SBC Pray For Us Issue 212

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“Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers.” 1 Tim 4:16 (NIV)

Oji Press Pte Ltd

Dear Graduates, In the computer-generated cartoon, “Prince of Egypt”, there was a memorable scene that left a deep impression on me. After Moses was plucked from the water, he grew up in the palace together with Rameses, the son of Sharaoh. One day, these Princes of Egypt were engaged in a chariot race. They chased each other at high speed, oblivious to the safety of the pedestrians. They overturned fruit stalls and construction scaffoldings, leaving behind a trail of chaos and mess. When the Pharaoh found out their reckless behaviors, he gave Rameses a stern lecture and shared his worry that the Egyptian Dynasty may be in jeopardy. Rameses responded lamely that the Egyptian Empire was built over several hundred years and a seemingly benign incident should not have affected it. The wise Pharaoh responded rightly, “It only takes a weak link to break the chain of a mighty empire.” As you go out to serve in Jesus’ name, remember that you are joining the chain of the past saints who have served their Master with distinction. Don’t be a weak link that might break the chain of this great legacy. Watch out for some false assumptions that might compromise our commitment to be faithful servants of Jesus Christ. Two are particularly noteworthy:

Unrealistic expectations were imposed on others as much as on us. Criticisms have been a part of the package of leadership in almost every field, including politics, business, non-profit organizations and family structure. Long hours of labors and over-time have been the common experience of many executives and administrators. While we may be serving sacrificially, I am very certain that we are not alone! 2. We deserve special treatment Sometimes we are given special treatments from church members who use them as an expression of their love towards us. They may provide services at a great discount, even for free, to either assist us financially, or just out of appreciation as a church member under our care. We should be appreciative and thankful for their affections. Our church members also feel honored to be able to contribute to the welfare of their pastors. The problem is, after a while, we begin to expect free services and assume that all services rendered to us should be heavily subsidized. Sometimes, we may often demand that special treatment be granted to us. When we have come to such a state, we are at a low point in our role as a servant of God. May we never come to this state! Ministry is a privilege. Let’s build an honorable ministry. Do not be a weak link. Your fellow servant,

1. We sacrificed more than others

June 2008


Sometimes our well-intentioned church members tell us that we sacrifice more than others as a way to make us feel special. We soak in their compliments too quickly without giving it a reality check. We begin to cultivate a false impression that we have given up much, much more than others. I am afraid we might be deceiving ourselves. May I remind you that practically everybody in leadership position in the church has sacrificed as much as you did, if not more.

Dr Albert Ting, Principal Singapore Bible College


> Helping Couples in Times of Trouble

From the desk of the Director of Development On 11th May 2008 we say farewell to 123 graduating students from many nations. It is both a joyful and sad occasion. A joyful time as the years of hard work are over and a new dawn awaits the graduates. It will also be a sad time as they bid farewell to their cross-cultural fellow students and friends. However, they will treasure the friendship that they have forged over the years at SBC and bring that bonding and partnership into their future ministry. As the graduates celebrate, it is also a time of rejoicing for all of us as all these are possible because of your prayers and support during their journey in SBC. Let us continue to uphold them in prayer that they will remain faithful to their call and finish well in spite of the many challenges that they will face in the future. The new Block 5 Hall of Residence is one of the places where students study together, learn to live with one another, mould their character, have crosscultural experiences, and build life-long friendship that goes beyond the wall of SBC. The construction for the new hall of residence is gaining momentum and completion is expected to be in June/July 2008, in time for the new academic year. The total estimated building cost is As at 31/03/2008, donation received is

S$ 7,500,000 S$ 4,908,799

Balance outstanding as at 31/03/2008

S$ 2,591,201

A Marriage Counselling Equipping Course Organized by SBC School of Counselling 11, 12 & 14 July 2008, 9.00 am – 5.00 pm

Dr Ben Lim

Dr Danny Goh

Guiding troubled couples is so difficult because divorce is becoming so easy. If not divorce, there are always alternative attractions and escape routes, destructive conflict patterns and unreasonable behaviours that can similarly lead couples to an irretrievable breakdown or else live separate lives.

