Young American Revolution, Issue 09

Page 7


‘Alcohol, Parties, and the Law’

YAL at Northeastern University found that their school would be willing to sponsor an event on “Alcohol, Parties, and the Law” once administrators learned out that, in addition to presenting the liberty perspective on knowing your rights, the speaker would focus on personal responsibility! More than 150 enthusiastic students packed the room to hear C.L. Lindsay, an attorney who founded the Coalition for Student & Academic Rights, discuss students’ rights and current laws about the drinking age, keg use, noise, and much more. The presentation also proved to be a great opportunity for Northeastern YAL to build a coalition on campus, as it was cosponsored by five other student organizations.



Obama = Bush at St. Cloud State

Minnesota’s Saint Cloud State University may not have known just how similar President Obama and his predecessor are before this semester, but they know now. That’s thanks to YAL @ SCSU’s Recruitment Drive tactic of highlighting the ways in which Presidents Bush and Obama supported basically identical policies, like bailouts for their crony capitalist friends, keeping Guantanamo Bay open for business, invading Middle Eastern countries, and trampling all over our civil liberties by signing the PATRIOT Act. With big signs spelling out this dangerous lack of difference between the two Presidents, SCSU YAL attracted several new members to their chapter!

Lights, Camera, Liberty!

Estonians peacefully gaining their independence, a dystopian future where everyone is equal, a philosophy realized through a man that stopped the engine of the world, a warning of the next financial crisis, parents struggling to get their kids out of failing schools, a brutal alliance between Nazis and Soviets, and an Australian family struggling to save their home from an expanding airport…all in one weekend. These diverse topics were the subjects of the films shown at the “Free Minds Film Festival” organized by the YAL chapter at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs. The festival featured notable speakers connected with the production of many of the films shown, and was attended by about 100 people! This unique project spread the message of liberty in a whole new way.



“I’m already against the next war,” declared a poster at the YAL table at the Midwest Peace Summit, sponsored by the University of Kansas YAL chapter on their campus. This was the chapter’s largest event to date, and it gave YAL members the opportunity to build an anti-war coalition with other student groups, like Iraq Veterans Against the War, Occupy KU, and the Libertarian Party of Kansas.


Vanderbilt University, #10

KU YAL Joins the Midwest Peace Summit

Free Economics Tutoring…for Liberty!

YAL at Diablo Valley College saw a need for economics tutoring on campus—and in that need, an opportunity to advance the cause of liberty. Securing the support of several professors as well as the student government, DVC YAL is now providing tutoring services seven days a week. “What better way could we make an impact on our campus than by providing an essential service to our peers, all while developing relations with the staff and administration?” asked the chapter’s blog post announcing their new program.


Everything You Wanted to Know About the NDAA

The extremely active YAL chapter at Vanderbilt University kept their campus informed this spring with a teach-in on the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012, a law containing a clause which allows the American government to indefinitely detain its own citizens without formal charge or trial. This unconstitutional law is so vaguely phrased that it would even allow a charity worker to be arrested as a terrorist for unknowingly providing food aid to a terror suspect! Vandy YAL’s teach-in on the NDAA ensured that this new encroachment on our liberties would not go unnoticed on the Vandy campus. The chapter followed the event with a lecture from libertarian Radley Balko on “The Militarization of Main Street.”

7 Young American Revolution

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