Pets Tales December Edition

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December 2015 Issue 十二月刊

Top 6 Pet Christmas Safety Tips 聖誕節六個寵物安全小貼士 December is a wonderful time of the year with much festivity. However with this comes many potential hazards to your furry friends. Here are a 6 tips for keeping your pet safe this holiday season. 十二月份有很多節慶日子,但我們也要看顧家中寵物的安全。以下是六個安全小貼士。 。




The Furry Lumberjack Pets love tampering with anything new and shiny, this can mean your Christmas tree. Make sure your tree and ornaments is well secured to ensure your pet doesn’t pull it down.

寵物最喜愛玩弄新奇及光亮的物 品,例如聖誕樹。請記得把聖誕 樹及裝飾品穩固妥當。

Season’s eatings Beware of forgein objects your pet may attempt to consume. Remove all wrapping paper and ribbon from the floor to avoid your pet chewing or swallowing it. Many pets also like to eat houseplants, however several festive plants are poisonous such as holly, mistletoe and poinsetta.

收拾好所有包裝紙和彩帶,寵物 可能會咬或吃掉它。同時,寵物 也很喜歡吃家居盆栽而許多聖誕 植物是有毒的,例如:冬青,槲 寄生和一品紅等等。

Lights Out! Protect electric cords of flashing tree lights and electrical decorations to avoid tampering and electrocution.

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Silent Night Remember loud noises such as Christmas crackers, poppers, balloons, champagne bottles and fireworks could alarm your pet.

聖誕裝飾的電器須整齊妥當,以 防止寵物受電流傷害。

謹記,大聲巨響也能嚇怕寵物例 如: 氣球、 香檳酒 、 彩包和煙 花等等。

Sweets- Humans only Sweets, particularly chocolate is toxic to almost all animals. Small sweets are a choking hazard.

糖果,特別是朱古力會對動物有 毒;細小的糖果更可能帶來哽咽 窒息的危險。

Blow out the candle Burning candles should be placed on high shelves or mantels, out of your pet’s way- there’s no telling where a wagging tail may end up.

燃點中的蠟燭應該放置於高處 或壁爐上,盡量避免讓寵物接 觸。

Pets Central would like to wish you merry christmas and a happy new year! Pets Central 祝您聖誕快樂,新年快樂!

How to plan a pet party! 如何安排一個寵物派對! The holidays can sometimes be a little tough on our pet friends as our previous article highlighted. However, it doesn’t mean they can’t make merry too! We host pet events at Pets Central all the time and we thought we would share some of our tips with you on how to throw your very own. Decide on a location that is safe for your doggy guests and owners. Dog parks, backyards or even indoor locations, once you have the space and your guests are house trained. Decide on the number of guests (dogs and owners) according to location and space. To prevent fights, it’s best invite doggy guests that know each other. What’s a party without food? Spoil your guests with dog treats and make sure to have lots of fresh water too. Disposables bowls keeps things convenient. Be sure to get permission from owners first as some dogs have allergies. Don’t forget food for the owners too! Provide meeting and greeting time. Give the dogs the opportunity to sniff each other and get to know each other better. This will help to ensure that all the dogs get along and won’t fight or be aggressive to another dog. Let owners know that they are each responsible for ensuring the good behavior of their dog. Have lots of toys for dogs to play with. Plan party games. Simple agility courses, races, tug of war, fetch Give away awards for all kinds of titles (prettiest, best tugger, fastest fetch) so that every dog gets at least one. Provide prizes for the winners of the games. Choose prizes to take home, such as meaty bones or treats. Make goody bags. This is a nice way of ensuring everyone gets to take something home. Affordable a couple of dog biscuits or treats, some nice-smelling dog shampoo (try buying a bottle and filling a bit into a small container for each guest), a voucher for a local pet store. 像上篇文章所言,有些節慶日子可能對我們的寵物老友帶來有點麻煩。 然而,這不等於牠們不能享受節日的 喜悅,Pets Central醫院也經常舉辦寵物活動,因此希望能和大家分享一些關於安排寵物派對的心得。 須要確定舉辦派對的空間,會否足夠你和你的賓客使用。選取一個安全的地點均合適狗隻老友和主人。如: 狗公園、花園或者室內場地。 根據場地的位置和空間而決定邀請狗隻老友和主人的參與數目。避免狗隻打架,最好獲邀的狗隻老友和一眾 賓客彼此認識為最好。 參與派對怎能沒有食物安排呢?提提你的賓客攜帶寵物零食參加派對,並確保有大量飲用水給狗隻飲用。攜 帶摺疊碗亦是最方便的。你亦必須向所有狗主查詢他們的寵物有否過敏症。最後,不要忘記提供食物給主人 喔! 派對前,可安排時間給主人和狗隻會面和互相熟悉。給予狗隻時間互相嗅對方,可使牠們互相熟悉和了解。 這也可預防牠們對其他狗隻作出有攻擊性的打架。請讓狗主人知道,他們都有責任去確保他們的狗隻對其他 狗隻老友有良好行為。 預備大量玩具及派對遊戲給狗隻一起玩。如:賽跑比賽,拔河,扮靚比賽,指令遊戲 (最好拖拉拍擋,最 快攝取物品拍擋等等)。提供獎品給遊戲贏家。選擇獎品時,可選擇零食骨骨或零食。 提供禮物包,這是一個很好的方式給主人帶禮物回家。 禮物包內可放一些狗餅乾或零食,一些氣味不錯的寵物沖涼液(你可買一大瓶寵物沖涼液再自行灌落一個小容 器給每位賓客),亦可向放一些寵物店優惠券。

