Resonant Terrain Press Release

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Resonant Terrain Friday, April 17- Saturday, July 11, 2015 Opening Reception: Friday, April 17, 2015 WASHINGTON, DC- The Old Print Gallery is excited to announce its new print exhibit, Resonant Terrain, which will open on Friday, April 17th, with a nighttime reception at the gallery from 5-7pm. This exhibit of landscapes in print features work by both 20th century and contemporary printmakers, including Matt Brown, Margaret Patterson, Joseph Essig, Sylvie Covey, John Taylor Arms, and more. The selected works range from representational to abstract, depicting vistas, valleys, and views of our shared terrain. The show will remain on view until July 11th. The landscape has a long tradition in art, and Resonant Terrain explores how printmakers choose to depict the natural world through its evolution and transformation into the modern era. Although united in the theme of landscape, the works are realized through differing conceptual and methodical approaches. Some, like Robert Kipniss, use the velvety blacks and luminous whites of a mezzotint to infuse landscapes with a poetic melancholy and stillness- depicting a terrain seemingly untouched by the viewer or even the artist. Others, like Harry Wickey and Gerald Scheck, use the chaotic crosshatching of a drypoint needle or the unpredictable acidic bite of the aquatint to evoke the untamed, wild majesty of the natural world. As our landscapes evolve and modernize, so too do the artists’ tools and technologies, as shown in the methods of two contemporary printmakers selected for the exhibit. Nancy Previs crafts photopolymer plates from her own un-retouched photographs, documenting the life-force of the natural world found hidden within her increasingly urbanized home city of Dublin. Using a similar photogravure process, Sylvie Covey transforms her own photographs into impressive, mammoth-sized prints of the vast Wyoming landscape. Seen together, the prints selected for the show unveil the emotional power and pull of the natural world, a beauty and mystery that entraps and enchants artists, and serves as a deep pool of inspiration for their work. Selected Artists: John Taylor Arms, Philip Bennet, Grace Bentley-Scheck, Matt Brown, Charles E. Burchfield, George E. Burr, Letterio Calapai, Sylvie Covey, Joseph Essig, Richard Florsheim, Emil Ganso, George Overbury "Pop" Hart, Peter Hurd, Robert Kipniss, Gene Kloss, Evan Lindquist, Margaret Patterson, Michael Pellettieri, Nancy Previs, Gerald Scheck, Steven E. Walker, and Harry Wickey.

About The Old Print Gallery: Established in 1971, and known for its wide selection of antique prints and maps, in the last eight years The Old Print Gallery has expanded into the world of 20 th century and contemporary printmaking. It hosts printmaking demonstrations, discussions, and publishes informative quarterly showcases. The Old Print Gallery has established itself as a source of inspiration for print artists, enthusiasts, and the general public. [Image Credit: Wyoming III. Sylvie Covey. Photogravure, 2011. Edition 6.]

### Media Contact: Caroline Bonardi / 202-965-1818/ The Old Print Gallery 1220 31st Street NW Washington DC 20007

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