April 2014 Kol Tikvah

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April 2014 • Volume 28 • Issue 34

A Reform Congregation Embracing Our Jewish Tradition

First Night Monday, April 14 Happy Passover from Rabbi Fred Greene Rabbi Emeritus, Donald Tam Cantor Nancy Kassel Hassia Levin Jenifer Friedman the Synagogue Staff and your Board of Trustees

Senior Rabbinic Transition Update Page 5

News & Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

Passover and Gratitude Before our rabbis created prayers for us to recite in order to praise God and show our devotion, worship was done through sacrifice. I often teach about the real meaning of “sacrifice.” It isn’t about giving something up, but rather it is about drawing closer. Naturally, our ancient sacrifices were to draw closer to God, but could there be more? In the Book of Exodus, as we recount the Passover story, we are to mark the spiritual liberation from Egyptian slavery through a particular kind of sacrifice – the paschal lamb. This specific offering is called the pesach – that is where we get the Hebrew name for Passover. In Chapter 12, it reads: “You shall not leave any of it over until morning; if any of it is left until morning, you shall burn it.” (12:10) Our sages ask why we cannot leave any of this offering over to the next day? Their response is that the paschal lamb meal (this offering/sacrifice is one where the donors get to eat it, too) was to be shared. If everyone knew that the left overs were going to be destroyed the next day, then the people of Israel would not want all of that food to go to waste. There was an incentive to bring people together and have them share in this sacred meal. What a Truth in our Torah! As these slaves were about to embark on an incredible journey toward freedom and independence, this sacrifice, which expressed their gratitude to God for their liberation, was also an incentive to come together as a community – as a people. Before this moment, they were solitary. Now they are going to be a people where they will need to depend on one another and share with one another. Sharing this liberation meal was a first step in realizing that they are no longer slaves, but members of a People who have a responsibility to take care of one another. So what can we learn from this? We learn that we still need to take care of each other as we journey through our own wildernesses. We need to respond when there is illness, when there is loss, when there is unemployment, when there is anxiety. We share our meals when others feel vulnerable. We watch out for one another. We also learn that we have much to be grateful for. But true gratitude necessitates that we become generous ourselves with our time and our money. This year, one sweet couple in our congregation celebrated their anniversary by spending the night with our Family Promise guests. Another man felt so blessed to be working after being unemployed for a long time, made a very meaningful contribution to our synagogue. There are lots of ways to make an offering – an act of tzedakah / an act of righteousness. The message is to make an act. Respond with faith. Our celebration of our liberation from Egyptian bondage reminds us to count our blessings and to help increase the blessings of others in our midst. I hope we continue to come together to show gratitude, strengthen our community, and truly… to thank God for the amazing opportunities we have due to God’s outstretched arm to our ancestors and to us. Rabbi Fred Greene


News & Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

Notes from Cantor Kassel Honoring Rick Winer on Saturday morning April 12, 10:00 Service There are many ways in which the members of Temple Beth Tikvah serve our congregation. We’d especially like to draw your attention to the ways in with Dr. Rick Winer, past president of TBT, assists us with many worship services and shiva minyanim. At the drop of a hat, Rabbi Greene and I feel confident and assured that Rick Winer can step in to deliver a sermon, lead the singing of our prayers, facilitate the delegation of honors, chant Torah and Haftarah – and at times, utilize ALL of these skills in the same service! Dr. Winer often takes the initiative in checking in with me to see if there is anything he can do to help out with upcoming Shabbatot or holidays. I believe I have becomed spoiled, but would never want Rick to think we take his generous gifts for granted. We will be honoring Dr. Winer on Shabbat morning, April 12, for which you will receive additional notification from TBT. I hope you will join me and others in expressing our gratitude. KOL HA-KAVOD (all the honor) to Dr. Rick Winer! Wishing you a sweet Passover The observance of Pesach is one of the ways in which I mark the passage of time. Can it already be Pesach of 5774 / 2014? Was it really a YEAR ago that I sat at the seder table with family, chanted from Shir HaShirim (Song of Songs) in shul, heard joyous singing of Haggadah songs from our religious school students and sang Psalms of comfort for those remembering loved ones during Yizkor ? Yes, Pesach is my favorite Jewish holiday for all of these reasons and many more. Wherever you are for Pesach this year, I hope it is joyous and meaningful. I hope you will take the time to explore the texture and layers of the words of the Hagaddah, and give serious thought as to what it means to be the people of Israel – who were freed from…… service to Pharaoh and freed toward…… service to God. Lastly, consider joining us for the services held on the first and final mornings of Pesach, April 15 and April 21, respectively. A zissen Pesach!

