Assignment Two CCDN 231 2011

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CCDN 231




Building upon the three preferred, inspiring elements, assignment two is an exploration through a sensory avenue. The expressive analysis and knowledge gained from assignment one is removed from its context and will be explored and experimented from our sensory relationship to it in this next assignment. Defining these elements into aspects. aspects are ideas - ideas contained within your initial visualizations abstracted from their original context or activity. What did your interactions reveal? What pertinence to design, the act of designing, and design ideas? Speed, tension, expansion, circularity, perception of time, resistance, force, absence+presence, light+movement .... ? Mixing intuitive (designerly ways) and non-intuitive (research into literature) design methods and personal creative impulses, students will give personal sensory interpretations to their concepts and ideas through a variety of media derived from their selected aspects. Beginning with the principles senses of the haptic (touch), aural (sound), visual (colour not form), olfaction (smell) and gustation (taste), students will need to develop an understanding of the translation of the physical experiences from assignment one into sensory translation or transference of their aspects. Investigate them through a wide range of experimental possibilities in diverse media with a high sense of aesthetic intention to design a means to present your nine final sensory experiments (or information ‘architecture’). Submission of assignment two consists of a collation of a range of three experiential sensory explorations/experiments for each of your three final aspects. Each student is required to summarize their research into the sensory itself and in relationship to their three aspects in a minimum of 900 words (approx 300 words per aspect) with primary references (APA Style). ASSESSMENT CRITERIA open media+writing.

presented in tutor groups +submitted to R drive (images 300dpi) 20% of overall grade.

ability to creatively and critically reflect on the sensory. flexibility within methods of exploration and concern with quality interactions demonstration of an awareness of broader contextual issues. concern with formal, technological and social implications of the sensory. ability to develop their own statement about relevant design issues.

PRELIMINARY 15/100% design statement final aspects to sensory (mindmap) + 3 preliminary sensory explorations


thu august


DEVELOPMENT 20/100% sensory explorations + presentation concepts


thu august


FINAL ALL Groups (R drive images + texte)

9:00am wed august


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