Delos propriocepcja trening i rehabilitacja

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h high frequency proprioception

D e l o s Po s t u r a l P ro p r i o c e p t i ve S y s t e m

D e l o s Po s t u r a l P ro p r i o c e p t i ve S y s t e m

Reawaken inner balance with h

What they say of us Claudio Berardelli DMW Wireless electronic rocking board with “3 degrees of freedom” and visualisation in real time of the movements on the x, y and z axis. Tridimensional view of the trials. It represents the completion of DEB2 proposal, widening the number of biomechanical and postural situations to be managed. The rolling surfaces with variable radius permit the proposal of increasing levels of instability.

Trainer of Olympic and world champions (800 and 1500m) and of Kenyan marathon-runners of the Rosa Nike Team. From the 800metres to the marathon, winning or losing a world or Olympic championship is a matter of seconds or fractions of seconds. The Riva Method and Delos are by now an irreplaceable part of our training programmes, not only for the prevention of injuries and the reduction of structural stress, but also for the improvement and harmonization of the propulsive forces and the gaining of decisive seconds.

Mirco Botta

Strength and conditioning coach, Italian National Team Figure Skating and Dance on Ice. Delos and the Riva Method have represented an authentic revolution in training methods for the optimization of balance and coordination, contributing decisively to our successes in the last ten years, from Fusarpoli-Margaglio to the present day.

DEB2 The second generation of the first electronic rocking board, with “a degree of freedom” and visual tracking of the micro-rolling of the point of support. Its exclusive rocking movement, combined with the subcortical visual tracking in real time, creates conditions of instability, capable of activating high frequency proprioceptive flows.

Roberto Bianchi

Strength and conditioning coach Basket Cantù A1 league. The almost total elimination of matches not played due to injury and the possibility for athletes to train with quality and continuity: an extraordinary result which has been vital for us at Cantù. The systematc utilization of Delos according to the Riva Method for two years (2006-2008) reduced injuries by 75% compared to the preceding two years (2004-2006). Last but not least: the ‘feeling’ for the instrument and the perception of its great utility on the part of all the athletes.

Giampiero Ventrone

Strength and conditioning coach, soccer (Napoli, Juventus, Siena, Livorno, Bari, Atalanta). I understood too late the competitive advantage represented by the Delos system and Riva Method. More strength available, greater technical quality, fewer injuries. This is why it will always accompany me in the continuation of my career.

Rehabilitation therapists M. De Angelis (Fisioequipe – Roma), E. Mohwinckel

(Fisiomovi – Como), A. Scarsini (Tolmezzo Hospital – UD) The reprogramming of the vertical control through Delos and the Riva Method is an irreplaceable element in any rehabilitative programme (from athletes to low motricity subjects). For us, furthermore, it is extremely important, in our relations with the patient, to be able to objectivize and monitor changes in the anti-gravity set-up.


Infrared sensor

High density proprioception from space The conditions for the development of rehablitation and training protocols with high density proprioception emerge from the first experiment on high frequency proprioception in zero gravity, carried out in 2005 during a parabolic flight over the Mexican Gulf.

D. Riva, F. Rossitto, L. Battocchio. Postural muscle atrophy prevention and recovery and bone remodelling through high frequency proprioception for astronauts. Acta Astronautica 65 (2009) 813-819.

DMW - Delos Multiaxis Wireless 3D Proprioceptive Board

Inner Balance Training This is the logo which identifies HF proprioceptive reprogramming according to the Riva Method. Inner balance is the common and decisive element on which the quality and safety of every human movement and every sports gesture depend.

Nowadays, the Delos Postural Proprioceptive System and the Riva Method constitute a technology and a methodology which are unique in the world for the assessment, training and rehabilitation of the control systems of inner balance and movement and for the prevention of functional deficits. With tests of short duration and easy application they measure visual dependence, proprioception, the visual-proprioceptive system, the activation of the vestibular system and possible precautionary strategies. Many athletes and professional teams find themselves competitively advantaged thanks to this efficient proprioceptive training. With high-frequency proprioceptive rehabilitation (Riva

Method) many people, whether involved in sport or not, have regained the articular stability and control of inner balance on which both the efficiency of movements in daily life and the quality of every sporting performance depend. Many people have reduced the risk of falling and improved their anti-gravity movements, adding quality to their lives, after a programme of prevention based on this methodology. The Delos Postural Proprioceptive System is today under close scrutiny by the world centres for space research because it may represent the most effective counter-measure in the prevention of damage caused by hypo-gravity or by the absence of gravity.

Armchair cheetahs by Dario Riva

DEB2 - Delos Equilibrium Board

Ananke 2008, second edition 2009

Starting from the observation of what we were once like, of what the great athletes are now like, of the recuperative capacities of subjects with motor disabilities and of experiences in the astronautical field, Dario Riva narrates how we have changed and proposes new ways of regaining motor abilities indispensable for guaranteeing an adequate and autonomous quality of life. Based on these principles and by means of hundreds of thousands of tests and work sessions with the Delos Postural Proprioceptive System System, Professor Riva and his research group have developed the most highly reputed know-how in the world, giving life to the Riva Method, the fundamental methodology in proprioceptive reprogramming.


Corso Lecce 15 - 10145 Torino (Italy) - Tel. +39 0117770341 -

Since the early 1990s Delos, leader in Proprioception, has been involved in research on the control mechanisms of balance and movement and in the development of innovative technologies for doctors, physiotherapists and sports trainers and technicians, for the assessment, training and rehabilitation of the systems involved. For over 15 years we have studied toplevel athletes in various sports disciplines, disabled athletes, healthy subjects of all ages and subjects with hip or knee prostheses, instability of the ankle and recurrent injuries, instability

of the knee and lesions to the ligaments, postural defects and neurological pathologies. We have observed the behaviour in the natural world of animal species capable of giving exceptional performances, like the cheetah and the gazelle. We have experimented extreme situations such as an underwater environment and the absence of gravity during parabolic flight. We have employed an elevated number of researchers and designers in a process of informationgathering based on hundreds of thousands of tests and work sessions.

h high frequency proprioception

D e l o s Po s t u r a l P ro p r i o c e p t i ve S y s t e m

D e l o s Po s t u r a l P ro p r i o c e p t i ve S y s t e m

Reawaken inner balance with h

What they say of us Claudio Berardelli DMW Wireless electronic rocking board with “3 degrees of freedom” and visualisation in real time of the movements on the x, y and z axis. Tridimensional view of the trials. It represents the completion of DEB2 proposal, widening the number of biomechanical and postural situations to be managed. The rolling surfaces with variable radius permit the proposal of increasing levels of instability.

Trainer of Olympic and world champions (800 and 1500m) and of Kenyan marathon-runners of the Rosa Nike Team. From the 800metres to the marathon, winning or losing a world or Olympic championship is a matter of seconds or fractions of seconds. The Riva Method and Delos are by now an irreplaceable part of our training programmes, not only for the prevention of injuries and the reduction of structural stress, but also for the improvement and harmonization of the propulsive forces and the gaining of decisive seconds.

Mirco Botta

Strength and conditioning coach, Italian National Team Figure Skating and Dance on Ice. Delos and the Riva Method have represented an authentic revolution in training methods for the optimization of balance and coordination, contributing decisively to our successes in the last ten years, from Fusarpoli-Margaglio to the present day.

DEB2 The second generation of the first electronic rocking board, with “a degree of freedom” and visual tracking of the micro-rolling of the point of support. Its exclusive rocking movement, combined with the subcortical visual tracking in real time, creates conditions of instability, capable of activating high frequency proprioceptive flows.

Roberto Bianchi

Strength and conditioning coach Basket Cantù A1 league. The almost total elimination of matches not played due to injury and the possibility for athletes to train with quality and continuity: an extraordinary result which has been vital for us at Cantù. The systematc utilization of Delos according to the Riva Method for two years (2006-2008) reduced injuries by 75% compared to the preceding two years (2004-2006). Last but not least: the ‘feeling’ for the instrument and the perception of its great utility on the part of all the athletes.

Giampiero Ventrone

Strength and conditioning coach, soccer (Napoli, Juventus, Siena, Livorno, Bari, Atalanta). I understood too late the competitive advantage represented by the Delos system and Riva Method. More strength available, greater technical quality, fewer injuries. This is why it will always accompany me in the continuation of my career.

