Video Editing 2011

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Editing video


Name the Project Browse a location to save it to 

Open PREMIERE Select New Project 

Setting up the Premiere Project

Select HDV Select HDV 720p25 OK 

720 is resolution for the height You could do 1080, but rather unnecessary 

P is Progressive

25 is Frame rate

Setting up the Premiere Project

General Premiere Layout

General Premiere Layout

Right-Click in the Project Files area Select New Bin 

Name your bin

Create a new BIN

Create a new sequence for each cut scene, and repeat

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Create a Timeline

Then create a new sequence for the overall composition, same settings as all the rest ď ŹIn the Project Files section, all the sequences can be dragged into the overall composition ď Ź

Create a Timeline

AUDIO Drag track onto an audio layer Pull back and front of track to resize to desired location in track To key frame, have red slider in correct position, and click the keyframe ICON shown 

Drag KEYFRAME up or down to create a fade between to keyframes

NOTE: To unlink audio from video, right click track, and select “unlink”

Create a Timeline

Some editing tips

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Scale (Timeline Window)



Edit the Timeline

File, Export, Media

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Export to Movie

Format: H264

Preset: HDTV 720p 25 High Quality

Output Name and Location

Export Video Export Audio 

Export to Movie

TV Standard: PAL

Height: 720

Pixel Aspect Ratio: Square Pixels

Export to Movie

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