SBC Pray For Us Issue 224

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July/ No. Sep 224 2010


Wise Words


From A

1st Maak Hay Chun Missions Challenge Seize the Moment

• Homecoming

2010 A Time of Encouragement A Time for Fellowship

Abbreviations used this issue: SOTE = School of Theology English SOTC = School of Theology Chinese SCM = School of Church Music SOC = School of Counselling CCTE = Centre for Continuing Theological Education

MICA(P) 173/08/2010 9-15 Adam Road, Singapore 289886 Tel: (65) 6559 1555 Fax: (65) 6559 1550 Email: Website:



remember vividly the day I sat in the office of Dr Clyde Cook, the late President of Biola University. It was 2006 and I was newly inaugurated as the 6th principal of Singapore Bible College. Filled with apprehension and anxiety about the new tasks, I naturally turned to someone who was more experienced than me for advice. He gave me two that were passed on to him when he took up the presidency of Biola University:

will be confronted with difficult decisions. People will inevitably push their agenda through you because the buck stops at your desk. He reminded me to be committed to please God more than anybody else. He was so convicted by this principle of leadership that he actually carved it on a wooden plaque, followed by Paul’s words in Galatians 1: 10, “Am I now trying to win the approval of men, or of God? Or am I trying to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ (NIV)”. No matter how hard you try, every decision you make will alienate someone in your organization. If you try to please everyone, you are pleasing nobody. Paul reminds us that ultimately, if you please God, either the truth will speak for itself or you will at least be doing the right thing in the sight of God. It takes wisdom and experience to know how much and how far to exercise this principle, but it is a good piece of advice that will serve us well. I am still learning how to apply these words of wisdom in my leadership role. I wish I had taken his words more seriously, but I have increasing respect for the wisdom of these two lessons as I lead. As you are charged with new responsibilities, I hope that you will take heed of these lessons and take them to heart. It will serve you well for the journey ahead.

“Am I now trying to win the approval of men, or of God? Or am I trying to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ (NIV)”.

(1) The lesson of the snake pit He reminded me that working as a new president is like being thrown into a snake pit. Some may choose to play safe and stand still, hoping that the snakes will not detect them. Sooner or later though, the snakes will discover your presence and give you an agonizing bite. However, sudden and big motions will also attract the attention of the snakes and they will come around to give you a nasty bite too! His lesson was clear and practical. You are elected to make a difference in your ministry. If you are not making any impact, then you are in the wrong position. On the other hand, never make changes too hastily, because you will then attract opposition and resistance so strong that your initiatives may not survive. Therefore, do something, but do it at a manageable pace.

(2) The lesson of who to please To impress me with this lesson, Dr Cook quoted Herbert Swope, a Pulitzer-winning reporter. He said: “I don’t have a formula for success, but I do have a formula for failure: try to please everybody.” When you are in a leadership position, you

Dr Albert Ting, Principal Singapore Bible College

dr jerry hwang

…the practice of asking honest questions can expose the chasm between our ”conscious theology“ and our ”unconscious theology.“ Unconscious theology represents those deeper convictions that dictate how we actually live, think, and feel.

“Honest Questions, Surp rising Answers”


ingapore Bible College’s mission statement is to “glorify God by training faithful servants of Jesus Christ for the edification of the church and the urgent evangelisation of the unreached.” These words greet me whenever I walk through the lobby of the SBC academic offices. On one such occasion, the question occurred to me: What does it really take to complete this mission? This question is important not only for SBC lecturers like myself, but any Christian leader who desires to see God’s people attain spiritual maturity. We might also add that this question has many possible answers. Today I want to focus on just one aspect of true discipleship, that is, equipping believers to ask the right questions and not just to recite the right answers. Why is it so crucial to teach people to be curious and not just orthodox? The reason is because the practice of asking honest questions can expose the chasm between our “conscious theology” and our “unconscious theology.” Conscious theology includes the great doctrines of our faith, like justification by faith. Unconscious theology, in contrast, represents those deeper convictions that dictate how we actually live, think, and feel. Spiritual maturity could thus be defined as bridging any gap that lies between our conscious and unconscious theologies.

