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Kitchen Lady Spring Garden S.H.A.P.E

Kitchen Lady

by Sam Lee


At every church I have attended, I have always been drawn to the “kitchen lady” or rather the person who ran the kitchen at church. I know that in this day and age, the term “kitchen lady” seems offensive and rude, but for me, the term is steeped in tenderness and endearing kindness. Just recently, I was asked by Canadian Baptists of Ontario and Quebec, to write a short account about someone who has influenced my faith and I thought of these women of faith first. Their quiet, humble, and generous acts of service have always provided a place of joy in the midst of church politics, splits, and strife. Most of the time these women go unnoticed and unnamed, yet they serve others by providing for the needs of the people around them. This to me, is Eucharistic. When I was a teenager, my brother and I attended a Korean church without our parents. This church would do their own version of “potlucks” where each small group would bring food for their group and would eat together. As we were not part of a small group (as it was divided into family units), my brother and I would often feel left out. During these potlucks, I still remember Ms. Chang, who looked after me, making sure that my brother and I got enough food to eat. This was her way of saying “I notice you,” “I care for you,” and “You belong” during a difficult time when I was living on my own. She provided for me when I was in need and became for me an example of what Christian service truly looks like. There was beauty in the way she served. This is 3

how I want to be as a Christian and a leader. When I arrived at Spring Garden Church, I met the kitchen lady of Spring, Opal. I was told about her famous jerk chicken and fried dumplings and were they ever good. She made sure to make me and my family a batch as her way of welcoming us to a new community. In her own way, she served Spring Garden and God by her presence in the building and by taking care of the kitchens. It’s been almost exactly a year since she has passed away and I still see things lying around with her name on it. They are good memories of Opal who considered Spring Garden her home and made me feel at home. Now, these kitchen ladies were far from perfect and had their own idiosyncrasies and yet, their desire to feed others was something that I found to be holy. So to you Ms. Chang, Inga, Opal, and other unnamed kitchen ladies, I thank you for your influence on my life. You showed me what it means to be a servant of God by feeding my stomach, but more importantly, by feeding my soul.

Spring Garden S.H.A.P.E Assessment Invitation

by Abby Davidson I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. -Psalm 139:14

To watch a short video introduction to S.H.A.P.E, cgo to: https:// youtu.be/tcY8uz8OR7Q We are all fearfully and wonderfully made. God has made each of us in His image and yet we are all uniquely gifted. Did you know that God has placed us in this community with a purpose? We’re told in 1 Corinthians that each person is given a manifestation of the Spirit; some are given wisdom, some knowledge, some faith, etc. When believers know their gifts and are able to use them, the church is healthy and able to fulfill her purpose as the hands and feet of God.

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