Sept/Oct Kol Tikvah

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Sept/Oct 2023 Volume 43 Issue 5 ©2023 Temple Beth Tikvah 9955 Coleman Road, Roswell, GA 30075 770.642.0434 Join us for Shabbat Services IN-PERSON at TBT, or ONLINE via or Facebook! Friday Kabbalat Shabbat Services 6:30 PM ● 2nd Friday Shabbat Services 8:00 PM ● Saturday Morning 10:00 AM


In our Jewish tradition, numbers have significance. The number "18" “chai" stands for Life. This year Temple Beth Tikvah is celebrating 36 years, and how wonderful it is! Double Chai, double Life!

We began this special year of celebration in August with a wonderful evening of joyful music, on the anniversary of Rabbi Tam’s first Shabbat service 36 years ago. We were joined in prayer that evening by Sr. Rev. Remington Slone and his sweet little daughter from St. David’s Episcopal Church, on Old Roswell Road. St. David’s is the church community who kindly shared worship space with Beth Tikvah until our present build was constructed. Long-time members and our newest members came together for stories, to view pictures of our archives, and to enjoy home-baked goodies at our ‘old fashioned’ Oneg Shabbat.

We continue the celebration with the annual convocation in September for the High Holy Day and Fall festivals.

The year ahead is filled with so many exciting events to mark this very special year in the life of our Beth Tikvah congregation.

 October 16: Welcome Sofer/Rabbi Yochanan Salazar, to launch a six-month process working to create the first TBT Torah written by our membership, for the next generation of our community. Each and every family is invited to add a letter to this Torah, so that as we place the Torah into our children’s and grandchildren’s arms L’Dor V’Dor, we can all truly say, “We wrote this for you!”

is this Place!

 October 20: Musician Coleen Dieker returns to TBT to reunite with Rabbi Shuval-Weiner for a spirited Kabbalah Shabbat service.

 December 8-9: International Singer Neshama Carlebach will join Cantor Kassel and Rabbi for a magical Hanukkah/Shabbat celebration and Gala Concert. Neshama is a teacher, singer, peace-maker and the protégé of her late father, Reb Shlomo Carlebach. Her music has touched the hearts and souls of communities of faith from across the world, elevating interfaith/ intercultural relations through the modality of song.

 December 10: Rabbi Yochana Salazar returns for the second of three visits as we continue the writing of our TBT Torah.

 December 21: TBT Journey to Israel departs. Join a fantastic multi-generational group as we travel to celebrate the final weeks of Israel’s 75th anniversary year. Travel from the Dead Sea to the foothills of Mt. Hermon, the shores of the Mediterranean Sea to the ancient and modern city of Jerusalem—whether it’s your first trip or your tenth, there will be incredible moments for all! *October 15 is the final date for reserving a spot on this year’s trip.

2024 will bring even more joyous celebratory opportunities.

TBT is alive and thriving -we are blessed because you are with us, so let’s celebrate this year, and come together to secure the future for this marvelous TBT community!

Mah Nora HaMakom HaZeh! How fantastic is this place!

Pg. 2 News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah
Rabbi Alexandria Shuval-Weiner “ Mah Nora HaMakom HaZeh! ” How Marvelous


Most Jews have on their radar the High Holy Days of Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur, but there is much more on the Hebrew calendar before, during and after!

1st) SELICHOT: Saturday night, September 9

After an early dinner, we prepare further for the upcoming High Holy Days.

The Selichot service is my favorite service! The TBT choir shares beautiful music and we change the Torah mantles to white. It’s an intimate service that introduces the themes of introspection and teshuvah.

2nd) ROSH HASHANAH: Friday night, September 15 through Sunday, September 17

There is something for EVERYONE! Many people have a family meal on Erev Rosh HaShanah, which is wonderful. But how much better it will be when you ALSO attend the evening service! LET’S WELCOME 5784 with family and friends – with food, prayer and music!

3rd) SHABBAT SHUVAH: Friday night, September 22 through the rest of Shabbat

Shabbat Shuvah is the Sabbath of Return –between Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur. We rejoice in Shabbat and still maintain the themes of holy days.