The tension between conscious and unconscious theologies is especially prominent in Psalm 24, a psalm about God’s kingship over His whole creation. This psalm may have been a Temple liturgy of some kind.1 The opening verse declares that the whole world belongs to God: “The earth is the LORD’s, and everything in it; the world, and all who live in it” (v. 1). Our conscious theology can give a hearty “Amen” to this confession of faith. But in our unconscious theology, this truth raises as many questions as it answers. For if the world belongs to God, why isn’t it a better place? If God is everywhere, as this psalm asserts, why can it feel so difficult

1 J. Clinton McCann, Jr., A Theological Introduction to the Book of Psalms: The Psalms as Torah (Nashville: Abingdon Press), 72-73.

to reach Him? Psalm 24 responds to these questions by asking still more probing questions: “Who may ascend into the hill of the LORD? And who may stand in His holy place?” (v. 3). The psalmist’s answer to these additional questions surprises us. What God ultimately seeks is not costly sacrifices or spiritual disciplines. He instead desires “clean hands” in the form of social justice, a “pure heart” in both motives and deeds, and truthful relationships (vv. 4-6). In short, God regards our vertical relationship with Him primarily through the lenses of our horizontal relationships with one another. Our conscious theology already knows that loving one another is proof that we belong to God (John 13:35). But Psalm 24 drives this truth into the realm of our unconscious theology by asking us, “Do I please God by loving others?” This simple but profound question captures the essence of personal holiness. As important as personal holiness is, however, it is not an end in itself. That’s why the psalmist continues by describing the hope that awaits the holy worshiper. When the glorious King arrives to take His throne, the Psalm introduces another round of Who? questions. While the first Who? question tested whether the worshiper was worthy (v. 3), the second Who? question proclaims that the King is indeed worthy: “Who is He, this King of glory? The LORD Almighty — He is the King of glory” (v. 10). The contrast between these Who? questions is striking. An unholy worshiper cannot enter God’s sanctuary, but a holy King is welcomed into His own sanctuary by ancient doors that lift up spontaneously (vv. 7, 9). Both of the Who? questions in Psalm 24 are essential for growing in spiritual maturity. Our conscious theology can often be orthodox even as our unconscious theology doubts the truth. These Who? questions engage our doubts and evoke other evaluative questions about God and the life of faith: Why do I strive to appear holy while still living in sin? How can God’s promises make a difference in my suffering? When we shepherd people in this journey of asking honest questions, they will be joyfully surprised to encounter a God who is big enough to handle their doubts. Broken people can then become whole people who are able to obey the greatest commandment: “Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength” (Deuteronomy 6:5; cf. Matthew 22:37).

SBC Notice Board 新 神 布 告 栏 New Appointments 新委任 Dr Clement Chia has been appointed Dean of SOTC on 1 Jul 2010. SBC is grateful of Dr Christopher Lee’s faithful service as Dean of SOTC for the past 17 years, where he has contributed significantly to the College. Do continue to partner and pray for SBC as we seek to train faithful servants of Jesus Christ for the edification of the church and the urgent evangelisation of the unreached. 谢木水博 士予7月 1日开始 就任华文 神学系教 务主任。 本院非 常感激李 振群博士 过去17 年为教务 工作及其 他方面所 作的重 大贡献。如今恳请各教会牧长和肢体为学院和教会祷告,彼此 同心培育基督忠心的仆人,能以回应教会面对多变的社会文化 课题,以及近年本地百万新移民之布道和栽培的需要。

FACULTY NEWS 讲师脚踪 Dr Fung Cheung Kam See taught an extension course on Teaching Principles in Paris, France from 17–29 May, and spoke at a family retreat in KL organised by Logos Presbyterian Puchong Church from 5-7 June. 讲师冯张锦丝博士受邀担任以下培训讲员:5月17-29日法国巴黎 温州教会的「教学原理」密集课程;6月5-7日吉隆坡长老会原道堂 蒲种教会2010年家庭营, 主题: 「奔放的生命,全新的事奉」 。

Dr Albert Ting preached and ministered at the following events: • Jul 1-4: Chinese Missions Overseas Conference, San Diego, USA; • Jul 25-30: Amsterdam Chinese Church Retreat; • Aug 1-10: Hong Kong Bible Conference. 陈世协院长在以下几项活动中参与事奉:

• 7月1-4日在美国圣地牙哥海宣大会; • 7月25-30日在荷兰华人基督教会退修会; • 8月1-10日在香港港九研经培灵大会。 Dr Florence Tan has resigned from SBC effective Jun 2010. We are grateful for her years of service and contribution to SBC. 陈宝莲博士自6月1日起辞去在新神的讲师职位。我们非常感谢她 为新神的服务和贡献。

