36 Óðsmál for bairns - mighty old Nature

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Guðrún Kristín Magnúsdóttir


mighty old Nature our greed and Nature´s tolerance -- to give her back for her gifts we transcend if we do not then we are mere thieve

36. skræða Nature comes into being because of the bubbling foam Freyja. Nature has all her qualities of function right from the order of ginnungagap. Itihas

इतिहस ् ---

the laughter of prakríti is no longer,

(´there was laughter´)

now there is a blossoming Whole.

mighty old Nature -- born in the very beginning -hin árborna náttúra móðir ámáttk mjök Grótti, þanþol, meiðmar ISBN 978-9935-467-35-5 2014 Freyjukettir, Norræn menning

I do not know who invented that term ´Nature-belief´. If we do use it, we could do with some understanding: brahmaañda

ब्रह्मण्ड is the egg of gold, a universe. All the created. (Icelandic.: fjöreggið, the ´life-egg´)

All things in Nature can be used to indicate the unseen like stokkar og steinar (Heathens were said to belive in logs and stones) which is used as a ticket, a guide-line, a cue, into the origin of Nature, that which Nature hides out of sight: Reality.

Just as Holy Mary is a clerk in God´s office. She so delightfully listens to prayers. Many talk to her, not the God, as she is mild and motherly. We added her to our panþeon.

She is so human, yet divine, and goddess-like; we need not fear her. No whimpsical duality, no wrath. She is purely good. We can trust that. -- That ´all-good´ mono-god is sometimes not as ´all-good´ as they say. Can get angry. -His holy patriarchy-wrath because of some social issues can be expected every now and then.

Stokkar og steinar, visible, created, are cues into the unseen beyond the seen. We are going through Nature, further inside. We shall find her origin. - Our origin.

Auðumbla pronounce Euth-embla

Nature hides Reality - origin of Nature, That, which only is

We can worship Nature, the universe, in many sincere ways: Beauty of the sky can be mesmerizing, a small flower can be deeply adorable. We pay reverence to Nature for her bounties, her majestic beauty, her care for us. Each living entity we see in Nature is on its path of evoutution. That is too beautiful to be destroyed. We should revere all life. Mahat can be our Auðumbla, our primordial cow. She who rises out of the field of pure potentiality, the universal intelligence. She structures and sustaines all life. Our Nature, in árborna ámáttka, hides Reality, the unseen. We see only Nature. Nature, who seems so tanglibe. -- In truth we make her up in our brain. Out of Gungnir of Nature we create what we want to be there.

3 We have the knowledge now -- and we need to understand -that we decide how our world is if we can think and act from the realm beyond Nature. Nature does not rule over us. Men do not know. Stupid men tend to fight her. Phenomena from Nature are often used to indicate the unseen, to explain. That can lead to misunderstanding, the cue taken for the real concept. We are trying to explain the unseen by using something we know. We are trying to explain something that is not understood but sometimes that back-fires. We are worse of than before. Because of this obvious failure of trying to explain on the sphere of thought and intellect men really have to do research in their own consciousness on the sphere where no created visible Nature is. Only potentials for all such things. Nature, whom we create in our mind from Gungnir in ginnungagap seems to us to be for real. This is our ignorance. We do not understand That in which all comes to be, That, which our Nature is in reality. We know qualities and phenomena of Nature by our own experience. Perhaps not so bad an idea to use something we know to explain what we know not? Our beautiful olden beloved Nature is well-known among men, and that is good, and also should be good to have her lead us into the hidden realm of Truth, explain that it is Nature who hides That which we want to let men ´see´. All her mighty Laws, all her perfect rules of order, all her behaviour in little issues and huge ones comes from tívatún, ragnasjöt, the sphere of the gods. Nature is the invisible, perfect, divine. Only we do not see it.


