Chironian Fall/Winter 2009

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(continued from other side)

4. Please rank from 1 to 5 which sections of Chironian interest you the most (1= most interest, 5= least interest) ______Research articles

______University news

______Personality profiles

______Student features

______Alumni news


6. What other topics or features would you like to see in Chironian? _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ 7. Which best describes your relationship to New York Medical College?

5. On a scale of 1 to 5 (1= very well, 5= not well at all) rank each of the following for how well Chironian keeps you informed about:

__Alumni (Circle: Medicine, Basic Sciences, Public Health)

______News about alumni


______ News about the College, its activities and accomplishments

__Campus or facility (Circle: Main, WMC, SVCMC, Met, Other)

______News about students, faculty, or leadership ______Trends in research and medical education

__Faculty (Circle: Full-time, Part-Time, Voluntary) __Student (Circle: Medicine, Basic Sciences, Public Health)

8. Comments _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________

______The “State of the University”


______Other _____________________________________



Fall/Winter 2009

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