SBC Homecoming Day 2010

a time of Encouragement

Welcoming Our New Lecturers 欢迎新讲师 SBC warmly welcomes SOTC Associate Professor Rev Chan Fong. Rev Chan is a graduate of the University of Singapore (M.A.), China Graduate School of Theology, Hong Kong (M.Div.), and Fuller Theological Seminary, USA (D.Min.). From 1982 to Apr 2010, he served as Senior Pastor of his home church, Grace (S.C.C.) Church. Rev Chan has authored many books, including The New Visions of Chinese Churches, Can It Be Omitted?, Wherever You Send, and Towards A Holistic Life. 。陈方牧师毕业 新神热情欢迎华文神学系新讲师陈方牧师。 神学院, 国福乐 与新加坡大学,香港中国神学研究院及美 10 年至20 自1982 获文学士、道学硕士及教牧学博士学位。 牧 职。陈 牧师一 年4月,陈牧师在他的母会怀恩堂担任主任 何 《任差 、 可无》 师近著有《华人教会差传新异象》、《可有 往》、《迈向全方位的人生》。

We welcome Dr Lee Chee Chiew back as Assistant Professor of New Testament at SOTC. Prior to her doctoral studies, she served 5 years as an adjunct and 1 year as a fulltime lecturer at SBC from 2001-2006. Dr Lee received her Ph.D. in Biblical Theology (New Testament) from Wheaton College, Illinois, USA. Photo: Together with her husband, Vincent Chua, and their two children, Shuei Ray (10 yrs old) and Shuei Min (8 yrs old). 迎李志秋博士回到本院任职为华文神学系的新约助 我们欢迎 理教授。2001至2006年间,她曾在新加坡神学院担任五年 兼职和一年全职的讲师。李博士在美国伊利诺州惠顿大学 获颁圣经神学(新约)博士学位。她和丈夫蔡成荣育有两个 孩子—学睿(十岁)和学悯(八岁)。

2010 新神校友会

a time for Fellowship

展翅上腾 一起飞翔

Dr Albert Ting & the Faculty cordially invite ALL SBC ALUMNI to Homecoming Day.


Monday 27 Sep 2010, 8:30am to 2:00pm

于2010年9月27日(星期一) 上午八点半至下午两点返校团聚

Programme Tea Fellowship • Worship & Welcome Word of Encouragement by Rev Chan Fong Updates from the Principal • Individual School Gatherings Lunch & Fellowship

节目 茶点招待 • 敬拜及欢迎 信息分享 - 陈方牧师 院长报告 • 各系校友分组时间 聚餐与团契

We will look forward to seeing you on this special day!


Centre for Continuing Theological Education SINGAPORE BIBLE COLLEGE


ome time ago, a book with an eye-catching title caught my attention. It is What is a Healthy Church Member? published in 2008 by Crossway (Wheaton, Illinois) and written by Thabiti M. Anyabwile, Senior Pastor of First Baptist Church, Grand Cayman Islands. Many books have been written for pastors showing them how their churches can grow or become healthy. But very few books have been written for the people in the pews showing them how they can be healthy church members. This book therefore fills an important gap and is both a refreshing as well as thought-provoking read. According to Anyabwile, a healthy church member manifests the following ten marks: He is an Expositional Listener. This means that as he sits under the ministry of the Word, he listens in a particular way to the Word of God as it is preached and taught: he lets God set the agenda by seeking always to hear the true meaning of the text so that he can apply it to his life. A healthy church member who practices expositional listening will (a) cultivate a hunger for God’s Word, (b) focus on God’s will and follow Him, (c) protect the Gospel and his life from corruption, (d) encourage his pastor(s), and (e) benefit his local church. He is a Biblical Theologian. This means two things for the church member: he knows God Himself and he knows God’s macro story of redemption including the grand themes and doctrines of the Bible and how they fit together. A healthy church member who practices biblical theology will grow in his reverence for God, overcome wrong ideas, inoculate his church against doctrinal controversies, fulfill the Great Commission, and deepen in his understanding of and facility with the Gospel. He is Gospel-Saturated. Since it is the Gospel that saves us (Rom. 1:16) and will sustain and motivate us in our daily Christian lives, a healthy church member seeks to know the Gospel, desires to hear the Gospel, preaches the Gospel to himself, takes the Gospel to its conclusion, orders his life around the Gospel, shares the Gospel, and guards the Gospel. He is Genuinely Converted. A healthy church member knows, experientially, the work of God’s grace in his own soul leading him to turn away from sin (repentance) and to rely only on the

