Holiday/Winter Issue

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Friendly Apartment


Gift Guide





Photo Courtesy of Neil Tandi



CUSTOM PET CLOTHING & PET ADVOCATE At C’MiMi we innovate, we reuse, we recycle, we upcycle, and we mix and match to create one-of-a-kind pet clothing and accessories. Each design is made with passion and will make a fashion statement. Our goal is to bring comfort and style into the lives of your furry friends as well as help causes that support pets in need.

We strive to make tasteful and fashionable handmade apparel for pets.

HANDMADE IN MOROCCO “C’MiMi! How cute!” That’s how my French speaking friends reacted to the dog and cat accessories I crafted. C’MiMi is a one woman show with lots of helping paws and is the result of a hobby gone to the dogs. All items featured are hand crafted with materials found here and there, rendering each one unique.

We pay a lot of attention to detail in our effort to make your pet stand out. We help local and international rescue associations in their endless efforts to protect animals and place them in the loving homes they deserve. We try to contribute, albeit in a small way, to protect our environment. We use vintage fabric and notions as well as fabric remnants and pieces of used clothing in great condition. We are inspired by different cultures and celebrate them in our work.

Many items have a Moroccan touch to them, too! WINTER



If you are looking for a one-of-a-kind design? We would love to create the perfect piece for your pet. DRESSES From glam to summer, these one-of-akind dresses will make any pet feel like a fashionista. HARNESSES The party harness is sure to wow. Comfortable and functional means it’s a pet and owner favorite. Patent pending. COATS Keep your pet fashionable and warm with a one-of-a-kind cozy coat.

CONTENTS Publisher/Editor Maybi Perez Iglesias Contributing Writers Rose May Sharon Jones Liudas Justin Andrew Woo Justin Chaplin Kimberly Blaker Charlie Connell Copy Assistant Tony Iglesias Graphic Designer Melissa Blanco Silva Social Media Director Maybi Perez Iglesias Marketing/Sales Maybi Perez Iglesias

20 Finding a Dog to Fit Your Family’s Lifestyle C’MIMI Pet Fashion for a Cause..................................................... 3

Boomer Pet Magazine is published four times a year by Boomer Pet Magazine, Inc. This magazine or any portion of it may not be reproduced in any form without written consent. Reproduction of this magazine in whole or in part is forbidden. Boomer Pet Magazine is not responsible in any manner for errors or omissions or for any consequences arising from such. Boomer Pet Magazine is not responsible for comments made by writers or advertising companies. Health articles are for informational purposes only. Health articles are not to be used as medical advise. We are not responsible for any misrepresentations on comments, messages, articles, news stories, editorials and advertising through digital, newsletter, website or social media. We are not held responsible for publishing errors. Boomer Pet Magazine is a registered corporation.

PAWSCOUT Digital Tag & Pet Finder.................................................. 10

Boomer Cover Credit: Petra Romano | @petsbypetra

Caring for Your Pet: Best Tips to Show You Love Animals..............................25

Cat Separation Anxiety: What Are The Causes, Signs, And Possible Treatment?........................................11 How to Find a Pet Friendly Apartment..........................12 Dog Sitting & Boarding and How to Pick.......................15 Morris, the Original Celebricat, Celebrates His 50th Adopt-i-versary........................... 16 Holiday Gift Guide............................................................18 Celebrity Sightings: Caught with their Fur Babies..........................................22

Editor’s Pick......................................................................26 Bark by the Bay Pet Package at Casa Munras Garden Hotel & Spa features the popular BarkBox!........................................29 Double Dutch Pet Products.......................................... 30 10 Tips For Moving With Your Pet.................................32




34 Petland: Project Alive

Our Holiday/Winter issue is here! This is an outstanding issue with infor-

pets don’t come across any sharp bones or

mative articles, holiday gift guide, editor’s

candy and keep your pets inside if you are

pick and placement of some of the latest

planning on sounding off fireworks for the

products for pets that you will love.

new year. These are some of the things I like to remind our fans and readers during

I can’t help to remind our readers about the

this time of celebration in order to keeping

importance of the safety of our pets during

our fur-babies safe and happy.

this time of year. As we celebrate, we have to remind ourselves to keep the home safe

I hope you enjoy this time of year with fam-

for our fur-babies. Keep the Christmas

ily, friends and your lovely pets. I want to

tree free from ornaments that may break

wish all of you an amazing holiday season

and cut our pet paws. Make sure to keep

and a new year filled with love, peace, hap-

the extension cords tied up to avoid our

piness and an abundance of health!

pets getting tangled, make sure that your

M. Iglesias PUBLISHER follow us on





Jalyn Enterprise LLC

Cover Me by Tui is approved by veterinarians and is the most comfortable and effective alternative to the E-Collar around. The post-surgical pet garment that resembles a dog onesie, comes in a range of colors, options and sizes to fit any dog’s needs. This one piece pet garment gives owners an alternative to a dog cone or “Lamp Shade” style elizabethan collar (buster collars) that cause your pet to be uncomfortable. No More Cone of Shame…The garment acts in a calming way to keep your pet from licking or chewing. Get started shopping today online or find a store or veterinarian nearest you! (US Patent Protected 8,985,062) • 636-447-1659

WHAT IS PAWSCOUT? Pawscout, The Smarter Pet Tag™, is the most advanced and connected pet accessory of its kind – with benefits and features designed for owners to build safe communities for their pet. The first pet name-tags originated more than 200 years ago, and while some advancements have emerged in the form of microchips and GPS devices, nothing has elevated the tag beyond a simple tracking or identification device. Pawscout is a smartphone-compatible and connected, beautiful but affordable, and most importantly, an easy and fun way for people to build a safe community for their pets. The tag tracks walk distances, and a live map means people can easily spot their pet in realtime as long as the pet is within a 300-foot range of anyone with the Pawscout App. For extra security, a virtual leash can be set to warn owners if Fido decides to scamper out of view.

