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Wendover Parish Council Matters Arising

View from the Chair

By now most schools will be back after the Easter break. I hope everyone feels refreshed after a break and some better weather. The Parish Council has the first Annual Parish Meeting since Covid-19, at 6.30pm on 28 April at the Chiltern Way Academy. Please feel free to join us.

Some of our priorities for this year have been completed: the new white gates at the edge of the village, the highways trees are finally in their resting places at various locations along Aylesbury Road and Stanhope Close (thanks to Buckinghamshire Council), and the cycleway.

On the latter, the white road markings on either side of the new “red carpet” (a high friction surfacing) at the end of Grenville Ave etc, have new meanings for motorists. In short, that all vehicles entering or leaving a junction must give way to pedestrians and cyclists on the cycle way. The recent changes to the Highway Code can be found here: Code - The Highway Code: 8 changes you need to know from 29 January 2022, www.gov.uk/government/news/the-highwaycode-8-changes-you-need-to-know-from-29january-2022. Issues with the number and size of bicycle symbols on Lionel Avenue are under review and we are hopeful that some may be removed. Those on Dobbins Lane etc will be smaller and further apart.

The response to the Haddington Playground survey on two proposals for a replacement park for the “helicopter park” was impressive with over 440 responses in 3 days and the Option 2 with some minor alterations has been agreed. We are hoping it will be in place by the end of July! We are looking into some security measures to try to minimise vandalism. On that note, it is disappointing to see that some of the new “whips” or very small trees, recently planted on Ashbrook playground and in Hampden Meadow, have been pulled up. Together with Climate Action Wendover, WPC are trying to improve the environment for all and the time and effort of many volunteers has not been respected, by these actions. If you have any information regarding any vandalism, please contact the clerk or dial 101 and report the issue. I hope that we do not have any further instances.

Have a good May!

Sheila Bulpett

Parish Council Grants 2022/23

The WPC Finance Committee recently convened to hear the recommendations from the Grants Sub-Committee. We are pleased to announce that WPC has awarded grants to the following local groups and organisations: •St Anne’s Hall - £2000 to resurface the entrance ramp of the hall •Wendover Action Group - £3000 running costs for the Community Car •Wendover Memorial Hall - £2250 for new curtains and railings in the main hall •Wendover Free Church - £2900 to upgrade the path to the Church building •St Mary’s Church - £4000 to automate the main entrance doors at the Church

The closing date for major grant applications for 2023/24 is 31 January 2023. Minor grants applications can be received throughout the year. For more information, please visit www. wendover-pc.gov.uk/grants.

Manor Waste Survey Update

In January, the Parish Council launched a survey seeking the public’s views on the use of Manor Waste. We received 52 online responses and conducted more than 20 in-depth interviews. All were wholeheartedly supporting the continuation of the pandemic ‘café society’ outdoor seating and seeking further use of the community space to bring interest and visitors to our thriving market town. There is a lot happening in the background to develop ideas and recommendations based on the input. Further details will be published as soon as they become available.

Wendover Parish Council, The Clock Tower, High Street, Wendover HP22 6DU www.wendover-pc.gov.uk clerk@wendover-pc.gov.uk 01296 623056

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