October 2013 news

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We’ve Turned a Corner


Thanks for everyone that prayed for Sharon’s seizures. Sharon is well on the road to recovery but we decided we needed a bit more time to make sure that she is 100% healthy before we head back to Thailand in January.


A White Christmas

We haven’t seen snow in four years or enjoyed Christmas at home since 2009. We are so looking forward to christmas cookies, a fire in the fireplace, traditional Christmas dinner, being close to family and friends and, of course, celebrating Jesus’ birth.


We’re spending every extra moment we have getting to know our little early Christmas present. It has been so fun to see his little quirks and the unique things about him come out. We realize there are two camps when it comes to raising children: in one the kids become the exclusive center

of attention and in the other the kids become a part of what the family is doing. In our case, we pray that we can welcome Rye into our lives and take care of him well while at the same time continue to do what the Lord has called our family to do: see Phu Thai churches planted.

Special moments are made to be shared We have had some very special times this fall with our families and friends sharing the joy of our new addition. Whether we’re going out to eat, munching on cider and donuts, going to church or getting warm by the fireplace, Rye has added a new, rich element to our lives that is fun to share with family and friends. When we transition back to Thailand we trust that God will use him and his little smiles to open doors to the gospel among the villagers we work with. They are already so excited to meet him and we anticipate that he will be our little ice breaker, helping us build relationships and learn language quickly.

Sharon is a Great Mom

Maybe I’m partial. I probably am. Either way, I’m so proud of how Sharon has stepped up to fill her incredible role as a mom. She has given everything for baby Rye and more, waking up at all hours of the day or night to feed him, rocking him to sleep and loving him just the way he is. Somewhere in that craziness she still finds time to watch a Star Wars marathon with her husband and to meet with supporters and friends to update them about our work in Thailand.


Sharon and I are so proud to be on your team, representing our friends, family and churches in Thailand. Thank-you for your constant love and support! We pray with you for a bountiful harvest of souls and for a growing love and affection for one another and for our Lord. Many blessings and a MERRY (early) CHRISTMAS to you and yours. Love, Ric and Sharon Bruce

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