PAWSCOUT PET OWNER BENEFITS: • Community Pet Finder: Alert all users in the area as soon as your pet goes missing. Get notified when your pet comes within range of anyone with the Pawscout App. • Digital Profile and Medical Records: Create a full digital profile of your pet including photos, your contact info, vaccinations and behavioral or medical issues. • Pet-Friendly Favorites: Use the Pawscout map to discover or share local veterinarians, groomers, shelters, restaurants, stores or parks that welcome pets. PAWSCOUT DETAILS AND COST: Pawscout tags are available on, priced at $19.95 with no monthly fees. The Pawscout App is available for download in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. WINTER



CAT SEPARATION ANXIETY: WHAT ARE THE CAUSES, SIGNS, AND POSSIBLE TREATMENT? by Liudas Justin While the research into cat separation anxiety is just in the early stages of understanding, many have been noticing the signs. I will retell the story of my two cats, Bubba and Charlie. Charlie was my future wife’s cat of 4 years. Some 6 years ago, when we moved in together, Charlie was aloof and avoided me, at least at first. Once she realized I was here to stay, she started accepting me. At first, a bit stand-offish, but slowly accepting me to the point that she’d lay on my lap to the dismay of my wife. My work at the time was on the road, with periods of time at home. We soon noticed that when I was away, Charlie would groom herself excessively, to the point of creating a bald spot on her flank. When I was home, the excessive grooming would stop. On my retirement, the only time we were away was every two weeks, my wife had to return to the hospital she worked for to do their payroll. We would be away for 2 -3 days every 2 weeks. On our return, we would find that Charlie had vomited all around the house, and on our bed. The reason we know this, once on arrival at home, we walked in on her vomiting. As soon as we brought out our suitcases to pack for our trip, Charlie would hide away, under the bed, the sofa, or under the dining table to avoid us.

Bubba, on the other hand, was a stray that I adopted about a year after I had moved in, my best guess was that he was about a year old. It took a while but Charlie and Bubba became good buddies. The only sign with him was on our return he would not let us out of sight. If you went to the bathroom, he had to also be there. He would walk with me, rubbing up against me, to the extent as to almost trip me. In doing research, these are all signs of separation anxiety in cats. Speculation of the cause range from genetic to environmental factors being involved. Some say being orphaned or being weaned early may predispose the development of separation anxiety. As this subject gets more study, there might be more information garnered. Things to do are subjective. The first thing would be to have the veterinarian do a complete physical to make sure the behavior is not caused by some underlying physical problem. This will maybe involve blood work, urinalysis, thyroid testing, or a blood pressure check. Some other suggestions include making the time of departure less stressful by making




changes in the normal routine. Some experts suggest that for 15 minutes prior to leaving and upon return home, the owner should ignore the cat. Leaving a distracting toy can be helpful. Someone suggested hiding tasty treats in various places in the house. Making the environment more stimulating may help. A cat tower with toys attached near a window could help. Sometimes they just enjoy seeing what’s going on outside. Some experts have stated that in some situations the short-term use of anti-anxiety medications may be needed. You must be aware that these are not labeled specifically for use in cats and should / must be prescribed and monitored by your veterinarian. In the future research should be able to give us more information about the cause and treatment of separation anxiety in cats and make life better for our little feline friends. For the best pet supplies visit us at: https:// Article Source: Article Source:


If you have a furry family member, it can be challenging to find the perfect apartment where you can all live. Apartment List recently published data about the top cities for dog and cat lovers; today, we’re here to help you understand how to find a pet-friendly apartment.






First, we’ll address the common restrictions and fees that you may face.

The list of fees and restrictions can be daunting, but Apartment List is here to help! Many landlords and property managers can be flexible with policies as long as you can show that you and your pet are responsible tenants. Here are four strategies to convince your landlord that your pet is a safe bet.


Every landlord has a different pet policy, but most have one or more of the following rules for tenants bringing pets: • Number of pets: Most apartment buildings limit residents to a total of 2 pets. • Weight restrictions: Some apartments do not allow (or may charge additional fees for) dogs over 55 lbs. • Aggressive dogs: Many landlords will not allow residents to bring dogs deemed “aggressive”. There’s no set list, but this usually includes Pit Bulls, Dobermans, Rotweillers, German Shepherds, and Great Danes. While your pet may be harmless, most landlords (and insurance companies) find these breeds to be risky tenants!


In our experience, almost all apartments require tenants to pay a premium for bringing your canine or feline friend along. Some states and cities place limits on these fees, so you may want to research local regulations if your landlord requires payments that are astronomically high. Here are the fees that we commonly see:


Note that people with disabilities have a right to have service or emotional support pets, even if the leasing agreement specifically prohibits pets. You do not have to disclose your disability to the landlord. Additionally, service and emotional support pets are not subject to pet fees.

1. Build a pet resume Building a pet resume is all about showcasing your pet, and makes the screening process faster. Things you can include in your pet’s resume are: photo, description, training certification, health records, habits, grooming. The Peninsula Humane Society provides a good example of what your pet resume can include. A letter of recommendation from previous landlords and neighbors helps too! 2. Promote yourself and your pet Let your landlord know you share similar concerns about cleanliness. Express that your pet is potty-trained, vaccinated, flea-controlled, etc. Getting a training certificate like the Canine Good Citizen’s for dogs is a good way to prove to your landlord your pet would be a good tenant. 3. Get insurance for your pet Liability is a top concern for landlords, and one of the main reasons landlords are against pets. Landlords will feel more comfortable allowing pets if they are insured – this can be especially helpful if you have an aggressive breed. Be sure to find out whether your insurance has a dog bite exclusion, dangerous breed exclusion or other limitations. Note that most rental insurance companies do not cover dog bites, so you may need to get a separate pet insurance policy.The Federation of Insured Dog Owners will provide canine liability insurance policies for all breeds of dogs. 4. Have your pet spayed/neutered As we mentioned, many apartment buildings limit the amount of pets a tenant is allowed to have in their home. Landlords are much more likely to allow a fixed animal than one that could potentially have offspring bringing the apartment’s total pets way past the accepted amount. Finally, we at Apartment List are here to help! You can use our site to search for apartments that allow dogs or cats, making it easy for you to find the perfect place for you and your furry friend. Good luck hunting!





