlee n' G. 31 7 )66 Srr.i IM, K~r.ne th 308 . Smi th. l eni lill. Smith, Jo,!. l52 ~miti. M" Ie ISIll. H2 )rr,H. Marc, 352 Sm·t..... MOlil,.", 352 S..,..,th. Mtlry. 35] Smith. Mery luci rldi! 280 Sm:th. Mile. 1) 1 . Sm~ ~h. PoliSI'. l 42 Sm,th , ~elnda ll }oI2 Smi th, Ro b 10) Smith, Rut h. 292 S~ilh. S:'ld ie ]42 SMith, Sam. '3M Sm:~.'r. Sni'll(on, 28'1. 365 Sml~ h. SUl a nne 312 Sm;rh, VaUarie: 353 Sm:rh, Virl ;ni/!. ] 88 5 ...,.. ,111. Wi tTlo'!, 3BB Sne ll . Edi'ilo. j~2 Sne ll ing. Jon. 266, 295 , 342 Srow. Rand ... l. 289, 3S3 Snowde n. ~ ovee. 287, 366 S,,.d er, J e ni ce J8S Sobbs , DOll a ld' 361; Soi le" u. A ntho~y. 257 Soilea u. Terry. 2'1'9 Sonn ie l . Ro b ed, 306 , 3 /1 . 342 Sou thall. MiCh<'lel, 3e8 Spann . De bra, )38



Spa nn. FrMcis. 3.39 Speer, Ke nn~th, 2B, ]1 I, 3~2 Speors. Oe .. ,d, 1'H Soe~,s. J·M"TIie. ) E3 Sj::O"s. Vi r";! in a, 36:. Spencer. K"therine, 353 Sj:enc~ -. P!t ric .... . 18a Seencer. Thom,,~. l38 Spi le •. JO lll n, 338 S~;I.ers. lloyd. )42 50' tie's, S·onlell. J60 So IIman Emm". 3SB Sp;vey. erldbeth 29 1. 353 S:>rJell . Julius. 3~ Soru.lI. !toooic', ~aa Sp u-Iod . SIeve, 3~ 3 St. J u:i en Rene. :!39 S III ~b . Pa ul . .2'1'1. 31 I . 342 Sl ~c e'y , BCM,e. 388 St ill f-o rd, B llrb~r<'l. 11 1. 312 Sl6 iford, Jl)mes. 2'19 S'dfioud, Barba rd, 3~2 Sla .'ey. Phili p . ]J 1 Sl arrpl ey. Keren. 112. 353 S l a n~b ur '( . Pameh. 3bb Slarseil . He resd ll:6 St",rl, J omel . 388 St6:er. J OIce, j~ g Sfe,.,:>ec l. Ca rl . 342 Slei ncueit. Debo·...;" 3b6 Sttnne tt. Alr rd . 342 Sleo1eus. Do n... ld . 262.366 Sfe lJ hen , . Enid. 1]1 Ste::>.,ens, She, lo . ) 53 Stepnenson, BllI rtHre 3S8 Stephenson. Ger{lld, 3,.,6 Slerkx. Marilyn 3as Steve n ~. D,an n". lb~ S·eve',. Nilo. 3as Sle'renson. M"r~, 162 Ste.... ard. Henry. 3!l£l Stew.."!r l. Charles. 257. 3&6 Slewa n C la ude. Jil3 Srewa rl. Dano . 353 St ewa rt. F ro n<::e~, 366 Stewar t. J ooiee, 3~3 51e",""d. J i'l1my. t2 1 Ste ...art. Marilyn. )66 Stewart , P"me la. 96. 328 Stew",- ;. Susi!n, 353 Sl ig,,". S"" lmye. 2'1'1 Srin ne lf. R ('~ " ", 255 , 2!l4 . 293 . 316. 3~ 2 Ste ne . 80yce. 388 Slon e , Michael , )66 Stono? P e ~ n~. 34 2 Stoneciphe r. AI<'Jn . 293 S;col:.e~~ Carol. 366 S~ra i n , :>ho1'oll. 353 Str.:alton, J"mes. Sirel ch, Jt rry. 301. )42 Slrick leno . WanOIll. 29;. JEa Stroderd, J " mes. 131 St.-oq, Joekie . 366 Strone. Jer ry. 388 St roud. 8ecky. 388 5lr umpell . Susa n, 342 Stua rt. Ric ha rd . 11 2 It] Siu ll . Ric.hard. 306, ~B I StyrM Sushi. 166 Sul/'v,,·n. Je mes. 287 SUm n e~j Katheryn. 383 Sling, !l.wok 315 Sung. N'cholal, Ja8 Sw.:arne r, Rebe cc", 383 SW'}Yler. C h ~de~, 283, 366 Swet ney. Patrcio. H2 Swen so ~, MllIrsh6 11 . 338 Swill;e , Pamela 188 Sw' nd le, C h<'Jr' ~ ~, 2B . 3~2 Syl es. CY llt hi~ . H2. 31.5 S~ les. l ,moth'l , 366 Sylv('.le r. Diane. 3BB Sy l ve ~ tr i. G..,i no . 289. 366 Srp ~ a ~, Ru th. 3B9


