SBC Pray For Us Issue 228

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May 2011



SINGAPORE BIBLE COLLEGE Dear Graduates, Congratulations on the completion of your theological training. As you embark on a life-long journey of serving God, I want to take this opportunity to share some thoughts with you: 1. We need revival. It is easy for many of us to pray for the revival of the church, but we often neglect our own need for revival. When the shepherd is running on empty, the sheep will suffer malnutrition. The Bible reminds us of this: “I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear

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Missions-directed Context-relevant

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2. We need to hunger and thirst for God. Revival is not a feeling of euphoria which passes away after the emotion dies down. It is a deep hunger and thirst for God and his presence. The Psalmist expressed such a deep yearning when he said, “As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God?” (Psalm 42:1-2, NIV) Revival often begins with sensitivity toward sins, resulting in the cleansing and renewing of our hearts. But it doesn’t stop there. After the confession of sin is made, we need to fill our hearts with the fullness of God on a regular basis. As seminary graduates, you have accumulated much theologi-

Revive Us, O Lord! much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing” (John 15:5, NIV). Many seminarians have experienced spiritual lethargy in the course of their theological training. The heavy course load and demanding schedule have driven many of them to sacrifice their time with God for the sake of completing their assignments and papers. I have heard of instances of students lamenting that their zeal for the Lord and evangelism has dwindled during the course of their studies. What may be worse is that the loss of zeal for the Lord may occur amidst the busyness of the Christian ministry that you are about to engage in. I urge you to pay attention to the cultivation of your relationship with God. We are naturally drawn to the outward performance and activities in our ministry. But undergirding all these is the spiritual power which comes from God alone. We cannot afford to be negligent towards such an indispensable source of strength for our ministry.

cal knowledge, but oftentimes the knowledge fails to stir up a deeper passion for God. Such disconnect is a common experience for many. We often preach biblical truths out of ignorance because we do not experience them in a personal way. Someone once said that revival is only twelve inches away - it is the distance from the head to the heart! I urge you to guard your time with God jealously. Practice the presence of God as you serve. Spend time in meditation of God’s word. Pray to enjoy his presence and cherish the sweet communion with him. A revival in our spiritual life will bring vitality to our ministry. If we run on empty, our engine will stop sooner or later.

Dr Albert Ting, Principal Singapore Bible College

THE STRATEGIC JIGSAW PUZZLE 1. “What is SBC all about?” The two key answers are: “training faithful servants of Jesus Christ” (our founding mission) and making them “servant leaders, effective communicators, critical thinkers” (our desired outcome for the last 4 years). However, the world is changing fast. Singapore alone has been blessed with a major influx of new immigrants (some estimates indicate it to be 600,000 strong); a Christian growth of about 250,000 since year 2000 (estimated using statistics from the 2010 Singapore Census); a rapidly changing Public Square (new issues range from gambling to land use for religious organizations); and a drastically transformed skyline. In this sea of change, our key question becomes: 2. “How can SBC be more relevant?” SBC exists to serve the churches. In the last twelve months, we asked our alumni and supporting churches how we could better serve them. Across the denominations, they tell us to “train a ‘new breed’ of ‘faithful servants’ who can lead well in the 21st century church”. We reach to respond to that cry. From Jul 2010 to Jan 2011, 32 members of the faculty and administration laboured together bi-weekly to recommit to our founding mission and to prayerfully discern what it means to our generation. God led us to the following aspiration. “A worshipful community Mentoring impactful servant leaders Through integrative learning.”

First, focus on leadership competencies: Some things will change but the foundational will not. SBC has been training ‘pastor-teachers’ for the last 50 years. To mark our 60th anniversary next year, we will be embarking on a journey to continue to train ‘pastor-teachers’ but with a special focus on competency to lead in a changing world. Specifically, we aim to develop leaders who can cast vision; manage change and conflict; and develop team leadership with a kingdom mentality while maintaining a strong spiritual vitality in the unchanging word of God. Secondly, renewed methods: Emphasis on teaching versus emphasis on learning. SBC has traditionally emphasized the lecture method of teaching but leadership is more caught than taught. In the coming years, we will experiment with interdisciplinary team-teaching where professors of the pastoral disciplines will join hands with bible scholars to team-teach a class. We will also experiment with drawing the church into the classroom where we will transform traditional weekend field education into leadership internship as required components of leadership classes. Finally, spiritual community: Competencies are acquired in our community. Leaders need to be mentored so that they can be continually effective. Spiritual mentoring can only take place in a spiritual community. Dr. Ting’s charge to the graduates to “pay attention to the cultivation of your relationship with God” and to “practice the presence of God as you serve” is also applicable to the SBC community. In looking towards the 60th anniversary, we at SBC aim to be a ‘worshipful, spiritual community’ to provide effective mentoring for the next generation of leaders. SBC’s hope and dream is that knowledge, spirituality and praxis will fuse together to produce multiple harvests of ‘faithful leaders’ competent to build godly churches in a changing world. Will you pray with us?

