deep dive

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for about a decade now..

‘for about a decade now.. we.. that is the two authors of this book.. have been engaged in a prolonged convo with each other about exactly these questions..’ david & david in dawn of everything

deck & deep dive inspired by doe ness

a prolonged convo

for about a decade now.. i/we’ve been in a d e e p d i v e to see what the conditions might be that would set/keep a person free..

‘what ultimately matters is whether we can rediscover the freedoms that make us human in the first place’ david & david in dawn of everything

.. when i/we realized one of the conditions was that it had to be e v e r y o n e..

‘what if we treat people, form the beginning, as imaginative, intelligent, playful creatures who deserve to be understood as such’ david & david in dawn of everything

has to be

or the d a n c e won’t dance

.. i/we focused on finding a means for 8b people to access those c o n d i t i o n s..

‘the course of human history may be less set in stone, and more full of playful possibilities than we tend to assume’ david & david in dawn of everything

.. a means to org 8b people around

l e g i t

n e e d s

‘possibilities for human emancipation that, once disclosed, could hardly be ignored‘ - david & david in dawn of everything

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