Resident Magazine: November 2013

Page 92


DR. JOE’S A – B – C GUIDE FOR A THANKFUL HOLIDAY SEASON “The manner of giving is worth more than the gift.” – Pierre Corneille, French poet The holiday season can bring about a myriad of feelings and emotions. Tis’ the season to put aside our differences and disagreements, and in doing so, we allow ourselves to truly be thankful and embrace the spirit of this holiday season. A – Accept. Accept others for who they are and focus on the things you like about them and yourself. Empower yourself to shift our attention away from others and place that awareness onto yourself. Not judging others or yourself is a crucial step toward acceptance. B – Believe. Believe in this special time of year and you open yourself up to the magic of the season. Show loved ones you care by sending them a special note of a fond memory you shared together and spread good cheer all around you. C – Compassion. Keep yourself in a place of compassion and embrace empathy for others. Smile at your neighbors, thank your servers, hold doors open for the person behind you, and find ways to help others throughout your day. D – Donate. The holidays are a perfect time to give to those in need, and your children can learn an invaluable lesson in doing so. Your family can collect clothes, toys, and other items in your home and let your children help choose the charities your family donations. E – Effort. Make an effort to continue to focus on yourself, your family, and your needs, as this can be a very busy time in your life. Continue to foster a healthy lifestyle and spend those extra moments with your children so they don’t feel lost in the hustle and bustle. F – Forgive. When you come to a place of forgiveness, you allow yourself to let go of the negativity and move forward to what can be. Forgiveness allows us to let go of the anger and resentment and can lead to greater well-being and healthier relationships. Consider the value of forgiving and its importance in your life. G – Gratitude. Living a life of gratitude keeps us in a joyful place. Set aside a few moments throughout each day to be in a place of gratitude. Each morning when you awake and each night when you go to bed, say “thank you” as you place each foot on the floor. Remind yourself of all the little things to be grateful for. •

t Resident November 2013

About Dr. Joe Dr. Joe is a father to almost triplets, children’s book author, and clinical and family psychologist in private practice in Manhattan, Staten Island, and New Jersey. For more information about Dr. Joe, please visit: and follow him on Twitter @drjoetaravella

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