Rehabilitation therapists M. De Angelis (Fisioequipe – Roma), E. Mohwinckel

(Fisiomovi – Como), A. Scarsini (Tolmezzo Hospital – UD) The reprogramming of the vertical control through Delos and the Riva Method is an irreplaceable element in any rehabilitative programme (from athletes to low motricity subjects). For us, furthermore, it is extremely important, in our relations with the patient, to be able to objectivize and monitor changes in the anti-gravity set-up.


Infrared sensor

High density proprioception from space The conditions for the development of rehablitation and training protocols with high density proprioception emerge from the first experiment on high frequency proprioception in zero gravity, carried out in 2005 during a parabolic flight over the Mexican Gulf.

D. Riva, F. Rossitto, L. Battocchio. Postural muscle atrophy prevention and recovery and bone remodelling through high frequency proprioception for astronauts. Acta Astronautica 65 (2009) 813-819.

DMW - Delos Multiaxis Wireless 3D Proprioceptive Board

Inner Balance Training This is the logo which identifies HF proprioceptive reprogramming according to the Riva Method. Inner balance is the common and decisive element on which the quality and safety of every human movement and every sports gesture depend.

Nowadays, the Delos Postural Proprioceptive System and the Riva Method constitute a technology and a methodology which are unique in the world for the assessment, training and rehabilitation of the control systems of inner balance and movement and for the prevention of functional deficits. With tests of short duration and easy application they measure visual dependence, proprioception, the visual-proprioceptive system, the activation of the vestibular system and possible precautionary strategies. Many athletes and professional teams find themselves competitively advantaged thanks to this efficient proprioceptive training. With high-frequency proprioceptive rehabilitation (Riva

Method) many people, whether involved in sport or not, have regained the articular stability and control of inner balance on which both the efficiency of movements in daily life and the quality of every sporting performance depend. Many people have reduced the risk of falling and improved their anti-gravity movements, adding quality to their lives, after a programme of prevention based on this methodology. The Delos Postural Proprioceptive System is today under close scrutiny by the world centres for space research because it may represent the most effective counter-measure in the prevention of damage caused by hypo-gravity or by the absence of gravity.

Armchair cheetahs by Dario Riva

DEB2 - Delos Equilibrium Board

Ananke 2008, second edition 2009

Starting from the observation of what we were once like, of what the great athletes are now like, of the recuperative capacities of subjects with motor disabilities and of experiences in the astronautical field, Dario Riva narrates how we have changed and proposes new ways of regaining motor abilities indispensable for guaranteeing an adequate and autonomous quality of life. Based on these principles and by means of hundreds of thousands of tests and work sessions with the Delos Postural Proprioceptive System System, Professor Riva and his research group have developed the most highly reputed know-how in the world, giving life to the Riva Method, the fundamental methodology in proprioceptive reprogramming.


Corso Lecce 15 - 10145 Torino (Italy) - Tel. +39 0117770341 -

Since the early 1990s Delos, leader in Proprioception, has been involved in research on the control mechanisms of balance and movement and in the development of innovative technologies for doctors, physiotherapists and sports trainers and technicians, for the assessment, training and rehabilitation of the systems involved. For over 15 years we have studied toplevel athletes in various sports disciplines, disabled athletes, healthy subjects of all ages and subjects with hip or knee prostheses, instability of the ankle and recurrent injuries, instability

of the knee and lesions to the ligaments, postural defects and neurological pathologies. We have observed the behaviour in the natural world of animal species capable of giving exceptional performances, like the cheetah and the gazelle. We have experimented extreme situations such as an underwater environment and the absence of gravity during parabolic flight. We have employed an elevated number of researchers and designers in a process of informationgathering based on hundreds of thousands of tests and work sessions.

h high frequency proprioception

D e l o s Po s t u r a l P ro p r i o c e p t i ve S y s t e m

D e l o s Po s t u r a l P ro p r i o c e p t i ve S y s t e m

Reawaken inner balance with h

What they say of us Claudio Berardelli DMW Wireless electronic rocking board with “3 degrees of freedom” and visualisation in real time of the movements on the x, y and z axis. Tridimensional view of the trials. It represents the completion of DEB2 proposal, widening the number of biomechanical and postural situations to be managed. The rolling surfaces with variable radius permit the proposal of increasing levels of instability.

Trainer of Olympic and world champions (800 and 1500m) and of Kenyan marathon-runners of the Rosa Nike Team. From the 800metres to the marathon, winning or losing a world or Olympic championship is a matter of seconds or fractions of seconds. The Riva Method and Delos are by now an irreplaceable part of our training programmes, not only for the prevention of injuries and the reduction of structural stress, but also for the improvement and harmonization of the propulsive forces and the gaining of decisive seconds.

Mirco Botta

Strength and conditioning coach, Italian National Team Figure Skating and Dance on Ice. Delos and the Riva Method have represented an authentic revolution in training methods for the optimization of balance and coordination, contributing decisively to our successes in the last ten years, from Fusarpoli-Margaglio to the present day.

DEB2 The second generation of the first electronic rocking board, with “a degree of freedom” and visual tracking of the micro-rolling of the point of support. Its exclusive rocking movement, combined with the subcortical visual tracking in real time, creates conditions of instability, capable of activating high frequency proprioceptive flows.

Roberto Bianchi

Strength and conditioning coach Basket Cantù A1 league. The almost total elimination of matches not played due to injury and the possibility for athletes to train with quality and continuity: an extraordinary result which has been vital for us at Cantù. The systematc utilization of Delos according to the Riva Method for two years (2006-2008) reduced injuries by 75% compared to the preceding two years (2004-2006). Last but not least: the ‘feeling’ for the instrument and the perception of its great utility on the part of all the athletes.

Giampiero Ventrone

Strength and conditioning coach, soccer (Napoli, Juventus, Siena, Livorno, Bari, Atalanta). I understood too late the competitive advantage represented by the Delos system and Riva Method. More strength available, greater technical quality, fewer injuries. This is why it will always accompany me in the continuation of my career.

Rehabilitation therapists M. De Angelis (Fisioequipe – Roma), E. Mohwinckel

(Fisiomovi – Como), A. Scarsini (Tolmezzo Hospital – UD) The reprogramming of the vertical control through Delos and the Riva Method is an irreplaceable element in any rehabilitative programme (from athletes to low motricity subjects). For us, furthermore, it is extremely important, in our relations with the patient, to be able to objectivize and monitor changes in the anti-gravity set-up.


Infrared sensor

High density proprioception from space The conditions for the development of rehablitation and training protocols with high density proprioception emerge from the first experiment on high frequency proprioception in zero gravity, carried out in 2005 during a parabolic flight over the Mexican Gulf.

D. Riva, F. Rossitto, L. Battocchio. Postural muscle atrophy prevention and recovery and bone remodelling through high frequency proprioception for astronauts. Acta Astronautica 65 (2009) 813-819.

DMW - Delos Multiaxis Wireless 3D Proprioceptive Board

Inner Balance Training This is the logo which identifies HF proprioceptive reprogramming according to the Riva Method. Inner balance is the common and decisive element on which the quality and safety of every human movement and every sports gesture depend.

Nowadays, the Delos Postural Proprioceptive System and the Riva Method constitute a technology and a methodology which are unique in the world for the assessment, training and rehabilitation of the control systems of inner balance and movement and for the prevention of functional deficits. With tests of short duration and easy application they measure visual dependence, proprioception, the visual-proprioceptive system, the activation of the vestibular system and possible precautionary strategies. Many athletes and professional teams find themselves competitively advantaged thanks to this efficient proprioceptive training. With high-frequency proprioceptive rehabilitation (Riva

Method) many people, whether involved in sport or not, have regained the articular stability and control of inner balance on which both the efficiency of movements in daily life and the quality of every sporting performance depend. Many people have reduced the risk of falling and improved their anti-gravity movements, adding quality to their lives, after a programme of prevention based on this methodology. The Delos Postural Proprioceptive System is today under close scrutiny by the world centres for space research because it may represent the most effective counter-measure in the prevention of damage caused by hypo-gravity or by the absence of gravity.

