PetsTales 2015 July Issue

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July 2015 Issue 七月刊

Summer is here! 夏天來了! Pets get heatstroke like we do

預防勝於治療,身為 主人,當然希望狗能健康 活潑,避開一切病魔的纏 擾。 踏入夏天,人要慎防 中暑,狗狗亦需小心。 由於狗隻沒有腺,只能透過舌頭和腳拳散熱,一 旦體溫高得令散熱能力負荷不了,狗狗就有中暑 的危機。一般而言,以下三種情況最易令狗狗中 暑: 第一 ,在烈日或潮濕悶熱的環境下,進行體 力消耗的活動; 第二 ,長時間逗留在溫度過高, 通風不良的環境,又缺乏飲用水補充; 第三 ,年 幼,年長,體形肥胖、身披厚毛的狗狗,或本身 患有上呼吸道毛病,甲狀腺機能亢進等問題的狗 狗,中暑風險也會較高。

Contact your vet if your dogs have symptoms of heatstroke

狗隻一旦中暑,通常會出現呼吸急促、抽筋, 心跳過度、嚴重流口水、虛脫、食欲下降、沒有 活力、看似非常疲倦 等症狀;若 體溫達攝氏40度 或以上 ,更屬於高度危險。假如家中的狗狗有以 上症狀出現,應立即聯絡獸醫跟進。

If a dog has heatstroke, it usually has the following symptoms: shortness of breath, cramps, increased heartbeat, heavy drooling, prostration, bad appetite and looking lethargic. If the body temperature is higher than 40°C, it becomes highly dangerous for dogs. If your dogs have the above symptoms, you should immediately contact your vet.

What you can do first

Pets Central remind owners to bring umbrella and drinking water when walking the dog to prevent it from getting heatstroke Pets Central 提醒主人於夏日 遛狗時,記得帶備太陽傘和飲 用水,以防寵物中暑。

烈日當空 慎防中暑

Prevention is better than cure: As pet owners, we want our dogs to be healthy and cheerful, without any illnesses. Summer is coming. We need to avoid getting heatstroke, and so do our dogs. Since dogs do not have sweat glands, they can only release heat through their tongue and paws. Once the temperature is too high for the body to handle, there is a risk for dogs to get heatstroke. In general, there are three situations where dogs are most likely to get heatstroke: One, doing energyconsuming activities in a hot or humid environment; Two, remaining in an area which lacks ventilation and is hot for a long time without drinking water; Three, dogs who are young, elderly, fat, with long hair, with upper respiratory illness or with hyperthyroidism are more likely to get heatstroke.

It is suggested that if your dog has heatstroke, you should use water of room temperature to shower your dog, or put wet towels around its head and legs. You should then put it in a shady place where the ventilation is good and turn on fans or air-conditioners. What’s more, before going to a vet, you should allow your dog to taste ice cubes, but do not shower it with ice water or let it drink ice water, since it will make your dog’s blood vessels constrict and thus obstruct thermoregulation. When the dog has cooled down, you should also check that its body functions have not been affected by the heat, by consulting your vet and doing subsequent blood tests.

發現徵狀 及早就醫

寵物中暑 降熱方法

Pets Central 獸醫建議,若主人發現寵物中 暑,應以室溫水為狗狗淋身,或弄濕衣物圍繞牠 的頭部和腳部,並把牠安置到空氣流通,避免日 曬的陰涼處,開啟風扇或冷氣,協助牠們散熱。 此外,主人可在狗狗應診前,給牠舔冰粒,但切 勿用冰水給牠淋身和飲用,因冰水會引致寵物的 血管收縮,阻礙散熱。當寵物降溫後,亦要留意 獸醫評估和血液檢驗,確保其身體機能沒有受到 高溫影響。

