December issue 2013

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Please do check song 'Maula Ali' and 'Duma Dum Mast Kalandar' on youtube/arti staloud link... http://www.y /watch? v=WieY_U Hjs8k http://www.y /watch? v=Otz70Nr Cf3U Looking forward to seeing you again soon. God bless you. Lots of love, Merry christmas and ahappy new year Hema

Hema Sardesai

Nana's Foods & Spices Wishes the readers of IPGM MAG A happy Christmas and a Happy New Year




Rev. Fr. Augustine Vallooran V.C.'s December 2013 Monthly Reflection - "ON EARTH, AS IN HEAVEN"(Matthew 6:11), [ 繁體中 文版 / 简体中文版 / Deutsch], is an inspiring reflection of the true meaning of Christmas in our lives - why Jesus was born into our world and the one mission each of us have to exemplify our love for Jesus our Saviour, our Emmanuel! "Christmas is not merely a commemoration of the birthday of Jesus Christ. There is a personal and salvific significance in this event. It is the answer of God to the eternal longing of the human heart for heaven. It is at Bethlehem that heaven descended on earth to become a reality for the entire human existence." "Gazing upon the manger, the novelist Hemingway wondered if what had happened at Bethlehem was birth or death. If it were birth, it should have been the beginning of life growing into full glory. However what really took place in the manger was the complete emptying of divine glory, signalling in fact, the beginning of the end of life. The Son of God had shed all His divinity to take on the human form. The Almighty had chosen to become a most helpless baby. The eternal God has chosen to be confined by the vicissitudes of time. The Creator has opted to become the created. This decision of God’s, St. John calls, Love. "God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will have eternal life." (John 3:16)"

Fr. Augustine Vallooran V.C. at Parish Retreat in Blessed Sacrament Church Singapore 26 Nove- 01 Dec 2013 Weekly retreats are conducted in English and 6 Indian Languages every week of the year in Divine Retreat Centre. Divine Trust cares for 3,000 of the most marginalized in society on a long-term basis - the AIDS patients, the mentally ill, terminally ill patients, the elderly, abandoned women, and orphans. Divine TV in UK, Europe and the Middle East are coordinated by Divine Television Foundation in UK. Divine Television Foundation, 26 York St.,London, W1U 6PZ, UK Tel: 0800 756 1053 (Toll Free) Email: Our contact details are: Fr. Augustine Vallooran V.C. Divine Retreat Centre Muringoor P.O. Chalakudy 680 316 Kerala India Tel: 91 480 2708098 / 91 480 2708913 / 91 480 2708613 Email: / For more information on Divine Retreat Centre's news and activities and on Divine TV, please do visit our

"Wherever Jesus went and in whatever He saw, He perceived the reflection of the Father's Love. He looked up to see the birds in flight freely over the horizon and He was reminded of the Supreme Love of the Father for every man and woman. It is the Father who feeds them, He pointed out, reasoning that, if the Father was so concerned about these birds how much more He should be about us. In the lilies of the field He saw the fruit of the Father's caring gaze. So meticulously were these flowers arrayed, that even the grandeur of King Solomon’s attire could never match the splendour of these. It is the Father’s Caring Providence that fashions them so beautifully. How much more He would be mindful and caring towards His children, Jesus reasoned (Matthew 6:26-30). He was instructing men and women of all times in the way to life - freed of all stresses and bondages by trusting in God's Loving Providence. This in no way meant that one could afford to be lazy or irresponsible. In fact, in the parable of the talents, He illustrates with emphasis that laziness is wickedness and that everyone is compelled to hard work and be responsible in the degree of the capabilities given to him (Matthew 25:14-30). Yet one cannot let the beauty of life be lost in the scorching heat of the earthly rat race. Rather, the focus of life should lead us to be enthralled by the captivating Love of our God." "Before Jesus would ascend to His Father, the disciples seek to know from Him the hour when the Kingdom of God would be established on earth. Jesus, however, would respond that what was achieved by Him was to be completed by their witnessing, “You shall be my witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and to the ends of the earth.” (Acts 1:8) He would clarify that this ministry of spreading the Kingdom of Heaven all over the world was to be carried out in the Power of the Holy Spirit. The disciples took up the task that is the task to be continued by everyone who believes in Jesus." "Heaven came down on earth at the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem. Heaven was experienced by everyone during His ministry on earth. The mission He had accepted from His Father was consummated on the cross. The task remains for all of us to carry forth the graces received from Bethlehem to Calvary and to spread the Kingdom everywhere. Until every blind person sees and every paralytic gets up and walks, until every broken-hearted person is comforted and everyone enslaved in sinful bondage is liberated, until darkness is dispelled from the hearts and lives of all, the mission begun in Bethlehem should be pursued by those who have received the Good News of great Joy that was declared on the night of Christmas. The sky that brightened up at the birth of Jesus should remain glowing, declaring to all humankind that the peace of the reign of God has come to prevail on earth." As we celebrate this Joyful Season of Christmas, may each of us renew our Catholic commitment to proclaim Christ's Message of Love and Hope to everyone we meet and to truly share from our hearts with our sisters and brothers in need.