4 We do not see what Nature hides from us. An unenlightened man sees not ginnungagap, the origin, the uncreated. Some do not even know that they are It !! Hidden and covered is Reality until we see and hear like Sága and Heimdallur. What hampers our vision? That is our coarsness, filth, stress, lack of purity. In the eyes of a man who has become Sága and ´sees´, Nature is a fake. The pure man sees that all in Nature is in essence Reality. Nothing is but Reality. He looks at a flower, sees the flower - like the crude man also does -- but -- the pure man also sees it to be the flow of the sap, the wine, the mead, which becomes petals leaves stalk roots seeds.

Nothing is but ginnungagap.

The flower is That.

It is said that Asian men look at flowers, stop to enjoy their fragrance and beauty, while the Westerners take the flower into the lab to try to figure out, do research on, what makes the flower so beautiful That has also been called (Dipak Chopra) to cut up the wires of the music-box to try to see the music. Nature is a dense cover while we are not yet enlightened men. She is the only that the crude man sees. For the pure she is a transparent cover. She is mythyaa

तिथ्या, not true, not for real, seems to be, some tricky performance.

Men do not understand, that mithuyaa

तिथयु ा --wrongly thought to be--

covers and hides away from us That which only is. Which she is.

5 Our senses are made to register höfuðskepnurnar 5, elements. Not Reality. prakríti

प्रकृ ति the visible Nature (pra before krí made)

comes from paraprakríti

परप्रऋति higher Nature in the gap. (Quantum physics.)

All is in ginnungagap, everything there is. All is ginnungagap, nothing else is. Nature -- like Véi -- hides Reality from the sight of unenlightened men.

The ignorant ones often do unjust because they understand not that they will reap as they have sown. The result from the cause is a Law of Nature in the universe, reaction equal to action. The theory of relativity only applies to the creation. If we spoil Nature, she cannot do other than pay us back equally. Ósvinnir menn (ignorant men) only see the gifts from Nature. know not where from they come, know not that we should nýsast niður to withhold Nature´s friendship, know not that the nutrition has origin in the wells, (brunnar 3) know not that man-trees, like the tree of the world, have roots understand not that roots need access to nutrition. Have we understood yet that we create with our attention? According to our purity?


6 Men claim to be ´educated men´ if they learn how to milk to the bleeding. See them self as mighty men if they get profit from exploiting resources. They have been told that they are the lord of the earth, and so can kill all they want to kill, or want to eat. But they are petty men who do not understand the Whole. Some even claim themselves to be superior to other men, chosen for world-dominance. Some debate on who invented Truth, or was the first one to find it on earth. -Why? -Because their little brain cannot comprehend the size of Truth nor, that Truth has not been invented by any institution: We might know that the universe is rather big, but compared to ginnungagap our universe is a wee pinhead, a wee bubble; we know that compared to our earth we are tiny, in the universe our earth is very small. As I see it we are petty (dust-mites on a rug) if we debate on who is the greatest. Gulliver says so too. Or was it Mr. Anonymus? Or did you say it? Believe it or not: these petty men are Truth. Are eternity. When we start to understand, all will be well. Start finding understanding. Why would all these skræður be, if it were not for the understanding? prajñia aparadha

प्रझ अपरध

is the cause of all disease, imbalance, discord,

mental problems, all troubles. -- Our intellect (buddh) makes a mistake. Véi hides, overshadows Vili and Óðinn, Óðinn Vili Véi hide, or overshadow ginnungagap. samhita (the Unified Field of Total Natural Law) is the dwellings of all power. Its trinity is -- rishi/vaata -- devata/pitta -- chhandas/kapha Óðinn Vili Véi Men make the mistake to think from their intellect

(the yellow bulb on picture p 7 top and p 5 bottom)

7 wheras they should connect to samhita -- without prajniya-aparadh Human intellect should not make the mistake to forget that we are ginnungagap. Mímir forgotten. The big mistake is: not to work from pure consciousness. Krishna advises Arjuna in Bhagavadgita: yogastha kuru karmani you should work from where you are united in the Oneness. Men should learn this and do this. Not forgetting their nourishment Men live in the curiosity-trinity, Óðinn looking for knowledge, Men forget to sóast into the Unity which is all.

