MAR/APR Kol Tikvah

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Mar/Apr 2024 Volume 44 Issue 2 ©2024 Temple Beth Tikvah 9955 Coleman Road, Roswell, GA 30075 770.642.0434 Join us for Shabbat Services IN-PERSON at TBT, or ONLINE via or Facebook! Friday Kabbalat Shabbat Services 6:30 PM ● 2nd Friday Shabbat Services 8:00 PM ● Saturday Morning 10:00 AM


Happy Birthday to all the leap year babies out there! All you 2/29-ers everywhere, have a great “real birthday” celebration this year!

On the subject of leap years, did you know that while the Gregorian calendar adds an extra day (February 29) every four years, the Jewish calendar adds an entire month when it’s a leap year?! Yes, its true; the month of Adar (this month) is celebrated for 60 days; technically, we celebrate the month twice: Adar I and Adar II. Its purpose is to align the lunar months with the solar year to ensure that Passover and all the subsequent holidays fall in the proper season.

In the Book of Exodus, parashat Bo, the calendar/ holiday cycle is established, with the following pronouncement in Exodus 12:1, “And God spoke to Moses and Aaron in Egypt, “This month (Nisan) shall mark for you the beginning of the months; it shall be the first of the months of the year for you. “Rishon Hu Lakhem L’khodshei Hashanah…” “Yom Nisan Mevorakh…the month of Nisan is blessed.” Ch 13:4 “You shall go free on this day in the month of Aviv” (day 14 of Nisan). The month of Aviv (the springtime month), aka Pesach, the holiday of our freedom.

If the realignment of the lunar calendar did not occur, there would be years when Passover would be celebrated in the dead of winter, and Hanukkah would take place in August! Yikes!!

2024 is a leap year, which means that we have a big Gregorian shift impacting every holiday from this Purim through the next.

If I’ve lost you, perhaps this chart of some of the major upcoming dates will help…

 Purim March 23- March 24

 Passover, April 22 and concluding the evening of April 29

 Rosh Hashanah October 2 - October 4, 2024

 Yom Kippur October 11 & 12, 2024

 Hanukkah December 25 January 2, 2025

As we eagerly anticipate our upcoming holidays, the arrival of the month of Adar invites us to focus upon joy. The festivities center around commemorating the triumph of Esther and Mordechai over the malevolent schemes of the xenophobic Haman. Whether an actual historical event or an allegory, it serves as a poignant reminder of life's unpredictable and capricious nature.

In light of the prevalent anti-Semitic winds in our contemporary world, the timing of our Purim observance couldn't be more fitting. Purim prompts us to reflect on the incomprehensible aspects of life – its unpredictability, fragility, and occasional chaos. As we navigate through the uncertainties, Purim invites us to embrace the celebration of life without attempting to rationalize every aspect, acknowledging that not everything follows a logical path.

During Purim, we engage in lively festivities, including dancing, donning costumes, and reveling in merriment. These actions symbolize our defiance against the capriciousness of life, allowing us to momentarily break free from the perplexities of our existence. Perhaps, in the face of the world's chaos, celebrating life in such a spirited manner is a remarkably sane response to the inherent craziness that surrounds us.

As you will read in Cantor’s article, TBT’s Purim celebration will begin with Saturday evening’s Adult Spiel, and conclude with Sunday dedicated to the children’s carnival and Megillah celebration.

A month later, Passover will be upon us. Sisterhood will again hold its annual Women’s Seder (details on page…..) and this year, on Monday evening, April 22 at 6:00 PM, my husband, Jay and I will again host a FIRST NIGHT SEDER here at TBT, for anyone who is in need of a place to enjoy and fulfill the mitzvah of Seder. RSVPs are required. Please click here to reserve your spot.

As we enter the days ahead, let them be imbued with tidings of goodness. May those still held in captivity find release, and may a swift and enduring peace envelop the land of Israel and its neighboring communities. May the radiant joy of redemption swiftly embrace all souls yearning for wholeness.


Pg. 2 News and Happenings from
Temple Beth Tikvah
Rabbi Alexandria Shuval-Weiner
הָּחְמִשְב םיִבְרַמ רָּדַא סַנְכִנֶּׁשִמ “


Friends, in continuance of the celebration of our 36th Anniversary, it is with great pleasure and excitement that I announce a very generous donor has paid off the balance of our temple’s mortgage! We are so grateful and appreciative of this act of kindness and largesse. While the donorhas chosen to remain anonymous, their impact on our congregation will be felt for generations to come. This donation is a testament to the unwavering support and dedication of each and every one of you who contribute to the vibrancy andstrength of our community.

We are still in the midst of our annual campaign. For those who have been waiting to contribute, now is the perfect time. With our mortgage paid in full, we are able to direct our focus and resources toward the upkeep and improvement of our facility, and programs that enrich and enhance the experience of all our members.