Santa Paws is Coming! 聖誕老人來了! “A good time is coming, I wish it were here, The very best time in the whole of the year; I’m counting each day on my fingers and thumbs, the weeks that must pass before Santa Paws comes.” Our network of veterinarians is teaming up with Santa Paws to make the best Christmas ever. As each animal waits for Santa Paws, some are having a tough time. We aim to foster a better world for them. All your contributions will help Pets Central Foundation support struggling animals with food, shelter, and the joyous Christmas they deserve. Help make the night that Santa Paws comes to town a memorable one.

Come help Santa Paws’ friends : 有興趣捐款者,請瀏覽以下網址:

我們獸醫團隊與聖誕老人一起聯手合作給有需要的動物一個 最愉快的聖誕節。有些動物正等待聖誕老人出現,有些正處 於一個艱難的時間。我們的目標是營造一個更美好的世界給 牠們。 有您的捐款,會令Pets Central 基金會於歡樂的聖誕 節支持一些可憐的動物提供食物和住所。希望您能支持一 下,令牠們有難忘的一晚。



Hill’s Prescription Diet 20% off on Selected Items 希爾思指定獸醫處方食品8折優惠 From15th Dec 2015 to 15th Jan 2016 由2015年12月15日至2016年1月16日

Canine c/d Multicare,i/d, i/d Low Fat, k/d, Metabolic, Metabolic Plus food Feline c/d Multicare, c/d Stress, i/d, k/d, Metabolic, Metabolic Plus food

Farewell BB from Pets Central North Point. We will miss you! 我們永遠懷念你! Pets Central 北角的BB。

Puppy Classes 幼犬班

Juvenile Doggy Basic Etiquette Training Class


by Pets Central Mongkok 旺角

by Dog Artists 爆炸猛男團隊

Every Thursday 逢星期四

3, 10 January 2016 (Sunday) 一月三號和十號(星期日)

10:30am-12:00nn $100 (Pets Central Clients 會員) $200 (Non-Pets Central Clients 非會員) Juvenile Doggy Basic Etiquette Training Class will be held in Pets Central Mongkok, co-organised with Trainers from ‘Dog Artists’. Lessons in Chinese. Target age: 6 to 12 months-old dogs. For enquiry or registration, please call 2309 2139. Pets Central 旺角舉辦幼犬基礎禮儀班,由‘爆炸猛男團隊’中文教學。透過課 堂,你的愛犬將會學到基本指令;愛犬不受控制的情況將會改善。 歡迎6個月至12個月大幼犬參加,現在接受報名。 查詢或報名, 歡迎致電2309 2139 。

Daily Grooming Services

每日寵物美容服務 by Pets Central Mongkok 旺角 Please book for appointment For enquiry or booking, please call 2309 2139 敬請預約 查詢或報名, 歡迎致電2309 2139