As a current, or potentially new, dog owner, you may think that having a dog means you can never leave town or enjoy a well-deserved vacation. That is a myth. There many options you can consider to take care of your pet while you’re away. DOG BOARDING

Facilities and businesses that offer dog boarding services are professionals kennels. They look after multiple dogs at a time and offer only the best. Dogs are kept in individual kennels throughout the day with air conditioning, food and water. They are let out multiple times a day to use the bathroom and enjoy some fresh air. A dog boarding service often has day care time. This is a time during day where dogs are outside and together so they can play and spend their energy. A behavioral analysis is conducted prior to establish if your dog will play well with others. This option is great if you have multiple dogs and are looking for professional to look after them.


This type of care involves someone that you know and trust to take care for you dog. It is important that you know the person prior to hiring them. You need to make sure they can look after you dog safely so that you can leave town without a worry in mind. There are two forms of personal pet sitting. The first would be to leave you dog at your home and your chosen care taker will come in several times a day. During the visits, your dog will get fed, and taken out for walks or just to play and get some stimulation. This involves a bit of commuting from the care taker and can be a little more costly to you as an owner.

The second form of pet sitting is in-house. This means that the care taker you chose will take your dog in his or her own home to watch over for the time that you’re gone. In this case your dog lives in another home while you are away. This kind of pet sitting in beneficial for your dog. He or she can be in constant connection with its care taker and get much more attention. This is also more convenient for you sitter whom can stay at home while still watching over your dog. Your pet may experience a little stress from the change of environment but it would be over within 24 hours. There are multiple form of pet sitting you can choose from as a dog owner. We recommend the in-home personal care one if you have a single dog. For multiple dogs, a boarder or kennel maybe the best option. Whichever form you choose, make sure you communicate with your care taker to express concerns about them and/or your pet.

Want to learn more about our pet sitting options? Visit our website for a full description of our services: Article Source: Article Source: WINTER





BOOMERS PHOTO CREDIT: PRNewsfoto/J.M. Smucker Company

Morris, the Original Celebricat, Celebrates His 50th Adopt-i-versary THE 9LIVES® SPOKESCAT SHARES HALF A CENTURY OF HIS FUR-VORITE MEMORIES AND MILESTONES

Prior to scrolling through #catsofinstagram, we were obsessing over Morris, the original celebricat. 50 years ago, this famously finicky feline rose to fame and stole our hearts as the original spokescat for 9Lives® cat food. Originally adopted in October 1968 from the Hinsdale Humane Society in Illinois, Morris now serves as an ins-purr-ation to cats across the country. “The last 50 years have been absolutely paw-some – a dream come true for a shelter cat,” said Morris. “I had a humble beginning in the shelter, now I’m shaking paws, taking selfies, acting alongside my favorite celebrities and promoting cat adoption across the country. It’s all in a day’s work for the original celebricat, and all thanks to 9Lives cat food.” Morris’ has earned countless accolades and accomplishments over his career - including everything from starring in movies and commercials to two runs for President. Some highlights of Morris’ successful career as the official 9Lives spokescat include: 1969 – 1978: Morris stars in 58 commercials, resulting in one of the most successful advertising campaigns in television history 1973: Morris stars in the movie Shamus alongside a star-studded celebrity cast 1988: Morris runs for President 2006: Morris leads the Morris’ Cat Rescue adoption program, with over 1,000 cats adopted to-date 2012: Morris runs for President AGAIN 2014: Morris becomes social media savvy by joining Facebook, Twitter and Instagram 2015: The Museum of Broadcast Communications recognizes Morris as an Advertising Great 2018: Morris assembles his elite Cat Pack and takes CatCon 2018 by storm Despite his fame, Morris has always been a passionate advocate for adoption. He has loved traveling the country, visiting countless schools and helping children and adults understand the importance of treating animals with kindness. In 2006, he launched Morris’ Million Cat Rescue® to help save animals in need of forever homes. Morris understands the profound effect adoption has on animals, has never forgotten his humble beginning as a shelter cat, and is committed to helping shelter cats find homes and loving families. Since 1959, 9Lives cat food strives to celebrate and champion all cats. The brand is dedicated to the health and happiness of cats everywhere and believes that all cats deserve to live well. Visit to learn more about Morris’ story as he celebrates his 50th Adopt-i-versary this year. About The J.M. Smucker Company For more than 120 years, The J.M. Smucker Company has brought families together to share memorable meals and moments. Guided by a vision to engage, delight, and inspire consumers through trusted food and beverage brands that bring joy throughout their lives, Smucker has grown to be a well-respected North American marketer and manufacturer with a balanced portfolio of leading and emerging, on-trend brands. In consumer foods and beverages, its brands include Smucker’s®, Folgers®, Jif®, Dunkin’ Donuts®, Crisco®, Café Bustelo®, R.W. Knudsen Family®, Sahale Snacks®, Smucker’s® Uncrustables®, Robin Hood®, and Bick’s®. In pet food and pet snacks, its brands include Rachael Ray® Nutrish®, Meow Mix®, Milk-Bone®, Kibbles ‘n Bits®, Natural Balance®, and Nature’s Recipe®. The Company remains rooted in the Basic Beliefs of Quality, People, Ethics, Growth, and Independence established by its founder and namesake more than a century ago. For more information about our Company, visit The J.M. Smucker Company is the owner of all trademarks referenced herein, except for the following, which are used under license: Dunkin’ Donuts® is a registered trademark of DD IP Holder LLC, and Rachael Ray®is a registered trademark of Ray Marks Co. LLC. Dunkin’ Donuts® brand is licensed to The J.M. Smucker Company for packaged coffee products sold in retail channels such as grocery stores, mass merchandisers, club stores, and drug stores. This information does not pertain to Dunkin’ Donuts® coffee or other products for sale in Dunkin’ Donuts® restaurants. SOURCE J.M. Smucker Company Related Links: WINTER




