1 minute read

Lent Reading 9 Funny Bone

by Colleen Stevens, Outreach Worker for Neighbourlink North York, Colleen walks only 600 m to work. She thanks Spring Garden for partnership with the ministry.

This is a humourous texting conversation between Colleen and her son.


Jan 22, 2022 [day 5 after the Big Snow]

Me: Please finish shovelling the driveway today C: Why ?? We don’t have a car Me: I don’t want it to look like we live in a hovel , like a hobbit with a path running up to our door C: hmm Me: everyone else has their driveway shoveled, C: ya that’s what I thought .. C: ya know the neighbours are probably jealous that we don’t have to shovel our driveway, they all have cars, so they have to shovel.. Me: NO, They are not jealous !! That is not what they are thinking! Ha They are thinking why doesn’t that family have a car! C: I think they are jealous, look at all the snow they have to shovel, even Mr Queen bought a snowblower, see him out there, miserable … trying to clear his driveway! Me: Well soon we’re going to have people dropping things off in our driveway[carport]. C: Ya we like to use our driveway for other things, it’s a drop off for non-perishable food, keys, vegetables and donated phones! Me: Ha ha ya!

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