4th) YOM KIPPUR: Sunday night September 24 through Monday September 25

Again – there is something for everyone (all ages) during Yom Kippur. Each year, I anxiously await hearing “Kol Nidrei” on the cello. While listening to the cello, I often close my eyes, breathe

deeply, and set my kavana my ‘intent’ for the entire holiday. IS IT NOT ONE OF THE MOST BEAUTIFUL MELODIES?

And just when you think you’re done with major holidays, they keep on coming!

5th) SUKKOT: begins Friday night, September 29

What a joyous holiday, similar in nature to Thanksgiving. COME TO TBT – AND ‘DWELL’ IN OUR SUKKAH! WE’LL SHOW YOU HOW TO SHAKE THE LULAV & ETROG!

6th) SIMCHAT TORAH: observed Friday night, October 6, and Saturday October 7

We will sing and dance and unroll the Torah Scroll for all to see. THE TORAH IS WHAT IT IS ALL ABOUT! LET’S CELEBRATE TOGETHER!

7th) A BRIEF COLLAPSE (for clergy & staff & volunteers) AFTER A MONTH OF HOLIDAYS!

8th) CANTOR’S TRIP TO POLAND & PRAGUE: October 15-25 with other Cantors and participants. This trip was postponed twice (Covid) and I am so excited finally to go. Please hold me and all others on the trip – in your prayers for safe travels.

I look forward to sharing more about the trip on the flip side!

Jacob Kassel and I wish all of TBT, and your loved ones, a SHANAH TOVAH!

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Temple Beth Tikvah
Cantor Nancy Kassel
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and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah
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and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah


High Holy Days 2023

Thirty years ago, in the month of Elul just prior to the High Holy Days, I married my beautiful bride in our Temple Beth Tikvah sanctuary. The Hebrew letters that spell “Elul” - Aleph, lamed, vav, lamed - are an acronym for “Ani l’dodi v’dodi li,” taken from Song of Songs. It translates to, “I am my beloved’s, and my beloved is mine.” You may know the verse as the song, “Dodi Li,” often used as a wedding processional. While we think of this phrase in terms of romantic love, we can look at it a bit differently, too.

I am my beloved’s, and my beloved in mine. What happens to this phrase in your mind when you consider “the beloved” as our synagogue community?

Temple Beth Tikvah is certainly beloved by my wife of thirty years, my children, and me.

I am grateful for Temple Beth Tikvah, my spiritual home, where we have built lifelong friendships, celebrated simchas, and mourned our losses in community.

I am grateful for our amazing clergy who help us navigate through the challenges, questions and joys of life.

I am grateful for the staff who work tirelessly to keep the synagogue running.

I am grateful for our volunteer Board and committees who create and run our activities and programs.

We have an incredibly full year of events planned to celebrate this 36th anniversary of our TBT congregation, and we look forward to sharing them with you, our beloved community.

I ask that you consider, during these High Holy Days, how you will be present within our community in the coming year? Whether in person or online, come celebrate Shabbat and the holidays with us as a community. Come to Sisterhood, Men’s Club, family events, adult education,affinity group activities, social action programs, or just plain social events. Come as a participant or come as a volunteer. Find something that interests you and join it or create it. How can your time and talents strengthen our beloved community?

My second request is for you to look back on the past year and remember the blessings that we have shared and the lessons that have enriched our souls.

May this New Year be a year of fulfillment and growth, of deepened connections and spiritual awakening. May all our connections grow stronger and may our future grow brighter.

Shanah Tovah U’Metukah, wishing a good and sweet year for you all.

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Temple Beth Tikvah

The new Preschool year has officially begun, and we are already off to a great new term! Our teachers worked so hard to get their classrooms ready for the children. It's so nice to welcome many new families, and of course, also very exciting to have our ‘old’ families back to begin another year.

Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are fast upon us, and we are ready to welcome 5784. The children will be busy making apple art projects, honey pots and tasting apples. So far, it's a tie as to which is more popular: red or green apples. All of the classes enjoy baking, so we are making apple sauce, apple pies and honey cakes! Ms. Judy has been blowing the shofar at the end of our day, and the children just love it.

Yom Kippur is a bit of a difficult holiday to explain to small children, but we have been talking

about using kind words and being nice to our friends.

