Urban Coco Issue 8

Page 19

DESIGNER SPOTLIGHT what ways have you re-invented yourself in the past? My style has changed so much over the years that even I struggle to keep up! Since I was 15 I have had five different hair colours (including two years of being Pillarbox Red) and have gone through several style changes. From grunge, to indie, to wearing every colour and pattern all at once, to wearing all black for an entire season. I go through my own phases; sometimes they are on trend, sometimes they couldn’t be further from! I love having fun with my style and my look but I always stay true to who I am. Your signature is the meshing of unconventional fabrics with strong silhouettes. Where did this unique blend come from? I think the silhouettes come first. I have always designed in a very sculptural way and through this I started to experiment with different fabrics in order to achieve the right shapes and lines. Using unconventional fabrics challenges me and makes me think more about the construction of the piece and allows me to be more creative and daring with the pieces that I produce. What do you hope for the future of the Gemma Goldstone brand? I hope that now I have broken into the industry I can begin growing my brand. I hope to expand the collections and be able to push myself as a designer more in order to make a real identity for my brand. I hope that by doing this I will be able to expand into more stockists and continue to grow first in the UK and then internationally. I have big dreams that I hope one day will become a reality! Where can readers buy Gemma Goldstone? You can find me on ASOS Boutique and you can also order through www.gemmagoldstone.com and email sales@gemmagoldstone.com Words: By Naomi Nightingale Twitter@MsNNightingale

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