3. “How can SBC reach towards this aspiration?” To realize this aspiration, three things need to happen in SBC – focus on leadership competencies, renewed methods, becoming a spiritual community.

Rev Peter Lin, Chief Strategy Officer

SBC Open House 
 25 Aug 2011 (Thu) 8:30am-4:00pm


Have you ever wondered if seminary studies is for you? Have you heard about what a “calling” is like?
 Do you know of someone for whom going to seminary is in their near future?

Here’s what some visitors to the last SBC Open House experienced: “I had a wonderful time to understand, appreciate, evaluate and contemplate the various options, and will prayerfully consider them.” 
 “(The SBC Open House has) enabled me to better understand what theological education and ministry entail, and the importance 
 of continuous learning to gain 
 true knowledge.”

The SBC Open House will consist of a workshop on calling and allow a sampling of what seminary life is like. Meet our faculty and students, attend our chapel, and sit in some popular classes. Join us to discover more, or pass this information to friends who may wish to know more about the full-time calling! To register for the event, please visit sg. For more information, please email deaneng@

Eugene Yeo, Singapore Master of Divinity (Biblical Studies) This testimony was penned during my pastoral care group retreat at Kukup. The serenity of this little fishing port was a rare treat. The gently splashing wave and the flickering lights from distant fishing boats beckoned with a thought on how a servant of Christ could shine and move for Him in a dark and sinful world. God does not want servants puffed up in knowledge but those who walk their talk. Holiness ensures faithful stewardship. To shine for Christ, one needs to be holy, not puffy. The flickering lights appeared ironically outstanding in the night. Should not this be the vital goal of theological education, to equip God’s servants who are holy in character and exemplary in conduct, founded upon an intimate relationship with Christ? The waves were music to my ears. One after another, they made their way gently to shore without stopping. Meekness is strength. God does not call superhero servants, but those who are meek and willing to persevere in radical obedience to Him no matter the circumstance. Praise and thank God for the precious three years of theological education in SBC, which have equipped me academically and moulded me spiritually. To all the teachers who have laboured so hard for us, your meek and steadfast examples will spur us on in life. Flickering lights and gentle waves, shine and move with steadfast faith Come what challenge, dawn what may, the nearness of God is our strength Do not falter, do not sway, soon we’ll meet our Lord on Glorious Day.

Maria Gracia Moron, The Philippines

2011 graduation testimonies Yustinus Ikabod Punda, Indonesia Master in Church Music When God is at work, nothing can stop Him, not even my own weaknesses. I struggled a lot during my time in SBC mostly because of my musical weaknesses. I entered SBC without the certificates in music theory and practicum, and would not have qualified by SCM’s music standard. Amazingly, God continued His work because He has His churches in Sulawesi (Indonesia) in mind and was equipping me for His purpose. What is even more amazing is how He worked in my life, through the faculty of SCM and SBC, friends, and churches I served. I give my deepest gratitude to the faculty of SCM who willingly sacrificed their time, energy and idealism in order to help me. I believe their reason for this was not because of me but because they could see God working in my life, preparing me for His purpose. The spiritual environment in SBC allowed me to grow, both spiritually and in my interest in biblical studies, which was something unexpected. I am thankful that I was able to take more biblical courses and write an exegetical thesis. This new interest helps to challenge my views on music from a biblical perspective. Through years of study at SBC, I have learned a lot, I have grown a lot, and I am grateful for all that.