Raptor Shield was developed out of necessity when our little Yorkie was attacked. We wanted to make sure that it was comfortable to wear, tested to be Talon Proof yet very lightweight for your pet to wear. Veterinarian recommended against all birds of prey. RAPTORSHIELD.COM


Inspired from a Moroccan accessory used by women to keep the sleeves of their caftans up.Each harness has a story of its own. Moroccan buttons mixed with Swarovski elements, remnants of vintage and other jewelry, glass beads, semiprecious stones, trinkets found in faraway destinations, and many fond memories! C-MIMI.COM


The Cat Cover Me by Tui garments only come in the pullover kitty print style. Each garment has a modified potty cover to allow for the cat’s anatomy and still use the litter box when necessary but the potty cover does NOT need to be snapped up out of the way. TULANESCLOSET.COM





Elastic Christmas Smoochers are perfect fun for the holiday season available to fit all sizes of pets! MIRAGEPETPRODUCTS.COM


Keep your best friend close with custom pet nose pendants from Precious Metal Prints! Purchase the kit, take your impression and mail it to our studios. 2-3 weeks later, your custom pet nose pendant and necklace will arrive. Available in silver and gold vermeil. PRECIOUSMETALPRINTS.COM


Custom collars and leashes available in a beautiful collection to choose from. One of our favorites for this holiday issue. DOUBLEDUTCHPETS.COM


If you’re a dog parent, you probably talk to your dog all the time! But what if you could read to your dog? Now you can! With Waggity Tales personalized dog books, we’ll not only fill in your dog’s name…we’ll create a book full of words your dog knows. Just select the words your dog loves to hear, and we’ll fit them into a storybook that will engage your dog because he actually understands it! And that’s not all. This book is printed onto durable fabric, so your dog can interact with his book without tearing it. Choose from illustrations, or upload your dog’s real photograph! Either way, you and your dog will love the quality time you can spend reading together. Want to get one for a dog lover in your life, but not sure which words to choose? Check out our digital gift cards! WAGGITYTALES.COM




FINDING A DOG TO FIT YOUR FAMILY’S LIFESTYLE: PLAN AHEAD TO REAP THE REWARDS OF A LOVING FAMILY PET by Kimberly Blaker Every year thousands of dogs are turned over to animal shelters because they were given as a gift without first consulting the gift recipient – or families discover they brought home a biter, barker, digger, or jumper. When pets are given away, the pets, their owners, and children all suffer. So before selecting your dog, do your homework. With a little pre-planning, you can find the dog that most closely fits your family’s or gift recipient’s lifestyle.

Variety of dogs, variety of nuisances Dogs can create many nuisances. Some of these are more common in particular breeds. A barking dog helps protect against intruders. But excessive barking can become a problem. Some breeds known for their barking include the Alaskan Malamute, American Water Spaniel, Bassett Hound, Finnish Spitz, Fox and other Terriers, Great Pyrenees, and Miniature Schnauzer.

A playful, energetic puppy can make a great playmate for your child. But as your puppy grows, that hyperactivity could become overwhelming. High-strung dogs often jump on people and tear through the house. Certain breeds tend to maintain that high energy level well into their adult size bodies. Such breeds include Airedale Terriers, Boxer, Brittany, Cocker Spaniel, Dalmatian, Golden Retriever, Irish Setter, Jack Russell Terrier, Labrador Retriever, Pointer, and Schnauzer. Dogs dig for many reasons—to bury a bone, to escape from a fenced yard, to keep cool, or out of boredom. A torn-up yard can be the last straw for many dog owners. The following breeds tend to be diggers: Fox Terriers, Norwich Terrier, and Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen. Dogs can be aggressive for a variety of reasons. Poor breeding, physical abuse, and even disease

can cause aggression in a dog. Certain dominant breeds can also tend toward aggressiveness if not handled by a firm and skilled handler. These dogs should be chosen with caution and the understanding they require strong leadership: Akita, American Pit Bull Terrier, Bulldog, Bullmastiff, Chow Chow, Doberman Pinscher, German Shepherd, Rottweiler, Schnauzer, Shih Tzu, Siberian Husky, and Weimaraner. Grooming is another consideration. While it may sound painless, the upkeep of certain breeds can be overwhelming. In addition to keeping claws trimmed and an occasional bath, some dogs require lengthy daily brushing to remove tangles or trapped fur in double coats. High maintenance breeds include the American Eskimo, Cocker Spaniel, Collie, Great Pyrenees, Llaso Apso, Old English Sheepdog, Poodle, Schnauzer, and Terriers.




Traits to look for in a family dog

Many unforeseen problems can be avoided by finding a dog that’ll be easy for your child to handle so your child can assist in training. Easy trainers include American Water Spaniel, Australian Shepherd, Bichon Frise, Cocker Spaniel, Irish Setter, Italian Greyhound, Maltese, and Shetland Sheepdog. Calm, gentle breeds are important for families with small children. Keep in mind size alone doesn’t dictate these traits. Gentle breeds you might consider are Bassett Hound, Beagle, Bearded Collie, Chinese Crested, Great Dane, Great Pyrenees, Newfoundland, and Mastiff. Playful and energetic puppies work well for older children who won’t feel threatened by the dog’s full-grown size. Consider an American Eskimo, Bloodhound, Brittany, Dalmatian, Golden Retriever, Irish Wolfhound,

Labrador Retriever, Pointer, Poodle, Saint Bernard, or Schnauzer. There are many other traits to consider in choosing a new dog. Before bringing home your puppy, read a book or articles about the breed that interests you to determine if it will fit your family’s lifestyle. For personalized assistance in choosing a breed, go to http://www.selectsmart. com/DOG/ or one of the many other breed selection sites. You’ll be guided through a series of questions and receive a free personalized list of matches.