T T",bod o n. Rilo , 27S, JU T.llley, Anne lle, 3M TII:le~ . Sreun o n. 38~ Talley. Lill-ry, ] 11 T~ ltev . larry JllI m e~. 342 To lley, lvIedi f\J . J8'J T ~ lIey, Penny. 342 Ta m, HIll II . 3~2 To!: nn er, Ko thlee ll , )53 T<'Iflner. le~Jie. )53 Ta rver, li nd" . 342 louin, Oe n·1e. 389 T" I$i'l. OM, 311 . 312 h S1in. J udi th , 342 h lt zin. Kat ~e r ir.e . 311. )5) Ta ylor . Cathy, 389 Tay lor. Conn ie, 342 Ta yl or'. Harold . 334 TfI~l o' , J" c k. 142 Tavlor. James, 38'9 T6 vlor. L-1l rry , ) 53 Te"lor, R ~ ndc l ph. I f2 . 111 Tal·lor. Regi na. 3~2 T~\.. lof. Ro nfl;e. 2'19 Ti! ylor Sa rah. 366 Teoc h. Don. 305. 3U, TeaQc'~. D OMflilI . 142 Telano. Sheila. 389

Tenple ton, J oh n. 3] 1

Terry. Ca'o/, JOO. 312

i er',', Pa lric ia , ) 42 rt>! aoll, PhvI E\ . ],3 iher;et, Fred die, ] S) r.v~::len . !a mmie. 2'i'1. )89 1110m<ll , A lb ert ,


Tn(lme1 , Barbara , 389

Thom", . Clo.o . 366 Tnom"t. Ri c hord , 31>6 lhomOl. Sh o, lev. )66 Thom o, . 1 :0(.'1. Jail 1 110m010ll, Ca.. 1, )89 Thompson, ~<1"' . )89 ThomJ; ! ol'l, Eve lyn , 3~ 1 thomp10 n, Gai l, 389 Thcmpson, G lenn, J~ 2 1 ,om0101"l, L! r ry, )", 2 Thomoson , Lawre nce, 278, 2iB Thompson, LI1, )89 Thomp10n, Mo roi e, 381 Thompson. Moe'J ,se l, 99 T~ omp10n , OiC/H, 389 no rn hill, A lvie, 35) Thornh ill, Jt: Jr y, JS9

Thorn ton, Ba rbc'lr", 31>6 Thorpe , Beli nda . 291. 389 Th OYI!Ino , Vale rie, 389 Thru het, W illiom, 92

