Pets Tales February 2016 Edition

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February 2016 Issue 二月刊

Monkey Specials 馬騮特輯 The first day of this Chinese Lunar New Year falls on February 8 – starting the Year of the Monkey. The Monkey comes in ninth out of the twelve Chinese zodiac following the sheep. 今年,二月八日是中 國農曆新年,亦將步入猴年。 猴在 十二生肖中排第九位,排行於羊的 後面。

The total population of wild monkeys in Hong Kong is approximately 2000. They are primarily found in Kam Shan, Lion Rock, and Shing Mun Country Parks. Species indigenous to these area are mainly the Rhesus Macaque (Macaca mulatta), the Long-tailed Macaque (M. fascicularis) and their hybrids.香港野猴總數為二千隻左右,主要 分布於金山、獅子山及城門郊野公園。品種為獼 猴、長尾獼猴及牠們的雜交種。 Let’s learn more about the two types of Monkeys. 讓我們更了解這兩類猴子。

Name: Rhesus Macaque (Macaca mulatta) 名稱: 獼猴 Family: Cercopithecidae 科: 獼猴科 Native: Southern Asia, including Afghanistan; China, India, Myanmar, Pakistan, Thailand and Viet Nam etc. 原居地: 南亞地區,其中包括阿富 汗、中國、印度、緬甸、巴基斯坦、 泰國和越南等地。 Description: This best-known specie of Cercopithecidae has an average body length that ranges between 45 and 64 cm. Main features include short grizzled-brown fur, reddish face and short tail. 特徵: 在獼猴科中最為有名,平均身 長約45 至 64 厘米。主要特徵包括棕 白色的短毛,紅臉和短尾巴。

Food Habits: Macaca mulatta is omnivorous. The diet of Rhesus mainly consists of plants (leaves, roots and fruit) and small animals (birds, reptiles and insects). 飲食習慣: 獼猴是雜食性動物。獼猴主 要糧食為植物(葉,根和果實) , 和小 動物 (鳥類,爬行動物和昆蟲)。 Reproduction: The polygynandrous mating system among the specie allows individual monkeys to copulate with several partners. Females are capable of producing one young per year under optimal conditions. 繁殖: 獼猴群中,多夫多妻的交配系 統允許個別猴隻與數異性交配。在良 好情況下,雌性獼猴每年可誕下一隻 稚猴。 Average Lifespan: 30 years 平均壽命:30年

Happy Year of the Monkey 猴年快樂 Food Habits: M. fascicularis is omnivorous. The diet of M. fascicularis mainly consists of plants (leaves, flowers and fruit), sea animals (crabs), and other small animals (insects, aquatic and crustaceans). 飲食習慣: 長尾獼猴是雜食性動 物。牠們主要食糧包拾植物(葉、 花和果實);水生(螃蟹),和其他小 動物(昆蟲、 和甲殼類動物)。

Name: Long-tailed Macaque (Macaca fascicularis) 名稱:長尾獼猴 Family: Cercopithecidae 科: 獼猴科 Native: Southeast Asia, including Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand and Viet Nam. 原居地 : 東南亞地區,包括孟加拉國,柬 埔寨,印度,印度尼西亞,新加坡,泰國 和越南 Description: Medium-sized monkey has an average body length that ranges between 40 and 47 cm. Main features include greyish-brown to reddish brown fur, brownishgrey face and a 50cm to 60cm long tail. 特徵:中型獼猴,平均身長約40 至 47 厘 米。主要特徵包括灰棕色及紅棕色毛髮、 棕灰色的臉和 50至60厘米的長尾巴。

Reproduction: Same as Rhesus Macaquem, M. fascicularis has a polygynandrous mating system. Females are capable of producing one young every 390 days. 繁殖:如獼猴一樣,長尾獼猴的交 配系統為多夫多妻制。雌性獼猴每 390日可誕下一隻稚猴。 Average Lifespan: 37.1 years 平均壽命:37.1年

Waiting for a family ... 正等待新家庭......