and Welcome to the

INDO PORTUGUESE GLOBAL MAGAZINE. I would like to introduce myself to you all my name is Silvester Machado and I am the CEO And chief Editor of this SUPERB INDO PORTUGUESE GLOBAL MAGAZINE, It's a great Honour. to start this online Magazine for all our INDO PORTUGUESE HERITAGE around the globe. The main aim for this Magazine is to keep the INDO PORTUGUESE HERITAGE ALIVE Meaning INDIAN & PORTUGUESE And to highlight the Cultural,Social,Economical ,happenings in the Global Community Around the Globe. At the INDO PORTUGUESE MAGAZINE we are proud to say we are INDO PORTUGUESE AN ETHINIC GROUP surviving decades in different countries around the world, Spreading the Culture in all possible ways and also Keeping the HERITAGE ALIVE. VIVA. We are proud to be associated to loads of Celebrities,associations and individuals of great Calibre. We are also proud to be associated with the Founder of World GOA DAY Rene Baretto who has been an inspiration and motivator in starting this Magazine and also all of you INDO PORTUGUESE COMMUNITY around the World. INDO PORTUGUESE GLOBAL MAGAZINE will be doing a lot more Voluntary and non Voluntary Projects in the Future to Motivate, and Empower,advice and help it's INDO PORTUGUESE COMMUNITIES around the Globe. To get in touch with us to Contribute Article's,videos,audio mp3, or advertising please get in touch With Twitter Silvestre machado








Charmaine DeSouza Fernandes GOA INDIAs Everyday can be Christmas Day Carols fill the air, people hustle and bustle along excitedly as they get their last minute shopping together, the streets are buzzing with enthusiastic revelers. Yes! Christmas is definitely in the air. Girls walking happily from shop to shop in search of shoes, outfits and accessories, parents crowding toy shops picking up gifts looking at a list sent to Santa. While all this excitement is so contagious, there are people who are wishing to be at a Christmas party, others wishing their children come home to meet them, some longing for family time. Every year, if we notice, people make a beeline to the orphan homes, old folks’ homes and every other similar place however they remain forgotten throughout the rest of the way? Why do we wait for December? Why can’t everyday of the year be Christmas? Why can’t we reach out to people everyday? Put a smile on someone’s face and that doesn’t cost a thing. I have had the privilege of working alongside some really fantastic people over the past couple of years. My husband and I would always do a little charity every now and then but quite sporadically until we joined a close friend of ours, Ronsley, in his endeavor of changing lives and putting smiles on people’s faces. He started EatForTwo, and we would have sharing sessions where we would take meals to different children’s homes once a week, every week. We realized how important it is to reach out to these children and spend time with them. The more frequent our visits got, the more we got to know each other and the children would look forward to our visits, more for the time we would spend with them than the food we would take. Months flew by and we shared a bond, unspeakable. We had touched their hearts and won them over and more importantly they won us over. We learnt so many things from the little ones and one of the main lessons is that no matter how little you have it’s much better than what other people might have. No matter how little you get there’s always room to share. They didn’t have many toys but they were happy sharing the few they were given. They didn’t have proper clothes but they didn’t worry about it. The first time I went on a sharing session I was overwhelmed by how many children there were. Soon it was lunch time. We went to the dining area to share a meal with them. One little boy there sat quietly and diligently began to remove the egg out of his noodles. I was mystified. I walked over to him and I told him not to waste. The five year old looked up at me and replied “Oh I’m not wasting. I am going to share the egg with my best friends here.” He divided the egg between the children seated around him, having nothing himself. The innocence of the child and his lion heart really struck a chord in my own heart. Such an unselfish action and they have not been taught this. Moving on, a couple of friends and I decided to get together and form our own organization and S.T.A.R.S. (Spending Time and Reaping Smiles) was born. A lovely name Lushan came up with. Laveena, Lushan and I swung into action and started reaching out to children and senior citizens. Six months old, we are still in our teething stage but making some lovely progress and we have been living up to our name and reaping smiles. Without meaning to sound egoistic here, the simple point I am trying to make is that charity doesn’t have a time. Charity can be done throughout the year and it could be as simple as smiling at a stranger, helping an elderly person cross the street or even giving up your seat in a bus or train to a senior citizen or someone carrying a child. We can make everyday feel like Christmas by reaching out to people who need it the most. If you feel you would like to contribute to our work you can join our pages on Facebook: - Everyday can be Christmas Day if we make it feel like Christmas by helping people in need! Have a Merry Christmas and wonderful New Year 2014!




Menmachine Goanband

Click here Menmachine Goanband


Our young goans in pakistan performing on world goa day 2013

Jazz Goa Jazz club in Goa, India


O'Luv Rodriguezs with our goans in goa india via skype

Our Goans in pakistan performing on world goa day 2013

COMMUNITIES Uma canção de país longínquo (21 photos) Espectaculo de Dança e Múisca Clássica Indiana Museu Oriente Com o alto patrocínio da Embaixada da India e Museu Oriente


HERITAGE MAGAZINE Inspirado pela vontade deA tornar mais acessíveis as artes clássicas indianas para o público lusófono, "Uma canção de país longínquo" une a dança e música clássica indiana (Kathak e Khayal), com textos de poetas portugueses; Luís de Camões (que viajou à Índia no século XVI) e Fernando Pessoa.


Na comemoração dos 25 anos da Fundação Oriente, assenta numa narrativa de carácter simbólico em que a dança, a música, a cultura e a história se fundem num evento intercultural que homenageia as ligações ancestrais entre o Ocidente e o Oriente. Neste sentido, a Rota do Oriente é o mote perfeito para um Festival emocional e interactivo.


