Langebaan Nuus 20131205

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Desember 2013

HAPPY HOLIDAYS! While holidaymakers flock to Langebaan to enjoy the azure lagoon and all the town and sur足 rounds have to offer, jet ski riders should take note of the following: SANParks will not issue a water permit to a jet ski rider unless that applicant is a West Coast Personal Water Craft Association (WCPWCA) member. WCPWCA membership, depending on type required, is available from R100足R300 per month. For more information send an email to Wayne Nefdt, WCPWCA at PHOTO: TRISH GOOSEN


Langebaan Nuus 5 Desember, 2013

Langebaan News 5 Desember, 2013


Polisie gereed vir veilige Kerstyd in Langebaan TRISH GOOSEN Die feesseisoen is hier en besoekers na Langebaan en sy mense self sien uit na luilekker dae op die strand. Tog is die feestyd nie ’n rustyd vir almal nie. Vir die polisie is dit juis die besigste tyd van hulle jaar. Hulle moet ekstra paraat wees, oë en ore oral hê en bykomende voorsorgmaatreëls tref om te sorg dat besoekers ’n sorgvrye vakansietyd geniet. Vanjaar is die Langebaanpolisie slaggereed vir die groot dae: die voertuie van plaaslike sekuriteitsfirmas is onlangs met radios toegerus om gedurig in kontak te wees met die polisie en ook Team Langebaan, die buurtwag. Agt tydelike wetstoepassingsbeamptes sal in Desember en Januarie ook toesien dat munisipale regulasies ge-

Langebaan­polisie se vriendelike personeel is reg vir die fees­ seisoen. Hiér by ontvangs (van links) is konst. Karmen Hoop, konst. Teswell Skermand en konst. Jeremy de Vries.


hoorsaam word. Dié regulasies beheer openbare wangedrag, geraas, onwettige smouse en wette oor troeteldiere en rondloperdiere. Die doel van die tydelike beamptes is om die polisie oor die feestyd in staat te stel om op ernstiger misdaad soos roof, inbrake en

geweld te fokus. Vier beamptes van SANParke sal die lagoon en die strande patrolleer om stropery en ander onwettige aktiwiteite by die strandmeer en see hok te slaan. Sekuriteitswagte sal by die ingange na Longacres geplaas word en kringtelevisiekame-

ras word vir die R27-verbindingspad vanaf die Engen 1-Stop na Langebaan beplan. Langebaan-polisie het onlangs met die buurtwag, Langebaan se gemeenskap-polisieringsforum (GPF), SANParke, die 4 Spes. Magte, die departement visserye (Daff), munisipale verkeer en provinsiale verkeer vergader om die feesseisoen te bespreek en alle wetstoepassingsaktiwiteite te sinkroniseer. “Ons glo ons het elke voorsorg getref en dat ’n veilige en genotvolle vakansietyd op almal wag,” het kapt. Noel Minaar, bevelvoerder van Langebaan-polisie aan Weslander gesê. Minnaar bedank graag al die sekuriteitsfirmas, die buurtwag, die 4 Spes Magte, SANParke, die munisipaliteit en die GPF vir hulle volgehoue toewyding en strewe na ’n misdaadvrye Langebaan.

4 ‘Stone egg’ a ‘fascinating find’ Langebaan Nuus 5 Desember, 2013

it could be. “It is indeed a fascinating find, but we are still not absolutely clear on what it is.” Harry Potter fans might recognise the That’s the opinion of Dr Duncan Miller, name bezoar since their hero was asked affiliate professor in the geology depart- where to find one by Professor Severus ment at the University of the Free State, Snape in Potter’s first potions class. According to Wikipedia a bezoar is “a who visited the West Coast Fossil Park reconcretion of undigested foreign material cently and identified the object. Young Curro student, Andrea van that accumulates and coalesces within the Zyl (14) emailed Weslander last month gastro-intestinal tract, most commonly in about her unusual find in Long Acres, the stomach. “It can be composed of almost any subLangebaan. She found an object which she stance including food, hair, medications thought might be a fossilised egg. Weslander contacted Pippa Haarhof, and chewing gum. They are formed in the same way as a pearl is manager of the West formed in an oyster. Coast Fossil Park, who “For centuries they thought Andrea’s find were considered to have looked interesting and mystical and medicinal warranted a closer look. powers and they were Granddad Olof van deemed to be valuable Zyl then took Andrea to possessions. Now, the octhe park with the “egg” currence of bezoars in huwhere they met with mans is also well docuMiller. mented.” (Source: http:// Haarhof said they are going to do more tests on The fossilised snail that An­ Bezoar) the object, including X- drea’s father found in the Andrea has donated the rays, to determine what dunes at Saldanha. Andrea’s“stoneegg”hasprovisionally been identified as a mineralised giant bezoar.

Andrea van Zyl and her “stone egg” that caused quite a stir at the West Coast Fossil Park. PHOTO: OLOF VAN ZYL object to the park and said she would like to volunteer at the park in her free time. Proud granddad Olof said Andrea is very excited but still very inquisitive about what lies in the centre of the object. “She hopes that they will find a crystal or something special inside.” She also donated a fossilised snail that is estimated to be between 2 and 3 million years old. Her father Merlin found it in the dunes near White City in Saldanha, about 30 years ago. “It is wonderful to have this kind of interaction with the local community,” said Haarhof.