...And a Good Time Was Had by All - Purim 2014 It may have been raining outside but it did not dampen the spirits on the inside! After a few frantic phone calls and some quick changes the carnival moved inside with inflatable games, cotton candy, popcorn, snow cones, face painting, photo booth, hair and nail makeovers and more!!! Much thanks goes to the committee who met for weeks planning an outside event knowing full well there had to be a “Plan B”. Thank you to - Robin Bledsoe, Gene Carasick, Jenifer Friedman, Mark Greenspan, Katie Jaffe, Lindsay Levin, Michael Loventhal, Sam Marks, Rachel Palazzo, Kimberly Rosenthal and Aaron Schwartz for their parts in the planning and execution of this year’s carnival! Thank you to the Men’s Club and the Sisterhood for their donations of funds, food, human power and grill power. I would also like to offer a special thank you to the TBT Youth Groups for taking a big part in the carnival. They helped plan, set up and run the games and concessions It is very rewarding to see all you taking an active role in synagogue life!!! I would very much like to thank ALL of the volunteers who signed up and those who just showed up the day of the carnival. Happily, there are too many to name! We know that we couldn’t have managed without you. Mazel Tov to all of you for a job well done - Marsha Mathis


News & Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

Volunteers don’t just do the work, they MAKE it work The concept of helping others and helping make the community better, the way we do when we volunteer, is found in the very earliest of Jewish texts.

helping on committees and volunteering at different events that we began to connect and truly feel a part of our community. From this, we have made Volunteerism within our community comes in many wonderful friends, and have been different flavors. We have those that volunteer to be overwhelmingly supported in both good times and part of lay leadership, serve on one of our committees, bad. The paradox of volunteering is that the more we or participate by working in the office or helping with give, the more we are given. Won’t you reconsider specific programs or events. The two things that all of joining us in our endeavors to make Temple Beth these have in common are your time and your Tikvah a better place for ourselves, our children and commitment to make TBT a better community as a our community? whole. If I had some way of measuring in terms of L’Shalom hours the total volunteer time required to run our synagogue for one year, my best guess would be Ron Swichkow somewhere in the neighborhood of four to six thousand hours. Yes, that’s thousands, or to put it Mishloach Manot another way, between two and three full time Thank you for supporting our Mischoach Manot employees. project this year. The 79 families who participated raised $4400.00 This allowed us to make a $1000.00 donation to JF&CS to help support the needs of those in our community.

If you are one of those people already giving of yourself to TBT, then I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I know that your time is valuable and precious, but this gift of your time is invaluable to our entire community. A plea for volunteers was at the heart of my High Holy Days address. A few of you reached out to me in the days and weeks afterward, and for that, I am grateful. Now, I am re-voicing my request, as we continue to experience a serious shortfall of volunteers. Won’t you consider donating a few hours a YEAR to better our synagogue? The opportunities are endless and we have a new initiative to make it even easier. As part of our Nadiv Lev program (Gifts of the Hand and Gifts of the Heart), Meredith Paulin has “volunteered” to be our own TBT liaison and will help you find how your interests, availability and gifts can be matched with a volunteer need. You need only email her at Meredith.Paulin@gmail.com and she will call you to discuss the possibilities.

Look for more Purim Pics in May KT!

Leslie and I stood somewhat on the periphery when we first joined TBT some 24 years ago. We often discussed that we didn’t feel connected, didn’t experience the friendships that we had at our prior synagogue. It wasn’t until we became involved by

TBT’s Junior Youth Group at Hatikvah Kallah 4

News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

Senior Rabbinic Transition Update “Whoever teaches his [children] teaches not only his [children] but also his [children's children]---and so on to the end of generations.” Talmud, Kiddushin 35 Temple Beth Tikvah is embarking upon a sacred task. The selection of our next “teacher,” our next Senior Rabbi, brings forth exciting opportunities for the congregation. It is a forward thinking time, a time of looking introspectively at who we are, and a time of examining who we want to be. Your Board of Trustees is committed to a process whereby congregants are involved in this process and are kept regularly informed. Not only will there be information provided to you in the Kol Tikvah, but there will be a new special update posting on the synagogue’s website. It is entitled Rabbinic Transition Update, and will provide the latest information about what is taking place in our process. The link for this area of the website is: http://www.bethtikvah.com/blog/rabbi-transition The Senior Rabbinic Transition Process is a threefold process. 1.

As mentioned above, the first step is a process of looking inward and forward. Who are we as a synagogue, where do we want to be, and how do these ideas relate to “what are the characteristics that our next Senior Rabbi should have to help the congregation get there?”


Step two in the Rabbinic Transition process, is the conducting of the actual search for our next Senior Rabbi. The Central Conference of American Rabbis (CCAR) is the “professional association” for Reform Rabbis. One of the services they provide their members and Union for Reform Judaism (URJ) member congregations is the operation of a Placement Division. Temple Beth Tikvah’s Search Committee will be working with the Placement Division in this phase whereby the Placement Division will send the Committee resumes from Rabbis who themselves have entered the placement process.


Step Three of the Rabbinic Transition process comes following selection of a new Senior Rabbi, and ratification by the Congregation. This phase is that of integrating the new Senior Rabbi into Congregational life at Temple Beth Tikvah. Becoming oriented to the many facets of Temple Beth Tikvah, from worship to study to our youth program to our Religious School and Early Childhood programs to meeting the many congregants who will want to engage with our new Rabbi -- these are all things that don’t just “happen.” We will be an active facilitator in helping the Rabbi and his or her family become part of our synagogue community.

We are pleased to share with you the steps that have taken place thus far. 

Upon Rabbi Greene’s announcement that he will be leaving Temple Beth Tikvah as of June 30, 2015, we notified the CCAR Placement Office that as a congregation, we will be entering the search process.