In this training course for pastors and leaders with the responsibility or “burden” for married couples, Drs Ben Lim & Danny Goh will teach biblical and sociological principles as well as practical skills to help assist couples over common rough spots and through serious problems. Helpful frameworks and specific handles will be taught and modeled in a manner that is effective within a realistic time frame. Dr Ben Lim is Associate Professor of Marriage & Family Therapy at Bethel Seminary, San Diego, USA. He was a pastor in the EFC church in Malaysia for many years. Dr Danny Goh, formerly Associate Dean of SOTE, is the founding Dean of SBC School of Counselling. He too was a pastor for many years. Both Drs Lim & Goh hold MA & PhD degrees in Marriage & Family Therapy.

We praise God that donors have given towards the 7 faculty apartments, 5 student lounges and 22 dormitories. We still have 24 dormitories available for naming opportunities. We appreciate your giving and partnership in our project of faith.

There will also be a certification for the Prepare & Enrich assessment for pre-marital counselling to be held on Mon, 7 July, 9am - 5pm. This will be led by Dr Ben Lim.

May the grace and peace of God be with you!

For enquiry, please contact SBC School of Counselling, Tel: 6559-1516 (Veronica), or email: Website:

Ian Chng Director of Development


> Homecoming Day 2008 Dear SBC Alumni, You are invited to the Homecoming Day 2008 on 29 Sept, 8:00 a.m. for a time to return home to your alma mater, a time of reunion with lecturers and friends, and a time to recall your good old times in SBC. So set aside time off from your ministry for this special occasion. Further detail will be posted in the next issue. We look forward to your homecoming. SBC Principal, Faculty, and Staff

Wesley, Keiko & Stephan, Shane (& Debbie), Amy and Anna are all in various local ministries of different denominations except Stephan and Keiko who are serving in Japan.

FinancialReport Income and Expenditure Statements for the period from 01/07 /2007 to 31/03/2008

Property, Plant, and Equipment Fund

General Fund

S$ Income (01/07/2007 --- 31/03/2008) Expenditure (01/07/2007 --- 31/03/2008) Surplus / (Deficit)

2,829,274 2,681,354 147,920

Accumulated surplus as at 01/07/2007


Balance as at 31/03/2008


Average per month expenses required S$320,000

(Previously know as Building Fund)

Balance b/f as at 01/07/2007 Donations received (01/07/2007 --- 31/03/2008) Add: Surplus from 55th Anniversary Fundraising Music Concert Less Purchase of Equipment (01/07/2007 --- 31/03/2008) Work in progress for Nehemiah Project: Blk 5 Balance as at 31/03/2008

* This comprises Blk 5 Re-building Fund (S$2,779,463.72), IT Upgrading Fund (S$89.344.53), & others (S$908,157.83).

S$ 3,045,694 2,963,439 74,163 6,083,296 (176,995) (2,129,335) *3,776,966


A Memorable

Memorable Journey

Timothy Sng Tien Leng Bachelor of Theology Malaysia

Thanit Lokeskrawee Master of Divinity (Biblical Studies) Thailand My three years at SBC is evidence of God’s grace in my life. It has been an exciting journey with the Lord since the beginning of the programme until now. SBC is the place where God allowed me to learn at least three things. First, he allowed me to learn the basic skill of interpreting his Word. Not only can I understand the text clearer, but I also know the heart and the will of the ultimate author of the text clearer. I enjoy learning the biblical languages, Greek and Hebrew, even though it is tough. Second, God gave me a wonderful group of classmates: Shin Hoe is a caring brother; Jae Myeong is a loving scholar; Wendy is a compassionate lady; John is a peaceful man; Grace is a prayerful person; Kiran is a ministerial man; Abel is able; Matthew is a creative person; Rosalind is a devoted woman; Elsie is a capable girl; Jemaine is a hard-working lady; Melvin is a cool guy; Djenny is a book addict, and Jose is an incredible thinker. These are people who taught me what friendship really is. We shared joys and struggles with one another in prayers. Third, God granted me a place to practise my spiritual journey with him. He always gives me tasks that are beyond my ability to do in order that I may rely on him, not my own strength. To God be the glory.