Armchair cheetahs by Dario Riva

DEB2 - Delos Equilibrium Board

Ananke 2008, second edition 2009

Starting from the observation of what we were once like, of what the great athletes are now like, of the recuperative capacities of subjects with motor disabilities and of experiences in the astronautical field, Dario Riva narrates how we have changed and proposes new ways of regaining motor abilities indispensable for guaranteeing an adequate and autonomous quality of life. Based on these principles and by means of hundreds of thousands of tests and work sessions with the Delos Postural Proprioceptive System System, Professor Riva and his research group have developed the most highly reputed know-how in the world, giving life to the Riva Method, the fundamental methodology in proprioceptive reprogramming.


Corso Lecce 15 - 10145 Torino (Italy) - Tel. +39 0117770341 -

Since the early 1990s Delos, leader in Proprioception, has been involved in research on the control mechanisms of balance and movement and in the development of innovative technologies for doctors, physiotherapists and sports trainers and technicians, for the assessment, training and rehabilitation of the systems involved. For over 15 years we have studied toplevel athletes in various sports disciplines, disabled athletes, healthy subjects of all ages and subjects with hip or knee prostheses, instability of the ankle and recurrent injuries, instability

of the knee and lesions to the ligaments, postural defects and neurological pathologies. We have observed the behaviour in the natural world of animal species capable of giving exceptional performances, like the cheetah and the gazelle. We have experimented extreme situations such as an underwater environment and the absence of gravity during parabolic flight. We have employed an elevated number of researchers and designers in a process of informationgathering based on hundreds of thousands of tests and work sessions.

Delos System: science and innovation DAD - Delos Assistant Desk*

DEB2 - Delos Equilibrium B o a rd

The second generation of the fir st electronic roc king board

DPPS 5.0: test and working protocols

DMW - Delos Multiaxis Wireless

Easy fast reliable tests

The Delos Multiaxis Wireless (DMW) 3D Proprioceptive Board is dedicated to professionals in the fields of rehabilitation and sport who seek the best qualitative result in proprioceptive reprogramming. It applies the Delos know-how, acquired in over 15 years’ research on the control mechanisms of balance and movement, and is dedicated both to high-level athletes

They measure strategies, postural/segmental stability and entropy. They investigate the influence of the proprioceptive, visual and vestibular information on posture, on the efficiency and safety of the antigravity movements, from the simplest to the most complex sporting gestures. All the tests can be carried out with the DVCs positioned at the same time on many segments (knees, pelvis, sternum, head, shoulders), monitoring segmental and intersegmental stability.

The device for the measurement of the “precautionary strategy”. The infrared sensor bar, in fact, provides a potential point of support, recording the contact of the hands. The monitor and keyboard surfaces and the “sensor bar”, all adjustable in height, make it immediately adaptable to patients and operators with different morphological characteristics and to the different functional demands of testing and/or training/rehabilitation.

Autonomy %

Autonomy %



90 80 70






It derives from the Static Test and evaluates proprioceptive decay. Very important for athletes to verify the endurance of the control system and to prevent injuries. It lasts 50 seconds and can be performed “on the field” before and after a competitive event or a training session.

Infrared sensor

The test assesses monopodalic postural stability. It quantifies entropy (disorder in movement control) and visuo-proprioceptive strategy. It forms the basis of high frequency proprioceptive reprogramming. Duration: 7 minutes

Stabilometric Test*

The test assesses stability in bipodalic stance under different sensory conditions. Duration: 2 minutes 40 seconds.

DVC can be placed on the trunk, head (nape or forehead: e.g. Fukuda-Alpini test) and on any other body segment (knee, thigh, shoulder, arm, lumbar-sacral zone). Stable surface








The rolling surfaces with variable radius permit the proposal of different levels of instability and the selective activation of the postural strategies.

Delos Postural Proprioceptive System

Pro DPPS Basic Sport

Delos Postural Explorer Delos Equilibrium Board 2 Delos Equilibrium Board light Delos Multiaxis Wireless

Delos Manager





• • • •


optional optional

Delos Equilibrium Board 2

Delos Assistant Desk

Delos Postural Bench

Delos Multiaxis Wireless

Delos Equilibrium Board light





DEB light

• • •

• •




optional optional


DEB light DMW




* For desktop PCs the presence of at least 6 usb ports is suggested, for notebooks at least 4 usb ports.


1,2 0,5

57,4 0











Dynamic Riva Test The first graph on the left represents an athlete with high instability of the ankle and compromised postural strategies. The second and third graphs show his progressive recovery of visuo-proprioceptive strategy by means of high frequency reprogramming.


Minimum requirements

Technical characteristics

Operating system required Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP3 32 bit or Microsoft Windows 7 Professional 32 bit Hardware Processor Intel Core 2 Duo® 2.6 GHz 800 FSB or superior, able to support the virtualization technology (Windows 7). RAM 3 Gb 800 MHz; hard disk 250 Gb SATA II 2Mb cache; 40 Gb free space on disk C. DVD reader. Colour monitor 1280 x 800 pixel. Delos DMW requires a graphic board with at least 256 Mb of dedicated video memory. One available usb port* for each DEB2 and DMW. One available usb port* for each DVC and for the IR sensor.

Products comply with the European Directive 93/42 for Medical Devices. No mains electrical connection. Non-slip wooden cover (DEB2 and DMW). Variable rocking range. Different combinations of visual feed-back and tracking. Reports with automatic interpretation of results (DPPS). 3D Graphics (DMW).

* The number of USB ports can be increased with a “HUB usb” device able to guarantee 500mA for each port.

The information in this brochure may be modified without prior warning. © 1997–2010 Delos s.r.l. All rights reserved. Delos Equilibrium Board® and DMW® are patented instruments. European patent n. 0862930 Delos Vertical Controller® – Patent Pending Riva Method and Inner Balance Training are registered marks.


8,3 3,7 11,4 0











0,0 100



STRATEGIES % Precautionary Visuo-Proprioceptive refined low entropy Vestibular

0,0 0











*Report printing. The test provides the immediate printable report with automatic interpretation of the results that can be extended by including a personal comment or by choosing one from those available in the archives.



60% Right 50° 25°




10° 10



OPEN eyes






Left 100











90 80%



4,2 6,2 60%

60 50 40 30







50° 25° 10°

10 20





and to low motricity subjects, with the possibility of working, in absolute safety and efficiency, at different levels of instability in monopodalic, bipodalic and seated position. In training and rehabilitative activity it is complementary to and synergic with the DEB2, extending the number of biomechanical and postural situations which the subject has to manage and permitting

Right 1,81







Excellent (0° - 1°) Good (1° - 2,5°) Fair (2,5° - 5°) Sufficient (5° - 9°) Hand on support (> 10%)

Dynamic Riva Test (seated)* DPB - DELOS POSTURAL BENCH It permits the carrying out of tests and specific training “seated on DEB and on DMW” for the monitoring and the trophic-functional reactivation of the stabilizing muscles of the spine, the abdomen and the scapulo-thoracic joint. The vertically adjustable support surface allows for the correct positioning of the board for working with the feet not on the ground.


10 10

The test evaluates stability of the head and head-trunk coordination while stepping (2 DVCs required). Duration: 50 seconds.

The test assesses the functional stability of the pelvis-spine system. Duration: 5 minutes 30 seconds.



The zones below the horizontal red line are at high risk of fall.

Fukuda-Alpini Test*





Dynamic Riva Test* (monopodalic)



Static Riva Test* (monopodalic)

It evaluates the proprioceptive strategy, visual dependence and the risk of fall. Whatever the level of motricity, this test is indispensable. Duration: 2 minutes.




Proprioceptive Decay Riva Test

Delos Vertical Controller





90 80%



DVC - DELOS VERTICAL CONTROLLER The postural reader that measures the subject’s levels of stability in static and dynamic monopodalic, bipodalic and seated conditions. It records and visualizes in real time the movements on the frontal and sagittal planes in relation to the vertical axis.

* DAD allows even subjects with low levels of motor abilities, old age or motor problems, to quickly and spontaneously reach total autonomy in managing situations of high instability.