19:30-20:30 For Pets Central Clients only 只供會員參加 Puppy Classes in Pets Central Mongkok are scheduled for June. Your puppies will meet new friends and you receive basic obedience training, with commands such as ‘stay’, ‘sit’ and ‘drop’. Disease prevention skills will also be taught. Lessons in English (with Chinese translation). For dogs between 8-14 weeks of age. For enquiry or registration, please call 2309 2139. Pets Central 旺角將會舉辦幼犬班,用英語教學(有即時傳譯)。透過課堂, 你的愛犬將會學到基本服從訓練,社交禮儀,及預防疾病技巧。你的幼犬亦會 認識到新朋友。 歡迎8至14週的幼犬參加。 查詢或報名, 歡迎致電2309 2139

Adoption Corner 收養 Panama Male 4 months Grey Tabby North Point

Pebbles Female 2 years old Brown &White Mong Kok

Barclay Male 4 months Grey Tabby North Point

Kenny Male 3 years old Brown &White Mong Kok

X’mas Special Discount 聖誕優惠 Reward Points 積分計劃 10% discount for: 3 bags of Dry Food (same size & same product) 3 trays/ boxes of Canned or Wet Food (For Royal Canin prescription items) 購買以下產品可享九折優惠: 乾糧滿三包 (同款同重量) 罐頭或濕糧滿三盤/盒 (適用於Royal Canin獸醫處方糧)

Pets Central Recycle Bag Pets Central 環保袋 1,000 points for 1 bag Or purchase at HKD10/ bag 或以港幣10元購買一個

Pets Central Portable Fold Up Pet Bowl Pets Central 便攜式寵物摺疊碗 2,000 points for 1 bowl or purchase at HKD20/pc 以2000分 1個或以港幣20元購買一個

Pets Central Umbrella Pets Central 雨傘 1,000 points + HKD50 for 1 umbrella 以1000分 + 港幣50元換購一把

Editor 編輯: Mikkal Quan Kep Follow us on Instagram

Mongko Mong kokk Ho Hosp spit ital al • 24 Ho Hour urss Nu Nurs rsin ing g Ca Care re 九 旺角上海街488號順 九龍 順明大廈1樓及 及2樓 1/F & 2/F, Sun Ming Bldg., 484-488 Shanghai Street, Mongko k k, Kln

Tel: (8 852) 2309 2139 Fax: (852) 2309 2149 4

North Nort h Po Poin intt Ho Hosp spiital al • 24 Ho Hour urss Nu Nurs rsin ing g Ca Care e 香港 港北角渣華 華道66號地下 G/F, 66 Ja Java Road, North Point, H. H K.

Tel: (852) 2811 89 907 7 Fax: x: (85 52) 2811 89 957

Sai Ku Sai Kung ng Hos ospi pita tall • 8a 8amm-7p 7pm m Da Daililyy 新界西貢宜春街66號4號 號舖 Shop 4, 66 Yi Chun Street, Sai Kun u g, N.T.

Tel: (852) 2792 083 T 33 Fax: (85 52) 2 2792 91 9 13

Tseung Tseu ng Kwa wan n O Ho Hosp spittal • Mon to Fr Fri:i: 10a 0amm-8p 8pm m Sat & Sun un: 9: 9:30 30am am-7 -7:3 :30p 0pm m 新界將軍澳將軍澳中心B01A號舖 Shop B01A, Park Central, 9 Tong Yin Street, Ts Tseung Kwan O, N.T.

Tel: (852) 2244 668 T 684 4 Fax: (852) 2 2244 44 4 6502 650

Pets Cen Pets entr tral al Mob obil ile Ve Vett Cl Clin inic ic 流動 流動寵物 寵物醫療 醫療車 車 珀麗灣 珀麗 灣 Pa Parkk Isl slan and d 錦綉花園 錦綉 花園 Fa Fair irvi v ew w Par arkk (Wed & Fri r ) 2pm-8pm (Tue e & Sat) 10am m-7 - pm 2nd & 4th Sun n off Each Month: 10am-4pm

Vet Services • Retail •



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