Maria José dos Santos Leite PORTO PORTUGAL Porto. 25 Dezembro de 2013 Natal do Douro Litoral Durante o mês de Dezembro a azáfama começa com a construção dos mais belos presépios em cada Igreja, cidade e aldeia, os presépios proliferam, e qual deles o mais elaborado e belo, existem maravilhosas obras de arte nos presépios. Começa a seleção de lembranças e prendas para familiares e amigos, e na última quinzena do mês começam as pessoas a arranjar os petiscos como selecionar o melhor bacalhau, as melhores abóborasmeninas para o doce de abóbora e as filhoses. Telefonemas para familiares e amigos convidando e combinando, onde e com quem passam o dia da consoada, e o fim-de-semana antes do Natal. Tudo vira azáfama a fazer os primeiros petiscos, e comprar as últimas prendas. Faz-se a árvore de Natal, a qual ainda em muitos locais, é o famoso pinheiro bravo português, com decorações ainda tradicionais em muitas casas com construção do presépio, mesmo que este seja simples. Então a bela e mágica noite chega, e é tirada dos baús a melhor toalha de mesa. O entusiasmo é grande. No nosso Douro Litoral, desde o Porto até à bela cidade de Amarante as rabanadas bem regadas com o famoso Vinho do Porto, com seu cheirinho a vinho do Porto cozinhado, fica um aroma nas casas maravilhoso e tentador. O Bolo-rei, as filhoses, a famosa e simples aletria que nesta época tem um paladar fantástico, o leite-creme que no norte toma um paladar exótico, que para muitos é espanto, e a diferença é simplesmente uma colher de sopa de vinho do Porto no final da cozedura, o qual dá um gosto fora do comum. Então panelas enormes são colocadas nos fogões para o rei da festa da mesa, que é o senhor Bacalhau, mais a couve-penca de troço grosso, cujas geadas de Dezembro as tornaram tenras e gostosas, isto acompanhado com a boa batata da região.

A tudo isto junta-se o famoso molho para regar as batatas, bacalhau e . Este molho feito com azeite puro, que neste Portugal tem um gosto pencasmaravilhoso e fantástico, tudo isto é cozinhado em excesso de verdade, que é para sobrar para o dia seguinte e se fazer o famoso e tradicional farrapo velho, ou roupa velha, é algo inexplicável como é tão boa e gostoso comida tão simples. Molho cheio de cebola picada, algum alho, louro, cravinho da Índia, cominhos, casca de limão, vinagre e um pouco de molho de cozedura da batata e couve. Fica um aroma nas casas com estes condimentos algo de mágico e maravilhoso, Acendem-se as lareiras ou fogões de sala, a família chega, e a pequenada anda num rodopio para esperar o Pai-Natal, ainda nalgumas casas, é o Menino Jesus, tal como eu, meus irmãos, primos e amigos criamos que era o Menino Jesus que nos trazia as prendas. Preparam-se as carnes para irem ao forno enquanto se janta, ficam os assados para a meia-noite irem para a mesa, ou o famoso peru, que me faz lembrar o saudoso peru que minha mãe fazia e nenhuma das filhas o faz como ela fazia, ou então o cabrito assado, no geral é um destes dois pratos que vai para a mesa. E a magia da meia-noite chega, com foguetes em diversos locais anunciando o nascimento do Deus-Menino, em muitos locais ainda se mantem a tradição da famosa Missa do Galo, assim como o cantar das Janeiras, morreu um pouco esta tradição nas últimas décadas, e começa a renascer. Os pequenos entram em euforia com a chegada do Pai-Natal, ou Menino Jesus. É a magia de Natal, é o renascer do Deus-Menino em cada casa, coração, belas canções de Natal entoam no ar e todos se abraçam, com rostos emocionadas, trocam prendas, e mais uma vez a esperança chega às vidas de cada um através da Magia no Natal e todos entoam : Feliz Natal! De: Maria José dos Santos Leite

Frederick Noronha GOA INDIA Ao longo dos últimos quatro anos , Goa tem sido o lar de seu próprio festival aceso, o Festival Goa Artes e Literatura . Confira o Google e você encontrará festas iluminadas multiplicam em todo o país também. De Jaipur para Kovalam, para Kolkata , Hyderabad , Pune , Mumbai, Lucknow, e muito mais. Por um lado, isso é bom para Goa a aderir ao movimento . Não apenas juntá-lo , mas também adicionar um valor extra à sua maneira . Em qualquer caso , Goa tem o valor da marca . Quem não está disposto a visitar , se tiver uma chance, e já temos alguns grandes escritores de nomes que possuem suas casas de férias aqui. Nandini Sahai do Centro - Goa International ( IGC) tomou os primeiros passos para que isso aconteça , um pouco mais de quatro anos. Houve problemas de dentição . Ms. Sahai amarrado em outros parceiros , e isso vem sendo acontecendo desde então. O Goa Lit Fest é um animal estranho. Parece que muitas vezes você acaba tendo sentimentos mistos sobre isso! Por um lado, para qualquer pessoa com interesse no campo , ela pode ser um lugar bastante útil para ser. No entanto , quatro dias é um tempo bastante longo - compromisso. Literatura por sua própria natureza, tende a ser um assunto demorado , mas como convidados não outstation realmente tem esse tipo de tempo para investir ? Atendimentos foram melhores neste ano. Em seguida, no lado positivo , este evento é quase completamente aberto. Os participantes são convidados a participar nas sessões e muito mais. Incluindo alimentos e bebidas. Agora, isso pode ser um problema em si, por atrair o tipo errado de multidão. Somado a isso , tem-se a impressão de que , por algum motivo , não é suficiente a participação local adequado é consciente ou motivados a participar. Incluindo professores e estudantes de literatura . Assim , por um lado, você tem um contingente de autores provenientes de toda a Índia - e do mundo. E , por outro , os de dentro de Goa que poderia realmente ganhar com um evento como esse não estão em cena . Isso é realmente um dilema. Outro desafio antes dos organizadores é como se encaixam as questões locais , regionais com as nacionais e internacionais. Esta não é uma tarefa fácil . Nos últimos anos , pode-se imaginar dois campos, quase mutuamente exclusivas , que compreende o local eo global . Este ano, uma vez que havia uma grande variedade de eventos , provavelmente ele fez para um ajuste um pouco melhor. Dada próprios interesses " paroquiais " de um por escrito local, foi interessante para se encontrar com Tony D' Souza , o autor norte-americano de Mangalorean Os Konkans , eo advogado - virou -Dawn jornalista de Karachi, Cyril Almeida. Cyril é um dos muitos goeses cujas famílias se estabeleceram em que parte distante do subcontinente , muito antes de partição aconteceu. Os Konkans é uma história bem contada (embora com alguns estereótipos ) , que tem chamado a atenção em os EUA também, onde foi publicado pela primeira vez . O Nandita Haskar baseado em Goa fez um diário de viagem fascinante através das insurgências do nordeste da Índia. Mas o equilíbrio entre os diversos trações e pressões é sempre difícil. Por alguma razão, o GALF cria pouco espaço para goesa escrita em Marathi ou Romi concani ( dois amplamente lidos línguas / scripts em Goa ) . Português , a língua passado gerações de goeses mais de pelo menos dois séculos implantados , é tratado como se nunca tivesse existido em Goa. Se dizemos que é morto, ele será. Esta foi uma sensação de no ano passado também. Alguns escritores locais proeminentes primaram pela ausência , o que não é justo também. Um dos maiores desafios , é claro , a forma de obter o melhor retorno para sua buck. Um monte de dinheiro do contribuinte vai para este evento , pelo menos ele mantém ao longo de comercialização do evento. ( Como alguém disse , fests iluminados pode rapidamente degenerar -se mais sobre as empresas , e menos sobre livros e escritores . ) Ainda assim, esses recursos poderiam ser mais bem gasto? Existe alguma maneira de criar o impacto social máxima de um evento desta natureza ? Perguntas difíceis todos .... ### O escritor pode ser contactado em 9822122436 ou