The Temple Beth Tikvah Constitution calls for a 60 day “Search” Committee appointment process. The first 30 days are used to invite congregants to serve on the Search Committee as volunteers, while the second 30 days are used to review the list of congregants who have expressed an interest to serve and then assemble the committee. The first phase of this process has occurred, and the second phase is well underway.

A phone meeting took place with with Rabbi Alan Henkin, Director of Placement with CCAR.

We have enlisted the help of our congregant and former Board of Ed Chair, Seth Zimmer to conduct Focus Group Studies. (Seth holds a PhD in Industrial and Organizational Psychology). (continued on next page)


(continued from page 5)  Selection of Search Committee Co-Chairs,  Working with Seth, we have selected dates for Focus Sheryl Blechner and Steve Gerson Group forums to which Congregants can sign up to Temple Beth Tikvah’s membership has the opportunity to attend to express their views as to the prospective Rabparticipate in this transition process by taking part in one binic needs of the Congregation. of the Focus Group sessions that will be conducted. You  Interviews have been conducted with Senior Staff for are encouraged to share your thoughts on the attributes the their perspectives on the needs of the Congregation for Search Committee should look for in a new Senior Rabbi. our next Senior Rabbi. These included Cantor Kassel, Please go to the Temple Beth Tikvah website or call the Hassia Levin, Jenifer Friedman, Rabbi Tam, Becky synagogue office to sign up for one of the following dates. Sullivan and Adam and Bobbee Griff. Sunday, April 27: 9:30-11:30 am  We have begun the completion of the Congregational Placement Application to be posted on the CCAR Tuesday, April 29: 7:30-9:30 pm website by June 1, 2014. This is the document that Wednesday, April 30: 7:30-9:30 pm Rabbis in placement will review to determine those Monday, May 5: 7:30-9:30pm congregations in which they are interested in interviewing. Tuesday, May 6: 7:30-9:30pm 

With the assistance of our congregant, Scott Povlot, a section has been created on the Temple Beth Tikvah website for the purpose of keeping the Congregation up-to-date on the transition progress.

The Temple Beth Tikvah Board of Trustees

Youth Group HOTTY (9-12th Grade) What did we do this past month? March was a busy month for HOTTY! On March 7th we planned and led our 2nd annual HOTTY-led Congregational Service. The theme of the service was "What does HOTTY mean to me?" During services that night we asked all of the congregants to put away their cell phones and help us participate in the UNICEF Tap Project. This project helps to bring fresh water to kids that need it. For every 10 minutes you go without using your phone, UNICEF sponsors and donors will make a donation to support the UNICEF Tap Project based on the time you went without your phone. Just during services, each person raised about 7 days worth of fresh water. With everyone at the service combined, we raised about enough water to last a year! Read more about this cool initiative at: http://tap.unicefusa.org. 10 Min Without Your Phone Can Fund A Day of Clean Water for a Child! In case you missed it, here is an excerpt from Zac Povlot’s inspiring introduction: "What does HOTTY

mean to me?" can't simply be answered with one thing. People aren't one dimensional, and things don't always have to have one answer. A question like this is full of so much more potential than a simple answer. So I'm sure people could use definitions such as "friendship, love, family, etc etc" and so on. And these are all fantastic answers. We all have lived our own experiences and have felt everything so differently. Some people have made a hundred friends, other have a small group. Some people have found a true Jewish meaning inside

themselves, some have found fun social gathering. So as my fellow youth group members speak tonight as to how their youth group experience has impacted them, I want you all to consider that this is their piece. And our youth group is made of hundreds of small pieces, each like a shard of glass that fits perfectly into a beautiful vase. Full of beautiful pink flowers in full bloom.” Then, 3 weeks later the HOTTY teens “kidnapped” all of the 8th graders and inducted them into HOTTY! It was such a fun evening – we did mixers and Havdallah at temple, then went to The Varsity for dinner, and finished off the evening with bowling and laser tag at Stars & Strikes. 8th graders –we’re so glad to have you as part of HOTTY now!

up next:

JYG (6-8th Grade) What did we do this past month? On Sunday, March 9th a dozen of our JYG’ers went to the Drake House in Roswell to clean out some apartments and get them ready for new residents to move in. It was a great way to give back to our local community! (And for a treat, we walked over to McDonalds afterwards for some ice cream!)

up next: For our last JYG event of the year, we’re going to Malibu Grand Prix for a fun afternoon of go-karting, mini-golfing, arcade games, and bumper boats. Come say goodbye to this school year with JYG! And, 5th graders – you are all moving up to JYG, so come join us at this awesome event! Join the JYG Facebook Page (https:// www.facebook.com/groups/TBT.JYG/) to stay up-to-date on what's happening and to RSVP and help arrange carpools for events!

On April 20th, we’ll be at Roswell Area Park for a BBQ & Color War. At this event we will also be electing the 2014-2015 HOTTY Youth Group Board. Come on out and vote for your board members. Then, at the end of April we are headed up to Camp Want more info about HOTTY or JYG? Coleman for the last NFTY kallah of the year –Spring Contact Adam or Bobbee at: Kallah. We hope the weather is better this year, but youth@bethtikvah.com or (404) 228–2494. we know its going to be a really great weekend. Join the HOTTY Facebook Page (https://www.facebook.com/groups/TBT.HO TTY/) to stay up-to-date on what's happening and to RSVP for HOTTY events!