3D - Propr ioceptive Board














the exploration of the entire joint range. The rolling surfaces with variable radius propose increasing levels of instability and, adapting themselves perfectly to the motor capacities of the subject, induce an improvement in performance. The visualisation in real time of the movements on the x, y and z axis permits in practice an efficient visual link, tracking the user with different typologies of traces: radar, bar, line and comet. The subsequent aperture of the trials with tridimensional representation permits an immediate and intuitive understanding of the quality of the trial carried out. The DMW can be combined with Delos Vertical Controllers DVCs for postural control (DVC feedback can be supplied with different

visualizations). The DMW software has been designed to satisfy the highest professional demands in the acquisition and analysis of data and is utilizable even by users who are not very skilled in the use of a PC. The search filters facilitate the utilization of the numerous protocols and single trial models already structured and ready for use according to the procedures typical of search engines on internet. The Delos Multiaxis Wireless (DMW) 3D Proprioceptive Board integrates and completes the DEB2 proposal and is the most advanced electronic proprioceptive rolling board with 3 degrees of freedom currently available on the world market.

Static Riva Test The two upper graphs depict a 78-year-old subject with high risk of fall (he fell with kneecap fracture two months after the test). The two lower graphs show the same subject six months later after high frequency proprioceptive reprogramming. We can see a significant reduction of the precautionary strategy, an increase in stability and the exit from the risk zone. In daily life the patient was able to regain safety and spontaneity of movement which he had not experienced in years.

The Riva Method The Delos system is based on the Riva Method, that is, on high frequency proprioceptive reprogramming for the recovery of stability and the improvement of efficiency of movement both in athletes and in pathological situations where motor activity is highly compromised (going beyond the limits of classical physiotherapy). In rehabilitation the Riva Method mobilizes to the utmost the “functional reserves” which are present in all subjects and in particular in those affected by a pathology. The operator can select work sessions capable of proceeding automatically, lasting from a few minutes to over 40 minutes without the need for further intervention.The method also allows for the personalization of existing work protocols or the creation of new ones, starting from over 500 specific protocols and work sessions already available.The use of DPPS and DMW permits functional results which are otherwise unattainable, reducing re-education times and stabilizing the modifications induced by manual techniques. In sport the Riva Method permits the athlete to express his full talent, protecting him from injury. It reduces entropy and reprogrammes the proprioceptive strategies, significantly improving performance and the quality of technical gestures without disturbing the acquired automatisms. Proprioceptive endurance training reduces energy consumption and structural stress on body structures while at the same time increasing their mechanical tolerance. For this reason the Riva Method reduces sprains, overuse syndromes (tendinitis, pubalgia, fascitis, etc) and lumbar back pain by over 70%. Finally, it permits the monitoring of neuroendocrinal fatigue and prevents overtraining. In prevention the Riva Method precociously highlights and quantifies the risk of falling in the elderly, actuating adequate preventive protocols. Moreover, it identifies and counteracts two situations responsible for osteoporosis: postural instability and instability of the spine.

3D visualisation on the reopening of the trial permits the highlighting both of the positions of the board which the subject has explored most frequently (frequency peaks) and of the amplitude of exploration and its correpondence with the assigned task.

Radar visualization in real time of the movements of the board on 3 axis x, y and z. The presence of a “tail” in the visualization helps the subject in tracking the trace. The small green circle in the two figures represents the circular movements of the DMW in relation to the z axis.

DELOS SYSTEM - Areas of utilization Rehabilitative area

Sports area

- Functional instability (ankle, knee, spine)

- Reduction of entropy and “parasitic” movements

- Pre-post LCA reconstruction

- Prevention of acute and chronic injuries (sprains, muscle and tendon lesions)

- Postural alterations. Scoliosis. - Degenerative pathologies (gonarthrosis and coxar throsis, pre-post prostheses)

- Increase in “expressible” power

- Balance disorders and dizziness syndromes. Cranio-mandibular disorders.

- Development of proprioceptive endurance (prevention of proprioceptive decay)

- Neurological pathologies (Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, peripheral neuropaties).

- Monitoring of neuroendocrinal fatigue and prevention of overtraining

- Chronic venous insufficiency in the lower limbs.

- Improvement in the quality of sports gestures

Delos System: science and innovation DAD - Delos Assistant Desk*

DEB2 - Delos Equilibrium B o a rd

The second generation of the fir st electronic roc king board

DPPS 5.0: test and working protocols

DMW - Delos Multiaxis Wireless

Easy fast reliable tests

The Delos Multiaxis Wireless (DMW) 3D Proprioceptive Board is dedicated to professionals in the fields of rehabilitation and sport who seek the best qualitative result in proprioceptive reprogramming. It applies the Delos know-how, acquired in over 15 years’ research on the control mechanisms of balance and movement, and is dedicated both to high-level athletes

They measure strategies, postural/segmental stability and entropy. They investigate the influence of the proprioceptive, visual and vestibular information on posture, on the efficiency and safety of the antigravity movements, from the simplest to the most complex sporting gestures. All the tests can be carried out with the DVCs positioned at the same time on many segments (knees, pelvis, sternum, head, shoulders), monitoring segmental and intersegmental stability.

The device for the measurement of the “precautionary strategy”. The infrared sensor bar, in fact, provides a potential point of support, recording the contact of the hands. The monitor and keyboard surfaces and the “sensor bar”, all adjustable in height, make it immediately adaptable to patients and operators with different morphological characteristics and to the different functional demands of testing and/or training/rehabilitation.

Autonomy %

Autonomy %



90 80 70






It derives from the Static Test and evaluates proprioceptive decay. Very important for athletes to verify the endurance of the control system and to prevent injuries. It lasts 50 seconds and can be performed “on the field” before and after a competitive event or a training session.

Infrared sensor

The test assesses monopodalic postural stability. It quantifies entropy (disorder in movement control) and visuo-proprioceptive strategy. It forms the basis of high frequency proprioceptive reprogramming. Duration: 7 minutes

Stabilometric Test*

The test assesses stability in bipodalic stance under different sensory conditions. Duration: 2 minutes 40 seconds.

DVC can be placed on the trunk, head (nape or forehead: e.g. Fukuda-Alpini test) and on any other body segment (knee, thigh, shoulder, arm, lumbar-sacral zone). Stable surface








The rolling surfaces with variable radius permit the proposal of different levels of instability and the selective activation of the postural strategies.

Delos Postural Proprioceptive System

Pro DPPS Basic Sport

Delos Postural Explorer Delos Equilibrium Board 2 Delos Equilibrium Board light Delos Multiaxis Wireless

Delos Manager





• • • •


optional optional

Delos Equilibrium Board 2

Delos Assistant Desk

Delos Postural Bench

Delos Multiaxis Wireless

Delos Equilibrium Board light





DEB light

• • •

• •




optional optional


DEB light DMW




* For desktop PCs the presence of at least 6 usb ports is suggested, for notebooks at least 4 usb ports.


1,2 0,5

57,4 0











Dynamic Riva Test The first graph on the left represents an athlete with high instability of the ankle and compromised postural strategies. The second and third graphs show his progressive recovery of visuo-proprioceptive strategy by means of high frequency reprogramming.


Minimum requirements

Technical characteristics

Operating system required Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP3 32 bit or Microsoft Windows 7 Professional 32 bit Hardware Processor Intel Core 2 Duo® 2.6 GHz 800 FSB or superior, able to support the virtualization technology (Windows 7). RAM 3 Gb 800 MHz; hard disk 250 Gb SATA II 2Mb cache; 40 Gb free space on disk C. DVD reader. Colour monitor 1280 x 800 pixel. Delos DMW requires a graphic board with at least 256 Mb of dedicated video memory. One available usb port* for each DEB2 and DMW. One available usb port* for each DVC and for the IR sensor.

Products comply with the European Directive 93/42 for Medical Devices. No mains electrical connection. Non-slip wooden cover (DEB2 and DMW). Variable rocking range. Different combinations of visual feed-back and tracking. Reports with automatic interpretation of results (DPPS). 3D Graphics (DMW).

* The number of USB ports can be increased with a “HUB usb” device able to guarantee 500mA for each port.

The information in this brochure may be modified without prior warning. © 1997–2010 Delos s.r.l. All rights reserved. Delos Equilibrium Board® and DMW® are patented instruments. European patent n. 0862930 Delos Vertical Controller® – Patent Pending Riva Method and Inner Balance Training are registered marks.


8,3 3,7 11,4 0











0,0 100



STRATEGIES % Precautionary Visuo-Proprioceptive refined low entropy Vestibular

0,0 0











*Report printing. The test provides the immediate printable report with automatic interpretation of the results that can be extended by including a personal comment or by choosing one from those available in the archives.



