not yet scrambled

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the emotional sensory radar of the infant has not yet been scrambled.. it reads feelings clearly -Gabor MatĂŠ

matĂŠ not yet scrambled law

from Gabor Maté‘s scattered


infants, particularly sensitive infants, intuit the diff between a parent’s real psychological states and her attempts to soothe and protect the infant by means of feigned emotional expressions.. it is much easier to fool an adult w forced emotion than a baby.. *the emotional sensory radar of the infant has not yet been scrambled.. it reads feelings clearly.. they cannot be hidden from the infant behind a screen of words, or camouflaged by well-meant but forced is unfortunate but true that we grow far more stupid than that by the time we reach adulthood.

from Gabor Maté‘s scattered


infants, particularly sensitive infants, intuit the diff between a parent’s real psychological states and her attempts to soothe and protect the infant by means of feigned emotional expressions.. it is much easier to fool an adult w forced emotion than a baby.. *the emotional sensory radar of the infant has not yet been scrambled.. it reads feelings clearly.. they cannot be hidden from the infant behind a screen of words, or camouflaged by well-meant but forced is unfortunate but true that we grow far more stupid than that by the time we reach adulthood.

from Gabor Maté‘s scattered


infants, particularly sensitive infants, intuit the diff between a parent’s real psychological states and her attempts to soothe and protect the infant by means of feigned emotional expressions.. it is much easier to fool an adult w forced emotion than a baby.. *the emotional sensory radar of the infant has not yet been scrambled.. it reads feelings clearly.. they cannot be hidden from the infant behind a screen of words, or camouflaged by well-meant but forced is unfortunate but true that we grow far more stupid than that by the time we reach adulthood.

*why/when does this change..?

asking Gabor: do you know if it remains more in tact in ie: indigenous people who have had minimal oppression from ‘civilization’..? Gabor’s response: Because the infant and child gets confusing messages from confused feelings from confuse the adults who are themselves cut off from their own gut feelings. Indigenous people in nature keep intact, it’s the only way they survive then ask: so if there was a way to heal us.. make us whole again.. de stress us.. we could get that back.. ?..or at least future infants/children/adults wouldn’t lose it..? Gabor’s response: yep

h u g e

thinking this is fitting with higashida autism law .. (not yet scrambled because not yet born in the regime of civilization..)

i think that people w autism are born outside the regime of civilization. i think that as a result of all the killings in the world and the selfish planet wrecking .. a deep sense of crisis exists.. autism has somehow arisen out of this.. we are like travelers from the distant past.. and if, by our being here, we could help the people of the world remember what truly matters for the earth that would give us a quiet from Naoki‘s the reason i jump pleasure..

the emotional sensory radar of the infant has not yet been scrambled.. it reads feelings clearly -Gabor MatĂŠ

matĂŠ not yet scrambled law

thinking this is fitting with science of people .. (not yet scrambled because not yet voluntarily compliantly schooled..)

perhaps 2 convos .. can get us back to us.. unscramble us.. re - indigenous us

roots of ing

begs a mech to help us

a means to

hlb via 2 convos that io dance.. as the day

[aka: not part\ial.. for (blank)’s sake]

a nother way

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