2 minute read

Why Choose Membership, Anyway? 7 Membership FAQs

To me, the word ‘ownership’ has lots of connotations in this context. It could mean: communal agreement, shared expectations, long-term commitment, desire for accountability, voice, invested interest, leadership, decision-making, responsibility to prayerfully support the leadership, etc. God has entrusted His living ministry to the care of his people - his diverse, imperfect, spirit-filled, beloved people. In scripture, we’re described as the ‘body of Christ’, each body part having its own role (or multiple roles) to play. I believe that membership can expose us to new experiences, relationships and ways of participating in God’s plan. It’s a way to open our arms wide and invite people to connect and minister on a deeper, more equal level than they were accustomed to. Before becoming a church member, I was missing out on some rewarding ways to get involved. Membership means something slightly different to everyone. If you’re not currently a member, but are a Jesus follower attending Spring Garden, we invite you to take time and pray about it. What might becoming a member mean to you?

Membership FAQs


Q: Can I still participate in SGC ministries even if I’m not a member?

A: Yes, you can! As part of the congregation, you could still be considered for many roles (e.g. worship team, audio-visual team, children and youth ministries, life groups, community life activities, prayer team, etc.). The church thrives when its congregants are using their gifts! However, only church members can be considered for leadership positions such as deacons and elders.

Q: Do all members have to take on a deacon or elder role at some point?

A: No, this is optional! If our nominating committee feels led to nominate a particular member for leadership, she or he will have time to think, pray and ask questions before deciding. Even if 8

Q: Can non-members vote during meetings?

A: No. Only registered members can vote during business meetings, annual general meetings and other special church decisions. Non-members may attend these events.

Q: How does the membership process work?

A: First, we ask that you prayerfully consider whether membership is for you. If it is, then please connect with one of the pastors or with the membership deacon to let them know you’re interested in becoming a SGC member. We will set up a time for the membership deacon to get to know you better and talk with you about membership. You will be given a copy of the by-laws to read over. If you agree to the conditions of membership, you will sign the application form. If he or she feels led, the membership deacon will propose that the deacons board accept you into membership at SGC. Once the motion has passed, a pastor will schedule a time to publicly welcome you into SGC membership!

it’s not the right time at that moment, other opportunities for leadership may come up in the future.

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