SAVE-THE-DATE: HOTTY April 20 – Color War & Elections April 25-27 – NFTY-SAR Spring Kallah May 18 – Six Flags Scavenger Hunt JYG April 6 - Go-Karting and Mini-Golf


Religious School


B’nai Mitzvah Benjamin, Jacob and Samuel Rockaway will be called to the Torah as B’nai Mitzvah on April 26, 2014. Benjamin, Jacob and Samuel are the triplet sons of Ruth Shultz and Jim Rockaway. As part of two blended families, they also have bonus family members that include Rob Shultz, Izaac Shultz, Sara Rockaway and Ralph Rockaway. They are currently 7 th graders at Crabapple Middle School and are all Honor students. Ben, Jacob and Sam have also been a part of the TBT family since before they can remember; attending both the TBT preschool and religious school. Ben loves acting, playing his viola in the CMS Orchestra and loves trying to make people laugh. In addition, he loves computer games and enjoys playing a game of pick-up basketball whenever he has free time. He also loves to skateboard with his brothers and friends. Jacob is active in the CMS band. He plays the French horn and now is learning to play the trumpet. He hopes that in high school he will play in the marching band. He also loves playing football, soccer, computer games and practicing tricks on his skateboard whenever possible. Sam also plays in the CMS Orchestra. Since beginning CMS, he has played the violin and he loves it. He also love science and animals and is thinking about being a Scientist or maybe a Veterinarian one day. Soccer and football are his sports of choice, but he also enjoys computer games, and skateboarding.

Zachary Greenbaum will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on May 3, 2014. Zachary is the son of Sharon and Andrew Greenbaum and brother to Braden Greenbaum. He is the grandson of Susan and Gary Osher and Lynne and Philip Greenbaum and great grandson to Robert Wetstein. Zachary attends Mabry Middle School where he is in 7th grade and has had Straight A’s all year. Zachary plays on a travel baseball team and is looking forward to his sixth summer at Camp Barney. Zachary loves playing all sports, being outside and being a kid.

The Temple Beth Tikvah Religious School will be having an ongoing fundraiser starting now. The personalized labels are manufactured in the US with top of the line materials that are guaranteed to last. They’re waterproof, fade resistant and contain an ultra strong adhesive that means they’ll stick where you need them and stay looking bright and vibrant. The entire product line of personalized name labels are dishwasher safe and freezer friendly -60° Fahrenheit to 225° Fahrenheit. Plus, the popular clothing labels are small enough to fit onto a garment’s care tag and stand up to any laundry cycle! Our code “TBTRS14” is active. In order for the purchases to be counted towards our schools fundraiser, the fundraising code (all capitals) will need to be entered in the promotional code box during the checkout process. Once applied there will be a notification that the order is being added to the fundraiser. Go to the Namebubbles.com website and see all the wonderful available or purchase. Remember 20% of all sales will come back to the religious school.

News & Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah


TBT Seniors Luncheon

Get Connected: Join a TBT Chavurah!

Monday, April 7 at 12 PM

Chavurot are forming NOW! Consider joining one. We have new groups for young families, single parents, empty nesters and young professionals, and there are many more possibilities for groups that might interest you!

“Two Crazy People Being "Wannabe" Israeli Soldiers"

What's a Chavurah? A Chavurah is a circle of friends. It's a group of people with similar interests or who are in similar life stages gathering together regularly to celebrate Jewish holidays, share simchas, attend events, visit interesting places or participate in any activities that interest them. Being part of a Chavurah can enhance your experience at TBT by helping you develop a strong sense of community and deeper connections within the congregation.

Presented by our very own Ellen Frank and Peter Klokow

Who can be part of a Chavurah? Any member of TBT! Just fill out the application and we'll help find like-minded families or people to form a group. Drop by the TBT office to pick one up, or visit http://www.bethtikvah.com/community/chavurot to download the form.

RSVP to Natine at rosen4348@aol.com

What does a Chavurah do? You choose the activities you'll participate in and how often and where you meet. You might participate in holiday celebrations, adult-only social events, day trips, and charity projects. We can help you design a calendar of programs based on your group's interests. Questions? Please contact Dalia Faupel at d2faupel@comcast.net

Submissions for the May Kol Tikvah are due by April 5. Please email to koltikvah@bethtikvah.com

TBT’s Inclusion Task Force Presents

The Collector of Bedford Street is an Academy Award® nominated 34 minute documentary about Alice’s neighbor, Larry Selman. In the film, Larry collects thousands of dollars for charities while living at the poverty line. Larry is a community activist and a fundraiser who has an intellectual disability. When Larry’s uncle Murray becomes unable to care for him, his New York City neighbors come together and establish an adult trust fund to ensure that he continues to live independently in his own apartment. Thursday, April 24th

7:30 - 9 pm

in the TBT Social Hall Why this film? Let’s talk about Community and the gifts that all people can bring… All ages are welcome rsvp to rsvp@bethtikvah.com 9

News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

COLLEGE CONNECTION The spring mailing of care packages to Temple Beth Tikvah’s 40 college students has just taken place. We want to let them know they’re being thought of by the community, even though they may be far away from home. Included in the packages were pens, pencils, highlighters, various candy, popcorn, Starbucks coffee packets, G2 water packets, groggers, Star of David superballs and last but certainly not least delicious Hamantaschen. A big thank you to Gail Neder, Laura (Tasha) Neder, Michelle Higgins and Rachel Bennett for their help in assembling the packages. We could not have accomplished this task without your help! Also, we could not pull this off without the assistance of the TBT office staff, Lisa Singer, Becky Sullivan and Michelle Leder. We’d also like to thank Rabbi Greene for his thoughtful words of wisdom to our students in honor of the Purim season. We know you are all busy and we so appreciate your time and energy.

