a nother way

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on the need to model another way to live

on the need for a way that 8b people could leap to (global systemic change.. back/to an undisturbed ecosystem)

perhaps we haven’t yet gotten there.. because we keep focusing (and rhetoric ing)

and obsessing on nonlegit ‘necessities’.. (ie: from hannah arendt‘s promise of politics around 1505 ff.. that politics is about organizing for these necessities of survival et al.. and the magic wand)

because.. when those nonlegit ‘necessities’ don’t satisfy.. (as they can’t) we perpetuate the myth of sea world.. of tragedy of the non common.. where scarcity/fear/violence/oppression/order.. are assumed

today we have the means to let go of all those assumptions.. p t we have the means to undo our hierarchical listening (to self/others/nature).. i o so that we can hear/see/grok the essence of human being.. n


imagine if we organize around that enoughness around the essence/necessities of that

grok what matters

imagine if we use 2 convos to reshape/do-over/revolutionize

everyday life for all of us

a means/mech for listening to all the words to no words . . . to get to eudaimoniative us

imagine if we just focused on listening to the itch-in-8b-souls.. first thing.. everyday..

and used that data to augment our interconnectedness..

zoom in (2 convos) graphic

app/chip update ideas – perhaps everyone does the 3 min by 9am. then there are a couple set assembly spaces (ie: library, school buildings, theatre/hall, park, ..) – where the app directed/suggested match-ups happen at 10am (rather than a text – perhaps gps ness directs matches to each other). the 30 min home base would be some/any fixed group of 7ish (flexible as/if tribe found/desired)

findings: 1\ undisturbed ecosystem (common\ing) can happen 2\ if we create a way to ground the chaos of 8b free people

what we’re missing/forgetting are the ways of an undisturbed ecosystem..

let’s do this first

a nother way book

let’s model

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