Pets Central North Point 北角

Species: Domestic short hair Name: Bella Sex: female Colour: Tabby Age: 4 months 品種:短毛家貓 名字: 貝拉 性別:女 顏色: 虎斑 年齡: 四個月

Please call 2811 8907 for enquiries. Adoption procedures apply. 詳情請致電2811 8907 安排領養申請手續

Rescued by a cat volunteer, Bella is currently residing in Pets Central North Point for the past two months. She has a pair of big eyes with black eyeline, just like Pharaoh. In the clinic, she loves playing with people, our resident cat Tiger, and her personal scratching pad. Please provide this angel with a home. 貝拉被貓義工發現,並留在北角Pets Central 兩 個月。她有一雙具黑眼線的大眼睛,就如法老王 一樣。在診所,她喜歡接觸人們,亦喜歡與另一 隻小貓Tiger玩耍。她最喜愛的玩具是貓抓板。 請給予這小天使一個家 。

Wild Monkeys Threaten Hong Kongers 野生猴子對港人的威脅

Due to heavy feeding by people, the population of wild monkeys has increased dramatically, causing wild monkeys to be far too comfortable towards human. Their fearlessness invokes frequent situations of monkeys attack on visitors, and behavior to steal food from people has worsened. In order to tackle this increasing problem, the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) has implemented a Feeding Ban and promoted a Contraceptive Programme. 基於人們過度餵飼野生猴子,猴子數目大幅增加;更嚴重的是 野猴失去畏懼人類的本性,猴子襲擊遊人及搶奪遊人的食品。 就此情況,漁農自然護理署立法禁止餵飼及進行絕育計劃。

Contraceptive Programme

Feeding Ban To help wild monkeys revert to the countryside for natural food, the government has banned the feeding of wild monkeys within Kam Shan and its surrounding country park areas. Any person contravening the feeding restriction will be liable to a maximum fine of $10,000. 禁止餵飼 為了讓野生猴子重拾覓取天然食物的本能,政府 立法禁止於金山等效野公園範圍內餵飼野生猴 子。違例者最高可被判罰款一萬元 。

Addressing the over-population problem of wild monkeys, the Contraceptive Programme was launched by AFCD in 2007. Within this programme, monkeys are caught by using a giant trapping cage, and are then sent to receive different contraceptive treatments, including endoscopic tubectomy for females. The government sterilized 2,790 monkeys between 2007 and last year to bring down the population. 避孕及絕育計劃 針對野生猴子數目過多問題, 漁護署從2007年開始為本 地野生猴子進行避孕及絕育計劃。 處理過程中 , 使用了 大型捕猴籠捕捉野生猴子 ;捕獲猴子後,獸醫師會為猴子 進行不同的避孕或絕育處理,包括為雌猴進行內視鏡輸 卵管切除手術等。於2007年至去年其間,政府為2,790 隻野生猴子進行絕育,將猴子數目降低。

However, due to increasing number of monkey nuisance complaints, the effectiveness of policies has been questioned. The harassment caused by monkeys has extended beyond country park areas to urban areas like Mong Kok and Tsim Sha Tsui. Despite efforts to control them, monkey nuisance is still a worrying problem in HK. 可是,有關猴子滋擾市民的投訴持逐上升,令人質疑的措施成效。猴子的 滋擾由效野公園延伸至市區,如旺角、尖沙咀等地。因此,猴子滋擾仍是 香港一個令人擔憂的問題。

Protect Your Pets from Noise over CNY

保護你的寵物 (新年嘈音篇) Many animals have noise fears and phobias. Fireworks and loud banging especially in NT houses and villages can upset them at this time of the year. Here is how you can help. 很多動物對嘈音有恐懼。特別在新界屋 村,煙花和鞭炮的巨響會令動物不安。 1. Keep animals indoors 把動物留在室內 Give them safe dark places to hide e.g. a cupboard, covered cage, dark room. 讓寵物留在安全及較暗的 地方,例如:櫥櫃、蓋上的籠、暗的房間。 2. Keep soft music playing in the home to drown out external noises 在屋內播放柔和的音樂減緩屋外的 嘈音 3. Give them comfort toys and owners’ garments 給予玩具或衣物

Due to the upcoming holidays, we will not be holding any classes in the month of February. Check out next month’s Pets Tales to find out about our March classes. 由於新年假期的關係,二月將暫停所有寵物班,有 關三月寵物班請留意下期Pets Tales。 Sincerely, Pets Central