By Pets Central Sai Kung

Physiotherapy for Animals 動物的物理治療


ur colleague Raymond has graduated from The College of Animal Physiotherapy in UK with the Diploma of Animal Physiotherapy. He is a member of Registered International Association of Animal Therapists (IAAT). We are very proud to announce that he will start providing physiotherapy treatments to our furry friends in need! The treatments we will be providing include pulse electric magnetic field therapy (PEMFT) and laser therapy (photo-therapy), which are used by animal physiotherapists around the world for both small animals and horses. They are great alternative treatments for joint problems, pain control and sometimes useful for skin problems as well. Pulse electric magnetic field therapy (PEMFT) has a stimulating effect on the tissues by exciting the molecules in the tissues, which then increases the bodies’ own natural healing effect. It can be used for treating non-union fracture, fracture repair, wound repair and pain control as well. Photo-therapy is used for treating muscle, tendon, ligament, connective tissue, bone, and skin tissue injury. It works by improving circulation, reducing inflammation and pain, and accelerating the body’s own natural wound healing process. It is suitable for acupuncture points and superficial injuries and is found to be a safe form of therapy. Photo-therapy utilises laser of two colours: red and blue. The red laser has the effect as excitation of electron bonds that can be temporarily displaced, making molecules more reactive; increasing thermal agitation of the molecules that may lead to flushing; changes absorption potentials in the cells; stimulate the blood vessel to increase the blood flood so it can be bring more nutrient to the body. The blue laser reduces bacteria in wounds and on the skin surface. The colour of the light can be changed simply by changing the frequency. The benefits of the above treatments: •

As animals cannot feel the immediate effect they are happy to have this form of treatment; it also has a calming effect on them

Can be placed to patient directly; no need to clip hair or gel (less messy!)

Short treatment time

Effective at reducing chronic inflammation

們的同事Raymond畢業於英國的動物物理治療 學院(The College of Animal Physiotherapy) ,並取得動物物理治療的文憑。他是國際動物物理治 療師協會(IAAT)的成員,並將會為我們的愛寵提供治 療。 我們提供的治療方法包括脈衝電磁場治療 (PEMFT)和激光治療(光學治療)。這些治療方法為全 球各地的小動物和馬匹,就關節問題,皮膚問題和鎮 痛等方面,提供了另類的選擇。 脈衝電磁場治療透過活身體上的分子以刺激身體 組織,從而提高身體自癒的功能。此方法可用來治 療不能自我修復的骨折,骨折癒合,治癒傷口以及鎮 痛。 光學治療可以通過改善動物的血液循環,紓緩發 炎和疼痛,以及加快寵物自癒的過程,以達致治療肌 肉,肌腱,韌帶,結締組織,骨頭和皮膚組織創傷的 目的。這治療方法適用於針灸穴位,治癒表面傷口, 而且是絕對安全的。治療中會用到兩種顏色的激光: 紅和藍。紅色的激光能夠激活電子鍵,令其可被臨時 取代,從而使到分子更具反應性,亦會提高分子的熱 能反應,導致其變紅。此激光亦會改變細胞的吸收潛 力,並通過刺激血管提升血液傳送營養的能力。藍色 的激光能夠減少傷口和皮膚的細菌。光照可以因改變 其頻率而改變顏色。 以上治療方法的好處: • 由於動物不會感受到任何不適,他們不會有任何 抗拒;同時亦有鎮靜的作用。 • 動物不需要夾毛或塗上凝膠 • 縮短治療的時間 • 有效減少慢性炎症

Acupuncture for Animals By Dr Beava Law 動物的針灸治療


ets are an integral part of our families and we are willing to seek out the best medical treatment whenever our pet is sick. In many cases the best treatment is a routine surgery or medical procedure. However, in some cases a routine office visit is not enough, so patients seek out additional treatment. In many of these cases, the pet owner is looking at a mixture of Western treatments along with traditional Chinese veterinary medicine. One of these traditional Chinese treatments is veterinary acupuncture. Although commonly thought of as a human treatment, acupuncture has been utilized for thousands of years on animals. Veterinary acupuncture was primarily used for farm animals; however, it has grown significantly in the past few years for domestic pets, primarily dogs and cats. Veterinary acupuncture therapy is not used to treat all medical or surgical problems. In many cases, a patient generally undergoes traditional treatment by a Veterinary Surgeon; however, if the patient does not improve then acupuncture therapy is recommended. Acupuncture is primarily used to treat discomfort, pain, inflammation and paralysis. In particular, the procedure works especially well with arthritis and joint problems. Veterinary acupuncture is generally performed by a Veterinary Surgeon that has undergone additional training in traditional Chinese medicine. As for myself, I received my veterinary degree in the United States along with several years of general practice and surgical rotations in New York. I underwent additional training in mainland China for traditional Chinese veterinary medicine. I’ve treated hundreds of acupuncture clients with great success. One of my recent patients was Bee, a ten-year-old golden retriever. Bee suffered from hip dysplasia and osteoarthritis, but was unable to use anti-inflammatory drugs due to a liver problem. Bee was initially unable to walk and had to be carried to the first acupuncture sessions. After four acupuncture treatments, Bee recovered her mobility and was again able to walk. During a typical acupuncture session approximately 3050 needles are utilised by the veterinarian depending on the underlying issue and the size of the animal. The animal would generally feel minimal discomfort from the needles due to their small size. The acupuncture session would generally last for approximately forty-five minutes. Acupuncture therapy requires a level of commitment from the pet’s owner. The therapy is generally performed by a Veterinary Surgeon over multiple sessions at either the animal clinic or at the owner’s home. At the beginning of the treatment, sessions are typically one week apart but they gradually reduce in frequency until the treatment is completed. In many cases, monthly maintenance treatment is required after the underlying issue is resolved. One last note for all prospective veterinary acupuncture clients. As with any medical treatment, the results can differ from patient to patient. It is always best to discuss the ideal treatment with your pet’s Veterinary Surgeon.

