10 reguli pentru a fi un bun eco-turist

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Rule n0:1 Să respecte semnificaţia marcajelor 1. To respect the significance ofşi the markings and signs and do not enter areas prohibited to indicatoarelor şi să nu the public (in scientific reserves, protected sites). pătrundă în zonele interzise publicului larg (rezervaţii ştinţifice, situri protejate).

Rule n0:2 Să respecte fauna, Ĺ&#x;i habitatul 1. To respectflora the significance of the markings and signs and do not enter areas prohibited to acestora the public (in scientific reserves, protected sites).

Rule n0:3 Să nu colecteze Ĺ&#x;i 1. To respect the significance of the markings săsigns nu nici to and andcumpere do not enter areas prohibited the public (in scientific reserves, protected un organism ori sites). parte dintr-un organism vegetal sau animal

Rule n0:4 Să adopte un comportament care să 1. To respect the significance of the markings reducă tipurile de and signs and do nottoate enter areas prohibited to the public (in scientific reserves, protected poluare chimică, sites). biologică, vizuală (vandalism, graffiti), olfactive şi sonore

Rule n0:5 Să utilizeze 1. To respect the significance of the markings produse and signs and do not enter areas prohibited to durabile, the public (in scientific reserves, protected sites). biodegradabile Ĺ&#x;i regenerabile

Rule n0:6 Să depoziteze deĹ&#x;eurile 1. To respect the significance in of thelocuri markings and signs and do not enter areas prohibited to special amenajate the public (in scientific reserves, protected sites).

Rule n0:7 Să se incurajeze utilizarea mijloacelor de transport care nu fac rău sau care fac rău doar intr-o măsura mică mediului inconjurator

1. To respect the significance of the markings and signs and do not enter areas prohibited to the public (in scientific reserves, protected sites).

Rule n0:8 Să respecte obiceiurile şi tradiţiile locuitorilor din zonele vizitate, precum şi diferenţele culturale existente

1. To respect the significance of the markings and signs and do not enter areas prohibited to the public (in scientific reserves, protected sites).

Rule n0:9 Să adopte un 1. To respect the significance of the markings comportament and signs and do not enter areas prohibited to the public (in scientific reserves, protected respectuos sites). faţă de ceilalţi vizitatori/turişti

Rule n0: 10 Să participe la acĹŁiuni de plantare, ecologizare a mediului Ĺ&#x;i formarea unei atitudini de respectare a mediului inconjurator

1. To respect the significance of the markings and signs and do not enter areas prohibited to the public (in scientific reserves, protected sites).

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