Mark Your Calendar: To mark thismilestone and accomplishment, we will be holding a “Burn the Mortgage” party at the synagogue on April 27 and allare

invited. If you are able to help in the planning of this festive celebration, please reach out to the office.

Annual Meeting: Our annual meeting is scheduled for Sunday, May 5 at 10:00 AM in the Social Hall; we look forward to having you join us as we vote inour slate of officers for 2024 - 2026.

Torah Writing Project: With the success and feedback we received from all who participated in the Torah Writing Project, we have added another day for more people to participate. After the conclusion of the Annual Meeting, we will have one final opportunity to engage in this mitzvah. The sign-up is open for participants and we are also still in need of volunteers to assist with the program. Please click here to be part of thisamazingprogram.

I look forward to continuing the celebration of our 36th anniversary with you, and hope to see you at these events.

Pg. 3 News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah


Backpack Buddies

Thank you to the generosity of Yamaha Corporation during the 2023 Holiday Food Drive event. We’re thrilled to share with you that more than 100 Yamaha employees contributed a total of $4,920.00 to help fight food insecurity through the Backpack Buddies program at Temple Beth Tikvah.

A special thank you to Leslie Zlotnick for organizing this event.

At right is a sample of some of the weekly items that we use to pack for our students.

If you would like to help shop for items like these, please sign up here.


Ellen Frank

Peter Klokow

Lois Malkin

Helaine Medoff

Pat Princenthal

Irina Roberts

Pg. 4 News and Happenings from
Temple Beth Tikvah


The Merry and Musical Month of Adar 2

Monday, March 18

7:15 PM – 8:15 PM

“RAK SHALOM” (see flyer, at right)

University of Maryland’s Jewish A Cappella Group. Rak Shalom’s repertoire, spans from American and Israeli pop music to traditional Jewish melodies. Free admission: yet it is always helpful if you register here

Saturday, March 23

7:30 PM—9:30 PM

“EREV PURIM” celebration FOR ADULTS. The SIMONS are taking over Purim this year! Sumerian Idol Judge: Simon ‘H’ (for Haman) Cowell. Contestants: the three four Simon Sisters. And, featuring the music of Paul Simon and Carly Simon. Register here

Friday, April 19

6:30 PM—7:30 PM

Local Singing Group, The Mamalehs” join the Rabbi and Cantor for very musical service.

Cantor Nancy Kassel

Pg. 5 News and Happenings
from Temple Beth Tikvah


We had a great turnout for our Pre-K Open House at the end of January. Prospective parents were excited to hear about all the wonderful learning that happens in Pre-K, and are excited to have their kids participate in the upcoming school year.

We are also getting ready for TBT Preschool Summer Camp, beginning June 3. Campers will enjoy outdoor activities, arts and crafts, the fantastic water slide, kiddie pools and watertables.

TBT Preschool enjoyed a Family Shabbat for parents and kids. Director of Education Judy Limor played guitar, led songs and recited prayers.

Rabbi Shuval-Weiner brought with her on her recent mission trip to Israel the money that had been collected by our Pennies for Israel effort, and distributed them in person. Upon her return to TBT, she talked to the children about how grateful everyone there was to have received this special tzedekah. A big thank you to all of the families who contributed!

Our wonderful Preschool Moms had a great Mother’s Night Out! They gathered at TBT to shared their favorite foods and desserts, helping to foster camaraderie within this incredible community.

These same energetic TBT Preschool Moms are organizing this month’s Scholastic Book Fair, March 48, with books for various ages. Please stop by, and check it out! Books will be displayed in the Religious/Preschool Lobby, and in Room 2. Proceeds will go to the Preschool Fund. Click here for ALL the info!

Pg. 6 News and Happenings
from Temple Beth Tikvah Linda Siegel, Preschool Director


Scholastic Book Fair

March 4—March 8

Preschool Fundraiser

The fabulous Temple Beth Tikvah Preschool Teachers


April 13 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM

Pg. 7 News and Happenings
from Temple Beth Tikvah


Shalom! Boker Tov! Hello and Good Morning!

Has your Sunday School student recently come home sharing some new Hebrew phrases or wearing a colorful silicon bracelet that says “Daber Ivrit” (speak Hebrew)? Do they talk about playing “Shimon Omer” (Simon Says), 6 Sticks, and other games? Are they showing new interest in Hebrew letters? I sure hope so!