Christmas is season, to be with the one you love. We often says, Santa will bring the gifts... but that's the beauty of this season to surprise your loved ones with gifts. I take this very moment to all those who read my message on this magazine, first of all thanks to Silvestre Machado, for requesting my message. I've been reading a lot Indo-Portuguese on this magazine and All I want to say to all our beloved. "Don't stop believing in Love, Take this an opportunity to reconcile; to fall in Love again. Make someones day a worth cherishing for Life. This is the best Christmas Gift you can give to someone today." - Milroy Goes, Film Director, GOA (

Roque Vaz GOAN SSOCIATION SOUTHAMPTON UK NATALAM – DEVACHI XREXTT BHETT MON`XAKULLAK (CHRISTMAS – GOD`S GREATEST GIFT TO MANKIND) Amcho Mogall Dev Aplea Ekleach Putak Mon`xachea Rupant Sonvsarant Patthoita; Eka Gorib Ghorabeant Eke Gorvanchea Ghotteant Tacho Zolm Ghoddun Haddtta. Mon`xakullak Sasnnik Jivitachi Vatt Dakhounk, Dev Hi Khas Mandavoll Ievjita. Natalanchi Porob amchem dukhi jivit sukhant bodolpacho dobazo nhoi punn ek avhan – amchea jivitant khorea bodlavachem vatavoronn nirmann korunk. Jezu sonvsarant ievun amche modem jiyelo punn ozunui ami Devache rajvotticho onubhov puraiponnim bhogunk na. Ozun pasun zhuzachim kallim kupam amkam dixtti poddttat, ozunui mon`xachi axea sonvsari vostunk vaddot asa, ozunui kruttamni lok goribsannen jiyetat ani amchi prithum sogllich koxttovta. Ozunui puraiponnim amchea jivitant tor xanticho ani niticho onubhov mevonam zalear, ozunui ami tor patki jivitak veng marun asat zalear, ozunui tor mon`xam ani raxttram modem bore sombondh na zalear, ami Ballok Jezuk puraiponnim amchea kallzant svikar korunk pavonk nam. Dor vorsak, hea vellar, ami Natalanchi kherit toyari kortat ani amkam bhorvanso asta ki hea vorsak tori ami ho sontosacho kall khuxalkayen sartoleanv punn avchit kitem tori amkam zai toxem ghoddonam. Amchem `Dodol` ghoddie titlem ruchik zavunk nam vo amche laguim duddvancho khub unnav zalo vo amchea kuttumbantlo ek vhoddil pordesant asa ani taka ghora ievnk roja mevonk nam vo avchit mhojea novrean mhoje tthaim abghat kelo vo amchea kuttumbant ek vangddi halinch obsoegan ontorlo vo zhogddim-suru kortele mauxen bhett diun amchea dobazeachi vatt laili vo mhojea putak ganvant Ghotteache Spordhent poilem inam favo zalem nam vo kocherint pagarvaddoupachi orzi mhoji svikar zali nam vo mhaka zai tea modelacho vistid ghevunk mhoje laguim duddvanchi vevostha zavunk nam. Natalanchea vellar amcho hetu zaun asta soglleank khuxal korunk – amchea vhoddilank, amchea soireank, amchea ixtt-mitrank, amchea xezareank, kocherint vo karkanneant amche sangatim vaur korteleank, punn khoim tori amche soglle proyotn nirfoll zatat vo konn tori amche chintlele mandavollichem nisontonn korunk sufoll zata vo amchea toyarint ek guspagondollichem chitr nirmann korta. Torui punn Natalancho Khoro Orth amchea kallzant asa zalear, ami ho vell Devak argam diun sarum ieta. Natalam zaun asat Devachi Xrextt Bhett Amkam. Tachea von anink vhodd dennem nam. Devachea Udarponnachi Khunna hi Sontosachi Porob. Amche Soddvonnechi Bhett hi Anondbhorit Porob. Ami Jezucher sodanch visvas dovrunk zai. Hea Natalank ghoddie amkam zai tosle prosong ghoddunk nam. Kaim porva nam … ghoddie ti Devachi Khuxi. Niraxi zaunchi goroz nam. Hea vorsak Natalanchi porob tumkam zai titli khuxalbhorit ani ulasvont zavunk nam zait punn tumchim kallzam ugttim aslear, hi porob soglleam poros khuxen-bhorleli ani povitr zavunk xokta. Devachi khuxi tor ami ugtteponnim ani xinn korinastanam svikar korit zalear, amkam favo ti xanti ani khuxalkai jerul favo zateli. Sogllea amchea hea masikachea vachpeank, lekhok-ank ani sogott ixtt-mitrank ek khuxalbhorit ani Xantikayen Nettoiloli Natalanchi Porob anvdettam. Mog, Xanti, Sontos ani Ixttagot. *** BOROVPI : ROQUE VAZ, FATORDA-GOA / SOUTHAMPTON-UK ** *