Thomas Seet Ban Hin, Singapore

Master of Arts (Intercultural Studies)

Master of Arts in Counselling

Being part of the Church Planting team of OMF-Philippines, I had the privilege to witness God establishing churches amongst the Indigenous People Group of Manobo. Over the years, churches have been planted in different villages and God has been raising leaders for the ministry. The theological training of these leaders became an important need to address. The question, “Am I equipped to train the leaders theologically?” struck me completely and the zeal to further my own training became a burden. In Jan 2009, my journey at SBC started. It was a time of great enrichment. I learnt that missions is centrifugal in nature yet centripetal in essence, and what impacted me most is the reality that no one can do ministry alone. Partnership is fundamental in the Kingdom of God. My deepest appreciation to our mentors who have equipped us not only through the scholarly books but also through their testimony as faithful servants of Christ; and to my SBC community for such great help as we faced challenges together. Now that I am back in the mission field, my training from SBC has prepared me to equip the Manobo Leaders theologically for the edification of the church and the urgent evangelization of the unreached. Thank you SBC for paving the way so that Asian missionaries are theologically equipped to advance the Gospel.

I never saw a real need for serious counselling work in my ministries as a youth worker, pastor and itinerant preacher, until in 2005, when I was part of a new church planted in heartland Bishan, that I realized how illequipped I was in the area of counselling. Many of the visitors to our Sunday School were from single-parent families and broken homes! They all had sad stories to tell and faced plenty of problems. Quality counselling was needed! What I wanted was balanced counselling – one that was both practical and spiritual. I was accepted into SBC’s Counselling program in 2009 and with tons of readings, written assignments and intense hours of practicum, two years quickly went by. Besides the undergirding of God, three Ts helped me greatly: Teamwork – I was truly blessed with great classmates, team mates and school mates. Their joy and contribution eased the pain of studying all over again. I also learned that by not being too full of myself made teamwork a lot easier. Teachability – Years out in the field have the tendency of fossilizing one from accepting new ideas and teachings. Fortunately, my lecturers have the experience, strength, and more importantly the grace, to guide me through completion. Tenacity – Tenacity is vital in overcoming fatigue developed from being in ministry and school at the same time. It really helped when the going got tough.

新 加 坡 神 学 院 讲 师 暨 第 58 届 毕 业 班

The Faculty and the 58th Graduating Class of Singapore Bible College

华文神学系 School of Theology, Chinese

基督教事工文凭 Diploma in Christian Ministry

21 李丽珊 Lee Lei Sun 22 林燕莲 Lim Yee Nai 23 张涵清 Zhang Han Qing In Absentia 文学硕士 Master of Arts

1 胡芳莲 Ho Pang Lin 24 林日泰 Lim Jit Thye 2 黄丽红 Huang Li Hong, Sharon 3 李玉琴 Li Yuk Kam, Shirley 4 彭东运 Pan Tong Yuen 道学硕士 5 张楚珍 Teo Chor Tiang Master of Divinity 6 雍双祺 Yong Siang Kee 25 曹敏华 Cao Min Hua, Jesse 26 徐添昌 Chee Tim Chong, Timothy 神学学士 27 陈彬彬 Chen Bin Bin Bachelor of Theology 28 何子钰 Ho Tsu Yock 7 柏约翰 Bo Yue Han 29 黎庆贤 Lay Heng Yin 8 周彩莲 Chew Choi Len 30 李微微 Li Wei Wei 9 洪天培 Hung Tin Pui, David 31 刘忠民 Liew Chung Min, Jonathan 10 靳晓松 Jin Xiao Song 32 林碧倩 Lim Pek Chian 11 刘韵洁 Le Yin Yin 33 毛迦勒 Mao Jia Le 12 廖顺芬 Liao Shun Fen 34 毛以琳 Mao Yilin 13 鹿 海 Lu Hai 35 谢雅美 Sia Ah Bee 36 王筱 Wang Xiao 基督教研究文凭 37 黄瑞娟 Wong Swee Kean Diploma in Christian Studies 38 吴约瑟 Wu Yue Se 39 徐张闹 Xu Zhang Nao 14 陈丽瑜 Chen Li Yu 40 张心宠 Zhang Xin Chong 15 邱忠正 Koo Tiong Cheng 41 张知行 Zhang Zhi Xing, Kan 16 蔺晓宇 Lin Xiao Yu 17 梁惠真 Neo Hwee Chin In Absentia 神学硕士 18 王加现 Ong Ah Hian Master of Theology 19 黄希枫 Wong Hii Foong In Absentia 42 崔林 Cui Lin, Lydia 基督教研究硕士 43 南路加 Nan Lu Jia, Luke Master in Christian Studies 44 成承熙 Seong Sung Hee In Absentia 20 陈美仪 Chan May Yee

