May Delve 2022

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May 2022

Quick Calendar WEEKLY Sun

10am Sunday Worship Online or In-Person

pg 21

Tue Wed Thur Thur Thur

10am-12pm Pastoral Team Meeting

pg 21

10am Refresh, Women's Group

pg 21

10am Bible Discussion

pg 21

10am Moms' Meet Up

pg 21

8:30pm Evening Prayers - Online

pg 21

May 1 May 1 May 6 May 13 May 14 May 20 May 27 May 27 May 29 June 5

Newcomers Luncheon Community Garden Meeting at 11:45am YOUTH: Dr Strange 2 Movie Premier YOUTH: Games Night Spring Clean-Up! YOUTH: Craft Night YOUTH: Guys Life Group YOUTH: Jr. and Sr. High Girls Life Groups Creation Care Day SGC Annual Meeting

online pg 9 pg 15 pg 16 pg 10 pg 16 pg 15 pg 15 pg 10 pg 11

See more at Delve submissions are due May 23rd. Delve submissions are due on the MONDAY before the LAST Sunday of each month. To submit for the next issue of Delve, e-mail:

Features Kitchen Lady 3 Spring Garden S.H.A.P.E Assessment Invitation 5 Vocational Missions Update 7

Community Corner SGC Community Garden 9 We're Hiring 9 Volunteer Training with RJHO 9 Spring Clean-Up! 10 Creation Care Day 10 Moms' Meet Up 10 SGC Annual Meeting 2022 11 SGC Day Camp 2022 11

Discipleship Ministries SGC Kids: (In-Person) Worship Gathering 13 Spring Youth 14 Youth Events 15-16

The Resource Centre Book Recommendations 17

More Info How to Give 19 Life Groups 12 Leadership Directory 19 Weekly Calendar 21 Upcoming Calendar 22

Our Values

(back page)

Design, Cover & Editor: Dale Forder Contributors: Sam Lee Colleen Stevens Abby Davidson Alice Ng Bouwma Jeremy Ranasinghe Karen Cassel Copy Editors: Sam Lee Karen Cassel Esther Penner

Kitchen Lady by Sam Lee

At every church I have attended, I have always been drawn to the “kitchen lady” or rather the person who ran the kitchen at church. I know that in this day and age, the term “kitchen lady” seems offensive and rude, but for me, the term is steeped in tenderness and endearing kindness. Just recently, I was asked by Canadian Baptists of Ontario and Quebec, to write a short account about someone who has influenced my faith and I thought of these women of faith first. Their quiet, humble, and generous acts of service have always provided a place of joy in the midst of church politics, splits, and strife. Most of the time these women go unnoticed and unnamed, yet they serve others by providing for the needs of the people around them. This to me, is Eucharistic. When I was a teenager, my brother and I attended a Korean church without our parents. This church would do their own version of “potlucks” where each small group would bring food for their group and would eat together. As we were not part of a small group (as it was divided into family units), my brother and I would often feel left out. During these potlucks, I still remember Ms. Chang, who looked after me, making sure that my brother and I got enough food to eat. This was her way of saying “I notice you,” “I care for you,” and “You belong” during a difficult time when I was living on my own. She provided for me when I was in need and became for me an example of what Christian service truly looks like. There was beauty in the way she served. This is 3

how I want to be as a Christian and a leader. When I arrived at Spring Garden Church, I met the kitchen lady of Spring, Opal. I was told about her famous jerk chicken and fried dumplings and were they ever good. She made sure to make me and my family a batch as her way of welcoming us to a new community. In her own way, she served Spring Garden and God by her presence in the building and by taking care of the kitchens. It’s been almost exactly a year since she has passed away and I still see things lying around with her name on it. They are good memories of Opal who considered Spring Garden her home and made me feel at home. Now, these kitchen ladies were far from perfect and had their own idiosyncrasies and yet, their desire to feed others was something that I found to be holy. So to you Ms. Chang, Inga, Opal, and other unnamed kitchen ladies, I thank you for your influence on my life. You showed me what it means to be a servant of God by feeding my stomach, but more importantly, by feeding my soul.