this christmas we must share care and help others the meaning of christmas is christ living in us we are the children of christ so we must follow on his foot steps this is the time we must do things in the right way at christmas wishing all at christmas and a happy new year

este natal devemos compartilhar os cuidados e ajudar os outros o significado do Natal 茅 Cristo que vive em n贸s n贸s somos os filhos de Cristo, de modo que devemos seguir em suas pegadas este 茅 o tempo que temos de fazer as coisas da maneira certa no Natal desejando tudo de natal e um feliz ano novo


this christmas we must share care and help others the meaning of christmas is christ living in us we are the children of christ so we must follow on his foot steps this is the time we must do things in the right way at christmas wishing all at christmas and a happy new year Hea Natalachea velar, ami amcho mog ani adar ekameka lagim vantung zai Natalam muntlear Krist amche modem jieta Ami Kristi bhurghim muntoch, ami tachea paulean chollonk zai Natalachea vellar ami vaurunk zai soglem nitaent korunk Sogleank aundetam Natalachi porbim ani khuxalborit novem voros este natal devemos compartilhar os cuidados e ajudar os outros o significado do Natal 茅 Cristo que vive em n贸s n贸s somos os filhos de Cristo, de modo que devemos seguir em suas pegadas este 茅 o tempo que temos de fazer as coisas da maneira certa no Natal desejando tudo de natal e um feliz ano novo


TRAVEL Abhishek Babaria, 24 DIU INDIA

The Adalaj Stepwell Set in the quiet village of Adalaj, this vav has served as a resting place for hundreds of years for many pilgrims and caravans along their trade routes. Built in 1499 by Queen Rudabai, wife of the Vaghela chief, Veersinh, this five-storey stepwell was not just a cultural and utilitarian space, but also a spiritual refuge. It is believed that villagers would come everyday in the morning to fill water, offer prayers to the deities carved into the walls and interact with each other in the cool shade of the vav. There is an opening in the ceilings above the landing which allows the light and air to enter the octagonal well. However, direct sunlight does not touch the flight of steps or landings except for a brief period at noon. Hence some researchers say that the atmosphere inside the well is six degrees cooler than the outside. Another remarkable feature of this stepwell is that out of the many stepwells in Gujarat, it is the only one with three entrance stairs. All three stairs meet at the first storey, underground in a huge square platform, which has an octagonal opening on top. The vav is a spectacular example of Indo-Islamic architecture and design. The harmonious play of intricate Islamic floral patterns seamlessly fusing into Hindu and Jain symbolism embody the culture and ethos of those times. All the walls carved by ornamentation, mythological scenes along with everyday scenes of women churning buttermilk, dancers accompanied by musicians, women adorning themselves and a king sitting on a stool. Fascinating to many visitors is the Ami Khumbor (a pot that contains the water of life) and the Kalp Vriksha (a tree of life) carved out of a single slab of stone. There is a belief that the small frieze of navagraha (nine-planets) towards the edge of the well protects the monument from evil spirits. — at Adalaj Step Well




LOCAL HEROES By B Remedina remy Dias “My

life is like a river—sometimes the current is very strong, at other times it is at a lower ebb, but it moves on. I have encountered many difficulties in life but I have the capacity to surmount them. All I know is that I am committed to what I am doing and I have no regrets. This is how Mr. Edward Lopes of Edu’s World sums up his life. Moving on with life has been a driving passion. It has never been a smooth sailing for Edward. But because of his steely determination, he has managed to advance in life. Today he looks back on life with considerate pride into which he has packed a lot with sincere efforts and creativity.