Special considerations

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that 800,000 people, mostly children, are bitten annually severely enough to require medical attention. Infants and small children shouldn’t be left alone with a dog. It may be difficult to picture your lovable Fido as capable of hurting your child. But

even the gentlest dogs have been known to bite. Little kids sometimes get too close to a dog while it’s eating or chewing a bone or startle a dog while it’s sleeping. Sometimes, small children hang on dogs, pull their tails, or threaten a dog’s safety. This can lead to injury to either the dog or your child. In addition, dogs view their family as part of its pack. A properly trained dog should view adults and older children as alpha (top dog). But a dog isn’t likely to view a small child in this light and may wield its authority when no one’s around. Apartment living is another consideration. The size dog you choose is important to both your dog’s well being and to maintaining your sanity. High energy and medium to large breeds generally need large areas to romp. Without it, your apartment could become a round-the-clock racetrack. Planning regular walks for these dogs may not be sufficient. You’ll tire long before your dog. Also, there will be occasions when you just won’t be able to accommodate your puppy’s need to exercise. The costs of pet ownership should also be

weighed out. First, there are the obvious costs such as purchasing pet food and annual vaccinations. Other expenses include licensing, monthly heart worm pills, chew toys, damaged belongings, fencing, training, unexpect ed veterinary expense, grooming, kenneling, and more. If your family has members with bad allergies or asthma, check with your doctor before bringing any furred, feathered, or finned pet into your home. Finally, keep in mind no matter how sincere your child’s intent to care for his new pet, it’s a big responsibility. Ultimately, parents take the brunt of the work. Also, the holiday season may not be the best time of year to bring home a new puppy. Families are generally too busy during the holidays to give a new pet the attention it needs. Choose a season when you’ll be able to spend plenty of time with your new dog as it adjusts to its new home.

Where to find your dog

The Humane Society, an animal shelter, or an accidental litter of pups is a great place to find your dog at an affordable price. Giving a home to a dog that might otherwise be put to sleep or caged indefinitely and not

contributing to the over population of dogs are good reasons to go this route. Furthermore, you’ll more often find mixed breeds through these methods. Mixed breeds are less likely to inherit the diseases and disabilities often common in pure breeds. Keep in mind though, sometimes these dogs are strays or weren’t properly cared for by their original owner. If a dog didn’t receive proper vaccinations, it could be at risk for disease. A dog that was abused by its previous owner could also pose risks. Ask the animal shelter what is known about the dog’s history. Another way to find your new puppy is through a breeder. Taking home a puppy whose history is known and hasn’t been exposed to a poor environment is a plus. But caution should be used even when buying from a breeder. While most are in the business for their love of the breed, there are exceptions. Some breeders are only interested in profits and have little knowledge or concern for good breeding and proper care of pups. This can lead to dogs with poor temperaments, genetic disorders, or disease. Ask plenty of questions, request referWINTER



ences, and ask to see the puppies in their normal environment. According to the American Kennel Club, some things to watch for when selecting your puppy include: a runny nose, watery eyes, fever, or disease in the litter. If any of these conditions are present, look elsewhere. Avoid a puppy that trembles and is shy or one that shows a bad temper. Also, understand that a kennel designated “AKC Reg.” doesn’t mean it has the American Kennel Club’s stamp of approval. It simply means the dogs have been registered. Finally, keep in mind that puppies shouldn’t be removed from their litter before 6 weeks of age, and preferably 8.

Training Tips

No matter how careful you are in selecting your pet, chances are, your puppy will develop a problem or nuisance behavior. Prevention is the first step. Around 6 months, your puppy will be old enough for an obedience course. Teaching your puppy the basics will make it easier to manage problem behaviors. If you can’t take a class, purchase a dog-training manual and stick with it.

If your dog shows signs of aggression, talk with a professional trainer or your veterinary. Depending on the cause, there may be a simple solution. But if your child’s safety becomes an issue, your only option may be a new home for your pet. Whether your dog ends up with a new owner or in a shelter, make sure you explain the reason for giving your dog away so it ends up in the proper environment. For other problem behaviors, there are several good books to help tame your dog. When Good Dogs Do Bad Things by Mordecai Siegal and Matthew Margolis provides many helpful techniques. Contrary to popular belief, never hit, kick, or swat a dog with a newspaper. This can lead to aggressiveness or increase already aggressive behavior. Most importantly, try to understand and accept your pet’s imperfections and adjust your home accordingly to reduce aggravations. In time, your dog will accept the household routine and become a part of it. Sources: news/health/stories/newshealth-990412-193535.html The Complete Dog Book New and Revised 18th Edition Official Publication of the American Kennel Club

Jamie Chung Sighted in Los Angeles on April 4, 2018 Nicollette Sheridan Sighted Shopping in Beverly Hills on January 11, 2018

Caught with their Fur-Babies! Sam Rockwell Sighted at LAX Airport in Los Angeles on February 1, 2018




The Savitsky Cats at the NBC’s “America’s Got Talent” Season 13 - Live Show August 21, 2018 Dolby Theatre 6801 Hollywood Boulevard Hollywood, CA, USA

If you’re a dog parent, you probably talk to your dog all the time! But what if you could read to your dog? Now you can! With Waggity Tales personalized dog books, we’ll not only fill in your dog’s name…we’ll create a book full of words your dog knows. Just select the words your dog loves to hear, and we’ll fit them into a storybook that will engage your dog because he actually understands it! And that’s not all. This book is printed onto durable fabric, so your dog can interact with his book without tearing it. Choose from illustrations, or upload your dog’s real photograph! Either way, you and your dog will love the quality time you can spend reading together. Want to get one for a dog lover in your life, but not sure which words to choose? Check out our digital gift cards!

Ashleigh Butler and Sully at the WellChild Awards 2018 - Royal Lancaster London, Lancaster Terrace / London, UK






Taking care of your pet takes top priority. Just as with kids, any pet parent has many things to worry about. From bathing to clipping nails, the pet parent has to find the required time along with their daily schedules to make their pets happy. Although you may feel as though you are all over the place if you have no idea on how to make your pet happy or keep them healthy, don’t worry. This article will help you with that. Here are some things every parent can do for their lovely pets:


Just as you will get dull if all you do is spend time at home, the same stands true for your pet as well. Take your pet out for walks and keep them company. Try to play games with them while you are away. This will keep healthy and happy.