Our Mom’s Night Out group of Preschool moms enjoyed their first get-together. It was so nice to see this great groups of moms create a wonderful village for themselves. And Rabbi ShuvalWeiner was there to speak with us about TBT's upcoming Torah Project.

We are grateful to have such amazing teachers that make coming to TBT so much fun. I look forward to a terrific year with these wonderful educators and all of our terrific Preschool families. Mark

Saturdays 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM


The Treehouse @ TBT is a weekday afternoon program for elementary school students to explore their relationship with Judaism and expand their Jewish community through interactive, engaging activities. Our curriculum is designed around Jewish values as well as thematically arranged with the Jewish calendar.

Students at the Treehouse receive:

1. Daily Jewish song time

2. Instruction about Jewish holidays and rituals

3. Jewish prayer/blessings practice

4. Daily Hebrew learning through experiential activities

5. Other Jewish games, activities, and art projects related to Jewish culture, values, history, and traditions

We also run School’s Out Camp on some days, when Cobb or Fulton County are not in session. This includes asynchronous learning days, teacher work days, Fall/Spring breaks, etc. Please check for specific dates!

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your calendars for Tot Shabbat
September23rd December2nd January20th April13th


I have been taking a professional development course in Social, Emotional, and Spiritual Learning for Jewish Educators. Yesterday, in preparation for our next module, we were asked to think about a moment from the summer that filled us with awe and wonder, and then to select one photograph that best connected us to that moment or experience. The assignment gave me pause. I am so blessed to have the opportunity to "take my show on the road," and spend my summers with our TBT and Southeastern Jewish youth at URJ Camp Coleman - most everything I do and see there is awe-inspiring! Picking only one photo was hard. As I scrolled through three months of images, I was reminded of so many moments of wonder: a kaleidoscope of monarch butterflies randomly gathered on the ground, reflections of a perfectly clear blue sky on Lake Shalom, delighted squeals of a child conquering their fears and flying down the zip line, 400 voices raised in harmony singing the Shema. The picture I ultimately selected, however, is comparably unremarkable. At first glance, one sees five campers standing on rocks looking at a

Welcome Hadar!

waterfall. Beautiful, yes, but awe-inspiring? Look again. Imagine yourself standing on the bank of the creek watching those campers in the instants before and after the photo was taken. See the concentration on their faces as they jump from rock to log and back again. Hear their laughter when they see a fish, splash, accidentally fall in. In 2023, it is not so often that we get to witness children exploring and appreciating God's world in its purest form.

For many of us, religion is just another item on the "to-do" list. Register for Religious School. Attend holiday services. RSVP for a family simcha. We forget that spirituality, our connection to God, happens in the in-between. These are the moments that fill us with awe and wonder.

It is my hope that this year will contain many opportunities for spiritual learning. I look forward to sharing with you on the journey.

TBT is excited to welcome Hadar Rochwerger to our Religious School this year. Hadar comes to us as a part of Shinshinim Atlanta. Shinshinim are teen emissaries from all over Israel who are taking a gap year between graduating high school and drafting into the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF). The program is a partnership between the Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta and the Jewish Agency for Israel. Shinshinim serve the Atlanta community in a variety of ways. They teach about Israel and Israeli culture in many of the Jewish day schools, synagogues, after schoolprograms, and summer camps.

Hadar lives in Pardesiya, a small moshav in Israel. She enjoys theater, dancing and singing, hiking, and travel. Hadar's favorite Jewish holiday is Chanukah, where she finds the tradition of lighting the menorah "enchanting." She is most excited to get to know other Jewish communities and see the differences in traditions and mentalities in the US as compared to Israel.

We look forward to having Hadar with us for Religious School programming this year!

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from Temple Beth Tikvah


Shana Tova from Sisterhood

We have a jam-packed year planned, and we would love to see YOU take part in these fabulous programs!

 October through January – 2024 Mah Jongg Card Sale

 October 5 – Mah Jongg in the Sukkah: This will be an evening event; refreshments served

 November 11, February 10, April 10 - Zaban

Shelter Dinners: Please consider volunteering to prepare and delivery dinners!