60% Right 50° 25°




10° 10



OPEN eyes






Left 100











90 80%



4,2 6,2 60%

60 50 40 30







50° 25° 10°

10 20





and to low motricity subjects, with the possibility of working, in absolute safety and efficiency, at different levels of instability in monopodalic, bipodalic and seated position. In training and rehabilitative activity it is complementary to and synergic with the DEB2, extending the number of biomechanical and postural situations which the subject has to manage and permitting

Right 1,81







Excellent (0° - 1°) Good (1° - 2,5°) Fair (2,5° - 5°) Sufficient (5° - 9°) Hand on support (> 10%)

Dynamic Riva Test (seated)* DPB - DELOS POSTURAL BENCH It permits the carrying out of tests and specific training “seated on DEB and on DMW” for the monitoring and the trophic-functional reactivation of the stabilizing muscles of the spine, the abdomen and the scapulo-thoracic joint. The vertically adjustable support surface allows for the correct positioning of the board for working with the feet not on the ground.


10 10

The test evaluates stability of the head and head-trunk coordination while stepping (2 DVCs required). Duration: 50 seconds.

The test assesses the functional stability of the pelvis-spine system. Duration: 5 minutes 30 seconds.



The zones below the horizontal red line are at high risk of fall.

Fukuda-Alpini Test*





Dynamic Riva Test* (monopodalic)



Static Riva Test* (monopodalic)

It evaluates the proprioceptive strategy, visual dependence and the risk of fall. Whatever the level of motricity, this test is indispensable. Duration: 2 minutes.




Proprioceptive Decay Riva Test

Delos Vertical Controller





90 80%



DVC - DELOS VERTICAL CONTROLLER The postural reader that measures the subject’s levels of stability in static and dynamic monopodalic, bipodalic and seated conditions. It records and visualizes in real time the movements on the frontal and sagittal planes in relation to the vertical axis.

* DAD allows even subjects with low levels of motor abilities, old age or motor problems, to quickly and spontaneously reach total autonomy in managing situations of high instability.



3D - Propr ioceptive Board














the exploration of the entire joint range. The rolling surfaces with variable radius propose increasing levels of instability and, adapting themselves perfectly to the motor capacities of the subject, induce an improvement in performance. The visualisation in real time of the movements on the x, y and z axis permits in practice an efficient visual link, tracking the user with different typologies of traces: radar, bar, line and comet. The subsequent aperture of the trials with tridimensional representation permits an immediate and intuitive understanding of the quality of the trial carried out. The DMW can be combined with Delos Vertical Controllers DVCs for postural control (DVC feedback can be supplied with different

visualizations). The DMW software has been designed to satisfy the highest professional demands in the acquisition and analysis of data and is utilizable even by users who are not very skilled in the use of a PC. The search filters facilitate the utilization of the numerous protocols and single trial models already structured and ready for use according to the procedures typical of search engines on internet. The Delos Multiaxis Wireless (DMW) 3D Proprioceptive Board integrates and completes the DEB2 proposal and is the most advanced electronic proprioceptive rolling board with 3 degrees of freedom currently available on the world market.

Static Riva Test The two upper graphs depict a 78-year-old subject with high risk of fall (he fell with kneecap fracture two months after the test). The two lower graphs show the same subject six months later after high frequency proprioceptive reprogramming. We can see a significant reduction of the precautionary strategy, an increase in stability and the exit from the risk zone. In daily life the patient was able to regain safety and spontaneity of movement which he had not experienced in years.

The Riva Method The Delos system is based on the Riva Method, that is, on high frequency proprioceptive reprogramming for the recovery of stability and the improvement of efficiency of movement both in athletes and in pathological situations where motor activity is highly compromised (going beyond the limits of classical physiotherapy). In rehabilitation the Riva Method mobilizes to the utmost the “functional reserves” which are present in all subjects and in particular in those affected by a pathology. The operator can select work sessions capable of proceeding automatically, lasting from a few minutes to over 40 minutes without the need for further intervention.The method also allows for the personalization of existing work protocols or the creation of new ones, starting from over 500 specific protocols and work sessions already available.The use of DPPS and DMW permits functional results which are otherwise unattainable, reducing re-education times and stabilizing the modifications induced by manual techniques. In sport the Riva Method permits the athlete to express his full talent, protecting him from injury. It reduces entropy and reprogrammes the proprioceptive strategies, significantly improving performance and the quality of technical gestures without disturbing the acquired automatisms. Proprioceptive endurance training reduces energy consumption and structural stress on body structures while at the same time increasing their mechanical tolerance. For this reason the Riva Method reduces sprains, overuse syndromes (tendinitis, pubalgia, fascitis, etc) and lumbar back pain by over 70%. Finally, it permits the monitoring of neuroendocrinal fatigue and prevents overtraining. In prevention the Riva Method precociously highlights and quantifies the risk of falling in the elderly, actuating adequate preventive protocols. Moreover, it identifies and counteracts two situations responsible for osteoporosis: postural instability and instability of the spine.

3D visualisation on the reopening of the trial permits the highlighting both of the positions of the board which the subject has explored most frequently (frequency peaks) and of the amplitude of exploration and its correpondence with the assigned task.

Radar visualization in real time of the movements of the board on 3 axis x, y and z. The presence of a “tail” in the visualization helps the subject in tracking the trace. The small green circle in the two figures represents the circular movements of the DMW in relation to the z axis.

DELOS SYSTEM - Areas of utilization Rehabilitative area

Sports area

- Functional instability (ankle, knee, spine)

- Reduction of entropy and “parasitic” movements

- Pre-post LCA reconstruction

- Prevention of acute and chronic injuries (sprains, muscle and tendon lesions)

- Postural alterations. Scoliosis. - Degenerative pathologies (gonarthrosis and coxar throsis, pre-post prostheses)

- Increase in “expressible” power

- Balance disorders and dizziness syndromes. Cranio-mandibular disorders.

- Development of proprioceptive endurance (prevention of proprioceptive decay)

- Neurological pathologies (Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, peripheral neuropaties).

- Monitoring of neuroendocrinal fatigue and prevention of overtraining

- Chronic venous insufficiency in the lower limbs.

- Improvement in the quality of sports gestures

Delos System: science and innovation DAD - Delos Assistant Desk*

DEB2 - Delos Equilibrium B o a rd

The second generation of the fir st electronic roc king board

DPPS 5.0: test and working protocols

DMW - Delos Multiaxis Wireless

Easy fast reliable tests

The Delos Multiaxis Wireless (DMW) 3D Proprioceptive Board is dedicated to professionals in the fields of rehabilitation and sport who seek the best qualitative result in proprioceptive reprogramming. It applies the Delos know-how, acquired in over 15 years’ research on the control mechanisms of balance and movement, and is dedicated both to high-level athletes

They measure strategies, postural/segmental stability and entropy. They investigate the influence of the proprioceptive, visual and vestibular information on posture, on the efficiency and safety of the antigravity movements, from the simplest to the most complex sporting gestures. All the tests can be carried out with the DVCs positioned at the same time on many segments (knees, pelvis, sternum, head, shoulders), monitoring segmental and intersegmental stability.

The device for the measurement of the “precautionary strategy”. The infrared sensor bar, in fact, provides a potential point of support, recording the contact of the hands. The monitor and keyboard surfaces and the “sensor bar”, all adjustable in height, make it immediately adaptable to patients and operators with different morphological characteristics and to the different functional demands of testing and/or training/rehabilitation.

Autonomy %

Autonomy %



90 80 70






It derives from the Static Test and evaluates proprioceptive decay. Very important for athletes to verify the endurance of the control system and to prevent injuries. It lasts 50 seconds and can be performed “on the field” before and after a competitive event or a training session.

Infrared sensor

The test assesses monopodalic postural stability. It quantifies entropy (disorder in movement control) and visuo-proprioceptive strategy. It forms the basis of high frequency proprioceptive reprogramming. Duration: 7 minutes

Stabilometric Test*

The test assesses stability in bipodalic stance under different sensory conditions. Duration: 2 minutes 40 seconds.

DVC can be placed on the trunk, head (nape or forehead: e.g. Fukuda-Alpini test) and on any other body segment (knee, thigh, shoulder, arm, lumbar-sacral zone). Stable surface








The rolling surfaces with variable radius permit the proposal of different levels of instability and the selective activation of the postural strategies.

