Assignment Four Extension T CCDN 231 2011

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CCDN 231




Translating the ideas from the everyday into experience(s) to be expressed another medium – that of a short experimental video – will challenge how each extension evolves the complexity of the concept and augments different understandings and meanings of design and aesthetic intention for both the creator and for the participant. The element of time, the interpretation of experiences into a time­based media, can be a commentary, analysis, creative expression or questioning, to name a few, of our contemporary life and time, and how design participates in this dialogue. Each of you will be working to gather experiences from your audience(s) of your designed experiences in Extension M. Consider what they say, consider what you perceive, consider how you will construct Extention T either from stills or from video. Consider sound or sounds. Consider silence. Consider colour, light, shadow, distortion. Consider experience as an expression of time or speed? Consider abstraction or documentary. Consider single, multiple or simultaneous images. Consider the aspects, senses and the body. Create a short experimental time based work, video or film for projection. The duration must be between 33 and 44 seconds only. Consider the experience of the Extension T as an expression of the creator’s and/or participant’s. What are the experiences from your Extension M? How will an audience understand & view the translation of that experience as a video/film as a time­based medium?


25% course grade

1. the experience(s)

september 22 – september 30

Observe, watch, listen before beginning to produce images (still or moving). Explore thoroughly how what we design is experienced by someone else over time as per reading, Experience Prototyping.

2. work in progress for viewing + commentary. 25% of project grade. Studio

wednesday october 04

3. final video: 75% of project grade. All projects to be viewed Monday Oct 10th and Wednesday Oct 12th. 10


10:00am monday october

creativity, quality and articulate understanding of the experience(s) into time­based media innovation + visual experimentation to express experience. visual and aesthetic experience of the time­based project.

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