How Healthy Are You

Jesus’ return (Tit. 2:13-14). He is a Humble Follower. A healthy church member honours his church leaders (1 Tim. 5:1719), shows openhearted love to them (2 Cor. 6:11-13), obeys and submits to them (Heb. 13:17), follows their example (Phil. 3:17), and prays for them (Col. 2:2-4). He is a Prayer Warrior. A healthy church member prays constantly (1Thess. 5:17; Rom. 12:12; Col. 4:2) and in the Spirit (Rom. 8:26-27); he prays for Gospel labourers and shepherds (Matt. 9:36-38), for all the saints (Eph. 6:18), for those in authority (1 Tim. 2:13), and for those who abuse and persecute believers (Lk. 6:28). In the light of the ten marks that Anyabwile proposes, how do we measure up? If you are a church member reading this, are you a healthy church member? If you are a pastor or a church leader reading this, are your church members healthy? SBC has established CCTE to come alongside local churches to work with the pastors, lay-leaders and church members to grow and equip God’s people so that they can be healthy. CCTE seeks to do this through the following: Equipping Christians with sound hermeneutical skills to rightly interpret, understand and apply the Scriptures; Fortifying in them a biblically-based, theologically-rooted and philosophically-coherent Christian worldand-life view; Developing in them intentionality in the practice of spiritual disciplines, transforming their lives and bringing vitality to their ministry; Developing in them the ability to think biblically, theologically and critically on various issues they may confront in the life and ministry; Cultivating in them a missional understanding of the church as the people of God, called and sent out to witness, in word and deed, the good news of God’s kingdom; and Developing in them various life and ministry skills for effective Christian witness and service. We invite pastors, lay-leaders and church members to join and partner with CCTE so that together we can develop healthy Christians and healthy churches, all for the glory of God and the greater growth of His Kingdom.

as a Church Member? Lord Jesus Christ for salvation (faith). His conversion will be marked by walking in the light (1 Jn. 1:6-7), loving God the Father (cf. 1 Jn. 2:15, 22-23), loving other Christians (1 Jn. 5:1), having the testimony of the Spirit that he is a child of God (1 Jn. 3:24b; Gal. 4:6; cf. Rom. 8:15), and perseverance in the faith (1 Jn. 5:4-5). He is a Biblical Evangelist. A healthy church member is not only faithful in sharing the Gospel but he also communicates and presents the content of the faithfully so that unbelievers will know who God is, who men are, what sin is and has done to men, who Jesus is, what Jesus has done about sin, and what sinners must do about what Jesus has done. He is a Committed Member. A healthy church member attends church regularly (Heb. 10:24-25), seeks the peace of the church (Rom. 14:19), edifies others (1 Cor. 12, 14; Eph. 4:11-16), warns and admonishes others, pursues reconciliation (2 Cor. 5:18-21; Matt. 5:23-24), bears with others (Matt. 5:5; 18:21-22; Gal. 6:2), and supports the work of the ministry. He Seeks Discipline. A healthy church member submits himself to both formative discipline (teaching and training in righteousness) and corrective discipline (reproof and correction) which he recognizes is essential for his spiritual growth and fruitfulness. Accordingly, he receives the Word of God with meekness, learns to recognize chastisement as evidence of God’s love, humbly accepts correction from others, and also takes responsibility to discipline his fellow Christians. He is a Growing Disciple. A healthy church member grows in godliness and holiness and in “the stature of the fullness of Christ” (Eph. 4:13). In pursuit of this growth, he abides in Christ (Jn. 15:5-8), faithfully uses the ordinary means of grace (i.e., the study of God’s Word, participation in the sacraments, prayer, etc.), actively participates in the local church (Heb. 10:25), and looks to

– Rev Dr Bernard Low D irector of ccte


20 Sep to 29 Oct 2010, 7.30-9.30pm at SBC’s MPH/Lecture Theatre Room 1 Classrooms Mondays (Sep 20, 27; Oct 4, 18, 25; Nov 1)

TH01(K): The Christian Mind As Christians, we are very familiar with and comfortable when it comes to church life. However, we need clear biblical, theological and ethical principles to guide our decisions on how to live in this world as a Christian. This course will help Christians to rethink and reconstruct their sense of value in all areas, including their responsibility to their nations and societies. This course covers: (1) The Christian and Ethics, (2) The Bible and Ethics, (3) Theology and Ethics, (4) Christian Worldview, (5) The Church and Society, and (6) The Church’s Social Responsibility to Social Problems. . LEC TURER: 1 Rev John Lee Seung Gon, D.Th; Gen Secretary of Asia Mission Partnership in S’pore; Research Prof of China Theological Seminary in Seoul.

CM05: Creative Classroom Management “Johnny, please do not disturb Matthew! Sarah, stop kicking Mary’s chair!” “Children, how many times must I ask you to keep quiet!” Have you ever been in a class of children who made you so angry that you felt like giving up? Or wished these “rascals” did not exist or were not in your Sunday School class? Good news! You are not alone in the almost weekly struggle against such “flesh and blood”. But hold on, there’s even better news! Sunday School does not have to be that way every week! You can effectively manage your class of children through creative discipline principles and processes that work. Come find out more! LEC TURERS: 2 Mr David Leong, MCS, Executive Director & Principal Trainer of Scripture Union S’pore, with a team of experienced youth pastors and associate trainers, 3 Mrs Percy Low, 4 Mr John Sim and 5 Ms Edna Low.