This year, Temple Beth Tikvah has embarked on a new journey with Amitei Ivrit, a pilot program that encourages Hebrew infusion in synagogue schools as a way to encourage Hebrew learning in a fun, low/no pressure environment. Teachers are incorporating Hebrew language into daily classroom experience – colors, numbers, school-related phrases such as teacher, desk, line up, etc. – creating opportunities for Hebrew exposure throughout each morning rather than the traditional, formalized Hebrew instruction we may be more familiar with, from our own schooling. And, it appears that students are really enjoying it! I have seen tremendous creativity across the grades – besides the recess games, students are using Hebrew for call and response, and other communication. They come out to the carpool line excited to share new words and phrases they have learned,

When it comes to Jewish holidays, we’re heading into what’s always my favorite time of year. Spring brings Purim and Passover.

These two holidays get the entire family involved, share powerful stories, and are fun! Who doesn’t love hunting down the afikomen, or eating hamantaschen?

Purim comes first. My childhood memories are full of costumes and groggers, of songs booing Haman and cheering on Queen Esther. Falling on Sunday, March 24 our entire Religious School will experience the Purim celebration without any change to their regular Sunday school schedule We’ve got everything rolled up into the morning: a costume parade and contest, kid-friendly Megillah reading, and carnival, complete with bounce houses and oversized games.

and they are anxious to collect all of the different colored bracelets that they can earn in class.

In early February, Rabbi Andrew Ergas, the head of Amitei Ivrit, came to visit our school and see this new learning in action. In his words, seeing the work that [Temple Beth Tikvah is] doing to strengthen your school and congregational community, and the seriousness with which you are approaching Hebrew education and engagement. I very much enjoyed meeting your faculty and seeing how each of them, in their own way, is including the program in their classroom and infusing the student’s experience with Hebrew in a joyful and playful manner.”

I am so proud of our Sunday School teachers for their efforts to institute this new initiative. I share in the students’ joy as new words and phrases are learned. I hope some of this is coming home, so that you can enjoy it too!

Families with young children will not only have a dedicated bounce house just for the littles, but can come early to spend quality time enjoying all the fun. Parents are welcome to attend the entire morning, but for those with Religious School students, you can drop them off as usual, and pick them up in the carpool line. Guests and those whose kids do not attend Religious School are also welcome, although these parents must attend with their children.

The best part of the day’s festivities (if you ask the kids) are the prize bags. These will be pre-made to take home upon departure from the carnival. Be sure to register for the celebration online to guarantee a goody bag with your child’s name on it.

About a month after Purim comes Passover, and while the kids learn about this holiday during Religious School, it’s a special family time, bringing together kids and parents at home, around the dinner table. There’s nothing like a meal and a story to make an evening memorable. Make sure you get your children involved, no matter their age. Even if they’re not ready to say the Four Questions, they should be ready to sing the infamous “Frogs Here, Frogs There” song when you get to the part about the plagues.

I wish you all a Chag Sameach from the entire Board of Education.

Lesly Gregory, Vice President of Education

Pg. 8 News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah


March and April Happenings

We have had a busy few months at TBT: book club, Religious School breakfast, wine and chocolate tasting, playgroup, trivia, dinners, movies, outings, hikes and more. Severalnew chavurahs have been formed.Are you a game-lover? Do you know that we now host Mah Jongg, Bridge and Canasta in our Social Hall, each twice per month? Whether we are “on campus” or “around the town,” there is truly something for everyone to get involved in at TBT. A special todah to all the people who helped spearheadand plan recent TBT offerings!

The months of March and April will be no different. Here is(some of)what’s onthe horizon…

Tues. March 5 6:00 PM Nosh ‘n’ Network

Wed. March 6 7:00 PM Chibur Game & Dinner

Celebrating a birthday or wedding anniversary in March or April? Don’t miss Erev Shabbat services on the final Friday of the month (3.29.24 and 4.26.24), when youwill receive a special blessing and a treat!

Fri. March 8 7:00 PM Volunteer Appreciation Shabbat

Tues. March 12 10:00 AM Tikvah Tots

Wed. March 13 10:00 AM Life Tips & Friendships

Sun. March 17 9:00 AM Hike

Mon. March 25 6:45 PM Book Club

Tues. March 26 6:15 PM Trivia

Tues. April 2 4:00 PM Movie & Dinner

Thurs. April 11 10:00 AM Life Tips & Friendships

Sat. April 13 1:30 PM Hike

As you are reading this, I will be heading to Baltimore for my second PEP-RJ (Programming and Engagement) conference. At last year’s conference in Nashville, I met several dozen other people who are in roles similar to mine. We shared ideas and successes, problem-solved and brainstormed ways to strengthen our communities. We were placed into groupings of professionals who work in similarlysized congregations. My group of six people, all working with mediumsized synagogues, meets monthly on Zoom, where we continue to support each others efforts. Last year’s conference was truly an invaluable four days, and I anticipate that this year’s will be just as incredible! I look forward to sharing more in the next KolTikvah.