英文神学系 School of Theology, English 神学文凭 Diploma in Theology 45 Chan Chee Kin, Joshua 神学学士 Bachelor of Theology

65 Sim Koon Inn 66 Zebua Masrial 文学硕士(圣经研究) Master of Arts (Biblical Studies)

87 Wong Foo Mun 88 Yeo Yew Jen, Eugene

辅导文学硕士 Master of Arts in Counselling 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109

Chiang Shih Kao, Lambert Chong Choon Keong Chou Shen Chi, Deborah Huie Trudy Frances Lau Ai Ling Lin Weisi, Jeanne Seet Ban Hin, Thomas Tan Puay Hua, Helen Wee Molly In Absentia Xu Qun Maria Yesaya Sudharnoto Wijaya

8 th 5

67 Bjorkman Kristina Anna 68 Chin Chen Chong 69 Siau Joni 文学硕士(基督教教育) Master of Arts (Christian Education)

46 Chee Yim Ling 47 Devaraj David Paul 48 Lau Tuan Yong 70 Goh Soo Mian, Michelle In Absentia 71 Lee Sze Hwee, Lorraine 49 Mahd Aris Bin Chandra 72 Mak Li Juan, Karen 50 Maina Mathenge Peter 73 Wong Voon Chek, Joshua 51 Ravindanathan David 52 Stigter Evert Hendrik 53 Toh Chai Fang, Anthony 文学硕士(差传) 54 Upadhya Rajindar Master of Arts (Intercultural Studies) 55 Wong Leong Jiam, Wilson 74 Khoe Fonny 56 Yashu David 75 Liu Jessica 76 Moron Maria Gracia Lumibao 基督教研究文凭 77 Widjaja Rika Bimaputeri Dewi Graduate Diploma in Christian Studies 57 Au Kasie 道学硕士 58 Chong Wong Mui Master of Divinity 59 Foo Wan Chin, Florence 78 Ang Ching Leong, Jacob 60 Lim Hock Beng, Andrew 79 Ang Shu Jun, Michele 61 Sng Hong Lian 80 Chai-Ananrat Nantarat 62 Yam Tim Wing 81 Dashdorj Batbayar 82 Hong Song Kee, Richard 跨越文化事工文凭 83 Lkhagvatseren Amartuvshin Graduate Diploma in Intercultural Studies 84 Muliawan Yoanita 63 Lee Lok Ken, Jason 85 Poon Nyang Hee, Samuel 64 Mui Yoke Yin, Hazel 86 Toh Yong Bing

圣乐系 School of Church Music 圣乐文凭 Diploma in Church Music

89 陈凯旋 Tan Kai Suan, Joseph 圣乐学士 Bachelor of Church Music 90 陈小娥 Chen Xiao E 91 Kurniawati Herlina 92 Lalsiamkima 93 林姗姗 Ling Shan Shan 94 Nyonosaputro Sendawati 95 杨恩洁 Yang En Jie 圣乐硕士 Master in Church Music

96 Punda Yustinus Ikabod 97 Tantra Carolien Eunice

辅导系 School of Counselling

辅导文凭 Graduate Diploma in Counselling 98 Yeo Sok Lang, Abigail

教牧辅导文学硕士 Master of Arts in Pastoral Counselling 110 Tan Ying Ling

教 牧 学 博 士 Doctor of Ministry

111 陈梅兰 Tan Moi Lung 112 陈凯英 Tan Susan 113 郑海达 Tay Hae Dar 114 王苹 Wang Ping, Polly In Absentia 115 Kim Taek Ho 116 Loh Hung Chey 117 Swee Thian Hoe, Ken In Absentia

毕业班 Graduating Class

2 0 11年 毕 业 见证

陈丽瑜 • 台湾

新神是我的生命 驿站,一来停下 基督教研究文凭 手上的事奉,二 来期待生命再一 次更新。从台湾到新加坡,让生命有不 同文化震撼,认识不同的人、拓展自 己的视野。虽活在一个欠债的社会(本 地人购物时说“还钱”,而不是“付 钱”),但一个铜板却让我体会自己只 是个欠债的人,欠了恩典的主的债! 在异国学习的另类好处,是面对真实 的自己,在不同思想、互动下,观察别人和自己的反应,发现 生命的不安和小信,以及无法放手的自己,原来祂要我更深地 发现,生命不能靠着自己,而需要天天仰望祂的怜悯,才可能 丰盛。每天规律生活和晨扫、晨更、学习一再把心中的挂虑交 托给祂;学习从不同角度看问题,以积极态度响应深处这其 中,发现很多没有预期的恩典,让我生命一再地体会一首歌: 「祢为什么对我这么好?」 在神学、不同的人事物似乎成了神的传声筒,我试着 记录对祂认识的点点滴滴。借着祷告,我参与另类的团契-将 人带到神的面前,也与人有特别的生命交流!从这里我更深认 识这位掌管的主,对祂而言一切问题不大,只是人把它变复杂 了,叫我学习更信得过祂。