Going out for a morning jog or run? Take your pet with you. Keep up with your pet and allow the pet to jump around a bit. This daily exercise routine will keep your pet happy and healthy. Moving around will keep the pet from gaining excess weight and will also help them to remain active.


Take nearest dog boutique and get them a haircut. Select days on which you need to take your dog for grooming appointments. Make sure you choose the correct place to take your designer pet accessories for grooming. Also, make monthly appointments. Get your pet shampooed, get their nails clipped or give them a haircut, and keep them healthy.


Another thing that you need to take care of your pet is to feed them properly. Make sure that your dog is fed sufficiently and is given proper nutrients. If you want, go out and purchase some breed-specific food options for your pet. Other than this, if you do not like store-bought food, give your dog something that you made.


Get your dog checked up often. Make routine appointments with the vet and get your dog checked. Dogs may contract allergies and other problems, which a doctor will easily get rid off in the initial stages.


When it comes to keeping yourself and your pet healthy, a regular day schedule will work. Chalk out your day and your pet’s day as well and stick to it. A routine helps your pet to stay healthy. With many ways of showing love to your pets and animals, the best thing you can do for your pet is to take care of them. Be sure to maintain your schedule and make sure that you provide food with all nutrients for your pet. Take your pet out or give them an exciting new gift to keep them engaged. Caring is the best gift you can offer. For More Detail: Sharon Jones is a pet lover and is passionate towards writing articles related to puppy products. Through her writings, she tries to discover new puppy boutiques dog products and accessories. Follow her articles and get the new fashion products for your loving puppy. Article Source: Article Source:





D’OXYVA® (deoxyhemoglobin vasodilator) offers the latest technology for complete health, and greatly improves the performance of pets like dogs and farm animals like horses. The device is fast and easy to administer and clinically validated to significantly improve the range of physiological functions by boosting blood circulation and thereby treating and preventing serious medical conditions and oral, fur, muscle, bone, and heart health for young and old animals alike. The major benefit of D’OXYVA is its significant improvement of microcirculation treatment, leading to better cell respiration, metabolism, tissue perfusion, and antibacterial activity. In turn, these can lead to the following high-performance solutions for pets such as dogs and farm animals like horses when applied as a treatment: DOXYVA.COM


Keep your best friend close with custom pet nose pendants from Precious Metal Prints!” Purchase the kit, take your impression and mail it to our studios. 2-3 weeks later, your custom pet nose pendant and necklace will arrive. Available in silver and gold vermeil. PRECIOUSMETALPRINTS.COM


Should I Be Worried About Hawks, Eagles or Owls Attacking My Small Dog? As we continue to interfere with natural habitats, the likelihood of a attack by a bird on your small dog, continues to rise. Often these birds are very territorial of their nests, and/ or killed prey. The number of reported bird attacks on dogs has continued to rise over the years, as birds of prey are moving into suburban area’s in-search of food. Protect your Pet Now! RAPTORSHIELD.COM


If you’re a dog parent, you probably talk to your dog all the time! But what if you could read to your dog? Now you can! With Waggity Tales personalized dog books, we’ll not only fill in your dog’s name…we’ll create a book full of words your dog knows.Just select the words your dog loves to hear, and we’ll fit them into a storybook that will engage your dog because he actually understands it! And that’s not all. This book is printed onto durable fabric, so your dog can interact with his book without tearing it. Choose from illustrations, or upload your dog’s real photograph! Either way, you and your dog will love the quality time you can spend reading together. Want to get one for a dog lover in your life, but not sure which words to choose? Check out our digital gift cards! WAGGITYTALES.COM


The Adjustable fit Cover Me by Tui allows you to adjust the garment in the chest and or tummy area for a more customized fit. TULANESCLOSET.COM


A beautiful collection of Collars for your fur baby. DOUBLEDUTCHPETS.COM


Keeps what is important to you safe and secure, yet lends itself to so many other possibilities. FENCEINABAG.COM


Inspired from a Moroccan accessory used by women to keep the sleeves of their caftans up.Each harness has a story of its own. Moroccan buttons mixed with Swarovski elements, remnants of vintage and other jewelry, glass beads, semiprecious stones, trinkets found in faraway destinations, and many fond memories! C-MIMI.COM


*Anyone potentially interested in manufacturing this patent pending harness please contact us by email.

Deluxe King Room at Casa Munras Garden Hotel & Spa located in the heart of the heritage center of Monterey.

BARK BY THE BAY PET PACKAGE At Casa Munras Garden Hotel & Spa features the popular BarkBox!

Casa Munras Garden Hotel & Spa announces the new Bark by the Bay Pet Package for pups and their people. Bark by the Bay includes a one-night stay, an exclusive BarkBox prepared for the four-legged friends, a 20% off voucher at Estéban Restaurant for two-legged guests and a one-time pet cleaning fee per stay of $50. Pooches and their owners are welcome to dine on Estéban’s outdoor terrace where pups are served a Tail-Waggin’ Menu that features wholesome, tasty treats, created by Executive Chef Trejo. The Bark by the Bay Pet Package starts as low as $225 per night. Bark by the Bay is based on space available. The clever coastal-themed BarkBox, created especially for Casa Munras, features two original toys, and two bags of all-natural treats. BarkBox is created by BARK, the world’s most dog-obsessed company. From products to packaging, BARK’s in-house team designs every piece of the Box to create insane joy for dogs and smiles for their people. BarkBox subscription and product are available at or Casa Munras is the ideal home base for exploring downtown Monterey, Cannery Row, and area attractions, including The Monterey Bay Aquarium and doggone gorgeous San Carlos Beach and the popular Monterey Bay Coastal Recreation Trail. Guest rooms at Casa Munras feature fetching décor and tail-wagging amenities such as in-room fireplaces, on site parking and lovely gardens surrounding the hacienda-style hotel. Estéban Restaurant is at the heart of authentic Monterey dining. Serving traditional Spanish cuisine with California flair, Executive Chef Gus Trejo sources the finest and freshest local ingredients.


