2009-2010 Student Affairs Annual Report

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Highlights  Hosted three Girl Take Charge Leadership workshops for local area high school girls with Siena students serving as mentor/facilitators with more than 300 participants. This was part of a $15,00 grant from State Farm Insurance Company.

 Sponsored the 4th Annual Service

Sr. Thea Bowman Center for Women What We Do Established in the fall of 2004, the Sr. Thea Bowman Center for Women educates the college community about women's contributions, achievements, concerns, and potential. We:

events such as : A Week Without Violence, Fair Trade Sales, Breast Cancer Advocacy, Cinderella Project, Service Trip to the Dominican Republic, United Student Against Sweatshops, and Reading Women Book Club.

 Provide leadership and educational opportunities for the community by promoting awareness about gender issues.

Trip to the Dominican Republic to work with the impoverished children of Santo Domingo.

 Increased the number and volume of fair trade and sweat-free sales/events on campus.

 4th Annual LUNAFEST Film Festival raised over $4,000 for local and national breast cancer organizations.

 Provided site experience for AmeriCorps VISTA Volunteer to develop mentoring partnerships between young girls in the local community and students.

 Promote understanding among women and men from different classes, cultures, beliefs, ethnic and religious backgrounds

 Promote the personal, professional and spiritual development of women at Siena.

 Address issues of social justice, wellness, service and advocacy through annual

Assessment Results


√ 80% of students surveyed agree or strongly agree that the Sr. Thea Bow-

 Create an enhanced Web presence for prospective and cur-

man Center for Women raises awareness about social justice issues and provides opportunities to take action on those issues.*

rent students using multiple forms of media and awareness raising methods to address social justice issues.

√ Focus group research revealed that the Center’s reputation was an entity

 Assist the College in the effort to achieve fair trade college

that provides students with an outlet for addressing social justice issues. The Center’s reputation and the ability to involve students in addressing issues that they are passionate about were identified as one of the Center’s strengths. A focus group participant said, “The Center embodies the Franciscan tradition while offering a unique outlet for support and activism regarding social justice issues, specifically those that pertain to women. These initiatives connect Siena to not only local issues but global issues as well.” **

status through the national certifying organization Transfair.

√ Focus group research revealed that the Center has a reputation for signature events such as: A Week Without Violence, Fair Trade Sales, LUNAFEST Film Festival, The Cinderella Project, Service Trip to the Dominican Republic and Honor an Awesome Woman Brunch.** *Data from the Core Survey 2009, a representative sample from all four class years (n=144) **Focus Group conducted with student staff and members of the Women’s Center, spring 2010

 Create additional short-term immersion service trips focusing on social justice and the relationship to the principles of Catholic Social thought.

 Develop a Center for Women and Leadership/Service and an annual conference for local area high school girls.

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