 November 30 –“Let There Be Light & Oil For 8 Nights” An Evening at Oli + Ve

 January 11, 2024 –“Get More Out of 2024”

Fitness Event with Danna Leff 6:00 PM at TBT

 February 13 –“Keep the Flame Burning”

Candle Making Workshop at Red Seal Craft Studio

 March 13 –“Spring Clean Your Closet for the Drake Closet” ShoppingNight 6:00 —8:30 PM

 April 10 – Annual Women’s Seder at TBT

 May 5 – Pickleball Clinic: Cinco de Mayo Addition at Sandy Springs Tennis Center

 TBA – A fun closing event!

Feel free to reach out to us for more information, or to offer your help with these programs.

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and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah Carol Schemo Sisterhood Co-President Stephanie Joseph Sisterhood Co-President


In this issue, meet Molly Ziskind, the HOTTY 2023-2024 President. Hear of how she came to be involved in our Temple Youth Group. Hopefully, her words encourage your teens to try out some of the wonderful youth events happening at our synagogue!

Bobbee Griff, Youth Engagement Director

Starting in my freshman year online at a new school, and only knowing one other person was far from easy. I was extremely worried that I wouldn’t be able to learn and retain information properly, to make connections with my teachers and classmates, and become involved in activities at school through a screen. Because of these major changes in my life, I honestly overlooked the opportunities being offered in my Jewish community.

Until one day, one of my friends from Hebrew school called and asked me to come to one of our synagogue’s Youth Group events. Despite my hesitations, I decided to just try it out, and ultimately, had a great time. I enjoyed meeting other Jewish teens, and it made me realize how comforting my Jewish faith can be, which was especially meaningful during a time of so much change. I was soon excited for the next few events, and even offered to be involved in our annual Shabbat service.

This involvement gave me a newfound appreciation for Judaism and my community. I was eager to participate more and encouraged others to come to events, sparking my interest to run for a position on our board. Before I knew it, I was elected Programming Vice President and still serve in this position today. This position ended up being perfect for me, as it allowed me to be introduced to different areas of managing the Youth Group. Not only have I gotten to help plan and organize events every month, but also have gotten to contribute to our advertisements, outreach, religious activities, and more, teaching me about accountability, leadership, and productive communication.

However, I did face some challenges along the way. Due to effects from the pandemic, our attendance for Youth Group events had significantly declined. People were concerned about safety, or had simply lost interest in being involved after the quarantine. To solve this issue, we worked to bring back our fun, exciting events safely, to revive the Youth Group. From making personal phone calls to making funny promo videos, we were able to motivate more teens to attend events, and thanks to our creativity and organized programming, we were able to plan memorable events that consequently influenced people to continue participating.

Although we have made so much progress in the past two years by heightening the number of members and creating unique, impactful events, we still had to overcome some obstacles when it came time to plan our annual Camp Jenny Bingo fundraiser. Camp Jenny is a weekend-long summer camp for underprivileged children from an inner-city school in Atlanta. This program is so wonderful, since it allows these children to experience the magic of summer camp without bearing the burden of paying the cost. Summer camp teaches kids to be independent, creative, and confident. Thus, when I heard that it was becoming increasingly difficult to cover the costs of Camp Jenny due to inflation from the pandemic, I knew that I had to put forth my best effort in planning our fundraiser to ensure that these children will continue to have this incredible opportunity.

I was able to achieve this goal by working diligently and efficiently. Along with playing bingo, there was a live auction, raffle, and bake sale at our fundraising event, so some of my fellow board members and I worked to call, email, and visit local businesses and people in our community to ask for donations to serve as prizes during the event. I designed a video advertisement to provide congregants with a sneak peek of the event and the potential prizes they could win. I oversaw and helped with the organization of the bake sale, the decorations, the Havdalah service, the community outreach, and so much more. In the end, we were able to raise about twice as much money as usual: $8500, making our fundraiser the most successful in the region. In addition, 100 more people came this year than the year before. I am so proud of myself, and everyone who helped plan the event, and I am so excited that our funds allowed 17 children to go to Camp Jenny. Most of all, I am looking forward to meeting and bonding with the children while volunteering as a senior counselor at the camp this May.