Our brain does not function properly if we skip the nurturing factor. Brain-waves out of sync (measured on EEG) are the result of prajnyaaparadh. We lack nutrition. We lack the correct Gungnir of perfect health and balance. Imbalance comes, when the cycle ÓðinnViliVéi - ginnungagap is upset. See book by Hari Sharman doctor on pragya aparadh ISBN 0 914955 35 7 and how this our mistake results in discord and illnesses.

8 Discordance is the root of diseases. The correct Gungnir heals. Unified Field based agriculture takes food-production to a higher level. Purity, nutrition, correct and perfect Gungnir in all, also in the farmer, and we all benefit, get the best of food. Nature is happy.

Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture We have an innate creative intelligence. What about using it to understand how all functions effortlessly, by its own perfect balance. How Nature cares for us by her inborn nature - if we understand how she functions. The nature of all is to expand, evolve, and blossom. We see that in our (--visible--) Nature and should know that ginnungagap is harmonizing. The innate nature of all is to bloom. -- All seeks perfection by its nature. Itihas blossoming Whole, when the laughter is no longer. We are of the same nature ! Our innermost nature is development ! We are meant for the spiritual evolution to perfection. Síðhöttur, Siddhartha. We should be aware of our own flawless inborn nature. Bounty gives Nature if we know how to treat her well. Give her back, meiðmar, by transcending. We should appreciate her gifts and abundance, and know where from that comes.

Gná and Fulla (Frigg skræða 18)

9 We are heading for the pefect man´s life. Not even precausions and prevention as nothing less than perfection will do. This is what we are born to. All bairns´ birthright. Man gives Nature by sóast into Glaðheimar of consciousness. That is how we create perfect balance in Nature, enjoy her abundance without being thieves. Rain comes in the right time. Dry season in the right time. But if we are mere thieves, take without recompense, she will, in the end, burst. When her motherly recilience takes no more, as Mother Earth terms it: men are like dust-mites on a floor-rug (in skræða 19) which a woman dusts from her balcony, not asking the dust-mites if they would agree on it or not. This goes for us if we are ignorant, un-nurtured, are a withered branch which is cast on fire. Do not overtax Nature´s elasticity, men.

These three macs of Nature, triguna, her qualities, are the rulers of the world of men if men do not realize how to rule in the world themselves by gaining the control over their own lives and these three merry guna at the same time.


10 The animals of the prairy and the fish in the seas are on their evolutionary path. Synþ (sin) is killing, sin brings a bad Skuld, disturbs the Þundar-flow of evolution. Only the ignorant men kill life. They commit a sin. They partake in sin, enjoy and eat sin. Wise men know from where the gifts of Nature come. They nýsast niður, sóast, (transcend) give back for her gifts with reverence. This is also how we scoop the great knowledge into men´s lives. We bring a present to all men by transcending. When men have become einherjar Nature is mild to them, cares for all needs. Then our body is pure, healthy, in accord, sin-less, filthless, without stress.

jötnar say ´wthack´. I do not eat this, which means: no corrosion, no free radicals in our physiology Einherjar are you and I when we have made ourselves pure. (skræða 6) That we do by nýsa niður all our life. We pass through the sieve of Syn. The TM-technique -- which Maharishi gives us -- is for the working man. Maharishi wants us to understand intellectually, and also transcend, and also work.

11 To perfection man is born. And man can reason. He can understand. In Glaðheimar the nourishment awaits us and unbounded potentials. We can be as endlessly creative as is Nature. Let´s get out of prajnja aparadha to the correct connection. We now understand where from Nature´s might and main and huge power comes. The roots are not seen by the eye made for Gungnir of Nature, but man can understand. Men can experience the power of the origin or all - within themselves. Men start seeing when they perpetually sóast (transcend). They become as Sága - roots in the soil, --- and as everything does by its nature, due to the Laws of Nature -we expand and grow towards the sun. Nature is 8-fold. Ginnungagap (consciousness) curves within itself to give prakriti, Triguna are in the world only -- but world, of course, obeys the orderliness of Rán.