Delos Postural Proprioceptive System

Pro DPPS Basic Sport

Delos Postural Explorer Delos Equilibrium Board 2 Delos Equilibrium Board light Delos Multiaxis Wireless

Delos Manager





• • • •


optional optional

Delos Equilibrium Board 2

Delos Assistant Desk

Delos Postural Bench

Delos Multiaxis Wireless

Delos Equilibrium Board light





DEB light

• • •

• •




optional optional


DEB light DMW




* For desktop PCs the presence of at least 6 usb ports is suggested, for notebooks at least 4 usb ports.


1,2 0,5

57,4 0











Dynamic Riva Test The first graph on the left represents an athlete with high instability of the ankle and compromised postural strategies. The second and third graphs show his progressive recovery of visuo-proprioceptive strategy by means of high frequency reprogramming.


Minimum requirements

Technical characteristics

Operating system required Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP3 32 bit or Microsoft Windows 7 Professional 32 bit Hardware Processor Intel Core 2 Duo® 2.6 GHz 800 FSB or superior, able to support the virtualization technology (Windows 7). RAM 3 Gb 800 MHz; hard disk 250 Gb SATA II 2Mb cache; 40 Gb free space on disk C. DVD reader. Colour monitor 1280 x 800 pixel. Delos DMW requires a graphic board with at least 256 Mb of dedicated video memory. One available usb port* for each DEB2 and DMW. One available usb port* for each DVC and for the IR sensor.

Products comply with the European Directive 93/42 for Medical Devices. No mains electrical connection. Non-slip wooden cover (DEB2 and DMW). Variable rocking range. Different combinations of visual feed-back and tracking. Reports with automatic interpretation of results (DPPS). 3D Graphics (DMW).

* The number of USB ports can be increased with a “HUB usb” device able to guarantee 500mA for each port.

The information in this brochure may be modified without prior warning. © 1997–2010 Delos s.r.l. All rights reserved. Delos Equilibrium Board® and DMW® are patented instruments. European patent n. 0862930 Delos Vertical Controller® – Patent Pending Riva Method and Inner Balance Training are registered marks.


8,3 3,7 11,4 0











0,0 100



STRATEGIES % Precautionary Visuo-Proprioceptive refined low entropy Vestibular

0,0 0











*Report printing. The test provides the immediate printable report with automatic interpretation of the results that can be extended by including a personal comment or by choosing one from those available in the archives.



60% Right 50° 25°




10° 10



OPEN eyes






Left 100











90 80%



4,2 6,2 60%

60 50 40 30







50° 25° 10°

10 20





and to low motricity subjects, with the possibility of working, in absolute safety and efficiency, at different levels of instability in monopodalic, bipodalic and seated position. In training and rehabilitative activity it is complementary to and synergic with the DEB2, extending the number of biomechanical and postural situations which the subject has to manage and permitting

Right 1,81







Excellent (0° - 1°) Good (1° - 2,5°) Fair (2,5° - 5°) Sufficient (5° - 9°) Hand on support (> 10%)

Dynamic Riva Test (seated)* DPB - DELOS POSTURAL BENCH It permits the carrying out of tests and specific training “seated on DEB and on DMW” for the monitoring and the trophic-functional reactivation of the stabilizing muscles of the spine, the abdomen and the scapulo-thoracic joint. The vertically adjustable support surface allows for the correct positioning of the board for working with the feet not on the ground.


10 10

The test evaluates stability of the head and head-trunk coordination while stepping (2 DVCs required). Duration: 50 seconds.

The test assesses the functional stability of the pelvis-spine system. Duration: 5 minutes 30 seconds.



The zones below the horizontal red line are at high risk of fall.

Fukuda-Alpini Test*





Dynamic Riva Test* (monopodalic)



Static Riva Test* (monopodalic)

It evaluates the proprioceptive strategy, visual dependence and the risk of fall. Whatever the level of motricity, this test is indispensable. Duration: 2 minutes.




Proprioceptive Decay Riva Test

Delos Vertical Controller





90 80%



DVC - DELOS VERTICAL CONTROLLER The postural reader that measures the subject’s levels of stability in static and dynamic monopodalic, bipodalic and seated conditions. It records and visualizes in real time the movements on the frontal and sagittal planes in relation to the vertical axis.

* DAD allows even subjects with low levels of motor abilities, old age or motor problems, to quickly and spontaneously reach total autonomy in managing situations of high instability.



3D - Propr ioceptive Board














the exploration of the entire joint range. The rolling surfaces with variable radius propose increasing levels of instability and, adapting themselves perfectly to the motor capacities of the subject, induce an improvement in performance. The visualisation in real time of the movements on the x, y and z axis permits in practice an efficient visual link, tracking the user with different typologies of traces: radar, bar, line and comet. The subsequent aperture of the trials with tridimensional representation permits an immediate and intuitive understanding of the quality of the trial carried out. The DMW can be combined with Delos Vertical Controllers DVCs for postural control (DVC feedback can be supplied with different

visualizations). The DMW software has been designed to satisfy the highest professional demands in the acquisition and analysis of data and is utilizable even by users who are not very skilled in the use of a PC. The search filters facilitate the utilization of the numerous protocols and single trial models already structured and ready for use according to the procedures typical of search engines on internet. The Delos Multiaxis Wireless (DMW) 3D Proprioceptive Board integrates and completes the DEB2 proposal and is the most advanced electronic proprioceptive rolling board with 3 degrees of freedom currently available on the world market.

Static Riva Test The two upper graphs depict a 78-year-old subject with high risk of fall (he fell with kneecap fracture two months after the test). The two lower graphs show the same subject six months later after high frequency proprioceptive reprogramming. We can see a significant reduction of the precautionary strategy, an increase in stability and the exit from the risk zone. In daily life the patient was able to regain safety and spontaneity of movement which he had not experienced in years.

The Riva Method The Delos system is based on the Riva Method, that is, on high frequency proprioceptive reprogramming for the recovery of stability and the improvement of efficiency of movement both in athletes and in pathological situations where motor activity is highly compromised (going beyond the limits of classical physiotherapy). In rehabilitation the Riva Method mobilizes to the utmost the “functional reserves” which are present in all subjects and in particular in those affected by a pathology. The operator can select work sessions capable of proceeding automatically, lasting from a few minutes to over 40 minutes without the need for further intervention.The method also allows for the personalization of existing work protocols or the creation of new ones, starting from over 500 specific protocols and work sessions already available.The use of DPPS and DMW permits functional results which are otherwise unattainable, reducing re-education times and stabilizing the modifications induced by manual techniques. In sport the Riva Method permits the athlete to express his full talent, protecting him from injury. It reduces entropy and reprogrammes the proprioceptive strategies, significantly improving performance and the quality of technical gestures without disturbing the acquired automatisms. Proprioceptive endurance training reduces energy consumption and structural stress on body structures while at the same time increasing their mechanical tolerance. For this reason the Riva Method reduces sprains, overuse syndromes (tendinitis, pubalgia, fascitis, etc) and lumbar back pain by over 70%. Finally, it permits the monitoring of neuroendocrinal fatigue and prevents overtraining. In prevention the Riva Method precociously highlights and quantifies the risk of falling in the elderly, actuating adequate preventive protocols. Moreover, it identifies and counteracts two situations responsible for osteoporosis: postural instability and instability of the spine.

3D visualisation on the reopening of the trial permits the highlighting both of the positions of the board which the subject has explored most frequently (frequency peaks) and of the amplitude of exploration and its correpondence with the assigned task.

Radar visualization in real time of the movements of the board on 3 axis x, y and z. The presence of a “tail” in the visualization helps the subject in tracking the trace. The small green circle in the two figures represents the circular movements of the DMW in relation to the z axis.

DELOS SYSTEM - Areas of utilization Rehabilitative area

Sports area

- Functional instability (ankle, knee, spine)

- Reduction of entropy and “parasitic” movements

- Pre-post LCA reconstruction

- Prevention of acute and chronic injuries (sprains, muscle and tendon lesions)

- Postural alterations. Scoliosis. - Degenerative pathologies (gonarthrosis and coxar throsis, pre-post prostheses)

- Increase in “expressible” power

- Balance disorders and dizziness syndromes. Cranio-mandibular disorders.

- Development of proprioceptive endurance (prevention of proprioceptive decay)

- Neurological pathologies (Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, peripheral neuropaties).

- Monitoring of neuroendocrinal fatigue and prevention of overtraining

- Chronic venous insufficiency in the lower limbs.