Skikking bly ontwyk “Ons is in die proses om tot ’n skikking met die departement te kom.” So sê Solené Smith, voorsitter van Coastal Links, ’n organisasie wat hulle vir die regte van bestaansvissers beywer, se tak in Langebaan. Weslander het verlede week berig die plaaslike bestaansvissers het ’n saak teen die departement van landbou, bosbou en visserye, die departement van omgewingsake, die Weskus Nasionale Park en Nasionale Parke gemaak. Hulle wil die voorwaardes wat gestel is om hulle te verhoed om enigsins in Sone B – wat binne die mariene bewaringsgebied van die lagune val – vis te vang, teenstaan. Dit kom nadat hulle vasgestel het drie vissermanne van Churchaven word

wel ingevolge ’n ooreenkoms wat met die park in die 90’s gesluit is, toegelaat om in Sone B vis te vang. Dit terwyl die bestaansvissers slegs in Sone A mag wees waar hulle met watersport-entoesiaste moet kompeteer. Smith sê die departement wil buite die hooggeregshof skik en het met die voorstel na vore gekom dat hulle slegs van 15 Desember tot 15 Januarie in Sone B mag vis vang. “Ons het dit nie aanvaar nie. Ons wil gelyk wees met daardie drie vissers wat wel toegelaat word om daar vis te vang. Ons wil dieselfde tyd toegelaat word as wat hulle permitte dit toe laat,” sê sy. Coastal Links sou Woensdag 4 Desember hul skikkingsvoorstel aan die departement gestuur het.

Langebaan News 5 Desember, 2013


Ratepayers’ association pleased with 2013 The Langebaan Ratepayers’ and Residents’ Association (LRRA) is pleased to report on the following: Property Rates Process: The property valuation process is concluded. All appellants can expect a mailed verdict on their appeals by the first week in December. Remainder Farm 292 Oostewal (Shark Bay): The provincial minister for Local Government, Environmental Affairs and Development Planning has decided to withdraw as opponent. This means that of the three respondents, the provincial minister, Dormell Properties 391 (Pty) Ltd and the Saldanha Bay Municipality, only the developer now opposes the application by the LRRA to set aside the minister’s decision to approve the Shark Bay development. Beach boardwalk environmental impact assessment

process (EIA): We urge the public to comment on the EIA relating to the boardwalk, which will soon be built between Breë Street and the parking lot at Dwars Street. The boardwalk will help to alleviate the parking problems in Breë Street. The boardwalk, an IDP proposal of the LRRA since 2008, would possibly follow the existing footpath behind the dunes and form part of the tourism infrastructure in our town. Strandloper Sewage/ Stormwater outflow: The LRRA still questions the legality of the discharge of treated sewage and, now, some storm water into the Langebaan Lagoon, a Marine Protected Ramsar site. These activities were reported to environmental law enforcement agencies. At the recent Saldanha Bay Water Quality Forum Trust meeting, Dr Barry Clark said Saldanha

Bay is not in a healthy state and the authorities should see the red lights flickering. Someone from the Department of Environmental Affairs also said no licences would be granted to authorise any effluent discharge into the Langebaan Lagoon. Progress: The parking areas in Dwars Street have been tarred, but still need to be demarcated. The public toilets at the Kaktus sewage pump must still officially be opened. The overdue street lights for Alabama Street were installed and look beautiful. The dark spots in Sanderling Street should be something of the past soon as I was told the poles have been delivered to the municipality. LRRA feedback meeting: The meeting on 21 November

was attended by betwee 60 and 70 people. General feedback was appreciative and positive.

Commendable work: We thank all Langebaan supervisors and staff at grassroots level who never shied away when we asked for help. Although I am hesitant to single out anyone, I want to thank Pieter Steyn for putting up the Christmas lights in Breë Street all by himself. We wish all those hardworking Langebaan officials and their families a well deserved festive season and a prosperous 2014. Jaco Kotze, LRRA chairperson, 082 889 0685.


Langebaan Nuus 5 Desember, 2013

Slypskool ontwikkel kunstalent Die DA Vrouenetwerk in samewerking met die Langebaan Kunsgroep, het weer ’n baie suksesvolle kunsslypskool vir gestremdes aangebied. Hierdie keer het 25 mense dit bygewoon. Sommige het

weer op doek geverf en ander het raampies van hul vorige skilderye versier. Hulle het krale, hout, skulpe, knope en blinkers gebruik om die raampies te versier. Die talent van hierdie groep mense was duidelik sigbaar in die kreatiewe wyse waarop

die raampies versier is en ook die skilderye wat van hulle in hul vrye tyd gedoen en kom wys het. Indien borgskappe verkry word en die werksessie op ’n gereelde basis aangebied word, kan dit ontwikkel tot meer as net ’n terapeutiese oe-

fening. Dit kan ’n volhoubare projek word wat ’n inkomste vir die deelnemers kan genereer. Die werksessie is gesellig afgesluit met versnaperinge bedien in ’n feestelike vroeë Kersatmosfeer. – Magdel Kruger.