JF&CS - Signs of Autism The Autism Society of America defines autism as a complex developmental disability that typically appears during the first three years of life and affects a person’s ability to communicate and interact with others. It is the fastestgrowing serious developmental disability in the United States, according to common statistics. Autism affects people differently. Most signs become apparent between the ages of 2 and 6 years old, but some actually appear as young as 12 months. New research is promising to detect suspicion of autism in early infancy. The National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) lists some behaviors that might indicate a child has a form of autism: - Does not babble or coo by 12 months - Does not gesture (point, wave, grasp) by 12 months - Does not say single words by 16 months - Does not say two-word phrases on his or her own by 24 months As children get older, other signs become more obvious: - Lack of or delay in spoken language - Repetitive use of language and/or motor mannerisms (e.g., hand-flapping, twirling objects)

It is very important to keep our students connected to the Jewish community while they’re away from home. If you agree and are able and/or willing to find a sponsor to donate towards the next mailing, please let us know. Our contact information is below:

- Little or no eye contact - Lack of interest in peer relationships - Lack of spontaneous or make-believe play - Persistent fixation on parts of objects

Ginger Glazer (ggchoc@bellsouth.net) Lynda Bennett (lrbennett08@comcast.net)

Breast Cancer Survivor Group for the Jewish Community Come join our support group! The monthly support group meetings are for all interested people who have had cancer, who are going through treatment or surgeries, and / or who have been recently diagnosed, as well as for those who might have questions pertinent to breast cancer. The next meeting will be held on Thursday, April 10 at 7:00 p.m. Adele Wang, Certified Energy Medicine Healer and Personal Coach will be presenting. This survivor support group is sponsored by The Kehillat Chesed/Caring Committee of Temple Beth Tikvah, 9955 Coleman Rd, Roswell, 30075, who is also the host synagogue. For further information or questions, please contact Valerie Rapowitz at vrapowitzslp@yahoo.com or call 678-643-9672.

Any of these signs merit further investigation by a pediatrician or specialist. Autism is treatable, and studies show early diagnosis and intervention can improve the outcome significantly. For information about Autism Spectrum Testing Services, please call 770.677.9319 or email testing@jfcs-atlanta.org.

TBT’s Annual “Pass Over” Your Coat Drive Spring has finally arrived, and like most of nature we are busy shedding our heavy, gray, winter wear in favor of lighter and brighter clothing. If you have children's coats that have been outgrown, or ones that you cannot bear to wear another season, please consider donating them to our coat drive. We collect coats at the synagogue, have them cleaned and deliver them to North Fulton Community Charities for distribution next winter. The coats will be given to families in need; they will not be sold at the clothes closet. Please drop off your coats at the synagogue anytime in April, and we will take care of the rest. If you have any questions about this project, please feel free to talk to Marsha Mathis any time. Thank you for your continued support of Temple Beth Tikvah’s efforts to alleviate some of the hardships faced by members of our community.


News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

April 2014 TBT Happenings 1



9:30am Tai Chi No Religious School


9am Bagels, Learning & Torah

6pm Oneg

10am Shabbat Service

6:30pm Shabbat Service 6


12pm Senior Luncheon

Last Day of Family Promise

No Religious School


7:30pm Endowment Meeting

No Religious School

No Religious School

12;30pm JYG Go-Karting & Mini Golf


9:30am Tai Chi


7pm Ruach Relay for Life Meeting


8:00pm Shabbat Service

7pm Breast Cancer Support Group Meeting

7pm Families Anonymous


9:45am ECEC Family Shabbat


9am Bagels, Learning & Torah 10am Shabbat Service honoring Rick Winer

7:15pm Melton - Dramas


No Religious School




7pm HOTTY Board Meeting


First Night of Pesach - TBT Offices Close at Noon

TBT Offices Closed

11:30am ECEC Pre-K Seder

10am Passover Service

7pm Women's Study Group

No Religious School

No Religious School

7:30pm Board of Trustees Meeting


6pm Oneg


9am Matzah, Learning & Torah

8pm Shabbat Service w/ Shabbat Experience

10am Shabbat Service

7pm Families Anonymous



No Religious School

TBT Offices Closed

1pm HOTTY Color War & Elections

10am Passover Service & Yizkor



9:30am Tai Chi


7:30pm TBT’s Inclusion Task Force presents “The Collector of Bedford Street”

No Religious School 7:30pm Officers Meeting

25 NFTY-SAR Spring Kallah @ Camp Coleman

8pm Shabbat Service w/ Choir

9am Bagels, Learning & Torah 10am Shabbat Service

No Kesher or Kivunim

B’nai Mitzvah of Benjamin, Jacob & Samuel Rockaway

7:15pm Confirmation Rehearsal 7pm Families Anonymous 27 NFTY-SAR Spring Kallah @ Camp Coleman

