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Spring Youth 22 | Youth Events

Discipleship Ministries

Partnering with Families SGC Kids:


In order for us to provide our ministry to the children of our church, we require new registration forms to be filled by their family every year as part of our policy to protect. Please fill out our form through this link: http://tiny.cc/SGCFamilyRegistration

Kids (In-Person) Worship Gathering

As of January 30th, 2022, we have resumed InPerson Worship in our children’s ministry using new regulations to help keep everyone safe from the spread of Covid-19 and its variants. For more information on registering or the structure and flow for Sunday mornings, please use the following link: http://tiny.cc/SGCKidsWorshipInfo

Online Resources For Home

To help serve your family better, we have uploaded all our SGC Kids’ curriculum online. The following link can be used to access our curriculum and use at home, as well as find info pamphlets for following up with kids on what was discussed during their worship on Sunday mornings. SGC Kids Curriculum Link: http://tiny.cc/ OnlineCurriculum

Here is what we will be talking about on Sundays!

Opposite Day: Up is Down. Right is Left. Cold is Hot. That’s right, we’re celebrating opposite day this whole month (or should we say, not celebrating? This could get confusing!) This series will give kids a chance to talk about the counter-culture things Jesus said. It sounds impossible to believe that struggles bring us closer to Jesus or that our enemies can teach us about love. However, these beautiful opposites remind us that a God we can’t see is always with us and that it’s better to follow Jesus than our own instincts. Happy Opposite Day!

Spring Youth

Sunday Morning Worship Gatherings:

February 13th, 20th, 27th: We will have our regular worship gatherings for youth in grades 6-12. Following the children’s blessing, youth will move to the youth lounge to continue in worship. Due to limited space, youth will need to register their spot (preferably with their family) through http://sgcworship. eventbrite.ca and selecting the correct add-on. February 6th, 2022 - Youth are encouraged to join us in the main worship area. Youth who would like to serve in worship either through music, tech team, children’s ministry, or another area should speak with Jeremy.

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