Tues. April 16 5:00 PM Walking Tour-Trail of Tears

Fri. April 19 6:30 PM Shabbat services & Chavurot Dinner

Mon. April 22 6:00 PM TBT Passover Seder

Sat. April 27 7:00 PM Havdalah & Bonfire

Suzanne Hurwitz Director of Engagement 770.642.0434


March 7, 21; April 4, 18 at 10:00 AM


March 11, 25; April 8, 22 at 2:00 PM

March 13, 27; April 10, 24 at 2:00 PM

Pg. News and
from Temple Beth Tikvah
TBT’s game schedule


Thank you so much to everyone who came out and supported HOTTY’s Camp Jenny Bingo Fundraiser in February. The event was a huge success! We raised $8,350 and will be sending 16 campers to Camp Jenny this Memorial Day Weekend! We appreciate the continued support from our HOTTY families and TBT members who show up every year for this great event. We hope you had fun and won some prizes. We

It's been a busy few weeks! In January, the HOTTYites went bowling and had a lock-in at the temple. We had record participation for this event, and it was so much fun. We ve also had several grade level trips happen. The 7 graders and their parents spent the day in Atlanta, touring the Holocaust exhibit at the

(continued on next page)

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from Temple Beth Tikvah


(Continued from previous page)

Breman Museum, followed by lunch at the iconic Varsity, and took a spin around the SkyView Ferris Wheel. The following weekend, our 8th and 9th graders joined teens from Temple Sinai for an overnight trip in Alabama. They saw the Birmingham church that was bombed, heard from several people who were involved in marches during the Civil Rights movement, walked across the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, and visited the Legacy Museum and Memorial in Montgomery. Here's what some of their

 Thank you! My son had a really great time. He said the museum really moved him.

 My son had a great time and learned a lot.

 My son has been talking nonstop about it. It really made an impression.

Pg. 11 News and
from Temple Beth Tikvah


Recent Men’s Club Events:

In January, Men’s Club served up breakfast for over 40+ religious school kids and their parents. Pancakes, eggs were enjoyed by all.

A few days later, we served up dinner at the Zaban Family Shelter

Poker Nights were a big success, as was Superbowl Stats, and the Social at Bowlero.

Coming in March:

Series (details to come!)

Co-Presidents Michael Bernstein and Joe Feinberg

Pg. 12 News and Happenings
from Temple Beth Tikvah



We’ve had a busy winter season, which began in January with our New Year fitness event. We had a blast with Danna Leff leading us in a challenging mat Pilates class. We earned that yummy salad bar dinner and the wine!

candlemaking class at Red Seal Craft Studio. There was a lot of time to socialize and nosh on the charcuterie board to which we all contributed.

will not want to miss these programs! Please let us know if you would like to help in the planning or setting up of any event.

March 13 6:00 PM—8:30 PM

Spring Clean Your Closet for the Drake Closet: Shopping Night

Do a mitzvah while you shop! Bring a bag of gently used clothing and accessories to donate to The Drake Closet in Roswell. All proceeds are used to help homeless mothers and children living in the Drake House. Wine and charcuterie will be served.

Register here

April 10th 6:00 PM 9:00 PM

Sisterhood’s Annual Women’s Seder at TBT

Coming soon: we will announce the theme for this year’s seder! Join us for a meaningful seder, lead by Rabbi and Cantor, and a delicious dinner with your sisters. This is always a very special evening.

Register here

May 9 6:30 PM 9:30 PM

Closing Event! Summer Cocktails on the Patio

You won’t want to miss this: member Kim Peters has offered to host us at her beautiful home (close by to TBT.) Join us on the patio for a laid-back evening, and we’ll learn how to make some refreshing summer cocktails; delicious dinner will be provided. More information coming soon!

Pg. 13 News and Happenings
from Temple Beth Tikvah


Mark, Rachel, and Max Wilson recently moved from New Orleans, Louisiana. Mark is a toxicologist; Rachel is a creative copywriter. Max is in 4th grade and loves playing bass, riding his bike, and hanging out with friends. The Wilsons are excited to join TBT and can't wait to meet more people and make new friends.

We are the Ellsworth Family: parents, Scott and Ela. We have three amazing children. Maya is 18 and Yarden is 15; they both go to Pope High School. And our boy, Aiden, is 12 and goes to Hightower Middle School. I teach Sunday School at Temple Beth Tikvah.

Pg. 14 News and
from Temple Beth Tikvah Staci Arnold lives in Milton with her only daughter, Piper. Staci is a TAG teacher at Birmingham Falls Elementary, while Piper is in second grade student there.


Sophie Klein, daughter of Cindy and Jeff Klein and sister to Annabelle, will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on March 9. Sophie is in seventh grade at Holcomb Bridge Middle School in Roswell. Sophie is part of a local competitive dance company, rides horses, sings in honors chorus, Vice-President of the Beta Club, and is a school ambassador. She enjoys spending time with family and friends, and loves to travel.