् तभन्ना प्रकृ तिरष्टधा॥ भूतिरपो ऽनलो वायुःु खँ िनो बतु िरेव च। अहंकार इतियि िे

bhuumi or pritvi earth apas or jala water anala or agni fire vaayu air (Note: skepnur here: ´created´, not animals, not creatures; ______kham or akash space these 5 are the höfuðskepnur, elements)___________ maanas mind buddhi intellct, our innate knowledge, reasoning, making choices, understanding, ahamkaar ego-making, to make an individual consciousness in a body

different sizes of höfuðskepnur


12 Comes in this order: ahamkaar buddh maanas and höfuðskepnurnar 5 then. --- They have the 5 sensese respectively kham/akash vaayu anala/agni apas/jala bhuumi/pritvi space hearing

air touch

fire sight

water taste

earth, sense of smell

Our senses are made to perceive Nature. Not Reality. We see, and can measure höfuðskepnurnar (tanmatra, mahabhuta). Nature is prakríti

प्रकृ ति (´formerly done´) the visible Nature,

from paraprakríti


- I repeat -

higher nature in the Oneness becoming.

Gyðjurnar, our goddesses, are much concerned with this sphere of life. --- Physics: the power of quanta on the verge of the time-space -----Note: of course, Nature, the whole of the visible, is only ginnungagap---

All we see in the world is of the potentials of the Unified Field. In Its image. Ginnungagap is the field of all possibilities. In Nature all is so beautifully natural. We should learn from her: Nature always choses the easiest way and attains the greatest achievements. By using the TM-technique, sóa individual consciouosness and mind in ginnungagap, we imbibe into our life all the pure creative intelligence. This technique, TM, UF-technique, which Maharishi developed from Veda-knowledge, is the easiest, and gives the greates achievements. Natural. Like Nature has is. In ginnungagap all potentials abide - as we, by now, know, * the orderliness * the power and dynamism all this is * in consciousness * the serene silence * in Nature -- which we see all around us -* in us Therefore the easiest and the most efficient, is used; no effort needed or used, And this is so natural to us. Natural for the awareness when it expands to eternity.

13 All in Nature works and relaxes, works and relaxes, No effort needed. Winter is the relaxation of vegetation and growth. Even our heart, which works a lifetime, works and relaxes. The easiest way to sóast (transcend thought) is TM. - All men can use TM. The great benefits thereof is because the technique is easy, natural, automatic, -- works from the very beginning and always. We need not wait, hope, pray, exert, make effort. We simply do. Sóumst (transcend). We want to evolve, and it is by our own nature that we want to evolve. We enliven the sphere of all possibilities by nýsa niður. That sphere is Oneness -- no duality, no triguna / þursamegir III. Let´s be without the þursamegir III and act from pure consciousness. Þrusamegir þrír (triguna) are the qualities of created Nature. They are in the world. They are bossy and rule all here.  Know, that they are of great use to us. 

They I I I drive the evolution. In man´s life-spans we evolve. Evolution and progress needs actions, performance, doings, right? Nothing is inert. Actions need to be good. Valkyrja-performance is a right action. If an action is in flow sith Þund it gains support, and is easily performed.


14 To get something done we need rajo-gun, as he spurs realization of the plan. Then there are sato-gun (the true) and tamo-gun (the retarding) qualities of Nature, who direct the actions in a definate direction according to their qualities. Tamogun is cautious, takes his time to contemplate, retards, builds on experience. Of course they are always all three of them, only some sucking to and fro takes place. Satogun soars up in his ideas immediately, so it might be wise to keep him a bit grounded. (All III are always together.) Step by step we evolve spiritually. This is inevitable as we are of that nature.