Tuesdays (Sep 21, 28; Oct 5, 12, 19, 26) TH07: Eschatology Eschatology is a study of what the Bible teaches about the last days. This course covers the biblical teaching and theological controversies regarding events of the last days, including the second coming of Christ, the tribulation, the Antichrist, the millennium, the resurrection and the final judgment, and discuss the following contentious issues: (1) Will there be a secret rapture of believers? (2) Should we expect a literal 1000 year reign of Christ on earth? (3) Will the church be raptured before the Great Tribulation visits the earth? (4) Who is the Beast of the Great Tribulation? (5) Should the mark of Beast ‘666’ be taken literally? (6) How do we interpret the 1000 year

reign of Christ in Revelation 20? (7) Does the political nation of Israel today still have an important prophetic role to play in the last days?” LEC TURER: 6 Rev Bernard Low, PhD; Director of CCTE, Assoc Prof of Systematic Theology in SOTE; Assoc Pastor of Hebron B-P Church.

Wednesdays (Sep 22, 29; Oct 6, 13, 20, 27) CM12: Children in Families Attention parents and teachers! Ever wondered why God has placed children in families, especially your own? What is God’s plan and destiny of the children He gave you in your family and church? Not only do children have a special place in God’s kingdom, they also have a special God-given destiny in the church family, or God’s kingdom. Come and explore the biblical understanding of the special place and purpose of children in these two spheres. Parents-to-be will also find this course educational to prepare them to receive and raise God-fearing and God-loving children in the training and admonition of the Lord.

LEC TURER: 2 Mr David Leong, MCS; Executive Director & Principal Trainer of Scripture Union S’pore, 7 Mr Simon Say, MACE; Children Ministry Staff of Kum Yan Methodist Church, Assoc Trainer of Scripture Union S’pore.

Thursdays (Sep 23, 30; Oct 7, 14, 21, 28) CE02: Biomedical Ethics for the Contemporary Church Advances in medic al treatment modalities, biotechnological innovations and genetic-molecular manipulations have brought about a set of unique challenges to the Church. In this course, a pastoral-theological approach will be used to examine, reflect on and develop responses to the difficult moral and ethical issues facing the Church today – stem cell research, cloning, test tube babies, abortion, mercy-killing, organ transplantation and more.

LEC TURER: 8 Dr Alex Tang, PhD candidate (Asia Graduate School of Theology); AM, FRCP, MRCPL, M.Min, MD, DCH; Sr Consultant Paediatrician (Johor Specialist Hospital); Clinical Professor of

Paediatrics (University of Monash, Malaysia); Director of Holy Light Church’s Spiritual Formation Institute and Kairos Spiritual Formation Ministries.

OT04: Understanding the Ancient Hebrews This course is designed for lay Christians to better understand the ancient Hebrew world and in turn enhance their Bible reading. Topics include: (1) The Hebrew Language: its origins, usage and significance for theology; (2) The land: Its geography, topography, climate and implications for theology; (3) Hebrew Food: Its importance and its function as a means of revelation; (4) Hebrew Worship: The model of worship for the Hebrews and us; (5) Hebrew Wisdom: How the Hebrews view wisdom and its relevance to us today; and (6) Hebrew Story-telling: Its conventions and techniques, and how they help us read their stories in the Bible. LEC TURER: 9 Rev Samuel Goh, PhD; Assoc Professor of Old Testament in SOTE.

YM02: Creative Evangelism & Discipleship of Youths Attention all youth pastors, leaders and parents of teenagers! Ever wondered why so many young people are not interested in the gospel and worst yet, even leaving their Christian faith? Is it because the church has talked so much about the love of our God but not been expressed it through concrete acts of love and compassion? Are your youths enthused and equipped to share their faith with friends and neighbours? Do you know how to equip them? Learn how to talk less yet do more evangelism and discipleship of youth! LEC TURER: 2 Mr David Leong, MCS; Executive Director & Principal Trainer of Scripture Union Singapore, with a team of experienced youth pastors and associate trainers, 10 Mr Steven Wee, 11 Mr Fuji Yew and 12 Mr Kelvin Tay.

For more information about our courses and programmes and how to register for them, please visit Enquiries can also be directed to the CCTE Office at cctereg@sbc. or Tel: 65591551.