Sophie has a strong love of animals, especially for her dog Poppins and her cat Sebastian. For her Mitzvah Project, she volunteers at the local Furkids adoption center at Petco. She plays with the cats and does chores, such as feeding and cleaning up.

The Klein family would like to thank Rabbi Shuval-Weiner, Cantor Kassel, Jay Weiner, Amy Peskin, and all the TBT teachers who helped prepare Sophie for this special day.

Ari Dombrow, son of Nicole and Justin Dombrow and brother to Max and Madison, will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on April 6. He attends Saint Francis Middle School. Ari is passionate about the conflict in Israel, and for his mitzvah project he collected donations for both the IDF and Magen David Adom. NOTE: This service begins at 10:30 AM.

Pg. 15 News and Happenings
from Temple Beth Tikvah


We are pleased to report very positive results from our fundraising efforts, for both projects: our Torah Project/Blank Match, and the Annual Campaign. Together, we have raised over $321,000 through midFebruary 2024.

A sincere thank you to all of our generous donors! We received commitments from over 180 families, which is the highest level of participation we have had at TBT in recent memory nearly 50%!

We’ve completed three of our five Torah Writing days and have two more scheduled: Sunday,

April 14 and Sunday, May 5, so please sign up here for any available slots (mostly onMay 5).

The Torah Writing Project has been a rewarding and wellexecuted experience, with over 110 TBT families directly participating along with dozens of volunteers, and we are delighted by the level of engagement from everyone.


Visionaries of Torah (Chozim): $ 100,000+


Guardians of Torah (Shomrim): $ 50,000+

Peter and Linda Birnbaum

Pillars of Torah (Amudim):

$ 18,000 +

Mark Williams and Michelle Easton-Williams

Leaders of Torah (Ishim):

$ 5,400 +

Evan and Missi Mermelstein

Rabbi Alexandria ShuvalWeiner and Jay Weiner

Marlene and Michael Cohn

Joe and Waynah Dunn

Sustainers of Torah (Kayamin):

$ 1,800 +

Paul and Anne Beckman

Josh and Andrea Berman

Carol Goldstein

David and Beth Janes

Sustainers of Torah (Kayamin): $ 1,800 +

Donna and Doug Kallman

Steve and Helen Kraus

Mike Levin

Gary and Michal Loventhal

Jill and David Mattos

Mark and Gail Rudel

David and Elisa Siegel

Rabbi Donald and Marilyn Tam

Mark and Sally Vosk

Bruce and Bonnie Walkes

Andy and Ilana Zalkin

Friends of Torah (Chavarim):

$ 540+

Mark and Stephanie Craig

Jennifer and Lee Engel

Dave and Dalia Faupel

Ellen Frank and Peter Klukow

Neil and Jennifer Goldstein

Harlan and Ivie Graiser

Carolyn Harrison

Sam and Alice Herndon

Steven and Tracey Kaplan

Rob and Karen Kremer

Jeffrey and Ellen Levitz

Friends of Torah (Chavarim): $ 540+

Gil and Ellen Ludwig

Sid and Lois Malkin

Marsha and Jim Mathis

Jeff and Debbie Otto

Marcia Pearl

Rhonda and Scott Povlot

Nathan and Carol Schemo

Caryn Schilstra

Brad and Sarah Sapir

Lloyd and Gail Tate

Steve and Abbe Tobin

Chas and Jamie White

Max and Carol Wolf

Contributor (Torehmim): up to $540

Shari and Barry Alhadeff

Stephen and Alisa Bauman

Dolores and Marshall Barrash

Dale and Wendy Bearman

Suellen and Harris Bergman

Bram and Anne Bessoff

Todd and Jennifer Boehm

Roy Brenner

David Burgh

Eric and Pamela Chanin

As of February 16, 2024

Pg. 16 News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah
Mark Rudel, Fundraising Chair


Nancy Kassel

Contributor (Torehmim):

up to $540

Lindsay and Zach Chapkin

Mitchell and Dyann Diamond

Gordon and Holli Decker

Rodney and Erika Eberhardt

Neil and Susan Estroff

Donna and Ron Fallon

Family Anonymous

Elliot and Donna Feller

Jonathan Fink

Chuck Freedman

Andy Fried

Rory and Jenifer Friedman

Michael and Alyson Hartman

Ginger Glazer and Kenneth


Donna and Eric Goldenberg

Max and Jennifer Gross

Myrna Kaplan

Visionary (Chazon):

$ 10,000+

Leader (Manhig):

$ 5,000 - 9,999

Benefactor (Nadiv):

$ 2,500 - 4,999

Gary and Michal Loventhal

Samantha and Todd Mitman

Stacy and Alicia Sher

Sustainer (Tomech):

