Effective Use of Active Learning Application. Examples from Seven Countries

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The Fundamental purpose of curriculum development in vocational education: - professional skills necessary to adapt to the requirements of work are in a continuous and rapid change; - the acquisition of key transferable skills necessary for social integration, and rapid labor market success, but also to continue learning throughout life.

Professional development objectives and curriculum implementation: a. promoting the use of teaching strategies based on student-centered learning; b. evaluation and certification based on learning outcomes; c. adapting teaching strategies to stimulate integration and performance of students with special educational needs (SEN); d. adapting training content to the economic and social development; e. design local curriculum development skills to adapt to local and regional labor market requirements. Teaching - learning - evaluation focuses on learning outcomes. They are, in fact, transposition professional skills in the context of education.

Standard training includes: 1. key skills units (common to all qualifications training in all areas to a certain level of qualification); 2. general technical skills units (common to all domain-specific skills training to a certain level of qualification); 3. units of specialized technical skills (specific each qualification). They must meet the requirements of present and future of the economy to ensure the relevance of initial vocational training in relation to the labor market. Assessment - The purpose of certification - is done in line with European trends. The Certification is designed and made based on national public list of topics for the practical test and oral test.

References 1.http://legislatie.resurse-pentru-democratie.org/84_1995.php 2.http://www.cautalege.ro/lege-268-2003-modificarea-completarea-legii-invatamantului-nr84-1995-(8A4F4B91F16C1BFB).jsp 3.http://www.dreptonline.ro/legislatie/legea_educatiei_nationale_lege_1_2011.php


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