1. Tell us something about you yourself. A. I am a Goan from Verem Reis Magos, born in Mumbai, educated in Goa. I am a friendly, loving and humorous person. I have an elder sister and two younger brothers. My father died at an early age and hence I had to give up my education and be the breadwinner for the family. I moved from Goa to UAE in 1979 to earn a better living. Initially I started working for a hospitality industry and then joined a multinational plastic products manufacturing company. I lost my job due to recession in UAE. During my tenure of work, I learnt new skills and gained varied experience. I am 54 years old, married and have one daughter. I am living in Sharjah with my wife, Lysa. I face challenges with a positive attitude. With my past experience, I have ventured into working as a freelancer for graphics, editing and designing and events co-ordinator. 2. What sets you apart from others? A. My creativity and passion to learn new skills. I like to face and accept challenges. Success, I believe, is about being at the right place at the right time, doing the right thing and having a


LOCAL HEROES 3. What are your hobbies? What do you do in your spare time? A. My hobbies are painting, photography& videography, graphic designing,home décor, gardening, do-it-yourself projects. During my spare time, I listen to music - English, Konkani & Hindi and keep designing posters, flyers, etc. 4. Are you a member of any association/s? What is your role in it? A. I am on the panel of World Goa Day Committee for graphic publishing and a member of Alcoholic Anonymous Fellowship (AA). 5. Your vision for a unified world? A. My vision for a unified world is to see people living in peace and harmony; nurturing nature and treating everyone with love. 6. What are your values, principles, values in life? A. My values are based on the Christian principles from the Bible – “Love one another”. 7. What is the secret of your success? A. The proverb,“Behind every successful man, there is a woman” is true for me. My wife, Lysa, has been the secret of my success. She has been my support and strength at all times. In addition to her support, the secret to my success lies in my positive attitude to face challenges dedication, commitment and learning skills.

8. Any striking incident that left a deep impact in your life or changed the course of your life? A. I had been addicted to alcohol but after I became a member of Alcoholic Anonymous Fellowship and started attending their meetings regularly, I was able to give up this addiction totally and today I am free. This has made a deep impact in my life, my relationship and has changed the course of my life.


Edward and his wife Lysa

LOCAL HEROES 9. About your work and Edu’s World, about life in the Gulf A. I design creative graphics; art and photography are my passion. Edu's World showcases the skillful creation of my graphic designs about Goa. My aim is to keep Goans abroad connected with Goa through my creative wallpapers, photographs and promote Konkani which is the mother tongue of Goa. Edu’s World creates an awareness for Clean and Green Goa and encourages Goans to save Goa and not to sell their land to foreigners. Life in the Gulf is not a bed of roses; one has to work hard to earn their bread and butter. However, being away from family for a long period of time affects the lifestyle of people. Work pressures, association with wrong people, addictions, etc. can hamper the goal and vision of people coming to the Gulf. Life in Gulf is good for those who are focused on their vision. People are warm and Indians have formed communities. We celebrate festivals with great enthusiasm. Christians are very fervent in their faith and attend church and participate in all church activities.

10. About the goan in you A. The Goan in me is a "Susegad" person who loves life and wants to make the best of it. I like to watch tiatr and folk dance, listen to goan music, organise events like folk dances, carnival, sao joao, world goa, day etc. I love the sun and sand of Goa, the churches and beaches and the mouth watering Goan food.

11, Tell us anything that you would like to share with the readers? About your social work,you and your wife's plan in the future for a better Goan society? A. I would like to tell the readers to be content. Love life because life is beautiful. Do not change others but bring a change in yourself. Serve others with love; forgive and forget. I am associated with Alcoholic Anonymous (AA) who help people to get rid from the addiction of alcohol. I do social work and community service. I like to help people. My wife and I would like to create awareness amongst Goans living in Goa for a cleaner and greener Goa. We would like to encourage Goans to participate in the development of Goa so that Goans need not seek job opportunities outside Goa.

Remediana (Remy) Dias GOA INDIAs





Remediana (Remy) Dias GOA INDIA

POETRY Maria José dos Santos Leite PORTO PORTUGAL

Feliz Natal Comece hoje com sinceridade, E seja o melhor Natal da Humanidade. Nasça hoje o Deus Menino, Em cada um de nós, e em cada coração, Cantemos todos, o mais belo hino, Criemos a mais bela canção. Tenha o Mundo toda a paz e amor, Cantemos todos com ardor, O cântico da fraternidade, Cheio de Amor e bondade. Cantemos com alegria, O Nascimento do Filho de Maria. Então no mais belo gesto fraternal, Todos de mãos dadas, cantemos A a toda a Humanidade: Feliz Natal! De: Maria José dos Santos Leite

POETRY Leiria PORTUGAL Antonio Cunha


BY Edward S Lopes


Here is the link for more edu's creations

I am talking to our young Goan Film maker Milroy Goes on his new hindi film A life of a peon and he explains Plot: "Life of the Peon" is based on a individual who works in an office in Mumbai - Andheri as a Peon. He lives his life to fulfill the dream of his Wife to go to Goa. However, his life at the office faces a different reality and is a different person with his friends and a completely different person with his Wife. Cast: Naveed Anjum Mujawar, Nilofer Shaikh, Vivian Pinto, Vijay Mascarenhas, Sunny Loliyenkar, Firdous Khan, Rajv Salkar, Terence Pimenta, Bond Braganza, Shruti Naik, Priya Alphonso, Basil Sylvester Pinto, Jivanand Gaude. Written by: Taher Dhanerawala (Mumbai) Producer: Jaffer Shadiq Director of Photography: Shirish Desai Asst. Director: Vivian Pinto Director: Milroy Goes (Goa) Production Banner: Flint Media, Abu Dhabi. Line Producer (Goa) Danny Gomes D&A Productions Facebook: IMDb: Hindi Art film, duration is expected to be 10mins. Locations: All interior scenes shot in Goa and all exterior scenes in Mumbai. Goa filming schedule was planned meticulously in 3 days for 3 scenes, Home scene, Bar Scene and Office Scene.

THE BUZZ OF THE TOWN "Life of the Peon" is based on a individual who works in an office in Mumbai - Andheri as a Peon. He lives his life to fulfill the dream of his wife to go to Goa. However, his life at the office faces a different reality and is a different person with his friends and a completely different person with his wife.