Magdel Kruger wys van die kunswerke waarmee van die deelnemers by die slypskool besig is. Voor haar is Kerneels Kordom.

Hier is die groep hard besig om mooi handwerk te maak.

Perfekte bolla Hoe kan jy ook daardie rooimat-voorkoms kry? Ek het by ’n haarsalon gaan inloer om my te wys hoe om ook daardie rooimat gestrikte bolla te maak. Eerstens moet jy lang hare daarvoor hê. Maak nou ’n poniestert op die hoogte wat jy jou strik wil hê, onthou dis hoogmode om al jou hare bo-op jou kop te dra, so hoe hoër die poniestert hoe beter pas jou voorkoms by die nuutste tendense. Wanneer jy die poniestert met jou rekkie vasmaak, moet jy nie al jou hare met die laaste draai van die rekkie vas hê nie, daar moet ’n stertjie aan die bokant van jou poniestert

uithang. Deel jou hare nou in twee om die strik se twee oortjies te vorm. Jy kan knippies gebruik om die oortjies in plek te hou, vou nou die stertjie wat aan die bokant van jou hare uitsteek na onder oor die oortjies steek dit weer vas met knippies. Hierdie gedeelte moet lyk soos ’n band wat deur die middel van jou strikkie gaan. Jy kan haarsproei gebruik om die vorm langer te hou. Weet dat dit oefening gaan veg en moenie opgee as jy dit nie die eerste keer reg kry nie. Geniet jou bolla en die warm Weskusweer.

Langebaan News 5 Desember, 2013


Make IDZ work for this area The festive season is upon us and Langebaan is in preparation mode for a bumper season. The village is living up to its reputation as an excellent holiday and events destination. Last month the West Coast Region Honorary Rangers (HRs), sponsored by the Langebaan Country Estate (LCE), presented the annual LCE Lagoon Cycle Challenge. While the rest of the Cape was threatened by storms, participants in this event had a wonderful cycling experience in the West Coast National Park. The HRs once again excelled and proved their worth to our community and their support for SANParks in nature conservation – congratulations! The approval and launch of the Industrial Development Zone (IDZ) by national government has taken prece-

dence in the media this past month – mainly from a negative perspective. This combined with the State of the Bay Report by the Saldanha Bay Water Quality Trust (SBWQT) has created a “doom and gloom” scenario for our region. We need to change our mindset and see how we can, through a positive attitude and hard work, turn the potential threat of an IDZ into an opportunity. Industry has been around in the Bay for many years and pollution is not a new phenomenon. The SBWQT has been doing scientific research over this period and we are well aware of the problem areas. With all the new developments, industry can now contribute to the continued funding of this scientific research and assist government in putting in place the necessary mitigation

SUDOKU PUZZLE: Have fun sudoku fans! This one is of medium complexity ... just right for the holidays.

The solution.

mechanisms. This will require cooperation between all levels of government and industry, which is well within their collective grasp. The IDZ will not only boost the economy in the region but will specifically impact on Langebaan as a large segment of the employees will prefer to live in Langebaan. This will broaden the tax base allowing for the upgrading of infrastructure. New small businesses will develop and skills development will take place in local communities that have been identified as the preferred labour force. The Saldanha Bay IDZ Licencing Company (LiCo) is in the process of facilitating this effort. The secret will be to maintain a balance between economic developments, protecting the environment and

sustaining a healthy community. The outcome of the IDZ can be extremely positive if we are all prepared to work together – let’s do it. In conclusion I would like to wish all Langebaners a Happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year. May you have a wonderful festive season. My “Champion” for the month is the Saldanha Bay Water Quality Trust for their scientific research and the State of the Bay Report. Thumbs up for Langebaan! Be positive, take responsibility and make a difference where you are. André Kruger Councillor Langebaan Tel: 022 772 2412, Cell: 073 664 0506, email:


Langebaan Nuus 5 Desember, 2013

Groen lig vir fosfaat-prospektering digby Weskus Nasionale Park TRISH GOOSEN Prospekteerregte is onlangs toegeken vir fosfaatontginning digby die Weskus Nasionale Park. Elandsfontein Exploration & Mining, die maatskappy wat die groen lig vir prospektering op Elandsfontein gekry het, sal ook binnekort ’n aansoek vir mynregte indien, mits prospekteer-uitslae goed genoeg is. Elandsfontein is geleë in die buffersone of uitbreidingsgebied van die Weskus Nasionale Park, maar dit is regtens moontlik om ’n mynaansoek in so ’n gebied te bring indien aan die omgewingswetgewing voldoen word. Volgens Willem Louw, bestuurder van parkbeplanning en ontwikkeling, is daar kommer oor dié beplande projek omdat Elandsfontein deel uitmaak van ’n ekologies-sensitiewe gebied. Tog wil hy benadruk dat die maatskappy heeltemal binne hul reg handel en is die prospekteerregte “100% wettig” verkry. “Daar is geen bestaande wetgewing wat so iets verbied nie,” het hy gesê. Tog word besluite oor ontwikkelings in ’n sensitiewe bewaringsgebied soos Elandsfontein nie ligtelik opgeneem nie, het hy verduidelik. “Dit word op die hoogste vlak by die departement van minerale en energie besluit.” Martin Carstens, regspersoon vir Elandsfontein Exploration & Mining, het aan Weslander gesê dat die maatskappy beoog om die aansoek vir mynregte teen die einde van 2013 in te dien. Hy glo die projek gaan ’n “wêreld eerste” wees uit ’n verantwoordelike mynprojek-perspektief. Hy het ook gesê die maatskappy wil ’n “groen-model” vir ander ontwikkelings wees wat gaan bewys dat natuurbewaarders en nyweraars in simbiose saam kan leef en werk terwyl die natuur steeds bewaar word. Die projek kan glo albei partye tot voordeel strek. Indien die myn realiseer kan dit ook ontwikkelingsvoordele vir die park inhou. Volgens Louw sal besware teen fosfaatmynaktiwiteite in die uitbreidingsgebied van die park eers bepaal kan word wanneer die mynregte-aansoek ingedien word. “Dit hang af wat daarin staan,” het hy gesê. “Dit is regtig voortydig vir die park om kommentaar hierop te lewer.” Tog glo Louw die goedkeuring van mynregte op Elandsfontein sal nie ’n maklike of eenvoudige proses wees nie en dat die maatskappy tog teenkanting

Die groen gedeelte dui Elandsfontein aan wat in die buffersone van die Weskus Nasionale Park geleë is. Die pers gedeelte is die gebied waar prospekteerregte vir fosfaat onlangs toegeken is. FOTO: VERSKAF kan verwag. Jimmy Walsh, lid van die Weskus Nasionale Park se forum, het onlangs by ’n forum-vergadering by Geelbek ’n stelling ten opsigte van ontwikkelingsaansoeke in en naby die park gemaak. Hy het gesê hy is skrikkerig vir die goedkeuring van ontwikkelings in die park of die

buffersone, want as een toestemming kry kan daar ’n “vloedgolf van dié tipe aansoeke” verwag word wat beslis die bewaringspogings van die Weskus Nasionale Park sal bedreig. Sodra die bal aan die rol is sal die publiek die geleentheid kry om hul insette te lewer ten opsigte van die projek.

Mel Richter (right) is the new chairperson of the West Coast National Park Forum. Next to him is Pat Bopape, manager of the park and Jimmy Walsh, former chair­ person. At the fo­ rum’s last meeting, it was unanimously agreed that one man­ aging body should monitor activities in Saldanha Bay in its entirety. The finer de­ tails of this will be discussed at the next forum meeting. No new information was brought to the table regarding other matters such as the Shark Bay development, proposed Kleinmooimaak development and the Flamingo Farm Land Claim. PHOTO: TRISH GOOSEN

Langebaan News 5 Desember, 2013



Langebaan Nuus 5 Desember, 2013

DESEMBER WOENSDAG 4 – SONDAG 8 ) SENTIMENTEEL KERSMARK Sandstraat 30, Hopefield vanaf 10:00 tot 17:00. Mooi goed, eetgoed – kom kuier en doen inkopies. VRYDAG 6 – SATERDAG 7 ) St. Helenabaai Kersmark in die munisipale saal. Bespreek nou ’n stalletjie. Menita: 0 082 764 1274. SATURDAY 7 ) Farmers market at Summerveld Road Longacres, Langebaan from 09:00 till 14:00. Picnic tables, jumping castle, pony rides, arts and crafts, food stalls and more. 0 081 271 2281 or 2 ) Lollos live on stage at the Athene Conference Hall, Mykonos. 0 022 707 7209. ) Family fun day for people with disabilities, their families and carers. Diazville sports grounds at 10:00. Stands for stalls available. For more information phone, H Dwashu: 0 078 052 7590 or R Cleophas: 0 078 305 7675. ) Kersklanke aangebied deur Petru Wessels en Carel Trichardt. Op die Planke klein-huisteater, Kriedoringweg 13, Paternoster om 19:00 vir 19:30. Kaartjies R120 pp. Annelize Botha: 0 082 573 2678. ) Weskusjag afsluiting geskiet te Grootrug om 08:00. Marius: 0 83 524 7079 of Abri:0 83 658 6881. SUNDAY 8 ) Gerald Clark live in Paternoster. Tickets: R100 pp. Camilla: 0 082 876 2711. ) Vernon Barnard will be performing Those Were the Days at Mykonos Casino from 14:00-16:00. For more information please visit MONDAY 9 – SUNDAY 15