Ti lle r, Ma ry II I Till man , Pollye, 343

Tu rne r. Debb ie . 389 Turne r. De bra, JB9 Turr. er. G lor ia. ) 89 Tur ner. J "nel. J5~ Tur ll er . Mid'lae!. 339 Tucll er. Sleve n. lOS. 367 Tur ner. TerCSll, J89' Turner , W illia m . J89 TU$4. Chll rles . 34] T.....eedy. D6f1ll. 38'1 Tyeer. Li ndi<ly . 353 Ty le r. 8arb"",! . 38'7 Tyler. M~ry . 38'1 Tyler. Ricky, '1l Ty~o n . J erry. 38'1

u Ulme r, Pame la. 389 Under ..... oo d. F"ye, 39'1 Un d erw ood . MMl on. 331 Un d e rwoo d. Robert. 341 Unde rwood. 56 ndr a, 81.361 Und er wood . Yvo nn e , 189 Unger, SU'6n, 3b7 Up ton . Ellen. )90 Up ton. J ,m. I II . 119 Up:o n. Mll rily l'l , )90


Timmons , Shl d e v. 389 Tin~ l ey. Da vid, 389 f initey . James, 331

Todoro Josep h. 3bb To[,,' , M",ill!. 34) Tolliver , Sondrol 35) Toni n. o n. Lor~ine. 389 Te ne ... . Loree . 29] Tooke . Alice . )S'1 Torrev . MolrQure! . l-4) TO·Jeht on. Jo!I mel. la9 To wr.send. 8ell y. 389 Trolholn . Kare n. 399 T r" h~n . Ph il,p. 11 2. ! 11 Tr"ho!l n. Tetro!l nce. 389 Triche l. Lou ". 38'1 Tri pi, ROjem <l ry. 282 . 38'1 Tripp. C\'nthi6 . 270. 2'13. 3~3 Tri pp, Oe bO(4h. 38'1 Trip p . J!!mes. 2S3. )) 1 Trulv, J e nn,!e r , 343 TS40 , Sl eve n, 31S. 38'1 T~ui. Su n. Lee , :U 5. 3M. Tucker. Ba rry. 3137 Tuder. Don na . 2S'1. Ji3 Tuder . Lil lie. 399 Tucker. Te rrv, 399 T u ll o~ . Ro be rl. 399 Tum nelle. Su,~n . 3i l Tung, 80n ni<ll . 3 15. 3~6 Turbeville . Jam es. 351 Tur "l bd l. Ed wa rd 286. l07 Turnbull . S!lndy. 287 Turner, Barba;6 . 30) , )53


Valenci" . JU <'lll . 34) VaUe ry. De bor6h. 367 Vallery. N4[.elte. 283. 30 Veller,., S~B n. 3'10 Venz6nd t, Audie. 3'70 VM .l ado , De bb' ~, 390 Var nado. I( e, r ~a . 307 Vau9han, Ger~ l d. 3il Va ughan , J a nel , )03 . 308, 353

Ve na b!e, Roberl , 304. )20,


Venelis, StephM, 190 Vercl'oer, M" dl llel, 1] 1 Ver m ill io n, Dareelle, 390 Vi c:;kery, Toni, 34 3 Vinc.ent, Brodley , 29'1, 31 1. ]53 Vince nt. '<e nne! h, 34; Vi nc e nt , Molvin, 367 Vin es, Fr6ncel , NJ Vil e nll, Joseph . 2'iB, 311 , 3~3 Yodl! , M;Uon. 307 Yogi, J udy, 343 Yog I, Ka rl , HO Yo n die}e!~ k'i . P.lt..l . 131

IN W",de, L<l .Jr~, 3'Kl W a de. Rola nd . 3~l

Wage5 , La,,' o , 275. 367 W ogner, Henry. )~3 WO ll es, C',nthi"" 3'1;) W., ih. Patrie ,.:. , J~ Wal~er . 9r~ n do,


W al ker. W al l er, W" lke r , Welker W, ' ker Wulke r. W'] lker , W3 lker . W" lke r ,

