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Vocational Missions Update - Monica @ YU

Here at Spring Garden we support several local missionaries. Each month we will be highlighting a different missionary so that you can hear about how they are serving God. This month we hear from Monica Kay. Monica serves as Youth Unlimited’s Launch Director. Monica has a heart for helping young people to grow spiritually, in character, and in leadership as they realize their unique God-given potential and make a Kingdom difference. You can learn more about YU by visiting the YU website at www.yugta.ca.

Tell us about YU and how long you have served with them.


As many of you may know, Youth Unlimited GTA (formerly referred to as Youth for Christ Toronto), is an organization that works with youth and young adults in the Greater Toronto Area. YU's vision is: That every young person in the GTA will be transformed by God's love and life-changing power and will be a redemptive presence in their family, community, and beyond. YU pours into young people through a wide variety of programs and area focused ministries. Many, but not all, of the youth we work with are vulnerable and face many obstacles. I have had the joy of working with LAUNCH, a leadership development program, for the past 11 years and have been directing it for the past 8 years.

How did you receive your call to serve as a missionary?

Prior to working with Youth Unlimited, I worked for ten years with Athletes in Action, a Christian sports organization. I remember I was debating about doing a PHD in French and English Canadian Literature (!?!) or going into ministry. I was visiting my prospective school, and I remember taking a moment to pray. I began with the word, "LORD." At that moment, I stood very still and had an overwhelming sense of God's presence and the fact that He indeed was Lord. He was the Lord of my life, was trustworthy and a guiding light. Through continued prayer, the Lord made it clear that I was called to do ministry until otherwise 11

noted. Although I struggled with doubt and uncertainty that I "had what it took" to do ministry, the Lord encouraged me with 1 Thessalonians 5:24. "The One who calls you is faithful, and He will do it." This verse continues to be an encouragement to me...

What does your ministry look like during a pandemic?

LAUNCH serves youth and young adults aged 14-28. They come from a wide variety of backgrounds. Some are in our Gr.11 Leadership Course, which has been online since the pandemic. Others are in our Equip Program which includes 1:1 coaching with staff team members or one of our amazing volunteer coaches. Here the young leaders are inspired and equipped to grow spiritually, in character and in leadership. I have also been doing workshops at camps and partner programs. It is such a joy to walk with these young people in both their struggles and in their moments of celebration. This year, due to the pandemic, we had students join our course from the Ottawa area, London, and even Trinidad! I am also coaching young people in England, Australia and British Columbia. The pandemic has expanded our reach in many ways.

How have you seen God moving?

As I mentioned, it has been a joy to see the Lord touching these young people's lives- for them to know in this Age of Anxiety that they are not alone, that He sees them and cares deeply for them. 12

God is there as a guide and support. I have seen countenances change as students grasp more deeply His love for them. In many ways, I have needed this reminder as well this year. Recently, I have felt the Lord leading me in the direction of change.... With mixed emotions, including grief and peace, I have sensed the Lord leading me to step down as LAUNCH Director as of June 2022. I still very much love this program and see its incredible value, but know that the Lord has something different for me and that someone else is to lead the next iteration of the program. Please pray for us as we discern what is next for LAUNCH. Thankfully, I do not yet feel released from the Youth Unlimited family. Over the past few years I have been helping invest into younger staff and my new role on the People Development Team will build on this. I am taking on the role of "Leadership Development Facilitator" for our chapter. I look forward to investing in the staff with coaching, training sessions and coming alongside team leaders as they invest in their teams. This role coincides well with what I am learning in my Doctor of Ministry in Leadership, and I hope I can be a blessing and encouragement to the YU staff.

What are some ways we can support you as your church family?

Thank you for your generous and faithful support on many levels for my past 22+ years in ministry. I would greatly appreciate your prayers in this time of transition.... as I let go of something I love to reach hold of what the Lord has next for me. Please pray for protection and encouragement for myself, for our coaches and young leaders, and the Youth Unlimited staff as well. Please reach out for a conversation or walk! I am so grateful for you.

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