Pittwaterman 2019/2020

Page 39

Message from the Head of College 2020 - what a year. Fires, floods and then the COVID-19. This pandemic has resulted in schools shut all across the world.

Head of College, Ms Lorna Probst

Globally, over 1.2 billion children were out of the classroom and as a result, education has changed dramatically. Computers, mobile phones, the Internet have become so engulfed in our daily life that they are considered a necessity. Today technology enables us to ‘travel’ to places in an instant, create the future and re-create the past; we can ‘visit’ people on the other side of the globe. We see life as we have never seen it. While such technology certainly opens up doors for us because the world does come right into our living rooms, during the pandemic students have appreciated the importance of friendships and face to face contact. It is reassuring therefore that so many Pittwater House College students look at life not just on a computer screen. They realise that they live in a small part of a very big world. The outbreak of the Coronavirus, COVID-19, has been described as the ‘worst public health crisis for a generation’ by so many of our leaders, however, with all the media coverage it can be easy to feel overwhelmed and miss out on some of the more positive news updates that are occurring in light of the concerning situation. During times of fear and uncertainty, the very best elements of human nature can prevail, and there is still, cause for optimism.

faced with many challenges and need a balanced education encompassing academic skills and a tool box for life. That’s why we continue to develop a range of Programs designed to equip our girls with confidence, respect, tolerance, courtesy and resilience skills they need to have to deal with many of the complex issues that confront them as they move through school and into adulthood. At Pittwater House we want students to extend their thinking, to be resilient and good humoured when things get difficult, and to understand they can and will make a difference. I would like to thank all the student leaders for their help and support throughout the year. So many have been wonderful role models and worked as a team to ensure that traditions are maintained, and new ideas are implemented. Finally, I would also like to congratulate so many of our students. Walking around the grounds I realize how lucky we are. Many Pittwater House students give of their time to help others, and we are part of a wonderful community that does care about each other. Ms Lorna Probst

Once back at school during Form time students have had the opportunity to think about their goals, both academic and personal, and many of the sessions focused on the importance of creating a safe and supportive environment for students to develop the skills to become a resilient individual. The staff at Pittwater House understand that in today’s society, in particular with what has transpired, young girls are


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