) Club Mykonos Christmas Market. Athene Conference Centre. 0 022 707 7209. TUESDAY 10 ) The 2013 Annual General Meeting of House of Hope will be held at 4 De Klip Street, Vredenburg at 10:00. All networking partners, members, contributors and interested parties are invited to attend. To R.S.V.P. Renee Hope: 0 084 531 9451 TUESDAY 10 – THURSDAY 12 ) Summer Holiday Programme for Kids, Education 4 Nature tented bush camp. 0 074 487 5636. WEDNESDAY 11 – THURSDAY 12 ) Play Skateboard Workshop, Langebaan Skatepark. 0 074 450 4294. VRYDAG 13 – DINSDAG 2 JANUARIE ) Velddrif hou feestydmark by Hoërskool Velddrif. Daagliks vanaf 9:00 tot 19:00. Vir tafelbesprekings bel Marchand by 0 061 467 5424. SATERDAG 14 ) Flamingos se 20ste Birthday bash. Alle drankies R8. ) Hotnotsvis Derby at Noordblinder, St Helena Bay. 0 083 310 6626 or 083 271 4405. ) Langebaan’s Annual Community Christmas Party at Seabreeze Park Rugby field, starts at 10:00. Waterslides, jumping castles, games, presents, lunch and 3 Santa’s and helpers will be visiting the kiddies. All children under the age of 13 are welcome. Toddlers need to be accompanied by an adult. Call Miranda 074 238 2346 to make a donation. ) Car Boot Market: Bring unwanted goods or home-

made craftwork to the last Car Boot Market for the year at the Catholic church premises, Suffren Street, Langebaan, from 09:00 to 13:00. Bookings advisable. Heidi: 0 083 779 5127 or 2 ) West Coast Music Academy will entertain with some lovely music from 11:00 to 13:00 at Weskus Mall. SATERDAG 14 – MAANDAG 23 ) Weskus Kersmark by Hoërskool Vredenburg. Die mark is oop van 10:00-18:00 op Saterdag 14 Desember, 10:00-19:00 Maandag 16 Desember tot Vrydag 20 Desember, 10:00-18:00 Saterdag 21 Desember en op 23 Desember sluit dit om 15:00. Die mark is gesluit op Sondag 15 Desember. Anna Brand: 0 083 609 7142 of 022 7131314. ) Melindi Charle & Velskoen at Seekombuis, Paternoster. 0 072 258 9041. MAANDAG 16 ) Yzerfontein Feesmark op die plaas DeLaRey. 0 083 663 3345. ) aKing by Flamingo’s. 0 022 772 12433 of 083 251 3080. Besprekings: ) Geloftediens word gehou om 08:00 by die Hervormde Kerk in Japie Burgerstraat, Vredenburg. DINSDAG 17 ) Heuwels Fantasties by Flamingo’s. 0 022 772 1243 of 083 251 3080. Besprekings: ) Christene Capendale present a special workshop on Summer Christmas Food Presentation at Mykonos Casino’s Charlie Noble Restaurant from 09:30-11:00. Essential to pre-book. To book phone Sarilize Schwulst 022 707 6963 or Reagon Peddie 22 707 6964. TUESDAY 17 – THURSDAY 19 ) Summer Holiday Programme for kids at Education 4 Nature tented bush

camp. 0 074 487 5636. WEDNESDAY 18 ) Carols by Candlelight opposite boatyard at Club Mykonos. 0 022 707 7000. ) Van Coke Kartel by Flamingo’s. 0 022 772 1243 of 083 251 3080. Besprekings: ) Langebaan Junior Kom Braai Championship 2013. Are you between the age of 8 – 14? Now is your chance to become South Africa’s number one junior braai champion. SMS your name, surname and ‘Laguna Mall’ to 082 853 8529. Fantastic prices up for grabs. ) A Magician will be at the Weskus Mall from 11:00 12:00. DONDERDAG 19 ) Fokofpolisiekar by Flamingo’s. 0 022 772 1243 of 083 251 3080. Besprekings: VRYDAG 20 ) Adam Tas by Vlakvarkgat Boskroeg, Langebaan om 19:30 vir 20:00. Kaartjies is R60 p.p. Sonja: 0 076 844 8838. ) Jack Parow by Flamingo’s. 0 022 772 1243 of 083 251 3080. Besprekings: ) Velddrif Aand Kersmark, Die Plein, oorkant munisipaliteit, 16:00 tot 22:00. Stalletjies beskikbaar vanaf R10 – R100 by Velddrif Toerisme: 0 022-783 1821. ) Battle of the Bands Beatdown 23 Athene Conference Centre, Club Mykonos Resort and Casino at 19:30. Entry: R60 available at door. 12 local and Cape Town Bands will battle it out. ) Nadine Blom will be in the events court from 11:00 13:00 at Weskus Mall. SATURDAY 21 ) Play Denlyn Park Market from 9:00 - 14:00. Carols from 18:00. E-pos

Langebaan News 5 Desember, 2013


Win tickets to watch rocking great bands Five nights, five bands, five times fantastic!

