Sioux Falls Woman Magazine, June/July 2012

Page 116

“It makes me feel good and makes them feel good,” she says with a grin. “I just wish more people knew how it could make them feel. We aren’t just a bunch of people that write checks. We’re really there to make a difference and to make an impact for children in our community, our country and our world. Our website is, that you can check out for more information.” Emily is also involved in Bike MS, Habitat for Humanity Women Build®, and is one of only two women who serve on the American Legion’s Honor Guard in Sioux Falls. “I joined because I thought it was a shame that only older veterans were doing the military gun salutes for funerals. I wonder what will happen when all of them are gone, since young veterans aren’t stepping up? I want a military salute at my funeral someday and I don’t want the tradition to die, so I joined,” she says. “It is a privilege to honor fellow veterans. The American Legion is excited to have a young female veteran join the honor guard and they have made me feel very welcome.” Her passion for helping others and treasuring family is a constant for Emily, and she believes her world travels have helped her see things more clearly. “In Italy, life is so much slower. Stores close down and people count on one another if they need something. You can run to your neighbors for milk or eggs, and that’s what makes you closer. They watch over each others kids like Americans used to in the 1950’s. I think we’ve become so focused on ourselves, that we’ve lost that sense of community in America. I want to help bring that back.” SFW

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