Effective Use of Active Learning Application. Examples from Seven Countries

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properties, experiment, crossword, multiple choice test problem. For each of the five areas (excluding the test) there are three variants, denoted by 1, 2 and 3. For each area it is given a time for thinking and a time for presenting the response.

Multiple choice test Experiment


Chemical Property

Issue/ Problem

Physical Property The teacher tell the students the partial results, after completing the five areas and the level. He explains them that the so far obtained score is the base point for their final grade, obtained after the quiz. The final assessment is given after correcting the tests. Example 2: The cube method – used on the lesson “The Physical Properties of the İonic Substances” –9th grade. The activity of the six groups based on the following experimental observations: 1. The appearance of several solid substances : NaCl, I2, S, CaCO3, CuSO4 • 5 H2O; 2. Studying the solubility of that substances in water; 3. The electrical conductivity of NaCl solutions, and S in the adequate solvent; 4. The behaviour of the action from a force. The activity for the six groups of students are: Describe: by color and by aspect , the substances which you have on the table; Compare: the solubility of these substances in water and in alcohol; Associate: the aggregation state and the solubility of the compounds related; Analyze and answer: why ionic substances are soluble in water and the polar covalent bonds are insoluble in water and soluble in organic solvents; Apply: based on the observations made what can you say about the solubility of ammonium chloride and the phosphorus in the water; Extrapolate: based on your observations try to explain why metals are not soluble in water or organic solvents. The operational objectives pursued are : - The distinction between the ionic and covalent brace; - The correlation of the relationship type link-property for the studied compounds; - To explain the behavior of the water of ionic and covalent compounds - To better develop the training skills in the chemistry laboratory; - To develop the training skills of making comments and correctly interpreting them in terms of chemistry.


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