$ 1,000 - 2,499

Andy and Julie Aaronson

Alice and Sam Herndon

Helen and Steve Kraus

Evan and Missi Mermelstein

Marcia Pearl

Peter and Sharon Jedel

Allison and Michael Kalmykov

Myrna Kaplan

Nancy Kassel

LeTzedek Inc

Charles Lewis

Julie Lindy

Carol Lipinsky

Hadley and Lisa Lowy

Steve Mahan and Jeffrey Willard

Jerred and Debbie Malever

Sarah Malkin

Renee and Bruce McCord

Helaine and Howard Medoff

Members Anonymous

Dean and Felice Myers

Keira Oseroff

Rhonda and Scott Povlot

Maria Ramaglia

Alan and Sandee Rappaport

Kathy Reiter

John and Dahlia Restler

Irina Roberts

Ellen Salowitz

Terry and William Schwartz

Terry and Fred Segal

Joel Schancupp

Joel and Kathleen Schoenbaum

Michael and Ann Swartz

Jodi Sloan

Francesca and Stuart Solomon

Terri and Barry Steinberg

Betty Steinmetz

Aaron and Sheila Stieglitz

Leslie and Ron Swichkow

Gail and Lloyd Tate

David and Christine Toltzis

Bruce and Carol Waldman

Jon Zarett

As of February 16, 2024


Sustainer (Tomech):

$ 1,000 - 2,499

Mark and Gail Rudel

David and Marci Slotin

Brian and Jennifer Steinberg

Ron and Leslie Swichkow

Steve and Renee Weiskopf

Andy and Ilana Zalkin

Supporter (Yedid):

$ 500 - 999

Mark and Stephanie Craig

Gil and Ellen Ludwig

Terri and Barry Steinberg

Max and Carol Wolf

Friend (Chaver):

$ 250 - 499

Steve and Teri Astren

Dale and Wendy Bearman

Friend (Chaver):

$ 250 - 499

Lonnie and Debbie Carter

Andy Fried

Ginger Glazer and Kenneth Lawler

Mark and Terri Goodman

Scott and Sheryl Lasky

Jeffrey and Ellen Levitz

Joel and Aviva Margolies

Francine and Gerald Marshall

Donald Restler

David and Elisa Siegel

Judith Tolkan

Mark and Debbie Weiss

Todd and Rachel Wilson

Jeffrey Willard and Steve Mahan

As of February 16, 2024

Pg. 17 News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

We are 80% of the way to our audacious $400,000 goal!



up to $250

Michael and Wanda Cohen

Steven and Arlene Cohn

Gordon and Holli Decker

Joseph and Waynah Dunn

Gary and Ilene Fader

Robert and Cindy Goldstein

Harlan and Ivie Graiser

Bernard and Susan Greenberg

Ron and Donna Fallon

Peter Klokow and Ellen Frank

Marc and Deborah Klein

David and Jenny Korsen

Charles Lewis

Hadley and Lisa Lowy

Rochelle and Lawrence Mucha

Shirley Plotkin

John and Dahlia Restler

Gailen Rosenberg

Tom and Patti Seibold

Shelby Steinhauer

Terry and William Schwartz

Tom and Patti Seibold

David and Elisa Siegel

Jon Zarett

As of February 16, 2024

from Temple Beth Tikvah

Pg. 18 News and




in appreciation of

Our TBT family and the love and kindness shown to us at the recent Shabbat service from Ronald & Leslie Swichkow

in memory of

Morris Lewis III from Charles Lewis

Martha Bearman, Nora Stein, Herbert Stein, Yetta Duekiewitz, Ann Eileen Kant, Betty Ebstein from Dale & Wendy Bearman

Harry Fallon from Dr. Ronald & Donna Fallon

Irving Lipton from Ilene and Gary Fader

Jacob Dunn, father of Joe Dunn from Joe Dunn

Irving Lipton - Father of Suzanne Hurwitz from Mark & Gail Rudel

Harold Grossman, Father of Burton

Grossman from Burton & Sara Grossman

Irving Lipton from Peter & Sharon Jedel

Maxine Gelb Kurtz from Tom & Patti Seibold


in memory of

George Diamond from Florie Diamond

Harriet Sanford Decker Levi Rosalyn

Berman Zierler from Gordon & Holli Decker

Jay A. Rosen from Linda and Steve Steinberg

Will Shields from Marlene, Michael, Evan & Lauren Cohn

Will Shields from Marshall & Dolores Barrash

William Shields from Roslyn Winston

Helen and George Diamond from Steven & Abbe Tobin

William “Will” Shields from Susan & Larry Ellison

Will Shields from The Hartog Family


in appreciation of

Rabbi Donald Tam...and all he has meant to Sally, Rachel and myself! from Mark Vosk

in honor of

This donation is in honor of our children (Adyn and Jonah) having the opportunity put a letter in the new Torah from Lindsay & Zach Chapkin