Dr Maak Hay Chun joined SBC in 1975 and served us as our Principal from 1979 to 1992. On the occasion of Dr & Mrs Maak’s 80th birthdays, SBC hosted a series of events in May in ½ÄÃÄÇ Ä» ɽº¾Ç Ⱦ¼Ã¾IJ¸¶ÃÉ contribution to God’s ministry and to SBC.

麦希真牧师于1975年加入 新加坡神学院,并从1979 至1992年间担任本院院 长。欣逢麦希真牧师伉俪 八十大寿,新神在今年 的五月主办了一系列的活 动,记念麦牧师伉俪对神 的事工与本院的贡献。

Maak Hay Chun Pastors’ Conference

麦希真牧师教牧讲座 From May 12-14, Dr and Mrs Maak encouraged pastors, missionaries, Christian workers, SBC alumni and students, through an insightful Pastors’ Conference that addressed many concerns that we often face, with sharings from their rich experience gained through many faithful years of serving God.

SBC 57th Graduation Ceremony

新加坡神学院第五十七届毕业典礼 SBC’s 57th Graduation Ceremony was held on May 16 at Nanyang Auditorium, Nanyang Technological University. Some 1,600 people attended the Ceremony, to worship together and congratulate the 121 new graduates, consisting of 58 from SOTC, 38 from SOTE, 10 from SOCM and 15 from SOC. Principal Emeritus Dr Maak Hay Chun exhorted all graduates and friends to be faithful in “Embracing Mission”. SBC is grateful for the presence of many friends and supporters at the Ceremony. 新神第57届毕业典礼于5月16日在 南洋理工大学的礼堂举行。大约有 1600人出席,一同敬拜和恭贺今年 121名的毕业生 - 58位来自中文神 学系、38位来自英文神学系、10位 来自圣乐系以及15位来自辅导系。 新 神 荣 誉 院 长 麦 希 真 牧 师 以“ 怀 抱 使命”为主题与毕业生和朋友们共 勉。新神对参加典礼的朋友和支持 者不胜感激。

SBC Thanksgiving Dinner cum Dr & Mrs Maak’s 80th Birthday Celebration


5月12至14日麦希真牧师和师母 在教牧讲座上以他们丰富的经 验之谈,给予牧师、传道、宣教 士、教牧同工、神学院校友以及 学生许多的勉励,并探讨了服侍 时常会面临的问题。

A Thanksgiving Dinner was hosted on May 14 at Orchid Country Club to thank God for His faithfulness and to celebrate Dr & Mrs Maak’s 80th Birthday. The Dr & Mrs Maak Hay Chun Endowment Fund for Theological Education was also officially launched at the Dinner. 5月14日新神在胡姬花乡村俱乐部举行了感恩聚会,欢庆神信实的同时也为麦牧师伉俪举行 八十大寿庆典。新神也在当晚正式设立了“麦希真牧师伉俪神学教育永久基金”,以示对他 们在上帝圣工上卓越表现的敬意。

Maak Hay Chun Revival Meeting


Despite his age and impaired vision, Dr Maak was full of joy and energy as he spoke to an attentive audience at public evening Revival Meetings from May 11-13. He challenged all to be different and re-ignited our passion and love for Christ. 虽然身体和视力大不如前,麦牧师在 5月11日至13日晚间的培灵大会分享 时还是生动有趣,充满活力。他挑战 所有的参与者要再次燃起对基督的 爱与热忱,成为不一样的人!

Room for 1 more photo – pls supply

COLLEGE FOCUS 学院动态 8 网上学园


北伊利诺大学语言 系﹔回香港事奉期 间在中学并青少年 机构参与青少年福 音事工。之后于美 国南方浸信会神学 院完成哲学博士学 位,主修教育领袖 学。2004年与丈夫 冯志就博士到新加 坡神学院一起任职 学院讲师至今。张 博士除了任教基督 冯张锦丝博士 教教育科目外,对 家庭生活教育及青少年事工也有研究和负 担。育有两名在青少年阶段的女儿。

家庭为教育的重要基地,但当代的家庭大 多无法达到其使命。本科目为修读网上学 园的同学而设计,针对有关家庭的研究和 家庭事工的建立,作具体而深入的探讨与 整合。将探讨婚姻和家庭的基础,并健全 家庭和长久婚姻的动力与特征。内容以圣 经教导为基础,综合基督教教育的原理、 社会科学的研究,从基督教的角度同来了 解现代家庭,并探讨教会家庭事工整全的 设计和实践。 授课讲师: 出生于香港﹐大学时信主。先后毕业于香 港中文大学、美国威敏斯特神学院、东