Its a Hindi art film, on a short duration. I got direct offer from the writer and since the story was about life of peon and had so much to tell in that small phase. Luckly we got the best D.O.P Shirish Desai..


With Lorna Cordeiro and Sonia Shirsat

With Charu Sharma and Tisca Chopra

With Tisca Chopra i

Deepak Lobo with Talented Actress, Versatile Dancer & Choreographer Lalan Desai

THE BUZZ OF THE TOWN Deepak Lobo If the ceremony that launched the Lusofonia Games,Goa 2014 mascot is anything to go by, then there is hope for a splendid sporting event in January. The thousands who had gathered at Campal, Panjim along the banks of the River Mandovi, returned home mesmerized by the programme. Among them were local politicians and government officials, but most importantly the Chef-de-Missions of the participating countries and officials of ACOLOP (Association of countries with Portuguese as the official language). There was music, dance and a spectacular light-andsound show that brought to the stage ‘Jojo’ the rooster, the mascot for the games. Jojo the rooster is quintessentially Goan, displaying a positive attitude, panache and awareness of a global citizen and a fierce competitor with a true spirit of sportsmanship. Not only are roosters seen across Goa in its villages, but the clay water jar that can be found in almost any Goan house will be shaped like a rooster. The programmer was saw the torch being unveiled by legendary Indian athlete and Padma Shree awardee Milkha Singh ( The Flying Sikh ). The torch is designed to resemble a shell that reflects Goa’s sea-faring, nature and its Lusophone past. Present was also tennis ace Sania Mirza. Giving voice to the official multilingual Games song were Lorna Cordeiro and Sonia Shirsat. The music was composed by Goan musician Mukesh Ghatwal and the lyrics in Konkani, Portuguese, Marathi, Hindi and English were written by writer and poet Vishnu Wagh, currently an MLA. Performing on stage were over 2000 people celebrating the elements of nature: fire, water, earth, air and ether. Some of the troupes on stage were led by Fr Peter Cardozo, Kalangan,Ms. Lalan Desai and Mahesh Gawade. Hosting the show were Tisca Chopra, Charu Sharma and Siddhi Upadhye. By : Deepak Lobo GOA.

With Tisca Chopra

THE BUZZ OF THE TOWN https://itunes.a bum/im-gonnabe-finesingle/id73624 5908 I'm Gonna Be Fine - Single by Kiara Rodrigues m At just 17 years of age, Kiara has emerged as a fresh, vibrant and talented face who leaves her audience captivated by the rich tones in her voice. Her compelling vocals oozes quality and maturity that belies her age and her listeners are left mesmerised by the pure brilliance of her performance. Kiara has a string of achievements to her name, Just 2 weeks ago, she released her original song I'm Gonna Be Fine and it reached #5 on the iTunes Australian Country Charts. In May this year, she was crowned The Voice of Urban and walked away with the prestigious prize worth $23,500. Kiara appeared on National television on Young Talent Time, in 2012 where she wowed the audience and the judges alike. Her song, ‘I don’t love you any more’ won the Mildura CMF song-writing, Open section, the same year. Kiara has come up through the ranks of the Talent Quest, walking away with major wins. At just 9, she won the double the Jazzer Quest and the Overall CCMA, the youngest ever to win this in 46 years. In 2011, Kiara was crowned the Junior Country Entertainer of the Year in Tamworth. Kiara performed at the Carols at The Strand, in Townsville to a crowd of 20,000 plus. She has also fulfilled her life long dream of performing The National Anthem at the football games - Cowboys vs Broncos and Cowboys vs Raiders to an audience of over 12,000. In 2010, Kiara represented Australia at the World Championships, in Hollywood, where she won 3 Gold , 2 Silver and 2 Bronze medals. She was crowned the Triple Junior World Champ in Country, Rock and Gospel. She was also one of the few to be awarded The Industry Recognition award. While in the US Kiara took a short trip to Nashville where she performed to a full house at the renowned Tootsies Lounge. Her exquisite voice and endearing personality is the reason why she has captivated her listeners, leaving an indelible mark on the music industry. Music forms a colossal part of her life and she works relentlessly in the hope that she will realise her dream of being renowned and celebrated for her music

Health Dr Leo Rebel lo INDIA

Dr. Leo Rebello, Director, Natural Health Centre, Mumbai is a world renowned Holistic Healer and Holistic Development Expert. He has delivered over 15,000 lectures in 65 countries since 1978, written 42 books and trained and treated over a million people worldwide. More details on his website : His wife Kashmira is a Special Educator and Counselor and his son Robin is a trained Actor. Robin's blog : Dr. Leo Rebello has agreed to write on Holistic Healing for us.


