St. Edward's University Magazine Spring/Summer 2015

Page 9

Till the Cows Come Home A family in Romania is given the gift of a pregnant Irish dairy cow from the nonprofit Bóthar. Once the cow has the calf, the family will have its first daily supply of milk. They can sell or barter any surplus. That single cow can generate a regular income that sends the children to school and buys medical supplies and other necessities for the family. That’s the idea behind bottom-up sustainable development, says Associate Professor of Geography and Environmental Science and Policy John Cotter, who offers a course on sustainability each spring. The course ends with two weeks abroad, where students follow some of Bóthar’s cows from Ireland to rural villages in Romania. “Sustainability takes on a whole new meaning when you experience it for yourself,” he says. —Stacia Hernstrom MLA ’05

What’s on Your Mind? How do you calm an overactive mind cluttered with thoughts about the past and future? Academic counselors Curtis Hirsh and Erin Ray have an answer: Focus on the present. It’s the foundation of a course they teach that introduces students to the practice of mindfulness as a way of bringing their attention to the present moment and accepting it without judgment. Now in its second year, their semester-long freshman course draws upon ancient mindfulness techniques and modern research on the health benefits of being mindful. And there are many. Mindfulness is known to reduce stress, ease anxiety, improve concentration, foster a positive outlook and enhance academic performance. As a result, the mindfulness movement is trending nationwide, influencing behavior in boardrooms, hospitals, locker rooms and classrooms. On the hilltop, it’s a hit with students. “I gained great tools to cultivate patience, gratitude and mental clarity,” says Robert Burns ’17, who took the mindfulness course last year. “When I apply what I learned, I’m more productive and aware, and I enjoy my work more.” Hirsh and Ray point out that any activity, from walking the dog to washing dishes to waiting in line, is an opportunity to unplug and focus your awareness on what you’re doing in that moment. —Camille Saad

webextra Unwind Your Mind

Minutes to Mindfulness • Find a quiet spot. • Close your eyes.

Take a few minutes to practice mindfulness with a guided meditation at

• Notice the physical sensations of breathing. • When your mind wanders to the past or future, gently, without judgment, draw your focus back to your breath. • Breathe in. Breathe out. Be happy in the moment.


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