Being a part of my Jewish Youth Group these past few years has really opened up so many doors, and has helped me come out of my shell. It has taught me the value of serving my community, helping those who are less fortunate, and developing useful leadership skills. Above all, despite the challenging effects from the pandemic, this rewarding experience has strengthened my appreciation for Judaism, and my role in the Jewish community.

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The Backpack Buddies program needs your time to help us provide local kids facing food insecurity with meals and snacks every week.

What is Backpack Buddies?

 Provides weekend meals and snacks for kids who rely on school lunches during the week.

 The TBT chapter currently serves about 11 students at Esther Jackson Elementary in Roswell, and we are looking to add another local school this year.

 We help reduce the stigma of hunger by sending meal bags home with students in plain black backpacks.

 For students living in long-term hotels without access to cooking facilities, we provide snack packs with snacks, fruit, cereal, and boxed milk.

Volunteers Needed

This important program always needs volunteers. Our volunteers include working

professionals, parents of school-aged children, and retirees alike. Working with Backpack Buddies is a great family volunteer activity, and students willing to help out regularly can earn mitzvah hours alongside their parents.

We need help in all areas of our initiative! Most of our tasks allow you to make a huge difference in the community in only 1-2 hours a month.

You can:

• Shop for supplies

• Pack meal bags for students

• Deliver bags to schools (Thursdays 9:00 AM— 11:00 AM)

• Shelve inventory and clear recycling

If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Jeannine Bernstein or Renee Weiskopf

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from Temple Beth Tikvah


Shana tova!

When I speak to prospective members, I love telling them about TBT and what makes us unique: Our warm and welcoming nature, our commitment to social justice, our just -the-right-size congregation, our caring clergy, and of course, our kind (and really fun!) members. It is a pleasure to work with our fabulous lay leaders and volunteers to offer valuable social opportunities for you. I am excited to share all we have coming up:

 Tour of the CDC Museum on September 19th

 Sip & Mingle on September 23rd

 Trivia on September 26th

 Life Tips & Friendships on September 28th

 Shabbat in the Hut on September 29th

 Simchat Torah Glow Stick Celebration on October 6

 Fiddler on the Roof on October 8th

 Book club (“Letters to my Palestinian Neighbor October 10th

 Pride Parade on October 15th

 Tikvah Tots on October 17th

 New Member Shabbat on October 20th

 Blessing of the Pets on October 21st …and that’s just the first six weeks of 5784! Add in the many wonderful Sisterhood and Men’s Club offerings, services, chavurah gatherings, additional

outings, Bridge, tai chi, and of course, our Torah Project, and TBT will keep you busy and engaged throughout the new year.

All details are on our website at As always, if you have an idea, please reach out to me at I always love hearing from you.

Wishing you a happy, healthy and sweet TBT-filled new year!


Brayden Glickman will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on October 14. He is the son of Marc and Kristi Glickman, and brother to Madison Giles, Caleb Glickman and the family dog, Luna.

Brayden is a 7th grader at Crabapple Middle School where he enjoys studying History. In his spare time, Brayden enjoys playing travel baseball for East Side Baseball in Marietta, hanging with his friends at Roswell Area Park, and teeing it up on the golf course.

For his Bar Mitzvah project, Brayden is helping to raise money for a local non-profit organization called Huskies Helping Huskies, whose primary focus is assisting local students and their families with various needs including school supplies, toiletries, snacks and meals.

Brayden can't wait to celebrate his Bar Mitzvah with friends and family, and would like to thank Rabbi ShuvalWeiner, Cantor Kassel, Jay Weiner, Amy Peskin and all of his TBT teachers along the way for helping him to achieve this special milestone in his life.

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Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah


Fran Jordan will be conducting a new session of BRIDGE LESSONS starting Monday, October 16 at her home in Peachtree Corners. This is also a good refresher class for those who haven’t played in a long time. Class will be held every Monday from 1:30—3:30 PM for a total of 14 weeks. A donation to TBT is suggested as follows: $54 per person or $72 per couple. Since Bridge is not everyone’ s game, checks will not be collected by Fran until after the 3rd session. The first eight people to sign up will be in the class; others can join the wait list for the next session. If interested, contact Fran: 770-409-9115 or

On behalf of the Board of Trustees, we are pleased to announce that Marla Brown has been hired as our Director of Operations, overseeing synagogue business and administrative needs. Marla has been and will continue to work with our preschool and joins our office staff with a decade of operations experience. We are happy to welcome Marla to her new role.