A rock festival with a rocking line-up is hitting Langebaan in December. The Flamingo’s dance club is celebrating their 20th birthday with a bang. Rockers, young and old, can look forward to performances by aKing (16 December), Heuwels Fantasties (17 December), Van Coke Kartel (18 December), Fokofpolisiekar or FPK (19 December) and Jack Parow (20 December). Parow needs no introduction and is well-known for his trademark cap and Afrikaans rap songs such as Cooler as ekke en Hosh Tokolosh. Born as Zander Tyler in 1982 in Bellville, Cape Town, Parow’s cursing in his songs has brought him both fans and controversy. In the same vein, alternative Afrikaans band FPK is also infamous for songs that have been interpreted as “anti-religious” by some in the past. This is not for sensitive souls, this is Afrikaans rock music served straight up with no excuses. FPK is the older brother of the other alternative Afrikaans rock bands who all hail from Bellville, Cape Town. According to Wikipedia FPK started out in 2003 as “a joke to shock the mostly conservative Afrikaans community with its name and also the notion of an Afrikaans alterna-

tive band”. aKing and the other two bands all became active in 2007. Two FPK members, Hunter Kennedy and Jaco “Snakehead” Venter, in collaboration with Laudo Liebenberg and Hennie van Halen formed aKing. Kennedy is also involved in Die Heuwels Fantasties. The other band members include Pierre Greeff, Philip Erasmus and Fred den Hartog. Van Coke Kartel won the 2009 South African Music Award for Best Rock Album in Afrikaans. Rockers can either book for individual concerts or get a week pass for R400 pp (which constitutes a saving of R110). For more information on booking and where to buy tickets, visit . Four readers can win double tickets each. Four tickets are available for the aKing concert on Monday 16 December and four tickets for the Van Coke Kartel concert on 18 December. To enter for the aKing concert, just answer the following easy question, Which musician has been involved in three bands? SMS your answer to 33673 (SMS cost R1,50). Start your SMS with aKING, the answer, your name, surname and town. Competition closes at midnight on Monday 9 December. The winners will be an-

Alternative Afrikaans rock band Van Coke Kartel.


nounced in Weslander on 12 December. To win tickets to the Van Coke Kartel concert go to or Terms and conditions apply.

Jack Parow. PHOTO:


Melodic rock band aKing kicks off the December rock festival at Flamingo’s in Langebaan. PHOTO: WWW.ARTINBASE.COM


Langebaan Nuus 5 Desember, 2013

Decades of unity in marriage The flame of love still burns strong for two local couples who have been married for 50 and 52 years respectively. Pastor Theo Reynolds of Beacon Church says they feel very privileged to have them in their midst. “Their marriages are examples of Godly marriages, so others can learn from them. It is wonderful to celebrate 102 years of unity in marriage between two couples from our church.” Ducky and Joey Bester celebrated their 50th anniversary on 16 November. They met on 3 January 1963 in Cape Town. Ducky’s best friends’ lady friend set up the meeting and 10 months later

Ducky and Joey were married. They have two sons, four grandsons and two granddaughters. For Ducky and Joey, the Bible is the foundation of their marriage. They say they have also learned to love each other unconditionally, respect each other and not to go to bed angry. Doug and June Ellis have been married for 52 years. They met on a blind date in August 1958 in Durban. The date was arranged by June’s boss, who was a friend of Doug. Three years later on 24 June 1961 they got married. The couple has five children and 13 grandchildren. The most important lesson

Celebrating a combined 102 years of marriage are, from left: Doug and June Ellis and Joey and Ducky Bester. they learnt from their marriage is that without Jesus Christ being central to their relationship they wouldn’t

have survived. They believe the Bible is the most complete instruction manual for marriage. – Helmi Slabbert.

Verlange is agter die klein dingetjies aan Vlugvoosheid is ’n lelike ding. Dit gaan sit in jou lyf soos ’n erge babelas. Jy voel lamgat, jou bloedsirkulasie is traag en skielik het jy nie meer ’n geheue nie. Gewoonlik as jy vanaf die buiteland, terug na jou eie land op pad is, is daardie oorheersende blywees groter as die lyfskade wat jy op die vliegtuig en selfs die hersteltyd, moet verduur. Die slimmes sê dit neem ’n mens ’n hele dag om te herstel vir elke uur wat jy terug in tyd vlieg. My onlangse vlug terug van Hawai was nagenoeg 46 uur tot in Johannesburg. Die tydverskil tussen Hawai en hier is 12 ure, met die eilandtyd wat 12 ure agter ons is. Die ekstra twee ure van die Goudstad na Kaapstad was net te ver. Op ’n Woensdagoggend, by my ouerhuis in Potch, sit en pen ek my verlange na die Weskus neer. Al kon ek my voete daagliks in die warm Stille Oseaan sit, het ek die koue strandmeer met sy watersportwoelinge gemis. Dáár vat die sport van vlieërplankry nou eers pos. Met tye het ek tot die veelkleurige vlieërs in die lug

gemis, hoewel al die gesonde surfers en stand-up paddlers darem goed op die oog geval het. ’n Groot gemis is mos eintlik agter die klein dingetjies aan. Ek het die posman van Langebaan

op sy rooi fiets gemis, die ses flaminke in die baai voor die huis naby die jagklub, die ou grys Weimaraner, Madonna, met wie ek gereeld stap, die kaleidoskoop van die bloue van die strandmeer, die “vier seisoene”-pizza van Pearly’s, tennis teen Dave by Mykonos, Jan Gras met sy rooiwyn op sy stoel teen die kroeg by die jagklub, die rooiwyn-karakters van die Sandbar, blommetyd wat ingeëts is in my “onthou-vir-altyd-brein” en dan die Weskus se lekker mense. Geen Amerikaner kan nou vir jou so lekker wees soos iemand van die Weskus nie. Dis nie net die vlytige manier