For more serious cases-consult your vet for medication choices to make animals less anxious 對於較嚴重的情況,請諮詢您的獸醫,以舒緩動物的焦慮。

Reward Points 積分計劃 Pets Central Portable Fold Up Pet Bowl Pets Central 便攜式寵物摺疊碗 1,000 points + $10 for 1pc. 以1000分 + 港幣10元換購一個 Or 1,500 points for 1pc. 或以1500分換領一個

Pets Central Recycle Bag Pets Central 環保袋 1,000 points for 1 bag 以1000分換領1個

Vitakraft Beef Stick 12g for Dogs Vitakraft 牛肉條狗小食 12g 1,000 points + $2 for 1pc 以1000分 + 港幣2元 換購一包

Vitakraft Cat-Stick Rabbit & Duck 18g/3pcs Vitakraft 鴨肉和兔肉味條貓小食 (18g/三條) 1,000 points + $10 for 1pack/ 3pcs 以1000分 + 港幣10元 換購 一包 (三條裝)

LaMer Dog Treats 25g LaMer 狗小食 25g

1,000 points + Donation to PC Animal Welfare Foundation minimum HK$10 for 1pack 以1000分 + 捐款港幣10元或以上到PC動 物福利基金 換購一包 Redemption offers are available at Mong Kok, North Point, Sai Kung , Tseung Kwan O and Mob clinic. MK/NP/SK/TKO clinic will receive following items: -LaMer Dog Treats 25g x 10packs, -Vitakraft Beef Stick 12g for Dogs x 25pcs -Vitakraft Stick Rabbit & Duck 18g/3pcs for Cats x 10packs 換購只適用於旺角、北角、西頁、將軍澳及流動寵物醫療車。 旺角、北角、西頁、將軍澳診所有以下可換購產品: LaMer 狗小食 25g x 10包 Vitakraft 牛肉條狗小食 12g x 25包 Vitakraft 鴨肉和兔肉味條 貓小食 (18g/三條) x 10包 The above offers are valid from 1st Feb 2016 to 31st Mar 2016 and are only available while stocks last. 以上優惠只適用於1/2/2016 至 31/3/2016,售完即止。

Holiday Opening Hours 假期開放時間 (8/2 - 10/2)

Mongkok Hospital • 24 Hours Nursing Care • Clinic 應診時間 : As usual 如常 North Point Hospital • 24 Hours Nursing Care • Clinic 應診時間 : 12-8pm Sai Kung Hospital • Close 關閉 • 7/2 8am - 6pm Tseung Kwan O Hospital • Close 關閉 • 7/2 9:30am - 6:30pm Pets Central Mobile Vet Clinic 流動寵物醫療車 • Close 關閉

Editor 編輯: Crystal Lam Mongkok Hospital • 24 Hours Nursing Care 九龍旺角上海街488號順明大廈1樓及2樓 Tel: (852) 2309 2139 1/F & 2/F, Sun Ming Bldg., 484-488 Shanghai Street, Mongkok, Kln Fax: (852) 2309 2149

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North Point Hospital • 24 Hours Nursing Care 香港北角渣華道66號地下 Tel: (852) 2811 8907 G/F, 66 Java Road, North Point, H.K. Fax: (852) 2811 8957 Sai Kung Hospital • 8am-7pm Daily 新界西貢宜春街66號4號舖 Tel: (852) 2792 0833 Shop 4, 66 Yi Chun Street, Sai Kung, N.T. Fax: (852) 2792 9113

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Pets Central

Tseung Kwan O Hospital • Mon to Fri: 10am-8pm Sat & Sun: 9:30am-7:30pm 新界將軍澳將軍澳中心B01A號舖 Tel: (852) 2244 6684 Shop B01A, Park Central, 9 Tong Yin Street, Tseung Kwan O, N.T. Fax: (852) 2244 6502 Pets Central Mobile Vet Clinic 流動寵物醫療車 珀麗灣 Park Island 錦綉花園 Fairview Park (Wed & Fri) 2pm-8pm (Tue & Sat) 10am-7pm 2nd & 4th Sun of Each Month: 10am-4pm

Vet Services • Retail •

Tel: (852) 6223 0903

Home Delivery • Grooming

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