9:30am Religious School 9:30am Search Committee Focus Group 10am Yoga w/ a Jewish Twist 11am Cantor’s Cantillation Class


NFTY-SAR Spring Kallah @ Camp Coleman


28 Yom HaShoah

9:30am Tai Chi

6:30pm Kesher Teen/Adult Dinner & Class

5pm Religious School

6:45pm Confirmation / Kivunim - last night


7:30pm Search Committee Focus Group

May 1

May 2

6:15pm Confirmation Dinner 7:30pm Confirmation & Shabbat Service

7:30pm Search Committee Focus Group

May 3

9am Bagels, Learning & Torah 10am Shabbat Service Bar Mitzvah of Zachary Greenbaum

7pm Families Anonymous 7:15pm Melton - Dramas


News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

Yoga with a Jewish Twist

Sunday, April 27 10:00 am - 11:15 am This free co-ed class is for anyone who would like to strengthen their body, calm their mind, dissolve anxiety, and engage their spiritual side. We will

unite yoga poses with the theme of the weekly parsha.

EXPERIENCE Friday, April 18 at 6:30 PM For children age 2 through 2nd grade... ...and their Parents!!

Bring a yoga mat and wear loose clothes. This is a gentle class! Please rsvp to Pam at chaninp@bellsouth.net or 404-219-1453

Parents can attend services in the sanctuary while their children are in: BABYSITTING (children ages 2 - 4) or "CREATIVE JEWISH PROGRAMMING" (children ages Pre-K thru 2nd grade) NO COST BUT RESERVATIONS REQUESTED

The Membership Committee encourages, promotes, and helps maintains membership in Temple Beth Tikvah. The duties of this committee include coordinating outreach efforts for prospective members, and organizing and supporting events to recruit, engage and retain new and existing members. Examples of activities include the successful 2013 Comedy Night, the Casino Night and our recent Music Social Night. The Membership Committee represents different synagogue populations including families with young children, empty nesters, singles and seniors. Generally, the committee meets for an hour once every other month. The committee is co-chaired by Mark Rudel, Lindsay Levin and Katie Jaffe and other members include Erika Eberhardt, Jill Leitman, Marcy Kaufman, Marsha Mathis, Marcia Pearl, Meredith Paulin, Betty Rickles, Jules Salinas and Rhonda Schweber. In the last 2 years, for the first time in several years, we have been very fortunate to have generated 10% net growth in our membership (inflow minus outflow), and we welcome others that would like to get involved – especially before our next major push comes in late summer. Please email any of the co-chairs listed above for more information on getting involved with the membership committee. 12

Kassel and Cole Rock ! On the night of Saturday February 22nd, 55 Temple Beth Tikvah members enjoyed a nice evening of 70’s and Broadway music featuring Cantor Kassel and Judy Cole. The event was organized and hosted by the Membership Committee. Following a short Havdalah, the duo performed songs from James Taylor, Carly Simon, Carole King, Stevie Wonder, and Van Morrison among others, and lyrics were distributed which produced an engaging sing-along throughout the night. Cantor Kassel also did some research and provided a nice bio on each artist. Desserts, snacks and adult beverages rounded out the night which was enjoyed by all! Stay tuned for a 2015 return, this time including Judy Cole and her all-star band.

News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

Donations Annual Campaign

Prayerbook Fund

Sandy and Nancy Simon in memory of Merle Supowitz

Addie Myers in memory of Mason H. Myers

Jill Kaplan in memory of Sandi Ruth Altman

Sherwin and Judee Levinson in memory of Joseph Aronow

Mark and Debbie Weiss in honor of Fern and Marty Soniker Sandy and Nancy Simon in memory of Howard Paul and Kenny Kent

Rabbi Greene’s Discretionary Fund Debbie and Gary Deutsch

Campership/Israel Fund

Sheldon and Carolyn Harrison in appreciation of Rabbi Greene

Robert and Adele Toltzis in memory of Arthur Toltzis

Elaine Rabb in honor of Rabbi Greene

Cantor Kassel’s Discretionary Fund

Hildy Ortiz in memory of Hilda M. Ortiz

Ronald and Leslie Swichkow in honor of Cantor Kassel

Patti, Tom and Robert Seibold and Beth Gelb in loving memory of Maxine Gelb Kurtz

Rosalind Taranto in honor of a complete and speedy recovery for Doug Schiffer

Tom and Patti Seibold in honor of Robert Seibold's 21st birthday

Larry and Eilene Youngerman in honor of the birth of Barrett Walter Kamp

Robin Zweig, Patti Seibold, Beth Gelb and Debbie Ruston in appreciation of Rabbi Greene

Gary and Fran Kamp in honor of the birth of Barrett Walter Kamp

Gary and Fran Kamp in honor of the birth of Barrett Walter Kamp

Drs. Gary and Michal Loventhal in appreciation of Cantor Kassel

Larry and Eilene Youngerman in honor of the birth of Barrett Walter Kamp

Caring/Kehillat Chesed Fund

Drs. Gary and Michal Loventhal in appreciation of Rabbi Greene

Robert Moss in memory of Murray J. Moss Andrew and Karen Gutman in memory of Sol B. Gutman