Spring Garden S.H.A.P.E Assessment Invitation by Abby Davidson

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. -Psalm 139:14 To watch a short video introduction to S.H.A.P.E, cgo to: https:// We are all fearfully and wonderfully made. God has made each of us in His image and yet we are all uniquely gifted. Did you know that God has placed us in this community with a purpose? We’re told in 1 Corinthians that each person is given a manifestation of the Spirit; some are given wisdom, some knowledge, some faith, etc. When believers know their gifts and are able to use them, the church is healthy and able to fulfill her purpose as the hands and feet of God. 4

Over the month of May, we invite you to take the S.H.A.P.E. Assessment Survey. This assessment examines Spiritual Gifts, Heart, Abilities, Personality and Experiences. You can watch step by step video instructions here ( or consult the written instructions below (or both!). We chose this assessment, not because it is the most in-depth option (as it does have a rather short list of spiritual gifts), but because it gives a more holistic view of who you are by including passions, abilities, etc. Instructions: This assessment will take approximately 30-60 minutes. Sit down with a cup of coffee/tea and read each question carefully. If you can do the assessment with a friend who knows you well please do, as it will be helpful to have their feedback. Some of the language may not familiar as it’s not language we use in our own church culture. Please try to answer each question to the best of your ability. • Visit • Read the instructions • Fill out the survey (a combination of multiple choice and written answers) • Fill out your email at the bottom as well as Abby’s email ( where it says “Email address of your church leader” • Click Submit! Your results will be emailed to you and to Abby. While this is an in-depth questionnaire, in some ways it only scratches the surface. Once we have all the results collected we will be providing you with more material on how to develop your gifts and how they can be used for God’s Kingdom. If you have any questions please get in touch with Abby. Please fill out the assessment before May 28th!


VOCATIONAL MISSIONS UPDATE Here at Spring Garden we support several local missionaries. Over the last year we have been highlighting a different missionary so that you can hear about how they are serving God. This month we hear from our newest vocational missionary, Colleen Stevens. Colleen is an Outreach Worker with Neighbourlink North York (NLNY). You can learn more about NLNY by visiting their website at: Neighbourlink North York has been serving North York and Willowdale for many years. In the past, Spring Garden remembers collecting personal care items for our neighbourhood for Neighbourlink and perhaps the Garden Tours. Neighbourlink still has the same roots which strives to serve the community and seeks to build sustainability and resiliency. We picture a community where everyone thrives. I have been working with Neighbourlink in this role since December 2020. Describe your role and areas of responsibility. Neighbourlink North York has two main foci; one is community building through events such as Christmas Parade and Market, The Kindness Movement and Meet Your Neighbour podcast series. I lead the second foci, which is community care! When someone reaches out for care through the website form, phone call, social media, school board or agency, I seek to respond to them with a referral to a partner organization, church or agency, consider WrapAround, or dispatch a Friendly Visitor or Grocery Driver from our Community Care Team. I regularly visit families and individuals distanced at the door, as well as on the phone. I work closely with Lily Su, the Food Bank coordinator and Miriam Roopanram, our Youth Engagement Specialist to build the community care team! I depend on Lily Cheng, Maria Speare and 6

Sebastian Biasucci for direction, funding, volunteer on boarding and communications with the wider community! Tell us about the people you serve. In community care, I usually talk to people who are chronically ill or chronically under-represented in society. I consistently watch and marvel about how life-transforming it is when those in crisis, or who feel like they are alone, are lifted up when a few people in the neighbourhood gather around them and hear their story and seek to respond to their loneliness or suffering. Why were you drawn to this ministry? Most of you reading this will know that I always seek an outreach opportunity. For several years our family was reaching out to international students and newcomers to Canada. After completing a Bachelor of Education and ECE in 2017, I was looking for something else, but I felt strongly that it would continue to be an outreach to my neighbours in Willowdale. It was important due to my family that I remain in Willowdale until at least 2024. I sought out organizations that might fit, but it was Neighbourlink North York that reached out to me! It's the perfect fit. What resources have helped you prepare for service? God has prepared me for this role with every other experience I have ever had. I am amazed by how relevant all of my personal experiences, education and mission have enabled me for this time! But I also credit the books Operation World by Patrick Johnstone, and When Helping Hurts: How to Alleviate Poverty Without Hurting the Poor ... and Yourself by Fikkert and Corbett, to name a couple of resources. What are some of the challenges you've faced? Neighbourlink North York took on a new face in 2020. So it takes some time to nurture partnerships and spread the word. I continue to learn how to use my time wisely, and my greatest prayer for our whole team is for us to have a listening posture. 7