We do not worry if we should get stuck at time of death between steps of evotution (if I may term it in this way) as our evolution to purity and perfection comes slidingly. Or by wee wee steps The positive driving force in satogun spurs us on upwards. Mighty Nature is enormously powerful, ámáttk mjök, and always evolutionary. Men should understand this, as that which goes against, or violates this universal Law creates a bad Skuld. Expanding is simply a Law of Nature. Note: there is never any wrath of any god.

Let´s use our natural creative intelligence in an evolutionary way and then our mighty Mother Nature gives us abundance and bounties.

15 Always seek the highest. Sóizt, men ! (Transcend)

Gain greater power for performances, better gains by less efforts. -- sounds like a practical formula of economics -This is how Nature does it. She is a clever and practical economist. Our nature is also to work as she does. We shall gain fimbulrúnir in an easy and natural way - to become ámáttk mjök (mighty). Skill in action, karmasú kaúshalam, 9 galdra góða and ljóðin (the charms).

किमस ु कौशलि ् nýsa niður, falla aftur þaðan We practice our TM, the Unified Field technique twice daily.


16 Mind is attracted -- by its nature -- towards ginnungagap, ´home´ to consciousness. Here we gain the power to do things in life. We do not drag the mind, nor do we lead it, nor do we direct the mind inwards. Mind, by its nature, likes to cool down to zero activity. The nature of all in Nature. Mind expands to infinity. This is where it came from!! Did we not know? From here come the thoughts! Do we only see them when they reach the surface? Ginnungagap changes not. Not even when Freyja sprouts out universes.

Mother Nature has for all men the material for the good Gleipnir that holds all evil. We need to fetch it from within Nature. That is the good galdur (magic). Easy: When we enjoy hang on vingameiður, mind only a faint thought, that sóast to nirvana, we nýsum niður and then föllum aftur þaðan, and nýsumst niður anew.

17 By mistake, men assumed.... --- during the ages -- during which the knowledge got a bit biased --.....that only a certain life-style could allow for gaining enlightenment.

Maharishi found a technique to transcend suitable for all men whereever they are on their evoulutionary path whatever life-style they chose. The only that really matters is to nýsast niður, --- that one is necessary --irrelevant of what kind of life we chose to lead. The silence is for all men to enjoy. Soon it will affect our choice of life-style to the better. Man is this dynamic silence, Unity, ginnungagap, where everything is perfect. What are we waiting for. Knowledge is in consiousness. Working men, families, bairns, all need to enjoy the dynamic silence. What-ever life we chose to lead, TM is our best friend - who makes life a bliss.

18 We need a technique. -- The right, easy, natural technique - which works.

Don´t make efforts. Don´t concentrate. Nature does not. Don´t wait and hope. The easiest, the most natural, one that yields the best results effortlessly, is the method which - by its naturalness - proves to be the best.

िरति शोकिात्मतवि ् tarati shokam aatma-vít

he who is connected to universal consciousness,, he who by his own experience knows consiousness, aatama-vit. surpasses all sorrow and pain. -- Suffering is our mistake, anyway. Our stupidity. Suffering should no-where be. Look. This is practical: fimbulrúnir nemast upp, stinnir stafir, (we gain great skill in action) 9 galdrar góðir good for all men in the world can be used for all good deeds. Negativity will not thrive -- as negativity is nothing, actually. Fog only. Pollution. The outer depends on the inner. Become pure by sóast (transcend). Purity comes from within. Mind becomes pure -- physiology follows. It is not the other way round. Our thoughts create our body from Gungnir. Nature is according the stage of consciousness of men -- high or low. First we, and Nature follows. Purity leads to right action, right thinking, right decisions. Only Þundar-flow, fully in accord with Laws of Nature, is possible in purity.