D<!I na. )90 France5 . 29 1, 353 James, )1; J i"nmy, 3 11 J o hn, ]n J udI', 390 K,,'herone . no Kerry, ]1.7 Marl~ " , 390 W~ I ~er , Michaei , 299 Walker Re oeccd, 367 W .. I ~ e r . Reno!le. 3'10 W ~ lker . R,ta , 113 W oll Deboroh, )~O W oll, L3 .... 'encc . )67 W .:. ll oee , Gai l. 29~. lb7 W 3l1 ace , Gregory, 257 W~ll ace, Jimm .... 12) Wa ll ace , R' cnard , 390 Walley, Be nis!, 3qo Wa ls ....o rt h, Dovid. 2'13 W" lt e' ~ , Jenel. 367 W" ireH. I( a lh,... 9b W"lters, T~ Jr y, 3H W<l:ron . Anna . )90 Word. Ma rv in. 343 Wllre, Be<ltner. J67 Ware , Lue. 390 Wa..ner. Robert, 353 Walnoc~ , O li v:/I. 295. 367 Warren, F'-/lnk, J9Q Worte n, le igh ton , 390 Wu.i burr.e , Jack , Wa~n ill<;Jton. J " que l ;n~ , 390 W ~s h ,n ljJ t on , Li Il'll n, 255. 2b7. 307 W alo, Sue , 390 W61 ers , Annette . J{:7 W atell, Cha rle s, )0\3 W <l lson, Ala na , 3'10 .....Io: s::o n, G lo ria , )"'0 Wahon '....'orie. )90 Wa llo n, P"H~. 3'10 Walso n, R:c ~a rd , JS3 Wott\. Ali.;;: io , 367 Watti. S, nd ro , 390 W('Jwn·{ni~ ~. K"z lme r. II I W a x, Llovd , IJ I W il y. Her.ry, 2gb , 287, 3~1


Weo'her~b'l , EI~;e,


W eb o . S... mrrie 390 W ebo. S~i rl e)' , 34::: W elch SU$4fl , j 15. 3'?O \"/e 'ch , Toni )67 Wells. J ohfl , )13 Wentwort ;' . J "me. Ji) Weslb roe k. Ben 390 W hat lev. Oe b ord h, 3'10

Wheal, Don , )4) Whe"lor. , Kenne th, Ji) Wheeler, Bruce, 18i. J31 Wh~eler , Denhe, j53 White, B,lIy. 286, 281' , )~3 \o,.' hl'l::, Step he n. 367 Wh it loc:", DlIvid . 390 Whitte fl . 8,11(. )90 Whillif\9!on All en, 3S3 W hi two rt h. Teresa , )'10 Wib ~n, J ,II . 29 1, 390 Wjd ig er. Ja me1 , 390 W ,:d e ', S~nor ll , 367 Wile~ $USdn, 307 W oIkel'l, ng, J 9~ce. )07 W il kening. Marc io. lH W lI:e s, E~ rI, ) ~] W ilkim, John , 353 W ilkif1!" Phili p 3~3 Wolk inscn B ~r 60 '~ ' 3/,7 W"k·n~cn, Ro b e rt, 367 W·II( Il . on , S t ephe ~ , 3'1 1 W illard , l :nda, JS) '..\f,lIett. E:dward , 3S) Wit le!! , Mira , 367 Will, am • . Anne!!e , 3S) Will iams . ~en. 35) Wi lli ~n. , Betsy, 39 1 W , lIi ", ms , C ha rl clle. 3b7 Wi' li .... m1, Dllv;d . 255, 39 1 W lI i" m!O, DOfc ltw, )i), 307 W ,lI ia'TIs. Ellen , ))) IN U ' ')''n~ . Fra nkli" . 1~ 1 W :Uia rN. G lenda . ]i3 W jll ia'TIs, Gb, ia, 35) Wj ll' <lrn~ , Jomes . 29 1, 34) W lI i" m~. J.6ne t , 391 W illiam !i, Jesse, 3'1 1 Wi ' liolm~, Jo se l)n. 39 1 W i. li a m~, JO\'ce, 3'1 1 Wi:l ia ms, Judy, 35} W oI" o ms, Kblie )'71 W ·lI i","n!O . Lonnie, 302. 34) W illi"ms. Morc e ne, 375 , H ) W:ll iarn . M"rv , )~ I W oIl ams, Ne lda. 3'11 W ill , arr~ S o ndr~. 367 Wi llia ms Walter, 3'1 1 v/ill :~rnson. G~erge, ]117 Will ~ rn son, G 'o,;.... , 96, ]'1 1 Wi lll ~mson, Kerri. }9 1 Will' d m ~ol'l , Mii rl hll. Tt l, 2'16,