Four years in SBC has been a wonderful time of learning and growing. It was indeed an awesome journey of knowing and experiencing God. Lessons learned vary from lecture to lecture in class. Fellowship outside class, dormitory life and sports have spiced up my time in SBC. Yes, there were struggles and challenges. However, it was in these moments that I’ve learned to depend on God. Having the right attitude and trust in God towards these challenges was essential for me to press on. Seeing what is ahead of me motivates me to give God the best in my years of preparation for the ministry. Indeed, God has placed a lot of people around me in SBC to teach, guide and shape me. The Annual Inter-College Games and International Nights have been the highlights for me in SBC. Friendship was established through sports and I learned about different cultures through all the presentations during International Night. Praise God for all that He has done in my life. What a privilege it is to serve God. May God help me to be His faithful servant. To God be the glory.

Michele Ang Graduate Diploma in Church Music Singapore

Bettina Yeap Master of Arts (Pastorial Counselling) Singapore And yet again I prepare to walk through another door. It seems like only a while ago that I first came through the gates of SBC and the topmost layers in my treasure chest of memories has not yet had time to collect dust. There are many pictures: in my sister’s room in Perth I sit, holding my psychologist’s dreams to God just as Abraham did with Isaac; then there is a series of x-ray pictures that show the expansion of heart and mind as I am stretched and challenged to grow in both knowledge and love for God and His word and people; there is also the classroom moments of self and group entertainment and the “drifting off into dreamland” photo-taking, but more poignantly, the precious moments where awesome intellect and passion come together powerfully to inspire and shake me out of my comfort zone. Most vivid and valuable of all are the colorful snapshots of lives of individuals, my friends, whom God has brought together to form the rainbow collage that is SBC life, a perspective enlarging smorgasbord of cultures, food and people that tell of the work, creativity and genius of our God. Amidst the cacophony of ‘persecution’ and what some might term ‘sacrifice’, the praise, affirmation and confirmation of my gifts and calling sounds out louder and clearer and I step out, knowing that while the destination is not clear at this point, I follow a God who is actively at work, molding, leading and guiding me through the intricate, infinite branches of possibilities that await. Pray for me, that I may be who and where He wants me to be.

There are three things that I want to thank God for. (1) I thank God for leading me to SBC to study church music. (2) I thank God for his continuing presence with me throughout these three years of study. (3) I thank God for leading me to graduate from SBC. Having the chance to study church music in a seminary is a privilege to me from God. I thank God that He has called me into a partnership with Him, where I am able to be equipped to be used to serve in His ministry. These three years have not been smooth sailing. Expectations from teachers were much higher than my own ability and I felt that I have fallen deep into the valley. However, whenever that was so, God reminded me that He was with me. He was there with me all the time. When I felt helpless in the deep valley, He was there. When I was lost in the dense maze, He was there. Graduation upon completion of course work may seem to be a natural process for a student. However, I see graduation as grace bestowed on me by God. Having to struggle through several of the courses has taught me to lean on the arms of God. It is also through these difficult times that God moulds a person. It is also not by chance that I am graduating today. God was there, and God is here with me today. I have learnt to live by faith. Not forgetting SBC, I would like to take this opportunity to thank SBC for the conducive environment and the provision of committed and dedicated teachers. I would also like to thank all the teachers for their patience and chances they have given to me throughout this course of study. God be glorified!

11th May 2008 (Sunday), 4pm. Nanyang Auditorium, Nanyang Technological University Worship Leader: Dr Myrleene Yap Pianist:



Dr Albert Ting

Master, Thou callest, I gladly obey; Only direct me, and I’ll find Thy way. Teach me the mission appointed for me, What is my labor, and where it shall be. Master, Thou callest, and this I reply, “Ready and willing, Lord, here am I.”



Elder Arthur Lim (E) Rev James Lai (C)

Rev Dr Michael Shen SCRIPTURE READING 1 Timothy 1:12-17 Prof Philip Lee (E) Rev Yee Tat Foo (C)


Worship Leader

SBC Chorale Conductor:




Ms Lanny Yap



Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation! O my soul, praise Him for He is thy health and salvation! All ye who hear, now to His temple draw near; Praise Him in glad adoration.

