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evcil haber pet news

Minik dostunuzu kýsýrlaþtýrýn Have your little friend Uzmanlara göre evcil hayvanlarýmýzýn saðlýðý için onlarý kýsýrlaþtýrmamýz þart. Çünkü kýsýrlaþtýrýlan hayvanlar daha saðlýklý ve daha uzun ömürlü oluyorlar. Kýsýrlaþtýrma iþlemi yapýldýktan sonra da dikkat etmemiz gereken çok önemli þeyler var. Öncelikle, minik dostumuz artýk fazla enerji harcayamadýðýndan, beslemesine dikkat etmeniz, egzersiz yaptýrmanýz ve kilo almasýný önlemeniz gerekiyor. Kýzgýnlýk döneminde evcil hayvanýnýzýn huyunun deðiþebileceðini ve size bile agresif davranabileceðini, itaat etmeyebileceðini de aklýnýzdan çýkarmamalýsýnýz. Özellikle bu dönemde tek baþýna gezmesine izin vermemelisiniz. Çünkü bu dönemde kokusunu aldýðý karþý cinse ulaþmak için elinden geleni yapacaktýr. Kaza yapma, diðer hayvanlarla kavga etme ihtimali son derece yüksek olacaktýr.

According to experts, it is necessary to have our pets neutered for their health as neutered animals live a healthier and longer life. There are points we have to pay attention to after our pet is neutered. First of al, since our little friend cannot work off energy as much as s/he used to, we should pay attention to his/her diet and make sure s/he gets some exercise. You should also keep I mind that your pet might not obey you and behave aggressively while in heat. You shouldn t allow your pet to wander off alone when in heat as s/he will try anything to reach the opposite sex during this period. You should also keep in mind that there is a high possibility that your pet might be involved in an accident or get into a fight with other animals during this period.

Dukkha yeniden doðdu A new life for Dukkha Antalya da yaþayan Annemarie Neuner adlý Alman kadýnýn sokakta ölmek üzereyken bulduðu ve Dukkha ismini verdiði köpek, yepyeni bir hayata baþladý. Tedavisi yaptýrýlan ve eðitim verilen Dukkha, artýk Almanya'da havalimanlarýnda uyuþturucu aramada görev yapýyor. Ýlginç yaþam öyküsü, Alman Vox Tv'nin de dikkatini çeken Dukkha nýn hayatý, 8 bölümlük bir dizi olacak.


Dukkha, a stray dog that was on the verge of dying, was found by Annemarie Neuner, an expat who lives in Antalya. Dukkha s injuries were treated and he was trained to be a drug-detecting dog. Dukkha is now searching for drugs in airports around Germany. Germany s Vox TV will be filming a television series based on Dukkha s story.

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