The naming of Hannah Rose ShapiroAhuva - granddaughter of Terry Apt from Terry Apt

in memory of

Irving Lipton from Alice & Sam Herndon

Irving Lipton from Barrie Cohn

Jerome Shainberg - Father of Alisa

Bauman: Dearest Alisa and Family, in loving memory of your Father with my love, from Betty Steinmetz

Richard Orloff from Charles Lewis

Morris Lewis Jr. from Charles Lewis

Arthur Toltzis from David & Christy Toltzis

Yahrzeit of Robert Waldron from Dr. Ronald & Donna Fallon

Steve Salowitz - from Ellen Salowitz

Jeanne Smokler - Mother of Pam Chanin from Eric Chanin

Irving Lipton - Father of Suzanne Hurwitz from Fred & Dr.Terry Segal

Matilda "Matty" Zarett from Jon Zarett

Morty Stark from Jon Zarett

William Shields from Julie Lindy

Irving Lipton - Father of Suzanne Hurwitz from Robert & Marcy Nader

Jerome Shainberg from Stephen & Alisa Bauman

Jerome Shainberg from Stephen Bauman


in memory of

Herb Berke from Andy Berke

Michael Lewit, Ruth Frenkel, Theresa Olshine, Herbert Olshine from Emily Lewit

CANTORS FUND in appreciation of

Cantor Kassel's assistance at the funeral of our Father, Sy Lichtenfeld. Her contribution added greatly to our comfort and solace, from Eileen Lichtenfeld

Cantor Nancy Kassel - thanks for all you do! from Judy M. Levine

Cantor Kassel's assistance at the funeral of our Father, Sy Lichtenfeld. Her contribution added greatly to our comfort and solace, from Marshall & Roberta Goldman

Cantor Kassel for beautiful Shabbat Shirah service from Peter & Sharon Jedel your kindness and compassion following the passing of William Shields from Susan, Margot & Brody Shields

in memory of

Ella and Milton Goldstein from Ed & Cindy Getty

Scott Monat from Gary & Ilene Fader

Milton Marshall from Judy Levine

Gerald Eisen - Father of Ellen Altschuler from Lee & Ellen Altschuler

Sarah Stansky from Melvin Levine

Ruth Zeidman from Robert & Adele Toltzis

Yahrzeit of Arnold Cohn from Steven & Arlene Cohn


Kehillat Chesed Committee - Thankful for being there for me and my family after Steven's passing. from Janice Liederman

in memory of

Judy Naftolin from Joshua & Debbie Sinsley

Russ Rosenberg from Judy Stanton

Beatrice Clymin and Saul Migatz from Lois Clymin

Michael Clymin from Lois Clymin

As of 2/23/24

Pg. 19 News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

Faith Engel, Mother of JoAnn Friedrich from Lois Clymin

Jean Migatz from Lois Clymin

George Diamond from Marc & Carol Rose

Melvin Haskins from Terri & Barry Steinberg

Michael Freeman from Todd & Jennifer Boehm


Happy Hanukkah! from Nadine Duhaney


in memory of

Mary Brook, Grandmother of Gavin Salmenson from Andrew & Helaine Lasky


in appreciation of

Michael J. Berger - many thanks for all you do for all of us, from Harlan & Ivie Graiser

in honor of

Ian Brito - Mazel Tov on Bar Mitzvah from Harlan & Ivie Graiser

Ron and Leslie Swichkow - much good luck and many thanks for all you have done for TBT from Harlan & Ivie Graiser

in memory of

Russell Rosenberg from Ann & Michael Silver

Betty Rickles from Beth & Bruce Resnick

Jerome Shainberg, so very sorry for your loss, from Betty Isenberg

Irving Henry Lipton from Gilbert & Ellen Ludwig

Abraham Ludwig from Gilbert & Ellen Ludwig

Irving Henry Lipton from Lori Shapiro

Steve Salowitz from Michael & Alyson Hartman


Irving Lipton, Father of Suzanne Hurwitz, Dedication to Pierre Lipton Foundation from Steve & Susan Berman

Suzanne Hurwitz Father from Susan & Howard Charlop

Irving Lipton from Terry & Bill Schwartz


in memory of

Irving Henry Lipton from Carol Lipinsky


in memory of

My mother, Mable Meeks from Pamela Alterman


in memory of

Estelle Groner from Elisa Siegel

Ben Goldberg & Iris Naomi Kess from Jeffrey & Beth Kess

Lester Mansfield from Jeffrey & Beth Kess

William Shields from Judith Tolkan

Jacob Krigsner from Aaron & Sheila Stieglitz


in appreciation of the wonderful TBT preschool and staff and clergy from Lisa Mallis in memory of

