2012 Fall Adult Education Calendar

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traditions, such as the Daisy uniform, will all be a part of this class experience. New leaders will receive a copy of the adult guide and the girl book for a Daisy Journey upon the completion of this session (one per troop). Fee: none

Course Descriptions

Girl Scouting 101 Classroom Session This classroom course introduces new volunteers to Girl Scouts’ inspiring national leadership experience from Journey resources and The Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting, to the cookie sale program, safety guidelines and much more. GS101 is a required training for all Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana volunteers. Fee: none

Girl Scout Brownie Grade Level The Brownie Grade Level class is “the how to” on using the Brownie Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting, Brownie Journeys and resources, as well as girl awards and council programs. In this class, you will also be exposed to the principle of “girl-led programming” in which girls participate in the planning for the troop through the Journey map and troop calendar as a part of managing a Brownie Girl Scout Troop/Group. New leaders will receive a copy of the adult guide and the girl book for a Brownie Journey upon the completion of this session (one per troop). Fee: none

Girl Scouting 101 Online This easy to use online orientation introduces new volunteers to Girl Scouts’ inspiring national leadership experience - from Journey resources and The Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting, to the cookie sale program, safety guidelines and much more. GS101 is a required training for all Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana volunteers and requires about 45 – 50 minutes to complete. You can access Girl Scouting 101 by logging onto the Girl Scouts of the USA training Website. See page 18 for login instructions. Fee: none

Girl Scout Junior Grade Level The Junior Grade Level class demonstrates the use of Journey resources, Junior Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting, girl awards, and navigating council programs. In learning to manage a Girl Scout Troop/Group, this class will examine the Junior uniform, the 3 Keys to Leadership, goal setting, and age-specific topics for a Junior level troop/group. New leaders will receive a copy of the adult guide and the girl book for a Junior Journey upon the completion of this session (one per troop). Fee: none

Troop Pathway Orientation Troop Pathway Orientation will give new leaders the tools needed to successfully lead a Girl Scout troop. In this class, Girl Scout policies, procedures and safety and risk management requirements, where and how to find support from Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana and Girls Scouts of the USA will be covered. Important forms and trainings will be available, in addition to a bit of “how to” information to set you on the path to a thriving troop year. All adult volunteers are required to take Girl Scouting101 (GS101) and at least one troop leader must take Troop Pathway Orientation before the first troop meeting with the girls. Fee: none

Girl Scout Cadette Grade Level The Cadette Grade Level class will instruct new or seasoned leaders in using the Cadette Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting, the Cadette Journeys and resources, girl awards, and council programs. While learning about the uniform and managing a Girl Scout Troop/ Group at the Cadette level, this class will provide knowledge on the national leadership awards and opportunities for girls. New leaders will receive a copy of the adult guide and the girl book for a Cadette Journey upon completion of this session (one per troop). Fee: none

Girl Scout Daisy Grade Level The Daisy Grade Level class will lead participants through an abundance of “how to information” topics, including but not limited to Daisy Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting, Daisy Journeys and resources, girl awards and council programs. A comprehensive approach to managing a Girl Scout Troop/ Group including insight to Girl Scouting

(ConƟnued on page 9)


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