洪天培 • 加拿大

感谢主!谢谢 神学院每一位 老师的悉心教 导及同工们 的爱护,四年的神学装备过去,虽然 肉体一天一天的朽坏,但心灵却一天 比一天的活泼茁壮!上帝把我和太太 从加拿大舒适的生活里带来新加坡。 这四年中,除了应付繁重的阅读、专 文及考试外,也是上帝对我在属灵上严峻的考验,使我无论 在信心、忍耐、节制及谦卑上进深,更要在我的生命里实践出 来。这是一生的学习,而我领受是:行出来由不得我,乃是在 我里面上帝的灵带领我经历这一切,靠着主耶稣加给我力量, 凡事都能作,所夸胜的是主在我这软弱的人身上显出祂的完全 来。为此,「颂赞与感恩」是经过这四年里我唯一能说的感言! 四年的学习及实习,得着的不是单在头脑神学知识 上,乃是让我看到上帝放在我身边的人,其中有帮助我的,离 弃我的,有主内弟兄姊妹,也有未认识主的。这是上帝在我心 里,呼召我牧养及教导属主的羊,这负担成为我的异象:「我 在这里,请差遣我!」不再是纸上谈兵,是我神学毕业后上帝 要我踏上的一生事奉之路。 神学学士

转眼间四年的 道学硕士(教牧科主修) 神学装备完成 了、毕转眼间 四年的神学装 备完成了、毕业了。身在其中的感觉却 是漫长与艰辛的。回头一看,经过八个 学期、修完十百廿十个学分、完成四十 多个科目,加上许多专文作业等,以及 各大大小小的测验与考试等,最后还要 通过中文系独有的圣经常识与讲道考 试,才能够毕业。回想起来,若不是出于上帝的呼召与恩典、 老师鼓励与关怀、教会与家人的祷告支持,一味靠着本身血气 之勇,相信早就放弃或“出局”了。

徐添昌 • 新加坡

其实,学习过程虽然苦涩,却是必须的,记得教牧领 导学指出, 连时下俗企业也会通过技术培训开发与提升更好的 产品,而身为神的仆人,我们岂不应更需要装备,来更好的管 理教会,以完成传福音的大使命?这目标让我也深深体会到, 真正的学习是个过程,而不是学业成绩为目的。在新神得大家 庭中,与来自许多不同国家、文化背景与性格的同学的相处交 往,也是一门看不到,却是十分重要的教牧科目。 毕业了。也许 有人会问两年 辅导文学硕士 学得如何?我 说有点懵懂; 有点恍惚;但不乏经历与感受。翻过 去的一页,是荣耀?是可夸?是恶 名?是遗憾?都已无关紧要了。要紧 的是,我学习了聆听的艺术,在聆听 中感受别人,在聆听中发现自己,在 聆听中重新认识周围的世界,更重要 的是,在聆听中被上帝更新。 我曾经没有接触过心理辅导,也没有兴趣对此加以研 究与了解。以为教会的服事,只要高举圣经,强调圣灵,在人 不能的在神凡是都能。亏缺的人观,使我无法感受到他人在迷 失中的苦痛与眼泪,也无法聆听到他人经历破碎与失落时的酸 楚与挣扎。直至走完两年的辅导课程,才发现自己对己、对 人、对神的认知是如此地肤浅与草率。 有智者说: 「当有人来向你诉说他的问题时,千万不要 随口说: 『 我明白,我明白。』因为你可能根本不明白,不明白 他到底为何挣扎、委屈、痛苦、愁烦。」因为聆听并非只听其 言,更要闻其心声。常言道人生如戏,戏如人生;一个人生一 台戏,演绎着个人独有的故事;又如一部传记,记载着他独特 的成才环境,家庭背景,所处文化,习俗与观念。诚然,聆听 是一种艺术,它需要聆听者切身地投入、用心、用情,用理感 同身受地倾听。合宜的聆听能够帮助他人坦承自己的问题,从 而获得必要的忠告,至终建立他人,促使其成熟成长。 圣经也说:「你们要快快地听,慢慢地说。」可见聆听亦 是一种灵命操练,以他人的利益为首要,克制自我,把注意力 从自我身上转移到他者,并给其足够的空间与时间述说衷肠。 聆听别人,就是在提醒自己;聆听他者,就是去与他人共鸣。 所谓“与喜乐的人同乐,与哀哭的人同哭”,不就是在对方的 身上找到自己的软弱,并在主里和对方一同领受主的刚强吗? 若问我,何为辅导者?那就是被动的主动者、用耳朵 的观察者、心灵的思考者、负伤的医治者。千里之行,始于足 下;助人之功,发于聆听。