Rabbi Tam’s Discretionary Fund

Bruce and Bonnie Walkes in memory of Sol Walkes

Sheldon and Carolyn Harrison in appreciation of Rabbi Tam

Patti, Tom and Robert Seibold and Beth Gelb in loving memory of Maxine Gelb Kurtz

Marvin and Trudy Davis in memory of Ruth Rein

David and Bonnie Sandfelder in memory of Martin Sandfelder

Religious School Fund

Burton and Sara Grossman in memory of Gertrude Brooks

Fred and Patricia Landsberg in memory of Solomon Turkel

General Fund

David and Ellen Herold in honor of the marriage of Elyse and Marc Spector

Spencer and Debra Shilling in memory of Ida Kerbel Sherwin and Judee Levinson in memory of Shirley Rubinow

Tikkun Olam Fund June Wallach in memory of Max Hertzberg

William & Marjory Segal in memory of Daniel Leavitt Dr. Allan and Pessie Shippel in memory of Chaim Movsowitz and Haley Shippel

Youth Group Fund Melvin and Tobi Levine in memory of Sarah Stansky

Shirley Crawford Seymour and Renee Davis in memory of Scott Barr Nadine Duhaney Todd and Tammy Antin in memory of Gene Nachman


News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

Campaign TBT: EveryONE Matters Update With two months left in our annual campaign we have made great progress towards our goals. Our financial goal for this year’s campaign is to raise $100,000. I am pleased to announce that with the help of our generous donors, including a few large contributions, we have exceeded that goal. Exceeding our financial goal will not only help balance our budget and support the exciting programming offered at TBT, it will enable us to accelerate improvements to our facility. Participation In addition to our goal of raising $100,000, we have a goal of 100% participation. Unfortunately we are still a long way from meeting that goal. Remember that there is no minimum pledge amount. A donation of as little as $18 from each family that has not participated would have a significant impact on Temple Beth Tikvah. Please consider joining your fellow congregants and participating in this year’s campaign. You can make your pledge by: - Calling the TBT office (770-642-0434), or - Visiting www.bethtikvah.com and selecting "Annual Campaign - EveryONE Matters" on our donation page (www.bethtikvah.com/make-donation). Thank You The fundraising committee would like to thank the families that have participated in this year’s campaign (as of 3/1/2014): Barry and Shari Alhadeff Steven and Teri Astren Steven and Sheila Barid Dale and Wendy Bearman Bruce Beck Jonathan and Barbara Berger Harris and Suellen Bergman Andy Berke Arnold and Ellen Bernstein Michael and Jeannine Bernstein Peter Birnbaum Arthur Blank Todd and Jennifer Boehm Ruben and Margot Braiter Michael and Heather Braun Nancy Broudy Adam and Adrienne Bruckman Jamie Burak Paul J. and Cherie Cervasio David and Roberta Coad Michael and Wanda Cohen Steven and Arlene Cohn Michael and Marlene Cohn Terri Cohen Seymour and Renee Davis Audrey Eisen Daniel Ellison Mr. Alan Epstein Epstein Elliot and Donna Feller Steven and Amy Fine Andy and Marci Fried Matthew and Vanteria Geller Ed and Cindy Getty Arthur Gittelman and Marcia Pearl Cary Goldenthal and Lori Shapiro Goldenthal Marshall and Roberta Goldman Robert and Cindy Goldstein Harlan and Ivie Graiser Rabbi Fred and Deborah Greene Burton and Sara Grossman Michael and Anna Gutkin Andrew and Karen Gutman Scott and Nancy Harris Drs. Larry and Stacey Heit

Sam and Alice Herndon David and Ellen Herold Michael and Kim Hirsch David and Beth Janes Peter and Sharon Jedel Daniel and Stephanie Joseph Barry and Dore Kaiser Morris and Anna Kagan Doug and Donna Kallman Cantor Nancy Kassel Sharon Khoury Peter Klokow and Ellen Frank Stanley and Bobbie Kopkin Glen and Veronica Krapf Steven and Helen Kraus Ned and Lisa Kreiss Warren and Stephanie Lampert Fred and Patricia Landsberg Melvyn and Vivian Lapes Kenneth Lawler and Ginger Glazer Lawler Amir Levin and Tanya Blasbalg Levin Ron and Jennifer Levine Judy Levine Sherwin and Judee Levinson Jeffrey and Ellen Levitz Emily Lewit Thomas and Marilyn Liebschutz Drs. Gary and Michal Loventhal Hadley and Lisa Lowy Gilbert and Ellen Ludwig Ira and Phyllis Madans Joel and Aviva Margolies Jonathan and Joan Marks Thomas and Marsha McMurrain Mark and Jennifer Mosbacher Robert Moss Mathew and Leigh Nathan Hilda Ortiz Larry and Jackie Pepper Jason and Melanie Pickett Saul and Shirley Plotkin Betty Rickles Robert and Ellen Rickles Barry and Robin Riegelhaupt