- Improvement in the quality of sports gestures

Delos System: science and innovation DAD - Delos Assistant Desk*

DEB2 - Delos Equilibrium B o a rd

The second generation of the fir st electronic roc king board

DPPS 5.0: test and working protocols

DMW - Delos Multiaxis Wireless

Easy fast reliable tests

The Delos Multiaxis Wireless (DMW) 3D Proprioceptive Board is dedicated to professionals in the fields of rehabilitation and sport who seek the best qualitative result in proprioceptive reprogramming. It applies the Delos know-how, acquired in over 15 years’ research on the control mechanisms of balance and movement, and is dedicated both to high-level athletes

They measure strategies, postural/segmental stability and entropy. They investigate the influence of the proprioceptive, visual and vestibular information on posture, on the efficiency and safety of the antigravity movements, from the simplest to the most complex sporting gestures. All the tests can be carried out with the DVCs positioned at the same time on many segments (knees, pelvis, sternum, head, shoulders), monitoring segmental and intersegmental stability.

The device for the measurement of the “precautionary strategy”. The infrared sensor bar, in fact, provides a potential point of support, recording the contact of the hands. The monitor and keyboard surfaces and the “sensor bar”, all adjustable in height, make it immediately adaptable to patients and operators with different morphological characteristics and to the different functional demands of testing and/or training/rehabilitation.

Autonomy %

Autonomy %



90 80 70






It derives from the Static Test and evaluates proprioceptive decay. Very important for athletes to verify the endurance of the control system and to prevent injuries. It lasts 50 seconds and can be performed “on the field” before and after a competitive event or a training session.

Infrared sensor

The test assesses monopodalic postural stability. It quantifies entropy (disorder in movement control) and visuo-proprioceptive strategy. It forms the basis of high frequency proprioceptive reprogramming. Duration: 7 minutes

Stabilometric Test*

The test assesses stability in bipodalic stance under different sensory conditions. Duration: 2 minutes 40 seconds.

DVC can be placed on the trunk, head (nape or forehead: e.g. Fukuda-Alpini test) and on any other body segment (knee, thigh, shoulder, arm, lumbar-sacral zone). Stable surface








The rolling surfaces with variable radius permit the proposal of different levels of instability and the selective activation of the postural strategies.

Delos Postural Proprioceptive System

Pro DPPS Basic Sport

Delos Postural Explorer Delos Equilibrium Board 2 Delos Equilibrium Board light Delos Multiaxis Wireless

Delos Manager





• • • •


optional optional

Delos Equilibrium Board 2

Delos Assistant Desk

Delos Postural Bench

Delos Multiaxis Wireless

Delos Equilibrium Board light





DEB light

• • •

• •




optional optional


DEB light DMW




* For desktop PCs the presence of at least 6 usb ports is suggested, for notebooks at least 4 usb ports.


1,2 0,5

57,4 0











Dynamic Riva Test The first graph on the left represents an athlete with high instability of the ankle and compromised postural strategies. The second and third graphs show his progressive recovery of visuo-proprioceptive strategy by means of high frequency reprogramming.


Minimum requirements

Technical characteristics

Operating system required Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP3 32 bit or Microsoft Windows 7 Professional 32 bit Hardware Processor Intel Core 2 Duo® 2.6 GHz 800 FSB or superior, able to support the virtualization technology (Windows 7). RAM 3 Gb 800 MHz; hard disk 250 Gb SATA II 2Mb cache; 40 Gb free space on disk C. DVD reader. Colour monitor 1280 x 800 pixel. Delos DMW requires a graphic board with at least 256 Mb of dedicated video memory. One available usb port* for each DEB2 and DMW. One available usb port* for each DVC and for the IR sensor.

Products comply with the European Directive 93/42 for Medical Devices. No mains electrical connection. Non-slip wooden cover (DEB2 and DMW). Variable rocking range. Different combinations of visual feed-back and tracking. Reports with automatic interpretation of results (DPPS). 3D Graphics (DMW).

* The number of USB ports can be increased with a “HUB usb” device able to guarantee 500mA for each port.

The information in this brochure may be modified without prior warning. © 1997–2010 Delos s.r.l. All rights reserved. Delos Equilibrium Board® and DMW® are patented instruments. European patent n. 0862930 Delos Vertical Controller® – Patent Pending Riva Method and Inner Balance Training are registered marks.


8,3 3,7 11,4 0











0,0 100



STRATEGIES % Precautionary Visuo-Proprioceptive refined low entropy Vestibular

0,0 0











*Report printing. The test provides the immediate printable report with automatic interpretation of the results that can be extended by including a personal comment or by choosing one from those available in the archives.



60% Right 50° 25°




10° 10



OPEN eyes






Left 100











90 80%



4,2 6,2 60%

60 50 40 30







50° 25° 10°

10 20





and to low motricity subjects, with the possibility of working, in absolute safety and efficiency, at different levels of instability in monopodalic, bipodalic and seated position. In training and rehabilitative activity it is complementary to and synergic with the DEB2, extending the number of biomechanical and postural situations which the subject has to manage and permitting

Right 1,81







Excellent (0° - 1°) Good (1° - 2,5°) Fair (2,5° - 5°) Sufficient (5° - 9°) Hand on support (> 10%)

Dynamic Riva Test (seated)* DPB - DELOS POSTURAL BENCH It permits the carrying out of tests and specific training “seated on DEB and on DMW” for the monitoring and the trophic-functional reactivation of the stabilizing muscles of the spine, the abdomen and the scapulo-thoracic joint. The vertically adjustable support surface allows for the correct positioning of the board for working with the feet not on the ground.


10 10

The test evaluates stability of the head and head-trunk coordination while stepping (2 DVCs required). Duration: 50 seconds.

The test assesses the functional stability of the pelvis-spine system. Duration: 5 minutes 30 seconds.



The zones below the horizontal red line are at high risk of fall.

Fukuda-Alpini Test*





Dynamic Riva Test* (monopodalic)



Static Riva Test* (monopodalic)

It evaluates the proprioceptive strategy, visual dependence and the risk of fall. Whatever the level of motricity, this test is indispensable. Duration: 2 minutes.




Proprioceptive Decay Riva Test

Delos Vertical Controller





90 80%



DVC - DELOS VERTICAL CONTROLLER The postural reader that measures the subject’s levels of stability in static and dynamic monopodalic, bipodalic and seated conditions. It records and visualizes in real time the movements on the frontal and sagittal planes in relation to the vertical axis.

* DAD allows even subjects with low levels of motor abilities, old age or motor problems, to quickly and spontaneously reach total autonomy in managing situations of high instability.



3D - Propr ioceptive Board














the exploration of the entire joint range. The rolling surfaces with variable radius propose increasing levels of instability and, adapting themselves perfectly to the motor capacities of the subject, induce an improvement in performance. The visualisation in real time of the movements on the x, y and z axis permits in practice an efficient visual link, tracking the user with different typologies of traces: radar, bar, line and comet. The subsequent aperture of the trials with tridimensional representation permits an immediate and intuitive understanding of the quality of the trial carried out. The DMW can be combined with Delos Vertical Controllers DVCs for postural control (DVC feedback can be supplied with different

visualizations). The DMW software has been designed to satisfy the highest professional demands in the acquisition and analysis of data and is utilizable even by users who are not very skilled in the use of a PC. The search filters facilitate the utilization of the numerous protocols and single trial models already structured and ready for use according to the procedures typical of search engines on internet. The Delos Multiaxis Wireless (DMW) 3D Proprioceptive Board integrates and completes the DEB2 proposal and is the most advanced electronic proprioceptive rolling board with 3 degrees of freedom currently available on the world market.

Static Riva Test The two upper graphs depict a 78-year-old subject with high risk of fall (he fell with kneecap fracture two months after the test). The two lower graphs show the same subject six months later after high frequency proprioceptive reprogramming. We can see a significant reduction of the precautionary strategy, an increase in stability and the exit from the risk zone. In daily life the patient was able to regain safety and spontaneity of movement which he had not experienced in years.