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Income 收入 (01/11/09-28/02/10) Expenditure 支出 (01/11/09-28/02/10) Surplus/(Deficit) 盈余/(不敷)

S$ 1,358,013 1,139,652 S$ 218,361

Blk 5 Building Fund 第五座院舍建筑基金

S$ 7,949,390 96,639 8,046,028

Collection b/f as at 承前 01/07/09 Donations received 累积收入 (01/07/09 - 28/02/10) Less 减 : Completion of Nehemiah Blk 5 & Maintenance Work 尼西米工程第五座院舍及维修 Balance as at 余额截至 28/02/10


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截止日期 : 2010年10月4日

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《基督教家庭事工》 网上课程



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感 谢 您 的 奉 献 Cheque donation (in RM) – please make cheque payable to Singapore Bible College and mail it to us. Bank draft donation (in S$) – please make draft payable to Singapore Bible College and mail it to us. Cash donation - please deposit cash into our Public Bank Berhad a/c 498-58-18-127 and send us the deposit slip with your name and address.


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林鸿信教授在中国文化的背景下谈论基督教的 「恩典」时,很精辟地指出,中国文化基本上 是倾向重视成人、强调敬老的文化,伴随着这 样的文化所体现的人际素养是稳重老成,年高 德劭。但在长幼有序的既定思维里也难免产生 「敬老辖制慈幼」的表现,造成忽略孩童的排 挤效应。2

儿童被忽略 vs 回转像小孩 一位署名「骆新」 的读者,在近期的《新 周刊》读者回应栏上 以 「“ 被 城 市 化 ” 的 童 年」为题就中国近年的 城市建设表达了他的意 见:

虽然不能断言中国文化漠视儿童,但相形之下,基督教文化 则显得对孩童的普遍重视。特别就其神学底蕴而言, 基督论中以婴孩作为主角的弥赛亚预言,以 及福音书中耶稣与孩童互动及言谈的丰 富意含,在在阐明了福音信仰中孩童 形象作为神学隐喻所带出有关谦 卑纯真等特质的重要性。加上 太18:3-5所展现的「回转成小 孩」与「为我接待小孩」两 相交织的灵性呼召与伦理 诉求,在一定程度上塑造 了基督教文化在实践意义 上对孩童形象的认知与重 视。

我们国家,拥有全世 界数量最庞大的少年儿 童群体。有大约1.5亿的 儿童是生活在城市里的。 但我们却发现,在一座城市 的规划和功能划分中,凡涉及 到儿童活动的空间,只能大多在 各类教育机构的建设用地中体现,但 除此之外,真正的大自然,正在逐渐从儿童 的视野里消失, “四体不勤、五谷不分”似乎已成定局。 在成人世界,孩子们没有发言权。对于城市的管理者而 言,儿童的游戏或运动的空间,多一点、少一点都与经 济建设和政治表现无关,所以在规划中,完全可以被忽 略掉。1

德国神学家莫特曼在孩 童的特质上阐述「盼 望」的主题,指出每一个 婴孩的诞生都标示了一个 开放性盼望的展开。我们 今天常说的「孩子是未来的 希望」,此句的希望应该是 开放性的,而不是成人世界自 身愿望的投射。3 换个角度言,我 们常说「未来属於年轻人」,所说 的意思是因为年轻,所以充满未来;但 实际上应该是倒过来看:因有未来盼望,所 以年轻。孩童的年轻,不是因为他们的年龄,而 是因为他们的希望。4 今天普遍奉为养身美颜的金律与口号 「永保青春」(forever young),其实正好错置了其内在关 系。从这个角度回头思想文化,我们看到尊重老者的文化, 虽然比较稳重,却有时难免觉得苍老;重视孩童的文化,更 能表现出生命的力量。5

中国也许确实有着她建设过程中的内在问题(哪个国家能幸 免?),笔者引述上面文字,焦点不在硬体建设 (当然其中引 伸的意含仍然相关);也不是谈儿童教育或所谓社会福利观 点下的行政决策议题。笔者的重点是事件表层下一种没有明 说的认定:孩童的“被忽略掉”。

十月一日是新加坡的儿童节。儿童作为思考主题,我们不只 是在城市建设、教会圣工上想到儿童;从神学人论的基点出 发,作为上帝眼前的人,我们在实存动机与身份定位方面, 乃至於我们跟神的关系上,恐怕需要更多的追溯「因有一婴 孩为我们而生」;更多唤起并体验「回转像小孩」的恩典。

儿童的被忽略,在上述简短的文字所陈述的情境中主要是因 为在先天条件上他们不具备任何的经济效益使然;其实,就 这个议题也许值得观察的另外一个相对 (却不对立)的角度是 文化因素。

诚然,孩童作为神学反省的主题极为丰富,不要错过圣灵藉 我们身边的孩童及我们内心里牵引我们靠近上帝的童真,甚 至有时在生活中围绕在孩童周边的事务,例如阅读童书,6 都 可以让我们盛载满满的感动与惊喜。

注脚 1 2 3 4

《新周刊》,2010第12期,总第325期 (2010年6月15),6。 详参林鸿信: 《落叶随风 - 论忘我》,「忘我之域」系列之三 (香港: 道风,2008),297-301。 J. Moltmann, In the End – The Beginning: The Life of Hope, trans. Margaret Kohl (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2004), 15. ibid, x-xi.