Russell and Gailen Rosenberg Irving and Doris Rosing Dr. Tod and Leslie Rubin Morray and Susan Scheinfeld Douglas and Lisa Schiffer Jeffrey and Jeanne Schultz Gary and Debra Schwartz Rhonda Schweber Ira and Brenda Share Stacy and Alicia Sher Spencer and Debra Shilling Allan and Pessie Shippel Walter and Esther Shultz Carol Shutzberg Randall and Amy Siegal David and Elisa Siegel Sandy and Nancy Simon Lawrence and Anne Skal Avi and Erica Stein Lila Stein Terry and Michelle Stein Brian and Jennifer Steinberg Howard and Cynthia Steinberg Steven and Linda Steinberg Fred and Vicki Steine Shelby Steinhauer Aaron and Sheila Stieglitz Barry and Denise Straus Lionel Stutz Ronald and Leslie Swichkow Donald and Marilyn Tam Rosalind Taranto Steven and Abbe Tobin David and Christine Toltzis Bruce Turiansky and Mariann Mamberg Turiansky Mark and Sally Vosk Bruce and Bonnie Walkes Scott and Marci Weiss Douglas Wexler and Jane Greenberger Mark Williams and Michelle Easton Williams Todd and Rachel Wilson Max and Carol Wolf Andrew and Ilana Zalkin Marilyn Zimmer

SHMOOZE NEWS / KUDOS CORNER Thank You to our Amazing Office Volunteers! June Wallach Roberta Goldman Richard Staviss Kathy Reiter

Leslie Swichkow Ellen Frank Natine Rosenzweig Addie Myers

Mazel Tov to: Norma Rosen and Richard Grosswald on their marriage in March. Sheryl Blechner on being elected to the 2014-15 JF&CS Board. Ronald and Judy Gurin on the engagement of their daughter Robyn, to Steve Cole. Join us for the 21st Annual Harris Jacobs Dream Run!

Sunday, May 4, 2014

7:30 am - Kids' 1-Miler Ages 12 and Under7:30 AM - Blonder Walk in partnership with the Blonder Department for Special Needs8:00 am - 5K Road Race/Walk

Sign Up Today CLICK HERE

HELP US HELP YOU Your synagogue community wants to be a Caring Community/Kehillat Chesed. If you have recently experienced a loss, are facing a crisis or are celebrating a simcha, please let our office know as soon as possible. Our clergy and friends strive to be a source of support as best as they can. If you know of one of our fellow congregants who has experienced a loss or can use a hand, please contact the office at 770.642.0434.

Planning a simcha or group gathering? The Tam-Blank Social Hall is the Place to Be. For more information on renting our Social Hall, contact the synagogue office at 770-642-0434. 15

News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

Synagogue Information Synagogue Office Fax Number School Office (Perri) Preschool (Jenifer) Assistant to Clergy Financial Secretary Admin. Assistant Office Manager

- 770-642-0434 - 770-642-0647 - 770-642-4168 - 678-350-0076 - Michelle Leder - Jenny Korsen - Lisa Singer - Becky Sullivan

Get Involved! TBT Committees and Chairpersons Adult Education Cindy Getty eeg@comcast.net Budget & Finance Harlan Graiser harlanng@yahoo.com Campership Marcia Haber marciahaber@yahoo.com Chavurot Dalia Faupel d2faupel@comcast.net College Outreach Lynda Bennett lrbennett08@comcast.net Ginger Glazer ggchoc@bellsouth.net Communications Tom and Marsha McMurrain bethtikvahcommunications@gmail.com Family Promise Andy Fried andyf17@gmail.com Jeff Schultz asburypark@comcast.net Fundraising Ruben Braiter rbraiter@manh.com Gift Shop Pam Alterman pmalterman@gmail.com Carrie Bickwit carriebickwit@yahoo.com

Rhonda Schweber rschweber@comcast.net House Ted Nathan tnathan@baldwinscheduling.com Human Resources Seth Zimmer sz4941@att.com Interior Standards & Marketing Susan Estroff sestroff@earthlink.net Israel Gene Carasick gcarasick@gmail.com Kehillat Chesed (Caring) Leslie Swichkow lswichkow@comcast.net Library Ilana Zalkin ilanaz@earthlink.net Membership Recruitment & Retention Mark Rudel mrudel@ups.com Lindsay Levin linsday@splicerealty.com Katie Jaffe katiegjaffe@gmail.com Men’s Club Peter Hartog althazyr@bellsouth.net Mark Greenspan greenspanfamily@bellsouth.net


Nominating Committee Sheryl Blechner ssb1951@gmail.com Ritual Esther Shultz savtaesther5@gmail.com Rosh Chodesh Women’s Group Pam Chanin chaninp@bellsouth.net Security Jay Sausmer jsausmer@gmail.com Seniors Natine Rosenzweig rosen4348@aol.com Sisterhood Traci Hartog tracigator@bellsouth.net Danielle Rubenstein bdruben@bellsouth.net Social Action Rodney Eberhardt reberhardt@amerisourcebergen.com Darin Cohen dcohen@wealthofga.com Website Development Scott Povlot spovlot@yahoo.com Youth Group Debra Schwartz dls63@bellsouth.net Michal Loventhal loventhalmichal@gmail.com

News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

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News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

Fred Greene Rabbi Donald A. Tam Rabbi Emeritus Nancy Kassel Cantor Hassia Levin Education Director Jenifer Friedman ECEC Director Ron Swichkow President Todd Boehm Vice President Marsha Mathis Vice President Denise Straus Vice President Andy Gutman Treasurer Michael Braun Secretary Jill Mattos Chairperson, Board of Education


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