许群 • 创启地区

杨恩洁 • 创启地区

进入新神圣乐 系之前,我有 三怕:一怕英 文;二怕演 奏;三怕功课。因为有很多可怕的传说 在外面流传着,令我在新神门口徘徊了 好久。很感谢神,他将勇敢的心放在我 里面,所以 20 0 7  年,我终于把心一 横,咬紧牙关,走进了新神。 进来才发现,原来传说终归 是传说,那不全是真的。虽然圣乐系 里确实有着我害怕的三座大山,但是在这里,也有着一群 可怕又可爱的“爸爸”、“妈妈”们。他们把“大山”压在我 们头上的时候,也与我们一同分担我们的痛苦与紧张。我们会 因为他们给的压力而哇哇乱叫,但每当我们在面对压力与泪水 时,不是独自面对,而是有他们陪伴着我们一同走过。我很感 恩,因为是天父的手,把我们放在这群可爱的“爸爸”、“妈 妈”们手下受教,因为他们的爱心与耐心,我们最深刻学习到 的是:领受爱,与如何去分享爱。 今天,我们要离开新神了,不是带着可怕的传说离 开,而是带着上帝满满的爱离开,将这些爱分享给在其他地方 的人。 圣乐学士

策略拼图 1. 新神的 存 在 的 意 义 为 何 ? 其二个主要关键答案为:训练耶稣 基督忠心仆人(新神使命),使他 们成为教会的仆人领袖,有效的沟通 者、及富创意的思考者(过去四年的 呼声)。 然而,世界正在快速变迁。新加坡已有大量的新移民迁入(一 些估计指出达六十万之多);自二零零零年起,基督徒人数已 增长约二十五万人(以二零一零年新加坡人口调查来预估); 公众舆论的迅速变化(新议题由赌博到宗教机构使用场地的规 条);城市风貌大幅地改观。在这一切的变更中,我们的主要 问题将会是:

2. 新神该 如 何 更 加 与 时 俱 进 ? 新神的存在乃是为了服侍教会。在过去的十二个月,我们询问 校友和教会的意见,我们如何能够更好地服侍他们的需要? 横跨各个宗派,他们的回答皆为, “训练‘新一代’的‘忠心 主仆’来胜任领导二十一世纪的教会”。我们对那样的呐喊作 出回应。

3. 新神如何实践这个志向? 实践这个志向,新神需要从三方面着手 - 领导能力的培 训,更新教学模式,成为一个属灵的群体。 第一,领导能力的培训:新神已经在过去的五十多年,培育出 无数的“牧者-教师”。为了纪念明年六十周年,我们会继续漫 步“培训牧者-教师”的旅程,但特别著重训练在不断变迁世界 中的应变能力。具体来说,我们的目标乃是培育具远见,能激 发教会的团体精神, 及有能力应付冲突和改变的属灵长者。 第二,更新学习方法:强调启发性的学习方式。新神向来重视 授课式的教学方式,但是属灵领袖训练乃需要亲身体验过于老 师教导。在未来的几年,我们将尝试让教牧学者和圣经学者们 携手训练,进行跨学科的小组教学;把教会带入课堂,将以往 的周末教会实习融入领袖训练课程中。 最后,属灵的群体的塑造:属灵的领导能力乃是在属灵群体中 的督导陶塑出来。陈院长向毕业生的勉励“留意培养与神之间 的关系”和“在事奉中操练神的同在”,同样也适用于新神社 群。展望新神的六十周年,我们立定志向、朝目标迈进,要成 为一个“敬拜、属灵的群体”,为新一代的教牧提供有效的教导 与督促。

自二零一零年六月至今年一月,共三十二位教职人员及行政同 工每两个星期一起重新委身于我们的使命,认真的祷告从以了 解在这世代该如何发挥。神给以了我们这个志向。 “成为虔诚敬拜的群体

新神的期盼与原景乃是要融合知识、灵命与恩 赐来为神的教会塑造更多的忠心仆人领袖,足 以在这个变化多端的世界建立圣洁的教会。您 愿意与我们一起为此祷告吗?