The Riva Method The Delos system is based on the Riva Method, that is, on high frequency proprioceptive reprogramming for the recovery of stability and the improvement of efficiency of movement both in athletes and in pathological situations where motor activity is highly compromised (going beyond the limits of classical physiotherapy). In rehabilitation the Riva Method mobilizes to the utmost the “functional reserves” which are present in all subjects and in particular in those affected by a pathology. The operator can select work sessions capable of proceeding automatically, lasting from a few minutes to over 40 minutes without the need for further intervention.The method also allows for the personalization of existing work protocols or the creation of new ones, starting from over 500 specific protocols and work sessions already available.The use of DPPS and DMW permits functional results which are otherwise unattainable, reducing re-education times and stabilizing the modifications induced by manual techniques. In sport the Riva Method permits the athlete to express his full talent, protecting him from injury. It reduces entropy and reprogrammes the proprioceptive strategies, significantly improving performance and the quality of technical gestures without disturbing the acquired automatisms. Proprioceptive endurance training reduces energy consumption and structural stress on body structures while at the same time increasing their mechanical tolerance. For this reason the Riva Method reduces sprains, overuse syndromes (tendinitis, pubalgia, fascitis, etc) and lumbar back pain by over 70%. Finally, it permits the monitoring of neuroendocrinal fatigue and prevents overtraining. In prevention the Riva Method precociously highlights and quantifies the risk of falling in the elderly, actuating adequate preventive protocols. Moreover, it identifies and counteracts two situations responsible for osteoporosis: postural instability and instability of the spine.

3D visualisation on the reopening of the trial permits the highlighting both of the positions of the board which the subject has explored most frequently (frequency peaks) and of the amplitude of exploration and its correpondence with the assigned task.

Radar visualization in real time of the movements of the board on 3 axis x, y and z. The presence of a “tail” in the visualization helps the subject in tracking the trace. The small green circle in the two figures represents the circular movements of the DMW in relation to the z axis.

DELOS SYSTEM - Areas of utilization Rehabilitative area

Sports area

- Functional instability (ankle, knee, spine)

- Reduction of entropy and “parasitic” movements

- Pre-post LCA reconstruction

- Prevention of acute and chronic injuries (sprains, muscle and tendon lesions)

- Postural alterations. Scoliosis. - Degenerative pathologies (gonarthrosis and coxar throsis, pre-post prostheses)

- Increase in “expressible” power

- Balance disorders and dizziness syndromes. Cranio-mandibular disorders.

- Development of proprioceptive endurance (prevention of proprioceptive decay)

- Neurological pathologies (Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, peripheral neuropaties).

- Monitoring of neuroendocrinal fatigue and prevention of overtraining

- Chronic venous insufficiency in the lower limbs.

- Improvement in the quality of sports gestures

h high frequency proprioception

D e l o s Po s t u r a l P ro p r i o c e p t i ve S y s t e m

D e l o s Po s t u r a l P ro p r i o c e p t i ve S y s t e m

Reawaken inner balance with h

What they say of us Claudio Berardelli DMW Wireless electronic rocking board with “3 degrees of freedom” and visualisation in real time of the movements on the x, y and z axis. Tridimensional view of the trials. It represents the completion of DEB2 proposal, widening the number of biomechanical and postural situations to be managed. The rolling surfaces with variable radius permit the proposal of increasing levels of instability.

Trainer of Olympic and world champions (800 and 1500m) and of Kenyan marathon-runners of the Rosa Nike Team. From the 800metres to the marathon, winning or losing a world or Olympic championship is a matter of seconds or fractions of seconds. The Riva Method and Delos are by now an irreplaceable part of our training programmes, not only for the prevention of injuries and the reduction of structural stress, but also for the improvement and harmonization of the propulsive forces and the gaining of decisive seconds.

Mirco Botta

Strength and conditioning coach, Italian National Team Figure Skating and Dance on Ice. Delos and the Riva Method have represented an authentic revolution in training methods for the optimization of balance and coordination, contributing decisively to our successes in the last ten years, from Fusarpoli-Margaglio to the present day.

DEB2 The second generation of the first electronic rocking board, with “a degree of freedom” and visual tracking of the micro-rolling of the point of support. Its exclusive rocking movement, combined with the subcortical visual tracking in real time, creates conditions of instability, capable of activating high frequency proprioceptive flows.

Roberto Bianchi

Strength and conditioning coach Basket Cantù A1 league. The almost total elimination of matches not played due to injury and the possibility for athletes to train with quality and continuity: an extraordinary result which has been vital for us at Cantù. The systematc utilization of Delos according to the Riva Method for two years (2006-2008) reduced injuries by 75% compared to the preceding two years (2004-2006). Last but not least: the ‘feeling’ for the instrument and the perception of its great utility on the part of all the athletes.

Giampiero Ventrone

Strength and conditioning coach, soccer (Napoli, Juventus, Siena, Livorno, Bari, Atalanta). I understood too late the competitive advantage represented by the Delos system and Riva Method. More strength available, greater technical quality, fewer injuries. This is why it will always accompany me in the continuation of my career.

Rehabilitation therapists M. De Angelis (Fisioequipe – Roma), E. Mohwinckel

(Fisiomovi – Como), A. Scarsini (Tolmezzo Hospital – UD) The reprogramming of the vertical control through Delos and the Riva Method is an irreplaceable element in any rehabilitative programme (from athletes to low motricity subjects). For us, furthermore, it is extremely important, in our relations with the patient, to be able to objectivize and monitor changes in the anti-gravity set-up.


Infrared sensor

High density proprioception from space The conditions for the development of rehablitation and training protocols with high density proprioception emerge from the first experiment on high frequency proprioception in zero gravity, carried out in 2005 during a parabolic flight over the Mexican Gulf.

D. Riva, F. Rossitto, L. Battocchio. Postural muscle atrophy prevention and recovery and bone remodelling through high frequency proprioception for astronauts. Acta Astronautica 65 (2009) 813-819.

DMW - Delos Multiaxis Wireless 3D Proprioceptive Board

Inner Balance Training This is the logo which identifies HF proprioceptive reprogramming according to the Riva Method. Inner balance is the common and decisive element on which the quality and safety of every human movement and every sports gesture depend.

Nowadays, the Delos Postural Proprioceptive System and the Riva Method constitute a technology and a methodology which are unique in the world for the assessment, training and rehabilitation of the control systems of inner balance and movement and for the prevention of functional deficits. With tests of short duration and easy application they measure visual dependence, proprioception, the visual-proprioceptive system, the activation of the vestibular system and possible precautionary strategies. Many athletes and professional teams find themselves competitively advantaged thanks to this efficient proprioceptive training. With high-frequency proprioceptive rehabilitation (Riva

Method) many people, whether involved in sport or not, have regained the articular stability and control of inner balance on which both the efficiency of movements in daily life and the quality of every sporting performance depend. Many people have reduced the risk of falling and improved their anti-gravity movements, adding quality to their lives, after a programme of prevention based on this methodology. The Delos Postural Proprioceptive System is today under close scrutiny by the world centres for space research because it may represent the most effective counter-measure in the prevention of damage caused by hypo-gravity or by the absence of gravity.

Armchair cheetahs by Dario Riva

DEB2 - Delos Equilibrium Board

Ananke 2008, second edition 2009

Starting from the observation of what we were once like, of what the great athletes are now like, of the recuperative capacities of subjects with motor disabilities and of experiences in the astronautical field, Dario Riva narrates how we have changed and proposes new ways of regaining motor abilities indispensable for guaranteeing an adequate and autonomous quality of life. Based on these principles and by means of hundreds of thousands of tests and work sessions with the Delos Postural Proprioceptive System System, Professor Riva and his research group have developed the most highly reputed know-how in the world, giving life to the Riva Method, the fundamental methodology in proprioceptive reprogramming.


Corso Lecce 15 - 10145 Torino (Italy) - Tel. +39 0117770341 -

Since the early 1990s Delos, leader in Proprioception, has been involved in research on the control mechanisms of balance and movement and in the development of innovative technologies for doctors, physiotherapists and sports trainers and technicians, for the assessment, training and rehabilitation of the systems involved. For over 15 years we have studied toplevel athletes in various sports disciplines, disabled athletes, healthy subjects of all ages and subjects with hip or knee prostheses, instability of the ankle and recurrent injuries, instability

of the knee and lesions to the ligaments, postural defects and neurological pathologies. We have observed the behaviour in the natural world of animal species capable of giving exceptional performances, like the cheetah and the gazelle. We have experimented extreme situations such as an underwater environment and the absence of gravity during parabolic flight. We have employed an elevated number of researchers and designers in a process of informationgathering based on hundreds of thousands of tests and work sessions.

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