19 Do we know that Vígríðarslétta is extremely useful for us, as here is our chance to evolve? Here in the realm of triguna, þursamegir III. Vígríðarslétta, where triguna dance, þursamegir þrír, the 3 qualities of Nature. Do we believe that in everything in Nature, wherever we look, wherever our mind goes, these three qualities are to be found - and rule? Do men know that they can easily get out of the guna-dance? --- This is what the TM-technique is for. --We will have peace instead of excited mind, the peace (eirð) of Eir, and health, orderliness instead of disorder and stress? All decisions become the correct ones automatically !! We should know that Nature´s calamities, disasters and wars are because of our stupidity our lack of understanding. Nature cares for all our needs, even unasked, but if we take to greed, and cannot understand her gifts, all goes for the worse. Fenja and Menja know. (Gróttasöngur) When she can take no more, -- we have fed Fenrir by our wrong-doings and heedlessness -Mother Nature will allow us, her beloved ones, stupidity to a certain extent only If we strain that, she bursts, as calamities and wars. Let´s be attracted to creative deeds. We should go straight to the sphere of creativity, ginnungagap, tívatún. Creative power of Nature, prakriti, who has come from paraprakriti, is in the same image as the immortal consciousness. We are most welcome to use the creative power as we wish, all-responsible, -- and do it in a way to create harmony in our surroundings. That will be our gift to all men on earth - and to our Nature.


20 Nature has layers. Every piece contains all.

This is NOT the kind of hierarchy (power and pecking order) as we come across in institutions of animal-like men.

yógas chitta vríttí nirodhah


In true yoga (union of individual consciousness and universal consciousness) mind is least exited -- awareness finds itself in calmness. -Can be measured by EEG; -- anyone can learn TM and can see, after practicing, his own EEG-pattern. --

When we transcend, we water our own roots, and give treasures to all men, we water Nature hvítaauri (with white silver), bright silver of consciousness, no longer the thieves to take and take without giving back. If we are greedy, we loose the friendship of Mother Nature, our good Mother. Mjöt kann maður skíða og næfra og viðar er vinna sik megi mál og misseri. (Hávamál)

know how to take what is needed, no more.

We can not be that stupid as not to see when we are exploiting and ill-using.

21 ´´The Lord gave and the Lord took back´´ is obviously about worldly Nature. Some lord, that gives and takes, is personification of duality and incertainty. That lord is wimpsical. Only the ignorant man can be manipulated by fear. Duality in the world is a challenge for Urður. We need to reason and take decisions. If want them correct, we transcend often. Nature is worldly, she gives, gives bounty. He who does not repay meiðmar to her by sóast cannot endlessly accept. He is then a thief. Cannot bear the name ´man´. When Nature takes no more, is NOT some Lord giving and taking. Ignorant men blame some lord, and thank him for their sorrow, loss, and misery. Ignorant men know not who created their Skuld, nor who has overtaxed Nature. Stupid behaviour of men reminds of the myths about Loki. What would they be telling? The responsibility of humans is great. We should be taught that in schools. The stage of consciousness of nations, makes their fortune or unfortunes. A nation gets the ruler she deserves, because nation´s consciousness rules the ruler. If we want a good one, let’s heighten the nation to purity. Enlightened men are mild by nature. They are powerful from within. Enlightened men, einherjar, understand. Meili Óðinsson is compassion and gentleness

Einherjar get what they need from Nature, even unasked.


22 Sjöt (dvellings) of all opportunities are the problem-free. It is perfect balance. Ragnasjöt. Has been known from time immemorial. Perhaps forgotten at times. Sóist (give thyself to It) often, be daily without the efficient triguna, þursamegir III as their stage of performance is duality and uncertainty, - and opportunities !! It is we who give and take. No-one other gives us, no other takes from us. dvítííyad vai bhayam bhavati

ति​िीयािै भयं भवति

duality always is the cause of fear. But at the same time a choice. Val (Icelandic). Bhagavadgita II 45, 48 about where from we should take decisions. The choices we make are of our quality.

Yogastha kuru karmani

The nature of life is to grow, blossom, expand. All seeks its perfection.


ऋभ ु

Desires are the driving force our natural vigour. Give the temptations from our elves a chance. are the refined, wise wights, our elves, channels in to the treasure hidden in a cave. Hnitbjörg?