督导训练有领导能力的仆人 实行整全多元的学习”

新加坡神学院开放日 八月二十五日(星期四) 8:30am至4:00pm

以下是上次参加新神开放日 访客的体验:


认清呼召 你想过报读神学院接受装备吗? 你是否听过如何认清呼召? 

此聚会的目的是为了要帮助你更清楚了解神对你的 呼召。同时,籍着参加早会崇拜和一些课程,让你 有机会亲身体会神学院的学习生活。欢迎你参加学

“我有一个非常美好的时光去了解、 体验、评估和思考不同的选择,我会 认真地祷告考虑报读新神。”


“(新神开放日)让我更了解什么是 神学和事奉,更了解真知识需要 不断地去追求。”



网上报名。若有询问,请拨电 (65) 6559 1518 或 电邮。

2011年 嘉声 5 月 228

训 练 耶 稣 基 督 忠 心 的 仆 人

我们的信念 • 定位基督 • 基于圣经 • 服侍教会 • 奋力宣教 • 切合时代

亲爱的毕业生, 恭喜你们完成神学训练和装备!在你预备进 入禾场,踏上事奉主的道路,我想藉此机会 与你分享一些心中的感触。 (一)我们需要复兴 对许多人而言,为教会的复兴祷告并不难, 但许多时候,我们却忽略到自己也需要复 兴。当牧羊人处在精疲力竭、灵里缺乏更

(二)我们需要对主怀有深切的渴慕 复兴不是一种兴奋的感觉,在情绪低落的时 候就逐渐消退。那是一种从心灵深处对主同 在的渴望和渴求。诗篇诗人在诗中表达了对 主深切的渴望,“神啊!我的心渴慕你,好 像鹿渴慕溪水。我的心渴想 神,就是永活 的 神;我什么时候可以来朝见 神的面 呢?”(诗 42:1-2) 复兴的开始往往始于对罪的敏感,也带来心 灵的更新与洁净。不仅于此,在承认过犯

主啊! 复兴我们


Dr Albert Ting Mrs Karen Lee Rev Dr Rick Griffith Dr Myrleene Yap Rev Dr Bernard Low Rev Dr Paul Woods Mrs Serena Chan 编 辑 部 陈世协博士 杨金兰讲师 顾力凯博士 叶慕灵博士 刘文良博士 林保罗博士 陈诗韵女士

新,他的羊群也将无法得着喂养,而灵命 停滞不前。圣经这样提醒我们:“我是葡 萄树,你们是枝子。住在我里面的,我也住 在他里面,他就结出很多果子;因为离开了 我,你们就不能作什么。”(约 15 :5) 很多神学生都曾在神学培训的过程中,经历 属灵的低落。沉重的课业压力和紧迫的课程 表,为了完成作业和论文,迫使他们牺牲与 神相交的时间。我听到学生们的感叹,他们 对主和传福音的热诚,已在课业学习中逐渐 的递减。更糟的是,将来忙碌的事奉也可能 使我们失去对主的热诚。 我鼓励你留意培养与神之间的关系。在服事 中,我们很自然地会被外在的表现和活动吸 引住,却忽略了事奉中不可或缺的,乃是从 神而来的属天能力,这是坚固我们事工的力 量来源。

后,我们的心还需要经常地被神的丰盛来充 满。作为神学院的毕业生,你已累积了许多 神学的知识,但知识往往不能激发我们对主 更深的热诚。这是我们许多人的共同经历。 我们是否常常传讲圣经的真理,却自己从来 没有在生命中经历过神?曾有人说过,复兴 只是十二英寸之远,那正是头到心的距离。

我鼓励你谨慎持守与神相交的时间。服事 中,操练与神的同在;花时间默想神的话 语。祷告中,享受神的同在;珍惜与祂亲密 交通的时间。 属灵生活的复兴,能为我们的事工带来活 力。如果缺乏灵里的更新,我们迟早会在服 侍中失去动力。 博士 新加坡神学院院长

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