W 11'611110 n, fl ll lric·'). 367 W 11:5, Be'~, 331 W lI is , Chery l, 39 1 W I' s. le n. 391 W, lis. l yndel. 39 1 VI Ison , Bobby. 391 VI Ison . Jenet, 29~, 367 W Iso n, K"ren , 39 1 W :son. lill ie , 3b7 W I$on , Lj,doJ , 3607

NLU Photo Lab


Jerry Sandifer. Head Photographe r

W ilson. Li nd" OilrAe. 191 W lio n, Tom, 39 1 Wi lso n, ~'f w/l n o , 275, I'l l W ,l son , W ill iam. 353 W ;" dh" m, Cedri ci., 35) Winesberry , Na:h ~n , 353 W ,ngfield . C liffoA, 353 W ,se , SU$('J n. 257. 367 Witheri ng to n, J o n, J43 W itherin<;Jton, R.ie t-;)rd. 39 1 W . t!y. J~me\, )~J \'Iombcl::, J -ame$. 391 Womack, Terr i, 391 Womb le . Mary . )9 1 W ood . Al e~bnd e r , 343 W ood, J i,...,my. lit 113 W ood. Llltry. 287 "iood, Vid ie , 39 1 WoodMd, flMdoro . 275, 3'11 Woodr idge, Tnomo \ , ~13 Wo od~ , Mich ~el, J9 1 Wood ~ , R~ndv, 391 Woodward, j .!l m ~ 5 , 191 Woed w ~rd, WI II' bm , 39 1 Wooldrrdge, Robert, 39 1 Woo ldrdge , Tho mM , 266 Wooley, M' chae l, )43 Worley, C lean, 3'11 WOl tno m, C" therll'le , 367 Wr4'(, J oe. 39 1 WrIgh t, Bo'H bilfo , 39 1 Wr:ght. Cb ~o l , 391 Wrigh t , C<lfolyn, 2n. 270, 293. 108, ]4) \'tr ig ;, -, Denold , 309, 343 W·ight. Ro~~evelt , )31 Wroten . Mb rlha . 353 W u, Cn unQte, 331 WVClU, Suza n, 39 1 Wynn , Robin. 276, 367

y Ye"h, Lov ,s, 353 Vee, P-alri::io, 2n , JI I , ) 13, 343 Y p , W ing , ) 15 , 3JI Yor ks. Sl,O·sctn 367 Young , C~~unc~ y, 281, 313 You"',!, Deug lai, 3'1 1 Yo unts , Do nno . 3'1 1 Yu, Po ~. 351 Yum , !;ob. 353

z Zeo<,jlet, Dovid. 297, )67 Z irrmerm ')n. Do n, 11 9 Z · ob l o wl~i . An thony, H I Z · 11") 0'1'1 . J ohn. 301.. 33 1 Zunde l, N" ncy. )9 1

S t u

d e n t


h Jerry Stretch

WayneUe Besser


t 0

g r

a p

h e r S Jay Hargroder


Jimmy Connell

\ ,I i

Jack Dietle


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