When God, the finest manufacturer of this intricate body and all that is there, gave you this beautiful body, he also gave you a guarantee card of 100 years of fault-free service. But you have misplaced that card and I am going to help you today to find that card and live to be Healthy Hundred. Like Moses gave the Ten Commandments, following which the society can run smoothly, the ten commandments of health devised by me, if followed without compromise, are guaranteed to help you complete a century. 1.. Eat twice a day only, preferably raw. Ayurveda recorded this, thousands of years ago. Ayurveda (the science of life) enjoins on you to eat a good breakfast, because that is the principal meal of the day, and finish your dinner before sunset. There is also a very apt saying: one who eats once is a Yogi (self-realized), one who eats twice is a Bhogi (glutton) and one who eats thrice is a Rogi (sick). Diet is your destiny. Many dishes, many diseases. More people die due to overeating than due to malnutrition. But overeating statistics are distributed as deaths due to Obesity, High BP, Diabetes, Cancers, etc. Food sustains life. But as epitomised in the idiom ‘not by bread alone’, it is not the only thing that keeps life going. Coronaries, our lifelines, need fresh air, pure water and fruits. Not fried, fatty and fast food. The ultimate Truth is that life stops when wastes from the ingested food and from the thoughts assimilated are not discharged or expelled regularly and in the quantity equal to intake. Don’t indulge and you won’t bulge. With increasing age, Wisdom should increase not the weight. 2.. Drink minimum 8 glasses of water to wash out toxins. On an average, we lose 3 litres of fluid daily from the body – by way of urination, perspiration, or through vapour when we speak, as also spitting. The human body is made up of 67% water. Unless this balance is maintained by adequate intake of water, the blood will be surcharged with wastes and diseased matter. It will then turn acidic, thick and will not circulate easily. A healthy blood stream should be 70% alkaline and 30% acidic. But because of our wrong eating habits, this ratio is in inverse proportion. Hence diseases. Less intake of water will lead to constipation, acidity, ulceration, pressure on the kidneys, skin diseases, varicose veins, heart problems, obesity, loss of libido and hosts of other diseases. Hence, it is very essential that you drink adequate water (repeat water, not liquid). Liquid would include tea, coffee, liquor, aerated waters, etc., which are harmful to health. 3.. Meditate twice a day, for good mental health and stress-free life. Tension needs urgent attention to avoid hypertension. Meditation is like going on a holiday, daily. Meditation will help you to relax, to unwind, to improve, to smile, to be happy, to be stress-free, and to lead a fuller life. The difference between Prayer and Meditation is: In prayer you talk to God. In Meditation, you listen to Him. As such, meditation is far superior to prayer than going to temples, mosques or churches to meet God. Meditate ten minutes in the morning and again ten minutes in the night. Too long a meditation itself becomes counter productive. In the morning remind yourself that you have been given one more day of opportunity. The darkness of the night (as also from your life) has vanished. Thank God for one more day of opportunity, for there is no guarantee when you go to sleep that you will ever open your eyes! In the evening when you meditate, recall whether you have done anything wrong, willy-nilly. If so, give auto-suggestion that this will not recur again. “To err is human, but to rise after a fall is manly and glorious”

4.. Exercise for minimum 15 minutes daily and stand and walk upright. We have about 700 muscles in our body, including our Heart (which is the strongest muscle or pump). These muscles, unless exercised regularly, become weak and sluggish. They atrophy; they become the storehouse of toxins, deposits and fats. The body and internal organs degenerate, all kinds of ‘dis-eases’ set in and one ages prematurely. Exercise helps you to keep your youthfulness and vigour. Surya Namaskar is the easiest form of exercise. It helps you to remove both ‘mental’ and ‘gastrointestinal’ constipation. It is the complete exercise which helps you to breathe out and discharge poisons which inhibit life. You could also cycle, swim, skip, jog or play rugged games like tennis, football or hockey, participate in aerobics, dancercises, etc. But please avoid weight-lifting, power-lifting exercises. They stunt your growth, make you slow and reduce your life span. 5.. Fast once a week to give rest to your vital organs. All internal organs are vital organs. They work incessantly. Many a time you overload them beyond their capacity with various excesses. Fasting will help them rest and recuperate. By fasting one day, once a week, I mean full 24 hours of liquid intake in which only the following items are permitted – warm water, citric fruit juices, fresh buttermilk (without salt, sugar or spices), coconut water. No milk, no tea, no coffee, no liquor, no aerated waters are permitted during fasting. To the above five main commandments add the following five more commandments: 6.. Do not smoke, or take drugs, or drink alcohol. For, too much of a tasty toast brings out tummy and troubles.

7.. Do not gamble or cheat. Gambling is a psychological affliction, which has ruined many. And when you cheat others, you cheat yourself, you cheat God. 8.. Sex is not bad. In fact, natural sex (not forced, mechanical or bought) is one of the best exercises for good physical and mental health and spiritual wellbeing. 9.. Sleep well – 6 to 8 hours of deep sleep is necessary for good physical and mental health. But do not take sleeping pills, for they are habit forming and some day you may overdose and sleep permanently. To sleep more than necessary is also not good. Ayurveda forbids daytime sleep, except for a power nap or cat nap. If you sleep on the right side (liver), it will cool your body; if you sleep on the left side (heart), it will heat up your body. Usually the body adjusts in sleep, but one has to be always conscious of sleeping positions. During long flights, especially night flights, sleep is very important to get over the jet lag. Some Sleep Facts: During sleep your brain recharges, your cells repair themselves; your body releases important hormones. With the advent of colour television people see colour dreams. Imagine the impact of idiot box on your brain. Even blind can dream. The people who cannot dream suffer from personality disorders. In parasomnia (rare sleep disorder) a person commits crimes like sleep driving, writing bad cheques, rapes and even murders. It takes two weeks to starve to death, but sleep deprivation can disorient one in three days and kill a person within 10 days. One out of 50 teenagers wet their beds in sleep. 10. And come what may, go on Smiling. A smile is contagious. Why not spread a contagion? Laughter is the best medicine. Only human beings can laugh. So keep laughing, not like an idiot, but heartily. After reading this you are sure to ask me: if we cannot do all these ‘good things’ in life, then why live? Well, I live to enjoy nature’s bounty, to see rainbow colours, to hear birds sing while flying into the limitless azure sky, to realize my potential, to smile, to spread happiness, to lead a full life and vibrant health and to make the world a better place to live in. Follow my above commandments if you wish to enjoy good health throughout.


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