The restaurant features shared plates and classic selections complimented by their extensive wine list and hand crafted cocktails. Executive Chef’s special menu for dogs is gluten-free with vegan options, chilled bone marrow, pupsicle, pooch patty and even a BarkDay cake. All meals are made to order; no salt or sugar is added. Founded in 2012, BARK is devoted to making dogs happy with the best products, services and content. Having loyally served over 2 million happy dog homes nationwide, BARK will continue to create dog-first experiences that foster canine health and happiness until every dog reaches its full tailwagging potential. Recognized as one of the most engaged brands on social media with over 7.5M dog-obsessed followers, BARK now offers monthly subscription services, BarkBox and Super Chewer; a curated e-commerce experience on; and custom collections via its retail partner network. To make reservations or get information, contact: Casa Munras Garden Hotel & Spa, 700 Munras Avenue, Monterey, CA 93940, toll free number: 1-800-222-2446,, email SOURCE Casa Munras Garden Hotel & Spa Related Links






Photo Credit: Petra Romano | | @petsbypetra

by Charlie Connell

Amanda O’Connell’s lifelong love of dogs began at childhood, growing up with a Westie. She fell in love with their oversized personalities, high energy, and intelligence and it was only a matter of time before she adopted one of her own. Before the ink was dry on the lease for her first pet-friendly apartment, Amanda had already started the process of making Dutch part of her family. Dutch is a firecracker chasing squirrels, skateboards, and motorcycles. Keeping him safe on the streets of a bustling city became a full-time job as Amanda quickly found that none of the leashes and harnesses she bought were up to the task. “When Dutch was a puppy he was able to break off a lot of the leashes,” Amanda explains. “He would break the clip,

not the leash. I went to the internet to try to find leashes with two clips that met our needs but found nothing. So, I designed my own.” Amanda got to work drawing up some ideas and her sister, Caitlin Beards, a talented costume designer helped to sew the earliest leashes and harnesses. Dutch, the namesake of the company, did his part too by patiently testing each prototype.

clips breaks, the second clip acts as a backup to keep your pup from getting away from you.”

local to her home state and partnered with a manufacturer in Passaic, NJ — even though that often means squeezing in early morning visits to the factory before heading into the city for her day job.

Amanda quickly realSafety is the number one concern at Double Dutch ized that she also need- Pets, but they also want to make sure that their ed to create a harness products reflect unique personalities as well. “I that could accommotry to find patterns that you don’t typically find date the double clip in stores and ones that are a little bit more fun,” leash. “Knowing that Amanda says. “One of our most popular is the dogs come in all shapes comic book themed Super Dog but customers also and sizes, we made our love our black and white checkerboard design, harnesses adjustable camo prints, and fun skull patterns.” in four spots. It can fit a wide range of sizes That second clip does a lot to ease the mind of a and breeds and sits dog owner when their intrepid companion decides along the collarbone to make a beeline for a squirrel on the other side The finished product so it won’t pull directly of a busy street, and that’s exactly why Amanda is a patent-pending, on the dog’s neck.” She created Double Dutch Pet Products. double clip leash made wanted it to be comfortwith high quality, able and safe so even a “The thing that scares me the most is the idea of stainless steel hardware, clever dog won’t be able my dog being able to get away from me,” Amanda locking lobster claw to slip out. says. “We want to make products that are interestclips, and a thick nylon ing looking with fun patterns, but at the end of the material. “Our leashes “Keeping him safe is day, it’s most important that we keep our dogs a are designed to share everything,” Amanda little bit safer.” the pressure equally says. “Once I figured For more information about Double Dutch Pets leashes, collars, and making the leash less out the design, I harnesses visit And don’t forget to follow likely to fail. You can thought that it was them on Instagram (@doubledutchpets) to see plenty of pictures attach both clips to the something that other of Dutch, his new friend Columbo, a blind Jack Russell their family recently adopted from The Eleventh Hour Rescue, and all of the latest harness or clip one to people could benefit products and designs. the collar and one to from as well.” A New the harness for a little Jersey native, it was more control. And in important to Amanda the event one of the to keep production




10 TIPS FOR MOVING WITH YOUR PET While moving to a new home is an exciting chapter in you and your pet’s life, there are some steps you should take and things you should know before embarking on this journey. We’ve compiled a list of the top things you should know before, during, and after your moving day to ensure the transition is as stress-free as possible.





Moving day is quickly approaching, and you want to ensure your furry friend is ready to go. Where do you begin?

UPDATE YOUR PET’S ID TAGS IN ADVANCE. Doing this sooner rather than later will give you peace of mind that your best friend is going to be safe in your new home. Bonus tip: If your pet is microchipped, add a second tag with the contact information of the microchip company and your pet’s chip number – this way anyone that finds your lost pet will know they have a microchip to get them home to you. MAP IT OUT. Map it all out. If you’re moving long-distance and driving, book your pet-friendly hotels early. Most hotel websites have a pet-friendly search filter. For long drives, plan out stops so your pet can stretch its legs. If you have to fly, know that air travel with a pet can be difficult and risky, so read through the Humane Society’s tips on traveling with pets before takeoff. GET COZY WITH THE KENNEL. Some pets LOVE their crate or kennel… others not so much. If your pet is not used to their kennel, get some practice trips under your belt before moving day (if you have a long way to travel). This way, when the big day comes, your pet knows what to expect. MAKE SURE YOU KNOW LOCAL PET LAWS AND REGULATIONS. These can vary from city to county to state. Want some help brushing up on what

you need to know? Check out our guide.


The big day has finally arrived. Make your trip seamless and comfortable with these tips. DON’T FORGET THE PET TRAVEL ESSENTIALS! While a crate and food may be obvious, there are a few things you may forget. Pack your pee pads, poop bags and litter boxes, and, of course, your toys and treats… and lint rollers can work wonders when it comes to dog hair. Grab all of your pet’s favorite things to make the move as stress-free as possible, and make sure they are easily accessible so you don’t have to dig through boxes to get them out! IF POSSIBLE, TRAVEL WITH A COMPANION. If you’re already moving with your roommate or significant other, awesome! If not, getting some help from a family member or a close friend could go a long way. Split up the driving duties and have the passenger spend time comforting your pet in the backseat. TOO OVERWHELMED? Call in the experts. Pet moving companies are here to help. While these services can get pricey (usually ranges between $300-$1000, depending on distance), if you just need one less thing to worry about, they’ll make sure your pet moves in comfort. Need a rec? Check out Pet Relocation and UShip for more help.