van taalgebruik waarna jy verlang nie, maar die diepte waarmee ons leef. Veralgemenings is veralgemenings omdat daar waarheid insteek. Hier weet ons waar geld vandaan kom en ons pas dit op, want dit is nie so vrylik beskikbaar nie. Ons kan daagliks ons ore spits vir die lekkerbekkige gebruik van Afrikaans wat jou warm in die hart maak en ons is oop vir ander kulture. So sê een Amerikaanse kennis in haar aksent vir my op ’n dag: “You are probably privileged to be here”. Ek antwoord: “Ja, ek is ’n bevoorregte Suid-Afrikaner, nie besonder ryk nie, maar bevoorreg. Ek kom uit ’n mooi land, maar staar die alledaagse armoede rondom my daagliks in die gesig.” Ek moes byvoeg: “Weet jy, as jy dit nie besef nie, jy en julle hier is baie bevoorreg”, maar ek twyfel of Amerikaners regtig die intensiteit van my bedoeling sal snap. Ek sê nie hulle kan nie dinge waardeer nie, ek sê ons waardeer die alledaagse dalk meer. Nou is ek terug om weer my land en die Weskus in sy karaktervolle glorie naby my hart te hou. En om nou weer te verlang na dit wat ek in Hawai agtergelaat het.

Langebaan News 5 Desember, 2013


Skateboarding action coming to Langebaan this summer EVAN NAUDÉ LANGEBAAN – The days are here and them comes fun on wheels at the skatepark.

holiwith four local

On 15 December the Parents Lobbying for Active Youth (P.L.A.Y.) skatepark will host the 2013 Langebaan Summer Skate Championship. The competition promises to attract the best local skateboarding talent as well as skaters from Cape Town and beyond. With schools closed and an influx of visi-

KRIEKETDAG: Curro Privaatskool in Lange­ baan het onlangs ’n krieketdag gehou vir al die laerskole in die omge­ wing. Daar word beoog om dit ’n jaarlikse in­ stelling te maak.

tors to the town a large number of entries and spectators are expected. The competition will see three divisions: beginners, intermediate and advanced. Those wishing to witness a spectacle of skateboarding should make sure to watch the advanced skaters in action. Gates open at 10:00 with the beginners division starting at 11:00. The advanced skaters will take to the park at 14:00 and the usually very exciting Best Trick section follows at 16:00. P.L.A.Y., in association with Push Skateboards, is al-

so hosting a two-day skateboarding workshop at the park on 11 and 12 December. This hands-on class on the building blocks of skateboarding is a must for the novice skater to start mastering movement and balance. Call Tristan on 074 450 4294 for more information.

Local skateboarding stars such as Cullen Green are sure to make the West Coast proud at this year’s Lange­ baan Summer Skate Champi­ onships.

Vyf skole het deelgeneem: Laerskool Vredenburg, Long­ acres, Topolino, Hopefield en Saldanha. Sowat 120 kinders was betrokke in 15 spanne. Elke span het twee wedstryde gespeel. Wedstryde is met afrigtingsklinieke afgewissel.


Langebaan Nuus 5 Desember, 2013

Anglers welcome the southeaster As I sit writing this report the southeaster is really pumping and my wife is threatening to leave and move anywhere as long as the wind doesn’t blow. All our anglers, on the other hand, are smiling from ear to ear as we realise that this wind is exactly what they need to bring on the fish. The water warms in the upper reaches of the lagoon and the sea water becomes extremely cold, capturing the fish in the lagoon. November was a good month with all the fish present in the lagoon. The largest fish taken was a kob of just short of 25 kg. A good steenbras of 8,6 kg was taken while an exceptional white stumpnose of 2,17 kg was landed. This fish was caught while fishing for kob on a 8/0 hook! The fish have been late this year with the large white stumpnose only arriving in November. The elf season opened on 1 December and we are looking forward to

LANGASEMS: Terwyl el­ ders in die Boland die erge reën­ weer amok ge­ saai en tot oorstro­ mings ge­ lei het, het bewolkte weer op Saterdag 16 November bygedra tot ’n suksesvolle 13e Langebaan Country Estate (LCE) Lagoon Cy­ cle Challenge in die Weskus Na­ sionale Park. ’n Totaal van 1 161 ryers het vir onderskeidelik die 35 km­ (438) en 80 km­wed­ ren (723) ingeskryf. Dié pretrit word deur die SANParke Ere­ veldwagters: Weskus­streek ge­ hou en hulle bedank graag die hoofborg en al die ander borge vir onder meer gelukpryse, ver­ blyf, etes en waterpunte asook Langebaan, sy inwoners en elke deelnemer. Bo trap Jan Marjee (LCE) moedig die laaste steilte uit om eerste in die 35 km­resies klaar te maak. – Geskryf deur Liana van Aswegen. FOTO: HELÉ-