6 一般成人对阅读童书绘本兴趣阙阙,但其实其中不乏充满信仰意义的人文反省 素材,触动孩童也启发成人,例如公认的经典童书:伊芙. 邦婷撰文,罗奈德. 希姆勒绘图,《开往远方的列车》,刘清彦译(台北:和英出版社,2002)。

2010年 嘉声 7/9 月 224

训 练 耶 稣 基 督 忠 心 的 仆 人

一 位导师


第一届麦希真 宣教行动大会 把握时机

新神校友日 展翅上腾 一起飞翔


Dr Albert Ting Mrs Karen Lee Rev Dr Rick Griffith Dr Myrleene Yap Rev Dr Bernard Low Rev Dr Paul Woods Mrs Serena Chan

天我坐在百奥拉大 学已故校长克莱 德·库克博士办公 室里的谈话,我仍记忆犹新。 那是2006年,我刚上任新加坡 神学院的第六任院长职务。新 的职务令我感到十分地忧虑和 担心,很自然地我转向经验丰 富的前辈寻求指引。克莱德博 士对我转述了两个他任职百奥 拉大学校长时所领受的忠言。


… 保罗在加拉太书一章 十节中所说的话刻在木 板上提醒自己: “我现

在是要得人的心 呢 ?还 是 要 得 神 的 心 呢 ?我 岂 是 讨人的喜欢吗? 若仍旧讨人的喜 欢 ,我 就 不 是 基 督的仆人了。”

第一 蛇坑的教训 他告诉我接任新院长的职务就 像是被丢入蛇坑一般。落入蛇 坑里的人,有些会采取不动声色和静观其变 的态度,希望蛇不会发现他们的存在。但早 晚蛇还是会察觉到你并给你痛楚的一击。尽 管如此,突如其来的大动作也是会引起蛇的 注意而使自己遭受攻击。 他的比喻既清楚又实际。身为院长,你就必 需在你的事工上有所突破,若是无法做出 任何的影响,那你就是不胜其任了。虽然如 此,操之过急的改变也会引起强烈反对和杯 葛,而导致你无法领导下去。因此,凡事都 要控制在可以掌控的范围之内。

编 辑 部 陈世协博士 杨金兰讲师 顾力凯博士 叶慕灵博士 刘文良博士 林保罗博士 陈诗韵女士

第二 取悦谁的教训 为了使我牢记这一点,克莱德博士引用了 荣获普立滋奖的记者赫伯特索普(Herbert Bayard Swope) 的一句话: “我无法给你成功 的秘诀,但我却可以给你的失败的方法:那 就是试着去取悦每一个人”。

当你处在领导的位置时,必然 会面临许多艰难的决策。人 们免不了会将他们的议程加诸 于你的身上,因为你主导最后 的决定权。克莱德博士提醒我 要竭力讨神的喜悦,胜过讨人 的喜悦。身为一个领导者,他 深深地体会到这个原则。甚至 还将保罗在加拉太书一章十节 中所说的话刻在木板上提醒 自己: “我现在是要得人的心 呢?还是要得神的心呢?我岂 是讨人的喜欢吗?若仍旧讨人 的喜欢,我就不是基督的仆人 了。”

无论你多么的努力尝试,你所作的每一个决 定并非能得到机构里所有人的认同。若是试 着去讨好每个人,最终会使人人都不满意。 保罗的话提醒我们当追求讨神的喜悦,至少 在神眼里尽力做对的事情,最终真理也将证 明一切。这是多少智慧和经验的累积才领悟 出的道理,如此的金石良言确实帮助我们能 够更好的服侍下去。 在领导的过程中,我还在学习如何应用这些 宝贵的教导。希望自己不仅仅只是认真地对 待,还要谨慎地遵守他所说的这两个原则。 当你被赋予新的使命与责任的同时,我期盼 你也能够将这两个原则牢记在心。因为它们 将帮助你在未来的道路上服侍更 有果效。 博士 新加坡神学院院长

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