I am constantly challenged how to respond to a family or individual, taking into consideration that their story is precious, and complex. How have you seen God moving?/What have you learned about God this year? Personally, this role as Outreach Worker has transformed my life at a time when I needed to be challenged and renewed. God is doing a new thing in me and in this neighbourhood. He is calling me to accept that I am a leader! I have been astounded by Willowdale's generosity to this movement of hope and transformation. What are some ways we can support you as your church family? Many people at Spring Garden have been praying for my children, marriage and ministry over the years. I am so grateful. Please pray that Chris and Andrew would trust that their God continually redeems them! He makes them more beautiful every day. For Neighbourlink, please consider liking us on Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn, and I would be so encouraged if you come and say hi to me at our events. We are hosting a Let's Move Willowdale event at Hendon Park on April 30 to raise awareness and funds for our summer programming which includes a Youth Drop In and sending kids to camp. Go to http:// to check out the details! We also pray every Wednesday night at 9:00 for Ukraine, go to events/381449460475324/ for the Facebook Event page. Most of all, when I am asked to participate in the life of the church, I feel supported. Thank you everyone!


Life in and around Spring Garden

Community Corner

SGC Community Garden Would you be interested in joining the Garden Team this year? We work as a team and support each other - so no need for experience or even a green thumb. Volunteers are needed for planting seeds, weeding, watering, harvesting, and delivering vegetables to a local shelter. Contact us at garden@springgardenchurch. ca for more information. Join us here at Spring Garden Church at our garden for a meeting on May 1st at 11:45am.

We are looking for a number of people to hire. Camp Counsellors, Camp Directors and a Ministry Assistant. If you are interested, please go to

Volunteer Training with RJHO Tuesdays, May 17th & 24th at 7pm via Zoom

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Restorative Justice Housing Ontario (RJHO) will be holding two online trainings for those who are interested in volunteering with this ministry that helps ex-prisoners transition to life in the community. Please get in touch with Abby if you would like to attend.

Spring Clean-up!

Let’s get together on Saturday, May 14 from 10am - 2pm for some Spring cleaning inside and outside of our church building! People of all ages are welcome and bring your kids - we’ll plan some fun for them too. Pack a picnic lunch, and we’ll have some treats! We’ll be doing some basic gardening, garbage pick-up, removing unwanted items in the church building, cleaning, and more. The more hands the merrier! Join us for a fun time of serving together to create a hospitable and welcoming place for our community. Please email Scott at to confirm that you’ll be joining us to help out. Thank you!

Creation Care Day at SGC

We always want to be good stewards of God's creation, but on May 29th will set aside a day to focus on Creation Care. Join us as we worship God the Creator and bless our Community Garden. After our morning gathering, join us outside for a BBQ and Bike blessing. We will also be planting vegetables in the garden. Please bring your bikes, scooters, unicycles, etc.., and bring your own cups(if you forget, we will provide you one). This will be a good day to leave your car at home too!

Moms' Meet Up

Come hang out with other moms on Thursdays from 10am-12pm. Email Abby at 10

SGC Annual Meeting 2022 June 5th, 2022, after Worship.

Come one, come all, to our Annual Meeting, but only members can vote. The purpose of the meeting is to: 1. Approve the minutes of the Feb 27, 2022 meeting. 2. Elect Deacons and Elders: The Deacons and Elders, working alongside the Pastors, are called by the church to bring leadership over a three year term. The Nominating Committee is a 2 year term of leadership whose responsibility is to prayerfully discern and invite new Deacons, Elders and Officers. 3. Acceptance of Audited Financial Statements for 2021 and appointment of Auditor for 2022 (Norton McMullen LLP). See reports here:

SGC: Day Camp 2022

This Summer, we are planning 2 weeks of day camp and 1 week of our Adventure Camp, July 18-22, July 25-29 & Aug. 15-19. Following the success of our in-person camps from 2021, we are doing so with the same intent but will have virtual camp back-upplans if we cannot meet in-person safely. If any of the weeks you sign up for end up changing to virtual, you will have the option for a full refund. Our Day-Camps strive to create a safe, loving, and inclusive atmosphere (both online and in-person!) where children can 11

engage in a variety of activities to experience and learn God’s love for them. We believe that this is done through intentional relationships and thoughtful programming. Our day camp runs from 9 am to 3:30 pm and is created for children in grades 1 - 5 (ages 6-10) for the upcoming school year (September 2022). Sign up at:

Life Groups

Life Groups are a place where we do life together in a community centered around the gospel. They are designed for you to pursue spiritual growth, community and mission together. We offer Life Groups so everyone can have a place to belong. Life Groups are Kevin & Suzanna small gatherings Sunday afternoons, of people who Every other week ONLINE and In-Person form a community. Group members Scott & Kate share life together Sunday evenings Every other week through friendship, ONLINE learn from the Bible and other Anne & Garth Monday evenings resources, pray for Weekly and give support ONLINE to one another, Jeff & Phyllis and participate Wednesday evenings in God’s mission Weekly together. They are ONLINE safe places where David Webb you can meet new Thursday evenings people, discover Weekly your gifts for Online and In-Person service, grow as a follower of Jesus, and have a lot of fun together. Groups gather in homes or online throughout the week. Each group is as unique as the people in it. No matter where you are in life, there is a Life Group for you. Please email Abby at to join or for more information.


Partnering with Families

Discipleship Ministries

SGC Kids: Family Registration Forms: In order for us to provide our ministry to the children of our church, we require new registration forms to be filled by their family every year as part of our policy to protect. Please fill out our form through this link

Kids (In-Person) Worship Gathering We have updated our Sunday sign-ups for our children’s worship. For more information on registering or the structure and flow for Sunday mornings, please use the following link: *Highlights* - By registering online through http://, parents and caregivers will no longer be required to sign in children in their worship spaces using the form.

Online Resources For Home To help serve your family better, we have uploaded all our SGC Kids’ curriculum online. The following link can be used to access our curriculum and use at home, as well as find info pamphlets for following up with kids on what was discussed during their worship on Sunday mornings. SGC Kids Curriculum Link: Here is what we will be talking about on Sundays! THE MESSENGERS: A 5-Week Series From The New Testament On The Early Church:

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How many ways can you send a message? There are so many unique ways! Special deliveries are the

best but even better are the messages found in each package. This month, we are going to look at the most important message that was ever sent out and how we are meant to be the ones delivering it. Kids are God’s messengers who can share the stories of God’s miracles and help. Get kids involved in helping God’s message go everywhere because God delivers everyone! Creation Care Day: May 29th, 2022: We encourage all of our families with children and youth to join us on May 29th, as we focus on caring for creation together. Following our worship, there will be some opportunity to plant and bless our community garden. We’ll also be blessing bikes, scooters and other similar modes of transportation, so we encourage you to bring or ride that to worship on Sunday. As part of our time, we’ll be providing a BBQ for our church and community and we encourage you to bring your own reusable cup(s) and/(or) plates to help in lowering waste (we will have extra plates and cups for anyone wanting). Time: Following our Worship Gathering (11:30am-12:00pm approx)

Spring Youth Sunday Morning Worship Gatherings:

May 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th: We will have our regular worship gatherings for youth in grades 6-12. Following the children and youth’s blessing, youth will move to our lounge to continue in worship. Due to limited space, youth will need to register their spot (preferably with their family) through http://sgcworship. 14

May 1st, 2022 - Youth are encouraged to join us in the main worship area. Youth who would like to serve in worship (either through music, tech team, children’s ministry, or another area) should speak with Jeremy.

Life Groups:

Our youth life groups will meet this in from our building. As we began a new video curriculum our Jr and Sr girls will have their life groups combined but will split into small groups for discussion. Here are the days we’re meeting as well as who to contact: Jr High Girls • Brittni - • Friday, May 27th, 2022 - 7:00pm - 9:00pm Sr High Girls • Kaitlyn - • Friday, May 27th, 2022 - 7:00pm - 9:00pm Guys Life Group • Jeremy - • Thursday, May 26th 2022 - 7:00pm - 9:00pm

Youth Events May 6th: Dr Strange 2 Movie Premier - We’ll be meeting at our building to eat dinner, and will then walk over to Empress Theatre to watch the premier of Dr Strange 2. For those interested, please register for the event through the link below. If you haven’t heard of the movie and would like to know more about it, here’s a link to the trailer: Time: 6:00pm - 9:40pm Cost: $20 (Includes Dinner + Movie Ticket and Snack) Registration Link:


May 13th: Games Night - We will be meeting at our building to play some of our favourite games. To ensure enough food is prepared please email Jeremy to reserve space by May 11th, 2022. Time: 6:00pm - 9:00pm Cost: $10 ($5 for additional youth of the same family) (Dinner included) May 20th: Craft Night - We will be meeting at our building to work on personal crafts and art projects together. We will have a variety of craft options available, for youth to do, as well as a larger team project for our youth lounge. To ensure enough food is prepared please email Jeremy to reserve space by May 18th, 2022. Time: 6:00pm - 9:00pm Cost: $10 per youth ($5 for additional youth of the same family) (Dinner included) Registration Link: Creation Care Day: May 29th, 2022 - We encourage all our families with children and youth to join us on May 29th, as we focus on caring for creation together. Following our worship, there will be some opportunity to plant in and bless our community garden. We’ll also be blessing bikes, scooters and other similar modes of transportation, so we encourage you to bring or ride that to worship on Sunday. As part of our time, we’ll be providing a BBQ for our church and community and we encourage you to bring your own reusable cup(s) and/(or) plates to help in lowering waste (we will have extra plates and cups for anyone wanting). Time: Following our Worship Gathering (11:30am-1:00pm approx) Staying Updated: To stay up to date on what is happening for your youth, please visit our google calendar which has all our planned events. 16


The Resource Centre

Spiritual disciplines handbook: practices that transform us, by Adel Ahlberg Calhoun In this book, the author gives us directions for our continuing journey toward intimacy with Christ. While the word “discipline” may make us want to run and hide, the author shows how desires and discipline work together to lead us to the transformation we’re longing for – the transformation only Christ can bring. Instead of just giving information about spiritual disciplines, this handbook is full of practical accessible guidance that helps you to actually do them.

Deeper places: experiencing God in the Psalms, by Matthew Jacoby People typically have two ways of thinking about spirituality. Either they have accepted the false reality that they can only know about God, without knowing him personally, or they have romanticized spirituality to such an extent that it becomes far too otherworldly. In either case, expectations are lowered, and they live in spiritual bankruptcy, feeling like spiritual failures. Pastor and musician Matthew Jacoby sets the Psalms to music as they were intended, performing them with his band, Sons of Korah, for over fifteen years. In the Psalms, he has discovered a portrait of authentic spirituality that helps us journey from deep sadness to profound joy. Jacoby gives readers an in-depth look at the Psalms as a pathway to intimate and satisfying relationship with God.


Prayer: forty days of practice, by Justin McRoberts and Scott Erickson This unique book guides you to pray in deeper and more authentic ways. The short prayers and thoughtprovoking imagery, interspersed with contemplative reflections and suggested practices, will stir, inform, and encourage you. The simplicity of the prayers and the aesthetic appeal of the images will inspire people in every facet of life, including those with no real religious background at all.

Where the light fell, a memoir, by Philip Yancey Where the Light Fell is a gripping family narrative set against a turbulent time in post–World War II America, shaped by the collision of Southern fundamentalism with the mounting pressures of the civil rights movement and Sixties-era forces of social change. In piecing together his fragmented personal history and his search for redemption, Yancey gives testament to the enduring power of our hunger for truth and the possibility of faith rooted in grace instead of fear. “I truly believe this is the one book I was put on earth to write,” says Yancey. “So many of the strands from my childhood—racial hostility, political division, culture wars—have resurfaced in modern form. Looking back points me forward.”

You are what you love: the spiritual power of habit, by James Smith In this book, author James K. A. Smith shows that who and what we worship fundamentally shape our hearts. And while we desire to shape culture, we are not often aware of how culture shapes us. We might not realize the ways our hearts are being taught to love rival gods instead of the One for whom we were made. Smith helps readers recognize the formative power of culture and the transformative possibilities of Christian practices. He explains that worship is the "imagination station" that incubates our loves and longings so that our cultural endeavors are indexed toward God and his kingdom. This is why the church and worshiping in a local community of believers should be the hub and heart of Christian formation and discipleship. 18

Directories and What's Happening

More Info

Leadership Directory PASTORAL TEAM Greg Kay Co-Lead Pastor

*Greg Kay is on Sabbatical (away) from April 19 - Aug. 19th 2022*

Ext. 227

Sam Lee Co-Lead Pastor

samlee@ Ext. 223

Jeremy Ranasinghe Children and Youth Pastor

jeremy@ Ext. 226

Abby Davidson Pastor of Missional Discipleship

abbydavidson@ Ext. 221

Dale Forder Office & Communications Administrator


Spring Garden Church

112 Spring Garden Avenue, Toronto ON M2N 3G3 Tel 416.223.4593 Fax 416.223.6126 Prayer Line 416.223.4038

Giving is one of the ways in which we can


respond to a generous God. We give because it is a part of our discipleship and an act of worship. Please give as you feel led. For more information please go to our website at:

DEACONS Krysten Cameron Chair


Ben Reynolds

Children\Youth Discipleship & Property

Martin Dewar

Community Life & Missions

Debbie Tempelmeyer

Adult Discipleship & Pastoral Care

Scott Moore

Vice Chair & Secretary

Jeff McGee Finance 416.229.2695 905-301-2323 647-227-5465 416.493.2102

Cheryl Chapman Worship

Esther Penner Membership

ELDERS Anne Barron Gonzalo Librado

416.724.9329 416.435.9691

Margaret Sutton Koon Wah Leung Clem Lee

416.225.7092 416.508.7355

Myrna Frost

416.225.4986 ​ 20

What’s Happening Life in Spring Garden

Weekly LIFE GROUPS - Connect for Community ALL WEEK LONG

Together through bible study, prayer and sharing. Meet online and possible in-person. Please email for more information or to join one. See more on page 16.






10am 12pm

Join us Sunday mornings as we go through a series called 'Uncluttered' until Easter (read more). Join us at: live or come in-person (no need to register). We meet mostly on Tuesday. Please pray for us for wisdom and inspiration.

Wednesdays REFRESH

Friendship, care & spiritual growth for women. Contact Jen Chrystman (jenchrystman313@ ) or Faith Holwyn (faith. for more info.



10am 11:30am


10am 12pm



Join us as we learn and discuss different stories about God and His people. Contact Victoria Shipmaker for more information at See pg 13. Mothers coming together for fellowship in a baby and kid friendly environment. Contact Abby at abbydavidson@springgardenchurch. ca You are invited to a virtual time of liturgical prayer. More information at


10am 11:30am

What’s Happening Upcoming

Life in Spring Garden

May 1

Newcomers Luncheon


May 1

Community Garden Meeting at 11:45am

pg 9

May 6

YOUTH: Dr Strange 2 Movie Premier

pg 15

May 13

YOUTH: Games Night

pg 16

May 14

Spring Clean-Up!

pg 10

May 20

YOUTH: Craft Night

pg 16

May 26

YOUTH: Guys Life Group

pg 15

May 27

YOUTH: Jr. and Sr. High Girls Life Groups

pg 15

May 29

Creation Care Day

pg 10

June 5

SGC Annual Meeting

pg 11

FUTURE EVENTS: Day Camps -Go to Camping Trip -Go to

If you would like to receive a weekly e-mail update on what’s happening in Spring Garden, please visit the SGC website (www. and add your email address at the bottom of our home page (scroll down). Also keep your eye on our Events page at:


Our Values We believe in a humble God who came not to be served, but to serve. Therefore we engage in sacrificial and active service to those around us. We strive to be good stewards of God’s gifts and talents by serving one another in humility. We aspire to regard others as higher than ourselves, which liberates us to creatively take risks in serving others for God’s glory. We believe in a God of grace who came to save the world, not to condemn it. Therefore, as we are continuously receiving the gift of God’s grace, we seek to grow in that grace and extend it to others. We strive to define ourselves by what we are for, not what we are against.

We believe in a God who knows us, and who desires to be known. Therefore we embrace a journey of faith that requires us to constantly strive for a personal, intimate and transformative knowledge of God. We strive to be led by God’s Spirit in supporting and encouraging one another in working out our faith.

We believe in a creative God. Therefore we are open to expressing our faith in new and creative ways that reflect the beauty and complexity of our creator. We are called to use our creative gifts in worship and service as we engage with our world. We take joy in the diversity of gifts that allow us to delight God and participate in His ongoing story. We believe in a triune, relational God who calls us to come together as a diverse community of believers. Therefore, we want to walk together, supporting one another physically, emotionally and spiritually. We strive to be a welcoming, inclusive family that goes through the joys and the trials of life together, acknowledging that God uses this community to deepen and mature our faith.

We believe in a God who loves this broken world and wants to reconcile us to Himself. Therefore we are commissioned by Christ to go out into the world, meeting the holistic needs of the local and global community. God calls us to participate in a redemptive work that he has already initiated; in humility, we will partner with others to work alongside and chase after Him.

We believe in a God who is our centre. Therefore where we are on the journey is less important than that we are moving towards a deeper relationship with Christ. We believe and participate in God’s redemptive work in all people, which gives us the freedom to come as we are, and to accept others as they are.

We each are on a unique journey to become who God has created us to be.

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