Music by: David Lantz III

Praise to the Lord, who o’er all things so wondrously reigneth, Shelters thee under His wings, yea, so gently sustaineth! Hast thou not seen how thy desires e’er have been Granted in what He ordaineth? Praise to the Lord, O let all that is in me adore Him! All that hath life and breath, come now with praises before Him! Let the Amen sound from His people again; Gladly for aye we adore Him. LAVISH LOVE, ABUNDANT BEAUTY Text by Peter Ellis

One who seems so full of grace, humble in his way, One who teaches in this place, and guides us day by day; This is a faithful servant of the Lord, A good and faithful servant of the Lord. One who listens, showing care, guiding with concern, One who speaks with words of prayer to those who for comfort yearn, This is a faithful servant of the Lord, A good and faithful servant of the Lord.

Dean, School of Theology (C)

Dr Calvin Chong Dean, School of Theology (E)

Dr Cainan Mui Dean, School of Church Music

Dr Raymond Chiu Director, Doctor of Ministry


Living or dying, I still would be Thine, Yet I am mortal while Thou art divine. Pardon, whenever I turn from the right; Pity, and bring me again to the light. Master, Thou callest, and this I reply, “Ready and willing, Lord, here am I. Here am I.” Dr Albert Ting

Lord, we humbly pray that we might live to worship You; That we can be Your servants in this life that we pass through. Lord, we humbly pray that we might not be led astray; To always be Your good and faithful servants ‘til our judgment day.


Rev Albert Vun

One who loves us as his own, as does our own true Lord. One, who as a living stone, devotes his heart, outpoured. This is a good and faithful servant of our Lord.


Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Sabah


A CHARGE TO KEEP I HAVE Text by: Henry Blodget; Charles Wesley, alt. Music by: Franklin L. Sheppard

A charge to keep I have, a God to glorify; Who gave His Son my soul to save, and fit it for the sky. To serve the present age, my calling to fulfill; O may it all my pow’rs engage to do my Master’s will. Arm me with jealous care, as in Your sight to live; And O, Your servant, Lord, prepare a strict account to give. Help me to watch and pray, and on Yourself rely, And let me ne’er my trust betray, but press to realms on high.

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Houng Yu Ngee (SOTC) Hwang Jae Myeong (SOTE) Ang Shu Jun, Michele (SOCM)



BE THOU MY VISION Text: Traditional Irish hymn; translated by Mary E. Byrne; vers. Eleanor H. Hull Music: Traditional Irish melody

Be Thou my vision, O Lord of my heart; Naught be all else to me, save that Thou art. Thou my best thought, by day or by night, Waking or sleeping, Thy presence my light. Be Thou my Wisdom, and Thou my true Word; I ever with Thee and Thou with me, Lord; Thou my great Father, I Thy true son, Thou in me dwelling, and I with Thee one. Riches I heed not, nor man’s empty praise, Thou mine inheritance, now and always; Thou and Thou only, first in my heart, High King of heaven, my Treasure Thou art. High King of heaven, my victory won, May I reach heaven’s joys, O bright heav’n’s Sun! Heart of my own heart, whatever befall, Still be my Vision, O Ruler of all. BENEDICTION

Rev Dr Chan Fong


Worship Leader



Dr Christopher Lee

Willing, my Savior, to take up the cross; Willing to suffer reproaches and loss; Willing to follow, if Thou will but lead; Only support me with grace in my need. Master, Thou callest, and this I reply, “Ready and willing, Lord, here am I.”

Privileged to Serve

Dr Albert Ting Principal


Who am I that You should love me, meet my every need from birth? Why invest Yourself so fully in a creature made of earth? In Your loving heart You planned me, fashioned me with greatest care; One who gently comforts those when they are in need, Through my soul You breathed Your Spirit, planted Your own image there. One who’s followed Christ, who chose a gentle life to lead; This is a faithful servant of the Lord, I am Yours, eternal Father, all my body, mind and heart. A good and faithful servant of the Lord. Take and use me to Your glory, form Yourself in every part. We praise You, O Lord. Majestic and holy is Your Name! Lord, Your love brings joy and gladness flowing forth within my soul. We worship You, O Lord; You alone are the Great I Am. May my very breath and being rise to You, their source and goal. We place our lives before You as good and faithful servants, As good and faithful servants of the Lord, As good and faithful servants of only You, Almighty Lord!

I tha


Text by: Fanny Crosby Music by: John Ness Beck


Jesus our Lor d,

Flo we r Arra n g e me n t sp o n so re d b y

who has given me stre ng

th, that he considered me faithful, appointing me to his service. 1 Timothy 1 : 12

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