23 Our temptations are of the same qualitity as are we. Transcend to the 4th. Glaðheimar. More real than the 3 we know too well.

No Nature´s 3 qualities bossying here From within ragnasjöt we can rule, and rule wisely. Surface ruling is weak. -Ho ho ho, I am Santa-Kyoto (Sigmund, Mbl )


Þjóðlíf ’68 Búi

For millions of years, Nature has headed for perfection. Never violate The Laws of Nature. All is our responsibility. We know what is right. We have, luckily, gotten our of paradise, the animal stage.


The fair winds that einherjar enjoy are called support of Nature. Nature is the performing power. We are the directors. We have not learned this before, as our education is not grounded in the perfect orderliness. Our purity brings perfect balance to our life and our Nature. Folklore claims economy and weather to correlate. Truly, we make all things, bad or good. (Gróttasöngur) (Hávamál)

Grótti, who too much mól (milled), shall be stilled. Stupid nations eti sér ekki aldrtrega, (over-eat to death) they will get hlægis meðal horskra. (be mocked among the wise)

Nature keeps all in balance - by its nature. Rán in Ægir, is the orderliness. By our nature we can imbibe that. It is our nature to seek that. Man and Nature work bye the same intelligence.


Avoid Drómi and Læðingur Our power lies in the abode of Týr. All we need is purity and good desires.

Our stuff is not enough for our purpose on earth. One thing necessary.



Under Churchianity, Nature was said to be the skessa in the mountains. Skessan (the skessa) is a trolless, who has men who cherish Nature for lunch. Churchianity also warned us against the evil luring elves. Skessur (plural) own a fjöregg (fjör life, egg egg), egg of life, with which they play in their mountain-caves. Most precious to them. A brave man could catch the fjöregg, and then have power over skessur /Nature??? When Ólafur muður met skessan on his way South........ (the new version of the story, made by me)


sun on Southern sky at winter-solstice

…... skessan teaches him how to remember Jesus´s birthday. Skessan also teaches him to hnýsast niður.

27 Ólafur muður there acquires a useful magic wand, named Högnuður. Högnuður brings prosperity.

Nature is a veil, hiding Reality from our sight.

Shrota suddhi,

ु श्रोि सति

is to purify and clean all channels in the physiology, big and small. Álfar (elves, elf elfur river) could be these shrota, channels.

ríbhú When all

ऋभ ु


are channels.

shrota in the body are pure, we find the elves´ treasure.

Syn does not want us to have any clogging for her sin-sieve. No ama


ama (sanskrit) shall ever accumulate in us. *********


Goþrún dimmblá:

I met Maharishi first in 1962 here in Iceland. Thank thee, Maharishiji, for conveying to us the supreme knowledge.

Freyjukettir Norræn menning freyjukettir@mmedia.is odsmal@mmedia.is Research and publications supported by the Ministry of Culture and Education.

http://www.odsmal.org http://www.youtube.com/Goiagodi (Göia goði) Óðsmál, book 1996

ISBN 9979 60 165 5

(in Icelandic and English in one and the same book) - out of stock, only in libraries

Books available on Amazon, search: odsmal ; or search: freyjukettir Norse Edda Spiritual Highlights ISBN 978-9935-467-00-3 2014 Skírnismál ritual - script for bairns ISBN 978 9935 409 83 6 2012 Óðsmál - The Unseen Reality ISBN 978 9935 409 84 3 2013 Óðsmál for bairns, 40 skræður - the key to the allegory and symbolic language We now gain the understanding of the heritage handed over from our forefathers.

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Support of Nature The TM book HOW TO ENJOY THE REST OF YOUR LIFE Denise Denniston, Barry Geller bestseller, millions of copies printed, ISBN 0 031783 02 X Fairfield Press Publication Age of Enlightenment Press Washington DC

Óðsmál for bairns

skræða #36 of 40

our forefathers´ science of consciousness we are in charge of our Nature

we transcend, and she will be kind she gives us everything -- we shall know who she is in reality ISBN 9789935467369

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