2012-2013 MWCC College Catalog & Student Handbook

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CHC114 INTRODUCTION TO THE TRAGER APPROACH 1 credit The Trager Approach is an approach to body-mind integration that utilizes intentional touch and gentle non-intrusive, natural movements to release deepseated physical and mental patterns and to facilitate deep relaxation, increased mobility, and mental clarity. These patterns may have developed in response to accidents, illness, or any kind of physical or emotional trauma, including the stress of everyday life. The therapeutic hands-on work is complemented by a client’s active mentally-directed movement called Mentastics. This course is intended to be an introductory course only and will not lead to certification as a Trager practitioner. It does, however, meet one prerequisite for those desiring to take level 1 Trager training or those desiring to pursue certification. Prerequisites: ENG098, FYE101, RDG098, or placement. CHC121 HEALTHY STEPS CERTIFICATION 3 credits This course is designed to provide students with a comprehensive overview of the Healthy Steps Program. This program, formally known as the Lebed method, takes traditional movement and physiotherapy and incorporates music and dance to stimulate patients to move more freely. The breast cancer survivor or any individual with chronic illness will improve their physical and mental well being. The therapeutic exercises allow the participant to move with reduced pain, increasing range of motion, flexibility, strength, balance, and overall well being. This course leads to certification as a Healthy Steps Instructor. Prerequisites: ENG098, FYE101, RDG098, or placement. CHC202 YOGA II 3 credits This course is designed to provide students with a more detailed view of yoga techniques and philosophy. Students will have a detailed instruction in the chakras. Students will develop and deepen their personal yoga practice and in turn connecting to yoga at a deeper level of awareness. Prerequisite: CHC102.

CHC204 YOGA III 4 credits This course will provide students insight into teaching yoga including detailed instruction in asana (postures/poses). This course includes the knowledge necessary to construct a yoga class. Students will discuss diverse population and how to modify yoga to meet the special needs of these populations. Students will also participate in a teaching practicum to be established during the first half of the course. Prerequisite: CHC202. CHC220 MIND-BODY-SPIRIT CONNECTION 3 credits This course introduces students to the history and methods used to promote the ideas and concepts of creating an integrated, healthy life. The student will engage in exploration of the physiological and psychological mechanisms that maintain homeostasis and of the adaptation responses learned through the physical and social environment. The processes of engaging the human spirit (mobilization of energy or will), to deal effectively with change and stress will be addressed. While gaining knowledge of mind-body-spirit medicine from scientific sources, it is expected the student will learn how to listen to the body and challenge assumptions about ways of seeing the world. Prerequisites: ENG098, FYE101, RDG098, or placement. Spring. CHC230 COMPLEMENTARY HEALTHCARE (CAM) 3 credits This course was designed to create a culminating experience for students interested in the growing industry of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM). Students will be expected to put together various components of their education, both theory and practice, in order to synthesize what they have learned into practice. Topics such as professionalism, ethics, legal aspects of practice, and career advancement will be included. Students will be expected to complete research and writing assignments relative to current CAM practices. Prerequisite: CHC101. Co-requisite: CHC220. This course is restricted to CHC degree seeking students who have completed at least 45 credits.

186 MWCC 2012-2013 College Catalog & Student Handbook

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