Get your 36th Anniversary T-Shirt - Only $19.87! Shirts are blue, with white lettering. Cost will be billed to your account. Profits go to the TBT Campership fund. Send email to, indicating size and quantity.

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and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

ANNUAL CAMPAIGN 2022/2023 in memory of

Leo Ebstein from Dale & Wendy Bearman

ANNUAL CAMPAIGN 2023/2024 in memory of

Julius "Jay" Bearman from Dale & Wendy Bearman

Joshua Jaffe from Dale & Wendy Bearman

Lillian Gelb from Tom & Patti Seibold


Miriam Natter from Bernie & Gail Natter


Dan Jacobs from Jody Sloan

Wayne Milligan, father of Waynah Dunn from Joe & Waynah Dunn

Irene Milligan, mother of Waynah Dunn from Joe & Waynah Dunn


Freida Lewis from Charles Lewis

Marilyn Narduzzi from Hadley & Lisa Lowy

CAMPERSHIP/ISRAEL FUND in appreciation of Sophie Wilson for being an amazing camp counselor (again)!! from Lauren Cohn & Family

in memory of

Helen Walkes and Bessie Wixman from Bruce & Bonnie Walkes

Mr. Harry Lowy and Mr. Richard Cooper from Hadley & Lisa Lowy


CANTORS FUND in appreciation of

Cantor Kassel for giving us a beautiful experience at my Grandson's Baby Naming from Sharon Levine Khoury

Cantor Kassel for your steadiness, encouragement and patience in teaching me to read from the Torah from Steven & Sheila Barid

in honor of

Lois Clymin's special birthday from June Wallach

in memory of

Ruth and Alfred Fried from Andy Fried

Alfred Fried, Father of Andy Fried from Andy Fried

Louise Beck from Bruce Beck

Laura Rosen-DeRiemer from Dan De Riemer

Allan Apple from David & Anne Strauss

Tillie Benefield, Ron Benefield, Teresa

Benefield from Glen & Veronica Krapf

Theodora Bennett from Jonathan & Lynda


My mother, Beatrice Marshall from Judy Marshall Levine

Nancy Zuckerman Leff from Lori Shapiro and Cary Goldenthal

Marcy Matheson, sister of Danna Leff from Lori Shapiro

Yahrzeit of Leonard Stansky from Melvin Levine

Shlomo Stansky from Melvin Levine

Mitchell Seifstein - Father of Adele Toltzis and Norton Simons - Step Father of Bob

Toltzis from Robert & Adele Toltzis

Saul Plotkin from Shirley Plotkin

Shirley Cohn from Steven & Arlene Cohn


in appreciation of Tai-Chi from Bob & Kathleen Rieter

in honor of Lois Clymin from Miriam and Kevin Quast

and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

in memory of

Allan Apple from David & Anne Strauss

Norton Simons from David & Christy


Bert Smokler from Eric & Pamela Chanin

Sarah Stieglitz from Mr. Aaron & Sheila


Ann Efruss from Mr. Aaron & Sheila


Phillip Kaplan from Robert & Cindy


Nina Sinsley from Terri & Barry Steinberg

Speedy Recovery of

June Wallach from Lois Clymin


in appreciation of

Temple Beth Tikvah from Stuart & Francesca Solomon

in honor of

Bernard Meyer Feinberg father of Joe Feinberg from Todd & Jenn Boehm

in memory of

Harriet Orloff Lewis from Charles Lewis

Celia Mendelson from David & Christy


Marcy Matheson from Fred & Vicki Steine

Sarah Ludwig from Gilbert & Ellen Ludwig

Fred Stern from Gilbert & Ellen Ludwig

Norma Dubbrin from Gilbert & Ellen


Ros Rivkin from Jonathan & Lynda


Arnold Rivkin from Jonathan & Lynda


William Letovsky from Warren & Loretta



in memory of

Meyer and Florence Kaplan, Dr. Herbert and Phyllis Winer, Naomi Hecht, Arlene

Wolff, Sue Miller from Wendy, Rick, David, Scott, and Michelle Winer

As of 9/1/23

Pg. 14 News

HUNGER FUND in honor of the birth of our granddaughter, Ariel Michal from Robert & Marcy Nader

