1969 Chacahoula Part 2

Page 60

School of Education:

School Consi sts of Five Departments

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and a Reading lab The School of Education, the largest school on campus, includes five departments and a reading lab . The school has a record number of enrollments this year and under­ graduate and graduate prog ram s have expanded considerably. A new Health and Physical Edu­ catio n building is now under con­ struction. Off campus classes for graduate residents credit are now available. This fall a doctoral program in education was initiated. Dean H. T. Garner, now in hi s second year at NLSC, received his undergradu ate degree from North­ western State College. He received his M.A. and Ed .D. degrees fro m the Unive rsity of Arkansas. Be/ow: Dr. Va ughan demonstrate s the use o f the ove rhe ad proiector. Below at right, Biedenharn Hall. Bottom , Dr. Shadoin, Dean Garner, and Dr. M oreland examine new video equipment. Boffom at righf: Sen ior education majors student te ac h in

loca l schools. Dean H. T. Garner


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