catching these superb eating fish. While we Langebaan people welcome our visitors and realise that they are important to our economy, they can stretch our patience with their conduct while launching their boats and being on the water. Here are a couple of absolute no no’s: when launching make sure your boat is ready for launching before going onto the slipway; occupy the jetty for the shortest possible time as the space is limited; on the water never race past an anchored boat; never approach an anchored boat from their stern side as this is where their lines are and lastly, please keep a reasonable distance from other boats when anchoring. Early December can produce excellent catches of all our fish and while we would all like to catch elf, it is certainly worth catching the good class of stumpnose that are around. They are concentrated around the island and seem to bite best when the tide is pushing. For some rea-

son we all fish for elf as high up in the lagoon as we are allowed. The really large elf bite in the middle of the day, while the smaller fish bite best towards evening. Elf are not fair weather fish and bite best when the wind is 20 knots or more. I hope that bait is not going to be such a huge problem as it was last summer. It might be a good idea to stock up on a couple of boxes of pilchards. This is our last edition for the year so I wish you all tight lines and may you all catch enough fish so that you can eat fish every day while you are with us in Langebaan. Please all stick to the regulations protecting our fish. Remember they are placed there to make sure you will all be able to enjoy fresh fish for many years to come.

Desireé Strydom van Langebaan was die tweede vroueryer by die eindpunt in die 80 km­rit. FOTO: LIANA VAN ASWEGEN

Ryers ontspan ná die LCE Lagoon Cycle Challenge met iets te ete en drinke.


Marco Abrahams, tweede in die 80 km­rit, ry oor die wenstreep. Die wedren is vir die tweede jaar agter­ eenvolgens deur David Garrett van Kaapstad gewen.


Langebaan News 5 Desember, 2013

TOEKENNINGSAAND: Langebaan­atletiekklub het op 8 November sy eerste toekenningsaand by Langebaan Country Estate gehou. Die pryswenners is van links Ro­ chelle Davids (junior sportvrou van die jaar), Anitha Da­ vids (vroue: meeste vordering), Sandra Bester (senior sportvrou van die jaar), Waydon Esau (junior sportman van die jaar), Rubayne Josephs (mans: meeste vorde­ ring), Francois Adams (voorsitterstoekenning), Francios Simerie (senior sportman van die jaar), Abigail Klein­ smith (junior atleet van die jaar), Petra Mei (verdienste­ likheid) en Henrico Solomons (vinnigste 5 km­tydtoets). Afwesig: Belson Malangu (senior atleet van die jaar).


BIG WALK: Die Weskus se voorste stappers het die naweek oudergewoonte ’n bus volgemaak met 31 deelnemers om Sondag aan die Cape Times Big Walk deel te neem. Sommige het 5 km gestap, ander 10 km en ses het die 20 km gestap. Hierdie vier Grand Master­stappers het uitstekend gevaar en Edna Brand het die 20 km gewen met ’n tyd van 1:53. Kloks­ gewys van links voor is Edna Brand (11de algeheel), Lucia Fernandes (2:20), Cecile Kidson (2:13, 124ste algeheel) en Floripes de Gois (2:22). Al vier het aan die 20 km­item deel­ geneem en is van die Langebaan Strandloper­klub.


Van links is Petra Mei (Radio Weskus­omroeper), Fran­ cois Adams (voorsitterstoekenning) en Christopher Rod­ gers (voorsitter: Langebaan­atletiekklub). Die klub be­ dank al hul borge.

Belson Malangu (links) is aangewys as atleet van die jaar. Hier is hy saam met gasspreker Nigel Samuels, vi­ sepresident van Boland Rugbyunie.

Desember 2013 MO’S FOR CANSA: Lange­ baan Country Estate’s male em­ ployees all took part in the LCE Movember competition to pro­ mote awareness around men’s health. The men grew their moustaches for the full month of November. CEO Craig Scott (in­ sert photo) committed to con­ tribute R40 000 to the cause. On Monday a prize­giving func­ tion was held and each of the 40 participants received a R250 Pearly’s meal voucher and R250 cash for their commitment. There were also category win­ ners. Some guys had beautiful thick moustaches, others really struggled to get even a thin line, but fun was had by all.


WELL DONE! The Langebaan Country Estate (LCE) Junior Golf Academy had their end­of­year awards ceremony on Sunday 1 December. Around 50 local youngsters are currently participating in the free golf instruction programme. PHOTO: ERNIE ROWORTH

GOLF DAY FOR LIEZEL: On Thurs­ day 28 November Langebaan Coun­ try Estate held a fund­raising golf day and auction to raise funds for Liezel Jacobs for her medical ex­ penses during can­ cer treatment. An amount of R140 000 was raised and paid directly into a trust fund created solely for Liezel’s medical expenses. LCE, Liezel and her husband, Schalk, would like to thank all golfers, guests and bidders for making this a successful day. Schalk would also like to offer a special thank you to Craig Scott and Mione van der Walt from Langebaan Golf Estate as well as to all their close family, friends, colleagues and last, but not least, the amazing community of Langebaan for their endless support. Direct dona­ tions – Account Holder: Herold Gie Attorneys, Ned­ bank 100909, Account no: 1009 014 145 Ref: LCE1/0001. PHOTO: JENNIFER GOTSELL

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