1 minute read


Daniel Eduardo Peña 4A Alejandro Copete 4A Elena Carvajal 4A Sara Lucia Correa 4A

DEP: didn't pass so much time with my family, because of their work, and now I had the chance to know them more, and I passed more time with them.

DEP: I started reading more, and I played table games with my family. And I have a cousin who lives near my house, and I had the chance to play with him.

By: Mariana Muñoz

1. What lessons has the covid left you?

AC: I learned that I could spend more time with my family.

AC: Watching movies. My favorite movie is saw. EC: The covid left me that we need to be more sharing, and we need to spend more time with the people we love because we don’t always have that opportunity. SLC: The covid is very bad, I don’t like it but it changed my life. Now I wash my hands and be very careful .

SLC: I learned how to cook, learned how to use better the internet, I started to paint a lot .

2. What new activities have you learned or implemented thanks to the quarantine?

EC: Sleep more, be with my family, and play table games.

DEP: I don't like them so much, because it's not the same being in school as being on a computer.

3. What do you think of virtual classes?

AC: I think they are good, but presential is cooler. EC: I like more presential school because I get to see my friends and the environment, but it's not that bad. SLC: Virtual classes weren’t so bad but they were bad because I couldn’t see my friends or talk to them, now I can see them but I can’t hug them

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