Will Shields from Barrie Cohn

Samuel M Pollard from Jane & Andrew Glickman

Faye Lebish’s Father from Kara and Bart Srgal

Irving Henry Lipton from Terri & Barry Steinberg


in appreciation of

Rabbi for her support. from Mark Williams & Michelle Easton

Rabbi Shuval-Weiner for Torah lettering and in memory of Irving Cohen from Michael & Wanda Cohen

of your kindness and compassion following the passing of William Shields from Susan, Margot & Brody Shields

As of 2/23/24

Temple Beth Tikvah

Pg. 20 News and Happenings

in memory of

Milton Kirchheimer from Barry & Shari Alhadeff

Gail Laddin from Darryl & Ellen Laddin

Robert Leitman and Iris Leitman from David & Nancy Miller

Gwen Glazer from Debbie & Mark Weiss

Ella and Milton Goldstein from Ed & Cindy


Phyllis Ziner & David Liederman from Janice Liederman

Frank Ziperson's passing service from the Ziperson, Goldt and Katz families from Joan Ziperson

Gerald Eisen - Father of Ellen Altschuler from Lee & Ellen Altschuler

Ruth Zeidman from Robert & Adele




in memory of

Gerald Eisen - Father of Ellen Altschuler from Lee & Ellen Altschuler

Jeffrey Flatow from Pam Flatow

Walter Shultz from Robert & Ruth Shultz



in memory of

Max Mendelson from David & Christy Toltzis

Steve Salowitz from Michael & Alyson Hartman

Evelyn Grossman from Burton & Sara Grossman


in appreciation of

Rabbi Tam and Rabbi Shuval-Weiner from Carolyn Harrison

in honor of

Our Parents: Barbara Oxenhandler & Sheldon Gelburd, Ron & Ginger Oxenhandler, Brent & Frances Malever from Debbie & Jerred Malever

3 daughters - Alane Wincek; Stacy Levine, Dina Kimmel from Mr. Aaron & Sheila Stieglitz

being a part of the amazing Torah Project from anonymous

and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

in memory of

Ruth Zeidman from David & Christy


Joseph Zeidman from David & Christy


Susan Winner from David & Christy


Barry Goldenberg, Monroe Marsh and Fredalee Marsh from Donna, Eric & Trevor Goldenberg

Addie Myers from Felice & Deam Myers

Avrahama Masha, Eitan Israel, Leib Adin from Gilbert & Ellen Ludwig

our parents, Saralee & Abe Steinberg and Linda & Melvin Haskins from Terri & Barry Steinberg


The Zalkin Family from Andrew Zalkin Happy to be a part of such a joyous celebration/milestone and in gratitude to the many lessons of Torah Practice from Joel & Kathleen Schoenblum

TIKKUN OLAM FUND in memory of

Shirley Moore from Jeffrey Willard & Steve Mahan

Whit Mahan from Jeffrey Willard & Steve Mahan

Will Shields from Todd & Rachel Wilson


in appreciation of

HOTTY from Marlene, Michael, Evan & Lauren Cohn in memory of

Irving Henry Lipton from The Hartog Family

As of 2/23/24

Pg. 21


Temple Beth Tikvah acknowledges with sorrow the passing of:

Pg. 22 News and Happenings
Temple Beth Tikvah Jeanette Bauman Gwen Glazer Gail Laddin
Pg. 23 News and Happenings
from Temple Beth Tikvah

9955 Coleman Road Roswell, GA 30075

Rabbi Alexandria Shuval-Weiner

Cantor Nancy Kassel

Rabbi Emeritus Donald A. Tam

Preschool Director Linda Siegel

Religious School Director Judy Limor

Engagement Director Suzanne Hurwitz

Youth Engagement Director Bobbee Griff

President John Restler

Vice President Josh Berman

Vice President Todd Boehm

Vice President Dalia Faupel

Vice President Lesly Gregory

Vice President Jill Leitman

Vice President Debbie Malever

Treasurer David Siegel

Secretary Lynda Bennett

Immediate Past President Joe Dunn President Elect Deidre Kinoshita


Budget & Finance

Karen Korshak

Camp/Israel Scholarship Bobbee Griff

College Outreach

Jules Salinas


Marlene Cohn

Fundraising Mark Rudel


Ted Nathan

Kehillat Chesed (Caring) Helaine Medoff


Ilana Zalkin

Membership, Recruitment & Retention Jaime White

Samantha Mitman

Men’s Club

Joe Feinberg

Michael Bernstein

Nominating Committee Jenni Trebon


Rick Winer


Jay Sausmer


Stephanie Joseph

Carol Schemo

Social Action/Social Justice

Maggie McAuliffe

Backpack Buddies

Jeanine Bernstein

Renee Weiskopf

Website Development

Scott Povlot

TBT Needs You—Get Involved!
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