們視寵物為家庭不可或缺的一部份。當愛寵生病時我 們都會為牠們尋找最好的治療方法。在很多情況下 最好的治療方法不外於做手術或吃藥。可是,在某些情況 下,一次普通的門診是不足夠的。所以,很多人都會尋找 其他的治療方法,而這些方法通常都包含了中西合璧的元 素。 針灸是傳統中醫的治療方法之一。雖然針灸被認為只 適用於人類,但其實動物針灸已經有千年的歷史了。動物 針灸最初用於農場動物,但近年卻經歷了顯著的發展,並 被應用於醫治家庭寵物,主要為貓和狗。 動物針灸療法並不能解決所有的醫療或外科問題。很 多情況下病人都會先接受獸醫的常規治療。如果情況未有 改善獸醫才會建議動物使用針灸療法。針灸療法主要用來 醫治身體的不適,疼痛,發炎和癱瘓。此療法特別對於醫 治關節炎和關節問題有效用。 一般進行動物針灸療法是普通的獸醫,但他亦會另外 接受了傳統中藥的培訓。對於我來說,我在美國取得了獸 醫學位,並在紐約進行了幾年的全科診療和手術輪班。其 後我在中國接受了中國傳統動物醫學的培訓,並成功用針 灸療法治療了過百個病人。 我最近醫治了一個病人,叫Bee,是一隻十歲大的金毛 尋回犬。Bee患有髖關節發育不良和骨關節炎,但卻因為 肝臟問題不能使用消炎藥。最初Bee並不能走路,所以我 給她進行了針灸治療。經過四次的針灸療法,Bee終於回 復了她行走的能力。 一次典型的針灸療法需要大約三十至五十支針,但亦 會視乎動物的病和其大小。動物通常不會感到不適,因為 使用的針都比較小型。一次針灸療法大約需要四十五分 鐘。 針灸療法需要主人一定的投入和堅持,因為寵物需要 在寵物醫院或主人的家裡進行數次的治療。在治療的開頭 每次療程通常相隔一周,但會隨著時間而減少次數,至到 治療完成。在許多情況下,就算根本問題已經解決了,寵 物每個月都需要進行維持的治療。 順帶一提,針灸療法就如同普通的治療方法,對於不 同的病人都可能會有不同的成效。主人始終都需要與獸醫 討論如何為愛寵訂造最理想的治療方法。 Bookings for the above treatments are available by vet referral only. 以上治療需獸醫轉介預約

Dr Beava Law provides acupuncture by appointment in Pets Central Sai Kung and Pets Central Tseung Kwan O 羅曦卉醫生於Pets Central 西貢和Pets Central 將軍澳按預約提供針灸治療

Dr Reanne Kwok also provides acupuncture by appoinment in Pets Central Mongkok, Pets Central North Point and Pets Central Mobile Vet Clinic

