2 minute read

Vocational Missions Update

Tell us about the people you serve.

In community care, I usually talk to people who are chronically ill or chronically under-represented in society. I consistently watch and marvel about how life-transforming it is when those in crisis, or who feel like they are alone, are lifted up when a few people in the neighbourhood gather around them and hear their story and seek to respond to their loneliness or suffering.


Why were you drawn to this ministry?

Most of you reading this will know that I always seek an outreach opportunity. For several years our family was reaching out to international students and newcomers to Canada. After completing a Bachelor of Education and ECE in 2017, I was looking for something else, but I felt strongly that it would continue to be an outreach to my neighbours in Willowdale. It was important due to my family that I remain in Willowdale until at least 2024. I sought out organizations that might fit, but it was Neighbourlink North York that reached out to me! It's the perfect fit.

What resources have helped you prepare for service?

God has prepared me for this role with every other experience I have ever had. I am amazed by how relevant all of my personal experiences, education and mission have enabled me for this time! But I also credit the books Operation World by Patrick Johnstone, and When Helping Hurts: How to Alleviate Poverty Without Hurting the Poor ... and Yourself by Fikkert and Corbett, to name a couple of resources.

What are some of the challenges you've faced?

Neighbourlink North York took on a new face in 2020. So it takes some time to nurture partnerships and spread the word. I continue to learn how to use my time wisely, and my greatest prayer for our whole team is for us to have a listening posture. 7

I am constantly challenged how to respond to a family or individual, taking into consideration that their story is precious, and complex.

How have you seen God moving?/What have you learned about God this year?

Personally, this role as Outreach Worker has transformed my life at a time when I needed to be challenged and renewed. God is doing a new thing in me and in this neighbourhood. He is calling me to accept that I am a leader! I have been astounded by Willowdale's generosity to this movement of hope and transformation.

What are some ways we can support you as your church family?

Many people at Spring Garden have been praying for my children, marriage and ministry over the years. I am so grateful. Please pray that Chris and Andrew would trust that their God continually redeems them! He makes them more beautiful every day. For Neighbourlink, please consider liking us on Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn, and I would be so encouraged if you come and say hi to me at our events. We are hosting a Let's Move Willowdale event at Hendon Park on April 30 to raise awareness and funds for our summer programming which includes a Youth Drop In and sending kids to camp. Go to http:// tiny.cc/letsmove to check out the details! We also pray every Wednesday night at 9:00 for Ukraine, go to https://www.facebook.com/ events/381449460475324/ for the Facebook Event page. Most of all, when I am asked to participate in the life of the church, I feel supported. Thank you everyone!

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