WSSU Archway Magazine

Page 21

“My dad, Nathaniel H ayes Sr., graduated from TC in 1950 and I didn’t think of going anywhere else. Not only did my sister, Claudia Hayes Skinner ’74, he r husband, Linwood Skinner Sr. ’73 , and their son Linwood Jr. ’01 gr aduate, the greatest day was when my daughter Staci ’07 graduated 30 years to the date of when I did. W e are a family that has been Ramitize d for a long time. Go WSSU!”

“[One] of my fondes t memories about W instonSalem Teachers Col lege was seeing a sm all Teachers College gr ow and blossom into the great university it is today. I learned to sit and lis ten to teachers like ‘Papa C lark,’ Mr. James, Dr. D illard, Jack Atkins, his brot her and many others . We had good teachers and gr eat learning experienc es.” Gloria DeVane Coleman ’59 Sacramento, CA

Marsha Harris ’77 Durham, NC

“As I embark on a life of semi-retirem ent ... I am proud to say it all began for m e at Winston-Salem Teachers College. I learned about peop le. I learned about ex panding my horizons. I learned about education. A ll of these lessons have consumed and indeed defined my personal and professional life for half a century.” “In my life there ar e some things that just cannot be ranked. My experiences at WSS U fall into that category .... I will al ways remember fondly the experie nces, people and places that helped shape my life. I know for certain th at I am richer because of each of them.” CeCe Ava Byers ’73 Orange, NJ

Dr. Betty Nyangoni ’62 Washington, D.C.

“When I atten ded WSSU fro m ’92 to’96, ‘non-traditional ’ students were not a mainstay at the Universi ty. As such, the A rchway did a story on my daughter, who was around 8 years old at the time, and I. T he story itself is not what mak es this a fondes t memory but that my daugh ter is now a “n o n-traditional” student at WSS U, scheduled to graduate next December – ju st like her moth er.”

Dr. Amber M. Baker’ 96 Winston-Salem, NC

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