in memory of

Miriam Natter from Bernie & Gail Natter

Leigh Z. Naftolin from Joshua & Debbie Sinsley


Pam Alterman's Birthday! from Marsha C Mathis

in memory of

Laura Rosen-DeRiemer from Dan De Riemer


Michael Zalkin from Jeffrey & Beth Kess

Nina Sinsley - Mother of Josh Sinsley from Mark and Gail Rudel

PRESCHOOL FUND in memory of

Frank Glickman from Andrew & Jane Glickman

Rachel Wilson'cousin from Lois Malkin

Esta Malkin from Sidney & Lois Malkin


Rabbi Alexandria Shuval-Weiner from Danna and Sandy Leff

Rabbi Shuval-Weiner from Gary & Ilene Fader

Rabbi Shuval Weiner - baby naming from Michael & Jaime Dunn

Rabbi Shuval-Weiner for your calm encouragement and praise as I read from the Torah for the first time from Steven & Sheila Barid

in memory of

Alfred Fried, Father of Andy Fried from Andy Fried

Ruth and Alfred Fried from Andy Fried

Laura Rosen-DeRiemer from Dan De Riemer

Allan Apple from David & Anne Strauss

Yahrzeits of George & Mildred Orenstein from Ellen Salowitz

Tillie Benefield, Ron Benefield, Teresa

Benefield from Glen & Veronica Krapf

Sylvia Williams from Herbert & Marsha Williams

Paula Stark from Jon Zarett

Alyson Quintana from Richard Quintana & Bernice Isaac

Harriette Seifstein - Mother of Adele

Toltzis from Robert & Adele Toltzis

Gloria Levine from Robert Levine

Harris and Joyce Povlot from Scott & Rhonda Povlot

Joseph Armon from Sharon Snowiss

Mrs. Ruth Kimmell from Sharon Snowiss

Marvin Fine - A lovely relaxed summer service a few weeks ago for my Dad's Yarhzeit from Steven & Amy Fine


Sy Lewis from Debbie & Debbie Carter

Yahrzeit of Jacob Isaac Wolf buried bar haminuchot, Jerusalem Israel 63 years ago. Max, Carol, Martyne, Jonathan, Harris, Guillermo - Wolf Family from Max & Carol Wolf

Golda Wolf from Max & Carol Wolf


Howard Sinsley from Joshua & Debbie Sinsley

TIKKUN OLAM FUND in memory of

Morris Willard from Jeffrey Willard & Steve Mahan

As of 9/1/23

Temple Beth Tikvah acknowledges with sorrow the passing of:

Louis Font

Jodi Brooks

Henry Mentle

and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

Pg. 15 News

9955 Coleman Road Roswell, GA 30075

Rabbi Alexandria Shuval-Weiner

Cantor Nancy Kassel

Rabbi Emeritus Donald A. Tam

Preschool Director Linda Siegel

Religious School Director Judy Limor

Engagement Director Suzanne Hurwitz

Youth Engagement Director Bobbee Griff

President John Restler

Vice President Josh Berman

Vice President Todd Boehm

Vice President Dalia Faupel

Vice President Lesly Gregory

Vice President Jill Leitman

Vice President Debbie Malever

Treasurer David Siegel

Secretary Lynda Bennett

Immediate Past President Joe Dunn

President Elect Deidre Kinoshita


Budget & Finance

Karen Korshak

Camp/Israel Scholarship

Bobbee Griff

College Outreach

Jules Salinas


Marlene Cohn

Fundraising Mark Rudel

House Ted Nathan

Kehillat Chesed (Caring)

Helaine Medoff


Ilana Zalkin

Membership, Recruitment & Retention

Jaime White

Samantha Mitman

Men’s Club

Joe Feinberg

Michael Bernstein

Nominating Committee

Jenni Trebon


Rick Winer


Jay Sausmer


Stephanie Joseph

Carol Schemo

Social Action/Social Justice

Maggie McAuliffe

Backpack Buddies

Jeanine Bernstein

Renee Weiskopf

Website Development

Scott Povlot

TBT Needs You—Get Involved!
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