KEEP THE SAME HOME SETUP. Don’t bother buying a new dog bed, a new cat tree, or new food dishes. New things might seem like a special treat for your pet, but keeping the old accessories will actually help them settle in and feel more at home in their new surroundings. CONSIDER KEEPING YOUR PET SUPERVISED. It may take your pet a bit of time to feel comfortable in their new surroundings. Separation anxiety can affect even the most confident pups. To avoid unnecessary stress and destruction, you might want to consider hiring a professional pet sitter to keep your fur-baby supervised at all times. Check out NAPPS (National Association of Professional Pet Sitters) for the resources and tips on finding a professional certified pet sitter. HAVE PATIENCE. It may seem like the last thing you need while moving is for Fido to pee on your new rug or Fluffy to scratch your brand new couch, but remember – moving is stressful for pets. Just remember you are all starting an exciting new chapter, and while the rug is replaceable, your love for your best friend is not. Hopefully, these tips help and contribute to a successful transition. Once you get into your routine and introduce your pets to the local parks, their new vet, and their new walk route… they will feel at home in no time! rentonomics/9-tips-for-moving-withyour-pet/


The hardest part is over. Now what? WINTER



As a parent to my 2 huskies, named Zoe and Hunter, I have tons of responsibilities. I have to make sure they get what they need to be healthy. When Hunter got sick and started losing his fur, I was so worried and scared that my blood pressure spiked. I tried a bunch of approaches to help Hunter, but only one did the job; it was like a miracle. Not only did it heal Hunter’s skin and fur quickly, but it helped with my high blood pressure and my husband’s energy levels and diabetes. It didn’t even cost a fortune, like the other options. I’m sure there are more benefits of using D’OXYVA; there’s no doubt about its effectiveness, as it’s backed by clinical studies. Now, the whole family loves using it to keep our health in check and enjoy life to the fullest. Thank you, D’OXYVA, for giving our smiles back!


Petland Franchisee Luis Marquez and his team present $20,000 check to Project Alive to help support clinical trials for Hunter’s Syndrome.





Petland was honored to provide Project Alive with a check for $20,000 to help fund clinical trials. Petland stores in Southern Florida along with Petland, Inc. raised money through donations and drives in September. Hunter Syndrome (MPS II) is a rare genetic disease that affects less than 500 boys in the United States, which leads to progressive damage. Some never develop speech, but some boys learn like a typical child then begin losing skills and what they’ve learned at a young age. They eventually lose the ability to walk, talk and eat. Most do not live to see their teen years. Gene therapy, a revolutionary new approach to treating genetic diseases, may provide the cure these boys desperately need. Researchers are in the final stages of developing the first gene therapy clinical trial for boys with Hunter Syndrome. Project Alive, a 501c3 organization, aims to fund the trials and bring us one step closer to a cure.

is to get other corporations and businesses involved in helping fund the cure while these beautiful children still have time.” After meeting with Sebastian and his parents, Marquez introduced the family to Petland’s corporate team. He was planning fundraisers at his five Petland stores and asked the corporate office to join in the effort. Together, Petland was able to raise $20,000. “After meeting Sebastian and his family and understanding how devastating this disease is and how important these trials are to families affected by Hunter’s Syndrome, we were eager to help raise funds,” said Elizabeth Kunzelman, Petland’s Director of Public Affairs. “Petland has a strong history of supporting organizations that help children and this effort really touched everyone.” For more information about Hunter’s Syndrome and Project Alive, please visit

Southern Florida Petland Franchisee Luis Marquez had the opportunity to meet this family and others touched by this rare condition and gifted therapy dogs to three of the young boys diagnosed with Hunter’s Syndrome ( news/local/Boy-Fighting-Rare-Genetic-Disease-Hunter-Syndrome-Gifted-Therapy-Dog-487000591.html).

Safari Stan’s Children’s Charities by Petland was formalized in 1994. Petland has two children’s charities – Make-A-Wish and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Annually, Petland collects funds year-round for St. Jude, collecting nearly $500,000 since 2009; and, since 1998 has fulfilled more than 350 wishes for Make-A-Wish kids who wish to have a pet.

Sebastian’s parents are part of Project Alive, working to raise money for a clinical trial. Researchers at Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus, Ohio are in the final stages of developing the first trial for boys with Hunter Syndrome. It is the most promising cure out there and it is ready to go when the funding is reached. The cost for the trials is $2.5 million.

Petland, Inc. is a franchise operation with quality, full service retail pet centers across the United States, Canada, China, Mexico, South Africa, Brazil and El Salvador. For more than 50 years, Petland Pet Counselors have been dedicated to matching the right pet with the right person and meeting the needs of both. To its customers who already have pets, Petland is dedicated to enhancing their knowledge and enjoyment of the human-animal bond. Petland was founded in 1967 and is headquartered in south central Ohio. For more information on Petland, visit www.

“Petland Florida stands shoulder to shoulder with our partners at Project Alive,” said Marquez. “The fight against Hunter Syndrome is time-sensitive, we need everyone’s help! Our goal with this donation




Fence in a bag is a lightweight, versatile and portable fencing system. It has 5 telescopic poles with a removable base, 40 feet of fabric that is 4 feet high and a carrying bag. This is a brand new product that has just been launched. It can be set up in any configuration and the length is adjustable from 2 - 40 feet. It weighs just 20 pounds and can easily be set up by one person and there is a choice of mesh or solid fabrics. It is great for camping, gardens and pets. Can be a sun shelter or temporary fence. Our product is covered by a repair, replace or refund policy.

Fashion for a Cause

*Anyone Any yo potentially entially y interested in res r te ed in in manufacturing m ufa acturin this p patent atent pending g harness ss please ple contact ntact u us s by email. em mai

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