郭慧雅醫生亦於Pets Central 旺角,Pets Central 北 角和Pets Central 流動寵物醫療車按預約提供針灸 治療

Pets Central Sai Kung offers acupuncture, physiotherapy and massage therapy

Pets Central 西貢提供針灸治療,物理治療和按摩 療法

Puppy Classes 幼犬班

Juvenile Doggy Basic Etiquette Training Class 幼犬基礎禮儀班

by Pets Central Mongkok 旺角

by Dog Artists 爆炸猛男團隊 2, 9 August 2015 (Sunday) 八月二和九日 (星期天) 10:30-12:00 $100 (Pets Central Clients 會員) $200 (Non-Pets Central Clients 非會員) Juvenile Doggy Basic Etiquette Training Class will be held in Pets Central Mongkok, co-organised with Trainers from ‘Dog Artists’. Lessons in Chinese. Target age: 6 to 12 months old dogs. For enquiry or registration, please call 2309 2139. Pets Central 旺角舉辦幼犬基礎禮儀班,由‘爆炸猛男團隊’中文 教學。透過課堂,你的愛犬將會學到基本指令;愛犬不受控制的情 況將會改善。 歡迎6個月至12個月大幼犬參加,現在接受報名。 查詢或報名, 歡迎致電2309 2139 。

Reward Points 積分計劃

Starts from July, every Thursday 由七月份起,逢星期四 19:30-20:30 For Pets Central Clients only 只供會員參加 Puppy Classes in Pets Central Mongkok are scheduled for July. Your puppies will meet new friends and you receive basic obedience training, with commannds such as ‘stay’, ‘sit’ and ‘drop’. Disease prevention skills will also be taught. Lessons in English (with Chinese translation). For dogs between 8-14 weeks of age. For enquiry or registration, please call 2309 2139. Pets Central 旺角將會舉辦幼犬班,用英語教學(有即時傳譯) 。透過課堂,你的愛犬將會學到基本服從訓練,社交禮儀,及預 防疾病技巧。你的幼犬亦會認識到新朋友。 歡迎8至14週的幼犬參加。 查詢或報名, 歡迎致電2309 2139

Waiting for a family... 正等待新家庭...

Pets Central Recycle Bag Pets Central 環保袋

Species: Domestic short hair Sex: Male Colour: Tabby Age: 4-5 months Location: Pets Central Sai Kung 品種:短毛家貓 性別:雄性 顏色:虎斑 年齡:四至五個月 地點:Pets Central 西貢

1,000 points for 1 bag 以1000分換領1個

Or purchase at HKD10/ bag 或以港幣10元購買一個

Pets Central Umbrella Pets Central 雨傘

1,000 points + HKD50 for 1 umbrella 以1000分 + 港幣50元換購一把

Discount 優惠

Species: Domestic short hair Sex: Female Colour: Tricolour Age: 4-5 months Location: Pets Central Sai Kung 品種:短毛家貓 性別:雌性 顏色:三色 年齡:四至五個月 地點:Pets Central 西貢

10% discount for: • •

3 or more bags of Dry Food (same size & same product) 3 or more trays/ boxes of Canned or Wet Food (For Royal Canin and Hill’s prescription items)

購買以下產品可享九折優惠: • 乾糧滿三包 (同款同重量) • 罐頭或濕糧滿三盤/盒 (適用於Royal Canin和Hill’s獸醫處方糧)

Please call 2792 0833 for enquiries. Adoption procedures apply.

Editor 編輯: Timothy Chan Mongkok Hospital • 24 Hours Nursing Care 九龍旺角上海街488號順明大廈1樓及2樓 1/F & 2/F, Sun Ming Bldg., 484-488 Shanghai Street, Mongkok, Kln

Tel: (852) 2309 2139 Fax: (852) 2309 2149

Like us on our Facebook Page!

North Point Hospital • 24 Hours Nursing Care 香港北角渣華道66號地下 Tel: (852) 2811 8907 G/F, 66 Java Road, North Point, H.K. Fax: (852) 2811 8957


Pets Central

Sai Kung Hospital • 8am-7pm Daily 新界西貢宜春街66號4號舖 Tel: (852) 2792 0833 Shop 4, 66 Yi Chun Street, Sai Kung, N.T. Fax: (852) 2792 9113 Tseung Kwan O Hospital • Mon to Fri: 10am-8pm Sat & Sun: 9:30am-7:30pm 新界將軍澳將軍澳中心B01A號舖 Tel: (852) 2244 6684 Shop B01A, Park Central, Tseung Kwan O, N.T. Fax: (852) 2244 6502 Pets Central Mobile Vet Clinic 流動寵物醫療車 珀麗灣 Park Island (Wed & Fri) 2pm-8pm 2nd & 4th Sun of Each Month: 10am-4pm



詳情請致電 2792 0833 安排領養申請手續

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